Periodic Classification s-Block Elements MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - An element having low value of ionization energy and low value of electron affinity is likely to belong to

Group IA

2 - Which set of elements is listed in order of increasing ionization energy?

Sb < As < S < P < Cl

3 - Which of the following always increases on going from top to bottom in a group?

Metallic character

4 - Which of the p-block elements are not representative elements?

Group-18 elements (VIII-A)

5 - Among halogens the highest boiling point is of


6 - Which of the following will not form crystalline structure with opporitely charged ions


7 - Which statement is incorrect?

All the metals form acidic oxides

8 - Periodic table provides a basic framework to study elements with respect to their


9 - The scientist who did not contribute in the construction of periodic table?


10 - Concept of Triads was introduced by


11 - Which element was not known when Mendeleev proposed his classification?


12 - Elements with similar chemical properties appear in the

Same family

13 - Noble gases are named so because they are


14 - In modern periodic table all the leements are arranged in ascending order of

Atomic number

15 - The longest period in the modern periodic table is


16 - Inner transition elements are called


17 - Seventh period contains ______________ normal elements


18 - Modern periodic table has been divided in _______ blocks


19 - Non-metals usually form ______________ oxides


20 - Amphoteric exides are those which possess ________ properties

Acidic and basic

21 - Best position of hydrogen in the periodic table is above I.A Group which is mainly due to


22 - Hydrogen resembles with carbon because of having

Remarkable reducing properties

23 - Which one of the following sets consists of all coinage metals?

Cu Ag Au

24 - In which of the following pairs are elements belonging to the same group?

Nitrogen & Phosphorous

25 - Many properties of an element and its compounds can be predicted from the position of the element in the periodic table. What property could not be predicted in this way?

Its number of isotopes

26 - Which one of the following is not a periodic property?

Coordination number of ions

27 - The atomic radii decreases by increasing atomic number in

Elements from Li to Ne

28 - Which discovery caused a revision in the periodic law as stated by Mendeleev?

Atomic number by Moseley

29 - An element has electronic conviguration 1s2 2s2 2p2. It belongs to

Group IV-A

30 - The property which increases upto group IV-A then decreases onwards

Melting & boiling points

31 - Which of the following ion is stable in aqueous solution?


32 - The atoms of same element having same atomic number but different mass number are called


33 - Deuterium reacts with oxygen to form

Heavy water

34 - Which order of ionization energy is correct

Mg > A1

35 - Ionization energy depends upon

I.E depends upon all of the above and nature of orbital

36 - Shielding effect across the period

Remains constant

37 - Addition of 2nd electron to a uninegative ion is always


38 - Higher value of electron affinity means

Atom will gain electron easily

39 - Metallic characters of alkali metals

Increase down the group

40 - Melting points of VII-A group elements down the group


41 - Oxidation state of an atom represents

Apparent charge in compound

42 - Which of the following possesses maximum hydration energy?


43 - Halides in which halogen atoms act as a bridge between two atoms of the other element are called

Polymeric halides

44 - Iodine is solid due to

High polarizability

45 - True increasing order of acidity of the oxides of Mn is

MnO < MnO2 < Mn2O7

46 - Keeping in view the size of atom which order is correct one?

Ba > Mg

47 - Which one of the following element has highest exidation state in its compounds?


48 - Which of the following cannot exist in solution


49 - The word Alkali means


50 - Formula of Chile saltpetre is


51 - The oxides of beryllium BeO is


52 - Which element is necessary for normal leaf development?


53 - Li is different from its family members due to

all of the above

54 - Carbonates of lithium are not stable like that of sodium due to

Low electropositivity

55 - Nitrates of which pair of elements give different products on thermal decomposition?

Li Na

56 - Which one of the following is not an alkali metal?


57 - Which of the following sulphates is not soluble in water?

Barium sulphate

58 - The element cesium bears resemblance with

None of the above

59 - The ore CaSO4.H2O has the general name


60 - Downs cell is used to prepare

Sodium metal

61 - Ammonia may be prepared by heating ammonium chloride with

Aqueous sodium hydroxide

62 - Calcium carbide is prepared by heating lime with coke at

2800Degree Centigrade

63 - Crystals of Na2CO3. 10H2O when exposed to air

Lose water and remain solid

64 - Which one of the following substances conducts electricity by the movement of ions?

Molten sodium chloride

65 - Which one of the following carbonate is water insoluble?


66 - The deliquescence is a property in which a solid

Absorbs moisture and turns to liquid form

67 - In diaphragm cell hydrogen is discharged by the reduction of


68 - In diaphragm cell level of brine in anode compartment is kept slightly higher which prevents

Hydroxide ions to reach anode

69 - Gypsum is applied to the soil as a source of

Ca and S

70 - Alkali and alkaline earth metals impart colours when heated over burner. It is due to

De-excitation of electrons from higher energy levels to low energy level

71 - Which one of the following alkali metals forms only normal oxide when it reacts with O2?


72 - First ionization potential of alkaline earth metal is greater than alkali metals because

They have smaller atomic sizes

73 - Which one of the following pairs shown diagonal relationship in the periodic table?

Lithium and magnesium

74 - NaOH is named as caustic soda because

It corrodes the organic tissues

75 - Sodium is not observed in +2 oxidation state because of its

high second ioniation potential

76 - Carnalite has chemical formula


77 - Magnesium metal does not burn in the vessel containing


78 - Electrolysis of dilute solution of NaCl results at the anode


79 - Second ionization potential of alkali metals are very high due to

inert gas configurations

80 - Which ion will have maximum value of heat of hydration?


81 - Which one can form complex?


82 - Which one is natron?


83 - Addition of 2% gypsum in cement

Prevents rapid hardening

84 - Which one is least ionic in nature and decompose on heating.


85 - Boron is non-netal whereas A1 is metal. It is due to

Both a and b


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