Pakistan Studies Most Important and Repeating MCQs Set # 8

1 - Largest source of tax revenue for the Government of Pakistan is?

Personal Income Tax

2 - The Lucknow Pact was the Culmination of the Quad-e-Azam persistant efforts for the unity of?

Hindu Muslims

3 - Kalam fort is in?


4 - Under Gandhi Irwin Pact of 5th March 1931, it was decided that?

The congress will call off it Civil Disobedience Movement.

5 - Pakistan has a __ court system.


6 - When Constitution of 1956 was promulgated?

23rd March

7 - In Dir lower which famous museum is located?

Chakdara museum

8 - Where was Sassi was born?

Bhutta Wahan

9 - Quad-e-Azam remained the Governor General for Pakistan for how many months?


10 - Who laid down foundation of Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam?

Qazi Khalifa Hameed Ud Din

11 - Act of 1935 separated Sindh from which province?


12 - In which constitution Pakistan was declared â€Å“Islamic Republic of Pakistan"?


13 - Where is situated Conningham clock tower?


14 - In 1947 the Tehsil of __ was separated from district Gurdaspur and transferred to Pakistan under the Radcliffe award.


15 - Who was the first president of Muslim league?

Sir Agha Khan

16 - Archaeological site Bhambore is located in the district of?


17 - What is the length of track of PAKISTAN railway in KM?


18 - Who was Lord Morley?

Secretary of State for India

19 - Who was presented the name of PAKISTAN?

Ch. Rehmat Ali

20 - Pakistan recognized People̢۪s republic of china in?


21 - Shah Jahan mosque is situated in?


22 - When Cabinet of Khawaja Nazimuddin was dismissed?


23 - On which date Kashmir Solidarity date is observed?


24 - Inter Services Intelligence ISI was established in which year?


25 - Where was Quad e Azam elf exile?


26 - In which year Hunza incorporated into Pakistan?


27 - In which province Mirani dam is located?


28 - Which report provided that Hindi would be the official language of India?

Nehru Report

29 - After partition which first princely state to accede to Pakistan?


30 - Famous book â€Å“The Man Who Divided India" is written by?

Zakaria Rafiq

31 - In which part of Pakistan Shabaz Gari is located?


32 - What was the original name of â€Å“Tansen" a musician at the court of Akbar?

Ramtanu Pande

33 - The arab conquest of Sindh took place in?

712 AD

34 - In Makkah, Haji Shariat Ullah received his training from Sheikh Tahir, who was famous scholar of____?


35 - In Pakistan iron ore is found in?


36 - Which leader of Muslim League represented the Muslim League in Simla Conference?

All of the above

37 - Which movement was started with the establishment of a madrassah at Deoband?

Tehrik i Deoband

38 - Tomb of Jahangir is at?

Shahdara Lahore

39 - Which act was given to safeguard to minorities?

Govt of India act 1935

40 - Liaqat Ali Khan joined All India Muslim Leaque as member in?


41 - What is the total area of Pakistan?

796,096 Square KM

42 - Mardan is called?

Heart of NWFP

43 - Hazrat Baha-Ud-Din Zakariya was a prominent sufi saint of?

Suhrwardia order

44 - When did Quad-e-Azam say Hindu India and Muslim India parted and parted for ever?

When congress rejected his proposed modification in the Nehru Report 1928.

45 - Where is Chandka Medical college located?


46 - The name of delta formed by Indus river is:

Sapta Sindhu

47 - Which muslim leader was not in favour of Gandhi̢۪s Non-Cooperation programme?


48 - Who agitated for the annulment of the partition of Bengal?

Both B & C

49 - After Shariat Ullah who was made faraizi movement more strong and powerful?

Dhadu Mian

50 - Which Turkish leader abolished the Institution of Caliphate?

Mustafa Kamal Attaturk

51 - When Sindh was separated from Bomby?


52 - When did Quid e Azam was into elf exile in London?


53 - Pakistan purchased Gawadar from?


54 - In Pakistan largest labour force is attached in which sector?


55 - Victoria hospital is in?


56 - Who was published the magazine named Tehzib-ul-Ikhlaq?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

57 - Babusar Pass connects?

Abbottabad and Gilgit

58 - Which viceroy introduced English in India?

Lord Mayo

59 - Federal capital have how many districts?


60 - Gandhi – Jinnah talks were held in 1944 to discuss the C.R. Formula prepared by?

Raj Gopal Acharia

61 - Radcliffe was by profession?

A lawyer

62 - In east Pakistan the cabinet of Ataur Rehman was dismissed on 31st March 1958 by?

Fazl-ul Haq

63 - Who demanded from the people to give up non-Islamic customs and practices?

Haji Shariat Ullah

64 - Sher Shah Suri built the Rohtas Fort at the banks of river?


65 - Sohni Mahiwal is written by?

Fazal Shah

66 - During the years from __ to __ Jahangir was greatly influenced by Mehr-Ul-Nisa.


67 - Name the First Federal Minister of Kashmir Affairs is?

Liaqat Ali Khan

68 - On which date the national Anthem of Pakistan was approved by the Government?

04th August 1954

69 - The only Govt in India headed by the All India Muslim League in 1946 was led by?

Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy

70 - During British raj a well preserved building was Frere Hall, that still exist in which city of Pakistan?


71 - How many total oil refiniries are in Pakistan?


72 - What was the name of first female Governor of Pakistan?

Begam Liaqat

73 - On 31st March 1958 Fazal Ul Haq was succeeded as Governor of East Pakistan by?

Hameed Ali

74 - June 3rd plan is also known as?

Partition Plan

75 - Central Muhammadan Association was founded in 1877 by?

Syed Ameer Ali

76 - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established an institution in 1864 with the objective to translate book from English to Urdu and Persion known as?

The Scientific Society

77 - Who founded Faisalabad?

Sir James Lyall

78 - Who was the chief Architect of 1956 consitution?

Ch. Muhammad Ali

79 - Gen Zia held elections in?


80 - What is the longest motorway of Pakistan?


81 - National sweet of Pakistan is?

Gulab Jaman

82 - Which report provided that there should be no separate electorates?

Nehru Report

83 - Where second round table conference opened?


84 - The Indian Muslims observed ‘Day of Deliverance’ after the resignation of congress ministries on?


85 - The first urdu newspaper daily published after creation of Pakistan was?


86 - What is the importance of resolution of Pakistan?

All of the above

87 - Who presided over the first session of Muslim League?

Sir Adam Jee Pir Bhai

88 - Under which act was the muslim demand of Separate Electorate first conceded by the British Government?

The Indian Councils Act 1909

89 - The doctrine "wahdat ash-shuhud" was propounded by Sheikh Sirhindi to counter wahdat al-wujud which had been advanced by?

Muhiyyuddin Ibn Arabi

90 - In which city MAO high school was established?

Ali Garh

91 - Who suggested the name for All India Muslim League?

Sir Muhammad Shafi

92 - Islamabad high court was established under which amendment?


93 - In Simla conference which muslim leader made it clear made it clear that league could not in any circumstances agree to a constitution on any basis other than Pakistan?


94 - In which month moonsoon starts in Pakistan?


95 - Which corridor separates Pakistan from Tajikistan?


96 - Pani Pur forest is situated in?


97 - Total area covered by glaciers in Pakistan are(in Sq Km)?


98 - Where is Lotus lake?


99 - Length of Khyber pass is?

56 KM

100 - When Dr Abdus Slam was die?


101 - Which Prime Minister of Pakistan have the longest tenure?

Liaqat Ali Khan

102 - What is Jirga hall of Sibi?

A museum

103 - Hala is fort for which of the following work?

Wood work

104 - Which ruler died while playing Chugan?

Qutbu ud din Aibek

105 - The first Muslim ruler in India was?

Muhammad Ghouri

106 - Where first Barani university was established?


107 - ‘Pathway to Pakistan’ is the autobiography of?

Chaudhry Khaliq Uz Zaman

108 - When Haji Shariat Ullah left Faridpur for Makkah?


109 - Sawat joined Pakistan in which year?


110 - Titu Mir was an Important leader of the Muslims Peasant of which province?


111 - Which of the following districts of Balochistan contains huge deposits of Copper?


112 - FATA have how many tribal agencies?


113 - Pakistan major seasons for agricultural crops are?

Kharif and Rabi

114 - Quad-e-Azam met M.K. Gandhi for the first time in 1916 at?


115 - Line of control came into existence?


116 - What was the aim of Haji Shariat Ullah Life?

All of the above

117 - The most famous court peot in the reign of Akbar was?

Abdur Rehman Khan

118 - What is Silli?

A veil

119 - Syed Bandqi Muhammad Ghosh is the founder of?

Qadriya Silsila

120 - Where the first central office of Muslim League was set up?


121 - Under which constitution Bicameralism was introduced in Pakistan?


122 - What was the real name of Sher Shah Suri?

Fareed Khan

123 - Who dismissed the cabinet of Khawaja Nazimuddin?

Malik Ghulam Muhammad

124 - In which year warsak dam was completed?


125 - Kala Bagh is famous for?


126 - In Ziarat where does Quid e Azam Stayed?


127 - Mela Chiragha celebrated in the memory of?

Shah Hussain

128 - In which year Z.A Bhutto was arrested?


129 - Frontier regions include Dera ismail Khan, Kohat, Peshawar, Lakki Marwat, Central Kurran, Tank and?


130 - When Tehreek-e-Khatme Nabuwat was launched in Pakistan?


131 - In which year durand line was drawn?


132 - When first time in the history of India joint session of Muslim League and the Congress held?


133 - When National Accountablity Barue (NAB) was created?


134 - Simla conference was the meeting between?

Viceroy and the major political leaders of British India

135 - Temple of Shiva at Katas was constructed in 10th century AD. In which district of Punjab this temple is located?


136 - In which year PIA(Pakistan International Airline) became the National Airline of Pakistan?


137 - In which year Aurangzeb died?


138 - Natural Gas was discovered in Pakistan in?


139 - The federally administered tribal areas FATA consist of?

7 Agencies

140 - Hanna Lake is situated in?


141 - Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan?

Liaqat Ali Khan

142 - Why no hindu leader participated in the first round table conference?

Civil disobedience

143 - The new province of East Bengal brought happier prospects of political and economic life for the?


144 - Which amendments were proposed by Quad-e-Azam in the Nehru Report 1928 to make it acceptable to the Indian Muslims?

All of the above

145 - Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani was a great advocate of?


146 - Sher Shah is well known for his administrative skill especially his?

Land Revenue System

147 - Who in his presidential address stressed the need for a political platform for the Muslims?

Nawab Waqar Ul Mulk

148 - Dr. Khan Sahib was assassinated on?

9th May 1958

149 - Who described in Musaddas, the rise of and fall of Islam as a political and cultural force in the world:

Altaf Hussain Hali

150 - Mahabbat Khan mosque is situated in which city of Pakistan?


151 - In which year Qaim Ali Shah elected Chief minister of Sindh?


152 - In which city Largest radio station is situated?


153 - Pakistan forest institution is in which city?


154 - Babar laid the foundation of Mughal empire in 1526 by defeating?

Ibrahim Lodhi

155 - Who sponsored Pakistan Turkeministan Gas pipeline project?

Asian Development Bank

156 - "Quad-e-Azam Jinnah – The story of a Nation" is a biography of Quaid-e-Azam written by:

G. Allana

157 - Khojak is?

Longest tunnel

158 - Which new province was formed under act of 1935?


159 - Which resolution is guideline for all constitutions of Pakistan?

Objective Resolution

160 - House Building Finance Corporation HBFC was established in which year?


161 - Where it was decided to set up All India Khilafat Committee?


162 - Who described India as a beautiful bride whose two eyes were Muslims and Hindus?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

163 - Warsak dam is on which of the following river?


164 - Sir Syed Ahmed Khan worked as?

Both A & B

165 - Harappa city is situated on the bank of which river?


166 - Which city of Pakistan is laid out on the shape of British flag?


167 - Who announced the communal award?


168 - Which of the following provisions is a part of the Objectives Resolution of 1949?

Fundamental rights of citizens shall be fully safeguard.

169 - To protect the interest of minorities it was provided in the Lucknow Pact 1916 that no bill or resolution affecting a community would be passed if?

Three fourth of the representatives of that community were opposed to it.

170 - The first chief minister of Punjab after creation of Pakistan was?

Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot

171 - When annual session of All India Muslim Educational Conference was held?


172 - When Pakistan joined Organization of Islamic Cooperation?


173 - Chitral joined to Pakistan in which year?


174 - In which year EBDO was promulgated in Pakistan?


175 - The author of ԉ۪Introduction to Sindh: Its wealth and welfareՉ۪ is?

M.B. Pithawalla

176 - Azad Kashmir have how many districts?


177 - The last ruler of Bahawalpur state was?

Ameer Sadiq Muhammad-V

178 - What is the height of Sindh from sea level?

20 Feet

179 - On which date Nawaz Sharif take oath as Prime minister of Pakistan for 2nd time?

13th February 1997

180 - When battle between Sikh army and Mujahideen was fought?


181 - Sir Syed stayed in England for how many years?

2 Years

182 - Who issued Fatwa that â€Å“India was a Dar-ul-Harb"?

Maulana Abdul Kalam and Maulana Abdul Bari

183 - Which of the following fort was built by Mughal Emperor Zahir-Ud-Din Babar?

Bala Hissar

184 - Which of the following is the part of local Government System?

All of the above

185 - In which year Sir Syed Ahmad Khan retired from service?


186 - The state which was annexed by India on 11th November 1948 was?


187 - Most urbanized area in Pakistan is?


188 - Who presented poor man̢۪s budget in 1946?

Liaqat Ali Khan

189 - In the final Anglo Mysore war of 1799 the forces of East India company received no assistance from?


190 - Identify the city which received Hilal e Istiqlal for its heroic resistance during 1965 Indo-Pak war?


191 - When it was decided to set up a nationwide organization known as the All India Khilafat Committee?

5th July, 1919

192 - Who decided to hold a Round Table conference?

British Govt

193 - Mujahideen movement was launched under the leadership of?

Syed Ahmad Shaheed

194 - Real founder of Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband was?

Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nautvi

195 - Pak China border treaty was signed in?


196 - The Jinnah of Pakistan was written by?

Stanley Wolpert

197 - Word mughal derives from Mongol meaning any one from?

Central Asia

198 - When Qadianis were declared as non muslims in Pakistan?


199 - Dinosaur fossils found in which province of Pakistan?


200 - Haleji lake is in?


201 - When Gandhi was assassinated?


202 - In which year ‘Now or Never’ was published?


203 - Medium range missile Abdali was first launched in which year?


204 - The cease-fire line that separates Indian Occupied Kashmir from the Aksai Chin held by China in known as the?

Line of actual control

205 - National tree of Pakistan is?


206 - According to the Constitution of Pakistan levying of sales tax on services is

The responsibility of FBR

207 - Pakistan first nuclear Power Station built at Karachi in 1972 was provided by:


208 - Who was elected president of muslim league in 1958 after the death of Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar?

Abdul Qayyum Khan

209 - When partition of Bengal take place?


210 - Margalla Hills are a part of which mountain range?


211 - Out of total population of 31 Million of Eastern Bengal how many were muslims?

18 million

212 - Who was the first Pakistani who became the Judge of International court of justice?

Sir Zafarullah Khan

213 - What is the length of Durand Line?

2252 KM

214 - Which one is the hottest place in the subcontinent?


215 - First SOS village in Pakistan was set up in 1977 at?


216 - Quad-e-Azam elected president of Muslim league in?


217 - Institution of Ombudsman was created in?


218 - Who was the viceroy of India when Jallianwala Bagh Incident took place?


219 - Pakistan men̢۪s hockey team has won the Asian Games gold medal __ times.


220 - Who was Sir Stafford Cripps?

Prominent Member of the War Cabinet of England

221 - In 1947 the ruler of Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir was:

Hari Singh

222 - Haleji lake is situated near the city of?


223 - How many muslim leaders was included in the Simla Deputation?


224 - Which religious scholar tried to eradicate different innovations from the religion?

Haji Shariat Ullah

225 - Who was the last viceroy of India?

Lord Mountbatten

226 - When objective resolution was adopted?


227 - Minto Park later was known as which park?

Iqbal Park

228 - In which year British government sold Kashmir to Gulab Singh?


229 - The strongholds of Arya Samaj were mainly in the?

Western and Northern India

230 - At the time of Partition of Bengal, who was the leader of Muslims in East Bengal?

Nawab Salimullah Khan

231 - Babar laid the foundation of Mughal empire in?


232 - Which of the following river of PAKISTAN is called the Nile of PAKISTAN?


233 - ԉ۪The Shah Bano ControversyՉ۪ was?

A book presented valuable record of historic case.

234 - The chairman of the Council of Common Interests is the?

Prime Minister

235 - Sindh was one of the first regions in the continent to enjoy the blessings of islam with the invasion of Muhammad Bin Qasim in?

712 AD

236 - Chandka Medical college is located at?


237 - What is the length of Korakaram highway?

805 KM

238 - In which year Pakistan got membership of SEATO?


239 - What is the ratio of Urdu speaking population in Pakistan?


240 - First annual session of Muslim league was held in?


241 - In which year Jinnah barrage was completed?


242 - Qissa-Ahsan-al-Qissas was written by?

Ghulam Rasool

243 - Lawrence pur is famous for?

Woolen factories

244 - Babar came to India from?


245 - The main occupation of the Indus Valley Civilization was?


246 - Nishtar hospital is in?


247 - Which of the following institutions was first introduced in the 1973 Constitution?

All of these

248 - Which report reflected Hindu prejudicial approach and was bared on anti-Muslim Sentiments?

Nehru Report

249 - When Sir Syed Ahmed Khan appointed as member of imperial Council?


250 - Who is considered as the Pioneer of Freedom struggle in Sindh?

Mir Sher Muhammad Talpur

251 - India earliest contact with islam came through?

Arab merchants on Malabar Coast

252 - Where is situated animal husbandry university?


253 - Shah Ismail was Martyred in a battle with sikhs at?


254 - Who was the viceroy of India at the time of Simon Commission?

Lord Irwin

255 - Where is Satpara Lake?


256 - Rawat fort is situated in which province of Pakistan?


257 - Quad-e-Azam reached Pakistan on?

7th August

258 - Kallar Kahar lake is located in which district?


259 - When Failsalabad was founded?


260 - â€Å“We are a nation according to any defintion of natiohood". Thus they must have a separate homeland where and when this statement was made by Quid-e-Azam?

23 March, 1940

261 - In which of the following year Gawadar became the part of Pakistan?


262 - Pakistan faces challenge of maintaining balance in its friendly relations with China mainly because of the following?

US Anti-China Belligerence

263 - The Pirpur report was compiled by?

Raja Muhammad Mehdi

264 - In Pakistan what is the name of second highest police medal?

President Police medal

265 - The only national election held on Non-party basis were in?


266 - Under the article __ of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of every other court have original jurisdiction in any dispute between any two or more Governments.

Article 184

267 - Lahore Resolution of 23rd March 1940 was seconded from Sindh province by?

Abdullah Haroon

268 - When Sindh Separated from Bomboy?


269 - First round table conference began in?


270 - Which mughal emperor died to sudden fall from the staircase?


271 - Gazetteer of West Pakistan : The province of Sindh including Khairpur state is the work is:

H.T Sorley

272 - Khawaja Muhammad Baqi Billah was the founder of?

Naqshahbandia Silsila

273 - Under Pakistan broadcasting corporation how many radio stations are working?


274 - Hari Singh fort is in?


275 - In which year MAO college became University?


276 - PM Zafarullah Khan jamali was resigned in which year?


277 - The tune of National Anthem of Pakistan was composed by?

Ahmad G. Chagla

278 - Ummar Afridi was the first Chief Commissioner as administrator of __.


279 - Tobacco was introduced for cultivation during the reign of?


280 - Which country is Pakistan largest trade partner?


281 - Which sultan of Delhi has been described as the â€Å“mixture of opposites"?

Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

282 - When act of 1935 came into operation?

3rd April, 1937

283 - Pakistan becomes a member of International Labour Organization in?


284 - Who was the governor of Bengal from 1760 to 1765?


285 - Where Qutubudin Aibek is buried?


286 - Objective resolution was adobted on which date?


287 - The Delhi convention held at Delhi on 8th and 9th April 1946 was a gathering of:

Newly elected muslim legislators of the central and provincial Assemblies for demanding the Sovereign Independent State of Pakistan.

288 - CCI stands for?

Council of Common Interests

289 - Where Agha Khan university was established?


290 - Where first round table conference was held?


291 - The author of ԉ۪Danger in KashmirՉ۪ is?

J. Korbel

292 - Which system was adopted in the constitution of 1956?


293 - Second Islamic Summit conference was held in Lahore in which year?


294 - According to 1956 constitution who was Qualified to be elected as president?


295 - Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar died during which round table conference?


296 - Lalusar lake is situated in?


297 - Indus valley civilization was spread over?

Sindh, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, UP, Rajasthan, Gujrat

298 - When the Pakistan resolution presented before the full house?

23 March, 1940

299 - Allama Iqbal qualified as Phd scholar from?

Munich University, Germany

300 - Land situated between two rivers is called?


301 - Babar won the battle of nit mainly because of?

Both B and C

302 - Quad-e-Azam served All India Muslim League as a president for?

15 Years

303 - Which of the following are key objectives of Pakistan Foreign policy?

Defending ideological frontiers and achieving national interest.

304 - What is the height of Landi Kotal?

3500 Ft

305 - Who laid the foundation of the first independent Turkish kingdom in India?

Qutubuddin Aibek

306 - The issue of separation of Sindh from Bombay remained dormant until the arrival of?

Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms

307 - In which year Pakistan rupee pegged to US dollar?


308 - All private banks were nationalized by the Government of Pakistan in?


309 - Where is Nishtar hospital is situated?


310 - The founder of first Afghan dynasty in India was?

Bahlol Lodhi

311 - Which report of 1929 was totally against the Muslims interest?

Nehru Report

312 - When first constitution was promulgated on 23rd March 1956 the Prime Minister of Pakistan was?

Ch. Muhammad Ali

313 - Kacha areas are in which province?


314 - What was the cause of Mahatma Gandhi death?


315 - Head of District Government under the local Government Ordinance 2001 is known as?

Zila Nazim

316 - When Sir Syed Ahmed Khan wrote Risa-e-Asbabi-Baghawat-Hind?


317 - What is the largest lake of Pakistan?


318 - Mari is famous for what?

Gas Field

319 - What is the length of gran trunk road N5 which run from Peshawar to Karachi?

1735 KM

320 - Which political Party in order to put more pressure on Government launched Quit India Movement?


321 - Which muslim leader considered that Quit India movement as anti-Muslim action of the Congress?


322 - Satpara lake is situated in?


323 - When Federally Administered Northern areas was created?


324 - As early as 1913, Muslim formally adopted the following objective of the congress?

Self Government for India within the Empire

325 - Who is considered to be the first poet of Punjabi language?

Baba Farid Ganj Shakar

326 - Gomal river fall into the?


327 - When Simla Conference held?


328 - ԉ۪Partition: The story of Indian Independence and the Creation of Pakistan in 1947Չ۪ is written by?

B.W Spunner

329 - When did Vasco De Gama came to India?


330 - Where is lake Saif Ul Maluk situated?


331 - Bolan pass a mountain pass in Balochistan passes through the:

Toba Kakar Range

332 - Karakoram Highway starts in Pakistan from?


333 - When MAO college was inaugurated?


334 - First Pakistani to hoist the Pakistani flag at the North and South pole is?

Namira Salim

335 - Why Gandhi started the Dandi March?

To break the salt law

336 - Which of the following muslim countries voted against Pakistan admission into the United Nations in 1947?


337 - When first indigenous stamp was issued in Pakistan?


338 - When sir Syed Ahmed Khan was elevated to the position of Chief Judge?


339 - MAO College was inaugurated by?

Lord Lytton

340 - Nizam was the title of ruler of?

Hyderabad Deccan

341 - Which is the national flower of Pakistan?


342 - Famous Punjabi writer Waris Shah wrote his famous book Heer Ranjha living at the town of:

Malka Hans

343 - Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was extremely impressed by the educational system of which country?


344 - Dr. Abdus Salam won noble prize in which of the following field?


345 - Who was Lord Minto?

Viceroy of India

346 - In which year first census conducted in Pakistan?


347 - Mughal prince Muhammad Dara Shikuh who was executed for being an apostate by his own brother Aurangzeb was disciple of?

Hazrat Mian Mir

348 - During the period of Feroz Khan Noon Muscat handed over Gwadar to Pakistan on?


349 - When Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar was born?


350 - Who proposed to make the Northern part of the sub-continent an independent Muslim state?

Syed Jamal Ud Din Afghani

351 - The most significant aspect of the Simla Agreement of 1972 signed between India and Pakistan is that both agreed?

To settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations.

352 - Who called off Non-Cooperation movement?


353 - Anjuman Taraki Urdu was written by?

Molvi Abdul Haqq

354 - After independence the Chief of Pakistan̢۪s Naval Forces was?

Rear Admiral Jefford

355 - The foundation stone of the Sikhism holiest place Golden Temple at Amritsar was laid by?

Hazrat Mian Mir

356 - Sylhet Disrict at the time of partition was part of the province of?


357 - Direct action day was celebrated on which of the following date?


358 - When east India company came into being the England was ruled by?


359 - What is the total area of Azad Kashmir in sq.Km?


360 - Scientific society translated the modern work from?

English to Urdu

361 - Heavy electrical complex and Heavy Forge and Foundry the two big engineering projects in Pakistan were established with the technical and capital assistance of?


362 - What was the Muslim in reply to Quit India movement?

Divide India and Quit

363 - In march 1958 the provincial Cabinet of West Pakistan was formed by?

Muzafar Ali Qazlibash

364 - Where is the shrine of Baba Farid Ganj Shakar?


365 - Zafarullah Khan was?

First foreign minister of Pakistan

366 - The indus valley civilization is knows as Pre Aryan Civilization because of the evidence of?


367 - Maulana Hasrat Mohani died in?


368 - In which of the following year UNO enforced ceasefire in Kashmir?


369 - Area of Pakistan covered by forests is?


370 - When congress and Muslim League made agreement on Constitutional Reforms?


371 - Abdul Hafeez Kardar was?

Cricketer of Pakistan cricket team

372 - What is the number of Pakistan population wise in the world?


373 - Yousaf Zulekha was written by?

Ghulam Rasool

374 - When Sir Syed Ahmed was born?

17 october, 1817

375 - Which of the following was signed on 8 April 1950?

Liaqat Nehru Pact

376 - When Moin Uddin Chishti was born?


377 - Artificial forests are being maintained at?

Changa Manga

378 - Harnai is situated in which province of Pakistan?


379 - Sir Syed was elevated to the position of Chief Judge in?


380 - In which year MAO High School was established?


381 - All India Muslim League was formed under the Leadership of?

Sir Agha Khan

382 - Who Introduced Doctrine of Lapse?


383 - Where Kala Bagh dam will be constructed?


384 - Pakistan resolution strengthend which theory?

Two Nation Theory

385 - Where first regular session of Muslim league was held?


386 - First major profession in Pakistan is?


387 - Famous sikh Peshwa Guru Nanak was born in?

Nankana Sahb

388 - Which of the following dams is situated at the highest altitude?

Wali Tangi Dam

389 - Partition of Bengal take place during the reign of?

Lord Curzon

390 - When All India Muslim was formed?

30 Dec, 1906

391 - Mujeeb Ur Rehman announced?

6 Points

392 - When did Allama Iqbal deliver Allahabad address?


393 - Indus river falls into the Arabian sea near?


394 - General Ayub Khan took over as the Chief Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan on?


395 - On which date first time tune of National anthem was played?


396 - The function of NACTA is to?

Eliminate Terrorism

397 - Haji Shariat Ullah was succeeded by?

Mohsin Ud Din Ahmed

398 - Famous Qissa Khawani Bazar is located in which city of Pakistan?


399 - In which pact the Muslims and Hindus agreed for Separate Electorate for Muslims?

Lucknow Pact

400 - Which reforms conferred on the Muslims the double vote?

Minto Morley reforms

401 - Archaeological remains of Butkara Buddhist Stupa situated at?

Saidu Sharif

402 - Which of the following term was not agreed by the British following the Gandhi Irwin Pact of 1931?

Complete abolition of tax on salt production in India.

403 - What was the court language of Mughals?


404 - Where Shahi Mosque was built by Aurangzeb Alamgir?


405 - When Cripps Mission visited India?


406 - In which year Sir Syed set up a Scientific Society at Ghazipur?


407 - Major segment of Saraiki speaking population lives in which province?


408 - The picture appears on the back of Rs.500 Note is?

Badshahi mosque

409 - Mangora is famous for?

China Clay

410 - Who said that congress was mainly a Hindu body which can never be sincere to the Muslims?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

411 - Which leader translated the Lahore Resolution from English to Urdu on 23rd March 1940?

Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

412 - Which archeological site was discovered in 1955?

Kot Diji

413 - The first Pakistani prime minister to visit China was?

Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy

414 - Professional qualification of Quad-e-Azam was?


415 - When Alexander the great arrived in?

326 BC

416 - What are total iron resevers found in Pakistan?

500 million tones

417 - Who introduced land reforms system is Sub Continent?

Sher Shah Suri

418 - Which religious scholar translated Quran in Persian?

Shah Wali Ullah

419 - What was the actual name of Shah Wali Ullah?


420 - Section __ of the Indian independence act 1947 dealt with the powers of Governor-General.


421 - Allama Iqbal famous address at Allahabad was delivered to the __ session of All India Muslim League.


422 - Which bank gave a Rs. 80 million loan to the Government of Pakistan on the request of Quid-e-Azam when the Reserve Bank of Indian failed to deliver Pakistan̢۪s share?

Habib Bank Limited

423 - Who introduced coin ‘Rupiah’?

Sher Shah Suri

424 - From where polo game was originated?

Northern areas of Pakistan

425 - First time flag of Pakistan was adopted on?


426 - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad launched?


427 - When some prominent Muslim leaders appeared on the congress platform at Kanpur to declare that the time was coming when both Hindus and Muslims should stand side by side?


428 - Who was the first and last woman ruler of Delhi?

Razia Sultana

429 - At the time of the Independence of Pakistan the Chief of Pakistan Air Force was?

Air Vice Marshall Perry Keane

430 - Commercial award was given by which of the following?

Ramsy Mcdonald

431 - Where was Anglo-Sikh war was concluded?


432 - First mughal emperor to allow Britishers to establish trade links with India?


433 - Zain is famous for what?

Gas field

434 - Sakasar is the highest peak of?

Salt Range

435 - The eighth amendment to the 1973 constitution gave the president powers to?

Dissolve the national assembly

436 - In which province of Pakistan Toba Kakar range is situated?


437 - Under the 1973 constitution of Pakistan the term of members of senate is?

6 Years

438 - In Pakistan where is national police academy situated?


439 - Lord Clive defeated Siraj-Ud-Daula in the battle of?


440 - Lord Mountbatten told the princes of the states after partition of Subcontinent they would be free to accede to India or Pakistan. He made this announcement in a meeting convened on?


441 - Majma Ul Bahrain or the Mingling of Two Oceans was authored by?

Muhammad Dara Shikuh

442 - Who was first and only muslim women ruler of Delhi?

Razia Sultana

443 - Who was the founder of faraizi movement?

Haji Shariat Ullah

444 - How many division are in Punjab?


445 - When Benazir Bhutto came to Pakistan after 8 years?


446 - Where Takht Bhai(archaeological site) is located?


447 - In the Provincial Elections of 1937 All India Muslim League won largest number of seats in the?

United Provinces

448 - â€Å“Brahmo Samaj" was the name of society was founded by?

Raja Rammohun Roy

449 - When partition of Bengal annulled?


450 - When Benazir Bhutto was assassinated?


451 - Sultanate of Oman sold the Gwadar enclave to Pakistan in?


452 - Provincial elections were held in East Pakistan in?


453 - When Quad-e-Azam resigned from the congress party?


454 - Chitral is called?

Jewel of Hindukush

455 - Muslim Bagh is famous for?


456 - Tribal agencies of FATA are South Waziristan, North Waziristan, Kurram, Orakzai, Khyber, Mohmand and?


457 - What was the cause of to Set up Khilafat Committee?

To conduct the movement for the safeguard of the institution of Khilafat

458 - Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar had started publishing his famous English Newspaper Comrade in 1911 from?


459 - The Indus valley people knew the use of?

Gold, silver, copper, bronze but not iron

460 - Who is said to be earlier founder of Nadva?

Molvi Abdul Ghafoor

461 - Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan did his Phd degree from which university?


462 - When Pakistan became the member of NAM(Non Alligned Movement)?


463 - What is the highest glacier of Pakistan?


464 - The agreement of Constitutional reforms reached by Muslim Congress and League is called?

Lucknow Pact

465 - Who became president of Pakistan at the time of independence in 1947?

None of the above

466 - "Pakistan in the Twentieth Century: A political History" is book written by?

Lawrence Ziring

467 - Land between Bias and Ravi is called?

Bari Doab

468 - At the time of independence from the British Indian Sub continent comprised of Princely or Native states which numbered?


469 - When was issue Pakistan first Postal Stamp?


470 - First missile launched by Pakistan was?


471 - Which of the following theory became the basis of Islam?

Two Nation Theory

472 - What is the largest lake in Azad Jammu and Kashmir?

Wullur Lake

473 - Kakul is famous which of the following?

Millitary Academy

474 - UNHCR in Pakistan works for?

Rehabilitation of Refugees

475 - When Quit India movement was launched?


476 - What is the name of national bird of Pakistan?


477 - Akbar was a great builder. He constructed and founded:

All of the above

478 - Who wrote Loyal Mohammadans India?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

479 - Jamrud is called?

Gate way to Khyber pass

480 - In which Month Cripps Mission visited India?


481 - The Govt of India was taken over by the British Crown in?


482 - The predominant language spoken in Hazara region is?


483 - At which place Simla conference was held?


484 - Tank is the name of agency of?


485 - The main purpose of the Communal Award announced by the British Prime Minister Ramsy MacDonald on 4 August 1932 was?

To grant separate electorates to minority communities in India, including Muslims, Sikhs, and Dalits in India.

486 - Port Qasim is near the which city of PAKISTAN?


487 - Who presented a resolution for the formation of the Muslim league?

Salim Ullah Khan

488 - Mother tongue of Quad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was:


489 - Alberoni came to India along with?

Mahmood of Ghaznavi

490 - Which province is called Bread Basket of Pakistan?


491 - Where is Seri Bahlol located in Pakistan?


492 - Local bodies Govt system was introduced in subcontinent in?


493 - Who passed Vernacular Press Act?

Lord Lytton

494 - Who coined the word Pakistan?

Ch. Rehmat Ali

495 - Second major profession in Pakistan is?


496 - Which leader helped Quad-e-Azam in the preparation of his fourteen points in 1929?

Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar

497 - The faraizi movement emphasised on the performance of?

Both A & B

498 - Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani was born in?


499 - Which kind of forests are facing danger of extinction?


500 - Who said, ԉ۪Had Muhammad Ali Jinnah died earlier, there would not have been PakistanՉ۪?

Michael Brecher

501 - Who supported PAK resolution from Uttar Pardesh?

Ch Khaliquz Zaman

502 - Which of the following is not a correct statement about Tribal Areas?

Before making a law applicable to a tribal area president has to consult a tribal jirga representing that tribal area.

503 - Who was the disciple of Shah Abdul Aziz?

Syed Ahmad Shaheed

504 - Nanga Parbat is situated in which mountain range?


505 - What was the length of first railway track?


506 - According to 1956 constitution which was the National languages of Pakistan?

Both of the above

507 - Upper Sawat canal starts from?


508 - Porali river is in?


509 - When one unit was established?


510 - In which year family law was introduced in Pakistan?


511 - Who was the first wafaqi Mohtasib of Pakistan?

Justice Retired Sardar Muhammad Iqbal

512 - How many Frontier regions are in FATA?


513 - Faraizi movement was started as a reaction to the anti muslim policy of the ___?


514 - River ravi originates from?

Himachal Pardesh

515 - Mehr-Ul-Nisa later known as?

Both of the Above

516 - Under the amended 1973 Constitution of Pakistan legislative powers not specified in the federal legislative list belong to the:


517 - Who was viceroy when Queen̢۪s Victoria was crowned with Kaisar e Hind in Delhi Darbar?

Lord Lytton

518 - Where Pakistan is situated?

Tropic of Cancer

519 - Who founded Pakistan National movement?

Ch Rehmat Ali

520 - When Pakistan resoulation was moved?

23 March, 1940

521 - Who was the leader of Quit India Movement?

Mahatma Gandhi

522 - When muslim league was set up?


523 - Pakistan nuclear test was held on which date?


524 - â€Å“Manchester of Pakistan" is called which of the following city?


525 - Who were the representatives of muslim community in first round table conference?

All of the above

526 - Who was pioneered in the Khilafat Movement?

Ali Brothers

527 - First climber from Pakistan to have summited Mount Everest on 17 May 2000 was?

Nazir Sabir

528 - First Sufi came to Lahore was?

Sheikh Ismail Bukhari

529 - When did congress ministries was quit?


530 - What is the meaning of Quetta?


531 - Where Ranjit Singh was born?


532 - The language used in Govt offices in Pakistan is?


533 - Who wrote an â€Å“Essay on the life of Muhammad PBUH"?

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

534 - Which of the following glaciers are present in Korakoram range?

All of the above

535 - What is the meaning of the word â€Å“PAKISTAN"?

Land of Pure

536 - Hindus have been divided into how many castes?


537 - Governement of India Act 1935 divided the country into?

11 Provinces

538 - Which is the largest water tunnel in Pakistan?


539 - Satpara Dam has been constructed in?

Gilgit Baltistan

540 - What was the real name of Raja Sahib of Mahmudabad?

Amir Ahmad

541 - Syed Ahmed Shaheed and Shah Ismail were martyred in?


542 - In which year Banks were nationalized in Pakistan?


543 - Who suggested the name of Muslim league?

Sir Muhammad Shafi

544 - When the Cabinet Mission arrived in India?


545 - Wullar lake is attached with which river?


546 - Body of law which defines the relationship of the different entities within a state namely the legislature, the executive and the judiciary is called?

Constitutional Law

547 - In Balochistan which is the largest ethnic group?


548 - Who founded Wahadat-Ul-Wajud doctrine?

Muhiyudin Ibne Arabi

549 - Abdul Fateh was the real name of?


550 - Malam Jabba is one of the visiting points of?

Swat valley

551 - What was the official language of Delhi sultanet?


552 - Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum had rendered great services for the educational uplift of the muslims of?


553 - Name the mughal emperor who prohibited the use of tobacco?


554 - The first muslim invasion of India was led by?

Muhammad Bin Qasim

555 - What is the name of national animal of Pakistan?


556 - On which of the following date Cabinet Mission announced its Plan?


557 - Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan did his Phd degree from?


558 - In which year Gen Zia died in plane crash?


559 - MAO College was to provide education to?

Both A & B

560 - When published pirpur report?


561 - What is the real name of Waqar-ul-Mulk?

Mushtaq Hussain

562 - Warren Hasting was the governor of Bengal during?


563 - In which year Qadianis were declared non Muslims?


564 - Who was called the â€Å“True Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity"?


565 - Which is the largest desert of Pakistan?


566 - After Sir Agha Khan the next president of all India Muslim League was?

Raja Sahib of Mahmoodabad

567 - The first census conducted in India during the reign of?

Lord Mayo

568 - First Women Bank limited FWB is located in?


569 - Which dam is constructed on River Jhelum?


570 - Real name of Shah Walli Ullah was?


571 - After the creation of Pakistan the first radio station was established at?


572 - What was printed on the first indigenous stamp issued in july 1948?

Long Live Pakistan

573 - On 11 July 1950 Pakistan became the member of?


574 - All India muslim students federation was formed in 1937 by?

Raja Sahib of Mehmudabad

575 - What is number of Pakistan area wise in the world?


576 - When second round table conference opened?

7th September, 1931

577 - when Chamalang coal mine was closed in?


578 - One unit was dissolved in which year?


579 - Congress launched Quit India Movement against British Government in?


580 - What is Malakhara?

A game

581 - When Pakistan joined United Nations Organization(UNO)?


582 - British Parliament passed Indian Independence act on?


583 - In the interim Govt of 1946 the health minister was?

Ghazanfar Ali Khan

584 - Concurrent lagislative list was abrogated under which amendment in the constitution?


585 - Pakistan became the non permanent member of Security Council of UNO first time in?


586 - Which muslim leader made it clear to the Cabinet Mission that the Muslim Majority areas should be grouped together to make a sovereign and independent state?

Quad E Azam

587 - Who administered the oath of office to Liaqat Ali Khan as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan?


588 - Lord Wavell offered a scheme for the settlement of the?

Future Political Problems

589 - The first work produced by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was?


590 - How many seats are reserved for women in the National Assembly of Pakistan?


591 - Who was the head of Nehru Committe?

Motilal Nehru

592 - How many districts are in Pakistan?


593 - In 1940 where the annual session of Muslim League was held?

Minto Park

594 - What is the height of Lahore from sea level(in Meters)?

213 Meters

595 - Which area is called Gun factory of the tribal areas?

Dara Adam Khel

596 - What was the main objective of Syed Ahmed Shaheed?

Establishement of the state which was based on religious principles

597 - Dadhu Mian declared Jehad Against whom?


598 - When first time Simmon Commission visited India?


599 - Pakistan largest gas field is?

Sui Gas Field

600 - Sheikh Ahmad Farooq Sirhindi is the founder of?

Wahdat Ash-Shadud Doctrine


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