Pedagogy Mics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Chapter: 3

1 - …......also need to help learners make practice of what they have learned.


2 - … a general mental capability involving reasoning, problem solving, planning, abstract thinking

Cognitive ability

3 - …...who suggests that pedagogy relates to having assumptions as an educator and a specific set of abilities with a deliberate end goal in mind.


4 - …......forms the child as an indivisible whole


5 - …....mother gets angry and yells at him when he forgets to do his chores.


6 - … an application of the study of suggestion to pedagogy called


7 - 2021Who reviews in London mostly ----.

Peter moss

8 - A child has a hundred languages who said


9 - A design patten for students engage in learning process is


10 - A focus on the child as a whole person, and support for the child's overall----.


11 - A good teacher will design lessons that help students discover the relationship between bits of information said by


12 - A history teacher may challenge an event that is traditionally seen as progressive, while a literature teacher may question a common cultural

Critical pedagogy

13 - A pedagogy in classrooms create student base environment

Critical Pedagogy

14 - A pedagogy which deals and students care focusing

Critical Pedagogy

15 - A type of approach which discuss queries is called

Inquiry Based

16 - According to the ----..Approach people can only learn as a result of their experiences.

Behaviorist approach

17 - According to the ----..Approach people can only learn as a result of their experiences.

Behaviorist approach

18 - Accuracy and flexibility resources available to boost mental math skills----..

Mnemonic devices

19 - Active part of teacher for care the child in----.

Critical Pedagogy

20 - Active participation principles comes under

Discussion Method

21 - Adventure, circus and music theatre --------..


22 - Aim of developing social competences called

Social group work

23 - Aim to improve and develop individual life circumstances in

Individual case work

24 - Aims to weaken conditioned responses to certain feared stimuli is a part of

Behaviorist principles

25 - All engage in  as well as testing, conduct research projects in the entire field of mental and emotional disorders in


26 - All societical deal in pedagogy called


27 - Allen and Ryan suggest how many skills


28 - All-wise teacher generously gives knowledge to humble students is an example of

Critical pedagogy

29 - Also Influence in the development of a scientific discipline


30 - Alternating your tone of voice called

Pedagogical skills

31 - Always good connections between specific stimuli and the appropriate responses create----..

Good behavior

32 - American psychological clinic establish at the University of Pennsylvania in ----.


33 - An attempt to dismiss socialism and heritage created by Henry in


34 - An example of behavior modification techniques include praise, reward systems & continual feedback.


35 - An example of behaviorism is

Negative reinforcement

36 - An organization it has developed social pedagogy standards of proficiency and standards for education


37 - Another example----.. of asking students questions to find out their prior knowledge.

Pedagogical skills

38 - Another name of social pedagogy is

Societal pedagogy

39 - As long as written prompts to guide discussion called

Peer Teaching

40 - Asking questions like â€Å“why do you believe that?” comes in

Critical pedagogy

41 - Banking method negative effect is

Students nor encourage

42 - Basic role of a teacher is to deliver classroom----..


43 - Behavior stages describe variety of problem--------


44 - Behavioral model is generally viewed as ------------.areas


45 - Behavioral training to help clients change problematic ----..


46 - Behaviorism is its ability to define behavior clearly and to measure changes in----..


47 - Behaviorism proper under Watson and lasting from 1913----.


48 - Behaviorism theory in the classroom to elicit and maintain desired ----.behavior.


49 - Behaviorism type of pedagogy which deals in


50 - Behaviorist approach is also called----


51 - Behaviorist theory can motivate --------


52 - Behaviors are ----.

Observer able

53 - Better flow up of work and planning under comes

Team Teaching

54 - Break free of damaging social narratives, and think independently comes in

Critical pedagogy

55 - Bruner's theory on constructivism encompass the idea of learning as an ----.. process


56 - Bruner's theory to teaching and learning is related to----.


57 - Challenge yourself is best example of this

Critical Pedagogy

58 - Change the behaviour of the student called

Goal of teaching

59 - Change your assessments is called

Critical pedagogy

60 - Children do not become humans, they already are called by


61 - Children's workforce mostly in the --------


62 - Classical conditioning is a type of also----..

Cognitive learning

63 - Classroom Supporter is a teacher for the


64 - Classrooms & teachers are responsible for guiding the students in

Inquiry-based learning

65 - Cognition refers to ----..Activity including thinking, remembering and learning


66 - Cognitive approach involves in--------

Mental process

67 - Cognitive approach involves in--------

Mental process

68 - Cognitive learning is a process of


69 - Cognitive pedagogy involve factors called


70 - Cognitive processes first type is----.


71 - Combat oppression, like marches and demonstrations comes in

Critical pedagogy

72 - Concluding thoughts at finally comes in

Critical pedagogy

73 - Confirmation inquiry is a type of

Inquiry-based learning

74 - Constrctive and experience gatting are example of

Activity Method

75 - Constructivism is a ------------. Of pedagogy


76 - Convergent and divergent thinking are two terms coined by American psychologist Guilford was psychologist----.


77 - Convergent and divergent thinking coined in----.


78 - Create a solid relationship which pedagogy----

Social pedagogy

79 - Critical thinking & develop reasoning main aim of

Peer Teaching

80 - Critical thinking and understanding comes through

Inquiry-based learning

81 - Critical understanding and meaning is an example of

Critical Pedagogy

82 - Degree level qualifications to train and educate people.


83 - Develop grammar knowledge among students called

Lesson Plannning

84 - Discussion areas of social pedaogogy mostly


85 - Discussion-based class that allows students which pedagogy aims

Critical pedagogy

86 - Dramatic stretgy is also called

Role Playing

87 - During lesson which save from haphazard teaching

Lesson Plannning

88 - Each of these capacities is developed through and by means of the others by


89 - Early childhood curriculum in differ theoretical platform in


90 - Educating and guiding the students in a critical ways

Critical pedagogy

91 - Education is a crucial factor in social--------


92 - Education is not something which the teacher does, but a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being called by


93 - Education is the application of


94 - Education means and the identity of the


95 - Emotional disorders discuss in


96 - Empowerment is a best example of --------

Social pedagogy

97 - Encourage activism is a part of

Critical pedagogy

98 - Encourage students to look at the impact of scientific discoveries called

Critical pedagogy

99 - Exploring the social ideas is a part of

Social pedagogy

100 - Feeling of the learner in

Emotional Pedagogy

101 - Final value and judgement called


102 - First and top level teaching strategies is

Reading for Meaning

103 - First assumption in skinner theory is about ----.


104 - First one stage of behavior change is

Pre contemplation

105 - First stage of pedagogy is


106 - Five pedagogical approaches based on


107 - Focusing on initiating --------.processes.


108 - Focusing on thinking and provide a solution is a type of

Cognitive Pedagogy

109 - For encouragement the learner is best

Critical Pedagogy

110 - For positive informal relationships and in constructing which is benefit

Social pedagogy

111 - Freirean cirtical pedagogy aims transform order

Action & Reflection

112 - French terms that describe a similar field and --------


113 - German social pedagogy ----.. course


114 - German social pedagogy was interpreted from a hermeneutical perspective in ----..


115 - Germanic languages have words closer to the


116 - Goals of society major Is a part of

Social pedagogy

117 - Group work, guided learning and individual activity is a part of


118 - Heuristics means --------


119 - Historic development majorly discuss by

Plato & Aristotle

120 - How many ---- Types of Learners in your Classroom


121 - How many ----..types of behavior in behavioursit approach ?


122 - How many ----.major types of learning


123 - How many ----.major types of learning and thinking by behaviour


124 - How many basic component of pedagogy


125 - How many Bruner -------- modes of representation


126 - How many curriculum areas in area of pedagogy


127 - How many disruptions in classrooms are


128 - How many learning strategies in pedagogy


129 - How many role of a teacher


130 - How many teaching strategies


131 - How many type of inquiry-based learning


132 - How many types of behavioral model?


133 - How many types of cognitive process?


134 - Human development in a ------------.process.


135 - Human equality and respect, whether for colleagues or the people is a part of

Social pedagogy

136 - Humanistic values stressing human dignity, mutual respect, trust, unconditional appreciation are examples of

Social pedagogy

137 - Ideas and debates are example of------------

Activity-based learning

138 - If a student presents a viewpoint, encourage him best example of

Critical pedagogy

139 - If assessments are not about finding the right answer called

Critical pedagogy

140 - If students are not just doing what they think they need to do

Critical pedagogy

141 - If you focus on according to society of the child called --------

Social Pedagogy

142 - If you want to engage auditory learners than------------give to learners


143 - In case of education develop the social factors which pedagogy----


144 - In cognitive pedagogy all practice is related to


145 - In common social narrative use of

Critical Pedagogy

146 - In Differ countries Social pedagogues usually study at the ----. Level


147 - In generally , to move from a lecture-based class

Critical pedagogy

148 - In guided inquiry open question design in investigation----


149 - In many ways its encourage ------------activities


150 - In mathematical pedagogy Multiplication is a big step for


151 - In pedagogy cognitive strategies enhances sense and----.


152 - In pedagogy general and abstract teaching method called

Pedagogical Strategies

153 - In philosophy of education pedagogy is political


154 - In process gamification student focus on essential----


155 - In process of social pedagogy social--------discussed


156 - In school taught of social subjects is a example of----

Social pedagogy

157 - In Slovenia social pedagogues usually study

University level

158 - In Social pedagogy discuss how they care----..


159 - In social pedagogy educational means for the prevention and alleviation of--------. misery.


160 - In society majorly discussion on --------.

Social aspects

161 - In society social type issue part of

Social pedagogy

162 - In teaching methodology lecture method emphasis on


163 - In teaching strategy Mental --------Â is an important part of math fluency.


164 - In terms of schedules of positive and negative reinforcement motivated by ----..

Behaviorist theory

165 - In Uk universities social pedagogy counted as


166 - In which aspect development of two or more aspects


167 - In which type of method small groups assembled

Discussion Method

168 - In which type of pedagogy social status discuss

Social pedagogy

169 - Informal work with children and young people


170 - Institute of Education today name in----


171 - Integrated approach is a merit of

Project Method

172 - Interconnecting education and social pedagogy majorly part of ----..


173 - Internal processes are largely excluded from --------study.


174 - --------involves acquiring knowledge through experience, study, or being taught


175 - IOE stands for

Institute of Education

176 - --------is not an agent in the learning process


177 - It brings in processes like replication and--------.


178 - It develops movement of------------..


179 - It has different understandings of human nature and------------


180 - It help the teacher to do justice in lesson aspects

Lesson Plannning

181 - It is called that Social pedagogy is a----.. form


182 - It is chosen based on social pedagogical ------------


183 - Its argue that the relationship can be distant depending on the meaning given to


184 - Its clear that ------------.concept of Bildung emerges as important


185 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau tenure 1712 to----.


186 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a swiss----..


187 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a swiss----..thinker


188 - Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi WAS A


189 - Knowledge based on social practice called

Social pedagogy

190 - Last one strategy of cognitive

Imagery for memorization

191 - Last stage involve in pedagogy is


192 - Last stage of behavior change is


193 - Last type of cognitive process is


194 - Learned through interaction with the environment is a part of


195 - Learner attitude, skills and development builds its


196 - Learner behaviour exploring in

Question Answer Method

197 - Learning and thinking is basically rooted to

Critical Pedagogy

198 - Learning as the process of constructing meaning; it is how people make sense of their experience.

Cognitive constructivism

199 - Learning by thinking called

Cognitive pedagogy

200 - Learning involves a behavior----...


201 - Learning is largely the result of environmental events called


202 - Learning theory states that ------------are learned from the environment


203 - Literacy programs, museum education are example of

Social Pedagogy

204 - Living and doing with time called

Current base ideas

205 - Lowest level of teaching strategies

Vocabulary's CODE

206 - Macro teaching a technique which allows teacher to well define who said


207 - Main advantages of peer teaching start since the----

18th century

208 - Main difference in cognition related


209 - Major one cognitive strategy is


210 - Major part of Cognitive learning


211 - Maria Montessori a --------


212 - Memorizing and understanding core multiplication facts foundation for further----...


213 - Mental activities discussed under


214 - Mental process is a part of

Cognitive Approach

215 - Mental process is a part of

Cognitive Approach

216 - Mind and think is related to

Cognitive Pedagogy

217 - Moral philosophies, and political interests are comes in

Social pedagogy

218 - More dig further for learning the learner is called

Critical pedagogy

219 - Moslty all countries focus on social pedaogogy better


220 - Moss. P. and Petrie, P. work on pedagogy in year of


221 - Most important basic component of pedagogy


222 - Mostly dominant narrative called

Critical pedagogy

223 - Mostly observed and take care in --------of the child

Critical Pedagogy

224 - Mostly UK institute pedagogy based on mostly----.


225 - Negative feeling and Suggesto pedia is used to reinforce the ----..feeling and to release the full mental power.


226 - Neo behaviorism under Skinner and lasting from 1930-----


227 - New Education Movement transferred his --------

Social Pedagogic

228 - North America presents ------------trasnformation


229 - Observational learning is a type of also----..

Cognitive learning

230 - Observational learning is also called

Social learning

231 - On oriented result base of the kids ----.

Critical Pedagogy

232 - One area of education and culture called

Critical pedagogy

233 - One of the main approach focus on gathering learning process


234 - One of the these is counted in under structured


235 - One of the top approach in pedagogical practices

Holistic Approaches.

236 - One the basis of ------------Applied behavior analysis (ABA), a therapy used to treat autism.

Behavioral Approach

237 - Only thinking process comes in

Cognitive Pedagogy

238 - Open Ended learning called

Project-based learning

239 - Open question and investigation method is a

Structured inquiry

240 - Operant conditioning is a type of also----..

Cognitive learning

241 - Organisms are born as slates.


242 - Pavlov recognized that a neutral stimulus associates with a --------response


243 - Pedagogical tools are designed to convey important lessons and allow people to improve----.


244 - Pedagogy a science which deals in living objects called


245 - Pedagogy is a------------.focus teaching approach


246 - Pedagogy is treated a science why

Ultimate objective based

247 - Pedagogy which follow the goals of soceity

Social pedagogy

248 - Plants and animals studies in


249 - Policy , profession and practice ----------------could not open up


250 - Positive reinforcement and non-punitive discipline comes in

Behavioral Approach

251 - Prevent of time and devekop reasoning called

Lesson Plannning

252 - Problematic structures that allowed many well-known --------figures


253 - Procedural and process type called

Social pedagogy

254 - Profession of social pedagogue widely known in Continental----.


255 - Pronunciation of specific elements, distinguishing also part of


256 - Provide facilities for teaching activities called

Lecture Method

257 - Provide variety of services for children and young people main aim of

Social pedagogy

258 - Provides a description of the schools' pedagogical outlines, school activities called----..

Pedagogical planÂ

259 - Psychologist Watson graduate student Rosalie Rayner exposed the ----.month


260 - Psychologists classify non-cognitive skills in terms of the ----.big categories


261 - --------psychologists now deal with adult as well as child clients


262 - Regarding to issue and highly responsiveness which was decelop

Social pedagogy

263 - Rein forcers, punishers, immediacy of consequences are examples of

Behavioral learning

264 - Reinforcement docial skills and decision making

Cooperative Learning

265 - Religion,culutre and tradition comes in

Social pedagogy

266 - Represents a strongly political understanding of social pedagogy in----.


267 - Researcher would be able to gather the information that he needs and process in

Behavioral Approach

268 - Reward d punishment examples of


269 - Rewards for effort & Changing up the classroom layout comes under

Pedagogical skills

270 - Role of consequences is an example of

Behavioral learning

271 - Role of social pedagogy generate ----.ideas


272 - Role of the learner is to be acted upon by the --------environment.

Teacher controlled

273 - Role of the learner is to be acted upon by the teacher-controlled environment under

Behavioral Approach

274 - School of critical theory was developed in


275 - Self Reliant and self confident are example of

Problem Solving Method

276 - Self-directed learning is possible in


277 - Sigmund Freud was a


278 - Skinner believed environmental 'causes' of behavior could always be


279 - Skinner's behavior theory was based on ----.assumptions


280 - Social knowledge is main part of

Social pedagogy

281 - Social learning, Classical conditioning and operant conditioning example of----

Behavioral model

282 - Social pedagogic theories were influenced by --------doctrine of ideas.


283 - Social Pedagogy a successful study a double degree

Soziale Arbeit

284 - Social pedagogy concepts close to mostly----.


285 - Social pedagogy creating positive informal----..


286 - Social pedagogy explores some different concept of


287 - Social pedagogy facilitates children become ----------------citizen of country.


288 - Social pedagogy generates new images of the ----.. And the educator


289 - Social pedagogy highlights excellence in ----.. work


290 - Social pedagogy is a process about


291 - Social pedagogy is based on mutual----.


292 - Social pedagogy is commonplace as an -------- in countries


293 - Social pedagogy is concerned with the way in which a society thinks about their--------


294 - Social pedagogy is science of teaching as well as


295 - Social Pedagogy is multidisciplinary and includes

Education Theory

296 - Social pedagogy provides adult education and ------------organizing


297 - Social Problem is part of

Social pedagogy

298 - Social problems are believed to have an ------------.dimension.


299 - Social work and Sociology than link to--------


300 - Social work can be classified in to subjects


301 - Social-pedagogical discussion is a some countries


302 - Society plays an important role in student learning and growth

Social Pedagogy

303 - Socio behaviorism under Bandura and Rotter lasting from 1960----.


304 - Socio cultural theory and humanism near with in 20th century


305 - Socioeconomic status (SES), race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and age are issue power comes in

Critical literacy

306 - Some institute knows main purposes and ---------------- Of social pedagogy


307 - Somebody believes that classrooms language is not free from


308 - Sometimes capacity to analyze policies and practices and examine the educational impact.


309 - Sometimes Critical teaching called

Improve thinking

310 - Sometimes even radical by some structures called

Critical Pedagogy

311 - Sometimes social pedagogy is called


312 - Sometimes student creates stress in mind is a kind of

Emotional Pedagogy

313 - Spaced repetition, Differentiation and Setting high expectations examples

Pedagogical skills

314 - Status and promotion is a need


315 - Student close to each other in

Activity Method

316 - Students complete ----..Elective courses in country policy


317 - Students feeling and facts comes in

Emotional Pedagogy

318 - Students go on an adventures is an example of

Super kids

319 - Students needs,background,learning understanding comes under


320 - Students play an active role in learning

Physical Activities

321 - Sub skills in listening ,speaking, reading, and writing such. as sound discrimination part of


322 - Teacher compentancy and full verbal communication is a part of

Lecture Method

323 - Teacher had to encounter views of the students in

Critical pedagogy

324 - Teacher personality impact on----------------.

Learner personality

325 - Teachers must prepare effective ----..


326 - Teacher's role is to manipulate the environment to shape----...


327 - Teaching content revise learner------------


328 - Teaching strategies that will have students multiplying


329 - The applications that engage & track student growth through comprehensive reporting tools called


330 - The article ends by considering implications for


331 - The first American psychological clinic was established by----..

Lightner Wit- Mer

332 - The growth of the field was slow in which war

World War I

333 - The practice of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences examples of


334 - The psychoanalytical approach is largely concerned with the --------.aspects.


335 - The way in which teaching is done called


336 - There are --------elements are inseparable from each other in Pestalozzi's method


337 - There are ------------.principles of social pedagogy.


338 - There are areas of pedagogy


339 - There is a variety of child care settings as social pedagogues in

Social base

340 - There is Interconnection between education and emphasized.


341 - There is interconnection between social pedagogy and ------------pedagogy


342 - There is wastage opportunity relationship between pedagogy and --------.


343 - Thinking abilities translates to both academic and job success role of


344 - Thinking and learning are examples of

Cognative Part

345 - Three learning strategies visual, auditory and----.


346 - To achieve teaching objectives and managing

Lesson Plannning

347 - To do this a teacher must give students the information they need, but without organizing it for them by

Saul McLeod

348 - To enable education deeper ------------.pedagogy is important


349 - To get a particular grade is called

Critical pedagogy

350 - To provide critical analysis is a type of

Critical Pedagogy

351 - To think critically and draw their own conclusions

Critical pedagogy

352 - To treat mental health challenges is a ----..,

Behaviorist principles

353 - Traditional assessment structures called sometimes

Critical pedagogy

354 - Transfer the ideas of student with care in

Critical Pedagogy

355 - Treating people as subjects in their own rights whose method

Pestalozzi's Method

356 - Two important reason pedagogy discourse one encourage transformative and

Social equity

357 - Two or more teachers makes a plan in teaching method said by

M.B Naik

358 - Watson would make a loud sound behind the baby's ----


359 - What are the eight pedagogicla practices are


360 - What is wrong statement ignore virtues of----.

Dominant culture

361 - When a child love for play and turn into learning called


362 - When a question given along with a way to answer is called

Confirmation inquiry

363 - When activities disengage and student involved in learning process called----.

Experiential learning

364 - When class alongside the traditional ones in

Critical pedagogy

365 - When student develop original question called

Open inquiry

366 - When teacher is the force that drives the educational system called

Critical pedagogy

367 - When teacher to students to challenge their own beliefs, and focus on thinking called

Critical pedagogy

368 - Which allows the students learn and fill their needs


369 - Which approach focus on discuss mental process?

Cognitive Approach

370 - Which approach ignores the mental processes that are involved in learning?

Behaviorist approach

371 - Which approach ignores the mental processes that are involved in learning?

Behaviorist approach

372 - Which approach is made a deliberate effort to be scientific?

Behaviorist approach

373 - Which approach mainly focus on social areas

Social constructivism

374 - Which approach refused to discuss mental processes?

Behaviorist approach

375 - Which can be measured


376 - Which can design and special needs for multi-functional learning environments indoor and outdoor space

Pedagogical planÂ

377 - Which critique the structure in meaningful

Critical Pedagogy

378 - Which educational philosophy is considered progressive way

Critical Pedagogy

379 - Which expand the perspectives from which they view the world

Critical Pedagogy

380 - Which facilitates children and young people to be proficient fully functional members of the society .

Social pedagogy

381 - Which factor effects on moslty social pedaogogy


382 - Which focuses on the role of childhood experiences in affecting conscious behavior

Psychodynamic Psychology

383 - Which focuses on the role of the unconscious

Psychodynamic Psychology

384 - Which increase ability to navigate the important decisions in learning and in life

Critical Pedagogy

385 - Which involve finding common bonds between subjects as the critical approach

Critical pedagogy

386 - Which is most famous practice of pedagogy

Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

387 - Which one approach treat mental health challenges today

Behavioral Approach

388 - Which one focus on bringing a voice to the marginalized

Critical pedagogy

389 - Which one focuses on details pertaining to the student's; background, experience, environment and situation


390 - Which one is best for encouraging the kids----.

Critical Pedagogy

391 - Which one is lowest pedagogical practices

Assessment for Learning

392 - Which one is problem centered


393 - Which one of the most approach principles are used sometimes

Behavioral Approach

394 - Which one philosophy believed on experience continuity

John Dewey

395 - Which one Present alternative views

Critical pedagogy

396 - Which ones who interact with students and have to deal with the parents

Critical pedagogy

397 - Which pedagogy challenging problems and provides solution about caring

Critical Pedagogy

398 - Which pedagogy enables professionals to view individuals in a holistic way?

Social pedagogy

399 - Which pedagogy improves the power of the students very well

Critical Pedagogy

400 - Which pedagogy invites the teacher

Critical Pedagogy

401 - Which pedagogy is dynamic

Social pedagogy

402 - Which pedagogy provide right direction to learner

Critical Pedagogy

403 - Which Philosopher ideas sparked interest across continental Europe


404 - Which --------properly arranged help learning to occur?


405 - Which refers to any conscious attempt made to organize called


406 - Which theory says individual can be motivated to action by something that is outside of themselves.

Behavioral Approach

407 - Which theory was popular in the early 20th Century


408 - Which type  material around a grammatical syllabus while allowing for meaningful practice. and use of language


409 - Which type of approach that teacher's role is to manipulate the environment to shape behavior.

Behavioral Approach

410 - Which type of field discuss methods of diagnosing and treating mental


411 - Which type of learning provide shaping in process

Project-based learning

412 - Which type of pedagogy is best in student learning?

Critical Pedagogy

413 - Which type of teaching improved self esteem and inter skills

Peer Teaching

414 - Who Argued that the momentum for learning was provided by the growth of the person

Jean Jacques

415 - Who believed that education makes sense


416 - Who collaborate with other staff


417 - Who explores possible relationships between education and social pedagogy


418 - Who gave concept into various settings such as kindergarten--------


419 - Who have created a very specific pedagogic concept for the context of their work.


420 - Who introduce Convergent and divergent thinking?


421 - Who is the founder of Critical Theory School


422 - Who manage classroom materials----.


423 - Who productively navigate the curriculum?


424 - Who said science of observable behavior


425 - Who said teaching is a outline of important parts


426 - Who should prepare the environment that will help learners?


427 - Who wrote major accounts on informal adult education?

Malcolm Knowles

428 - why is that a good thing” is an example of

Critical pedagogy

429 - With many concept behaviorism after losing hold in


430 - Word simulation means in


431 - World War --------and the experiences within National Socialism that exposed


432 - You can reduce student anxiety by entertainment

Classroom math games

433 - Yourself using material in classrooms is

Critical Pedagogy

434 - Youth and community work, mentoring schemes operated by a range of charities examples of

Social pedagogy

435 - Youth and sports programs, peace education provide by

Social Pedagogy


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