Physics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 3

1 - ________ states that internal energy is a function of state and the increase in internal energy is equal to the sum of the heat supplied to system and work done by the system.

First law of thermodynamics

2 - . . . . . . . . . exerts a force on anything that has an electric charge.

Electric field

3 - 1 WH =

3600 joules

4 - A balloon filled with hydrogen will

Reach a particular height and remain floating

5 - A black body can absorb radiations of :

All wavelengths

6 - A boat loaded with rocks floats in the middle of a swimming pool. A man in the boat throws the rocks overboard. The level of water in the pool will


7 - A body absorbs heat most if it is

Black and rough

8 - A body of 4.0 kg is lying at rest. Under the action of a constant force, it gains a speed of 5 m/s. The work done by the force will be ________

50 J

9 - A body of mass 2 kg is thrown upward with initial velocity of 20 m/s. After 2 seconds, its kinetic energy will be : (g = 10 m/s2)

0 J

10 - A body of mass 5 kg accelerates from 12 m/s to 20 m/s in 4 seconds due to the application of a force on it. Calculate the magnitude of this force (in N).


11 - A boy sitting in an open car moving with the constant speed throws a ball straight up into the air. The ball falls

Behind him

12 - A capillary tube is partially dipped vertically in a vessel containing water. Due to capillarity water rises in the tube. The height of water rise in the tube can be increased by

Decreasing the radius of the capillary tube

13 - A car accelerates uniformly from 18 kmph to 72 kmph in 5 s. The acceleration of the car (in m/s2) is:


14 - A convex mirror of focal length f (in air) is immersed in a liquid (u=4/3). The focal length of the mirror in the liquid will be :


15 - A device which is used to limit the current in an electrical circuit is called a


16 - A dynamometer wattmeter can be used for

Both A & B

17 - A fresh egg when placed in salt water will


18 - A galvanometer can be converted to a voltmeter by connecting

A high resistance in series

19 - A liquid disturbed by stirring comes to rest due to


20 - A man standing at the top of a tower has two spheres A and B. He drops sphere A downwards and throws sphere B horizontally at the same time. Which of the following is correct ?

Both the spheres will reach the ground simultaneously.

21 - A man standing on a edge of a cliff throws a stone vertically upwards with a certain speed. He then throws another stone downwards with the same speed. Find the ratio of the speeds of the two stones when they hit the ground.


22 - A manometer is used to measure


23 - A mass of 20 kg is at a height of 8 m above the ground. Then the potential energy possessed by the body is: [Given g = 9.8 m/s2]

1568 J

24 - A metal ball and a rubber ball, both having the same mass, strike a wall normally with the same velocity. The rubber ball rebounds and the metal ball does not rebound. It can be concluded that

The rubber ball suffers greater change in momentum

25 - A mirage occurs because of

Total internal reflection by layers of air

26 - A multimeter is used to measure

All of the above

27 - A nuclear reactor is said to have become 'critical' when

It is ready to produce controlled energy

28 - A parachute descends slowly whereas a stone dropped from the same height falls rapidly, because

A parachute has a larger surface area and air resistance is more

29 - A parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance C1 is made using two gold plates. Another parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance C2 is made using two aluminium plates with same plate separation, and all the four plates are of same area. If rg and ra are respec

C1 = C2

30 - A parallel-plate capacitor,with air in between the plates, has capacitance C. Now the space between the two plates of the capacitor is filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant 7. Then the value of the capacitance will become


31 - A periscope works by the principle of

Total internal reflection

32 - A periscope works on the principle of

Total internal reflection

33 - A person does some work of 1,000 J in 2 s. His power will be ________


34 - A photostat machine works on

Electrostatic image making

35 - A piece of ice is floating in water kept in a beaker. When all the ice melts the level of water will

Remain the same

36 - A pond of water appears less deep due to


37 - A radioactive substance does not undergo any change (in mass or charge) during


38 - A real gas can act as an ideal gas in

Low pressure and high temperature

39 - A simple microscope consists of :

A short focus convex lens

40 - A small piece of a substance is weakly attracted by a strong magnetic field. The substance is


41 - A solid needle placed horizontally on the surface of the water floats due to

Surface tension of water

42 - A standing wave occurs when

A wave reflects upon itself

43 - A storm is predicted if atmospheric pressure

Falls suddenly

44 - A thin oil film on a water surface appears coloured because of


45 - A wave with high amplitude have

High energy

46 - According to the Second Law of Motion, for a given force, acceleration is inversely proportional to the ________ of an object.


47 - Addition of suitable impurities into semiconductor, is called


48 - After reflection from a plane mirror the word will look like.


49 - After removing two electrons from helium atom it become?

Alpha particle

50 - Air moves from the region where the air ________

Pressure is high to the region where the pressure is low

51 - Alcohol is more volatile than water because ________ is lower than water.

Its boiling point

52 - Alternating current is converted into direct current by a


53 - Amount of water vapour (gaseous) in a given volume of air (cubic metre) is known as:

Absolute humidity

54 - An athlete runs before long jump to get advantage on

Inertia of motion

55 - An atom bomb based upon the principle of ________

Nuclear fission

56 - An ice block with a piece of lead embeded in it floats in water. If ice melts the water level


57 - An image formed by a plane mirror, that cannot be obtained on a screen is called ________

Virtual image

58 - An instrument that records earthquakes is


59 - An integrated circuit is more advantages than a coventional circuit because

All the above

60 - An object covers distance which is directly proportional to the square of the time. Its accelaration is


61 - An object of 10 kg is moving with a speed of 2 m/s. The kinetic energy of the object is

20 J

62 - An object that has kinetic energy must be


63 - An optically plane surface reflects a beam of light

As a parallel beam in one direction

64 - Anemometer is used to measure

Wind velocity

65 - As we go from Equator to North pole the value of ''g', the acceleration due to gravity


66 - At the Curie temperature, the ferromagnetic materials get converted into

Paramagnetic materials

67 - Ball bearings are used in cycles, scooters etc to

Reduce the friction between the wheel and the axle

68 - Buoyancy depends on

The mass of the liquid displaced

69 - Burns caused by steam are much severe than those caused by boiling water because

Steam has latent heat

70 - Certain substances loose their electrical resistance completely at super low temperature. Such substances are called.


71 - Charles's law is based on


72 - Choose the most appropriate answer: Sir CV Raman was awarded Noble Prize for his work connected with which of the following phenomenon of radiation?


73 - Circuit breaker usually operate under

Transient state of short-circuit current

74 - Clouds float in the atmosphere because of their

Low density

75 - Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights, because clouds mainly

Reflect back the heat given by earth

76 - Convex mirror is generally used in ________

Rear view mirror

77 - Convex mirrors are used as a rear view mirror in motor cycles because

It forms smaller image as compared with object

78 - During the motion of a projectile fired from the earth surface, ________

Horizontal component of its velocity remains constant

79 - Eddy current is generated by


80 - Energy in reflected light :

Increases with the increase in angle

81 - Erg cross Sec is the unit of

Planck's constant

82 - Even after sunset, the air near the Earth's surface continue to receive heat due to

Terrestrial Radiation

83 - Fiber optics cable used in communication, works on the principle of

Total internal reflection of light

84 - Flywheel is an important part of a steam engine because it :

Helps the engine in keeping the speed uniform

85 - Fog is an example of

Liquid dispersed in gas

86 - For a body moving with non-uniform velocity and uniform acceleration

Displacement – Time graph is non-linear

87 - For a body moving with uniform acceleration its final velocity equals ________

2 x average velocity - initial velocity

88 - For a freely falling body, the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy is always


89 - For Gamma radiation, what stops its penetrating abilities?

All of the above

90 - For which of the following substances, the resistance decreases with increase in temperature?


91 - Formation of shadows can be explained by

Rectilinear propagation of light

92 - Friction is caused by the ________ on the two surfaces in contact.


93 - Full form of CFL used in place of electric bulbs is

Compact fluorescent lamp

94 - Gamma rays are emissions that have

Neither mass nor charge

95 - General purpose utility gloves are

For cleaning procedures

96 - Gravitational force is maximum at which place


97 - Heat flows as a result of difference of ________


98 - Heat from the Sun reaches the Earth by


99 - Heat stored in water vapour is

Latent heat

100 - Heat transfer by conduction occurs when molecules


101 - Hertz is the SI unit of


102 - Hydraulic brakes in automobile work on

Pascal's principle

103 - Hydraulic brakes work on the principle of

Pascal's law

104 - Hydraulic machines work under the Principle of :

Pascal's Law

105 - Hydroscope is an instrument that shows changes in:

None of these

106 - If a copper wire is increased to double its length, its resistance will become

Four times

107 - If an ordinary glass tube and a glass capillary tube are both dipped in a beaker of water, water rises in


108 - If both the mass and the velocity of a body is increased to twice of their magnitude, the kinetic energy will increase by

8 times

109 - If objects appear enlarged and inverted in a rear view mirror, then which type of mirror is used?


110 - If the current flowing through a circuit is 0.6 A for 6 mins, the amount of electric charge flowing through it is ________

216 C

111 - If the phase difference between two points is 120° for a wave with velocity of 360 m/s and frequency 500 Hz, then path difference between the two points is

24 cm

112 - If the velocity of a body is halved its kinetic energy ________

Becomes 1/4 th

113 - If there is a circular hole in a metal plate, what happens to the radius of the hole when the plate is heated?


114 - If you look into a mirror and find that the image (your reflection) is smaller than you, then the type of the mirror is:

Convex mirror

115 - In ________ motion of a body its velocity varies with time.


116 - In a ________ the wave particles of the medium vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation


117 - In a bipolar junction transistor

The base has the least concentration of impurity

118 - In a Carnot engine when heat is taken from the source, its temperature

Remains constant

119 - In a Cinema hall, the distance between the projector and the screen is increased by 2%. Then the intensity of illumination on the screen is

Decreased by 4%

120 - In a conductor

The valence band and the conduction band overlap each other

121 - In a water lifting electric pump, we convert

Electrical energy into Potential energy

122 - In an optical fibre the signal is transmitted

Due to total internal reflection

123 - In SONAR which kind of wave is used?


124 - In spherical polar coordinates (l, q, a), q denotes the polar angle around z-axis and a denotes the azimuthal angle raised from x-axis . Then the y-component of P is given by

Psinq sina

125 - In the case of bodies falling under gravity which of the following remains constant at a given place?


126 - In the gamma decay of a nucleus

Neither the mass number nor the atomic number of the nucleus changes

127 - In the process of magnetisation of a bar

The entire bulk of the bar gets magnetised

128 - In total internal reflection, the light travel from

Denser to rarer medium and it occurs with no loss of intensity

129 - In uniform circular motion, the linear velocity is perpendicular to

Radius vector

130 - In which of the following cases, kinetic energy is being used in performing work ?

Driving a car to cover a distance

131 - In which one of the following the phenomenon of total internal reflection of light is used ?

Formation of mirage

132 - Indicate the false statement about the resistance of a wire

It is directly proportional to the area of cross-section of wire

133 - Instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean is called ________


134 - Intensity of gravitational field of earth is maximum at


135 - Intensity of sound has

an object existence

136 - Isotopes of an element contain

the same number of protons but different number of neutrons

137 - It is dangerous to observe Solar eclipse with naked eyes because

Ultraviolet radiations from Sun burn our retina

138 - It is difficult to cook rice

At the top of a mountain

139 - It is easier to roll a barrel full of coal tar than to pull it because

the rolling friction is much less than the sliding friction

140 - It is easy to burst a gas-filled balloon with a needle than with a nail. It is because

Needle exerts more pressure than nail on the balloon.

141 - Kinetic energy depends on

Both mass and velocity of the moving body

142 - Kirchoff's Voltage Law is known as

Conservation Energy

143 - Light beam which is highly directional is called:


144 - Light houses are places with powerful lights to :

Guide and warn the ships coming from different directions in the ocean

145 - Light scattering takes place in

Colloidal solutions

146 - Light travels fastest in


147 - Light travels in a straight line (rectilinear propagation of light). This statement does hold if the medium of travel for light is

Homogeneous and transparent

148 - Light travels slowest in


149 - Lightning heats the surrounding air to

30000 deg Cent

150 - Mach number is used in connection with the speed of


151 - Magnetic domains normally occur in


152 - Materials that allow electricity to flow are called


153 - Mica is used in electrical appliances such as electric iron because mica is

a good conductor of heat but a bad conductor of electricity

154 - Minimum number of unequal vectors which can give zero resultant are


155 - ML2T-2 is the dimensional formula for

couple acting on a body

156 - Natural radioactivity was discovered by

Henri Becquerel

157 - Night photography and photopraphy in mist and fog are possible using

Infra-red radiation

158 - Nuclear Reactors are based on which of the following phenomenon?

Controlled Nuclear Fission

159 - Nuclear reactors used to produce electricity are based on

Nuclear fission

160 - Oil rises up the wick in a lamp because

Of the capillary action phenomenon

161 - On a stationary sail boat, air is blown from a fan attached to the boat. The boat

does not move

162 - On which of the following techniques photostate machine works ?

Electrostatic Image—Making

163 - On which principle does the hydraulic lift works?

Pascal's law

164 - One bar is equal to

105 Pa

165 - One light year is equal to

6 trillion miles

166 - One nanometer is equal to ________ meters.

10 raised to the power (-9)

167 - One nanometer is equal to:


168 - Optic fibres are used in :


169 - Optical fibres are based on the phenomenon of

Total Internal Reflection

170 - Parabolic mirrors are used in

Car headlights

171 - Parsec is the unit of


172 - Person who is colourblind cannot distinguish between

Red and green

173 - Photosynthesis takes place faster in

White light

174 - Planets are

non-luminous heavenly bodies

175 - Pressure Cooker cooks faster because

Higher temperature is attained for cooking

176 - Purity of a metal can be determined with the help of

Archimedes principle

177 - Purpose of an optical filter is to

Transmit or absorb light of different colours

178 - Quality of transmission depends upon

Both (A) and (B)

179 - RADAR is used for

Detecting and locating the position of objects such as Aeroplanes

180 - Radioactive elements can be traced out in living cell through a technique called

Auto radiography

181 - Radioactivity is due to

Unstable nucleus

182 - Rain is falling vertically downwards. To a man running east-wards, the rain will appear to be coming from


183 - Rainbow is due to

refraction and reflection of sunlight by water droplets

184 - Rainbow is produced when sunlight fall on drops of rain. Which of the following physical phenomena are responsible for this? I.Diffusion II.Refraction III.Internal reflection

II and III

185 - Rainbow is seen after rain because of hanging molecules of water which act as


186 - Rate of change of displacement is known as ________


187 - Rate of change of momentum is


188 - Rear view mirror of car is convex or concave?


189 - Rolling friction is caused by ________

Non-elastic effects

190 - Scalar Quantities are

Physical quantities which have magnitude only and no direction

191 - Shaving mirror is


192 - Shock-absorbers are usually made of steel as it :

Has higher elasticity

193 - Should cars have bumpers that collapse under impact?

Yes, since they help to absorb the impact of a collision and keep the occupants safe

194 - Sir C.V. Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for his work connected with which of the following phenomenon of radiation?


195 - Skids occur when the brakes are applied so hard that the front or rear wheels lose traction are called as


196 - Solar eclipse will take place when

the moon is between the sun and the earth

197 - Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during


198 - Solar energy is due to

Fusion reactions

199 - Sound cannot pass through


200 - Sound travels fastest in


201 - Sound waves cannot travel in


202 - Sound waves cannot travel through


203 - Speed in a given direction is called


204 - Speed of light is maximum in ________


205 - Speed of sound in air is unaffected by change in


206 - Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are double when seen through a telescope are


207 - Stress can be defined as ________ quantity.


208 - Super conductors are substances that

Offer minimum resistance to flow of electric current

209 - Supersonic plane fly with the speed

greater than the speed of sound

210 - Surface tension in a liquid is due to :

Cohesive force between molecules

211 - Tape recorder should not be kept near one of the following things :


212 - The angle between the ________ and the incident ray is called the angle of incidence.


213 - The apparent weight of a man in a lift is less the real weight when :

The lift is going down with an acceleration

214 - The atmospheric air is held to the Earth by :


215 - The blue colour of sky is due to

Scattering of shorter wavelengths of sunlight in the atmosphere

216 - The boiling point of liquids vary as

Pressure varies

217 - The boiling point of water depends upon the

Atmospheric pressure

218 - The commonly used coolant in refrigerators is


219 - The component used for tuning a radio is basically a variable


220 - The cover of a solar cooker is made of glass because

It retains the heat inside by the green house effect

221 - The damage of the human body due to radiation (X-rays or gamma rays etc) is measured in :


222 - The device used to convert solar energy into electricity is

Photovoltaic cell

223 - The device which converts AC to DC is


224 - The device which converts sound energy into electrical energy is called


225 - The dimension of which of the following is the same as that of impulse ?


226 - The dimensional formula ML–1T–2 corresponds to

Modulus of elasticity

227 - The energy obtained from atoms is known as ________

Nuclear energy

228 - The energy stored in a watch spring is

Potential energy

229 - The energy that generates wind comes from what source?

Solar radiation

230 - The filament of electric bulb is made up of :


231 - The first law of thermodynamics is simply the case of

The law of conservation of energy

232 - The focal length of a concave mirror with a radius of curvature of 20.0 cm is :

10 cm

233 - The following particles move with same kinetic energy. Which of them has maximum momentum ?

Alpha Particle

234 - The force exerted on an object is 200 N and its mass is 100 kg. Find the acceleration of the object.

2 m/sq.s

235 - The force of friction between two surfaces will increase if:

The two surfaces are pressed harder

236 - The freezing point of fresh water is ________ .


237 - The frequency of ultrasound wave is typically

Below 20 kHz

238 - The fundamental scientific principle in the operation of battery is

Dissociation of electrolytes

239 - The ''Greenhouse effect' is mainly due to increase in atmospheric

Carbon dioxide

240 - The height of a geo-stationary satellite from the Earth's surface is approximately :

36,000 km

241 - The Hydraulic Break works on the principle of ________ .

Pascal's Law

242 - The inability of a body to change its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line is called its


243 - The increasing order of the refractive index of certain materials is (left to right) ________

Ice, Kerosene, Benzene, Rock Salt

244 - The information of brilliant colors in a thin soap film is a consequence of the phenomena of

Multiple reflection and interference

245 - The instrument for measuring intensity of earthquakes is called


246 - The instrument that measures and records the relative humidity of air is


247 - The instrument used to measure the speed of the wind is


248 - The instrument used to see the distant objects on the Earth is

Terrestrial telescope

249 - The layer of atmosphere used for radio-wave transmission is


250 - The least penetrating power ray is

Alpha rays

251 - The Length of the Day is determined in

Astronomical units

252 - The locomotion of insects to the source of light is called :


253 - The magnitude of buoyant force depends on the ________ of the fluid.


254 - The magnitude of current flowing between two end points of a conductor is proportional to the potential difference between them and is called as:

Ohms law

255 - The mass of a star is two times the mass of the Sun. How it will come to an end ?

Neutron Star

256 - The mercury and sodium street lamps light up because of :

Atomic emission

257 - The moment of inertia of a body does not depend upon its

Angular velocity

258 - The oil in the wick of an oil lamp rises up due to:

Capillary action

259 - The oil in the wick of lamp rises due to

Pheonomenon of capillarity

260 - The ordinary and maximum tolerance limit of sound by human being is

60 db to 80 db (decibel)

261 - The period of revolution of a certain planet in an orbit of radius R is T. Its period of revolution in an orbit of radius 4R will be:

8 T

262 - The phenomenon of change in direction of light when it passes from one medium to another is called


263 - The phenomenon of light associated with the appearance of blue colour of the sky is


264 - The phenomenon which causes mirage is

Total internal reflection

265 - The pressure of a fluid varies with depth h as P = PQ+pgh, where p is the fluid density. This expression is associated with

Pascal's law

266 - The propagation of sound waves in a gas involves

Adiabatic compression and rarefaction

267 - The quality or tone of a musical sound produced by a stringed instrument depends on

Wave form of the sound

268 - The radiant energy having lowest energy is

Microwave radiation

269 - The rate of flow of electric charge is measured in


270 - The refractive index of a transparent medium is maximum for

Violet light

271 - The resistance of the human body (dry condition) is of the order of

None of these

272 - The reverse effect of X–ray emission is


273 - The S.I. unit of electric charge is :


274 - The sharpness of a television image is termed as its


275 - The sky appears blue because of

Scattering of light

276 - The snow on the mountains does not melt all at once when it is heated by the sun because:

It reflects most of the heat from the sun

277 - The speed of light will be minimum while passing through


278 - The splitting of different colours of light in a prism is :

Disperson of light

279 - The splitting of white light into its components is due to:


280 - The spokes used in the wheel of a bicycle increase its

Moment of inertia

281 - The strength of an electromagnet can be increased by

All of the above

282 - The sudden fall of atmospheric pressure indicates


283 - The swing of a spinning cricket ball in air can be explained on the basis of

Turbulence caused by wind.

284 - The term photon refers to

Sub atomic particle

285 - The theory of relativity is presented by which scientist

Albert Einstein

286 - The type of mirror used in automobiles to see the traffic on the rear side is


287 - The type of mirrors used in the headlamp of cars is

Parabolic concave

288 - The unit of energy in MKS system is


289 - The unit of intensity of electric field is


290 - The unit of magnetic permeability is


291 - The unit of Planck's constant is


292 - The velocity of heat radiation in vacuum is

Equal to that of light

293 - The velocity of sound in moist air is more than in dry air because the moist air has

Less density than dry air.

294 - The velocity of the sound is highest in


295 - The wall of a dam is broader at the base

To withstand pressure that increases with depth

296 - The wavelength at which the peak of intensity of blackbody radiation occurs

Decreases with increase in temperature

297 - The weakest of all fundamental forces is

Gravitational force

298 - The word "Physics" comes from the Greek word


299 - Thermohaline circulation is mainly due to

Cold, dense ocean water sinking and warmer water replacing it

300 - These waves cannot be transmitted through vacuum.


301 - To prevent damage from lightning, lightning conductors are used on tall structures. The lightning conductor

Should be made of a good conductor like copper with sharp-pointed edges

302 - Two electric bulbs marked 25W – 220V and 100W – 220V are connected in series to a 440Vsupply. Which of the bulbs will fuse?

25 W

303 - Two stones of unequal masses are thrown vertically up with the same velocity. Which of the following will happen?

Both will reach the same height

304 - Two vectors are said to be equal if

Both magnitude and direction are same

305 - Unit of impedance is ________


306 - Vehicle tyres are inflated properly

To avoid skidding and to minimise friction

307 - Velocity of sound in air does not change with the change of

Pressure of air

308 - What changes will happen to a bowl of ice and water kept at exactly zero degree Celsius ?

No change will happen

309 - What colour does blue and yellow make?


310 - What device converts light energy to electrical energy?

Photovoltaic cell

311 - What frequency range is the high frequency band?

3 to 30 MHz

312 - What is the gravity of moon as compared to the Earth

1/6 th of Earth

313 - What is the minimum distance (in metres) required to hear an echo?


314 - What is the range of masses involved in the study of Physics?

10-30 kg to 1055 kg

315 - What is the SI unit of electric current?


316 - What is the SI unit of intensity of sound?


317 - What principle/law explains the working of the hydraulic brakes in automobiles ?

Pascal's law

318 - What property of matter is momentum related to?

Both A & B

319 - What type of lens is a magnifying glass?


320 - What will happen if an object is dropped from a height and there is no air resistance?

Its speed will increase

321 - When a ball is thrown vertically upwards, which of the following quantities remains constant during its motion?


322 - When a bottle of perfume is opened in one corner of a room the smell spreads soon throughout the room. This is an example of


323 - When a bullet is fired from a gun

The gun recoils with the same momentum as the bullet

324 - When a card placed over a tumbler is flicked with the finger, the coin placed over it falls in the tumbler.

Law of Inertia

325 - When a piece of pure silicon is doped with aluminium, then

The doped silicon piece will become p-type

326 - When a ship enters the sea from a river

It rises a little

327 - When a steel ball is placed on the surface of mercury, it does not sink because

The density of mercury is greater than that of steel

328 - When a vehicle passes, TV reception gets distorted. This is because

Spark plug creates electromagnetic disturbances

329 - When heated from 0 to 100oC volume of a given mass of water will :

Decrease and then will increase

330 - When the barometer reading dips suddenly, it is an indication of


331 - When the speed of car is doubled, then what will be the braking force of the car to stop it in the same distance ?

Four times

332 - When two semiconductors of p and n-type are brought in contact, they form p-n junction which acts like a/an


333 - When two similar sources vibrate with slightly different frequencies, a regular rise and fall occurs in the loudness of tone. This phenomenon is known as


334 - Where do the electrical charges reside in a charged conductor?

Outer surface of the body

335 - Which among the following determines the pitch of a sound?


336 - Which color deviates highest when passing through a Prism


337 - Which color deviates least when passing through a Prism


338 - Which colour has the highest frequency?


339 - Which component of an IED creates an electrical charge?

Power source

340 - Which determines the frequency of a sound wave?


341 - Which is a correct way to measure wavelength?

Nearest peak to peak

342 - Which is an example of Phototropism?

Plant bending toward the light

343 - Which is evidence that supports the dynamo theory?

Earth's core contains a large amount of iron

344 - Which law is also called law of inertia ?

Newton first law

345 - Which of the following celestial bodies contains abundant quantities of helium-3, a potential source of energy ?


346 - Which of the following circuit elements is used to ''block" DC in an electronic circuit ?


347 - Which of the following device is best suited for measuring the temperature inside metallurgical furnaces?


348 - Which of the following device is used to measure humidity?


349 - Which of the following devices can be used to detect radiant heat ?


350 - Which of the following events occurred first ?

Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory

351 - Which of the following experiments analyzed the Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum?

Bunsen and Kirchhoff's experiment

352 - Which of the following features of a tunnel diode is its drawback?

Instability due to negative resistance

353 - Which of the following group of elements are diamagnetic?

Argon, copper, silver

354 - Which of the following has got more heat capacity ?


355 - Which of the following has the highest frequency?

Cosmic rays

356 - Which of the following has the longest wavelength?

Infrared radiation

357 - Which of the following instruments is used to measure humidity ?

Sling Psychrometer

358 - Which of the following is a renewable source of energy


359 - Which of the following is a result of Surface tension ?

Capillary action

360 - Which of the following is a vector quantity?


361 - Which of the following is indicated by the colour of a star ?


362 - Which of the following is not a form of Energy?


363 - Which of the following is not a vector quantity ?


364 - Which of the following is not a vector quantity?


365 - Which of the following is not an intrusive igneous body?


366 - Which of the following is not caused by atmospheric refraction of light ?

Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is

367 - Which of the following is the fastest communication channel?


368 - Which of the following is the second largest source of global energy?

Renewable Energy

369 - Which of the following is the unit of perceived loudness of sound ?


370 - Which of the following is used to split white light into different colours ?


371 - Which of the following is/are part of the Classical Physics?

Both a and b

372 - Which of the following laws validates the statement that matter can neither be created nor destroyed ?

Law of conservation of mass

373 - Which of the following principle is used to produce ''low-temperatures' ?

Adiabatic demagnetisation

374 - Which of the following produces more severe burns ?


375 - Which of the following scientific discoveries was made by C.V. Raman?

Inelastic scattering of light by molecules

376 - Which one among the following components is used as an amplifying device?


377 - Which one among the following doesn't have any effect on velocity of sound ?


378 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of passage of light in a compound microscope?

Condenser -Objective lens -Body tube -Eyepiece

379 - Which one of the following is used for sun glasses ?

Crooks glass

380 - Which one of the following processes is responsible for the glittering of air bubble rising through water?

Total internal reflection of light

381 - Which one of the following reflects back more sunlight as compared to other three?

Land covered with fresh snow

382 - Which phase change is an example of an exothermic process?

All the above

383 - Which physical quantity is measured in 'siemens'?

Electrical conductance

384 - Which results in an increase in power?

Doing more work in less time.

385 - Which set of conditions represents the easiest way to liquify a gas ?

Low temperature and high pressure

386 - Which sources produce alternating current (AC)?

Hydro-electric generators

387 - Which type of mirror is used in the head lights of vehicles ?

Concave mirror

388 - Which type of radiation has the lowest penetrating ability?


389 - Which, of the following radiations has the least wavelength ?


390 - Who among the following developed the technology of underground nuclear explosion ?

Dr. Homi J. Bhabha

391 - Who among the following is credited for the Corpuscular theory of light?

Isaac Newton

392 - Who among the following is credited to work for the unification of electricity, magnetism and optics field of Physics?

James Clerk Maxwell

393 - Who measured the velocity of light first ?


394 - Why are we able to hear short wave broadcasts better than long wave broadcasts ?

Short waves are more energetic than long waves.

395 - Why does a cannon recoil after firing ?

Newton's third law of motion

396 - Why does bleeding occur through the nose in high mountainous regions ?

The blood pressure of a person increases at high altitudes

397 - Why does water tank appear shallower when viewed from the top?

Due to refraction

398 - Why is it difficult to breathe at higher altitudes?

Due to low air pressure

399 - Why is weightlessness experienced while orbiting the earth in space ships ?

None of these

400 - Work done in a free expansion process is



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