Islamic Studies: Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job Tests Set: 5

1 - The best source to test the authenticity of Hadith is.....


2 - The Bible consists of Old Testament and..... Testament.


3 - The Bible was sent to which Prophet?


4 - The bigger the ....., the greater the .....

hardship, reward

5 - The biggest animal mentioned in the Holy Qur'an is ____________.


6 - The biggest animal mentioned in the Holy Quran is.....




8 - The biggest universal religion in the world is.....


9 - The body of Islamic law based on the Qur'an and Sunnah


10 - The book "Kitab al Amwal" (The book of Revenue) was written by __________ ?

Abu Ubaid al Qasim Ibn Sallam

11 - The book Kitab al Umm is written by__________?

Imam Shafi

12 - The book of Guru Nanak is called.....

Guru Granth

13 - The book of Hadith, Al-Muwatta, was compiled by __________ ?

Imam Malik (R.A)

14 - The book of Hadith, Kita.....Aathaar, was compiled by.....?

Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)

15 - The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar, was compiled by __________ ?

Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)

16 - The book of Hadith, Muwatta, was compiled by.....?

Imam Malik (R.A)

17 - The book of narration which Abdullah bin Umar wrote is named as.....

Sahif e-Saadiqa

18 - The branch of Islam that has the majority of followers within the region is .....


19 - the branch of mathematics that uses letters as symbols


20 - The branches of Semitic race left their original home and settled permanently on the Tigr Euphrates in.....

3500 BC

21 - The bringing of useful texts from Greek, Chinese, Sanskrit and Persians and adapting them into Arabic.

Translation Movement

22 - The Byzantine Empire is the name we call

The Eastern Roman Empire after the West fell

23 - The Byzantine Empire preserved the cultural heritage of what two places?

Greece & Rome

24 - The Byzantine Empire preserved the cultural heritage of which empires?

Greece and Rome

25 - The Byzantine Empire's capital city was.....


26 - The caliph of the Muslim Empire would not wear a crown, nor sit on a throne. Instead, he/she would show their power through

The clothes he/she wore

27 - The camel of the Holy Prophet sat at Madina near the House of.....

Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari (RA)

28 - The camel was the animal that allowed traders to cross the ..... in groups called Caravans.

Sahara Desert

29 - The Canon of Medicine written by ....., dealt with the treatment of diseases and was translated by Europeans and used in medical schools all across Europe.

Ibn Sina

30 - The capital of the Byzantine Empire was located in which city?


31 - The capital of the Islamic civilization during the Abbasid dynasty was .....


32 - The capital of the Ummyad dynasty was


33 - The capital of Tunisia is .....


34 - The capital of whole Islamic state and Muslims countries was.....


35 - The center of Jewish population in Arabia was.....


36 - The centuries can be called zenith of the Muslim world.

15 CE

37 - The certain values we should be committed to in terms of tolerance are

Only (A) & (B)

38 - The Charter of Madina was made in.....

1st Year of Hijrah

39 - The city of ..... is on both Europe and Asia


40 - The city of ..... was founded in .....

Ancient Harar Jugol, 10th century

41 - The city of Baghdad was created as the capital for which Islamic state?

The Abbasid Caliphate

42 - The City of Cairo, in Egypt, became known for its

outstanding university.

43 - The city of Constantinople was eventually conquered by.....


44 - The city of Jerusalem has been the site of many disputes over territory. Jerusalem is most important to which religious groups?

Jews, Muslims, and Christians

45 - The city of Jerusalem is important because it

has religious significance for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

46 - The city of Jerusalem is important to what three major religions?

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism

47 - The city of Yathrib eventually became known by this name meaning "city of the prophet."


48 - The climate of the Arabian Peninsula is considered

arid and dry

49 - The clothes of the Prophet (S) and companions were simple and practical. The Prophet (S) said, "He who copies a group of people is ....."

one of them

50 - The collections by Bukhari and Muslim are known as.....


51 - The collective identity becomes severely evident when communities fac.....


52 - The color of the first Islamic flag was _________ ?


53 - The color of the first Islamic flag was.....?


54 - The colour of Islamic flag was..... in the battle of Mota.


55 - The colour of the Flag of the Islamic army in Ghazwa Badr was.....


56 - The command of Hijab (pardah) was revealed in.....

4 AH

57 - The committee of Bahaism is in.....


58 - The common dish of Ramadan in the UAE is .....

Al Hares

59 - The common language of East African trade kingdoms was


60 - The common value among the people of Pakistan is?


61 - The common value among the people of Pakistan is?


62 - The compelete name of Nisai is.....

Abdul Rehman Nisai

63 - The compiler of Mautta is.....

Imam Maalik bin Anas

64 - The complete name of I e-Maja is.....

Abu Abdullah Muhammad (SAW) bin Yazeed Maja

65 - The complete name of Imam Muslim is.....

Abdul Hasan Muslim Nishapuri

66 - The Conquest of Makkah happened in what year?

8 AH

67 - The controversy over icons divided Christians in the Byzantine empire from Christians in

Western Europe

68 - the core Islamic beliefs that all Muslims must follows

The Five Pillars of Islam

69 - The creation of heaven and earth is in which Surah ________?

Surah Al Al A'raf

70 - The creation of heaven and earth is in which Surah.....?

Surah Al Al A'raf

71 - The creation of what n Arab state was the root of modern Middle Eastern conflicts?


72 - The Creator is the meaning of.....


73 - The creatures of Allah who offered Sajdah to Hazrat Adam (AS) were.....


74 - The crusaders were from which place?


75 - The Crusaders were..

European Christians who wanted access and control of their holy land.

76 - The crusades were a series of wars fought between:

Christians and Muslims

77 - the customs, art, and tools of a people


78 - The da palm is the queen of tress in.....?


79 - The Da'ia of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Shifa (RA)

80 - The date of birth of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is.....

571 AD

81 - The daughter of Utba was..... who accompanied the army of Pagans in the Battle of Ohad


82 - The dead body of Muslim male is wrapped in three sheets, female is coffined in how many sheets ?

Five Sheets

83 - The depth of ditch in Battle of Ditch was

10 hands

84 - The designs were often painted inside a building or in public places

Only (A) & (B)

85 - The development of Zionism in Europe contributed greatly to the establishment of modern Israel. The Zionists supported and worked for the creation of a Jewish country

where Jews could live without being persecuted.

86 - The diplomatic efforts of Naeem bin Masood were successful in the Battle of.....


87 - The direction we face while we pray is the


88 - The direction which Muslims face while saying salah is called


89 - The disagreement over Muhammad (SAW)'s successor created what two branches (sects) within Islam?


90 - The disbelievers during the storm of Hazrat Noah's Era were.....


91 - The discovered Stone of Law is known as.....

Code of Hammurabi

92 - The divine command about Tayyumum was revealed in.....

4 AH

93 - The Dome of the Rock, built over a rocky mound b..... is the earliest\major work of Islamic architecture

Abd Malik

94 - The dominant religion in countries of the Middle East and Northern Africa is Islam. The countries primarily speak Arabic. Some have better access to trade than others. Some are o rich nations, but not others. Which of the following assertions can be made

The Middle East and Northern Africa can be considered a single region due to their common religion and climate and landscape.

95 - The duration of social boycott of Muslims in Shi-b-abi Talib was for:

3 Years

96 - The Dwellers of desert in Arabia are called.....?


97 - The earliest attempt made for the collection of Ahdith was.....

At the End of the 1st Century of Hijra

98 - The early Arabians worshiped many Gods and Goddesses, but which God was considered to be the most important in Islam?


99 - The early Arabians worshiped many gods and goddesses, but which god was considered to be the most important?


100 - The economies of the West African Empires relied on .....

tra Saharan trade network

101 - The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of.....?


102 - The effective zakat system can ensure the elimination of?


103 - The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of__________?


104 - The effort for the collection and compilation of Islamic Laws based on the Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) is called.....


105 - The eldest daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.

Hazrat Zainab (RA)

106 - The eldest daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Zainab (RA)

107 - The emic approach is often called

The 'insider approach.'

108 - The Emirates Heritage Club (EHC) celebrated the 30th National Day of the UAE early by organizing a

traditional sea festival.

109 - The enemy was defeated under the leader ship..... in the battle of Mota.

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

110 - The escape from persecution and the start of the Islamic calendar.


111 - The event of the Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in..... year of Nabvi.


112 - The exact date of lailatul qadr happen is secret.


113 - The exact date of the Miraj event was.....

27th Rajab

114 - The example that Muhammad (SAW) set for Muslims about how to live


115 - The Expedition of al Raji, occurred in the year _________ of the Islamic calendar?

4 A.H

116 - The extensive trade carried on by the Arabs utilized

ships and camel caravans

117 - The External purification is.....

To Take Bath or Perform Ablution

118 - The extraordinary night journey of prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Masjidil Haram (Mecca) to Masjidil Aqsa (Jerussalem), and from Masjidil Aqsa to Sidratul Muntaha to meet Allah is

Isra' Miroj

119 - The fallen wealth is called?


120 - The famous book of Guru Nanak was compiled by.....

Guru Arjun Singh

121 - The famous Personalities whom Accepted Islam after the Conquest of Makkah Were___________?

All of these

122 - The Fatimids were ..... Muslims.


123 - The feeling one has about their own country is known as


124 - The festival that Shi'a and Sunni Muslims celebrate for different reason a day dedicated by Muhammad (SAW) to fastin remembering when Nuh left the Ark and when Musa was saved from the Egyptian is called


125 - the festival to celebrate the end of the fasting of Ramadan is called


126 - The fifth fundamental pillar of Islam is.....


127 - The fifth Kalimah is.....

Kalim e-Astaghfar

128 - the fifth Pillar of Islam is a pilgrimage. How is it different from the other pillars?

it is required on once in a lifetime

129 - The figurative meaning of Eila is.....

No Sex with Wife for 4 Months

130 - The figurative meaning of Lia'an is.....

Cursing by both Spouses

131 - The figurative meaning of Talaq is.....

Break of Nikah

132 - The final command about the prohibition of interest was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in.....

8 AH

133 - The first 5 ayaat of which Sura are the very first revelation of the Holy Qur'an?

Surah ِ Alaq

134 - The first arrival of Muslim ambassadors and teachers of islam reached Western China by about




136 - The first Ashra of Ramazan is called ______.


137 - The first Ashra of Ramazan is called.....

Ash e-Rehmat

138 - The first Calip successor to the prophet was

Abu Bakr

139 - The first caliph and leader of the battles against n Muslim

Abu Bakar

140 - The first caliph to take over after Muhammad (SAW)'s death was

Abu Bakr.

141 - The first century of Islamic tradition was.....


142 - The first complete Madani Surah is __________?

Al-Baqarah Â

143 - The first complete Madani Surah is.....?


144 - The first daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.

Hazrat Zainab (RA)

145 - The first daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Zainab (RA)

146 - The first four ..... were leaders of the Arab Empire who were related to or friends of Muhammad (SAW).


147 - The first Kalima i.e (Kali e-Tayyab) consists of how many dots.....?


148 - The first Kalima i.e (Kalima-e-Tayyab) consists of how many dots _____?


149 - The first Kalimah is.....

Kalim e-Tayyaba

150 - The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to __________ ?

Abyssinia (Ethopia)

151 - The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) was to.....?

Abyssinia (Ethopia)

152 - The first migration took place in ..... year of Prophethood (after Prophet Muhammad (SAW) became a Prophet)


153 - The first migration was towards


154 - The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is?


155 - The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is?


156 - The first Msjid (Mosque) that was built by the Holy Prophet (SAW) was_____________?

Masjid e Quba

157 - The first Muslim dynasty was

came into power after the caliph

158 - The first Nimaz-e-Janazah performed by Holy Prophet (SAWS) was of which Sahabi?

Asad bin Zaraara

159 - The first nomadic people who lived in the Arabian Peninsula from around 850 BCE.

o Bedouin

160 - The first Pagan killed by Hazrat ALi (RA) in the Battle of Badr was.....

Waleed bin Uttba

161 - The first pagan killed by the Muslims was.....

Asad bin Makhzoomi

162 - The first poet of Islam is _______________?

Hazrat Hasaan ibn e sabit (R.A)

163 - The first poet of Islam is.....?

Hazrat Hissan bin Thabit (RA)

164 - The first revealed book was.....?


165 - The first revealed book was_____________?


166 - The first Sariya was fought near.....


167 - The first Sariya was.....?

Hazrat Ubaidah bin Haris (R.A)

168 - The first Sariya was_______________?

Hazrat Ubaidah bin Haris (R.A)

169 - The first translation (from Latin) was published during.....

16 1688

170 - The first Ummayed Caliph was _________ ?

Ameer Muawiyah (R.A)

171 - The first Ummayed Caliph was.....?

Ameer Muawiyah (R.A)

172 - The first work done by the Holy Prophet (SAW) when he migrated to Madina was.....

Construction of Mosque

173 - The Five Pillars of Faith are beliefs of what religion?


174 - The Five Pillars of Faith of Islam, the Ten Commandments of Judaism and Christianity, and the Eightfold Pathof Buddhism are similar in that they all

serve as guidelines to follow in personal conduct

175 - The Five Pillars of Islam include belief, prayer, charity,

fasting, and pilgrimage.

176 - The Five Pillars of Islam offer Muslims:

guidelines for living and worshipping.

177 - The Five Pillars of Islam refer to?

The five basic practices all Muslims agree upon

178 - The Five Pillars of Islam: Believe in one GodPray five times a dayGive to the poorFast during the Holy monthTravel to Makkah (Mecca)How many of the 5 Pillars of Islam effect daily life of believers?

There are certain times to pray during the day

179 - The flag color of the Holy Prophet was white and __________ at the time of conquest of Makkah ?


180 - The flag color of the Holy Prophet was white and..... at the time of conquest of Makkah?


181 - The Flagman of Islamic army was.....

Hazrat Umar (RA)

182 - The flagman of Makkans was.....

Banu Addar

183 - The flesh of the slaughtered animals is divided into three portions. One third is for one's own self. Another third for the poor and the needy and the last third is for.....?


184 - The flesh of the slaughtered animals is divided into three portions. One third is for one's own self. Another third for the poor and the needy and the last third is for__________?


185 - The focus of the khutbah (sermon) at .....Fitr is often on:

the duty to care for the needy

186 - The focus on spiritual issues led to a new movement in Islam called .


187 - The followers of Islam are calld


188 - The followers of Islam are divided into two groups, Shia and Sunni. What makes them different?

They disagreed on who should lead Islam after Muhammad (SAW) died

189 - The followers of the Abrahamic faiths are monotheists. Who can this belief be traced back to?




191 - The foster sister of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Khizafa (RA)

192 - The foundation of the city of Baghdad was laid in 762 during the reign of Abbasid Caliph?

Al Mansoor

193 - The founder of Akkad Dynasty was.....

Sargon I

194 - The founder of Buddhism is.....

Siddhartha Gautama

195 - The founder of Buddhism, Siddartha Gautama is known as.....


196 - The founder of Islam was.....

Muhammad (SAW)

197 - The founder of Jainism is.....

None of these

198 - The founder of the Maaliki school of thought was.....

Imam Maalik bin Anas

199 - The founder of the Muslim Religion

Muhammad (SAW)

200 - The founder of Zoroastrianism is.....


201 - The founder, or person who began Islam was:

Muhammad (SAW)

202 - The fourth daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.

Hazrat Fatima (RA)

203 - The function of fasting is ______.

To Make the Sacrifice of Body and Soul

204 - The function of fasting is.....

To Make the Sacrifice of Body and Soul

205 - The function of Hazrat jibra'eel (AS) is to.....?

Bring Allah's message and commands to his prophets (AS)

206 - The function of Hazrat jibra'eel (AS) is to______________?

Bring Allah's message and commands to his prophets (AS)

207 - The function of Hazrat Mekael (AS) is to.....?

Make rain and supply of food to Allah's creatures.

208 - The function of Hazrat Mekael (AS) is to_____________?

Make rain and supply of food to Allah's creatures.

209 - The function of Hazrat Mekael AS is to?

Make rain

210 - The fundamental pillars of Islam are.....


211 - The Funeral prayer Nam e-Janaza is.....?

Fa e-Kaffaya

212 - The Funeral prayer Namaz-e-Janaza is____________?


213 - The g political struggle between the ..... has been a central issue of Middle East Politics during the 20th & 21st centuries.

Arabs & Israelis

214 - The Gap between first and second Wahi was __________months?

2 Years 6 months

215 - The Gap between first and second Wahi was.....months?

6 months

216 - The gatekeeper of Jahannum is.....


217 - The geography of the Arabian Peninsula is best described as:


218 - The Ghazwa _____ was fought against Bani Salba and Bani Muharba.


219 - The giving donation of one's wealth to those who need it; charity


220 - The Golden Age of Islamic Culture was when .....

knowledge and inventions flourished

221 - The good and the bad deeds will be measured and weighed. What is this called in Arabic?

Al mizan

222 - The Governor of Yemen is .....


223 - The grave of the Prophet was prepared by ?

Hazrat Abu Talha

224 - The grave of the Prophet was prepared by?

Hazrat Abu Talha

225 - The Great Schism split Christianity into which 2 sections?

Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox

226 - The greatest contribution of Islamic culture to the West was its


227 - The greatest geographic obstacle to the spread of Islam in the 7th Century was

expansive deserts

228 - The greatest lost by Hulagu Khan apart from the human lives was.....

Distruction of Libraries

229 - The greatest of Allah's creation is .....

The Human

230 - The group that believed Umayyad caliphs should rule


231 - The Gulf countries are.....producing countries. Mark)


232 - The Hadith comprising an action or practice of the Holy Prophet (SAW) is called.....


233 - the hadith reporter was

Ibn Abbas

234 - The hadith which has two narrators in each class is called?


235 - The height of Hazrat Adam (AS) was__________?

90 Feet

236 - The height of Hazrat Adam AS was?

90 Feet

237 - The Hejira, Mohammed's journey from Mecca to Medina in AD 622, it important to Muslims because Listen

it signified the establishment of the Islamic faith

238 - The highest leader of the early Islamic Empires, translated to "successor," is the


239 - The highest number of verses in a Surah is.....


240 - The history of Islam began in .....

the Middle East

241 - The history of Islam centers around one person named .....

Muhammad (SAW)

242 - The holiest book of Islam is

The Qu'ran

243 - The Holy Book of Christians is.....


244 - The holy book of Islam


245 - The holy book of Islam is called the.....


246 - The holy book of Islam is the


247 - The holy book of Islam is:


248 - The Holy Book of Judaism is called.....


249 - The holy book of Judaism is the .....


250 - The holy book of the Christians is the


251 - The holy book of the Jews is the


252 - The holy book of the Muslims is the


253 - The holy book of the religion of Islam


254 - The Holy ka'aba was first built by.....


255 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) appointed..... to know about the carvan coming from Syria.

Hazrt Talha bin Ubaidullah (RA) and Hazrat Saad bin Zaid (RA).

256 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) became an Imam of all the Prophets (AS) during Miraj in.....

Masj e-Aqsa

257 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) belonged to the..... clan of Quraish.

Banu Hashim

258 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) came in Madina in..... after Ghazwat Tabook.

9 AH

259 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) died at the age of.....

63 years

260 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) firstly recited Qano e-Nazila in.....

4 AH

261 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) married Hazrat Khadija (RA) in.....

595 AD

262 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) met..... at seventh spiritual sky.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

263 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) observed Seclusion in the cave of.....


264 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) ordered for digging of trench on the border of.....


265 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) Ordered to kill..... in the Battle of Badr.

Nazr bin Harith and Aqba bin Abi Moeet

266 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) prayed at..... for the blessing of A e-Madina.


267 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) preached Islam openly for the first time at.....

K e-Safa

268 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) preached Islam secretly for..... years.


269 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) remained alone in.....


270 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) sent..... from Tabook with 400 riders to demolish Masj e-Zarar.

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

271 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) started public preaching in.....


272 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) started to started to preach Islam openly in.....

Fouth Nabvi

273 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) stayed at Tabook for..... days.


274 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) styed for..... days in the battle of Badr.


275 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) surnam is.....


276 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) took part in..... battles.


277 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) visited Taif in.....

10th Nabvi

278 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) visited..... during the event of Miraj.


279 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) was chosen Prophet from Bani.....


280 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) was welcomed at.....


281 - The Holy prophet asked Zaid Bin Harris to

Dont Divorce Zainab

282 - The Holy Prophet was a direct descendant of_____________?

Hazrat lsmaeel (AS)

283 - The Holy Prophet was born in the month Of.....?

Rabi ul Awwal

284 - The Holy Prophet was born in the month Of____________?

Rabi ul Awwal

285 - The Holy Quran is divided in..... parts.


286 - The Holy Quran is generally printed in which script?

Nastaliq script

287 - The Holy Quran was releaved from?

6 632 AD

288 - The Holy Qur'an was releaved from?

609-632 AD

289 - The Holy Quran was revealed from.....

6 633 AD

290 - The Holy Quran was revealed in.....


291 - The Holy Quran was revealed on a certain night called.....

None of these

292 - The Holy Qur'an was revealed to prophet

Muhammad (SAW)

293 - The holy text that provides the basis for the Islamic faith is the


294 - The Honorable Minister Farrakhan was born .....


295 - The honored angelic messenger is.....

Hazrat Jibrael (AS)

296 - The House of Wisdom was a

learning institution

297 - The House of Wisdom was a .....


298 - The House of Wisdom was founded by .....

Caliph Harun Rashid

299 - The human being has been gettin..... afte.....

wea being strong

300 - The id prayers can be held in an open air gathering place called a:


301 - The ideas during the Golden age were written in


302 - The idol Manaat was fixed between Makkah and Madina. who worshiped it?

Banu Aos and Banu Khazraj

303 - The idol Manaat was fixed between Makkah and Madina. who worshiped it?

Banu Aos and Banu Khazraj

304 - The IFK event is described in the Quran in?

Surah Noor

305 - The Ihram for men should be

Two white pieces and should not be stitched.

306 - The independence of Zimbabwe was in .....


307 - The inhabitants of Taif embraced Islam in.....

9th Hijrah

308 - The inheritants that are determined from the deceased inheritance:


309 - The initial number of prayers Allah has prescribed was:


310 - The Islamic Calendar

Is based on the moon (lunar) cycle

311 - The Islamic calendar is based on the movements of the .....


312 - The islamic Empire

Allowed religious freedom

313 - The Islamic empire in the 13th century

was destroyed by the Mongols

314 - The islamic golden age started with the rise of islam and establishment of the first islamic state in .....


315 - The Islamic holy text is the


316 - The Islamic period of Arab History Starts from.....

570 AD

317 - The Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca and/or Medina resulted in which of the following?

transfer of knowledge across Dar Islam

318 - The Islamic Schism resulted primarily from a disagreement over their

Choice of leader or Caliph for Islam

319 - The issue that most divided the Church of Rome and the Byzantine Church was th...

role of the Pope

320 - The Jahiliyah period came to an end in.....

570 AD

321 - The jahmiyyah claim that the names of Allah and attributes refer to multiple ..... Besides Allah


322 - The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur.....

is dedicated to reflection and atonement.

323 - The Jewish tribe(s) is/are.....

All of them

324 - The Jews agreed to give..... of produce to the Muslims after the Khyber expedition.


325 - The Jordan River is a major source of conflict in the Middle Eas.....

the region's dry climate has caused Israel and Jordan to compete for control of water resources

326 - The Kaaba was important to early because

a large stone inside was believed to have come from heaven.

327 - The kaffarah for breaking fast is to keep ______ fast for continuous days.


328 - The kaffarah for breaking fast is to keep..... fast for continuous days.


329 - The Khutba of Hajj (Hajj sermon) is delivered in which mosque?


330 - The King of Abyssinia at that time was.....


331 - The King of Abyssinia was

Nagashi (Negus)

332 - The kingdom of Great Zimbabwe was located in what part of Africa?

southeastern region

333 - The kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, & Songhai prospered primarily due to their

control of trade routes

334 - The kingdoms of West Africa all thrived on the trade of which two goods?

salt and gold

335 - The Kissing of Hajr-e-Aswad is called?


336 - The Koran, jihad, and the hegira are most closely associated with the practice of


337 - The land of Arabia was.....


338 - The language of Buddism's religious book "Tripi Take" is.....


339 - The language of Old Testament is.....


340 - The language of the Holy Quran is.....

None of these

341 - The language of the New Testament is.....


342 - The language of Vedas is.....


343 - The largest Emirate is .....

Abu Dhabi

344 - The largest idol named in kaaba was ?


345 - The largest idol named in kaaba was?




347 - The last bow (sajda) of the Holy Qur'an is in which Surah?

Surah Alaq

348 - The last caliph of Ummayyads was?

Marwan II

349 - The last Ghazwa of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was.....


350 - The last Guru in Sikhism is.....

Gobind Singh

351 - The last military expedition was..... in which the Holy Prophet (SAW) personally took part.


352 - The last rite of Hajj, before you leave you

make a farewell tawaf called Tawaf al Wadaa

353 - The last Sariya was fought in Syria in

11Â A.H

354 - The last Sariya was fought in.....


355 - The laws about orphanage were revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in.....

3 AH

356 - The Laws of Quran and Sunnah are.....


357 - The lead antagonist (villain) in Aladdin


358 - The leader of each Bedouin group.

o Bedouin leader

359 - The leader of Sariya fought at Bani Saad bin Bakr, Yemen and Bani Ja'ai was.....

Hazrat Ali (RA)

360 - The leader of Sariya fought at khizera and Batan Azem was.....

Hazrat Abu Qataba bin Rabi (RA)

361 - The leader of the church is called the Patriarch

Eastern Orthodox Church

362 - The leader of the church is referred to as the Pope

Roman Catholic Church

363 - The leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church.


364 - The leader of the enemy cavalry, in the Battle of Ohad was.....

Khalid bin Waleed

365 - The leader of which country was killed by his own people (rebels)?


366 - The leaders of Quraish who participated in the battle of Badr were.

Abu Jehl and Utba bin Rabia

367 - The length of Hazrat Noah's Ark was.....

400 yards

368 - The life in this world is temporary and the life in the world hereafter is


369 - The literal meaninf of Dirayet is.....


370 - The literal meaninf of Ijma is.....

Uniting the Opinion

371 - The literal meaning of Ahzab is


372 - The literal meaning of Akhrat (hereafter )is

Belief in the Day of Judgment

373 - The literal meaning of Islam is.....

All of them

374 - The literal meaning of Jehad is.....


375 - The literal meaning of Khula is.....


376 - The literal meaning of Lia'ana is.....

To curse

377 - The literal meaning of Nikah is.....


378 - The literal meaning of Soam is ______.

Both (a) & (b)

379 - The literal meaning of Soam is.....

Both (A) & (B)

380 - The literal meaning of Sunnah is.....

All of the Above

381 - The literal meaning of the word Quran is________?

Frequently recited

382 - The literal meaning of Zakat is.....


383 - The literal meaning of Zihar is.....

Calling Wife as Sister or Mother

384 - The local traditional sports of the Emiratis are classified according to the environment, they include; Sports of Mountainous area, sports of coastal areas and .....

Desert Areas

385 - The Longest Ayah in the Qur'an is in Surah.....


386 - The longest Surah Of the Holy Quran is.....


387 - The losses which would have occurred had the Muslims not taken another way:

Losses of lives on both sides

388 - The Louvre in Abu Dhabi includes art ..... from different countries.


389 - The Madrasas would end up being the first universities that even gave out


390 - The Maghrib Prayer is offered?

Just After the sun set

391 - The Maghrib Prayer is offered?

Just After the sun set

392 - The main difference between the Shias and the Sunnis is that .....

Shias believe only the descendant of Muhammad (SAW) should be chosen as caliph.

393 - The main difference between the Sunni and Shi'a branches of Islam is .....

Shi'a Muslims believe that caliphs need to be blood relatives of Muhammad (SAW)

394 - The main features that outline the theme of holy books revealed by Allah is,(Choose two answers)

All of the above

395 - The main language of Southwest Asia is .....


396 - The main reason for the battle of Tabook was.....

Mischief of Romans

397 - The main religion of the Ottoman Empire was .....


398 - The main Sources of Shariah are.....

Both (a) & (c)

399 - The main theme for the surah is.....

Yawm al Qiyamah

400 - The Majlis is

a place to sit

401 - The major cause of the split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church was th...

use of religious icons in church services

402 - The major impact of the Delhi Sultanate on India was the.....

Introduction of a new religion into Indian culture

403 - The major landmarks in the UAE that tourists visit every year are:

Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab, Dubai Frame and Sheikh Zayed Mosque

404 - The major Muslim festival is


405 - The major part of Holy Quran is revealed at _________ time?


406 - The major part of Holy Quran is revealed at..... time?


407 - The major part of Quran is revealed at ____________________?

Night time

408 - The major part of Quran is revealed at.....?

Night time

409 - The majority of Islam's followers are


410 - The majority of Muslims belong to which sect?


411 - The majority of Southwest Asia has a ..... climate.


412 - The majority of the community practiced most of their social behavior under the trees of Ghaf, as it was a focal point for gathering and .....


413 - The man who is considered the prophet who founded Islam i...

Muhammad (SAW)

414 - The Mandate happened after which war?


415 - The marriage between Hazrat Hafsa (RA) and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) took place in________?

3 A.H

416 - The meaninf of Ameen is.....


417 - The meaninf of Kauthar is.....

The Abundance

418 - The meaninf of Maarij is.....

The Ways of Ascent

419 - The meaninf of Sahih is.....


420 - The meaninf of Zaariyat is.....

The Storm

421 - The meaninf of Zulukaruaf is.....

The Ornaments

422 - The meaning of A knowing is.....


423 - The meaning of Ahzab is.....


424 - The meaning of Anfaal is.....

The Cave

425 - The meaning of AQIB (SAW) is.....

The Latest

426 - The meaning of Asr is.....

The Time

427 - The meaning of Astaghfar is.....


428 - The meaning of attributive name of Allah "The Bountiful" is.....


429 - The meaning of attributive name of Allah "The Most Sustaining" is.....


430 - The meaning of attributive name of the Holy Prophet (SAW)..... is "The True Friend."


431 - The meaning of attributive name of the Holy Prophet (SAW)..... is "The Wise"


432 - The meaning of Ayat is.....


433 - The meaning of AZEEM is.....

The Supreme

434 - The meaning of AZIZ is.....

The Mighty

435 - The meaning of BAASIT is.....

The Expander

436 - The meaning of Baqarah is.....

The Cow

437 - The meaning of Bayyinah is.....

The Clear Evidence

438 - The meaning of DA'A (SAW) is.....

The Inviter

439 - The meaning of Fateha is.....

The Opening

440 - The meaning of GHAFOOR is.....

The Most Pardoning

441 - The meaning of GHANEE is.....

The A Sufficing

442 - The meaning of Ha e-Aswad is.....

Black Stone

443 - The meaning of Hadith is.....

To Inform

444 - The meaning of Haseeb is.....

The Reckoner

445 - The meaning of Ijtehad is.....

Consensus of pinion

446 - The meaning of Ikhlas is.....

The Purity Of Faith

447 - The meaning of In'aam is.....

The Cattle

448 - The meaning of intercession(shafa'ah) is.....

Asking for benefits or protections from someone

449 - The meaning of JABBAR is.....

The Compeller

450 - The meaning of jabbar is.....

The Compeller

451 - The meaning of kahf is.....

The Cave

452 - The meaning of Kashf is.....


453 - The meaning of Malaika is.....


454 - The meaning of MALIK is.....

The KIng

455 - The meaning of MASHHOOD (SAW) is.....

The Witness

456 - The meaning of MOTAKABBIR is.....

The Majestic

457 - The meaning of MUHAMIN is.....

The Protector

458 - The meaning of MUHAMMAD (SAW) is.....

The Praised One

459 - The meaning of Muharram is?


460 - The meaning of Muharram is?


461 - The meaning of Mujadila is.....

The Pleading

462 - The meaning of MUJEEB (SAW) is.....

The Complying

463 - The meaning of MUNEER (SAW) is.....

The Illuminating

464 - The meaning of MUNTAQIM is.....

The Avenger

465 - The meaning of MUQEET is.....

The Maintainer

466 - The meaning of Murasalaat is.....

The Sent One

467 - The meaning of MURTAZA (SAW) is.....

The Content

468 - The meaning of Mushrik is.....


469 - The meaning of MUSTAFA (SAW) is.....

The Chosen

470 - The meaning of Muttafiq Alaih is.....

Agreed Upon

471 - The meaning of Najasat is.....


472 - The meaning of Najum is.....

The Stars

473 - The meaning of Nas is.....

The Mankind

474 - The meaning of NAZEER (SAW) is.....

The Frightener

475 - The meaning of Noor is.....

Divine Light

476 - The meaning of اÙ„نجوم(an nujum) is

The stars

477 - The meaning of QAADIR is.....

The Able

478 - The meaning of QAREEb is.....

The Near One

479 - The meaning of Qariyah is.....

The Terrible Calamity

480 - The meaning of QASIM (SAW) is.....

The Distributor

481 - The meaning of Qitaal is.....


482 - The meaning of Qiyas is.....

Deductive Analogy

483 - The meaning of QUDDOOS is.....

The Holy One

484 - The meaning of RAFEEQ is.....

The Exalted

485 - The meaning of Rahm.....l Aalmeen is.....

Mercy for All worlds

486 - The meaning of RA'OOF is.....

The Compassionate

487 - The meaning of RAUF (SAW) is.....

The Mild

488 - The meaning of Risalat is.....


489 - The meaning of Ru'ya is.....


490 - The meaning of Sadiq (SAW) is.....


491 - The meaning of SADIQ(SWS)is.....

The firm

492 - The meaning of Saff is.....

The Line/Row

493 - The meaning of SAMAD is.....

The Independent

494 - The meaning of SAYYED (SAW) is.....

The Lord

495 - The meaning of SHAfi (SAW) is.....

The Healer

496 - The meaning of SHAHID (SAW) is.....

The Witness

497 - The meaning of SIRAJ (SAW) is.....

The Lamp

498 - The meaning of Tamjeed is.....


499 - The Meaning of TAWWAB is.....

The Acceptor Of Repentance

500 - the meaning of the word (Iftarahou)

He invented the Quran by himself

501 - the meaning of the word (Yaarouj ilayhi)

Matters will ascend to him

502 - the meaning of the word(Sulalah)


503 - The meaning of UMMI (SAW) is.....

The Lettered

504 - The meaning of WADOOD is.....

The Affectionate

505 - The meaning of WAHHAAB is.....

The Bestower

506 - The meaning of WALY is.....

The Protector

507 - The meaning of Wuzu is.....


508 - The meaning of Zaeef is.....


509 - The meanings of Rasool is.....


510 - The merchant rulers of Mecca were very against Mohammed . Why?

Thought his ideas criticized their conduct and attitudes and threatened their authority

511 - The messages Mohammed received from the angel Gabriel form the basis of what religion?


512 - The Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him, loved

All above

513 - The Messengers (AS) mentioned in The Holy Quran are:


514 - The method of revelation behind the veil is referred as.....

Both (A) & (B)

515 - The Middle East has often been considered an economic and cultural crossroads between Africa, Asia, and Europe because of its

central location

516 - The migration to Abyssinia took place in.....

615 AD

517 - The military expeditions of Justinian

conquered the old Roman territories that were lost to the barbarians

518 - The mix of Bantu African & Arab cultures led to a new language that developed called .....


519 - The mixing of African and Arab cultures led to the development of a new language called .....


520 - The moat was dug on which side of Madina


521 - The Moderates lived in.....

North Arabia

522 - the Mongols destroyed House of Wisdom in the year???

1258 C.E

523 - The Mongols were known as great


524 - The more we know and understand about other cultures, .....

the easier it is for us to show them tolerance and respect.

525 - The Mosque of Prophet (PBUH) was damaged due to fire in the reign of__________?

Motasim Billah

526 - The Mosque of the Prophet PBUH was damaged due to fire in the reign of?

Motasim Billah

527 - The most authentic books of Ahadith are called.....

Sih e-Sitta

528 - The most disliked thing by Allah Ta'ala is ____________.


529 - The most exemplary administration out of the rightly guided caliphs was that of__________?

Hazrat Umar (R.A)

530 - The most famous book in the history of medicine was written by Muslim doctor .

I Sina

531 - The most famous compilation in Musnad is.....

Musnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal

532 - The most fertile tract in Arabia is.....?


533 - The most Holy city in Islam is called.....


534 - The most important cause of the decline of the Golden Age of the Islamic civilization was .....

Mongols invasion

535 - The most important part of salat is.....


536 - The most important prayer in the Vedas is called.....

Gayatri Mantra

537 - The most important sours in arabic literature .


538 - The most important step of Hajj after assuming Ihraam is?


539 - The most important West African city, for trade and education, was


540 - The most learned wife of the Holy Prophet (ï·Âº) was_________?

Hazrat Ayesha R.A

541 - The most loved to Allah among people are those who bring the most..... to others"[


542 - The Most Merciful is the Meaning.....


543 - The most powerful Shia/Shiite country is


544 - The most powerful Sunni country is

Saudi Arabia

545 - The most recommended actions within prayer are:


546 - The most superior sadaqah in reward is the one you give while you are healthy, .....and ..... and wish to become rich.

Only (A) & (B)

547 - The mother of the Prophet (SAW) died when he (SAW) was..... old.

6 years

548 - The movement started by journalist Theodor Herzl to promote an independent Jewish state in Palestine is referred to as


549 - The Muslim death toll on both sides in the Battle of Camel was about:________?


550 - The Muslim empire spread across parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. What unified these diverse groups of people?

common religion

551 - The Muslim Empire stopped its expansion after the Battle of .....


552 - The Muslim Empire stretched over parts of what continents?

All of these

553 - The Muslim help the poor with money


554 - The Muslim invaded Spain in__________?

711 A.D

555 - The Muslim scholar know as Avicenna wrote a famous and influential book on which subject?


556 - The Muslim will ..... people in the Majlis when he enters there,


557 - The Muslims conquered Persia and and Rome in..... Century.


558 - The Muslims' great experience with trade helped advance their knowledge of


559 - The Muslims held Spain for ..... years.


560 - The Muslims learned Chinese technology by

Silk route

561 - The Muslims learned how to make paper from the Chinese. What is one consequence of this discovery?

the growth of Muslim literature

562 - The Muslims marched to Makkah with ..... soldiers.


563 - The Muslims should stand in the direction of..... for salat.

Khana kaa'ba

564 - The Muslims took refuge near Makkah in.....

Shai e-Abi Talib

565 - The Muslims were .....

loyal to King Najashi and Abyssinian people

566 - The Muslims were ..... in Abyssinia

honored and protected

567 - The Muslims who traveled to new regions for the sole purpose of converting people to Islam were known as


568 - The Nafle Salat Which can be offered till half of the day is.....


569 - The Nafli Salat is..... which can be offered after midnight till dawn.


570 - The Nafli Salat which can be offered after sunrise till o fourth of the day is.....


571 - The Najashi King of Habasha with whom the Muslims for the first time took refuge was a:


572 - The Nam e-Taraveeh can be offered between the Salats of?

Isha & Fajar

573 - The Namaz-e-Taraveeh can be offered between the Salats of?

Isha & Fajar

574 - The name "Muhammad (SAW)" has been mentioned..... times in the Holy Quran.


575 - The name "Muhammad" has been mentioned _________ times in the Holy Quran.


576 - The name for a Muslim house of worship is:


577 - The name for traditional Muslim legal practices?


578 - The name given to the followers of Islam


579 - The name Mughal means

Muslim Mongol

580 - The name of Fourth Kalimah is.....

Kalim e-Tauheed

581 - The name of Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA) is given in Surah.....


582 - The name of Sahabi about whom the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, "The Paradise is due for you" is.....

Hazrat Talha bin Abdullah (RA)

583 - The name of second Kalimah is.....

Kalim e-Shahadat

584 - The name of the fifth Kalimah is ?

Kalimah Istighfar

585 - The name of the fifth Kalimah is?

Kalimah Istighfar

586 - The name of the first female Commander of Khawala bint Azwar Military School in UAE.

Afra Saeed Al Falasi

587 - The name of the month in which Muslims keep Fasting is:


588 - The name of the sixth Kalimah is.....?

Kalimah Ra i-Kufar

589 - The name of the sixth Kalimah is______________?

Kalimah Radd-i-Kufar

590 - The name of third Kalimah is.....

Kalim e-Tamjeed

591 - The name of those who submit to God is:


592 - The name of which companion of the Holy prophet has been mentioned in Quran

Hazrat Zaid

593 - The names of..... Prophets are mentioned in the Holy Quran.


594 - The narrator of Hadith is Known as.....


595 - The nation of Samood was preached by?

Hazrat Salih AS

596 - The native Place of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was.....


597 - The nature of the society into which the prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born was

a society made up largely of nomads and merchants.

598 - The needy is not the one who begs for some food, but rather .....

someone who has not enough for his basic needs

599 - The night of Glory is in the moth of


600 - The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which Muslims are required to fast


601 - The Nisab of Zakat is.....

2 1/2 On 52 1/2 Tola Silver or 7 1/2 tola gold

602 - The number of famous Islamic months are?


603 - The number of famous Islamic months are?


604 - The number of most authentic books of Hadith is.....


605 - The number of prophets whose names are in the Holy Quran is


606 - The odd day is


607 - The offering of four, eight or twelve raka't is called..... in the last phase of night.

Sal e-Tahajjud

608 - The official language of the U.A.E. is .....


609 - The only Surah of the Holy Quran which is not started with Bismillah is?

Surah Al Taubah

610 - The order of appearance of Surah Al-Kahf in the Holy Quran is___________?


611 - The order of appearance of Surah Kahf in the Holy Quran is.....?


612 - The order of Hijab for women revealed in __________ A.H.


613 - The order of Hijab for women revealed in..... A.H.


614 - The original name of Imam Bukhari is?

Muhammad Bin Ismail

615 - The other name for Kalimah is .....


616 - The other name of Ko e-Safa is.....

K e-Faran

617 - The Ottoman Empire did NOT cover parts of which continent?

South America

618 - The Ottoman Turks built a large and powerful Islamic Empire mostly b.....

conquering lands.

619 - The P Islamic Arabs worshiped.....


620 - The P Islamic era is known as.....?

Age of ignorance

621 - The p requisite of fasting is.....

Se control

622 - The p requisite to be a Muslim is?

Both of these

623 - The Palestinians consider the Jewish settlements in the West Bank as .....

an invasion of their land

624 - The part of prayer the Holy Prophet did is called.....?


625 - The part of prayer the Holy Prophet ï·Âº did is called_____________?


626 - The parts of each of the Hadis are Sanad and.....?


627 - The parts of each of the Hadis are Sanad and_______________?


628 - The penalty for Lia'an is.....

80 lashes

629 - 'The pens have been lifted and the pages have .....'


630 - The people at the lowest level of Muslim society who had no power at all in government were the .....

enslaved people

631 - The people of Mesopotamia worshiped.....

All of the above

632 - The people of Prophet Hud (AS) is


633 - The people of Quraysh wanted to revenge of their .....


634 - The people who did not want to believe and follow the teachings of prophet Muhammad (SAW) s.a.w is called.....

The disbelievers

635 - The people who don't pay Zakat are called.


636 - The percentage of Emirati in United Arab Emirates is


637 - The period of reign of AbÃ…« Isḥāq Muḥammad ibn HārÃ…«n al-RashÄ«d is from___________?


638 - The period Preceding the rise of Islam is known as.....?


639 - The philosopher who studied Aristotle's works was

I Rushd

640 - The philosophy of the Sunni?

Anyone from the Muslim community can interpret the Qur'an and laws and lead the daily prayers.

641 - The piercing blast of cold wind blew in the.....

Battle of Ahzab

642 - The pillars of Islam in proper order are _____________.

Shahadatain, Salat, Zakat, Soam and Hajj

643 - The pillars of Islam in proper order are.....

Shahadatain, Salat, Zakat, Soam and Hajj

644 - The placard that showed navigation and geography was

The one with a circle with drawings that looked like an ocean

645 - The placard that showed science was

The one with a cow being dissected

646 - The place of worship for Muslims is called a .....


647 - The place Palestine was important a...

it was the venue of jesus' crucification

648 - the place where prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born


649 - The places from which the Hajjaj to Makkah assume the state of Ihraam?


650 - The plague of Amwas and the severe famine in Arabia occurred in which Caliph-s era?

Hazrat Umar RA

651 - The portion of the wall of Kaaba which is between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is called?

Al Multazim

652 - The portion of the wall of Ka'ba which is between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is called__________?

Al multazim

653 - The portion of the wall of Ka'ba which is between its door and Kajre Aswad is called.....?

Al multazim

654 - The Pre-Islamic era is known as_________?

Age of ignorance

655 - The pre-requisite of fasting is______.


656 - The pre-requisite to be a Muslim is?

Both of these

657 - The primary reason the Aswan Dam was built on the Nile River was t...

control annual flooding

658 - The process of removing salt from water to create fresh drinking water is calle.....?


659 - The Promised Day' refers to the Day of.....


660 - The proof for the contingency of accidents is the

Change that is witnessed in them.

661 - The proof for the world's contingency is its

Inseparability from emergent accident.

662 - The proof of the necessity of His absolute dissimilarity, Exalted is He, from contingent beings:

Had He been similar to anything of them, He too would have been contingent, and that is impossible.

663 - The proof of the necessity of His endlessness, Exalted is He:

His existence in that case would be possible, not necessary.

664 - The proof of the necessity of His hearing, signt, and speech, Exalted is He, it is:

Had He not been qualified with these, it would imply that He is qualified by their opposites, which are imperfections, and it is impossible for Him, Exalted is He, to have imperfections.

665 - The proof of the necessity of His omnipotence, will, knowledge and life, Exalted is He:

Had any of these been negated, no contingent being would have existed.

666 - The proof of the necessity of His oneness, Exalted is He:

if He was not One, it would imply that nothing of the world would have existed.

667 - The proof of the necessity of his p eternality, Exalted is He: the

Irrationality of nev ending circle or infinite regress.

668 - The proof of the necessity of His Se subsistence, Exalted is He:

Had he been in need of locus, He would have been an attribute.

669 - The proof that performing or leaving possible things is possible for Him, Exalted is He:

Had any of them been either rationally necessary or impossible, the possible would have turned to something necessary or impossible, and that is inconceivable.

670 - The prophet (PBUH) said lying leads to ..... which leads to .....

sins; jahanam

671 - The Prophet (PBUH) said nothing is weightier on the scale of deeds than one's .....?

Good manners

672 - The prophet (pbuh) said that

wudoo is the key to prayer

673 - The Prophet (S) said, "None of you ..... until they love for their brother what they love for themselves."

truly believe

674 - The Prophet (S) said, "When somebody steals, he is ..... during the moment he is stealing."

not a believer

675 - The Prophet (S) said: "Nothing is weightier on the scale of good deeds than ....."

one's good manners

676 - The Prophet (S) said: "Seek Laylatul Qadr among ..... of Ramadaan."

the odd numbered nights of last ten days

677 - The prophet [S.A.W] said ''all the..... of Adam are sinners, but the best of sinners are those who repent often ."


678 - The prophet for all the world is.....

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

679 - The Prophet Ibrahim thought that these three things were Alloh

Sun, star, moon

680 - The Prophet Idrees (AS) remained in the..... Heaven.


681 - the prophet lost his dad when he was

before his born

682 - The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PBUH) said Dawud's (AS) fast was the best. How did Dawud (AS) fast?

He fasted every other day

683 - the prophet Muhammad (SAW) [s.w.s] was born in the year of the.....


684 - the prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born on

Monday, 12 Rabee' Awwal

685 - The Prophet recommended we read the Quran in .....

30 days

686 - The prophet saw did hijrah when he was at the age of


687 - the prophet was riding


688 - The Prophet went to..... with his uncle when he was twelve years old.


689 - The Prophet who talked to Allah was.....

Moses (Musa), peace be upon him

690 - The Prophet who talked to Allah was:

Moosa (AS)

691 - The Prophet(صلى اÙ„له عÙ„يه وسلم)said:" The key to..... is prayer and the key to prayer is wudu


692 - The Prophet..... is still alive.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

693 - the prophet's grandfather is called:

ad muttalib / عبد اÙ„مُطÙ‘َلب

694 - The prophet's mother is.....and the prophet's father is .....

Aminah, Abdullah

695 - The prophet's uncle is.....

Abu Talib

696 - The protective shield of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was.....


697 - The psychological fact of the human being mentioned in this Surah is.....

Everyone has an inner voice to let them know which is right and wrong

698 - The puritanical reform movements of the Almoravids and Almohadis arose among what groups of people in Africa?

The Berbers, native desert dwellers of North Africa

699 - The purpose of Europeans exploration was to .....

seek more resources and land

700 - The Queen Saba accepted the religion of.....

Hazrat Suleman

701 - The Quran has a noble purpo to distinguish truth from falsehood. Which of the following names mean the distinguisher?


702 - The Quran is aslso Regarded as a manual of.....

All of the above

703 - The Qur'an is divided into ..... Juz.


704 - The Qur'an is the Holy Book for the.....


705 - The Quran is the main guide book for all Muslims because .....

It explains and organizes matters of life for Muslims.

706 - The Quran is the words of ..... revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through the angel Jibril.


707 - The Quran mentions names of some pious persons who were not Prophets.Give the name(s)?

All of the Above

708 - The Quran provides Muslims with guidelines for

daily life.

709 - The Qur'an says, Have they not looked at the cam how it was created? What aspect of Islamic belief does this quotation encourage?

curiosity about nature

710 - The Qur'an tells ALL Muslims to.....

Lower their gaze and guard their modesty

711 - The Qur'an was first revealed at.....

Jab.....Noor, The Mount of Light

712 - The Qur'an was first revealed in the month of Ramadhan. Which Surah in the Holy Qur'an affirms this?

Surah Baqarah

713 - The Qur'an was revealed over.....

23 Years

714 - The Qur'an was written in what handwriting that was deemed "beautiful" for Allah?


715 - The rational proof of His existence, the Exalted, it is the

Contingency of the world.

716 - The reason that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) greatly influences the world today is that it

manages the oil supply that affects the global economy

717 - The recent peace treaty that has drastically changed the way some Arab nations view Israel is called the .....

Abraham Accords

718 - The recitation of Kalimah..... is made at funeral procession.


719 - The reckoning(al hisab) during the day of Judgment means..

The question and calculation of the deeds

720 - The red headdress worn by men in the head is called a


721 - The religion of Banu Quraizah was.....


722 - The religion of Islam originated from .....

Saudi Arabia

723 - The religion of Roman Emperor was.....


724 - The religion of the Jews is called.....


725 - The religion of the traders in Africa was.....


726 - The religion which considers Hazrat Mikael (AS) superior to Hazrat Jibrael (AS) is.....


727 - The religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a common belief in


728 - The religious and political leader of the Islamic empire was called a(n) .....?


729 - The religious and political leader of the Islamic Empire was known as a


730 - The religious faith of Muslims


731 - The religious People in Christianity are called.....

Gurus & Sadhus

732 - The remains of Aksum is still visible in ..... Ethiopia


733 - The restriction of drinking wine was ordered in?

4 AH

734 - The revelation of the holy quran started with the ayah .....


735 - The reverence for the Kaaba in Islam indicates that:

Muhammad (SAW) was careful not to destroy all objects that were sacred in Arabia before Islam.

736 - The revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world is called

Arab Spring

737 - The reward f an accepted Hajj is

Allah will forgive your sins.

738 - The reward of which prayer is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umrah ?


739 - The reward of which prayer is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umrah?

Nam i-Ishraq

740 - The Ro t Rasool is situated in.....

Masj e-Nabvi

741 - The role of rightly guided khalifas ended with

Hazrat Ali

742 - The Roman Empire spoke what language


743 - The Rubaiyat is an Islamic

work of literature

744 - The rule by a caliph is called


745 - The rule of Abbassids ended with the attack of.....


746 - The rule of Akbar the Great is important because he

accepted diversity and practiced religious toleration

747 - the ruler of a Muslim state


748 - The rules Muslims must follow

The 5 Pillars

749 - The running between two hills Safa and Marwah seven times is called?


750 - The sacred book of Islam is called the .....


751 - The sacred book of Islam that contains the revelations made to Muhammad (SAW) by God.


752 - The sacred text is called the


753 - The sacred text of Judaism is


754 - The Safavid Empire was so successful for a time because they borrowed ideas and customs from other nations. What is this known as?

Cultural Blending

755 - The sahabi who was placed under the hot sun with a huge rock on his body is .....

Bilal ibn Rabah

756 - The Sahel refers to the

grassland belt at the southern edge of the Sahara that served as a point of exchange between the forests of the south and north Africa.

757 - The Sal e-Janaza is.....

Far e-Kifayah

758 - The Sal e-Shukar is.....?


759 - The salaah that is prayed after Isha and is usually prayed in three units is called:


760 - The Salat-e-Shukar is ______________?


761 - The salt for gold trade led to the development of powerful kingdoms in .....

West Africa

762 - The Saudi Arabian Flag has this written on it:

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is His Messenger

763 - The savannah is

open grassland.

764 - The Schism that split Christianity into the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches was caused by disagreement ove...

the role of the Pope.

765 - The Scripture of Bahaism is the mixture of New Testament and the.....

The Holy Quran

766 - the seal affixed on important letters by prophet (SAW) was in the Custody of ?

Hazrat khuzaifa (RA)

767 - the seal affixed on important letters by prophet (SAW) was in the Custody of?

Hazrat khuzaifa (RA)

768 - The seal affixed on important letters Prophet PBUH was in the custody of?

Hazrat Khuzaifa RA

769 - The seal of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was made of.....


770 - The second Ashra of Ramazan is called ?


771 - The second Ashra of Ramazan is called?

Ash e-Maghfirat

772 - The second azan for Jumma prayer was started in the time of which caliph?

Hazrat Usman RA

773 - The second best book, after the Holy Quran for the Muslim world is.....

Sahih Bukhari

774 - The Second caravan of Uqba arrived Makkah in.....

12th Nabvi

775 - The second daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.

Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

776 - The second daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

777 - The second important step of Hajj after Waquf is?


778 - The Second pillar of Islam is.....


779 - The Second Pillar of Islam is?


780 - The Second Pillar of Islam is?


781 - The second Prophet of Allah was.....

Hazrat Shees (AS)

782 - The second source from which the teachings of Islam are drawn is.....


783 - The second woman who embraced Islam was.....

Hazrat Ummay Aimen (RA)

784 - The separation of the two groups started after the death of .....

Muhammad (SAW)

785 - The servants of the Holy Prophet (SAW) were.....

All of the above

786 - The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor talks about...

Only (A) & (B)

787 - The SHI'A believed that any caliph should be:

direct descendants of Muhammad (SAW)

788 - The Short period between two Sajda's is called.....?


789 - The Short period between two Sajda's is called________?


790 - The Shortest Surah Al-Kawthar (اÙ„كوثر) has ______ verses?


791 - The shortest Surah in the Qur'an has ..... Ayat


792 - The Shortest Surah Kawthar has..... verses?


793 - The smallest animal mentioned in Holy Qur'an is _____________.


794 - The smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran is.....


795 - The smallest number of verses in a surah is.....


796 - The Soam is a pillar of Islam. It is declared as an ?


797 - The Soam is a pillar of Islam. It is declared as an?


798 - the special ability of bending iron and curing the blind was given to which prophets of Allah?

Dawud as and Isa as

799 - The special charity that Muslims give to atone for any mistakes made whilst fasting is called

zakah fitr

800 - The spiritual and living successor to Muhammad (SAW)


801 - The split in the Islamic religion happened because of an argument. What was the argument about?

who was the rightful successor to Muhammad (SAW)

802 - The split in the Muslim world after Mohammed's death was caused by

2 groups of Muslims who disagreed about who should lead Islam.

803 - The split of the Christian church into two churches was known as th...

Great Schism

804 - The split of the church is known as what?

The Schism

805 - The sports of the desert area include hunting dogs, horse racing and .....


806 - The spread of Ban speaking peoples over southern Africa before 1400 C.E. can be best explained by their

knowledge of agriculture

807 - The spread of cultural elements from one society to another is called?

cultural diffusion

808 - The spread of ideas and cultural elements from one society [group of people] to another is called

cultural diffusion

809 - The spread of Islam was stopped in the Pyranees Mountains in what battle?

Battle of Tours

810 - The spreading of ideas and ways of life is called cultural


811 - The state of Israel was created on?


812 - The stories from 1001 Arabian Nights came from ..... but were written down in one book in Arabic.

China, India, Arabia, and Persia

813 - The story of Aladdin's magic lamp can be found in this book.....

A Thousand and One Nights

814 - The story of the worship of cow of Bani Israeel mentioned in Surah ____________.


815 - The story of the worship of cow of Bani Israeel mentioned in Surah.....


816 - The study of Religions is called:___________?


817 - The subject of the Quran is.....

Both of the Above

818 - The Suez Canal, built in 1869, was important because.....

It made trade between Europe and Asia much faster

819 - The Suez Canal:

Connects the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

820 - The sun will be ..... on Yawm al Qiyamah.

Folded up

821 - The SUNNI believed that any caliph should be:

any caliph that ruled by the example of Muhammad (SAW)

822 - The Sunni/Shi'a split in Islam mainly developed because of a disagreement about .....


823 - The Surahs in which the Holy Prophets (SAW) name is given are.....

All of the Above

824 - The system of Islamic law.


825 - The system of Sharia was developed to join together ..... and ..... in Islamic countries.

religion; law

826 - The Taj Mahal in ..... is an example of Islamic architecture.


827 - The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul ruler Shah Jahan as

a tomb for his wife.

828 - The Tasbeeh of Subhana Ra.....Alaa is recited in?


829 - The Tasbeeh of Subhana Ra.....Azeem is recited in?


830 - The Tasbeeh of Subhana Rabi-al-Alaa is recited in?


831 - The Tasbeeh of Subhana Rabi-al-Azeem is recited in?


832 - The teeth of the Holy Prophet (SAW) were martyred in the Battle of.....


833 - The Ten Commandments are to Judaism as the Five Pillars are to


834 - The ten nights occur in the month of

Z Hija

835 - The term "Islam" means


836 - The term ..... means "holy war" or "holy struggle in the way of God."


837 - The term for raids against other tribes is


838 - The term for the Muslim community in Arabia.


839 - The term Hajj specifically refers to.....

The duty of all Muslims to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

840 - The territory of a caliph is called a(n) .....


841 - The the human "being is created in the best of moulds"is a verse from.....

Sura al Tin

842 - The third Ashra of Ramazan is called ?


843 - The third Ashra of Ramazan is called?

Ash e-Naj e-Na e-Jahannum

844 - The third daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.

Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)

845 - The third daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was.....

Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)

846 - The third Pillar of Islam is zakat, which means "purification." Muslims observe this pillar by

sharing their wealth

847 - The third pillar of Islam is?


848 - The third pillar of Islam is?


849 - The Three Apples is a complete to snow whites and the evil witches story

false , its about a misunderstanding with a husband and his wife which gets her killed

850 - The three main religions found in the Middle East include all EXCEPT


851 - The three types of art mentioned in the lesson includ...

Literature , Art and Architecture

852 - The time of first revelation was.....


853 - The title of Asma bint Abi Bakr was.....

Dhatun Nitaqayn

854 - The title of Khatibul Anbiya was of.....

Hazrat Shoaib (AS)

855 - The title of Mujadid Alif Sani was given to Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi by?

Maulana Abdul Hakeem

856 - The title of..... was famous for Hazrat Musa (AS).


857 - The tomb of Hazrat Abu Ayyub al-Ansari is situated at___________?


858 - The Touheed (Kalmah) is..... pillar of Islam?

first Pillar of Islam

859 - The Touheed (Kalmah) is__________ pillar of Islam?

First Pillar of Islam

860 - The tower of a mosque from which Muslims are called to prayer


861 - The trade of which two products shaped the early history of North and West Africa?

salt and gold

862 - The tribe of Jews which broke the treaty was.....

Banu Qainqa

863 - The tribe which broke the treaty with the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the Battle of Trench was.....

Banu Quraizah

864 - The Tribe which settled in Khyber after leaving Madina was.....

Banu Nuzair

865 - The tribes, ....., accepted Islam after the battle of Mota.

Ashja & Ghatfan

866 - The Truce of Hudaibiya took place in.....

6th Hijrah

867 - The true meaning of tolerance is

Tolerance is respect others

868 - The Turks established the Delhi Sultanate in


869 - The two haraam things for men are:

Gold and silk

870 - The UAE has built the enablers which correspond to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) set out by .....for 2030.

The United Nations

871 - The UAE is blessed with a rich heritage that encompasse.....imbibed in Islam.

both a and b

872 - The UAE is blessed with a rich heritage that encompasses architecture, sports, occupations, traditions, arts, crafts, food, places of historical and archaeological importance, lifestyle and values imbibed in Islam.

architecture, sports, occupations, traditions

873 - The UAE is located in the continent of .....


874 - The Umayyad caliphate ruled from their capital at


875 - The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown in 751 A.D by Abbasids after the_________?

Battle of Zab

876 - The Umayyad dynasty was founded by

the Sunnis.

877 - The Umayyad dynasty was replaced by

Abbasid rulers.

878 - The Umayyads governed the Arab Empire from .....


879 - The uncles of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who did not embraced Islam were.....

Both (A) & (B)

880 - The uncles of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who embraced Islam were.....

Both (A) & (B)

881 - The United Arab Emirate's architecture is influenced by Islamic architecture and Arabian architecture. For example.....has become an identifying mark of traditional Emirati architecture

the "barjeel"

882 - The United Arab Emirates established specialized centres for teaching this for no Arab in many countries worldwide

Only (A) & (B)

883 - The United Arab Emirates was founded in which year?


884 - The United States is committed to realizing the vision of a two state solution to the Israe Palestine conflict: an independent, viable [practicable] and contiguous [connected) Palestinian state as the homeland of the Palestinian people, alongside the Jewi

is in favor of the creation of an independent Palestine

885 - The upright stones at some distance from one another are called?


886 - The use of violence, often against civilian targets, to force political or social change


887 - The values, beliefs, behaviour and material objects that constitute a person's life is defined as:


888 - The verification of __ entitled Hazrat Abu Bakr RA to the title of siddique?


889 - The Wahi was sent in the month of ______.


890 - The Wahi was sent in the month of.....


891 - The water of Al Kawthar is ..... than milk.


892 - The wealth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai was based on what?

The gold and salt trade

893 - The wearing of a gold ring by women is


894 - The wearing of a silk shirt men is


895 - The wearing of a silver earrings by men is


896 - The wearing of a silver necklace by men is


897 - The West Bank and Gaza Strip are Palestinian territories in what country?


898 - The whole Babylonia was conquered by Assyrians in..... Century AD.


899 - The whole reason we even have western canon (works considered classics to our western thought today) is because who came together in Baghdad at the House of Wisdom to translate them?

All of them

900 - The Witness (SAW) is the meaning of.....


901 - The Women were in miserable condition before.....


902 - The word "Adam" means.....


903 - The Word "ALLAH" is mostly used in which Surah of the Holy Quran?


904 - The Word "ALLAH" is mostly used in which Surah of the Holy Quran?


905 - The word "Khat e-Nabuwat" means.....

& (B)

906 - The word "Muttaqi" means.....

The pious

907 - The word "أبت Abter" means .....

Cut off

908 - The word "Quran" has been mentioned..... times in the Holy Quran.


909 - The word "Takaful" comes from the Arabic root word__________?


910 - The word "Yoamul Hisab" means.....

The Day of Accounts

911 - The word "zakat" is mentioned..... times in the Holy Quran.


912 - The word Al ain means:

All of the above

913 - The word for fasting is:


914 - The word Ghusal means.....

To Wash

915 - The word Ijtehad is derived from.....


916 - The word Islam means

."peace through submission to the will of Allah."

917 - The word 'Jehad' is derived from the word.....


918 - The word Jihad is derived from the word?


919 - The word jihad means

To strive or struggle

920 - the word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only.....times.

four times

921 - the word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only__________times.

four times

922 - The word Muhammad SAW as a name has been mentioned in Quran only?

4 Times

923 - The word Muslim means one who

surrenders to God.

924 - The word Nabi occurred ..... times in the Quran.


925 - The word Quran originated from kura, what does Kura mean?

Both (A) & (B)

926 - The word Rasul occurred ..... times in the Quran.


927 - The word Sanad means.....


928 - The word Shariah means.....

A Clear Straight Path

929 - The word Talaq means.....

Freedom from Bond

930 - The word tawhid is derived from the root word .....


931 - The word Tayyaba means.....


932 - The word Zakat is Taken from the..... word


933 - The word, "Hajj" means.....

The Holy Journey

934 - The worship place of parsees is called.....


935 - The worshipers of fire are called.....


936 - The year..... is known as Aam ul feel (year of elephant).

570 AD

937 - The years of..... is knwon as A.....Wafood.

9 AH

938 - The young martyr in the battle of Badr was.....

Hazrat Umar bin Abi Waqas (RA)

939 - The youngest son of Hazrat Abdul Mutalib (RA) was.....

Hazrat Abu Talib

940 - The Zaboor was given to the prophet.....


941 - The Zaboor was given to the prophet.....


942 - Ther were..... sariyas fought by the Muslims.


943 - There a.....months in the ISLAMIC CALENDER.


944 - There ar..... names of Allah that if will give you Jannah if you learn them


945 - There ar..... pillars of Islam


946 - There ar.....Number of People living in the Arab world?


947 - There are ..... Arab countries in the African part of the Arab World.


948 - There are ..... Arab countries.


949 - There are ..... Arab speaking countries.


950 - There are ..... countries in Asian Arab Countries.


951 - There are ..... countries in The Arab World.


952 - There are ..... pillars of Islām


953 - There are ..... prayers in a day.


954 - There are ..... Prophets


955 - There are ..... prophets and messengers mentioned by name in the Quran.




957 - There are _________ farz in Ghusal (غسÙ„).


958 - There are _________ farz in prayer (نÙ…از).


959 - There are _________ farz in wuzoo (وضÙˆ).


960 - There are _________ stages in Holy Quran.


961 - There are _______________ types of Hajj?


962 - There are 2 types of Shirk, which are ..... and ..... shirk.

Major, Minor

963 - There are 3 Farz, 10 sunnat and..... wajibat in Hajj.


964 - There are 3 Farz, 10 sunnat and____________ wajibat in Hajj.


965 - There are 5 pillars of Islam. Which one of them is not related?

Believe in Allah S.W.T

966 - There are approximately..... prophet sent by Allah.

1, 24, 000

967 - There are FIVE (5) pillars of Islam. Please choose which below are in correct order:

Shahaadah, Solah, Zakah, Sawm, Hajj

968 - There are how many Hadith in the book Arbeen?


969 - There are more than ..... million people living in the Arab world.


970 - There are no human figures in Islamic art because Muslims believe that

the Qur'an forbids it.

971 - There are over ..... million Muslims in China




973 - There are people from more than ..... countries living in the UAE.


974 - There are SIX (6) pillars of faith. Which below is NOT correct?

Believe in Syaitan

975 - There are three main questions will be asked in the grave. Which one is wrong?

What is your kitab?

976 - There are two parts of Hadith. One is Sanad and other is.....


977 - There are..... Ark e-Islam.


978 - There are..... Ayaats in the Holy Quran.


979 - There are..... classes in Hadith based on tradition.


980 - There are..... customs in Sikhism.



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