Physics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 8

1 - [M0L0T-1] refers to the quantity?


2 - ___ is a natural thermometer.

Crocus flower

3 - ___ method is used to transfer the energy.

All of the above

4 - ___ of a DC motor reverses the direction of current through the coil every half cycle.

The commutator

5 - 1 Kilowatt hour is equal to?

3.6 Megajoule

6 - 1 Micron is equal to?


7 - 1N is equal to?

1 Kg ms-2

8 - A 20-F capacitor is charged to 200 V. Its stored energy is:

0.4 J

9 - A 4N body falls through a height of 0.5m after falling 0.25 m its kinetic energy will be?

9.8 J

10 - A 50 kg woman stands on a scale in an elevator. What does the scale read if the elevator is moving upwards with an acceleration of 2 m/s2?

590 N

11 - A 5m wire carrying a current of 2A is at right angle to the uniform magnetic field of 0.5 weber/m2. The force on the wire is?

5 N

12 - A ball is dropped from a height of 4.2 meters. To what height will it rise if there is no loss after rebounding?


13 - A boat will submerge when it displaces water equal to its own?


14 - A boat will submerge when it displaces water equal to its own?


15 - A body falling freely has?

Both A & B

16 - A body in equilibrium may not have?


17 - A body moving with an acceleration of 5 m/sec2 started with velocity of 10 m/sec. What will distance traversed in 10 seconds?

350 m

18 - A body of mass 1 kg drops from the top of tower of height 50 m. What will be its Kinetic energy 10 m below the top?


19 - A body of mass 2 Kg moving with velocity 4m/s has the kinetic energy equals to?


20 - A bomb at rest explodes into a large number of tiny fragments. The total momentum of tiny fragments. The total momentum of all the fragments?

Is zero

21 - A bomb of mass 12 kg initially at rest explodes into two pieces of masses 4 kg and 8 kg. The speed of the 8 kg mass is 6 m/s. The kinetic energy of the 4 kg mass is?

288 J

22 - A box is at rest on a frictionless surface. Three forces are exerted on the box such that box remains at rest. One is a force of 100 N towards the east. Another is a force of 100 N towards the north. What is the third force?

141.42 N towards the Southwest.

23 - A bullet shot straight up returns to its starting point in 10 seconds. The initial speed was?

49 m/s

24 - A capacitor stores energy in the form of?

Electrical energy

25 - A certain wire has a resistance R, the resistance of another wire identical to the first except for having the twice its diameter is?


26 - A crucial experiment that led to the theory of relativity was performed by the?

Michelson and Morley

27 - A current is flowing north along a power line, the direction of magnetic field above it neglecting the earth field is?


28 - A dynamo is a device which?

Converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

29 - A dynamo is often set to generate electricity, it actually acts as the source of?


30 - A feather and a lead ball are dropped from rest in vacuum on the moon. The acceleration of the feather is:

The same as that of lead ball.

31 - A floppy disk in a computer rotates from rest to an angular speed of 31.4 rad/s in time 0.892s. What is the angular acceleration of the disk?

35.20 rad/s2

32 - A force acting perpendicular to the displacement?

No work

33 - A force of 10 N makes an angle of 30 degree with y-axis. The magnitude of x-component is:

5 N

34 - A force of 3 N acts perpendicularly to a force of 4 N, their resultant has a magnitude of?

5 N

35 - A hollow metal sphere is charged to potential V. The potential at its center is:


36 - A long solenoid has 10 turns/cm. If the current in the solenoid is 5A what will be the magnetic field B inside the solenoid?

6.28 mT

37 - A man inside an artificial satellite feels weightlessness because the force of attraction due to the earth is?

Equal of centripetal force

38 - A measuring cylinder will be used to measure?


39 - A molecule whose charge distribution is not perfectly symmetrical is called?

A polar molecule

40 - A particle covers 50 m distance when projected with an initial speed. On the same surface how much will it cover a distance when projected with double the initial speed?

200 m

41 - A person can throw a stone to maximum distance of 100m. The greatest height to which throw the stone is?


42 - A person standing on a railway platform listens to the whistles of arriving and departing trains. The whistle heard is?

Of higher pitch when train arrives

43 - A positive electric charge?

Repels other positive charge

44 - A positively charged particle of certain mass may be held suspended in electric field of suitable strength if the field is directed?


45 - A precise measurement is the one which has?

Less absolute uncertainty

46 - A resistor of resistance R is cut into two equal parts of resistance R/2. Its resistivity becomes?

Remains same

47 - A snooker ball moving with velocity v collides head on with another snooker ball of same mass at rest. If the collision is elastic the velocity of second snooker ball is?


48 - A solid state detector basically is?

A reverse biased pn-junction

49 - A stone is thrown up from the surface of the earth when it reaches at maximum height. Its kinetic energy is equal to?


50 - A stone is thrown upward from the top of a 59.4m high cliff with an upward velocity component of 19.6m/s how long is the stone in the air?

6.00 s

51 - A stone is up from the surface of earth when it reaches a maximum height. Its KE equals to?


52 - A test car moves at constant speed of 10 m/s around a circular road of radius 50 m. Find its acceleration?

2.0 m/s2

53 - A transformer work with?

Alternating current only

54 - A uniform wire of length L and diameter d has a resistance R. Another wire of the same material has length 2L and diameter 2d. Its resistance will be?


55 - A wire of uniform area of cross section A and length L is cut into two equal parts. The resistivity of each part is?

Remains the same

56 - Absolute potential energy of an object at an infinite height with respect to earth is taken as?


57 - Acceptor and donor impurities donate______________?

p-carriers and n-carriers respectively

58 - According to Archimedes principle upthrust is equal to?

Weight of displaced liquid

59 - According to Pascals law the pressure of gas in a vessel is_____________?

Same in all direction

60 - Adiabatic process is also called______________?

Isentropic process

61 - Al alternate unit to kgm/s is:


62 - All natural processes are?


63 - All the freely falling objects have the same acceleration. This was located by which of the following first?


64 - Alternative current is converted to direct current by?


65 - Among the following properties of a wave, the one that is independent of the other is?


66 - An electric or magnetic field can not accelerate?


67 - An ice block with a piece of lead embedded in it floats in water. If ice melts the water level?


68 - An internal process for an ideal gas is represented on a p – v diagram by:

A portion of hyperbola

69 - An object of mass m moves in a uniform circular motion on a horizontal frictionless table. The radius of the circle is r and centripetal force F. If the radius and speed is v are doubled, what is the centripetal force now?


70 - An observer moves past a stationary electron on the earth surface. His instrument measures?

Both magnetic and electric field

71 - An OP-AMP comparator is a circuit that compares the signal voltage on one of its inputs with a ______________?

Reference voltage on the other

72 - An OP-AMPs can amplify_______________?


73 - As the rocket moves upward during its job. Its acceleration goes on?


74 - As we move up a body above the surface of the earth. The change in potential energy will always be?


75 - At constant temperature the graph between V and 1/P is_____________?

A straight lime

76 - At what temperature is the Fahrenheit scale reading equal to twice that of the Celsius scale?


77 - At what temperature will the resistance of a copper wire becomes three times its value at 0 degree centigrade? Temperature coefficient of resistance of copper=4×10-3 per C0?

500 C0

78 - Average translational kinetic energy per molecule of an ideal gas is given by_____________?


79 - Bernoulli's equation is an expression of?

Conservation of energy

80 - Best conductor of heat among following is?


81 - Biomass is a potential source of?

Renewable energy

82 - Blood pressure is normally measure with the effect of the Sphygnomanometer around the arm. Suppose that the blood pressure were measured with the cuff around the calf of the leg of a standing person?

Greater than it is for the arm

83 - Bogies of a train are provided with the buffers explains what?

Second law of motion

84 - Boltzman constant K in terms of universal gas constant R and Avagadros number Na is give as_______________?

K = R/Na

85 - Boyles law helds for ideal gases in________________?

isothermal processes

86 - Brightness of the input on CRO screen is controlled by?


87 - Bullet is fired by a gun. The gun moves backward with a?

Fraction of velocity of bullet

88 - By work energy principle work done by the body is equals to change in its?

Both of above

89 - Capacitance is defined as?


90 - Capacitance of capacitor depends upon?

Geometry of the capacitor

91 - Capacity of a body to do work is?


92 - Cathode ray oscilloscope works by deflecting beam of?


93 - centripetal acceleration ac=___.


94 - Charges moving perpendicular to magnetic field experience force?


95 - Choice of zero potential energy level is?


96 - Clouds float in the atmosphere because of their?

Low density

97 - Colour of light emitted by a LED depends on?

Type of semiconductor material used

98 - CRO is used for?

Displaying wave form of given voltage.

99 - Current flowing through each resistor of equal resistance in parallel combination is?


100 - Device which can be used to produce both Transverse and Longitudinal waves is called?

Helical spring

101 - Dimension for acceleration due to gravity is?


102 - Dimension of angular frequency are the same as that of?


103 - Dimension of angular momentum is?


104 - Dimension of centripetal force is?


105 - Dimension of pressure is__________________?


106 - Dimensions of density are?


107 - Dimensions of Torque are?


108 - Dimensions of work are?


109 - Direction of field lines around an isolated negative charge "-q" is?

Radially Inward

110 - Direction of magnetic lines of force around a current carrying wire is given by?

Right hand rule

111 - Distance covered by freely falling body in two seconds is?

19.6 m

112 - Dopplers effect is the principle understanding?

Measuring blood flow speeds

113 - Due to polarization electric field E in a capacitor?


114 - During projectile motion the quantities remain unchanged are?

Horizontal acceleration and Horizontal velocity

115 - Earth gravitational force of attraction vanishes at?

Infinite Distance

116 - Earth receives larger amount of energy directly from?


117 - Electric flux through a closed surface does not depends upon?


118 - Electric potential at a mid point in an electric dipole is?

0 V

119 - Electrical energy is equal to?


120 - Electron volt is the unit of?

Electric energy

121 - Energy that is produced commercially from coal is called?

Thermal energy

122 - Equal charge q1 and q2 (q1=q2) are separated by 2m. The force between them is F=9 N. What are the charges?


123 - False ceiling is done to?

Insulate the ceiling

124 - First condition of equilibrium is?


125 - First law of thermodynamics is a special form of?

Law of conservation of energy

126 - For a gas obeying Boyles law if the pressure is doubled the volume becomes________________?

one half

127 - For a rocket the change in momentum per second of the ejecting gases is equal to?

Force(thrust) acting on rocket

128 - For rectifying action we use?


129 - For the successful operation of Heat engine which condition should be met ?

both A and B

130 - For total assessment of uncertainty in the final result obtained by multiplication we add?

Percentage uncertainty

131 - Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field will be maximum when the angle between V and B is?

90 Degree

132 - Forces of 12 N and 5 N are added. The resultant can not be?

6 N

133 - Four resistances R1=20ÃŽ©, R2=50ÃŽ© and R R3=1ÃŽ© are connected in parallel. The equivalent resistance is R:


134 - Function of three anodes in a CRO is?

To accelerate and focus the electrons.

135 - 'Fusis' is the original name of the word?


136 - Gas molecules of different masses in the same container have the same average transnational kinetic energy which is directly proportional to their_____________?

absolute temperature

137 - Global warming is due to a gas?

Carbon Dioxide

138 - Holography is a technique of?

Recording a permanent three dimensional photograph of a given single colour or a multi colour.

139 - Horizontal range is equal to 4 times of its maximum height only if angle of projection is?

45 Degree

140 - Identify true statement regarding magnetic poles?

A single magnetic pole does not exist

141 - Identify vector quantity from the following?


142 - If [ A, B]=0, then two operators A and B are said to be?


143 - If 4 joules are applied against an electric field on a 2 Coulomb charge, the value of the electric potential will be?

2 Volt

144 - If a charged body is moved against the electric field it will gain?

Electrical potential energy

145 - If a dielectric is placed between the plates of a capacitor, the capacitance is?


146 - If a resistor is transversed in the opposite direction of current then the change in potential is?


147 - If air is medium between two charges then the value of K in System International unit will be?


148 - If diameter of a capillary is doubled then the rise of water in it will be?


149 - If potential difference across two plates of a parallel plate capacitor is doubled then the energy stored in it will be?

4 Times

150 - If the force acting on a body is doubled then the acceleration becomes?


151 - If the magnitude of cross product and dot product of two vectors are equal. The angle between vectors is?

45 Degree

152 - If the mass of body is 5 kg raised of 1 m. Then work done is?

49 J

153 - If the pressure of a given gas is held constant its density is inversely proportional to its absolute temperature. We can refer it as another statement of______________?

Charles law

154 - If the separation between the plates of a capacitor is doubled then its capacitance becomes?


155 - If the velocity time graph of a particle is represented by y=mt+c. Then the particle is moving with?

Constant acceleration

156 - If the volume of a gas is held constant and we increase its temperature then_______________?

its pressure rises

157 - If there is air friction then for free falling body?

Loss in Potential energy≠Gain in Kinetic energy

158 - If time constant is RC circuit is small, then the capacitor is charged or discharged?


159 - If two systems X and Y are in thermal equilibrium with a sysem Z, then __ is not in equilibrium.

None of the above

160 - If velocity of a moving object is doubled then the kinetic energy becomes?

4 times

161 - If we go above the surface of earth, the gravitational force?

Varies inversely to the square of the distance

162 - If X=A.B, then X is '1' when?

A=1, B=1

163 - If you were to make a very sensitive glass thermometer which liquid would you choose among following?


164 - In __ state of matter, molecules do not leave their position.


165 - In a clinical thermometer the mercury in the capillary tube does not contract once removed from the patient because_______________?

The capillary tube has a small constriction near the bulb

166 - In a half-wave rectifier the r.m.s. value of the A.C component of the wave is________________?

More than D.C value

167 - In an amplifier maximum voltage gain is obtained when load resistance is equal to?


168 - In forward bias the width of potential barrier_____________?


169 - In gases heat is mainly transferred by?


170 - In gravitational field if the displacement is in the direction of gravitational force, the work done will be?


171 - In monitoring body temperature the __ waves are used.

Infrared waves

172 - In order to check the correctness of an equation we are to show that __ of the quantities on __ side of the equation are __ .

Dimension, Both, Same

173 - In which process all the heat supplied is converted into work done ?


174 - In which process entropy remains constant________________?


175 - Ionization energy of an atom relative to the binding energy of the nucleus is?


176 - It is customary to represent a current flowing towards the reader by a symbol?


177 - It is easy to burst a gas filled balloon with a needle than with a nail. It is because?

Needle exerts more pressure than nail on the balloon

178 - Joule Thomson effect is based upon __________ ?

Sudden expansion of gases

179 - Kinetic energy is conserved in?

Elastic collision

180 - Kirchhoff's first rule is based on conservation of?


181 - Kirchhoff's second rule is based on?

Energy conservation

182 - Least count of screw guage is?


183 - Light from some stars shows an apparent change in frequency because of:

Relative motion

184 - Lines which provide information about the electric force exerted on charged particles are?

Electric field lines

185 - Mach number is used in connection with the speed of___________?


186 - Mass of fuel consumed by a typical rocket to overcome earth gravity is?

10000 kgs-1

187 - Mathematically work can be defined as?


188 - Maximum number of components of a vector may be?


189 - Medium which sends signal from source to destination is known as ________ ?

Transmission channel

190 - Mercury is used as thermometric material because it has?

All above properties

191 - Metabolism is the name of a process in which energy transformation takes place within______________?

Human body

192 - Minimum escape velocity of a rocket to be launched into the space?

11 Km/s

193 - Minimum number of unequal forces whose vector sum can equal zero is?


194 - Name the SI unit having the symbol cd?


195 - Newton's first law of motion is valid only in the absence of?

Net Force

196 - Newton's Third Law of Motion?

every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

197 - Non-inverting amplifier circuits have____________?

A very high input impedance

198 - Normal human body temperature 98.6°F corresponds to______________?


199 - Number of perpendicular components of a force is?


200 - Numerical value of Boltzmanns constant is______________?


201 - Numerical value of constants in any formula can not be determined by dimensional analysis, however it can be found by?


202 - Numerical value of violet colour in colour code resistors is?


203 - Oil rises up to wick in a lamp because_____________?

Capillary action phenomenon

204 - On making grid potential excessively negative, plate resistance?

Become infinite

205 - One CSL unit is equal to?

1.4 times the mass of the sun

206 - One of the isotopes of uranium is 238U92, the number of neutrons in this isotope is?


207 - Path followed by a projectile is known as its?


208 - Petrol engine is a________________?

all the above

209 - Plank's constant has the dimensions of?


210 - Power is equal to dot product of force and?


211 - Power needed to lift a mass of 5000g to a height of 1m in 2 sec is?

24.5 Watt

212 - Powered and remote control guided missiles are used?

Long ranges

213 - Professor Dr. Abdus Salam awarded Noble prize in which year?


214 - Pull of earth on mass of 10 kg on the surface of the earth is?


215 - Rate of change of linear momentum p is equal to the?


216 - Reactances of a 52 mH inductor and a 76 µF capacitor at equal __ frequency.

80 Hz

217 - Reciprocal of resistance is called?


218 - Rectangular components have angle between them is?

90 Degree

219 - Relative to the original photon, the photons that emerges from a collision with an electron has?

Longer wavelength

220 - Relative to the sum of the masses of its constituent nucleons, tha mass of a neclous is?


221 - Resultant of 120 N and 20 N forces can not be?

141 N

222 - Reverse process of vector addition is called?

Resolution of a vectors

223 - Rocket works on the principle of?

Newton's third law

224 - Rutherford in his atomic model could not explain behavior of ___________ ?


225 - SI unit of strength of electric field is?


226 - Smaller is the least count of the instrument more is the measurement?


227 - Solar cells work on the principle of?

Photovoltaic effect

228 - Some amount of heat given to gas under isothemal condition will result in?

Doing external work

229 - Special organ called Ampullae of lorenzini that are very sensitive to electric field are found in?


230 - Specific heat of ice is?

2100 JKg-1K-1

231 - Splitting of different colours of light in a prism is?

Dispersion of light

232 - Standard condition STP refer to a gas at ___________________?

all of the above

233 - Sudden fall of atmospheric pressure indicates?


234 - Symbol of the SI unit of the solid angle?


235 - System International unit of electric potential is?


236 - Technique of collecting information about an object from a distance without malting physical contact with it is?

Remote sensing

237 - Temperature is a property which determines_________________?

In which direction heat will flow between two systems

238 - Temperature is a?

Scalar quantity

239 - Term "RC" has same unit as that of?


240 - Tesla is a unit of magnetic?


241 - The __ will cause least damage to a person exposed to radioactive rays?

Gamma rays

242 - The acceleration along x-axis direction in cases of projectile is?


243 - The acceleration of gravity of the moon is one-sixth that on earth. The weight of a 70kg man on the moon is?

114.33 N

244 - The altitude of Geostationary orbits in which communication satellite are launched above the surface of the earth is?

42300 KM

245 - The area enclosed by the curve ABCDA for a Carnot heat engine represents the work done by Carnot engine_______________?

during one cycle

246 - The average acceleration caused by gravity per second is____________?

32 feet

247 - The combined resistance of two electrical resistors connected in series is 8 Ω. Their combined resistance in a parallel arrangement will be?


248 - The consumption of energy by a 60 watt bulb in 2 sec is?

120 J

249 - The cross product of vector F with itself results?

Null vector

250 - The dimension [ML2T-3] belongs to?


251 - The dimension of light year are that of?


252 - The dimension of volume flow rate of fluid are?


253 - The electronic circuits which implement the various logic operations are called_____________?

Logic gates

254 - The energy of the molecular motion appears in the form of?


255 - The equation of motion are not useful for objects moving with:

Variable acceleration

256 - The escape velocity is maximum for?


257 - The Fahrenheit and centigrade scales agree to________________?


258 - The field in which the work done is independent of the path followed or work done in a closed path is zero is called?

Conservative field

259 - The first phase of a nuclear reaction involves the formation of?

A compound nucleus

260 - The force experienced by unit positive charge placed at a point in an electric field is called what?

Electric field intensity

261 - The frequency is adjusted by?


262 - The grid is move closer to the cathode without changing anything, the amplification factor of the valve will?


263 - The horizontal component of velocity for projectile?

Remain same

264 - The horizontal range is maximum when it is projected at an angle of?

45 Degree

265 - The index of refraction depends on?

Speed of light

266 - The inductance required for a 2000ÃŽ© reactance at 20 MHz equals?


267 - The kinetic energy of a body of mass 2 kg is 25 Joule. Its speed will be?

5 ms-1

268 - The law that governs the force between electric charges bears the name of?


269 - The least count of Vernier caliper is ________ containing 10 Vernier scale divisions?


270 - The Lorentz transformation equations reduce to Galilean transformations equation when?

Velocity is very low

271 - The magnetic inside a current carrying long solenoid is?

Uniform and strong

272 - The magnitude of the force of the gravity between two identical objects is given by F0. If the mass of each object is doubled and the distance between them is doubled. Then the new force of gravity between the objects will be?


273 - The matter of the sun is in ___ state.


274 - The minimum initial velocity which is given to a body to enable it to escape out of?

Escape velocity

275 - The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is_______?


276 - The motion of body around its axis is called?

Rotatory motion

277 - The number of basic units in SI is?


278 - The operation of a transistor requires______________?

None of the above

279 - The operational amplifier is______________?

A high gain amplifier

280 - The percentage uncertainty in radius of a sphere is 2%. The total percentage uncertainty in the volume of a sphere is?


281 - The performance of a refrigerator is described by________________?

coefficient of performance

282 - The physical quantity "Impulse" has the same dimensions as that of:


283 - The physics underlying the operation of a refrigerator most closely resembles the physics underlying?

A heat engine

284 - The pressure exerted by a column of mercury 76cm high and at 0°C is called_______________?

1 atmosphere

285 - The purpose of flywheel in the engines is________________?

to smooth out the energy variation

286 - The rate of doing work is called?


287 - The ratio between orbital and escape velocities is?


288 - The ratio between the energy dissipated in some process and the heat that appears as a result is the?

Mechanical equivalent of heat

289 - The ratio of dimensions of power to work is:

1 : T

290 - The rectangular voltage is an example of____________________?

A digital waveform

291 - The relation between velocity, frequency and wavelength of a wave is?


292 - The scales of temperature are based on two fixed points which are_________________?

The temperature of melting ice and boiling water at atmospheric pressure

293 - The SI unit of impulse is?


294 - The SI unit of pressure is Pascal which is equal to?


295 - The SI unit of resistivity is?


296 - The size of one degree of Celsius is equal to_________________?

1.8 degrees of Fahrenheit scale

297 - The space around the earth in which gravitational force acts on a body is called?

Gravitational field

298 - The specially designed semi-conductor diodes used as fast counters in electronic circuits are_______________?

Photo diodes

299 - The symbol of the prefix used for Mega is_______?


300 - The temperature of a gas of initial volume V1 in a glass container is increased from T1=200 K to T2=800 K. The new volume is V2, which equation is correct?


301 - The time required for a charge particle to make a complete revolution in a magnetic field does not depend upon?

Its energy

302 - The total time for which projectile remains in air is called?

Time of flight

303 - The tunnel effect makes possible?

Alpha Decay

304 - The turning effect of force is called_________?


305 - The unit of entropy is________________?


306 - The value of g becomes at a height equal to one radius of the earth more above the earth surface becomes?


307 - The value of ÃŽ³ for diatomic gas is_______________?


308 - The weight of a body of 20 kg mass is ___ newton on earth.


309 - The work done by compound pendulum in one complete oscillation is?


310 - The work done in the isochoric process is________________?


311 - The work done is half of maximum value if the angle between force and displacement is?

60 Degree

312 - The work done will be zero when the angle between the force and the distance is?

90 Degree

313 - The working of transistor as amplifier is similar to________________?

Triode vacuum tube

314 - To obtain a p-type semi-conductor Si Crystal must be doped with foreign atoms whose valency is_____________?


315 - To obtain an n-type semiconductor germanium crystal it must be doped with foreign atoms whose valency is_____________?


316 - To open a door easily the handle should be fixed?

Away from mid-point opposite

317 - Total flux through a closed surface depends upon?

Charge and Medium

318 - Triple point of water is_____________________?

273.16°C at 0.611 Kpa

319 - Two bodies kept at a certain distance feel a gravitational force F to each other. If the distance between them is made double the former distance the force will be?


320 - Two forces of magnitude 10 N and 20 N act on body in directions making angle of 30 degree. The component of resultant force will be?

25.98 N

321 - Two forces of magnitude 10N. Their resultant is equal to 20N. The angle between them is?

0 Degree

322 - Two oppositely charged balls X and Y attract the third ball Z, when placed near them turn by turn. The third ball Z must be?

Electrically neutral

323 - Two rods one of copper and other of steel experiences the same upthrust when placed in water. Thus both have?

Equal volume

324 - Type of work which can not be described in macroscopic thermodynamics?

Internal work

325 - Ultimately all energy transfer result in heating of the?


326 - Uncertainty in position is only ÃŽ”y=1.5×10-11 m. Determine the minimum uncertainty in the momentum of the object (h=6.63 × 10-34 Js)?

7.00×10-24 kg m/s

327 - Under conditions corresponding to a triple point , a substance?

May be in any or all of the above state

328 - Unit of noise pollution is?


329 - Unit of permeability of free space is?


330 - Unit of work in base unit is?


331 - Value of e/m is smallest for?


332 - Velocity of an oscillating charge as it moves to and fro along the wire is?


333 - Velocity of heat radiation in vacuum is?

Equal to that of light

334 - Vertical component of a force is a?

Vector Quantity

335 - Watt m-2 is the unit of?


336 - Waves transmits from one place to another?


337 - We can produce heat by________________?

All of the above

338 - We prefer mercury as a thermometric substance because______________?

All of above

339 - What is the equation of electric intensity?


340 - What is the formula of conversion from Celcius to Kelvin scale?


341 - What is the formula of mass of earth?


342 - What is the formula of momentum?


343 - What is the half life of Radium-226?

1620 Years

344 - What is the internal energy of a system?

The energy of the atoms of the system

345 - What is the orbital velocity of geostationary satellite?

3.08 km/s

346 - What is the SI unit of e.m.f?


347 - What is the unit of capacitance?


348 - What is the unit of momentum?


349 - What is the unit of power?


350 - What is the unit of rate of flow of heat?


351 - What is the unit of volume?

Cubic Meter

352 - What is the unit of work?


353 - When 9×1013 electrons are removed from a body which has charge of 2.50 µC. What is its charge now?


354 - When a body is throwing straight up at highest point its velocity becomes zero and its acceleration will be?

+9.8 ms-2

355 - When a diamagnetic substance is inserted in a current carrying coil. The magnetic field?


356 - When a horse pulls a wagon the force that cause the horse to move forward is the force?

The ground exert on him

357 - When an area is held perpendicular to the filed lines then the magnitude of electric flux is?


358 - When milk is churned the cream separates from it due to?

Centrifugal force

359 - When object is thrown upward it rises to height "h" how high is the object in terms of h, when it has lost one third of its original Kinetic Energy?


360 - When some compass needles are placed on a card board along a circle with with the centre at the wire they will?

Point in the direction of N-S

361 - When the falling object strikes the ground kinetic energy changes into?

Heat and Sound energy

362 - When two protons are brought together?

Potential energy increases

363 - Which among the following have same unit?

Work and Torque

364 - Which among the following is a scalar quantity?


365 - Which among the following is a scalar quantity?


366 - Which among the following is a scalar quantity?


367 - Which among the following is a vector quantity?


368 - Which electromagnetic radiation is used for satellite communication?


369 - Which instrument is used to measure the force and velocity of wind?


370 - Which is the correct record for the diameter of wire when measured by a screw guage of least count 0.001 cm?

2.312 cm

371 - Which material should be inserted between the plates of a capacitor in order to increase its capacitance?


372 - Which of the following branch of Physics deals with the internal structure of earth?


373 - Which of the following is non conservative force?

Frictional force

374 - Which of the following is not derived quantity________?


375 - Which of the following is used for regulated electric supply?

Zener diode

376 - Which of the following is used in Oven?


377 - Which of the following properties of molecules of a gas is same for all gases at particular temperature ?

kinetic energy

378 - Which of the following waves have smallest velocity in vacuum?


379 - Which of the given variable is present in all of the three equation of motion?


380 - Which one is not an example of adiabatic process ?

conversion of water into ice in refrigerator

381 - Which one is true for internal energy ?

All are correct

382 - Which one of the following is not a radioactive element ?


383 - Which one of the following is not vector quantity _______?


384 - Which one of the following is perfectly elastic body?

Both B & C

385 - Which one or more of the following would lead to an increase in the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectrons from a metal surface on which light is shinning?

Increasing the frequency of the incident light.

386 - Which part of a transistor is doped the heaviest to supply charge carries?


387 - Which quantity is a state function_______________?

internal energy

388 - Which shows correct relation between H and T of projectile?


389 - Who defined the law of gravitation?


390 - Who were the pioneers of Physics?


391 - Why the needle of iron swims on water surface when it is kept gently?

Due to surface tension

392 - Why the needle of iron swims on water surface when it is kept gently?

Due to surface tension

393 - Word Physics is derived from which language?


394 - Work done by the gravitational force in displacing the object from a point to infinity, where the force of gravity become zero is called?

Absolute potential energy

395 - Work done by the string of a simple pendulum during one complete oscillation is equal to?


396 - Work done in gravitational field is?


397 - Work done on charged particle moving in uniform magnetic field is?


398 - Work is a?

Scalar quantity

399 - You are a passenger on a hot air balloon that is rising with constant velocity and you are carrying a buzzer that emits a sound of frequency f. If you accidently drop the buzzer from the balloon. what can you conclude about the sound you hear as if falls

The frequency decreases and intensity decreases

400 - Yukawa's theory suggest that nuclear forces arrives throught the exchange of?



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