Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 16

1 - Which of the following used the term linguistic relativity to explain how language affects our basic perceptions of the physical world?

Benjamin Whorf

2 - Which of the following visual depth cues cannot be used by the person viewing the Ames Room?

Retinal Disparity

3 - Which of the following was an experimental observation that disputed Broadbent's single filter model of attention?

Participants unconsciously responded to conditioned stimuli presented in the unattended ear of a dichotic listening experiment.

4 - Which of the following was Freud known for starting?


5 - Which of the following was mentioned as a skill to which psychology students would be exposed?

all of the above

6 - Which of the following was most closely associated with the structuralist school of psychology?


7 - Which of the following was NOT a behaviorist?

Sigmund Freud

8 - Which of the following was not a control used in the procedure by Pepperberg?

P kept in a cage while testing procedure to limit movement

9 - Which of the following was NOT a part of the guards uniform?

A neck chain

10 - Which of the following was NOT a part of the prisoners uniform in Zimbardo's study?


11 - Which of the following was not a psychologist but his work in the field of biology was incredibly important to the development of this social science?

Charles Darwin

12 - Which of the following was NOT a temperament based on the humors?


13 - Which of the following was not recommended as a strategy for improving memory?

speed reading

14 - Which of the following were found to be difficult to study using Wundt's method of introspection?

Abstract thoughts such as thoughts on justice

15 - Which of the following will help people with "everyday" problems?


16 - Which of the following would a trader who is in the top 10% say?

I have full conviction in my system

17 - Which of the following would be a basic research psychologist?

A college professor who studies the relationships of colors and attitudes.

18 - Which of the following would be a concern about the study done by Winsler e al (2003) on private speech?

Construct validity - the measurement of "social skills" was subjective

19 - Which of the following would be a reason why child witnesses are not as reliable as forensic evidence in a trial?

Pressure to conform to expectations and a desire to please an interviewer lead to more errors

20 - Which of the following would be a secondary reinforcer?


21 - Which of the following would be an example of vicarious classical conditioning?

As a young child, Tony frequently observed his older sisters jump around and scream whenever any of them saw a spider, as they were very afraid of them. Subsequently, Tony experiences feelings of fear when he sees a spider.

22 - Which of the following would be considered a compulsion?

checking twenty times to see if the oven is turned off

23 - Which of the following would be considered a cultural difference?

A and B

24 - Which of the following would be considered a secondary reinforcer?


25 - Which of the following would be considered a second-order reinforcer?


26 - Which of the following would be considered as a social reputation?

Deciding to become a more optimistic and upbeat person because you come to a realization your friends avoid you because you bring them down.

27 - Which of the following would be examples of procedural memory? (tick all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

28 - Which of the following would be most characteristic of a 2-year-old's telegraphic speech

me play

29 - Which of the following would be predicted by Ebbinghaus' famous forgetting curve? Several years after learning the dates of important historical events for a college class, students:

will have forgotten most of the dates, but what they do remember, they'll remember for years to come.

30 - Which of the following would Francis Galton say is most important in determining who a person is, even if all are important to some degree?


31 - Which of the following would help to improve the 'ecological validity' of an experiment?

Doing the experiment at the normal time of day for that activity

32 - Which of the following would illustrate the "foot in the door" technique of facilitating compliance with a request?

A teenager, wanting to extend his curfew from 10pm to midnight, first asks if it can be extended to 11pm for a specific "special occasion; he then plans to ask for the further extension at a later date after pointing out to his parents he was able to hand

33 - Which of the following would indicate that a child understood conservation?

She would believe that a clay snake would have the same amount of clay as the clay ball that was used to make it.

34 - Which of the following would indicate the strongest relationship between two variables.....


35 - Which of the following would NOT allow to control the order effect

counter-balancing the tasks

36 - Which of the following would not need to study psychology?

All need psychology

37 - Which of the following would pay a role in quickly alerting you to a gas leak in your home?

olfactory receptors

38 - Which of the following would provide the strongest evidence for the idea that intelligence is highly heritable?

Monozygotic twins separated at birth have extremely similar IQ scores

39 - Which of the followings is true for teratogens?

Teratogens may cause a birth defect in the child.

40 - Which of the folowing is a factor in emotional intelligence?


41 - Which of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse predicts a higher rate of divorce?


42 - Which of the of following is not a research method.


43 - which of the phrases match the following: It seems essential that children are used in psychological research in order to gain a better understanding of how the brain and mind develops and how the developmental process can affect a person later in life

the use of children in psychological research

44 - Which of the psychologists is best known in relation to the emergence of psychology as a science?


45 - Which of the senses does not pass through the thalamus?


46 - Which of the senses foes the majority of hallucinations occur in?


47 - Which of the statements about Chimpanzees is NOT true?

Chimpanzees give spontaneous help to conspecifics.

48 - Which Of These Are A Defence Mechanism?


49 - Which of these are ambiguous illusions (pick TWO)

Only (A) & (B)

50 - Which of these are criticisms/weaknesses of Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development?

All of the above

51 - Which of these are not one of your 5 senses?


52 - Which Of These Are Part Of The Hierarchy Of Needs

Self Actualisation

53 - Which of these are studies in the cognitive approach to psychology?

Loftus and Palmer Leading questions (1973)

54 - Which of these best describes a SECURE attachment?

Young children may cry with they are left, but be happy when their caregiver returns

55 - Which of these can be prevented by keeping lines of communication open and by inviting outside experts to get all the important information?


56 - Which of these components is NOT part of Baddeley and Hitch's working memory model

Encoding processor

57 - Which of these correlation numbers shows the strongest relationship?


58 - which of these describes a case study?

a study of an individual, small group, event or institution

59 - Which of these did Sherif NOT want to investigate in the Robber's Cave Experiment?

Which boys were born leaders

60 - Which of these fields is also concerned with the reasons why people do certain things?

All of the above

61 - Which of these groups include semantically similar words?

great, large, big

62 - Which of these is a disadvantage of verbal guidance?

Can result in 'information overload'

63 - Which of these is a factor affecting memory?


64 - Which of these is a measurable goal?

To reduce my 100m time from 12 seconds to 11 seconds

65 - Which of these is a measure of dispersal?


66 - Which of these is a problem with the standard deviation?

It is difficult to calculate

67 - Which of these is a quantitative assessment?

He is 6 feet 8 inches tall

68 - Which of these is a type of reinforcer?

All of the above

69 - Which of these is always considered unethical in psychological research?

Buying dinner for a participant to persuade them not to quit an experiment early

70 - Which of these is an advantage of calculating the mean?

It uses all of the data

71 - Which of these is an ethical concern of Milgram's experiment?

all of the answer choice s are correct

72 - Which of these is an example of continuous data?

Daily chance of rain

73 - Which of these is an organisation for psychologists in the UK?


74 - Which of these is considered unethical in psychological research?

Convincing a participant to continue the study by giving them free food

75 - Which of these is least related to perception?

"bottom-up" processing

76 - Which of these is most accurate?

If we perceive we have more control over our stress, we can often cope with it better.

77 - Which of these is most likely to improve sampling accuracy?

Random sampling

78 - Which of these is mostly like to result in a negative skew?


79 - Which of these is NOT a benefit of daydreaming.

Better grade in class

80 - Which of these is NOT a form of memory storage?


81 - Which of these is NOT a function of attitudes?


82 - Which of these is NOT a key process of Social Identity Theory?

Social Justification

83 - Which of these is not a layout design?

P Pattern

84 - Which of these is NOT a major influence in producing a website?

Paying to upload your site

85 - Which of these is NOT a misinterpreted depth cue?

Rubin's vase

86 - Which of these is not a problem with punishment

time consuming

87 - Which of these is not a stage of Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory?


88 - Which of these is NOT a way to measure variation?

scatter plot

89 - Which of these is NOT an example of a non verbal communication skill

Volume of speech

90 - Which of these is NOT an explanation of conformity?


91 - Which of these is NOT an innate behaviour?

a horse pulling a plow

92 - Which of these is not included when describing your attitude about prayers in school?

Social pressures from leaders or peers about the issue.

93 - Which of these is NOT part of Freud's 3 part theory of conscioussness?


94 - Which of these is NOT the name of a unit in the course?


95 - Which of these is something that correlational research CANNOT do?

show causation

96 - Which of these is the best example of an intrinsic motivation?


97 - Which of these is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a data set?


98 - Which of these is the last step of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


99 - Which of these is the most accurate definition of the discipline of psychology?

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

100 - Which of these is the most accurate description of Milgram's sample?

Volunteer sample of 40 males from New Haven

101 - Which of these is the only way to show or prove causation?


102 - Which of these occurs when performing a new or difficult task in front of a group?

Social Inhibition

103 - Which of these occurs when performing a well-learned task in front of a group?

Social Facilitation

104 - Which of these people is most likely to represent Jung's hero archetype?

A frightened person who overcomes fear to save another person from harm

105 - Which of these psychology professions is most popular?


106 - Which of these schools would you assume holds the scientific method in the highest regard?


107 - Which of these series of terms is most closely associated with B.F. Skinner?

operant conditioning, secondary reinforcer, fixed-ratio schedule

108 - Which of these statements about locus of control is the most accurate?

High internals and high externals are at opposite ends of a continuum

109 - Which of these statements best describes LTM?

Permanent memory store with semantic coding

110 - Which of these statements is true according to Piaget's ideas?

A child can only be taught something when biologically 'ready'

111 - Which of these statements reflect civic virtue?

Good citizens aren't born. They need to be created.

112 - Which of these things does NOT have to do with Social Psychology?

Brain Development

113 - Which of these transferrable skills can be obtained from studying psychology?

All of the above

114 - Which of these types of guidance would be the best for a kinaesthetic learner?


115 - Which of these was not a historical approach to psychology?


116 - Which of these would be an appropriate possible applications of Bowlby's monotropic theory?

Hospitals - keep children with main care giver

117 - Which of these would be the proper way to write a hypothesis

If I add more water, then the plant will grow taller.

118 - Which of these would NOT be an example of the free-rider effect in social loafing?

Hudson was working really hard on the Google Drive for his group maths project, when he notices that no one had even logged onto the page a week after he'd started it. He decided not to do any more work and make them do it instead.

119 - Which on the following is not one of the Concerts Miss.C went to?


120 - Which one among the following is not a method that increases the memorising capacity?

One Time Reading

121 - Which one down below shows variable interval?

pop quizzes

122 - Which one has a different meaning?

Swelling problems

123 - Which one is a binocular depth cue?


124 - Which one is a definition for dependant?

Variable affected

125 - Which one is a TRUE statement?

Correlation means two phenomena are related

126 - Which one is not a determinant of operant conditioning?

Trace reinforcement

127 - Which one is not a feature of a well-written question


128 - Which one is not a focus learning through behavioral perspective?


129 - Which one is NOT a function of sleep?

Release neurotransmitters

130 - Which one is NOT a measure of central tendancy?

Standard deviation

131 - which one is not a Monocular depth cue


132 - which one is not a pair of gestalt psychology principles?

proximate and eminence principles

133 - Which one is not a participant bias?

confirmation bias

134 - Which one is NOT a researcher bias


135 - Which one is NOT a trait of prosocial behavior?

Learns from aggressive behavior

136 - Which one is not a type of experiment used in Psychology


137 - which one is not a type of Long-term memory


138 - Which one is NOT one of the 4 basic tastes?


139 - Which one is NOT one of the four goals of Psychology?


140 - Which one is NOT one of the three methods for scientific attitude?


141 - Which one is NOT one of the three schools of Thought?


142 - Which one is NOT true about Stage 4 (deep sleep)?

Heart rate and breathing increase

143 - Which one is one of the seven that effects behavior


144 - which one is smallest unit of CNS?


145 - Which one is the method for formal communicating with stakeholders?


146 - Which one is the null hypothesis?

There is no difference of memory scores between doodlers and control participants

147 - Which one is the types of attention

All the above

148 - Which one of the columns in the table, A, B, C or D shows the correct arrangement of levels in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Column B

149 - Which one of the following approaches tries to analyze human behaviour in terms of stimulus-response units acquired through the process of learning, mainly through instrumental conditioning ?

Stimulus-Response Behaviouristic Approach

150 - Which one of the following branch of psychology primarily deals with the problems of the Children.

Clinical Psychology

151 - Which one of the following characteristics is not necessarily true about groups?

Groups have assigned goals.

152 - Which one of the following illustrates belief perseverance?

Your belief remains intact even in the face of evidence to the contrary

153 - Which one of the following is a benefit of goal setting in sport?

Increases motivation

154 - Which one of the following is a psychological component of the stress response?

daily life pressures

155 - Which one of the following is based on the principles of classical conditioning?

systematic decentralization

156 - Which one of the following is necessary before an avoidance response can take place?

a discriminative stimulus

157 - Which one of the following is not a German Psychologist?

William James

158 - Which one of the following is not a scope of Educational Psychology?


159 - Which one of the following is not listed as a classification of psychoneurosis?

Phobic reactions

160 - Which one of the following is not listed as classification of psychoneurosis?

Neurasthenic reactions

161 - Which one of the following is not specifically an aid to retention?

knowledge of results

162 - Which one of the following is not the law of perceptual grouping?


163 - Which one of the following is the best example of a closed skill?

Putting in golf

164 - Which one of the following is the oldest method for the study of behavior?A.


165 - Which one of the following may contribute to the formation of prejudices.

Higher-order conditioning

166 - Which one of the following might the the reason for the order effect

Only (A) & (B)

167 - Which one of the following orders is the correct requisites of good observation?

Planning/ Execution/ Recording/ Interpretation

168 - Which one of the following represents a well-executed test or experiment? (Remember that tests and experiments were spoken of in different units, research methods & problem-solving and intelligence)

Amy wants to know if she is good at math or if she just gets lucky with tests, so she takes a standard math test many times with different questions. Her results were about 93% every time, so she concludes she is good at math.

169 - Which one of the following statements about evolution is false?

Evolution involves changes in behaviour from one generation to the next.

170 - Which one of the following statements applies to both developmental plasticity and adaptive plasticity?

occur as a result of experience and learning.

171 - Which one of the following statements applies to neural plasticity? Structural changes to the brain

occur as a result of experience and learning

172 - Which one of the following statements is false?

Repression involves people choosing to forget unpleasant memories

173 - Which one of the following statements is most consistent with the practice of gratitude?

More grateful people experience an increased amount of positive emotions than less grateful people.

174 - Which one of the following was developed by the Army as the first group-administered test of intelligence?


175 - Which one of the following was not one of Hofstede's original four cultural dimensions?

Indulgence vs self-constraint

176 - Which one of these are a physiological symptom of stress


177 - Which one of these are Environmental Factors.

Both option 1 and 2

178 - Which one of these is a psychological symptom of stress?

Decision making

179 - Which one of these is a social factor?

All of the above

180 - Which one of these options does the color purple NOT signify?


181 - Which one of these types of feedback should coaches avoid using with a beginner?


182 - Which one of these would be the most complex skill?

Vaulting in gymnastics

183 - which one part of brain attaches to the spinal cord?


184 - Which one supports the WMM.

KF had an impaired articulatory loop but intact visuospatial sketchpad

185 - Which one work with the students individually

School psychologist

186 - Which ones are correct?

All of the above

187 - Which organ of the body controls everything else and is regularly studied in psychology?


188 - Which p value indicates the most statistically significant results

p = 0.004

189 - Which pair is not the correct combination?

Thinking (T) vs. Judging (J)

190 - Which pair represents an incorrect association?

Seligman – social exchange theory

191 - Which parenting style is based off of the belief that children should obey their parents without question or hesitation?


192 - Which parenting style usually produces children with greatest confidence and self-esteem?


193 - Which part of a neuron receives neural information from another neuron?


194 - Which part of the Autonomic Nervous System arouses the body and mobilizes energy in stressful situations?


195 - Which part of the Autonomic Nervous System calms the body and conserves energy?


196 - Which part of the body controls the basic cognitive processes?

The brain and nervous system

197 - Which part of the brain controls breathing and heart rate?


198 - Which part of the brain controls your balance and coordination?


199 - Which part of the brain controls your blood pressure and heart rate?

brain stem

200 - Which part of the brain fires when performing a certain action, and/or observing a certain action?

Mirror neurons

201 - Which part of the brain helps to control emotions, especially fear and rage?


202 - Which part of the brain is important to impulse control, judgment, planning, and critical thinking?

Frontal lobe

203 - Which part of the brain is MOST active in decision-making?

cerebral cortex

204 - Which part of the brain is related to hunger?


205 - Which part of the brain is responsible for the sensory blockade when sleeping?


206 - Which part of the brain links the left and right side of the brain?

Corpus Callosum

207 - Which part of the brain listed below is the last to fully develop?

Frontal lobe

208 - Which part of the ear is MOST similar to the retina of the eye due to its ability to transduce energy?


209 - Which part of the ear is responsible for capturing sound and moving it into your ear?

outer ear

210 - Which part of the ear transduces sound vibrations into neural impulses?


211 - Which part of the eye bends light that is projected onto the retina?


212 - Which part of the eye uses accommodation to see the image clearly?


213 - Which part of the hypothalamus INHIBITS hunger signals?

ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)

214 - Which part of the hypothalamus STIMULATES hunger signals?

lateral hypothalamus (LH)

215 - Which part of the model has a 'supervisory role'?

Central executive

216 - Which part of the nervous system controls involuntary activities in your body?

Autonomic Nervous System

217 - Which part of the nervous system initiates our Flight response when a bee comes near you, causing you to run, increasing your heart rate.....

Sympathetic System

218 - Which part of the neuron contains neurotransmitters?

Axon terminal buttons

219 - Which part of the neuron contains the nucleus?


220 - Which part of the neuron receives information and conducts it towards the cell body?


221 - Which part of the neuron release transmitters onto receiving cells?

axon terminals

222 - Which part of WMM is difficult to study independently, so there is limited research and it's role is not fully understood

Central Executive

223 - Which part of your brain controls the ability to produce speech? Aphasia in this area can make it very difficult for a person to speak but they understand language well.

Broca's Area

224 - Which part of your tongue are you using when you taste something sweet?

All of your tongue

225 - Which parts of the body are coordinated by the largest area of the somatosensory cortex?

hands and face

226 - Which perception principle describes as an object comes closer to us, the eyes turn inwards to keep it centred on the retina. The brain reads the amount of turning from the tension in the eye muscles & uses this to judge distance


227 - Which perception process are the hammer, anvil and stirrup involved in?

transmitting sound waves to the cochlea

228 - Which perceptive is described? Self-esteem needs are important to be a successful.


229 - Which person was never involved in the field of psychology?

William Harrison

230 - Which personality traits were associated with making it to elite senior level? (select all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

231 - Which perspective argues that behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which we have little awareness or control?


232 - Which perspective argues that hereditary genes that are passed down from our parents influence our behavior?


233 - Which perspective argues that our behavior depends on things like our self-motivation?


234 - Which perspective argues that our behavior is based on what we have LEARNED!


235 - Which perspective argues that our nervous system influences our behavior?


236 - Which perspective argues that our unconscious motives influence our behavior?


237 - Which perspective argues that perceptions and thoughts influence our behavior?


238 - Which perspective argues that personal experiences will influence our behavior?


239 - Which perspective argues that the nervous system, glands and hormones, and genetic factors influence our behavior?


240 - Which perspective argues that things like our ethnicity, gender, and culture will influence our behavior?


241 - Which perspective believed psychology should emphasize the potential for growth of each human being and an individual's freedom to make their own decisions?


242 - Which perspective believed psychology should only study observable and objectively described acts?


243 - Which perspective believes that fears are learned and can be unlearned?


244 - Which perspective deals with interactions between cultures, age groups, authority, religion, etc.?


245 - Which perspective does not think emotions or thoughts belong in explaining human motive?


246 - Which perspective emphasizes the idea that the people and groups around us are important in understanding human behavior?


247 - Which perspective emphasizes the idea that we learn behaviors through rewards and punishment?


248 - Which perspective focuses on free will and self-actualization?


249 - Which perspective focuses on how people think as why people behave differently?


250 - Which perspective focuses on how people think, understand, and know about the world?


251 - Which perspective focuses on the observation of what people do?


252 - Which perspective focuses on topics such as perception, learning, and memory?


253 - Which perspective in psychology attempts to characterize the way in which we store and process sensory information?


254 - Which perspective in psychology is most likely to focus on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures?


255 - Which perspective in psychology would be most concerned with understanding how humans learn and form memories?


256 - Which perspective is based on classical and operant conditioning?


257 - Which perspective is based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


258 - Which perspective is based on perception, memory, and thinking?


259 - Which perspective is based on the theory that personality is made up of basic characteristics that influence behavior?


260 - Which perspective is based on the unconscious mind?


261 - Which perspective is described: everyone has an unconscious and conscious mind. It is the struggle between these that impacts behavior.


262 - Which perspective is described: first you learn how write a sentence, then write a paragraph, then write a 5-paragraph essay. Learning is stage-related.


263 - Which perspective is described? Each person has a different mental framework and processes information different.


264 - Which perspective is illustrated: a conflict in the unconscious mind during potty training could impact behavior in adulthood.


265 - Which perspective is illustrated: A person attending Andover High School versus Maize High School may have different behaviors in school, due to their different environments.


266 - Which perspective is illustrated: decreased levels of dopamine in the brain potentially causes Parkinson's disease.


267 - Which perspective is most concerned with identifying the limits of human reasoning?


268 - Which perspective is most relevant to understanding the impact of strokes and brain diseases on memory?


269 - Which perspective looks at how gender, age, or race shapes behavior?


270 - Which perspective looks at perception, learning and memory?

Cognitive psychology

271 - Which perspective most clearly focuses on how we learn observable responses?


272 - Which perspective of psychology emphasizes the overt behaviour of the individual?

Behaviouristic Perspective

273 - Which perspective said people have free will to choose their destiny?


274 - Which perspective says our unconscious drives, such as neurotic needs or birth order, childhood memories, and shape behavior?


275 - Which perspective says our unconscious drives, such as neurotic needs or birth order, shape behavior?


276 - Which perspective studies learning and how rewards and punishments influence how humans and animals act (observable responses)?


277 - Which perspective suggests that all individuals naturally strive to grow, develop, and be in control of their lives and behaviors?


278 - Which perspective suggests that an imbalance of hormones can contribute to aggressive behavior?


279 - Which perspective suggests that the field should focus on observable behavior that can be measured objectively?


280 - Which perspective thinks the unconscious mind influences everything we do?


281 - Which perspective uses the metaphor of comparing the human mind to a computer?


282 - Which perspective views behaviour from the perspective of biological functioning?


283 - Which perspective would agree with the following: "Change your thoughts, change your life"?


284 - Which perspective would be best for studying how people from different countries express anger?

socio cultural

285 - Which perspective would be most likely to explore the genetic basis for certain disorders?


286 - Which perspective would be most likely to state human thought and behavior can be understood in terms of activity at the neural level?


287 - Which perspective would be most likely to state many of our behaviors have developed as a result of our species' adaptation to the challenges of surviving across millennia?


288 - Which perspective would be most likely to state the mind can be viewed as an information processing system?


289 - Which perspective would be most useful when explaining how people from different countries express anger?

Social- cultural

290 - Which perspective would create a reward system to track progress on a goal?


291 - Which perspective would emphasize medication over therapy in treatment for disorders?


292 - Which perspective would focus on the extent to which different styles of parenting are encouraged among various ethnic communities?


293 - Which perspective would say that anxiety is the result of repressed traumatic childhood experiences?


294 - Which perspective would say that many of our behaviors are the result of unresolved childhood issues?


295 - Which perspective would suggest changing your physical location to concentrate more on a task?


296 - Which philosopher is most well known for theorizing that the mind at birth is tabula rasa or a "blank slate"?

John Locke

297 - Which philosopher started an Academy in Greece?


298 - Which philosopher suggested the idea that the mind is a blank slate on which experience writes?

John Locke

299 - Which philosopher was a student at Plato's Academy?


300 - Which philosopher was a student of Socrates?


301 - Which philosopher was known as the greatest scientist of the ancient world?


302 - Which philosopher would have been most enthusiastic about modern empiricism?


303 - Which philosophical movement claimed that the human mind consists of elementary ideas that originate from sensory experiences?


304 - Which pictorial depth cue is being represented in this image?

Linear perspective

305 - Which piece of information is not required to read a critical value table?

A sound working knowledge of 1970s zombie films

306 - Which prescientific psychologist thought that the fluid inside the spinal cavity was animal spirits?


307 - Which primary cortex of the brain controls processing sensation from the left hand?

Right somatosensory

308 - Which problem solving strategy am I using if I drive to California by simply following the sun?


309 - Which problem solving strategy is less likely to have errors?


310 - which problem-solving strategy asks "what can I do to get from here to there?"

means-end analysis

311 - which problem-solving strategy asks "what direction do I move in order to get from here to there?"

difference reduction

312 - Which procedure can reduce problems associated with the use of deception by a researcher?


313 - Which process results in the faithful duplication of genetic material?


314 - Which process/es are associate with the hypothalamus?


315 - Which professional specialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of people with psychological disorders?

clinical psychology

316 - Which provided the strongest evidence of environment's role in intelligence?

Children moved from a deprived environment into an intellectually enriched one show gains in intellectual environment

317 - Which psychological approach emphasizes childhood trauma and unresolved conflicts as motivators for behaviors?


318 - Which psychological approach examines the rules of society and social groups?

Social psychology

319 - Which psychological approach studies our thought process/mind?


320 - Which psychological approach would be most interested in learning about why different cultures respond differently in child rearing?

Social Cultural

321 - Which psychological disorder involves confused and disordered thoughts and perceptions?


322 - Which psychological perspective emphasizes thought processes and perception?


323 - Which psychological perspective focuses on how we think about information?


324 - Which psychological perspective focuses on optimal human functioning and the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive?

Positive Psychology

325 - Which psychological perspective focuses on the human goal of self-actualization?


326 - Which psychological perspective highlights the manner in which people encode, process, store, and retrieve information?


327 - Which psychological perspective studies how the situation and our upbringing influence our behavior?


328 - Which psychological perspective would be most interested in studying our brain structures & chemistry, genetics, glands, etc.?


329 - Which psychological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that people can learn to discontinue bad habits such as smoking?


330 - which psychological school of thought arose from Freud's attempts to understand connections between psychology and physical problems?

Psychoanalytic theory

331 - Which psychological school of thought focused on how to study subjective perspectives as a unified whole?

Gestalt Psychology

332 - Which psychological specialists are most likely to be involved in applied research?

industrial/organizational psychologists

333 - Which psychological specialty is most directly concerned with the systematic study of problem solving, decision making and concept formation?

cognitive psychology

334 - Which psychological specialty uses research to help determine why some individuals buy a product and others do not?

consumer psychology

335 - Which psychologist believed that all of our actions were either to avoid punishment or gain reinforcement and studied in the field of behaviorism?

John B. Watson

336 - Which psychologist can help students with problems learning?

School psychologist

337 - Which psychologist can prescribe medicine?

Psychiatrist psychologist

338 - Which psychologist creates Functionalism?

William James

339 - Which psychologist creates the theories behind classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

340 - Which psychologist experimented on dogs using classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

341 - Which psychologist focused his work on operant conditioning

F. Skinner

342 - Which Psychologist founded the 8 stages of psycho-social development?

Erik Erikson

343 - Which psychologist is associated with the development of the psychodynamic approach?

Sigmund Freud

344 - Which psychologist is associated with the experiment with children pictured here?

Jean Piaget

345 - Which Psychologist is associated with the term defense mechanism?


346 - Which Psychologist is associated with the term id, ego and superego?


347 - Which Psychologist is associated with the term Reinforcement?


348 - Which Psychologist is associated with the term response?


349 - Which Psychologist is known for his experiments with "Baby Albert", the toddler trained to be afraid of bunnies

John Watson

350 - Which psychologist is known for the bobo doll experiment.

Albert Bandura

351 - Which psychologist is linked to social learning theory?

Albert Bandura

352 - Which psychologist is linked with behaviourism?

John Watson

353 - Which psychologist is linked with the humanistic approach?

Abraham Maslow

354 - Which psychologist opened the world's first psychology lab in 1878?

Wilhelm Wundt

355 - Which Psychologist perceived psychology as the study of human consciousness and sought to apply experimental methods to studying internal mental processes?

Wilhelm Wundt

356 - Which Psychologist questioned how does our early childhood experiences affect our behavior?

Sigmund Freud

357 - Which psychologist rejected introspection?

F. Skinner

358 - Which psychologist reported that infant attachment to another goes beyond the satisfaction of the need for nourishment?

Harry Harlow

359 - Which psychologist studied children's thought processes (cognitive development)?

Jean Piaget

360 - Which psychologist studied the unconscious mind and Psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud

361 - Which Psychologist trained his dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell ringing

Ivan Pavlov

362 - Which psychologist was known for study with dogs

Ivan Pavlov

363 - Which psychologist was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology after Harvard University declined to give Mary Calkins the Ph.D.?

Margaret Washburn

364 - Which psychologist will be helpful in order to build a spirit of teamwork in the workers of an office?

personality psychologist

365 - Which psychologist(s) conducted the study into aggressive behaviour using a 'bobo doll'?


366 - Which psychologist(s) is/are most closely associated with consciousness and dream analysis?

Sigmund Freud

367 - Which psychologists completed the research into temperament with identical and un-identical twins?

Buss & Plomin

368 - Which psychologists is linked to the biological approach?


369 - Which pychologist is most famous for the Little Albert expirement?

John B. Watson

370 - Which r value/s indicates the strongest relationship?

Only (A) & (B)

371 - Which receptor cells most directly enable us to distinguish different wavelengths of light?


372 - Which region of the brain is primarily responsible for the formation of a new memory?


373 - Which relative of Peter Parker's was killed?

Uncle Ben

374 - which requires more "deep processing" of information?

elaborative rehearsal

375 - Which research design allows for comparisons of a single participant's data in both conditions of an experiment?

repeated measures

376 - Which research design is focused on gathering information about self-reported perceptions or attitudes through questionnaires?

survey method

377 - Which research method is fast and cheap, but has self-reporting problems?


378 - Which research method is most associated with the idiogaphic approach?

Case studies

379 - Which research questions would have been most interesting to Gestalt psychologists?

Why do we perceive objects in specific groups?

380 - Which researcher developed the Culture Fair Intelligent Test?


381 - Which researcher is best known for his experiment in conformity in which people selected the correct line length in front of a group of others?

Solomon Asch

382 - Which researcher is best known for his work in obedience involving a fake shock generator?

Stanley Milgram

383 - Which researchers claimed that flashbulb memories are highly accurate and resistant to forgetting?

Brown & Kulik

384 - Which researcher's work was key to our understanding of conformity?


385 - Which researcher's work was key to our understanding of obedience


386 - Which rhetorical technique uses authority/credibility to appeal to the audience?


387 - Which rhetorical technique uses emotion to appeal to the audience?


388 - Which rhetorical technique uses logic to appeal to the audience?


389 - Which sampling procedures involves choosing participants based on their "availability" at the time of research?


390 - Which sampling technique attempts to make the sample reflect the demographic nature of the population?

Stratified sampling

391 - Which sampling technique is quick and convinient?

Opportunity sampling

392 - Which sampling technique is used when a researcher selects a population for a particular reason?

Purposive Sampling

393 - Which sampling technique makes use of a pre-existing group?

Opportunity sampling

394 - Which scatter plot show a positive relationship?

Graph C

395 - Which schedule is the least effective in reinforcing behavior?

Fixed Interval

396 - Which schedule of reinforcement in operant conditioning is resistant to extinction?

partial reinforcement

397 - Which schedule of reinforcement is a pop quiz?

Variable interval

398 - Which schedule of reinforcement is the least prone to extinction?

Variable interval

399 - Which schedule of reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction?

variable interval

400 - Which scholars are best associated with the theory that emphasizes the unconscious mind?

Freud, Jung, Adler & Horney

401 - Which school did Gestalt psychology oppose?


402 - Which school of psychology focused on the adaptive nature of thinking and how our consciousness evolves to meet our needs?


403 - Which school of psychology would most likely have written a book titled The Whole is More than the Parts?


404 - Which School of Thought in Psychology "stressed the importance of empirical, rational thought over an experimental, trial-and-error philosophy and was concerned more with the capability of the mind than with the process of thought."


405 - Which School of Thought was influenced by Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection?


406 - Which school would argue perceptions, emotions and images cannot be separated?


407 - Which scientist developed the idea of absolute thresholds?

Gustav Fechner

408 - Which score is most often used as the central tendency?


409 - Which section of the brain is most involved in our sense of touch and pressure?

parietal lobe

410 - Which sense does NOT go to the Thalamus


411 - Which sentence describes the relationship shown on this scatter plot?

As the temperature increases, the number of visitors increases.

412 - Which shades of yellow will grab people's attention right away and a useful way of accenting a design?

bright yellow

413 - Which side of the brain processes information from the Right Visual Field

Left hemisphere

414 - Which significance level do psychologist use?


415 - Which situation best illustrates Kelly's individuality corollary?

Kevin likes Miss Dawson, his first-grade teacher, but Ramona dislikes her.

416 - Which skill was Piaget's study aiming to investigate?


417 - Which slave system deals with auditory info?

Phonological loop

418 - Which slave system deals with visual/spatial info?

Visuospatial sketchpad

419 - Which sleep disorder is characterized by intense hallucinatory dreams that typically affect young children during NREM-3 sleep?

Night Terrors

420 - Which sleep disorder is characterized by the inability to fall asleep?


421 - Which specialty in psychology focuses on helping those that have been injured in an accident, have been ill, and have lost optimal cognitive or physical skills?

rehabilitation psychology

422 - Which specific area of the brain is important in recalling both semantic and episodic memories?

The prefrontal cortex

423 - Which specific test has four sections: verbal reasoning, abstract/visual reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and short-term memory


424 - Which stage of life does language development occur in?


425 - Which stage of Piaget focuses on learning through the senses?


426 - Which stage of Selyes 'GAS' model would the organism be in, if they had been stressed for a while & continued to prioritise function for survival and continued to release cortisol?


427 - Which stage of Selyes 'GAS' model would the organism experience a 'freeze response'?

Alarm Reaction (Shock)

428 - Which stage of Selyes 'GAS' model would the organism release cortisol into the bloodstream?

Alarm Reaction (Countershock)

429 - Which stage of Selyes 'GAS' model would the rats die, or in humans, be so sick that they are hospitalised?


430 - Which stage of sensation and perception in vision converts electromagnetic energy into electrochemical impulses?


431 - Which stage of sleep do we dream?


432 - Which stage of sleep has brain waves most similar to wakefulness?


433 - which statement about Eysenck's theory is correct?

Only (A) & (B)

434 - Which statement about group polarization is most correct?


435 - Which statement about motivation is true?

A motive energizes and directs behavior.

436 - Which statement about social psychology experiments is justified?

Social psychology researchers may place people in unfamiliar, even confronting, social situations in their experiments.

437 - Which statement accurately represents Asch's results in his initial study of conformity?

About 75% of the participants agreed with the confederates' incorrect responses at least once during the trials.

438 - Which statement below might not belong to a parent who gives unconditional positive regard?

I do not allow my child to get angry with me.

439 - Which statement best defines the concept of "ethics"?

Ethics is the ability to tell the difference in right and wrong behavior.

440 - Which statement best describes AFFERENT (sensory) neurons?

They are neurons that receive information from our sensory organs and transmit this input to the central nervous system.

441 - Which statement best describes EFFERENT (motor) neurons?

They are neurons that carry impulses away from the central nervous system and toward muscles to cause movement.

442 - Which statement best describes the behaviour of the prisoners in the Stanford prison study?

They became more withdrawn and anxious as the study progressed

443 - Which statement best describes the behaviour of the prisoners?

They became more withdrawn and anxious as the study progressed

444 - Which statement best illustrates a negative correlation between the number of hours spent watching TV the week before an exam and the grade on that exam?

Students who watch more television perform more poorly on their exams.

445 - Which statement is correct?

A stratified sample is more likely to be representative of the population than a convenience sample.

446 - Which statement is false regarding sensation and perception.

These terms refer to the same concept.

447 - which statement is incorrect

Mensuration is responsible for less participation of women in sports

448 - Which statement is the most accurate description of perception:

Organisation and interpretation of sensory information about the world

449 - Which statement reflects a reasonable attitude for a good student of psychology to have toward any claim about human behavior?

Skepticism is advisable until an idea is proven right.

450 - Which statement reflects Kolhberg's conventional morality?

Buckle up. It is the law.

451 - Which statement signifies the term 'mood'

A relatively short-lived emotional state.

452 - Which statement was not true of the boys at Robbers Cave?

All knew each other before the camp

453 - Which statements about introspection are correct?

Only (A) & (B)

454 - Which statistical measure of central tendency is most affected by extreme scores?


455 - Which step in the PQ4R method involves relating new information to what you already know?


456 - Which stimulus is a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus?

conditioned response

457 - Which structural component of language is the smallest unit of distinctive sound?


458 - Which structure in neural communication passes messages through its branches?


459 - Which structure is G?


460 - Which structure is NOT in the hindbrain?


461 - Which structure is responsible for transmitting messages to and from the hemispheres?

the cerebral cortex

462 - Which structure of the brain holds onto our Long term memories (that we have to think about)?

Temporal Lobe

463 - Which structure receives neurotransmitters from the presynaptic neuron?


464 - Which students in Blackwell's first study showed most progress?

Students with a growth mindset

465 - Which study has this aim? Gender schema theory argues that gender identity develops through both cognitive and social processes and unlike Kohlberg doesn't suggest that children need to know that gender is permanent to develop gender schema.

Martin & Halvorson (1983)

466 - Which study has this aim? The aim of the research was to investigate whether high levels of the stress hormone cortisol interfere with verbal declarative memory.

Newcomer (1999)

467 - Which study has this aim? The aim of the research was to investigate whether the use of leading questions would affect estimation of speed.

Loftus & Palmer (1974)

468 - Which study has this aim? The aim of the study was to see whether the brains of London taxi drivers would be somehow different as a result of the exceptional training that they have to do to be certified.

Maguire (1997)

469 - Which study has this aim? The aim of this case study was to better understand the effects that the surgery had had on patient HM.

Milner (1966)

470 - Which study has this aim? The aim was to advance research on judgmental anchoring and research on judicial decision making in a number of important ways.

Englich and Mussweiler (2001)

471 - Which study has this aim? The aim was to examine the whether the position of words influences recall (primacy & recency effects) and see if there are two separate stores of memory (STM & LTM)

Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)

472 - Which study has this aim? The aim was to investigate if social behaviors (i.e., aggression) can be acquired by observation and imitation.

Bandura et al (1961)

473 - Which study has this aim? The aim was to predict the acculturative stress experienced by Latino adults from socio-psychological factors.

Miranda and Matheny (2000)

474 - Which study has this aim? The aim was to test the power of normative social influence on one's likelihood to conform in an unambiguous task.

Asch (1951)

475 - Which study investigated conformity by checking if a participant gave the same obviously incorrect answer as confederates?

Asch 1951

476 - Which study is the study of cognition?

cognitive psychology

477 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding effect of culture on behavior?

Berry (1967)

478 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding ethics of biological research?

Milner (1966)

479 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding evolutionary explanations of behavior?

Wedekind (1995)

480 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding hormones?

Newcomer (1999)

481 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding localization?

Maguire (1997)

482 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding memory models?

Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)

483 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding reconstructive memory?

Bartlett (1932)

484 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding schema theory?

Brewer & Treyens (1981)

485 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding social cognitive (learning) theory?

Bandura, Ross and Ross (1961)

486 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding social identity theory?

Tajfel (1970)

487 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding stereotypes?

Martin & Halvorson (1983)

488 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding techniques used to study the brain?

Maguire (1997)

489 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding the effect of emotion on cognitive processing?

Sharot et al (2007);

490 - Which study or theory would best support a question regarding thinking and decision making?

Englich and Mussweiler (2001)

491 - Which study revealed people are less likely to respond when others are around?

Bystander Effect

492 - Which study revealed people internalize assigned roles?

Stanford Prison Experiment

493 - Which study revealed people will obey authority figures?

Milgram Experiment

494 - Which study supports the biological approach to psychology?

The Minnesota Twin study (Bouchard (1979)

495 - Which sub-field in Psychology, is most concerned with studying behavior in the workplace and how to keep workers productive and happy?


496 - Which sub-field is connected with the image above


497 - Which subfield of psychology is the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another?


498 - Which subfield of psychology studies how people change during their lifetimes?

developmental psychology

499 - Which subject study behaviour?


500 - Which subspecialty in psychology focuses on the cognitive differences between a 6-year-old and a 12-year-old?


501 - Which subsystem is referred to as the 'inner voice' due to maintenance loop

Articulatory rehearsal system

502 - Which system is responsible for sending messages from your brain to the rest of your body?

Central Nervous System

503 - Which system is responsible for voluntary muscle movement

Somatic nervous system

504 - Which system regulates hormones?


505 - Which techniques allow for the investigation of brain structures?


506 - Which term describes how we change information so that it can be stored in our memory?


507 - Which term describes how we find and use information stored in our memory?


508 - Which term describes how we remember more items from the end of a list than from other points?

Recency effect

509 - Which term means a change in attitude or behavior brought about by social pressure to comply with authority?


510 - Which term means behaving in accordance with socially accepted norms, even if the behavior does not feel natural?


511 - Which term means the loss of self-awareness and restraint that can occur in group situations?


512 - Which term refers to acting in ways that fit with group norms and customs?


513 - Which term refers to changing your behavior because of the direct command of an authority figure?


514 - Which term refers to mental processes, such as reasoning and remembering?


515 - Which term refers to poor group decision making that occurs as a result of a group emphasizing unity over critical thinking?


516 - Which term refers to the idea that genetics determine our behavior?


517 - Which term refers to the idea that one's environment, upbringing, and experiences determine our behavior


518 - Which term refers to the study of differences between groups of people subjectively, from the inside?


519 - Which term would best explain why a weightlifter who is used to lifting a 50-pound weight would notice a 5 pound increase, but a weightlifter who is used to lifting a 115-pound weight would not notice 5 added pounds.

Weber's Law

520 - Which test evaluates 4 dimensions of your personality including extroversion vs introversion, sensing vs intuition, thinking vs feeling, and judging vs perceiving?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

521 - Which test of memory typically provides the fewest retrieval cues?


522 - Which test provides three separate IQ scores: a verbal IQ, a performance IQ, and a total IQ?


523 - Which tests are the most expensive to administer?


524 - Which theorist believed that in addition to the individual's own unconscious all humans share a vast collective unconscious containing archetypes?

Carl Jung

525 - Which theorist believed that we all have a g factor ..... one general intelligence?


526 - Which theorist is responsible for suggesting that the distribution of phobias in the human population can be explained by biological preparedness?


527 - Which theorist was a behaviorist and developed operant conditioning to explain how we acquire and maintain voluntary behavior?

F. Skinner

528 - Which theorist was all about the id, ego, and super ego


529 - Which theorist would have been most likely to agree with this statement: Perceptual phenomena are best understood as a combination of their components.

Max Wertheimer

530 - Which theory believes "free will" motivated people's behavior?


531 - Which theory believes our behavior is a reaction to our environment?


532 - Which theory believes that humans perceive in whole units first is called?


533 - Which theory believes that personalities and behaviors are a result of our consequences, punishments and rewards.


534 - Which theory believes that the environment affects a person's behavior the most?


535 - Which theory believes that your behavior is caused mainly by your unconscious thoughts?


536 - Which theory dates back to Hippocrates and consists of a five-factor model of personality developed by GordonAllport, Hans Eysenck, and Raymond Cattell?

trait theory

537 - Which theory emphasizes that personal expectations and motivations influence the level of absolute thresholds?

signal detection theory

538 - Which theory has already been decided when someone is born?

Great Man

539 - Which theory is created by Jean Piaget?

Cognitive development theory

540 - Which theory is described by this statement: "Intentions are considered the primary drive of human behavior."

Theory of Planned Behavior

541 - Which theory is explained by this image?

Insightful theory of learning

542 - Which theory is indicated by the given image

Trial & error theory

543 - Which theory of behavior believes that it is mostly due to our body chemistry?


544 - Which theory of behavior believes that we think and perceive in whole units rather than the parts?


545 - Which theory of color vision states that the thalmaus will produce afterimages of black-white, red-green, and blue-yellow colors when overly stimulated?

Opponent Processing

546 - Which theory of dreams believes that we dream as a result of threatening wishes and desires being changed into harmless symbols?

Freud's theory of dreams

547 - Which theory of gender-typing suggests that people understand and classify their own behavior and personality traits in terms of masculine and feminine categories?

gender schema theory

548 - Which theory of hearing uses the volley principle to explain how transduction occurs?


549 - Which theory of Psychology believes we are motivated by our "free will"?


550 - Which theory of sleep offers an explaination of why humans sleep during the nighttime?

evolutionary theory

551 - Which theory put forth by Thorndike?

Trial and Error

552 - Which theory says that the spinal cord contains a neurological "gate" that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass on to the brain?

Gate Control Theory

553 - Which theory states "creativity is not highly correlated with analytical intelligence"?

Sternberg Triarchic Theory

554 - Which theory suggest the people learn from their families, teachers and friends?

Social cognitive theory

555 - Which theory suggests that large-fiber activity in the spinal cord can prevent pain signals from reaching the brain?

gate-control theory

556 - Which theory supports the following statement?".....we learn a language much in the same way that we learn how to count or how to tie shoes via repetition and reinforcement".

Learning Theory

557 - Which therapist introduced the use of free association?

Sigmund Freud

558 - Which trait categories is the most dominant?


559 - Which trait category changes due to the situation?


560 - Which trait theory best exemplifies the principle of parsimony?

A theory that proposes two personality dispositions.

561 - Which traits were found to be associated with delinquency?

Only (A) & (B)

562 - Which two (2) things does the sensory blockade do?

Only (A) & (B)

563 - Which two are examples of descriptive statistics?

Mean and standard deviation.

564 - Which two are true about Stage 1 (sleep onset)?

Only (A) & (B)

565 - Which two aspects of the cognitive interview have been found to be most effective?

Only (A) & (B)

566 - Which two lobes contain Broca's and Wernicke's area?

Only (A) & (B)

567 - Which two of the following are advantages of manual guidance

Only (A) & (B)

568 - Which TWO of these are types of guidance?

Only (A) & (B)

569 - which two of these options describe a case study?

in depth investigation

570 - Which two parts of the ear deal with conductive deafness?

Ossicles & Tympanic Membrane

571 - which two people both believed that the mind is seperable from the body especially in death and knowlegde is innate?

socrates and plato

572 - Which two schools specifically reject Structuralism's desire to break down reality into smaller parts?

Gestalt and Functionalism

573 - Which two senses are the chemical senses?

Only (A) & (B)

574 - Which two statements apply to Gibson's theory?

Only (A) & (B)

575 - Which two statements apply to Gregory's theory?

Only (A) & (B)

576 - Which two things happens to your body in Stage 2 (late night stage)

Only (A) & (B)

577 - Which type of amnesia keeps us from remembering information from the first 2-3 years of our lives?


578 - Which type of communication is the transmission of messages or signals through a nonverbal platform such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body language.

Non Verbal

579 - Which type of correlation most likely represents the relationship between number of hours studied for an exam and the grade on the exam?

Positive Correlation

580 - Which type of correlation: The higher you go, the colder the temperature.


581 - Which type of correlation: The longer you study for an exam, the higher your grade.


582 - Which type of creative thinking expands the number of possible problem solutions?

Divergent Thinking

583 - Which type of culture is most accurate in describing the United States?


584 - Which type of early brain research showed contralateral control of the body?


585 - Which type of early psychologist believed that "the whole is more than the sum of its parts"?


586 - Which type of encoding helps us process information the best?


587 - Which type of experiment was done in natural setting?

field experiment

588 - Which type of graph is most often used to represent correlational findings?


589 - Which type of guidance would be beneficial for who needs to build their confidence in potentially dangerous skills

Mechanical guidance

590 - Which type of learning is most difficult to measure?

Cognitive Learning

591 - Which type of learning was pioneered by Edward Tolman?

Latent Learning

592 - Which type of LTM stores events that you have experienced?


593 - Which type of LTM stores facts and knowledge?


594 - Which type of LTM stores how to do things?


595 - Which type of memory has an essentially unlimited storage capacity?

long-term memory

596 - Which type of memory has essentially unlimited storage capacity?

long term memory

597 - Which type of memory has unlimited capacity to remember things your whole life

long-term memory

598 - Which type of memory is also referred to as working memory?

Short-term memory

599 - Which type of memory is being tested when you take a multiple-choice test?


600 - Which type of memory would be stored in long-term memory?

flashbulb memory

601 - Which type of motivation tens to achieve better long-term results?

intrinsic motivation

602 - Which type of neuron is directly responsible for closing your hand into a fist?

Motor neuron

603 - Which type of problem solving strategy allows us to make an estimate on the likelihood of events based on how much that event matches a prototype?

Representativeness Heuristic

604 - Which type of problem solving technique is methodical, logical, and will always lead to a correct answer if there is one?


605 - Which type of processing looks at the whole picture and uses previous experiences to make determinations?

Top-down processing

606 - Which type of processing makes things go into your long term store?

Semantic processing

607 - Which type of processing makes things go into your sensory store?

Visual processing

608 - Which type of processing makes things go into your short term store?

Acoustic processing

609 - Which type of psychological provider can prescribe medication?


610 - Which type of psychological study uses measures of central tendency and measures of variability?

descriptive statistics

611 - Which type of psychologist finds ways for companies and workers to be more productive?


612 - Which type of Psychologist helps solve crimes?


613 - Which type of Psychologist helps the police solve crimes?


614 - Which type of Psychologist studies how people learn and remember?


615 - Which type of psychologist studies the effects of the environment on behavior?

Environmental psychologist

616 - Which type of Psychologist works with advertisers?


617 - Which type of psychologist would be most likely to argue that a child will hit others because his older siblings hit others.


618 - Which type of psychologist would most likely study a subject group from kindergarten to adulthood?


619 - Which type of Psychologist would work in Advertising?


620 - Which type of psychology examines how people interact with others?


621 - Which type of psychology examines how people learn, develop and change?


622 - Which type of psychology is used to investigate criminal cases?


623 - Which type of psychology used to diagnose and treat mental illnesses?


624 - Which type of Psychology works with advertising?


625 - Which type of ratio describes when playing slot machines?


626 - Which type of recall involves getting a hint or a clue?

Cued recall

627 - Which type of research focuses on verbal reports, pictures, observations, documents, etc. instead of a focus on numbers.


628 - Which type of research method is best suited for revealing the meaning of events as experienced by individuals?


629 - Which type of research would allow you to determine whether students' grades accurately predict later income?


630 - Which type of retinal cell forms the optic nerve


631 - Which type of sensory memory works with visual stimuli?

Iconic Memory

632 - Which type of study likely provides the most information in the easiest and quickest way?


633 - Which type of test is designed to assess what a person has learned?

achievement tests

634 - Which type of test is designed to predict a person's future performance?

aptitude test

635 - Which type of test measures how much has been learned- it looks backward?

achievement test

636 - Which type of test measures the ability to perform a particular skill= like typing or driving?

performance test

637 - Which type of therapy uses free association and dream interpretation?


638 - Which type of variable changes as a result of the experiment?

Dependent Variable

639 - Which type of variable is chosen/manipulated by the experimenter?

Independent Variable

640 - Which variable do we manipulate or change?

The independent variable

641 - Which variable is placed on the x-axis?

Independent variable (manipulated variable)

642 - Which variable within an experiment is the one that is changed to see what effect is has?

Independent variable

643 - Which variable within an experiment is the one that is measured?

Dependent variable

644 - Which variable within an experiment is the one that needs to be controlled so that it doesn't accidentally affect the results?

Extraneous variable

645 - Which video game has an imposter?

Among Us

646 - Which view of behavior is Freud the founder of?


647 - Which view of Psychology believes that behavior is influenced by the person's body chemistry?


648 - Which Viewpoint would John Watson Most Likely Agree with?

Psychology should only study the observable and measurable

649 - Which was not a thing the avian needed to learn directly prior to the testing in the study?

the color grey

650 - Which were ethical considerations present in the case study of HM?

Only (A) & (B)

651 - Which word is most likely to be paired with the color BLACK?


652 - Which word is most likely to be paired with the color GREEN?


653 - Which word is most likely to be paired with the color WHITE?


654 - Which word is spelled correctly?


655 - Which word would mostly likely be paired with the color ORANGE?


656 - Which would a Psychdynamic psychologist be concerned with.....

Drawing out unconscious motivations

657 - Which would be most suitable for displaying a correlation?


658 - Which would be the most appropriate measure of central tendency for the following data set: 34, 36, 36, 37, 38, 39, 39, 673?

The median

659 - Which year was the episodic buffer added to the model?


660 - While 75% of participants got help when they were alone and saw smoke, how many got help when two confederates were present?


661 - While at the grocery store, Sam walks past the dairy section and realizes she needs milk. She grabs the milk and forgets about the treats for her dog. This is an example of.....

Retroactive interference

662 - While at work, you see a customer that was rude and treated you horribly. What kind of memory is this?


663 - While designing an experiment, the important thing is to decide ..... which precisely is what the participants should do.


664 - While looking at a triangle, specific neurons called "feature detectors" fire in response to the lines and angles in the shape. Feature detectors are located in the .....

Occipital Lobe

665 - While playing in the yard, little Amanda was stung by a bee. The sting made her cry. Crying was a:


666 - While processing speed may slow, overall intelligence over time can be said to be

relatively stable/unchanging

667 - While selecting a psychological test for personnel selection, main concern regarding the test is _____________?


668 - While singing to you on your birthday, your friends leave off the very last word of the song, "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear David, Happy birthday to ." Your tendency to mentally fill in the last word best reflects whic


669 - While talking with Connor, Matt anticipates what Connor will say next. This event is best accounted for by Kelly's ..... corollary.


670 - While teaching his wife how to ride a motorcycle, Luke has a difficult time explaining the steps in words. Instead, it is easier for him to show her the procedure and have her demonstrate. This is because Luke has stored this knowledge using which type of


671 - While waiting in line at Starbucks, Kramer was playing games on his cell phone and subsequently failed to see the customer in front of him rob the cashier. This is an example of.....

inattentional blindness

672 - While watching a frightening movie is is also likely that

breathing rate increases and the bladder relaxes

673 - Whis one is NOT a trait of reinforcers?

Teaches discriminating

674 - White coat syndrome describes that people whose blood pressure (an involuntary response) goes up when it is tested in a doctor's office or usually by someone in a white coat. Blood pressure increase is an example of

conditioned response

675 - White coat syndrome describes that people whose blood pressure (an involuntary response) goes up when it is tested in a doctor's office or usually by someone in a white coat.Doctor's office is an example of

conditioned stimulus

676 - White coat syndrome describes that people whose blood pressure (an involuntary response) goes up when it is tested in a doctor's office or usually by someone in a white coat.Someone in a white coat is an example of

conditioned stimulus

677 - White is .....


678 - White is perceived as

pure and innocent

679 - Who defined ‘Psychology’ as the scientific study of activities of organism in relation to its environment?

Wood worth

680 - Who "perfected" the lobotomy by entering through the eye orbit?

Walter Freeman

681 - Who among the following would most likely study the interaction of people, machines, and physical environments?

Human factors psychologist

682 - Who among the the following is not a Magellan of the mind?


683 - Who are Eros and Psyche?

Greek god and goddess that married

684 - Who are the cognitive therapists?

Only (A) & (B)

685 - Who are the theorists belong to Behaviorism? Please mark it check.

All of the above

686 - Who argued that adolescence is a period of 'storm and stress'?

Stanley Hall

687 - Who believed ALL behavior was due to mental processes?

Jean Piaget

688 - Who believed in Tabula Rosa?

John Locke

689 - Who believed in the use of psychoanalysis to undercover patients unconscious mind?


690 - Who believed psych was an observable behavior?

John B. Watson and B.F Skinner

691 - Who believed that idea are formed before one's birth? (pre-determined)


692 - Who believed that performance on any cog-nitive task depended on a primary general factor (g) and on one or more specific factors (s) relating to that particular task?


693 - Who believed that the mind and body were connected?


694 - Who believed that the mind of a person was a blank slate at birth and that ones experiences affect the person's development

John Locke

695 - Who believed that we have one general intelligence?

Charles Spearman

696 - Who came up with the 8 intelligence types?

Howard Gardner

697 - Who came up with the terms sibling rivalry and inferiority complex?

Alfred Adler

698 - Who can prepare Standardized test such as SAT

Educational psychologist

699 - Who can Write Medication for the client


700 - Who carried out the research into social roles in the Stanford Prison Experiment?


701 - Who claimed that behavior is affected by reinforcement?

F. Skinner

702 - Who coined the phrase "nature vs. nurture" and wrote Hereditary Genius?

Francis Galton

703 - Who coined the term "tabula rasa" (Blank slate) to help explain the experience has on shaping an individual?

John Locke

704 - Who coined the term AQ?

paul stolz

705 - Who conditioned dogs to salivate just by hearing the sound of a bell?


706 - Who conducted an experiment in conformity in which people were asked to judge the length of lines?

Solomon Asch

707 - Who conducted research in a field that is less known in psychology, the mechanism of Dizziness?

William James

708 - Who conducted the Bobo Doll Experiment?


709 - Who conducted the famous "Obedience to Authority" experiment?

Stanley Milgram

710 - Who conducted the Milgram study?

Stanley Milgram

711 - Who created the hierarchy of needs: a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization?

Abraham Maslow

712 - Who created the law of effect?

Edward Thorndike

713 - Who created the mental age for children?


714 - who created the stanford prison experiment

Phillip zimbardo

715 - Who created the term "tabula rasa" (blank slate) to help explain the impact experience has on shaping an individual?

John Locke

716 - Who creates the theories that form Behaviorism?

John Watson

717 - Who dealt with psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud

718 - Who defined "Psychology as the science of immediate experience with consci- ousness being the main subject matter"?

Both A. & C.

719 - Who defined health psychology as 'the aggregate of the specific educational, scientific, and professional contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, and the identifica

Matarazzo (1980)

720 - Who defined intelligence as consisting of eight mental abilities?

Howard Gardner

721 - Who defined 'Psychology' as the scientific study of activities of organism in relation to its environment?

Wood worth

722 - Who developed a model of 4 stages of cognitive development

Jean Piajet

723 - Who developed a psychoanalytic personality theory which involved the id, ego and superego?

Sigmund Freud

724 - Who developed the 4 stage theory of cognitive development?

Jean Piaget

725 - Who developed the concept of latent learning?


726 - Who developed the IQ test

Lewis Terman

727 - Who developed the motivational theory based on human needs?

Abraham Maslow

728 - Who developed the Psychoanalytic Theory?

Sigmund Freud

729 - Who developed the Stanford-Binet IQ test?

Lewis terman

730 - Who developed the theory of "Functionalism?"


731 - Who developed the theory of multiple intelligences that included at least 8 different types?


732 - Who developed the theory of operant conditioning (the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences) and was a founder of behaviorism?

BF Skinner

733 - Who developed the theory of operant conditioning ..... the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, be they reinforcements or punishments, which make it more or less likely that the behavior will occur again.

F. Skinner

734 - Who developed the theory of Structuralism?

Edward Titchener

735 - Who developed the Triarchic theory of intelligence?

Robert Sternberg





738 - Who devised the concept of IQ?

Willam Stern

739 - Who devised the EPI?


740 - Who did the Bobo doll experiment?

Albert Bandura

741 - Who did the experiment with the dog and the bell?


742 - Who did the rat and maze study?

Edward Tolman

743 - Who did the rat maze?

Edward Tolman

744 - Who discovered classical conditioning while studying the digestive system of dogs?

Ivan Pavlov

745 - Who discovered classical conditioning while working with dogs?


746 - Who discovered that all mental process are not accompanied by mental imagery?

Oswald Kulpe

747 - Who does educational psychologist interact with?

All above

748 - Who does Harry marry in the future?

Ginny Weasley

749 - Who emphasized that social development continues throughout life, not just for the first 5 or 6 years?

Erik Erikson

750 - Who emphasized that the whole may exceed the sum of its parts?

Gestalt psychologists

751 - Who established the first experimental psychological laboratory?

Wilhelm Wundt

752 - Who established the First Lab of Psychology?


753 - Who established the first laboratory of Experimental Psychology?

Wilheim Wunt

754 - Who established the first psychology lab at the University of Leipzig, Germany?

William Wundt

755 - Who established the first psychology lab in the U.S. and was the first president of the APA?

G. Stanley Hall

756 - Who established the first Psychology Laboratory in 1879?

Wilhelm Wundt

757 - Who established the structuralism theory?

Wilhelm Wundt & Edward Tichener

758 - Who first developed an "intelligence" test to establish the idea of "mental age"?


759 - Who first used observation as a way to understand the world?

Greek philosophers

760 - Who focused on the unconscious mind and founded psychotherapy?


761 - Who found the first psychology lab in Germany?

Wilhelm Wundt

762 - Who founded psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

763 - Who Founded Structuralism?When was it founded?

Wilhelm Wundt; 1879

764 - Who founded the movement for Humanistic Psychology?

Abraham Maslow

765 - Who gave the classical theory of learning?


766 - Who gave the concept of Free Association?

Sigmund Freud

767 - Who gave the emergency theory of emotion?

Cannon bard

768 - Who gave theory of classical conditioning?


769 - Who gave trial and error theory?


770 - Who had children watch adults hit a bobo doll, then observed that those children acted more aggressive later on?


771 - Who had the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany?

Wilhelm Wundt

772 - Who has been credited as the first developer of first intelligence test and made important contributions to our understanding of the thought process?

Alfred Binet

773 - Who has no medical training?


774 - Who hypothesized a general "g" factor to intelligence?

Charles Spearman

775 - Who influenced functionalism through their work on natural selection?

Charles Darwin

776 - Who introduced behaviourism?


777 - Who invented the correlation coefficient and developed the ideas behind finger-printing and eugenics?

Sir Francis Galton

778 - Who investigated conformity to social roles according to the Social Influence section in the course guide?


779 - Who investigated cultural variations in the correlates of flashbulb memories?

Kulkofsky et al (2011)

780 - Who is a famous psycholinguistic?

Noam Chomsky

781 - Who is a interviewee?

The person who answers the questions related to a problem.

782 - Who is a pioneer contributor to the Cognitive Psychology?

Jean Piaget

783 - Who is an important functionalistic psychologist was particularly interested in consciousness, memory and emotions?

William James

784 - Who is associated with Behaviorism?


785 - Who is associated with introspection?

Wilhelm Wundt

786 - Who is associated with Psychoanalysis?


787 - Who is associated with structuralism (a school of psychology eventually found to have unreliable results that varied from person to person, as no consistent structural perceptions were found)?

Wilhelm Wundt

788 - Who is best associated with functionalism?

William James

789 - Who is best known for studying the phenomenon of insight in animals?

Wolfgang Kohler

790 - who is call the father of psychology?


791 - Who is called the father of "Experimental Psychology"?


792 - Who is called the father of Modern Psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt

793 - Who is called the father of psychoanalysis?


794 - Who is considered a Humanistic Psychologist?


795 - Who is considered the "father of American psychology" and believed that sensations, simple emotions, and consciousness helped our ancestors survive?

William James

796 - Who is considered the "Father of Modern Psychology" in the United States?

William James

797 - Who is considered the "father of psychology" and began the first psychology lab?

Wilhelm Wundt

798 - Who is considered the "Father of Psychology" and follower of structuralism?

Wilhelm Wundt

799 - Who is considered the "Father of Psychology"?

Wilhelm Wundt

800 - Who is considered the father of American Psychology?


801 - Who is considered the father of American Psychology? (He wrote the 1st Psych textbook & gave the first psych lecture at Harvard University.)

William James

802 - Who is considered the Father of Medicine?


803 - Who is considered the father of motivational psychology?

Abraham Maslow

804 - Who is considered the father of psychology?

Wihelm Wundt

805 - Who is considered the father of psychophysics?

Gustav Fechner

806 - Who is considered the father of scientific psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt

807 - Who is considered the found father of Sociology?

Auguste Comte

808 - Who is considered to be the "father of psychology?"

Wilhelm Wundt

809 - Who is considered to be the father of modern positive psychology?

Martin Seligman

810 - Who is considered to be the 'father of psychology' and created the first psychological lab?

Wilhelm Wundt

811 - Who is credited for setting up the first psychological laboratory in United States?

Wilhelm Wundt

812 - Who is credited with bringing psychology to the U.S. and creating the American Psychological Association?

G. Stanley Hall

813 - Who is credited with coming up with structuralism?

Edward Titchener

814 - Who is credited with creating functionalism?

William James

815 - Who is credited with pioneering the psychoanalytic approach to psychology?

Sigmund Freud

816 - Who is credited with studying social and moral development?


817 - who is designed insight learning?


818 - Who is father of Projected Technique

J B Watsan

819 - Who is father of Psychology?

S. Freud

820 - Who is founder of psychoanalysis?


821 - Who is generally credited with developing the first battery of psychological tests?

Francis Galton

822 - Who is he?


823 - Who is Hermann Ebbinghaus?

A German Psychologist that founded the curve of forgetting, a pioneer of the study of memory

824 - Who is known as father of Behaviorism?

J.B. Watson

825 - Who is Known as Father of Psychoanalysis?


826 - Who is known as Gestalt Psychologist?


827 - Who is known as the "Father of Psychology?"

Wilhelm Wundt

828 - Who is known as the "father" of modern psychology (for opening the first medical lab dedicated to the study of behavior)?

Wilhelm Wundt

829 - Who is known as the father of American psychology?

William James

830 - Who is known as the father of classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

831 - Who is known as the father of modern Psychology

Max Wilhelm Wundt

832 - Who is known as the father of psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

833 - Who is known as the father of psychology?


834 - Who is known as the founder of modern psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt in 1879

835 - Who is known for studying the effects of segregation on self-esteem, having their study cited in Brown vs. Board?

Mamie and Kenneth Clark

836 - Who is knows as father of psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt

837 - Who is Luke Sykywalker's Jedi mentor?

Obi Wan Kenobi

838 - Who is manual guidance best suited to?


839 - Who is most associated with the technique of introspection?


840 - Who is most likely to be criticized for extending the definition of intelligence to an overly broad range of talents?

Howard Gardner

841 - Who is not an American Psychologist?


842 - Who is often described as the father of clinical psychology and who also coined the term "clinical psychology"?

Lightner Witmer

843 - Who is Peter Parker?


844 - Who is PM of India?


845 - Who is recognised as the father of psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

846 - Who is regarded as the father of operant conditioning?


847 - Who is responsible for developing a psychoanalytic psychosexual theory?


848 - Who is responsible for the Gestalt Theory?

Max Wetheimer

849 - Who is responsible for the Humanistic Theory?

Abraham Maslow

850 - Who is the "father of psychoanalysis" who believed that our behavior, thoughts, and perceptions have to do with our past and our primitive instincts?

Sigmund Freud

851 - Who is the "father" of psychology?

William Wundt

852 - Who is the author of book Principle of Psychology?

William James

853 - Who is the author of frustration-aggression hypothesis.


854 - Who is the father of behaviorism?

J.B. Watson

855 - Who is the father of educational psychology?

Edward Thorndike

856 - Who is the father of experimental psychology

Wilhelm Wundt

857 - Who is the father of Experimental Psychology.

Wilhelm Wundt

858 - Who is the father of Experimental Psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt

859 - Who is the Father of Intelligence test

Alfred Bine

860 - who is the father of psychoanalysis


861 - Who is the father of psychodynamic theory?

Sigmund Freud

862 - who is the father of psychology

wilhelm wundt

863 - Who is the Father of Psychology, who developed the first laboratory for experiment in Leipzig Germany?

Wilhelm Wundt

864 - Who is the Father of Psychology?

Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt

865 - Who is the first woman, awarded Ph. D in psychology?

Margaret Floy Washburn

866 - Who is the forgetful fish in Finding Nemo?


867 - Who is the founder and principal proponent of psychoanalysis_____________?

Sigmund Freud

868 - Who is the founder of "Multiple Intelligence Theory"?

Howard Gardner

869 - Who is the founder of ‘Individual Psychology’?

Alfred Adler

870 - Who is the Founder of Gestalt Psychology _________?

Max wertheimer

871 - Who is the founder of psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

872 - Who is the founder of Quantum Learning Model?


873 - Who is the founder of structuralism?

Wilhelm Wundt

874 - Who is the headmaster/headmistress in the 5th year?


875 - Who is the psychologist known for Classical Conditioning

Ivan Pavlov

876 - Who is the psychologist who constructed the first intelligence test?

Alfred Binet

877 - Who is the valuable contributor in insightful learning?


878 - Who is this

Darth vader

879 - Who is this famous psychologist?

Albert Bandura

880 - Who is this guy?

Nicolas Cage

881 - Who is this Psychologist connected with Hierarchical need Theory?


882 - Who is Wilhelm Wundt?

He is the Father of Psychology

883 - Who linked taste aversions with classical conditioning?


884 - Who might use dream analysis to uncover unconscious memories, unresolved conflicts that might cause us issues

pschoanalytical perspective

885 - Who most stressed the importance of maturation in development?

Arnold Gesell

886 - Who most strongly favors a stage theory of development?


887 - Who noticed his patients symptoms seemed to be psychological (mind) over physiological (body)?

Sigmund Freud

888 - Who of the following defined a self-actualized person?

Abraham Maslow



890 - Who opened the first psychology lab in the US, started the first journal, hosted Freud, and mentored the first African American psychologist?

Stanley Hall

891 - Who oversees that types of experiments are ethical and can/cannot be done?

American Psychological Association

892 - Who Profaned Self actualization theory

Abraham Maslow

893 - Who promoted the formulation of Elementism?


894 - Who proposed psychoanalytic theory question mark

Sigmund freud

895 - Who proposed that mind and body are two separate entities and interact with each other?

Rene Descartes

896 - Who proposed the famous PASS theory on psychology?

J.P Das

897 - Who propounded Psyhchoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

898 - Who propounded the Observation Method?


899 - Who propounded two- factors theory of Intelligence?


900 - Who questioned the scientific status of introspection by suggesting it was too subjective?

Behaviourist psychologists

901 - Who raised the question of whether behavior is determined by heredity or environment?

Francis Galton

902 - Who recognized that an autonomic response could be triggered in animals, specifically dogs?


903 - Who rejected introspection as a legitimate method of study?


904 - Who researched capacity of STM and what type of study did they conduct?

Miller - psychological review

905 - Who said "the unexamined life is a life not worth living."


906 - Who said natural selection would ensure the survival of the fittest people in society?

Herbert Spencer

907 - Who said people are motivated by unconscious drives and conflicts?

Sigmund Freud

908 - Who said that each person has a blend of intelligences?


909 - Who said that if teachers recognize that a student is high in one type of intelligence, they can provide learning opportunities to build on that strength?


910 - Who said there would be a revolution by the people that would lead to a classless society?

Karl Marx

911 - Who said this : "Science is what scientists do and there are as many scientific methods as there are individual scientists"?

Paul Feyerabend

912 - Who said this, "The boundaries of Educational Psychology are unlimited and changing?"


913 - Who said 'we are born capable of learning?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

914 - Who said, "I think, therefore I am"

Rene' Decartes

915 - Who sang "I Want it That Way" which was referenced in Brooklyn 99?

Back Street Boys

916 - Who started the psychoanalytic approach to psychology?

Sigmund Freud

917 - Who studied and realized that at birth your mind is a Tabula Rosa?

John Locke

918 - Who studied behaviorism?

Only (A) & (B)

919 - Who studied functionalism and created the 1st book?

William James

920 - Who studied Genetics?

Gregor Mendel

921 - Who studied humanistic perspective?

Only (A) & (B)

922 - Who studied salvation in dogs?


923 - Who studied the negative effects of anxiety on EWT?

Johnson & Scott

924 - Who studied unconscious and conscious behavior?

Sigmund Freud

925 - Who studies Molasks at a young age and as a psychologist placed great importance on the education of children?

Jean Piaget

926 - Who studies workplaces and employees to improve efficiency and the working lives of the employees?

industrial organizational psychologists

927 - Who suggested that mental processes and events are unimportant or even totally nonexistent?


928 - Who suggested that the basic processes that enable learning are the same in humans and animals therefore used animals in his research?


929 - Who taught dogs to salivate when they heard a bell?

Ivan Pavlov

930 - Who theorised Realistic Conflict Theory?


931 - Who theorised Social Identity Theory?


932 - Who typically makes decisions and has the final say about research ethics issues?

Ethical Committees

933 - Who used introspection and founded the 1st laboratory?

Wilhelm Wundt

934 - Who used introspection to study structures of mind?

Edward Titchener

935 - Who used rewards and to train rats to pull a lever in a small box or chamber?


936 - Who usually has a PhD, PsyD, EdD and cannot prescribe medication?


937 - Who wanted to study "observable, measurable behavior?"

John B. Watson

938 - Who was a founder of the humanistic school of psychology and believed that acceptance and introspection could alleviate many of the issues that plagued patients who were lacking in emotional and social needs?

Carl Rogers

939 - Who was a prominent American functionalist?John B. Watson b. Edward Titchener c. Wilhelm Wundt d. Jean Piaget e. William James

William James

940 - Who was a student of Aristotle?

Alexander the Great

941 - Who was a student of William James and the first female president of the American Psychological Association?

Mary Calkins

942 - Who was an American Psychologist and became an ardent proponent of behaviourism?

John Watson

943 - Who was an important researcher within the Behavioral perspective?

Ivan Pavlov

944 - Who was Anton van Leeuwenhoek?

Known as the father of microbiology, he used a microscope to discover that a single drop of water can contain hundreds of microorganisms

945 - Who was associated with classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

946 - Who was denied the claim to being psychology's first female psychology Ph.D.?

Mary Whiton Calkins

947 - Who was HM?

Henry Molaison

948 - Who was known primarily for his work in classical conditioning involving a dog, food, and a bell

Ivan Pavlov

949 - Who was Margaret Floy Washburn?

First female to receive a Ph. D. in psychology

950 - Who was Mary Whiton Calkins?

First female president of APA

951 - Who was nicknamed the "Father of Psychology"?

Wilhelm Wundt

952 - Who was noted for covering psychological development across an entire lifespan?

Erik Erikson

953 - Who was one of the founders of Behaviorism?

John B. Watson

954 - Who was teh person that focused on humanistic psychology?

Carl Rogers

955 - Who was the American philosopher who authored a textbook in 1890 for the emerging discipline of psychology?

William James

956 - Who was the Captain of the USS Enterprise - NCC-1701-D?

Captain Picard

957 - Who was the earliest to speak out against dualism?

Rene Descartes

958 - Who was the first African American man to receive a Ph.D. in psychology?

Francis Sumner

959 - Who was the first African American psychologist?

Francis Cecil Sumner

960 - Who was the first African-American to earn a Ph.D. in Psychology?

Francis Cecil Sumner

961 - Who was the first American psychologist followed Darwin's theory of natural selection? This person wanted to study the function of behavior in the world and he wrote the first comprehensive textbook.

William James

962 - Who was the first female president of the APA?

Mary Whiton Calkins

963 - Who was the first individual to use the term "gifted" to describe students who scored exceptionally high on intelligence tests, and what year was this term first published by this researcher?

Leta Hollingworth, 1916

964 - Who was the first modern psychologist primarily interested in studying the unconscious mind?

Sigmund Freud

965 - Who was the first of the following individuals to emphasize that psychology should be restricted to the scientific study of observable behavior?


966 - Who was the first person to consider himself as a psychologist and was among the first to study human beings in a laboratory environment?

Wilhelm Wundt

967 - Who was the first president of the APA?

G. Stanley Hall

968 - Who was the first psychologist to associate unconscious desires with behavior?

Sigmund Freud

969 - Who was the first to create a psychology labratory?


970 - Who was the first woman to be president of the American Psychological Association?

Mary Calkins

971 - Who was the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in Psychology and be the first woman President of the A.P.A.?

Mary Whiton Caulkins

972 - Who was the first woman to earn a PHd in Psychology?


973 - Who was the first woman to earn her PhD in psychology?

Margaret Floy Washburn

974 - Who was the first woman to receive a Ph.D in Psychology at Cornell University?

Margaret Washburn

975 - Who was the first woman to recieve a psychology Ph.D.?

Margaret Floy Washburn

976 - Who was the founder of humanism?


977 - Who was the founder of inheritable traits branch of psychology?

Sir Francis Galton

978 - Who was the person to first introduce the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to larger audiences?

Howard Gardner

979 - Who was the person who conditioned Baby Albert to be frightened of a white rat?


980 - Who was the person who conditioned Little Albert to be frightened of a white rat?


981 - Who was the philosopher that taught by asking questions?


982 - Who was the pioneer in the field of hemisphere lateralization where he demonstrated the phenomenon by researching 'split-brain' patients


983 - Who was the psychologist that completed the experiment with the rat in the box?


984 - Who was the psychologist that created the operant chamber?

F. Skinner

985 - Who was the psychologist who experimented on rats in a box and is best known for Operant Conditioning

BF Skinner

986 - Who was the theorist who created the theory of 'Three categories of traits'?


987 - Who was the WMM proposed by?

Baddeley & Hitch

988 - Who were the founders of Behaviorism?

Only (A) & (B)

989 - Who were the founders of Humanism?

Only (A) & (B)

990 - Who were the founders of psychoanalysis?

Only (A) & (B)

991 - Who were the two Greek philosophers that made the Monism theory?

Aristotle and Locke

992 - Who would be most concerned with the development of imagery and verbal systems in the infant, and how they are interwoven?


993 - Who would be most likely to emphasize the importance of observational learning?


994 - Who would be the most likely to emphasize the role of the unconscious in affecting behavior?

Sigmund Freud

995 - Who would believe that the most adaptive behaviors are the ones most likely to grow stronger and become habitual.


996 - Who would comment that environment is of central importance?


997 - Who would have been most likely to ignore mental processes and to define psychology as "the scientific study of observable behavior"?a. John B. Watson b. Edward Titchener c. Wilhelm Wundt d. Jean Piaget

John B. Watson

998 - Who wrote perhaps the "most influential book in the field": Principles of Psychology?

William James

999 - Who wrote Psychology as a Behavior?

John B. Watson

1000 - Who wrote The Behavior of Organisms?

F. Skinner

1001 - Who wrote the book "the expression of the emotions in Man and Animals"(1872)

Darwin Charles

1002 - Who wrote the first Psychology textbook and developed the theory of Functionalism?

William James

1003 - Who wrote the first psychology textbook, was the first American psychologist, and believed psychology should study the functions of consciousness?

William James

1004 - Who wrote the first Psychology textbook?

William James

1005 - Who you WANT to be refer to .....

ideal self

1006 - Who, among the following coined the term 'sociology'?

Auguste Comte

1007 - Who, in opposition to Freud, was considered the father of behaviorism?


1008 - Whorf's linguistic determination hypothesis states that:

Our language shapes our thinking

1009 - Whorf's linguistic determinism hypothesis states that:

our language shapes our thinking.

1010 - Whose dream theory suggests dreams are expression of wish fulfillment?

Sigmund Freud

1011 - Whose experimental animals began to salivate when they saw lab assistants, before they even received food?


1012 - Whose facial patterns were easier to use to predict personality?


1013 - Whose name is synonymous with Operant Conditioning?


1014 - wht is the meaning an attitude refers to a set of emotions in spanish?

una actitud refiere a un conjunto de emociones

1015 - Why are case studies so important to psychology?

They give scientists the opportunity to explore brain function by assessing living examples.

1016 - Why are harmony and trust so important in communication in the workplace?

They provide good working relationships and productivity.

1017 - Why are norms important to culture?

they identify behavior that is acceptable or unacceptable

1018 - Why are questionnaires a popular way of conducting research

They are easy to administer and provide more uniform results than other research methods

1019 - Why are Schemas and Scripts adaptive?

because they minimize attentional requirements and help people avoid dangerous situations

1020 - Why are some fastfood restaurants painted red?

to dissuade customers from staying too long

1021 - Why are some groups given a placebo in an experiment

To show the effect of what will happen if nothing else is done.

1022 - Why are stem cells unique?

They have the capacity to develop into most types of human cells.

1023 - Why are wedding dresses usually white?

White represents purity and innocence.

1024 - Why can't current psychologists recreate Milgram's experiment?

It is not considered ethical

1025 - Why did HM have brain surgery?

To treat his severe epilepsy

1026 - Why did Jane Elliot conduct her 'Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes' experiment?

To let her students experience discrimination and what it feels like.

1027 - Why did the Stanford prison experiment only last 5 days?

because of the effect it was having on the participants

1028 - Why did Watson conclude that Little Albert (and all infants) are born tabula rasa?

Little Albert did not fear the rat until Watson applied an additional stimulus

1029 - Why do children who are physically punished often become aggressive themselves?

They have observed and replicated their parents' behavior

1030 - Why do experimenters sometimes use deception?

If the purpose of the study might influence the participants

1031 - Why do humans tend to think we know more than we actually know?


1032 - Why do men and women behave differently?

both biological and sociological influences

1033 - Why do people obey a legitimate authority figure, even if they feel it goes against their moral compass?

They relieve their moral strain by giving responsibility of actions to the legitimate authority figure.

1034 - Why do psychologists study behavior and cognition?

they both can happen at the same time

1035 - Why do we need psychology?

It helps us understand people's behaviours and thoughts

1036 - Why do we need research in Psychology?

All of the above

1037 - Why do we perceive rows 1, 3 and 4 as a single group? (3 answers required)

All of the above

1038 - Why do we use the SQ3R strategy when reading?

To improve comprehension, memory and efficiency in reading

1039 - Why does Mr. Rogers address the issue of superman?

Observational Learning

1040 - Why does Mr. Rogers enter the scene from left to right every show?

That's how children read

1041 - Why does Mr. Rogers never enter the land of make believe?

He wants children to learn how to separate reality and make believe

1042 - Why does Psychology is essential for teacher trainees?

All the above

1043 - Why is an operational definition necessary when reporting research findings?

An operational definition allows others to replicate the procedure

1044 - Why is creating a square squad so beneficial?

It allows us to not put our energy on what other people think about us. This is important because we cannot control what others think or feel.

1045 - Why is credible self-talk so important?

It means we have done the work to do difficult things so that we can tell ourselves credibly, we have what it takes.

1046 - Why is front loading (preparing mentally) for something difficult like sports or a difficult conversation so important?

It helps us show up and me more authentic and be more of who we really are

1047 - Why is Great Customer Service Important?

All of the above

1048 - Why is it difficult to do 2 tasks at the same time using the same store?

Limited capacity

1049 - Why is it important to have only one independent variable and to control the other variables when performing science experiments?

So you can tell which factor is causing the change in the experiment.

1050 - Why is it important to review targets?

Only (A) & (B)

1051 - Why is it important to review targets? (Choose 2)

Only (A) & (B)

1052 - Why is it that we can see the panda in the logo and not a bunch of black shapes?

We automatically fill the gaps between the black shapes to create a panda

1053 - Why is Psychology important?

helps us better understand human behavior and provide practical ways to improve our mental, physical, and social welfare.

1054 - Why is the Just World Hypothesis problematic?

It can lead to victim blaming

1055 - Why is the PQ4R method an effective study method?

Because it takes an active approach to learning

1056 - Why is the prime minister of Thailand seated on the floor?

Thailand is a big power distance society. In this country it is important to show the power distance among the different layers in the hierarchy, even among the two most powerful people in that country.

1057 - Why is Wilhelm Wundt considered the father of psychology as a scientific discipline?

he created the first psychological laboratory

1058 - Why must researchers be careful when generalizing results?

They cannot learn about the preferences of all people by studying only one group.

1059 - Why people choose to buy certain products or services or why people choose to buy from certain companies.

Consumer Motivation

1060 - Why should you eat healthy food everyday?

It will give you energy.

1061 - Why study History of Psychology?I. To avoid repeating mistakesII. To normalise big namesIII. Out of curiosityIV. To develop perspectives


1062 - Why was Stanley Milgram's experiment on obedience and authority so controversial?

the participants were asked to shock people



1064 - Why was the anger felt by Parisians completely natural? Answer: They were given no .....


1065 - WHY WE FORGET: Why do most people not remember what is on the back of a one dollar bill?

Never encoded information

1066 - Why would the existential psychologist R. D. Laing argue that "psychotic" behavior needs to be more accepted?

Because it is a rational response to an abnormal world.

1067 - Wilhelm Wundt

the founder of modern psychology

1068 - Wilhelm Wundt and E.B. Tichener are known as the creators of


1069 - Wilhelm Wundt and the structuralists studied questions still asked today primarily by

cognitive approach

1070 - Wilhelm Wundt believed psychology should be: CHOOSE TWO THINGS

Only (A) & (B)

1071 - Wilhelm Wundt belonged to which school of Psychology.....


1072 - Wilhelm Wundt developed this field of Psychology


1073 - Wilhelm Wundt established the first laboratory of experimental psychology at ___________?


1074 - Wilhelm Wundt is associated with what form of psychology?


1075 - Wilhelm Wundt is considered the father of psychology and was most known for breaking down consciousness into different parts, such as thoughts, feelings, sights & sounds. This became known as


1076 - Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory work involved experimental studies of

reactions to sensory stimulation.

1077 - Wilhelm Wundt's method for structuralism.

Analytic Introspection

1078 - William James

was interested in how humans function and adapt to their environment

1079 - William James advocated .....


1080 - William James belonged to which school of Psychology.....


1081 - William James founded this psychological school of thought


1082 - William James, James Cattell, John Dewey and E.L. Thorndike all belonged to which school of thought?

None of the above

1083 - Wilson was the strong supporter of _________ plays vital role for shaping of behaviour?


1084 - With which field of scientific inquiry, the study of psychology is most concerned?

the science of behavior and mental processes

1085 - Within the human embryo, activity related to the development of hair and nails is centered in the ____________?


1086 - Wolf Gang Kohler was associated with _________ school of psychology.

Gestalt Psychology

1087 - Woodworth̢۪s approach to define Psychology is_________?


1088 - Word order in a sentence is determined by which of the following types of rules?


1089 - Words, events, places and emotions that trigger our memory of the past are called __________________?

retrieval cues

1090 - You are standing in the middle of way, as you look far ahead, the tracks seem to come together in the distance. That illustrates ______________?

linear perspective

1091 - You had a car crash, now all cars scare you, it is called ______________?


1092 - You see a photograph showing a man, a woman and a car. The two people appear closer to you than the car does because they obscure part of it. This depth cue is called ______________?


1093 - You walk into a dark movie theater wearing a white shirt, and notice that the shirt now looks gray. However, you know that the shirt is still white because of _________________?

brightness constancy


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