Pedagogy Mics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Chapter: 1

1 - A process of looking at what is being assessed is called__________?


2 - A successful teacher's most important function is____________?

To develop thinking abilities among children

3 - Character is developed by?

All of the above

4 - Discovery teaching is actually a___________?

Constructivist approach

5 - Good teaching is best reflected by______________?

Meaningful questions asked by students

6 - Guidance differs from counseling in which of the following manner?

All of the above

7 - Primary teachers should give top priority to___________?

Interaction with the parents

8 - Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from___________?


9 - The instructional approach in which objectives are presented to learners in chronological order is known as:

Chronological Sequencing

10 - The skill when students try to build abstract knowledge is called___________?


11 - __________ is a teacher centered model that focuses on student's activities being guided by the teacher?

Directive Model

12 - ____________ is pair activity in which students have exactly 30 seconds to share all they known

Quick talk

13 - ____________is an approach whereby a teacher or counselor poses questions to the student to allow them to explore ideas that may be complex or emotionally difficult?

Facilitative questioning

14 - A teacher is considered successful only if he_____________?

Is gentle and easily approachable

15 - Every system of education is based on______________?

Ideology of nation

16 - Traditionally the cards with a question, problem, or fact on one side and the answer or a related fact on the other side are called:

Flash Cards

17 - What is meaning of growth?

Both A and B

18 - When a child responds to all women who wear black suit because of the black suit of her mother, it is the example of_____________?


19 - When instruction is delivered by a person close in age or achievement to the person receiving instruction, the process is known as:

Peer Tutoring

20 - Which act of teacher foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process?


21 - Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?

Are the students carefully listening to your lecture?

22 - A backward child is a slow learner. He does not respond satisfactorily to the ordinary school curriculum and to the usual methods. The causes of this phenomena are

All of the above

23 - A college wants to give training in use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to researchers. For this the college should organise :


24 - A common test in research demands much priority on

All of the above

25 - A competent teacher must have a sound knowledge about:

Concept, theory, practice and research

26 - A competent teacher must have a sound knowledge in right order

Concept, theory, practice and research

27 - A concept is a word or a phrase which symbolizes the phenomenon and helps to communicate the finding. Which fact about the concept is wrong?

It is similar to an the same thing as a fact

28 - A deepawali fair is being organized in your school. What would you like to do ?

To take part in function

29 - A good hypothesis should be

All of these

30 - A good teacher is one who:

is highly intelligent

31 - A guardian never comes to see you in school. You will

Go to meet him yourself

32 - A hypothesis is a


33 - A mentally retarded student attends your lecture and sits in a deaf and dumb manner. What will you do?

Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him

34 - A new comer teacher who is maltreated in his class will deal with the students by

Improving his qualities and expressing it before them in a good way

35 - A null hypothesis is

When there is no difference between the variables

36 - A posteriori knowledge is knowledge that is known by_________?


37 - A research paper

Contains peer-reviewed original research or evaluation of research conducted by others

38 - A research paper is a brief report of research work based on

Both primary and secondary data

39 - A research problem is feasible only when :

All of the above

40 - A research problem is feasible only when it is

All of these

41 - A research problem is not feasible only when :

It consists of independent and dependent variables

42 - A researcher divides his population into groups and fixes the size of the sample from each group. It is an example of

Quota sample

43 - A researcher selects a probability sample of 100 out of the total population. It is

A random sample

44 - A researcher selects only 10 members from the total population of 50,000 as a sample. His research can be considered to be good if

The population was homogenous

45 - A satisfactory quantitative method should not possess one of the following qualities :


46 - A serious minded teacher as a rule:

Allows the mistakes to be committed and explains how to minimise those mistakes

47 - A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based on a sample is known as


48 - A student comes late in your class. Then you will

Try to know the reason

49 - A student having scientific attitude:

Thinks rationally

50 - A student having scientific attitude___________?

Thinks rationally

51 - A teacher asks the questions in the class to

Attract student's attention

52 - A teacher can develop social values among students by

Behaving ideally

53 - A teacher can establish rapport with his pupil by

Playing the role of a guide with desire to help them

54 - A teacher can get important place in society if he

Performs his responsibility honestly

55 - A teacher can help adolescent to overcome his special problems, and help him to adjust to the environment. Which of the following attitude, he should not made?

He should have unsympathetic attitude towards others

56 - A teacher can motivate the students by

Giving suitable prizes

57 - A teacher commands prestige, authority esteem and respect. He should make use of it through suggestion. He should not try to command respect through

Punishing and creating revolting situation

58 - A teacher encounters various problems during his professional career. He should

Do research on the problem and find a solution

59 - A teacher exploits students in your school. In this situation, what you will do?

Guide the teacher to please stop this activity

60 - A teacher generally asks questions to his pupils during the lecture, why?

To know whether the students are understanding the lecture or not

61 - A teacher has serious defect if he/she

Has immature mental development

62 - A teacher is effective if he/she______________?

Provides a variety of learning experiences

63 - A teacher is successful only if he

Knows his subject thoroughly well

64 - A teacher learns maximum from


65 - A teacher must check his own unruly behavior because?

He is dealing with impressionable age

66 - A teacher should be


67 - A teacher should be_____________?


68 - A teacher should keep his voice in the class

Sometime low and sometime high

69 - A teacher who is not able to draw the attention of his students should

Evaluate his teaching method and improve it

70 - A time bound testing programme for a students should be implemented in schools so that

The remedial programme can be adopted on the basis of the feedback from the results

71 - According to Dewry, education is a :

Social need

72 - According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an___________?

reasoning man

73 - According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to make them better citizens.


74 - According to the __________, S-R bonds are stronger if an individual is ready to learn.

law of readiness

75 - According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a positive outcome, the S-R bond is____________?


76 - Action research means?

A research initiated to solve an immediate problem

77 - Action-research is :

A research carried out to solve immediate problems

78 - All are causes of no sampling errors except

Inadequate sample

79 - All are examples of qualitative research except

Interest in the subject

80 - All of the following are advantages of teaching machines except

Their universal use for different kinds of programmes

81 - All of the following are the characteristic features of an effective teacher except

Emphasis upon the quick control of problematic situations

82 - An assessment use to determine a person's ability in a particular field of studies is called_________?

aptitude test

83 - An assessment use to identify difficulties in the learning process is called_________?

diagnostic assessment

84 - An example of scientific knowledge is

Laboratory and field experiments

85 - An individual's ability to learn is


86 - Any method of teaching which involves two or more students, can be termed as__________?

Group Work

87 - Area (cluster) sampling technique is used when

(a) and (c) both

88 - As a teacher you should not demand your pupils which is beyond their stage of growth. If you do so, it only causes

Frustrations, heighten tension and nervousness

89 - At present right to property is a

Legal right

90 - At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because

It helps children in learning in natural atmosphere

91 - Attributes of objects, events or things which can be measured are called


92 - Basic Education mean______________?

Basic of any learning

93 - Before accepting the teaching profession one must know:

The future prospects of his profession

94 - Before starting instruction a teacher should

All of these

95 - Below are given some probable characteristics of an ineffective teacher, which of the following is most likely to be characterised the ineffective teacher?

Emphasis upon the control of immediate situation

96 - Bibliography given in a research report :

Helps those interested in further research

97 - Catharsis means discharge of emotions. A teacher can let off pent up energy of his disciple through

All of these

98 - Central soil salinity research institute is situated at


99 - Certificate for copyright waiver is generally given in

Thesis writing

100 - Classroom discipline can be maintained effectively by:

Providing a programme which is according to need and interest of pupils

101 - Collective psychology of the whole period is a theory which

Can explain all phases of historical development

102 - Controlled group condition is applied in

Experimental research

103 - Democracy in the classroom is best reflected through

You will justify that most of the female students are more sincere towards their studies than male students.

104 - Each child grows in its own unique way. The wide individual differences are caused by

All of these

105 - Effective communication takes place when

Message design incorporates audience

106 - Effective teaching is a function of_____________?

Clear and precise communication

107 - Emotional development is as much affected by maturation and learning as sensory processes, muscular growth and intellectual functions. Parlous experiment showed emotional responses could be learned through


108 - Environmental education should be taught in schools because

It is important part of life

109 - Essay type test are not reliable because

Their checking is affected by examiner's mood

110 - Ex post facto research means

The research is carried out after the incident

111 - Expected life outcomes from education are referred as___________?


112 - Failure of students in examination, it may be the fault of

Both (a) and ( c)

113 - Failure of the teacher to communicate its ideas well to the students may result in

All of these

114 - Family is a means of

Informal education

115 - Feedback is

Response of receiver to communicator's message

116 - For a good communication_____________is required?

Speaking without pause

117 - For an effective teaching, the teacher must be a subject matter expert that includes: I. command over the subject II. the ability to convey knowledge III. the ability to apply ideas from one discipline to another

I, II and III

118 - For better interaction with the students, the teachers objective should be the

All of these

119 - For formulating the curriculum, which factor is most important?

Children's capabilities and needs

120 - For knowledge lessons

Herbart's five-stage system is used

121 - For providing evaluative feedback to students, the teacher should

All of these

122 - Formative assessment is an assessment ___________ learning?


123 - Formulation of hypothesis may not be necessary in

Fact finding (historical) studies

124 - Free writing is used as a timed activity to stimulate the flow of____________?

Ideas and words

125 - Freedom if press as such

Has not been expressly guaranteed by the constitution

126 - From Outer World Into Child's Intellect What a teaching method is?

Both art and science

127 - Fundamental research reflects the ability to :

Expound new principles

128 - Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as

Statistical inference of external validity of the research

129 - Good 'research ethics' means

Assigning a particular research problem to one PH.D./research student only

130 - he â€Å“Apology” the Plato's recollection of the speech given by Socrates when Socrates was charged with____________?

not believing in gods

131 - he best technique of teaching at primary stage is______________?

Game technique

132 - How a teacher should behave with the students


133 - How can students in a class be made attentive?

By creating curiosity in students

134 - How the students should be motivated to get success in life?

Intensive study

135 - How will you demonstrate your impartial behaviour?

By making own behaviour more balanced and fair

136 - Hypothesis cannot be stated in

General terms

137 - Identify the incorrect statement :

Hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon

138 - If a child is a back bencher and unable to watch the blackboard clearly. As a result he stands, sees and sits repeatedly. What inference will you draw regarding the case?

Both (a) and ( c )

139 - If a girl student requests you to collect her posts at your address what would you like to do in this case?

As a teacher you will allow her

140 - If a group of students enter your room and abuse you and behave violently with you, at that time how you would control your emotions?

First, you will try to pacify their emotions and then ask politely about their behaviour

141 - If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more too institutional effectiveness this will be an example of

Applied research

142 - If a student becomes unconscious in the class what will you do first?

Giving first aid to him and trying to contact any nearby doctor

143 - If a student does not pay any respect to you, then you will

Ignore him

144 - If a student is constantly rubbing his eyes and is inattentive during blackboard work, he is having

Visual problem

145 - If a teacher had to establish his credibility in evaluating answer sheets he must be


146 - If a teacher is not able to answer the question of a pupil he should

Say that he will answer after consultation

147 - If in a research independent variables cannot be manipulated then it is known as

Non-experimental research

148 - If majority of students in your class are weak you should

Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright pupils

149 - If majority of students in your class is weak you should

Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright people

150 - If students are not able to follow your lectures what will you do first?

You will try to know the cause and find the right solution for that

151 - If the principal of your institution is not satisfied with your performance and charge you with the act of negligence of duties, how would you behave with him?

You would keep yourself alert and make his efforts unfruitful

152 - If the sample drawn does not specify any condition about the parameter of the population it is called

Distribution free statistics

153 - If you are doing experiment on a large group of sample which method of controlling will you adopt?


154 - If you are irritated and show rashness because of the inadequate behaviour of another teachers, what do you think about your own behaviour?

Your behaviour is also a sign of maladjustment and so try to control yourself when you are maltreated

155 - If you are unable to get a job of teacher, then you will

Continue applying for teaching

156 - If your own son is in your class. How will you behave with your students in comparison to your son?

Just like your own son

157 - In a round table discussion the participants ____________ discuss topic among themselves and with the audience.


158 - In ancient education system, teachers applied some psychological principles in education especially to young child from pre-school age to adolescence. They recognize the role of

Sense and perception in teaching and learning

159 - In case of spending money, the virtue is __________ between wastefulness and stringiness.


160 - In context of the habit of absenteeism of student

The teachers should take it as a serious problem

161 - In every field research pursuits promote systematic and gradual advancement of knowledge but discoveries are rare because

Research is a continuous critical investigation

162 - In order to augment the accuracy of the study the researcher

All of these

163 - In our present society where values are deteriorating, the excellent education will be which

Works for establishment of human and cultural value

164 - in Pedagogy computer is used to____________?

For all the above

165 - In the final analysis, teaching must be thought of mainly as a process of

Directing the activities of pupils

166 - In the guidance of learning a teacher has many important roles. Which one of the following is the least important aspect of the teacher's role in the guidance of learning?

The development of insight into what constitute the pitfalls and danger to be avoided

167 - In the income section, how many degrees (approx.) Should there be in central angle of the sector representing income tax?


168 - In the process of conducting research 'formulation of hypothesis' is followed by

Selection of research tools

169 - In your institution, a debate test would be held shortly then how would you support your students?

You will tell students where to consult for literature

170 - In your view arrangement for education on environment in the school

Is important for creating an awareness among an awareness among students about the environment

171 - Indian institute of foreign trade is situated in

New Delhi

172 - Indian institute of natural resins and gums (formerly Indian lac research institute) is at ________


173 - Institute of technology is situated at

BHU, Varanasi

174 - It is advantage of giving home work that students

May develop habit of self-study

175 - Kindergarten (kg) system of education is indebted to


176 - Kindergarten system of education was contributed by


177 - Logic of induction is very close to

Logic of sampling

178 - Mainstreaming is a term associated with

Education for handicapped

179 - Major limitation of mass communication is

The feedback system is weak

180 - Manipulation is always a part of

Experimental research

181 - Many experienced teachers go into a classroom and embark straight away upon a lesson. As a beginner to the teaching profession will you

Make a written note of your preparation

182 - Maximum participation of students is possible in teaching through

Discussion method

183 - Meaningful learning takes place when

Students are interested in topic taught

184 - Memory protection is normally done by

The processor and the associated hardware

185 - Most important work of teacher is

To organize teaching work

186 - Most important work of teacher is___________?

to organize teaching work

187 - Mother is the ____________ academy of a child?


188 - 'National council of educational research and training' was established in


189 - Newton gave three basic laws of motion. This research is categorized as

Fundamental research

190 - Nine year olds are taller than seven year olds. This is an example of a reference drawn from

Cross-sectional study

191 - Noise is known as

Transmitting barrier

192 - Normal probability curve should be

Zero skewed

193 - Objective type questions are not helpful in testing

All of the above

194 - Of great importance in determining the amount of transference that occurs in learning is the

IQ of teacher

195 - Of the following learning theories, the one that embodies the idea that the learning takes place through insight is known as


196 - Of the following objectives of an elementary music programme the one of lowest priority is

To develop a group of performers for holiday assemblies

197 - On which of the following statements there is consensus among educators?

Disciplinary cases should be sent to the principal only when other means have failed

198 - One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to :

Improve data interpretation

199 - One of your colleagues is living in your locality but you have no affinity with him, the reason may be

His selfishness

200 - One of your student is too poor to buy a book. How will you help him?

You will provide the books from library

201 - One of your students wants to share his problems with you. He visits your house for the same. In such a condition you should

Extend necessary co-operation and boost his morale

202 - One way to maximize teaching time shorten delays due to transitions and focus on student's behavior is used to establish __________ in the classroom?


203 - Oral history forms a part of which of the following methods of historiography?


204 - Parliament can legislate on matters listed in the state list:

At the request of two or more states

205 - Pedagogy is the study of___________?

Teaching Methods

206 - Personalized system of education :

All of these

207 - Plato believed that talent and intelligence are:

not distributed genetically

208 - Professors need to study educational philosophy mainly because

They may improve their work by classifying their philosophy

209 - Quality of education in a school/college can be measured through

All of the above

210 - Reading or looking at material quickly to gain an overview of the content is the reading technique called:


211 - Realistic Education system supports the __________ progress.


212 - Recreational reading should be

An integral part of language art curriculum

213 - Research ethics do not include


214 - Research is

Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem

215 - Research is born out of

Human curiosity

216 - Research is not considered ethical if it

Does not investigate the data scientifically

217 - Scientific elucidation is the fundamental objective of which research characteristic?

Basic research

218 - Seeing a very big rally it was reported that congress will win the election. The conclusion was based on

Purposive sampling

219 - Some students are weak in studies. What will be your attitude towards them?


220 - Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher's day. What will you do? You will

Say thanks to them

221 - Students should prefer those teachers who

Can clear their difficulties regarding subject-matter

222 - Studying the social status of a population, a researcher concluded that Mr. S is socially backward. His conclusion is


223 - Suggestion helps in the development of information moral behaviour, aesthetic sense and character traits. Which of the following is the chief source of suggestions which would his life?


224 - Survey study aims at

Comparing the present status with the standard norms

225 - Teacher reads aloud to the class to improve students:

All of these

226 - Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation and recitation is also known as___________?

Direct Instruction

227 - Teacher's professionalism means:

The extent to which a teacher subscribes to a professional code

228 - Teachers should study the educational philosophy because

They may improve their work by clarifying their own philosophy

229 - Teachers use teaching aids for

Making teaching with understanding level of students

230 - Teaching in higher education implies

Helping students how to learn

231 - Teaching will be effective if the teacher:

Starts from what students know already

232 - Team activity to summarize reading is also termed as:

Relay Summary

233 - The __________ is a measure of how spreads out points are from the mean.

standard deviation

234 - The able teacher is one who:____________?

Engaged the students in their work

235 - The adage of maintaining good relations with others is

Attractive features and mental make up

236 - The aim of a teacher is____________?

To develop the abilities of students

237 - The aim of education should be

To prepare the students for practical life

238 - The aim of national council for teacher education is

To maintain standards in colleges of education

239 - The basis on which assumptions are formulated :

Cultural background of the country

240 - The best method of checking student's homework is

To check by the teacher himself in a regular way

241 - The best remedy of the student's problems related with learning is

Diagnostic teaching

242 - The best way by a teacher to introduce a new subject by

Any of these

243 - The best way to react to a wrong answer given by a student is :

To explain why the answer is wrong

244 - The book â€Å“A Brief History of Time” is written by_____________?

Stephen Hawking

245 - The carrier of mass communication is known as

Mass media

246 - The cognitive domain involves____________?


247 - The criteria for grading should be

All of these

248 - The Dalton scheme of education is useful for which one of the following?

For older children

249 - The depth of any research can be judged by :

Objectives of the research

250 - The determinant of teaching skill training is?


251 - The difference between experimental research and historical research in the process of

All of these

252 - The effective means in education communication is

Audio-visual means

253 - The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be

Vocational competencies

254 - The essential qualities of a researcher are

All of the above

255 - The experienced teachers do not require the detailed lesson plan of a topic because

They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialisation in it through experience

256 - The experimental study is based on :

The manipulation of variables

257 - The experimental study is based on the law of

Single variable

258 - The final result of a study will be more accurate if the sample drawn is

Representative to the population

259 - The first ever International day of Education was celebrated on ________ announced by the United Nations General Assembly?

24 Jan 2019

260 - The first important step in teaching is

Knowing the background of students

261 - The first institution of higher learning in the Western world, â€Å“Academy”, was founded by___________?


262 - The function of a teacher is in the order of :

Guiding the child, helping him towards progress and evaluation

263 - The greatest important cause of failure in the beginning for a teacher lies in the area of :

Interpersonal relationship

264 - The historical research is different from experimental research in the process of

All of the above

265 - The idea of basic education is propounded by

Mahatma Gandhi

266 - The ideal teacher

Is a friend, philosopher and guide

267 - The in-service teacher' training can be made more effective by

Practicing training follow up procedures

268 - The introduction of career courses in schools and colleges aims at

Providing professional knowledge to students

269 - The Law of Effect can be effectively used in____________?

classroom management

270 - The main aim of classroom teaching is___________?

To develop inquiring mind

271 - The main aim of teaching is :

Both 1 and 2

272 - The main characteristic of scientific research is :

All of the above

273 - The main function of educational psychology is to provide prospective teacher with:

How to deal with students and everyday class situation

274 - The main objective of child centered teaching method is?

All of the above

275 - The main role of education according to Plato is :

All of these

276 - The major objective of education is:

developing inherent abilities/powers of students

277 - The major responsibility with which the school personnel have been entrusted is that

It harmonizes the child's need and demands of the society both

278 - The male students in your class are annoyed with you on the pretext you that have a favour to the female students. In such an embarrassing situation how would you like to control them in class?

You will justify that most of the female students are more sincere towards their studies than male students

279 - The maximum emission of pollutants from fuel sources in India is caused by :

Refuse burning

280 - The meaning of teaching method is?

Substitution Of The Knowledge

281 - The members of a group act, feel and think together, in a way which is different from the normal acting, feeling and thinking of individual, who come together to form the group. It is known as


282 - The most accurate statement about teaching machines is that

B.F. Skinner began the movement for their use

283 - The most complex skill of Bloom's taxonomy is____________?


284 - The most important challenge before a teacher is :

To make teaching learning process enjoyable

285 - The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is

Student achievement level

286 - The most important task in teaching is

Directing students in the development of experience

287 - The most important trait of a student is


288 - The new curriculum should be introduced__________?


289 - The other name of independent variable for an experimental research is/are

All of the above

290 - The planning commission of India is


291 - The present annual examination system:

All of the above

292 - The primary task of a teacher is :

To modify their behaviour according to the needs of our society and country

293 - The priority to girls education should be given because

Only girls are capable of leading for social change

294 - The problem of drop-out in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way through

Encouragement of the students

295 - The process not needed in experimental research is

Reference collection

296 - The process of describing a culture or way of life from a folk people's perspective is


297 - The process of learning include which of the following

All of these

298 - The process with the help of which the students are divided into high / low achievers is?


299 - The professional requirement of a teacher as explained in the UNESCO publication is/are

All of the above

300 - The project method of teaching is best associated with the philosophy of

John Dewey

301 - The purpose of basic education scheme is

To fulfil basic need of persons through education

302 - The purpose of new education policy is

To improve the whole education system

303 - The quality of schools education is exclusively depending upon

The quality of teacher education

304 - The quality of teaching is reflected :

By the quality of questions asked by students

305 - The research is always

All of these

306 - The research that aims at immediate application is

Action research

307 - The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is :

Applied research

308 - The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called

Historical research

309 - The review of the related study is important while undertaking a research because

All of the above

310 - The satiation technique of classroom management is a technique where instead of punishing negative behaviors, the teacher might decide to actually __________ the negative behavior.


311 - The standard deviation is the __________ of the variance?

square root

312 - The students who keep asking questions in the class

Should be encouraged to continue questioning

313 - The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as :

Ex-post facto research

314 - The success of integrated education depends on

The excellence of text-books

315 - The success of teacher is

His/her good teaching

316 - The teacher ought to know the problems prevalent in the field of education. The reason is that

Only a teacher can do something about solving them

317 - The teaching approach in which students share knowledge with other students through a variety of structures, is known as:

Cooperative Learning Model

318 - The teaching is not thought as a process of

Indoctrinating adult ideas to young people

319 - The technique in which the students act out roles form stories or historical events, is termed as:

All of the above

320 - The term " least restrictive environment " refers to the education of the


321 - The term phenomenology is associated with the process of

Qualitative research

322 - The test on the basis of which a teacher takes decision about the students is known as

Performance test

323 - The three domains of Bloom's taxonomy are____________?

Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor

324 - The use of internet for students in their educational activities is in your opinion:

Medium for good teaching

325 - The use of technology to enhance learning process is called __________ in education?


326 - The validity and reliability of a research will be at stake when

All of the above

327 - There are so many definitions of learning. Which of the following is most adequate?

The modification of behaviour

328 - There is __________ in working memory as people gets older.


329 - There is tension among villagers and you are teacher there. What will you do?

You will try to pacify them

330 - This methodology trains the child to search facts, rules and principles led by his own efforts, organize the set of knowledge gained and delineate general rule. The aforesaid statement is about which of the following methodology of teaching?


331 - Those students, who frequently ask questions in the class_____________?

Should be encouraged to take part in debates in the class

332 - To compile the information into pattern and propose a plan is called__________?


333 - To gain popularity among students, teacher should :

Personally help them in their study

334 - To maintain interest among students in class, a teacher should

Ask question

335 - To make classroom teaching more effective every teacher should discuss with colleagues:

Analyze responses of students

336 - To raise the standard of education, it is necessary

To evaluate students continuously

337 - To raise the standard of education, it is necessary to ___________?

to evaluate students continuously

338 - To read the lesson before teaching it is called ____________?

Lesson plan

339 - To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses :


340 - To whom the responsibility of organisation of curricular activities should be stored with?

The principal

341 - Use of telecast materials

Enhances concentration and learning

342 - Verbal guidance is least effective in teaching


343 - Water for civil supplies are commonly purified by:


344 - We calculate average marks of a student in the way as we calculate____________?

arithmetic mean

345 - We use factorial analysis :

To know the difference among the many variables

346 - What can a teacher do to develop integrated personalities of his pupil?

All of these

347 - What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research?

To bring out holistic approach to research

348 - What is most important for a teacher?

To remove difficulties of students

349 - What is most important while writing on blackboard?

Good writing

350 - What is the reason behind the adoption of grade system instead of our old marks system?

It will eliminate the differentiation between students on marks basis

351 - What makes people to undertake research?

All of these

352 - What was the relation between Plato and Aristotle?

Aristotle was student of Plato

353 - What will you do in leisure time in school? You will

Check home work of students

354 - When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is

Stratified sampling

355 - When a teacher enters his class on the first day the theme of discussion should be___________?


356 - When students are asked to leave the classroom to observe events organisms and objects in their natural surroundings the teacher is actually using _________strategy to teach them?

Field Observations

357 - When students begin learning with an activity designed to lead them to particular concepts or conclusions, the method of teaching is called____________?

Discovery teaching

358 - When the students become failed, it can be understood that

The individual student's failure

359 - When the students try to solve the questions in some different way as taught by the teacher from prescribed books, then these students should be

Encouraged to consult some other books on the subject

360 - When you make a mistake while teaching in the class and your students point it out angrily then what you does will?

You will feel sorry for committing the blunder

361 - Which can be described as an ideal teaching technique?

Both 2 and 3

362 - Which characteristic from the following is least concerned with a teacher?

Respect from college management

363 - Which correlation co-efficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence?


364 - Which form of research is concerned with describing, explaining and predicting natural phenomena and relies only on experience and observation?

Fundamental research

365 - Which from the following is NOT a formal assessment?


366 - Which from the following is NOT an informal assessment?


367 - Which is most favourable for education?

Social stratification

368 - Which Is Not The Advantage Of Team Teaching?

Better Financial Benefits Of Teacher

369 - Which is the source of primary data?


370 - Which kind of research sampling can be used to obtain a representative sample?

Stratified sampling

371 - Which method implies the collection of information by way of investigator's own examination, without interviewing the respondents?


372 - Which of the following approach is not used for developing a working hypothesis?

Following the traditional trend

373 - Which of the following are true about teaching?

All of these

374 - Which of the following can be termed as most import task in teaching among the given?

Directing students in development of experiences

375 - Which of the following can be the effect of meteorite impact?

All of these

376 - Which of the following institutions is responsible for the implementation of reforms in teaching profession?

National institute of educational planning and administration

377 - Which of the following is a characteristic of a researcher?

All of these

378 - Which of the following is a disadvantage of teaching machine?

The insurance of attention

379 - Which of the following is a good method of teaching?

Seminar and project

380 - Which of the following is a non-probability sample?

(a) and (c) both of them

381 - Which of the following is a primary source of data?

All of the above

382 - Which of the following is a teaching aid?

All of the above

383 - Which of the following is also called archival data?

Private sources

384 - Which of the following is meant of information collection?


385 - Which of the following is most important for effective learning in classroom?

All of these

386 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of research?


387 - Which of the following is not a form of evaluation research?

Programme evaluation

388 - Which of the following is not a problem associated with observational studies?

None of the above

389 - Which of the following is not a quality of teacher?

He may not know child psychology

390 - Which of the following is not a successful communicator?

One who knows a lot but is somewhat reserve in his attitude

391 - Which of the following is not an example of a continuous variable?


392 - Which of the following is NOT an informal assessment?


393 - Which of the following is not the characteristic of a research?

Research is not a process

394 - Which of the following is not the characteristic of a researcher?

He is a specialist rather than a generalist

395 - Which of the following is not true?

All of the above

396 - Which of the following is quality of a teacher?

All of these

397 - Which of the following is related with teaching skill?

All the above

398 - Which of the following is responsible for uniformity in curriculum at higher level in India?

University grants commission

399 - Which of the following is the educational implication of the learning process?

All of these

400 - Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?

Identification of problem

401 - Which of the following is the first step of research?

Both 1 and 2

402 - Which of the following is the most important characteristic of open book examination system?

It compels students to think

403 - Which of the following is the most important signal factor in underlying the success of beginning a teacher?

Personality and its ability to relate to the class and to the pupils

404 - Which of the following is true about micro teaching?

All of these

405 - Which of the following is true about modern annual examination system?

All of these

406 - Which of the following is true about teaching/teacher?

All of these

407 - Which of the following is wrongly matched?

Skinner - gestalt

408 - Which of the following is/are the qualities of teacher?

All of these

409 - Which of the following is/are true about teacher/teaching?

All of these

410 - Which of the following is/are true about teaching?

All of these

411 - Which of the following must be the qualities of teacher except?


412 - Which of the following one is most effective for a teacher?

Teaching skills

413 - Which of the following phrases is not relevant to describe the meaning of research as a process?

Trial and error

414 - Which of the following research method requires a researcher to freely pick up a problem, redesign the enquiry as he proceeds and is prepared to conceptualize as he wishes?

Conclusion-oriented research

415 - Which of the following sampling methods is based on probability?

Stratified sampling

416 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Researches lead to discovery

417 - Which of the following statement is wrong regarding inductive generalizations?

It is easy, cost effective and time saving method

418 - Which of the following statements doesn't suit a teacher?

Reluctant to adapt himself to new situation

419 - Which of the following statements regarding motivation is correct?

All of these

420 - Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?

Professional attitude

421 - Which one is not the objective of special education?

All of these

422 - Which one of the following articles of the constitution of India safeguards the rights of minorities to establish and run educational institutions of their own liking?

Article 30

423 - Which one of the following is a research tool?


424 - Which one of the following is an indication of the quality of a research journal?

Impact factor

425 - Which one of the following is least required during the preparation of lecture?

Factual materials in indirect way

426 - Which one of the following is not a basic component of research?

All natural phenomena have unnatural causes

427 - Which one of the following is not a quality of teacher?

Teacher should maintain an autocratic atmosphere in the class

428 - Which one of the following is not concerned with the duties of a teacher?

To participate in extracurricular activities

429 - Which one of the following is the method of data collection?

All of the above

430 - Which one of the following languages can be the best medium of instruction at primary level?

Mother tongue

431 - Which one of the following methods serve to measure correlation between two variables?

Coefficient of rank correlation

432 - Which one of the following should a teacher adopt in his lecture in a class?

Precise and low tone

433 - Which one of the most fundamental of the guidance activities should be executed first?

Selection of curriculum

434 - Which sampling is also known as purposive or non-probability sampling?

Deliberate sampling

435 - Which sampling procedure gives each item an equal probability of being tested?

Simple random sampling

436 - Which sampling procedure involves grouping the population and then selecting the groups or the clusters rather than individual elements for inclusion in the sample?

Cluster sampling

437 - Which satellite channel uses the ad line, knowing is everything?

BBC world

438 - Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?

Systematic sampling technique

439 - Which type of research method is most appropriate when the focus of the research is subjective experience?

Qualitative method

440 - Which type of research method is normally employed by the media?

Content analysis

441 - While dealing with juvenile delinquents a teacher should

Talk with them frankly and guide and channelize

442 - While delivering lecture if there is some disturbance in the class, then a teacher should

Keep quiet for a while and then go on

443 - Who advocated removing children from their mothers' care and raising them as wards of the state?


444 - Who can be a good teacher?

Who answers all the questions asked by students

445 - Who defined teaching as an organised system of specific activities aimed to help the learner learn something?


446 - Who said that members of the same species are not alike


447 - Who said that members of the same species are not alike?


448 - Why do you support the five stage method of Herbart?

All of these

449 - Why should a student not be punished severely?

The student may develop a negative attitude towards his studies, teacher and school

450 - Why should you prefer teaching to other profession?

For the service of humanity

451 - Why students should play games in school?

It develops co-operation and physical balance

452 - With respect to the development of skills, all of the following are correct except that

Pupil of same mental age should learn at the same rate

453 - Women are better teacher at primary level because

They behave more patiently with children

454 - Women are better teacher at primary level because___________?

they behave more patiently with children

455 - Women are given preferences in teaching of primary children:

She is emotionally understanding

456 - You are a teacher of literature. A chapter of a book deals with a biography of a scientist and his works. In this situation, what would you do with chapter?

You would consult other books concerning with the scientist and then teach the lesson to student

457 - You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do ?

You will answer the question after the class

458 - You bringing your pupil for a monument visit outside your city. A father is reluctant to send his child for this. What will you do?

Try to convince him for sending his child by explaining the importance of such as educational and cultural trip

459 - You have been selected in all the four professions given below. Where would you like to go?


460 - You like teaching profession because

You are interested in it


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