Islamic Studies: Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job Tests Set: 4

1 - Meaning "struggle in God's service", this is usually a personal duty for Muslims who focus on overcoming immorality within themselves.


2 - Meaning of Brahma is.....

The Creator

3 - Meaning of Iman-e-Mujammal is?

Belief in brief

4 - Meaning of Surah Al A'raaf is______________?

Border land between Heaven and Hell

5 - Meaning of Ya Sabahaho is?

Oh, morning danger

6 - Mecca was located on the crossroad of a trade route between which 2 countries

Syria and yemen

7 - Meccans initially resisted Muhammad (SAW)'s teachings because

the people feared Mecca would lose its position as a pilgrimage center

8 - Medieval Muslims adapted and improved the astrolabe to use for


9 - Medieval West African societies were transformed by two powerful forces which were.....?

Trade; Islam

10 - Medina was originally named Yathrib. It was renamed to mean what?

City of the Prophet

11 - Mehmed II's greatest military accomplishment was.....

conquering Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire.

12 - Mehr in Islam is.....

Wedlock Remuneration

13 - Memorizing the entire Quran is considered a major achievement for Muslims. It is estimated that tens of millions of people alive today have accomplished the feat.This information best supports which conclusion about Islam?

Knowledge of the contents of the Quran is essential to living by Muslim principles

14 - Mention the religious book of buddhism?


15 - Merchants were well respected in Muslim culture because they

created wealth and were skilled in business

16 - Mercy means .....


17 - Mesopotamia is situated in.....


18 - Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "The owner of musk would either offer you some free of charge , or you buy it from him, or you smell its ..... fragrance".


19 - Migration to Madina took place in?

622 AD

20 - Minaret

The tower of a mosque from which Muslims are called to prayer

21 - Minarets and mosques were most important to Muslim


22 - Minarets were used to

call Muslims to prayer.

23 - Minimum Persons required for Namaz Ba-Jamaat?


24 - Minimum Verses in a Surah in the Holy Quran are?


25 - Minimum Verses in a Surah in the Holy Quran are?


26 - Miraj is

the special journey to the heavens made by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) SAW with Jibril AS

27 - Miraj sharif occurred on which date of rajab?


28 - MISBAH (SAW) means.....

The Beacon

29 - Mith e-Madina was signed between the Muslims and.....


30 - Moawakhat (the brotherhood) took place in __________ Hijrah ?


31 - Moawakhat (the brotherhood) took place in..... Hijrah?


32 - modern is a synonym of


33 - Modesty means.....

Not drawing undue attention to ourselves.

34 - Mohammed ..... CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY.

All of the above

35 - Mohammed ..... CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. (3)

All of the above

36 - Mohammed established and recorded Islamic practices, traditions, and customs in the .....




38 - Mohammed recorded the teachings of Allah in the .....


39 - Mohammed was a prophet. A prophet is someone who .....

A person who tells messages from God



41 - Mohammed was born in this now sacred Muslim city.


42 - Money, clothes, food and so on given to a poor is called


43 - Mongols first invaded in the year???

1216 C.E

44 - Monotheism is

Belief in one god.

45 - More than .....million people living in the Arab World.


46 - Moscow became the .....

Third Rome

47 - Mosque

A Muslim house of worship

48 - Mosque of ________ was demolished by prophet?


49 - Mosque of..... was demolished by prophet?


50 - mosques

considered the highest form of artistic expression in the Islamic culture

51 - Mosques are.....

.....what Muslims call their place of worship.

52 - Mosques, an example of Muslim architecture, usually have at least one .....(tower) with a small balcony where the muezzin chants the call to prayer.


53 - Most Arabs belong to which of the following?

Islam and Christianity

54 - Most Muslim men had

only one wife because they had to pay a dowry for each wife.

55 - Most Muslims farmed and many grew .....

almonds, figs, and olives

56 - Most Muslims today believe any pious (religiously dedicated) Muslim can lead the Islamic world. This sect of Islam is called.....


57 - Most of Hafiz Quran were martyred in which battle?


58 - Most of Hafiz Quran were martyred in which battle?


59 - Most of the Arabs were.....


60 - Most of the early expansion of the Islamic empire after the death of Muhammad (SAW) occurred under the leadership of these "successors of Muhammad (SAW)."


61 - Most of the oil in the Middle East is found in countries located around the.....

Persian Gulf

62 - Most U.S. Muslim ally countries are


63 - Mota is situated in.....


64 - Mother of Hazrat Ali AS was?

Fatima RA

65 - Mountains would break by the miracle of which prophet?

Hazrat Yaqoob AS

66 - Mowakhat took place in.....

1st Hijrah

67 - Muaz bin Omro RA killed?

Abu Jahl

68 - MUBASHAR (SAW) means.....

The Messenger of Good News

69 - MUDASSIR (SAW) means.....

The Wrapped One

70 - Mughal emperor Akbar enforced Din-I-Ilahi in____________?


71 - Muhammad (SAW) and his followers left ..... and moved to .....

Mecca, Medina

72 - Muhammad (SAW) bin Ismaeel Bukhari was born in.....

803 AD

73 - Muhammad (SAW) bin Musalma Ansari (RA) sariya was fought in.....

1 AH

74 - Muhammad (SAW) called .....Fitr the:

Day of Reward

75 - Muhammad (SAW) claimed the angel ..... appeared to him and gave him a message from God.


76 - Muhammad (SAW) experienced profound spiritual revelations that led him to believe that

he was the last prophet of Allah.

77 - Muhammad (SAW) is considered to be the last ..... of God.


78 - Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of Allah" is stated in Surah.....

Surah Fath

79 - Muhammad (SAW) received visions from ....., which commanded him to spread the message of Islam and create the Qur'an.


80 - Muhammad (SAW) started the religion of Islam by making which claim?

God had sent an angel to speak to him and to make him a prophet.

81 - Muhammad (SAW) started to have religious visions from Allah. These visions are recorded in the .....


82 - Muhammad (SAW) taught that Jews and Christians are "People of the Book" because they .....

have holy writings given by the one God

83 - Muhammad (SAW) taught that.....

There is only one God

84 - Muhammad (SAW) was born in what city?


85 - Muhammad (SAW) was born in which city?


86 - Muhammad (SAW) was exiled from which city because the people in power did not like his ideas.


87 - Muhammad (SAW) was from ..... and his new faith was not accepted there.


88 - Muhammad (SAW) was from the city of.....


89 - Muhammad (SAW)'s followers wrote his prophecies and teachings into the ....., or holy book of .....

Quran; Islam

90 - Muhammad Bin Idrees was the real name of?

Imam Shafi

91 - Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" is stated in Surah _________ .

Surah Al-Fath

92 - Muharram, ....., Rabi'ul Awwal


93 - Mujadid Alif Sani is tiltle of_____________?

Sheikh Ahmad sirhindi

94 - MUJTABA (SAW) means.....

The Selected

95 - MUKKARAM (SAW) means.....

The Honored

96 - Munafiq is one who,

Hides his enmity towards Islam but shows to be a diligent supporter in open

97 - Musa Al-Khwarizmi was?


98 - Musa'a sister's name is.....


99 - Musab Bin Umair death was coincide with the death of Prophet PBUH in battle of?


100 - MUSADDIQ (SAW) means.....

The Testifier

101 - Musannaf contains..... Ahadith.


102 - Musa's brother's name is.....


103 - Musa's mom's name is.....


104 - Muslim ..... began translating scientific and philosophical work from Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and others to Arabic.

Muslim scholars

105 - Muslim ..... were the first to have to study and pass a test before practicing, and that is now a requirement around the world today.


106 - Muslim armies were prevented from entering Europe by a Christian army near what city?


107 - Muslim astronomers improved a tool called the ..... , which sailors used to determine their position at sea.


108 - Muslim astronomers improved a tool that sailors used to determine their position at sea, what was it?


109 - Muslim astronomers improved on the Greek movements of the

All of the above

110 - Muslim astronomers improved on the.....(a).....knowledge of the movements of the sun of the planets precisely calculating the passing of time.....


111 - Muslim bookmakers added drawings and patterns to margins, covers and bindings called .....


112 - Muslim calligraphy was a combination of

art and literature.

113 - Muslim cities had marketplaces called ..... that were filled with shops and stalls where goods were sold.


114 - Muslim conquests lead to the cultural diffusion of ..... and.....

Arabic and Islam

115 - Muslim culture preserved the knowledge from Greece and Rome by translating their works into


116 - Muslim fast from dawn to .....


117 - Muslim Mathematician improved improved upon the concepts of the .....(a).....


118 - Muslim mathematician Khwarizmi used new ideas to create the foundation for modern


119 - Muslim mathematicians came up with which of the following words


120 - Muslim merchants could trade with people in many different areas because

Arabia was at a crossroads location.

121 - Muslim merchants traded many goods, such as textiles. What are textiles?

Woven fabric

122 - Muslim must face in the direction of.....for Namaz?

Kha e-Kabah

123 - Muslim must face in the direction of__________for Namaz?


124 - Muslim rule in India began in the year


125 - Muslim rulers advanced Muslim civilization by spreading the Arabic language and providing merchants with


126 - Muslim say when they finish eating


127 - Muslim scholar and scientist Ibn Sina wrote a medical encyclopedia that

was translated into Latin and became a basic textbook in Europe.

128 - Muslim scholars are credited with creating .....


129 - Muslim scholars in Baghdad and Cordoba translated which type of ancient writings into Arabic?

Greek and Latin

130 - Muslim scholars influenced mathematics by developing algebra and introducing ..... to the people of Europe

Arabic Numerals

131 - Muslim scholars reintroduced knowledge of what civilization to Europeans?

Gre Roman

132 - Muslim scholars translated many ..... and ..... works from their original languages into Arabic.

scientific and philosophical

133 - Muslim scientists did which of the following

All of the above

134 - Muslim scientists improved the ....., which the Greeks had invented to chart the stars.


135 - Muslim should care of eating only the

. Halal food

136 - Muslim soldiers were highly motivated to fight because

they believed they were assured a place in paradise if they died for Islam in battle.

137 - Muslim traders received and carried ideas to

Africa, Asia and Europe

138 - Muslim tradition says that Muhammad (SAW) began preaching

after hearing a voice.

139 - Muslim tradition says that Muhammad (SAW) began preaching after?

Receiving a vision from the angel, Gabriel

140 - Muslims adapted their numbering systems from .....


141 - Muslims are encouraged to travel to ..... at least once in their lives.


142 - Muslims are NOT permitted to to gamble or drink alcohol by a legal code known as the .....


143 - Muslims are supposed to make a pilgrimage or hajj to ..... at least once in their lifetime.


144 - Muslims beliefs are centered around th...

Five Pillars

145 - Muslims believe in ..... and that ..... is his prophet.

One God; Muhammad (SAW)

146 - Muslims believe that Muhammad (SAW) began preaching his beliefs in Mecca after what event?

He received messages from Allah, brought by the angel Gabriel.

147 - Muslims believe that Muhammad (SAW) was

God's last and greatest prophet.

148 - Muslims believe that the Prophet ..... received the word of ..... from an angel in the mountains around Mecca.

Muhammad (SAW); Allah

149 - Muslims believe the Angel Gabriel told Muhammad (SAW)?

You are the Messenger of God

150 - Muslims believe the Quran is the written word of .....


151 - Muslims believes in ..... .

Oneness of Allah

152 - Muslims built a huge library of knowledge by .....

.translating works from other cultures into Arabic.

153 - Muslims complete tawaf.....

In a count clockwise direction

154 - Muslims contributed to education by

creating schools and libraries

155 - Muslims contributed to Education by .....

creating schools and libraries

156 - Muslims contributed to Geography and Navigation by .....

creating travel guide books and more accurate maps

157 - Muslims contributed to science by

expanding research in zoology

158 - Muslims contributed to Science by .....

expanding research in zoology

159 - Muslims developed a beautiful form of handwriting that is known as .....


160 - Muslims do fasting in the month of.....


161 - Muslims do Sawm from Subuh untill .....


162 - Muslims established the modern method of scientific research that is based on

Observation and experiment

163 - Muslims follow only one god, Allah. What is this an example of?


164 - Muslims improved on the Greek understanding of .....

how the Sun and planets moved.

165 - Muslims introduced many foods to other parts of the world including, oranges, almonds, noodles, and what else?


166 - Muslims learned a new way to write numbers from

Indian scholars.

167 - Muslims learned how to makepaper .....

from Chinese traders along the Silk Road.

168 - Muslims learned paper making from which group of people?


169 - Muslims learned the art of making paper from the.....


170 - Muslims learnt how to make paper from the


171 - Muslims made advances, which still influence our lives, in the fields of .....

medicine, mathematics, and astronomy

172 - Muslims make a pilgrimage to the city of:


173 - Muslims must pray this many times per day.


174 - Muslims passed papermaking to the Europeans from this group

the Chinese

175 - Muslims pray ..... times a day.


176 - Muslims pray Salah

Five times a day

177 - Muslims refer to Christians and Jews as.....

People of the book

178 - Muslims' reference to Christians and Jews as "People of the Book" demonstrates they all shared a belief in


179 - Muslims treated n Muslims in their empire

N Muslims had to pay an extra tax

180 - Muslims try not to focus on someone's physical beauty, but focus instead on.....


181 - Muslims view Jesus as a.....


182 - Muslims worship in a


183 - Muslims, Christians, and Jews believe Moses and Abraham are .....


184 - Muslims, Jews, and Christians have a common belief in

one God.

185 - Muslims, like Jews and Christians, believe there is only one God. This belief is called monotheism and can be traced back to which of the following prophets?


186 - Musnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal contains..... Ahadith.


187 - Mustahab entities a person to.....


188 - MUTTAHIR (SAW) means.....

The purified

189 - MUZAMMIL (SAW) means.....

The Wrapped One

190 - Muzdalfa is located between?

Mina and Arafat

191 - Muzdalfa is situated.....?

Between Minna and Arafaat

192 - Muzdalfa is situated_____________?

Between Minna and Arafaat

193 - Muzdalfa is the name of a?


194 - My Northern border is the Mediterranean Sea.حدودÙŠ اÙ„شÙ…اÙ„ية هÙŠ اÙ„بحر اÙ„ابيض المتوسØ·


195 - My pen broke and now I have a black ..... on my new shirt!


196 - N Muslim people of conquered territories

had to pay taxes

197 - NABI (SAW) means.....

The Prophet

198 - Nam e-Khasoof is offered at the time of.....?

Lunar eclipse

199 - Namaz commanded in quran for ______________ times.


200 - Namaz commanded in quran for..... times.


201 - Namaz-e-Istisqa is prayer for?


202 - Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the time of __________ ?

Lunar eclipse

203 - Name AHMED" suggested for the Holy Prophet PBUH by?

Hazrat Amina RA

204 - Name an important event organized by the Emirates Heritage club to preserve UAE's culture.

Sultan bin Zayed Heritage Festival

205 - Name first muslim who declared his conversion to Islam Emphatically?

Hazrat Umar RA

206 - Name of bird which is mentioned twice in the Holy Quran?


207 - Name of Congregational prayer performed by Muslims after the Isha prayer.


208 - Name of daughter of Mohammed


209 - Name of early Russia


210 - Name of Prophet , his dad, his grandfather and his forefather is also a prophet

Prophet Yussuf

211 - Name of the son of Hazrat Yaqoob AS whose off-springs are the jews?


212 - Name of the state created as the Jewish homeland?


213 - Name one animal mentioned in the Quran.

All of the above

214 - Name one of the four great Imams who was the first to give prominence to the doctrine of Qiyas.

Imam Abu Hanifa

215 - Name one thing Allah sent to guide us.


216 - Name the Angel who takes out souls of life bearing creatures?

Hazrat Izra'eel (AS)

217 - Name the Angel who was appointed to deliver messages to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah?

Jibrael (A.S)

218 - Name the Angel who was appointed to deliver messages to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) from Allah?

Jibrael (A.S)

219 - Name the angels who are appointed to put questions to the deads in their graves?

Munkir and Nakeer

220 - Name the angels who are appointed to put Questions to the dead's in their graves?

Munkar and Nakeer (AS)

221 - Name the angels who are appointed to put Questions to the dead's in their graves?

Munkar and Nakeer (AS)

222 - Name the battle in which Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) participated for the first time?


223 - Name the battle in which Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) participated for the first time?


224 - Name the Battle in which many Huffaz (the people who learnt Quran by heart) were martyred?


225 - Name the battle which came to an end without result?


226 - Name the battle which came to an end without result?


227 - Name the battle which was fought between Hazrat Ali RA and Muawiya RA?


228 - Name the book which is recited most in the world.

The Holy Quran

229 - Name the classes of Hadith?

All of the above

230 - Name the cousin of Hazrat Ilyas (AS) who was also a Prophet.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

231 - Name the divine book which cannot be tempered?

The Holy Quran

232 - Name the dress and appearance of the UAE traditional male clothes:

kandoura, ghetra and sandals

233 - Name the fatherless Prophet?

Hazrat Isa (AS)

234 - Name the fifth Kalima?


235 - Name the first ambassador of the Islamic state who was martyred in the way?

Hazrat Haris Bin Umair RA

236 - Name the first authority for the compilation of Ahadis?

Imam Maalik

237 - Name the first Authority for the compilation of Ahadis?

Imam Maalik

238 - Name the first biggest liar who announced the false Prophethood?

Muslim Kazaab

239 - Name the first enemy spy in the Muslim history who was arrested?

Hasham Bin Asabbah

240 - Name The First Female False Prophetess?


241 - Name The first Female False Prophetess?


242 - Name the first female muslim?

Hazrat Khatija RA

243 - Name the first Kalimah?


244 - Name the first male muslim?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

245 - Name the first muslim among slaves?

Hazrat Zaid bin Haris RA

246 - Name the first Muslim among slaves?

Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)

247 - Name the first muslim who was fully satisfied in the matter of Sulah e Hudaibiya?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

248 - Name the first Muslim who was fully satisfied in the matter of Sulah-e-Hudaibiya?

Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

249 - Name the first person among infidels of Arabia whose gift was accepted by Holy Prophet SAW?

Abu Sufyan

250 - Name the first person among infidels of Arabia whose gift was accepted by the Holy Prophet (SAW) ?

Abu Sufyan

251 - Name the first person among infidels of Arabia whose gift was accepted by the Holy Prophet (SAW)?

Abu Sufyan

252 - Name the first person who declared his conversion to Islam emphatically?

Hazrat Umar (RA)

253 - Name the first person who declared his conversion to Islam emphatically?

Hazrat Umar (RA)

254 - Name the first person who embraced Islam on the occasion of Fateh-e-Makkah?

Abu Sufyan

255 - Name the first poet who is rewareded by the Prophet PBUH?

Kaab Bin Zubair

256 - Name the first Prophet of Allah.

Adam (AS)

257 - Name the first Sahabi of Islamic period who was made Hakam?

Hazrat Saad Bin Maaz RA

258 - Name the first Sahabi who died?

Hazrat Asad Bin Zarra RA

259 - Name the first slave who embraced islam?

Hazrat Bilal Bin Rubbah Habshi RA

260 - Name the first slave who was freed at the time of Prophethood and accepted islam?

Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris RA

261 - Name the first Surah which was revealed at Madina?


262 - Name the first written constitution of the world?


263 - Name the first written constitution of the world?

Mees e-Madina

264 - Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy Prophet (SAW)?

Both of them

265 - Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy Prophet (SAW)?

All of them

266 - Name the fourth kalimah?


267 - Name the fundamental pillar of islam which is often mentioned in the holy Quran along with salat?


268 - Name the fundamental pillar of Islam which was made Farz in 9 AH?


269 - Name the fundamental pillar of islam which was made Farz in 9 AH?


270 - Name the grandson of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) who accompanied him in breaking the Idols of Khana Kaba?

Hazrat Ali bin Abd Aas (R.A)

271 - Name the great wrestler of the Quraish who was defeated three times by Holy Prophet PBUH?


272 - Name the first Muslim among slaves?

Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)

273 - Name the Kalima which is recited during hajj on way to Mina?


274 - Name the kalimah which is recited in a funeral procession?


275 - Name the king through which holy Prophet PBUH married to Ummy Habiba RA?


276 - Name the last Prophet of Allah.

Muhammad (SAW) (SAWS)

277 - Name the last Sariya.....?

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)

278 - Name the last Sariya____________ ?

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)

279 - Name the last wife of the Prophet SAW?

Hazrat Maimoona RA

280 - Name the mosque where almost seventy prophets are buried?


281 - Name the Mosque which was famous for the change of Qiblah?


282 - Name the Mosque which was famous for the change of Qiblah?

Masj e-Qiblatain

283 - Name the mountain where the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) deputed 50 skillful archers (Te Andaaz) in battle of Ohad?

Jab e-Yahnene

284 - Name the mountain where the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) deputed 50 skillful archers (Teer-Andaaz) in battle of Ohad?


285 - Name the muslim who saw the Holy Prophet SAW and then expired as a muslim?


286 - Name the Nafli Salat which can be Offered after sunrise till one fourth of the day?


287 - Name the Nafli Salat which can be Offered after sunrise till one fourth of the day?


288 - Name the person whose house became the centre of preaching of Islam?

Hazrat Arqam (RA)

289 - Name the person whose house became the centre of preaching of Islam?

Hazrat Arqam (RA)

290 - Name the place which is called the Sacred Monument in the Holy Quran.....?


291 - Name the place which is called the Sacred Monument in the Holy Quran_________?


292 - Name the Prophet immediately before the Holy Prophet (SAW)?

Hazrat Isa (AS)

293 - Name the prophet who built 180 cities?

Hazrat Idrees AS

294 - Name the Prophet who was an extreme example of patience?

Hazrat Ayub (AS)

295 - Name the prophet who was married to Rachel.....?

Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)

296 - Name the prophet who was married to Rachel__________?

Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)

297 - Name the Prophet who was the first man to write?

Hazrat Idrees (A.S)

298 - Name the Prophet whose body was cut into two Pieces by Jews

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

299 - Name the resource which led to the development of the UAE.


300 - Name the sacred area around Makkah?

The Haram

301 - Name the sahabi who accompanied the holy Prophet SAW while he was entering the Kaaba after the fall of Makkah?

Hazrat Zaid Bin Rubah RA

302 - Name the Sahabi who narrated maximum number of Ahadis?

Hazrat Abu Hurrairah R.A

303 - Name the second Kalimah?


304 - Name the second wife of the holy Prophet SAW?

Hazrat Sauda RA

305 - Name the sister of Ameer Muyawya RA who was the wife of Prophet SAW?

Hazrat Ummy Habiba RA

306 - Name the sixth Kalimah?


307 - Name the term on which acting upon it is not rewarding but it is also not a sin if you do not act upon it what is about it?


308 - Name the term on which acting upon it is not rewarding but it is also not a sin if you do not act upon it what is about it?


309 - Name the term whose avoidance is rewarding and although doing it, is not a sin, yet it is a sort of vice?


310 - Name the term whose avoidance is rewarding and although doing it, is not a sin, yet it is a sort of vice?

Makr i-Tanzihi

311 - Name the third Kalimah?


312 - Name the Type of Surah in which A e-Kitab and Manafiqeen are mentioned?


313 - Name the Umm Mumineen who have narrated about 2210 Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)?

Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (Ra Allahu Anha)

314 - Name the Ummul Momineen who took part practically in Jehad by serving drinking water and nursing wounded mujahideen in the battle?

Hazrat Ayesha RA

315 - Name the Ummul-Mumineen who have narrated about 2210 Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)?

Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (Radi-Allahu Anha)

316 - Name the wife of Haroon ur Rasheed who was the mother of Al-Ameen and Al-Haroon.


317 - Name the wife of Holy Prophet SAW with title ummul masakeen"?

Hazrat Zainab RA

318 - Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq (R.A)?

Hafsah (R.A)

319 - Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq (R.A)?

Hafsah (R.A)

320 - Name the wife of Prophet on whose request the Prophet SAW released seven hundred prisoners?

Hazrat Javairia RA

321 - Name the wife of the Holy prophet (SAW) who was titled as Umm-ul-Masakeen?

Hazrat Zainab (RA)

322 - Name the youngest son of Hazrat Adam AS?

Hazrat Shees AS

323 - Names of kitab and the prophets. Choose the correct answer.(choose all correct answers)

Only (A) & (B)

324 - Names of Quran mentioned in Quran are..... times.


325 - Names of two parties participated in the Battle of Uhud?

Polytheist of Quraysh and Muslims

326 - Nasir Din Tusi was known for

planetary movements and mathematics

327 - Nation of ____________ committed embezzlement in trusts.

Shoib A.S

328 - Nation of hood destroyed by ______________?

Continuous rain and Storm

329 - Nation of hood destroyed by.....?

Continuous rain and Storm

330 - Nation of Noah A.S worshiped _________ idols.


331 - Nation of Noah A.S worshiped..... idols.


332 - National bird of the UAE?


333 - Natural resources are not evenly distributed among countries. Which of the following correctly shows how Southwest Asia is an example of uneven distribution?

Abundance of oil, but scarcity of water

334 - Nemaz e taraweeh is?


335 - Nemaz e taraweeh is?


336 - Nineveh is situated in.....


337 - Ninth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Safiya (RA)

338 - No of Kufars (Non Muslims Forces) in Battle of Badr were _________.


339 - No of Kufars (Non Muslims Forces) in Battle of Badr were.....


340 - No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes but what are the condions of repentance

we should ask Allah for forgiveness and belive what we have done is wrong and promise never to do again.

341 - Nobody can become prophet unless..... bestowed upon him.


342 - Nomads who lived in the desert and traveled from oasis to oasis are call.....?


343 - Not only was salt valuable, it was also a.....


344 - Nothing happens except with the knowledge and permission of .....

Allah (SWT)

345 - Nuh is called?

Abul Bashar Sani

346 - Number of angels of hell are ______?


347 - Number of angels of hell are.....?


348 - Number of Ghazwat in which Prophet PBUH took part in?


349 - Number of hadiths narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A?


350 - Number of Madni surah are?


351 - Number of Makki surah are?


352 - Number of Muslims in the Battle of Uhud.....

700 fighters

353 - Numbers of enemies in the Battle of Uhud ..... .

3,000 fighters

354 - اداب اÙ„صوÙ… واجبات Manners Of Fasting Musts

اÙ„قياÙ… باÙ„عبادØ© اÙ„قولية Ùˆ اÙ„فعÙ„ية اهÙ…ها اÙ„صلوات اÙ„خÙ…س Worshiping Allah By Talking Like Reading Quran Or Doing Duaa & By Movement Like Praying & The Most Important The Five Prayers

355 - سبحاÙ† اÙ„له/subhan allahاÙ„حÙ…د لله / alhamduliallahلا إله إÙ„ا اÙ„له / la ilah illa allahاÙ„له أÙƒبر /allah akbarthese are called:

dikhr ذÙƒر

356 - Oasis

A green area in a desert fed by underground water

357 - Obligations in Islam are called.....?


358 - Obligations in Islam are called_____________?


359 - Ohad is ______ miles from Madina?


360 - Ohad is a.....


361 - Ohad is located near __________?


362 - Ohad is located near.....?


363 - Ohad is..... miles from Madina?


364 - Omaira bin Hasham's original name was.....

Abu Jehl

365 - Omar Khayyám is most famous for

his literary works, especially the Rubaiyat.

366 - Omro Bin Hasham was the actual name of?

Abu Jahl

367 - On ___ advice Hazrat Abu Bakr RA compiled Holy Quran.

Hazrat Umar RA

368 - On 11th Zil Hajj, Khutba is delivered at Khaif Mosque.


369 - On 9th Zil Hajj, ..... Khutba is delivered at Nimrah Mosque.


370 - On foot and on animal back, Ibn Batuta covered km


371 - On gold falqaram (nisab) is.....?

7 1/2 Tolas

372 - On gold falqaram (nisab) is____________?

7 1/2 Tolas

373 - On September 11, 2001, this terrorist organization launched a fo prong, coordinated attack on the USA:

Al Qaeda

374 - On September 11, 2001, what militaristic group controlled the government of Afghanistan?

the Taliban

375 - On silver falqaram is.....?

52 1/2 Tolas

376 - On silver falqaram is____________?

52 1/2 Tolas

377 - On the Judgment day first question will be about?


378 - On the Judgment day first question will be about?


379 - On the suggestion of whom, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) released the Prisoners of Ghazwa-e-Badar?

Hazrat Abu Bakar

380 - On what belief did Muhammad (SAW) base the religion of Islam?

The belief that there is only one God

381 - On what continent is Lebanon located?




383 - On which date of Ramzan Quran was revealed?


384 - On which date throwing of stones is performed on Jumeraat?

10th Zulhajj

385 - On which date throwing of stones is performed on Jumeraat?

10th Zulhajj

386 - On which of the follwing Zakat money can be spent?

Poor Muslims

387 - On which of the follwing Zakat money can be spent?

Poor Muslims

388 - On which place, first Wahi was decended?

Hira Cave

389 - On which place, first Wahi was decended?

Hira Cave

390 - On Which time the Holy Prohpet(PBUH) was gifted with Namaz?


391 - On Which time the Holy Prohpet(PBUH) was gifted with Namaz?


392 - On whose embracing islam the Holy Prophet SAW openly went to the House of Allah to observe prayers with other Muslims?

Hazrat Umar RA

393 - On whose suggestion The Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to release the prisoners of Badr war after taking ransom?

Hazrat Abu bakar R.A

394 - On..... grounds, permission for resorting to Tayyumum is granted.

N availability of Water

395 - On..... spiritual Aasman, the Ba.....Maamoor is located.


396 - Once the Muslims conquered new lands, they engaged in cultural blending which is

the mixing of customs, religions, languages, etc. into an existing culture.

397 - One economic advantage of naming Constantinople as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was that it .....

was located near trade routes between Europe and Asia.

398 - One major cause of current conflicts between Israel and the Arab world is religion. Israel is a Jewish state and the nations of the Arab world follow


399 - One major issue that created a division for the Muslims?

how leaders are chosen

400 - One obligation of a Muslim is to make at least one pilgrimage (Hajj) to:


401 - One obligation of a Muslim is to make at least one pilgrimage (Hajj) to:


402 - One obligation of a Muslim is to make at least one pilgrimage to:


403 - One of the Five Pillars of Faith is give money to the .....


404 - One of the Five Pillars of Faith is prayer ..... times daily facing Mecca.


405 - One of the Five Pillars of Faith is to take a pilgrimage to Mecca, which is called a .....


406 - One of the following is not a manner of eating

. To burp loud after you finish eating

407 - One of the greatest contributions of Justinian's Code was i...

provided the framework for western law today

408 - One of the major topics in the Quran was about God/Allah. What kind of knowledge in the Quran tells us about our God?

His 99 beautiful names.

409 - One of the most common dish eaten by Saudi Arabian people is called.....


410 - One of the most significant battles in world history occurred in Gaul when Islamic expansion into Europe was halted and Arab forces were driven out of Spain

Battle of Tours

411 - One of the noble manners in islam.


412 - One of the Pillars of Islam requires followers to pray how many times each day?


413 - One of the reasons for the wealth of the Ottoman Empire was

its control over the Eastern Mediteranian

414 - One of the two main branches of Islam in which Muslims believe caliphs should be descended form Muhammad (SAW)'s family.


415 - One of the two main branches of Islam in which Muslims do not believe caliphs need to be descended from Muhammad (SAW)'s family, but instead, that religious leaders should elect caliphs.


416 - One quality of the Abbasid Empire is that they .....

made advances in science, mathematics, and medicine

417 - One similarity between the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments is that both

provide a guide to proper ethical and moral behavior

418 - One source of conflict in the Middle East is

the Kurds' desire for a homeland.

419 - One way in which the Eightfold Path and the Five Pillars of Faith are similar is that these rules

represent codes of behavior

420 - One way in which the West African Empires of Ghana and Mali are similar is that they .....

increased their wealth through the go salt trade

421 - One way that officials in Saudi Arabia have adapted to a lack of water include...

building desalinization plants

422 - One way that wealthy nations in Southwest Asia are able to address the lack of water is b.....

building desalination plants

423 - One way the Mande people built Mali into an empire was to

take control of the tra Saharan trade

424 - One who does not believe in Hazrat Muhammad SAW what do we call him?


425 - One who does not believe in Tauheed is called.....


426 - One Who does not believe in the Last Prophet (SAW) is known as.....


427 - One who tries to struggle against his se evil is called.....


428 - One who tries to struggle against his self i-e evil self is called?


429 - Oneness of Allah or unity of Allah is called?


430 - Only ..... can benefit people .


431 - Only sahabi without seeing Prophet is ?

Awais Karni

432 - Only sahabi without seeing Prophet is?

Awais Karni

433 - OPEC member nations' power is rooted i.....

their economic influence over industrialized nations

434 - OPEC's purpose is to

control supply and cost of oil

435 - Opposite of Tauheed is.....?


436 - Opposite of Tauheed is__________?


437 - Original name of Abu Jehl was ___________ bin Hisham.


438 - Original name of Abu Jehl was..... bin Hisham.


439 - Originates in the East

Eastern Orthodox Church

440 - Originates in the West

Roman Catholic Church

441 - Ormuzd was represented by.....


442 - Other societies believe that illness is the result of supernatural phenomena and promote prayer or other .....that counter the presumed disfavor of powerful forces.

spiritual interventions

443 - OU'LAA (SAW) means.....

The Most Worthy

444 - Our Holy Prophet (SAW) broke fast (Aftari) with _______?

All of these

445 - Our Holy Prophet (SAW) broke fast (Aftari) with.....?

All of these

446 - Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had ___________ brothers & sisters.


447 - Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had..... brothers & sisters.


448 - Our knowledge from our own culture comes fr.....

our families, friends, school and society.

449 - Our understanding of the history of the Islamic lands is NOT based on which of the following?


450 - Over the course of 4,000 years, ..... peoples of central Africa migrated south in search of farmland, spreading their language, culture, and farming & ir working techniques


451 - Ozza was the name of.....?

A specfic goddess of Quraish

452 - Ozza was the name of___________?

A specfic goddess of Quraish

453 - Pact of Hudybia was signed in which Hijri year?


454 - Pact of Madina was signed between?

Jews and Muslims

455 - Palestinians, who were upset with Israeli control over the Gaza Strip and West Bank, began a mass uprising in 1987 known as ..... (Think T.Swift)

The first intifada

456 - Paradise is mentioned in Quran for..... times.


457 - Paradise is mentioned in Quran for_______ times.


458 - Parts of the body that must be covered in front of others is called:


459 - Peophet Yunus have been sent to people of .....


460 - People called the man Abu Lahab because .....

He had reddish skin

461 - People drink from.....


462 - People in the UAE speak .....?


463 - People learned how to use herbal medicine from

the Chinese

464 - People living near the coast made a living from ..... .


465 - People rebelling during the Arab Spring wanted

better jobs & more freedom

466 - people who make their living buying and selling goods


467 - People who travel around to find food and water for themselves and animals.

o nomads

468 - People who worship a number of different gods and idols.

o polytheistic

469 - Perfected by Arab scientists, the astrolabe

helped sailors determine where they were.

470 - Persians live mostly in


471 - Persians speak the ancient language


472 - Pick three goods caravans carried across the Arabian Peninsula.

All of the above

473 - Pick three items Muslim merchants brought to Africa to trade with African merchants.

All of the above

474 - Pilatus Roman governor give the execution of which prophet?

Hazrat Issa AS

475 - Pilgrimage made by Muslims to the holy city of Mecca


476 - Pilgrimage to Mecca


477 - Pilgrims throw rocks at a pillar representing ..... and all the evils in life


478 - Pillars of Islam in proper order are?

Shahadateen, Salat, Zakat, Soam, Hajj

479 - Pious-Caliphate lasted for about:__________ Years?

Thirty YearsÂ

480 - Please choose the correct etiquettes when tilawah Qur'an!

All of the above

481 - Police force was set up during the reign of?

Hazrat Umar RA

482 - political leader, not divine


483 - Polygamy was common in.....


484 - Polytheism is also known as.....


485 - Pope Urban II changed the world by

Launching the Crusades

486 - Poverty is an old ..... problem.


487 - Praying at sunrise is


488 - Prior to the Islamic invasion, who ruled over the Iberian Peninsula?

The Visigoths

489 - pronounciation when we recite Qur'an is the meaning of .....


490 - Prophet (SAW) not offered funeral prayer of _________ due to Allah's will.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

491 - Prophet (SAW) not offered funeral prayer of..... due to Allah's will.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

492 - Prophet addressed Khut e-Jumaa for first time in..... Hijrah?


493 - Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jumaa for first time in _________ Hijrah ?


494 - Prophet Dawud received the.....


495 - Prophet hazrat __________ (AS) known as Shaikh al Anbiya ?

Noah (عÙ„يهÙ… اÙ„سÙ„اÙ…)Â

496 - Prophet Hazrat ____________ has the title Najeeb Ullah

Dawood A.S

497 - Prophet hazrat..... (AS) known as Shaikh al Anbiya?


498 - Prophet Ibrahim a.s was born in.....

Babylon Iraq

499 - Prophet Mohammed was from


500 - Prophet Moosa was born in:


501 - Prophet Muhamad was born in ..... .

570 M

502 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to __________ family.


503 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ daughters.


504 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ sons.


505 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Madina for __________ years.


506 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his messengers, a __________ seal was made.


507 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) belonged to..... family.


508 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) had..... daughters.


509 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) had..... sons.


510 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) lived in Madina for..... years.


511 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his messengers, a..... seal was made.


512 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) was born in


513 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) great grandfather Hashim, was a .....


514 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) married Khadeja at the age of: .....


515 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) s.a.w family tree from Prophet .....

Prophet Ibrahim through Prophet Ismail

516 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) SAW said, " Keeping clean is ....."

half of faith

517 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) SAW said, "The key to Paradise is prayer and the key to prayer is ....."


518 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born in the most respected tribe in Arabia The .....


519 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born on .....

20th April, Monday

520 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was from


521 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went to a cave to think about .....

Allah (SWT) and how to help people

522 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)(صلى اÙ„له عÙ„يه وسلم) is known as

All of them

523 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s father is .....


524 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s father, passed away in .....


525 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s mother is


526 - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s mother is Aminah Bint .....


527 - Prophet Muhammad PBUH visited Ghar-i-Hira for?


528 - Prophet Muhammad PBUH while immigrating to Madina took refuge in:

Cave Thaur

529 - Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) performed a total of _________ Umrahs?


530 - Prophet of Thamud tribe

Prophet Saleh

531 - Prophet PBUH died on which date of Rabi ul Awal?


532 - Prophet PBUH made brother to which of the following?

Hazrat Ali RA

533 - Prophet PBUH started a position with the title of Sahib al-suq, What were its duties?

Inspecting the Markets

534 - Prophet PBUH started preaching Islam in public in the year?

613 AD

535 - Prophet PBUH tomb was damaged due to fire in the reign of?

Motasim Billah

536 - Prophet recited ____________ at the conquest of Makkah.

surah Al-Fatha

537 - Prophet recited..... at the conquest of Makkah.

surah Fatha

538 - Prophet stayed at Makkah for __________ days after its conquest ?


539 - Prophet stayed at Makkah for..... days after its conquest?


540 - Prophet was born in ___________ Year of Elephant.


541 - Prophet was born in..... Year of Elephant.


542 - Prophet Yunus did which of the following:

Went on a trip with sailors

543 - Prophet Yunus was sent to which place

The area of Iraq

544 - Prophet..... was a great lover of horses.

Hazrat Suleman (AS)

545 - Prophet..... was gulped by a fish.

Hazrat Yunus (AS)

546 - Prophet's Ibrahim a.s father's name was .....


547 - Prophets would perform miracles

by the permission of Allah

548 - Public property is the facilities that all people can use and respect


549 - Public property is.....

The neighbour and local community can use

550 - Pus, Flowing Blood, Wine, Swine and Semen are..... according to Islam.

Najas e-Ghaleeza

551 - put the first four caliphs in order

Abu Bakr, Umar Uthman Ali

552 - Put the Islamic Caliphates in the correct chronological orde...

Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid

553 - Put the leadership of Islam in correct order from oldest to most recent.

Muhamma 4 first caliph Umayyad Abbasids

554 - Qabeel & Habeel were the sons of which prophet?

Hazrat Adam (AH)

555 - Qabeel & Habeel were the sons of which prophet?

Hazrat Adam (AH)

556 - Qadr means .....


557 - Qasim was born in ___________ years before Prophethood.


558 - Qasim was born in..... years before Prophethood.


559 - Qaswa was the name of the Prophet PBUH?


560 - QAYYUM means.....

The Se Subsisting

561 - Qitaal in Islam is only for.....

The Achievement of Some Noble deeds

562 - Qiyam refers to


563 - Qiyas is one of the types of.....


564 - QUBA mosque has been mentioned in?

Surah Al Tauba

565 - Quraish family was a noble and famous branch of.....

Ismaeeli Arabs

566 - Quran

The holy book of Islam

567 - Quran bindings were bound in intricate designs of what?


568 - Quran is written in _______________?

Prose & Poetry

569 - Quran is written in.....?

Prose & Poetry

570 - Quran was decended.....?

22 Years, 5 Months

571 - Quran was decended____________?

22 Years, 5 Months

572 - Quran was sent to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through angel.....

Hazrat Jibraeel A.S

573 - Quraysh prepared an army led by .....

Khalid bin Waleed

574 - Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering)is made during Hajj at.....?


575 - Qurbani (Holy slaughtering)is made during hajj at?


576 - Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering)is made during Hajj at___________?


577 - Rabb means .....


578 - Rabi and Cantor are the religious people in.....


579 - Rajab is the which month of islamic calendar?


580 - Ramadan celebrates

The celebration that commemorates the first revelation of the Quran to the prophet Muhammad (SAW)

581 - Ramadan is confirmed by the sighting of the ..... moon.


582 - Ramadhaan is the month of?

Only (A) & (B)

583 - Ramzan is the __ month of Islamic calendar?


584 - Rasoollah said this surah is equal to o third of the Quran. Which one?


585 - Real name of Abu Hanifa was?

Numan Bin Sadth

586 - Real name of Imam Shafi was?

Muhammad Bin Idrees

587 - Real name of Shah Waliullah was?

Qutub Ud Din

588 - reciting fathiha

Obligatory saying

589 - Recommended actions prior to commencing prayer:


590 - Recommended acts of worship (extra acts of worship) are..... .....

extra prayers

591 - Regarding bureaucracy and Islamic political administration, what role did the VIZIERS have?

prime minister

592 - Religion

Mostly Rabs practice is one while small numbers of Arabs pratice practice other religions. Not all Arabs are Muslim and not on Muslims are a aRabs. The majority of Muslims practice SUNY is one in most other practice islam. So needs and she is disagree abo

593 - Religious terminology of --Nirwan-- related to:


594 - Reply of Yarhamukallah is

Yahdeekumullah wa yuslih balakum

595 - Respect and tolerance of other cultures is about.....

exploring and getting to know the differences that exist among us.

596 - River ..... flows in two countries, Egypt and Sudan.


597 - River Neil was declared as Say.....Anhar by Hazrat?

Hazrat Umer (RA)

598 - River Neil was declared as Sayed-ul-Anhar by Hazrat ?

Hazrat Umer (RA)

599 - River Neil was declared as Sayed-ul-Anhar by Hazrat?

Hazrat Umar RA

600 - River Nile was declared as Syed-ul-Anhar by Hazrat?

Hazrat Umar RA

601 - Roohullah was the title of.....

Hazrat Isa (AS)

602 - Rubaiyat is a line poem.


603 - Saad bin Maaz (RA) consulted the..... to take decision in the Battle of Trench.


604 - Sad e-E.....fitr has been proclaimed in the year?

2 Hijri

605 - Sad e-fitr is.....


606 - Sadaqallahul'azhiim (Allah, Almighty, has declared the truth), we say it in the ..... of reciting the Qur'an


607 - Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-fitr has been proclaimed in the year?

2 Hijri

608 - Saddam Hussein is best known as .....

a dictator

609 - Sadqa-e-Eid-ul-Fitr has been proclaimed in the year?

2 Hijri

610 - Safi ullah was famous for.....

Hazrat Adam (AS)

611 - Sahib Us-Ser is the nickname of?

Hazrat Khuzaifa RA

612 - Saif Ullah was the title of?

Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA

613 - Sal e-istakhara is performed for?

Coming Hajat

614 - Sal e-Istasqa is offered on the occasion of?

Shortage of Rain

615 - Sal t witr is performed after which prayer:


616 - Salah is


617 - Salah is the..... pillar of Islam.


618 - Salah starts with saying


619 - Salah was made obligatory when the Prophet went to

Isra and Miraj

620 - Salat became obligatory at the event of.....


621 - Salat was made obligatory at the occasion of.....


622 - Salat-e-istakhara is performed for?

Coming Hajat

623 - Salat-e-Istasqa is offered on the occasion of?

Shortage of Rain

624 - Salatul jumuah occurs on:


625 - Samara was a.....

Capital of the Islamic State


God listens to one who praises Him

627 - Sargon II captured the capital of Sumaria in.....

722 BC

628 - sariya khalid bin Waleed (RA) and Ali bin Abi Talib (RA) were fought in.....

10 AH

629 - Sariyas Abdullah bin Anees (RA), Abu Salma bin Abu Alasad (RA), Manzoor bin Amr (RA) and Mursad bin Abi Mursad (RA) were fought in.....

6 AH

630 - Sariyas Ali bin Abi Talib (RA) and Basheer bin Sa'ad (RA) were fought at.....


631 - Sariyas Umar Farooq, Abu Bakr, I e-Abi Alawja, Bashir bin Saad and Ghalib Abdullah (RA) were fought in.....

7 AH

632 - Sariyas. Abdur Rehman bin Hajsh (RA) and Umair bin Addi (RA) were fought in.....

2 AH

633 - Saw which of the following is not a sunnah sawm?

Ayyamul Thasreeq

634 - Sawm is Five Pillars of Islam number .....


635 - Say rabbi ighfir li in


636 - Saying "Al-Hamdulillah" is known as____________?


637 - Saying the second salamu alaykum within prayer is one of the

Recommended actions.

638 - Science of Islamic Law is known as.....


639 - Scientific knowledge came from.

Only (A) & (B)

640 - Seclusion is Sunnah in the month of Ramzan. Another kind of Seclusion is Wajib its meaning is.....?


641 - Seclusion is Sunnah in the month of Ramzan. Another kind of Seclusion is Wajib its meaning is_______?


642 - Second Ashra (second ten days of Ramadan) is known as?

Days of Forgiveness

643 - Second Ashra (second ten days of Ramadan) is known as?

Days of Forgiveness

644 - Second migration to Habshah took place in__________ ?

616 A.D

645 - Second Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Sauda (RA)

646 - Second Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Sauda (RA)

647 - Seeking refuge in Allah form the shaitan is called


648 - Select 2 answersAllah swt is is only close to those who believe in Him.

Only (A) & (B)

649 - Select 2 answersWhat is needed for the judge to make a fair judgement?

Only (A) & (B)

650 - Select 2 answersWhat must we NOT do?

Only (A) & (B)

651 - Select the 2 causes of the Nika Riots.

Only (A) & (B)

652 - Select the contributions of the Muslim Empire. CHOOSE 3 ANSWERS!

All of the above

653 - Select the contributions of the Muslim Empire. CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY.

All of the above

654 - Select the true statements below:

All of the above

655 - Select the two branches of Islam.

Only (A) & (B)

656 - Select three things that we must do when we see evil.

All of the above

657 - Select two things that Allah swt does not have but we do

Only (A) & (B)

658 - Serial no of Surah Yasin w.r.t Surahs in Quran is __________?


659 - Serial no of Surah Yasin w.r.t Surahs in Quran is.....?


660 - Seventh wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Zainab binte Hajash (RA)

661 - Sha'ban is located near the valley of.....

I e-Ali

662 - Shahadatain is the..... pillar of Islam.


663 - SHAHIR (SAW) means.....

The We Known

664 - SHAHIR (SAW) means.....

The We Known

665 - Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is buried at ?


666 - Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is buried at?


667 - Shaitan is ou.....


668 - Shaitan want us to .....things.


669 - Shari'a can best be defined as

the body of Islamic law and custom.

670 - Sharia law was influenced by which of the following?

the Qur'an

671 - Shari'ah

Islamic code of law

672 - Shariah is also known as.....

Islamic Law

673 - Shari'ah is.....

law to regulate daily life.

674 - Shawwal is

the tenth month of the Islamic calendar

675 - Shaytan tricked the first Prophet, Prophet .....


676 - She cut her belt into

two pieces

677 - She prepared food and took it for

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Abu Bakr

678 - She refused to tell about Prophet Muhammd to .....

A Jahl

679 - She was alive at the time of "karbala" tragedy : Name her?

Hazrat Umm-e-Salma RA

680 - Sheba was the real name of?

Hazrat Abdul Mutlib RA

681 - Sheikh

The leader of an Arab tribe

682 - Sheikh Ahmad of Sirhandi was given the title of Mujadid Alf Sani by?

Maulana Abdul Hakeem

683 - Shh! The baby (sleep) .....

is sleeping

684 - Shia

A group of Muslim's who believed the descendants of Ali should rule

685 - Shi'a is a division of Islam who

believe only close relatives and friends of Muhammad (SAW) should succeed

686 - Shi'a Muslims believe Muhammad (SAW) held up Ali's hand and said that Ali was to be master of whoever Muhammad (SAW) had been master of. They believe he asked Allah to support those who supported Ali, and be an enemy of whoever opposed him. This is rememb


687 - Shi'a Muslims believe that Muhammad (SAW) appointed who as his successor on .....Ghadeer?

Ali ibn Abi Tali the son of Muhammad (SAW)'s uncle

688 - Shia Muslims believed that Caliph Succession should be.....

continued on by blood relatives of Muhammad (SAW).

689 - Shi'a Muslims prepare for .....Ghadeer by:

taking a full bath early in the morning and completing specific prayers

690 - Shias believe their leader should be

a descendant of Muhammad (SAW)

691 - Shintoism is..... native religion.


692 - Shipping containers come to the country at:

the port

693 - Shirk is the opposite of .....


694 - Shirk literally means ..... or .....

Association, Sharing

695 - Shiva means.....

The Destroyer

696 - Sholat is five pillars of islam number .....


697 - Shortest Surah of Holy Quran is?


698 - 'Should I not be a grateful .....'


699 - Should we obey the ruler even when he orders his subjects to do something that has no benefit


700 - Shroot AL hajj

Islam sane able puberty

701 - Sick person prayer

They can pray how they want. They can combine Thuhr with Asr and Magrib with Ishaa' and can't shorten the prayer

702 - Siddhartha Gautama founded which religion?


703 - Siddique was the title of?

Hazrat Abu Bakr RA

704 - Siha e Sitta are __________ books of Hadith ?


705 - Siha e Sitta are..... books of Hadith?


706 - Sikhism is a combination of which two religions?

Hinduism and Islam

707 - Sikhism was founded by.....

Guru Nanak

708 - Since 1948, a major reason for the conflict between Arabs and Israelis is that each side

claims sovereignty over the same land

709 - Since the 1970s, the Middle Eastern conflict between traditional culture and the forces of Westernization has resulted in

the growth of religious fundamentalism

710 - Sindh was invaded during the reign of?

Waleed bin abdul Malik

711 - Singh means..... in Sikhism.


712 - Siraj" is one of the name Prophet PBUH, what is its meaning?

The sun

713 - Six Articles of Fait which four?

All of the above

714 - Sixth Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Salmah (RA)

715 - Sixth Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Salmah (RA)

716 - Slaves were taken FROM what area and sent to other areas?

West Africa

717 - Soam is prohibited at the time of ______.

Both (a) & (b)

718 - Soam is prohibited at the time of.....

Both (A) & (B)

719 - Social boycott continued for ____________ years?


720 - Social boycott continued for..... years?


721 - Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in ____________ Nabvi.


722 - Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in..... Nabvi.


723 - Social media created ways of getting more people involved in Arab Spring:




725 - Sola which solat if Farlu qifaya


726 - Somalia and Djibouti are also called .....of Africa.

The Horn

727 - Some atheists believe that there is no ..... and no .....

Beginning, End

728 - Some countries in the region have become wealthy due to the abundance ...

petroleum (oil)

729 - Some important lessons we can extract from the lives and roles of prophets, (Choose two answers)

Only (A) & (B)

730 - Some muslims are blocked from drinking from the fountain of the prophet due to changes they did to the teaching of prophet Muhammad (SAW) PBUH. What do you think the example of the changes?

Pray 6 times daily

731 - Some of the distinct features of the Arab and Islamic heritage are which of the following

Hospitality, tolerance and family cohesion, etc

732 - Some of the UAE traditional food a.....

harees, loqaimat, machbous, balaleet and salona

733 - Some people say that Allah has childrens. Is it a form of Shirk ar Ruboobiyah?


734 - Some trade items that moved through the Arabian Peninsula during the early Middle Ages were

silk, gold and silver

735 - Someone that follows the faith of Islam is known as a:


736 - someone who lives by traveling from place to place


737 - Something newly created


738 - Soon after Muhammad (SAW)'s death, the Islamic world split into which two groups?

Sunni and Shiite

739 - Spirits are called kamil in.....


740 - Splitting of moon was occurred in?


741 - Splitting of the moon was occurred in?


742 - Staple foods of UAE?

margooga, harees

743 - Staying in one place for extended periods of time is



Free from all defects is my A Highest Lord, and with His praise I adore Him


Free from All Defects is my Lord, and with His praise I bow

746 - Subject of Holy Quran is ?


747 - Subject of Holy Quran is?


748 - successor


749 - Sufi Muslims do this extra form of worship in order to achieve a deeper relationship with Allah?

Write love poetry to Allah

750 - Sufi writers such as Rumi were mainly interested in

expressing religious ideas.

751 - Sulah e Hudaibiya is called Fatah Al-Mubeen in Surah?


752 - Sulh-i-Hudibiyya was written by?

Hazrat Ali RA

753 - Sultan

A Suljuk leader

754 - Sunnah is a ..... of Quran Majeed.


755 - Sunnah is.....

Actions of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

756 - Sunni

A group of Muslim's who accepted the rule of the Umayyad caliphs

757 - Sunni Ali led the Songhai people to

break away from Mali by force

758 - Sunni and Shia Muslims split over

disputes over Mohammed's successor

759 - Sunni Muslims don't celebrate .....Ghadeer because

they believe Muhammad (SAW) wanted Muslims to respect Ali, but not the Shi'a interpretation that this meant he was naming him as his successor

760 - Sunnis and Shia split due to a

difference in opinion over who should lead the Muslim community following Muhammad (SAW)'s death

761 - Sunnis believe their leader should be

a person of strong Islamic faith

762 - Sur e-hamd is another name for.....?

Sur e-Fatiha

763 - Surah __ has Bismillah Twice.


764 - Surah ___ is called Surah Qatal.


765 - Surah _________ is known as beauty of Quran.


766 - Surah ___________ is known as Heart of Quran.


767 - Surah ____________ is revealed in respect of Ahle Bayt.


768 - Surah Al Fathiha revealved i.....


769 - Surah Al kafiroon means

The disbelievers

770 - Surah Alaq is..... Surah.

Both (a) & (c)

771 - Surah Ankaboot means ___________?


772 - Surah Ankaboot means.....?


773 - Surah as sajdah is a .....surah


774 - Surah Baqarah contains ________verses?


775 - Surah Baqarah contains.....verses?


776 - Surah Baqrah which is the longest Surah have how many verses?


777 - Surah Falaq and Surah Naas were revealed in.....

None of these

778 - Surah Fatiha is prayed while


779 - Surah fatiha must be recited in

in every rakah

780 - Surah kafirun has ..... verses.


781 - Surah kafirun tells about?

The disbeliever offer to Rasulullah to leave the teachings of Islam and follow the teachings of their religion

782 - Surah Kausar has how many ayats?


783 - Surah means city of ?


784 - Surah means city of?


785 - Surah Muzammil means ____________?

Wrapped in Garments

786 - Surah Muzammil means.....?

Wrapped in Garments

787 - surah namal means a.....?


788 - surah namal means a_____________?


789 - Surah Tauba the only Surah Which does not start with Bismillah is in Which Parah?

10 & 11

790 - Surah Tauba the only Surah Which does not start with Bismillah is in Which Parah?

10 & 11

791 - Surah Towba is also known as Surah.....


792 - Surah Waqiah is also called?

Surah Al Ghani

793 - Surah..... is called U.....Kitab.


794 - Surah..... is known as beauty of Quran.


795 - Surah..... is known as Heart of Quran.


796 - Surah..... is revealed in respect of Ahle Bayt.


797 - Surah-e-hamd is another name for ________?


798 - Surat At Takwir was revealed in .....


799 - Surgeons were able to put patients to sleep before surgery and successfully..... [Select ALL that Apply]

All of the above

800 - Surname of Prophet PBUH was?


801 - Syncretism is the blending of religious beliefs among different cultures. Which of these is the best example of syncretism in Africa?

West Africans blended Islam with animism

802 - Synonym of Tameemah is:


803 - Tabook expedition is also called..... in the Holy Quran.

Expedition of Straightness

804 - Tabook is situated between.....

Madina & Damascus

805 - Taghrooda means,

traditional Bedouin chanted poetry in the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman

806 - Taharah is a ..... word.


807 - Tahira was the title of which of the following?

Hazrat Khatija RA

808 - Tahleel Literally means Recitation of.....?


809 - Tahleel Literally means Recitation of__________?


810 - Takbe e-Tashreeq is recited in.....?


811 - Takbeerat ul ihram, said as the start of prayer is saying the

saying Allahu Akbar

812 - Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is recited in_________?


813 - Tamerlane was a(n) ..... leader who invaded India.


814 - Taoism developed in the reign of Emperor.....

Shun Di

815 - Taoism's Sacred Book is.....

Tao te Ching

816 - Tariq Bin ziyad crossed..... and conquered Spain

Straight of Gibraltar

817 - Tauheed means.....

Belief in the oneness of Allah

818 - Taurat was revealed on

Hazrat Musa (A.S

819 - Taw e-Rukan is..... component of Hajj?


820 - Tawa e-Qudum is performed.....

On Entering Masj e-Haram

821 - Tawa e-Qudum is.....


822 - Tawaf Al-Qudum is________________?


823 - Tawaf Qudum is.....?


824 - Tawaf-e-Rukan is _______________ component of Hajj?


825 - Tawheed ar Ruboobiyah explains the fact that Allah is the Creator of all things and it's only He who brought all things to .....


826 - Tawheed ar Ruboobiyah is

His Lordship and His actions

827 - Tawheed Asmaa' was sifaat is the .....

Third category of monothesim

828 - Tawheed is divided into ..... categories.


829 - TAYYIB (SAW) means.....

The Good

830 - Teachers of Islam reached Western China by about 650 CE,only ..... after ther death of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (Peace be upon on him)

18 years



832 - Teaching in all revealed books are


833 - Tell me the name of prayer that you must do it only once a week ..

Jum'at prayer

834 - Tell the meaning of ضعف

Did not perform well

835 - Tell the name of the mosque where almost seventy prophets are buried?

Masj e.....Hanif

836 - Tell the name of the mountain from where Hazrat Isa (AS) was taken to the Heavens?


837 - Tell the name of the Prophet who is known as the Father.

Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)

838 - Tell the Name of the Suhabi who took first advantage of calligraphy of Wahi?

Hazrat Khalid bin Saeed bin Alaas (R.A)

839 - Tell the Name of the Suhabi who took first advantage of calligraphy of Wahi?

Hazrat Khalid bin Saeed bin Alaas (R.A)

840 - Tell the name of the uncle of Hazrt Isa (AS). who was also a Prophet?

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

841 - Tell the name of valley in which Hazrat Musa (AS) was bestowed with Prophethood?


842 - Tell the number of Farz duties to be performed during Hajj?


843 - Tell the number of Farz duties to be performed during Hajj?


844 - Temple in Mecca once revered as a center for regional gods, rededicated by Muhammad (SAW) as the central place to worship Allah that all Muslims pray towards?


845 - Ten most blessed and distinguishing companions of Holy Prophet PBUH whom he gave the glad tidings of entrance into paradise during their lifetime are known as?

Ashra Mubashra

846 - Tenth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Memona (RA)

847 - Tenth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Memona (RA)

848 - Term "belief in one God"


849 - Term for nomads in Middle East who travelled around Arabian Peninsula herding and trading


850 - term used to describe records of the sayings and doings of the Prophet


851 - term which narrate events in order of time


852 - Terrorist activity against Israel is often carried out by this group


853 - Textiles are

Manufactured fabric

854 - Th meaning of AFUW is.....

The Forgiving

855 - Tha age of the Holy Prophet (SAW) at the time of Battle of Badr was.....

54 years

856 - Tha name of sixth Kalimah is.....

Kalim e-R e-Kufr

857 - thaa is for


858 - Thaqaalan is an Arabic word which refers to two things : .....

people and jinn

859 - The "Arabic language" includes: (select all that apply)

All of the above

860 - The "Battle of Yermuk" was fought between Muslims and _________ ?


861 - The "Battle of Yermuk" was fought between Muslims and.....?


862 - The ..... for Government Innovation was established to stimulate and enrich the culture of innovation within the government sector through the development of an integrated innovation framework.

Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre

863 - The ..... in Mecca is Islam's most sacred place.


864 - The ..... is in the center of Mecca and it holds the black stone. It is where millions of Muslims make a religious journey to each year.


865 - The ..... is releaved to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)(SAW)


866 - The ..... is the holy book of Islam.


867 - The ..... is the ship of the desert. They had been used as transportation in the Emirates for many years.


868 - The ..... remains the true book of guidance.


869 - The ..... Sea is on the West of the Peninsula. Mark)


870 - The ..... sea separate African Arab countries from Asian Arab countries.


871 - The ..... translation of the famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, is why his works are even available today


872 - The an extended vision for the generations of the next five decades to make the UAE the best country in the world by 2071 when the country marks its 100th anniversary.

UAE Centennial 2071

873 - The 4th pillar of Islam is?


874 - The 4th pillar of Islam is?


875 - The 5th pillar of Islam is?


876 - The Abbasid and Umayyad empires are most closely associated with

creating an Islamic Golden Age

877 - The Abbasid dynasty is most closely associated with

creating an Islamic Golden Age

878 - The Abbasid Dynasty was known for

the decline of Muslim influence and they welcomed the Moguls.

879 - The abbasid state became weaker from the 9th century as

All of the above

880 - The Abbasids moved the capital of the Caliphate from Damascus to .....


881 - The Abbasids sought to lessen the power of the ..... by moving their capital to Baghdad.


882 - The ability to recognize and appreciate the personal characteristics of others is

Cultural Diversity

883 - The accord of Uqba took place in..... years of Prophethood.


884 - The Act of Shortening ones prayer while on journey is called?


885 - The Act of Shortening ones prayer while on journey is called?


886 - The Action (Amal) of Islam depends on.....?


887 - The Action (Amal) of Islam depends on___________?


888 - The acts of worshipping Allah are:

Obligatory & optional

889 - The adopted son of the Holy Prophet was

Hazrat Zaid

890 - The African Arab Countries are located on the .....desert.


891 - The age of Hazrat Adam at the birth of the Prophet Shees was.....

130 years

892 - The age of Hazrat Khadija (RA) was..... when she got married with the Holy Prophet (SAW).


893 - The age of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the Battle of Tabook was..... years.


894 - The Amin Mosque was built in




896 - The AMIR (SAW) means.....

The Commander

897 - the Ancient Harar Jugol is a .....


898 - The angel in charge of blowing the trumpet which marks the coming of the day judgment is .....


899 - The Angel of revelation:


900 - The Angel who delivered messages to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah was?

Jibrael (A.S)

901 - The Angel who delivered messages to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) from Allah was?

Jibrael (A.S)

902 - The Angel who sometimes carried Allah's punishment for the disobedient is.....

Hazrat Jibrael (AS)

903 - The Angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Resurrection is.....

Hazrat Israfeel (AS)

904 - The Angels are..... are appointed to put questions to the dead in their graves.

Munkar & Nakeer

905 - The Angels Kiraman Katibeen record all the deeds of a person from birth to death to.....

Present it on the Day of Judgement

906 - The angels serve Allah in..... ways.


907 - The Ar Islamic identity derived from the history of Arab nation, its heritage and principles o.....

Islamic religion

908 - The Ar Israeli conflict is between.....

Jews and the Palestinians

909 - The Ar Israeli Conflict is mostly about the struggle between Arab nationalists and Jewish nationalists clashing over.....


910 - The Arab countries are spread across 2 continents.

Asia and Africa

911 - The Arab countries were upset with the government because:

They were treated badly

912 - The Arab Country Mauritania is in Which Continent?


913 - The Arab Spring started in:


914 - The Arab Spring was

a wave of p democracy protests in MENA in 20 11.

915 - The Arab world consist o.....Arab Speaking Countrires?


916 - The Arab world has grown because of .....


917 - The Arab world is made up of .....Arab speaking countries


918 - the arabian nights is told by a man or a woman?


919 - the arabian nights only talk about

arabs and indians and persians

920 - The Arabian Peninsula is located between what two bodies of water?

Only (A) & (B)

921 - The Arabian Peninsula is surrounded by ..... from the east, the south and the west.


922 - The Arabian Peninsula is surrounded on ..... sides by water.


923 - The Arabian peninsula lies between.....

Northeast Coast of Africa and Central Asia

924 - The Arabian Peninsula lies near the intersection of which THREE continents?

Asia, Africa and Europe

925 - The Arabic word for " worship" is .....,,,


926 - The Arabic word for "God" is..


927 - The Arabic word for God


928 - The Arabic word for god is .....


929 - The Arabic word for revelation is.....


930 - The Arabic word used in the Quran for 'the giver of the good news' is .....


931 - The Arabic word used in the Quran for 'Warner' is .....


932 - The Arabs all share the same language but different.....


933 - The Arabs learned ..... technology from the .....

Pap making; Chinese

934 - The Arabs learned pap making technology from the?


935 - The Arabs learned papermaking from.....


936 - The Arabs were divided into tribes called?


937 - The architecture of UAE is inspired by which of the following?

all of the above

938 - The arid and se arid climate of much of Southwest Asia creates biomes that are characterized b.....

grasslands and deserts

939 - The art of beautiful & stylized handwriting is called.....


940 - The astrolabe would be considered an advancement in which area?

Geography (Navigation)

941 - The Aswan Dam located on the Nile was made to do all of the following except

help the people open up international trade

942 - The aura (nakedness) of a man is from

from the navel to the knees

943 - The aura (nakedness) of a woman is

the whole body except the face and the palms

944 - The author of I e-Maja is.....


945 - The author of Jami is.....


946 - The author of Kafi is.....

Muhammad (SAW) Ali bin Babvia

947 - The author of Kit.....Sunnah is.....


948 - The author of Sunan is.....

Abu Daood

949 - The Awrah (minimum amount of covering necessary) for men is:

From the naval to the knees

950 - The Ba.....Maamoor is a.....


951 - The backbone of Islamic system is.....?


952 - The backbone of Islamic system is____________?


953 - The Ban speaking people migrated because they were looking for

better farmland and better grazing.

954 - The basis for the Muslim religion are:

the Five Pillars

955 - The Battle after which the siege of Taif was laid was.....

Tabook Expedition

956 - The battle in which the Holy Prophet (SAW) participated personally is called.....


957 - The Battle of Badr is mentioned in Surah..... of the Holy Quran.

A e-Imran

958 - The Battle of Badr took place in.....

624 AD

959 - The Battle of Camel was fought at__________?


960 - The Battle of Camel was fought between Hazrat Ali (R.A) and__________?

Bibi Aisha

961 - The Battle of Camel was fought in:________?

36 A.H

962 - The Battle of Hunain was fought in.....

8 AH

963 - The Battle of Karbala took place on which Hijri?

61 AH

964 - The Battle of Karbala took place on which Hijri?

61 AH

965 - The battle of Mota took place in.....

8 AH

966 - The Battle of Sallasil or the Battle of Chains was fought between__________and the Muslims?


967 - The Battle of Trench is also called.....

Battle of Ahzab

968 - The Battle of Trench took place in.....

627 AD

969 - The Battle of Trench was fought in.....

5 AH

970 - The Battle of Yarmouk was fought during the caliphate of___________?

Hazrat Umar (RA)

971 - The battle whose participants were bestowed with the highest rewards by Allah was.....


972 - the belief in a single God


973 - The belief in more than on one God


974 - The belief in one God is?


975 - The Belief in the truthful messenger and to obey the commandments of Allah according to the messenger-s instructions is called?


976 - The believer may fulfill the struggle in four ways i.e. by heart, by tongue, by his hands and.....

By Sword

977 - The best definition of Bedouin is?

An Arab nomad

978 - The best definition of Clan is?

A group related by blood or marriage

979 - The best orator in the prisoners of the battle of Badr was.....

Sohail bin Amr

980 - The best reason for Emperor Justinian's codification of Roman law was t...

clarify and change Roman law to better fit Byzantine society


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