Macromolecules and Carboxylic MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - A polymer in which three different monomers combine called.


2 - The important monomers of acryclic resins is


3 - Polyester resins are the product of the reaction of

Dihydric alcohol and dicarboxylic aromatic acids

4 - Industrial materials and thermal power stations are coated with

Epoxy paints

5 - Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy compounds of

Aldehydes and ketones

6 - Common example of carbohydrates are

Cellulose glycogen galactose

7 - Nylon is obtained by heating

Adipic acid with hexamethylene diamine

8 - Hydrolysis of an oligosaccharide in the presence of acid yields

2-9 monosaccharide unit

9 - Amylose is

Soluble in water

10 - The process of polymerization was classified by

W. H. Carothers

11 - All proteins yield ______ upon complete hydrolysis.

Amino acids

12 - Protein attached to some non protein group is called

Conjugated protein

13 - Regular coiling or zigzagging of polypeptide through hydrogen bonding is its.

Secondary structure

14 - Orgosterol is


15 - Lipids are soluble in

Organic solvents

16 - Animal fats are located particularly in

Adipose tissues

17 - Animal and vegetable fats are

Triesters formed from glycerol and fatty acids

18 - Lipopolysaccharides are examples of

Compound lipids

19 - Triglycerides are easily hydrolyzed by enzymes called


20 - Saponification is the hydrolysis of fat or oil with an


21 - Enzynies that catalyze the transfer of groups within molecule are called


22 - Enzymes from the same organism which catalyze same reaction but are chemically and physically distinct from each other are called


23 - Rate of enzymatic reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of


24 - Enzyme proved useful in cancer treatment is


25 - Purines and pyrimidines are

Nitrogenous bases

26 - Nucleic acids were first demonstrated in

Pus cells

27 - Nucleic acids direct the synthesis of


28 - The mechanism by which the genetic information can be duplicated is called


29 - The nitrogenous base different in RNA as compared to DNA is


30 - The fertility of the soil is improved by


31 - The common name of propane 1 3-dioic is

Malonic acid

32 - The common thing in phthalic acid and oxalic acid is that both are


33 - The irritation caused by red ants bite is due to

Formic acid

34 - The acid which is used as ink remover is

Oxalic acid

35 - Which of the following is the strongest acid?

Formic acid

36 - Which acid is the manufacture of synthetic rubber?

Acetic acid

37 - Acidic amino acids have

2 carboxylic groups and 1 amino group

38 - In the formation of Zwitter ions proton goes from

Carboxyl to amino group

39 - The term internal salt refers to

Dipolar character of amino acids

40 - The organic acid that does not has COOH group is

carbolic acid

41 - Which one of the following acids is present in lemon juice?

Citric acid

42 - The test which is used for the identification of amino-acids is

Ninhydrin test

43 - Which one of following amino acid is neither acidic nor a basic in nature?


44 - Carboxylic acid reacts with ammonia to form ammonium salts which on heating produces


45 - Glycine is the name of an amino acid because

Sweet taste

46 - The complete reduction carboxylic acid results in the formation of


47 - The organic acid that can be made from ethanol is

Acetic acid

48 - Picric acid is

none of these

49 - The formula of palmitic acid


50 - Essential amino acids are


51 - The aliphatic monocarboxylic acids are obtained by the hydrolysis of

fats and oils

52 - Which of the following is not a fatty acid?

Phthalic acid

53 - An acid with unpleasant smell

butyric acid

54 - The basic hydrolysis of ethyl acetate produces

ethanol and sodium acetate

55 - Carboxylic acid on reduction with HI / phosphorous yields


56 - Which of the following is not an ester

sodium butyrate

57 - The reaction of carboxylic acids with alcohols in presence of cone. H2SO4 is called


58 - Which of the following has orange flavour

octyl acetate

59 - Which of the following is not an amino acids

lactic acid

60 - Amino acids present in cheese


61 - Which of the following is an unsaturated carboxylic acid

maleic acid

62 - Polymers described as large molecules built up from small repeating units called



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