Pedagogy Mics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Chapter: 2

1 - ___________ are visual frameworks to help the learner make connections between concepts?

Graphic organizers

2 - _____________ is a method where the students ask questions each other during presentations.

Peer Questioning

3 - A __________ is any activity that occurs outside the classroom for the purpose of providing hands on experience with objects or people that only occur in certain places?

Field Trips

4 - According to Aristotle, virtue is a/an __________ state between excess and deficiency.


5 - According to charter Act 1813, education was the responsibility of____________?

East India company

6 - According to Robert Sternberg, the three different types of required intelligence for creativity are_____________?

synthetic, analytical, and practical

7 - As people gets older, the ability of applying or maintain attention_____________?


8 - Condition necessary for micro teaching is___________?

All of the above

9 - Curriculum revision should be a/an __________ process?


10 - Detailed contents of the subjects for a class are called___________?


11 - Good reading aims at developing:_____________?


12 - In evaluation approach of lesson planning:

All of the above

13 - Relationship of subjects at different level is called____________?

Vertical organization

14 - Responses that produce a discomforting effect become ____________ to occur again in that situation?

less likely

15 - Round Table Discussion involves:__________participants?

4-5 participants

16 - The branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality is_________?


17 - The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says that education should be about___________?

life and growth

18 - The cooperative learning method which combines whole class learning plus heterogeneous small groups is termed as:

Circles of learning

19 - The extinction technique of classroom management is a technique where teacher __________ any negative behavior.


20 - The first head of the Deoband was_____________?

Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi

21 - The more often a particular ability is used the __________ it becomes?


22 - The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was__________?


23 - The philosopher who is called the father of Idealism is_____________?


24 - Through which action children learn fast?

Facial expression

25 - To increase the confidence of the teacher

Well preparation of the content is required

26 - Which of the following purposes is served by lesson plan?

All of the above

27 - _________ is a form of discussion that starts with individual response if the students then formulate student's pairs then the pairs are used to form groups of four.

Discussion Web

28 - _________ is a student generated list of words maintained by the student's to remind them of words they need more work on?

Spelling Notebook

29 - ___________ can be useful in motivating some students to learn?


30 - ___________ is a pair activity in which students have a short period (typically 30 seconds) to share all they know by writing in a graphic organizer.

Quick write

31 - ___________ is an instructional approach in which objectives are presented to learners beginning with unknown concepts and proceeding to known concepts?


32 - A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child_________?


33 - According to Edward Thorndike, learning is about responding to______________?


34 - According to John Dewey, educational process has two sides:

psychological and sociological

35 - According to John Dewey, which side of the educational process is the basis?


36 - According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the Formal operational stage starts at age________?


37 - According to Socrates, physical objects and events are ___________ of their ideal form?


38 - All round development means:

Developments of all the aspects of personality

39 - An assessment that is carried out through the course is called__________?

formative assessment

40 - An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a course grade is called?

Summative assessment

41 - Attitude can:________________?

All of the above

42 - Chunking is a _____________ technique?


43 - Conferences may occur between____________?

All of these

44 - Council of Technical Education was recommended to establish under___________?

Education conference 1947

45 - How shall you help a student who has failed in the half yearly examination?

By re-teaching difficult concepts

46 - In co-education you:_______________?

You deal according to need

47 - In cooperative learning method, the role of teacher is of__________?

facilitator and delegator

48 - Intelligence level of gifted student is____________?

140 and above

49 - Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as___________?


50 - Progressive education emphasizes learning by___________?


51 - Robert Sternberg, a famous psychologist, argued that creativity requires __________ different types of intelligence.


52 - Teacher should read other books also except course-books. What will be the benefit of it?

Knowledge will be overall developed and they teach well

53 - Teaching ___________ is an organizing tool to help the students visualize how many events can be tied to or contribute to a result?


54 - Text Book Board was recommended to establish under:___________?

National Education commission 1959

55 - The __________ the stimulus-response bond (S-R bond), the better a person has learned the lesson.


56 - The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called________?


57 - The concept of perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is___________?


58 - The conclusion of a deductive argument is____________?


59 - The connection between stimulus and response is called____________?

stimulus-response bond

60 - The famous book â€Å“The Republic” was written by____________?


61 - The information about internet and computer makes children?

Increase the knowledge of the information

62 - The most complex skill in cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy is__________?


63 - The philosopher who for the first time taught logic as a formal discipline was__________?


64 - The psychologist who for the first time proposed the concept of connectionism in learning was_____________?

Edward Thorndike

65 - The scope of curriculum include______________?


66 - The theory explaining the different types of learning and proposing that they require different types of teaching is remembered as___________?

Conditions of learning

67 - There are three main duties of a teacher, which are_______________?

Teaching, regulation and direction

68 - Under National Education Policy 1972, free education was recommended up-to class?


69 - When a learner is learning to satisfy his needs and wants, he is actually doing______________?

Experiential learning

70 - When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add an idea, the notebook is known as___________?

Collective Notebook

71 - When a student asks a Question to which the teaching has no direct, correct answer. What should the teacher do?

Tell the student that he would give the correct answer later

72 - When educators travel to the student's location to provide instruction on topics of professional or personal interest. The mode of teaching becomes___________?


73 - When students are asked to prepare an analysis of critic all features of an object or concept, the strategy is termed as__________?


74 - When the teacher forms different groups among the students that take turns asking other groups questions the strategy he/she is using is the_______________?

Cooperative Review

75 - Which from the following is termed as student-centered learning method? I. Direct Instruction II. Inquiry-Based Learning III. Cooperative learning

II and III only

76 - Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behavior?


77 - Which of the following is an important fear causing stimuli?

All of the above

78 - Which of the following strategies is problem centered?

All of the above

79 - Which of the skills do you consider most essential for a teacher?

To communicate well

80 - Which one is not among the elements of Active learning?


81 - While delivering lecture in the class a teacher:

Must give illustrations to clarify the difficult points

82 - While teaching in the classroom, any kind of work that involves two or more students, is a form of___________?

Collaborative learning

83 - Without suitable curriculum, aims of education?

Cannot be achieved

84 - You are a famous teacher, but students are not satisfied with your teaching style. How you will teach them?

Will make harmony with student's style

85 - . their colleagues by sharing instructional resources


86 - . The most important and the oldest tradition is in


87 - a technique which turn student into reading

Reciprocal teaching

88 - A common technique to help people begin the creative process is____________?

brain storming

89 - A normal human being has ________ senses?


90 - A philosophy , pedagogy and model for community called

Service learning

91 - A popular teacher is one who?

Is favorite of children

92 - A Priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of_________?


93 - A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is called____________?


94 - A student centered pedagogy called also

Problem-based learning

95 - A very important quality of a good student is:

To make an effort to understand what is taught in class

96 - A written work by a student to demonstrate some literary or linguistic knowledge, is termed as_____________?


97 - A/An __________ assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure.


98 - According to famous philosophers, teaching is a/an__________?


99 - According to Jean Piaget, children are no longer egocentric when entering_______________?

Concrete operational stage

100 - According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill during____________?

Formal operational stage

101 - According to John Dewey, school is a __________ institution, and education is a __________ process.

social, social

102 - According to John Dewey, schools must prepare students for________?

present life

103 - According to John Locke, a child's mind does not contain any______________?

innate ideas

104 - According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the Concrete operational stage starts at age_________?


105 - According to Plato, the highest goal in all of education is knowledge of the____________?


106 - According to Rousseau, at what age a person ready to have a companion of the opposite sex?


107 - According to Socrates of Meno, virtue is____________?


108 - According to the __________, the more you do something, the better you are at it.

law of exercise

109 - According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a negative outcome, the S-R bond is___________?


110 - According to the philosophy of Idealism in education, the subject matter of curriculum should be_______________?


111 - According to the theory of forms (or theory of ideas) material world is a/an __________ of the real world.


112 - Aim to develop social demographic structures called----..

Individual case work

113 - All of the following are the advantages of lecture strategy except:

It will increase the oral communication powers of pupils

114 - All the verbal and non-verbal communications between teachers and students are called_____________?


115 - All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” This is the saying of___________?


116 - Always Practitioners play a crucial role in providing the right materials for ----..


117 - An aspect of pragmatism is experiential learning, which says, education should come through___________?


118 - An assessment is __________ if it consistently achieves the same results with the same (or similar) students.


119 - An assessment that is conducted prior to the start of teaching or instruction is called_____________?

initial assessment

120 - An old but effective teaching strategy is____________?

Read Aloud

121 - Aneela is eight years old girl. She does not like to study. You as a teacher:

Describes the benefits of study

122 - Anything that causes a reaction is called______________?


123 - As people grow older, the __________ of learning declines?


124 - Basically social pedagogy is presentation of individual education and --------


125 - Bloom's taxonomy is a set of __________ learning domains?


126 - Brainstorming and passion issue discussed in

Service learning

127 - Bright students can be motivated well by:

Raising their aspiration level and goals of life

128 - Challenge in social structure social provides is a critical ----..


129 - Changing your classroom layout comes under

Critical pedagogy

130 - Child development is marked by interrelated processes, which one is not one of them?


131 - Children are usually egocentric during __________ and __________ stages?

Sensorimotor, Preoperational

132 - Children's associative life is seen as an important resource: workers should foster and make use of the----..


133 - Circles of learning were formulated by__________?

Roger and David Johnson

134 - Cognition is the process of acquiring and understanding knowledge through our ----..


135 - Collaboration with other teachers is a part of ----..

Interdisciplinary teaching

136 - Complexities of scoring of matching types of tests can be reduced by____________?

Supplementing the matched items with four alternative items

137 - Component of curriculum is_____________?

All of these

138 - Conferences are face to face_____________?


139 - Creative many solution of the problems called

Divergent thinkingÂ

140 - Critical pedagogy is a vast teaching----.


141 - Critical thinking give opportunities to brainstorm and analyze ----.


142 - Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum?


143 - Curriculum is supposed to___________?


144 - curriculum provides guidance for___________?


145 - Curry Stephenson Malott written books and identified as a critical pedagogue in


146 - Demonstration is done by in class


147 - Developing new rules and principles on the basis of given facts and information in memory level is called___________?


148 - Dialectic method of inquiry was contributed by___________?


149 - Dialectic or dialectical method is a discourse between opposing parties to establish the truth through__________?

reasoned arguments

150 - DOK Stand for in education

Deep of Knowledge

151 - During facilitative questioning the teacher passes______________?

Open-ended questions

152 - During Learning invlove the coummnity factors called

Social Pedagogy

153 - During learning use of joy type object part of

Environmental pedagogy

154 - During teaching and learning curriculum is

Re construct

155 - Education is a process in which knowledge and skills are transferred?

from a few persons to the next generation

156 - Educational psychology is concerned with the scientific study of____________?

human learning

157 - Emotional and spiritual learning are related to --------skills


158 - Environmental education is a part of

Social Pedagogy

159 - Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of__________?


160 - Evaluation approach of lesson planning is criticized on the ground that:

All of the above

161 - Evaluation of the process of curriculum development should be made____________?


162 - Famous book written by Paulo Freire name

Pedagogy of the Oppressed

163 - First pedagogy standard is

Joint productive activity

164 - First way of learning is


165 - For healthy arrangement of class room necessary thing is________________?

All of the above

166 - For Maximum effect SMART a growth mindset in----.


167 - For the best level of expertise who choose strategy


168 - Generally students like those teachers who:

Remove the difficulties of the subject

169 - German literature plays a big role in ----..

Social Pedagogy

170 - German-speaking and Romance countries in particular have attempted on this


171 - Greek word pais means----..


172 - Guidance removes:______________?

All of the above

173 - Guided learning and individual activity including in pedagogy


174 - He had written in --------for the first time


175 - History and creative writing by having students take on the role of a historical figure is an example of

Interdisciplinary teaching

176 - How does an effective teacher make students attentive in class?

By making one's teaching interesting

177 - How many ----.ways of learning


178 - How many curriculum areas


179 - How many elements of social pedagogy


180 - How many steps in Service learning


181 - How much knowledge is gain by listening


182 - IC in pedagogy stands for

Instructional conversation

183 - Idealism is a philosophical approach that argues that __________are the only true reality, and the only thing worth knowing.


184 - If one child gives answers to all the Questions at first in your class but disturbs the rest of the children and roams here and there in the class then what will you do?

Engage that child in more activities than rest of the children of the class so that he may learn new things

185 - If students do not understand what is taught in the class the teacher should:

Checkup the previous knowledge of the students in the topic

186 - Important area of social-pedagogical discussion is the Romance-language area, especially----.


187 - Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the____________?


188 - In field of expertise, as stated inÂ


189 - In ----.tradition of social pedagogy a theory and practice of social integration and Bildung.


190 - In a __________ student's formally present material then respond to questions from the audience?


191 - In class rooms learning facilitator called


192 - In cognitive pedagogy eights core Cognitive Capacities is

Pattern Recognition.

193 - In cognitive pedagogy fifth core Cognitive Capacities is

Multiple Simultaneous Attention.

194 - In cognitive pedagogy first core Cognitive Capacities is

Sustained Attention.

195 - In cognitive pedagogy fourth core Cognitive Capacities is

Cognitive Flexibility.

196 - In cognitive pedagogy second core Cognitive Capacities is

Response Inhibition.

197 - In cognitive pedagogy seven core Cognitive Capacities is

Category Formation.

198 - In cognitive pedagogy sixth core Cognitive Capacities is

Working Memory.

199 - In cognitive pedagogy third core Cognitive Capacities is

Speed of Information Processing.

200 - In cooperative method teachers act as a delegator means the teacher act as a/an ________ to the students.


201 - In critical pedagogy one of the most dominant called


202 - In direct instruction method or lecture method the teacher is considered as_____________?

formal authority

203 - In education, __________ is used to make inference about the learning and development of students?


204 - In first year college classroom take a first hard line against


205 - In John Dewey's student-centered approach of learning, the role of the teacher is of a____________?


206 - In Media literacy allows students to recognize bias and develop critical thinking


207 - In order to make memory level of teaching a success what should a teacher do?

All of the above

208 - In pedagogy CT stands for

Complex thinking

209 - In Pedagogy how many model types


210 - In power & operation teacher encourage the students called

Teaching philosophy

211 - In SMART method â€Å“R” means


212 - In social pedagogy The practitioner seeing herself/himself as a --------


213 - In spite of this multidimensionality, there have been many attempts and create of the ----of social pedagogy


214 - In teaching-learning process which of the following things is done first?

Task analysis

215 - In the welfare system close to social----.


216 - In which type of learning students take active role

Project-based learning

217 - In wider society each member takes----..


218 - In your view, which one is the most important factor of teaching process?


219 - Information separated into pieces and reach to one solution called

Divergent Thinking

220 - Interactive phase is likely to fail if_______________?

Both A and B

221 - It can help develop good practice by providing understandings

Social pedagogy

222 - It connects social pedagogy closely to general educational sciences----..


223 - It creates connection between person to----.


224 - It play a role in ------------aspects


225 - Its primary focus had been on the --------.and his or her upbringing.


226 - Its seem that effective pedagogies focus on developing higher --------and meta-cognition and make good use of dialogue and questioning in order to do so.


227 - Jean Piaget proposed ___________ stages of Cognitive Development?


228 - JPA Stands for

Joint productive activity

229 - Karl Mager was --------educationalist


230 - Larger community classrooms and learner know about the value of being an active citizen

Service learning

231 - Last one of the important features of pedagogy

Surface Meaning

232 - Learning means_____________?

Change in behavior

233 - Learning mediator in critical pedagogy called by


234 - Learning Situation is artificial in

Role Playing

235 - Life long process is called


236 - Lifelong learner for the student called by different scholars as


237 - Logical Method another name is

Inductive Method

238 - Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to__________?

Logical sequence

239 - Lowest area of curriculum is


240 - Main demerit potentially poor test results is due to

Problem-based learning

241 - Main duty of----.. help children develop hypotheses


242 - Major advantage of supervised study technique is that:

Self learning habits and self confidence can be developed in pupil

243 - Major objective of critical pedagogy to promote the


244 - Many Student passive in

Lecture Method

245 - Math is in pedagogy belongs to which type of


246 - Micro Teaching focus on


247 - Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is____________?

All of above

248 - Mostly discuss social pedagogy in --------literature


249 - Mostly seen effective pedagogies involve a range o----..


250 - National Education Commission 1959 was established under the headship of__________?

S.M Sharif

251 - National Education Policy 1970 was headed by___________?

Abdul Hafeez Pirzada

252 - National expectation are


253 - Objectives of education under National Education Commission 1959 were___________?

All of the above

254 - On existing strengths and offer learning development

Social pedagogy

255 - On legislated requirements rights not limited to Procedural .......


256 - On which basis the ability of teachers can be judged?

Personality of the teacher

257 - One concrete way to do this is by

Critical pedagogy

258 - One of the basic principles of socializing individuals is____________?


259 - One of the lowest area in curriculumn


260 - One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to express himself?

By organizing educational games/programmers in which children feel like speaking

261 - One of the top area in currciculum

Practical life

262 - One on one approach to teaching or re-teaching concepts is termed as___________?


263 - Open mindedness and making reasoning decision in

Critical Thinking

264 - Open University Pakistan was established under the policy?


265 - Pérez Serrano 2004 looks at social pedagogy in ----..


266 - Paulo Freire was belongs to


267 - Pedagogues are encouraged constantly to reflect on their--------


268 - Pedagogy builds on an understanding of children's --------


269 - Pedagogy important in education due to

Gives teachers insight

270 - Pedagogy is the knowledge related to


271 - Pedagogy is the study of

Teaching methodology

272 - Pedagogy mainly focus on students


273 - Pedagogy took on a more social role, one of community education that also occurs in later writers like

Paulo FreireÂ

274 - Pedagogy was early on concerned with changing social conditions through----..


275 - People facing many kinds of social problems in ----


276 - Percentage of knowledge gained through observation is?


277 - Plato argued that __________ are fit to rule?

only philosophers

278 - Practical and physical skills related to


279 - Preparation, Action, Reflection, Demonstration and Celebration step of

Service learning

280 - Private educational institutions were nationalized under_____________?

Natural education policy 1972

281 - Progressivism believes that children learn in a/an____________?


282 - Progressivism believes that education comes from the experience of the__________?


283 - Projective techniques of measuring personality is superior to other techniques because:____________?

The examinee does not know that he is revealing his own self

284 - Promote welfare and ease social problems major discuss in

Cognitive Pedagogy

285 - Provide opportunities for play


286 - Providing temporary support and encouragement to students until help in no longer needed is called_____________?


287 - Purpose of evaluative phase of teaching is:

All of the above

288 - Rather than â€Å“telling,” teacher leads students to concept through a series of ordered questions in____________?

Socratic Method

289 - Realism is a philosophical approach that argues that ultimate reality is the world of___________?

physical objects

290 - Realization is understood is a process of

critical pedagogy epistemology

291 - Regular changes in teaching strategies in the class is required:

All of the above

292 - Relationship- Centered way of working in care and educational settings with people called

Social Pedagogy

293 - Reliability of an assessment relates to the __________ of an assessment?


294 - Religious organizations, health education and civic education examples of

Social Pedagogy

295 - Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become __________ to occur again in that situation?

more likely

296 - Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is____________?

Curriculum wing

297 - Roots that have developed into differing strands of contemporary thinking in pedagogy called

Historic development

298 - Rousseau had aimed to protect from the negative influences of ----.


299 - Rousseau is most famous for his -------- Contract in 1762


300 - Rousseau's --------theory called


301 - School Leader is called


302 - Self-efficacy so that people can start changing their lives and--------


303 - Self-responsible persons who take responsibility for their thinking discuss in

Cognitive Pedagogy

304 - Social pedagogical practice as a ------------process


305 - Social Pedagogy on the community and how to use pedagogic ideas for --------betterment


306 - Social Pedagogy an emphasis on --------.

Team work

307 - Social pedagogy as an approach in which both head and ----.. are involved


308 - Social pedagogy concept makes it difficult to --------


309 - Social pedagogy creates connection is----.


310 - Social pedagogy is a set of


311 - Social pedagogy major focus on process


312 - Social relevance of pedagogy in fighting social inequalities gives concept by


313 - Society and its institutions corrupted them and denaturalized them called by

Jean Jacques

314 - Strategies to encourage students & critical thinking developing skills and able to draw information called

Interdisciplinary teaching

315 - Structure and power best example of the

Critical pedagogy

316 - Student & teacher unpreparedness found in

Problem-based learning

317 - Students are continuously engaged

Problem-based learning

318 - Success in developing values is mainly development upon___________?


319 - Syllabus is a part of____________?


320 - Teacher delivers---------------- to the class


321 - Teacher wants to participate in activity


322 - Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students:

already know

323 - Teaching and learning are two important part of


324 - Teaching by small steps and frequent short assignment techniques are useful for__________?

All of the above

325 - Teaching strategies are also called


326 - The __________ says, we are motivated to gain rewards and avoid punishments.

law of effect

327 - The â€Å“Academy” was founded in___________?


328 - The able teacher is one who:

Engages the students in their work

329 - The advocators of philosophy of Pragmatism believe that reality is____________?

constantly changing

330 - The affective domain involves_____________?


331 - The amount set apart by East India Company for educational purpose was RS________?


332 - The application of ideas, knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results is called___________?

problem solving

333 - The book Emile or â€Å“On Education” on the nature of education and man is written by__________?


334 - The brain __________ as people gets older?


335 - The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a____________?

Chariot race course

336 - The curriculum of educational institutes should be based on__________?

theory and practice

337 - The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called___________?

Cognitive Development

338 - The focus of national education policy 1978 was on____________?

Both a and b

339 - The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the___________?

real world

340 - The idea of teaching the whole child in the â€Å“philosophy of pragmatism in education” means teaching students to be good_________?


341 - The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a______________?

Constitution in a country

342 - The longer a particular ability is unused the __________ it becomes.


343 - The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is____________?

Activity curriculum

344 - The models based on the philosophy that learning occurs when there are changes in mental structure are called____________?

Cognitive Learning Models

345 - The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to __________ information.


346 - The most important duty of a teacher is___________?

Complete the syllabus

347 - The person is influential communicator if:

If his communication is very clear

348 - The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactic was?

Martin Wagenschein

349 - The phrase equal educational opportunities in Pakistan means____________?

Equal opportunities for all children to have access to education

350 - The primary duty of a teacher is to be responsible to his/her:


351 - The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called___________?

Deductive Reasoning

352 - The process of selecting units from a population to estimate characteristics of the population is called____________?


353 - The professional and the personal is a balance type of

Social Pedagogy

354 - The psychological environment of the class is mainly the duty of__________?

Class teacher

355 - The psychomotor domain involves___________?

physical movement

356 - The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called___________?

Inductive Reasoning

357 - The role of teacher in inquiry-based learning is of___________?


358 - The simplest skill in cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy is__________?


359 - The skill when students try to build abstract knowledge is called__________?


360 - The students learn most from those teachers who:

Are gentle

361 - The students of class v make too much of noise in Math's class. The probable reason of this could be that the teacher

Is not well versed in teaching methodology

362 - The study of the physical, social and mental aspects of aging is called____________?


363 - The teacher should know the following thing:

In which field difficulty is faced by the children?

364 - The teacher wants students to practice by repetition of some learning content, he normally uses ____________ method?


365 - The technique of classroom management where the teacher punishes negative behaviors by removing an unruly student from the rest of the class is called___________?

time out technique

366 - The term heuristic means __________ in decision making.

mental shortcuts

367 - The three laws of connectionism are the laws of____________?

effect, exercise and readiness

368 - The truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument is___________?


369 - The use of a physical punishment for class management is called____________?

corporal punishment

370 - The Waldorf education approach emphasizes a balanced development of____________?

head, heart, and hands

371 - Theoretical understandings and self-knowledge to the sometimes challenging----.


372 - There are __________ laws of connectionism?


373 - There are------------ types of pedagogies


374 - There is link between education and society who said


375 - Three merits of proficiency test are______________?

Approval, reliability and subjective

376 - To break information into parts and to examine the information is called____________?


377 - To develop long-term knowledge retention is an advantage of

Problem-based learning

378 - To explore at the right point in their--------


379 - To study the functioning of the unconscious mind, which of the following techniques can be most profitably used?

Projective techniques

380 - Top one area of curriculum is

Practical life

381 - Tribal communities, for-the-job and on-the-job training part of

Social Pedagogy

382 - True or false items cannot provide accurate criterion of evaluation because?

All of the above

383 - UCL is Institute of


384 - Under wood Dispatch in 1857, three universities established were_________?

Bombay , Calcutta , Madras

385 - Use of reality apps for natural phenomena exploration called

Virtual Field Trip

386 - Validity of an assessment relates to the ___________ of an assessment?


387 - Variety of sources gives to students to improve their research skills at the same time in----

Interdisciplinary teaching

388 - Verbal communication and presentation are part of

Lecture Method

389 - Very Short in type of form


390 - Video mini lesson especially engages the----.


391 - Wealth, access and power are examples of

radical redistribution

392 - What is Curriculum?

Overall activities of an Institution

393 - What should teacher do after teaching the lesson?

He should test the understanding of the students

394 - What should teacher do before teaching the lesson?

He should tell the main objectives of the lesson

395 - What type of class climate you would prefer?

A highly interactive and self disciplined class

396 - What was the relation between Socrates and Plato?

Plato was student of Socrates

397 - When a learner is studying simply because work is assigned by the teacher, he is doing___________?

Cognitive memorizing

398 - When each person has inherent potential and underpin idea called

Social pedagogy

399 - When students sit in rows facing teacher called

Critical pedagogy

400 - When taking a project you would:

Plan it very carefully and see that there is no chance of failure

401 - When the teacher checks the students work using multiple sources of information, the task is called____________?


402 - When the teacher displays picture for a second or two then asks students to describe as much as they can remember from what they saw he or she is trying to improve_____________?

Visual Memory of the students

403 - When the teacher is restating the information to show basic principles in the classroom, he is actually?


404 - When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use?

lecture method

405 - Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of examination?


406 - Which focus on each person can grow and become both more independence

Social pedagogy

407 - Which from the following is NOT among the five senses?


408 - Which from the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behavior?


409 - Which help pedagogy to enlighten the students?


410 - Which improves students engagement

Classroom technology

411 - Which is the best method of study of child behavior?

Personal study method

412 - Which leading discussions instead of standing

Critical pedagogy

413 - Which of the following can affect the results of students in the examination?

All of the above

414 - Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled for proper adjustment in the environment?

All of the above

415 - Which of the following factors the classroom management?

All of the above

416 - Which of the following is an important anger arousing situation during adolescence?

All of the above

417 - Which of the following is not emphasized in memory level of teaching?

Conducting tests along with teaching

418 - Which of the following is not related to educational achievement?


419 - Which of the following is not the part of educational technology?

Comparison of performance of two different classes or schools

420 - Which of the following is the nature of curriculum?

All of these

421 - Which of the following is the social characteristics of a child?

All of the above

422 - Which of the following strategies is most suitable for introducing a lesson?


423 - Which of the following teaching aids helps the pupils to study, analyses and compare date?


424 - Which of the following techniques is used in educational surveys?

All of the above

425 - Which of these skills do you consider extremely important for a teacher?

Teaching Skills

426 - Which one debate inside and outside of education


427 - Which one example of student-teacher power dynamic

Critical pedagogy

428 - Which one focus on Meta cognition


429 - Which one is not the component of the curriculum?


430 - Which one is valuable, resourceful and can make a meaningful contribution to their community.

Social pedagogy

431 - Which pedagogy allows for better conversation in the classroom.

Critical pedagogy

432 - Which pedagogy describe nature and development

Social pedagogy

433 - Which pedagogy offers a distinctive approach

Social pedagogy

434 - Which pedagogy posture puts you in the same position as the students

Critical pedagogy

435 - Which study says curriculum content in general and information retrain

Psychological ScienceÂ

436 - Which teaching aims to link content with students' contemporary and ancestral cultures?

Culturally responsive teaching

437 - Which type of pedagogy create condition person to grow

Social pedagogy

438 - Which types of person should enter in the field of teaching?

Devoted and laborious persons

439 - Who reflects on the way social pedagogy is understood in Norway.

Gjertsen Â

440 - Who called as a prompter?


441 - Who claimed that all pedagogy should be social, that is, that in the philosophy of education the interaction of educational processes

Paul Natorp

442 - Who Concerned with the decay of society

Jean Jacques

443 - Who define goals of pedagogy

John Searle

444 - Who Delegator and prompter in classroom


445 - Who developed his theories based on his belief

Jean Jacques

446 - Who has the full authority in classrooms?


447 - Who interprets the learning programs and other class objects?


448 - Who is called the father of both Realism and the scientific method?


449 - Who is education of head cognitive knowledge

Eichsteller & Holthoff

450 - Who is Resource Provider in classrooms


451 - Who provide all type of resource in classrooms?


452 - Who providing right material to children for exploration


453 - Who said student wants to gain rather than position of privilege

Jeff Smith

454 - Who said that educational philosophy rejects the knowledge neutrality?


455 - Who says Education is life itself

John Dewy

456 - Who says that teaching should be learners to examine power


457 - Who suggest that social pedagogy aims to achieve

Eichsteller & Holthoff

458 - Whole-class and structured group work comes under pedagogy


459 - Words pedagogy means

To educate students

460 - You wish to become a teacher, because:

Like to be a teacher


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