Physics MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 1

1 - ________________ cells converts solar energy into electrical energy


2 - 1024 can be written in scientific notation as


3 - 1st law of motion gives the definition of


4 - 2nd law of motion gives the definition of


5 - 3rd law of motion explains

existence of pair of forces in nature

6 - A body can have consutant velocity when it follows a

rectilinear path

7 - A body in equilibrium

may be at rest or in uniform motion

8 - A body is falling freely under gravity. How much distance it falls during an interval of time between 1st and 2nd seconds of its motion, taking g=10?

14 m

9 - A body is moving with uniform velocity. Its

displacement from origin changes

10 - A body of 2 kg is suspended form the ceiling of an elevator moving up with an acceleration g. Its apparent weight in the elevator will be

39.2 N

11 - A body will be in complete equilibrium when it is satisfying

both Ist and 2nd condition of equilibrium

12 - A central force is that which

can not produce torque

13 - A chimney works works best if air exposed to the chimmey is

moving fast

14 - A convex and concave lens of focal length f are in contact the focal length of the combinations will be


15 - A convex lens acts as a diverging lens if the

both (b) and (c)

16 - A convex lens gives a virtual image only when the objects lies

between principal focus and optical center

17 - A convex lens of focal length f1 and a concave lens of focal length f2 are placed in contact. The focal length of the combination is


18 - A cup of milk is placed in a microwave oven. Tell which statements is false (1) Milk will be heated up only (2) Cup will remain cool (3) Both cup and mild will get hot.


19 - A cyclist cycling around a circular racing track skids because

the centripetal force upon him is greater then limiting friction

20 - A diffraction grating has 500 lines per mm. Its slit spacing or grating element will be equal to

2 x 10-3 mm

21 - A digit zero in a measurement

may be significant may not significant

22 - A field in which the work done in a moving a body along closed path is zero is called

conservative field

23 - A hoop and disc have same mass and radius. Their rotational K.E are related by an equation

K.Ehoop = 2K.Edisc

24 - A lens which converges a beam of parallel rays to a point is called

converging (or convex) lens

25 - A lens, which is thicker at the center and thinner at the edges is called

convex lens

26 - A light ray traveling form rarer to denser medium suffers a phase change of

180 Degree

27 - A man is in a car is moving with velocity of 36km/hr. His speed with repect to the car is


28 - A man lifts vertically a weight of 40kg through 1m in 10s; while a chile lifts vertically a weight of 10kg through a distance of 1m in 1s. What will be correct inference?

child does more work than man

29 - A man of weight W is standing on an elevator which is ascending with an acceleration a. The apparent weight of the man is

mg + ma

30 - A man standing near a fast moving train may fall

towards the train

31 - A point source of light placed in a homogeneous medium gives rise to

a spherical wave front

32 - A point where the incident parallel rays of light converge or appear to diverge after passing through a lens is called


33 - A satellite moving round the earth constitutes

non inertial frame

34 - A simple pendulum has a bob of mass m and its frequency is f. If we replaced the bob with a heavier one say of 2m then that will be its new frequency?

frequency lower than 20 Hz

35 - A simple pendulum suspended form the ceiling of a lift has time period T when the lift is at rest. When the lift falls freely, the time period is


36 - A spectrometer is used to find

all of the above

37 - A stationary wave is set up in the air column of a closed pipe. At the closes end of the pipe

always an node in formed

38 - A stone is whirled in a vertical circle at the end of a string. When the stone is at the highest position the tension in the string is

equal to the weight of the stone

39 - A thing that emits its own light is


40 - A vector can be multiplied by a number. The number may be

all a, b and c are correct

41 - Absolute uncertainty in a measurement depends upon

least count of the instrument

42 - According to Einstein light travels form one place to another in the form of


43 - According to Einstein the gravity interaction is possible between

material objects and electromagnetic radiation only

44 - According to equation of continuity A1V1 = A2V2 = constant. The constant is equal to

flow rate

45 - According to Newton sound travel in air under the conditions of


46 - According to Pascals law the pressure of gas in a vessel is

Same in all direction

47 - Addition of vector obeys

all given laws in a , b and c

48 - Adiabatic process is also called

Isentropic process

49 - An elevator weighing 3.5 x 10-6 N is raised to a height of 1000 m in the absence of friction, the work done is

3.5 x 109 J

50 - An ideal standard of measurement of a base quantity has characteristics

only a and b are correct

51 - Angle between two vectors A and B can be determined by

their dot product

52 - appearance of colour in thin films is due to


53 - Area under velocity time graph represent


54 - At constant temperature the graph between V and 1/P is

A straight lime

55 - At Murree Hills (Assume value of g changes). If we use a simple pendulum as time standard then one second duration will.


56 - At which angle the range of the projectile is maximum

45 Degree

57 - Average translational kinetic energy per molecule of an ideal gas is given by


58 - Beats are the results of

constructive and destructive interference

59 - Bernoullis equation is applicable for

both laminar and turbulent flow

60 - Biomass can be converted into fuels by

both (a) and (b)

61 - Blood vessels are

not rigid

62 - Boltzman constant K in terms of universal gas constant R and Avagadros number Na is give as

K = R/Na

63 - Boyles law helds for ideal gases in

isothermal processes

64 - Burnoullis equation is obtained by applying law of conservation of _


65 - Carburetor of a car is a application of

Both (a) and (b)

66 - Central spot of Newtons rings


67 - Centripetal force performs

no work

68 - Coefficient of viscosity of honey is greater than


69 - Concentration of red cells in blood is about


70 - Critical angle is that incident angle in denser medium for which angle of refraction is

90 Degree

71 - Crystals of a material can behave as

Diffraction grating

72 - Diffarction fringes are

distance between then decreases

73 - Diffraction effect is

more for a sharp edge

74 - Dimension of pressure is


75 - Dimensional analysis is helpful for

only a and b are correct

76 - Dioptre power of an concave lens of 10 cm focal length is

10 dioptre

77 - Dispersional effect may produce error in light signals. This type of error

multimode graded index fibre

78 - Displacement of the body in S.H.M is equal to amplitude when body is at

extreme position

79 - Distance covered by a freely falling body in 2 seconds will be

19.6 m

80 - Doppler effect applies to

both sound and light waves

81 - Drag force is given by

Stokes law

82 - During long jump, athlete runs before taking the jump. By doing so he

increases his momentum

83 - Electrical resonance is observed in


84 - Equation of continuity is obtained by apply in law of conservation of


85 - Errors in the transmission of power through optic fiber can be minimized by using a

Graded index fiber

86 - Final image produced by a compound microscope is

virtual and inverted

87 - Flight of a rocket in the space is an example of

third law of motion

88 - For _________ flow the path of the fluid particles cannot be tracked.


89 - For a gas obeying Boyles law if the pressure is doubled the volume becomes

one half

90 - For a simple pendulum the restoring force is caused by


91 - For normal adjustment, length of astronomical telescope is

fo + fe

92 - For the successful operation of Heat engine which condition should be met.

both (a) and (b)

93 - For which position maximum blood pressure in the body have the smallest value ?

laying horizontally

94 - Forced vibration are known as

driven harmonic vibration

95 - Fundamental frequency of stationary waves in open pipe is ________ times the frequency in closed pipe.


96 - Gas molecules of different masses in the same container have the same average transnational kinetic energy which is directly proportional to their

absolute temperature

97 - Geo-stationary satellite completes one rotation around earth in

24 hours

98 - Geothermal energy is a ____________________ source of energy.


99 - gives the definition of metre in terms of wavelength of red cadmium light


100 - Gravitational P.E of a body has

no general formula

101 - How many days would be in a year if the distance between the earth and the sun were reduced to half of its present value (assuming circular orbit)?

129 days

102 - How many main frontiers of fundamental science?


103 - How many types of units are in SI?


104 - i^ . (j^ x k^) is equal to


105 - Ideal fluid is

possess all properties

106 - If a body a mass of 2 kg is raised vertically through 2m, then the work done will be

39.2 J

107 - If a body of mass 10 kg is allowed to fall freely, its weight becomes


108 - If a car moves with a uniform speed of 2 ms-1 in a circle of radius 0.

4 rad. S-1

109 - If a convex lens of focal length f is cut into two identical halves along the lens diameter the focal length of each half is


110 - If a convex lens of large aperture fails to converge the light rays incident on it to a single point, it is said to suffer from

spherical aberration

111 - If an object is placed away from 2f of a converging lens then the image will be

real and inverted

112 - If east, west, north, south, up and down are representing the direction of unit vectors, then east x south has direction along


113 - If length of second pendulum becomes four times, then its time period will become

two times

114 - If moon radius is 1600 km and g on its surface is 1.6 ms-2 then the escape velocity on the moon is

50.6 ms-1

115 - If stretching force T of wire increases, then its frequency


116 - If the pressure of a given gas is held constant its density is inversely proportional to its absolute temperature. We can refer it as another statement of

Charles law

117 - If the volume of a gas is held constant and we increase its temperature then

its pressure rises

118 - If velocity is doubled then

momentum increases 2 times and K.E increases 4 time

119 - If we whirl a stone at the end of a string in the vertical circle, it is likely to break when the stone is

at the lowest point

120 - Image of an object 5 mm high is only 1 cm high. Magnification produced by lens is


121 - In a clinical thermometer the mercury in the capillary tube does not contract once removed from the patient because

The capillary tube has a small constriction near the bulb

122 - In a plane polarized light

vibration take place in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of light

123 - In an interference pattern

both dark and bright fringes are of equal width

124 - In any measurement the significant figures are

all accurately known digits and the first doubuful digit

125 - In case of a simple pendulum the cause of damping is

drag force of air

126 - In case of planets the necessary acceleration is provided by

Gravitational force

127 - In cricket when a bowler produce reverse swing the ball will move towards

shinning side of the ball

128 - In damped harmonic oscillation which one decreases?

both amplitude and energy

129 - In double slit experiment if one of the two slit is covered then

no interference fringes are observed

130 - In double slit experiment we observe

both interference and diffraction fringes

131 - In going form a denser to rarer medium a ray of light is

bent away form the normal

132 - In monochromatic red light a blue book will probably appear to be


133 - In multimode step index fibre the refractive index of core and cladding is

different with refractive index of core higher than cladding

134 - In multiplication and division of measurement

percentage uncertainties are added

135 - In open organ pipe

both even and odd harmonics are present

136 - In optic fiber transmission system __________ are used regenerate the dim light signal.


137 - In optic fiber transmission the repeater are separated through a distance of ______ km in newer system.


138 - In S.H.M. the velocity of a particle is maximum at

mean position

139 - In scientific notation numbers are expressed in

power of ten

140 - In the shadow of a ball the central portion appears bright that happens due to


141 - In vibrating cord the points where the amplitude is maximum, are called


142 - In vibratory motion

total energy remain constant

143 - In which process all the heat supplied is converted into work done.


144 - In which process entropy remains constant


145 - In which quadrant the two rectangular components of a vector have same sign?

both 1st and 3rd

146 - In which quadrant, only value of tan will be positive?

both 1st and 3rd

147 - In Young double slit experiment, if white light is used

coloured fringes will be seen

148 - Increase in velocity of sound in the air for 1 ?C rise in temperature is

0.61 ms-1

149 - Inertia of an object is quantitative measure of its


150 - Instantaneous and average velocities become equal when body

has zero acceleration

151 - Instrument used to measure blood pressure is called


152 - Irregular flow of fluid is called


153 - It is easier to turn a steering wheel with both hands than with a single hand because

couple acts on the wheel

154 - It is possible to distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves form the property of


155 - Laminar flow usually occurs at speeds.


156 - Laplace found that the alternate compressions and rarefactions produced in sound waves follows

adiabatic law

157 - Least distance of distinct vision

increases with increase in age

158 - Light on passing through a Polaroid is

plane polarized

159 - Light reaches the earth form sun in nearly

8 minutes 30 seconds

160 - Light signals passes through multimode graded index fibre due to

continuous refraction

161 - Longitudinal waves do not exhibit


162 - Magnification of the astronomical telescope is


163 - Magnifying power of simple microscope

increase with decrease in focal length

164 - Mass attached to a spring executes.

both (a) and (c)

165 - Maximum number of components of a vector may be


166 - Maximum number of rectangular components are


167 - Metabolism is the name of a process in which energy transformation takes place within

Human body

168 - Michelson calculated the speed of light using the instruments


169 - Michelson devised the formula to calculate the speed of light

C = 16fd

170 - Minimum number of communication satellites required to cover the whole carth is


171 - ML-1 T-2 is the dimension of


172 - Momentum depends upon

both mass and velocity of the body

173 - Motorcycle safety helmet extends the time of collision hence decreasing the


174 - Natural frequency of simple pendulum depends upon

square root of its length

175 - Newton estimated the speed of sound


176 - Newtons laws do not hold good for particles

move with velocity comparable to velocity of light

177 - Normal human body temperature 98.6 Degree F corresponds to

37 Degree C

178 - Null vector is a vector which has

both a and b are correct

179 - Number of significant figures in 0.0173 are


180 - Numerical value of Boltzmanns constant is


181 - On a clear day at noon the solar energy reaching the earth is

1 kw/m2

182 - On loading the prong of a tuning form with wax its frequency


183 - One light year is equal to


184 - One mega watt hour is equal to

36 x 108 J

185 - One pico stands for

10 raised to power -12

186 - One radian is equal to

57.3 Degree

187 - One torr is equal to

133.3 Nm2

188 - Optical active crystals rotates the

polarization plane

189 - Petrol engine is a

all the above

190 - Phase of SHM describes

both displacement and direction of motion

191 - Photoelectric effect was given by


192 - Preftix deca represents

10 Raised to power 1

193 - Propulsion force of a rocket is

non-conservative force

194 - Proton electron neutron and a particles have same momentum. Which of them have highest K.E?


195 - Radius of geo-stationary orbit from center of earth is nearly


196 - Random errors can be reduced by

taking mean of several measurement

197 - Rectangular coordinate system is also called

Cartesian coordinate system

198 - S.I unit of frequency is


199 - Sharpness of resonance is

inversely proportional to damping force

200 - SI unit of coefficient of viscosity is

Kg m-1.S-1

201 - SI unit of torque is


202 - Silence zone takes place due to

destructive interference

203 - Simple harmonic motion is a type of

vibratory motion

204 - Slope of velocity time graph is


205 - Slope of work time graph is equal to


206 - Smaller the least count of the instrument more is the measurement


207 - Sound waves do not travel in vacuum because

they require material medium for propagation

208 - Speed of efflux can be determined by applying

Torricellis theorem

209 - Sphygmomanometers measures blood pressure.


210 - Standard condition STP refer to a gas at

all of the above

211 - Steradian is the SI unit of

solid angle

212 - Stokes law is applicable if body has ________shape


213 - Systolic pressure is called

high blood pressure

214 - Taking off rocket can be explained by

Law of conservation of momentum

215 - Temperature is a property which determines

In which direction heat will flow between two systems

216 - Terminal velocity is

uniform and maximum

217 - Terminal velocity of the body is directly proportional to the

square of the diameter of the body

218 - The acceleration in the rocket at any instant is proportional to the nth power of the velocity of the expelled gases. Where the value of n must be?


219 - The acceleration of a projection on the diameter for a particle moving along a circle is


220 - The area enclosed by the curve ABCDA for a Carnot heat engine represents the work done by Carnot engine

during one cycle

221 - The area under the force displacement graph represents

work done

222 - The average power and instantaneous power become equal if work is done at

at uniform rate

223 - The beats frequency (sensible) for a human car is

7 Hz

224 - The blood flow is ____________ flow at disystolic pressure


225 - The blue colour of the sky is due to


226 - The collision between two bodies be elastic if bodies are

solid and hard

227 - The consumption of energy by a 60 watt bulb in 2 sec is

120 J

228 - The critical speed of an artificial satellite is

7.9 Kms-1

229 - The cross product i^ x j^ is equal to


230 - The cross product of two vectors is a negative vector when

they are rotated through 270?

231 - The density of human blood is nearly equal to


232 - The diameter of a lens is called


233 - The dimension of force is


234 - The dimension of force is


235 - The dimension of power is


236 - The dimension of torque is


237 - The dimensions of coefficient of visocisity are


238 - The direction of a vector in spece is specified by

three angle

239 - The direction of linear velocity of body moving in a circle is

along the tangent

240 - The direction of vector product is given by

right hand rule

241 - The distance between any two consecutive crests or troughs is called

wave length

242 - The distance covered by a body in one complete vibration is 20cm. What is the amplitude of body

5 cm

243 - The distance covered by a body in time t starting from rest is


244 - The dot product of force and velocity is


245 - The effect of the decrease in pressure with the increase of the speed of fluid in a horizontal pipe is known as

Venturi effect

246 - The electrical signals change into light signals for transmission through optical fibre. A light pulse represent

One (1)

247 - The energy absorbed by a body is ________________ at resonance.

maximum only

248 - The energy of SHM is maximum at

all positions during SHM

249 - The error in measurement may occur due to

due to all reasons in a, b and c

250 - The escape velocity form the earth surface in km S-1 is

1.1 km S-1

251 - The escape velocity of a body in gravitational field of earth is independent of

both its mass and the angle at which it is thrown

252 - The Fahrenheit and centigrade scales agree to


253 - The flow of ideal fluid is always


254 - The force beared by a wall on which water strikes normally at a speed of 10m/sec and at a discharge of 0.0001m3/sec is.

1 N

255 - The frequency of the second pendulum is

0.5 hertz

256 - The function of collimeter in spectrometer is

to produce parallel beams of light

257 - The highest value of escape velocity in solar system is planet


258 - The least distance of distinct vision for a normal eye is

25 cm

259 - The length of second pendulum is

99.2 cm

260 - The locus of all points in a medium having the same phase of vibration is called

wave front

261 - The magnitude of cross product is equal to the dot product between them. The angle between the two vectors is

45 Degree

262 - The magnitude of i^. (j^ x k^) is


263 - The minimum distance between an object and its real image in a convex lens is


264 - The normal blood pressure range for an human body is

60 to 140 torr

265 - The normal ear is the most sensitive in the frequency range

2000 to 4000 hertz

266 - The number 76.85 is rounded off upto two significant figures as


267 - The number of beats produced per second is equal to

the difference of the frequencies of two tuning forks

268 - The number of categories in which physical quantities are divided are


269 - The number of significant figures in 5.400 are


270 - The performance of a refrigerator is described by

coefficient of performance

271 - The periodic alternation of sound between maximum and minimum loudness are called


272 - The planet nearest to the earth is


273 - The power of a concave lens is


274 - The pressure exerted by a column of mercury 76cm high and at 0 Degree C is called

1 atmosphere

275 - The product of frequency and time period is equal to


276 - The profile of aeroplane wing which lifts it up is called as

aerofoil profile

277 - The projection of the particle moving in a circle with non-uniform speed executes.

Both (b) and (d)

278 - The purpose of flywheel in the engines is

to smooth out the energy variation

279 - The range of the projectile at 30? and 60? are

equal to each other

280 - The reading on the Fahrenheit scale will be double the reading on the centigrade scale when the temperature on the centigrade scale is

360 Degree C

281 - The relation between horse power and watt is

1 hp = 746 watts

282 - The relation between linear and angular acceleration is

a = a x r

283 - The resultant of two forces of equal magnitudes is also equal to the magnitude of the forces. The angle between the two forces is

120 Degree

284 - The rotational K.E of hoop is equal to the

its translational K.E

285 - The SI unit of force constant is identical with that of

surface tension

286 - The size of one degree of Celsius is equal to

1.8 degrees of Fahrenheit scale

287 - The source of geothermal energy is

all as said in a - b and c

288 - The source of tidal energy is


289 - The span of broad jump depends upon

angle of projection

290 - The speed of sound in hydrogen is __________ time than that in oxygen

Four time

291 - The speed of stationary waves in a stretched string are independent of

both (a) and (c)

292 - The speed of the fluid is maximum in the venturimeter at


293 - The thrust on the rocket in the absence of gravitational force of attraction is


294 - The tides raise the mater in the see roughly in a day


295 - The time period of a second pendulum is

2 seconds

296 - The trajectory (or path) of a projectile is


297 - The uncertainty in a measurement may occur due to

all given in a , b and c

298 - The unit of entropy is


299 - The unit of force is _________ and its symbol is __________. Which is the correct pair?

newton, N

300 - The unmber of significant figures in the length of a bar 6200mm measured by meter rod are


301 - The value of critical angle for glass is

42 Degree

302 - The velocity of light was determined accurately by


303 - The velocity of sound is greatest in


304 - The velocity of the mass attached to a spring is maximum at

mean position

305 - The waveform of S.H.M. is

sine wave

306 - The waves that require a material medium for their propagation are called

mechanical waves

307 - The work done by friction is


308 - The work done in the isochoric process is


309 - There is no noticeable boundary between core and cladding

multi mode graded index fibre

310 - Three coplanar forces acting on a body keep it in equilibrium. They should therefore be


311 - Three students measured length of a needle with meter rod and recorded as : (i) 0.2145m (ii) 0.21m (iii) 0.214m Which one is correct record?

only (iii)

312 - Time rate of change of momentum is equal to


313 - To reduce the uncertainty in the timing experiment

both a and c

314 - Torque acting on a body determines

angular acceleration

315 - Torque is defined as

all a, b and c are correct

316 - Total distance traveled by bob of simple pendulum in one vibration is equal to

4 x amplitude

317 - Total energy of a body executing S.H.M is directly proportional to

square of amplitude

318 - Total uncertainty, in result obtained from the subtraction of two measurement, is equal to

sum of their absolute uncertainties

319 - Triple point of water is

273.16 Degree C at 0.611 Kpa

320 - Two convex lenses of equal focal length f are placed in contact the resultant focal length of the combination is


321 - Two fog droplets have radius 2:3 their terminal velocities are


322 - Two sources of light are coherent if they emit rays of

same wave length with constant phase difference

323 - Two vectors are A = 3i^+2j^ -k^& B = 3i^-2j^ +k^ , then

B is negative vector of A

324 - Ultrasonic have

frequency is greater than 20 kHz

325 - Unit of G is?


326 - Unit of power of a lens is


327 - Unit vector n^ is along

normal on a surface

328 - Velocity of fluid increases where the pressure is


329 - Velocity of sound in vacuum is


330 - Venturi meter is used to measure

fluid speed

331 - Wavelength of X-rays falling at glancing angle of 30 Degree on a crystal with atmic spacing 2 x 10-10 for the fist order diffraction is

2 x 10-10 m

332 - Waves produced at the surface of water by a pencil executing vibrating motion if held vertically at a frequency of 50Hz are

both (a) and (c)

333 - Waves transmit __________________ from one place to another


334 - We can produce heat by

All of the above

335 - We prefer mercury as a thermometric substance because

All of above

336 - What is outward force acting on a mass of 10 kg when rotating at one end an inelastic string 10m long at speed of 1m/s?


337 - What is the angle of projection for which the range and maximum height become equal?

tan-1 4

338 - What is the angle that the given vector makes with y-axis? A=2 i^+??12 j^

60 Degree

339 - What is the shape of velocity, time graph for constant acceleration?

straight inclined line.

340 - When a body is moving along a circular path it covers a certain angle in a given internal of time. Such type of motion is

angular motion

341 - When a body is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a string the centripetal force is supplied by

tension in the string

342 - When a body moves in a circle of radius r with linear speed V its centripetal force is


343 - When a body moves in a circle, the angle between its linear velocity and angular velocity is always

90 Degree

344 - When a body moves in a straight line then its displacement coincides with


345 - When a force is parallel to the direction of motion of the body, then work done on the body is


346 - When arrow is released form its bow, its energy is transformed from

elastic P.E to K.E

347 - When body is in motion, ________ always changes.

its position vector

348 - When body moves with terminal velocity the accereration in the body become


349 - When car takes turn around a curve road, the passengers feel a force acting on them in a direction away from the center of the curve. It is due to

their inertia

350 - When collision between the bodies in a system is inelastic in nature then for system

K.E changes but momentum remain conserve

351 - When crest of one wave falls over the trough of the other wave this phenomenon is known as

destructive interference

352 - When fluid is incompressible then

density of the fluid is constant

353 - When K.E energy of SHM is maximum its

all P.E acceleration and restoring force are zero

354 - When light incident normally on thin film the path difference depends upon

all thickness nature and angle of incidence

355 - When one mirror of a Michelson Interferometer is moved a distance of 0.5 mm we observe 2000 fringes. What will be wavelength of light used?


356 - When the amplitude of a wave become double its energy become

four times

357 - When the source of sound moves away form a stationary listener then _________ occurs.

an apparent decrease in frequency

358 - When the speed of a moving body is doubled then

its momentum is doubled

359 - When two bodies move toward each other with constant speeds the distance between them decreases at the rate of 6m / sec. If they move in the same direction the distance between them increases at the rate of 4m/sec. Then their speeds are

5m/s, 1m/s

360 - When two identical traveling waves are superimposed, the velocity of the resultant wave

remains unchanged

361 - When two protons are brought together

P.E. between them increases

362 - When velocity time graph is a straight line parallel to time axis then

acceleration is zero

363 - When we rub a glass rod with a silk cloth then

glass rod acquires positive charge while silk acquires negative charges

364 - Which branch of science plays an important role in the development of technology and engineering?


365 - Which equation is not dimensionally correct?


366 - Which experiment shows that wavelength of light is smaller than that of sound


367 - Which is not optically active?


368 - Which law of motion is also called law of inertia?

1st law

369 - Which of the following is not a correct representation method for prefixes


370 - Which of the following is not an example of projectile motion.

a gas filled ballon

371 - Which of the following is not conservative force


372 - Which of the following pair has same direction always?

force, acceleration

373 - which of the following pairs does not have identical dimensions ?

mass and moment of inertia

374 - Which of the following properties of molecules of a gas is same for all gases at particular temperature?

kinetic energy

375 - Which of the following types of force can do no work on the particle on which it acts?

centripetal force

376 - Which one dows not work according to resonance?


377 - Which one is not a branch of physical sciences?


378 - Which one is not a type of dynamic equilibrium?

static equilibrium

379 - Which one is not an example of adiabatic process ?

conversion of water into ice in refrigerator

380 - Which one is the correct relation for fundamental frequency of open and closed pipe?

fopen = 2 fclosed

381 - Which one is the correct representation of the unit of pressure?


382 - Which one is the derived quantity in SI units?

electric charge

383 - Which one is the dimensionally correct equation?


384 - Which one is the highest power multiple?


385 - Which one is true for internal energy?

All are correct

386 - Which one of the following cannot be polarized?

sound waves

387 - Which one of the following is nearly monochromatic light ?

light form sodium lamp

388 - Which one of the following properties of light does not change with the nature of the medium?


389 - Which one type of fibre is more suitable for transmission of signals in which white light is used ?

multi mode graded index fibre

390 - Which phenomena can be applied to estimate the velocity of star with respect to earth

Dopplers effect

391 - Which quantity is a state function

internal energy

392 - Which shows the correct relation between time of flight T and maximum height H?


393 - Who discovered the inverse square law for gravity?


394 - Why Ballistic missile fails in some circumstances of precision.

due to air resistance

395 - Work done by the force of friction is

always negative

396 - Work done by variable force is determine by dividing

displacement into small interval

397 - Work done on the body equals to the

change in its K.E and change in its P.E

398 - Work done will be maximum if the angle between the force F and displacement d is

0 Degree

399 - Work has the dimension as that of same as that of


400 - Zero error of the instrument is a type of

systematic error


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