Islamic Studies: Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job Tests Set: 9

1 - Why was Younas AS thrown into the sea?

To save the baot

2 - Why were Britain and France interested in the land in the Middle East?

Its abundance of oil

3 - Why were Byzantine libraries important?

They preserved ancient Greek and Roman knowledge.

4 - Why were Muslims discouraged from illustrating living beings in their artwork?

They believed that only Allah could create humans, and their images were therefore avoided.

5 - Why were Muslims discouraged from illustrating living beings in their artwork?

They believed that only Allah could create humans, and their images were therefore avoided.

6 - Why were Roman numerals replaced by Arabic numerals?

Arabic Numerals are easier for calculations

7 - Why were the Arab states unable to accomplish their goals.

Trade barriers

8 - Why were the Arabs able to conquer much of Persia and parts of Byzantium?

Persia and Byzantium were exhausted from a series of wars

9 - Why were the Islamic lands ideally located for cultural diffusion?

Islamic lands were located in the middle and linked Asia, Europe, and Africa through important trade routes

10 - Why were the Mongols so successful in fighting?

All of the above

11 - Why were the poor some of the first to support Muhammad (SAW) and Islam?

Giving to the poor is a key belief of Islam

12 - Wife of holy Prophet SAW who was daughter of Hazrat Umar RA?

Hazrat Hafsa RA

13 - Wild berries in the jungle


14 - With N Arabs controlling government during Abbasid Dynasty who influenced them in ideas of bureaucracy & viziers?


15 - With the astrolabe what were Muslims geographers able to do?

calculate the circumference of the Earth

16 - Within ten years of the unification under AbÃ…« Bakr, ..... had been added to the Arab Empire.


17 - Within the Islamic World, advancements included (click all that apply)

All of the above

18 - Women greet each other by.....

shaking hands

19 - Women is buried in how many clothes?


20 - Worship of God involved daily prayers called


21 - Writers such as ..... and ..... wrote simple but clever fables and essays on history, natural science, psychology and other topics.

Only (A) & (B)

22 - Yahdeekumullah means

May Allah guide you

23 - Yarhamukallaah means

May Allah forgive you

24 - Year of Deputation is ________________ Hijrah.


25 - Year of Deputation is..... Hijrah.


26 - Year zero in the Islamic calendar (mark all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

27 - Yellow


28 - Yom Kippur is .....

Holiest day in the Jewish calendar

29 - you are a


30 - You can do tayamum with:

anything clean, dry and natural from the earth

31 - Your Cousin Just Came From Malaysia To Visit You. What Would You Do?

We Will Play Bycicle

32 - your religon is


33 - Yousuf A.S and Yaqoob A.S met each other after ________ years.


34 - Yousuf A.S and Yaqoob A.S met each other after..... years.


35 - Z shadatian is title of.....?

Hazrat Khuzima Bin Sabit (R.A)

36 - Zaboor is revealed in ___________ language?


37 - Zaboor is revealed in..... language?


38 - Zaboor means.....?


39 - Zaboor means________________?


40 - Zaboor was revealed on which Prophet?

Hazrat Dawood AS

41 - Zabur is revealed upon

Hazrat Daud

42 - Zabur was revealed to .....

Dawud (AS)

43 - Zahrawi

was known as the "father of modern surgery."

44 - Zaid ibn Thabit was.....

Both A. and B.

45 - Zaka How many Asnaf are there?


46 - Zakah fitr lasts for

three days

47 - Zakat is also called?

Poor rate

48 - Zakat is the..... fundamental pillar of Islam.


49 - Zakat was made obligatory in.....

2 AH

50 - Zam ZaM means.....


51 - Zarathustra was born..... years before Alexander.


52 - Zil Hajj is the..... Islamic month.


53 - Zionism can best be described as

political & nationalist movement of the Jewish people & the Jewish culture that supports the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine

54 - Zoroastrianism was the religion of.....


55 - Zoroastrians Worship.....


56 - Zou-shadatian is title of ________________?

Hazrat Khuzima Bin Sabit (R.A)

57 - Zubair bin al Awam was?

First to raise Sword in the way of islam

58 - Zulfiqar was the name of?

Prophet Sword

59 - Allah will give punishment of _________ to those who involved in bad beeds.


60 - Akhirat means _________.

The Day of Judgment

61 - _________ will blow trumpet on the Day of Judgement.

Hazrat Israfeel (AS)

62 - The word "Yoamul Hisab" means ________.

The Day of Accounts

63 - Allah will reward Jannat for ________ deeds.


64 - The Day of ________ will come when Hazrat Israfeel (AS) will blow the trumpet.


65 - Allah has made Jannat for his ________.


66 - What does Barzakh mean?

To Halt in Between

67 - Allah will ask first question about ________ on the day of judgement.


68 - When will life come to an end ?

The Day of Judgement

69 - The word "Muttaqi" means ________.

The pious

70 - Human soul will remain alive in Jannat or Jahannum after the day of ________


71 - ________ is the most appropriate meaning of Momin

The Faithful

72 - in the Holy Quran, Jannat is mentioned ________ times


73 - Allah had created the Ardh and the Samawaat in ________ days


74 - The gatekeeper of Jahannum is ________.


75 - ________ is the place which Allah has made for his Non-believers to face the punishment.



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