MS Word MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document?


2 - A ________ is a collection of predefined design elements and color schemes.


3 - To verify that the note text is positioned correctly on the page, switch to _____ view or display the document in print preview.

Print layout

4 - Where can you change the vertical alignment?

Page Setup dialog box

5 - You can replace the text ________

Both A and C

6 - "Ctrl + Down Arrow" is used to

Moves the cursor one paragraph down

7 - "Ctrl + End" is used to

Moves the cursor to the end of Document

8 - "Ctrl + Home" is used to

Moves the cursor to the beginning of Document

9 - "Ctrl + Left Arrow" is used to

Moves the cursor one word left

10 - "Ctrl + PageDown" is used to

Moves the cursor one Page Down

11 - "Ctrl + PageUp" is used to

Moves the cursor one Page Up

12 - "Ctrl + Right Arrow" is used to

Moves the cursor one word right

13 - "Ctrl + Up Arrow" is used to

Moves the cursor one paragraph up

14 - ________ formatting is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the screen and in print.


15 - A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify a name for future Reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks?

To quickly jump to a specific location in the document

16 - A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as


17 - A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval is available on

Save tab on Options dialog box

18 - A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized options is

Menu Bar

19 - A table ________

Is a grid organized in columns and rows

20 - A template stores:

All of above

21 - A word field may consist of an optional field instruction called a(n) ________


22 - A word processor would most likely be used to do

Type a biography

23 - AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you type.


24 - AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you type.


25 - Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in

Print Preview

26 - By default, on which page the header or the footer is printed?

On every page

27 - Change the ________ to create a document in wide format

Page Orientation

28 - Changing the appearance of a document is called


29 - Columns dialog box can be opened from ________

All of the above

30 - Ctrl + C is used to

Copy the selected text

31 - Ctrl + G is used to

Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab

32 - Ctrl + I is used to


33 - Ctrl + J is used to

Align Justify

34 - Ctrl + M is used to

Left Indent

35 - Ctrl + N is used to

New Document

36 - Ctrl + Q is used to

Remove Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space)

37 - Ctrl + S is used to

Save Document with same name

38 - Ctrl + W is used to

Save and Close document

39 - Drop Cap means

None of above

40 - End Key is used to

Moves the cursor end of the line

41 - Essential business letter elements include the ________.

all of the above

42 - From where you can access Save command?

None of above

43 - Home Key uses for

Moves the cursor beginning of the line

44 - How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar?

Ctrl + Shift + P

45 - How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to another text?

Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text

46 - How can you break the current column?

Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter

47 - How can you disable extended selection mode?

Press Esc to disable

48 - How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time?

By pressing Ctrl + ]

49 - How can you insert a sound file in your word document?

From insert > object menu option

50 - How can you make the selected character superscripted?

Ctrl + Shift + +

51 - How can you remove tab stop markers from ruler?

Drag the tab stop marker out of the ruler

52 - How many different positions can you set for drop cap?


53 - How much space in minimum must be provided between columns?


54 - If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?


55 - If you need to double underline a word, how will you do that?

Select the text then choose Format > Font and on Font tab, open Underline Style and choose Double Underline

56 - If you want to convert a symbol or several lines of text into an AutoCorrect entry, you should:

Insert the symbol or type the text in a Word document first. Then, select the text or symbol and go to the AutoCorrect dialog box.

57 - If you will be displaying or printing your document on another computer, you'll want to make sure and select the ________ option under the 'Save' tab.

Embed Fonts

58 - In MS Word, Ctrl+S is used to ________


59 - In MS-Word shortcut Shift + Delete is used to

Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin

60 - In MS-Word, for what does ruler help?

All of the above

61 - In order to email a Word document from within MS Word

Office button > Send to > Mail Recipient

62 - In the merge process, you can

All of the above

63 - In Word 2007 the Zoom is placed on

A & C both

64 - In Word, the default alignment for paragraphs is ________.

Left-aligned, or flush margins at the left edge and uneven edges at the right edge

65 - In Word, the mailing list is known as the ________.

Data source

66 - Insert Date, Format Page Number, and Insert AutoText are buttons on the ________ toolbar.

Header and Footer

67 - It is possible to ________ a data source before performing a merge.

All of the above

68 - Macros are:

Small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA

69 - MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and is called?

Word Wrap

70 - Page Down Key is used to

Moves the cursor one screen down

71 - Page Up Key uses for

Moves the cursor one screen up

72 - Portrait and Landscape are

Page Orientation

73 - Press ________ to create a line break, which advances the insertion point to the beginning of the next physical line - ignoring any paragraph formatting instructions.

Shift + enter

74 - Selecting text means, selecting ________

Any of the above

75 - Shimmer, Sparkle text, Blinking Background etc are known as

Text effects

76 - Short cut Ctrl + F is used to

Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Find Tab

77 - Short cut Ctrl + H is used to

Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Replace Tab

78 - Short cut Ctrl + P used to

Open Print Dialog box

79 - Short cut Ctrl + R is used to

Right align the selected Paragraph

80 - Short cut Ctrl + T is used to

Hanging Indent

81 - Small squares, called ________, on the selection rectangle that surrounds a graphic can be used to change the dimensions of the graphic.

Sizing handles

82 - Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known as

Font effects

83 - Suppose you wanted to create an AutoCorrect entry that would type the words 'We regret to inform you that your submission has been declined' Of the following choices, which would be the best name you could assign to this entry?


84 - Switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the:

Page setup dialog box

85 - Text boundary can be displayed or hidden from

Options from Tools menu

86 - The ________ is a short horizontal line indicating the conclusion of a document.

End mark

87 - The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called ________

Mail merge

88 - The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of space between certain combination of characters so that an entire word looks more evenly spaced. What is that feature called?


89 - The following tool bars display in the word application window by default

Formatting tool bar

90 - The four types of mail merge main documents are ________

Form letters, envelops, mailing labels and catalogue

91 - The key F12 opens a

Save As dialog box

92 - The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word document is

1 and 1

93 - The Word Count command on the Tools menu displays the number of words as well as the number of _______ in the current document.

All of the above

94 - The word wrap feature ________

Automatically moves text to the next line when necessary

95 - Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for ________

Synonyms and Antonyms words

96 - To autofit the width of column

Double click the right border of column

97 - To exit from the Resume Wizard and return to the document window without creating a resume, click the ________ button in any panel in the Resume Wizard dialog box.


98 - To get to the 'Symbol' dialog box, click on the ______ menu and choose 'Symbol'.


99 - To instruct Word to stop bulleting paragraphs, do any of the following except ________.

Click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar

100 - To move the cursor page to page of documents.

Both of the above

101 - To open Columns dialog box quickly ________

Double click the space between area on ruler

102 - To Redo the last work, press ________

Ctrl + Y

103 - To select a block of text, click at the beginning of the selection, scroll to the end of the selection, position the mouse pointer at the end of the selection, hold down the ________ key, and then click or drag through the text.


104 - To undo the last work, press ________

Ctrl + Z

105 - To update a formula in a table, press the

F9 keys

106 - To use your keyboard instead of the mouse to select tools on the ribbon, you display the KeyTips by pressing the ________ key.


107 - To view headers and footers, you must switch to

Both B and C

108 - To view smaller text on the screen you can ________

Decrease the view percentage

109 - Uppercase on Change Case dialog box and All Caps on Fonts dialog box both converts selected text into Capital Letters. What's the difference between the two?

Change Case makes conversion permanent but All Caps on Font can always be reverted

110 - We can insert maximum number of columns in Ms Word are ________


111 - What are inserted as cross-reference in Word?

Word fields

112 - What do you mean by vertical separation between columns?


113 - What does Ctrl + = key effect?


114 - What does EXT indicator on status bar of MS Word indicate?

It indicates whether Extended Selection mode is turned on or off

115 - What happens if you press Ctrl + Shift + F8?

It activates the rectangular selection

116 - What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options?


117 - What is gutter margin?

Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing

118 - What is placed to the left of horizontal scroll bar

View buttons

119 - What is the default font size of a new Word document based on Normal template?

11 pt

120 - What is the default font used in MS Word 2016 document?

None of the above

121 - What is the default number of lines to drop for drop cap?


122 - What is the extension of files created in Ms-Word 97- 2003


123 - What is the function of CTRL + R in MS-Word

None of these

124 - What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character?


125 - What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop cap?


126 - What is the maximum scale percentage available in Scale drop down box?


127 - What is the shortcut key to display field codes?

Alt + F9

128 - What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol?

Alt + Ctrl + C

129 - What is the shortcut-key for manual line break?

Shift + Enter

130 - What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar?

8 and 72

131 - What is the smallest width of a column?


132 - When assigning a shortcut key to a symbol, you should always try to select a key or key combination that is:


133 - When inserting Page number in footer it appeared 1 but you wish to show a. How can you do that?

Click on Page Number Format tool and specify required setting

134 - When sharing data in Office, the ________ document is the document in which the data was first entered.


135 - When the Language bar is ________, it means that you do not see it on the screen but it will be displayed the next time you start your computer.


136 - When typing in Preeti font all the Ukars turn to something else? What's the cause?


137 - When Word flags a possible spelling or grammar error, it also changes the mark on the Spelling and Grammar Status icon to a ________.

Red X

138 - When you want to view different parts of a document without moving the insertion point.

Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars

139 - Where can you find the Draw Table tool button?

Tables and Formatting toolbar

140 - Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word screen?

On the top of vertical scroll bar

141 - Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?

Tool bar

142 - Which enables us to send the same letter to different persons?

Mail merge

143 - Which feature helps you to inserts the contents of the Clipboard as text without any formatting

Paste Special

144 - Which file starts MS Word?


145 - Which indent marker controls all the lines except first line?

Hanging Indent Marker

146 - Which key is used to increase left indent?

Ctrl + M

147 - Which key is used to select all the text in the document?

Ctrl + A

148 - Which key or key combination will move the insertion point to the bottom of your document?

None of the above

149 - Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS-Word?

Enter Key

150 - Which language does MS-Word use to create Macros?

Visual Basic

151 - Which menu in MS Word can be used to change character size and typeface?


152 - Which of the following are word processing software?

All of above

153 - Which of the following cannot be done with document version?

None of the above

154 - Which of the following commands should you always use before submitting a document to others?

Spelling and Grammar

155 - Which of the following do you use to change margins?

Page setup dialog box

156 - Which of the following helps to reduce spelling error in the document?

Auto Correct

157 - Which of the following is not a font style?


158 - Which of the following is not a font style?


159 - Which of the following is not a type of page margin?


160 - Which of the following is not available in Font Spacing?


161 - Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen?

Center Indent

162 - Which of the following is not essential component to perform a mail merge operation?

Word fields

163 - Which of the following is not of the merge process?

Format a main document

164 - Which of the following is not one of the three 'Mail Merge Helper' steps?

Set the mailing list parameters

165 - Which of the following is not the part of standard office suite?

File manager

166 - Which of the following is not the Section Break Option?

Previous Page

167 - Which of the following is not valid version of MS Office?

Office Vista

168 - Which of the following is true regarding page Orientation of a Document?

Page Orientation can be changed at any time

169 - Which of the following is used to create newspaper style columns?

Format Columns

170 - Which of the following option is not available in Insert > Picture?


171 - Which of the following position is not available for fonts on MS Word?


172 - Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes?


173 - Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text?

Cut and Paste

174 - Which option in File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MS Word?


175 - Which type of files can not be navigated using clip-art browser?


176 - Why Drop Caps are used in document?

To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter

177 - Why headers and footers used in MS -Word

To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed

178 - With which view can you see how text and graphics will appear on the printed page?

Print Layout

179 - Word has Web authoring tools allow you to incorporate ________ on Web pages.

All of the above

180 - You can detect spelling and grammar errors by

Press F7

181 - You can jump to the next column by

Both of above

182 - You can move the insertion point in a table

All of the above

183 - You wished to justify text over the height of paper, which option will you choose ________

Page Setup from File menu


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