Liquid, Solid And Gases MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - A malleable solid is one which can be

Converted into thin sheets

2 - A solid may be made up of

a b and c

3 - All the enthalpy changes are

May or may not be a or b

4 - Amorphous substances posses

No sharp melting points

5 - At constant temperature the pressure of an ideal gas is doubled its density becomes


6 - Boiling points of hydrocarbons increase with the increase in number of carbon atoms. It is mainly due to

More strength of London forces

7 - Bucky balls is an allotropic from of


8 - Critical temperature for different gases is different and depends upon

All of the above

9 - Crystalline solids can be identified easily from their

Sharp melting point

10 - Crystallites are present in

amorphous solids

11 - During which process empty spaces between particles become minimum?


12 - For a gas where volume and pressures are 1dm3 and 2 atm respectively what should be its new volume when pressure is increased to 6 atm at constant temperature?


13 - Forces of attraction which may be present between all kinds of atoms and molecules are

van der Waal

14 - Formation of vapours from the surface of a liquid is called


15 - Hydrogen bonding is involved in


16 - Hydrogen effuses four times more rapidly than volume of an unknown gas molar mass of unknown gas should be

32 gmol-1

17 - Ice is ___________ crystal


18 - Ideal gasses have all the following characteristics except.

The molecules occupy no space

19 - If 1/V is plotted on X-axis and pressure on Y-axis at constant temperature what should appear

Straight line

20 - If a physical and chemical change takes place at a constant pressure then the heat change during the process is called

Enthalpy change

21 - If we provide very high amount of heat to a liquid its boiling point will

remains constant

22 - In how many forms do matter exists?


23 - In order to mention the boiling point of water at 110 Degree Centigrade the external pressure should be

Between 760 torr and 1200 torr

24 - Isomorphic substances have

Different physical and chemical properties

25 - Linds method is employed for

Liquefaction of gases

26 - Liquid crystal is discovered by

Fredrack Reinitzer

27 - Liquid gets the shape of the container when it is poured into it. Which one of the following reasons justifies it?

Liquid molecules can slide over each other

28 - Molar heat of vaporization of water is

7 KJ/mole

29 - One mole of an ideal gas at 546.5 K under 2 atm pressure has a volume of

414 dm3

30 - Rising of a wetting liquid in a capillary tube is due to

Adhesive forces

31 - Select a pair of compounds which are isomorphic in nature.

MgO and NaF

32 - Steam causes more sever burn than the boiling water because it possesses.

Latent heat of vaporization

33 - Table salt crystallizes with a

body centered cubic lattice

34 - The amount of heat absorbed when one mole of a liquid is changed into gas at its boiling point is

Molar heat of vapourization

35 - The boiling point increases down the zero group element due to

London forces

36 - The conversion of vapours back into their liquid state is called


37 - The density of water may be

Greater than that of ice

38 - The diffusion of gases at absolute zero will be


39 - The gases become non-ideal at

Low temperature and high pressure

40 - The highest temperature at which a substance can exist as a liquid is called its

Critical temperature

41 - The introduction of Kelvin scale in thermometry is according to

Charles law

42 - The kinetic molecular theory of gases was put forward in 1738 by


43 - The non-ideal behaviour results chiefly from

Intermolecular attractions and finite volume

44 - The number amino acid units for each turn of helix on average are


45 - The number of formula units in 29.25g of common salt

01 x 1023

46 - The partial pressure exerted by the water vapours is called

Aqueous tension

47 - The phenomenon in which a compound exists in two or more crystalline forms is called


48 - The pressure during the molar heat of fusion is kept

one atmosphere

49 - The processes of effusion and diffusion are best understand by

Grahams law

50 - The quantity of heat required to convert one mole of liquid into its vapours at its boiling point is called molar heat of


51 - The solid particles only posses

Vibrational motion

52 - The spreading of fragrance or scent in air is due to


53 - The ttractive forces between the partial positive end of one molecule and partial negative end of other molecule are called

Dipole-dipole forces

54 - The viscosity of solids is


55 - The weakest (in strength) of the following intermolecular forces is

Vander Waals force

56 - Under what conditions the gases deviate from the ideal behavior?

b and c

57 - Vapour pressure is not affected by

Surface area

58 - Vapour pressure of water at 100 Degree Centrigrade is

760 mm Hg

59 - Water has maximum density at

4Degree Centigrade

60 - What do we call to sudden expansion of plasma?

Joule Thompson effect

61 - What is the abundant form of matter on earth?


62 - What is the relative rate of effusion of CO and CO2?

CO is 1.25 times faster than CO2

63 - What is the simplest form of matter?


64 - What will be the pressure of 1 mole of an ideal gas maintained at 300 K and 250cm3 volume?

5 atm

65 - When substance moves from a solid to a liquid state all of the following changes occur except

K.E of the molecules decreases

66 - When the atoms of third layer are arranged in such a way that they directly lie above the atoms of first layer then this arrangement is called

ABAB (hexagonal)

67 - When water freezes at 0Degree Centigrade its density decreases due to

Empty space present in the structure of ice

68 - Which has strongest bonding in the solid state?

Sodium Chloride (NaCI)

69 - Which of the following has strongest intermolecular forces of attraction?

lodine (I2)

70 - Which of the following is not considered as an intermolecular force between molecules?

Coordinate covalent bonds

71 - Which of the following option is incorrect about gases?

All molecules move with same speed

72 - Which of the following statements is true about plasma

All of the above

73 - Which of these gases diffuse more quickly than oxygen?


74 - Which one has the lowest density at room temperature?


75 - Which one is a conductor but is not malleable?


76 - Which one is false for evaporation?


77 - Which one is not the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs?

1 atm

78 - Which one is the right value for R?

0821 atm dm3k-1mol-

79 - Which one of the following does not show hydrogen bonding ?

Diethyl ether

80 - Which one of the following has highest volatility

Diethyl ether

81 - Which solids are called true solids?


82 - Which state of matter has the lowest density?


83 - Who made volume and pressure correction to explain deviation of gases from ideal behaviour?

Vander waal

84 - 5 mole of nitrogen gas and 0.5 mole of carbon monoxide gas at STP have same

Both b and C


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