Physics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 2

1 - "God Particle" is

Higgs Boson

2 - 0.001 kg mass will be equivalent to

25.00 GWh

3 - A . C and D . C have the same

heating effect through a resistance

4 - A . C can not be used for

Magnetizing iron

5 - A . C cannot be used for

magnetizing and electroplating

6 - A 25eV electron has a speed of

3 x 106m/sec

7 - A 5 Degree F capacitor has a potential difference across its plates of 200 volts. The charge on the capacitor is

10-5 C

8 - A capacitor is a perfect insulator for

direct current

9 - A capacitor of capacitance 30 Degree F is charged by a constant current of 10mAIf initially the capacitor was uncharged what is the time taken for the potential difference across the capacitor to reach 300V?


10 - A certain stress applied to an elastic material produces a certain strain in it. If the elastic limit is not exceeded the energy gained per unit volume of the material is given by

(Stress / strain)

11 - A changing magnetic flux produces around itself an induced

Electromagnetic force

12 - A charge of 0.10C accelerated through a potential difference of 1000V acquires kinetic energy


13 - A choke is used as a resistance in

AC circuits

14 - A closed surface contains two equal and opposite charges. The net electric flux from the surface will be


15 - A completely filled band is called

Core band

16 - A device based on photoelectric effect is called

photo cell

17 - A device for producing high velocity nuclei is

linear accelerator

18 - A dynamo converts

mechanical energy into electrical energy

19 - A ferromagnet will become fully magnetized at

Alternating current at its peak value

20 - A fuse is placed in series with the cireuit to protect against

over heating

21 - A galvanometer basically is an instrument used to

detect current in a circuit

22 - A hollow metallic sphere of 8cm diameter is charged with 4 x 10 8

900 volts

23 - A light ray travelling from denser to rarer medium at an angle of incidence more than critical angle of concerned media pair suffers.

Total internal reflection

24 - A magnetic compass will be deflected if it is kept near a

charge in motion

25 - A magnetic field

exerts a force if the charged particle is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field lines

26 - A mass spectrograph (spectrometer) sorts out


27 - A metal rod of 25 cm length is moving at a speed of 0.5/sec in direction perpendicular to 0.25T magnetic field. Emf produced in the rod is

0.03125 volt

28 - A moving coil galvanometer of resistance 100 ohm gives half scale deflection for a current of 20mA. What will be the potential difference across it?

2 volt

29 - A particle having the mass of an electron and the charge of a proton is called a


30 - A particle of mass m charge q and speed V enters a uniform magnetic radius r. The radius r of the circle is

directly proportional to m

31 - A photon is

a quantum of electromagnetic radiation

32 - A photon of wave length 900nm behaves like a particle of mass

2.46 x 10-36kg

33 - A pure variable resistor is connected in series with a pure capacitor of fixed capacitance. The impedance of the circuit


34 - A rubber cord of cross-sectional area 2cm2 has a length of 1m. When a tensile force of 10N is applied the length of the cord increases by 1cm. What is the youngs modulus of rubber?

5x106 Nm-2

35 - A sensitive galvanometer gives full-scale deflection with 100 mV. If the resistance of the galvanometer is 50 Ohm the maximum current that can flow through safely is

2.0 mA

36 - A small coil lies inside a large coil. The two coils are horizontal concentric and carry currents in opposite directions. The large coil will experience

No resultant force

37 - A small gap is left at the joints of rails in a railway track to

Avoid the tracks being distorted due to seasonal temperature variation

38 - A three dimensional image is obtained by

Seanning electron microscope

39 - A uniform steel wire of length 4m and area of cross-section 3x10-6m2 is extended by 1mm by the application of a force. If the youngs modulus of steel is 2x1011 Nm-2 the energy stored in the wire is


40 - A vacant or partially filled band is called

Conduction band

41 - A wheat stone bridge is said to be balanced when

potential difference across galvanometer branch is zero

42 - A wire having very high value of conductance is said to be

very good conductor

43 - A wire is stretched by a force F which causes an extension

The energy stored in the wire is

44 - A wire obeys Hooks law is of length 11 when it is in equilibrium under a tension F

(F1+F2) (12-11)

45 - A wire of uniform area of cross-section A length L and resistance R is cut into two parts. Resistivity of each part

remains the same

46 - A wire suspended vertically from one end is stretched by attaching a weight of 20N to the lower end. The weight stretches the wire by 1mm. How much energy is gained by the wire?


47 - Acceptor and donor impurities donate

p-carriers and n-carriers respectively

48 - According to which one of following law the density of atom is uniform?

J.J.Thomson model

49 - After traveling through a vacuum a photon of light entering into some transparent denser medium. Thus the energy of light

Remains same

50 - All electrical appliances are connected in parallel to each other between the main line and neutral wire to get

different current but same potential difference

51 - Ammeter connected in an AC circuit measures

rms value of current

52 - An aeroplane of wingspan 10m flies from the equator towards the North Pole. The wings are perpendicular to the vertical component of the earths magnetic field (B = 4x10-5T). At maximum speed an emf of 96mV is induced across the wing tips. The maximum spee


53 - An alternating current of r.m.s value of 4.0 A and frequency 50Hz flows in a circuit containing 10 ohm resistor. The peak current is then


54 - An alternating current or voltage

changes its magnitude continuously and reverses its direction of flow after regularly recurring intervals.

55 - An alternating current or voltage

changes its direction again and again

56 - An ammeter measures the total current flowing through a circuit when it is connected

in series with the circuit

57 - An electric charge at rest produces

only an electric field

58 - An electric current induced within the body of a conductor when that conductor either moves through a non uniform magnetic field or in a region where there is a change in magnetic flux is called

Eddy current

59 - An electric field can deflect


60 - An electric iron is marked 20 volts 500W. The units consumed by it in using if for 24 hours will be


61 - An electromagnetic wave consists of

Electric and magnetic fields moving perpendicular to each other

62 - An electron enters a region where the electric field E is perpendicular to the magnetic field

B = eE/V

63 - An immersion heater of 400 watts kept on for 5 hours will consume electrical power of


64 - An inductor may store energy in

its magnetic field

65 - An instrument which can measure potential without drawing any current is

cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)

66 - An observer shoots parallel to a meter stick at very high (relativistic) speed and finds that the length of meter stick is

less than one meter

67 - An OP-AMP comparator is a circuit that compares the signal voltage on one of its inputs with a _

Reference voltage on the other

68 - An OP-AMPs can amplify

A . C .

69 - Antimatter consists of

all of above

70 - Any alteration produced in shapes length or volume when a body is subjected to some external force is called


71 - As the temperature of black body is raised the wavelength corresponding to maximum intensity

shifts towards shorter wavelength

72 - Average distance covered by ?-particle in air before its ionizing power ceases is called its


73 - Average energy required to remove one nucleon from the nucleus is called

binding energy per nucleon

74 - Bracket series is obtained when all transition of electron terminate on

4th orbit

75 - capacitor is to have an energy content of 20J it must be placed across a potential difference of

2 volts

76 - CFC is used in

all of above

77 - Charge on an electron was determine by


78 - Charge on neutron is


79 - Choose the correct statement. In the case of AC circuit ohms law holds for

All of the above

80 - Circuit which gives continuously varying potential is called

potential divider

81 - cmf generated by A . C dynamo depends upon

all of above

82 - Coercive force is the force which opposes


83 - Coil of a galvanometer is suspended in a radial magnetic field so that the deflecting torque on the coil is always


84 - Compton effect proves the

Photon theory of light

85 - Current produced by moving the loop of wire across a magnetic field is called

induced current

86 - Danger signals are generally red as red light

Undergoes least deviation

87 - Davison Germer experiment indicates

election diffraction

88 - Depletion region of a junction is formed

during the manufacturing process

89 - Diameter of an atom is approximately


90 - During an encounter with an atom ?-particle knocks out


91 - During fission process a large amount of

nuclear energy is released

92 - During fusion of hydrogen into helium

energy is released

93 - Electric charge of 100 ?C is 13cm apart from another charge 16.9 Degree C electric force between them is


94 - Electric flux linked with a surface will be maximum when

the surface is held perpendicular to the electric field

95 - Electric force between two point charges in air or vacuum is F. If we replace air or vacuum by an insulator (dielectric) of relative permitivity Cr the force between the charges will


96 - Electric intensity at infinite distance from the point charge is


97 - Electric intensity being a vector quantity always points

along the direction of force experienced by a unit positive charge

98 - Electrical energy is converted to heat at the rate of


99 - Electrical energy is measured in

kilowatt hour

100 - Electromagnetic waves emitted from antenna are


101 - Electromagnetic waves transport


102 - Electromagnetic waves travel in free space with the speed of


103 - Electron cannot exist in the nucleus it is confirmed by observing that

The velocity of electron must be very high according to uncertainty principle.

104 - Electron moves in the orbit as

Standing wave motion.

105 - Electrons

cannot exist inside the nucleus

106 - Electrons present in p-type material due to thermal pair generation are

minority carriers

107 - emf induced in a circuit according to Faradays law depends on the

rate of change of magnetic flux

108 - Energy liberated when one atom of U-235 undergoes fission reaction is


109 - Energy needed to magnetize and demagnetize is represented by

Hysteresis loop area

110 - Energy stored in a magnetic field is given by


111 - Equipotential planes are

parallel to one another

112 - Equivalent capacitance is greater than individual capacitances in

parallel combination

113 - Excited atoms return to their ground state in


114 - Fission chain reaction in a nuclear reactor can be controlled by introducing

cadmium rods

115 - For chain reaction to build up the size of the radioactive target should be

greater than the critical size

116 - For confinement of electron in a box of radius 10-14m the electron speed should be

Should be greater than speed of light.

117 - For electroplating we use

A D . C source

118 - For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, is Newton's

Third law

119 - For long distance transmission the transformer used is

Step up

120 - Formation of large molecule by joining small molecules is


121 - Forward current through a semi conductor diode circuit is due to

majority carriers

122 - Galvanometer is a very sensitive device with

very low damping

123 - Gamma rays can cause

Gene mutation

124 - Gas thermometers are more sensitive than the liquid thermometers because the gases

Have large coefficient of expansion

125 - Geiger counter is suitable for

slow counting

126 - Green house effect is the heating up of the Earth's atmosphere which is due to

The infra-red rays

127 - Half life of radium is 1590 years. In how many years shall the earth loss all its radium due to radioactive decay?


128 - Heating a magnet will

weaken it

129 - Hole is equivalent to

a positive charge

130 - Holes can exist in

Semi conductors

131 - How much heat does a 40 W bulb generates in one hour?


132 - Hydrogen atom does not emit X-rays because

it has a single electron

133 - Identify the correct statement about minority carriers

holes in n-type and free electrons in p-type

134 - If 1 ampere current flows through 2m long conductor the charge flow through it in 1 hour will be


135 - If a charged rod is brought closer to a gas filled balloon then

Radius increase

136 - If a current carrying solenoid is suspended freely it will

come to rest in N-S direction

137 - If a diffraction grating is placed in the path of a light beam it reveals

Wave property

138 - If a glass plate is inserted in between the plate of a capacitor in series with a lighted bulb the brightness of the bulb

Brightness increases

139 - If a material object moves with speed of light its mass becomes


140 - If an electrons is allowed to move along the field in a non uniform electric field then it will follow

Straight line

141 - If capacitance of L-C circuit is made four times then frequency of the circuit becomes

One half

142 - If free space between the plates of a capacitor is replaced by a dielectric

The potential difference decreases but both capacitance and energy increase

143 - If metallic conductor is charged negatively then its weight

Increases for a while

144 - If mica sheet is placed between the plates of a capacitor the capacity


145 - If one or more of the neutrons emitted during fission cab be used to build up further fission then the reaction is self sustained and is known as

chain reaction

146 - If the coil is wound on an iron core the flux through it will


147 - If the density of atoms remain same along any direction in a crystal is called


148 - If the distance between the two point charges become half then force between them becomes

four times

149 - If the secondary coil has Ns turns and the primary Np turns the relation between secondary and primary voltages is given by

Vs/Vp = Ns/Np

150 - If the temperature of a place increases suddenly, the relative humidity


151 - If the wavelength of incident radiation is increased in photoemission then

The average kinetic energy of the photoelectrons decreases.

152 - If two charges are increased by two times then force

Increases 4 times

153 - In a charged capacitor the energy resides in

electric field

154 - In a half-wave rectifier the r.m.s. value of the A . C .component of the wave is

More than D . C .value

155 - In a multi range ammeter as the range increases

shunt value decreases

156 - In a non-uniform electric field a polar molecule will experience

both series and parallel combinations

157 - In a photoelectric effect monochromatic light is incident on a metal surface. If the incident light of twice the intensity but of same wavelength the kinetic energy of the emitted electron

Remains same

158 - In a refrigerator what produces the cooling ?

None of these

159 - In a refrigerator, the cooling system should always be

At the bottom

160 - In a semiconductors the charge carriers are

Electron and holes both

161 - In an LCR series circuit, if V is the effective value of the applied voltage VR is the voltage across R VL is the effective voltage across L & Vc is the effective voltage across C then

V2 = VR2+(VL-VC)2

162 - In an X-ray tube electrons each of charge e are accelerated through V potential difference allowed to hit a metal target. The wavelength of the X-rays emitted is


163 - In beta decay what is emitted?


164 - In Compton scattering the change in wave length is max if

angle of scattering is 180 Degree

165 - In Davisson-Germer experiment the diffracted proton from crystal shows

Wave property

166 - In electron microscope electric & magnetic fields are used as

Converging source of electrons.

167 - In electron microscope we use energetic particles because of

Wavelength is very short.

168 - In forward bias the width of potential barrier


169 - In full wave rectification the output D . C .voltage across the load is obtained for

The complete cycle of input A . C .

170 - In half-wave rectification the output D . C .voltages is obtained across the load for

The positive half cycle of A . C .

171 - In He-Ne laser the lasing action is produced by

Ne only.

172 - In hydrogen spectrum which one of the following series lies in the ultraviolet region?

Lymann series

173 - In laser production the state in which more atoms are in the upper state than in the lower one is called

Inverted population.

174 - In liquid metal fast breeder reactor the type of uranium used is


175 - In liquids and gases the current is due to the motion

both negative and positive charges

176 - In mirrors the back surface is coated with a thin layer of :


177 - In normal state of energy the incident high energy photons will be


178 - In n-p-n transistor, p works as


179 - In nucleus of uranium the number of neutrons will be

different for different isotopes

180 - In obtaining an X-ray photograph of our hand we use the principle of

shadow photograph

181 - In p-n-p transistor the collector current is

slightly less than emitter current

182 - In severe winter, in cold countries water pipes burst because

Water expands on freezing

183 - In simple cube one atom or molecule lies at its

Eight corners

184 - In the transistor schematic symbol, the arrow

is located on the emitter

185 - Inductors acts as a short circuit for


186 - Internal resistance is the resistance offered by

source of e m f

187 - Lagging of changes in the magnetization of a substance behind changes in the magnetic field as the magnetic field is varied is known as magnetic


188 - Linear momentum of a photon is


189 - Long distance transmission is easy for

A . C voltage

190 - Magnetic compass needle will be deflecting if it is kept near

Accelerating charge

191 - Magnetic flux and flux density are related by

magnetic flux = flux density x area

192 - Magnetic force acting on a unit positive charge moving perpendicular to the magnetic field with a unit velocity is called

magnetic induction

193 - Many of the semi conductors are crystals of the type

Face centred cubic

194 - Mark the wrong statement.

Newtons laws of motion are valid in an accelerated (non inertial) frame of reference

195 - Mass defect per nucleon is

packing fraction

196 - Mass of neutron is

1.67 x 10-27 kg

197 - Materials in which valence electrons are tightly bound to their atoms at low temperature are called


198 - Materials that undergo plastic deformation before breaking are called


199 - Maximum frequency in the spectrum from X-ray tube is directly proportional to the

The kinetic energy of the incident electron i.e. the potential difference through which they are accelerated.

200 - Minimum current required to produce a deflection of 1 mm on a scale at a distance of 1 meter is

current sensitivity

201 - N/C =


202 - Neutron and proton are commonly known as


203 - Newton's first law of motion gives the concept of


204 - Non inductive resistances are used in decreasing

Self inductance

205 - Non-inverting amplifier circuits have

A very high input impedance

206 - Nuclear Fission is caused by the impact of


207 - Nuclear forces exist between

all of the above

208 - Nuclei having the same mass number but different atomic number are


209 - On the basis of band theory of solids the semiconductors have

A completely filled valence band a partially filled conduction band and a narrow forbidden band

210 - One amu is equal to

all of above

211 - One kilowatt hour is the amount of energy delivered during

one hour

212 - Pair production cannot take place in vacuum as

momentum is not conserved

213 - Pair production cannot take place in vacuum as ________ is not conserved


214 - Pair production takes place in the vicinity of a heavy nucleus so that

all of the above

215 - Photocopier and inject printer are dealt in


216 - Photon of highest frequency will be absorbed when transition takes place from

1st to 5th orbit

217 - Pipelines in cold countries often burst in winter, because

Water freezes and expands in its volume

218 - p-n junction when reversed biased acts as a

off switch

219 - Potential difference is the work done in moving unit positive charge form one point to another

against electric intensity

220 - Power loss in actual transformer is due to

Eddy currents and magnetic hysterias

221 - Production of heat due to an electric current flowing through a conductor is given by

Joule effect

222 - pure resistor circuit the voltage and current are

They have zero phase difference

223 - Radiation produced from TV picture tube is


224 - Radiation with wavelength longer than red lights

infra red radiation

225 - Radioactive materials can be identified by measuring their

half life

226 - Radioactivity is a ______ (A) Spontaneous activity (B) Chemical property

C & A

227 - Radiocarbon dating technique is used to estimate the age of


228 - Railway tracks are banked on curves so that

Necessary centripetal force may be obtained from the horizontal component of the weight of the train

229 - Ratio of the weight of H-atom to that of an electron is approximately


230 - Reciprocal of resistivity is called


231 - Reflecting mirrors in laser is used to

Further stimulation

232 - Resistance of a conductor depends upon

all of above

233 - Resistance of a super conductor is


234 - Resistance of a wire on increasing its temperature will

increase with rise in temperature

235 - Resistance of an ideal insulator is


236 - Rest mass of a photon is


237 - Reverse process of photoelectric effect is

X-rays production

238 - Selenium becomes a conductor in light so it behaves like


239 - Self inductance of a coil depends upon


240 - Semi-conductor germanium and silicon are


241 - Semi-conductors with donor atoms and free electrons belong to the type


242 - SI unit of flux density is


243 - SI unit of permitivity of free space is


244 - Specific resistance of a wire

will depend on the type of material of the wire

245 - Stopping potential for a metal surface in case of photoelectric emission depends on

the frequency of incident light and work function of the metal surface

246 - Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons as compared to the mass of the resultant nucleus is

greater than 82

247 - Terminal potential difference of a battery is greater than its emf when

the battery is charged

248 - The alternating voltage is an example of

An analogue waveform

249 - The angular position of cells remains the same for a sample of a crystal. This property is called

The external symmetry of form

250 - The band theory of solids explains satisfactorily the nature of

All of the above

251 - The bats can fly in the dark because

They generate ultrasonic sound waves

252 - The bending of light when it passes around a corner or a slit is due to ________


253 - The blue colour of water in the sea is due to

Absorption of other colours except blue by water molecules

254 - The bombardment of nitrogen with ?-particles will produce


255 - The breaking of crystals along definite direction is called


256 - The bulk properties of materials such as their mode of fracture can be related to their


257 - The centre of gravity of a sprinter during the race lies

Ahead of his feet

258 - The characteristic invalid for heat radiation is that it travels :

With the speed of light

259 - The characteristic X-rays spectrum is due to

The bombardment of target by electrons.

260 - The charged particle enters the uniform magnetic field in such a way that its initial velocity is not perpendicular to the field the orbit will be


261 - The colour of the ocean appears to be blue because the sunlight falling on it is


262 - The curie temperature is that at which

Ferromagnetic becomes paramagnetic

263 - The current through a metallic conductor is due to the motion of

free electrons

264 - The deflection for 50 division of galvanometer is decreased to 25 divisions by shunt resistance of 12 ohm. Galvanometer resistance is

12 ohm

265 - The density of the liquid when heated


266 - The device or circuit used for conversion of A . C .into D . C .is called

A rectifier

267 - The device used for conversion of D . C .to A . C .is called


268 - The device used for locating submerged objects under sea is.


269 - The direction of propagation of an electromagnetic waves is

Perpendicular to both electric and magnetic field

270 - The effective way to increase the sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer is to

use a very strong magnetic field

271 - The electric lines of force are


272 - The electronic circuits which implement the various logic operations are called

Logic gates

273 - The electrons in conduction band are free to

Transport charge

274 - The emf induced in a coil by a changing magnetic flux may have unit as


275 - The emf induced in a conductor of unit length moving with unit velocity at right angles to a magnetic field is equal to

Magnetic flux density

276 - The energy band occupied by the valence electrons is called

Valence band

277 - The energy radiated is directly proportional to fourth power of Kelvins temperature is

Stephens law.

278 - The especially designed semiconductor diodes used as indicator lamps in electronic circuits are

The light emitting diode

279 - The existence of Ether wind was experimentally rejected by


280 - The force per unit charge is know as

electric intensity

281 - The graphical representation of Ohms law is

straight line

282 - The Hooke's law is valid for

Only proportional region of the stress strain curve

283 - The linear momentum of an X-ray photon of wavelength 0.1A is


284 - The magnetic force experienced by a charge particle moving in a magnetic field will be minimum when it moves

parallel to the field

285 - The maximum safe limit dose for persons working in nuclear power station are

5 rem per week

286 - The metallic spheres A and B of radii 2m and 4m respectively carry the same charge 4 x 10 8

If the spheres are connected by a copper wire

287 - The metastable state for an atom in laser light is

10-3 sec

288 - The minimum charge on any object cannot be less than

1.6 x 10-19C

289 - The minimum wavelength of X-rays can further be reduced by

Increasing the potential difference between the cathode and the target.

290 - The minimum wavelength of X-rays produced by the bombardment of electrons on the screen of a television set where the accelerating potential is 2.0K V will be

6.2 x 10-10m

291 - The modulus of elasticity for mild steel is approximately equal to

210 kN/mm2

292 - The moment of inertia of a body does not depend upon

The angular speed of the body

293 - The most useful tracer is


294 - The name of the photon for quantum of light was proposed by


295 - The net charge on n-type material is


296 - The number of electrons in one coulomb charge is equal to

6.2 x 1018

297 - The only difference between construction of D . C generator and A . C generator is that of


298 - The operation of a transistor requires

None of the above

299 - The operational amplifier is

A high gain amplifier

300 - The out put voltage of a transformer is 3 times the input voltage then turns ratio will be


301 - The penetrating power of X-rays depends on their


302 - The phase angle between the voltage and the current in an AC circuit consisting of a resistance is


303 - The practical illustration of the phenomenon of mutual induction is


304 - The radiations emitted form hydrogen filled discharge tube show

line spectrum

305 - The ration stress to strain in youngs modulus of the material then tension is

Directly proportional to extension.

306 - The rectangular voltage is an example of

A digital waveform

307 - The relationship between Tesla and smaller unit Gauss of magnetic induction is given by

1T = 104 G

308 - The relativistic energy E is equivalent to relativistic mass given by


309 - The resistance of a conductor at absolute zero (OK) is

zero almost

310 - The self-inductance of a solenoid is increased when a soft iron core is inserted into it. This is because the soft iron core

Improves the flux linkage between the turns of the coil

311 - The semiconductor diode can be used as a rectifier because _

It has low resistance to the current flow when forward biased & high resistance when reverse biased.

312 - The sensitivity of a galvanometer is given by


313 - The simplest type of rectification known as half wave rectification is obtained by

suppressing half wave of A . C supply by using diode

314 - The sounds having a frequency of 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz are known as

Audible sounds

315 - The specially designed semi-conductor diodes used as fast counters in electronic circuits are

Photo diodes

316 - The standard vector symbol for flux density is


317 - The tidal waves on sea is mainly due to

Gravitational Effect of Moon on Earth

318 - The time period of a pendulum when taken to the Moon would:


319 - The uncertainty in momentum & position is due to its

Property of matter and radiation.

320 - The unit of radioactivity curie is equal to

3.70 x 1010 disintegration per sec

321 - The value of resistivity for insulator is of the order of

108 ohm metre

322 - The value of the capacitance depends upon the

geometry of the capacitor

323 - The value of the steady current which when flowing through the same resistor produces heat at the same rate as the mean rate of heat produced by the alternating current is

r.m.s current

324 - The velocity of an oscillating charge as it moves to and fro along a wire is always


325 - The velocity of laser light is

Equal to ordinary light.

326 - The working of transistor as amplifier is similar to

Triode vacuum tube

327 - There are three bulbs of 60W 100W and 200W which bulb has thickest filament.


328 - Thermions are


329 - Thermocouples convert

heat energy into electrical energy

330 - Three bulbs are rating 40W 60W and 100W designed to work on 220V mains. Which bulb will burn most brightly if they are connected in series across 220 V mains?

40 W bulb

331 - Three capacitors C1 C2 and C3 are connected in parallel as in the Fig. The equivalent capacitance will be

8 Degree F

332 - Three equal resistors connected in series with a source of e m f together dissipate 10 W of power each. What will be the power dissipated if the same resistors are connected in parallel across the same source of e m f?


333 - Tick the correct statement

all the above statements are true

334 - Tick the correct statement

all the above

335 - Tick the correct statement

all of above

336 - Tick the correct statement

moderators slow down the neutrons

337 - Tick the only wrong statement.

an electrically neutral body is repelled both positively and negatively charged bodies

338 - Tick the right statement.

all of the above

339 - To find the r.m.s value of an alternating current mathematically we need to have

Square root of mean value of I2

340 - To obtain a p-type semi-conductor Si Crystal must be doped with foreign atoms whose valency is


341 - To obtain an n-type semiconductor germanium crystal it must be doped with foreign atoms whose valency is


342 - Total number of series in hydrogen spectrum is


343 - Transformer works on the principle of

Mutual induction

344 - Transuranic elements have atomic number

greater than 92

345 - Two charges are placed at a certain distance. If the magnitude of each charge is doubled the force will become

4 times of its original value

346 - Two identical coaxial circular loops carry equal currents in the same direction. If the loops approach each other the current in

Each decreases

347 - Two oppositely charged balls A and B attract third conducting ball C when placed near them turn by turn. Then ball C must be

electrically neutral

348 - Two parallel wires carrying currents in the opposite directions

repel each other

349 - Two similar charges each of one coulomb placed in air one meter apart repel each other with a force

9 x 109N

350 - UV radiation can be produced by

Electron excitation in the gas.

351 - Value of ?r for various dielectrics is always

larger than unit

352 - Various types of cancer are treated by


353 - Very weak magnetic fields are detected by


354 - Visible light has a higher frequency than

Radio waves

355 - Wave-like characteristic of electron is demonstrated by

Diffraction by crystalline solids.

356 - Waves emitted from the antenna are

Electromagnetic waves

357 - Weber is the unit of

magnetic flux

358 - What happens to a liquid, when the vapour pressure equals the atmospheric pressure?

The liquid boils

359 - What is the self inductance of a coil in which an induced emf of 2V is set up when the current changes at the rate of 4 As-1?


360 - What is the SI unit of modulus of elasticity of substance?


361 - What is the value of the current in a wire of 10cm long at the right angle to a uniform magnetic field of 0.5 Weber/m2 when the force acting on the wire is 5N?


362 - When a body falls from an aeroplane, there is increase in its


363 - When a particle of charge q and mass m enters into a uniform magnetic field B moving with a velocity v perpendicular to the direction for the field it describes a circular path of radius


364 - When a pure inductor of inductance L and a pure capacitor of capacitance C are connected in parallel to a sinusoidal potential difference V the potential difference across both L & C will be


365 - When an electron moving with a uniform speed in a vacuum enters a magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to the field the subsequent path of the electron is

a circle in a plane perpendicular to the field

366 - When same current passes for same time through a thick and thin wire

more heat is produced in thin wire

367 - When the coil of the galvanometer is in equilibrium then the deflecting couple is

equal to the restoring couple

368 - When the motor is at its maximum speed then back emf will be


369 - When we excite some atoms by heat collision or electrical discharge they will

radiate electromagnetic energy of discrete characteristic wavelength

370 - When X-rays are passed through successive aluminum sheets what happens to their thickness?

it remains same

371 - Which of the following branch of Physics deal with study of Atomic Nuclei?

Nuclear Physics

372 - Which of the following has the highest entropy?


373 - Which of the following never occurs singly in nature?


374 - Which of the following statements is true when we see ''rainbow' ?

The Sun remains behind us and we face raindrops

375 - Which of the following substances posses the highest elasticity?


376 - Which of the following uses electric energy and does not convert it into any other form?


377 - Which of the following works on torque on the current carrying conductor placed in magnetic field.

all of the above

378 - Which of these branches of Physics deal with heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work?


379 - Which one has the greatest energy gap ?

Non metals

380 - Which one is the best material for making connecting wires?


381 - Which one of following band is completely filled in case of conductors?

Conduction band

382 - Which one of following postulate is in accordance with the Rutherfords model?

continuous spectra for atoms

383 - Which one of the following bulbs has the least resistance?

300 watt

384 - Which one of the following devices does not function like an electric motor?


385 - Which one of the following functions like a motor?

all of above

386 - Which one of the following has the greatest energy gap?


387 - Which one of the following is not a donor impurity?


388 - Which one of the following is not an electromechanical instrument?

AC transformer and DC generator

389 - Which one of the following material is most suitable for making core of an electromagnet?

soft iron

390 - Which one of the following materials is useful for making bulb filaments?


391 - Which one of the following methods would be able to increase the sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer ?

use spiral springs whose force constant is small

392 - Which one of the following physical quantities does not have the dimensions of force per unit area?


393 - Which one of the following radiations has the strongest photon?


394 - Which one of the following ray has minimum wavelength?

Gamma ray

395 - While measuring the unknown resistance the help of slide wire bridge a greatest accuracy can be achieved when

the balance point is close to the middle of the wire

396 - Who enunciated the laws of planetary motion?

Johannes Kepler

397 - Why should a resistance be introduced in a circuit in series deliberately?

to decrease current

398 - With increase in temperature the electrical conductivity of intrinsic semi conductor


399 - X-ray are

high energy photons

400 - X-rays are diffracted by a crystal but not by a diffraction grating because

The wavelengths of X-rays are of the same order of magnitude as the separation between atoms in a crystal


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