Measurement and Evaluation in Sports MCQs For Job Test Preparation: Physical Education

1 - The type of Essay item in which contests are limited is?

Restricted Response Questions

2 - The ability to select, organize,integrate and evaluate ideas is demonstrated by?

Extended Response Questions

3 - The analysis of items is necessary in?

Standardized Test

4 - The type of test by method is?

Objective Refrence Test

5 - Test that measure learning out come of students is?

Aptitude Test

6 - Students performance is compared with clearly defined learning Tasks in?

Criterion Refrenced Test

7 - The test designed to predict future performance is?

Aptitude Test

8 - The founder of modern intelligence test was?

Alferd Binet

9 - The formula to determine I.Q was presented by?


10 - I.Q of a student having same physical and mental age will be?


11 - In multipule choice items the stem of the items should be?


12 - projective techniques are Basically used to measure?


13 - In USA the most widely used format on standardized test is?


14 - Summative Evaluation is basically used?

At the End of the Program

15 - Generally the summative evaluation is ?

Certifying Judgement

16 - Which Tools of Summative evaluation are Frequently used?


17 - The Difference Between Minimum and Maximum Values is Known?


18 - In class interval the number of score laying is?


19 - In MCQS the Statement of the problem is ?


20 - In MCQ'S the incorrect option is?


21 - Discussion is concentrated on one problem is?

Focused Interview

22 - The collection of productive work called to evaluate the performance of a student is?

Port Folio

23 - What is the Average of 20,21,22,23?


24 - Item with difficulty index 5% is?


25 - Quality of a test to give same score at two times is called?


26 - Alferd Binet's major contribution was testing in the field of?


27 - The series which divides the Distribution in two equal halves is called?


28 - The Score in a distribution which has maximum frequency?


29 - Accuracy of measurement is called?


30 - Which type of test ends to have to the lowest reliability?


31 - In MCQ's the list of Suggested Answer is?

All of These

32 - Which is the Supply type Test Item?

Completion Items

33 - Which are the Alternative response items?

All of These

34 - Which Appropriate verb will use to make an objective behavioral?

To construct

35 - Objectives representating the purpose of Instruction of a Teacher are called


36 - Running description of active behavior of a student as observed by the Teacher is?

Ancedotal Record

37 - Frequently used tools of summative Evaluation?


38 - Which question have increasing objectivity of marking?

Multiple type Question

39 - Which Questions are Difficult to mark with reliability ?

Essays type

40 - Test meant for prediction on a certain criterion are called?

Aptitude Test

41 - Vast of all in scope?


42 - The Least in Scope is ?


43 - Permanent Difficulities in learning are investigated in?

Diagnostic Evaluation

44 - Broader in meaning is?


45 - procedures used to determine person's abilities?

Maximum performance test

46 - In norm Refrenced Test the comparison is between?


47 - In which question marking will be more reliable?


48 - Facility values less than 0.20 means?

Item is Difficult

49 - Discrimination value of more than 0.4 means?

Item is acceptable

50 - Test involving the construction of certain patterns in concrete materials are called?

Performance Test

51 - …..involves professional judgement of the value of measured performance?


52 - The term Evaluation usually covers?

All of These

53 - Multiple type Question provide a broad sampling of?


54 - Norm-Refrence Test are designed to rank pupil?


55 - Reliability is concerned with the…….of students?


56 - Project is concerned with?

Practical work

57 - …… calculated by adding all the scores in distribution and then diving that sum by the numbers of the scores?


58 - The primary determination of a grade is the …….of students?


59 - We use simulation as a teaching technique in?

Performance Test

60 - Diagnostic evaluation is done?

After Teaching

61 - The I.Q of Student having twelve years mental age and ten years physical age will be?


62 - The quality of the test is ""what is claim to measure"" is?


63 - The characteristic of a test to discrirminate between high achievers and low achievers is?


64 - If the scoring of the test is not affected by any factor ,quality of test is called?


65 - The quality of test to give same score when administered at different occassions ?


66 - If the sample of the question in the test is sufficiently large enough, the quality of test is?


67 - The quality of test showing ease of time,cost,administration and interpretation is called?


68 - Item analysis focuses to find out?

All of These

69 - Facility index (Difficulity level) of an item determines?

Ease or difficulity

70 - High and low achievers are sorted out by?

Discrimination power

71 - What the individual can perform in future is measured by?

Aptitude Test

72 - The Best Measure to avoid the guessing in a structured Test is to use?

Completion Items

73 - The First and most Important step in making a test is?

Defining objectives

74 - The Basic function of educational measurement is to find out student's?


75 - The Final product of measurement is?


76 - If a criterion refrence test is reliable, then scores from the test are?


77 - Construct validity is established through?

Logical analysis

78 - Use of many selected resposes in a test can provide good?


79 - The most significant advantage of true/false items is?

Wide sampling

80 - improvement of scores on a post test after hving the pre-.test the threat affecting the result is referred?


81 - kuder Richardson method is used to estimate?


82 - Value that divided the Data into two equal parts?


83 - The Test measures what is intend to measure?


84 - The length of Test is an important factor in obtaining a representative?


85 - Median of 1,6,4,5,2,3 is ?


86 - The apperance of normal curve resemble with?


87 - The Alternative name of"" Table specification"" is

Test Blue print

88 - The Test made to compare the Performance of Student with the other student is called?

Norm Reference

89 - Table Specification Helps in?

Test Development

90 - The items in the column for which a match is sought is?


91 - Instruments used measuring sample of behaviour is?


92 - Limited Quantitative description of players performance is?


93 - The purpose of Evaluation is to make ?


94 - The use of test to collect information about specific fitess level of an individual?


95 - In measurement, the first step is?

Decision of what to Measure

96 - The main purpose of Evaluation is to make juodgement about any skill or performance?


97 - Which has the Least scope?


98 - Evaluation that monitors learning progress?

Formative Evaluation

99 - A sum of Question is?


100 - To Assess achievement at the end of Instruction?

Summative Evaluation


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