Pakistan Studies Most Important and Repeating MCQs Set # 7

1 - Po river flows through


2 - Prognathiam rerers to

Protruding jaw

3 - Cut off loops of rivers are known as

Oxbow lake

4 - Which among the following is the most populous city in the world?


5 - Oceans occupy per cent of the earth.


6 - Canals serve as passage of communication in the city of ________ in Italy.


7 - The capital city of Kenya is ________.


8 - Which city is called the 'City of Perpetual Spring'?


9 - The velocity of wind is related to

Pressure gradient

10 - Which of the following is a low-density area? I. Equatorial forest II. Tropical deserts III. Eastern Asia IV. North-eastern America

I and II

11 - The largest desert in the world is the


12 - Eskimos belong to

Mongoloid race

13 - Hemp of Mesta, Ramie and Kapok are

Fibre crops

14 - Mid-latitude or temperate forests include the trees of

Olive, Mapple, Walnut

15 - Which of the following set of countries are completely surrounded by land?

Mongolia, Zambia, Bolivia

16 - In Germany the Mittle Land Canal runs from the

Rhine to the Oder

17 - ________ is called "the land of thousand lakes".


18 - Which of the following lies on the Nile Rivers?


19 - The strait that separates Tasmania from the mainland of Australia is

Bass Strait

20 - Grand Bank, Sable Bank, Middle Bank and Jeffery Bank are the major fishing grounds of

North West Atlantic

21 - The fog that commonly occurs along the sea-coasts is of the ________ type.


22 - The temperature at which the air is saturated is known as

Dew point

23 - The busy port of Rotterdam is situated in ________

The Netherlands

24 - Which of the following is known as 'golden fiber'?


25 - The line dividing North Korea and South Korea is

38th parallel

26 - If the atmospheric air is cooled because of expansion, the cooling is known as


27 - Which of these countries has/have Adriatic Sea as a boundary? 1. Albania 2. Bosnia Herzegovina 3. Croatia 4. Macedonia

1, 2 and 3

28 - Which of the following is/are wrongly matched? I. Bushman - Kalahari Desert II. Masai - North America III. Bindibus - Australia IV. Kirghiz - Asian Steppes


29 - Uranus takes ________ years to orbit the Sun.


30 - Temperate grasslands in South America are found on the ________ part of the continent.


31 - Suez Canal has reduced the distance between London and Mumbai by about

7000 km

32 - The division of the world into major natural regions is primarily based on

Climate types

33 - The cold Labrador current brings nine months winter to ________

Eastern Newfoundland

34 - Contours are lines showing

Places on earth at the same altitude

35 - A country through which both Equator and Tropic of Capricorn pass is


36 - Which of the following varieties of coal accounts for the maximum coal output of the world?


37 - Which of the following has to be crossed over to reach Colombo from Kanyakumari?

Gulf of Mannar

38 - Condensation occurs when

The air is cold

39 - Where is Copacabana Beach located?

Rio de Janeiro

40 - Which one of the following countries is land locked?


41 - The Tropical Grasslands of Brazil are known as


42 - Mid-latitude grasslands of Canada are known as


43 - The most important oil producing area of the USA is

The Texas-Louisiana belt

44 - Fold mountains are formed due to forces born out of


45 - Borobudur in Java is famous for

ABuddhist Temple

46 - The world's largest river is


47 - "Dark Continent" is


48 - "Europe point" is

The southern most tip of Gibraltar

49 - Which, among the following countries, lies at the junction of three continents (Asia, Africa ad Europe)?


50 - Cod, haddock, halibut, sole, garoupa and snapper are

Fish varieties

51 - What does the 17th parallel separate?

South and North Vietnam

52 - Cyclones are called as hurricanes in

Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

53 - What is the capital of East Timor ?


54 - Khartoum is situated at the confluence of ________

White Nile and Blue Nile

55 - On the Equator the day and night are equal

Throughout the year

56 - The country worst affected by cyclones and accompanying floods is ________.


57 - Valparaiso is an important port of


58 - The extension of the landmass into the sea is shown as the

Continental shelf

59 - Peshawar is nearer to which of the following?

Khybar Pass

60 - In the transformation of vegetative matter to coal the first product is.


61 - Which soil is sticky when wet and develops cracks when dry

Black soil

62 - Which among the following forms of precipitation is different from the rest?


63 - Coastline formed by a drowned river mouth is a


64 - Commercial sources of energy purely consist of

Power, coal, oil, gas, hydro-electricity and uranium

65 - An estuary is a place where

Fresh and salt water mix near the mouth of a river

66 - 17th Parallel separates ________

North and South Vietnam

67 - The wettest place in the world is Cherrapunji (Assam). The Hottest place is

Azizia (Libya)

68 - Burkina Faso is the new name of ________ Republic.

Upper Volta

69 - Rubber is the coagulated Juice or latex or an equatorial tree called


70 - Botswana was formerly known as


71 - The largest fish exporting region in the world is ________

The North - West Pacific Region

72 - Numerically the largest human race in the world is ________


73 - The sea with one of the highest salinities in the world is ________.

The Dead Sea

74 - In USA rice is grown

In Texas

75 - The Indian sub-continent lies

Wholly in the northern hemisphere

76 - Which of the following countries does not share its border with Iraq?


77 - Which one of the following countries has the highest average of road length on per thousand square kilometer area basis?


78 - Which one of the following is the largest country area-wise?


79 - Which is the largest Gulf in the World?

The Gulf of Mexico

80 - Which of the following rivers In Europe has the largest volume of traffic?

The Rhine

81 - From east to west, which one of the following sequences of cities of Canada is correct?

Quebec – Montreal - Ottawa -Toronto

82 - The biggest freshwater lake is


83 - The ________ railway is the longest railway route in the world.


84 - Limestone is an example of

Sedimentary rocks

85 - The leading producer of coal in former Soviet Union is

Donetz basin

86 - The busiest sea route is

The North Atlantic Route

87 - Which of the following is a reason for the increase in population of the developing countries?

Increase in life expectancy and decrease of death rate due to medical facilities

88 - The approximate distance between the Earth and the Moon is

380000 km

89 - Which of the statements as regards the consequences of the movement of the earth is not correct?

Rotation of the earth cause variation in the duration of days and nights

90 - Which of the following yield teak?

Deciduous forests

91 - The home of spices is


92 - In winter the Eskimos of the Tundra region live in


93 - The evergreen trees are those which remain green through out the year. This is because

Their leaves fall in small numbers at intervals

94 - The urban population of the world is growing faster than Its rural population. This is mainly because of

Rural-urban migration

95 - The difference in mean temperature between the hottest and coldest months in a year is known as

Annual range of temperature

96 - The age of a tree can be estimated by

The number of concentric rings on a cross-section of its trunk

97 - Latex is a name for

Crude rubber

98 - Simla is cooler than Amritsar although they are on the same latitude. This is because

Shimla is at greater height above sea level than Amritsar

99 - The continents of the world are mainly composed of


100 - First railway line in the world, was laid in ________

North-East England

101 - The country which is commonly known as 'The Land of Golden Fleece' is ________


102 - The inequality between day and night becomes greater or more marked as one travels from ________ to ________.

Equator, Poles

103 - Which of the following countries have achieved a negative growth rate of population?

Australia, Canada and Sweden

104 - Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term 'Karroo' of Southern Africa?

Steppes from the coastal lowland on to the high plateau

105 - Infant mortality rate is ________

Number of deaths of children below 1 year of age per 1000 of the population

106 - Strait of Florida runs in between ________

Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico

107 - Mountain of accumulation is

Volcanic mountains

108 - The home or the fur-bearing animals is the

Coniferous forests

109 - Name the country which shares the benefits of the Kosi Multipurpose Project with India


110 - Grasslands in Australia are known as the


111 - Which among the following statements about the earth is not true?

The Earth makes one complete revolution on its axis in 48 hours

112 - What is the country through which both Equator and Tropic of Capricorn pass?


113 - The land-locked country in South East Asia is


114 - The only land-locked country in South-East Asia is


115 - Panama Canal connects ________ and ________.

Panama and Colon

116 - Sues Canal connects ________ and ________.

Port Said and Suez

117 - "Haneda" is the name of the international airport in


118 - Which one of the following straits is nearest to the International Date Line?

Bering Strait

119 - The ________ current is a cold water current.


120 - Which of the following is not a member of SAARC


121 - Which one of the following countries is not in South America?


122 - The first steam boat was built by

Robert Fulton

123 - The coast of which of the following country are not touched by Arabian sea?

Saudi Arabia

124 - In demographic features, India is sorted out in which of the following stage of population cycle?

Late expanding stage

125 - The Tagus river flows through


126 - The capital of the Ontario province of Canada situated on the Lake Ontario is the port city of


127 - East African Valleys stretching from East Africa through Red Sea to Syria is an example of

Rift valley system

128 - The major cause of the decrease in population of rural areas as compared to the towns is ________

Migration of people from villages to the urban areas in search of better facilities and employment

129 - When total land is divided by total population, we get?

Population Density

130 - The Pacific terminal of Trans-Siberian Railway is


131 - Which one of the following countries is not land-locked?


132 - The total length of the oceanic ridge systems is of the order of

65000 km

133 - The Gutenburg discontinuity separates ________.

Inner mantle and the core

134 - Inversion of temperature refers to ________ temperature with height.

Increase in

135 - When dew point is reached it is said that at that temperature

All the above

136 - What is the "cloud burst"? It is

An abnormal heavy downpour of rain

137 - Which country is known as the "Cockpit of Europe"?


138 - Which one of the following types of plains is not formed by the action of the riven?

Loess plains

139 - The shipping canal that connects the North Sea and the Baltic Sea is called the ________.

Kiel Canal

140 - Foehn is a local wind of ________.


141 - A river erodes by

All the above

142 - Pedology is a science of the study of


143 - A sierra is a/an

Mountain range

144 - Palk Strait separates

India and Sri Lanka

145 - Name the mountain that separates France and Spain.


146 - Which of the following is not helpful for delta formation?

Tidal nature of waves

147 - In which of the following units is atmospheric pressure measured?

Kilograms per square metre

148 - The continent through which the Equator, Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn pass, is


149 - Plains formed by the deposits brought by glacier are

Drift plains

150 - 'Ursa Major' is the scientific name for one of the constellations of stars. Its common English name is

The Great Bear

151 - Gulf Stream, the most important current of the Atlantic Ocean, takes Its birth from the Gulf of Mexico. Its importance lies in its

Warming effect

152 - Which of these is not true of the effects of the ocean currents?

They do not affect rainfall over the coast

153 - The famous Matterhorn Peak is found in


154 - Which of the following countries share borders with Moldova? 1. Ukraine 2. Romania 3. Belarus. Select the correct answer using the code given below

1 and 2 only

155 - Which of the following is/are the chief Characteristics of commercial grain farming of the middle latitude grasslands? 1. The size of farms are generally large. 2. Cultivation is highly mechanized. 3. It is a type of extensive farming. Select the correc

1, 2 and 3

156 - Chicago, one of world's largest steel centres, is located on the southern tip of the lake.


157 - Spot the odd item.

Mt Godwin Austin

158 - Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights, because clouds

Reflect back the heat given off by earth

159 - Main hunting ground for blue whales is located in ________

Antarctic region

160 - The deepest or the Oceanic trenches is the ________ trench.


161 - What is meant by 'brain drain'?

The migration of highly qualified or skilled people to better places of employment

162 - Which part of Europe is most densely populated?

Western Europe

163 - The world's most humid continent is

South America

164 - River Rhine of Europe drains into

North Sea

165 - The 'land of eternal spring' are certain parts of

Hot Wet Equatorial region

166 - Which one of the following is correctly matched?

Labrador Current - North Atlantic Ocean

167 - Which of the following is correctly matched?

Eskimo - Canada

168 - Which calendar is being universally followed?

Gregorian Calendar

169 - Sunda Trench lies in ________

Indian Ocean

170 - Collective Farm of Ukraine is also known as


171 - Nautical mile is a unit of distance used in


172 - Which of the following reflects radio waves back to the Earth?


173 - The internationally recognised scale for describing wind speeds is ________.

The Beaufort Scale

174 - At which particular place on earth are day and nights of equal length always?


175 - What is the shape of the Earth?


176 - Strait of Gibraltar connects which of the following?

Atlantic Ocean - Mediterranean Sea

177 - The Trans-Andean railway connects

Buenos Aires with Valparaiso

178 - A stony desert is termed as ________ and sandy desert as ________.

Reg, erg

179 - Humidity in the air is measured in a


180 - There are two types of crusts - the continental and the oceanic. The continental crust is

Thicker below the mountains than below the plains

181 - Pilgrim Fathers are the earliest migrants to

North America

182 - The approximate distance between the Earth and the Sun is

150000000 km

183 - Latvia does not share its borders with which one of the following countries?


184 - Tonle Sap is the biggest fresh water lake in South East Asia. It is located In


185 - Which one of the following continents has the lowest birth and death rates?


186 - Which is the largest country of the Africa?


187 - Which continent has the highest density of population?


188 - Which of the following is the busiest of ocean trade routes?

North Atlantic

189 - Which of the following is not a proof of Earth being an oblate spheroid?

The shadow of the Earth on the Sun during solar eclipse is always curved

190 - Three European cities viz Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade lie on the river


191 - A large loop like bend in a river is called

A meander

192 - Black forest is found in


193 - A passenger, on his transcontinental railway journey in Europe comes across the cities. What is the sequence in which he touches these cities in his east to west journey? 1. Belgrade 2. Vienna 3. Sophia 4. Prague

3, 1, 2, 4

194 - Tibet, the highest plateau in the world, is a

Intermontane plateau

195 - Which of the following are related with "Red Indian"?

North America

196 - Lowest temperature is recorded in


197 - Which of the following is a correct sequence of increasing depth?

Continental shelf, Continental slope, Ocean depths, Deep sea plains

198 - What is the similarity between Milwaukee Deep, Java Trench and Challenger Deep?

They are the deepest points of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, respectively

199 - The term "epicentre" is associated with


200 - Bangkok lies on river


201 - The most typical Australian tree which sheds its bark instead of leaves is


202 - Barkhans are

Depositional features of wind action

203 - The Great Barrier Reef is ________

Conglomeration of corals in Australian waters

204 - The most salty basin in the world is the

Dead Sea

205 - The ________ mountains crossing the Great Plains and the ________ Sea further south separate Europe from Asia.

Ural, Caspian

206 - Which of the following separates Asia and Africa?

Suez Canal

207 - The river Mahaweli flows through

Sri Lanka

208 - The number of women per thousand men is called

Sex ratio

209 - The river transports material in

All of these

210 - The majority of the coal reserves found in India are of

Gondwana formation

211 - Which strait divides Europe from Africa?


212 - The longest railway platform is ________

Kharagpur (India)

213 - People living in Sweden generally belong to


214 - What is a "shaft mine"?

Amine dug deep into the earth

215 - Oases are examples of

Foothill settlements

216 - Which of the following are known as coastlines of submergence?

Ria coasts

217 - Ocean currents rotate

Clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere

218 - The ________ route is the busiest ocean route of the world.

North Atlantic

219 - Spot the odd item in the following

Mt Everest

220 - The highest plateau in the world is

Plateau of Tibet

221 - The temperature at which dew is formed is known as

Dew point

222 - A narrow passage of water that connects two large bodies or water is known as


223 - The correct descending order of the leading producers of milk is

India, U.S.A., China, Russia

224 - Doldrums is/are

Low pressure belt of calm and light surface winds near the Equator

225 - Which of the following natural regions is inhabited by the Eskimos of Canada and Alaska, Lappas of Finland and the Samoyeds and Yakuts of Siberia?

Polar Tundra

226 - Which of the following is incorrect?

At the summer solstice the sun shines vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn

227 - Which of the following grades of coal has the highest carbon content?


228 - In population, high growth rate is a characteristics of

High birth and Low mortality rate

229 - A narrow strip of land connecting two large land masses is known as


230 - Which or the following is known as the lifelines of a country?

Modem means of transport and communication

231 - Limestone changes into ________ due to metamorphism.


232 - Moho discontinuity refers to a discontinuity between the ________ and ________ layers of the earth.

Sima and Mantle

233 - The Asian and North American continents almost meet at the narrow and shallow Bering Strait, only ________ kilometres across.


234 - Most of the people of the middle east belong to ________ group of people.


235 - Jurollo volcano, Mexico is an example of ________ type of volcano.


236 - Which one of the following countries is situated, geographically in America' but politically a part of Europe?

Green Land

237 - ________ canal lies on one of the world's largest of trade routes connecting Europe and Far East.

The Suez

238 - The Famous Kruger National Park is located in

South Africa

239 - Mackeral, tuna, herrings, and anchovies belong to ________ type of fish.


240 - A landform composed of sediments brought by a river and found where it enters a main valley or emerges from a mountain on to a plain is called a/an

Alluvial fan

241 - The smallest country in South America is ________


242 - The tip of South America is ________

Cape Horn

243 - ________ is called the 'low country' of the earth.

Holland (Netherlands)

244 - Which of the following is a hardwood tree?


245 - The smallest amongst the following oceans is ________.

The Arctic Ocean

246 - The most valuable cash crop of Brazil is


247 - The North Pole is always in the light

From March 21 to September 23

248 - Lesotho is ________

A country completely surrounded by South Africa

249 - In which country will you find the river Po?


250 - Which or the following is a rift valley?

The Rhine Valley

251 - Where are most or the Earth's active volcanoes concentrated at present?

Pacific Ocean

252 - Of the total water on the Earth, fresh water reserve a constitute approximately


253 - What percentage or all water available on the Earth is contained in the oceans?


254 - "Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest Coral reef is located in


255 - Which is the smallest Country (in population)?

Vatican city

256 - Savanna is a


257 - Which or the following is mainly responsible for causing discomfort to mountaineers?

Lack of oxygen

258 - Along which one of the following meridians did India experience the first light of the sunrise of the new millennium?


259 - The winter snow-house or Eskimos is known as


260 - Selvas is a word denoting

The equatorial rain forest of the Amazon basin

261 - The north flowing rivers of Siberia are not of much use for navigation mainly because

The lower courses remain frozen for many months

262 - Shortest air route from New Delhi to Vancouver will be ________

New Delhi - Bangkok - Tokyo - Vancouver

263 - Wind erosion is dominant in


264 - Isolines are lines Joining places having

Equal salinity

265 - Where is 'Ninety East Ridge'situated?

Indian Ocean

266 - Alaskan current is found in

North Pacific

267 - The waterfall 'Victoria' is associated with the river


268 - The coastline formed by the submergence of mountain ridges running parallel to the coast is known as ________

Dalmation coast

269 - "Venice of the East" is the name given to


270 - The highest water fall in the world is


271 - A person of mixed European and Indian blood in Latin America is called a ________


272 - A source of renewable minimum cost is power which can be developed with

Biomass power

273 - ________ stands at the head of Chesapeake Bay which is known for oysters.


274 - Lava solidifies to form ________.


275 - The phenomenon known as the "Midnight Sun" is caused by

Inclination of the Earth's axis

276 - 'Land of Fishermen' refers to


277 - 'The Land of the Morning Calm' is


278 - The subject that deals with the regional distribution of human races and their history is called


279 - In both the hemispheres the trade winds blow towards the


280 - Death Valley is in


281 - Where is the Port City of Cork located?


282 - People of North Africa are generally


283 - The Strait which separates Asia from North America is ________

The Bering Strait

284 - The shortest air route from Moscow to San Francisco is

Over the Atlantic Ocean

285 - Which of the following does not characterless 'selva'?

They have suffered the greatest destruction at the hands of man

286 - The river that runs along the USA-Mexico boundary is


287 - Which set of two river given below together form the world's largest delta?

The Ganges and the Brahmpautra

288 - Which is the world's largest river?

The Amazon

289 - The country with the highest density is ________


290 - One will not have to pass through the Suez Canal while going from Mumbai to


291 - Quinine is obtained from the

Cinchona plant

292 - Through which one of the following Straits does a tunnel connect the United Kingdom and France?

Strait of Dover

293 - Which among the following is the greatest inland waterway in Europe?


294 - Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are connected by ________ canal


295 - The hair or Nordic races is generally


296 - The largest railway station of the world is ________

Grand Central Terminal, Chicago

297 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? States of USA Geography Division

New Jersey South Atlantic

298 - Fog can be classified as a

Low Stratus cloud

299 - Crude oil is generally found in

Sedimentary rocks

300 - Which of the following absorbs the insolation from the sun and preserves the earth's radiated heat, thus acting like a blanket allowing the earth neither to become too cold nor too hot?

Water vapour

301 - The moat abundant element in sea water is


302 - What is the average salt content in a litre of seawater?

35 gm.

303 - The USA is deficient in domestic supplies of


304 - The world's largest inland sea is ________.

The Caspian Sea

305 - A geographical mile is a measure of length equal to one sixtieth of a degree or one minute (1') of latitude. It varies with latitudes, but is approximately equals

6080 feet

306 - Which of the following higher ground is not the part of Telangana Plateau?


307 - Which State has the longest coastline?


308 - Duncan passage is located between

South and Little Andaman

309 - The northern part of the west coast is known as ________

Konkan coast

310 - Which one of the following gives the correct sequence of places going from the east to the west of India?

Jorhat, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Rajkot

311 - Which of the following are true regarding ionosphere? I. It is the uppermost layer of atmosphere II. The molecules and atoms of nitrogen and oxygen in this layer absorb a part of solar radiation and become ionized III. This layer is responsible for reflec

II and III

312 - Arrange the following gases of the atmosphere in increasing order by volume: I. Nitrogen II. Oxygen III. Carbon dioxide IV. Argon


313 - Wind in the Southern hemisphere is deflected towards left due to ________

Rotation of the earth

314 - Local thunderstorms 'Nor westers' are prominent in ________

West Bengal

315 - Which of the following winds is incorrectly paired with the area in which it prevails?

Hurricanes - New Zealand

316 - The light of Sun takes how much time to reach to Earth

8 minutes 20 seconds

317 - Who proposed Continental drift theory?

Alfred Wegener

318 - The region which is resistant to the transformation of macro structure, is called?


319 - Study the following diagram and say which of the given statements is not correct regarding it ________

All parallels in the northern hemisphere have days equal to nights

320 - What percentage of insolation is received by the earth's surface?


321 - The metallic minerals are

Iron ore, copper, lead

322 - Which one of the following natural regions is best known for the production of grapes?


323 - Over 90% of the world's biomass is in

Tropical rain forests

324 - Deciduous trees are those ________

That shed their leaves during a certain season

325 - The Ruhr-Westphalia region is a famous industrial region of ________


326 - For a time difference of two hours, the longitudinal distance will be equal to ________.


327 - When it is 12 noon at Greenwich, what is the time at New York (74° W) ?

7.04 a.m.

328 - What is the difference between the Local time and Greenwich time one degree longitude?

4 minutes

329 - The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of ________


330 - Which one of the following would have occurred if the earth had not been inclined on its own axis?

The seasons would not have changed

331 - The Buckingham Canal runs through

Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

332 - The largest irrigation canal in India

Indira Gandhi canal

333 - Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

Ukai Project - Gujarat

334 - The Buckincham Canal is an inland water way in


335 - Which one of the following pairs of sea ports and states is not correctly matched?

Kakinada : Maharashtra

336 - The year ____ is called a Great Divide in the demographic history of India.


337 - The only private sector refinery set up by Reliance Petroleum Ltd. is located at


338 - The only state in India that produces saffron is

Jammu and Kashmir

339 - Three important rivers of the Indian subcontinent have their sources near the Mansarover Lake in the Great Himalayas. These rivers are

Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej

340 - The zonal soil type of peninsular India belongs to

red soils

341 - The Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain widens

From west to east

342 - The first cement factory was built in India in 1904 at


343 - The Coromandel Coast of India receives good rains from cyclonic storms in the months of

November and December

344 - The Lakshadweep are an example of

Coral Islands

345 - What is the most important characteristic of the islands (Indian) located in the Arabian Sea?

They are all of coral origin

346 - Which states are related with the dispute of "Mullaperiyar dam"

Tamil Nadu and Kerala

347 - "Rail Bandhu" is

A magazine available of Indian rail available in all Rajdhani/ Shatabadi/ AC Duranto Trains

348 - Railway passenger coaches are manufactured at


349 - Where is the headquarters of South-Central Railway located?


350 - Which of the following States is least developed in rail routes?


351 - The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which one of the following?

Fold mountains

352 - Which of the following passes lies in the Sutlej valley?

Shipki La

353 - Which one of the following mountain peaks of Himalayas is not in India?


354 - Amongst the following Indian States which one has the minimum total forest cover?


355 - The new alluvial deposits found in the Gangetic plain are known as ________


356 - Fish farming is practised in


357 - The international air route from West Europe to East Asia passes through India because ________

India is a busy centre situated between the two places

358 - The approximate depth of the Mariana Trench or the Pacific Ocean is

11030 m

359 - Wavy hair is characteristic or

Nordic race

360 - The Doctor is a wind which

Is conducive to health

361 - The river Tsangpo flows through before entering India?


362 - The Tibetan river 'Tsangpo' enters India through the State of ________

Arunachal Pradesh

363 - Which of the following rivers divides the 'Deccan Tableland' from Central Highland in northern India?


364 - Which of the following gives the correct descending order by length of the rivers of India?

Ganga, Godavari, Yamuna, Krishna

365 - From north towards South, which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given rivers in India?

Zaskar - Shyok - Sutlej - Spiti

366 - When almost all the elevated portions are worn down by river erosion reducing an area to almost a plain region, it is termed as


367 - India broke away from Australia and Antarctica and started moving north in the period of ________


368 - Nappe is a kind of

Folded structure

369 - Sandstone is which type of rock?

Sedimentary Rock

370 - Decaying vegetation produces organic acids which causes a breakdown of minerals. This is ________

Chemical weathering

371 - Batholiths and Laccoliths are formations of ________

Igneous rocks

372 - The igneous rocks are formed due to ________


373 - The Himalayas were formed due to ________

Folding of the geo-syncline named Tethys

374 - Japan experiences frequent earth-quakes because it is located ________

On the meeting point of two plates of the earth's crust

375 - Which of the following is the longest mountain range?

The Andes

376 - Copper alloys with tin to give


377 - Which one the following condition is not favourable for the formation of delta?

Active vertical and lateral erosion in the lower course of the rivers

378 - In the Himalayas the melting or the snow is more on the

Southern slopes

379 - Which of the following gives the correct decreasing order in numbers in the food chain pyramid? 1. Primary Producers 2. Herbivores 3. Carnivores 4. Man

1, 2, 3, 4

380 - The trees of spruce, fir, pine, etc are found in which of the following natural regions of the Earth?

Taiga Type

381 - You find some local people living in log cabins in

Taiga regions

382 - Which of the following is the longest Railway Tunnel?

Tanna (Japan)

383 - Among the following countries, which one is the most densely populated?

The Netherlands

384 - Hammada is the name given to ________.

A stony desert

385 - Which one of the following descriptions denotes the phenomenon of El Nino ?

The Anomalous widespread warming of the sea surface of the tropical east and central Pacific Ocean

386 - 'Recycling' is a method for conserving the resources of


387 - Horizontal transfer of heat is known as


388 - The Trans-Siberian railway links

Leningrad with Vladivostok

389 - When humidity is expressed in terms of percentage then it is known as

Relative humidity

390 - The snowline is the line on mountain or hill slope which

Is the lowest limit of perpetual snow

391 - What is a graticule?

The network of intersecting parallels and meridians on a map

392 - White coal refers to


393 - Which country is known as the "Emerald Isle"?


394 - The depositional feature at the point where the river comes down from hills to plain is

Alluvial fan

395 - In which of the following countries, is the ratio of hydroelectric generation to the total electricity generation the highest?


396 - Which factors influence ocean currents? I. Coriolis force II. Local winds III. Waves IV. Continent shape

I, III and IV

397 - The largest delta of the World is

Ganga Delta

398 - The Coast of Norway is an example of

Fjord Coast

399 - Find the odd

Dead Sea

400 - Ring of Fire is found commonly in

Pacific Ocean

401 - Which of the following is the oldest atomic power station?


402 - Which is the highest quality of hard coal?


403 - Which of the following is false?

Manganese is largely used in making fertilizers

404 - Which of the following pair is correct in context of thermal power projects?

Kawas - Gujarat

405 - Uraniu found in Ladakh is an example of which type of resource?

Potential resources

406 - Plants are associated with the social forestry programmes in India?


407 - Which of the following functions performed by a forest help most in controlling drought?

Forests bring rainfall in monsoon

408 - India's forest sponge iron plant is at


409 - Economically the most important forests of India are

Tropical deciduous forest

410 - Consider the following statement and identify with the help of the code the tree with which the statement is related to? The branches of this tree root themselves like new trees over a large area. The roots then give rise to more trunks and branches. Beca


411 - The major oil producing area in U.S.A. is ________

Texas-Louisiana belt

412 - Which of the following biomes is known as "Bread basket of the World"?

Mid Latitude Grassland

413 - Which one of the following regions of the world is called "the bread basket of the world"?

Temperate grassland

414 - The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs in ________

Tropical moist forests

415 - What is the most important edible crop of Australia?


416 - Where is Panchmari Biosphere Reserve located?

Madhya Pradesh

417 - Sea-cow is found in which of the following biospherereserve of India

Gulf of Mannar

418 - Which of the following is a new bio-fertilizers?

Green Blue Algae

419 - Which of the following resource is abiotic and renewable?


420 - Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Periyar Karnataka

421 - The Grand Banks are famous fishing grounds in the ________ region.

North-West Atlantic

422 - Which one of the following seas is without a coastline?

Sargasso sea

423 - Under normal conditions, which one of the following is the correct sequential developments of features made by fluvial action?

Waterfalls - River terraces – Meander bars - Oxbow lakes

424 - Maximum amount of herring fish is obtained from ________

The North Sea around the Netherlands

425 - The largest reserves of fresh water on the Earth's surface is in ________

North America

426 - River Indus originates from

Kailash range

427 - Which of the following peninsular rivers is westward flowing?


428 - The river Cauvery flows from ________

Karnataka to Tamil Nadu

429 - The fertile land between two rivers is called


430 - Teesta forms a part of which major river system?


431 - The Radcliff Line demarcates the boundary between

India and Pakistan

432 - World's highest urban density of population occurs in ________


433 - International date line is a/an

Zigzag line

434 - The latitude also known as the

Arctic Circle

435 - Boll-Weevil is a pest that attack the ________ crop.


436 - The retreating monsoon withdraws itself from

North-West India to Bengal and then to Kerala

437 - In May-June each year, the monsoon winds approach the southern tip of India from ________

South-westerly direction

438 - The premonsoon mango showers occur predominantly in

West Bengal and Assam

439 - Which of the following are the main reasons for the origin of the south-west monsoon in India? I. Development of a low pressure in north-west India II. Deflection of trade winds III. Arrival of cyclonic stream from the Pacific Ocean IV. Heating of the Ara

I and II

440 - Indian monsoon is marked by seasonal shift caused by ________

Differential heating of land and sea

441 - The transfer of minerals from top soil to subsoil through soil water is called ________


442 - Why is crop rotation necessary?

To increase the fertility of soil

443 - The important feature of shifting cultivation is ________

Change of cultivation site

444 - Black soils are ideal for cultivation of cotton as

They can retain moisture

445 - Choose the crops which were cropped by using high yielding seeds in India during Green Revolution?

Rice, wheat, jowar, millet and maize

446 - The Tropic of Cancer passes through the States of: 1. Gujarat 2. Jharkhand 3. Assam 4. Mizoram

1, 2 and 4

447 - Which one of the following sequences in the ascending order of their geographical size is correct?

Jharkhand - West Bengal - Tamil Nadu - Chattisgarh

448 - Which one of the following groups comprises of States sharing borders with Chhattisgarh ?

Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Orissa

449 - Where exactly is Aksai Chin?

The north-east corner of Jammu and Kashmir

450 - The Konkan Coast stretches between ________

Goa and Cochin

451 - In USA, which one of the following regions Receives heavy rainfall throughout the year under the influence of Wester lies?


452 - The mode or life or people living in Monsoon regions is

Intensive subsistence cultivation

453 - What is the full form of ITCZ?

Inter Tropical Convergence Zone

454 - Which of the following winds changes its direction with the change of season?

Monsoon Winds

455 - A line drawn on a weather map connecting points that receive equal amounts of sunshine are


456 - Albert Canal links ________ and ________

Antwerp and Liege

457 - What is the usual altitude of the plains?

Less than 500 metres above sea level

458 - Outwash plain is a depositional feature associated with


459 - Strait of Malacca separates ________

Sumatra and Malaysia

460 - Ladang refers to

Shifting cultivation

461 - The headquarters of North Western Railway is located in:


462 - First Metro Railway was inaugurated in Kolkata:


463 - India's first Stock Exchange Bombay Stock Exchange was established in:


464 - The index which refers to moisture deficit or surplus in an area is called:

Moisture Index

465 - The study of plant communities in relation to their habitats of a given ecosystem is known as:


466 - Monazite is an ore of


467 - The location of a cement industry is mostly based on ________.

Availability of raw materials

468 - Wheat and rice in China are cultivated in

Lower Yangtse Basin

469 - What is the main natural cause of disruption of road in hilly areas?


470 - Coniferous forests are in the region of ________

Low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year

471 - Which group of following states shares the boundary with Nagaland?

Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Manipur

472 - Which of the following Indian States broadly as large as the European nation Poland?

Madhya pradesh

473 - For transporting large quantities of crude oil on land, over long distances the most economical mode is

By pipelines

474 - Which among the following districts is not situated in the terai of Uttar pradesh?


475 - Which of the following state is the member of "Seven Sisters"?


476 - The McMohan Line is a boundary between

India and China

477 - Which of the following is a natural harbour?


478 - Which one of the following pairs is not correct?

Hurricane - China Sea

479 - Where are the Lepchas mainly to be found staying?


480 - The National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) is located at


481 - The most important item of export among marine products from India is ________


482 - Where is India's most prized tea grown?


483 - Madhya Pradesh is the biggest producer of


484 - Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term transhumance ?

Seasonal migration of people with their animals up and down the mountains

485 - The term "Green Revolution" is used to show higher production of

Per hectare agricultural output

486 - Consider the following statements regarding the distribution and pattern of isotherms 1. In the northern hemisphere, isotherms bend sharply equator-ward over the continents during winter. 2. Temperature gradients are greater in summer than in winter in th

1 only

487 - Consider the following statements: 1. Either of the two belts over the oceans at about 30° to 35° N and S Latitudes is known as Horse Latitude. 2. Horse latitudes are low pressure belts. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

488 - Warm dry winds blowing down the east slopes of Rockies are known as ________


489 - The study of the processes of atmosphere is called as


490 - Consider the following statements: 1. Tropical cyclones have circular isobars. 2. Tropical cyclones originate entirely within the tropical air mass. 3. The intensity and magnitude of hurricanes generally exceed those of typhoons. 4. Tropical cyclones are

1, 2 and 4

491 - Consider the following statements: 1. Gondwana coal is a laminated, bituminous coal. 2. Gondwana coal is completely free from moisture, sulphur and phosphorus. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

492 - The total number of refinery working in Assam is/are


493 - Which of the following statements are true with respect to iron ore? I. Limestone and coal are important for smelting iron ore II. More than 20% of the world iron ore deposits are in India III. Odisha and Jharkhand top in the production of iron ore IV. Ir

I, II and III

494 - India is the largest tea producing country in the world. It is grown in which of the following states mainly?


495 - Gujarat is the largest producer of salt in India because

It has extensive dry coast

496 - Why stars look more in west than east?

Earth is moving from west to east

497 - The largest of the planets is


498 - Who of the following discovered the laws of planetary orbits?

Johannes Kepler

499 - The four largest planets of the solar system in descending order are

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

500 - The mass of Jupiter is almost

One Thousandth of the mass of the Sun

501 - The Earth is an oblate spheroid and not a perfect sphere. This is because 1. the Earth has a rotational motion and the rotational speed increases as one goes from the Poles towards the Equator. 2. the Equator experiences greater gravitational pull from t

1 and 2

502 - Which of the following countries are located on the Greenwich Meridian? 1. Algeria 2. Germany 3. Guinea 4. Iceland

2 only

503 - Owing to the equatorial bulge and the polar flattening, the polar radius of the earth falls short of the equatorial radius by about ________

22 km

504 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given continents in the decreasing order of their percentage of Earth's land?

Africa – North America – South America – Europe

505 - What is the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth?

40,000 Km

506 - The Barak River is a famous river of:

Manipur hills

507 - Between the valley of Narmada river in the north and the Tapti in the south lies:

The Satpura Range

508 - Scunthorpe and Frodingham are:

The main mining centres of Britain

509 - The world largest producer of natural gas is:


510 - Xinhua is the Official News Agency of:


511 - Palk Strait separates India from

Sri Lanka

512 - In which of the following states are the Aravalli mountains located


513 - The source of the Brahmaputra is

A glacier near the Mansarovar Lake

514 - Heavy water plants are generally located near

Fertilizer plants

515 - Deltas are formed where the shores are free of

Hard rocks

516 - The World's biggest concrete structure "Three Gorges Dam" is located in which of the following countries?


517 - India is developing Chabahar Port in which of the following countries?


518 - 'The Scented Isle' in the Mediterranean Sea is


519 - When does winter solstice occur in the Northern Hemisphere?

22nd December

520 - The countries with the lowest and worst economic conditions in the world referred to as the 'Pole of hunger' are

European Countries

521 - Which of the following soils is very hard to cultivate?


522 - The lower Gangetic plain is characterized by humid climate with high temperature throughout the year. Which one among the following pairs of crops is most suitable for this region?

Paddy and Jute

523 - The share of food crops in India's total production is almost?


524 - Following are the characteristics of an area in India: (a) Hot and humid climate (b) Annual rainfall 200 cm (c) Hill slopes up to an altitude of 1100 metres (d) Annual range of temperature 15 degree C to 30 degree C Which one among the following crops


525 - How do the western disturbances affect the crops in north India?

They are beneficial to the crops by causing winter rain

526 - The total area of the earth contains:

148.94 million sq. km

527 - The total area of world the oceans contains:

61.132 million sq. km

528 - The ratio between Earth and Oceans by area is:

70.8% and 29.2%

529 - The total area of the earth is how many times bigger than the area of USA?

15 times

530 - The highest part of the earth is:

Mt. Everest

531 - The lowest part of the earth is:

Dead Sea

532 - The deepest part of the earth is:

Mariana Trench

533 - How many continents are in the earth:


534 - Asia is the largest continent of the earth, it has the area:

44,579,000 sq. km

535 - The highest point of Asia is:

Mt. Everest

536 - The second largest continent of the world by area:


537 - The total area of Africa is:

30,065,000 sq. km

538 - What percentage Africa has out of the total area of earth?


539 - The highest point of Africa is:

Mt. Kilimanjaro

540 - The lowest point of Africa is:

Assal Lake

541 - The third largest continent of the world:

North America

542 - Total area of North America is:


543 - Out of total area of the earth North America contains:


544 - The lowest point of North America is:

Death Valley

545 - What is the total area of South America:

17,819,000 sq km

546 - Out of the total area of the world South America contains:


547 - The highest point of South America is:

Mt. Aconeago

548 - The lowest point of South America is:

Valdes Peninsula

549 - What is total area of Antarctica?

13,209,000 sq,km

550 - Out of the total area of the world Antarctica contains:


551 - What is the total area of Europe?

9,938,000 sq. km

552 - Out of total area of world Europe contains:


553 - The lowest point of Europe is:

Caspian Lake

554 - What is the total area of Australia?

7,687,000 sq. km

555 - Out of the total area of the world Australia contains:


556 - The highest point of Australia is:


557 - The powest point of Australia is:

Eyre Lake

558 - In the composition of earth, aluminum is:


559 - The deepest part of Ocean is:

Mariana Trench

560 - The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is:

Sundae Trench

561 - The highest waterfall of the world is:


562 - Death Valley in California (USA) is famous for:

Hottest area

563 - The largest ocean of the world is:

Pacific Ocean

564 - The smallest sea of the world is:

Baltic Sea

565 - Strait of Gibraltar connects:

Mediterranean Sea with Atlantic Ocean

566 - Panama Canal connects:

Pacific Ocean with Caribbean Sea

567 - Sea of Japan is famous for:


568 - Which of the following is a baltic state?


569 - Identify the biggest island:


570 - Which is highest mountain pass in the world?


571 - Identify the world largest city (in area):

New York

572 - Identify the largest strait of the world:

Malacca strait

573 - Takla Makan Desert is located in:


574 - Identify the World smallest state by population:

Vatican City

575 - Kuril Islands are situated between:

Japan and Russia

576 - What is Green Peace?

An organisation that stresses the need to maintain a between human progress and environmental conservation

577 - Yellow Sea lies between:

China and Japan

578 - The world largest active volcano Mauna Loa is located in:

Hawaii (USA)

579 - The eastern Mediterranean Island Cyprus is divided between:

Greece and Turkey

580 - The world famous bridge Golden Gate is situated in:

San Francisco

581 - Skhalin Islands are claimed by:

Japan and Russia

582 - SAARC Human Resource zDevelopment center is located at


583 - The lowest point of Dead Sea is lying between:

Israel and Jordan

584 - Identify the largest sea:

Mediterranean Sea

585 - Which country has greatest number of volcanoes in the world?


586 - Which of the following country has large number of islands:


587 - What is subway?

Underground passage

588 - The main cause of earthquakes is:

All of the above

589 - Which land of country is below the sea level?


590 - Which of the following Central Asian state is enriched with the world's largest mineral resources?


591 - The strength of wave action depends on all these except:

Currents in the sea

592 - Which of these is not a metamorphic rock?


593 - Bore is caused by:

Rising tide with meeting river currents

594 - Which of these is a process of transportation in a river?


595 - A canyon is a large form of:


596 - What kind of weathering takes place on the Valley side above the surface of the glacier?

Frost shattering

597 - After rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences:


598 - A wind which reverses seasonally is known as wind:


599 - The largest latitude circle on the earth is:

The equator

600 - World largest delta is in:


601 - What is meant by Equinox?

Day and night are equal

602 - What is meant by solstice:

When sun reaches its maximum distance from the equator

603 - The season changes because of the:

Earth is revolving round the sun

604 - What is the age of earth?

5500 million years

605 - Antarctica is situated in the:

South Pole

606 - Which continent is called a Dark continent?


607 - Suez canal is between:

Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

608 - The earth rotation on its axis is:

West to East

609 - Rainfall related to mountains is:

Orographic rainfall

610 - Which water way gives the source of terrestrial?


611 - Friendship Bridge on Oxus river connects:

Uzbekistan and Afghanistan

612 - Johar strait separates:

Singapore and Malaysia

613 - Before occupation of Indonesia in 1975, east timor was a colony of:


614 - D-Day is:

A day on which something important to happen

615 - In which year Pakistan joined World Trade Organization?


616 - National language of Pakistan is Urdu. How many letters are there in urdu language?


617 - Skurdu is?

Coldest Place of Pakistan

618 - Sheikh Ahmad Farooqi is also known by the title of?

All of the above

619 - After independence in 1947 the Pakhtoonistan stunt was raised in Khyber P.K by?

Khan Abdul

620 - When second time Simmon Commission visited India?


621 - Neelam is called?

Pearl of Himalaya

622 - Pakistan resolution was seconded by whom?

Chaudhry Khaliq-uz-Zaman and Others

623 - 28th May is celebrated each year as "Yaum-e-Takbeer" because of which incident?

Nuclear tests were conducted by Pakistan

624 - Why muslim league rejected the Cripps?

Proposals did not concede Pakistan unequivocally

625 - Allama Iqbal died in?


626 - In Pakistan which city is called "Export City" of Pakistan?


627 - Alexander the Great was arrived in?


628 - According to the article __ of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan , Islam shall be the state religion of Pakistan.

Article 2

629 - â€Å“Curse of God" is the title of which of the following mughal leader?

Changaiz Khan

630 - After how many years partition of Bengal Annulled?


631 - Which movement was also directed against the oppression of Zamindars?


632 - When Muhammad Bin Qasim came to sub continent?


633 - Jinnah-Sikandar pact was signed in October 1937 at?


634 - The British Govt appointed a delegation(Cripps Mission) under whose chairmanship?

Stafford Cripps

635 - Who was the first Viceroy in India?

Lord Canning

636 - Where is the world biggest irrigation system is situated?


637 - In which of the following month Simla conference was held?


638 - Quid-e-Azam proposed how many amendments in the Nehru Report?


639 - State of Kashmir was purchased by Gulab Singh for?

7.5 Million

640 - Area covered by Punjab is?

205,344 Square Km

641 - Which among the following designed the first stamp of pakistan?

A. R. Chugtai

642 - Kashmore is situated in which province?


643 - Ruins of Mohenjo-Daro are located in District?


644 - When Agha Khan university was established?


645 - When Cabinet Mission Announced its Plan?


646 - When report of Nehru Committe was published?


647 - Simla Deputation met with?


648 - What is the name of border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Durand Line

649 - The resolution passed at All India Muslim League, in Delhi session, in 1929 is commonly known as?

Jinnah Fourteen Points

650 - Largest sector of Pakistan Economy is?


651 - Constitution of all India Muslim League was drafted by a committee in 1907 headed by?

Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar

652 - The peacock throne was made for?

Shah Jahan

653 - Babar came to India Originally from?


654 - In which of the following year Bahawalpur state was founded?


655 - What is the name of Viceroy who made August Offer in 1940?

Lord Linlithgow

656 - What was the PM of Pakistan at the time of its rejoining of Common Wealth in 1989?

Benazir Bhutto

657 - Who inaugurated the state bank of Pakistan?


658 - When Kalat accedes to Pakistan?


659 - Pakistan Came into being on?


660 - When Pakistan China border treaty was signed?


661 - Gawadar Port was built with financial assistance from?


662 - Who wrote Shahnama?


663 - Bernier visited India during the reign of?

Shah Jahan

664 - East India Company occuped punjab in?


665 - What was Ahrar Movement?

National and Militant Movement

666 - When Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto became first civilian Martial Law administrator?


667 - The Muhammad Educational conference was founded in?


668 - What was the main objective for the formation of All India Muslim League?

To safeguard the interest of Muslims

669 - Who was the editor of the daily Zamindaar?

Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

670 - When Muhammad Bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahir and Conquered Sindh?


671 - Lord Wavell offered a scheme for the settlement of the future political problems of India which is known as?

Wavell Plan

672 - Tilla Jogian is?

Finds mention in the epic love poem Heer Ranjha of Waris Shah.

673 - When Gandhi Intented to began his civil disobedience movement?


674 - When Name of PAKISTAN was presented?


675 - In which year Chitral incorporated into Pakistan?


676 - Pakistan lies in which of the following latitudes?

24N to 37N

677 - When British took Peshawar from Sikhs?


678 - Which of the following place is called the little tibet?


679 - Jaffar Zatalli wrote the Satirical poetry in the reign of?


680 - Who was the first president of All India Muslim league?

Sir Agha Khan

681 - Which province of Pakistan is the largest producer of oil?


682 - The hindus had launched ‘Swadeshi Movement’ in the wake of?

Partition of Bengal 1905

683 - In which year Sir Syed Ahmed Khan set a School at Muradabad?


684 - Largest island found in Pakistan is?


685 - Fariduddin Ganjshakar belonged to which Sufi Silsilah?


686 - Who was the first viceroy that was assassinated in India?

Lord Mayo

687 - When first constitution of Pakistan was Promulgated?


688 - What is the biggest industry of Pakistan?


689 - Which Province of Afghanistan have border with Pakistan?


690 - Who started Al Hilal Newspaper?

Maulana Abu Kalam Azad

691 - Who was British Prime Minister when 1857 revolt occur?


692 - After Shariat Ullah who made the faraizi movement strong and popular?

Dhadu Mian

693 - Hazara division of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province comprises five districts including Abbottabad, Battagram, Kohistan, Mansehra and?


694 - Haji Shariat Ullah Declared the country Darul Harb where which of the following prayers could not be offered?

Eid and Friday

695 - Khawaja Moin Udin Chisti was the founder of?

Chishtiya Silsila

696 - Guru Nanak was born in?

Nankana Sahib

697 - Sikh Peshwa Guru Arjan Singh was executed by the mughal emperor?


698 - When constitution of 1962 was abrogated?


699 - In which year Direct Action day was celebrated?


700 - What is the road density of Pakistan?


701 - On whose request Ahmed Shah Abdali Attacked India and Defeated Marhatas?

Shah Wali Ullah

702 - Hafiz Muhammad Saeed founded __ in Afghanistan in 1991.

Lashkar e Taiba

703 - Hafeez Jalandhri is the author of National anthem of Pakistan which is contained in his book:


704 - In Makkah who was inspired by Titu Mir?

Syed Ahmed Shaheed

705 - Last Mughal emperor to sit on the peacock throne?

Shah Jahan

706 - IMF gave one year relief to Pakistan and US$1.36 billion were give under the __ to address the economic effects of Covid-19:

Rapid Financing Instrument

707 - What was the name of movement started by Hindus against anti-partition of Bengal started?

Swadeshi movement

708 - In connection with the division of assets the amount which India owed to Pakistan was?

RS. 100 Crore

709 - In order to benefit from the port at Karachi, Bartle Frere initiated a railway line scheme aimed at linking Karachi with:


710 - Identify the secretary of state of India who led the Cabinet Mission in 1946?

Lord Pethick Lawrence

711 - In Simla Conference, Who represented the Muslim League?

All of the above

712 - Where is Bhong mosque located?

Rahim Yar Khan

713 - In which year Balochistan was given the status of Province?


714 - Largest Museum of Pakistan is â€Å“National Museum" is located in?


715 - Who headed the Cabinet Mission?

Lord Pethic Lawrence

716 - The communal award reduced the Muslim majorities in which provinces?

Punjab and Bengal

717 - Indus plain is sub divided into how many parts?


718 - Quid-e-Azam signed the Lacknow Pact on behalf of Muslim League, who signed on behalf of Congress?

Ambeka Charan Mojan Dar

719 - How many amendments proposed by Quid e Azam in the Nehru report?


720 - At the time of independence there were numerous princely states in India. Which state was the biggest in area?


721 - In which year decimal system introduced in Pakistan?


722 - In which year mangla dam was completed?


723 - Runn of kutch boundry is known as?

24 Parallel Line

724 - â€Å“Kaghan valley" is called?

Pearl of Himalaya

725 - Nuclear Research Laboratory at Kahuta was setup in?


726 - Murree is known as?

Rainest place

727 - During mughal period which traders first came to India?


728 - Which famous personality draw Pakistan Official Map?

Mian Muhammad Alam Suhrawardy

729 - Quit India movement was launched after the failure of which of the following?

Cripps Mission

730 - Real founder of Darul Uloom Deoband was?

Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautivi

731 - The Pakistan Resolution was translated in urdu by?

Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

732 - Kan Mahtarzai is?

Highest Railway Station

733 - In pothohar plateau which minerals deposits are found?

Rock Salt

734 - Under which act muslim were given the right of separate electorate?


735 - Chaudhry Rehmat Ali died in?


736 - What was the significances of 21st Annual Session of All India Muslim league?

Allama Iqbal Delivered Allahabad Address

737 - When people of Chauri Chaura took out the procession and refused to pay Government taxes?

5th Feb, 1922

738 - Length of Pak-Iran border?

595 Km

739 - Syed Ahmed Shaheed was martyred in the?


740 - FATA has kept Pakistan on the grey list until June despite the country has complied with __ out of the 27 actions suggested by the FATA.


741 - After Quaid e Azam which of the following become the governor general of Pakistan?

Khwaja Nazimuddin

742 - Which proposals provided that Sindh should be separated from the Bombay presidency?


743 - Aurangzeb ruled India from 1659 AD to?

1707 AD

744 - The first Commander in Chief of Pakistan Army was?

General Sir Frank Messervy

745 - Anjuman-e-Himayat Islam was established on 24th december:


746 - Syed Ahmed Shaheed and Shah Ismail was martyred in?


747 - At the time of its annexation by India in 1948 the state of Hyderabad was ruled by?


748 - What is not an indicator for resource distribution under the 7th National Finance Commission award?


749 - In which year Pakistan hold the post of Presidentship of UNO General Assembly?


750 - In 1863 Sir Syed established a school in which city?


751 - Largest division of KPK is?


752 - Who wrote national anthem of Pakistan?

Hafeez Jalandhri

753 - Mohsin Ud Din Ahmed better known in th history as?

Dadhu Mian

754 - When occurred Gandhi Irwin pact?


755 - The Hindus under whose leadership came forward with their full support for the Khilafat Movement?


756 - The only Govt in India headed by the All India Muslim League in 1946 was that of?


757 - Harni is located in which province of Pakistan?


758 - Who moved the Pakistan Resolution?

Fazal Ul Haq

759 - Diary form is what type of industry?

Agro Based Industry

760 - When Quid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was resigned from Imperial Legislative council?


761 - Why Quad-e-Azam resigned from congress?

Non-Cooperation Policy of Congress

762 - Syed Ahmed Shaheed was greatly impressed by who̢۪s preaching?

Shah Walli Ullah

763 - Who was the first chairman of senate of Pakistan?

Habib Ullah Khan

764 - When Pakistan women bank was established in Pakistan?


765 - In Subcontinent two nation theory was introduced by?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

766 - The Indian budget for Financial Year 1947-48 was presented by?

Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan

767 - Osama Bin Laden was killed by the US forces on?


768 - Which country opened first embassy in Pakistan?


769 - What is the total length of Makran Coastal Highway?

653 KM

770 - Khar is the main town of?

Bajaur Agency

771 - Which city is the cultural capital of Pakistan?


772 - Which mosque won award name Agha Khan Fund for architecture?

Bhong mosque

773 - Who constructed Lahore fort?


774 - Akbar fort is situated in?


775 - Thar is known as?

Friendly desert

776 - The report submitted by Nehru Committee is Known as?

Nehru Report

777 - Who United all the sikhs and founded a Kingdom in the Punjab?

Rangit Singh

778 - What is the length of coastline of PAKISTAN?


779 - In December 1916, where the Muslim League and the congress held their joint sessions?


780 - Who presided over the Simla Conference in 1945?

Lord Wavell

781 - Doaba Rachna is located between the river Chenab and river?


782 - The first chief justice of Pakistan was?

Mian Abdul Rasheed

783 - The pass which connects Pakistan with China is known as?

Khunjrab Pass

784 - Which of the following in Pakistan is supreme policy making body in the economic sphere?


785 - ԉ۪Abolition of Jagirdari: An explanationՉ۪ is written by?

Ali Muhammad Rashidi

786 - Oldest barrage on indus river is?

Sukkur Barrage

787 - War of independence was began from?


788 - Pandit Nehru who had been assuring the Kashmiris to give them their right to self determination went back on his promise when?

Pakistan joined SEATO and CENTO pacts.

789 - When State Bank of Pakistan is inaugurated?


790 - Which of the following is the power and function of Supreme Judicial Council?

Hearing the cases of misconduct of judges.

791 - From where civil disobedience movement began?

Chauri Chaura

792 - Who was the first non muslim cheif justice of Pakistan?

AR Cornnelius

793 - Which important hills are located in the Sindh?

Kirthar Hills

794 - Harni is famous for which thing?

Paper Mill

795 - Who announced the partition of Bengal?

Lord Hasting

796 - Who attended both the council meeting of Muslim League and Lucknow Session of 1913 as a special guest?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

797 - The pamphlet ‘Now or Never’ was written by:

Chaudhry Rehmat Ali

798 - When Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated?


799 - Rohtas fort was built on the orders of Sher Shah Suri by?

Raja Todar Mal

800 - What is the length of silk route in Pakistan?

887 KM


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