Organic Chemistry MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - The mass of one mole of electron is


2 - The volume occupied by 1.4g CO at S.T.P is

12 dm3

3 - The number of atoms in a molecule determines


4 - Which of the following set has all species isoelectronic

F - Ne - Na+

5 - Which element has same isotopes like palladium


6 - Water absorber used in combustion analysis is

Mg (CIO4)2

7 - A limiting reactant is one which

gives the minimum amount of the product under consideration

8 - The type of filtering media used for filtration depending upon

Nature of precipitate

9 - A safe and more reliable method for drying the crystal is

Vacuum desiccator

10 - A method of separation of components from its solution using Distribution law is

Solvent extraction

11 - A real gas obeying vander waals equation will resemble the ideal gas if

Both a and b are small

12 - Plasma is used in

All of these

13 - The molecules of CO2 in dry ice form

Molecular crystal

14 - Which of the following is pseudo solid


15 - Only London dispersion forces are present among the

Molecules of solid iodine

16 - Bohrs model is contradicted by

Heisenbergs uncertainty principle

17 - Quantum number values for 3p orbitals are

n=3 l=1

18 - Which specie has unpaired electrons in antibonding molecular orbitals


19 - Atomic radius can be determined by

X - ray diffraction

20 - For a given process the heat changes at constant pressure (qp) and at constant volume (qv) are related to each other as

qp > qv

21 - For which system does the equilibrium constant Kc has unit of (concentration)-1

2NO2 <=> N2H4

22 - Solubility product of AgCl is 2.0 x 10-10 mol2 dm-6. Maximum Concentration of Ag+1 ions in the solution is

414 x 10-5 mol dm-3

23 - Which of the following solution has the highest boiling point?

85% NaCl Solution

24 - Stronger is the oxidizing agent greater is the

standard reduction potential

25 - Which of the following can be used in laptops?

Nickel cadmium cell

26 - Which is true about Zn-Cu galvanic cell?

Anode is negatively charged

27 - Which is the unit of (K) rate constant for zero order reaction?

mol dm-3 s-1

28 - Nitrates of which pair gives different products on thermal decomposition

Li Na

29 - Which is carnalite

KCI MgCl2 6H2O

30 - Keeping in view the size of atom which is in correct order

Ba > Mg

31 - Which one does not give borax bead test

Barium sulphate

32 - Which one is not the use of silicones


33 - The most reactive allotropic form of phosphorus is


34 - Chemical composition of cinnabar is


35 - Which molecule has the highest bond energy among the halogens


36 - When chlorine is passed through hot solution of caustic soda the reaction is said as

Disproportionation reaction

37 - The most paramagnetic element is


38 - In the complex [Cr(OH)3(H2O)3] the coordination number is


39 - Which one of the following looks odd


40 - A great variety of the organic compounds is due to its property of carbon

Exhibit catenation

41 - In 1 - pentene -4- yne the carbon exhibit hybridization

sp3 - sp2 - sp

42 - Vinyl acetylene combines with hydrochloric acid produces


43 - When benzene is heated in air with V2O5 at 450Degree Centigrade yields

Maleic anhydride

44 - When toluene reacts with chlorine in sunlight the first major product is

Benzy1 chloride

45 - Which one of the following will be sulphonated readily?


46 - Which one of the following is not a good leaving group ?


47 - When CO2 is made to react with ethy1 magnesium iodide in dry ether followed by acid hydrolysis yields

Propanoic acid

48 - The process of fermentation involves all the enzymes except


49 - Ethy1 chloride on reduction in the presence of Zn/HCI produces


50 - Which one does not exhibit aldol condensation


51 - For industrial preparation of CH3CHO catalytic promoter is


52 - The common name of propane -1 3-dioic acid is

Malonic acid

53 - Which of the following is not a fatty acid?

Phthalic acid

54 - Industrial materials thermal power stations are coated with

Epoxy paints

55 - Which one of the following fertilizers provides the nitrogen and phosphorus to the plant?


56 - Chlorination of water may be harmful if the water contains

Carbon dioxide

57 - Which of the following technique is used for the separation of insoluble particles from liquids?


58 - Which of the following way in used for classification of chromatography?


59 - Fluted filter paper is used to

Increase the rate of filtration

60 - Safe and the most reliable method of drying crystals is through

Vacuum desiccators

61 - A substance having very high vapour pressure at its melting point on heating will show


62 - A process controlled by Distributive law is

Solvent extraction

63 - A technique of partition chromatography in which the solvent is in a pool at the bottom of container

Ascending chromatography

64 - Different components of a mixture have different Rf values due to

Their different distribution coefficients in the solvent

65 - Branch of chemistry that deals with the complete qualitative and quantitative analysis of a substance is

Analytical chemistry

66 - Identification of the components of a sample is

Qualitative analysis

67 - Estimation of amounts of different components in a sample is

Quantitative analysis

68 - The technique used to separate components of mixture in solid phase.


69 - The solid which is left over the filter paper as a result of filtration


70 - Size of filter paper is selected according to the amount of

amount of insoluble solute

71 - Gooch Crucibles are made up of


72 - Rate of filtration can be increased by applying gentle suction

Filter paper

73 - Sintered crucible is made up of


74 - The tip of funnel should touch the wall of the breaker in order to avoid


75 - Separation of a solid from its hot saturated solution by cooling is called


76 - In crystallization if the solvent is inflammable then direct heating is


77 - Which of the following technique is simple and efficient to purify a substance

Solvent extraction

78 - In solvent extraction ether is used to separate products of organic synthesis from


79 - 95% ethanol is called

rectified spirit

80 - The use of CaCl2 and PCl5 in the process of crystallization is as a

drying agent

81 - Ratio of the amount of solute in organic and aqueous solvent is

Distribution co-efficient

82 - Without suction pump filtration is

Slow process

83 - Animal charcoal adsorbs the coloured


84 - Direct conversion of solids into vapours is called


85 - Crystallization does not involve


86 - In CCI4 I2 shows

Purple colour

87 - Repeated extraction using small portions of solvents is more


88 - Silica gel and alumina are used as

Stationary phase

89 - Shaking two immiscible liquids increases

Area of contact

90 - The solvent or mixture of solvents used for separation of compounds is called

Mobile phase

91 - Which is not a sublime material

Potash alum

92 - Sintered glass is a porous material used for


93 - Selection of filter paper depends on size of particles to be


94 - The solution remaining after the formation of crystals is called

Mother liquor

95 - Which is not related pair of term used in analytical techniques

Sublimate sublimation

96 - The major steps involved in complete quantitative analysis are


97 - Main source of organic compounds is


98 - Octane number can be improved by


99 - Hydro carbons which burn with smoky flame are called


100 - Octane number 2 2 4-trimethyl pentane is


101 - Propene can exhibit

none of the above

102 - Geometric isomerism is usually found in


103 - Pentane and 2-methyl butance have the same

Percentage composition

104 - Organic compounds that are essentially nonpolar and exhibit weak intermolecular forces have

Low melting points

105 - The first organic compound was synthesized in laboratory by


106 - According to vital force theory

organic compounds cannot be synthesized from inorganic compounds

107 - First organic compound synthesized in laboratory was


108 - A double bond consists of

One sigma and one Pi bonds

109 - The property of carbon chain formation is called


110 - Chemical properties of first member of homologous series with respect to other members are


111 - The organic compounds having very high molecular weight are called


112 - Compounds having same molecular formula but differ in structural formula are called


113 - Rate of reactions of most organic compounds are


114 - Organic compounds are soluble in

non-polar solvent

115 - Coal is produced after a long time decay of


116 - Methane is used in power generation in chemical industries being a


117 - Crude oil is blackish coloured liquid produced after the decay of organic matter present between

sedimentary rocks

118 - The precess in which larger molecule with higher molecular weight breaks down into smaller moleucles with lower molecular weight


119 - At low temperature and pressure cracking can be done in presence of catalyst

Al2O3 and SiO2

120 - The metallic sound produced by engine due to the pre-ignition of fuel is called


121 - Which one of the following compounds shows intense knocking?


122 - Which of the following can be used as anti-knocking agent.

(C2H5)4 Pb

123 - Isomerism which is present only in alkene is

cis-trans isomerism

124 - A single atom or group of atoms which gives characteristic properties to a compound is called

functional group

125 - Compound containing benzene ring in their structure are


126 - 2-propanol and 1-propanol show the isomerism

position isomerism

127 - Which of the following is an amide


128 - In sp3 hybridization the expected geometry of molecules will be


129 - Only sigma bonds are present in

ethoxy ethane

130 - In cyano group the carbon atom shows which kind of hybridization


131 - The structure of ethyne is


132 - the fractional distillation of petroleum produces gasoline up to


133 - The general formula of cycloalkene is


134 - Which is not heterocyclic compound


135 - C5H12 has the number of isomers


136 - Alkanes containing a methyl group on main chain at 2nd carbon are called



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