Physics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 5

1 - 0°K is equivalent to


2 - 1 Joule is Equal to

10^7 ergs

3 - 1 Micron is equal to

106 m

4 - A barometer is kept inside a bell jar. Air is slowly pumped out of the jar.

The mercury level starts rising

5 - A boat will submerge when it displaces water equal to its own:


6 - A body falling through a liquid acquires a steady velocity is known as

Terminal velocity

7 - A bottle of sodalime is grasped by the neck and swung briskly in a vertical circle, Near which portion of the bottle do the bubbles collect?

Near the neck

8 - A boy sitting in a train moving with a uniform velocity drops a coin outside. A man standing outside the train will find the trajectory of the coin to be

A parabola

9 - A circular plate, a cube and a sphere, all made up of same material and having the same mass, are heated to 300°C and left in a room. Which of them will have the slowest rate of cooling?


10 - A colour-blind person cannot

Distinguish between certain colours

11 - A concave lens always forms an image which is

Virtual and erect

12 - A copper disc has a hole. If the disc is heated, the size of the hole


13 - A copper wire of radius r and length l has a resistance of R. A second copper wire with radius 2r and length l is taken and the two wires are joined in a parallel combination. The resultant resistance of the parallel combination of the two wires will be


14 - A current carrying conductor is associated with

An electro-magnetic field

15 - A cyclist leans inwards when he is negotiating a curve so that

Necessary centripetal force may be available from the horizontal component of the normal reaction due to the track to maintain the curved motion.

16 - A decibel is

A measure of sound level

17 - A disk and a sphere of same radius but different masses roll on two inclined planes of the same altitude and length. Which one of the two objects gets to the bottom of the plane first ?


18 - A doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves

Both A & B

19 - A drop of liquid assumes spherical shape because:

A sphere has the least surface area for a given volume

20 - A dynamo is a device which

Converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

21 - A dynamo is used to convert

Mechanical energy into electrical energy

22 - A fixture is defined as a device which

Holds and locates a workpiece and guides and controls one or more cutting tools

23 - A fountain pen works on the principle of

Capillary action

24 - A freely suspended magnet remains horizontal at

The magnet equator

25 - A Fuse wire is characterised by

High resistance and low melting point

26 - A good conductor while carrying current is

Negatively charged

27 - A hydrogen balloon floats up because of

Weight of the balloon is less than the weight of air displaced by it.

28 - A light year is a measure of :


29 - A machine powered by rotating blades is a


30 - A microscope used in pathological laboratories forms

Magnified, virtual and inverted image

31 - A needle or a pin floats on the surface of water because of

Surface tension

32 - A passenger standing in a bus is thrown outward when the bus takes a sudden turn. This happens due to

Inertia of motion

33 - A permanent magnet can affect

Both A & B

34 - A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to


35 - A photo-electric cell converts

Light energy to electrical energy

36 - A photon of X-ray has energy of 1 keV. A photon of visible radiation has energy of 3 eV. In this context, which one of the following statements is not correct?

The speeds of both the photons in vacuum are different

37 - A pilot has to release the bomb to hit a target

Before the target

38 - A single fixed pulley is used to draw water from a well because

Force is applied in a convenient direction

39 - A small drop of oil spreads over water because :

Water has a higher surface tension

40 - A soap bubble shows colours when illuminated with white light. This is due to


41 - A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. When the ball is heated the volume of the cavity will


42 - A sphere rolls down on two inclined planes of different angles but same height, it does so

With the same speed

43 - A spring is an example of which of these

Hooke's law

44 - A Step-Up transformer increases


45 - A tank filled partially with a liquid is subjected to a uniform horizontal acceleration. Which of the following is true for the surface of liquid in the tank?

The liquid surface falls down on the direction of motion and rises up on the back side of the tank

46 - A transformer

Is used to decrease or increase AC voltage

47 - A voltaic cell converts chemical energy to

Electrical energy

48 - A wheel-barrow is an example of

Class II lever

49 - A white and smooth surface is

Bad absorber and good reflector of heat

50 - Acceptable noise level for human ear

< 85 db

51 - According to Rutherford's atomic model, the electrons inside an atom are

Not Stationary

52 - After long periods of use, a grey spot develops on the inside of a bulb. This is because

Dust inside the bulb condenses on the top

53 - Air pressure is measured in which of the following units?


54 - Alpha particle is the nucleus of an atom of


55 - An aircraft can perform aerobatic manoeuvres in a vertical loop because of


56 - An atom with more neutrons than protons is called


57 - An Electric generator is based on which of the following scientific principles?

Faraday's law of Electromagnetic Induction

58 - An object at rest may have

Potential energy

59 - An object which absorbs all colours and reflects none appears:


60 - An oil drop spreads over water because

water has a higher surface tension

61 - Analog synthesis refers to a technology based on

Representing data in terms of measurable physical quantities.

62 - Anemometer is an instrument meant for measuring ________

Wind speed

63 - At hill stations, the boiling point of water will be

Less than that at sea level

64 - At low temperature, Lead behaves as a :


65 - At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales give the same reading?

-40 degreees

66 - Bandwidth is the

Both a & b

67 - Blotting paper absorbs ink due to

Capillary action phenomenon

68 - Boyle's law is a relationship between

Pressure and volume

69 - By how many times are the Electrostatic forces stronger than the Gravitational Forces for a fixed distance?


70 - Choose the most appropriate answer: In which atmospheric layer are the communication satellites located?


71 - Choose the most appropriate answer: Natural radioactivity was discovered by

Henry Bacquerel

72 - Compressions and Rarefactions are characteristic of

Longitudinal waves

73 - Conversion of heat into electrical energy is achieved by using :


74 - Conversion of sound energy into electrical energy is done by


75 - Damp clothes are dried in spin dryers by the action of

Centrifugal forces

76 - Decibel is a term connected with :


77 - Decibel is the unit used for

Intensity of sound

78 - Depth of ocean is measured by


79 - Dioptre is the unit of

Power of a lens

80 - During thunderstorm you are travelling in a car. To protect yourself from the lightning you will have to

Remain in the car

81 - Dynamo is a device for converting

Mechanical energy into electrical energy

82 - Eclipses occur due to which optical phenomena?

Rectilinear propagation

83 - Electric current is measured by which instrument?


84 - Electric power is measured in units of


85 - Electricity is transmitted over long distances

There is less wastage of energy

86 - Electromagnet is constructed with which of the following ?

Soft Iron

87 - Electrons carry a

Negative Charge

88 - Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called

Nuclear energy

89 - Every hot object emits ________

Infrared rays

90 - Fat can be seperated from milk in a cream seperator because of :

Centrifugal Force

91 - Find the current (in A) when a charge of 500 Coulomb flows in 25 seconds.


92 - Find the resistance (in mega) of a wire of length 20m, cross sectional area 1 cm2 and made of a material of resistivity 200m.


93 - Flemings ''Left hand Rule" is associated with the effect of

Magnetic Field on current

94 - Fleming's right hand rule is used to find the direction of the

Induced current

95 - For which Diode is used ?


96 - For which one of the following does the centre of mass lie outside the body?

A ring

97 - Gear finishing operation is called


98 - Golden view of sea shell is due to


99 - Heat transfer by radiation mainly depends upon

All of the above

100 - Hertz is a unit for measuring

Frequency of waves

101 - Hot springs are heated geothermally by underlying


102 - Hot water is poured simultaneously in four metallic tumblers painted outside with different paints. After some time the water will be found to have cooled most in the tumbler painted.

Rough black

103 - How many bottles of water is a gallon?


104 - Ice is packed in saw dust because

Saw dust is poor conductor of heat.

105 - Identify the vector quantity from the following

Angular momentum

106 - If a band is played on the moon the sound will

Not be heard at any distance at all from it

107 - If a barometric reading is falling, this usually indicates what

Decreasing pressure

108 - If a body moves with a constant speed in a circle

Its velocity remains constant

109 - If a boy sitting in a train, which is moving at a constant velocity, throws a ball straight up into the air, the ball will

Fall into his hand

110 - If an object moves with constant velocity,

It must have constant speed in constant direction

111 - If ice floating on water in a vessel melts, the water level in the vessel ________ .

Does not change

112 - If lift is going up with acceleration, the apparent weight of a body is

More than the true weight

113 - If the diameter of a capillary is doubled, then the rise of water in it will be


114 - If the length of a simple pendulum is halved then its period of oscillation is

Decreased by a factor 2

115 - If the spinning speed of the earth is increased then the weight of body at the equator


116 - If there were no gravity, which of the following will not be there for a fluid?

Upward Thrust

117 - If two bodies of different masses, initially at rest, are acted upon by the same force for the same time, then the both bodies acquire the same:


118 - In a filament type light bulb most of the electric power consumed appears as

Infra-red rays

119 - In a freezer ice cubes will be formed more quickly in trays made of


120 - In a Laser (say neon laser) all the atoms emit the light waves of

All of the above

121 - In a nuclear reactor, one of the following is used as a fuel.


122 - In a photocell light energy is converted into

Electrical energy

123 - In AC circuits, AC meters measure

Rms values

124 - In Astrophysics, what name is given to a hypothetical hole in outer space from which stars and energy emerge?

White hole

125 - In case of uniform circular motion, the acceleration is

Variable in magnitude but constant in direction

126 - In electronics what comes under tank circuit ?

Capacity and inductance

127 - In general, which is the cause of a sea breeze?

Specific heat

128 - In MRI machine, which one of the following is used?

Magnetic wave

129 - In nuclear reactor, heavy water is used as


130 - In order to make an electromagnet you need a

All of the above

131 - In quantum mechanics a particle is represented by a

Wave packet

132 - In the absence of ozone layer, which rays will enter into atmosphere?


133 - In very cold countries alcohol is used as a thermometric liquid because

Its freezing point is very low

134 - In which of the following industries is mica as a raw material?


135 - In which region of electromagnetic spectrum does the Lyman series of hydrogen atom lie ?


136 - Infrasonic sound has a frequency lower than

20 Hz

137 - Instrument used to measure the force and velocity of the wind is


138 - It is easier for a man to swim in sea water, than in river water because

The density of sea water is more than the density of river water

139 - Kepler's law of planetary motion states that the square of the time period is proportional to the

Cube of the semi-major axis

140 - Knot is a measure of

The speed of ship

141 - Large astronomical telescopes always use as objective

combinations of lenses

142 - Light Emitting Diodes (LED) is used in fancy electronic devices such as toys emit

visible light

143 - Light from Sun reaches Earth in approximately

8 minutes

144 - Light travels at the fastest speed in:


145 - Liquids and gases never show

Ferromagnetic property

146 - Lux is the SI unit of

intensity of illumination

147 - Magnetic field lines about a current-carrying wire

Circle the wire in closed loops

148 - Magnifying Glass is basically a

Convex lens

149 - Materials for rain proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to

Surface tension

150 - Materials for rain-proof coats and tents owe their water-proof properties to

surface tension

151 - Mercury is commonly used as a thermometric fluid rather than water because

mercury has greater visibility than water

152 - Microphone is a device which transforms the

Sound signal into current signal

153 - Modem is used mostly for ?

Connecting to internet

154 - Mud houses are cooler in summers and warmer in winters as compared to brick houses because

Mud is a bad conductor

155 - Name the process by which bubbles from liquid are formed?


156 - Negative acceleration is in the opposite direction of:


157 - Negative feedback in amplifiers

Increases bandwidth and decreases noise

158 - No current will flow between two charged bodies if they have the same


159 - Number of lattices in the orthorhombic system is


160 - Oil raise up the wick in a lamp. The principle involves

capillary action phenomenon

161 - On a clean glass plate a drop of water spreads to form a thin layer whereas a drop of mercury remains almost spherical because

Cohesion of mercury is greater than its adhesion with glass

162 - On a rainy day, small oil films on water show brilliant colours. This is due to


163 - One billionth of a second is called


164 - One should not connect a number of electrical appliances to the same power socket because

this can damage the domestic wiring due to overloading

165 - Optical fibre works on the

total internal reflection

166 - Optical fibre works on which of the following principle of light?

Total internal reflection

167 - Out of the following pairs, choose the pair in which the physical quantities do not have identical dimension?

Impulse and moment of force

168 - Out of the following pairs, which one does not have identical dimension?

Moment of inertia and moment of a force

169 - Out of the following, which is not emitted by radioactive substance?


170 - Outside of cooking utensils are generally left black from below because

Black surface is a good absorber of heat.

171 - Ozone layer above the surface of Earth provides a shield against

Ultra-violet rays

172 - 'Parsec' is the unit measurement of

Astronomical distance

173 - Pick out the scalar quantity


174 - Planck's constant has the dimensions of :


175 - Point A is at a lower electrical potential than point B. An electron between them on the line joining them will

Move towards B

176 - Q = mcdT refers to

Specific Heat formula

177 - Quality of a musical note depends on

Harmonics present

178 - RADAR is used for:

detecting and locating the position of objects such as Aeroplanes.

179 - Radio waves sent out by a radio stations are reflected by


180 - Radiocarbon dating technique is used to estimate the age of


181 - Railway tracks are banked on curves

necessary centripetal force may be obtained from the horizontal component of the weight of the train

182 - Rain drops acquire spherical shape due to

Surface tension

183 - Rectifiers are used to convert:

Alternating current to Direct current

184 - Red is used as an emergency or danger signal as

Its wavelength is the longest

185 - Rocket works on the principle of

Newton's Third Law

186 - Rotameter is used to measure

Flow of fluids

187 - Safety fuse wire used in domestic electrical appliances is made of metal of low

Melting point

188 - Second and third class levers are differentiated by

The location of the load

189 - Sending a frame to a group of stations is known as


190 - Siphon will fail to work if

The level of the liquid in the two vessels are at the same height

191 - Slip rings are usually made of

Phosphor Bronze

192 - Soap bubble attains spherical shape due to ________

Surface tension

193 - Solids have definite shapes.This is because

The forces of cohesion are very large

194 - Sound following a flash of lightning is called


195 - Sound travels at the fastest speed in


196 - Sound waves do not show the phenomenon of


197 - Speed of sound is maximum in which among the following?


198 - Speed of sound is the greatest in :


199 - Sprayer functions on

Bernouli's principle

200 - Stars appear twinkling because of ......... of light.


201 - Stars are held together by

Gravitational forces

202 - Stars in the sky appear to twinkle due to

A series of refractions

203 - Stationary wave is formed by

Two waves of same frequency travelling in the opposite direction

204 - Steam at 100°C causes more severe burns than water at 100°C because

Steam has latent heat of vaporisation

205 - Sun appears red in colour at sunrise and sunset due to

That all other colours scatter away except red

206 - Superconductors are substances which

offer no resistance to the flow of electricity

207 - Supercooling is cooling of liquid ________

Below freezing point

208 - Tap water is placed in an open pad and allowed to evaporate. After some time the temperature of water

Decreases slightly

209 - The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves

Capillary action phenomenon

210 - The amount of matter in a ball of steel is its :


211 - The atmosphere is heated mainly by


212 - The Capacity of a communication channel is measured in

Band width

213 - The capacity of a water heater is measured in

Both A & B

214 - The coil wire in the electric room heater or electric cooking heater is called ________


215 - The colour of sky appears blue due to

Scattering of shorter wave lengths

216 - The colours of stars depend on their


217 - The complete form of 'IC' in electronics is

Integrated circuit

218 - The composition of electrician solder is

Lead-37%, tin-63%

219 - The device used to change the speed of an electric fan is


220 - The device which transfer the signal from low resistance region to high resistance region is


221 - The dimension MLT2 corresponds to


222 - The direction of heat flow between two objects depends on

Their temperatures

223 - The distance between node and adjacent antinode is 30 cm. The wavelength is

60 cm.

224 - The domain theory of magnetism applies to


225 - The earth is a

Good absorber and good radiator of heat

226 - The electrical domestic tube light gives white fluorescent light because of

Falling of ultra violet rays on the white inner coating of the tube

227 - The energy emitted by the Sun is due to

Nuclear fusion

228 - The energy of a photon varies directly with its


229 - The fact that the planets move around the Sun, not in circles but in ellipses, was first demonstrated by

Johannes Kepler

230 - The fact that two large ships travelling on close parallel courses in the same direction tend to move towards each other can be explained by

Bernoulli's principle

231 - The force that binds the neutrons and protons in a nucleus is called as:

Strong Nuclear Force

232 - The force that generates wind is

Pressure gradient force

233 - The frequency of direct current is ________


234 - The frequency used in TV and radar system lies in


235 - The function of ball bearings in a wheel is :

To increase friction

236 - The fuse in an electric circuit is connected in

Series with live

237 - The humidity of the air depends upon

All of the above

238 - The intensity ratio of waves is 25 : 9. What is the ratio of their amplitudes?


239 - The Laser is a beam of radiations which are

Coherent and monochromatic

240 - The lift of an aeroplane is caused by

Bernouli's theorem

241 - The light of distant stars is affected by

Both A & B

242 - The material used in electric heater is


243 - The material used in the fabrication of a transistor is


244 - The motion of a body around a circular path is an example of

Uniform velocity, variable acceleration

245 - The motion of a body that repeats itself after a regular interval of time is

A periodic motion

246 - The number of waves per second in a sound is called ________ of that sound.


247 - The oldest type of energy known to man is

Geothermal energy

248 - The p wave of a normal Electrocardiogram indicates

Atrial depolarization

249 - The paramagnetic theory of magnetism applies to


250 - The part of the eye having the largest refractive index is :


251 - The pitch of sound depends on its


252 - The pressure exerted by a 760 mm column of mercury at 0°C is known as

1 pascal

253 - The purpose of choke in tube light is

Induce high voltage

254 - The quantity that is not conserved in an inelastic collision is

Kinetic Energy

255 - The ringing of an electric bell in an enclosed evacuated glass bell jar is not heard outside because

There is no air or any other gas in the bell jar

256 - The rotational effect of a force on a body about an axis of rotation is described in terms of

Moment of force

257 - The safest hammers are those with heads that are

Alloy and drop-forged steel

258 - The shape of our milky way galaxy is


259 - The size of gear is usually specified by

Pitch circle diameter

260 - The Solar energy produced by

Fusion reaction

261 - The source of the Sun's energy is the process of

Nuclear fusion

262 - The sparkling of a diamond is due to

Total internal reflection of light

263 - The speed of light in air is

3 × 108 m/s

264 - The speed of sound in air depends on


265 - The speed of sound travel fastest through


266 - The spoon dropped by an astronaut in a satellite will

Continue to follow the motion of the satellite

267 - The substance which conducts current in the solid state is


268 - The surface tension of water on adding detergent to it


269 - The temperature at which water boils depends mainly on

Air Pressure

270 - The temperature of a liquid is 32° F. What is its temperature in Celsius scale?

0° C

271 - The term ''Isoneph' indicates the lines of equal


272 - The three famous law of Kepler is related to

Planetary Motion

273 - The threshold frequency is the frequency below which :

Photo electric emission is not possible

274 - The unit for measuring electric power is the


275 - The unit of electrical power is


276 - The unit of noise pollution (level) is :


277 - The velocity of falling rain drops attains a terminal value because of

Viscous force exerted by air

278 - The velocity of sound in air

Decreases with decrease of temperature

279 - The wall of a dam is made thicker at the bottom than at the top because the pressure exerted by the water on the wall

Increases with depth of the wall

280 - The washing machine works on the principle of


281 - The wave like properties of electrons are useful in

Magnifying objects

282 - The weight of a body acts through the centre of


283 - The word ''insolation' means

Incoming solar radiation

284 - The work done by the string of a simple pendulum during one complete oscillation is equal to


285 - The working of the quartz crystal in the watch is based on the

Piezo - electric Effect

286 - Through which light cannot pass?


287 - To convert temperature from Celcius to Kelvin scale, you must ________ the given temperature.

Add 273

288 - Total number of colours exists in sunlight


289 - Tungsten is used for the manufacture of the filament of an electric bulb, because

It has a very high melting point

290 - Two metallic plate of equal thickness and coefficient thermal conductivity K1 and K2 put together face to face. A common plate is constructed. What is equivalent K?


291 - Two metallic wires made from copper have same length but the radius of wire 1 is half of that of wire 2. The resistance of wire 1 is R. If both the wires are joined together in series, the total resistance becomes


292 - Two rods, one of copper and other of steel, experience the same upthrust when placed in water.Thus, both have

Equal volume

293 - Ultrasound devices operate with minimum frequency from


294 - Vegetables are cooked in lesser time by adding a pinch of salt while cooking because

Boiling point of water increases

295 - Vehicles use ________ to see the objects coming from behind.

Convex lens

296 - Water drops cannot stick to the oily surface due to

Surface tension

297 - Water from soil enters into the root hairs owing to :

Capillary pressure

298 - Water is not suitable as a calorimetric substance because it :

Has high specific heat

299 - Water is used in car radiator because of its

High specific heat capacity

300 - Water pipes in hilly areas often burst on a cold frosty night, because

Water in the pipes freezes and on freezing water expands, so pipes break

301 - We always see the same face of the moon, because

It takes equal time for revolution around the earth and rotation on its own axis

302 - What apparatus is used to locate a submerged object?


303 - What factors contribute to global winds?

All of the above

304 - What is the direction of torque?

Perpendicular to the direction of applied force

305 - What is the force of attraction between any two bodies by virtue of their masses is called?

Gravitational Force

306 - What is the full form of "RADAR" ?

Radio Detecting and Ranging

307 - What is the full form of ''AM' regarding radio broadcasting?

Amplitude Modulation

308 - What is the fundamental unit of amount of a substance?


309 - What is the name of the device used to convert alternating current into direct current ?


310 - What is the other name of Galileo's law of falling bodies?

Newton's first law

311 - What is the phenomenon which established the transverse nature of light ?


312 - What is the principle of a ''Life Jacket"?

It increases the volume of the person to keep him afloat

313 - What is the process of conversion of solid state directly to gaseous state called?


314 - What is the SI unit of Power?


315 - What is the size of Electron as comapared to Proton and Neutron?


316 - What is the unit of Magnetic Induction?


317 - What is the unit of relative density?

It has no unit

318 - What is the unit of the physical quantity "Jerk"?

Meter per second cube

319 - What is the wavelength of visible spectrum ?

3900 A° 7600 A°

320 - What part of the atom has a positive charge?


321 - What should a person on a freely rotating turn table do to decrease his (angular) speed ?

Spread his hands outwards

322 - What type of force acts on a car moving around a curve?

Centripetal force

323 - What type of simple machine is an axe?

Both A & B

324 - When a bar magnet is cut into two equal halves, the pole strength of each piece

Remains the same

325 - When a barometer is rising air pressure is


326 - When a barometer reading suddenly recedes, it indicates that climate

Will be extremely stormy

327 - When a bottle of scent is kept open in a corner of a room its odour is felt in all parts of the room. This is due to the phenomenon of :


328 - When a light wave is reflected from a mirror, there is a change in its


329 - When a number of resistors are connected in series in a circuit, the value of current:

Remains the same

330 - When a pail of water is swung in a vertical circle, the water does not fall out at the top of the loop when the speed is

Above a certain minimum value irrespective of amount of water in the pail

331 - When a piece of stone is immersed in water, it displaces water of equal


332 - When a ring of metal is heated what happens to its hole ?


333 - When a running car stops suddenly, the passengers tends to lean forward because of:

Inertia of motion

334 - When a stone is thrown in the calm water of a pond the waves produced on the surface of water in the pond are


335 - When a vibrating tuning fork is placed on a table, a loud sound is heard. This is due to :

Forced vibrations

336 - When an atom loses an electron it becomes

Positive ion

337 - When an electric bulb breaks, there is an explosive sound. That is due to

The air outside rushing in to fill the vacuum inside the bulb

338 - When an unbalanced force acts on an object

All of the above

339 - When hot liquid is poured into a thick glass tumbler, it cracks because glass :

Is a bad conductor of heat so only inner surface expands

340 - When number of turns in a coil is trippled, without any change in the length of coil, its self inductance becomes?

Nine times

341 - When pressure is increased the melting point of ice


342 - When temperature difference between liquid and its surroundings is doubled, the rate of loss of heat will:


343 - When the main switch of the house is put off it disconnects the

Live wire and the neutral wire

344 - When white light passes through a glass prism we get a spectrum on the other side of the prism. In the emergent beam the ray which is deviated least is

The red ray

345 - Where are mesons found ?

Cosmic rays

346 - Where does hydroelectric energy come from?


347 - Where should a boat compass be mounted?

Away from electrical wiring

348 - Which Color has the Longest Wavelength?


349 - Which colour has the highest energy?


350 - Which colour of light shows maximum deviation when passed through a prism ?


351 - Which conservation principle is applicable in the case of the motion of a rocket?

Conservation of momentum

352 - Which is best used as a sound absorbing material in partition walls ?

Glass - wool

353 - Which is the point from where an azimuth originates?


354 - Which law relates to the ideal gas law?

P1V1 = P2V2

355 - Which layer of the earth's atmosphere reflect back the radio waves to the earth's surface ?


356 - Which liquid is the most viscous?


357 - Which measurement describes the pressure of a gas?

450 mm Hg

358 - Which metal is the best conductor of heat?


359 - Which of the following has the lowest frequency?

Visible light

360 - Which of the following instrument is used to measure Soil Water Tension?


361 - Which of the following is a compound machine?


362 - Which of the following is a device designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes?

Surge protector

363 - Which of the following is a good conductor of heat but a bad conductor of electricity ?


364 - Which of the following is an example for cantilever beam?


365 - Which of the following is an example of simple harmonic motion?

Simple pendulum motion

366 - Which of the following is arranged in order of decreasing conductivity?

Silver, Copper, Aluminium, Steel

367 - Which of the following is not a part of a CRT ?

Gas plasma

368 - Which of the following is not a transverse wave?

Sound waves

369 - Which of the following is not an aerosol?


370 - Which of the following is not true about X-rays?

Have low penetrating power

371 - Which of the following is the cleanest source of energy?

Wind energy

372 - Which of the following liquids has the least density ?


373 - Which of the following metals is used for the manufacture of heating elements provided in electric iron ?


374 - Which of the following pairs of physical quantities have the same dimensions?

Work and Energy

375 - Which of the following phenomenon helps to conclude that light is a transverse wave?


376 - Which of the following properties is found only in ferromagnetic materials ?


377 - Which of the following represents a relation for ''heat lost = heat gained'?

Principle of calorimetry

378 - Which of the following supports particle nature of photons ?

Photoelectric effect

379 - Which of the following waves cannot be polarised?


380 - Which of the metals has the maximum thermal conductivity?


381 - Which of these liquids has the highest viscosity?


382 - Which of these travels in glass with minimum velocity ?

Violet light

383 - Which one is not a part of Kepler's Law?

Law of speed

384 - Which one is the unit of surface tension of a liquid

Electron volt /cm2

385 - Which one of the following determines the sharpness of image in a camera ?

The aperture

386 - Which one of the following has the highest value of specific heat?


387 - Which one of the following instruments is used to study dispersion of light ?


388 - Which one of the following is responsible for the working of Newton's colour disc experiment ?

Persistence of vision

389 - Which one of the following is the value of one nanometer?

10-7 cm

390 - Which tube used to produce X-ray?

Coolidge tube

391 - Who discovered X-ray?

Wilhelm Roentgen

392 - Who gave black hole theory?

Stephen Hawking

393 - Who indirectly determined the mass of the electron by measuring the charge of the electron?


394 - Who was the first scientist to discover Electrons?

J.J Thompson

395 - Why do birds not have respiratory trouble at the time of flying at high altitude ?

They have extra air sacs

396 - Why does ice covered in sawdust not melt quickly ?

Sawdust is a bad conductor of heat

397 - Woollen cloth protects the body from cold because

It is a poor conductor of heat

398 - Working of safety fuses depends upon (01) magnetic effect of the current (02) chemical effect of the current (03) magnitude of the current (04) heating effect of the current. Select the correct answer using the code given below.

3 and 4 only

399 - Xrays are

Neutral particles

400 - X-rays region lies between

Gamma-rays and ultraviolet region


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