Modern History of Education MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "A Child can think logically about objects and events" This is the characteristic given by Piaget of stage–

Concrete Operational

2 - "Child growth as proceeding through an organized sequence of stages divided roughly by age" in view...............


3 - "In youth we learn in age we understand". What does this statement indicate?

Relationship of learning with age.

4 - "The individual develops through the head, the heart and the hand" this was the educational philosophy of


5 - considered a sign of motivated teaching.

Remedial work given by the teacher

6 - _________ is the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.


7 - ___________ Is the ratio of mental age to the chronological age multiplied by 100.

Intelligence quotient

8 - 10+2+3 year structure of education was proposed by ____________ ?

Education Commission, 1964

9 - A 9-12 month milestone in social competence is:

Engaging in joint attention

10 - A child from a disorganized home will experience the greatest difficulty with

Independent study

11 - A child writes with his / her left hand and is comfortable doing things with it, she / he should be -

Allow his preference

12 - A Deepawali fair is being organized in your school. What would you like to do ?

to take part in function

13 - A development perspective involves concern with changes occurring over time in–

All of these

14 - A developmental hault due to frustration and anxiety is referred to as:


15 - A draft of challanges in Education was published in


16 - A few students in your class are exceptionally bright, you will teach them–

By using Enriched programmes

17 - A good teacher is one who

inspires students to learn

18 - A group of students are found to be harassing another student. What should be your reaction?

Punish the students

19 - A hypothesis of 'No Difference' is called:

Null hypothesis

20 - A major strength of 'Ecological Theory" is its framework for explaining

Biological influences on development

21 - A person can enjoy teaching as a profession when he

commands respect from students.

22 - A problem child has

Pampering guardians

23 - A procedure that establishes a sequence of responses which lead to a reward following the final response and then working backwards is called


24 - A research technique in which researchers obtain information about an infant's spontaneous behavior is:

Naturalistic observation

25 - A school is a miniature ........................ .


26 - A smart classroom is a teaching space which has

All of these

27 - A stimulus that elicits a response before the ex-perimental manipulation is a(an):

Unconditioned stimulus

28 - A student comes late in your class. Then you will—

try to know the reason

29 - A student of grade 5 with visual deficiency should be-

treated normally in the classroom and provided support through audio CDs

30 - A successful teacher is one who is

Compassionate and disciplinarian

31 - A teacher can be successful if he/she

presents the subject matter in a well organized manner

32 - A teacher can motivate the students by—

giving suitable prizes

33 - A teacher can use Gestalf theory in which of the following situations?

All of the above

34 - A teacher has serious defect is he/she—

has immature mental development

35 - A teacher is said to be fluent in asking questions, if he can ask

meaningful questions

36 - A teacher should be—


37 - A/An __________ assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure


38 - “A diagram speaks more than 1000 words.” The statement means that the teacher should

use teaching aids in the class.

39 - “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man” was stated by

Swami Vivekanand

40 - “Spare the rod and spoil the child”, gives the message that

undesirable behaviour must be punished.

41 - Absenteeism can be tackled by :

contacting the parents

42 - According to 2011 Census Report, the difference between literacy rates of men and women in India is about


43 - According to john Bowlby, children become depressed as a result of

insecure attachments

44 - According to John Dewey, the teacher should guide students the way of the knowledge as a __________ in learning process.


45 - According to Psychology, all education is

Self -education

46 - According to Psychology, all education is ...................... .


47 - Achievement tests are commonly used for the purpose of

Assessing the amount of learning after teaching

48 - Adolescents may experience

feeling of self-actualization

49 - After fertilization the brain begins to develop at:

18 days

50 - All are the characterstics of learning except:

learning is a process relating to educating environment

51 - An effective teaching aid is one which

activates all faculties

52 - An ideal teacher should concentrate

On all of these

53 - An infant's tendency to attend to the more complex of two stimuli is the basis of the method called:

Preference paradigm

54 - An intelligent student is not doing well in studies. What is the best course of the action for the teacher?

Find out reason for his under achievement

55 - As a teacher what techniques you would follow to motivate students of your class–

All of these

56 - As per NCTE norms, what should be the pattern of teaching staff for a unit of 100 students at B.Ed. level?

1 + 7

57 - As per study conducted by Galton, what ratio in heredity in an organism is due to father and mother?


58 - As per the NCTE norms the man power required for starting up M.Ed. with a strength of 25 students is

1 + 4

59 - As per the NCTE norms, what should be the staff strength for a unit of 100 students at B.Ed. level?

1 + 10

60 - At its peak of development ____ brain cells are being produced every minute.


61 - At lower classes play-way method of teaching is based on-

psychological principles of development and growth

62 - At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because—

it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere

63 - At the primary school stage, most of the teachers should be women because they

can deal with children with love and affection.

64 - At which time period is the body most sensitive to disruption of growth?


65 - Attitude of the teacher that affects teaching pertains to

Affective domain

66 - Both 'X' and 'Y' chromosomes are found in:


67 - 'Buniyadi Shiksha' plan is based on ___________ plan.

Mahatma Gandhi's

68 - By which of the following methods the true evaluation of the students is possible?

Continuous evaluation.

69 - Chancellor of Visva-Bharati University?

President of India

70 - Child growth as proceeding through an organized sequence of stages divided roughly by age in view of ________


71 - CIET stands for

Central Institute for Education Technology

72 - Classroom communication is normally considered as


73 - Classroom communication must be

Student centric

74 - Cognition can be stated as ................... .


75 - Cognitive Development means–

Development of intelligence

76 - Cortisol is:

A hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to stress

77 - Creative writing should be an activity planned for–

Only those children reading on grade level

78 - Creativity increases with .................... .


79 - Curriculum is

Over all activities of an institution

80 - Deemed Universities declared by UGC under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956, are not permitted to

open off-campus  and off-shore campus  anywhere  in  the country and overseas respectively without the permission of the UGC

81 - Defence mechanisms are created by the :


82 - Determinants of Individual differences in human beings relate to–

Interaction between Heredity and Environment

83 - Diagnostic evaluation ascertains

Causes and remedies of persistent learning problems during instructions.

84 - Discipline means:

going by the rules

85 - District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) was started in


86 - During the premoral stage described by KOHLBERG'S MORAL development theory, children:

Think that bad behaviour is punished and good behaviour is not punished

87 - Dynamic approach to teaching means

The students should be required to learn through activities

88 - Dyslexia is associated with

reading disorder

89 - Dyslexia is associated with

reading disorder

90 - Early experiences determine late personality characteristics of social development. This was maintained by


91 - Education as a subject of legislation figures in the

Concurrent List

92 - Education develops child's .......................... .

Innate powers

93 - Education falls under the

Concurrent List

94 - Education is called a triangular process. Which are the three sides of the triangle?

Social Environment, Teacher and Students

95 - Education of children with special needs should be provided

along with other normal childrenÂ

96 - Effective teaching is a function of

Teacher's making students learn and understand

97 - Endocrine glands are called:

Ductless glands

98 - Environmental education should be taught in schools because—

it is important part of life

99 - Erikson proposed that trust and mistrust develops during the:

Oral sensory stage

100 - 'Evaluation' is the stage of:

Creative thinking

101 - Experimental designs are characterized by:

Controlled conditions

102 - Facial expressions are coded from videotape by:

Scoring muscle movements of eye, brow and mouth

103 - First Open University in India was established in the year


104 - For a teacher, which of the following methods would be correct for writing on the blackboard ?

Writing the important points as clearly as possible.

105 - For an efficient and durable learning, learner should have

desired level of ability and motivation

106 - For equality of educational opportunities among women, the Constitution has provision under

All of the above

107 - For maintaining an effective discipline in the class, the teacher should

Deal with them politely and firmly.

108 - Four distinct stages of chil dren's intellectual development were identified by-


109 - Frobel's most important contribution to eduaction was his development of the-


110 - Gardner formulated a list of Seven Intelligencies, which among the following is not one of them?

Emotional Intelligence

111 - Gardner formulated a list of Seven Intelligencies, which among the following is not one of them?

Emotional Intelligence

112 - Gifted students are

independent in their judgments

113 - Good reading aims at developing:


114 - Guidance is a process by which an individual is helped to:

all of the above

115 - Habituation:

Is based on the fact that attention declines as an event is presented repeatedly

116 - Heredity and atmosphere are correlate

All of these

117 - How a "Teacher" should behave with the students?

Friend Like

118 - How does the development of the body during the prenatal period proceed?

Parts near the head develop first

119 - How many stages of cognitive development recommended by Piaget?

Four Stages

120 - How many words does a child learn to speak at the age of 2, according to Prof. Smith?

272 words

121 - I.A.S.Es in teacher education were started in


122 - I.Q. = M.A. / C.A. * 100


123 - I.Q. range of morons are in the range of:


124 - If a child has mental age of 5 years and chronological age of 4 years than what will be the IQ of child?


125 - If a child writes 16 as 61 and gets confused between Band D, this is case of–

Learning Disability

126 - If a mother shows much love,then a child's personality will develop

One wayÂ

127 - If a parent approaches the teacher to do some favour to his/her ward in the examination, the teacher should

refuse politely and firmly

128 - If a student does not pay any respect to you, then you will—

ignore him

129 - If any girl child does not corne to school regularly you will

meet the parents and en-courage them

130 - If level of imaginary fear (worry) is more than normal it is termed as:


131 - If you are unable to get a job of teacher, then you will—

continue applying for teaching

132 - If you get an opportunity to teach a visually challenged student along with normal students, what type of treatment would you like to give him in the class ?

Arrange a seat in the front row and try to teach at a pace convenient to him.

133 - If you wish to maintain a sweet relation with others, the important tool for you is

to trust them honestly.

134 - In a lively classroom situation, there is likely to be

frequent teacher-student dialogue

135 - In a study on scaling of attitude items, eleven statements were included. What would be the number of pairs of attitude statements?


136 - In CCE, Formative and Summative Assessment totals to–

40% and 60% respectively

137 - In co-education you want't to :

you deal according to need

138 - In retrograde amnesia, which of the following kind of problem is seen :

Problem with recalling previously learned material

139 - In terms of efficiency in scanning information, which one of the following strategies is considered be the best?

Conservative focusing

140 - In the classroom, the teacher sends the message either as words or images. The students are really


141 - In the context of education, socialization means

adapting and adjusting to social enviornment

142 - In the process of learning, motivation-

creates interest for learning among new learners

143 - In which country the first Open University was established in the world?


144 - In which education system, student was termed as 'Shraman'?


145 - In which models of Integrated Education Programme is being implemented in large scale by governmental and non-governmental agencies in India?

Both (A) and (B)

146 - In which of the following categories the enrolment of students in higher education in 2010-11 was beyond the percentage of seats reserved?

OBC students

147 - In which year IGNOU was established?


148 - Inclusive Education

celebrates diversity in the classroom

149 - Inclusive Education refers to

Equal educational opportunities to disabled and normal students

150 - India has the highest number of students in colleges after


151 - Indian Institute of Advanced Study is located at


152 - India's first Defence University is in the State of


153 - Indicate the number of Regional Offices of National Council of Teacher Education.


154 - Indicate the number of Regional Offices of University Grants Commission of India.


155 - Indigenous schools were appreciated by


156 - Infants express emotions by:

All of the above

157 - Infants of mothers who are responsive:

All of the above

158 - Instructional aides are used by the teacher to

Clarify the concepts

159 - Intelligence testing is useful for knowing __________

All of these

160 - Interaction inside the classroom should generate


161 - IQ scores are generally ________ correlated with academic performance.


162 - It is advantage of giving home work that students—

may develop habit of self study

163 - It is important that basic sensory capacities are developing properly because:

All of the above

164 - It is said that teacher should be resourceful, This means that–

He should have adequate knowledge so that he may be able to solve the problems of studentsÂ

165 - Kothari Commission was formed under Education Minister

M.C. Chagala

166 - Language of word is not necessary for

Imaginative Thinking

167 - Learning depends on cognitive development


168 - Learning is the modification of behaviour which is relatively ......................... .


169 - Long Term Memory may last for:

Days, Months, Years

170 - Marxist educational philosophy is closer to ................. .


171 - Maximum participation of students during teaching is possible through

Inductive method

172 - Medieval period was dominated by ......................... education.


173 - Mental deficiency indicates I.Q. ranges ....................... .

0 to 70

174 - Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) includes:

All of the above

175 - Mirror drawing apparatus is related to

Trial and error

176 - MOOC stands for

Massive Open Online Course

177 - Moral values can be effectively inculcated among the students when the teacher

himself practices them

178 - Most important work of teacher is—

to organize teaching work

179 - Most of the Universities in India

conduct teaching/research and examinations

180 - Most of the Universities in India are funded by

the University Grants Commission

181 - Myelinisation is the process where:

The nerve cell becomes insulated

182 - National Knowledge Commission is headed by

Sam Pitroda

183 - Nature of children are like


184 - Navodaya Schools have been established to

provide good education in rural areas

185 - Navodaya Schools have been established to—

provide good education in rural areas

186 - NCTE was established by an act of Parliament in


187 - Now a days the most effective mode of learning is

Both e-learning and Blended learning

188 - NUEPA is concerned with

Educational planning

189 - On the first day of his class, if a teacher is asked by the students to introduce himself, he should

tell them about himself in brief

190 - On which animal Pavlov conducted his experiment


191 - On whose leadership is founded the University at Pondicherry?

Sri Aurobindo

192 - One of the basic priniclples of socializing Individuals is :


193 - One of the ways to deal with the development of sexuality in children during puberty is defense mechanism, like


194 - One of, the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to express himself?

By organizing educational games/ programmes in which - children feel like speaking

195 - Operant conditioning is associated with:


196 - Operation Black-Board Programme was introduced to improve

Primary Education

197 - 'Origin of species by means of natural selection' is written by-

Charles Darwin

198 - Parents should play a .............. role in the learning process of young children.


199 - Performance of a student can be evaluated in the best possible manner through

An on-going overall assessment throughout the year

200 - Performance tests are termed as ..................... .

Non-verbal tests

201 - Pituitary gland is known as:

Master gland

202 - Primary eduaction helps

All of the above

203 - Primary education helps __________

Democratization of child

204 - Psycho-analysis was propounded by ..................... .

S. Freud

205 - Questioning in the class-room

Clarifies the subject-matter

206 - Ramesh and Ankit have the same IQ of 120. Ramesh is two years younger than Ankit. If Ankit is 12 years old, then the mental age of Ramesh is-

12 years

207 - Refresher courses for teacher education in secondary level are conducted by

State Institutes of Education

208 - Research findings that explain behavior under many conditions are:


209 - Research has shown that the most frequent symptom of nervous instability among teachers is

Explosive behaviour

210 - Research has shown that the most frequent symptom of nervous instability among teachers is

Explosive behaviour

211 - Right to privacy as a Fundamental Right is implied in

Right to Life and Personal Liberty

212 - RTE Act was implemented in India with effect from

1st May 2010

213 - RTE stands to

Right to Education

214 - Secondary Education Commission was established in


215 - Security of attachment to mother is typically measured by:

Separation-reunion procedure

216 - Select "the educable" group of students from the following groups, indicating different I.Q. levels

50 to 70

217 - Selection Test for admission to teacher training program was suggested by


218 - Sign of creative child is his/her


219 - Single Factor Theory of Intelligence was given by

Alfred Binet

220 - Single factor theory of intelligence was given by _________

Alfred Binet

221 - Smallest unit of meaning in a language is


222 - Socialization is a course of by which youngsters and adults study from


223 - Socialization is a process by which children and adults learn from '?

All of these

224 - Socialization is an .......................... process.


225 - Some students in a class exhibit great curiosity for learning. It may be because such children

Are gifted

226 - Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher's day. What will you do ? You will—

say thanks to them

227 - Spearman's 'G ' factor of Intelligence is:

all of the above

228 - Special Education Courses are controlled by

Special Education Courses are controlled by

229 - Special education is related to–

Educational programmes for disabled

230 - Strains and disparities appears in the child's personality on account of

Parents psychological behavior towards the child

231 - Stress reactivity refers to:

The initial behavioral and physiological response to a stressful event

232 - Suppose a student wants to share his problems with his teacher and he visits the teacher's house for the purpose, the teacher should

extend reasonable help and boost his morale.

233 - Suppose fourteen years old girl has taken to wearing the same style sweaters that her teacher wears, then this form of behaviour is known as


234 - Teacher education is considered as a technical education in


235 - Teacher's role at higher education

promote self learning in students.

236 - Teaching-Learning process fundamentally completed in

Class room

237 - Techniques used by a teacher to teach include

All of these

238 - Temperament is considered:

A relatively unchanging style of interacting with the environment

239 - Temperament is measured using:

All of the above

240 - Teratogens are those agents which:

Adversely affect development

241 - Term PSRN in development implies–

Perceptual skill, reasoning and numeracy

242 - The academic performance of students can be improved if parents are encouraged to

supervise the work of their wards

243 - The accreditation process by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) differs from that of National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in terms of

Once get accredited by NBA or NAAC, the institution is free from renewal of grading, which is not a progressive decision.

244 - 'The aim of all life is death' this quote from SIEMUND FREUD'S work refers to:

The struggle between eros and thanatos

245 - The aim of education in Vedic system of education is

All of the above

246 - The aim of value education to inculcate in students is

the moral values

247 - The Bayley Scales of Infant Development:

All of the above

248 - The belief that aggression is learned is held by:

Social learning theorists

249 - The best definition of Educational Psychology is a study of teaching and learning” has been given by

Charles E. Skinner

250 - The best method of teaching is to

initiate a discussion and participate in it

251 - The best method to study growth and development of the child is–

Developmental Method

252 - The best place of social development for a 12 years old child is ________


253 - The best way to rid a boy of his misbehaviour is

to educate him constantly.

254 - The black-board can be utilized best by a teacher for

Writing the important and notable points

255 - The cardinal principles of learner centered education are ________


256 - The coginitive structures into which children organize their behaviour and knowledge are called


257 - The concept of 'SUPW' was elucidated by _______?

Ishwar Bhai Patel Review Committee

258 - The current movement of behaviour modificatio, wherein tokens are awarded for correct responses, is

Thorndike's Law of Effect

259 - The development that proceeds in the direction of the longitudinal axis i.e; head to foot is termed as.........

Cephalo-caudal development

260 - The difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning is:

Classical conditioning is based on repeated pairings of two events while operant conditioning is based on the consequences of an event

261 - The earliest studies on record of verbal learning and memory were conducted by:


262 - The e-content generation for undergraduate courses has been assigned by the Ministry of Human Resource Development to

Consortium for Educational Communication

263 - The essence of an effective classroom environment is

lively student-teacher interaction

264 - The essential object for the full development of young ones is

Games and Sports

265 - The first Committee to be constituted after independence by the Government of India on Women's Education was

Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Committee

266 - The first National Policy on Education in free India was launched in the year


267 - The first Open University in India was set up in the State of

Andhra Pradesh

268 - The first sense to develop is:


269 - The Government established the University Grants Commission by an Act of Parliament in the year:


270 - The greatest technique to review progress and improvement of the kid is–

Developmental Method

271 - The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in institutions of higher education in India at present (2015) is about

19Â percent

272 - The id draws its psychic energy from:

Bodily instincts

273 - The main feature of Muslim education was

Propagation of Muslim religion

274 - The main purpose of Navodaya Vidyalayas is to give education to

Rural talented students

275 - The major purpose of diagnostic test is that of identifying–

The causes underlying academic difficultiesÂ

276 - The maximum number of fake institutions / universities as identified by the UGC in the year 2014 are in the State / Union territory of India?

Uttar Pradesh

277 - The meaning of Universalisation of Primary Education is to provide

Free and compulsory education to the children of 6 – 14 years age

278 - The mid-day meal programme for Pr. Schools was initiated with a view to

Increase enrolment

279 - The mirror-rouge task measures:

An infant's understanding of self

280 - The morality of self accepted principles was proposed by:


281 - The most appropriate meaning of learning is

Modification of behaviour

282 - The most difficult age for the development of a child is -

Teen age

283 - The most important quality of a good teacher is

Sound knowledge of subject matter

284 - The most important quality of an effective teacher is

A good motivator

285 - The most important trait of a student is—


286 - The motive of the concept of curricular flexibility is to benefit

Disabled students

287 - The National flagship programme of education (SSA) aims at

Universalization of Elementary Education

288 - The part of the brain that develops first is the:


289 - The period of sensory motor adaptation of Piaget is________

0-2 years

290 - The period when the major organs of the body begin to form is the _____ period.


291 - The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was?

Martin Wagenschein

292 - The policy recommended by the Kothari Commission vis-a-vis language is

Three language formula

293 - The primary aim of educational psychology is

To contribute to an understanding of sound educational practices.

294 - The primary duty of a teacher is to be responsible to his/her:


295 - The primary responsibility for the teacher's adjustment lies with

The principal

296 - The principal function of the NCERT is an extension work with the State Education departments centering around the improvement of

school education

297 - The process of expansion of an individual's capacities quantitatively, should be termed as


298 - The process of expansion of an individual's capacities quantitatively, should be termed as:


299 - The process whereby the genetic factors limit an individual's responsiveness to the environment is known as

Range of reaction

300 - The purpose of basic education scheme is—

to fulfil basic need of persons through education

301 - The rate of habituation is an indication of:

All of the above

302 - The raw material of thinking is


303 - The reinforcement schedule that yields the lowest performance is the:

Fixed interval schedule

304 - The Right to Education Act recently passed by our Parliament is an extension of the following article of our Constitution


305 - The right to free and compulsory education for children between age group of 6 to 14 has been inserted in Indian Constitution as

Article 21A

306 - The short term memory can hold how many items at one time?

7Â (plus or minus) 2 i.e 9 or 5

307 - The South Asia University is situated in the city of

New Delhi

308 - The stage in which a child be gins to think logically about objects and events is known as-

pre-operational stage

309 - The success of teacher is—

his/her good teaching

310 - The term Identical Elements is closely associated with–

Transfer of learning

311 - The theory that we all experience a series of developmental crisis throughout our lives was proposed by:


312 - The thinking process involved in producing an idea or concept that is new, original and useful is termed as–


313 - The title of the Report of Education Commission (1964-66) is

Education and National Development

314 - The total number of central universities in India in April 2017 was


315 - The type of communication that the teacher has in the classroom, is termed as

Group communication

316 - The University Grants Commission was constituted on the recommendation of:

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Commission

317 - The University Grants Commission was established with which NOT of the following aim?

Providing autonomy to each and every higher educational institution in India

318 - The University which telecasts interactive educational programmes through its own channel is:


319 - The use of technology to enhance learning process is called __________ in education.


320 - The Verstehen School of Understanding was popularised by

German Social scientists

321 - Theory of multiple intelligence implies the following except

emotional intelligence is not related to IQ

322 - Those teachers are popular among students who

help them solve their problems

323 - To control the population growth in our country suitable way is

by spreading attractive programmes through public media to make people conscious of a small family and its advantage.

324 - 'TRIAL & ERROR' theory of learning was given by:


325 - Universities having central campus for imparting education are called:

Central Universities

326 - University Education Commission constituted in 1948 was appointed by

Ministry of Education

327 - Vagal tone has been used as a measure of physiological regulation because:

All of the above

328 - VEC under SSA stands for

Village Education Committee

329 - Visual accommodation is the ability of the individual to:

Focus its eyes

330 - Vygotsky proposed that Child Development is–

A product of social interaction

331 - What are the factors related to learner that effects the learning?

All of these

332 - What do you understand by the term Peer Group ?

All of these

333 - What does intellectual development include?

Development of thinking, reasoning and interest perception.

334 - What factor influence a healthy growth of a child

Parent's balanced behavior

335 - What is called the pre-birth stage of a child?

From conception to birth

336 - What is meant by development?

it is a complex process of integrating many structures and functions.

337 - What is meant by growth in the strict sense of the terminology of psychology?

It is the increase in size, weight and height.

338 - What is meant by Schema?

Organized packets of information stored in long-term memory

339 - What is most important while writing on blackboard ?

Good writing

340 - What is teaching through deductive method?

From general to specific

341 - What is the aim of education?

All round development of the personality of a child.

342 - What is the name of Yashpal Committee Report (1993)?

Learning without burden

343 - What is the narrow concept of heredity ?

Offspring of a man will be a child not a dog.

344 - What is the principle of anticipation

He modifies his behaviour anticipating his future career.

345 - What is the unit of Heredity?


346 - What should be the role of teacher in meeting the individual differences?

Both (A) and (B)

347 - What should be the role of teacher in meeting the individual differences?

Both (A) and (B)

348 - What turns the single fertilized egg into a full fledged adult?

Cycle of the growth and development.

349 - When a child 'fails', it means

the system has failed

350 - When is the sex of a child determined?

At the time of mating or conception

351 - When some students are deliberately attempting to disturb the discipline of the class by making mischief, what will be your role as a teacher?

Giving them an opportunity for introspection and improve their behaviour.

352 - When the students become failed, it can be understood that—

The individual student's failure

353 - Which age is called the adolescent age of a child?

From 13 to 19 yrs.

354 - Which article enjoins that "All minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer education institutions of their choice" ?

Article 30 (1)

355 - Which indicates the change in the quality or character of a child


356 - Which indicates the change in the quality or character of a child?


357 - Which is an advantage of group testing?

All of the above

358 - Which is the following agency regulates and monitors special education programme in India?

Rehabilitation Council of India

359 - Which is the place where the child's cognitive development is defined in the best way?

School and Classroom

360 - Which of the following are NOT Central Universities?

Pondicherry University

361 - Which of the following are the External Factors affecting the interest of students in classroom?

Goals and motives

362 - Which of the following are the tools of good governance?

All of these

363 - Which of the following belongs to a projected aid?


364 - Which of the following Commission first decentralized the primary education?

Hunter Commission

365 - Which of the following commissions suggested silent meditation as a part of moral values?

University Education Commission

366 - Which of the following Committee recommended for improvement of Teacher Education Programme?

Ramamurti Committee

367 - Which of the following does not belong to a projected aid ?


368 - Which of the following does not belong to the categories of Coping strategies that women commonly engaged in–


369 - Which of the following does not belong to the categories of Coping strategies that women commonly engaged in–


370 - Which of the following factors comes in the way of girls' personal rights?

All of these

371 - Which of the following factors does not impact teaching

Socio-economic background of teachers and students

372 - Which of the following institutions are NOT empowered to confer or grant degrees under the UGC Act, 1956?

A university / institution established by a linguistic minority.

373 - Which of the following institutions in the field of education is set up by the MHRD Government of India?

National Bal Bhawn, New Delhi

374 - Which of the following is correctly arranged?

Encoding – storage – retrieval

375 - Which of the following is described as Magna-Carta of Indian Education?

Wood's Despatch

376 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good achievement test ?


377 - Which of the following is not a prescribed level of teaching?


378 - Which of the following is not a product of learning?


379 - Which of the following is NOT a sign of 'being gifted' ?

Poor relationship with peers

380 - Which of the following is not an accepted stage in Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development?

Social contract and social rights

381 - Which of the following is NOT an example of discrete variable?


382 - Which of the following is not considered a factor of cognition?


383 - Which of the following is not considered a tool for formative assessment


384 - Which of the following is not related to educational achievement?


385 - Which of the following is not the tool for Formative Assessment in sholastic domain?


386 - Which of the following is the apex body in the area of Teacher Education in India?


387 - Which of the following is the highest level of cognitive ability


388 - Which of the following is the true statement in reference to Intelligence?

All of these

389 - Which of the following is the true statement in reference to Intelligence?

All of these

390 - Which of the following is/are a minority institution(s) ?

St. Stephens College, Delhi

391 - Which of the following measures should be adopted to check educational backwardness?

All of the above

392 - Which of the following Motives are considered as primary motives?

Physiological Motives

393 - Which of the following organizations deals with “capacity building programe” on Educational Planning?


394 - Which of the following organizations looks after the quality of Technical and Management education in India ?


395 - Which of the following qualities is most essential for a teacher?

He should have patience.

396 - Which of the following State does not have State Open University?


397 - Which of the following statement is not appropriate to motivation as a process

It keeps away from an unpleasant situation

398 - Which of the following statements about teaching aids are not correct?

They enhance rote learning

399 - Which of the following statements are correct about the National Advisory Council (NAC) ?

Both (B) and (C)

400 - Which of the following statements are NOT correct about a Central University?

The President occasionally presides over the meetings of the Executive Committee or Court.

401 - Which of the following statements are NOT correct about the National Assessment and Accreditation Council?

It is located in Delhi and It has regional offices.

402 - Which of the following universities has NOT adopted the meta university concept?

Delhi University

403 - Which one is the highest order of learning?

Conditioned-reflex learning

404 - Which one of many following is the true assertion similar to Cephalocaudal Principle of Child's Development

Development is from head to foot

405 - Which one of the following Councils has been disbanded in 2013?

Distance Education Council (DEC)

406 - Which one of the following does not contribute to memory?


407 - Which one of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?


408 - Which one of the following is appropriate in respect of teacher student relationship?

Cordial and respectful

409 - Which one of the following is considered a sign of motivated teaching?

Students asking questions

410 - Which one of the following is the best method of teaching?


411 - Which one of the following is the most important quality of a good teacher ?

Content mastery and reactive

412 - Which one of the following is the true statement corresponding to Cephalocaudal Principle of Child's Development?

Development is from head to foot

413 - Which one of the following problems would require divergent thinking:

Choosing the best move in a card game.

414 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Curriculum includes both formal, and informal education.

415 - Which one of the following statements is not correct about the University Grants Commission (UGC)?

It receives funds from State Governments in respect of State Universities.

416 - Which one of theories of intelligence advocates the presence of general intelligence 'g' and specific intelligence's' ?

Spearman's two factor theory

417 - Which option is not correct?

Central Advisory Board on Education (CABE) was first established in 1920.

418 - Which part of Indian Constitution allows every citizen to impart education as per ones own religion ?

Fundamental Rights

419 - Which statement is not correct about the “National Education Day” of India?

It is celebrated on 5th September every year.

420 - Which was the First State formed on linguistic basis?

Andhra Pradesh

421 - While delivering lecture if there is some disturbance in the class, a teacher should

motivate to teach those causing disturbance

422 - Who among the following conducted the CNN-IBN - The Hindu 2013 Election Tracker Survey across 267 constituencies in 18 States?

The Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS)

423 - Who among the following created the office of the District Collector in India ?

Warren Hastings

424 - Who among the following propounded the concept of paradigm?

Thomas Kuhn

425 - Who among the following propunded 'socialism' in education?


426 - Who among the following was the first man to describe 'Null Hypothesis'?

Ronald Fisher

427 - Who are the responsible for the development of traits?


428 - Who became the first Minister of Education in the Indian government?

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

429 - Who first attempted to describe personality traits in terms of Lexican descriptors?

Allport and Odbert

430 - Who gives more stress to the philosophy of social constructivism?


431 - Who gives more stress to the philosophy of social constructivism?


432 - Who have signed MOU for accreditation of Teacher Education Institutions in India?


433 - Who have signed MOU for recognition of Teacher Education in Special Education Programme in India?


434 - Who heads the committee, constituted by the Government of India, to draft the New Education Policy

TSR Subramanian

435 - Who is regaded as the first teacher of a child


436 - Who is regarded as the first teacher of a child?


437 - Who is the father of "Theory of Multiple Intelligence"?


438 - Who is the father of "Theory of Multiple Intelligence"?


439 - Who is the father of genetic epistemology?


440 - Who is the father of genetic epistemology?


441 - Who said "children have innate inclination to imitate their seniors, both in mental and social development"?


442 - Who studied statistical study of the transmission of various traits?


443 - Who was the first Chairman of University Grant Commission?

Prof. S.S. Bhatnagar

444 - Who was the pioneer of Classical Conditioning?


445 - Why is Sharda Act important in the Indian context?

It prohibits child marriage of girls.

446 - Women are better teacher at primary level because—

they behave more patiently with children

447 - You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do ?

you will answer the question after the class

448 - You have been selected in all the four professions given below. Where would you like to go ?



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