Islamic Studies: Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job Tests Set: 2

1 - Baitul Mamoor is on___________ Heaven?


2 - Bait-Ul-Muqaddas was conquered in the reign of?

Hazrat Umar RA

3 - Bani Aad settled in.....


4 - Bani Aad worshiped.....

Both (A) % (b

5 - Bani Samood lived in.....

Both (A) & (B)

6 - Banu Ghasan is in?


7 - Banu Hashim was the tribe of?

All of the above

8 - Banu Quraiza, Banu Nadir and Banu Qainuqa were three tribes of the


9 - Banu Quraiza, Banu Nadir and Banu Qainuqa were three tribes of the_________?


10 - BARI means.....

The Maker

11 - Barzakh means,

A barrier between this world and akhirah till the day of judgment

12 - Base your answer on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. . . The actual journey to Mecca [Makkah] began on the fifth of Dhu hijjah, 1393 (the 29th of December, 1973, according to the Gregorian calendar), at Beirut International Airpo


13 - Base your answer on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.1. In the name of Allah, MostGracious, Most Merciful.2. Praise be to Allah,The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful;4. Master of the Day of Judg


14 - Base your answer on the statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.Speaker A: We must return to the ideas of the Bible. We should encourage people to read and interpret religious scripture for themselves.Speaker B: Our people worship many go


15 - Base your answer to question 21 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. . . . The split arose from a dispute over who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) after his death in A.D. 632. Some followers believed his successor should

division of Sunnis and Shiites

16 - Base your answer to the question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.The Kingdom of Mali (c. 1300) ibn Battuta"The [people] possess some admirable qualities. They are seldom unjust, and have a greater abhorrence [hatred] of injust

It was centered around peace and justice.

17 - Base your answers to questions 19 and 20 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. ..... It was during the Arab period, particularly under the Umayyads (7 1031), that Qurtubah [Cordova] enjoyed its prime and grandeur and took its place

intellectual achievements

18 - Base your answers to questions 19 and 20 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. .....It was during the Arab period, particularly under the Umayyads (7 1031), that Qurtubah [Cordova] enjoyed its prime and grandeur and took its place

spheres of influence

19 - BASED OFF OF YOUR 1/17/2020 NOTESWhich of the following is NOT TRUE about an oasis?

They stop travelers from getting across the desert

20 - Based on the famous hadeeth, if you keep to salaah, it will be a .....; but if you leave it, you will be .....

shining light; associated with Qarun, Fir'awn, and other enemies

21 - Based on your knowledge of Justinian I what was his opinion of women's rights?

Women should have some rights and could own property

22 - BASHIR (SAW) means.....

The Messenger of Good News

23 - Basic Pillars of belief are.....


24 - Basic Pillars of belief are________.


25 - Basic pillars of Islam are?


26 - Basic pillars of Islam are?


27 - Batha Valley is situated in?


28 - Batha Valley is situated in?


29 - Battle in which Holy prophet(PBUH) not participated is known as.....?


30 - Battle in which Holy prophet(PBUH) not participated is known as_____________?


31 - Battle of ditch was fought in which hijri year?


32 - Battle of Moota was fought in which BC?


33 - Battle of Uhad takes place in?

3 AH

34 - Battle of Zab was fought in __ AD.


35 - Bazaar

A market place

36 - be mindful of Allah and He will

protect you

37 - Because Muslims are forbidden to create icons and idols of living things, most artists focused on

designs of plants, stars, and patterns.

38 - Because of Muslim curiosity about geography they were able to create.....[Select ALL that Apply]

All of the above

39 - Before accepting Islam what was Hazrat Umar job

A business man

40 - Before Golden age , Arabian society was heavily influanced by scientific knowldge from Europe


41 - Before I start my Wudu, i will

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

42 - Before Islam there were how many religions in Arab?


43 - Before Mohammed, the Kaaba was a shrine that contained what?

Hundreds of idols for worship

44 - Before Muhammad (SAW), most early Arab tribes worshipped ..... in Makkah.

a huge black meteorite

45 - Before performing salat, we clean ourselves with water. What is the name for this cleaning?


46 - Before Prophet Muhammad (SAW), what was the system of social organisation of Arabs?

Both 1 and 2

47 - Before salat begins, someone makes a loud prayer call. What is the name of the call?


48 - Before sawm muslims prepare by eating before subuh come. We name it .....


49 - Before Shaytan didn't listen to Allah he was called .....


50 - Before the Battle of Badr what was the plan of the Muslims?

To capture Abu Sufyan's caravan

51 - Before the birth of Holy Prophet PBUH who attacked Makkah?


52 - Before the establishment of the oil economy in the early 1960s, which was the main orientation shaped traditional Emirati culture?

the nomadic dese oriented Bedouins with small oasis farming within the broader context of the desert economy and culture

53 - Being good in thought is the meaning of .....


54 - Belief dominate his

Mind and Heart

55 - Belief in a single God


56 - Belief in All prophets is called Belief of.....


57 - Belief in Allah's oneness is termed as .....


58 - Belief in only one God


59 - Belief in..... is the most important belief in Islam after Tauheed.


60 - Believed that ANY good Muslim could lead Islamic Civilization.


61 - Believed that the successor should be a direct descendant of Ali, the blood relative of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


62 - Below are the authors for the texts of leading ancient Greek which have been translated into Arabic by Islamic scholars except .....


63 - Berber tribes were belongs to?

North Africa

64 - Beside Khana ka'aba, ..... is also its name.


65 - Besides being great conquerors, what else did the Islamic Empire influence?


66 - Besides Turkey, Kurds form a significant part of which countries?

Iran, Iraq, and Syria

67 - Between 800 and 1500 as the frequency and intensity of contact with the outside world increased, which of the following had the most significant impact on s Saharan Africa?

The arrival of Islam

68 - Between the years 1200 to 1450, What three religions influenced Europe, Africa and the Middle East?

Christianity, Judaism, Islam

69 - Between which years the first major settlements ofMuslims in China had flourished so that a mosque and community of Muslims was established at Xian in Western China.

742 and 758 CE

70 - Bi e-Rizwan is known as.....

Ba e-Shajra


Due to the Vigour given by Allah, and because of the vitality from Him

72 - Bilal called first aazan of ___________ prayer.


73 - Bilal called first aazan of..... prayer.


74 - Bismillah Has occurred twice in Surah.....


75 - Black


76 - Blind companion of the Prophet PBUH was?

Abdullah Bin Abi Maktum

77 - Boat of Hazrat Noah (A.S) is called ________?


78 - BONUS (2 points): Allah is ONE. Which of these names of Allah means The One?


79 - Book Arbeen contains how many hadith?


80 - Book named "The Voice of Human Justice " is biography of___________?

Hazrat Ali (R.A)

81 - Both Jews and Christians use portions of the

Old Testament

82 - Bringing Benefits to people is one of the best deeds, as it strengthens ..... among members of society.


83 - Buddhism was originated in the.....

6th Century BC

84 - Building used for Muslim worship


85 - By 1000, ..... was the largest city in Western Europe, and capital city of Andalus. It's splendor was made possible by its prosperous economy. The city had hundreds of workshops that produced goods, such as silk, that were in great demand throughout Europ


86 - By Allah's will Jalut was Killed by.....

Hazrat Da'ood (AS)

87 - By whom Prophet (PBUH) learnt Salat & ablution?

Hazrat jibrail (A.s)

88 - Byzantine Empire reached its height under the rule of Emperor


89 - Byzantine was made the capital of Eastern Rome in.....

327 BC

90 - Cordoba in ..... was conquered in the 700s and became a center of Muslim culture.


91 - Cairo, in Egypt, became known for its

outstanding university

92 - Caliph

A Muslim leader

93 - caliphs who governed the Arab Empire from Damascus


94 - Caliphs who governed the empire from Damascus were called


95 - Calligraphy is

the art of beautiful writing.

96 - Calligraphy is a combination of ..... and .....

art and religion

97 - Camels given to Khatija RA by Prophet PBUH?


98 - Can life forgive Mehr partially?


99 - Can man turn to his wife in zihar?


100 - Can man turn to Wife within 4 months?


101 - Can Muslims date without kissing and hugging?


102 - Can only Muslims Solat?


103 - Can we eat and drink while fasting in ramadhan?


104 - Caravan

A group of traveling merchants and animals

105 - Catapult was used for the first time by the Muslims in..... battle.


106 - Cave Hira is in the _________ mountain.


107 - Cave Hira is in the..... mountain.


108 - Cave Hira, where the firs revalation came is situated near the city of.....


109 - Cave of Hira distance from Makkah is?

3 miles

110 - Cave of Hira is __ miles from Makkah.


111 - Centered in Rome

Roman Catholic Church

112 - Central Asia became the part of muslim empire during the reign of?

Waleed I

113 - Charity, one of the pillars of Islam, demonstrates Muslims' .....

concern for the poor

114 - Charter of Medina was drafted by Muhammad (pbuh) himself. In which Hijra Charter of Madina was drafted?


115 - Check all that apply: What made Muslim traders so successful?

All of the above

116 - Check all the Gulf countries that share borders with the Arabian Gulf

All of the above

117 - Check off all the lessons we learn from Prophet Ayyub

All of the above

118 - Check some of the steps of Wudu

All of the above

119 - Check the 3 bodies of water that bordered the Arabian Peninsula.

All of the above

120 - Check the steps of Salah

All of the above

121 - Check the things that can cancel Sawm

All of the above

122 - Chess was probably invented in India. Muslims learned the game and improved it. Which word best describes this process?


123 - Chinese word Tao means.....

Both (A) & (B)

124 - Choose all of the characteristics of the Arabs that are true

All of the above

125 - Choose an attributes of Allah SWT.

Ar rahman

126 - Choose one of the sources of income does the UAE depend on nowadays?

Oil Selling

127 - Choose some of the criterion of the ambassadors

All of the above

128 - Choose the best option to fill in the blank."Muslim ..... built trading posts throughout Southeast Asia and thought Islam to the people there."


129 - Choose the condition that Allah commanded us to be steadfast with:

All of the above

130 - Choose the preconditions od Sholat

All of the above

131 - Choose the six faith ( Iman ) in Islam

All of the above

132 - Choose the three main categories of righteousness:

All of the above

133 - Choose two types of arabic literature .

Only (A) & (B)

134 - Chose the second Part of the sentenc..."During the golden Age of Islamic culture Scociety....."

.....made many advances in art and science

135 - Christianity and Islam are similar in that both

Have roots in Judaism

136 - Christianity, Islam and Judaism all have what in common?

All are monotheistic

137 - Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all religions that follow one god, known as .....


138 - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all examples of this type of faith.


139 - Christians and Jews living in the Islamic Empire could expect to be treated in which of the following ways?

Allowed to practice their own faiths, but forced to pay additional taxes

140 - Christians worship in a


141 - City of __________ is mentioned in Holy Quran.


142 - City of Xian was known as




144 - City of..... is mentioned in Holy Quran.


145 - Click on all the reasons to make Wudu

Only (A) & (B)

146 - Collection of Holy Quran in the reign of Hazrat Abubakar RA was done by Hazrat Zaid RA between______?

11-14 A.H

147 - Comb was invented by Prophet?

Ibrahim (A.S)

148 - Community of believers was known as


149 - Companions of Prophet at Hudabiya were ?


150 - Companions of Prophet at Hudabiya were?


151 - Complete the series Fajr Duhr ,.....Maghrib ,...Isha


152 - Completing 5 daily prayers is apart of which Pillar of Islam


153 - concept is a synonym of


154 - Condition for selecting a good friends?


155 - Confucianism is practiced in China and.....


156 - Confucianism was founded by.....


157 - Confucianism was founded in..... century BC.


158 - Confucius was a.....


159 - Conquest of Makkah is called?

Peaceful Revolution

160 - Consensus of opinion stands for.....?


161 - Consensus of opinion stands for____________?


162 - Consider the following Statements: " obliterated " means to destroy completely. Allah has children. He does not listen to recitation of the Holy Qur'an. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

163 - Consider the following Statements: A caliph is a religious and political leader. Swahili is one of the best known surviving languages of the Bantu. Allah let Prophet Adam live in Jannah for his whole life Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

164 - Consider the following Statements: A Madrasa was an all in one Mosque, school, and boarding house (where you live) Emirati person used to eat using his hands. Sutrah is an object that should be upright and as thick as an arm. Which of the following statem

Only 1, 2

165 - Consider the following Statements: A special nights in Ramadhan is called "Laylatul Qadr". Medinan Surahs are usually longer than Meccan. Rahman means the Most Merciful Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

166 - Consider the following Statements: A type of Shirk ar Ruboobiyah that was committed in the past and also is still committed today is where people believed that Allah doesn't have helpers The Mongols burned Baghdad in 1258, which ended the Arab Empire. Haz

Only 2, 3

167 - Consider the following Statements: All children fast during Ramadan. Time is like an ice cube An expectation of Islam was that everyone read the Quran. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

168 - Consider the following Statements: All three faiths believe they are descendants of Abraham. Only Allah has the power to bring harm or benefit. Arab conquerors allowed Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians to worship their religion without persecution. Which

Only 1, 2, 3

169 - Consider the following Statements: Allah created all living things The Sunni believed that the next caliph of Islam should have been someone of equal stature and pious as Muhammad (SAW) The official language of Islam is Latin. Which of the following state

Only 1, 2

170 - Consider the following Statements: Allah created everything A shared (Arabic) language, building, and a love of learning allowed Muslim scholars in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East to exchange ideas and build on one another's work. Ibn Sina's mos

Only 1, 2

171 - Consider the following Statements: Allah is One and Alone. The People Of Makkah Asked The King To Send The Muslims Back Home . The Kingdom of Zimbabwe was established by the people of Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa Which of the following statement(s)

Only 1, 3

172 - Consider the following Statements: Allah is the Arabic word for God The Qu'ran encourages its followers to convert n believers even by force. Allah created everything from nothing. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

173 - Consider the following Statements: Allah SW has no partner. Soorat (Those Sent forth ) is about The Day of Judgment. Rubaiyat was written by Firdausi Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

174 - Consider the following Statements: Allah SW is one. Yelling at kids is respectful The Moguls created a Muslim empire in Northern Africa. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

175 - Consider the following Statements: Allah swt is a God, Only for the Arab people Every Messenger is a Prophet Nations that want to preserve their cultural identity should not be open to other cultures Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

176 - Consider the following Statements: Allah taught us how to walk in this verses. The Mughal Empire was founded in Northern Africa Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in one god. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

177 - Consider the following Statements: Allah tests people with both wealth and poverty. From the etiquette of saying salaam, an elder person should say salaam first to a younger person The meaning of this voice is "come to prayer" Which of the following state

Only 1, 3

178 - Consider the following Statements: Allah was not born. The steadfast Messengers are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (SAW), peace and blessings be upon them. Timbuktu and Djenne were centers for Islamic art, literature, and Science. Which of the f

Only 1, 2, 3

179 - Consider the following Statements: Allah will be ever with you The world is a place of means The result of Shirk is Pleasure of Allah and Paradise. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

180 - Consider the following Statements: Arab were ruled under the same 3 major empires. Tayammum can be broken by sleeping The Shiites did not agree that the Umayyad dynasty should rule Islam. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

181 - Consider the following Statements: Articles of faith are tauheed, risalat, books, angles, day of judgement The pillars of belief are five. One of the important reasons why the stories of the prophets are mentioned in the Quran is to console and strengthen

Only 1, 3

182 - Consider the following Statements: Christians believe they should make a pilgrimage to Mecca once a year. UAE IS ONE OF THE ARAB COUNTRY Azan can reminds us to solat Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

183 - Consider the following Statements: Comprising is changing the way you want to do something so that people will not fight or feel bad. Muslims believe in one God, Allah. Abdulla named Muhammed (peace be upon him) Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 1, 2

184 - Consider the following Statements: Darb Al Saai helps n Muslims of different culture, languages and backgrounds who accepted Islam by teaching them Arabic. In Ancient times, Ethiopia was called Abyssinia and the most prominent kingdom was Aksum The Thousa

Only 2,

185 - Consider the following Statements: Even though farming was important, most Muslims lived in cities. Any liquid that is not water cannot be used for purification We break our fast with a meal called Iftar Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

186 - Consider the following Statements: Every Arab is a Muslim The linguistic meaning of Tawheed is "fication" Islamophobia has no cure Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


187 - Consider the following Statements: Every Prophet is a Messenger Muslims follow the Five Pillars Muslims' abandonment of the Islamic principles and values signify loss of Islamic identity Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

188 - Consider the following Statements: Extra prayers,extra charity,extra fasting ,and Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) are recommended acts of worship. We hear the azan four times a day. If you forget you're fasting and eat, you need to make up your fast. Which o

Only 1,

189 - Consider the following Statements: Fasting and praying 5 times a day are practices of the Jewish faith. We should stop our activity when we hear azan Eating fruits and vegetables is a way to show respect Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

190 - Consider the following Statements: good health is Rizzq ( provision) from Allah(سبحانÙ‡ Ùˆ تعالى) Following the rules in class is a way to show respect The word Islam means submission to Allah. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

191 - Consider the following Statements: I am Muslim even if I don't say the Shahadah Prophet Jesus (Isa), peace be upon him, was born of Mary (Maryam) without a father. The mixture of Wolof words and Arab Script was called Ajami Which of the following statemen

Only 2, 3

192 - Consider the following Statements: I love my Mum and Dad and am always keen to seek their pleasure. Quran is the holy book for Christians During Hajj a woman has to shave her head. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

193 - Consider the following Statements: Intentionally leaving your awrah uncovered for even a little bit of time breaks your prayer I did not study and this makes my parents happy. The result of Tawheed is the Displeasure of Allah and Paradise Which of the fol

Only 1,

194 - Consider the following Statements: kawserr river is in the world. Yakub was born from the 30% satisfied Patience, merciful, kindly towards the poor are the etiquettes of Fasting. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


195 - Consider the following Statements: Khali Sat was the first satellite made by Emiratis sent into the space. A Muslim can perform salah in any way. An Arab is anyone who is from the Middle East Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

196 - Consider the following Statements: King Najasi Was Cristians . Backbiting is to say something about someone else that is not true Only Christians follow the teachings found in the Old Testament. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


197 - Consider the following Statements: Major Shirk expels a person out of Islam There are deserts in Lebanon. Allah forgives our sins when we give Zakah Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

198 - Consider the following Statements: Many Hindus from higher castes converted to Islam due to the promise of equality under God There is no God but Allah. Al Awwal means the first Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

199 - Consider the following Statements: Many museums were built throughout Qatar to preserve the great Ar Islamic heritage. If a person fasts without niyyah, the fast will be invalid. Luqman was a prophet Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

200 - Consider the following Statements: Many of these people recognized that Allah created and provided everything, but at the same time, they believed that there were gods who helped and advised Allah. The obligational prayer is what makes us a good person. S

Only 1, 3

201 - Consider the following Statements: Mecca served as a central place of worship for many Arabian tribes Read Quran is the best ways to get a rewards from Allah SWT. Appearance or looking modest is signs of righteousness Which of the following statement(s) i

Only 2,

202 - Consider the following Statements: Muhammad (SAW) (pbuh) was forty years when he recieved the revelation of God Suleiman I is known for many achievements in law, art, architecture and literature. The expanse of the Islamic trade network helped to spread t

Only 1, 2, 3

203 - Consider the following Statements: Muslim doctors discovered that blood circulates to and from the heart. You can never do tayamum if you have water. Once in a lifetime, obligatory acts of worship are Hajj or Umrah. Which of the following statement(s) is/

Only 1, 3

204 - Consider the following Statements: Muslim doctors discovered that infections were caused by bacteria. Surah Luqman was revealed in Makkah. The Battle of Badr took place in Ramadan Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

205 - Consider the following Statements: Muslim Migrate To Habyah For Holiday . The whale broke Prophet Yunus's bones while he was inside it. Bayt Hikmah is also known as house of knowledge Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


206 - Consider the following Statements: Muslim scientists adapted and perfected the compass (Chinese) and astrolabe (Greeks) For swimming, a Muslim woman can wear a swimming costume when there are no men around The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the oldest s

Only 1, 2

207 - Consider the following Statements: Muslims believe that Muhammad (SAW) was the last and greatest prophet. Muhammad (SAW) was born in Madinah into a family of merchants. A nation is a group of countries sharing the same language, past, and practices. Which

Only 1, 3

208 - Consider the following Statements: Muslims can only eat with their right hand. The jinn are created from fire. The Sufis embraced an emotional form of Islam who accommodated Hindu gods and festivals. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

209 - Consider the following Statements: Muslims do not believe Jesus was a prophet. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all monotheistic religions, meaning they believe in one god. Allah will being the people to account in the Day of Judgment. Which of the fo

Only 2, 3

210 - Consider the following Statements: Muslims made treaties with n Muslims that offered protection and listed rules for the conquered people. Muslims found it exceedingly difficult to convert many Indians to Islam due to several differences between the relig

Only 1, 2

211 - Consider the following Statements: No problem if you eat in front of people in public areas in the month of holy Ramadan. The Motherplane is a quart mile by a quart mile The main religion during the golden age was Islam Which of the following statement(s)

Only 3,

212 - Consider the following Statements: One key to the expansion of the Ottoman Empire was the Ottoman army. Al Aleem means the All Knowing Islam provides guidance towards the right path Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

213 - Consider the following Statements: one of the pillars of Islam is to not eat pork When he died, Muhammad (SAW) left no instructions about the next leader of Islam. As the Arabian peninsula was in the middle of three continents (Asia, Europe and Africa) tr

Only 3,

214 - Consider the following Statements: People are created from salt. There are multiple Gods in Islam. Even though farming was important, most Muslims lived in cities. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


215 - Consider the following Statements: people of ditch were believers. Ramadan starts the same day every year. The Quran provided Muslims with guidelines on how to live and stresses the need to treat others fairly Which of the following statement(s) is/are tr

Only 3,

216 - Consider the following Statements: Prophet Muhammad (SAW) AskedbThe Muslims To Go To Habsyah . In Islam, we celebrate 2 kinds of Eid. Muslim doctors founded hospitals that were open to all people. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

217 - Consider the following Statements: Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said ,"Du'aa is worship." Visiting the family and relatives during Eid is a practice that all Arab countries are sharing. Allah has bestowed upon Luqmaan wealth. Which of the following statement(s)

Only 1, 2

218 - Consider the following Statements: Rejecting any one categories of Tawheed leads to jannah. The Prophet (PBUH) said a Muslim is a fault finder King Najasi Was A Fair King And Protected The Muslims . Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


219 - Consider the following Statements: Reverts grew up practicing Islam, but then changed their religion to something else. Merchants were well respected in Muslim culture Women have the same rights across different Arabian states Which of the following state

Only 2,

220 - Consider the following Statements: Righteousness is attained by turning one's face towards the east or the west. joining the Arab League prevented a country from being part of any other international organization. Allah (SWT) helped Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Only 3,

221 - Consider the following Statements: Righteousness is not potrayed solely by mere appearance and prayer only. Alms is money given to the poor. The world of jinn is hidden from people. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

222 - Consider the following Statements: Rumours are never true All Arab countries belong to the same nation. There are 10 important angels in Islam Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

223 - Consider the following Statements: Salman al Farisi comes from Papua Tawheed is not the difference between belief and disbelief The Arabs learned pap making technology from the Chinese through their connections with traders along the Silk Road. Which of t

Only 3,

224 - Consider the following Statements: Scholars have a consensus on the fact that the existence of a ruler is a religious and social duty and importance. The last message and Book sent by Allah was the Qur'an Some of the distinct features of the Arab and Isla

Only 1, 2, 3

225 - Consider the following Statements: Shiite and Sunni countries often battle over politics. Reading each verse from the Holy Qur'an is calculated as a ten good deeds by Allah. fasting people will enter the Jannah through the gate of rayyan Which of the foll

Only 1, 3

226 - Consider the following Statements: Surat Kaafeeroon teaches us to be mean to n Muslims Islam spread only through conquest and military victories. Shirk ar Ruboobiyah is not something entirely new. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

227 - Consider the following Statements: Swallowing leftover food in your mouth (even as small as a chickpea) will break your prayer In some cases of the past, people committed Shirk Ruboobiyah by joining partners with Humans Seljuk Turks conquered Baghdad in 1

Only 1,

228 - Consider the following Statements: Tawheed al Uloohiyah is to worship Allah Alone Muhammad (SAW) had a son who took inherited leadership of Islam after his father's death. The Kaaba, a holy site of Islam, is in the city of Baghdad. Which of the following

Only 1,

229 - Consider the following Statements: Tawheed ar Ruboobiyah is to believe in Allah's Names Eating together brings blessings in the food being eaten. The term Ar Ruboobiyah is derived from the word Boobiyah which means lord. Which of the following statement(s

Only 2,

230 - Consider the following Statements: Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah means that Allah is the only one god. People go to Ka'ba to perform Hajj and Umrah. It is okay to reply to someone's sallam in prayer. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

231 - Consider the following Statements: Thaqaalan do not have the ability to choose between good and evil. Women who dress like men and men who wear the dress meant for women are cursed by Allah The Proper etiquettes for a husband on returning hpme , should fi

Only 2, 3

232 - Consider the following Statements: the Arab League wanted to expand Islam throughout the world. The Quran is translated in many languages Iblees refused to prostrate. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

233 - Consider the following Statements: The correct order of5 daily prayers is the following:Fa Zu Is Maghr Asr Muslims follow the teachings of Mohammed. The principles of the true Islamic religion grants Muslims pride and dignity. Which of the following state

Only 2, 3

234 - Consider the following Statements: The custody of the Ka'bah made the Quraish rich. A person that isn't firm in his belief regarding Tawheed can't remain a true Muslim. Yasir ibn Amir was the slave of Abu Hudaifah Which of the following statement(s) is/ar

Only 1, 2, 3

235 - Consider the following Statements: The geography of the Arabian Peninsula could best be described as high plateaus and grassy plains. Azan teach us to respect time We fasting to get rewards from Allah SWT. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

236 - Consider the following Statements: The geography of the Arabian Peninsula could best be described as high plateaus and grassy plains. the arabian nights was about greek mythology The call to solat is called azan Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 3,

237 - Consider the following Statements: The Islamic civilization got weaker gradually The people of Aksum had their own language called Aksumian Ramadhan help muslims to learn obey Allah SWT. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

238 - Consider the following Statements: The location of water influences the population distribution in the Middle East. Allah (swt) has partners I did not visit my grandfather and grandmother. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

239 - Consider the following Statements: The meaning of this voice "Allah is powerful" We do good deeds in Ramadhan. All three religions detest terrorism officially. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

240 - Consider the following Statements: The Meccan Surahs came before the Madinan Surahs. Islamic is the largest religion in the Arab World. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a Messenger and a Prophet Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

241 - Consider the following Statements: The Muslim believes in all books sent down from Allah. Muslims made accurate calendars From an Islamic perspective, the word Shirk means establishing or associating partners with jinn and humans Which of the following st

Only 1, 2

242 - Consider the following Statements: The Prophet (S) decided to imprison the Quraish after the Muslims gained victory and took control of Makkah. Muslims placed high values on arts Under the Abbasid leadership of Baghdad, Muslims conquered many lands. Which

Only 2,

243 - Consider the following Statements: The Quran is the holy text of Judaism Minor Shirk doesn't expel a person from Islam is Dubai a safe place Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

244 - Consider the following Statements: The Quran provides Muslims with guidelines on how to live and stresses the need to treat others fairly. Allah needs us to be thankful to him for He has gave us everything. It is makruh to close your eyes during prayer un

Only 1, 3

245 - Consider the following Statements: The Qur'an revealed in the night of Glory. The Ottomans required that all the peoples they conquered converted to the Islamic religion or they were executed. The correct understanding is that of the Prophet and his Compa

Only 1, 3

246 - Consider the following Statements: The RELIGIOUS group that was targeted in the Holocaust was the Jews. Arabs are ONLY sharing the same language. Muslim scientist Razi was the first scientist to categorize chemical substances as animal, vegetable, or mine

Only 3,

247 - Consider the following Statements: The revelations were compiled in the same order they were revealed. Too many unnecessary movements in salaah can break your salaah. Good deeds is always kind with others. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

248 - Consider the following Statements: The structures of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe was ruins and hills Before Islam came, the people of Arabia used to bury their daughters alive because it was a disgraced to have girls, not boys. Quran was first revealed to Pro

Only 2, 3

249 - Consider the following Statements: The Sufis were missionaries, or traveling preachers, who spread the teachings of Islam. Eventually the term Arab came to mean only a resident of the Arabian Peninsula, not just a speaker of Arabic. Rumours are never ghib

Only 1,

250 - Consider the following Statements: The Sufis were missionaries, or traveling preachers, who spread the teachings of Islam. Prophet Nuh told his people to believe in him for 950 years I always cooperate with my brothers and sisters in all matters. Which of

Only 1, 2, 3

251 - Consider the following Statements: The Sunnis believed that Ali's descendants should rule Islam. Muhammad (SAW) and his preaching did not have a great influence on future generations. The House of Wisdom was so important that the Islamic Golden age is con

Only 3,

252 - Consider the following Statements: The Universe was not created perfect. The UAE has a rich heritage that doesn't encompasses architecture, sports, occupations, traditions, arts, crafts, food, places of historical and archaeological importance, lifestyle

Only 1, 3

253 - Consider the following Statements: There are two main categories of worship: 1. obligatory 2. Recommended. his father died before he was born . all Middle Eastern countries are automatically members of the Arab League Which of the following statement(s) i

Only 1, 2

254 - Consider the following Statements: There is nothing like Allah. The word sultan means "holder of power." From 70 AD until 1948 the Jews truly had no homeland and were homeless refugees living on the land of other peoples. Which of the following statement(

Only 1, 2, 3

255 - Consider the following Statements: To refute means to reject The people living in UAE come from more than 300 countries. angels are made of light Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

256 - Consider the following Statements: Tolerance is one of the fundamental principles that is relied on conveying its message to the people Timbuktu was a center of trade because it was on the edge of the desert which made it one of the first places people wo

Only 1, 2, 3

257 - Consider the following Statements: Travelers must fast during Ramadan. Allah will die one day just like us. Peace and tolerance make the UAE special. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

258 - Consider the following Statements: Trusting Allah is enough. We don't have to put in our efforts. The first caliphs were opposed to the teachings of Muhammad (SAW). Allah used to be a child and then grew up to be a God. Which of the following statement(s)


259 - Consider the following Statements: We belief in prophet Muhammad (SAW) only. Lebanon is a theocratic state and practicing any other religions is banned People need to rest but Allah is not in need to rest. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

260 - Consider the following Statements: We can see Allah Shirk means to share and care Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah is not one of the three categories of Tawheed. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


261 - Consider the following Statements: We do bad habits in Ramadhan. Sunnis are Shiites are types of Islam Because few trade routes crossed the Arabian Peninsula, the region had little contact with other civilizations. Which of the following statement(s) is/a

Only 2,

262 - Consider the following Statements: We don't give sadaqah in Ramadhan. Islamic contributor Al Razi used his learning and skills to help people suffering from disease and poverty. Muhammad (SAW) was disturbed by the economic disparity between the rich and t

Only 2, 3

263 - Consider the following Statements: We have to visit our uncles and aunts and join with them in festivities and events. We perfom solat terawih in Ramadhan. An oasis is a fertile area in a desert where their is water and vegetation such as Mecca and Medina

Only 1, 2, 3

264 - Consider the following Statements: We must obey our parents at all times. After the fall of Baghdad, various groups divided up the Arab Empire. All three religions support the idea of giving to the needy. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

265 - Constantinople is known as ..... today


266 - Constantinople served as a center for what two cultures?

Greece and Rome

267 - Control of JerusalemLocation of AquifersJewish settlementThe list outlines some of the problems with setting the boundary line between Israel an.....


268 - Crabs, prawns from the sea


269 - Cultural diffusion between societies [groups of people] can happen several ways according to the textbook, including.....[Select ALL that Apply]

All of the above

270 - Cultural Diffusion can happen in all the following ways EXCEPT:

Alone time

271 - Current Hijri Year is _________?

1441 AH

272 - Current Hijri Year is?

1439 AHupdated on 1st Muharram ul haram 22nd September 2017. The current Islamic year is 1439 AH

273 - D.....Islam refers to what?

all Muslim controlled territory

274 - Dahis, Basus and Ghabra were the.....

wars of Jahiliyah period

275 - Daughter of Umer who married to Prophet was ?


276 - Daughter of Umer who married to Prophet was?


277 - Dawud (AS) was the Father of which Prophet


278 - December 24, 1814 ended what war?

The War of 1812

279 - Deen-e-Hanif is an old name of?


280 - Describe the climate of the Arabian Peninsula.

o Dry, harsh climate with limited water

281 - Describe the Prophet's signet ring.

It has three words, 'Muhammad (SAW)' on the bottom, "Rasool" in the middle and "Allah" at the top

282 - Desert herders and nomads who went from place to place


283 - Desert herders who traveled from oasis to oasis


284 - desert herders who traveled from oasis to oasis in search of water


285 - Desertification influenced African culture and history because

it forced people to settle other areas.

286 - Despite the divisions within Islam today, all Muslims continue to believe in which of the following?

The Five Pillars

287 - Dhikr is arabic word that means.....


288 - Dhul Qa'dah, .....

Dhul Hijjah

289 - Did Allah create the unoverse in six days?☆


290 - Did everybody become Muslim when seeing the miracles of the Prophets AS?


291 - Did most of the governments discussed in this article use violence against protesters?


292 - Did people want to worship Allah (SWT) at first?

Nooo not at first!

293 - Did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) give up when people didn't believe he was the Prophet?

No he never gave up!

294 - Did prophet Muhammad (SAW) s.a.w agree to the offer made by the disbelievers?


295 - Did some of Musa's followers betray him, while he left to climb the mountain for tablets, and his brother Haroon was in charge?

Yes, some of them.

296 - Did some of the Babylonians worship Allah after they saw that the fire did not harm him at all?


297 - Did the fire burn Ibrahim a.s? Why?

No, because Allah has commanded the fire to be cold and safe for him.

298 - Did the people of Nuh(as) followed him

few people

299 - Did you like my quiz


300 - Differing from the Umayyad caliphs, the Abbasid rulers

paid more attention to administration rather than expansion of the empire.

301 - Discussion about death Euthanasia is forbidden in

Arab culture

302 - Distance between Makkah and Madina is about?

480 KM

303 - Ditch of Madina was crossed by which kafir?

Omro Bin Abdud

304 - divorce was legal

Eastern Orthodox Church

305 - Do we have to make Wudu before we pray?


306 - Do we need to make an appointment to "meet" Allah



Only (A) & (B)

308 - does a muslim have to take care of public property?


309 - Does a traveler have to fast?


310 - Does Allah love to forgive


311 - Does Allah need our worship?


312 - Does Allah swt have a specific image, look or body


313 - Does Heraclius accepted Islam?


314 - Does the Quran say anything about Mehr?


315 - Don't spend too much money or you will be in ..... with the banks!


316 - Doors of Hell are ____________?


317 - Doors of Hell are.....?


318 - Dressing modestly is expected for Muslim.....

Both men and women

319 - Due to trade, these items are transformed from a "local craft" to a "national industry"

Persian carpets

320 - Due to violent behavior of Quraish, Muslims migrated to.....


321 - Duration of Madni Period is.....?

9 Years, 9 Months, 9 days

322 - Duration of Madni Period is____________?

9 Years, 9 Months, 9 days

323 - During .....Adha, after the prayers, Muslims greet each other saying:

Id Mubara which means happy holiday

324 - During .....Adha, once the animal has been sacrificed, the meat is divided into 3 portions. The first is kept by the family, the others are given to:

friends, relatives and the poor

325 - During .....Ghadeer Shi'a Muslims

affirm their commitment to the first Imam, Ali

326 - During Abbasid Khilafat the capital was?


327 - During Hajj hunting of animals is.....


328 - During hajj, men wear two special clothes. What color is the cloth?


329 - During hajj, we remember the teachings of a certain nabi. Which nabi do we remember?


330 - During Hazrat Saleh's Era, the..... was one of the signs of Allah.

S Camel

331 - During Jahiliyyah, the tribes believed in .....

Only (A) & (B)

332 - During Ramadan Muslims are expected to:

Fast from sunrise to sunset

333 - During Ramazan..... is described as better than thousand nights.


334 - During that time, art was not permitted to show .....&.....????

People and Animals

335 - During the ..... of ..... ,..... and ..... developed throughout the .....

Rule , Caliph Harun Al Rashid , Art , Literature , Arab World

336 - During the golden age of Islamic civilization Many muslim Scientists made innovative Achivements in

Only (A) & (B)

337 - During the Golden Age of Islamic Culture, society .....

made many advances in art and science were made.

338 - During the Golden Age of Islamic Spain, which capital city became the largest and most sophisticated city in Europe?


339 - During the Golden Age of Muslim culture major discoveries were made in whatfields?

Mathematics and science

340 - During the Hajj, all pilgrims must wear the traditional garbs of


341 - During the Middle ages this West African scholar traveled the world and chronicled his voyages

Ibn Battuta

342 - During the reign of which Khalifah Iraq came into being?

Hazrat Umar RA

343 - During the rule of ..... art and literature and developed through out the Arab world.

Caliph Harun al Rashid

344 - During the Umayyad Dynasty, the Islamic Empire shifted the capital from Mecca to where?


345 - During the Umayyad dynasty, what effect did the expansion of the empire have on Arab culture?

People of the Arab Empire were influenced by Byzantine and Persian cultures.

346 - During their conquests the Muslims were successful because of their common .....


347 - During what year was the Jewish state of Israel established?.


348 - During which dynasty did the great golden age of Islamic Spain take place?

Umayyad dynasty

349 - During which month do we fast?

month of Ramadan

350 - During which month is the hajj performed?


351 - During Which prayer, the change of Qibla happened?


352 - During which year did Israel acquire the most land?


353 - During World War I, the British promised the Arabs independence for their help in defeating the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. How did the European agreements created after the war lead to regional conflict?

The British broke their promises and took control of much of the Arab lands.

354 - Early African kingdoms such as Ghana and Mali made most of their wealth by

trading gold across the Sahara Desert.

355 - Early Arabs developed a profitable trade carrying goods between

theIndian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

356 - Early i the history of Islam, word of the new religion spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula largely through the

movement of caravans (nomads)

357 - Early in the History of Islam, Muslims did not prefer art that consisted of humans or


358 - Early Muslims believe that all Jews, Christians, and Muslims are:

People of the book

359 - Early trade routes through Southwest Asia were replaced by

camel routes to Yemen and shipping routes across the Indian Ocean.

360 - Economic and social .....


361 - Egypt was conquered by?

Umar Bin Al Aas

362 - Egyptian Health Beliefs, Illness beliefs: The onset of illness is a part of God's plan Will avoid discussion about death .....

Euthanasia is forbidden

363 - Egyptian Health Beliefs: Families will seek out the support, the guidance of their religious leader and members of their religious community including in the making of treatment decisions

Spiritual Healing

364 - Eid Prayer is __________ ?


365 - Eid Prayer is.....?


366 - Eighth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Umeh Habiba (RA)

367 - Eighth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Umeh Habiba (RA)

368 - Eleventh wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Maria Kibtiah (RA)

369 - Eleventh wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Maria Kibtiah (RA)

370 - Emirati culture is based on Arabian culture. It influences from which of the following?

Only (A) & (B)

371 - Emirati women are famous for .....

the hair dance

372 - Emperor Constantine changed the name of the city of ..... to Constantinople after himself.


373 - Emperor Hirohito renounced the idea of divinity in December.....


374 - Emperor Justinian used the Roman laws to create a legal document which was easier to understand and applied to everyone. This is the .....

Justinian Code

375 - Emphasized sunnah in Arabic is

Sunnah mu'akkadah

376 - Eqypt was conquered by?

Amir Bin Aas

377 - Established reforms in areas of government, religion, and culture

Shah Abbas

378 - Ethnic and religious population patterns in the region relate most closely to.....

political boundaries.

379 - Ethnic group

There are more than 3,000 enthnic groups in Africa but some of the main ones are the Arabs, Ashanti, Bantu, and Swahili.

380 - etic approach to studying human culture employs

existing theories and perspectives that originated from outside the culture

381 - E'tikaf is ______ in the month of Ramzan.


382 - E'tikaf is..... in the month of Ramzan.


383 - etiquette of eating:use.....fingers while eating with your hand.


384 - Etiquettes of Supplication

Supplicate to Allah sincerely

385 - European partitioning in the Middle East following World War I led to conflict in the region. One of the main reasons for the conflict was that the borders drawn by the Europeans

separated many ethnic and religious groups from their homelands.

386 - Europeans created artificial borders in the Middle East causing conflict between ethnic and religious groups. How were Europeans able to partition the land?

Europeans won land from the Ottoman Empire concluding WWI

387 - Europeans thought that Eastern lands were.....

mysterious and strange

388 - Evaluate the extra rewards the forerunners get that others don't get.

They will be brought near [to Allah SWT]

389 - Eventually, the term Arab came to mean not only a resident of the Arabian Peninsula, but.....

A speaker of Arabic

390 - Every..... obligatory acts of worship are fasting in Ramadan and Zakah.


391 - Everyday obligatory acts of worship,such as the..... daily prayers.


392 - Examples of Ijma as a slurp of Islamic Law?

All of above

393 - Except..... there is no God.


394 - Expo 2020 is building three pavilions that reflect the three s themes: Opportunity, Mobility, and.....


395 - Facsimile of Holy Prophet (SAWS) was____________?

Hazrat Mus'ab bin Umair

396 - faith based on Jesus and the Bible


397 - Fajar has ..... rajah.


398 - Fajar is performed between

Dawn and sunrise

399 - Fajar, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib and _________are compulsory salats?


400 - Fajar, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib and.....are compulsory salats?


401 - Fajr means


402 - Falqaram (Nisab) for Camel is____________ Camels?

5 Camels

403 - Famous revealed books are



Therefore, pray to your Lord and make Sacrifices.

405 - Fast made compulsory said to be in which Surah?

Surah Baqrah

406 - Fasting demands total abstinence from ______.

All of these

407 - Fasting is between Rozadar and ______.


408 - Fasting is between Rozadar and.....


409 - Fasting is obligatory upon

all the above

410 - Fasting is pillar of.....


411 - Fasting is the.....pillar of Islam


412 - fasting teaches us to


413 - Fasting was made obligatory in ______.

10th Shaban,2 A.H

414 - Fatwa kazi khan is the authentic fatwa of which sect?

Fiqah Hanfia

415 - Fatwa Qazi Khan is an authentic Fatwa of?

Fiqah Shafi

416 - Fay is known as.....

Income From Town Lands

417 - Few could read or write.


418 - Few countries in the region have abundant fresh water. Where do you think that other countries get their water for drinking?

Pipelines are being constructed to move water to the countries that need it

419 - FIDAK garden was bestowed to the holy Prophet as?


420 - FIDK Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet as?


421 - Fifth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Zainab binte Khazeema(RA)

422 - fifth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Zainab binte Khazeema(RA)

423 - Find the second part of the sentenc..."Musims learned how to make papers ....."

.....From chineese traders along the silk road

424 - Find the second part of the sentenc..."Muslims build a huge library of knowledge by....."

.....translating works from other cultures to arabic

425 - Find the second part of the sentenc..."Muslims improved on the greek understanding of....."

.....How the sun and planets moved

426 - Finish the verse of announcement: 'O messenger! Proclaim everything that has been sent down from your Lord; if you do not, then you will not have communicated his message..... God does not guide.....

those who reject him

427 - fiqah means.....

The Science of Islamic Law

428 - First ____________ Aayat of Holy Quraan are called Tawwal?


429 - First Ashra (First ten days of Ramadan) is known as?

Days of Mercy

430 - first Ashra (first ten days of Ramadan) is known as?

Days of Mercy

431 - First Azan was called out in_______ A.H.

1 A.H.

432 - First census of Islamic world in __________ period.


433 - first census of Islamic world in..... period.


434 - First convert to Islam was a __________?


435 - first convert to Islam was a.....?


436 - first convert to Islam was a.....?


437 - First doctrine of Islam is

Belief in Oneness of Allah (Tauheed)

438 - First founder of Ottoman Turkey?

Ghazi Usman Pasha

439 - First institution of islam is?


440 - First Kalimah has __ words.


441 - First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one?

Ahmad Sirhindi

442 - First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is _____________?

Abdul Hakeem

443 - first Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is.....?

Abdul Hakeem

444 - First revealed book is?


445 - First Sajdah is mentioned in which Para of the Holy Quran?


446 - First Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Khadeja (RA)

447 - first Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Khadeja (RA)

448 - first..... Aayat of Holy Quraan are called Tawwal?


449 - Five Pillars of Islam 1. Believe in one god. 2. Pray five times a day. 3. Give charity to the poor. 4. Fast during the holy month. 5. Travel to Makkah (Mecca) once. How may the Five Pillars of Islam shape the daily activities of believers?

There are certain times to pray during each day.

450 - Five prayers were declared compulsory in?

10th Nabvi

451 - five prayers were declared compulsory in?

10th Nabvi

452 - Followers of Islam Are?

The Muslim

453 - Followers of Islam or "those who submit to God's will"


454 - followers of Muhammad (SAW) who believed his Ali should rule after Muhammad (SAW)'s death


455 - Followers of Muhammad (SAW)'s ..... faith condemned idol worship and were called .....

monotheistic; Muslims

456 - For __________ years Abdul Mutalib took care of Prophet.


457 - For _______________ years Haleema took care of Prophet (PBUH)?


458 - For 18 years Hazrat _____________ suffered from skin disease.

Ayub A.S

459 - For his business, Hashim always travel to ..... during winter.


460 - For how long did Islam's Golden Age last?

half a millennium

461 - For how many months Hazart Hasan (R.A) remained khalifa?


462 - For how many months Hazart Hasan (R.A) remained khalifa?


463 - For how many years Holy Prophet PBUH receive the relevation of Quran in Makkah?


464 - For how many years Pious Khilafat lasted?


465 - For how many years Ummayah Khilafat ruled?

91 Years

466 - For Muslims, what your body looks like is not important, what really matters is.....

Whether you act as a good person

467 - For the first time in Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) established.....

Revenue System

468 - For..... Istakhara is offered.


469 - For..... times, Hazrat Noah (AS) had prayed for the divine wrath on his disobedient nation.


470 - For..... years Abdul Mutalib took care of Prophet.


471 - For..... years Haleema took care of Prophet (PBUH)?


472 - For..... years, Hazrat Ayub (AS) suffered from the skin disease.


473 - For..... years, the social boycott continued.


474 - Founder of the Islam?


475 - Four or Eight or Twelve Rakat offered in the late night is Called?


476 - Four or Eight or Twelve Rakat offered in the late night is Called?

Sal e-Tahajjud

477 - Fourth Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

478 - Fourth Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

479 - France and Great Britain weren't thinking about ethnic or religious difference when they created the borders. What were they interested in?


480 - Friend of Khadija ____________ carried message of Nikah ?


481 - Friend of Khadija..... carried message of Nikah?


482 - From Muzdulfah, Hajis go to.....


483 - From the 1000s CE through the 1400s CE, which of these goods would unlikely have traveled out of western Africa towards the east along the tra Saharan trade route?


484 - From where pabels for throwing on Jumerat are obtained?


485 - From where pabels for throwing on Jumerat are obtained?


486 - From where pebbles for throwing at Shaitan are picked up?


487 - From which surah does the fourth destination of the Quran begin?

Bani Israil

488 - From which Surah the Holy Quran opens?

Surah Falaq

489 - From Which Word 'Aqeeda' is Derived?


490 - From Which Word 'Aqeeda' is Derived?


491 - Full form of Ali and Ma

Only (A) & (B)


Only (A) & (B)

493 - Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on.....?

9th Zil Hajjah

494 - Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on__________?

9th Zil Hajjah

495 - Generally, Arab cultural values include:

All of the above


Not of those whom You are angry with, nor of those who go astray

497 - Ghana was know as .....

Land of Gold

498 - Ghana, Mali, and Songhai all traded which TWO items?

Gold and salt

499 - Ghana, Mali, SonghaiWhat geographical region is associated with the kingdoms listed above?

West Africa

500 - Ghanaian ..... began to write their oral stories


501 - Ghani was the title of Hazrat _________ (RA).


502 - Ghani was the title of Hazrat..... (RA).


503 - Ghani was the title of which of the following?

Hazrat Usman RA

504 - Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title of.....?

Hazrat Hanzala (R.A)

505 - Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title of____________?

Hazrat Hanzala (R.A)

506 - Ghaz e-Badr occurred in.....?

2 Hijrah

507 - Ghaz e-Ohad took place in.....

3rd Hijrah

508 - Ghazwa _____ was fought 3 times.


509 - Ghazwa Abwa is also known as?

Ghazwa Widdan

510 - Ghazwa Badr was fought during..... the Islamic month of.....


511 - Ghazwa Badr was fought..... times


512 - Ghazwa kariza, Banu Nuziar, Quraiza and Khyber were fought against.....


513 - Ghazwa Mota took place in.....


514 - Ghazwa Tabook took place in.....

9 AH

515 - Ghazwa Widdah, Bwat, Z.....Shera, Ohad, Ham.....Asad, Ba e-Asghar, Ahzab and A.....Fatha were fought against.....


516 - Ghazwa..... is named as Yo.....Furqan.


517 - Ghazwa..... was fought 4 times.


518 - Ghazwa..... was fought against Bani Salba and Bani Muharab.


519 - Ghazwa..... was fought against Romans.


520 - Ghazwa..... was fought against the Arab tribes.


521 - Ghazwa-e-Badr occurred in ____________?

2 Hijrah

522 - Ghazwah Widdah was fought in _____ Hijrah year?


523 - Ghazwah Widdah was fought in..... Hijrah year?


524 - Ghusl becomes necessary in.....

Ha e-Akbar

525 - Ghussel Ul Malaika is the title of?

Hazrat Hanzala RA

526 - Give basic topics Of Makki SUrahs?

All of the Above

527 - Give examples of some writers 2. Describe their books and written evidences

1. Abu Al Jahiz , Ibn Al Muqaffa 2. Simple yet clever

528 - Give one Arabic word for the Unity of Allah.


529 - Give the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the proper order ?

Tauheed, Risalat, Malaika, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat

530 - Give the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the proper order?

Tauheed, Risalat, Malaika, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat

531 - Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith "Sahifa-e-Sadiqa."

Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (RA)

532 - Giving money to those who need it called.....


533 - Going to Mecca and walking around the Kaaba seven times is part of

the hajj

534 - Golden Age of Islam

a focus on arts, science, and literature

535 - Good personal hygiene ..... harmful germs on your body.


536 - Good Things About Fasting That Allah Likes

The Smell Of Your Mouth it is better for allah than perfume

537 - Gradual migration of Ban speaking peoples from their homeland in what is now southern Nigeria and the Camaroons into most of eastern and southern Africa, a process that began around 3000 BCE and continued for several millennia. The agricultural techniques

Bantu expansion

538 - Grain was the invention of which prophet?

Hazrat Daud AS

539 - Greeting is a message of ..... that strengthens affinity and removes hatred


540 - Group that believed Umayyad caliphs should rule


541 - Guiding rules of Islamic conduct, based on the way Muhammad (SAW) lived his own life.

Five Pillars

542 - Guru Arjun Singh compiled the book of Guru Nanak is..... century AD.


543 - Gurus and Sadhus are the religious people in.....


544 - H e-Qazaf (false Accusation) is.....?

80 Lashes

545 - HA'ADI (SAW) means.....

None of these

546 - Had –e- Qazaf (false Accusation) is__________?

80 Lashes

547 - Had-e-Qazaf (false accusation) is?

80 Lashes

548 - Hadith are the prophet Muhammed's (s.a.w).....

Sayings and actions

549 - Hadith compiler introduces each Hadith with its own Isnad which means the series of authorities. It may be called.....

All of the above

550 - Hadith have how many kinds?


551 - Hadith is.....

Saying of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

552 - Hajis offer..... prayers at Muzdulfah.

Magrib, Isha

553 - Hajj is bligatory far.....

Sah e-Toufeeq

554 - Hajj is obligatory on

Every Muslim who can afford it and has good health.

555 - Hajj is obligatory while Umrah is not. This statement is .....


556 - Hajj means.....

Pilgrims to Mecca

557 - Hajj rituals are a commemoration of the prophet

ibrahim as

558 - Hajj Was made obligatory in.....

9 AH

559 - Hajjaj bin Yousuf was ________?


560 - Hajjaj bin Yousuf was the governor of ________?


561 - Hajjaj bin Yousuf was the governor of.....?


562 - Hajjaj bin Yousuf was.....?


563 - Halima Sadia RA took care of Prophet PBUH for?

6 Years

564 - HAMID (SAW) means.....

The Praiser

565 - Hamzah bin Abdul Muthalib Was..... Prophet Muhammad (SAW) saw.


566 - Haq Mahr in islam is fixed only?

400 Misqal

567 - Harb Fajaar continued for how many years?


568 - Haris Bin Abi Halla was?

First shaheed of islam

569 - Haroon ul Rasheed and Mamoon were prominent rulers of..... Dynasty


570 - Harun Rashid, the Abbasid caliph, was known for his

charity and support of artists and writers.

571 - Hashim passed away in .....

Gaza, Palestine

572 - HAY means.....

The Living

573 - Hazart Ali (R.A) married Hazart Fatma (R.A) in______________?

624 A.D

574 - Hazart Khadija (R.A) died at ____________________ years age.

65 years

575 - Hazart Khadija (R.A) died at..... years age.

65 years

576 - Hazrat ________ lifted zakat on horses.


577 - Hazrat __________ died first among the Sahabah.


578 - Hazrat __________ established Department of Police.

Hazrat Umar

579 - Hazrat __________ had knowledge of dreams.

Abu Bakar

580 - Hazrat __________ proposed Azan for the first time ?


581 - Hazrat ___________ accepted Islam first in Women.


582 - Hazrat ___________ added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers.

Hazrat Usman (R.A)

583 - Hazrat ___________ proposed the compilation of Holy Quran.


584 - Hazrat ___________ was the foster mother of Holy Prophet.


585 - Hazrat ____________ added As Salato Khairum Min Noum in Azan.

Hazrat Umar (RA)

586 - Hazrat ____________ conquered the fort of Qamus.


587 - Hazrat ____________ has the title the gateway to knowledge.


588 - Hazrat ____________ is known as the first Dervish.

Zirr Ghaffari

589 - Hazrat ____________ was the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Usman (R.A.)

590 - Hazrat ____________ was the first who learnt to write.

Idrees A.S

591 - Hazrat _____________ levied zakat on horses.


592 - Hazrat _____________ was famous for his patience.

Ayub A.S

593 - Hazrat ______________ accepted Islam first in Men.

Abu Bakar

594 - Hazrat Abdullah died in?


595 - Hazrat Abdullah was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and ____________.

Hazrat Khadija

596 - Hazrat Abdullah was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and.....

Hazrat Khadija

597 - Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari RA is buried in?


598 - Hazrat Abu Bakar RA entrusted the work of compilation of holy Quran to?

Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit RA

599 - Hazrat Abu Bakar RA has ruled for how many years?


600 - Hazrat Abu Bakar RA remained caliph from?

632 to 634 AD

601 - Hazrat Abu Bakar RA was a __ by profession.


602 - Hazrat Abu Bakar was the merchant of ?


603 - Hazrat Abu Bakar was the merchant of?


604 - Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) belonged to the tribe of__________?

Banu Taym

605 - Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) Donated all his property in the Ghazwa.....


606 - Hazrat Abu Bakr was the famous business Man of?


607 - Hazrat Abu Sufyan, Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah and Abu Kahafa R.A accepted Islam at the time of___________?

Conquest of Makkah

608 - Hazrat Adam (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?


609 - Hazrat Adam (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the..... heaven?


610 - Hazrat Adam (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran ____ times.


611 - Hazrat Adam (AS) is a word of.....language?


612 - Hazrat Adam (AS) is a word of______________language?


613 - Hazrat Adam AS is mentioned in the holy Quran how many times?


614 - Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in __________ Hijrah?


615 - Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in..... Hijrah?


616 - Hazrat Ali (R.A) wife was?

Fatima-tul-Zahra (R.A)

617 - Hazrat Ali (R.A) wife was?

Fati t Zahra (R.A)

618 - Hazrat Ali RA has ruled for how many years?

5 Years

619 - Hazrat Amina RA was belonged to which tribe?

Bani Zohra

620 - Hazrat Asma (RA), the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), got married to _________?

Hazrat Zubair Ibn al-Awam(RA)

621 - Hazrat Asma (RA), the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), got married to.....?

Hazrat Zubair Ibn Awam(RA)

622 - Hazrat Ayesha R.A has narrated about how many Ahadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?


623 - Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakar was married to the daughter of?


624 - Hazrat bibi Fatima (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and.....?

Khadija bint Khuwaylid

625 - Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and _________________?

Khadija bint Khuwaylid

626 - Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and.....?

Khadija bint Khuwaylid

627 - Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and.....?

Khadija bint Khuwaylid

628 - Hazrat Da'ood lived in.....


629 - Hazrat Dawood AS is buried in?


630 - Hazrat Fatima (R.A) is known as____________?

both A. and B.

631 - Hazrat Haajirah ran desperately in search of water between two hills called Safa and.....


632 - Hazrat Haleema RA belongs to the which of the following tribe?

Banu Saad

633 - Hazrat Haleema Saadia (RA) took care of the Holy Prophet (SAW) for..... years.


634 - Hazrat Hamza (RA) was martyred in the Battle of.....


635 - Hazrat Hamza RA got shahadat in which of the following battle?


636 - Hazrat Hamza RA has which relation with Prophet?


637 - Hazrat Haroon (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?


638 - Hazrat Haroon (AS) and Hazrat Musa (AS) were.....

All of the above

639 - Hazrat Hood was sent to the.....

None of these

640 - Hazrat Hud (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran ____ times.


641 - Hazrat Hunzulla was martyred by.....

Shaddad bin Oas

642 - Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?


643 - Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) had __________ sons.


644 - Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran ____ times.


645 - Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran..... times.


646 - Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) intended to sacrifice Hazrat Ismaeel in the name of Allah at.....


647 - Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) lived for..... years.


648 - Hazrat Ibrahim son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is burried in _______________.

Jannat ul Baki

649 - Hazrat Ibrahim son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is burried in.....

Jannat ul Baki

650 - Hazrat Ibrahim was buried in.....


651 - Hazrat Ibrahim was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and _________________.

Maria al-Qibtiyya

652 - Hazrat Ibrahim was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and.....

Maria Qibtiyya

653 - Hazrat Ibrahim went to..... after leaving Hazrat Haajirah and Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) in Batha.


654 - Hazrat Idrees (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?


655 - Hazrat Idrees (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the..... heaven?

4th E. 7th

656 - Hazrat Idrees AS build how many cities?


657 - Hazrat Idrees AS was born on the bank of which river?

The Nile River

658 - Hazrat Idrees was the inventor of the science of.....


659 - Hazrat Imam Shafi died in _______ at Egypt?

204 AH

660 - Hazrat Imam Tirmazy was a student of.....?

Imam Abu Dawood

661 - Hazrat Imam Tirmazy was a student of.....?

Imam Abu Dawood

662 - Hazrat Imam Tirmazy was a student of_____________?

Imam Abu Dawood

663 - Hazrat Isa (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?


664 - Hazrat Isa (AS) was born in.....

4 BC

665 - Hazrat Ishaaq (A.S) was the prophet of.....?


666 - Hazrat Ishaaq (A.S) was the prophet of________________?


667 - Hazrat Ishaaq (AS)lost his..... in old age.


668 - Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) divorced his first wife on the order of.....

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

669 - Hazrat Ismaeel was to be the Prophet to.....


670 - Hazrat Ismaeel's (AS) mother ran..... times from the hills of safa to Marwa in quest of water.


671 - Hazrat Issa AS was the couzin of?

Hazrat Yahya AS

672 - Hazrat Jawariya RA belonged to which tribe?

Banu Mustaliq

673 - Hazrat Jibrael AS mentioned in the Holy Quran?

4 times

674 - Hazrat Khadija (R.A) bore all the children of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except?

Ibrahim (R.A)

675 - Hazrat Khadija (R.A) bore all the children of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) except?

Ibrahim (R.A)

676 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) belonged to the tribe of __________.

Banu Asad

677 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) belonged to the tribe of.....

Banu Asad

678 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) died in ?

619 A.D

679 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) is commonly regarded by Muslims as the ____________.

Mother of the Muslims

680 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) is commonly regarded by Muslims as the.....

Mother of the Muslims

681 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) married _______ time in life.


682 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) married..... time in life.


683 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) passed away when she was _________ and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was ________ years old?

65 – 50

684 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) passed away when she was..... and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was..... years old?


685 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) remained married monogamously with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) for __________ years.


686 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) remained married monogamously with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) for..... years.


687 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) was _______ years older than Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).


688 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the ________ person to convert to Islam.


689 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the ________ wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).


690 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the..... person to convert to Islam.


691 - Hazrat Khadija (RA) was..... years older than Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).

15 E. 18

692 - Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in ?

619 A.D

693 - Hazrat Khadija died at _______ years age?


694 - Hazrat Khadija died at..... years age?


695 - Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA belonged to which of the following tribe?

Banu Makhzoom

696 - Hazrat Khizer AS was the contemporary of which king?

Sikandar Azam

697 - Hazrat Luut was the resident of.....


698 - Hazrat made a mind to embrace Islam after the recitation of Surah ___ by his sister?

Al Taha

699 - Hazrat Mariam RA was raised in the house of which prophet?

Hazrat Zakriya RA

700 - Hazrat Maryam (AS) grew up in the house of.....

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

701 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) took refuge in.....

Cave Soar

702 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat?

Usman bin Talha

703 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat?

Usman bin Talha

704 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) had ______ wives.


705 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) had..... wives.


706 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) lived for..... years in Makkah.


707 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) married Hazrat Khadija (RA) at the age of.....

25 years

708 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was born in.....


709 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was not only kind to human beings but also to.....

All of the above

710 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) went to Syria with Hazrat Abu Talib when he (SAW) was..... years old.


711 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). (SAW) went to Syria with A Talib at the age of.....?

12 years

712 - Hazrat Muhammad PBUH belongs to which tribe?

Banu Hashim

713 - Hazrat Muhammad PBUH gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat?

Usman Bin Talha

714 - Hazrat Muhammad PBUH live in Madina for how many years?

9 Years

715 - Hazrat Muhammad SAW married to Hazrat Khadija in the age of?


716 - Hazrat MUHAMMAD(SAW) was bor.....


717 - Hazrat Muhammad. (SAW) went to Syria with Abu-Talib at the age of__________?

12 years

718 - Hazrat Musa (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (S.A.W) on the __________ heaven.


719 - Hazrat Musa (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (S.A.W) on the..... heaven.


720 - Hazrat Musa (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?


721 - Hazrat Musa A.S was granted ________ miracles.


722 - Hazrat Musa A.S was granted..... miracles.


723 - Hazrat Musa AS married to the daughter of?

Hazrat Shoaib AS

724 - Hazrat Noah (AS) lived for..... years.


725 - Hazrat Noah AS was sent to?


726 - Hazrat Nooh (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran _____ times.


727 - Hazrat Nooh (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran..... times.


728 - Hazrat Nuh AS was sent to?


729 - Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah sons of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) are burried in _______________.

Jannat al-Mu'alla

730 - Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah sons of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) are burried in.....

Jannat Mu'alla

731 - Hazrat Qasim died.....

Before Prophethood

732 - Hazrat Qasim was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and _________________.

Hazrat Khadija

733 - Hazrat Qasim was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and.....

Hazrat Khadija

734 - Hazrat Rafy bin Khadaij (RA) participated in the Battle of Ohad at the age of..... years.


735 - Hazrat Ruqia (R.A) died at victory day of battle ____________she was the wife of Hazart Usman (R.A)


736 - Hazrat Ruqia (R.A) died at victory day of battle.....she was the wife of Hazart Usman (R.A)


737 - Hazrat Ruqiah RA daughter of prophet PBUH died on the day of which battle?


738 - Hazrat Samya was the?

First Shaheed of islam

739 - Hazrat Ubaida bin Haris (RA), Hazrat Umair (RA), Hazrat Umair bin Abd (RA), Hazrat Amr (RA), Hazrat Aqil (RA), Hazrat Mahuj (RA), Hazrat Sufwan (RA), Hazrat Saad (RA), Hazrat Mubshir (RA), Hazrat Harissa (RA), Hazrat Auff (RA), Hazrat Umair Bin Humam (RA)


740 - Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on ___________ 24 A.H.

1st Muharram

741 - Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on 1st Muharram_____________?

24 A.H.

742 - Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on..... 24 A.H.

1st Muharram

743 - Hazrat Umar RA appointed as custodian of Bait-ul-Mal?

Abdullah Bin Masud RA

744 - Hazrat Umar RA belonged to which tribe?

Banu Addi

745 - Hazrat Umar RA has ruled for how many years?

10 Years 5 Months

746 - Hazrat Umar RA remained Khalifa for how many years?

10 Years

747 - Hazrat Umer (RA) appointed as custodian of Bait-ul-Mal?

None of these

748 - Hazrat Umer was Caliph for.....Years?

10 years

749 - Hazrat Usman belonged to which of the following Tribe?

Banu Ummya

750 - Hazrat Usman Bin _________ was the Key holder of Kaaba.


751 - Hazrat Usman Bin..... was the Key holder of Kaaba.


752 - Hazrat Usman khilafat period was _______?

12 years

753 - Hazrat Usman khilafat period was.....?

12 years

754 - Hazrat Usman RA has ruled for how many years?

12 Years

755 - Hazrat Usman RA married to the daughter of the Holy Prophet PBUH name the daugher?

Hazrat Ruqiya RA

756 - Hazrat Usman RA was __ years old when He accepted Islam.


757 - Hazrat Usman RA was?

3rd caliph of islam

758 - Hazrat Usman RA younger to the Prophet PBUH by?

5 Years

759 - Hazrat Yahya (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?


760 - Hazrat Yahya (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the..... heaven?


761 - Hazrat Yahya (AS) Preached the teachings of Allah is.....


762 - Hazrat Yahya (AS) was the son of.....

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

763 - Hazrat Yahya AS is buried in?


764 - Hazrat Yahya AS is buried in?


765 - Hazrat Yaqoob AS and Hazrat Yousaf AS met each other after a period of?

40 Years

766 - Hazrat Yaqub (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?


767 - Hazrat Yousaf (AS) remained in the well for..... days?

3 days

768 - Hazrat Yousaf (AS) remained in the well for__________ days?

3 days

769 - Hazrat Yousaf AS remained in jail of Egypt for?

5 Years

770 - Hazrat Yunas (A.S) is addressed with two name one is 'Dh Nun' its meaning is.....?

Lord Of the fish

771 - Hazrat Yunas (A.S) is addressed with two name one is 'Dhun-Nun' its meaning is_______ ?

Lord Of the Fish

772 - Hazrat Zainab Binte Hajesh was married with

Hazrat Zaid Bin Harris

773 - Hazrat Zakariya AS was the contemporary of?

Hazrat Issa AS

774 - Hazrat..... accepted Islam first in Men.

Abu Bakar

775 - Hazrat..... added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers.


776 - Hazrat..... added As Salato Khairum Min Noum in Azan.


777 - Hazrat..... conquered the fort of Qamus.


778 - Hazrat..... died first among the Sahabah.


779 - Hazrat..... established Department of Police.

Hazrat Umar

780 - Hazrat..... had knowledge of dreams.

Abu Bakar

781 - Hazrat..... has the title the gateway to knowledge.


782 - Hazrat..... is known as the first Dervish.

Zirr Ghaffari

783 - Hazrat..... levied zakat on horses.


784 - Hazrat..... lifted zakat on horses.


785 - Hazrat..... proposed Azan for the first time?


786 - Hazrat..... proposed the compilation of Holy Quran.


787 - Hazrat..... was martyred by Khalid bin Waleed.

Abdullah bin Zuabiar (RA)

788 - Hazrat..... was the foster mother of Holy Prophet.


789 - He (Allaah) made the ..... in the sky.


790 - He had knowledge of the interpretation of dreams?

Hazrat Yousaf AS

791 - He is in charge of keys of Kaba in the reign of Holy Prophet PBUH?

Hazrat Usama Bin Talha RA

792 - He moved his capital to Damascus


793 - He recites the Holy Qur'an with a beautiful voice.


794 - He sacrificed a bull placed woods on it and the fire came from the sky to cook that meat. Which prophet is credited with this miracle?

Hazrat Ilyas AS

795 - He sacrificed a bull, placed woods on it and the fire came from the sky to cook that meat. Which prophet is credited with this miracle?

Hazrat Ilyas AS

796 - He would have been prophet if I were not the last one. Prophet PBUH said about this?

Hazrat Umar RA

797 - Head of government and state in Saudi Arabia


798 - Heading of How many surahs are in one letters?


799 - Health beliefs are closely related to

spiritual concepts

800 - Hebron is Located in.....


801 - 'Help your brother whether he is the wro doer or the wronged' it is.....

A Hadith

802 - Henna is a huge part of Emirati culture and .....


803 - Heraclius spoke to Abu Sufyan. What was Abu Sufyan's connection with the Prophet (PBUH)?

Abu Sufyan was the Prophet's (PBUH)

804 - Here are the aims of sholat :

Only (A) & (B)

805 - Herraculis was the king of which empire


806 - High level of eloquence in spoken and written Arabic by Muslims during the Golden Age of Islamic Culture led to?

paper printing and translation

807 - Hijri year began with __ Nabvi.


808 - Hinduism has no specified..... and no set creed.


809 - Hindus believe in..... gods.


810 - Hindus consider..... as a sacred animal.


811 - His name Khayyam actually means:

Tent maker

812 - Historians believe that Zimbabwe may have been a center of trade because

Indian beads and Chinese porcelain have been found among its ruins.

813 - Holy Prophet (SAWS) laboured in the construction of which mosque?


814 - Holy prophet belongs to __ family.


815 - Holy Prophet PBUH delivered his farewell sermon at Arafat on?

10th Zilhajj

816 - Holy Prophet PBUH died in which year ?


817 - Holy Prophet PBUH do secret preaching of Islam for how many years?

3 Years

818 - Holy Prophet PBUH performed __ Umrah in his whole life.


819 - Holy Prophet PBUH performed how many Hajj in his whole life?


820 - Holy Prophet PBUH secret preaching continued for how many years?


821 - Holy Prophet PBUH went to Syria with?

Hazrat Abu Talib RA

822 - Holy Prophet performed hajj in which year?

11 AH

823 - Holy Quran was revealed on which prophet?

Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

824 - Hope without action is:


825 - House of Wisdom (Bayt-ul-Hikamah) was established by_____________?

Harun Rasheed

826 - How are Jews and Christians supposed to be treated in Islam?

Pay a special tax, but they are free to worship their religion.

827 - How are the Five Pillars in Islam and Ten Commandments in Christianity similar?

Guide for moral and ethical living

828 - How are the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments similar?

Both provide a guide to moral and ethical behavior

829 - How are the individual rights of people detailed in a limited government?


830 - How are the religions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity alike?

They all teach a belief in one God.

831 - How can we thank Allah (SWT)?

By praising him

832 - How did "cultural blending" affect the religion of Islam?

Islam became a religion influenced by many different cultures

833 - How did Allah (swt) punish the people of ditch?

Naar (hellfire)

834 - How did Allah destroy the People of Ad? Tick two boxes

Only (A) & (B)

835 - How did Allah help the Muslims at the Battle of Badr?

Sent 1,000 angels

836 - How did Allah punish the people of Saba'?

Flooded them

837 - How did Allah(سبحانÙ‡ وتعالى) help out the Muslims during the battel?

Angels came down to fight with the Muslims.

838 - How did Arabs feel about the creation of Israel?

they thought it was unfair to the Palestinians to punish them for what the Nazis did

839 - How did Arabs living in Palestine in 1948 feel about the creation of the new state of Israel?

They rejected it as unfair to them

840 - How did Bagdad fall to the mongols?

Mongols invaded Bagdad

841 - How did coins produced in Dar al Islam reflect Muslim teachings

No engraved images (pictures of people) were allowed

842 - How did contact with the Muslim world affect the African slave trade?

Slavery became a more widely diffused phenomenon and the slave trade developed rapidly.

843 - How did early West Africans record their history?


844 - How did economic reforms in Turkey in the 1980s improve the economy?

Turkey lowered barriers to trade and business, allowing the private sector to improve the economy.

845 - How did European involvement in the Middle East impact the region after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire?

Political borders were decided by European powers without consideration of connections in the region

846 - How did Ibn Baṭá¹­Ã…«Ã¡¹­ah's travels build knowledge of geography?

He wrote a guide used by other travelers.

847 - How did increased Arabic Trade impact their neighbor regions?

Greatly increased the spread of Islam.

848 - How did Islam change during the Abbasid Dynasty?

The government continued to evolve and adopted different interpretations of Islam as they sought to gain power in different regions.

849 - How did Islam spread after the death of Mohammed?

Only (A) & (B)

850 - How did Islam spread so quickly throughout parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe? Select three answers.

All of the above

851 - How did Islam spread throughout the Middle East during Muhammad (SAW)'s lifetime?

Through a series of military conquests

852 - How did many Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid leaders treat people of other religions and cultures?

Tolerated all cultures and religions

853 - How did medieval Islamic civilization help to influence contemporary life?

Material advances were made and new social institutions came into existence

854 - How did Muhammad (SAW) change the Kaaba?

He made it an Islamic holy site.

855 - How did Muhammad (SAW) gain a reputation for being trustworthy before becoming a prophet?

as a businessman and trader

856 - How did Muhammad (SAW) show his leadership skills in Medina?

He was able to form alliances with Christians and Jews in Medina.

857 - How did Muslim culture reach foreign lands?

through Muslim merchants and sailors And through the Muslim empire conquests

858 - How did Muslim doctors train and test new physicians?

They opened schools where new doctors learned to practice medicine.

859 - How did Muslim hospitals deal with patients who had diseases that others could catch?

They put them in separate wards away from other patients.

860 - How did Muslim merchants help spread the Islamic faith? Select two answers.

Only (A) & (B)

861 - How did Muslim scholars build upon Gre Roman culture?

They translated and studied ancient texts.

862 - How did Muslims contribute to European knowledge of Plato and Aristotle?

They preserved and translated Greek texts.

863 - How did Muslims demonstrate religious tolerance to Jews and Christians?

Jews and Christians were allowed to serve in the government. as long as they paid their taxes.

864 - How did Muslims generally treat the people they conquered?

They allowed them religious freedom

865 - How did Muslims modify the land to adapt to the climate?

dug irrigation canals

866 - How did Muslims provide medical care to people living in remote villages?

Hospital caravans went to the villages to bring them medical care

867 - How did Muslims treat Christians and Jews during their rule?

Christians and Jews were tolerated as "people of the book" because they also believed in one God.

868 - How did Muslims treat the people they conquered?

They allowed them religious freedom.

869 - How did Muslims use science in the worship of Allah?

Muslim mathematicians calculated the time of day needed to pray five times daily.

870 - How did Muslims use technology to meet the challenges of living in a dry land?

They built dams and aqueducts to provide water for households, mills, and fields.

871 - How did Palestine's Arab neighbors feel about Israel?

They refused to recognize Israel as a nation

872 - How did passing of time was calculated and the days were predicted by the Muslim astronomers?

improved on the Greek knowledge of the movements of the Sun and the planets precisely

873 - How did people of West Africa maintain their native languages?

They spoke their native languages in daily life.

874 - How did Sufism influence Muslim literature?

Sufis often expressed their deep religious devotion through beautiful poetry.

875 - How did the Abbasids encourage trade throughout the empire?

They set up banks along trade routes and issued "checks" that could be cashed anywhere

876 - How did the Arab community respond to the UN Partition Plan?

they rejected it & attacked Israel

877 - How did the crossroad location of Arabia affect the civilizations living there?

It allowed for the interaction between cultures to share ideas and trade.

878 - How did the development of Islam influence the blending of cultures in the region where Europe, Africa and Asia come together?

All answer choice s are correct.

879 - How did the expansion of Islam aid in the creation of international trade on the east African coastline?

Islam expanded to India and southeast Asia providing a religious bond of trust between those regions and the converted rulers of the cities of east Africa.

880 - How did the harsh desert climate affect early Arabs who lived there?

They formed tribes to help them survive.

881 - How did the Islamic Empire improve intellectual life in Europe?

It preserved the knowledge of the Greeks and Romans

882 - How did the Islamic Empire spread?

War and Peace Treaties

883 - How did the kingdoms of West Africa maintain control over the wealth brought through trade?

They taxed all trade that came in and out of the region.

884 - How did the Muslim empire treat Jews and Christians differently from Muslims?

It charged them extra taxes.

885 - How did the Ottoman empire govern its religious minorities?

It organized n Muslims into millets with their own laws and leaders.

886 - How did the Ottoman Empire start?

A group of Islamic tribes united

887 - How did the prophet (sallallahualayhiwasallam) talk?


888 - How did the rulers of the Persian empire encourage trade?

They built roads and established a system of standard weights and measures.

889 - How did the Songhai empire differ from the empire of Mali?

It spread Islam by force

890 - How did the spread of Islam affect culture?

As Islamic culture spread, it blended with cultures from other areas.

891 - How did the study of astronomy affect the practice of Islam?

It helped people know what time to pray and what direction to face.

892 - How did the translation movement by Muslim scholars affect the study of science and mathematics?

All of the above

893 - How did the translation movement help spread scholarly ideas?

It made Latin and Greek texts available to Arab speaking peoples.

894 - How did the U.S deal with the scarcity of oil?

created a government g rationing program

895 - How did the Umayyads contribute to the spread of Islam?

As a ruling family, they conquered new lands.

896 - How did the world learn about West Africa's wealth?

Mansa Musa made a pilgrimage to Mecca

897 - How did trade deals made by Muslim merchants affect the medieval world?

People from different areas were able to interact peacefully.

898 - How did trade impact Islam?

Islam spread as trading networks grew.

899 - How did trade impact the spread of Islam?

Traders spread Muslim ideas as they traveled.

900 - How did West African Kingdoms grow into rich empires?

Gold and Salt

901 - How do Bedouin nomads live?

They move from place to place with their animals.

902 - How do events in Cyprus in 1974 continue to affect life on the island today?

Cyprus remains divided since Turkey invaded the northern third of the island in 1974.

903 - How do Iran and Saudi Arabia benefit from belonging to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?

OPEC keeps the price of oil high on the world market

904 - How do Muslims view Jesus?


905 - How do Palestinians feel about the creation of Israel?

They are angry and deny its right to exist

906 - How do Palestinians view Israeli settlements in the West Bank?

and invasion of their land

907 - How do the deserts of N. Africa and SW Asia most likely influence the economies of nations in the region?

Agricultural production is significantly limited.

908 - How do the Pillars of Islam influence the life of a Muslim?

All of the above

909 - How do the Quran and Sharia differ?

The Quran is the holy book of Islam; Sharia is a system of laws

910 - How do the religions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity maintain their cultural traditions throughout the years?

older generations teach younger generations the beliefs

911 - How do the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam maintain enduring cultural traditions that date back many centuries?

Older generations teach younger generations the beliefs.

912 - How Do We Keep Our Promise To Finish Our Homework?

We Switch Off The TV ( Television ) And Complete Our Homework .

913 - How do we prepare to be hospitable?

All of the above

914 - How do we say " The most beautiful names" in Arabic

Asmaa ul Husna

915 - How do we supplicate??

Supplicate Allah with the palms of your hands; do not supplicate Him with their backs upwards. When you finish supplication, wipe your faces with them.

916 - How does an oasis benefit people in Arabia?

It supplies water to support life in the desert.

917 - How does Islam rank in number of followers, compared to other world religions?


918 - How does Latin most influence modern English?

prefixes and roots

919 - How does the climate of Cyprus affect economic development?

Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate. Farmers depend on autumn and winter rains for their crops.

920 - How does the rain shadow effect affect where people live in this region?

Most people do not live on the dry side of this region because there is not enough water.

921 - How does The Thousand and One Nights reflect Islamic culture?

It includes stories with themes of adventure and travel.

922 - How has Israel's security barrier on the West Bank affected Israelis and Palestinians?

It reduced terrorist attacks against Israelis and blocked some Palestinians from accessing their farmland.

923 - How has Syria's civil war affected Jordan and Lebanon?

Syrian refugees have come to Jordan and Lebanon

924 - How has the distribution of natural resources in Southwest Asia and North Africa affected economic patterns in the region?

Some nations in the region have significant wealth from the sale of oil.

925 - How has the Turkish government responded to frequent earthquakes in the region?

It has passed laws requiring builders to construct buildings that can withstand earthquakes.

926 - How is daily life different for Muslims during Ramadan?

they do not eat during the day

927 - How is Ramadan important to Muslims?

Muslims believe that ramadan teaches them to practise sel discipline

928 - How is the Qur'an similar to the Bible and the Torah?

It describes guidelines for moral behavior of its followers

929 - How long can the Motherplane stay above Earth's atmosphere?

1 year

930 - How long did it take for revelation of the quran to be completed?

23 years

931 - How long did prophet taught his people

950 years

932 - How long did Yakub live?

150 years old

933 - How long have people been playing chess?

Over 500 years

934 - How long Hazrat Younas AS remianed in the abdomen of the fish?

40 Days

935 - How long is a Hijri year?

354 days

936 - How long will the day of judgement be?

50,000 years

937 - How many Ahadis does the "Sahih Bukhari" contain?


938 - How many Ahadis does the Sahih Bukhari contain?


939 - How many Ahadis does the Sahih Bukhari Contains?


940 - How many Ambiyaa/Prophets are mentioned in the Qur'aan?


941 - How many angels are mentioned in The Holy Quran?


942 - How many angels are mentioned in The Holy Quran?


943 - How many angels are their?


944 - How many Ar speaking countries are there in the Arab world?


945 - How many Arab speaking countries are in Arab World?


946 - how many ARABS in worldwide


947 - How many are arkan e islam?


948 - How many Arkan Roza has?


949 - How many Arkan Roza has?


950 - How many army that muslim had in the Battle of Badr?


951 - How many articles of faith are there in islam?


952 - How many Asma-Al-Husna are mentioned in the last two verses of Surah Al-Hashr?


953 - How many Ayahs are there in Surah Ikhlas?


954 - How many Ayat e Mutfarqa are present in the Holy Quran?


955 - How many Ayat e Mutfarqa are present in the Holy Quran?


956 - How many Beautiful Names of Allah are there?


957 - How many best compilers of Islamic Law are.....


958 - How many books were mentioned in the Qur'an?


959 - How many brothers did Nabi Yusuf (AS) have?


960 - How many chapters (Surah) are there in Quran Majeed?


961 - How many chapters or surahs does the Qur'an contain?


962 - How many children did prophet Muhammad (SAW) have?


963 - How many companions were complete Haafiz?


964 - How many companions were there at the time of farewell sermon at arafat?


965 - How many continents are there?


966 - How many daughters Hazrat Khadija (RA) had with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?


967 - How many daughters Hazrat Khadija (RA) had with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?


968 - how many daughters Prophet Muhammad (SAW) have?


969 - How many days are forbidden for Soam/Fasting throughout the year.....?


970 - How many days are forbidden for Soam/Fasting throughout the year_________?


971 - How many days Hazrat Muhammad PBUH stayed during Tabook Battle?


972 - How many days Prophet PBUH stays in the cave of -Sor-?


973 - How many days we will fasting in Ramadhan?


974 - How many disciples of Hazrat Essa (A.S) assisted him in preaching.....?


975 - How many disciples of Hazrat Essa (A.S) assisted him in preaching________?


976 - How many doors are there in Masj e-Haram?


977 - How many dots are in the first Kalimah?


978 - How many elements of faith are there?


979 - How many Emirates in the UAE?


980 - How many essential beliefs are there in Im e-Mafassal?



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