Islamic Studies: "The Prophet's of Allah" Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job

1 - The word "Adam" means _____.


2 - Which Prophet is called Judd-ul-Anbiya ?

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

3 - Which Prophet is known as Abu-al-Bashr?

Hazrat Adam (AS)

4 - The second Prophet of Allah was _____.

Hazrat Shees (AS)

5 - Who urged Hazrat Adam (AS) to taste the fruit of Prohibited Tree ?


6 - What do you know about Jacob ?

Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)

7 - _____ revived the dead by the order of Allah.

Hazrat Isa (AS)

8 - _____ is the first Prophet of Allah.

Hazrat Adam (AS)

9 - The title of _____ was famous for Hazrat Musa (AS).


10 - Safi ullah was famous for _____.

Hazrat Adam (AS)

11 - _____ is the last Prophet of Allah.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

12 - _____ was the third son of Hazrat Adam (AS).

The Prophet Shees (AS)

13 - _____ was (were) created to remove the loneliness of Hazrat Adam (AS).

Hazrat Hawwa (AS)

14 - Allah expelled both Adam & Hawwa from _____.

The Garden of Edan

15 - _____ fell upon Bani Samood.

Volcanic Eruption

16 - _____ disobeyed Allah and became defaint.


17 - Adam is the word of _____ language.


18 - _____ was deprived of all Divine favours by Allah.


19 - The age of Hazrat Adam at the birth of the Prophet Shees was _____.

130 years

20 - _____ was sent for the reformation and guidance.

Hazrat Idrees (AS)

21 - _____ was the first man who learnt to write.

Hazrat Idrees (AS)

22 - _____ introduced the science of Astronomy.

Hazrat Idrees (AS)

23 - Hazrat Idrees was the inventor of the science of _____.


24 - In Hazrat Noah's era, the Storm lasted for _____ months.


25 - _____ was called Sheikh-ul-Anbiya.

Hazrat Noah

26 - The Prophet Idrees (AS) remained in the _____ Heaven.


27 - _____ year after Hazrat Adam (AS), the event of Toofan-e-Noah occurred.


28 - Allah sent Hazrat Noah (AS) to _____.


29 - Hazrat Hood was sent to the _____.

None of these

30 - _____ was asked to build a very big boat by Allah.

Hazrat Noah (AS)

31 - The disbelievers during the storm of Hazrat Noah's Era were _____.


32 - _____ was the name of Hazrat Noah's boat.


33 - _____ was called Adam-e-Sani.

Hazrat Noah (AS)

34 - Hazrat Noah (AS) lived for _____ years.


35 - _____ fell upon Bani Aad.

A violent storm

36 - _____ was the famous king of Bani Aad.


37 - Bani Aad settled in _____.


38 - The Arabs visited the grave of Hazrat Hood (AS) in the month of _____.


39 - _____ was sent as a Prophet to Bani Samood.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

40 - _____ was the grandson of Sam.


41 - Bani Samood lived in _____.

Both (a) & (b)

42 - Hazrat Luut was the resident of _____.


43 - _____ was the uncle of Hazrat Luut (AS).

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

44 - _____ was the uncle of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).

Hazrat Hood (AS)

45 - _____ was the first one to migrate in the way of Allah.

Hazrat Luut (AS)

46 - During Hazrat Saleh's Era, the _____ was one of the signs of Allah.


47 - _____ slaughtered the She-camel during Hazrat Saleh's era.

Bani Samood

48 - _____ was titled as Zabeehullah.

Hazrat Ismaeel (AS)

49 - Ur was located in _____.


50 - _____ was titled as Idol Destroyer.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

51 - The people of Mesopotamia worshiped _____.

All of the above

52 - The native Place of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was _____.


53 - Mesopotamia is situated in _____.


54 - _____ said himself to be god.


55 - _____ broke idols for the first time with an axe.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

56 - _____ was put into fire.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

57 - _____ disappeared mysteriously.

Hazrat Ilyas (AS)

58 - Zam ZaM means _____.


59 - Hazrat Haajirah ran desperately in search of water between two hills called Safa and _____.


60 - _____ became the birth place of Islam.


61 - _____ was rewarded by Allah to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) for Hazrat Ismaeel's sacrifice.

Birth of a Baby

62 - Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) intended to sacrifice Hazrat Ismaeel in the name of Allah at _____.


63 - Hazrat Ibrahim went to _____ after leaving Hazrat Haajirah and Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) in Batha.


64 - A _____ was provided by Allah in place of Hazrat Ismaeel as sacrifice.


65 - Hebron is Located in _____.


66 - Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) lived for _____ years.


67 - Hazrat Ibrahim was buried in _____.


68 - _____ contains the imprints of the feet of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) in Makkah.


69 - _____ reconstructed House of Allah after Hazrat Adam (AS).

Both (a) & (b)

70 - Hazrat Ismaeel was to be the Prophet to _____.


71 - Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) divorced his first wife on the order of _____.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

72 - _____ tried to misguide Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) and Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) when they were going for sacrifice.


73 - Hazrat Ismaeel's (AS) mother ran _____ times from the hills of safa to Marwa in quest of water.


74 - _____ gave the news of birth of Hazrat Ishaaq (AS) to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).

Hazrat Jibrael (AS)

75 - _____ was the second son of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).

Hazrat Ishaaq (AS)

76 - Quraish is the offspring of _____.

Hazrat Ismaeel (AS)

77 - Hazrat Ishaaq (AS)lost his _____ in old age.


78 - In _____ Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) was born.


79 - _____ was the father of Hazrat Yaqoob (AS).

Hazrat Ishaaq (AS)

80 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) was chosen Prophet from Bani _____.


81 - What do you understand by Joseph ?

Hazrat Yousaf (AS)

82 - In _____ era, Palestine was in the grip of dreadful famine.

Hazrat Yousaf (AS)

83 - There were _____ brothers of Hazat Yousaf (AS).


84 - The title of Khatibul Anbiya was of _____.

Hazrat Shoaib (AS)

85 - _____ was thrown into a waterless well by his brothers.

Hazrat Yousaf (AS)

86 - _____ was made subservient to Hazrat Suleman (AS).


87 - Sha'ban is located near the valley of _____.


88 - In _____ Hazrat Yousaf (AS) was sold as a slave.


89 - By Allah's will Jalut was Killed by _____.

Hazrat Da'ood (AS)

90 - _____ is also known as Solomon.

Hazrat Suleman (AS)

91 - Hazrat Da'ood lived in _____.


92 - _____ was famous for the event of ring.

Hazrat Suleman (AS)

93 - Which bird informed Hazrat Suleman (AS) about the famous empire of Yemen?

Hud Hud

94 - The Queen Saba accepted the religion of _____.

Hazrat Suleman

95 - Bait-ul-Maqdas is also known as _____.

Masjid Aqsa

96 - _____ were subjugated to Hazrat Suleman (AS) to help in the construction of Baitul Maqdas ?


97 - At the time of migration by Allah's order, Hazrat Luut (AS) was not allowed to have his _______ with him.


98 - The Prophet _______ is still alive.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

99 - Prophet _______ was a great lover of horses.

Hazrat Suleman (AS)

100 - To which nation Hazrat Daniyal (AS) was sent as Prophet?

Bani Isreal

101 - Name the cousin of Hazrat Ilyas (AS) who was also a Prophet.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

102 - Tell the name of valley in which Hazrat Musa (AS) was bestowed with Prophethood ?


103 - _____ was the brother of Hazrat Musa (AS).

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

104 - _____ was titled as Kaleemullah.

Hazrat Musa (AS)

105 - _____ ordered that all male children, born in the families of the Israelis,be put to death.


106 - _____ was the teacher of Hazrat Musa (AS).

Hazrat Musa (AS)

107 - _____ was the ruler of Egypt at the time of Hazrat Musa (AS).


108 - Which Prophet's followers were blessed with Mann-o-Salva ?

Hazrat Musa (AS)

109 - Which of the following Miracle(S) was/were of Hazrat Musa (AS) ?

All of the above

110 - ____ was an eloquent speaker.

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

111 - Who was buried at Ohad ?

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

112 - _____ was the Prophet who had an impediment in his tongue to Speak freely.

Hazrat Musa (AS)

113 - Hazrat Haroon (AS) and Hazrat Musa (AS) were _____.

All of the above

114 - Where was Hazrat Musa (AS) bestowed with the Prophethood by Allah ?


115 - _____ was the nephew of Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) and was also a Prophet.

Hazrat Ayub (AS)

116 - For _____ years, Hazrat Ayub (AS) suffered from the skin disease.


117 - Nineveh is situated in _____.


118 - Hazrat Yahya (AS) was the son of _____.

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

119 - Prophet _____ was gulped by a fish.

Hazrat Yunus (AS)

120 - Name the Prophet who was an extreme example of patience ?

Hazrat Ayub (AS)

121 - _____'s birth was a miracle because he was born of a barren mother and an aged father.

Hazrat Yahya (AS)

122 - _____ was the contemporary of Hazrat Yahya (AS).

Hazrat Isa (AS)

123 - What do you understand by Jesus Christ ?

Hazrat Isa (AS)

124 - Hazrat Yahya (AS) Preached the teachings of Allah is _____.


125 - Where was Hazrat Yahya (AS) buried ?


126 - Name the Prophet whose body was cut into two Pieces by Jews

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

127 - Tell the name of the uncle of Hazrt Isa (AS). who was also a Prophet?

Hazrat Haroon (AS)

128 - Who was the patron of Hazrat Maryam (AS) ?

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

129 - _____ worked as carpenter.

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

130 - _____ hid himself behind the tree.

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

131 - Name the fatherless Prophet ?

Hazrat Isa (AS)

132 - Hazrat Ismaeel had _____ sons.


133 - _____ treated a patient of leprosy miraculously.

Hazrat Yunus (AS)

134 - In _____ Hazrat Maryam (AS) lived before the birth as Hazrat Isa (AS).


135 - _____ was the blessed land for Bani Israel.


136 - _____ was the ruler of Palestine at the birth of Hazrat Isa (AS).


137 - Hazrat Maryam (AS) grew up in the house of _____.

Hazrat Zakariya (AS)

138 - In _____ Hazrat Isa (AS) was born.


139 - Hazrat Isa (AS) was born in _____.

4 BC

140 - What do you understand by David ?

Hazrat Da'ood (AS)

141 - _____'s body was worm-eaten.

Hazrat Ayub (AS)

142 - Roohullah was the title of _____.

Hazrat Isa (AS)

143 - For _____ times, Hazrat Noah (AS) had prayed for the divine wrath on his disobedient nation.


144 - In _____ Masjid-ul-Hanif is located.


145 - Tell the name of the Prophet who is known as the Father.

Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)

146 - In _____, Hazrat Noah's (AS) Ark stopped.


147 - Tell the name of the mountain from where Hazrat Isa (AS) was taken to the Heavens ?


148 - The length of Hazrat Noah's Ark was _____.

400 yards

149 - _____ was the first Prophet who demarcated Masjid-e-Aqsa.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

150 - How much wide was Hazrat Noah's (AS) Ark ?

100 yards

151 - _____ is famous for his melodious voice.

Hazrat Da'ood (AS)

152 - Tell the name of the mosque where almost seventy prophets are buried ?


153 - Name the Prophet immediately before the Holy Prophet (SAW) ?

Hazrat Isa (AS)

154 - What is the function of prophet?

To Spread Allah's Message

155 - The meaning of Risalat is ______.


156 - Belief in ______ is the most important belief in Islam after Tauheed.


157 - ______ was the greatest role model of the teaching of the Quran.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

158 - ______ was the last prophet.

Hazrat Muhammad (AS)

159 - The word "Khatam-e-Nabuwat" means ______.

(a) & (b)

160 - Nobody can become prophet unless ______ bestowed upon him.


161 - ______ is the role of model for humanity.

The Holy Prophet (SAW)

162 - The meanings of Rasool is ______.


163 - The meaning of Rahmat-ul-lil-Aalmeen is ______.

Mercy for All worlds

164 - Belief in All prophets is called Belief of ______.


165 - In Surah ______ the word "khatimun-Nabiyyen" is mentioned.


166 - The prophet for all the world is ______

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

167 - There are approximately ________ prophet sent by Allah.



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