Islamic Studies: Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job Tests Set: 8

1 - Which of the five pillars of Islam required followers to make a journey to Mecca once in their lifetime?


2 - Which of the following accomplishments is credited to the Muslims?

mathematical concepts including Algebra

3 - Which of the following actions is necessary for fulfilling the pillars of Islam?

Giving to charity

4 - Which of the following angles controls/deals with the weather?


5 - Which of the following are breakers of wudu? (Check all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

6 - Which of the following are reasons the Jews believed they had a historical and religious connection to the land of Palestine?

All are correct.

7 - Which of the following are similarities between Muslims, Christians, and Jews?

All of the above

8 - Which of the following are the books revealed by God to the humans

Only (A) & (B)

9 - Which of the following are the pillars of Islam

All of the above

10 - Which of the following are things that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

Only (A) & (B)

11 - Which of the following are true about Laylatul Qadr? (Check all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

12 - Which of the following are true of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam? (Multiple answers)

All of the above

13 - Which of the following are true?

Muslim mathematicians came up with a way to solve practical problems.

14 - Which of the following are wrong beliefs?

All of the above

15 - Which of the following belonged to Banu Tamim?

Both of the above

16 - Which of the following best characterizes Allah (SWT) as the giver and sustainer of creation?


17 - Which of the following best defines the Abbasid Caliphate?

an Islamic empire that encouraged a Golden Age

18 - Which of the following BEST describe Islam?

a religion spread by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

19 - Which of the following best describes the Caliphate?

The government of the Islamic Empire

20 - Which of the following BEST explains the results/consequences from the First Intifada? There may be more than 1 correct answer.....choose all that apply.

Only (A) & (B)

21 - Which of the following best explains why many Jewish people immigrated to the Middle East after WWII?

People wanted to return to their 'promised land' and avoid persecution

22 - Which of the following climate zones is NOT part of African geography?


23 - Which of the following concepts must be included in the definition of hope?

All are correct

24 - Which of the following conquered persia

Saa'ad bin abi waqqas (RA)

25 - Which of the following continents did Islam reach quickly following the death of Mohammed?

All of the above

26 - Which of the following countries is a Parliamentary Democracy?


27 - Which of the following cultures did NOT control West Africa during the Middle Ages?


28 - Which of the following does NOT break tayamum?

when the dust wipes away from your hands

29 - Which of the following does not break wudu?


30 - Which of the following does Not break your fast?


31 - Which of the following event did not occur during Ramadan?

Battle of Uhad

32 - Which of the following factors is the main reason that Ghana became a powerful empire in West Africa?

It controlled the gold and salt trade in that region

33 - Which of the following grew into the largest of the 3 major West African kingdoms?


34 - Which of the following groups did NOT migrate to the coastal region of East Africa?

Berbers from North Africa

35 - Which of the following groups of people did NOT contribute to the culture of the Islamic Empire?

Russians and Germans

36 - Which of the following groups was very unpopular with the n Arab Muslim citizens in the Islamic Empire?


37 - Which of the following has played a significant role in the increased wealth amongst Middle Eastern nations since the 1970s?

The creation of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

38 - Which of the following has the largest amount of followers?


39 - Which of the following is "A spiritual leader of Islam, claiming succession from Muhammad (SAW)"


40 - Which of the following is a Bosporus?

a strait that cuts through the country of Turkey, connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea

41 - Which of the following is a central teaching of Islam?

Abraham, Jesus, and Muhammad (SAW) were all prophets of the same God.

42 - Which of the following is a collection of folktales, fables, and romances?

The Arabian Nights

43 - Which of the following is a different name for the Battle of the Trench? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

All of the above

44 - Which of the following is a dress appropriate for the culture of UAE?

Kandura and abaya

45 - Which of the following is a false statement about oases?

They were considered sacred or holy.

46 - Which of the following is a false statement?

Before Islam started, Mecca was not an important religious city.

47 - Which of the following is a geographic barrier?


48 - Which of the following is a holy book of Islam?

Only (A) & (B)

49 - Which of the following is a part of Arab World?

The Levant and Iraq

50 - Which of the following is a reason why the Ottoman Empire began to decline?

All of the Above

51 - Which of the following is a right of Iranian citizens?

to vote for the president

52 - Which of the following is a true statement that supports the idea that scholarship and learning were very highly valued in Islamic culture?

Universities and libraries in Muslim cities attracted scholars from many lands.

53 - Which of the following is an accurate description of Islam.

A Monotheistic religion that practices the 5 pillars of Islam

54 - Which of the following is an example of following the Five Pillars of Islam?

fasting during Ramadan

55 - Which of the following is an example of intangible cultural heritage of the UAE?


56 - Which of the following is an example of Islam's influence on West African law?

the adoption of shari'ah

57 - Which of the following is called Year of Deputations?

9 Hijri

58 - Which of the following is characterized by laziness?

Wishful thinking

59 - Which of the following is characterized by laziness?

Wishful thinking

60 - Which of the following is in the correct order of dates(earliest to latest)

1.Muhammad (SAW)'s revalations 2.Abu Bakr as Caliph, 3.Ummayad Dynasty, 4.Abbassid Dynasty

61 - Which of the following is Makruh of wudu?

Washing with a lot of water and letting it drip everywhere

62 - Which of the following is NOT a FARD act of Salah?

Making wudu with water

63 - Which of the following is NOT a fard act of wudu?

Say bismillah

64 - Which of the following is NOT a fard of ghusul:

Using very little water

65 - Which of the following is NOT a main position of prayer:


66 - Which of the following is not a personal museum?

Museum of Islamic Art

67 - Which of the following is NOT a reason for the Ar Israeli conflict?

Who will get to sell the oil from the land

68 - Which of the following is not a reason why the golden age took place during the Abbasid Caliphate?

most people welcomed the Islamic religion.

69 - which of the following is NOT a resource of a country??


70 - Which of the following is NOT a source of clean water?

Water mixed with vinegar

71 - Which of the following is NOT an article of faith (iman)

Belief in books written by humans

72 - Which of the following is not an essential part of Islamic belief?

The belief in sorcery

73 - Which of the following is NOT correct

Thuhr has 3 rakaats of sunnah

74 - Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 Pillars of Islam?

Holy wars against Christians

75 - Which of the following is not one of the 5 pillars of Islam?


76 - Which of the following is not one of the beliefs Muhammad (SAW) preached to his people?

Prophets are holier and more important than other people.

77 - Which of the following is not one of the books of Allah?

Philosopher's stone

78 - Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam? .....


79 - Which of the following is NOT true about Muhammad (SAW)?

He, like Joan of Arc, received visions from God at a young age

80 - Which of the following is NOT true of slavery in Muslim lands?

Most slaves worked in the fields.

81 - Which of the following is NOT true with regard to the sharia?

It was created by the prophet Muhammad (SAW).

82 - Which of the following is one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

Make a hajj to Mecca at least once

83 - Which of the following is part of the adab of visiting people?

Asking them in advance for a convenient time of visit

84 - Which of the following is the greatest economic resource to Southwest Asia?


85 - Which of the following is the holy text of Islam?


86 - Which of the following is the most likely cause of scarcity of fresh water resources among Israel and its neighbors?

climate patterns

87 - Which of the following is the third pillar of Islam?

Zakat (Paying for charity)

88 - Which of the following is true about Africa during the ancient times?

It was mostly made of tribes

89 - Which of the following is true about geographic barriers?

They are natural obstacles like mountains

90 - Which of the following is true about the pearl industry?

all of the above

91 - Which of the following is true about the Qur'an/Koran?

It is the holy scripture of Islam

92 - Which of the following issues divided the Western and Eastern Churches?

authority of the pope

93 - Which of the following issues has divided the United States and Iran in recent years?

Iran's nuclear program, which the U.S. suspects is military, not civilian

94 - Which of the following men from the story of the blind man, the leper, and the bald man acted in a good way?

The blind man

95 - Which of the following Miracle(S) was/were of Hazrat Musa (AS)?

All of the above

96 - Which of the following occupations was most honored by Islam because it was Muhammad (SAW)'s profession?


97 - Which of the following prayers begins when the sun is at its highest point in the sky?


98 - Which of the following profiles matches Southwest Asia?

Sheiks, Muslims, High GDP

99 - Which of the following regions was NOT one of the important points of cultural contact between Africa and Islam?

The Atlantic Ocean

100 - Which of the following religions did not begin in the Middle East?


101 - Which of the following religions did not employ missionaries to spread their religion?


102 - Which of the following Sahabah had narrated the hadith of Jibril (as) when he came as a man to teach the Muslims their religion?

Umar (ra)

103 - Which of the following shows the correct order of rulers of the Muslim empire from 750 to 1300?

Umayyads, Abbasids, Seljuk Turks, Mongols

104 - Which of the following statement BEST describes the spread of Islam during the Arab conquests?

Islam spread inside and outside the new Arab Muslim Empire

105 - Which of the following statements about the effect of monsoon patterns on Indian Ocean trade is correct.

Predictable monsoon patterns led to trade being conducted in reliably every year

106 - Which of the following statements about the Islamic Empire is FALSE?

Most people avoided trading with Muslims

107 - Which of the following statements best describes the indigenous religion of much of s Saharan Africa?

Animistic religion, belief in the power of natural forces personified as deities, characterized much of Africa.

108 - Which of the following statements concerning political and religious universality in Africa is most accurate?

Although a universal empire did not develop in Africa, Islam provided a principle of universality in the continent.

109 - Which of the following statements concerning the agricultural economy of Mali is most accurate?

The farmers of Mali were barely able to provide the basic foods that supported the imperial states.

110 - Which of the following statements concerning the impact of Islam on s Saharan Africa is most accurate?

The spread of Islam into Africa brought large areas into the global community.

111 - Which of the following statements is correct about the status of the parents in Islam?

Their status is second to worshipping God

112 - Which of the following statements is FALSE about the city of Mecca?

Mecca was built as a center of the tra Saharan go salt trade

113 - Which of the following statements is NOT true with regard to the Saljuq Turks?

They usurped the Abbasid caliphate and claimed the title of caliph for themselves.

114 - Which of the following statements is true?

The Taj Mahal in India is a famous Muslim building.

115 - Which of the following summarizes the religious diversity of Iran and Turkey?

Iran is majority Shia Muslim, while Turkey is majority Sunni Muslim. Both have other minority religious groups.

116 - Which of the following terms means 'the study of coins'?


117 - Which of the following the Quran considers as an unpardonable sin?


118 - Which of the following the Quran considers as an unpardonable sin?


119 - Which of the following types of water can be used for wudu?

Small quantity of water left over after a permissible animal drinks from it (like goats, sheep etc.)

120 - Which of the following was a collection of old Middle Eastern Stories/Myths

A thousand and one nights(Arabian Nights)

121 - Which of the following was a major contribution of Islamic culture to western civilization?

advancement of mathematics and science

122 - Which of the following was a Muslim contribution to math?


123 - Which of the following was a system in which the Ottomans took Christian boys, converted them to Islam, and had them work in the military and government?

Devshirme System

124 - Which of the following was an immediate effect of the initial Muslim conquests of the seventh century C.E.?

The weakening of the Byzantine Empire and the collapse of other empires

125 - Which of the following was an important piece of literature written by a Muslim author?

Arabian Nights

126 - Which of the following was NOT a belief shared by practitioners of many indigenous African religions?

A moral code based on one supreme god

127 - Which of the following was NOT a Muslim contribution to Math?


128 - Which of the following was not a part of the oil embargo?

Oil become so plentiful and so cheap it dropped in price value

129 - Which of the following was NOT a reason for the end of the Umayyad caliphate?

They conquered more territory than they could control.

130 - Which of the following was not a reason for the Great Schism?

there was a war between East and West

131 - Which of the following was NOT a right of Arab women?

They could take up to four husbands, just as a man could take up to four wives.

132 - Which of the following was not a scientific development of the Muslim world?

They developed the Quadrant which allowed for accurate calculations of longitude

133 - which of the following was not a way that communities reacted to the oil shortage?

got their own oil by drilling for it themselves

134 - Which of the following was not among the scientific achievements of the Golden age of Islamic culture


135 - Which of the following was NOT an achievement of Arab culture?

Justinian's code

136 - Which of the following was not an aspect of the peak of the Ottoman Empire?

Invented the wheel and the sailboat

137 - Which of the following was not an Islamic empire formed from the fragmentation of the Abbasid Dynasty?


138 - Which of the following was not identified as a defining feature of culture?

Culture is symbolic

139 - Which of the following was NOT one of the major accomplishments of Islamic scholars?

The invention of gunpowder

140 - Which of the following was the author of the Rubaiyat?

Omar Khayyám

141 - Which of the following was the key reason the Mughal Empire collapsed?

Its tolerant religious policies were changed and the people revolted.

142 - Which of the following was the Teacher of Hazrat Musa (AS) ?


143 - Which of the following was the Teacher of Hazrat Musa (AS)?


144 - Which of the following were among the most valuable trade good produced in the Arab world?

cotton textiles

145 - Which of the following words is an Arabic word for craft?


146 - Which of the following words mean 'generosity'?


147 - which of the Shabahs following is Ashratul Mubahsarah?

Only (A) & (B)

148 - Which of the three caliphates lasted the longest?


149 - Which of these are practices in Sufism?

dance and meditation

150 - Which of these books is the last message of Allah?


151 - Which of these branches of Islam is associated with mysticism and bringing the soul closer to Allah?


152 - Which of these did Kublai Khan conquer?


153 - Which of these does Islam follow?


154 - Which of these geographic features is located in Iraq?

Tigris River

155 - Which of these had the greatest impact on West African kingdoms (4 1000CE)?

tra Saharan trade

156 - Which of these is a religious journey to a certain place?


157 - Which of these is a renewable energy source?

the Sun

158 - Which of these is an ethnic group?


159 - Which of these is not a name of a book of Hadith?


160 - Which of these is Not a pillar of Islam?

Gain wealth through kind deeds

161 - Which of these is NOT a reason why .....Adha is important to Muslims

It separates Muslims from people of other faiths

162 - Which of these is NOT one of the five pillars of Islam?

Fasting must be done every day

163 - Which of these is not one of the pillars of Islam?

Servi Must devote 5% of your time to volunteer opportunities in the community

164 - Which of these is not true about the Quran?

Muslims bury it in dirt when their not using it



166 - Which of these might you see in a work of Islamic art?

flowering vines

167 - Which of these mode day European countries is located in an area that was conquered by Islamic people from North Africa?


168 - Which of these names of Allah means The Creator?


169 - Which of these non verbal communications belongs to UAE

Nose touching that dates back to long old traditions and symbolizes brotherhood.

170 - Which of these organizations is an intergovernmental organization working in service to its Member States to promote the conservation of all forms of cultural heritage, in every region of the world


171 - Which of these place became the most prominent educational center of Islamic culture that attracted Arab,Greek, Persian and Jewish scholars


172 - Which of these religious practices of West African Muslims began before Islamic influence reached the region?

praying to the spirits of ancestors

173 - Which of these resulted from the hajj of Mansa Musa?

People in other lands learned that Mali was rich and important

174 - Which of these statements are true?

Only (A) & (B)

175 - Which of these statements best describes the Songhai Empire?

largest empire in west Africa, lead by Sonni Ali, Timbuktu was its capital, center of commerce and learning.

176 - Which of these statements is an accurate reflection of a Shi'a belief?

The Shi'a believed the Umayyad had no right to rule the Muslim community.

177 - Which of these things has Allah given us to live and survive?


178 - Which of these was an important result of paper making in the Muslim world?

rich growth of Arab literature

179 - Which of these was not present in Islamic art?

images of humans

180 - Which of these was the reason Muhammad (SAW) and his followers fled Mecca and migrated to Medina?

Arabs in Mecca violently attacked Muslims and forced them to leave the city

181 - Which on is better when we recite the Qur'an?

Read regularly, even if it is only a small portion

182 - Which one do you think is correct?

People will be gathered in groups of good and bad

183 - Which one is an act of Sadaqah?

All of these

184 - Which one IS an Islamic Month?

Jumadal Ula

185 - which one is called masha ,ar-ul-haram______________?

Muzdalifa valley

186 - which one is called masha, .....haram.....?

Muzdalifa valley

187 - Which one is dua after sleeping

Alhamdulillahilladzii Ahyaana Ba'dama amaatana wailayhinnushuur

188 - Which one is dua break fasting?

Allahumma lakasumtu wabika aamantu wa'alaa rizqika afthortu birohmatika yaa arhammaroohimiin

189 - which one is first

take socks off

190 - Which one is in the right order?

rinse mouth 3x, rinse nose 3x, wash face 3x

191 - Which one is not a part of salah


192 - Which one is NOT an Islamic Month?


193 - Which one is not the reason Arabs killed their daughters?

Daughters can be too dependent and clingy

194 - Which one is number three?


195 - Which one is one of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s (s.a.w) Wives?

Maria Qibtiyyah

196 - Which one is right?

Only (A) & (B)

197 - Which one is the angel's name?


198 - Which one is the name of the highest garden of Paradise?

Al Firdaus

199 - Which one is the one of the pillars of Iman

Believe in Allah

200 - Which one is the smallest Emirate of UAE?


201 - Which one is true about Shariah

It was developed by caliphs and scholars who used the Qur'an and the Sunnah to solve problems that arose

202 - Which one is true?

Only (A) & (B)

203 - Which one of the following describes a good dress according to Islam?

A long and wide dress covering the whole body

204 - Which one of the following is a Gulf Country?


205 - Which one of the following is African Arab Country?


206 - Which one of the following is included amongest the Ushera-e-Mubashera?

Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas RA

207 - Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e- Mubhashera ?

Saad Bin Abi waqas

208 - Which one of the following is not a possible relevant volunteering opportunities for young people (students) to preserving aspects of the heritage?


209 - Which one of the following is not a tangible heritage?

Al Razfa

210 - Which one of these are false

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the first prophet

211 - Which one of these books tell us about the life and culture of people?


212 - Which one of these is not one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

First Holy Communion

213 - Which one of these shows respect

Making Wuduu before holding the Quran

214 - Which option correctly connects the prophet to the religion?

Muhamma Islam

215 - Which Ottoman leader became known as "the Conqueror"?

Mehmed II

216 - Which pair of leaders participated in the Camp David Accords?

Israel's Begin and Egypt's Anwar Sadat

217 - Which peninsula did the major trade routes go through?

Arabian Peninsula

218 - Which peninsula was the religion of Islam founded on?

Arabian Peninsula

219 - Which people traveled in caravans and moved from place to place with no permanent home?


220 - Which personality did secularize education and separate it from politics?


221 - Which personality from the following was the relative of the Hazrat Khadija?

Warqa Bin Nofal

222 - Which phrase best explains the importance of Baghdad?

capital of the Abbasid caliphate

223 - Which physical factor is most responsible for the settlement pattern in Egypt where the population is concentrated onto three percent of the land area?

Sahara desert

224 - Which physical feature divides Africa into two distinct regions?

the Sahara Desert

225 - Which pillar of Islam called a shield?


226 - Which pillar of Islam demands only financial sacrificer?


227 - Which pillar of Islam is declared as an armour?


228 - Which pillar of Islam is the Hajj?


229 - Which Pillar of Islam must be performed five times a day?


230 - Which place is preferable for men to perform salah


231 - Which practice is most closely associated with a person of the Islamic faith?

praying five times a day

232 - Which prayer begins at Zawal?


233 - Which prayer begins with subh sadiq (The True Dawn)


234 - Which prayer do we perform ONLY during Ramadan?

Taraweeh prayer

235 - Which prayer is not obligatory for women?

Juma prayer

236 - Which prayer is not obligatory for women?

Juma prayer

237 - Which prayer is performed while standing in lines?


238 - Which prayer is performed while standing in lines?


239 - Which prayer's time finishes with the ending of twilight (whiteness in the horizon at sunset)?


240 - Which profession did the Holy Prophet first adopt?


241 - Which Prophet AS cured the lepers and blind?

Isa AS

242 - Which prophet AS was the carpenter by profession?

Hazrat Zakariya AS

243 - Which Prophet built the Ark?

Prophet Nuh

244 - Which prophet destroyed the idols of the disbelievers?

Prophet Ibrahim

245 - Which Prophet does not have any father or mother?

Prophet Adam

246 - Which Prophet don-t made his house throughout his life?

Hazrat Saleh AS

247 - Which Prophet earned his living by making wallets?

Hazrat Suilaiman (AS)

248 - Which prophet earned his living by making wallets?

Hazrat Sulaiman AS

249 - Which Prophet earned his living by making wallets?

Hazrat Suilaiman (AS)



251 - Which Prophet had the power to understand the language of the birds?

Prophet Sulayman

252 - Which prophet is buried in Uhad?

Hazrat Haroon AS

253 - Which Prophet is Called Ab Anbiya.....?

Hazrat Abraheem (A.S)

254 - Which Prophet is Called Ab ul-Ambiya_____________?

Hazrat Abraheem (A.S)

255 - Which Prophet is called Ju.....Anbiya?

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

256 - Which Prophet is known as A.....Bashr?

Hazrat Adam (AS)

257 - Which Prophet is well known for his Patience?

Hazrat Ayub AS

258 - Which prophet mentioned first in the Holy Quran?

Hazrat Adam (AS)

259 - Which Prophet most of the time mentioned in the Holy Quran?

Hazrat Musa AS

260 - Which prophet of Allah is called Abu Al-Bashar?

Hazrat Adam (AH)

261 - Which prophet of Allah is called Abu Bashar?

Hazrat Adam (AH)

262 - Which Prophet received the Quran?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (s.a.w)

263 - Which prophet was called Sahib Ul Hoot?

Hazrat Younas AS

264 - Which prophet was entrusted by Allah to build the Ka'ba?

Ibrahim (Abraham)

265 - Which prophet was murder at the age of thirty?

Hazrat Musa AS

266 - Which prophet was put in the fire?

Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)

267 - Which prophet was put in the fire?

Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)

268 - Which prophet was the good player of flute?

Hazrat Dawood AS

269 - Which prophet was the knowledge of mathematics?

Hazrat Idrees AS

270 - Which prophet was title Abul Arab?

Hazrat Ismail AS

271 - Which prophet was title Safi Ullah?

Hazrat Adam AS

272 - Which prophet was wrongfully thrown in jail?

Prophet Yusuf

273 - Which Prophet would be able to bring the dead back to life with Allah's SWT permission?

Isa AS

274 - Which prophet would not eat food without guest?

Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)

275 - Which Prophet's followers were blessed with Ma o-Salva?

Hazrat Musa (AS)

276 - Which prophet-s law do the Jews follow?

Hazrat Musa AS

277 - Which prophets made the Qabah?

Only (A) & (B)

278 - Which province of Pakistan is Known as Babul Islam"?


279 - Which question separated the Sunnis and Shi'a?

Must a caliph be descended from Muhammad (SAW)?

280 - Which question separated the Sunnis Muslims from the Shi'ah Muslims?

Must a caliph be descended from Muhammad (SAW)?

281 - Which range of the following male ages, the fasting is possibly obligatory

15 to 50

282 - Which reason explains why Islamic art consisted mostly of calligraphy and geometric patterns?

drawings of humans and other living things were not allowed for religious reaons.

283 - Which region of Africa is characterized by se arid, flat grasslands which are home to small villages of subsistence farmers?

the savanna

284 - Which religion did the Sasanian empire patronize?


285 - Which religion has major branches which include the Shia and the Sunni?


286 - Which religion is based on submission to Allah?


287 - Which religion is based on teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW); founded 622 CE in Mecca.


288 - Which religion is Islam similar too?

None of the above

289 - Which religion is NOT monotheistic?

Greek and Roman Mythology

290 - Which religion uses the Qur'an?


291 - Which religion was the first to consider Jerusalem a holy city?


292 - Which religious activity makes most use of the minbar?

giving a sermon

293 - Which river helped West Africa thrive?


294 - Which rivers led to the settlement of the region called Mesopotamia?

Tigris and Euphrates

295 - Which Roman Governor ordered the execution of Hazrat Issa AS?


296 - Which Rukn of islam is called a Shield?


297 - Which ruler was most responsible for spreading Islam in West Africa?

Mansa Musa

298 - Which sahabi conquered Persia first?

Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas RA

299 - Which Sahabi mentioned in surat ul Ahzab?

Zayd bin Haritah (RA)

300 - Which sahabi name is mentioned in the holy Quran?

Zaid Bin Haris RA

301 - Which sahabi was gave final opinion about the burial of the Prophet PBUH?

Hazrat Abu Bakr RA

302 - Which Sahabi's name is given in the Quran?

Hazrat Zaid bin Harith

303 - Which Salat is offered standing in odd number of lines?


304 - Which scholar made advances in geometry and algebra, but became famous for writing poetry?

Omar Khayyam

305 - Which Sea splits Asian Arab countries from African Arab Countries?

The Red Sea.

306 - Which sect of Islam believes that Caliphs must be related to Muhammad (SAW)?


307 - Which sect of Islam holds the majority population in Iran?


308 - Which sect of Islam holds the majority population in Saudi Arabia?


309 - Which sect of Islam is the larger one?


310 - Which side of hand must we use when we want to eat?


311 - Which side of the Roman Empire flourished while the other corrupted?


312 - Which son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) reached adulthood?

None of these

313 - Which son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) reached adulthood?

None of these

314 - Which Spanish words come from Arabic? (select 2)

Only (A) & (B)

315 - Which statement about the Golden Age of Islam is a fact rather than an opinion?

Islamic society preserved Greek and Roman culture.

316 - Which statement accurately describes the Islamic Empire following Muhammad (SAW)'s death?

It was divided by disagreements over which Muslims should be leaders.

317 - Which statement best describes how ideas were spread through translation?

Books became more widely available.

318 - Which statement best describes many of the Persian Gulf countries today?

they have major oil deposits

319 - Which statement best describes the geography of Africa?

Deserts and mountain ranges were natural barriers that separated parts of Africa

320 - Which statement best describes the geography of Arabia?

Arabia is a desert region with little soil or farming

321 - Which statement best describes the impact Muslim traders had on Africa?

Muslim traders brought Islam and the Arabic language to many places

322 - Which statement best describes the landscape of the Arabian Peninsula?

It contains various physical features, even though it is largely desert.

323 - Which statement best describes the strategic location of Constantinople?

It was located at the crossroads of the Asian and European continents.

324 - Which statement best describes what happened when Islam came to West Africa?

Many West Africans kept some of their old customs.

325 - Which statement best explains why people settled near the coasts of the Arabian Peninsula?

The area provided access to trade routes.

326 - Which statement describes Baghdad during this time period?

Baghdad was one of the most splendid Muslim cities.

327 - Which statement describes Sufis?

They seek a mystical path in understanding Allah

328 - Which statement describes the Abbasid Empire between the eighth and thirteenth centuries?

Abbasid rulers became wealthy by controlling trade between East Asia and Europe

329 - Which statement describes the Arabian Peninsula?

Almost all of the Arabian Peninsula is a desert.

330 - Which statement describes the most significant reason for the outbreak of the Crusades?

The Holy Land contained sites that were important to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

331 - Which statement describes the status of women in the medieval Islamic world?

Muslim women could own property and obtain an education

332 - Which statement describes the way the Islamic Empire treated conquered peoples throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe?

It promoted Islam but tolerated the culture, religion, and science of n Muslims.

333 - Which statement does NOT correctly explain an effect of the caliphates on Europe, Asia, and Africa?

All of Europe avoided traded with Islamic empires.

334 - Which statement explains why it was difficult for Islam to initially take root in Mecca

Merchants in Mecca made a lot of money from pilgrims of the various religions practiced there.

335 - Which statement illustrates the order of the West African kingdoms?

Ghana, Mali, Songhai

336 - Which statement is false?

The Muslims destroyed the books that were captured during the conquest of the Byzantine Empire.

337 - Which Sultanate occupied territory in Europe then preserved & expanded knowledge of Christians and Jews?


338 - Which Sura is called 'Aro.....Quran (the Bride of the Quran)?


339 - Which Sura is called 'Aroos-ul-Qur'an (the Bride of the Qur'an)?


340 - Which Sura is called the heart of Holy Quran?


341 - Which Sura is called the heart of Holy Qur'an?


342 - Which Sura is considered as 1/3 of the Holy Qur'an?


343 - Which Sura is the name of one Holy war?


344 - Which Sura is the name of one metal?


345 - Which Sura is the name of one metal?


346 - Which surah are named Azaiam?

All of the above

347 - Which surah condemns Riba?


348 - Which surah contains the orders about Wuzu, Ghusal and Tayammum ?


349 - Which surah contains the orders about Wuzu, Ghusal and Tayammum?


350 - Which surah contains the orders about Wuzu, Ghusal and Tayammum?


351 - Which Surah describes oaths?


352 - Which Surah describes Raasul Maal?


353 - Which surah describes the incident of Ibrahim (A) breaking the idols?

Surah Anbiya

354 - Which surah every verse ended with a letter "Dal"?

Surah Tauheed

355 - Which Surah is also known as Fat.....Quran?

Surah Fateha

356 - Which surah is called Mift e.....Quran?


357 - Which Surah is called the Heart of the Quran?

Sur e-Yaseen

358 - Which Surah is considered as 1/4 of the Holy Quran?


359 - Which Surah is considered as 1/4 of the Holy Qur'an?


360 - Which Surah is from the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?


361 - Which Surah is from the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?


362 - Which Surah is known as Aro.....Quran?


363 - Which Surah is known as Salo.....Quran?


364 - Which Surah is known as the heart of Quran?

Surah Yaseen

365 - Which surah is related to Hazrat Ali RA?

Surah Adiat

366 - Which Surah is revealed in respect of Ahlulbayt?

Surah Dahr

367 - Which surah is the dua of Zakariyyah (allayhissalam) in?


368 - Which Surah is the name of one Holy war?


369 - Which Surah is the name of one Holy war?


370 - Which surah mean THE PEOPLE


371 - Which surah means cattle?

Al Anam

372 - Which Surah of Holy Quran has 200 VERSES ?

SuraH Al Imran

373 - Which Surah of Holy Quran has 200 VERSES?

SuraH Al Imran

374 - Which Surah of Holy Quran revealed twice-in Makkah & Madinah ?

Surah Fatiha

375 - Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice ?


376 - Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice?


377 - Which Surah of the Holy Quran deals with the laws of marriage?


378 - Which Surah of the Holy Quran deals with the laws of marriage?


379 - Which Surah of the holy Quran does not start with Bismillah?

Al Tauba

380 - Which surah of the Holy Quran ends with two prophets name?

Surah Al-A'la

381 - Which surah of the Holy Quran ends with two prophets name?

Surah A'la

382 - Which surah of the holy Quran is called the heart of the Quran?


383 - Which surah of the Holy Quran starts with two fruits name?

Surah At-Teen

384 - Which Surah of the Holy Quran was revealed twice?


385 - Which Surah of the Holy Quran was revealed twice?


386 - Which Surah of the Qur'an contains the word Allah in every verse?

Surah Mujadilah

387 - Which Surah of the Quran has the name "Allah" in every single verse?

Surah Al-Mujadila [58]

388 - Which Surah of the Quran has the name "Allah" in every single verse?

Surah Mujadila [58]

389 - Which surah revealed first on the Prophet PBUH?


390 - Which surah starts without "Bismillah" ?


391 - Which surah starts without "Bismillah"?


392 - Which surah talks about the Battle of Badr in detail?

Surah Anfal

393 - Which surah talks about the Battle of Uhud in detail?

SÃ…«rah e-'Imrān

394 - Which Surah was first revealed?


395 - Which Surah was last revealed?


396 - Which surah was recited by Holy Prophet at the time of migration?

Sur e-Yasin

397 - Which Surah was recited by the Holy Prophet (SAW) at the time of Hijrah?


398 - Which Surahs are know as Mu'áwwadatyn?

Surah Falaq and Surah Nas

399 - Which technology, first developed by the Chinese, enabled the Ottoman Empire to expand militarily into western Asia, Europe, and northern Africa?


400 - Which term best describes the political systems of Southwest Asia?


401 - Which term is applicable for the transmission of a Hadith?


402 - Which term names the ruler of a Muslim state?


403 - Which text is considered the holy to the religion of Islam?


404 - Which text is essential to the practice of Islam?

Qur'an (Koran)

405 - Which thing does not show respect

yelling at other people

406 - Which Tihiyaat did we study in class?

Abdullah ibn Masoud

407 - Which tree is known as a symbol of the Year of Tolerance?

The Ghaf tree

408 - Which two art forms are from the Byzantine Empire?

mosaics and icons

409 - Which two best describe the early Bedouins?

Only (A) & (B)

410 - Which two brothers were prophets at the same time?

Hazrat Haroon AS and Hazrat Musa AS

411 - Which two cities on the Arabian peninsula are holy to Muslims?

Mecca and Medina

412 - Which two groups fought over the land called Palestine?

Jews and Palestinian Arabs

413 - Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Z.....Hajj?

Maghr Isha

414 - Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj?


415 - Which two prayers was obligatory on muslims before Mairaj-Un-Nabi (SAW):

Fajar & Asar

416 - Which two reasons were explain why merchants were highly respected in Arab culture?

Only (A) & (B)

417 - Which two rivers are most important to Southwest Asia's geography?

Only (A) & (B)

418 - Which Two Surahs of the Holy Quran are Known as Zulraveen?

Surah Baqarah and A e-Imran

419 - Which type of darkness is bad?

Darkness of ignorance and superstition

420 - Which type of design took its beauty from the natural world?


421 - Which U.....Momineen died first?

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

422 - Which U.....Momineen died last?

Hazrat U e-Salma (RA)

423 - Which Umm-ul-Momineen died first?

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

424 - Which Umm-ul-Momineen died last?

Hazrat Umm-e-Salma (RA)

425 - Which Umm-ul-Momineen died last?

Hazrat Umme Salma RA

426 - Which uncle of the Holy Prophet (SAW) is mentioned by name in the Quran?

Abu Lahab

427 - Which US President participated in the Oslo Accords?

Israel's Rabin and PLO leader Yasir Arafat

428 - Which verse of this Surah condemns Riba?


429 - Which was a conquering dynasty?


430 - Which was his famous contribution in the field of mathematics


431 - Which was NOT a cause in Arab spring revolts?

U.S. Intervention

432 - Which was NOT a question that Heraclius asked Abu Sufyan regarding the Prophet (S)?

Did the prophet speak in Arabic?

433 - Which was one effect of the Crusades?

New trade routes opened to the east.

434 - Which was the complete revealed Surah?


435 - Which was the favorite month of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?


436 - Which was the favorite month of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?


437 - Which was the first Battle fought against the Makkans?


438 - Which was the first capital of Islamic commonwealth?


439 - Which was the first capital of Islamic commonwealth?


440 - Which was the first capital of Islamic commonwealth?


441 - Which was the first Ghazwa of Islam?


442 - Which was the first institution of islam?

Dar e Arqam

443 - Which was the primary contribution of the Muslims during the Abbasid Period?

The Muslims were able to recover and preserve the works of the ancient philosophers and mathmaticians and to transmite this knowldge from one civilzation to another

444 - Which wife of the Holy prophet prefered the life of world and its adornment.

None of these

445 - Which wife of the Prophet PBUH was alive at the time of tragic incident of Karbala?

Hazrat Umme Salma RA

446 - Which word is an Arabic term that refers to the ruler of a Muslim state?


447 - Which word is related to salah


448 - Which word or phrase best describes the Hijaz?


449 - which words of the Holy Quran are not explained by a common person?


450 - which words of the Holy Quran are not explained by a common person?


451 - Which year is called the Year of Sorrow?

10th Nabvi

452 - Which year is called the Year of Sorrow?

10th Nabvi

453 - While Muhammad (SAW) lived, his followers listened to his teachings. They also memorized and recited the revelations, which formed the scripture called the ..... After Muhammad (SAW)'s death, his followers collected the ..... into a book written in Arabic


454 - While Muslims spread Arabic numerals and the number "0" to Europeans, who did they learn and adapt this knowledge from?


455 - While the rest of Europe was falling, Constantinople preserved classical ..... Roman culture.


456 - While the Umayyads were ruling, Islam's religion split into what two branches?

Sunni and Shi'a

457 - Whis one is not false?

Allah is the king of the day of judgment

458 - who added 2nd Azan for friday prayers ?

Hazrat Usman (R.A)

459 - who added 2nd Azan for friday prayers?

Hazrat Usman (R.A)

460 - Who advised Muhammad (SAW) (S) to dig a deep trench around Madinah to prevent the attack?

Salman Farisi

461 - Who appeared many times to Muhammad (SAW) and told him to recite the Word of God?

Archangel Gabriel

462 - Who appointed Ibn Batuta as judge?

Mohammad Bin Tughlaq

463 - Who are called U.....Momineen?

The Holy wives of the Holy Prophet(SAW)

464 - Who are called Ummul Momineen?

The holy wives of the Prohpet PBUH

465 - Who are called Umm-ul-Momineen?

The Holy wives of the Holy Prophet(SAW)

466 - Who are exempt from Ramadan's fasting?

All of these

467 - Who are mentioned in the Quran as those who Allah loves?

Allah loves those whoever repents and whoever is clean

468 - Who are missionaries, or traveling preachers, who spread the teachings of Islam


469 - Who are Nasarah?

How the Christians are mentioned in the Quran

470 - Who are not entitled to get Zakat?

Parents, Husband, wife and childrenÂ

471 - Who are not entitled to get Zakat?

Parents, Husband, wife and children

472 - Who are the "Sahibain"?

Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani

473 - Who are the "Taliban?"

a group of radical Muslims who formed a gov't system to take control of weaker countries

474 - Who are the 2 enemies of Allah mentioned in Surah Masad?

Only (A) & (B)

475 - Who are the 4 greatest women of all time?

All of the above

476 - Who are the Bedouin?

nomads of the desert

477 - Who are the main groups fighting in Israel?

Only (A) & (B)

478 - Who are the native people of the UAE?


479 - Who are the people of Saba'?

People who were in a very prosperous nation

480 - who are the two people from his family did not go with him

his wife and his son

481 - Who became the caliph or leader in 749 CE?

Abu Abbas

482 - Who became the prophet of a new religion developed in Arabia called Islam?

Muhammad (SAW)

483 - Who broke idol name -Uzzah-?

Khalid Bin Waleed RA

484 - Who brought the revelations to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (S)?


485 - Who build a dam to protect Madina from floods?

Hazrat Usman RA

486 - Who build the first structure of Holy Kaaba?

Hazrat Adam AS

487 - Who built the Kabah?

Only (A) & (B)

488 - Who Built the Kabah?

Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail

489 - Who can receive the zakat?

needy people

490 - Who captured Constantinople and put an end to the Byzantine Empire?


491 - Who closed Gog and Magog behind the wall?


492 - Who compiled famous book Kitab Ul Assar"?

Imam Shafi

493 - Who conquered the last fort of Khyber?

Hazrat Ali RA

494 - Who could get treatment in medieval Muslim hospitals?


495 - Who covered the walls of Kaaba with photos?

Hazrat Ali RA

496 - Who descend to the earth on lailatul qadr night?

All malaikat

497 - Who destroyed idol "Al-Uzza"?

Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid R.A

498 - Who destroyed idol "Manat"?

Hazrat Saad Bin Zaid R.A

499 - Who destroyed idol "Sawa"?

Hazrat Umar Ibn Al As R.A

500 - Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the migration to Madina?

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

501 - Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the migration to Madina?

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

502 - Who did accompany the Holy Prophet PBUH in the migration to Madina?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

503 - Who did Hazrat Khadija (RA) sent to ask Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) about marrying her?


504 - Who did Musa take on the trip to the promised land with him?

The Israelites/Egyptians

505 - Who did Muslims consider "People of the Book"?

Jews and Christians

506 - Who did RasulAllah (saw) appoint as Imam for prayers during his (saw) final days while he (saw) couldn't lead the prayers due to his (saw) sickness?

Abu Bakr (ra)

507 - Who did Shias want to be the first caliph?

someone related to the prophet

508 - Who did Shiites think should succeed Muhammad (SAW)?

a relative of Muhammad (SAW)

509 - Who did the U.S aid in the Yom Kippur War?


510 - Who discovered coffee?

A Muslim shepherd

511 - Who does not have to fast?

All of the above

512 - Who donated 1/3 army expenditures of Ghazwa-e-Tabook?

Hazrat Usman RA

513 - Who Dosent Have To Fast

Whoever Is Sick & old people

514 - Who drew up the boundaries of the new countries created from the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I?

European politicians

515 - Who else did Musa take on the trip with him to the promised land?

His brother Haroon

516 - Who else showed a lot of patience in the story?

Ayyub's wife

517 - Who embraced islam on the second day of Prophethood of the Holy Prophet PBUH?

Hazrat Ali RA

518 - Who Establish education department?

Hazrat Umar RA

519 - Who Establish jail department?

Hazrat Umar RA

520 - Who Establish Police department?

Hazrat Umar RA

521 - Who establish the department of finance?

Hazrat Umar RA

522 - Who established Islamic Calendar?

Hazrat Umar RA

523 - Who first observed the circulaory system in the body?

Abu Nafees

524 - Who first one gave royal gift to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?


525 - Who first one gave royal gift to the holy Prophet SAW?


526 - Who first time attack on constantinople?

Hazrat Muyawya RA

527 - Who fought each other in the crusades?

The Europeans and the Arabs

528 - Who founded Sahifa Hammam Bin Munabih?


529 - Who gave a proper shape to the public treasury, Bait ul Maal?

Hazrat Abu Bakr RA

530 - Who gave the call for Prophet PBUH at the conquest of Makkah?

Hazrat Bilal RA

531 - Who give idea to dig a ditch in the battle of Khandaq?

Hazrat Salman Farsi

532 - Who got the title of Ameer ul Momineen for the first time?

Hazrat Umar RA

533 - Who governed the provinces of the Umayyad Caliphate?

Arab military elites

534 - Who had the kingdom of Yemen in the time of Hazrat Salman AS?

Malka Saba

535 - Who has free will?


536 - Who has ordered Hazrat Ali Hijwary RA to come to Lahore for preaching:

Moeen Ud Din Chisti

537 - Who has the longest tenure as caliph?

Hazrat Usman RA

538 - Who has the utmost priority of your charity?


539 - Who heals the sick?


540 - Who first one gave royal gift to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?


541 - Who in Ibrāhīm (A)'s family used to worship idols and refused to listen to Ibrāhīm (A)?

His father

542 - Who initiated Hijra Era?

Hazrat Umar RA

543 - Who insisted that Orthodox Christianity become the official religion of Russia?

Prince Vladimir

544 - Who Introduced Police System?

Hazrat Umer (R.A)

545 - Who invaded Russia?

The mongols

546 - Who is a renowned biographer of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

Michael H Hart

547 - Who is best known as the father of algebra?


548 - Who is buried near the Holy Prophet SAW?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

549 - Who is called a collector of Zakat who is appointed by the state in an Islamic Government?


550 - Who is called as "Muslim Alexander"?

Uqba bin Nafah (R.A)

551 - Who is called as "Muslim Alexander"?

Uqba bin Nafah (R.A)

552 - Who is called as Sani as Nain?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

553 - Who is called Jami-a-ul-Quran?

Hazrat Usman RA

554 - Who is called Malik-ut-Tajjar?

Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)

555 - Who is called Maseeh-ul-Islam?

Hazrat Abuzar Gaffari RA

556 - Who is called munfarid?

Who offer prayer alone

557 - Who is called saqi zam zam?

Hazrat Abbas RA

558 - Who is called Saqi Zam Zam?

Hazrat Abbas RA

559 - Who is called Saqi-e-ZamZam?

Hazrat Abbas (R.A)

560 - who is called the seal of all prophets

muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

561 - Who is called the seal of Prophets?

Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

562 - Who is called Zunnurain?

Hazrat Usman RA

563 - Who is considered by some to be the father of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity?


564 - Who is entitled to have both Shariat and Kitab?


565 - Who is Hamdan???


566 - Who is Hamzah's Father's name?

Abdul Muthalib

567 - Who is in charge of Provisions?

Hazrat Mekaeel AS

568 - Who is Jibreel?

An angel

569 - Who is known as "Father of Sociology"?

None of above

570 - Who is known as "Kidnapper of Scholars"?

Mahmood Ghaznavi

571 - Who is known as Ad e-Sani?

Hazrat Nooh (A.S)

572 - Who is known as Adam-e-Sani?

Hazrat Nooh (A.S)

573 - Who is known as Rahmat ul Aalameen?

Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

574 - Who is known as Sadin of Makkah?

Hazrat Usaman Bin Abu Talha ( key Holder of KA'ABA)

575 - Who is known for spreading Islam into Mali?

Mansa Musa

576 - Who is more powerful than Allah?

No one

577 - who is Mr.Krabb's daughter?


578 - Who is our Creator?


579 - Who is our last prophet?

muhammed (saw)

580 - Who is our lord?


581 - Who is Plankton's wife?


582 - who is prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s father and mother?

Abdullah and Aminah

583 - Who is prophet muhammad's uncle???

All of the above

584 - Who is referred in Quran as Rooh ul Ameen?

Hazrat Mekaeel AS

585 - Who is referred in the Quran as Ar-Rooh?

Hazrat Jibrael AS

586 - Who is referred in the Quran as Rooh ul Qudoos?

Hazrat Jibraeel AS

587 - Who is the 3rd Khalifa?

Uthman (RA)

588 - Who is the biggest supporter of Israel?

the United States

589 - Who is the considered by Muslims to be the "Last Prophet" of God?

Muhammad (SAW) (Mohammad)

590 - Who is the creator of everything?


591 - Who is the current president of the UAE?

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Nahyan

592 - Who is the father of UAE?

Sheikh Zayed

593 - Who is the first human created by Allah S.W.T.?

Nabi Adam A.S.

594 - Who is the first martyr in Islam?


595 - Who is the first Nabi?

Adam Nabi (AS)

596 - Who is the first Prophet of Allah (SWT)?

Adam (A.S)

597 - Who is the first Prophet that Allah S.W.T has created?

Prophet Adam a.s.

598 - Who is the first prophet?

Prophet Adam

599 - Who is the First Prophet?

Adam (AS)

600 - Who is the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (s.a.w)?


601 - Who is the founder of Islam

Muhammad (SAW)

602 - Who is the ga keeper of hell?


603 - Who is the gate-keeper of hell?


604 - Who is the last Prophet ( Rasoul) of Allah?


605 - Who is the last Prophet in Islam?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) S.A.W

606 - Who is the last Prophet of Allah?

Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH)

607 - Who is the last PROPHET of ALLAH?


608 - Who is the Last Prophet?

Muhammad (SAW)

609 - who is the last ruler of Ummayed dynasty?


610 - who is the last ruler of Ummayed dynasty?


611 - Who is the most famous poets in arabic literature?

Ahmed Shawki

612 - Who is the mother of believers?

None of these

613 - Who is the murderer of Hazrat Hamza RA?

Wahshi Bin Harb

614 - Who is the Prophet of Islam?

Muhammad (SAW)

615 - Who is the uncle of prohet Muhammad (SAW) who protect and rise him up?

Abu Thalib

616 - Who is witnessing us from the sky?

Allah Glory be to Him

617 - Who is your God?


618 - Who is your role model?

Prophet (PBUH)

619 - who killed musaylamah the liar

Wahshi (RA)

620 - Who killed Muslema Kazab (Musailamah al Kazzab)?

Wahshi ibn Harb

621 - Who killed Muslema Kazab (Musailamah al Kazzab)?

Wahshi ibn Harb

622 - Who knows when the day of judgment will come?

Allah SWT

623 - Who led prayers during the illness of the Prophet PBUH?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

624 - Who made official copies of Quran?

Hazrat Usman RA

625 - Who made soap?

Hazrat Saleh AS

626 - Who makes most of the important governmental decisions in an autocracy?

the ruler

627 - Who martyred Abdullah Bin Zubair R.A?

Hajjaj bin Yousuf

628 - Who moved the Muslim capital to Baghdad?

the Abbasids

629 - Who nation was exterminated through the scourge of floods?

Hazrat Nuh AS

630 - Who performed first Hajj Ba Ullah?

Hazrat Adam (A.S) and Hazrat Hawa (A.S)

631 - Who performed first Hajj Bait-Ullah?

Hazrat Adam (A.S) and Hazrat Hawa (A.S)

632 - Who placed half of his wealth at the disposal of the Holy Prophet SAW at the occasion of the Tabook expedition?

Hazrat Umar RA

633 - Who purchased the land for Masjid e Nabvi?

Hazrat Abu Bakr RA

634 - Who ruled the Byzantine empire?


635 - Who runs the accounts of central Zakat fund in Pakistan.....?

Administrator General

636 - Who runs the accounts of central Zakat fund in Pakistan__________?

Administrator General

637 - Who said "when Allah wishes good for someone, He blesses them with the understanding of Deen (Islam)"?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (SAWS)

638 - Who said that Zakat is treasure of Islam?

Rasool Ullah (P.B.U.H)

639 - Who said the following statement? "By Allah, had they asked me to move a mountain from its place, it would be easier for me."

Zaid ibn Thabit

640 - Who said, "My Nation will not agree unanimously in error"?

The Holy Prophet (SAW)

641 - Who scares Sponge bob?

Flying Dutchman and Plankton


Only (A) & (B)

643 - Who spoke to Muhammad (SAW) and told him that there was only one god?


644 - Who started Islam?


645 - Who supported Palestinians when war broke out with Israel?

neighboring Arab countries

646 - Who taught people how to perform salah

Allah's messenger

647 - Who tested the first flying machine?

Abbas Ibn Firnas

648 - Who tore the letter of Prophet PBUH?

Khusro Parvaiz

649 - Who transferred caliphate capital from Kufa to Damascus?

Hazrat Mauwiya RA

650 - Who Translated Holy Quran in Persian?

Shah Wali Ullah

651 - Who Translated Holy Quran in Persian?

Shah Wali Ullah

652 - Who translated the ancient Greeks and Romans' texts, information, and books from ancient languages to Arabian?


653 - Who translated the Holy Quran first of all into urdu?

Shah Rafi-ud-Din

654 - Who united Arabia under the religion of Islam?

Muhammad (SAW)

655 - Who Urged Hazrat Adam ( A.S ) to taste Prohibited Tree ?


656 - Who Urged Hazrat Adam (A.S) to taste Prohibited Tree?


657 - Who urged Hazrat Adam (AS) to taste the fruit of Prohibited Tree?


658 - Who verified about the truth of miraj sharif?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

659 - Who visited Prophet Muhammad (SAW) SAW in the cave?

Angel Jibreel

660 - Who was a famous Muslim Mathematician?


661 - Who was a Historian, justice, philosopher as well as Politician?

Abdur Rehman bin Khaldun

662 - Who was a Historian, justice, philosopher as well as Politician?

Abdur Rehman bin Khaldun

663 - Who was a slave given to our Prophet (SAW) whom he later adopted as his son?

Zayd ibn Haritha

664 - Who was Abu Bakr?

He was the first Muslim ruler or caliph.

665 - Who was added second azaan for friday prayer?

Hazrat Umar RA

666 - Who was appointed usher for Hijrat-e-Madinah?

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Ariqat RA

667 - Who was born in Cordoba?

None of these

668 - Who was born on the prayer of Hazrat Zakriya?

Hazrat Yahya AS

669 - Who was born on the prayers of Hazrat Zakriya AS?

Hazrat Yahya AS

670 - Who was buried at Ohad?

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

671 - who was called abu turab

ali ibn abi talib

672 - Who was called as kidnapper of the scholars?

Mahmood Ghaznavi

673 - Who was called as kidnapper of the scholars?

Mahmood Ghaznavi

674 - who was called saifullah

khalid ibn al waleed

675 - Who was chosen as the first successor to Muhammad (SAW)?

Abu Bakr

676 - Who was chosen by hazrat Umar (R.A) to lead the Muslim Army in the battle of Qadsiya?

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)

677 - Who was chosen by hazrat Umar (R.A) to lead the Muslim Army in the battle of Qadsiya?

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)

678 - Who was considered the father of New Persian poetry?


679 - Who was Dawud (AS)'s son?


680 - Who was first biographer of the Holy Prophet PBUH?

Ibn e Haisham

681 - Who was first Commander of Islamic Army?

Hazrat Hamza RA

682 - Who was Gengish Khan?

Ruthless Mongol leader who conquered the early Russians states.

683 - Who was give first time royal gift to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH?


684 - Who was given a mandate over Palestine after WWI?

the British

685 - Who was in charge of compiling and standardizing Quran during the Caliphate?

Zaid bin Thabit

686 - Who was in charge of Ottoman society and government?

the sultan

687 - Who was involved in the Persian Gulf War in 1990?

Iraq fought against the United States and a United Nations coalition of 39 nations

688 - Who was Kalidasa?

a poet and playwright

689 - Who was Khadija?

The first wife of the prophet Muhammad (SAW)

690 - Who was known to be the first martyr of Karbala.?

Hurr ibn Yazid

691 - Who was known to be the first martyr of Karbala.?

Hurr ibn Yazid

692 - Who was last Commander in chief of Ghz e-mautah?

Hazrat khalid bin waleed (R.A)

693 - Who was last Commander in chief of Ghzwa-e-mautah?

Hazrat khalid bin waleed (R.A)

694 - Who was made governor of North Yemen by Holy Prophet?

Hazrat Abu Musa Ashri R.A

695 - Who was made governor of south Yemen by Holy Prophet?

Maaz Bin Jabal

696 - Who was made wali of Makkah when Holy Prophet Left for Madina after stay of some days at Makkah after conquest of Makkah?

Hazrat Auttab Bin Usaid R.A

697 - Who was Muhammad (SAW)?

the founder of the Islam religion

698 - Who was Muhammad (SAW)'s son in law?


699 - Who was Nabi Muhammad (SAW) ( SA)?

Messenger of Allah Ta'aala

700 - Who was Nabi Muhammad (SAW) father?


701 - Who was Nabi Muhammad (SAW) mother?


702 - Who was one of the first people to accept Islam?

All of the above

703 - who was our last prophet?

Muhammed (S.A.W)

704 - Who was Prophet Muhammed's (s.a.w) father?


705 - Who was reported to smile more than the prophet (sallallahualayhiwasallam)?


706 - Who was responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?

Osama Bin Laden

707 - Who was sent as a mercy to all of mankind?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (S)

708 - Who was the "father of Algebra"?


709 - Who was the 3rd Khalifa of Muslims?

Hazrat Usman (RA)

710 - Who was the author of famous book Kitab-ul-Kharaj"?

Abu Yousaf

711 - who was the author of Kit.....Shamayel?


712 - Who was the commanders of the Infidels in the Battle of Uhud?

Abu Sufyan

713 - Who was the conqueror of Central Asia?

Qutayba Bin Muslim

714 - Who was the eldest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat bibi Zainab (R.A)

715 - Who was the eldest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat bibi Zainab (R.A)

716 - Who was the eldest son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Qasim

717 - Who was the eldest son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Qasim

718 - Who was the famous ruler of the Abbasid Dynasty?

none of these

719 - who was the first abbasid caliph?


720 - Who was the first caliph after the death of prophet Muhammad (SAW)?

Abu Bakr

721 - Who was the first Caliph?

Hazrat Abu Bakar(R.A.)

722 - Who was the first caliph?

Abu Bakr

723 - Who was the first child born after migration (hijrat)?

Abdul bin Zubair (R.A)

724 - Who was the first child born after migration (hijrat)?

Abdul bin Zubair (R.A)

725 - Who was the first commander of islamic army?

Hazrat Hamza (RA)

726 - Who was the first commander of islamic army?

Hazrat Hamza (RA)

727 - Who was the first czar of a unified Russia?

Ivan III / Ivan the Great

728 - Who was the first female Shaheed (martyr) of Islam?

Hazrat Sumayyah Bint Khubbat(RA)

729 - Who was the first female shaheed of Islam?

Hazrat Samya

730 - Who was the first Human being AllahSWT created?

Prophet Adam AS

731 - Who was the first man to accept Islam?

Abu Bakr (RA)

732 - Who was the first muslim among Slaves?

Zaid Bin Haris

733 - Who was the first Muslim Caliph of Spain?

Abd Ar Rehman Ad-Dakhil

734 - Who was the first muslim to commit Apostasy?

Obaid Bin Jahsh

735 - Who was the first Nabi

Hazrat Adam

736 - Who was the first Nabi in Islam




738 - Who was the first person to call the adhaan?


739 - Who was the first Person to enter into Islam(man or women)

Khadija (RA)

740 - Who was the first person who counted the Aayath (verses) of the Quran?

Hazart Ayesha(RA)

741 - Who was the first person who counted the Aayath (verses) of the Qur'an?

Hazart Ayesha(RA)

742 - Who was the first poet rewarded by Holy Prophet PBUH?

Kaab Bin Zuhair

743 - Who was the first preacher of Islam appointed by Hazrat Muhammad PBUH for the people of Madina?

Hazrat Musab Bin Umar RA

744 - Who was the first president of UAE?

His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan

745 - Who was the first prophet and mankind in this world?

Adam (A.S)

746 - Who was the first Russian Leader?

Russian leader that converted his subject to be Eastern Orthodox Christianity

747 - Who was the first shaheed (Martyr) of Islam


748 - Who was the first son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Al-Qasim

749 - Who was the first son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Qasim

750 - Who was the first Ummaya Caliph?

Ameer Muavya

751 - Who was the first wife of Prophet ï·Âº after the death of Khadeja?

Soudha binth Zama'

752 - Who was the first wife of the Prophet BPUH?

Hazrat Khatija RA

753 - Who was the First Women "Hafiz e Quran" to memorize the Holy Quran?

Umal Mumneen Hafsah bint-e-Umar (R.A)

754 - Who was the first Women "Hafiz e Quran" to memorize the Holy Quran?

Umal Mumneen Hafsah bi e-Umar (R.A)

755 - Who was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish?

Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)Â

756 - Who was the first writer of Wahi in Quraish?

Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit RA

757 - Who was the founder of Islam?

Muhammad (SAW)

758 - Who was the fourth Caliph?

Hazrat Ali(R.A.)

759 - Who was the greatest Mongol leader?

Genghis Khan

760 - Who was the Head of that board, which was established for the preparation of copies of Musaef Abi Bakr?

Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (R.A)

761 - Who was the Head of that board, which was established for the preparation of copies of Musaef Abi Bakr?

Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (R.A)

762 - Who was the host of Prophet PBUH in Madina?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

763 - Who was the first female Shaheed (martyr) of Islam?

Hazrat Sumayyah Bint Khubbat(RA)

764 - Who was the Injil given to?

Isa (AS)

765 - Who was the key holder of Kaaba at the time of Prophet SAW?

Hazrat Usman bin Talha

766 - Who was the King of England that participated in the 3rd Crusade?

Richard the Li Hearted

767 - Who was the last commander in Chief for Ghazwa-e-Mautah?

Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA

768 - Who was the last Nabi?

Muhammad (SAW)

769 - Who was the last Prophet that the Muslims believe.

Muhammad (SAW)

770 - Who was the last prophet?

Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH)

771 - Who was the last wife of the Holy Prophet SAW?

Hazrat Maimoona RA

772 - Who was the leader of Iraq during the Persian Gulf War?

Saddam Hussein

773 - Who was the leader of pagans in the Battle of Badr?

Abu Jehl

774 - Who was the leader of the Caliphate?


775 - Who was the leader of the Ottoman empire when Constantinople was overthrown and renamed Istanbul?

Mehmet II

776 - Who was the Leader of Unity of Evidence?

Mujadid Alif Sani

777 - Who was the martyr of Karbala?

Imam Husayn

778 - Who was the most powerful woman in Byzantine's history?


779 - Who was the most prolific author in the Muslim history?

Ibn Jareer Tabari

780 - Who was the Muslim leader of Mali that made a pilgrimage to Mecca?

Mansa Musa



782 - Who was the patron of Hazrat Maryam (AS)?

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

783 - Who was the Persian doctor who showed how diseases were spread from person to person?

Ibn Sina

784 - Who was the Quran given to?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

785 - Who was the ruler of Egypt in the reign of Hazrat Musa AS?


786 - Who was the sahabah who first compiled the Qur'an?

Abu Bakr

787 - Who was the sahabah who sent out copies of the Qur'an made off of the original Qur'an that was compiled and then ordered all other differing copies to be burned?


788 - Who was the scholar that contributed in medicine and was known as the father of ear medicine in Islam?


789 - Who was the scholar that contributed in the field of astronomy for Islam?


790 - Who was the scholar that greatly contributed in the field of mathematics for Islam?


791 - Who was the second Caliph?

Hazrat Umar(R.A.)

792 - Who was the second massenger sent by Allah Almighty?

Hazrat Nuh AS

793 - Who was the second son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Abdullah

794 - Who was the second son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Abdullah

795 - Who was the second wife of holy Prophet PBUH?

Hazrat Sauda RA

796 - Who was the Tawrah given to?

Musa (AS)

797 - Who was the third Caliph of the Islamic empire?


798 - Who was the third Caliph of the Islamic empire?


799 - Who was the Third Caliph?

Hazrat Usman(R.A.)

800 - Who was the third Caliph?


801 - Who was the third son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Ibrahim

802 - Who was the third son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Ibrahim

803 - Who was the Umayyad general who was known to have bombed the Kabaa with catapult stones?

Hajjaj ibn Yusuf

804 - Who was the uncle of our Prophet (SAW) who was known to have been an extremely skilled hunter and defended the Prophet (SAW) even before becoming a Muslim?

Hamza ibn Abdul Mutallib

805 - Who was the wet mother of the Prophet PBUH?

Hazrat Haleema RA

806 - Who was the Youngest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat bibi Fatima (R.A)

807 - Who was the youngest son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Ibrahim

808 - Who was the youngest son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Ibrahim

809 - Who was the Zabur sent down to?

Prophet Dawud (AS)

810 - Who was third Son in law of prophet?

Abu'l-Aas ibn al-Rabee

811 - Who was third Son in law of prophet?

Abu Aas ibn Rabee

812 - Who was with the Prophet PBUH when migrated?

Hazrat Abu Bakr RA

813 - Who was with the Prophet PBUH when went to Taif?

Zaid Bin Haris

814 - who were Asha e-Sufah?

Muhajirs (RA) who stayed near the Masj e-Nabavi

815 - who were Ashaab-e-Sufah?

Muhajirs (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Nabavi

816 - Who were Bedouins?

Arab herders who traveled from oasis to oasis

817 - Who were considered as the closest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH)?

Abu Bakr Siddiq and Omar Bin Khatab



819 - Who were the prophet before Hazrat Muhammad PBUH?

Hazrat Issa AS

820 - Who were these? Aswad Ansi, Tulayha, Musalima, Sajjah?

False Prophets

821 - Who were Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj

they spread corruption

822 - who where the khulafa ar rashidun chose all of them

All of the above

823 - Who will be under shade of Allah in the following

Whose heart is attached in the Masjid after hearing call to prayer

824 - Who will blow trumpet on the day of Resurrection?

Hazrat Israfeel AS

825 - Who will take the soul?

Malkul mawth

826 - Who will takes out souls of life bearing creatures?

Hazrat Izrael AS

827 - Who woke up after sleeping hundred years?

Uzair RA

828 - Who wrote about Astrology, Magic, Mechanics and Meteorology?

Al Beruni

829 - Who wrote Shahnama?


830 - Who wrote simple but clever fables and essays on history, natural science, psychology, and other topics?

Only (A) & (B)

831 - Who wrote the book "Kitab al Kharaj"?

Abu Yusuf

832 - Who wrote 'The Canon of Medicine' which became a standard textbook in medical schools for many years?

Ibn Sina

833 - Who wrote the Treaty of Hudaibiya?

Hazrat Ali (R.A)

834 - Whoever has an atom's weight of pride in his heart will not enter paradise. Who said this?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) S.A.W

835 - Whoever hears sneeze must say


836 - Whoever is thankful for Allah is .....

thankful for his own benefit

837 - Whoever wears a ..... has committed shirk


838 - Whom Arabs called 'Saabi'.....?

Those who worshiped stars

839 - Whom Arabs called 'Saabi'_____________?

Those who worshiped stars

840 - Whom do Muslims recognize as the final prophet of Islam?

Muhammad (SAW)

841 - Who-s claimed to be the half of the Prophethood?

Muslima Kazaab

842 - Who's face is on the dime?


843 - Who-s life is the greatest example of teaching of islam?

Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

844 - Who-s title is Ameen-ul-Ummat?

Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah RA

845 - Who-s title is Khateebul Anbia?

Hazrat Shoaib AS

846 - Who-s title is -Syed ul Shuhda-?

Hazrat Hamza RA

847 - Who-s title is -Zul Nun-?

Hazrat Younas AS

848 - Whose copy of the Quran was considered as the most authentic in the reign of Hazrat Usman (RA)?

Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

849 - Whose examples should we follow when eating and drinking.

Our Prophet(صلى اÙ„له عÙ„يه وسلم)

850 - Whose nation was destroyed by a rain of stones?

Hazrat Loot AS

851 - Whose nation was exterminated through the scourge of floods?

Hazrat Nuh AS

852 - Whose reports does the Sunnah include?

people who knew Muhammad (SAW)

853 - Whose tribe was Banu Ummaya?

All of the above

854 - Why a ruler will be under the shade of Allah?

Because he rules with justice, maintains dicipline, provides safety and security

855 - Why Allah asked us to recite du'a for parents?

Because parents love and obey to Allah

856 - why Allah S.W send prophet Nuh (AS)?

people turn bad and forget to worship Allah

857 - Why Almighty Allah blamed Prophet Yunus (pbuh)?

He left his people before Allah gave him permission

858 - Why are 1,3,5,7, and 9 called Arabic numerals?

because of how they are written

859 - Why are Arabic numerals important?

They are still in use today.

860 - Why are many of the current problems in the Middle East connected to the the way the Ottoman Empire was divided?

Those drawing the boundaries ignored religious and ethnic ties

861 - Why are Qur'an's kept on special stands?

because it is very holy and a sign of respect

862 - Why are the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher important?

They are sacred sites to three different religions located in the same city.

863 - Why are there no representations of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) adorning mosques?

The Hadith warns against any attempt to imitate God by creating pictures of living beings.

864 - Why can't Muslims worship what the n Muslims worship?

Because Islaam is the truth and Muslims can only worship Allah, who is the only god

865 - Why did Allah send Hud (as)?

To bring the People of Ad closer to Allah

866 - Why did Allah SWT create jinn?

To worship Allah SWT

867 - Why did Allah take away the wealth of the people of Saba'?

They forgot to praise and worship Allah

868 - Why did an international coalition NOT intervene in Syria?

Russia and China promised to oppose any measure that would lead to foreign intervention in Syria or the removal of Assad.

869 - Why did Arabia become important place for trade?

It connected Asia, Africa, and Europe

870 - Why did Arabic numerals replace Roman numerals?

easier to read

871 - Why did Bedouins organize their society into clans (family based groups)?

For Safety and Security

872 - Why did Hazrat Umar beat his sister

For becoming Muslim

873 - Why did Iblis refuse to bow down to Adam?

He thought creation from fire was better than creation from clay

874 - Why did Ibrāhīm (A) leave the big idol in the temple unbroken?

To show that even the big one cannot protect the small ones

875 - Why did Ibrahim not worship the idols?

Because he knew they could not do anything, neither help or harm him.

876 - Why did Iraq invade Kuwait?

All of the above

877 - Why did Islam spread fairly easily in Mali?

People in Mali blended Islam with their traditional religions

878 - Why did leaders in Mecca initially reject Muhammad (SAW)'s teachings?

The spread of monotheism threatened Mecca's economy, which relied on the wealth of n Muslim pilgrims.

879 - Why did many people move to the Baghdad region by the early part of the 8th century?

to gain scientific knowldege

880 - Why did many people support Zionism after WWII?

many people felt sympathy for Holocaust survivors

881 - Why did Mecca's wealthy leaders feel threatened by the message of Islam?

Islam taught that people in poverty were equal to the rich in the eyes of Allah.

882 - Why did Mehmed want to conquer Constantinople?

By conquering Constantinople, the Ottomans controlled trade between the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

883 - Why did most people within the Byzantine and Persian empires accept Islam so easily?

They would be allowed to serve in the government positions under Islamic supervision.

884 - Why did Muhammad (SAW) go on the Hijrah to Medina?

His followers were being attacked in Mecca.

885 - Why did Muhammad (SAW) go to Medina?

People in Mecca didn't like his teachings and threatened him

886 - Why did Muhammad (SAW) move away from Mecca?

Mecca was attacked

887 - Why did Muhammad (SAW) move from Mecca to the City of Medina?

He and his followers faced persecution in Mecca.

888 - Why did Muslim art only consist of complex patterns and design?

Muslim leaders discouraged artists from creating images of living creatures.

889 - Why did Muslim scholars study astronomy?

It helped them know what time to pray.

890 - Why did Muslim scholars translate scholarly works into different languages?

They wanted to share their culture and learn from other cultures.

891 - Why did Muslims call Jews and Christians "people of the book"?

They had sacred writings similar to the Qur'an/Koran

892 - Why did Muslims honor calligraphers above all other artists?

Muslims believed only calligraphy was worthy to record the words of God.

893 - Why did Muslims migrate to Abyssinia (there can be more than 1 correct answer)

Only (A) & (B)

894 - Why did Muslims reject the use of images of humans or animals in their visual art?

They believed that only God could create something that is alive.

895 - Why did Muslims treat Jews and Christians differently from other conquered people?

Muslims believe in the same God as the other two monotheistic faiths

896 - Why did Muslims who conquered n Muslims usually leave them free to practice their own religion?

The Qur'an forbade forcing others to convert

897 - Why did Prophet Ayyub didn't called Allah to remove his sickness?

He was ashamed

898 - Why did Prophet Yunus leave his people?

His people disbelieved and disobeyed him.

899 - Why did Prophet Yunus leave the city of Nineveh?

He lost patience.

900 - Why did Quraysh send their men to King Najashi?

so that they king will send the Muslims back

901 - Why did so many countries in the United Nations feel it was right to create Israel in 1948?

Many felt the Jews deserved help due to their suffering in the Holocaust

902 - Why did so many countries in the United Nations feel it was right to create the state of Israel in 1948?

Many felt the Jews deserved help because they had suffered so much in the Holocaust.

903 - Why did Songhai people settle along Niger River during the Songhai Empire?

It enabled them to easily transport goods to trade.

904 - Why did the Byzantine Empire have the same trade infrastructure of the Roman Empire?

They inherited it from them after it fell

905 - Why did the emperor divide the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western Empires?

make control of the empire more efficient

906 - Why did the followers of Islam spilt into two groups?

They had a disagreement over who should take leadership.

907 - Why did the Jews want that region of land they received in 1948?

All of the above

908 - Why did the kingdom of Mali fail?

When Mansa Musa died, his son took over and was a weak leader.

909 - Why did the magicians believe in Musa, peace be upon him?

Because they knew that what Musa, peace be upon him, did was not just a magic

910 - Why did the Muslim won the Battle of Badr?

All of the above

911 - Why did the people in Arabian Peninsula call it an island?

o Because it was almost completely surrounded by seas and isolated from the outside world

912 - Why did the social hierarchy between n Arabs and Arabs diminish during the Abbasid Dynasty?

More n Arabs and n Muslims were involved in the government administration

913 - Why did the United Nations try to stop Iraq from taking over Kuwait in 1990?

Worldwide economies depended on the supply of oil that was being threatened

914 - Why did the United States bomb and invade Afghanistan in 2001?

They believed the government was offering safety to Qaeda, the organization that attacked the United States on September 11, 2001

915 - Why did the United States go to war against Iraq in 2003?

The United States government saw the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, as a threat to peace and the United States' interests in the region

916 - Why did the US send troops into Iraq as part of the War on Terrorism?

The US feared Hussein would supply terrorists with WMDs.

917 - Why didn't the Umayyad's actively encourage conversion to Islam?

N Muslim subjects were required to pay a special tax, so the Umayyads were able to subsidize their political expansion

918 - Why do businesses relocate to Dubai?

no taxes

919 - Why do geographers refer to the Arabian Peninsula as a "crossroads" location?

It is an intersection of trade routes between three continents

920 - Why do many Muslim women wear modest clothes?

As a way of showing commitment to Allah.

921 - Why do many Muslims include a visit to Medina as part of their hajj journey?

to visit Muhammad (SAW)'s tomb and the first Islamic mosques

922 - Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal on the festival of Eid Adha?

To symbolise the lamb provided by Allah for Ibrahim to sacrifice in place of his son

923 - Why do Muslims throw stones at three pillars, known as Jamarat, during the Hajj?

The pillars represent the Devil

924 - Why do Sufi Muslims meditate?

to be closer to Allah

925 - Why do we Celebrate Ramadan?

To develop self peace and worship

926 - why do we come to madressa?

to please allah

927 - Why do we fast

all of the above

928 - Why do we fast in Ramadhan?(choose all correct answers)

All of the above

929 - why do we keep clean

allah loves that

930 - why do we supplicate??

for sack of Allah

931 - Why do women in many Southwest Asian countries have fewer political and social rights than men?

Religious and cultural beliefs are a part of the law in these countries.

932 - Why do you have to be careful about waterproof makeup?

Your wudu might be invalid.

933 - Why does a signet ring was made for Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?

Kings only read sealed letters

934 - Why does Allah uses the braying of a donkey as the example in these verses?

Shouting and using loud voices is unnecessary

935 - Why have many nations in the world established trade relationships with countries in Southwest Asia and North Africa?

There is an increasing demand for oil

936 - Why Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S) divorced his first wife on the request of his father?

she was discourteousÂ

937 - Why Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S) divorced his first wife on the request of his father?

she was discourteous

938 - Why Ibn Rushd considered to be the one of the greatest Muslim philosophers?

He demonstrated that the philosophy of Aristotle and ethics of Islam were similar

939 - Why is Arabia known as a "crossroads" location?

It is between Africa, Asia, and Europe

940 - Why is farming difficult in the Middle East?

There are many deserts

941 - Why is it an obligation to obey the ruler(select all that apply)

All of the above

942 - why is it important to do suhoor

so we are ready to fast the whole day

943 - Why is it important to preserve the culture and heritage of a country. Fill in the blank.It is important to preserve the culture and heritage of a country to .....

to get to know about the history and culture of a country and to learn more about it

944 - Why is Mecca the most holy site in Islam?

It is where Muhammad (SAW) was born

945 - Why is pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) important for Muslims?

It is a duty for a Muslim to go to Makkah (Mecca) at least once in their lifetime

946 - Why is specialization so valuable in international trade today?

Specialization allows people to do a more efficient job at producing what they make best and trade for the rest

947 - Why is surah yaseen called the heart of the quran?

it has all pillars of islam

948 - Why is the city of Mecca important to Muslims?

It was the birthplace of Muhammad (SAW)

949 - Why is the journey to the Plain of Arafat an important part of the Hajj?

It is a reminder of the Day of Judgement

950 - Why is the Ka'aba stone sacred?

It's the Black Stone in the center of the holiest mosque.

951 - Why is the Qur'an the holy book of Islam?

It records the words of God spoken by Gabriel.

952 - Why is the US involved in the Middle East?


953 - Why is the word 'Siraat' used in the Fatiha instead of 'Sabiil' because they both mean road or way

There is no plural word for siraat

954 - Why life in the grave is called barzakh in Islam?

barrier between two life, dunya and akhirah

955 - why should public property must be protected?

for public can use it

956 - Why should we develop good moral and resist temptation?

Because Allah (swt) promised a great reward in the life in hereafter

957 - Why should we love our moms 3 times more?

Because of the pain and suffering our moms had to endure for child bearing

958 - Why was Azar popular?

Because he was a maker and a seller of idols.

959 - Why was Baghdad an important place for culture and scholarship

All of the above

960 - Why was conquering Constantinople vital to the Ottoman Empire?

Economically: Gained control of trading crossroads

961 - Why was Constantinople such a prosperous city?

Trade hub for Europe, Asia, and Africa

962 - Why was it beneficial for Africans to convert to Islam?

business and trade benefits through Sharia law

963 - Why was Mecca a great place for a new religion to flourish?

All of the Above

964 - Why was Mecca an economic center?

All of the above

965 - Why was Muhammad (SAW) called Amin?

Because he was HONEST

966 - Why was OPEC created?

To regulate the supply and price of oil

967 - Why was polo a popular sport among wealthy Muslims?

Polo is played on horseback, and wealthy Muslims saw horses as status symbols.

968 - Why was salt so valuable?

It kept food from spoiling.

969 - Why was the Arab siege of Constantinople a pivotal milestone in history?

It turned back the tide of Islamic invasions into Europe, ensuring Christianity would be the dominant religion at a time

970 - Why was the establishment of Baghdad as their capital a good decision for the Abbasids?

The city was near their power base and major trade routes

971 - Why was the first call for "jihad" revealed in the Qur'an

To inform the Muslims to refute the arguments of the n believers with what the Qur'an says

972 - Why was the Kaabah built by Abraham?

To worship one God

973 - Why was the location of the Arabian peninsula so important?

It was in the middle of three different continents.

974 - Why was the Middle East such an important intellectual and trade link between East and West during medieval times?

N Muslim subjects were treated with tolerance, allowing many people to contribute to the Middle East's success.

975 - Why was the United States hesitant to become involved in the Syrian Civil War?

They were nervous about terrorism

976 - Why was Theodora the most powerful woman in Constantinople?

Only (A) & (B)

977 - Why was there an influx of Jewish immigrants in the 1930s?

The Holocaust

978 - Why was there international support to create the state of Israel in 1948?

the Holocaust opened peoples' eyes to the persecution of the Jews

979 - Why was this pact created?

To strengthen the connections between Middle Eastern states

980 - Why was trade important to the Mongols?

They were nomadic


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