Islamic Studies: Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job Tests Set: 6

1 - There are..... faraiz in Hajj.


2 - There are..... Faraiz in Wuzu.


3 - There are..... farz in Ghusal.


4 - There are..... farz in prayer.


5 - There are..... farz in wuzoo.


6 - There are..... gods in Zoroastrianism.


7 - There are..... Haro e-Moqatteat in the Holy Quran.


8 - There are..... Khutabas in Hajj


9 - There are..... Madani Surahs in the Holy Quran.


10 - There are..... Makki Surahs in the Holy Quran.


11 - There are..... Makruhat in Wuzu.


12 - There are..... Manazil in the Holy Quran.


13 - There are..... methods for the compilation of Ahdith.

None of these

14 - There are..... Musaar e-Zakat.


15 - There are..... Mustahabat in Wuzu.


16 - There are..... obligations in Ghusl.


17 - There are..... Paras in the Holy Quran.


18 - There are..... Prostration (Sajdas)in the Holy Quran.


19 - There are..... Rukoos in the Holy Quran.


20 - There are..... stages in Holy Quran.


21 - There are..... Sunnahs in Ghusl.


22 - There are..... Sunnahs in Hajj.


23 - There are..... Surahsin the Holy Quran.


24 - There are..... Types of fardh.


25 - there are..... types of Hajj.


26 - There are..... types of Hajj?


27 - There are..... types of Ijma.


28 - There are..... types of Talaq.


29 - There are..... types of Wahi


30 - There are..... types of Zakat.


31 - There are..... words in the first Kalimah.


32 - There are.....Kalimahs in Islam.


33 - There are.....Sunnats in Hajj?


34 - There is no..... in Bahaism.


35 - There was a famine in..... in 9 AH.


36 - There was one particular scholar that wrote important commentaries on Aristotle that influenced medieval European scholastic educators

I Rushd

37 - There was..... Muslims in this battle.


38 - There were..... brothers of Hazat Yousaf (AS).


39 - There were..... infidels in the Battle of Badr.


40 - There were..... main reasons of the Battle of Badr.


41 - These 3 sites: Western Wall, Dome of the Rock, and Church of the Holy Sepulcher are all located in which city?


42 - These are four of the most important requirements of what religion?Give charity to the needy.Make a pilgrimage.Fasting during the holy month.Pray five times each day.


43 - These are the major topics in the Quran. Except .....


44 - These are the pillars of islam, except.....


45 - These are..... in Ghusl, gargling, putting the water into the nostrils and pouring of water over the entire body.


46 - These books were translated into ..... and ..... in the 19th century CE.

Spanish and French

47 - These Musaar e-Zakat are mentioned in the..... of Quran.

Surah Tauba

48 - These surahs are short and are mostly about the Majesty of Allah, His Oneness, and the akhirat.

Makkan surahs

49 - These three religions worked as scholars to translate ancient texts from Greece, India, and Persia into Arabic

Jewish, Christian, Muslim

50 - They built large cities.


51 - They created a system calle...

The science of restoring what is missing and equating like with like also called as algebra

52 - They have agreed to allow their arms to rest for..... years.


53 - They lived in castles or villages.


54 - They used Roman numerals.


55 - They were Turkish Muslims from Central Asia who eventually conquered the Byzantine Empire.


56 - They wrote books on plants and soil,Irriagation and Gardening technics that are translated into .....(a)..... and .....(b)..... in the .....(c).....

Spanish , (b)French and (C) 19 th century C.E

57 - Things invalidate fasting (breaking)

All of the above

58 - Third Ashra (last days of Ramadan) is known as.....?

Days to seek refuge from Hellfire

59 - Third Ashra (last days of Ramadan) is known as__________?

Days to seek refuge from Hellfire

60 - Third Source of Islamic Fiqah is?


61 - Third Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.

Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

62 - Third Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

63 - This architectural structure usually goes with a mosque, is tall, definitely not mini, and has a muezzin up top chanting out the call to prayer


64 - This became a major city of trade and learning in all the western kingdoms.


65 - This book is the law of Islam and comes from the Quran


66 - This book provides Muslims with guidelines on how to live and stresses the need to treat others fairly


67 - This city is holy to Christians, Jews, and Muslims.


68 - This document stated in 1917 that official British policy supported creating a homeland for Jewish followers in Palestine and created a wave of immigration to the region.

Balfour Declaration

69 - This Empire was unable to invade and control the Arabian Peninsula.

o The Roman Empire

70 - This feature of American democracy comes from the Romans

Citizens have certain rights and responsibilities

71 - This festival begins on the first day of Shawwa the 10th month of the Islamic calendar


72 - This great Mogul ruler brought peace and order to India in the 1500s.


73 - This group represented Palestinian interests in Southwest Asia.

PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)

74 - This is a center of Muslim culture and learning that was an early capital of Islam.


75 - This is a famous Mughal Indian tomb built by Shah Jahan in honor of his wife.

Taj Majal

76 - This is a group of traders that traveled together.


77 - This is a political movement from 1897 to 1948 that believed in creating a homeland for Jewish people in the "promised land" of Palestine. This movement would realize that dream with the creation of Israel in May of 1948.


78 - This is a..... that "truly Allah loves those who purify themselves"

The Quranic verse

79 - This is located in Iraq was built in the Abbasid dynasty

The Great Mosque of Samarra

80 - This is the branch of government that is responsible for enforcing laws.


81 - This is the branch of government that is responsible for making laws.


82 - This is the name given to any successor of Muhammad (SAW):


83 - This is the term for a society at its peak

golden age

84 - This is used to measure the angle of the sun and stars on the horizon:


85 - This lay on the junction of trade routes.....


86 - This man ran a worldwide terrorist network called all Qaeda

Osama Bin Laden

87 - This man was accused of having Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Saddam Hussein

88 - This museum contains a collection of ancient antiquities that belonged to the Islamic civilization throughout ages.

Museum of Islamic Art

89 - This museum includes a group of Islamic remnants, antiquities and old wooden boats which were made here in Qatar.

Qatar National Museum

90 - This Muslim empire was located in India and was the most peaceful and tolerant.


91 - This Muslim leader in Mali started to spread Islam through west Africa:

Mansa Musa

92 - This ocean is on the west of Africa.


93 - This passage from the Christian gospel of Matthew reflects which of the Five Pillars of Islam?So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell


94 - This prophet spoke to the Angel Gabriel in 610 AD which set up a whole new religion


95 - This system of math was created by Islamic Mathematicians.


96 - This war didn't result in massive land changes, but it did lead to peace between Israel and surrounding Arab nations, as well as, a Palestinian realization that their cause would have to be fought by themselves through riots.

1973 Yom Kippur War

97 - This war resulted in Israeli gaining the Sinai peninsula, Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights, and all of Jerusalem. Israel also quadrupled in size and governs over 1 million Palestinians.

1967 Six Day War

98 - This was an early university in Baghdad that served as a library, school, and translation center.

House of Wisdom

99 - This was an important trade city in the Mali Empire.


100 - This was the capital of the Abbasid's Dynasty


101 - This was the greatest Ottoman emperor, under whom the empire reached its peak.

Suleyman I

102 - This was the group that overthrew the Umayyad Empire, grew Islamic territory to its greatest size, and ushered in a "golden age" of Muslim achievements.

Abbasid Empire

103 - those who are worship Allah in the day and night, they

Are men whom neither commerce not sale distracts from remembrance of Allah

104 - Those who don-t believe on oneness of Allah are called?


105 - Three things that humans needs to survive

Air, food, water

106 - Through..... Allah sent to convey his revelation to the Prophets.


107 - Throwing stones on devil is called.....


108 - Tibaaqaa means:

one above the other

109 - Tic all actions of salah

Only (A) & (B)

110 - Tick ALL CORRECT answers (there is more than one correct answer)

Only (A) & (B)

111 - Tick all sentences that show good manners of eating.

Only (A) & (B)

112 - Tick all the correct answers:When you inter the toilet, you should not:

All of the above

113 - Tick all the right answers

All of the above

114 - Tick the 3 most important factors that form the character of any nation.

All of the above

115 - Tick the 3 roles of Qatar in preserving the Ar Islamic identity.

All of the above

116 - Tick the correct answers:

Only (A) & (B)

117 - Tick the key morals from Part II of Prophet Ibrahim AS's story?

All of the above

118 - Tick the miracles of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) SAW from the list below:

Only (A) & (B)

119 - Tick the names of the two sons of Prophet Ibrahim AS.

Only (A) & (B)

120 - Timbuktu was all of the following, EXCEPT

home to the most important Islamic holy sites

121 - Tirmizi was born in.....

831 A.D Transoxiana

122 - Title given to the pioneers of Islam was?


123 - Title of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA?

Savior of Islam

124 - Title of Hazrat Umar?


125 - Title of Hazrat Umar?


126 - to be hospitable is

to be a good host

127 - To be tolerant means that you .....other people's opinions and preferences, even when they live in a way that you don't agree with.


128 - To bring revelation to the Prophets of Allah was the Duty of.....

Hazrat Jibraeil (AS)

129 - To have faith in Allah in your heart and say it with your mouth and act it with your limbs is called:

iman إيماÙ†

130 - To pay Mehr at the time of marriage is called.....


131 - To perform Sal e-Istakhara is.....?


132 - To perform Salat-e-Istakhara is__________?


133 - To perform..... Wuzu is necessary.


134 - To show respect to the UAE national anthem you should:

All of that.

135 - To show their desire to be close to God in their everyday lives, those who practiced Sufism expressed their love and devotion by.....

writing poetry

136 - To sit straight in Salat is called.....?


137 - To sit straight in Salat is called________?


138 - To stay at Arafat is.....?


139 - To stay at Arafat is__________?


140 - To what extent did Islam successfully penetrate the populations of east Africa?

Islam penetrated very little into the interior among the hunters, pastoralists, and farmers, and even the areas near the trading towns remained relatively unaffected.

141 - To what Prophet the Injeel was revealed by Allah?

Prophet Essa (A.S)

142 - To what Prophet the Injeel was revealed by Allah?

Prophet Essa (A.S)

143 - To what Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah?

Prophet Dawood (A.S)

144 - To what Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah?

Prophet Dawood (A.S)

145 - To which book, Allah declares "this is the Divine Book in which there is no doubt"?

The Holy Quran

146 - To which direction of Madina Masjid Quba is located?


147 - To which mountains did Hadhrat Hajar AS run to when trying to find nourishment for Prophet Ismail AS?

Only (A) & (B)

148 - To which nation Hazrat Daniyal (AS) was sent as Prophet?

Bani Isreal

149 - To which Prohpet Muslim Ummah Belongs?

Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

150 - To which Prohpet Muslim Ummah Belongs?

Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH)

151 - To which prophet were the ten commandments revealed?

Hazrat Musa AS

152 - To which sahabi keys of Jeruslem were handed over first of all?

Hazrat Umar RA

153 - To which Suhabi responsibility was given for collection of the Holy Quran by Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) ?

Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (R.A)

154 - To which Suhabi responsibility was given for collection of the Holy Quran by Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)?

Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (R.A)

155 - To which tribe Hazrat Sufya RA belonged?

Bani Israil

156 - To Whom Allah swt commanded to say, "I will not worship what you worship", .....

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) SAW

157 - To whom Holy Prophet PBUH to sleep in the bed at the time of migration to Madina?

Hazrat Ali

158 - To whom the Holy Prophet PBUH awarded his sword Zulfiqar"?

Hazrat Ali RA

159 - To whom the Holy Prophet PBUH called -the liar-?

Muselima Kazzab

160 - To whom the holy Prophet PBUH handed the key of Kaaba saying that you would hold it till the Dooms Day?

Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid RA

161 - To whom the Prophet (SAW) allowed for Qiyas after appointing him as the governor of Yemen?

Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal (RA)

162 - To whom the Quran was sent?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) SAW

163 - To whom was the holy Quran revealed?

Muhammed (S.A.S)

164 - To..... is the function of Hazrat Makael (AS).

Make Rain and Supply Food to Allah's Creatures

165 - Today, Islam is

2nd most popular after Christianity

166 - Tolerance in the general concept is showing

All of the above

167 - Tolerance is not ....., condescension or indulgence. Tolerance is, above all, recognizing the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.


168 - Tolerance is one of the causes of

going to Paradise

169 - Tolerance was

the Muslim practice of accepting other people's religious beliefs.

170 - Torait was revealed on which Prophet?

Hazrat Moosa AS

171 - Torat means _____________?


172 - Torat means.....?


173 - Total ayats of Surah Alaq are?


174 - Total number of Ghazwas are?


175 - Total number of surah in quran are _______?


176 - Total number of surah in quran are.....?


177 - Total number of wives of Prophet PBUH was?


178 - Toxic friend will call you only when they ..... you


179 - Trade expanded in the Islamic Empire and many people adopted the Arabic language. This is an example of.....

Cultural Diffusion

180 - Trade means:

buying and selling things

181 - Traditional dress of the men in UAE is.....


182 - Treaty of Hudabia was signed in?

6th Hijrah

183 - Treaty of Hudaybiyyah (صلح اÙ„حديبية) took place in March 628____________.

Dhu al-Qi'dah, 6 AH

184 - Treaty of Hudaybiyyah took place in March 628.....

Dhu Qi'dah, 6 AH

185 - Trees are what type of productive resource?


186 - Trials are part of life, what should be your response to trials?

Persevere and maintain faith in Allah (swt)

187 - Tripoli was conquered in the reign of?

Hazrat Usman RA

188 - True or False: Orientalists were university professors in Germany and Netherlands; French and British researchers to serve colonial interests in the Middle East and North Africa \


189 - Turkey has built a series of dams and irrigation ditches along the Tigr Euphrates River which has angered which Middle Eastern country?


190 - Turkey has built a series of dams and irrigation ditches along the Tigr Euphrates River which has angered which Middle Eastern country?


191 - Twelve wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Javeriah (RA)

192 - Two angels appointed on each person. One of them maintain goods deeds and other maintain evils deeds. Name the angels?

Karaman Katibeen

193 - Two angels are appointed on each person. One of them maintains the good deeds and the other one records evil deeds. These two angels are named as?

Kiraman katibeen (AS)

194 - Two angels are appointed on each person. One of them maintains the good deeds and the other one records evil deeds. These two angels are named as?

Kiraman katibeen (AS)

195 - Two Angels who are appointed on each person are Known as.....

Kiraman Katibeen

196 - Two of my borders are seas.....the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.حدودÙŠ اÙ„بحر اÙ„احÙ…ر Ùˆ اÙ„بحر اÙ„ابيض المتوسØ·


197 - TWO out of the followings are the nr.of Allah mentioned in Surāt Ikhlās

Only (A) & (B)

198 - U.....Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW)?

Hazrat Zainab bente Khuzima (RA)

199 - قاÙ„ تعالى: يَا قَوْمِ اعÙ’بُدُوا اÙ„لَّهÙŽ مَا لَكُÙ… مِّنÙ’ إِÙ„َٰهٍ غَيْرُهُ Û– هُÙˆÙŽ أَنشَأÙŽÙƒُÙ… مِّنÙŽ اÙ„ْأَرÙ’ضِ وَاسÙ’تَعÙ’مَرÙŽÙƒُمْ فِيهَا فَاسÙ’

Only (A) & (B)

200 - مستحبات اÙ„صوÙ… Preferred Things To Do Before And After Fasting

Eating Suhur Late And Eating Futur Early

201 - من يباØ­ لهÙ… اÙ„فطر Who has permission to not fast

اÙ„مسافر Ùˆ اÙ„مريض Who Is Traveling or Sick

202 - UAE Emiratis are predominantly? and all social and political matters are driven by Islamic) law

shittah sharia

203 - UAE is to the ..... of Saudi Arabia.


204 - Uhud is the name of .....


205 - Ulama and qadis were important in Islamic society because they

developed public policies and heard cases in accordance with the Quran and the sharia.

206 - Um e-Hakam was.....

The Granddaughter of Abu Jehl

207 - Ummay Kalsoom RA was the daughter of?

Hazrat Ali RA

208 - Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW) ?

Hazrat Zainab bente Khuzima (RA)

209 - Umra What are the steps of Umrah

All of the above

210 - Umrah can be made

any time of the year

211 - Under Abbasid rule, a key force unifying the Muslim Empire was

economy and trade

212 - Under pressure from authorities in Mecca, Muhammad (SAW) and his followers fled to Medina in 622. Muslims call this move

the hijra.

213 - Under Suleyman

the Ottoman Empire reached its cultural peak or golden age

214 - Under the Abbasid rule

Arab influence declined, Iranian Culture influence increased

215 - Under the power of which leadership did the Muslims make many advances and contributions in medicine, math, literature and astronomy?

the Abbasids

216 - Under Umayyad rule, Arab and Berber forces captured and made most of ..... into a Muslim state.


217 - Under which empire was Sikhism founded?


218 - Under which group did the Islamic Empire reach a golden age?


219 - Under which regime was the capital of the empire shifted to Damascus?


220 - Unlike the emperor of the western empire, the Byzantine emperor

was the head of the church as well as the political ruler

221 - Uqba bin Nafah is called?

Alexander of the muslim world

222 - Ur was located in.....


223 - Utba bin Rabia, Sheeba bin Rabiya, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, Hakeem bin Hazin, Naufyl bin Khwaild, Haris bin Amir, Taieema bin Addi, Nazr bin Haris, Zuma bin Aswad, Umayya bin Khuluf, Sohail bin Amr, Amr bin Abd and A.....Bohturi were the leaders of Quraish wh


224 - Uthman was the

3rd caliphate

225 - 'Utuww means:


226 - Verbal meaning of Hajj is.....?

The will to visit

227 - Verbal meaning of Hajj is____________?

The will to visit

228 - Verses of Surah..... describes Mehr.


229 - Vocabulary: A Green area in a desert fed by underground water.


230 - Vocabulary: A group of Muslims who believed only descendants of Ali should rule after Muhammad (SAW)'s death.


231 - Vocabulary: A group of traveling merchants and animals.


232 - Vocabulary: A group that believed Umayyad caliphs should rule.


233 - Vocabulary: A ruler which means "holder of power."


234 - Vocabulary: A tool that helps sailors navigate by the position of the stars.


235 - Vocabulary: Caliphs who governed the Arab Empire from Damascus.


236 - Vocabulary: Desert herders who traveled from oasis to oasis in search of water.


237 - Vocabulary: Every Muslim city had this type of marketplace.


238 - Vocabulary: Muslim houses of worship.


239 - Vocabulary: The most prominent features of a mosque are its towers where an announcer calls Muslims to prayer.


240 - Vocabulary: The name given to the followers of Islam.


241 - Vushnu means.....

The Preserver

242 - Waleed bin abdul malik built which jamya mosque?

Jamya mosque Damascus

243 - WALI (SAW) means.....

The Protector

244 - Waq e-Arafat means.....

Stay at Arafat

245 - Waqia Miraj is also known as.....

Waqia Assraa

246 - Waqood means:


247 - War of Qudsiya was started in?

14 AH

248 - Was it a male or a female camel?


249 - was the arab nights realistic?

fantasy with a mix of morals

250 - Wasal Bin Ata was the founder of the sect?


251 - Wasting means

to overuse the things more than you need

252 - Water resources in the country of ..... and ..... have been affected by the building of a dam and irrigation ditches by Turkey on the Tigr Euphrates Rivers.

Iraq, Syria

253 - We are given the chance to seek Islamic Knowledge because:

Allah loves us

254 - We begin sholat by reciting .....

Intention (niat)

255 - We can say no to our parents if .....

they commanded us to go against Allah

256 - We can show tolerance towards others by .....our food and belongings.


257 - We celebra.....Eids.


258 - We learnt from our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (saw) not to

. Fill our Tommy with food

259 - We live on the .....


260 - We perform wudu Whenever we want to: (select 2)

Only (A) & (B)

261 - We pray facing the .....


262 - We repent to Allah once daily


263 - We should enter the toilet with .....

our left foot

264 - We should make a habit of doing wudu before: select multiple answers

All of the above

265 - we should recite this du'a':" اÙ„لهÙ… انÙŠ اعوذ بÙƒ من اÙ„خبØ« Ùˆ اÙ„خبائØ«"( O Allah, I seek your protection from male and female devils)

before entering the toilet

266 - We use ..... to make Wudu


267 - Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to.....?


268 - Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to?


269 - Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to_________?


270 - Were the Arab Spring protests in Tunisia successful?


271 - West Africans built mosques that blended Islamic architectural style with their own traditional religious art. This shows

how West Africans adapted Islam to their own cultures.

272 - Whad does saee means?

Running Between Safa & Marwa Seven times

273 - What 3 things are requested of Allah in the opening dua we studied?

Distance from sins, Purification from sins, and cleansing from sins

274 - What according to the Quran is the root cause of the evil?


275 - What according to the Qur'an is the root cause of the evil?


276 - What accounted for the downfall of Songhay?

invasion by a Moroccan Muslim armed with firearms

277 - What advantage did acceptance of the Arabic language provide?

Scholars in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East could share ideas more easily.

278 - What advantage does the qanat system have over irrigation channels on the surface?

Water does not evaporate, even in a hot climate, because the qanat is mostly underground.

279 - What age did the prophet die


280 - What alphabet do the Russians use?


281 - What an authentic Hadis is called.....?


282 - What an authentic Hadis is called___________?


283 - What animal helped merchants cross the Sahara Desert?


284 - What animal were considered the "ships" of the desert?


285 - What animals transported most of the goods along the Silk Road?


286 - What arabic term is used to denote a saying or text that has reached us through so many multiple sources that it is considered authentic?


287 - What are 2 reasons why the astrolabe is like smartphone (cell phone)? [Choose 2 Answers]

Only (A) & (B)

288 - What are a tool of mutual understanding, se expression, and description of personal and diverse needs?


289 - What are all the 5 prayers? Order of Salah.

Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha

290 - what are ARABS doing now

staying at home

291 - What are capital goods?

The factories and machines used to make goods

292 - What are hadiths?

Traditions of the prophet Muhammad (SAW)

293 - What are Hasanat

good deeds

294 - What are idols made of?

stone or wood

295 - What are jinn created from?

smokeless fire

296 - What are key features of Islamic art?

geometric shapes, patterns and colored mosaics

297 - What are Kurds fighting for/want really bad?

Their own nation

298 - What are Muslims required to do during the holy month of Ramadan?


299 - What are muslims supposed to do for the poor according to the five pillars?

Give them Charity.

300 - What are people who believe and follow the religion of Islam called?


301 - What are people who practice Islam called?


302 - What are promised sahabahs?

Asharatul Mubasharah

303 - What are records of sayings and doings of the prophets?


304 - What are Sayeat

bad deeds

305 - What are se historical works, such as biographies?


306 - What are some adjectives that could be used to describe Arabic trade?


307 - What are some articles of faith in Islam? Belief in .....

All of the above

308 - What are some forms of Sadaqah?

Only (A) & (B)

309 - What are some of the contributions of the Islamic civilization?

Calligraphy, architecture, and Arabic

310 - What are some reasons the US consumes so much more oil than other countries? (Multiple answers)

All of the above

311 - What are some things that the third pillar?

Only (A) & (B)

312 - What are the 2 things that the prophet (saw) once mentioned that admit people into the paradise the most?

God consciousness and good character

313 - What are the 3 Abrahamic faiths?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

314 - What are the 4 Holy books?

Tawrah, Zabur, Injil, Quran

315 - What are the 5 pillars

Faith, prayer, Hajj, Almsgiving, Fasting.

316 - What are the 5 pillars of Islam?

Shahada Sala Zaka Saw Hajj

317 - What are the 6 pillars of Iman?

Believing in: the prophets, angels, Allah is 1, the books Allah revealed, Fate, and the Hereafter

318 - What are the Abbasids?

the dynasty that came after the Umayyads

319 - What are the basic beliefs of Islam called?

Five Pillars

320 - What are the basic beliefs of the Islam faith?

Five Pillars

321 - What are the basic practices of Islam called?

Five Pillars

322 - What are the basic practices of the Islam faith called?

Five Pillars

323 - What are the basic rules/beliefs of the Islam faith called?

Five Pillars

324 - What are the basic tenants of the Islam faith called?

Five Pillars

325 - What are the benefits of fasting?

All of the above

326 - what are the deeds for which the believer deserved the reward decribed in the vereses.

Good tiding in here and hereafter

327 - What are the different names used for Satan or Devil in the Quran?

Iblees and Ash-Shaitan

328 - What are the Farlu Ain?

All of the above

329 - What are the first 2 pillars of UAE National Tolerance Program?

Islam and UAE's Constitution

330 - What are the first 3 Islamic Months?

Muharram, Safar, Rabi'ul Awwal

331 - What are the first two Pillars of "The Year of Tolerance"?

Tolerance in the community and Education

332 - What are the five basic acts that form the framework of the religion of Islam?

Five Pillars of Islam

333 - What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

Five acts of worship required of all Muslims

334 - What are the individual Pillars in Islam?

Profession of faith, daily prayers, giving charity, fasting, pilgrimage (hajj)

335 - What are the kinds of people on the Day of Judgment based on the verses?

Three kinds

336 - What are the main positions of Salah?

Qiyam, Juloos, Rukoo, Sujood

337 - What are the main principals of Islam?

The Five Pillars

338 - What are the major empires that ruled the Arabs?

Assyrian and Umayyad Caliphate Empire

339 - What are the Oceans covering the Arab World?

Atlantic and Arabian

340 - What are the original languages of the scientific and philosophical works?

Ancient Greek; Sanskrit and others.

341 - What are the qualities of Madinan surahs?

Only (A) & (B)

342 - What are the rights to the rulers?

All of the above

343 - What are the rulers who had a personal connection to Muhammed called?

The first four caliphs

344 - What are the similarities between the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Church?

All of the above

345 - What are the sources of Fiqh?

Only (A) & (B)

346 - What are the sources of Islamic teachings? Choose TWO correct answers.

Only (A) & (B)

347 - What are the things which Arab countries have in common?

Language, History, Religion

348 - What are the three early religions?

Judaism, Islam, Christianity

349 - What are the three main ways that Islam traveled and spread?

Trade networks, military conquest, and the work of missionaries

350 - What are the three monotheistic religions

Christianity, Islam, Judaism

351 - What are the two holiest cities in Islam?

Makkah and Medina

352 - What are the two holy cities of Islam?

Mecca and Medina

353 - What are the two important rivers of Mesopotamia?

Euphrates and Tigris

354 - What are the two main divisions or denominations within Islam?

Sunni and Shia

355 - What are the two major sects of Islam?

Sunni and Shi'a

356 - What are the two qualities of allies of Allah mentioned in the verse?

There will be no fear, nor will they grieve

357 - What are the two sects of Muslims?

Shias and Sunnis

358 - What are the two things Shaitān promised would happen to Ādam if he ate from the tree? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Only (A) & (B)

359 - What are the ways to find the Qibla?

All of the above

360 - What are two main ways Muslim traders traveled?

Only (A) & (B)

361 - What are underground water sources called in the desert?


362 - What are Us e-deen?

A Muslim's belief

363 - What area of Africa was MOST associated with the production of salt?


364 - What art form, developed in the 8th century, encouraged the development of Islamic literature?


365 - What aspect of Islamic belief does this quotation encourage?"Have they not looked at the it was created?"

curiosity about nature

366 - What barrier to trade separated the empires of Ghana and Mali from the trading center of Egypt?

the Sahara Desert

367 - What basic belief made Christianity different from Judaism?

Christians believed Jesus was the Messiah, or savior of man

368 - What became the shared language for religion, trade, and learning among Muslims?


369 - What book do Muslims consider the true word of God as told to Muhammad (SAW)?

The Qur'an

370 - What book has the words of Allah?


371 - What branch of Islam believes that only a relative of Muhammad (SAW) is qualified to be a caliph, and thus Ali should have been the first caliph?


372 - What branch of Islam is social manners?


373 - What can you infer about how the scholars at Córdoba's university influenced the spread of Islam?

They helped it by translating writings produced in the Muslim world.

374 - What caused early trade routes in Southwest Asia to become too difficult to travel?

political unrest in Mesopotamia and Egypt

375 - What caused Islam to split into the Sunni and Shia groups?

Disagreement over who should lead the religion

376 - What caused the breakup of the Ottoman Empire?

its defeat in World War I

377 - What caused the Schism, the split that divided the Christian religion into the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches?

a dispute over the authority of the Pope over icons

378 - What caused the West African kingdom of Ghana to grow powerful, wealthy, and to incorporate Islamic values and ideas in its society and government?

It controlled the go salt trade

379 - What challenges Muhammad (SAW)'s followers faced after his death? Select three answers.

All of the above

380 - What characteristics did Prophets have?

All of the above

381 - What church was found in the Byzantine Empire?

Eastern Orthodox

382 - What cities became cultural centers for the Islamic Empire?

Bagdad and Cordoba

383 - What city did the Ottoman Empire conquer in 1453 putting an end to the Byzantium Empire?


384 - What city do Muslims need to face when they pray?


385 - What city do Muslims towards when they pray?


386 - What city was a major trade center in Africa?


387 - What classic Christmas movie is known for the line, "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings?"

It's a Wonderful Life

388 - What comes after Ramadan?


389 - What comes FIRST?


390 - What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The lion of Allah"?

Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)

391 - What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The lion of Allah"?

Ali Murtaza (R.A)

392 - What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The sword of Allah"?

Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)

393 - What continent is the UAE part of?


394 - What contributions from India did Western Europeans receive via exchanges with the Abbasid Caliphate?

Arabic numerals

395 - What could Sunnis and Shi'a muslims not agree on?

Leader of Islam

396 - what countries did the first fur traders come from??

both a and c

397 - What country consumes more oil than they produce?


398 - What covers most of the Arabian Peninsula?


399 - What created the schism in the Islamic faith?

Disagreement over the caliph

400 - What culture did Muslims get their numeral system from?


401 - What culture influenced Muslims' mathematical developments?


402 - What days of the month would the Prophet (sallallahualayhiwasallam) fast on?

All of the above

403 - What did Allah (sw) command prophet Nuh to build


404 - What did Allah SWT create after the Jinn?

Prophet Adam AS

405 - What did Allah SWT create angels from?


406 - What did Allah SWT create Jinn from?

Smokeless fire

407 - What did Allah swt send as a mercy to all mankind

The Qur'an

408 - What did Artists do?2. What did Artists use?

1. Artists created artworks and decorated buildings 2. Artists used geometric shapes and abstract images

409 - What did Buddhism and Christianity have in common?

They both started out as an effort to reform the religions from they which they had come, but soon emerged as separate religions.

410 - What did Dh Qarnayn ask of the isolated people in return for building this wall?

Laborers and tools

411 - What did Egypt supply to Arab traders?


412 - What did Empress Theodora do while in power?

Pass laws and meet with foreign leaders

413 - What did Europeans think about the Middle East during the 19th and 20th centuries?

It was not as advanced as Europe was.

414 - What did Harry Potter get for his first Christmas at Hogwarts?

invisibility cloak

415 - What did Hazrat Umar suggested the prophet (PBUH)

That Muslim should pray in the holy Kabbah

416 - What did he do to revolutionize Islamic astronomy?

Wrote Zij Sindh which contains tables for the movements of the Sun, the Moon and the five planets

417 - What did I learn from this lesson?

All of the above



419 - What did Justinian do to Roman law?

codified it

420 - What did Mehmet II do for the Ottoman Empire?

Conquered Constantinople and created a code of laws

421 - What did most people within the Islamic Empires have in common culturally?

Most practiced the religion of Islam

422 - What did Musa, peace be upon him, staff turn into?

A snake

423 - What did Muslim scholars do in Baghdad? PICK TWO

Only (A) & (B)

424 - What did Muslims have?

Running water, sewage systems, water clocks.

425 - What did P Arabism focus on at first

Arabs' common history and language

426 - What did Palestine's neighbors do when Israel declared itself a nation?

Declared war

427 - What did Prophet Ayyub (AS) swear to his wife when he gain his health again?

Punish her with hundred strokes

428 - What did Prophet Ibrahim do to the idols?

He smashed them

429 - what did prophet Nuh(as) took with him in the arc

all of the above

430 - What did Prophet Yunus do in the belly of the whale?

All of the above

431 - What did Prophet Yunus's people do when they understood that Allah's punishment was coming?

They repented to Allah and believed.

432 - What did supporters of Zionism believe?

the Jews deserved a homeland in their Promised Land

433 - What did the angels do in lailatul qadr?

Greet and say 'Amin' to all muslims du'a

434 - what did the Arabs used to do in the past

they were fishing pearls

435 - What did the brothers say happened to Yusuf AS?

They said a wolf ate him

436 - What did the brothers use to fake Yusuf AS was eaten by a wolf?

Blood from a goat

437 - What did the Christian church split over?

use of icons

438 - What did the disbelievers to do The Prophet Ibrahim?

They put him in the fire

439 - What did the father of Prophet Ibrahim used to do?

Making idols

440 - What did the Islamic Empire build with taxes gained from merchants?

All of the answer options

441 - What did the isolated group of people ask of Dh Qarnayn

To close the path between the two mountain ranges

442 - What did the people of Arabia have in common that allowed Islam to spread quickly?

Arabic Language

443 - What did the people of Babylon do to Ibrahim when they knew that he destroyed their idols?

They decided to burn him alive.

444 - What did the Quraysh used to worship?


445 - What did the Quraysh worship?


446 - What direction do Muslim's face when praying?

Towards the city of Mecca

447 - What divided the Muslim Empire in 973?

The establishment of a new dynasty in Egypt.

448 - what do ARABS love to eat

Mendi and dates

449 - what do Arabs wear

Hijab and condura

450 - What do Muslim recite during and throughout the hajj?


451 - What do Muslims believe about Jesus?

He was a great prophet but not God's son

452 - What do Muslims do in the month of Ramadan?

All of the above

453 - What do Muslims do on a hajj?

They travel to the holy city of Mecca.

454 - What do Muslims have to do once in their life if able?

Travel to Mecca.

455 - What do Palestinians want from Israel?

Their land returned

456 - what do people love about ARABS

a, b and c

457 - What Do People Who Dont Fast Have To Do

Feed Poor People Each Day

458 - What do the Arab countries have in Common?

Language of Quran,religion,history

459 - What do the disbelievers request Allah?

To return them to the world

460 - What do the Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have in common?

They all believe in one god

461 - What do the items on the list have in commo accurate ma compass astrolab travel guides

They are geographical tools Muslims used

462 - What do we call an optional prayer?


463 - What do we call it when Allaah makes things out of nothing?


464 - What do we call the Angels who write down what we do?

Kiraman Katibin

465 - What do we say before doing anything?


466 - What do we say when we hear or mention the Prophet's name?

Peace be upon him / Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

467 - What do you call something passed down from generation to generation?


468 - What do you know about Jacob?

Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)

469 - What do you mean by ' Zakat '?\

A religious tax collected from Muslims

470 - What do you say in reply to someone who says Asalaa alaykum to you?

Wa alaykum asalaam

471 - What do you say when you meet people?


472 - What do you understand by David?

Hazrat Da'ood (AS)

473 - What do you understand by Jesus Christ?

Hazrat Isa (AS)

474 - What do you understand by Joseph?

Hazrat Yousaf (AS)

475 - What do you understand by taharah


476 - what do you understand by Tahleeq.....?

Cutting of hair

477 - what do you understand by Tahleeq________?

Cutting of hair

478 - What does "being concious of Allah" mean in Arabic?


479 - What does A falaq mean


480 - What does A Sharif Idrisi's book The Pleasure Excursion of One Who Is Eager to Traverse the Regions of the World tell us about Muslim attitudes about geography?

Muslims were interested in the world beyond their land.

481 - what does A wadud mean?

the loving

482 - What does Al Khaliq mean?

The Creator

483 - What does ala siraaten mustaqeen mean?

On a straight path

484 - What does Allah say to seek help through?


485 - What does Allah say when the person praying says 'Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalamiin'?

My slave has praised me

486 - What does Allah's name Salaam mean?

He is the Source of Peace

487 - What does Allahu Akbar mean?

Allah is greater than everything else

488 - What does Barzakh mean?

To Halt in Between

489 - What does 'caliph' mean?


490 - What does Clark Griswold want to buy with his Christmas Bonus in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

A swimming pool

491 - What does E.....fitr mean?

Breaking fast

492 - What does 'Eid ul Adha' mean?

Festival of Sacrifice

493 - What does 'Eid ul Adha' mean?

Festival of Sacrifice

494 - What does Eid-ul-Fitr mean?

Breaking fast


All of the above

496 - What does Ghaffar most closely translate as?

The all forgiving

497 - What does Ghusl mean?

Cleaning the entire body and hair while taking a bath or shower.

498 - What does Ghusl mean?

Cleaning the entire body and hair while taking a bath or shower.

499 - What does ISIS stand for?

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

500 - What does Islam mean in Arabic?


501 - What does jahiliyyah mean


502 - What does Jama'ah Mean?

Jama'ah is an Arabic word that means congregation

503 - What does Kafiroon mean?


504 - What does mean by Anfal?

The cave

505 - What does mean by Hadi.....?

Animal to be sacrifice

506 - What does mean by Hadi__________?

Animal to be sacrifice

507 - What does Miqat mean?

The place where the Hujjaj do their Ihram

508 - What does monotheistic mean?

Belief in one god

509 - What does Muslim mean?

One who surrenders to God

510 - what does اعهد mean in the Quran


511 - what does اÙ„أرائÙƒ mean in the Quran


512 - what does جِبِÙ„ا mean in the Quran


513 - What does OPEC stand for?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

514 - What does PLO stand for?

Palestinian Liberation Organization

515 - What does Prophet(صلى اÙ„له عÙ„يه وسلم) say about cleanliness?

Keeping clean is half of faith.

516 - What does Samad mean?

all of the above

517 - What does sawm mean?


518 - What does Taraweeh means?

To Stand

519 - What does Taraweeh means?

To Stand

520 - What does Tawarikh mean?

chronicles, listed out in chronological order

521 - What does Tawheed mean?

Belief that Allah is just ONE

522 - What does the Arabic word 'Islam' mean?


523 - What does the evening meal in Ramadan mainly consist of?

Dates, and a lot of water

524 - What does the geometric patterns in Islamic art represent?

The endlessness of Allah and the greatness of his creations in nature

525 - What does the holiday of Christmas mark for Christians?

the birth of Jesus

526 - What does the name of Alla Razzaq mean?

Allah is the Provider

527 - What does the name of Alla Al Qadir mean?

The most Powerful

528 - What does the name of Allah Samad mean?

Allah is Independant

529 - What does the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) want for Palestinians?

a state of their own

530 - What does the prefix/word "trans" mean?


531 - What does the running or swift walking of pilgrims seven times between the hills of Safaa and Marwah represent?

The number of times Hajar ran back and forth between the hills searching for water for her son, Prophet Ismail

532 - What does the Sharia describe?

the rules for proper conduct by Muslims

533 - What does the term "civil wars" mean?

wars fought between opposing sides within a single nation

534 - What does the term "Zionism" mean?

the movement to unite displaced Jews and settle them in Palestine

535 - What does the word "Allah" means

Only Being Worth Worship

536 - What does the word "fast" mean?

no food, no drink

537 - What does the word "Tazkiya" mean?

To purify

538 - What does the word caliph mean?


539 - What does the word 'Sovereign' mean?

The Supreme ruler

540 - What does this list show about Muslim paper making from Chi number system from Ind philosophy from ancient Greece

They accepted other cultures' ideas

541 - What does واÙ…تازوا mean in the Quran

going away from believers

542 - What does Us e-deen mean?

Roots of Islam

543 - What does witr mean?


544 - What does witr mean?


545 - what does Yaseen mean

it does not have a meaning

546 - What does Zakah mean?

To give money to poor people

547 - What dynasties ruled the Middle East during Mughal rule in India?

the Ottomans and Safavids

548 - What dynasty first came to power over the Islamic Empire after the first four caliphs?


549 - What effect did Alexander the Great's conquest have on the region?

Alexander brought Greek culture to the region.

550 - What emperor founded Constantinople?


551 - What Empire is famous for it's art, culture, and science and was founded in the 1500s in Persia?

Safavid Empire

552 - What event marks year 1 on the Islamic calendar?

the migration from Mecca to Medina, called the Hejira

553 - What events caused the decline of the Abbasid dynasty?

The Abbasid empire fragmented, and other peoples gained control.

554 - What facilitated trade and stimulated intellectual activity in the Muslim world?

Arabic language

555 - What faith do Muslims follow?


556 - What family first came to power over the Islamic Empire after the first four caliphs?


557 - What features of p Islamic Arabian religions are preserved in the teachings of Muhammad (SAW)?

The encouragement to pilgrimage to Mecca and pray at the Kaaba

558 - What festival do Muslims celebrate at the end of pilgrimage (or Hajj)?

Eid Adha

559 - What first brought Islam to West Africa?


560 - What forms the basis of Islamic faith?

Five Pillars

561 - What game was very popular in Muslim society?


562 - What grades does Ms. Jakda teach

Grades 1, 4, 3, 6, and 7

563 - What group formed the Russian culture?


564 - What group of caliphs ruled the Islamic empire from the city of Damascus?


565 - What group of Muslims DID NOT support the Umayyads as the rightful caliphs because they had no relation to Muhammad (SAW)?


566 - What happen when we recite TASMIYAH?

ALLAH is pleased and blesses us.

567 - What happend when Abrahath came to destroy 'Holy Ka'ba'?

Allah sent some birds with burning stones in their beaks and legs.

568 - What happened 50 days before the birth of Holy Prophet PBUH?

Incident Phiel

569 - What happened after Operation Iraqi Freedom?

All of the Choices

570 - What happened after the Holocaust?

The partitioners saw Jews needed a safe place and gave them their own country

571 - What happened at the Battle of Poitiers?

Charles Martel stopped the Muslim army from conquering more of Europe.

572 - What happened at the Battle of Tours and why was it significant?

Charles Martel, a Christian, defeated a large army of Spanish Moors. It was significant because it brought a halt to the Muslim advance into Western Europe and also ensured the ruling dynasty of Martel's family.

573 - What happened at the end of the war in 1949?

Palestine lost land

574 - What happened during the 4th Crusade?

The crusaders burned and looted Constantinople

575 - What happened during the Arab siege of Constantinople in 7 718?

Arab forces crossed land and sea in an effort to take the capital city of the Byzantine Empire. Their attempts were unsuccessful because they were unable to breach the walls of Constantinople and their ships were defeated.

576 - What happened every time Israel's neighbors attacked Israel?

The Arab nations lost, and Palestine lost land

577 - What happened in Gaza in 2006 that changed Israe Palestinian relations?

Hamas took control of Gaza from the Palestinian Authority.

578 - What happened in Operation Desert Storm?

Iraq was driven out of Kuwait

579 - What happened in the year 1453?

Islamic empire conquered Constantinople

580 - What happened on the 18th of dhulhijjah?

Caliph uthman was martyrade at the hands of outlaw rebels.

581 - What happened to Ali, Muhammad (SAW)'s

He became caliph but was assassinated five years later.

582 - What happened to Iran's government in 1979?

Fundamentalist Muslims overtook the government and imposed strict Islamic law

583 - What happened to the camel?

They slaughtered it

584 - What happened to the Hindu culture when the Ghaznavids attacked?

It was maintained to some degree and assimilated into the conquering culture.

585 - What happened to the Thamud people?

They were cursed by Allah and their civilisation were destroyed

586 - What happened when prophet younus {a.s} left the people

Only (A) & (B)

587 - What happens to the price of oil when OPEC countries decide to limit production?

prices rise

588 - What happens to the Shaytan in Ramadan?

They are locked up

589 - What has become of many of the Palestinians who became refugees in 1948?

They have been given a state in which to live but the Jews are not honoring it.

590 - What has been a common goal of the Jews & Muslims?

to have their own independent countries

591 - What has been a lasting impact of the creation of Israel?

Strong support from Great Britain & the US

592 - What has happened to the Kurds as a result of the unfair partitioning of their homeland?

All of the above

593 - What helped spread Muslim transportation technology (click all that apply)

All of the above

594 - What helped unify the many groups that became part of the Muslim world?

The Arabic Language

595 - What holy city are Muslims expected to make a pilgrimage to in their lifetime?


596 - What impact did the caliphs have on the spread of Islam?

The caliphs' rule spread Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula.

597 - What impact did the end of the war for independence have on Israel's neighbors?

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees went to neighboring nations

598 - What impact did the end of the war have on Israel's neighbors?

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees went to neighboring nations

599 - What impact did the work of Muslim astronomers have on religious practices?

Astronomers helped Muslims know the exact time for prayers and the length of Ramadan.

600 - What important mathematical symbol or concept did Muslims name?


601 - What important things Ivan III did?

Drove out the Mongols, unified Russia,became the first emperor or scar of Russia,gained independence for Moscow.

602 - What influences the dressing of men in Saudi Arabia?


603 - What inspired Muhammad (SAW) to preach Islam?

An angel

604 - What is a "refugee"?

a person who had to leave their home as a result of war

605 - What is a bazaar?

A covered marketplace where goods from all over the known world were sold

606 - What is a Caliph?

A "successor," specifically a successor to Muhammad (SAW) as leader of Muslims

607 - What is a caliph?

A Muslim ruler

608 - What is a chapter in the Quran called?


609 - What is a characteristic of the availability of oil in South West Asia

The distribution of oil reserves in Southwest Asia is unequal

610 - What is a dhow?

a type of ship

611 - What is a follower of Islam called?


612 - What is a good definition of Orientalism?

The idea that eastern cultures were different from European cultures and difficult to understand.

613 - What is a Hijab?

A head covering

614 - What is a m made waterway used to transport goods and people and connects larger bodies of water called?


615 - What is a Madrasa?

place of learning

616 - What is a major holiday in Muslim culture?


617 - What is a Mawali?

n Arab converts to Islam

618 - What is a minaret?

a tall tower from which Islamic prayer is said

619 - What is a mosaic?

Art created with pieces of glass or stone

620 - What is a Mosque

a Muslim house of worship

621 - What is a mosque?

A Muslim house of worship

622 - What is a Muslim place of worship called?


623 - What is a pilgrimage?

A journey of spiritual importance

624 - What is a practice all Arab countries are sharing.

Serving coffee to visitors

625 - What is a Quran?

The holy book

626 - What is a site of continual conflict between Israelis and Palestinians?

Gaza Strip

627 - What is a souk?


628 - What is a Sultan

Leader that is high in the Islamic culture

629 - What is a tool that helps sailors navigate by the positions of the stars called?


630 - What is akhirat?

The ultimate fate of human beings

631 - what is Al kawthar?

A river in paradise

632 - What is Allah refering to?

the name of the only God in Arabic

633 - What is an eidgah?

the open air enclosure, usually outside a city, reserved for the special Id prayers

634 - What is an example of an semitism during WWII?

Jews were persecuted and sent to concentration camps

635 - What is an intifada?

An intifada describes a riot or revolt that Palestinian Arab populations use to protest Israeli occupation of their land.

636 - What is an oasis?

a wet fertile area in a desert

637 - What is another name for mecca?


638 - What is antisemitism

People supporting no land for Jews

639 - What is Arab Countries in Arabic?

اÙ„بÙ„اد اÙ„عربية

640 - What is arabic literature?

Is the writing , both as prose and poetry , produced by writers in the Arabic language .

641 - What is Arafat?


642 - What is Asbaab Noozool?

The story behind a Surah

643 - What is backbone of the economic system of Islam?


644 - What is Bala and what is fitna?

Bal More severe, open trialFitna Any hardship or temptation

645 - What is called a code of Law for the Islamic way of life which Allah has revealed for the mankind and commanded us to follow?


646 - What is calligraphy?

decorative writing

647 - What is charged to non muslims in an Islamic country instead of ushr?


648 - What is compulsory tax on produce of agricultural lands?


649 - What is Confessionalism?

A system of government were a country's constitution requires that its leaders belong to specific religious groups

650 - What is considered one of Justinian's accomplishments?

Hagia Sophia

651 - What is cultural diffusion?

when goods or ideas spread from another culture

652 - What is dhimmi status?

protected status for people of other religions in Islamic lands

653 - What is dua?

Asking from Allah Ta'aala

654 - What is duties of Malaikat Jibril?

Giving wahyu to prophet

655 - What is essential to Islam?

The 5 pillars

656 - What is falqaram for goats?

40 goats

657 - What is falqaram for goats?

40 goats

658 - What Is Fasting ما هÙˆ اÙ„صوÙ…

Fasting Is When You Do Not Eat After Fajr Prayer Until Maghrib Prayer

659 - What is fitnah of grave?

The questions of the angels

660 - What is Ghafoor?

Most Forgiving

661 - What is Hajj?

Pilgrimage to Mecca (Saudi arabia)

662 - What is Hejira?

When the Meccans drove Mohamed and his followers to Medina

663 - What is hi in Islam?

Assalamu Alaikkum

664 - what is iftar

the meal to break fast

665 - What is Islam's holy book called?


666 - What is Islam's main teaching?

There is only one God.

667 - What is Istinjaa'?

Cleaning our private parts using water

668 - What is it called when Muslims don't eat or drink from dawn to sunset during Ramadan?


669 - What is it called when we we remember Allah and say how great He is for giving us so many wonderful blessings?

The Basmallah

670 - What is jihad?

the struggle to follow the requirements of Islam

671 - What is Khushoo'?

Heart humbled and connected with Allah.



673 - What is Larry's last name?


674 - What is lesser than authentic Hadith, although it is not false or a favrication?

Zareef Hadith

675 - What is literal meaning of Burooj?


676 - what is makanah for fasting

4th rokun

677 - What is meant by Tawaaf?

To circle around Kaaba

678 - What is meant by Tawaaf?

To circle around Kaaba

679 - What is meant by the word Jihad?

To Struggle

680 - What is mentioned about the equality of men and women in the Quran?

Men and women have the same religious and moral duties and responsibilities

681 - What is Miss Jakda's first name


682 - What is monotheism?

Belief in one God

683 - What is Monotheism?

To worship only one God

684 - What is Muzdalfa?


685 - What is name of 11th Para of Holy Quran?


686 - What is name of 11th Para of Holy Qur'an?


687 - What is name of 12th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Wa Mamin Da'abat

688 - What is name of 13th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Wa Ma Ubrioo

689 - What is name of 14th Para of Holy Qur'an?


690 - What is name of 15th Para of Holy Qur'an?


691 - What is name of 16th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Qal Alam

692 - What is name of 17th Para of Holy Qur'an?


693 - What is name of 18th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Qadd Aflaha

694 - What is name of 19th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Wa Qalallazina

695 - What is name of 20th Para of Holy Quran?

A'man Khalaq

696 - What is name of 20th Para of Holy Qur'an?

A'man Khalaq

697 - What is name of 21st Para of Holy Quran?

Utlu Ma Oohi (اتÙ’لُ مَا أُوحِÙŠÙŽ)

698 - What is name of 21st Para of Holy Quran?

Utlu Ma Oohi

699 - What is name of 22nd Para of Holy Quran?

Wa Manyaqnut (وَمَنÙ’ يَقْنُتÙ’)

700 - What is name of 22nd Para of Holy Quran?

Wa Manyaqnut

701 - What is name of 23rd Para of Holy Quran?

Wa Mali

702 - What is name of 24th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Faman Azlam

703 - What is name of 25th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Elahe Yuruddo

704 - What is name of 26th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Ha'a Meem

705 - What is name of 27th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Qala Fama Khatbukum

706 - What is name of 28th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Qadd Sami Allah

707 - What is name of 29th Para of Holy Qur'an?


708 - What is name of 30th Para of Holy Qur'an?

Amma Yatasa'aloon

709 - What is NOT one of the five pillars of Islam?

Read the Quran every day

710 - What is عُÙ…اÙ†


711 - What is obligatory prayer?

Prayer which is important for us to pray.

712 - What is on the 10 dirham UAE note

Palm tree

713 - What is one artistic form that both West Africans and Muslims valued even before their cultures met?

geometric designs

714 - What is one decorative form that West Africans adopted from Islamic arts?


715 - What is one of the MOST IMPORTANT teachings in Islam?

The oneness of Allah

716 - What is one of the powers that Musa has(from Allah (SWT)?

Throwing the staff/rod and turning it into a snake

717 - What is one thing MOST Arabs, Kurds, and Persians have in common?

Most practice Islam

718 - What is one way that officials in Saudi Arabia adapted to a lack of water?

building desalinization plants (places that remove salt from the water)

719 - What is one way that the geographic features of the deserts in North Africa and Southwest Asia influence the economies of the countries there?

Agricultural production is significantly limited

720 - What is P Arabism

The idea of unifying all Arab countries

721 - What is polytheism?

Belief in more than one God

722 - What is Qa'dah?

You sit down

723 - What is Qiyam?


724 - What is Quran?

The book of Allah

725 - What is rain shadow?

dry area that forms behind a highland that captures rainfall and snow

726 - what is ramadan

when people fast and get closer to Allah [swt]

727 - What is Ramadan?

A day when muslims eat a lot

728 - What is rate of Zakat on silver, gold and currency?


729 - What is Razaq?

The Provider

730 - What is religion tax collected from Muslims?


731 - What is Ruhul Quddus?

Another name for Angel Jibril (A)

732 - What is Ruku?

bowing by bending your back and placing your hands on your knees

733 - What is rukun?

You must do it

734 - What is Sa.....Witr?

tatawwo' prayer that is prayed at night

735 - What is Sabr?


736 - What is said to the believer when his soul is coming out?

Come out to the pleasure of Allah

737 - What is Sajdah?

You bow down with your knees on the ground, and your nose and forehead touching the floor

738 - What is Sal.....Duha?

Prayer in the m morning that you can choose to pray

739 - What is sal.....musafir?

It allows travelers to shorten and combine their prayers

740 - What is salah called in the Qur'an?


741 - What is Sami?

A Hearing

742 - What is significant about Mecca?

The birthplace of Muhammad (SAW)

743 - What is so special about Surat Kaafeeroon?

Rasulullahï·Âº used to recite it along with Surat Ikhlaas in the two Sunnah of Fajr, Maghrib, and Tawaf.

744 - What is something basic we learn throughout salah?

Reminds us to make dua for yourself

745 - What is Sufism?

an Islamic religious lifestyle

746 - What is 'Suhoor'?

Pr dawn meal

747 - What is Sujood?

The prostration part of Salah.

748 - What is sunnah?

If you dont do this its fine

749 - What is Surat Ikhlas about?

It is all about Allah and descriptions of Him

750 - What is Takbir?

Allahu Akbar

751 - What is Tawaf?

Walking around the Ka'bah seven times while repeating prayers

752 - What is TAWHEED?

Allah is 1 God.

753 - What is tayyib?

All of the above

754 - what is the 3rd pillar of islam


755 - What is the 9th month of Islamic Calendar?


756 - what is the arabian nights?

a collection of tales from the Islamic Golden Age, compiled by various authors over many hundreds of years.

757 - What is the Arabic term for when somebody works out the direction of the Qiblah?


758 - What is the Arabic word for fasting?


759 - What is the Arabic word for God?


760 - What is the Arabic word for the collection of recorded words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (pbuh)?


761 - What is the arabic word meaning to read or recite esp. reading/recitation of the holy Qur'an?


762 - What is the basic purpose of Shariah?

To establish Ma'ruf and remove Munkar from the society

763 - What is the basmalah?

Bismillah Rahman Raheem

764 - What is the belief in one God?


765 - What is the best conclusion based on the information provided by the map in question 3, the question right before this one?

Islam became a prominent religion in many diverse regions over time

766 - What is the best definition of Trans Saharan trade?

Trade through the Saharan Desert

767 - What is the best explanation for what the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was?

It was a treaty that allowed for relative peace amongst the Muslims and Quraish and allowed for the sending of letters for da'wah.

768 - What is the best friendship with?


769 - What is the biggest kind of sin?

Associating a partner to Allah

770 - What is the body of law for Islam?


771 - What is the calendar which Muslims use?


772 - what is the capital of bahrain


773 - What is the capital of Canada


774 - what is the capital of egypt


775 - what is the capital of iraq iraq


776 - what is the capital of jordan


777 - what is the capital of libya


778 - what is the capital of morocoo


779 - what is the capital of oman


780 - what is the capital of philistine


781 - what is the capital of qatar


782 - what is the capital of somalia


783 - what is the capital of sudan


784 - what is the capital of syria


785 - what is the capital of tunisia


786 - what is the capital of united arab emirates

abu dhabi

787 - what is the capital of yemen


788 - What is the central teaching of Islam?

There is only one God and Muhammad (SAW) is his prophet

789 - What is the climate of Arabia like?

Hot and Dry

790 - What is the compilation of Allah's 99 Beautiful names called?

Asmau'l Husna

791 - What is the correct english translation for the first pillar?

Profession of faith

792 - What is the correct statement about "hope" and "optimism"

Hope follows Optimism

793 - What is the correct statement about "Wishful Thinking"?

Wishful thinking is a fantasy and false hope

794 - What is the definition for faith?

It means complete trust in someone.

795 - What is the definition for the word guide?

It means to direct or lead.

796 - What is the definition of a caliph?

Successor to the Prophet

797 - What is the difference between a caravan & a nomad?

Only (A) & (B)

798 - What is the difference in 2nd and 3rd rakkah

No ayyaat after surah al Fatiha in 3rd rakkah

799 - What is the distance between Taif and Makkah?

92 KM

800 - What is the distance in miles between Mina and Makkah?


801 - What is the distinctive characteristic of Islam?


802 - What is the dominant language spoken in the Middle East?


803 - What is the dominant religion in the Middle East?


804 - What is the duration of Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique RA?

2 years 3 months 11 days

805 - What is the earliest major work of Islamic architecture?

The Dome of the Rock

806 - What is the effort of da'wah done by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) P.B.U.H?

Sending ambassadors with letters of da'wah to kings and rulers

807 - What is the example that Allah used in these verses to explain that he is A Subtle and All Aware?

mustard seed

808 - What is the fifth belief in Im e-Mufassal?

The day of judgment

809 - What is the fifth belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?

The day of judgment

810 - What is the fifth belief of Iman e Mufassel?

The day of Judgement

811 - What is the first belief in Iman e Mufassal?

No deity except Allah

812 - What is the first belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?

No deity except Allah

813 - What is the first manifestation of faith in Islam?


814 - What is the first manifestation of faith in Islam?


815 - What is the first month of Islam?


816 - What is the first month of the Islamic Calendar?


817 - What is the FIRST pillar of Islam?


818 - What is the first pillar of Islam?

3. Shahadah

819 - What is the first step in wudu?

Make intention to perform wudu and say bismillah

820 - What is the first step to making Wudu?

Wash your hands

821 - What is the first thing given to visitors when they enter a Saudi home?


822 - What is the fourth belief in Im e-Mufassal?

The prophets

823 - What is the fourth belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?

The prophets

824 - What is the fourth belief of Iman e Mufassel?

The Holy Books

825 - What is the function of Hazrat Jibrael AS?

Brigs Allah messages to Prophet-s

826 - What is the function of prophet?

To Spread Allah's Message

827 - What is the general rule of Halaal?

Everything is permissible except for those mentioned haraam

828 - What is the giving of alms to the poor and needy called?


829 - What is the gross domestic product (GDP)?

Total value of goods and services produced within a country in a year

830 - What is the haji?

Pilgrimage to Mecca

831 - What is the Hajj?

The Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are encouraged to do at least once.

832 - What is the Hazrat Adam-s title?


833 - What is the height of cave of Hira?

7 Ft

834 - What is the holiest site in Islam?


835 - What is the Holy Book of Islam


836 - What is the holy book of Islam called?


837 - What is the holy book of Islam?


838 - What is the holy month of Islam called?


839 - What is the holy month were Muslims fast and focus on their religion?


840 - What is the holy text of Islam and considered the word of Allah (God)?


841 - What is the holy text of Islam that is written in Arabic?


842 - What is the ideal way to live (Muhammad (SAW)'s example)?


843 - What is the Islamic code of law called?


844 - What is the Islamic house of worship called?


845 - What is the Islamic term for divine light?


846 - What is the Justinian Code?


847 - What is the Ka'bah?

A house of worship built by Abraham

848 - What is the Koran?

the book that contains the teachings of Islam

849 - What is the language of Arabs?


850 - What is the language of Islam


851 - What is the language of Quran?


852 - What is the language of the Arabian Peninsula?


853 - What is the language of the Quran?


854 - What is the largest religion in the Arab World?


855 - What is the last Article of Faith?

Belief in Destiney (Qadar)

856 - What is the leader of an Arab tribe called?


857 - What is the length of Hazrat Ameer Ul Momineen canal?

99 Miles

858 - What is the lesson of the Prophet Yunus story?

We need to control our anger.

859 - What is the literal meaning of barzakh?

The barrier

860 - What is the literal meaning of islam is _________?

All of these

861 - What is the literal meaning of islam is.....?

All of these

862 - What is the literal meaning of Islam?

All of the above

863 - What is the literal meaning of Jehad?


864 - What is the literal meaning of Khatam e Nabuwat?

Both B & C

865 - What is the literal meaning of Nabi?

A person who conveys the message of Allah

866 - What is the literal meaning of Nabi?

A person who conveys the message of Allah

867 - What is the literal meaning of prophet?


868 - What is the literal meaning of Shariah.....?

A clear straight path

869 - What is the literal meaning of Shariah__________?

A clear straight path

870 - What is the literal meaning of the word enmity?


871 - What is the literal meaning of Ummul Momineen?

Mothers of Muslims

872 - What is the literal meaning of word Hajj?

The will to visit

873 - What is the literal meaning of Zunnurain?

of two honour

874 - What is the long lasting attempt by Christian states to recapture territory from the Moors on the Iberian Peninsula called?


875 - What is the main belief of animism?

Spirits exist in nature and play a role in everyday life

876 - What is the main purpose of Holy books?

Guidance to mankind

877 - What is the main purpose of trials?

So we can prove ourselves

878 - What is the main reason behind despair?

lack of faith

879 - What is the main reason the Aswan Dam was built on the Nile River?

control annual flooding

880 - What is the main theme of Surah Hadid?

Creation of the universe

881 - What is the main tool and means of acquaintance and communication amongst people.


882 - What is the major natural resource of the Middle East?


883 - What is the major scripture (book) of Islam?

Qu'ran (Koran)

884 - What is the meaning اÙ„جوف

The part of body where heart is

885 - What is the meaning of "Iqra"?


886 - What is the meaning of "Laa ilaaha illallaah"?

There is no God but Allah

887 - What is the meaning of A Shams?

The Sun

888 - What is the meaning of Adam?

Wheatish in color

889 - What is the meaning of Al Bari"?

The evolver/Maker

890 - What is the meaning of Aqeeda?


891 - What is the meaning of Aqeeda?


892 - What is the meaning of Aqeeda?


893 - What is the meaning of Aqeeda?


894 - What is the meaning of atheist?

To believe that there is no god at all

895 - What is the meaning of E'tikaf?


896 - What is the meaning of E'tikaf?


897 - What is the meaning of Huwal Awwalu Wal Aakhiru

He is the first and the last

898 - What is the meaning of Im e-Mufassal?

The belief in detail

899 - What is the meaning of Im e-Mujammal?

The belief in brief

900 - What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mufassal?

The belief in detail

901 - What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mufassal?

Belief in detail

902 - What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mujammal?

The belief in brief

903 - What is the meaning of Inaam?

The Cattle

904 - What is the meaning of Jahada?

To exert oneself

905 - What is the meaning of Jihad Fi Sabil Allah?

Fighting in the way of Allah

906 - What is the meaning of Khums (خÙ…س)?

One fifthÂ

907 - What is the meaning of Kufr?

To disbelieve and deny Allah

908 - What is the meaning of Laailaha Illallah Muhammad (SAW)ur Rasulullah?

There is no God but Allah, Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah

909 - What is the meaning of Maaliki Yaw mid deen?

Master of the day of judgement

910 - What is the meaning of Mauwazatain"?

These are two specific surah in Holy Quran

911 - What is the meaning of Mutual mercy?

To be merciful each other

912 - What is the meaning of name of Allah Al-Jaleel?

Sublime One

913 - What is the meaning of name of Allah Ar-Raafi?

The Abaser

914 - What is the meaning of name of Muhammad PBUH Bashir?

The Messenger of Good News

915 - What is the meaning of name of Muhammad PBUH Mujtab?

The Selected

916 - What is the meaning of اÙ„رحÙ…اÙ†

The Most Compassionate

917 - What is the meaning of اÙ„خبير

The All Aware

918 - What is the meaning of اÙ„حÙƒيم

The Most Wise

919 - What is the meaning of Rabbul Alameen?

Lord of the worlds

920 - What is the meaning of Rehmat ul Aalameen?

Mercy of all worlds

921 - What is the meaning of Risalat?


922 - What is the meaning of Saif Ullah?

The Sword of Allah

923 - What is the meaning of Shirk?

To give partners to Allah

924 - What is the meaning of Takbeer.....Ihram?

The beginning Takbeer for entering Salah.

925 - What is the meaning of tauheed?

All of the above

926 - What is the meaning of Tawhid?

The belief in One God

927 - What is the meaning of the word "sustain"?

To support something to keep on going

928 - What is the meaning of the word Ajam?


929 - What is the meaning of the word -Al Bari-?

The maker

930 - What is the meaning of ٱÙ„سÙ‘َمَاÙ“ءِ?


931 - What is the meaning of word -Muwakhat-?


932 - What is the meaning of Zarb-e-Azb?

Sharp & Cutting Strike

933 - What is the meant by Kahf?


934 - What is the mirror of society and one of the ingredients of identity?


935 - What is the most famous festival of the Magi?


936 - What is the most important Ebadat of islam from the choice s given below


937 - What is the most important Ebadat of islam from the choices given below


938 - What is the most important event of Sixth Hijrah?

The treaty of Huddaibiah

939 - What is the most important event of Sixth Hijrah?

The treaty of Huddaibiah

940 - what is the most important thing in the UAE


941 - What is the most important thing to look for in a friend?


942 - What is the most significant characteristics that distinguish some people over others in the sight of Allah?

ethics and Taqwa

943 - What is the most worthy evidence that the Negus (...Najaashee) accepted Islam?

The most weighty evidence of the Negus's acceptance of Islam is provided by the Prophet offering funeral prayer for him, while his body was not present.

944 - What is the Muslim building for prayer?


945 - What is the Muslim place of worship called?


946 - What is the name for a follower of Islam?


947 - What is the name for the pilgrimage that Muslims try to make at least once in their lifetime?


948 - What is the name given to followers of Islam?


949 - What is the name given to the garment worn outside by women in Saudi?


950 - What is the name of a special night in Ramadhan?

Lailatul qadr

951 - What is the name of city that Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah.


952 - What is the name of dance form in UAE

Al yola

953 - What is the name of first Mosque of Islam?


954 - What is the name of first muslim among Children?

Hazrat Ali RA

955 - What is the name of first person who murdered disbeliever in the way of Allah?

Hazrat Ali RA

956 - What is the name of lady, whose Father Husband Brother and Son all were Prophets?

Layya bint Ya'qÃ…«b



958 - What is the name of miracle water?

Z Zam





961 - What is the name of popular Islamic art that is drawn with shapes and patterns?


962 - What is the name of Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story?


963 - What is the name of the angel who spoke God's message to Muhammad (SAW)?


964 - What is the name of the Angel who will blow the trumpet on the day of judgement?


965 - What is the name of the book Allah had given to our Prophet?


966 - What is the name of the book Allah sent to Nabi Isa?


967 - What is the name of the camel which the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the migration of Madina?


968 - What is the name of the camel which the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the migration of Madina?


969 - What is the name of the charity organization in UAE that you read in the lesson?

Emirates Red Crescent

970 - What is the name of the Frankish leader that halted the Moors' attempted expansion in France?

Charles Martel

971 - What is the name of the holy book of Islam?


972 - What is the name of the holy book?


973 - What is the name of the holy text in Islam?


974 - What is the name of the Islamic holy book?


975 - What is the name of the major river in West Africa where major trading empires grew?


976 - What is the name of the meal muslims eat to break their fast.


977 - What is the name of the mother of Nabi Muhammad (SAW) (SA)?

Amina (RA)

978 - what is the name of the mountain the arc stopped floatind and rested


979 - What is the name of the movement that was caused by Jewish immigration to the Middle East?


980 - What is the name of the Muslim god?



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