MCAT and ECAT Chemistry Part MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - In the van der Waals equation (P + n2a / v2) (v - nb) = nRT which of the following statement is not true?

at high densities the equation reduces to the ideal gas law

2 - Methyl alcohol is not used as

a substitute for petrol

3 - The inhaled breath of diabetics patient contain acetone. A medical student wishes to test for diabetes by asking patient to bubble their breath through a reagent.

alkaline aquenous iodine

4 - Oxygen (molecular weight = 32) diffuses at a rate of 10cm3/min under the same conditions of temperature and pressure how fast will hydrogen (molecular weight = 2) diffuse?


5 - When aquious bromine is added to aqueous phenol a creamy white ppt is obtained. What does this reaction show?

a hydroxy group makes the benzene ring more susceptible to electrophilic attack

6 - As a substance moves from a solid to a liquid all of the following changes occur except:

K.E of the molecules decreases

7 - The rectified spirit is

95% alcohol

8 - Benzene is a good solvent for

all the above

9 - Which of the following solids show anisotropy

None of the above

10 - Which of the following element doesnot show allotropy


11 - Butyl chloride gives possible isomers.


12 - Purines and pyrimidines are

Nitrogenous bases

13 - Metallic crystals are soluble in

Fused metal

14 - All the transition elements show

Both a and b

15 - Paramagnetic behaviour of substance is measured by a balance called

Guoys balance

16 - In solids the temperature is the measure of

Vibrational kinetic energy

17 - Which of the following properties prove that cathode rays are material in nature

they possess momentum

18 - Fruit juices and fizzy drinks such as lemonade are often sold in aluminium cans. What is the most important reason aluminium is a suitable metal?

aluminium is resistant to corrosion by organic acids.

19 - When an electron is moving with velocity of 2.188 x 106 ms-1 in the first orbit of Bohrs model of hydrogen. The de Broglie wavelength of electron is

33 nm

20 - On heating aldehydes with Fehlings solution we get a precipitate whose colour is

brick red

21 - When methl iodide and ethyl iodide are treated with sodium metal possible major products are obtained.


22 - Which statement is consistent with Hunds rule.

Electrons fill orbitals with parallel spins until all the orbitals of the same energy are half filled then they go into sub-shells with anti-parallel (opposite) spin.

23 - What is maximum number of electrons in an orbital with m (magnetic quantum number) = 3


24 - Atomic number of Mn is 25 what is the electronic configuration in the ground state

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s23d5

25 - Which of the following statement is correct

size of Na+ ion < Na atom

26 - Which of the following is mineral fibre.


27 - Which catalyst is used in contact process?


28 - The hardest of the following solids is


29 - Which of the following elements has greater 1st ionization energy


30 - Which of the solid does not contain covalent bond


31 - Which of the following molecule is polar

none of the above

32 - Which of the following theories is superior to others


33 - Which of the following is not characteristics of reversible reaction

a catalyst changes the direction of reaction

34 - Which of the following points are important in connection with equilibrium constant.

All of the above

35 - A solution has pH = 0 its H+ ion concentration is


36 - Solubility of CaF2 is 2.0x10-4 gdm-3 then Ksp of CaF2 is

2 x 10-11

37 - 1 mole of electron has mass in microgram

5 x 10-4

38 - The unit of molality is

moles kg-1

39 - The use of antifreeze in the automobile radiator is an important application of

colligative property

40 - A solution can be both

dilute and concentrated

41 - In which of the following type of reactions energy of reactant is greater than energy of product


42 - Which of the following elements react with steam to produce H2 gas.

All of the above

43 - The unit of the rate constant (k) is same as that of rate of reaction

Zero order reaction

44 - Which of the elements do not fall in stair case of the modern periodic table

None of the above

45 - Acid present in acid rain may be

both a and b

46 - Across short period the melting and boiling point increase upto

IVA group

47 - Which of the following elements conduct electricity and also melts below 100Degree Centigrade


48 - Which of the following is the formula of chrome red.

Pb3 O4

49 - The compound which is added to leaded gasoline to save engine from lead oxide and lead sulphate deposits is

Ethylene bromide

50 - Regular coiling or zigzagging of polypeptide through hydrogen bonding is its

Secondary structure

51 - The soul of chemistry is dealing with___________?

Composition and properties of matter


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