Physics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 7

1 - 0.001 kg mass will be equivalent to_________________?

25.00 GWh

2 - 1024 can be written in scientific notation as______________?


3 - A 10Ω electric heater is connected to a 220V 50Hz mains supply. What is the peak value of the potential difference across the heater element ?

220 √2V

4 - A body can have constant velocity when it follows a_____________?

Rectilinear path

5 - A body in equilibrium__________________?

May be at rest or in uniform motion

6 - A body moving along the circumference of a circle completes two revolutions. If the radius of the circular path is R the ration of displacement to the covered path will be_____________?


7 - A body of 2 kg is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator moving up with an acceleration g. Its apparent weight in the elevator will be______________?

39.2 N

8 - A body will be in complete equilibrium when it is satisfying______________?

Both Ist and 2nd condition of equilibrium

9 - A capacitor of capacitance 30µF is charged by a constant current of 10mA. If initially, the capacitor was uncharged what is the time taken for the potential difference across the capacitor to reach 300V ?


10 - A central force is that which__________________?

Cannot produce torque

11 - A changing magnetic flux produces around itself an induced_______________?

Electromagnetic force

12 - A chimney works best if air exposed to the chimney is______________?

Moving fast

13 - A choke is used as a resistance in_________________?

AC circuits

14 - A convex lens acts as a diverging lens if the_________________?

both B and C

15 - A convex lens gives a virtual image only when the objects lies_________________?

between principal focus and optical center

16 - A convex lens of focal length f1 and a concave lens of focal length f2 are placed in contact. The focal length of the combination is_____________?


17 - A cup of milk is placed in a microwave oven. Tell which statements is false. (1) Milk will be heated up only. (2) Cup will remain cool. (3) Both cup and mild will get hot ?


18 - A cyclist cycling around a circular racing track skids because_____________?

the centripetal force upon him is greater than limiting friction

19 - A device for producing high-velocity nuclei is ________________?

Linear accelerator

20 - A digit zero in a measurement__________________?

May be significant may not significant

21 - A hoop and disc have same mass and radius. Their rotational K.E are related by an equation______________?

K.E hoop = 2K.E disc

22 - A lens which converges a beam of parallel rays to a point is called______________?

converging (or convex) lens

23 - A man of weight W is standing on an elevator which is ascending with an acceleration a. The apparent weight of the man is_______________?

mg + ma

24 - A man standing near a fast moving train may fall___________?

Towards the train

25 - A mass spectrograph (spectrometer) sorts out____________?


26 - A particle having the mass of an electron and the charge of a proton is called a______________?


27 - A photon is________________?

A quantum of electromagnetic radiation

28 - A photon of wavelength 900nm behaves like a particle of mass______________?

2.46 x 10-36kg

29 - A point where the incident parallel rays of light converge or appear to diverge after passing through a lens is called______________?


30 - A satellite moving around the earth constitutes______________?

Non-inertial frame

31 - A simple pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a lift has time period T when the lift is at rest. When the lift falls freely, the time period is_________________?


32 - A stone is whirled in a vertical circle at the end of a string. When the stone is at the highest position the tension in the string is______________?

Equal to the weight of the stone

33 - A three-dimensional image is obtained by________________?

Scanning electron microscope

34 - A transmitting station emits radio waves of wavelength λ at power P. If h is Planck's constant & c the speed of light what is the rate of emission of photons ?

Speed of light

35 - A vector can be multiplied by a number. The number may be_______________?

All A, B and C are correct

36 - A wire of resistance R is coiled inductively so that its inductance is L. The impedance of the coil at a frequency of f is_______________?


37 - Absolute uncertainty in a measurement depends upon______________?

Least count of the instrument

38 - According to Einstein, the gravitational interaction is possible between_______________?

material objects and electromagnetic radiation only

39 - According to equation of continuity A1V1 = A2V2 = constant. The constant is equal to_______________?

Flow rate

40 - According to which one of following law the density of atom is uniform ?

J.J.Thomson model

41 - Addition of vector obeys_____________?

All given laws in A, B and C

42 - After traveling through a vacuum a photon of light entering into some transparent denser medium. Thus the energy of light______________?

Remains same

43 - Alpha particle ionizes an atom_________________?

Through electrostatic repulsion

44 - Alpha particles possess greater penetration power than that of beta particles due to its_____________?

Smaller ionization power

45 - Ammeter connected in an AC circuit measures______________?

RMS value of the current

46 - An alpha particle in a single encounter__________________?

Losses most of its energy

47 - An alternating current of the r.m.s value of 4.0 A and frequency 50Hz flows in a circuit containing a 10Ω resistor. The peak current is then ?


48 - An angle between two vectors A and B can be determined by_____________?

Their dot product

49 - An ideal standard of measurement of a base quantity has characteristics_______________?

Only a and b are correct

50 - An inductive coil has a resistance of 100Ω. When an AC signal of frequency 1000Hz is fed to the coil the applied voltage leads the current by 45Ω. What is the inductance of the coil ?


51 - An inductor may store energy in ________________?

Its magnetic field

52 - An observer shoots parallel to a meter stick at very high (relativistic) speed and finds that the length of meter stick is________________?

less than one meter

53 - Antimatter consists of ______________?

All of above

54 - As the temperature of black body is raised the wavelength corresponding to maximum intensity________________?

shifts towards shorter wavelength

55 - At Murree Hills (Assume the value of g changes). If we use a simple pendulum as time standard then one-second duration will_____________?


56 - At resonance the value of the power factor in an L-C-R series circuit is_______________?


57 - Average energy required to remove one nucleon from the nucleus is called__________________?

Binding energy per nucleon

58 - Bernoulli's equation is applicable for_________________?

Both laminar and turbulent flow

59 - Bernoulli's equation is obtained by applying the law of conservation of ________________?


60 - Beta particles ionize an atom_________________?

Due to the electrostatic force of repulsion

61 - Blood vessels are______________?

Not rigid

62 - Bracket series is obtained when all transition of electron terminate on_______________?

4th orbit

63 - Centripetal force performs_______________?

No work

64 - Choose the correct statement. In the case of AC circuit ohms law holds for_______________?

All of the above

65 - Coefficient of viscosity of honey is greater than______________?


66 - Compton effect proves the________________?

Photon theory of light

67 - Concentration of red cells in blood is about______________?


68 - Cosθi^ + Sinθj^ is a_________________?

The unit vector in the direction at angle θ with an x-axis

69 - Davison Germer experiment indicates__________________?

Electron diffraction

70 - Depletion region of a junction is formed_____________?

during the manufacturing process

71 - Dimensional analysis is helpful for__________________?

Only A and B are correct

72 - Dioptre power of an concave lens of 10 cm focal length is_______________?

10 dioptre

73 - Displacement of the body in S.H.M is equal to amplitude when the body is at_______________?

Extreme position

74 - During an encounter with an atom alpha particle knocks out ______________?


75 - During fusion of hydrogen into helium________________?

Energy is released

76 - During the fission process a large amount of______________?

Nuclear energy is released

77 - Einstein's photoelectric equation is given by_______________?

1/2 mvmax2=hf-Φ

78 - Electrical resonance is observed in_______________?


79 - Electromagnetic waves emitted from antenna are________________?


80 - Electromagnetic waves transport___________________?


81 - Electron cannot exist in the nucleus it is confirmed by observing that______________?

The velocity of electron must be very high according to uncertainty principle

82 - Electron moves in the orbit as________________?

Standing wave motion

83 - Electrons present in p-type material due to thermal pair generation are_____________?

minority carriers

84 - Electrons_________________?

Do not know

85 - Errors in the transmission of power through optic fiber can be minimized by using a______________?

Graded index fiber

86 - Excited atoms return to their ground state in_______________?


87 - Final image produced by a compound microscope is_____________?

virtual and inverted

88 - For ___________ flow the path of the fluid particles cannot be tracked?


89 - For a simple pendulu,m the restoring force is caused by________________?


90 - For chain reaction to build up the size of the radioactive target should be______________?

Greater than the critical size

91 - For confinement of electron in a box of radius 10-14m the electron, speed should be_____________?

Should be greater than the speed of light.

92 - For normal adjustment, length of astronomical telescope is______________?

fo + fe

93 - For what displacement the P.E becomes 1/4 of its maximum value ?

x = x'/2

94 - For which position maximum blood pressure in the body have the smallest value ?

Laying horizontally

95 - Forced vibration is known as_____________________?

Driven harmonic vibration

96 - Forward current through a semi conductor diode circuit is due to____________?

majority carriers

97 - Geostationary satellite completes one rotation around the earth in_______________?

24 hours

98 - Ground state energy of the 4th orbit in a H-atom is_____________?

0.85 eV

99 - hen a body moves in a circle, the angle between its linear velocity and angular velocity is always_______________? 0W


100 - How many days would be in a year if the distance between the earth and the sun were reduced to half of its present value (assuming circular orbit) ?

129 days

101 - How many main frontiers of fundamental science ?


102 - How many types of units are in SI ?


103 - Hydrogen atom does not emit X-rays because _________________?

it has a single electron

104 - I ^. (j^ x k^) is equal to______________?


105 - Ideal fluid is_______________?

Possess all properties

106 - Identify the correct statement about minority carriers_____________?

holes in n-type and free electrons in p-type

107 - If a body of mass 10 kg is allowed to fall freely, its weight becomes______________?


108 - If a car moves with a uniform speed of 2 ms-1 in a circle of radius 0.4. Its angular speed is______________?

5 rad. S-1

109 - If a convex lens of large aperture fails to converge the light rays incident on it to a single point, it is said to suffer from______________?

spherical aberration

110 - If a diffraction grating is placed in the path of a light beam it reveals______________?

Wave property

111 - If a glass plate is inserted in between the plate of a capacitor in series with a lighted bulb the brightness of the bulb________________?

Brightness increases

112 - If a material object moves with speed of light its mass becomes ________________?


113 - If a photon is reflected from the mirror then the change in momentum of each photon is_______________?


114 - If a wheel of radius r turns through an angle of 30° then the distance through which any point on its rim moves is______________?

/6 x r

115 - If A=Ax i^ + Ay j^ + Az K^ B = Bx i^ + By j^ + Bz K^ then______________?

B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz

116 - If A=B, which of the following is not correct ?


117 - If an object is placed away from 2f of a converging lens then the image will be_______________?

real and inverted

118 - If capacitance of L-C circuit is made four times then frequency of the circuit becomes___________________?

One half

119 - If east, west, north, south, up and down are representing the direction of unit vectors, then east x south has the direction along_____________?


120 - If n number of the photon is striking on a metal surface then total momentum exerted is_______________?


121 - If one or more of the neutrons emitted during fission cab be used to build up further fission then the reaction is self-sustained and is known as __________________?

Chain reaction

122 - If the length of the second pendulum becomes four times, then its time period will become________________?

2 times

123 - If the wavelength of incident radiation is increased in photoemission then_________________?

The average kinetic energy of the photoelectrons decreases

124 - If we whirl a stone at the end of a string in the vertical circle, it is likely to break when the stone is________________?

At the lowest point

125 - Image of an object 5 mm high is only 1 cm high. Magnification produced by lens is__________________?


126 - In a photoelectric effect monochromatic light is incident on a metal surface. If the incident light of twice the intensity but of same wavelength the kinetic energy of the emitted electron_______________?

Remains same

127 - In an electron microscope, we use energetic particles because of______________?

Wavelength is very short

128 - In an electronic transition atom cannot emit______________?


129 - In an X-ray tube electrons each of charge e are accelerated through V potential difference allowed to hit a metal target. The wavelength of the X-rays emitted is_______________?


130 - In any measurement the significant figures are______________?

All accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit

131 - In case of a simple pendulum, the cause of damping is__________________?

Drag force of air

132 - In case of planets the necessary acceleration is provided by______________?

Gravitational force

133 - In Compton scattering, the change in wavelength is maxed if_______________?

The angle of scattering is 180°

134 - In cricket when a bowler produce reverse swing the ball will move towards______________?

The shinning side of the ball

135 - In damped harmonic oscillation which one decreases ?

Both amplitude and energy

136 - In Davisson-Germer experiment the diffracted proton from crystal shows______________?

Wave property

137 - In full wave rectification the output D.C. voltage across the load is obtained for_____________?

The complete cycle of input A.C

138 - In half-wave rectification the output D.C voltages is obtained across the load for_______________?

The positive half cycle of A.C.

139 - In He-Ne laser the lasing action is produced by_______________?

Ne only

140 - In hydrogen spectrum which one of the following series lies in the ultraviolet region ?

Lymann series

141 - In laser production the state in which more atoms are in the upper state than in the lower one is called_____________?

Inverted population

142 - In multimode step index fibre the refractive index of core and cladding is____________?

different with refractive index of core higher than cladding

143 - In multiplication and division of measurement______________?

Percentage uncertainties are added

144 - In normal state of energy the incident high energy photons will be______________?


145 - In n-p-n transistor, p works as______________?


146 - In obtaining an X-ray photograph of our hand we use the principle of______________?

shadow photograph

147 - In optic fiber transmission system _____________ are used regenerate the dim light signal?


148 - In optic fiber transmission the repeater are separated through a distance of __________ km in newer system?


149 - In p-n-p transistor the collector current is________________?

slightly less than emitter current

150 - In S.H.M. the velocity of a particle is maximum at________________?

mean position

151 - In scientific notation, numbers are expressed in________________?

Power of ten

152 - In the capacitive circuit the current___________________?

Leads forward the voltage by π/2

153 - In the electron microscope, electric & magnetic fields are used as_______________?

Converging source of electrons

154 - In the nucleus of uranium, the number of neutrons will be _____________?

Different for different isotopes

155 - In the transistor schematic symbol, the arrow______________?

is located on the emitter

156 - In the transistor schematic symbol, the arrow_______________?

is located on the emitter

157 - In vibratory motion_________________?

total energy remains constant

158 - In which quadrant the two rectangular components of a vector have same sign ?

Both 1st and 3rd

159 - In which quadrant, the only value of tan will be positive ?

Both 1st and 3rd

160 - Ina liquid metal fast breeder reactor, the type of uranium used is______________?


161 - Irregular flow of fluid is called_______________?


162 - It is easier to turn a steering wheel with both hands than with a single hand because______________?

The couple acts on the wheel

163 - Laminar flow usually occurs at speeds_____________?


164 - Least distance of distinct vision_____________?

increases with increase in age

165 - Linear momentum of a photon is_______________?


166 - Magnification of the astronomical telescope is_____________?


167 - Magnifying power of simple microscope______________?

increase with decrease in focal length

168 - Mark the wrong statement ?

Newtons laws of motion are valid in an accelerated (non inertial) frame of reference

169 - Mass defect per nucleon is ___________________?

Packing fraction

170 - Mass of neutron is________________?

1.67 x 10-27 kg

171 - Maximum frequency in the spectrum from X-ray tube is directly proportional to the______________?

The kinetic energy of the incident electron i.e. the potential difference through which they are accelerated

172 - Maximum number of components of a vector may be________________?


173 - Maximum number of rectangular components are_____________?


174 - Michelson calculated the speed of light using the instruments______________?


175 - Michelson devised the formula to calculate the speed of light_______________?

C = 16fd

176 - Minimum number of communication satellites required to cover the whole earth is______________?


177 - ML-1 T-2 is the dimension of_______________?


178 - Moving along the circumference of a circle completes two revolutions. If the radius of the circular path is R, the ratio of displacement to the covered path will be_______________?


179 - n an LCR series circuit, if V is the effective value of the applied voltage VR is the voltage across R VL is the effective voltage across L & Vc is the effective voltage across C then_______________? 0I

V2 = VR2+(VL-VC)2

180 - Neutron and proton are commonly known as______________?


181 - Nuclear forces exist between ___________________?

All of the above

182 - Nuclei having the same mass number but different atomic number are____________?


183 - Null vector is a vector which has________________?

Both A and B are correct

184 - Number of significant figures in 0.0173 is_________________?


185 - One AMU is equal to__________________?

All of above

186 - One light year is equal to________________?


187 - One pico stands for_________________?

10 raised to power -12

188 - One radian is equal to______________?


189 - One torr is equal to_________________?

133.3 Nm2

190 - Pair production can take place only with_________________?

Gamma rays

191 - Pair production cannot take place in a vacuum as ________________?

Momentum is not conserved

192 - Pair production takes place in the vicinity of a heavy nucleus so that_____________?

All of the above

193 - Photon of highest frequency will be absorbed when transition takes place from_____________?

1st to 5th orbit

194 - p-n junction when reversed biased acts as a_______________?

off switch

195 - Prefix deca represents_______________?

10 Raised to power 1

196 - pure resistor circuit the voltage and current are_______________?

They have zero phase difference

197 - Quality of X-rays depends upon ____________ A-filament current B-accelerating voltage C-material of the target ?

B & C

198 - Radiation produced from TV picture tube is_____________?


199 - Radiation with wavelength longer than red lights______________?

infra red radiation

200 - Radiations are used for the treatment of skin of a patient is_______________?

Gamma rays

201 - Radioactive materials can be identified by measuring their_______________?

Half life

202 - Radioactivity is a ______ (A) Spontaneous activity (B) Chemical property_____________?

C & A

203 - Random errors can be reduced by_______________?

Taking mean of several measurements

204 - Ratio of the weight of H-atom to that of an electron is approximately______________?


205 - Reflecting mirrors in laser is used to______________?

Further stimulation

206 - Rest mass of a photon is________________?


207 - Reverse process of photoelectric effect is_______________?

X-rays production

208 - S.I unit of frequency is_________________?


209 - Select an alternative from of uncertainly principle from the following_______________?

ˆ†E . ˆ†t = h

210 - Semi-conductor germanium and silicon are_________________?


211 - Semi-conductors with donor atoms and free electrons belong to the type________________?


212 - SI unit of the coefficient of viscosity is___________________?

Kg m-1.S-1

213 - SI unit of torque is______________?


214 - Simple harmonic motion is a type of________________?

Vibratory motion

215 - Smaller the least count of the instrument more is the measurement________________?


216 - Speed of efflux can be determined by applying______________?

Torricelli's theorem

217 - Sphygmomanometers measures blood pressure ?


218 - Steradian is the SI unit of________________?

Solid angle

219 - Sterilization of surgical instruments medical supplies and bandages can be done by exposing them to a beam of_______________?


220 - Stokes law is applicable if body has __________shape?


221 - Stopping potential for a metal surface in case of photoelectric emission depends on_____________?

the frequency of incident light and work function of the metal surface

222 - Strontium-90 is used as __________________?

B-particle source

223 - Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons as compared to the mass of the resultant nucleus is______________?

Greater than 82

224 - Systolic pressure is called_______________?

High blood pressure

225 - T.V sets and microwave ovens emit ___________________?


226 - Terminal velocity is given by equation_______________?

Vt = 2gr2/9ρ

227 - Terminal velocity is_____________?

Uniform and maximum

228 - Terminal velocity of the body is directly proportional to the_______________?

Square of the diameter of the body

229 - The acceleration of a projection on the diameter for a particle moving along a circle is_______________?


230 - The alternating voltage is an example of_______________?

An analogue waveform

231 - The angular speed for daily rotation of the earth in rad S-1 is______________?

7.3 x 10-5 radians/second

232 - The angular speed of seconds hand of a watch in rads-1 is______________?


233 - The blood flow is _______________ flow at systolic pressure?


234 - The bombardment of nitrogen with alpha particles will produce______________?


235 - The carburettor of a car is an application of_______________?

Both A and B

236 - The characteristic X-rays spectrum is due to_____________?

The bombardment of target by electrons

237 - The charge on alpha particles is________________?

Plus two

238 - The charge on an electron was determine by ________________?


239 - The charge on neutron is_______________?


240 - The circumference subtends an angle________________?

2 radian

241 - The critical speed of an artificial satellite is_______________?

7.9 Kms-1

242 - The cross product i^ x j^ is equal to_______________?


243 - The cross product of two vectors is a negative vector when______________?

They are rotated through 270°

244 - The density of human blood is nearly equal to____________?


245 - The device or circuit used for conversion of A.C. into D.C. is called_______________?

A rectifier

246 - The device used for conversion of D.C to A.C is called______________?


247 - The diameter of a lens is called________________?

principal axis

248 - The diameter of an atom is approximately_______________?


249 - The dimension of force is__________________?


250 - The dimension of torque is______________?


251 - The dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity are_____________?


252 - The direction of a vector in space is specified by_______________?

Three angle

253 - The direction of propagation of an electromagnetic waves is________________?

Perpendicular to both electric and magnetic field

254 - The direction of the linear velocity of a body moving in a circle is______________?

along the tangent

255 - The direction of the vector product is given by______________?

Right-hand rule

256 - The displacement of SHM is written as X = X`sinθt if the displacement is written by X = Xθ sont then phase constant will be equal to_______________?


257 - The distance covered by a body in one complete vibration is 20cm. What is the amplitude of body ___________________?

5 cm

258 - The drag force is given by_________________?

Stokes law

259 - The effect of the decrease in pressure with the increase of the speed of the fluid in a horizontal pipe is known as______________?

Venturi effect

260 - The energy absorbed by a body is __________________ at resonance?

Maximum only

261 - The energy liberated when one atom of U-235 undergoes fission reaction is________________?


262 - The energy of SHM is maximum at_______________?

All positions during SHM

263 - The energy radiated is directly proportional to the fourth power of Kelvins temperature is________________?

Stephens law

264 - The equation θ = 1.22 λ/D was devised by_______________?


265 - The equation of continuity is obtained by applying in the law of conservation of_____________?


266 - The error in measurement may occur due to_________________?

Due to all reasons in A, B and C

267 - The especially designed semiconductor diodes used as indicator lamps in electronic circuits are___________?

The light emitting diode

268 - The existence of Ether wind was experimentally rejected by__________________?


269 - The fission chain reaction in a nuclear reactor can be controlled by introducing _______________?

Cadmium rods

270 - The flow of ideal fluid is always_______________?


271 - The frequency of a circuit consisting of a capacitance C and a resistor R is________________?


272 - The frequency of the second pendulum is________________?

0.5 hertz

273 - The function of collimeter in spectrometer is________________?

to produce parallel beams of light

274 - The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called____________?


275 - The least distance of distinct vision for a normal eye is_______________?

25 cm

276 - The length of the second pendulum is________________?

99.2 cm

277 - The length of the second pendulum is_________________?

99.2 cm

278 - The linear momentum of an X-ray photon of wavelength 0.1A is_______________?


279 - The magnitude of i^. (j^ x k^) is________________?


280 - The magnitude of the cross product is equal to the dot product between them. The angle between the two vectors is________________?


281 - The mass attached to a spring executes ?

Both A and C

282 - The maximum safe limit dose for persons working in a nuclear power station is ________________?

5 rem per week

283 - The metastable state for an atom in laser light is_____________?

10-3 sec

284 - The minimum distance between an object and its real image in a convex lens is_____________?


285 - The minimum wavelength of X-rays can further be reduced by _______________?

Increasing the potential difference between the cathode and the target

286 - The minimum wavelength of X-rays produced by the bombardment of electrons on the screen of a television set where the accelerating potential is 2.0K V will be______________?

6.2 x 10-10m

287 - The name of the photon for quantum of light was proposed by________________?


288 - The natural frequency of simple pendulum depends upon_______________?

The square root of its length

289 - The normal blood pressure range for a human body is______________?

120 to 60 torr

290 - The number 76.85 is rounded off up to two significant figures as_____________?


291 - The number of categories in which physical quantities are divided is_____________?


292 - The number of significant figures in 5.400 is________________?


293 - The number of significant figures in the length of a bar 6200mm measured by meter rod is_______________?


294 - The path of alpha particle is_______________?

Zig-zag or erratic

295 - The penetrating power of X-rays depends on their______________?


296 - The period of a circular motion is given by_______________?

T = 2Ï€r/v

297 - The phase angle between the voltage and the current in an AC circuit consisting of a resistance is______________?


298 - The phase of SHM describes________________?

Both displacement and direction of motion

299 - The planet nearest to the earth is______________?


300 - The power of a concave lens is_______________?


301 - The product of the frequency and time period is equal to_________________?


302 - The profile of aeroplane wing which lifts it up is called as_____________?

Aerofoil profile

303 - The projection of the particle moving in a circle with non-uniform speed executes ?

Both B and D

304 - The radiations emitted form hydrogen filled discharge tube show____________?

line spectrum

305 - The radius of geostationary orbit from the centre of the earth is nearly______________?


306 - The rectangular coordinate system is also called______________?

Cartesian coordinate system

307 - The relation between linear and angular acceleration is______________?

a = a x r

308 - The relativistic energy E is equivalent to relativistic mass given by_______________?


309 - The restoring force acting on the simple pendulum is given by_______________?

mg sin θ

310 - The resultant of two forces of equal magnitudes is also equal to the magnitude of the forces. The angle between the two forces is________________?


311 - The rotational K.E of the hoop is equal to the______________?

its translational K.E

312 - The semiconductor diode can be used as a rectifier because _______________?

It has low resistance to the current flow when forward biased & high resistance when reverse biased.

313 - The shaft of a motor rotates at a constant angular speed of 360rev/min. Angle turned through in 1 sec in radian is________________?


314 - The sharpness of resonance is__________________?

Inversely proportional to the damping force

315 - The SI unit of force constant is identical with that of__________________?

Surface tension

316 - The simplest type of rectification known as half wave rectification is obtained by____________________?

suppressing half wave of A.C supply by using diode

317 - The span of the broad jump depends upon_______________?

Angle of projection

318 - The specially designed semi-conductor diodes used as fast counters in electronic circuits are______________?

Photo diodes

319 - The speed of the fluid is maximum in the venturi meter at_______________?

None of these

320 - The time period of a second pendulum is______________?

2 seconds

321 - The total energy of a body executing S.H.M is directly proportional to________________?

Square of an amplitude

322 - The uncertainty in a measurement may occur due to_______________?

All given in A, B and C

323 - The uncertainty in momentum & position is due to its_____________?

Property of matter and radiation

324 - The unit of force is _________ and its symbol is ______________ Which is the correct pair ?

newton, N

325 - The unit of radioactivity curie is equal to________________?

3.70 x 1010 disintegration per sec

326 - The unit of radioactivity curie is equal to_________________?

3.70 x 1010 disintegration per sec

327 - The value of critical angle for glass is_______________?


328 - The value of resistivity for insulator is of the order of____________?

108 ohm metre

329 - The value of the steady current which when flowing through the same resistor produces heat at the same rate as the mean rate of heat produced by the alternating current is__________________?

r.m.s current

330 - The velocity of a particle of mass m of de-Broglie wavelength λ is______________?

v = 2 ×× 106 ms-1

331 - The velocity of an oscillating charge as it moves to and fro along a wire is always_____________?


332 - The velocity of laser light is___________________?

Equal to ordinary light

333 - The velocity of the mass attached to a spring is maximum at_______________?

Mean position

334 - The waveform of S.H.M. is________________?

Sine wave

335 - Thermions are________________?


336 - Three coplanar forces acting on a body keep it in equilibrium. They should therefore be_______________?


337 - Three students measured the length of a needle with meter rod and recorded as : (i) 0.2145m (ii) 0.21m (iii) 0.214m Which one is a correct record ?

Only (iii)

338 - To find the r.m.s value of an alternating current mathematically we need to have ________________?

Square root of mean value of I2

339 - To reduce the uncertainty in the timing experiment______________?

Both a and C

340 - Torque acting on a body determines_______________?

Angular acceleration

341 - Torque is defined as______________?

All A, B and C are correct

342 - Total distance travelled by a bob of the simple pendulum in one vibration is equal to________________?

4 x amplitude

343 - Total number of series in hydrogen spectrum is_____________?


344 - Total uncertainty, in the result obtained from the subtraction of two measurements, is equal to_______________?

Sum of their absolute uncertainties

345 - Transuranic elements have an atomic number_______________?

Greater than 92

346 - Two convex lenses of equal focal length f are placed in contact the resultant focal length of the combination is______________?


347 - Two fog droplets have radius 2:3 their terminal velocities are_______________?


348 - Two identical coaxial circular loops carry equal currents in the same direction. If the loops approach each other the current in______________?

Each decrease

349 - Two vectors A and B are making angle θ with each other. The scalar projection of vector B on vector A is written as____________?


350 - Two vectors are A = 3i^+2j^ -k^& B = 3i^-2j^ +k^ , then_____________?

B is a negative vector of A

351 - Unit of G is ______________?


352 - Unit of power of a lens is________________?


353 - Unit vector n^ is along______________?

Normal on a surface

354 - UV radiation can be produced by______________?

Electron excitation in the gas

355 - Various types of cancer are treated by_________________?


356 - Velocity of fluid increases where the pressure is________________?


357 - Venturi meter is used to measure_________________?

Fluid pressure

358 - Wave-like characteristic of electron is demonstrated by______________?

Diffraction by crystalline solids

359 - Waves emitted from the antenna are__________________?

Electromagnetic waves

360 - What is the angle that the given vector makes with y-axis and A=2i+3j ?


361 - What is the outward force acting on a mass of 10 kg when rotating at one end an inelastic string 10m long at speed of 1m/s ?


362 - What is the self-inductance of a coil in which an induced emf of 2V is set up when the current changes at the rate of 4 As-1 ?


363 - When a body is moving along a circular path it covers a certain angle in a given interval of time. Such type of motion is__________________?

Angular motion

364 - When a body is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a string the centripetal force is supplied by______________?

The tension in the string

365 - When a body moves in a circle of radius r with linear speed V its centripetal force is_______________?


366 - When a pure inductor of inductance L and a pure capacitor of capacitance C are connected in parallel to a sinusoidal potential difference V the potential difference across both L & C will be_______________?


367 - When a wheel 1 m in diameter makes 30 rev min the linear speed of the point on its rim in ms-1 is_______________?


368 - When A.C current passes through a capacitor then the current relationship will be_______________?

The current lead voltage by phase angle is 90 degrees

369 - When fluid is incompressible then________________?

The density of the fluid is constant

370 - When K.E energy of SHM is maximum its__________________?

All P.E acceleration and restoring force are zero

371 - When the amplitude of a wave becomes double its energy become_________________?

Four times

372 - When the body moves with terminal velocity the acceleration in the body become_____________?


373 - When we excite some atoms by heat collision or electrical discharge they will________________?

radiate electromagnetic energy of discrete characteristic wavelength

374 - When X-rays are passed through successive aluminum sheets what happens to their thickness ?

it remains same

375 - Which branch of science plays an important role in the development of technology and engineering ?


376 - Which equation is not dimensionally correct ?


377 - Which of the following is not a correct representation method for prefixes______________?


378 - Which of the following pairs does not have identical dimensions ?

Mass and moment of inertia

379 - Which of the following will be a better shield against gamma rays ?


380 - Which one does not work according to resonance ?


381 - Which one is a unit vector ?

Both B and C are correct

382 - Which one is not a branch of physical sciences ?


383 - Which one is not a type of dynamic equilibrium ?

Static equilibrium

384 - Which one is not correct for a vector A= 2i+2j+3k ?

Has magnitude -2

385 - Which one is the correct representation of the unit of pressure ?


386 - Which one is the derived quantity in SI units _____________?

Electric charge

387 - Which one is the dimensionally correct equation ?


388 - Which one is the highest power multiple ?


389 - Which one of following band is completely filled in case of conductors ?

Conduction band

390 - Which one of following postulate is in accordance with the Rutherfords model ?

continuous spectra for atoms

391 - Which one of the following has the greatest energy gap ?


392 - Which one of the following has the largest energy content ?

103 photons of wavelength 2 pm (γ-rays)

393 - Which one of the following is not a donor impurity ?


394 - Which one of the following radiations has the strongest photon?


395 - Who discovered the inverse square law for gravity ?


396 - Why gamma rays are used to kill bacteria to sterilize surgical equipment etc ?

Highly penetrating

397 - X-ray are________________?

high energy photons

398 - X-rays are diffracted by a crystal but not by a diffraction grating because_____________?

The wavelengths of X-rays are of the same order of magnitude as the separation between atoms in a crystal

399 - X-rays are similar in nature to_______________?


400 - Zero error of the instrument is a type of_________________?

Systematic error


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