Islamic Studies: Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job Tests Set: 1

1 - "A soul (then) shall know what it has brought with hi verse 14. What will be brought with the soul?

Good and bad deeds

2 - "A Thousand and One Nights," is also called

Arabian Nights

3 - "Allah creates things for a reason" is the example for .....

Al Hakim

4 - "Allah has knowledge of the past and the future" is the example for .....

Al Khabir

5 - "Allah shows His extra mercy to the believers" is the example for .....

Ar Rahim

6 - "Allah shows His mercy to His entire creation, including the Kuffar" is the example for .....

Ar Rahman

7 - "Because the Meccans were unprepared for battle, they chose to surrender peacefully. Thus, in 630 CE Muhammad (SAW) won back control of Mecca without shedding a drop of blood.""What does the author mean by saying, "without shedding a drop of blood"?

No one was killed during battle to take control of Mecca.

8 - "fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you" This Quranic verse was revealed in.....

Safar 2 AH

9 - "former people" means .....


10 - "Friend of Allah" was a title given to which prophet?

Ibrahim as

11 - "Islam" means


12 - "Khums" means.....


13 - "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" is stated in which surah?


14 - "Saha Satta" are __ books of Hadith.


15 - "Surely Allah does not accept prayers without purification" is the Saying of.....

The Holy Prophet (SAW)

16 - "The Alive" is the meaning of....., attributive name of Allah.


17 - "The All hearing" means.....


18 - "The Appreciative" is the meaning of.....attributive name of Allah.


19 - "The Commendable" is the meaning of..... attributive name of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


20 - "The Compriser" means.....

None of these

21 - "The Constant" is the meaning of the name of the Holy Prophet (SAW).....


22 - "The Dominant" is the meaning of..... attributive name of Allah


23 - "The Eloquent" is the meaning of..... attributive name of Holy Prophet (SAW).


24 - "The Fashioner" means.....


25 - "The Friend" is the meaning of....., attributive name of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


26 - "The Glorious"is the meaning of.....attributive name of Allah.


27 - "the Great" means.....


28 - "The Judge" is the meaning of..... attributive name of Allah.


29 - "The Just" is the meaning of.....


30 - "The King"is the meaning of..... attributive name of Allah.


31 - "The Learned" is the meaning of Holy Prophet's (SAW) attributive name.....


32 - "The Maintainer" means.....


33 - "The Majestic"is the meaning of.....the name of Allah.


34 - "The Merciful' means.....


35 - "The Messenger" is the meaning of the Holy Prophet's name..... (SAW).


36 - "The Mighty" means.....


37 - "The Most Commendable" means.....


38 - "The Most Pardoning" is the meaning of..... attributive name of Allah.


39 - "The Most Powerful"is the meaning of..... attributive name of Allah.


40 - "The One"is the meaning of.....attributive name of Allah.


41 - "The Perfect" is the meaning of....., attributive name of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


42 - "The Powerrful" is the meaning of the Holy Prophet's attributive name.....


43 - "The Preacher" is the meaning of.....


44 - "The Reckoner" is the meaning of....., attributive name of Allah.


45 - "The Se Subsisting" is the meaning of....., attributive name of Allah.


46 - "The Seal" is the meaning of..... attributive name of Holy Prophet (SAW).


47 - "The Subtle" is the meaning of....., attributive name of Allah.


48 - "The Truth" means.....


49 - "The Watchful" means.....


50 - "The well Guided" is the meaning of..... attributive name of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


51 - "There is no fault in Allah's creations" is the example for .....

Al Hakim

52 - "There is no God but God and Muhammad (SAW) is his prophet." Is part of the duties of Muslim called.....

.....the five pillars of Islam.

53 - "There is no god but God, and Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of God."What religious idea is best described by this statement?


54 - "There was no difference between Zakat and Salat" who said that.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

55 - "when Allah wishes good for someone, He blesses them with the understanding of Deen (Islam)"

Is a hadith narrated in Bukhari and Muslim

56 - "Zardak" is the highest peak of:

Kirthar range

57 - (And they say, «When we are lost within theEarth, will we indeed be recreatedin a new creation? » Rather, they are, in the matter of the meeting with theirLord, disbelievers. (l 0) Say, «The angel of death will take you who has beenentrusted with you.

Resurrection after death

58 - (طور سنين) means:

Mountain in Sinai

59 - . . . Wherever they went, the Muslims brought with them their love of art, beauty, and learning. From about the eighth to the eleventh century, their culture was superior in many ways to that of western Christendom. Some of the finest centers of Muslim li

Golden ages are marked by economic prosperity and scientific and cultural achievements.

60 - ..... a pillar of Islam is Declared as Shield against Sins.


61 - ..... accompanied the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the visit of Taif.

Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA)

62 - ..... accounts for the differences based on cultural, ethnic, and racial factors when a variety of cultures are in the same area.

Cultural Diversity

63 - ..... and Nuns are the religious piople in Buddhism.


64 - ..... angels attend the every human permanently.


65 - ..... angels helped the Muslims in the Battle of Badr.

5, 000

66 - ..... applied the dots in the Holy Quran?

Abdul Malik Marwan

67 - ..... are absolutely obedient to Allah's commands.

All of the above

68 - ..... are the names of the foster mothers of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Both (A) & (B)

69 - ..... at the Battle of ..... hindered the spread of Islam to the rest of Europe. (select all which apply)

Only (A) & (B)

70 - ..... attacked the Kha e-Kaba to demolish it.


71 - ..... became a prophet and introduced Islam in Arabia.

Muhammad (SAW)

72 - ..... became the birth place of Islam.


73 - ..... became the capital of the Islamic Caliphate.


74 - ..... begins the pray.

Allahu Akhbar

75 - ..... believed that Hazrat Uzair (AS) is the son of Allah.


76 - ..... believes in the Doctrine of Trinity.


77 - ..... borrowed the numerical system and zero from Indian scholars. His work resulted in the Arabic numbering system that is still used in most of the world. He also wrote the first book about Algebra.


78 - ..... borught the Holy Prophet (SAW) after the death of Hazrat Amina (RA) to Makkah.

Hazrat Umay Aimen (RA)

79 - ..... broke idols for the first time with an axe.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

80 - ..... built Masj e-Zarar.


81 - ..... chewed Hazrat Hamza's liver.


82 - ..... chief deities were there in Hinduism in early stages.


83 - ..... city is called "home of hadith".


84 - ..... claims Hazrat Isa (AS) as the son of Allah.


85 - ..... companion (RA) accompanied the Holy Prophet (SAW) against the Jews of Khyber.


86 - ..... companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) accompanied him at the time of Sul e-Hudaibiya.


87 - ..... contains the imprints of the feet of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) in Makkah.

Maq e-Ibrahim

88 - ..... created me.


89 - ..... created the area known as Palestine into two states. One for the Jews and one for the Arab Palestinians.

The 1947 UN Partition Plan

90 - ..... days are prohibited for fasting throughout the Year.


91 - ..... died on the tenth of Ramadan 10 Nabvi.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

92 - ..... disappeared mysteriously.

Hazrat Ilyas (AS)

93 - ..... disobeyed Allah and became defaint.


94 - ..... encounters took place between the Muslims and n Muslims during the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


95 - ..... encouraged the growth of Muslim literature and reading with Baghdad having more than 100 bookshops lined on "Papersellers' Street."


96 - ..... fell upon Bani Aad.

A violent storm

97 - ..... fell upon Bani Samood.

Volcanic Eruption

98 - ..... first translated Quran into Balochi.

Mullah Hazoor Bux

99 - ..... first translated Quran into Brahvi.

Mohammad Umar

100 - ..... first translated the Holy Quran in to Sindhi?

Aakhund Azzizullah

101 - ..... first translated the Quran into Bengali language.

Abbas Ali

102 - ..... first translated the Quran into Chinese language.

Prof. Majan

103 - ..... first translated the Quran into German language.

Martin Luther

104 - ..... first translated the Quran into Punjabi.

Hafiz Muhammad (SAW) Lakhnavi

105 - ..... first translated the Quran into Seraiki.

Dr. Mehr Abd Haq

106 - ..... first translated the Quran into sindhi.

Akhwand Azizullah

107 - ..... first translated the Quran into Spanish language.

De Roulis

108 - ..... first translated the Quran into Urdu.

Shah Rafiuddin

109 - ..... firstly arranged and wrote the Quran on paper in book from.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)

110 - ..... forbade making images of God or people.

Muhammad (SAW)

111 - ..... formed a society called A e-Hadith to collect traditions.

Imam Maalik bin Anas

112 - ..... fought against the Muslims in the battle of Ohad.

Abu Amir

113 - ..... founded Islam.


114 - ..... founded new religion in China before the birth of Hazrat Isa (AS).


115 - ..... friend will celebrate your success.


116 - ..... Ghazawahs are described in Holy Quran.


117 - ..... Ghazwa was fought against the Syrian tribe.


118 - ..... got a wide reputation as a traditionalist.

Imam Abu Daud

119 - ..... got the fifth place in the history of the collectors of Hadith.


120 - ..... had the title of A e-ul Hakim.

Abu Jehl

121 - ..... had the title of Sayy u Shohdah.

Hazrat Hamza (RA)

122 - ..... has three sects, the Roman Catholic, the Protestant and the Eastern Orthodox.


123 - ..... hid himself behind the tree.

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

124 - ..... idols were in Kaaba before Islam.


125 - ..... included .....,.....,..... .

Elements , arches , domes , columns

126 - ..... infidels were killed in the Battle of Badr.


127 - ..... introduced the science of Astronomy.

Hazrat Idrees (AS)

128 - ..... is (are) made of fire.


129 - ..... is a comprehensive book


130 - ..... is a monotheistic religion based on submitting to God's will. In Arabic, it means "peace through submission to the will of God". Followers of this religion are called Muslims.


131 - ..... is against all sorts of shirk.


132 - ..... is also called Ghazwa Ahzab.


133 - ..... is also called Zakat.

Poor Tax

134 - ..... is also known as Solomon.

Hazrat Suleman (AS)

135 - ..... is another name for a marketplace.


136 - ..... is another order of intelligent beings besides human beings.


137 - ..... is called "Tge tears of Elephant".

570 AD

138 - ..... is called o Shield against sins.


139 - ..... is called the battle in which the Holy Prophet (SAW) did not participate personally.


140 - ..... is called the Holy Prophet's (SAW) practice.


141 - ..... is considered the main source of the Ar Islamic culture.

The Holy Quran

142 - ..... is famous under the name of Jab e-Noor.

The Cave of Hira

143 - ..... Is Ha e-Ashar.


144 - ..... is known as "Saloos ul Quran"?

Surah Ikhlas

145 - ..... is known as the Lord of Creation.


146 - ..... is levied on agricultural land.


147 - ..... is located in southern Africa

The Kingdom of Zimbabwe

148 - ..... is recited during Hajj on way to Mina.

Kalim e-Tauheed

149 - ..... is referred in the Quran as Ro.....Ameen.

Hazrat Jibrael (AS)

150 - ..... is referred in the Quran as Rooh.

Hazrat Jibrael (AS)

151 - ..... is the atonement for breaking the fast.

To Feed 60 people

152 - ..... is the author or Istabsar.

Abu Jaafar Muhammad (SAW) bin Hasan

153 - ..... is the Ba.....Maamoor.

The House of Allah in heavens

154 - ..... is the basic means of communication through which experiences and cultures from forefathers are passed down to their descendants.

Arabic language

155 - ..... is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran.


156 - ..... is the best eatable thing mentioned in the Holy Quran.


157 - ..... is the best interpreter and explanatory of the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

158 - ..... is the Centre of the Arabian Peninsula. Mark)


159 - ..... is the creator of everything.


160 - ..... is the Dawn prayer.


161 - ..... is the doctor who showed how diseases were spread from person to person.

Ibn Sina

162 - ..... is the father of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Hazrat Abdullah (RA)

163 - ..... is the first authority for the compilation of Ahadith.

Imam Maalik

164 - ..... is the first Islamic month


165 - ..... is the first mosque of Islam.

Masj e-Quba

166 - ..... is the first Prophet of Allah.

Hazrat Adam (AS)

167 - ..... is the first step of Wuzu.


168 - ..... is the god of Buddhism.

Lord Buddha

169 - ..... is the god of evil in Zoroastrianism.


170 - ..... is the greatest miracle of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).


171 - ..... is the Holy Book of Zoroastraianism.

Zend Avesta

172 - ..... is the in charge of rain.

Hazrat Mikael (AS)

173 - ..... is the internal purification.


174 - ..... is the last Prophet of Allah.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

175 - ..... is the literal meaning of Taharat


176 - ..... is the math in which Islamic scholars made many advances.


177 - ..... is the meaning of ALEEM.

The A Knowing

178 - ..... is the meaning of Assraa.


179 - ..... is the meaning of BARI.

The Evolver

180 - ..... is the meaning of HAFEEZ.

The Preserver

181 - ..... is the meaning of HAMEED.

The Praiseworthy

182 - ..... is the meaning of LATEEF.

The Suble

183 - ..... is the meaning of MOJEEB.

The Responder

184 - ..... is the meaning of Shai'b.


185 - ..... is the meaning of WASI.

The A Embracing

186 - ..... is the messenger of Allah.


187 - ..... is the month of purity.


188 - ..... is the most appropriate meaning of Momin

The Faithful

189 - ..... is the most disliked place by Allah Ta'ala.


190 - ..... is the most important night in the month of Ramzan.

Sh e-Qadar

191 - ..... is the name of camel on which the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the migration to Madina.


192 - ..... is the name of the day when Hajis go to Mina?

Yam Taraveeh

193 - ..... is the name of the friend of Hazrat Khadija (RA) who carried the message of Nikah to the Holy Prophet (SAW).


194 - ..... is the name of tribe of Taif.


195 - ..... is the number of Ayaat in which Mussari Zakat are mentioned.


196 - ..... is the place which Allah has made for his N believers to face the punishment.


197 - ..... is the provider


198 - ..... is the role of model for humanity.

The Holy Prophet (SAW)

199 - ..... is the salah we pray at night.


200 - ..... is the shortest Surah Of the Holy Quran.


201 - ..... is the study of the universe and objects in space.


202 - ..... is the surah which does not start with Bismillah.


203 - ..... is the title of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


204 - ..... is used to prove the genuineness of Matan of Hadith.


205 - ..... is used to prove the genuineness of the sanad of Hadith.


206 - ..... Kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them letters?


207 - ..... Kufars killed in Battle of Badr.


208 - ..... made khana kh'aba after the angels.

Hazrat Adam (AS)

209 - ..... means to consider someone's partnership in the powers of Allah


210 - ..... month is known as Sayeed us Shahoor.


211 - ..... Muslims fought in the battle of Ghaz e-Badr?


212 - ..... Muslims left Madina and encamped at Tabook.


213 - ..... Muslims made Second migration to Abyssinia.


214 - ..... Muslims were martyred in Ghazwat and Sariyas.


215 - ..... Muslims were martyred in the Battle of Ohad.


216 - ..... Muslims were pasted to pretect the pass in the Ohad mountain.


217 - ..... n Muslims were killed in Ghazwat and Saryas.


218 - ..... of Islamic Culture lasted for about four centuries. Scholars generally agree that it began with the Abbasid caliphate.

The golden age

219 - ..... of Ushr is levied on artificially irrigated land.


220 - ..... of Ushr is levied on n irrigated land (by rain or some natural spring).


221 - ..... ordered for the preparation of a standard edition of the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Usman (RA)

222 - ..... ordered that all male children, born in the families of the Israelis, be put to death.


223 - ..... os the first of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


224 - ..... perform Tawaf around the Ba.....Maamoor.


225 - ..... persons were accompanied with Abdullah bin Ubai.


226 - ..... persons were included in the Ba e-Ubqa Sani.


227 - ..... persons were included in the Ba e-Uqba Oola.


228 - ..... persons were made prisoners in the Battle of Hunain.


229 - ..... pioneered the use of catgut for internal stitches, and his surgical instruments are still used today to treat people.


230 - ..... prayers are offered at Waq e-Arafat.

Zuhr, Asar

231 - ..... preached that the aim of man should be to free himself from the constant chains to attain salvation and rebirth.


232 - ..... prisoners were captured in the Battle of Badr.


233 - ..... promulgated Zakat and Ushr Ordinance.

General Zia

234 - ..... Prophets are mentioned in holy Quran.


235 - ..... proposed to dig a trench.

Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA)

236 - ..... punctuated the Holy Quran.

Hujjaj bin Yousuf

237 - ..... reconstructed House of Allah after Hazrat Adam (AS).

Both (A) & (B)

238 - ..... resembled to the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Hazrat Masab bin Umair (RA)

239 - ..... revived the dead by the order of Allah.

Hazrat Isa (AS)

240 - ..... Sahabas (RA) worked along with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) to dig up the trench.


241 - ..... said himself to be god.


242 - ..... Sura of the Holy Quran is called the "mother of Quran".


243 - ..... Surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word "Qul".


244 - ..... swords were broken by Khalid bin Waleed (RA) in Ghazwa Mota.


245 - ..... Takbeerat are recited in the Azan.


246 - ..... takes out souls of life bearing creatures.

Izraeel (A.S)

247 - ..... The split arose from a dispute over who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) after his death in A.D. 632. Some followers believed his successor should be chosen by tribal consensus, and they named one of Muhammad (SAW)'s inner circle as the fir

division of Sunnis and Shiites

248 - ..... the uncle of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was martyred in the Battle of Ohad.

Hazrat Hamza (RA)

249 - ..... thousand Muslims participated in the Battle of Hunain.


250 - ..... times, Hazrat Jibrael (AS) is mentioned in the Holy Quran.


251 - ..... title was awarded to Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) in Ghazwa Mota.


252 - ..... together with all it's categories is the basis of belief in Islam.


253 - ..... took place after the battle of Ohad.

Battle of Trench

254 - ..... took the message of the Holy Prophet (SAW) to the Ethiopian King.

Hazrat Umar bin Umayya (RA)

255 - ..... Translated Holy Quraan in Punjabi?

Hafiz Lakhvi

256 - ..... treated a patient of leprosy miraculously.

Hazrat Yunus (AS)

257 - ..... tribe became an ally of the Quraish.

Banu Qainqa

258 - ..... tried to create disruption between the two main tribes of Madina, the Aos and the Khazraj.


259 - ..... tried to misguide Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) and Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) when they were going for sacrifice.


260 - ..... U.....Momineen received salutation from Allah.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

261 - ..... verse of the Quran (...Baqarah) describes Khula.


262 - ..... Verses were reveled in the first wahy.


263 - ..... was (were) created to remove the loneliness of Hazrat Adam (AS).

Hazrat Hawwa (AS)

264 - ..... was an Arab lawyer who travelled around the Islamic lands for 30 years spreading Islam and keeping written journals about his experiences?

Ibn Battuta

265 - ..... was an eloquent speaker?

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

266 - ..... was an important event that took place on the 17th Ramazan, 2nd Hijrah.

Ghazwa Badr

267 - ..... was another name of Hazrat Talha (RA).

Sa e-Ohad

268 - ..... was appointed by the Holy Prophet (SAW) to write down the revelations.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)

269 - ..... was asked to build a very big boat by Allah.

Hazrat Noah (AS)

270 - ..... was buried at Jann e-Moalla in Macca.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

271 - ..... was called Ad e-Sani.

Hazrat Noah (AS)

272 - ..... was called month of migration?

Rabiul Awal

273 - ..... was called Shei.....Anbiya.

Hazrat Noah

274 - ..... was created to ensure a Palestinian homeland & has used armed attacks against Israel.

The Palestine Liberation Organization

275 - ..... was deprived of all Divine favours by Allah.


276 - ..... was famous for the event of ring.

Hazrat Suleman (AS)

277 - ..... was fought against Bani Saqiaf.


278 - ..... was fought between Quraish and Hawazin.

War of fijar

279 - ..... was made subservient to Hazrat Suleman (AS).


280 - ..... was maternal grandfather of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Aziz bin Qatham

281 - ..... was not the father of anyone of the believer because it was said ," He married the wife of His son ".

Muhammad (SAW)

282 - ..... was put into fire.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

283 - ..... was reported to have experimented with a form of flight.

Abbas ibn Firnas

284 - ..... was rewarded by Allah to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) for Hazrat Ismaeel's sacrifice.

Birth of a Baby

285 - ..... was sent as a Prophet to Bani Samood.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

286 - ..... was sent for the reformation and guidance.

Hazrat Idrees (AS)

287 - ..... was sent to the Prophet (SAW) as a helper against enemies, by Allah.

Hazrat Jibrael (AS)

288 - ..... was the animal on which the Holy Prophet (SAW) migrated to Madina.


289 - ..... was the Battle in Which Muslims suffered heavy losses.


290 - ..... was the blessed land for Bani Israel.


291 - ..... was the brother of Hazrat Ali (RA) who was taken as prisoner in the Battle of Badr.

Aqel bin Abi Talib

292 - ..... was the brother of Hazrat Musa (AS).

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

293 - ..... was the compiler of Musannaf.

Imam A.....Razzaq Nisai

294 - ..... was the contemporary of Hazrat Yahya (AS).

Hazrat Isa (AS)

295 - ..... was the contemporary of Imam Muslim.

Imam Bukhari

296 - ..... was the day, when the first Wahi was revealed.


297 - ..... was the famous king of Bani Aad.


298 - ..... was the father of Hazrat Yaqoob (AS).

Hazrat Ishaaq (AS)

299 - ..... was the first foster mother of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Hazrat Sobia (RA)

300 - ..... was the first Ghazwa of the Holy Prophet (SAW)


301 - ..... was the first man who learnt to write.

Hazrat Idrees (AS)

302 - ..... was the first of the great trading states to emerge in the area south of the Sahara in West Africa.


303 - ..... was the first one to migrate in the way of Allah.

Hazrat Luut (AS)

304 - ..... was the first person to offer Namaz amongst the Ummah of the Prophet (SA W).

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

305 - ..... was the first Prophet who demarcated Masj e-Aqsa.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

306 - ..... was the first revealed word.


307 - ..... was the first to conceive the idea of compiling the authentic Ahadtih.

Imam Muhammad (SAW) bin Ismaeel Bukhari

308 - ..... was the grandfather of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Abdul Mutalib

309 - ..... was the grandson of Sam.


310 - ..... was the greatest role model of the teaching of the Quran.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

311 - ..... was the hardest from of revelation.

Ringing Bells

312 - ..... was the head of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Pope

313 - ..... was the important event in the year of 13th Nabvi.


314 - ..... was the important event in the year of 13th Nabvi.


315 - ..... was the last prophet.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) (AS)

316 - ..... was the last to migrate to Madina.

Hazrat Abbas (RA)

317 - ..... was the leader of "Teer Andaz Dasta" at Jab e-Yahene in the Battle of Ohad.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)

318 - ..... was the leader of pagans in the Battle of Badr.

Abu Jehl

319 - ..... was the leader of Sariya fought at Bani Kalab in 7 AH.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

320 - ..... was the leader of Sariya fought at Bani Salim in 6 AH.

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA)

321 - ..... was the leader of Sariya fought at Jandal in 6 AH.

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA)

322 - ..... was the leader of Sariya fought at Taif Hasma, Jandal, Qura and Iraq.

Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA)

323 - ..... was the leader of Sariya fought at Turba in 7 AH.

Hazrat Umar (RA)

324 - ..... was the name of Hazrat Noah's boat.


325 - ..... was the nephew of Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) and was also a Prophet.

Hazrat Ayub (AS)

326 - ..... was the Old name of Madina.


327 - ..... was the oldest in age and was in the front line in Battle of Badr.

Hazrat Ubaidah (RA)

328 - ..... was the only Ummul Momineen who was not buried in Jannatul Baqi.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

329 - ..... was the original colour of Ha e-Asward.


330 - ..... was the pioneer translator of the Holy Quran into Persian.

Shah Waliullah

331 - ..... was the place where first Wahi was revealed.

Cave Hira

332 - ..... was the Principle Scribe of the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)

333 - ..... was the Prophet who had an impediment in his tongue to Speak freely.

Hazrat Musa (AS)

334 - ..... was the real mother of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Hazrat Amina (RA)

335 - ..... was the religion of Baheera.


336 - ..... was the religion of Banu Quraizah.


337 - ..... was the religion of the Persian people before the advent of Islam.


338 - ..... was the ruler of Egypt at the time of Hazrat Musa (AS).


339 - ..... was the ruler of Palestine at the birth of Hazrat Isa (AS).


340 - ..... was the second son of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).

Hazrat Ishaaq (AS)

341 - ..... was the significant event of 27th Rajab of 10th year of Prophethood.


342 - ..... was the Slave of Hazrat Khadija (RA) who accompanied the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Syria business tour.


343 - ..... was the teacher of Hazrat Musa (AS).

Hazrat Musa (AS)

344 - ..... was the teacher of Muhammad (SAW) I e-Yahya.

Imam Maalik bin Anas

345 - ..... was the third son of Hazrat Adam (AS).

The Prophet Shees (AS)

346 - ..... was the tribe of enemy in the Battle of Hunain.

All of them

347 - ..... was the uncle of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).

Hazrat Hood (AS)

348 - ..... was the uncle of Hazrat Luut (AS).

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

349 - ..... was the worst enemy of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Makkah.

Abu Jehl

350 - ..... was thrown into a waterless well by his brothers.

Hazrat Yousaf (AS)

351 - ..... was titled as Idol Destroyer.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

352 - ..... was titled as Kaleemullah.

Hazrat Musa (AS)

353 - ..... was titled as Zabeehullah.

Hazrat Ismaeel (AS)

354 - ..... was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal.

Muhammad (SAW) Rasslullah

355 - ..... weeks were spent in digging the trench in the Battle of Trench.


356 - ..... were an elite guard of Ottoman soldiers.


357 - ..... were sent to protect men.


358 - ..... were subjegated to Hazrat Suleman (AS) to help in the construction of Baitul Maqdas?


359 - ..... were the guards of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Bilal and Muhammad (SAW) bin Muslima

360 - ..... were the uncles of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

All of the above

361 - ..... were used to write down every word of the Holy Prophet's (SAW) speech.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA)

362 - ..... will blow trumpet on the Day of Judgement.

Hazrat Israfeel (AS)

363 - ..... work of Hadith is next to Bukhari.

Imam Muslim

364 - ..... worked as carpenter.

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

365 - ..... wrote about travel adventures and intercultural experiences

Badi Hamadhani

366 - ..... year after Hazrat Adam (AS), the event of Toof e-Noah occurred.


367 - ..... year is called A.....Huzn i.e. the Year of Sorrow.

10th Nabvi

368 - ....., henna paste was originally left on the palms and soles of the feet for its cooling effect, but as the paste comes away it leaves a stain on the skin.


369 - ....., Mother of the Believers, may allah be please with her.What comes in the dash???


370 - ....., Sha'ban, Ramadan


371 - ....., the famous king of Mali, practiced Islam and he made a religious pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324. His great city of Timbuktu became a center for trade and Islamic learning and culture.

Mansa Musa

372 - ....., they mixed henna with other ingredients such as warm water, lemon juice, tea, sugar and essential oils.


373 - ....., they used the dark paste to decorate hands and feet, ..... to dye leather, silk, wool or hair.

next, as well as

374 - .....Adha is:

the festival of sacrifice

375 - .....Adha remembers

the time when Allah provided a lamb for Ibrahim to sacrifice instead of his son, Isma'il

376 - .....Fitr is

the festival at the end of Ramadan when the crescent moon is sighted

377 - .....Ghadeer is called this because it is believed by Shi'a Muslims that Muhammad (SAW) received a revelation and then stopped at a place called..... to make a speech

Ghadir Khumm

378 - .....Ghadeer is:

a Shi'a festival to celebrate the day Muhammad (SAW) delivered his last sermon

379 - us light during the day


380 - a field of practices directed toward the creation or enhancement of community among individuals within a regional area or with a common interest.

Community building

381 - a strategy that helps a person take a recommended action.

Cues to action

382 - a very important aspect enhancing future growth to the nation.


383 - called the birth place of Islam, Judaism, Christianity?

Sou West Asia

384 - concerned with the sacred, but it is often individual rather than collective and does not require a distinctive format or traditional organization.


385 - standing straight during Rukus?


386 - the ability to recognize and appreciate the personal characteristics of others

Cultural sensitivity

387 - the absorption of many cultures into the dominant culture

Cultural Assimilation

388 - the congregational Prayer performed by Muslims After the Isha' prayer in Ramadan.

Salathul Taraweeh

389 - the individual's belief that a recommended action will successfully prevent a negative health condition.

Perceived benefits

390 - the Islamic month in which Muslims fast.


391 - the largest country among the African Arab Countries.


392 - the meaning of RAHMAAN.

The Beneficient

393 - the person who comes after one rakat.


394 - the person who starts prayer with Immam?


395 - the person's confidence in their ability to take action.

Se efficacy

396 - the process of learning the beliefs and behaviors of a dominant culture and assuming some of the characteristics


397 - .....Means, Willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them.


398 - .....represents the medium of communication and understanding between individuals of the Arab nation

Arabic language

399 - .....'s birth was a miracle because he was born of a barren mother and an aged father.

Hazrat Yahya (AS)

400 - .....'s body was wo eaten.

Hazrat Ayub (AS)

401 - .....'s dagger was preserved.

Hazrat bin Awam

402 - .....was the hardest form of revelation?

Ringing Bells

403 - .The Muslims say .....Allahu Akbar when they slaughter animals.


404 - \questio 10 legal experts edited Roman la Covered all aspects of Byzantine li influenced future European law The list above describes:

Justinian's Code

405 - \questio Fai Pray Chari Fasti PilgrimageWhat is being described?

Five Pillars of Islam

406 - \questio Fasting during Ramad Praying five times each d Giving charity to the poorFollowers of which religion engage in these practices?


407 - \questio..... developed and manufactured astrolabes, an astronomical and navigation instrument.

Mariam Asturlabi

408 - \questio..... is the door of paradise who fasts in Ramadan

Bab Al Rayyan

409 - \questio..... is the first surah of the Holy Quran

Surah Al Fatiha

410 - \ the last Holy Book of Allah(SWT).


411 - __ Killed Omro Bin Abdud.

Hazrat Ali RA

412 - __ used to sit at a place in Masjid Nabvi Saw.

Ashaabus Suffah

413 - __ was the title of king of Habshah.


414 - ___ is called Khalifa Saleh.

Omar Bin Abdul Aziz RA

415 - ___ prepared Jilali calendar.

Umar Khayam

416 - ______ battle participants were bestowed with the highest rewards by Allah (SWT).


417 - ______ days are prohibited for fasting throughout the Year.


418 - ______ is called Shield against sins.


419 - ______ is the atonement for breaking the fast.

To Feed 60 people

420 - ______ is the month of purity.


421 - ______ is the most important night in the month of Ramzan.


422 - _______ Kufars killed in Battle of Badr.


423 - _______ Muslims fought in the battle of Ghazwa-e-Badr ?


424 - _______ Surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word "Qul" (قُÙ„).


425 - ________ Sura of the Holy Qur'an is called the "mother of Qur'an".


426 - ________ Verses were reveled in the first wahy.


427 - _________ Ghazawahs are described in Holy Quran.


428 - _________ is known as "Saloos ul Quran"?

Surah Ikhlas

429 - _________ is the best drink mentioned in Holy Qur'an.


430 - _________ is the best eatable thing mentioned in the Holy Qur'an.


431 - _________ is the most disliked place by Allah Ta'ala.


432 - _________ Kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them letters ?


433 - _________ was an eloquent speaker?

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

434 - _________ was the first person to offer Namaz amongst the Ummah of the Prophet (SA W).

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

435 - __________ city is called "home of hadith".


436 - __________ month is known as Sayeed us Shahoor.


437 - __________ Prophets are mentioned in holy Quran.


438 - __________ takes out souls of life bearing creatures.

Izraeel (A.S)

439 - ___________ was the only Ummul Momineen who was not buried in Jannatul Baqi.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

440 - ____________ died on the tenth of Ramadan 10 Nabvi.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

441 - ____________ first translated the Holy Quran in to Sindhi?

Aakhund Azzizullah

442 - ____________ is called Sayeed-ul-Ayam?


443 - ____________ Translated Holy Quraan in Punjabi?

Hafiz Lakhvi

444 - ____________ was called month of migration ?

Rabiul Awal

445 - _____________ died while standing with the support of a stick?

Hazrat Suleman A.S

446 - _____________ Umm-ul-Momineen received salutation from Allah.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

447 - _____________ was buried at Jannat-e-Moalla in Macca.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

448 - ______________ applied the dots in the Holy Quran?

Abdul Malik Marwan

449 - _____________________ were the sons of Hazrat Ibrahim (AH).

Hazrat Ismail & Hazrat Ishaq (AH)

450 - ______________will be first person questioned on Day of Qiyamat.

Jibraeel (A.S)

451 - ____________is the person who starts prayer with Immam?


452 - ___________is the person who performs prayer alone.


453 - ___________was the hardest form of revelation?

Ringing Bells

454 - __________is called the birth place of Islam, Judaism, Christianity?

South-West Asia

455 - __________is the person who comes after one rakat.


456 - _________is standing straight during Rukus?


457 - 27 attributes of Allah, mentioned in __________ Surah.


458 - 27 attributes of Allah, mentioned in..... Surah.


459 - 2nd Era for the compilation of Ahadith is?

111 Hijrah

460 - 2nd Wahee has been included in which surah of the holy Quran?

Al Madsar

461 - 3rd Caliph Hazrat Usman Ra belongs to which of the following tribe?

Banu Ummyah

462 - 5 Pillars of Islam are :

All of the above

463 - 70 Hafiz Quran were martyred in which battle?


464 - 7x + 4= 25 is a type of math whose name was invented by a mathematician named Khwarizmi.


465 - A ..... is a building where Muslims worship.


466 - A ..... is a family that passes down political power from relative to another.


467 - A ..... is a follower of Islam.


468 - A ..... is a place in which Muslims pray.


469 - A ..... means a messenger without a law and without a book revealed to him.


470 - a believer in the religion of Islam


471 - A book listing the actions of Muhammad (SAW) that is provides and example of how to live is

The Sunnah

472 - A building for Muslim prayer is also known as what?


473 - A building for Muslim prayer is also known as what?


474 - A caliph is a

Muslim ruler.

475 - A caliph is both a ..... and ..... leader of the Muslims.

spiritual and political

476 - A caravan is

A group of people traveling together often for trading or religious purposes

477 - A central principle of Islam that differentiates it from Judaism and Christianity is its belief in ....., the most important Islamic guidelines for Muslims.

the Five Pillars

478 - A change made to an existing object or way of doing things is called a.....


479 - A change made to an existing way of doing things is called an


480 - A characteristic of the Golden Age of Muslim culture was the

tolerance of other religions and cultures

481 - A chicken was found in the middle of the road, still new but just died hit by a truck.


482 - A crucial part of every Muslim city or town was the ....., which was a covered market.


483 - A date in the Hijri calendar is followed by the letter.....


484 - A dispute over who should be caliph caused .....

a split into Sunni and Shia divisions

485 - A distinct feature of the cultural landscape in many towns located in Southwest Asia include.....

shopping bazaars

486 - A faction of Islam, known as the ....., believed that only a blood relative could be the next caliph.


487 - A faction of Islam, known as the ....., believed that the next caliph of Islam should be devout Muslim chosen by the Muslim community.


488 - A follower of Islam is called a???


489 - A follower of the Islamic faith


490 - A form of a religion, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture, which often leads to radical actions is known as .....




492 - A good friend is like a .....


493 - A green area in a desert fed by underground water


494 - A grilled steak, from a n muslim butchery


495 - A group of traders traveling together


496 - A group of traveling merchants and animals


497 - A Hadith, explained in both Bukhari and Muslim is called.....

Hadi e-Muttafiq Alaih

498 - A holy war or inner struggle


499 - A journey to a sacred place or shrine is?

A pilgrimage

500 - A khutbah is:

a sermon delivered by the imam

501 - A land tax imposed on the non muslims cultivations and landlords was known as?


502 - A lawfully islamic slaughtered chicken, cooked with lard


503 - A major argument between the Israelis and the Palestinians is that each side

Claims Israel as their homeland

504 - A major contribution of the Golden Age of Islam was

advancements in math and science

505 - A major contribution of the Golden Age of Islam was th....

advancements in mathematics & science.

506 - A major source of the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians is that each side

has historic ties to the same land

507 - A majority of Muslims are


508 - A male is coffined / wrapped in _______ dressed sheets.


509 - A male is coffined / wrapped in..... dressed sheets.


510 - A male leader who is considered a successor of Muhammad (SAW).


511 - A man born around 570 C.E. who taught the faith of Islam

Muhammad (SAW)

512 - A man can not be a muslim unless he believe on?


513 - A medieval instrument used to determine the altitude of the sun and other celestial bodies.


514 - A message Allah communicated to Messenger is called .....


515 - A Minaret is .....

A religious tower connected to a Mosque

516 - A modern day group that leads most attacks on Israel is known as .....


517 - A month of fasting; the 9th month of the Muslim calendar


518 - A Muslim believes in.....

Only one God

519 - A Muslim female is coffined / wrapped in _______ dressed sheets.


520 - A Muslim female is coffined / wrapped in..... dressed sheets.


521 - A muslim female is coffined in?

Five sheets

522 - A Muslim has faith in.....?


523 - A Muslim house of worship


524 - A Muslim house of worship is called a


525 - A Muslim house of worship is called a.....


526 - A Muslim must perform..... before he starts to pray.


527 - A Muslim offers vitar in..... salat.


528 - A Muslim place of worship?


529 - A Muslim Should face towards..... while performing Salat.


530 - A new way of doing things that makes life better/easier


531 - A number of countries in the Arabian Peninsula are called the Gulf..... Mark)


532 - A number of the countries in the Arabian Peninsula are called the ..... countries


533 - A patient did not fast in the month of Ramadan due to illness, what is ruling for him to fast later

If the person was an adult at the time of fasting in the month of Ramadan, he must make it up for each day he missed.

534 - A period during which a society or culture is at its peak with achievements, expansions and discoveries is also called.....

Golden Age

535 - A person believed to be chosen by God as a messenger to bring truth to people is known as a .....


536 - A person who does not follow any religion is called.....


537 - A person who follows Islam is called a .....


538 - A person who has an intention to offer only Hajj at Meeqat is called.....?


539 - A person who has an intention to offer only Hajj at Meeqat is called_______?


540 - A person who has an intention to offer only Umra at Meeqat is called_______?


541 - A person who has an intention to offer Umra and Hajj at Meeqat is called.....?


542 - A person who has an intention to offer Umra and Hajj at Meeqat is called_______?


543 - A person who is liable to pay Zakat is known as.....

Sah e-Nisab

544 - A person who speaks or interprets for God to other people


545 - A person who speaks or interprets the words of God


546 - A place water has made green in a desert is?

An Oasis

547 - A present day settlement that were important trading centers in P Islamic Arabian Peninsula, now Madinah, Saudi Arabian.

o Yathrib

548 - A religion based on the teachings of Muhammad (SAW)


549 - A rich man should ..... Allah, and a poor man should be ..... until Allah enriches him.

Thank, patient

550 - A shortage of fresh drinking water exists in the Middle East because:

All of the above

551 - A similarity between Christian, Islamic, and Confucian teachings is that they

establish rules of moral conduct

552 - A slaughtered goat in front of a worshipping altar


553 - A slogn "There is no Hindu, no Muslim, All are simply men, God's own men, with full Human rights to develop humanity" is of.....

Guru Nanak

554 - A special congregational prayer that we do after Isha' prayer in ramadan.

Salathul Tarawih

555 - A split occurred in Islam after Muhammad (SAW)'s death because of disagreement over.....


556 - A spoken record of past events is

oral history

557 - A student broke fast in Ramadan using and examination as a excuse

Only (A) & (B)

558 - A system of census of the population of the muslim state was made in the reign of?

Hazrat Umar RA

559 - A t ye old girl . Does he need to fast?

No. she is not an adult.

560 - A tall slim tower, typically part of a mosque, with a balcony from which Muslims are called to prayer.


561 - A tradition is something that has been done

for a long time

562 - A verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of.....?

Hazrat Zaid (RA) E) None of these

563 - A verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of__________?

Hazrat Zaid (RA)

564 - A woman is likely to cover her face in public in all of the following cities EXCEP.....

Tel Aviv

565 - A youth who ..... will be under shade of Allah

Grew up with worship of Allah

566 - A(n) ..... is a tower from which believers are called to prayer.


567 - A.....Hikm is the title of?

Abu jehl

568 - A/An ..... is a religious image.


569 - ̢ۢSaudi Arabian coffee making is ..... in itself


570 - Aaqib" is the name of Prophet PBUH which has following meaning?


571 - Aaqib" is the name of?

Prophet PBUH

572 - Aaraf gathering is held on?

9 Zil Hajj

573 - Abbassids move their government from Spain to.....


574 - ABd Mutlib was the grandfather of.....

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

575 - Abdul Mutalib died in ___________ A.


576 - Abdul Mutalib died in.....

580 AD

577 - Abdul Mutalib died in..... A.D.


578 - Abdul Mutlib was how many sons?


579 - Abdul Muttalib became a ..... of Quraysh.


580 - Abdullah bin Ubai was.....


581 - Abdullah Ibn Abu Bakr (RA) stayed in the cave at night and left in the daytime to collect .....

News from Makkah

582 - Abdullah ibn Masood said, "We used to learn about ..... verses of the Qur'an with the Messenger of Allah....."


583 - Ablution made obligatory in _____________ A.H.


584 - Ablution made obligatory in..... A.H.


585 - Abu Bakr (ra) is one of the .....who were promised to enter Paradise.

ten companions

586 - Abu Bakr (ra) was the companion of Prophet, peace be upon him, during the .....

migration from Makkah to Madinah

587 - Abu Bakr RA paid the land for which of the following mosque?

Masjid Nabvi

588 - Abu jaafar Muhammad (SAW) bin Hasan died in.....

460 AH

589 - Abu Turab was the title of?

Hazrat Ali RA

590 - Abu ul Kalam is the __ of India nuclear Programme?


591 - Abu Yousaf received spiritual education from?

Abu Hanifa

592 - Abu-al-Hikm is the title of ?

Abu jehl

593 - Abyssian was the old name of?


594 - According the Five Pillars of Islam, every Muslim must

give charity

595 - According to Buddha, a spiritual condition free of all desires, passions and suffering is called.....


596 - According to Emile Durkheim "Things that surpass the limits of our knowledge" is


597 - According to Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas the last Wahi was decended on Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), how many days before death?

7 or 9 days

598 - According to Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas the last Wahi was decended on Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) (P.B.U.H), how many days before death?

7 or 9 days

599 - According to Islam, What did Muhammad (SAW)'s nickname "...Amin" mean?


600 - According to Islamic laws the share of wife in the property is?


601 - According to Islamic teachings, what did the angel Gabriel tell Muhammad (SAW) to do?

teach monotheism

602 - According to Islamic teachings, what did the angel Gabriel tell Muhammad (SAW) to do?

teach monotheism

603 - According to Islamic tradition, what is the Qur'an?

a collection of messages received by Muhammad (SAW)

604 - According to Muhammad (SAW)'s words below, how did the Muslim empire maintain its power for so long?"The ink of scholars is more precious than the blood of martyrs"

cultural influence

605 - According to Muslims, how did Muhammad (SAW) receive the word of Allah?

An angel delivered him the word through a vision

606 - According to Quran and Hadith ..... is Basic Principle of Islam.


607 - According to Quran what is the root cause of the evil?


608 - According to Shariah, Ijtehad is to.....

Search Islamic Injunctions

609 - According to status which angel is most sacred?

Hazrat Gibriel

610 - According to Surah Asr, man is surely in loss except those:

All of the above

611 - According to the holy Quran what is the chosen religion of Allah?


612 - According to the holy Quran what is the chosen religion of Allah?


613 - According to the Holy Quran, Hazrat Musa (AS) was granted..... miracles.


614 - According to the Islamic faith Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (SAW) were all .....


615 - According to the Islamic faith, which angel brought Muhammad (SAW) a message from God?


616 - According to the Islamic religion, Muslims believe ..... was the prophet.

Muhammad (SAW)

617 - According to the Podcast how did Islamic economy (way they make money) increase?


618 - According to the present arrangement the last Surah of the Holy Quran is.....


619 - According to the Quran (30:21), Allah created 2 emotions between men and women:

love and mercy

620 - According to the Quran (Surah Luqman:14), what is the one thing we should give to both Allah (swt) and our parents?


621 - According to the Quran, women were

spiritually and socially equal to men.

622 - Act of adultery in Islam is punishable with ________ lashes according to shariah?


623 - Act of adultery in Islam is punishable with..... lashes according to shariah?


624 - Ada Bin Hatam Thai embrace Islam in.....?

9 Hijri

625 - Ada Bin Hatam Thai embrace Islam in________?

9 Hijri

626 - Ada Bin Hatam Thai embraced islam in?

9 Hijri

627 - Adam is a word of language?


628 - Adam is the word of..... language.


629 - Adam was created from.....


630 - Add questionQuestion bankImport slidesImport spreadsheetLaa taghdhob walakal .....Add mediaDrag and drop image from your computerJannahPannahSannahYannahQuestion typeQuizTime limit30 secondsPointsStandardAnswer optionsSingle selectDeleteDuplicateAdd quest


631 - African societies organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority were referred to as


632 - After ________ month at Madina the change of Qibla occurred.


633 - After _________ day's continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.


634 - After _________ years of the birth of Prophet, Abdul Muttalib died ?


635 - After __________ years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Amina died ?


636 - After a 2007 change in political leadership in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli government responded b.....

blockading the territory

637 - After Abd Muttalib died, who took care of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (S)?

Abu Talib

638 - After first Wahi, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) came home, then his wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A) took him with her to which cousin who was the scholar in inspiration books?

Warqa bin Nophel

639 - After first Wahi, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) (P.B.U.H) came home, then her wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A) took him with her to which cousin who was the scholar in inspiration books?

Warqa bin Nophel

640 - After Hazrat Umar, to whom lady, script of Musaef Abi Bakr was handed over? This lady is amongst the Umh.....Momenine (R.A)

Hazrat Hifsa (R.A)

641 - After Hazrat Umar, to whom lady, script of Musaef Abi Bakr was handed over? This lady is amongst the Umhat-ul-Momenine (R.A)

Hazrat Hifsa (R.A)

642 - After Hijrat to madina, what first important thing Holy prophet (SAW) did?

Built a mosque for prayers

643 - After Hijrat to madina, what first important thing Holy prophet (SAW) did?

Built a mosque for prayers

644 - After Mansa Musa's death, Mali declined & was replaced by the kingdom of


645 - After Muhammad (SAW)'s death, the title given to Islam's highest leaders was


646 - After Muhammad (SAW)'s death, this group led the Muslim Empire (from 63 661 C. E.)

Rightly Guided Caliphs

647 - After Musa performed his tricks(By Allah), what did the other magicians think?

They saw the power of Allah (SWT), and what He could do, and they all became Muslims.

648 - After observing a full month of fasting during Ramadan, Muslims celebrate .....

Idul Fitri

649 - After Pharaoh heard that a boy from Ba Isra'eel was going to be born and have more power than him, what did he do?

He ordered all of the boys that were born from Bani Isra'eel to be killed.

650 - After Prophet Yunus was thrown on shore, what happened?

Allah caused a plant to grow over him.

651 - After rinsing my mouth, i will

rinse my nose

652 - after second sujood he says takbeer and then


653 - After sleeping for a 100 yeaes, he again woke up:

Hazrat Uzair (AS)

654 - After sleeping for a 100 yeaes, he again woke up:

Hazrat Uzair (AS)

655 - After speaking to Gabriel, Muhammad (SAW) was convinced that:

Muhammad (SAW) was the last prophet

656 - After stoning the Jamarah Al Aqabah pilgrims

slaughter an animal, cut their hair, make tawaf and return to Mina

657 - After sunset, we eat .....


658 - After the "battle of the camel" Caliph Ali RA change his capital from Madina to?


659 - After the Battle of Trench the Banu Quraizah agreed to abide by the decision of the man of their won tribe namely.....

Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (RA)

660 - After the battle of Yarmuk which was won by the Muslims Khalid Bin Walid was removed by the Caliph Umar RA from his supreme command. The new supreme commander was?

Abu Ubayydah RA

661 - After the Battle of Yermuk, which was won by the Muslims Khalid bin Waleed was removed by the Caliph Umar (RA) from his supreme command. The new Supereme Commander was:

Abu Ubaydah (RA)

662 - After the death of Hazrat Jaffar (RA), the leader of the Muslim army was..... in the battle of Mota.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha (RA)

663 - After the death of Hazrat Umar (RA) the copy of the Holy Quran passed into the custody of.....

Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

664 - After the death of Mohammed in 632 CE, who succeeded Mohammed as a ruler?

Abu Bakr

665 - After the death of Mohammed, Islam spread rapidly mainly because

the Arab people developed a strong sense of purpose

666 - After the death of Mohammed, Islam spread rapidly mainly Listen

through conquest

667 - After the death of Muhammad (SAW), Islam spread rapidly due t....

All of these

668 - After the death of Muhammad (SAW), what led to the split between the Sunni and Shia?

They could not agree on who should become leader.

669 - After the death of Muhammad (SAW), why did Islam split?

Conflict over the rightful caliph

670 - After the death of Zaid bin Harith (RA) the leader of the Muslim army was..... in the battle of Mota.

Hazrat Usman bin Zaid (RA)

671 - After the first relevation how many years later second relevation revealed?

2 years and six months

672 - After the marriage, the Prophet(s.a.w) and Khadijah lived at the house of ..... for a few days.

Abu Talib

673 - After the Second World War, many Jewish people migrated to which newly established country because of long, traditional links to the region?


674 - After the Umayyads took power they changed the capital of the Muslim empire from .....

Medina to Damascus

675 - After the victory of Makkah what was the color of flag when Holy Prophet PBUH entered in the Makkah?


676 - After the WW2, many Jewish people migrated to which newly established country because of long, traditional links to the region?


677 - After three years of preaching his beliefs to the people of the city of his birth, Muhammad (SAW)

had only thirty followers.

678 - after we put our stuff in place what do we do?

sit quietly with our mic off

679 - After which war did Israel gain the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza from Egypt?

Six Days War

680 - After World War II, there was still a strong feeling of antisemitism in many parts of the world. Some Jewish people decided that the best way to deal with this problem was to

establish a state where they could protect themselves.

681 - After worshipping Allah swt , What is the next most important duty?

Respect parents

682 - After..... day's continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.


683 - After..... month at Madina the change of Qibla occurred.


684 - After..... years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Amina died?


685 - After..... years of the birth of Prophet, Abdul Muttalib died?


686 - Afzal ul Bashr" is the title of __________ ?

Hazrat Abu Bakr RA

687 - Against which person, Yamama War was fought by Muslims ? Be aware that this person had false proclaim of prophecy?

Muselama Kazab

688 - Against which person, Yamama War was fought by Muslims? Be aware that this person had false proclaim of prophecy?

Muselama Kazab

689 - Age of Hazrat Adam (A.S) at Sheesh's (A.S) birth was _____________years?


690 - Age of Hazrat Adam (A.S) at Sheesh's (A.S) birth was.....years?


691 - Ahdith have..... parts.


692 - Ahk.....Tajweed refers to.....

The rules of recitation

693 - AHMAD (SAW) means.....

The Most Commendable

694 - Ahriman was represented by.....


695 - Ahyay-i-Ulum was authored by?


696 - Aitekaaf (Seclusion) during the month of Ramzan is.....?


697 - Aitekaaf (Seclusion) during the month of Ramzan is_____________?


698 - Akbar's tolerant religious policy helped

to unify the Mughal Empire.

699 - Akhirat means.....

The Day of Judgment

700 - Aksum was located in the modern day country of


701 - Aksum was served as ..... between the .....

Major Hub, European, Arab, Indian and African

702 - Al Akhir The belief in this article of faith leads a muslim to,(Choose two answers)

All of the above

703 - Al Baqi is the name of allah, what is the meaning of Al Baqi?


704 - Al Bari" is the name of?


705 - Al Baseer means

the all seeing

706 - Al beruni can spoke:

All of above

707 - Al Beruni died in year:


708 - Al Beruni was:



All praises belong to Allah the Cherisher, the Sustainer, Developer andPerfector of the worlds, the most Compassionate, the Merciful

710 - Al Janadriyah National Festival is famous in .....

Saudi Arabia

711 - Al Kareem means

The All Giving

712 - Al Khwarizmi worked on:

Both A and B

713 - Al Mauta contains how may Ahadith?


714 - Al Qa the article of faith teaches us,

Nature and importance of predestination and free will

715 - Al Samee means

The all hearing

716 - Al Suhuf are the .....

Scriptures, Books of Abraham and Moses

717 - Al Waris" is the name of Allah which is meant by?

supreme Inheritor

718 - Alexander invaded the Persian Empire in.....

334 BC

719 - Alexander the Great spreading Hellenism throughout AsiaØ Islam spread into Ghana and MaliØ Arabs improving upon Indian math conceptsThe following are good examples of .....

cultural diffusion

720 - Alhamdulillaah means

All praise is due to Allah

721 - Alhamdulillaah,Yarhamukallaah,Yahdeekumullaah are all


722 - Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by __________.

Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)

723 - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves is a story about a man who unlocks the entrance of some thieves treasures

true , his brother went and died too

724 - alif is for

believe in allah

725 - Ali's lack of interest in the caliphate


726 - All Allaah's Books had the same message of .....?

There is no god but Allaah.

727 - All Arab countries are found on the continents of .....

Asia and Africa

728 - All Arab countries are sharing the same .....

All of the above

729 - All are achievements of the Islamic civilization EXCEPT:


730 - All of the following are examples of Antisemitism EXCEPT

the Balfour Declaration

731 - All of the following are members of OPEC except


732 - All of the following are responsible for the location of cities in the Southwest Asia andNorth Africa EXCE...

cultural diversity

733 - ALL of the following are true about Surat Ikhlas EXCEPT .....

The Prophet SAW liked to recite this Surah before eating

734 - All of the following cities were at one time the capital city of the Islamic Empire, EXCEPT


735 - All of the following describe the Umayyad Caliphate EXCEPT:

Centralized at Damascus

736 - All of the following factors contributed to the rapid expansion of the early Muslim empire EXCEPT

forced conversions of conquered people

737 - All of the following were achievements of Islamic civilization EXCEPT

inventing the abacus

738 - All of the following were controversies between the Church of Rome and the Byzantine Church EXCEP...

the role of women in the Church

739 - All the Arab share the ..... language.


740 - All the prophet of Allah began their preaching with and effort to

Reform the basic belief

741 - All the prophets are emphasized on which?


742 - All the Prophets of Allah were sent mainly to call people to the worship of .....


743 - All the prophets taught the lesson of.....


744 - Allaah sent ..... to us through His Prophets.


745 - Allah created heavens and earth in ..... days


746 - Allah created himself from .....

Triple darkness

747 - Allah created humans from .....


748 - Allah created the human being in th..... shape


749 - Allah does not look at your faces and your wealth, but He looks at your .....and deeds.


750 - Allah expelled both Adam & Hawwa from.....

The Garden of Edan

751 - Allah forgives _____ muslims every day at the time of aftari in Ramadan?

10 lakh

752 - Allah give the good news of clear conquest in Surah .....


753 - Allah h..... names


754 - Allah had created the Ardh and the Samawaat in..... days


755 - Allah has blessed the human being with a special blessing which i.....


756 - Allah has made Jannat for his.....


757 - Allah has told all ..... to give Zakah

Rich Muslims


Allah is Great

759 - Allah is Aadil. What does that mean?

Allah is just and fair with everyone

760 - Allah is another name for.....


761 - Allah is Creator or .....


762 - Allah is th..... of the Universe


763 - Allah is the ..... of the heavens and the earth.


764 - Allah is the one who ..... and ..... all the creation, and provides for all the needs of the entire creation.

Maintains and Sustains

765 - Allah made .....


766 - Allah made Shaytan and Jinn from


767 - Allah ordered Prophet Ayub (AS) to take fulfill his promise without hurting his wife.

light straws

768 - Allah provides .....

people , animals and birds

769 - Allah provides people with

food, water and air

770 - Allah revealed Quran on Prophet PBUH through which of the following angel?

Hazrat Jibraeel

771 - Allah says, "Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers" in Surah _________ .


772 - Allah says, "Wives of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) are mothers of believers" in Surah.....


773 - Allah sends prophets through:

jibreel جبريل

774 - Allah sent ..... prophets from Adam (AS) down to Mohammad (SAW).


775 - Allah sent Hazrat Noah (AS) to.....


776 - Allah sent his armies the ..... to save Ka'bah.


777 - Allah sent ingil to Prophet


778 - Allah sent prophets to different.....

people, times

779 - Allah sent Quran to Prophet

Muhammad (SAW)

780 - Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)(s.a.w) as a .....

mercy to all mankind

781 - Allah sent the Quraan down to which Prophet?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

782 - Allah sent zabur to Prophet


783 - Allah SWT .....the people of ditch in Surah burooj.


784 - Allah swt advises us to greet each other with the best greeting. Select the greeting muslims are to use

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatu Hu

785 - Allah SWT appointed which king to Banu Isra'il when they asked for one?


786 - Allah swt is kind to


787 - Allah SWT tested Dawud (AS) by having him judge between two people. Dawud (AS) listened to the first and ruled the second man was being selfish. What did Dawud (AS) learn from this test?

Ruling before listening to all sides is wrong

788 - Allah told us that His angel who is responsible to send down Quran to the earth from Luh Mahfuz, is ..... and .....

Obeyed, trustworthy

789 - Allah will ask first question about..... on the day of judgement.


790 - Allah will give punishment of..... to those who involved in bad beeds.


791 - Allah will reward Jannat for..... deeds.


792 - Allah's revelation is a source of ..... for man.


793 - Allahumma innii a'uudzubika minal khubutsi wal khobaaits is dua.....

When entering toilet

794 - allowed married priests

Eastern Orthodox Church

795 - Al-Maeen is a surah in which there are?

100 or more Ayats

796 - Al-Maeen is a surah in which there are?

100 or more Ayahs

797 - Al-Maida means_________?

The Table Spread with Food

798 - Almighty Allah Himself has guranteed to safeguard the .

Holy Quran

799 - Although they were located in Africa, the Ghana and Mali Empires both adopted the main religion of Arab Traders, which was:


800 - Although they were located in Africa, the Songhai and Mali Empires both adopted the main religion of the Middle East at the time, which was:


801 - ALY means.....

The Highest

802 - Ameen –ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat________________(RA)?

Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA)

803 - Ameen Umat is the title of Hazrat.....(RA)?

A ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA)

804 - Ameer Muyavya was shifted the caliphate capital from?

Koofa to Damascus

805 - Among his many talents, Omar Khayyam is best known as the poet who wrote

the Rubaiyat.

806 - An ..... is a green area in a desert fed by underground water.


807 - An activity involving skill in making things by hand is known as .....


808 - An African mask used in rituals and ceremonies to represent spirit animals of ancestors would be an example of

animistic traditions

809 - An arab market place is called?

A souk

810 - An arabesque is

a repeating geometric pattern.

811 - An Arabic term that describes the struggle, usually internal or spiritual one, that Muslims undergo to get closer to God


812 - An example of Arab Islamic civilization in the UAE

Sharjah Museum of Islamic civilization

813 - An example of Cultural diffusion would be

Muslims learned paper making from the Chinese

814 - An example of Islamic architecture is:

The Dome of the Rock

815 - An important achievement of the Golden Age of Muslim culture was the

preservation of ancient Greek and Roman ideas

816 - an interior designer

is a person who designs the inside of places

817 - An invasion by the ..... in the thirteenth century marked the downfall of the Seljuk dynasty.


818 - An Islamic place of worship (Muslim church)


819 - An Island is land that is surrounded by ..... Mark)


820 - Analogy is synonym of.....


821 - Analogy is synonym of_____________?


822 - Ancstery

Arab people begin to spread into North America in the late 600s, when the first Muslim army arrived in Egypt. Arab armies, traders and scholars soon spread across northern Africa all the way to Morocco. Where ever the Arabs when they took is one in the ar

823 - Angel ..... was commissioned by Allah to take people's lives.


824 - Angel .....came to the cave of .....and asked the prophet to read .

jibreel to hiraa

825 - Angel tick all that apply

All of the above

826 - Angel who takes out souls of life bearing creatures?

Hazrat Izraeel AS

827 - Angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Resurrection is?

Hazrat Israfeel AS

828 - Angels :

Have specific names and roles

829 - Angels are creation of Allah


830 - Angles are made of


831 - Animal welfare means

Treating them kindly

832 - Animals are routinely sacrificed on Eid ul Adha in memory of the sacrifice of.....?

Prophet Abraham (A.S) and Prophet Ishmael (A.S)

833 - Animals are routinely sacrificed on Eid ul Adha in memory of the sacrifice of_________?

Prophet Abraham (A.S) and Prophet Ishmael (A.S)

834 - Animals were created for .....

The benefit of human being

835 - Another important ..... was happening during the Golden Age of Islamic Culture.


836 - Another name for the Islands of the Arabs.

o Jazirat Arab

837 - another name given for N Arab individuals


838 - Another name of the Battle of Badr is.....

Ghazwa kubra

839 - Another word for chronicles


840 - Another word for fasting in Ramadan


841 - Answer the riddle: I am important in mathematics. I came to Muslim lands from India. My name comes from an Arabic word. What am I?


842 - Apart from the dynasties who else contributed for the cause of Islam

Merchants, Scientists, astronomers

843 - Apollo..... placed the copy of the Holy Quran on the moon.


844 - Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of_________?

Hazrat Abu bakar (R.A)

845 - Ar e-Musta'riba are the forefathers of prophet.....

Ismaeel (AS)

846 - Arab countries are spread across these two continents.....

Asia and Africa

847 - Arab Countries are spread across two continents which are they?

Asia and Africa

848 - Arab culture is generally

Hi Context

849 - Arab Doctors diagnosed many diseases including ..... and .....

smallpox, measles

850 - Arab Islamic civilization is open and ..... civilization.


851 - Arab Islamic civilization was named the "Arab Islamic" civilization

Only (A) & (B)

852 - Arab nomads that herded animals and lived in tents were called


853 - Arab scholars used the astrolabe

to figure out their location on earth. Also to learn the circumference of the earth.

854 - Arab thinker Ibn Khaldun set standards for

the study of history.

855 - Arab World has ..... main parts.


856 - Arabesque art was not painted i...


857 - Arabia is a peninsula rather than an island. Why?

Arabia is surrounded by water on three sides.

858 - Arabia is bounded by water and is Called.....?


859 - Arabia, the largest peninsula of the world, has area approximately.....

350, 000 sq. miles

860 - Arabic name of the House of Wisdom?

Bayt Ḥikmah

861 - Arabic numbers are borrowed from which culture?


862 - Arabic numbers that were passed on to Europeans by Persian and Arab scholars were actually borrowed from which culture?


863 - Arabic numerals were based off of

Indian numerals

864 - Arabic scholars made great contributions in the area of .....


865 - Arabs borrowed concept of zero from .....


866 - Arabs controlled the trade between.....

Europe and the east

867 - Arabs learned paper making technology from.....(a).....through there connections with traders along with.....(b).....

Chinese , (b) Silk road

868 - Arabs used this form of writing to praise rulers, write about love, and make jokes.


869 - Arabs used to trade on .....

the silk road

870 - Arabs were ruled under the same ..... major empires.


871 - Arabs were ruled under which Empire?

Assyrian Empire

872 - Arabs were ruled under which major empires?

The Assyrian ,The Umayyad caliphate, The Ottoman Empire

873 - Arabs who still remembered the teachings of Islam were called .....


874 - Arabs worshipped idols before embracing.....


875 - Arafat gathering is held on.....?

9 Zil hajj

876 - Arafat gathering is held on__________?

9 Zil hajj

877 - Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there are?

40 Ahadith

878 - Arbeen is the Book which contains?


879 - Archeologists found a ..... Erected by .....

Only (A) & (B)

880 - Ardeshir was Succeeded by his son Shaper I in.....

240 BC

881 - Are all Muslims expected to go on Hajj?

Yes, as long as they are physically able and can afford it

882 - Are eating pig / chicken / dead fish halal?


883 - Are the following statements true about Mali?Began in the 1200s CE.Sundiata and Mansa Musa were two great leaders.Timbuktu was the famous capital.

Yes, they're true.

884 - Are the following statements true about Songhai?Came to power by the 11th century.Salt was an important trading commodity.

No, they're not true.

885 - Are the following statements true about Songhai?We known for their funding of education.Timbuktu was its famous trading capital.Was the most powerful state in the region by 1200s

No, they're not true.

886 - Are you all going to pay attention


887 - Are you happy to be back in Islamic Studies class?


888 - Around the time of Jesus' death circa 33 ce, his followers started to spread his teachings. This led to the growth of which major religion?


889 - Around the world

حول اÙ„عالم

890 - Around what time did the Mongols take over Russia?

1200s CE

891 - Art of beautiful writing


892 - As a Muslim, we pray 5 times a day. Arrange the number of rakaat in correct sequence.


893 - As a practical application of the principle of tolerance, H. H. Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, ordered renaming the Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Mosque in Al Mushrif, Abu Dhab

Mary, the mother of Jesus

894 - As a result of the Holocaust in Europe during WWII?

There was increased international importance placed on creating a homeland for Jews.

895 - As a result of the spread of Islam in the region, many of the people living in Southwest Asia and North Africa.....

speak Arabic

896 - As a result of the spread of Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula, Arab women gained the right to

ask their husbands for a divorce

897 - As a result of the study of Zoology, Muslims were able to..... [Select ALL that Apply]

Only (A) & (B)

898 - As a whole what are the Five Pillars?

Acts of worship required of all Muslims

899 - As caliph, General Mu'āwiyah became known for

using force only when absolutely necessary.

900 - As Muslims we should have a strong community called.....


901 - As of 2007, Libya is led by one person who controls all media, is not elected, cannot be voted out of office and has absolute veto power. Libyan's citizen participation would be classified under which category?



I ask Allah, my Lord, to cover up my sins and unto Him I turn repentant

903 - As the Arab Empire expanded, Christians and Jews in the conquered territories were

allowed to practice their religions.

904 - As the Arab Empire grew, "People of the Book" or those who did not convert to Islam in the conquered territories

had to pay special taxes.

905 - As the Arab Empire grew, people who were not Muslims or did not convert to Islam in the conquered territories

had to pay special taxes.

906 - As those who disbelieve , their deeds are as a mirage in a :


907 - Asia is the ..... continent in the world


908 - Asking Allah for something or thanking him is called


909 - Asmaa bint Ab Bakr was the elder sister of .....


910 - Asmaa bint Abu Bakr (RA) was called ..... for splitting her shawl in two belts 'nitaqs' and putting food inside it.


911 - Assad Ullah was the title of?

Hazrat Zaid RA

912 - Associating partners with Allah is called?


913 - Astrolabe

A tool used to helps sailors navigate by the positions of the stars

914 - At .....Fitr, the sighting of the new moon is often announced through

the firing of a canon

915 - At age of ___________ holy Prophet received first Wahi.

40 Years

916 - At age of..... holy Prophet received first Wahi.

40 Years

917 - At He e-Fajjar, the Holy Prophet (SAW) was..... years old.


918 - At its heig the Muslim empire stretched from.....

Arabian Peninsula to North Africa to Europe

919 - At Masj e..... first Muslim University was established?


920 - At Masjid-e-___________ first Muslim University was established ?


921 - At Muzdulfah, Hajis offer..... prayer and collect stones.


922 - At Takwir meaning

The overthrowing

923 - At that time, ..... society valued a high eloquence in spoken and written .....

Arabian; Arabic

924 - At the age of 8 years old, whom Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has lost?

All of the above

925 - AT the age of..... the Holy Prophet (SAW) Aqeeqa ceremony was held.

7 days

926 - At the bottom of Ottoman society were the

Men of Husbandry

927 - At the early times , what began to show ..... of the ..... of the people who became part of .....??

Architecture , influences , cultures , Islamic Empire

928 - At the end of Ramadan we celebrate .....

E ul Fitr

929 - At the end of Ramadan, we celebrate. What is the name of the celebration?

Eid al fitr

930 - At the occasion of..... all the Kalimahs are recited by a Muslim.


931 - At the occasion of..... Sal e-ksoof is offered.

Solar Eclipse

932 - At the Occasion of..... Sal Istasqa is offered.

Shortage of Rain

933 - At the place of Muzdalfa on 9th Zulhajj, Which two prayer are performed together?

Maghrib and Eisha

934 - At the place of Muzdalfa on 9th Zulhajj, Which two prayer are performed together?

Maghrib and Eisha

935 - At the time of Fateh Makkah how many idols were there around the walls of Kaaba?


936 - At the time of migration by Allah's order, Hazrat Luut (AS) was not allowed to have his..... with him.


937 - At the time of migration, the king of Abyssinia was.....


938 - At the time of Muhammad (SAW)'s birth, Mecca was a center of religion and


939 - At the time of the death of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) how many Huffaz were there?


940 - At the time of the death of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) how many Huffaz were there?


941 - At what age did Yakub discover his purpose?

6 years old

942 - At what age Hazrat Yousaf AS was thrown in well?

15 Years

943 - At what age, Abdullah passed away?


944 - At what occasion all the Kalimahs are recited by a muslim?


945 - At what occasion, the last verse of the Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Khut Haj t Widaa

946 - At what time the major part of the Holy Quran was revealed?


947 - At which occasion Salat became obligation (Farz)?


948 - At which occasion Salat became obligation (Farz)?


949 - At which place Eid-u-Azha was offered?


950 - At whose request, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) entrusted the task of compilation of the Holy Quran to Zaid bin Thabit (RA)?

Hazrat Umar (RA)

951 - Atique is the title of ?

Hazrat Abu Bakar

952 - Atique is the title of?

Hazrat Abu Bakar

953 - At-least five wisk is weight of the produce of the crops over which Zakat becomes obligatory. Five wisk is equal to______?

40 Kg

954 - Axum, Ethiopia, ZimbabweWhat geographical region is associated with the kingdoms listed above?

East Africa

955 - Ay.....Kursi is referred as the.....

Longest Ayat

956 - Ayat ul Kursi (آÛŒت اÙ„کُرسÛŒ) is in which Surah of the Holy Quran?

Surah Al-Baqarah

957 - Ayat ul Kursi is in which Surah of the Holy Quran?

Surah Baqarah

958 - Ayat-ul-Kursi is verse number in Surah Baqarah is:____________?


959 - Ayesha (RA) lived ..... years

sixty six

960 - Ayesha (RA)'s mother name is ..... .

Umm Rooman Bint Aamir bin Owaymir Kinaniya

961 - Ba e-Rizwan took place in..... Hijrah.


962 - Ba.....Maqdas is also known as.....

Masjid Aqsa

963 - baa is for

bir to do good deeds

964 - Badr is a.....


965 - Badr is located..... miles away from Madina.

60 miles

966 - Baghdad city was established as Capital of Abbasid Dynasty by____________?


967 - Baghdad gained the title of

City of Walls.

968 - Baghdad inhabited in which BC year?


969 - Baghdad then became known as a center of learning and tolerance. What age did this become known as?

Golden Age

970 - Baghdad's Islamic center for learning was called the

House of Wisdom.

971 - Bahaism is based on a.....


972 - Bahaism was founded by.....


973 - Bahaism was founded in the middle of..... century AD.


974 - Bahaism was founded in.....


975 - Bait Rizwan was taken for?

Hazrat Usman RA

976 - Bait Ul Mamoor is on the?

7th Heaven

977 - Bait-e-Rizwan took place in ____________ Hijrah.


978 - Bait-e-Rizwan was taken for which Sahabi?

Hazrat Usman RA

979 - Baitul Laham is the birth Place of Hazrat __________ is situated in Jerusalem.

Essa A.S

980 - Baitul Mamoor is on..... Heaven?



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