Physics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 9

1 - A vector in space have component?


2 - ___ affects evaporation.

All are correct

3 - ___ is a vector quantity?


4 - ___ is not processing?


5 - ___ is the example of longitudinal waves.

Sound waves

6 - 1 KWh is equal to?

Both A & B

7 - 1 micrometer is equal to?


8 - 1 Ohm × 1 Farad is equal to?

1 Second

9 - 1 Terameter=___ meter.


10 - 2 parallel wires carrying currents in the opposite directions?

Repel each other

11 - 3 joule of work done in 3 seconds then power is?

1 Watt

12 - 6 joule of work done in 3 seconds then power is?

2 Watt

13 - 9 joule of work done in 3 seconds then power is?

3 Watt

14 - A 200 kg motorcycle travelling at 30 m/s hits a tree and is brought to rest in 0.10 seconds. What is the magnitude of the average force acting on the car to bring it to rest?

6 × 104N

15 - A 5 kg mass is falling freely. Force or weight acting on it will be?


16 - A ball is allowed to fall freely from certain height. It covers a distance in 1st second equal to:


17 - A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at the highest point is?


18 - A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at the highest point will be?


19 - A battery of 50 volts is attached to a series combination 0f 5ÃŽ©, 0ÃŽ© and 10ÃŽ©. The current in the circuit is?

3.34 Amp

20 - A body falling freely strikes the ground in 5 seconds. Distance covered by it in 5 seconds?

122.5 m

21 - A body has potential energy=mgh, when it is height h from the ground, at the point at the distance x below from top its potential energy will be?


22 - A body is dropped from a tower with zero velocity reaches the ground in 4 seconds. The height of tower is about?


23 - A body thrown upward making a certain angle with horizontal and moving freely under the action of gravity is called?


24 - A boy jumps out of a moving bus. There is a danger for him to fall?

In the direction of motion

25 - A car of mass 1000 Kg was brought to rest on a level road by braking and 500 KJ of heat were produced. Find the speed of the vehicle just before the brakes were applied?

31.62 m/s

26 - A car starts from rest and covers a distance of 100 m in one second with uniform acceleration will be:

200 m/s2

27 - A car starts moving from rest. It accuires a speed of 25m/s after 20 seconds. The distance covered by the car during this time will be?

250 m

28 - A circular plate, a cube and a sphere, all made up of same material and having the same mass are heated to 3000C and left in a room. Which of them will have the slowest rate of cooling?


29 - A constant current is sent through a helical coil. The coil:

Tends to get shorter

30 - A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up in air and it requires 3 seconds to reach the maximum height its initial velocity is?

29.4 m/s

31 - A dimension stands for the __ nature of certain physical quantity.


32 - A doctor counts 72 heartbeats in 1 minute. Its time period is?

0.83 second

33 - A force of 10 N is making an angle of 30 Degree with horizontal. Its horizontal components will be?

8.7 N

34 - A force on particle is conservative if:

Its work depends on the end points of every motion, not on the path between.

35 - A forward biased pn-junction practically offers?

Very small resistance

36 - A hole is drilled through the earth along a diameter and a stone dropped into it. When the stone is at the center of the earth it has?


37 - A hydrogen atom is in its ground state when its orbital electron?

Is in its lowest energy level

38 - A Kilowatt hour is a unit of?


39 - A lens of focal length 20 cm has a power of?

5.00 Diopters

40 - A measurement taken by Vernier Caliper with least count as 0.01 cm is recorded as 0.045 cm. It percentage uncertainty is?


41 - A measurement taken by Vernier Caliper with least count as 0.01 cm is recorded as 0.45 cm. It has fractional uncertainty?


42 - A nucleus with an excess of neutrons may decay radioactively with the emission of?

An electron

43 - A particle having 2e charge falls through a potential difference by 5v. Energy acquired by it is?

10 eV

44 - A particle is moving in a uniform circular motion with constant speed v along a circle of radius r. The acceleration of the particle is?


45 - A pendulum has a time period of 3.0s in an inertial frame. What is time period when measured by an observer moving with a speed of 0.95c with respect to the pendulum?

9.60 s

46 - A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to?


47 - A piece of wood is held under water. The upthrust on it will be?

Less than weight of the wood

48 - A pilot has to release the bomb to hit a target?

Before the target

49 - A positive electric charge?

Repels other positive charge

50 - A precise measurement is the one which has?

Less precision

51 - A projectile have a maximum range of 200m. What is the maximum height attained by it?


52 - A projectile will cover same horizontal distance when the initials angles of projection are?


53 - A quantity not always conserves in the decay of elementary particles is?

Strangeness number

54 - A radioactive atom X emits a Beta – Particle. The resulting atom:

Has an atomic number that is one more than that of X

55 - A rheostat can be used as?

Potential Divider

56 - A satellite is revolving round the earth in a circular orbit. If the radius of the orbit is increased from R to 2R, its velocity will be?


57 - A Shearing stress that acts on a body affects its?


58 - A sphere of radius r has volume v. If the radius of a sphere is increased to three times r what is the volume now?

27 V

59 - A square loop of wire lies in the plane of the page. A decreasing magnetic field is directed into the page. The induced current in the loop is:


60 - A standing wave:

Can be constructed from two similar waves travelling in opposite direction.

61 - A star appears twinkling in the sky because of?

Refraction of light by atmosphere

62 - A stone is projected vertically upwards from the ground at an initial speed of 15m/s, air resistance is negligible. What is the maximum height reached by the stone?

11 m

63 - A stone thrown from the top of a tall building follows a path that is:


64 - A substance having the negative temperature co-efficient of resistivity out of the following is?


65 - A train is moving at a speed of 36km/h. Its speed expressed in m/s will be?


66 - A transformer has 50 turns in primary and 250 turns in secondary coil. If the primary voltage is 14 V. What is output voltage?

70.00 V

67 - A truck of mass 750 Kg moving at 30 km/h hits a stationary dumpster of mass 1000 Kg. The two vehicles stick and move together after the collision. What is their speed?

12.85 Km/h

68 - A typical rocket consume about 10000 kg/s of fuel and eject burn gases at speed?

4000 m/s

69 - A vector is a tensor of rank?


70 - A virtual image is one?

From which light rays diverge but do not pass through.

71 - Absolute uncertainty in a measuring instrument is equal to?

Least count

72 - Absolute uncertainty in effect is __ to the least count of the measuring instrument.


73 - AC plate resistance of a diode value at saturation is?


74 - According to Hooke's law the force needed to elongate an elastic body by an amount S is proportional to?


75 - According to law of conservation of energy?

Energy can not be destroyed.

76 - According to the second condition of equilibrium __ =0


77 - All of the ions that pass through crossed electric and magnetic fields without deflection have?


78 - All the food we eat in the day has about the same energy as?

1/3 liter of petrol

79 - Aluminium has __ % share in the composition of earth.


80 - Among following which is not electromagnetic in nature?

Beta rays

81 - Among the following elementary particles , which one is never decays in free space?


82 - Among the following which waves can not be polarized?

Sound waves

83 - An accurate measurement is the one which has __ fractional error.


84 - An athlete run with a speed of 12m/s. Determine the longest jump he can undertake.

14.4 m

85 - An electric current in conductor is due to the flow of?

Free electrons

86 - An ideal gas occupies a volume of 100cm3 at 20 degree centigrade and a pressure of 100 Pa. Determinate the number of moles of gas in the container?

4.11×10-6 mol

87 - An interval of 200 microsecond is equivalent to?

2×10-4 Second

88 - An object covers distance which is directly proportional to the square of the Time. Its acceleration is?


89 - An object is dropped from a height of 10m. Its velocity at the moment it touches the ground?

14.14 m/sec

90 - An object moving in a circle at constant speed:

Has an acceleration of constant magnitude

91 - An object placed between f and 2f of a convex lens produces an image that is?

Inverted, Real

92 - An object with a constant speed?

Is not accelerated

93 - Angle between two vectors 3i+4j and 4i-3j is?

90 Degree

94 - Approximately power of an electric heater is?

2 KW

95 - Area of a sphere of radius 35cm is?

1.22 m2

96 - As a pressure in an ideal gas is increased isothermally the average molecular speed:

Stays the same

97 - As we go from equator to north pole the value g, the acceleration due to gravity?


98 - At resonance the value of power factor in an LCR series circuit is?


99 - At the top of trajectory of a projectile, the direction of its velocity and acceleration?

Perpendicular to each other

100 - Ballistic missiles are used only for?

Short ranges

101 - Beats are the results of?

Constructive and Destructive interference

102 - Before launching of any rocket the mass of rocket due to its fuel is approximately equal to?


103 - Bomb shell explodes into four equal parts. Which of the following is conserved?

Linear momentum and Total energy

104 - Boyle's law holds good for any gas at?

Low temperature and high pressures

105 - By increasing temperature of conductor the flow rate of charges?


106 - Capacitance of a capacitor does not depends upon?

Electric field between plates

107 - Capacitor is perfect insulator for?

Direct current

108 - Centigrade and Fahrenheit temperatures are the same at?


109 - Centripetal force is a?

Vector quantity

110 - Change in momentum is a?

Vector quantity

111 - Change in position is called?


112 - Characteristic of a wave which is independent of the others is called?


113 - Closeness of the electric field lines is the measure of?

Strength of field

114 - Colour code for carbon resistance usually consists of?

4 Bands

115 - Commercial unit of electric energy is?


116 - Coolis tube is used to produce?


117 - Coulomb per volt is called?


118 - Curie is the unit of?


119 - Density of a solid is a?

Scalar quantity

120 - Diamond has?

Four valence electrons

121 - Dimension of coefficient of viscosity are:


122 - Dimension of force is:


123 - Dimension of the which of the following is same that of Impulse?


124 - Dimensions of power are?


125 - Dimensions of work are?


126 - Dioptre is the unit of?

Power of a lens

127 - Distances of stars are measured in?

Light year

128 - During refraction of light the quality of ___ is not changed.

Its frequency

129 - Dynamo is a device for converting?

Mechanical energy into electrical energy

130 - Electric field created by positive charge is?

Radially outward

131 - Electric field lines are closer where the field is?


132 - Electric lines of forces are parallel and equally spaced. Then electric field is?


133 - Electron volt is a unit of?


134 - Energy dissipated usually appears as?

Heat energy

135 - Energy gap in a semiconductor is?

Less than that of an insulator.

136 - Energy is continuously created in the sun due to?

Nuclear fusion

137 - Energy stored in a dam is?

Gravitational potential energy

138 - Energy stored in the spring is called?

Elastic potential energy

139 - Energy stored in winding?

Elastic Potential Energy

140 - Energy that can harness heat stored below the earth surface is known as?

Geothermal energy

141 - ERG stands for what?

Electric Retino Graphy

142 - Error in the measurement of radius of sphere is 1%. The error in the calculated value of its volume is:


143 - Escape velocity of a body of mass 1000 Kg is 11 km/s. If the mass of the body is double then its escape velocity will be?

11 km/s

144 - Example of simple harmonic motion?

The motion of a simple pendulum

145 - Farad is defined as?


146 - Filament in CRO?


147 - Following is an intensive coordinates of a thermodynamics system in equilibrium state?


148 - For a freely falling body the total amount of energy at any point?

Remains constant

149 - For a normal person audible frequency range for sound wave lies between?

20 Hz to 20 Khz

150 - For an angle less than __ the height reached by projectile and the range both will be less.


151 - For coherence two light sources must have?

Be in phase, have same wavelength and same frequency

152 - For computation of electric flux the surface area should be?


153 - For long range the missiles used are called?

Guided missiles

154 - Force of 10 N makes an angle of 30 degree with y-axis. Its x-component will be?

5 N

155 - Force of limiting friction is a?

Vector quantity

156 - Formula of velocity is?


157 - Gamma rays can cause?

Gene mutation

158 - Gauss's law can only be applied to?

A closed surface

159 - GPS Global Positioning System consists of how many satellites?


160 - Grid in the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope?

Controls the brightness of spot formed.

161 - Hammer raised up has energy?

Potential energy

162 - Heat is a?

Scalar quantity

163 - Heat is closely related to which of the following?


164 - Heaviest class of elementary particles consist of?


165 - Here users will find all the physics Mcqs. Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Photonics, study of heat, Distance, work, force, time, machines, study of electricity, magnetism, law of motion, nuclear physics, Quantum, relativity, solar system, and all the topics


166 - Horizontal component of force is a?

Vector Quantity

167 - How many electrons pass a cross section of the wire in time one hour where the current is 1A?


168 - Idea of electric field lines are proposed by?

Michael Faraday

169 - Identify true statement when we see rainbow?

Sun remains behind us and we face raindrops.

170 - Identify which is not a vector quantity?


171 - Identify which is scalar quantity?

Electrostatic potential

172 - If 100 N force is making angle 60 Degree with y-axis then value of horizontal component is?

86.6 N

173 - If 50kg gate is pushed through 2m across the floor with a force of 50 N. The work done will be?

100 J

174 - If a charge is free to move in an electric field then acceleration will be?


175 - If a force 10 N acts on body of mass 5kg for one second. Then its rate of change of momentum will be?

10 kgms-2

176 - If a force of 10 N is acting along x-axis, then its component along y-axis is?

0 N

177 - If a resistor of resistance R is connected across a battery of internal resistance 'r' then output power will be maximum when?


178 - If a vector of magnitude of 10 N is along y-axis. Then its component along x-axis?

0 N

179 - If Ax and Ay both are negative. The resultant vector will lies on?

Third quadrant

180 - If error in measurement of radius of a circle is 2% then permissible error its area will be?


181 - If potential difference across two plates of a parallel plates capacitor is doubled then the energy stored in it will be?

4 Times

182 - If Rx is negative and Ry is positive. The resultant vector will lies in?

Second Quadrant

183 - If the body of mass 2kg moving with 15m/s collides with stationary body of mass. Then after elastic collision the 2nd body will move with the velocity of?

15 m/s

184 - If the direction of force is perpendicular to the direction of motion of body then work done is?


185 - If the distance between two charges is doubled the coulomb force will become?

One Fourth

186 - If the initial velocity of a projectile becomes doubled. The time of flight will be?


187 - If the resultant of two vectors each of magnitude F is also of magnitude F. Then angle between them?

120 Degree

188 - If the time of the flight of a projectile is doubled. What happened to the maximum height attained?

Becomes four times

189 - If the two components of a vector are equal in magnitude. The vector making angle with x-axis will be?

45 Degree

190 - If the velocity of a body becomes double then its kinetic energy?

Becomes four times

191 - If two unit vectors perpendicular to each other are added then magnitude of resultant?


192 - If velocity and mass of a moving object are doubled then the kinetic energy becomes?

8 times

193 - If X=A+B then X=0 when?

A=0, B=0

194 - Impulse can be defined as?


195 - Impulse is a?

Vector quantity

196 - In a right angled triangle length of a base is 4cm and length of perpendicular is 3cm. The length of hypotenuse is?


197 - In an atom the required centripetal force for an electron in its circular orbit is provided by?

Electrostatic force of attraction

198 - In an in-elastic collision?

Kinetic Energy is less after the collision

199 - In case of elastic collision between two bodies?

Both momentum and energy are conserved.

200 - In colour code of resistance orange colour represents?


201 - In CRO the output wave form of time base generator is?


202 - In current carrying long solenoid the magnetic field produced does not depend upon?

Radius of solenoid

203 - In earth weight of body is maximum at the?


204 - In electronics what comes under tank circuit?

Capacity and inductance

205 - In gravitational field if the displacement is against the gravitational force the work done will be?


206 - In order to cause a moving body to pursue a circular path, it is necessary to apply?

Centripetal force

207 - In order to monitor 100% earth surface only one polar satellite is required. How many geostationary satellites are required to do the same?


208 - In projectile motion at the highest point?

Only vertical component of velocity is zero

209 - In simple harmonic motion there is always a constant ratio between the displacement of mass and its?


210 - In solid transfer of heat is called?


211 - In the absence of external force the change in momentum is?


212 - In the projectile motion the vertical component of velocity?

Varies point to point

213 - In the region surrounding a current carrying wire?

Both B & C

214 - In thermodynamics work done by the system is taken as?


215 - In which quadrant 2i – 3j lies?


216 - Inertia depends upon?


217 - Instantaneous change of momentum is called:


218 - Instrument used to see the distant objects on the earth is?

Terrestrial Telescope

219 - Instrument which uses sound waves to measure the depth of oceans is?


220 - Integrated circuits are critical for high speed computers. The fast response is due to?

Miniaturization and close packing of components.

221 - It is possible to distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves by studying the property?


222 - JK-1 is the unit of?

Heat capacity

223 - K-1 is the unit of?

Co-efficient of linear thermal expansion

224 - Kilowatt hour is the unit of?


225 - Kinetic energy and Potential energy are the two basic form of?

Mechanical energy

226 - Kinetic energy and potential energy are?

Inter convertible

227 - Kinetic energy can be defined as the dot product of?

Average momentum and velocity

228 - Krypton (atomic number 36) has how many electrons in its next to outermost shell?


229 - Land and sea breezes are the result of?


230 - LDR becomes essential when op-amp is used as?

Night switch

231 - Least count of meter rod is?

1 mm

232 - Lenz's law is a consequence of the law of conservation of?


233 - Longitudinal waves do not exhibit?


234 - Magnetic force on a moving charged particle is perpendicular to the?

Both A & C

235 - Mass is highly concentrated form of?


236 - Mass of a star is two times the mass of the sun. How it will come to an end?

Neutron Star

237 - Mass of earth is?

6×1027 g

238 - Material having positive temperature coefficient is?


239 - Materials for rain proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to?

Surface tension

240 - Mechanical advantage of an inclined plane can be found by which formula?


241 - mho m-1 is the SI unit of?


242 - Microphone is a device which transforms the?

Sound signal into current signal

243 - Millikan and Flecher could determine the charge on oil droplets in?

Electrical equilibrium

244 - Minimum number of unequal forces whose vector sum can be zero are:


245 - Modern physical theories indicates that?

Only moving particles exhibits wave behaviour

246 - Moment of inertia is a tensor of rank?


247 - Most ductile material is?


248 - Motion of projectile is?

2 Dimensional

249 - Motion of rocket is based upon?

Law of conservation of momentum

250 - Motion of the wheels of a bullock-cart while moving on the road is an example of?

Translatory and Rotatory Motion

251 - National Institute for Nuclear Physics is located in?


252 - NC-1 is the SI unit of?

Electric intensity

253 - Newton's first law of motion gives the concept of?


254 - Numerical value of black colour in carbon resistors is?


255 - Numerical value of green colour in colour code carbon resistor is?


256 - Oil rises up the wick in a lamp because?

Of the capillary action phenomenon

257 - On which of the following techniques photo state machine works?

Electrostatic image-Making

258 - one Femto is equal to?


259 - One kilo watt hour is the work done by an agency of one kilowatt power is?

1 hour

260 - One watt hour is equal to?

3.6 KJ

261 - Optic fibres are used in?


262 - Parsec is the unit of measurement of?

Astronomical distance

263 - Penetrating power of X-Rays increase with?

Increase in its intensity

264 - Period of revolution of a geostationary satellite is?

24 Hours

265 - Plastic material commonly used for making gear wheels is?


266 - Potential difference between the head and tail of an electric eel is?

600 Volts

267 - Pressure cooker cooks faster because?

Higher temperature is attained for cooking.

268 - Pressure is a ___ quantity.


269 - Problem related to the optic nerve is?


270 - Process by which electrons are emitted by hot metal surface is known as?

Thermionic emission

271 - Product of charge and potential difference is?


272 - Product of resistance and capacitance is called?

Time constant

273 - Product of resistance and capacitance is called?


274 - PV of an ideal gas is given by?


275 - Racing cars are made stable by?

Lowering their center of gravity

276 - Railway tracks are banked on carves so that?

Necessary centripetal force may be obtained from the horizontal component of the normal reaction due to track.

277 - Rain drops fall from great height. Which among the following statements is true regarding it?

They fall with that ultimate velocity which are different for different droplets.

278 - Range of projectile is proportional?


279 - Range of the projectile is same for the following pair of angles?

25 and 65

280 - Rate of change of velocity is called?


281 - Rest mass energy of an electron is?

0.511×106 eV

282 - Rocket equation is given as?


283 - SI unit of electric flux is?


284 - SI unit of resistance is?


285 - Slemen is the unit of?


286 - Snow on the mountains does not melt all at once when it is heated by the sun because?

It reflects most of the heat from the sun

287 - Solid bodies are charged due to transfer of?


288 - Sound is form of which type of energy?


289 - Specific heat of a substance A is greater than that of substance B. The masses are the same. If equal amount of energy is carried out by heat to both these substances, the one reaching the higher temperature (assuming no melting freezing or evaporation oc

Substance B

290 - Specific resistance of a material depends upon?


291 - Study of electric charges at rest under the action of electric forces is known as?


292 - Sublimation refers to?

Vaporization of solid without first becoming a liquid

293 - Substance which conducts current in the solid state is?


294 - Sum of electric and magnetic force is called?

Lorentz Force

295 - Sum of two perpendicular forces 8 N and 6 N is?

10 N

296 - Surface tension of water on adding detergent to it?


297 - Symbol used to show specific resistance?


298 - Temperature co-efficient of resistivity is measured in?


299 - The absolute uncertainty for vernier callipers of LC=0.01 cm is?

0.1 mm

300 - The amount of energy equal to 1.6×10-19 J is called?

One electron volt

301 - The angle of projection to cover maximum horizontal range is?

45 Degree

302 - The angular velocity of revolution of the planet around the sun in an elliptical orbit __ when the planet comes closer to the sun.


303 - The area under a velocity-time graph represents?


304 - The area under the curve of force-displacement graph represents?


305 - The charging time of capacitor depends upon?


306 - The dimension for force F?


307 - The dimensional unit of impulse is?


308 - The dimensional units of ratio of work and power is?


309 - The direction of induced emf in a circuit is in accordance with conservation of?


310 - The direction of vector in space is specified by?

3 – Angle

311 - The distance travelled by a body falling from rest in first, second and third seconds are in ratio?


312 - The dot product of vector A with itself results?


313 - The dot product of vectors A=5i-4j and B=i+j+k where I, j, k are unit vectors is?


314 - The earth surface or a point at infinity from the earth can be chosen as zero reference level of?

Gravitational potential energy

315 - The electron volt is a unit of?


316 - The energy of a quantum state is primarily depends upon the quantum number?


317 - The escape velocity for the earth depends upon?

Both A & C

318 - The escape velocity of a body on the surface of earth 11.2 km/s. The escape velocity on the surface of another planet of same mass as that of earth but of ¼ times of the radius of the earth is?

22.4 km/s

319 - The fact than an electric field is produced in a conductor whenever magnetic lines of force moves across it is referred to as?

Faraday's law

320 - The force of 15 N makes an angle of 90 degree with x-axis. Its Y-component is?

15 N

321 - The force of gravity above the earth surface is proportional to and inside the earth it is proportional to?

1/r2, r

322 - The gravitational potential energy is always determined relative to some arbitrary position which is assigned the value of?

Zero potential energy

323 - The horizontal range of projectile at 300 with horizontal is the same as that an angle of?


324 - The increase in capacitance of a capacitor due to presence of dielectric is due to __ of dielectric.

Electric polarization

325 - The intensity level of rusting of leaves is?

10 dB

326 - The intensity of sound unit is?


327 - The ionization energy of an atom relative to the binding energy of its nucleus is?


328 - The kinetic energy of bullet of mass 500 g moving at a speed of 200 m/s?


329 - The magnitude of (i×j) is equal to?


330 - The magnitude of i.(j×k) is equal to?


331 - The magnitude of the resultant of two forces 6 N and 8 N acting at right angle is?

10 N

332 - The mass of a star is two times the mass of the sun?

Neutron star

333 - The mass of oxygen is 32 u(atomic mass unit). How many molecules of oxygen are in 32 g of oxygen?

1×(6.022×1023) molecules

334 - The moment arm is represented by a sign?


335 - The momentum of an object at a given instant is independent of its:


336 - The number of Neutron in Tritium is?


337 - The number of significant figures in 100.8 s is?


338 - The number of vectors that can be added by head to tail rule is?

Any number

339 - The original source of tidal energy is?


340 - The particles emitted from a hot cathode surface are called?


341 - The percentage uncertainty in measurement of mass and velocity are 2% and 3%. The maximum uncertainty in the measurement of kinetic energy?


342 - The potential energy of an object on the surface of earth is equal to?


343 - The presence of magnetic field can be detected by?

Magnetic compass

344 - The pressure is 2.5 atmospheres (atm). What is it in Pascal?

2.53×105 Pa

345 - The quantam number which is not involved in describing the orbit of an atom electron is?


346 - The range of projectile is same for angles?


347 - The range of projectile will be same when the angle of projection is?

30 degree and 60 degree

348 - The rate of change in momentum of a body is equal to?

Applied Force

349 - The refractive index of water is?


350 - The resultant of two forces 3 N and 4 N acting at right angle to each other is?

5 N

351 - The resultant of two forces 30 N and 40 N acting parallel to each other is?

70 N

352 - The resultant of two vectors having magnitude 12 N and 8 N can not be?

2 N

353 - The rotational analogue of force in linear motion is?


354 - The scattered photon in Compton effect has?

Less energy than the incident photon and smaller frequency.

355 - The separation between the plates of a parallel plates capacitor, whose original capacitance was C is doubled, the capacitance is now?


356 - The SI unit of work is?


357 - The smallest sub division of a compound that exhibit its characteristic properties is called?

A molecule

358 - The speed of sound in air is affected by changes in?


359 - The temperature co efficient of resistance of a semiconductor is?


360 - The time rate of doing work is known as?


361 - The time required for a current to be established in a circuit depends upon the?

The inductance and resistance

362 - The time required to charge a capacitor depends upon the?

Product of capacitance and the resistance in the circuit

363 - The total energy of an atomic electron is?

Less than zero

364 - The typical source of wave energy is?


365 - The unit of density in system international is?

kg m-3

366 - The unit of the energy is same as that of?


367 - The value of coefficient of linear thermal expansion of brass is?


368 - The value of escape velocity of earth is?

11×103 m/s

369 - The value of 'g' at the center of earth is?


370 - the value of the escape velocity for earth is approximately equal to?

11 km/s

371 - The velocity of projectile is maximum?

At the point of launching

372 - The weight of a body falling freely is?


373 - The work done is negative when the angle between the force and displacement is?

180 Degree

374 - The work done will be zero when the angle between force and displacement is?

90 Degree

375 - The work function for silver surface is 4.73 eV. Find the minimum frequency that light must have to eject electrons from this surface (h=6.63×10-34 J.s)?


376 - There are no expected lines absent from the spectra of?


377 - Three up quarks combine to form a new particle. The charge on this particle is?


378 - Time period is presented by?


379 - Total change in momentum of moving body is equal to?


380 - Two blocks of lead, one twice as heavier as the other, are both at 50 degree centigrade, the ratio of the heat content of the heavier block to that of the lighter block is?


381 - Two coils have a mutual inductance of 2H. As a result of mutual inductance an emf of 4V exists in one cell. It follows that in the other cell?

A current changing at the rate of 2 C/s flows

382 - Two electron in a hellium atom?

Have opposite spin

383 - Two equal and opposite point charges separated by a distance 2m. The electric potential at the midway between them is?


384 - Two equal but unlike parallel forces having different line of action produce?


385 - Two objects with masses M and m(m

Move but with a smaller acceleration than m

386 - Two parallel wires carrying current in the opposite direction?

Repel each other

387 - Two stones of different masses are dropped simultaneously from the top of a building?

Both the stones reach the ground at the same time

388 - Two vectors can be added by simple arithmetical method when they are at an angle of?

0 Degree

389 - Two waves each of amplitude 1.5mm and frequency 10Hz are travelling in opposite direction with a speed of 20 mm/s. The distance in mm between adjacent nodes is?


390 - ــــÙ€ is transfer by waves?


391 - Ultraviolet radiations of the sun do not reach the earth because earth atmosphere is surrounded by?


392 - Under the action of a torque, if the rotation produced is anticlockwise, the torque is considered te be?


393 - Unit of energy density of electric field is?


394 - Unit of noise pollution is?


395 - Unit of viscosity is?


396 - Unstable elementary particles heavier than the proton are called?


397 - Value of g increases with?

Decrease in Altitude

398 - Water flows out from a pipe at 3 kg/sec and its velocity changes from 5 m/s to zero on striking the wall. The force due to water flow?

15 N

399 - Water is an excellent solvent because its molecules are?


400 - Watt – day is the unit of?


401 - Weight is a?

Vector quantity

402 - What apparutus is used to locate a submerged object?


403 - What is colour of light related to?


404 - What is the correct formula of angular momentum?


405 - What is the equation of Hook's Law?


406 - What is the equation of Joule's law?


407 - What is the lighest metal?


408 - What is the minimum escape velocity of rocket to be launched into space?

11 Km/Sec

409 - What is the nature of binding of CH4?


410 - What is the resistance of a carbon resistor which has bands brown, black and brown?

100 Ohm

411 - What is the SI unit of electric energy?


412 - What is the SI unit of magnetic flux?


413 - What is the system international unit of specific heat capacity?

J/kg K

414 - What is the unit of universal gravitational constant?


415 - What is viewed through an electron microscope?

Structure of bacteria and viruses

416 - What principle explains the working of the hydraulic brakes in automobiles?

Pascal's law

417 - What principle explains the working of the hydraulic brakes in automobiles?

Pascal's law

418 - Wheatstone bridge is?


419 - When a beam of light is used to determine the position of an object, the greatest accuracy is obtained if the light?

Have shorter wavelength

420 - When a body goes upward then its?

Kinetic energy decreases and Potential energy increases.

421 - When a body is taken from earth to moon?

Weight changes but mass remains same

422 - When a charge is projected perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field its path?


423 - When a metcor enters into earth atmosphere the energy converts into?

Heat energy

424 - When a sound waves goes from air into water, which quantity will remain unchanged?


425 - When a strong beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution the light will?

Be scattered

426 - When dielectric is placed between the plates of capacitor the value of E between the plates?


427 - When silicon is doped with a trivalent impurity it is referred to as?

Acceptor atoms

428 - When the force is parallel to the direction of body the work done is?


429 - When the object is moving towards earth the value of "g" is taken as?


430 - When the projectile reaches the highest point of trajectory. The vertical component of velocity becomes?


431 - When there is no loss of kinetic energy and momentum then collision is called?

Elastic collision

432 - Which among the following is a vector quantity?


433 - Which among the following is a vector quantity?


434 - Which among the following is a vector quantity?


435 - Which among the following is the fundamental quantity?


436 - Which combination of colour is the most conveniet during day and night time?

Red and Green

437 - Which conservation principle is applicable in the case of the motion of rocket?

Conservation of Momentum

438 - Which device decrease the alternating voltage?

Step down transformer

439 - Which is not the basic operation of Boolean algebra?

YES operation

440 - Which is not the unit for mass?


441 - Which material have large specific heat?


442 - Which of the following determine the acceleration due to gravity?

The shape, density and the rotation of the earth

443 - Which of the following force do not work in displacing a body?

Centripetal force

444 - Which of the following is conservative force?

Electric force

445 - Which of the following measurements of length is most precise?

5.421 cm

446 - Which of the following pair have the same dimensions?

Impulse, Momentum

447 - Which of the following remains constant during motion of a projectile fired from a planet?

Horizontal component of velocity

448 - Which of the following validates the statement that matter can neither be created nor destroyed?

Law of conservation of mass

449 - Which of the given remain same at all points on the trajectory of a projectile?

Its acceleration

450 - Which one is the biggest unit of energy?


451 - Which one of the following particles moving in the magnetic field can not be deflected?


452 - Which one of the following statements correctly describes the abilities of engine A and B to do work. If engine A has a greater power rating than engine B?

Engine A can do more work than engine B in the same amount of time.

453 - Which pair has the same dimension?

Force and Torque

454 - Which quantity have different dimensions?


455 - Which quantity increase to double to get double kinetic energy?


456 - Work done in earth gravitational field is?

Independent of the path followed

457 - Work done is maximum when the angle between force and displacement is?

Zero Degree

458 - Work done will be zero when angle between force F and displacement d is?

90 Degree

459 - Work has dimension like?


460 - X-Rays region lies between?

Gamma rays and ultraviolet region


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