Islamic Studies: "The Holy Quran" Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job

1 - The word Quran originated from kura, what does Kura mean?

Both (a) & (b)

2 - To bring revelation to the Prophets of Allah was the Duty of _____.

Hazrat Jibraeil (AS)

3 - Cave Hira, where the firs revalation came is situated near the city of _____.


4 - _____ was the hardest from of revelation.

Ringing Bells

5 - There are _____ types of Wahi


6 - The Holy Quran was revealed in _____.


7 - When was the first Wahi revealed ?

17th Ramzan

8 - _____ was the day, when the first Wahi was revealed.


9 - The time of first revelation was _____.


10 - _____ was the first revealed word.


11 - _____ was the place where first Wahi was revealed.

Cave Hira

12 - There are _____ Paras in the Holy Quran.


13 - There are_____ Manazil in the Holy Quran.


14 - There are_____ Surahsin the Holy Quran.


15 - There are_____ Rukoos in the Holy Quran.


16 - There are_____ Ayaats in the Holy Quran.


17 - There are_____ Prostration (Sajdas)in the Holy Quran.


18 - There are_____ Madani Surahs in the Holy Quran.


19 - There are_____ Makki Surahs in the Holy Quran.


20 - The longest Surah Of the Holy Quran is _____.


21 - _____ is the shortest Surah Of the Holy Quran.


22 - There are _____ Haroof-e-Moqatteat in the Holy Quran.


23 - The word "Quran" has been mentioned _____ times in the Holy Quran.


24 - The names of _____ Prophets are mentioned in the Holy Quran.


25 - _____ is the surah which does not start with Bismillah.


26 - Bismillah Has occurred twice in Surah _____.


27 - In which surah the Holy Prophet (SAW) has been named as Ahmed.


28 - Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas were revealed in _____.

None of these

29 - The method of revelation behind the veil is referred as _____.

Both (a) & (b)

30 - The Holy Quran was revealed from _____.

608-633 AD

31 - The Holy Quran is divided in _____ parts.


32 - The meaning of Ru'ya is _____.


33 - How much of the Holy Quran, the longest surah comprises?


34 - The meaning of Kashf is _____.


35 - The highest number of verses in a Surah is _____.


36 - Which Book is regarded as the specimen of the purest Arabic?

The Holy Quran

37 - The smallest number of verses in a surah is _____.


38 - How much part of the Holy Quran, the Makki Surahs comprise?


39 - How much part of the Holy Quran, the Madni Surah comprise?


40 - _____ firstly arranged and wrote the Quran on paper in book from.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)

41 - At whose request, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) entrusted the task of compilation of the Holy Quran to Zaid bin Thabit (RA)?

Hazrat Umar (RA)

42 - Name the divine book which cannot be tempered?

The Holy Quran

43 - In how many ways,the Holy Quran is preserved?


44 - _____ ordered for the preparation of a standard edition of the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Usman (RA)

45 - From which Surah the Holy Quran opens?

Surah Falaq

46 - After the death of Hazrat Umar (RA) the copy of the Holy Quran passed into the custody of _____.

Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

47 - The meaning of Fateha is _____.

The Opening

48 - In how many years, the Holy Quran was revealed?


49 - How many verses of Qisas are there in the Holy Quran?


50 - Name the Battle in which many Huffaz (the people who learnt Quran by heart) were martyred ?


51 - _____ was appointed by the Holy Prophet (SAW) to write down the revelations.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)

52 - Whose copy of the Quran was considered as the most authentic in the reign of Hazrat Usman (RA)?

Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

53 - Which Surah is called the Heart of the Quran?


54 - The Quran is aslso Regarded as a manual of _____.

All of the above

55 - How many Katibeen-e-Wahi are mentioned in the Holy Quran?


56 - _____ punctuated the Holy Quran.

Hujjaj bin Yousuf

57 - _____ was the Principle Scribe of the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)

58 - To which book, Allah declares "this is the Divine Book in which there is no doubt"?

The Holy Quran

59 - Which Surah was first revealed ?


60 - What is the present shape of Quran?


61 - The name of Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA) is given in Surah _____.


62 - How many surahs are titled with the names of Prophets?


63 - Which surah is called Miftah-e-Ul-Quran?


64 - In which month,the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?


65 - Ayat-ul-Kursi is referred as the _____.

Longest Ayat

66 - Which uncle of the Holy Prophet (SAW) is mentioned by name in the Quran?

Abu Lahab

67 - Which is the last revealed Book of Allah ?

The Holy Quran

68 - Which Sahabi's name is given in the Quran?

Hazrat Zaid bin Harith

69 - The Holy Quran was revealed on a certain night called_____.

None of these

70 - The meaning of Lailat-ul-Qadr is _____ night.

The Grand

71 - Which is the second longest Surah?


72 - Surah _____ is called Umm-ul-Kitab.


73 - Which Surah was last revealed?


74 - At what occasion, the last verse of the Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW).


75 - The Quran mentions names of some pious persons who were not Prophets.Give the name(s)?

All of the Above

76 - The subject of the Quran is _____.

Both of the Above

77 - Name the book which is recited most in the world.

The Holy Quran

78 - How many verses are in Surah-e-Alaq?


79 - Surah Alaq is _____ Surah.

Both (a) & (c)

80 - Which Surah is also known as Fatah-ul-Quran?

Surah Fateha

81 - The meaning of Baqarah is _____.

The Cow

82 - According to the present arrangement the last Surah of the Holy Quran is _____.


83 - Which Surah is known as Saloos-ul-Quran?


84 - Which Surah is known as Aroos-ul-Quran?


85 - In which Surah the word Al-Quran-ul-Hakeem is used.


86 - Which is the first complete Madni Surah in the Holy Quran?


87 - Which Surah was recited by the Holy Prophet (SAW) at the time of Hijrah?


88 - In which language, the Holy Quran was first translated?


89 - Name the first Surah which was revealed at Madina?


90 - The meaning of In'aam is _____.

The Cattle

91 - The meaning of Asr is _____.

The Time

92 - When was the Holy Quran first translated into Latin?

1143 AD

93 - The meaning of An-Najum is _____.

The Stars

94 - The Surahs in which the Holy Prophets (SAW) name is given are _____.

All of the Above

95 - The meaning of Al-Mujadila is _____.

The Pleading

96 - The meaning of Al-Qariyah is _____.

The Terrible Calamity

97 - In which Surah the Word Quran-ul-Kareem is Used.


98 - The meaning of Anfaal is _____.

The Cave

99 - Give basic topics Of Makki SUrahs?

All of the Above

100 - At what time the major part of the Holy Quran was revealed?


101 - Which Two Surahs of the Holy Quran are Known as Zulraveen?

Surah Baqarah and Aal-e-Imran

102 - Which is the last word of Allah?

The Holy Quran

103 - The meaning of kahf is _____.

The Cave

104 - The meaning of As-Saff is _____.

The Line/Row

105 - The meaninf of Kauthar is _____.

The Abundance

106 - The meaning of An-Nas is _____.

The Mankind

107 - The meaning of An-Nahl is _____.

The Honey Bee

108 - Surah Towba is also known as Surah _____.


109 - The meaning of Ayat is _____.


110 - How many Surahs are named on the names of Animals?


111 - How many times the Holy Prophet's name Muhammad (SAW_) is mentioned in the Holy Quran?


112 - How many verse of Masaal are in the Holy Quran?


113 - How many verses of Waeed are in the Holy Quran?


114 - The meaninf of Az-Zulukaruaf is _____.

The Ornaments

115 - The meaninf of Al-Maarij is _____.

The Ways of Ascent

116 - The meaninf of Az-Zaariyat is _____.

The Storm

117 - How many verses of Tasbeeh are there in the Holy Quran?


118 - Where was the last Wahi revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?


119 - In which Surah Hazrat Adam (AS) is mentioned?


120 - How many Surahs of the Holy Quran commence with the Word Qul?


121 - Heading of How many surahs are in one letters?


122 - The meaning of Al-Murasalaat is _____.

The Sent One

123 - The meaning of Ikhlas is _____.

The Purity Of Faith

124 - The Holy Quran was revealed in _____ Years.


125 - According to the Holy Quran, Hazrat Musa (AS) was granted _____ miracles.


126 - Which kind of Surahs mostly begin with the Word Ya-Ayyu-Han-Nas?


127 - How Many verses are in Surah Fateha?


128 - What kind of Surahs begin with the Words Ya-Ayyu-Hal-Lazeena-Aamanu?


129 - How many times the word Ya-Ayuhan-Nabeyo appear in the Holy Quran?


130 - Name the Type of Surah in which Ahl-e-Kitab and Manafiqeen are mentioned?



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