Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 3

1 - An idea formulated by Abraham Kuyper, it is the belief that God ordained certain spheres of society, such as the church, family, and state, and that society functions best when each sphere is properly managing its own are of responsibility.

Sphere Sovereignty

2 - an idea or mental framework a person uses to organize and interpret information and make sense of the world


3 - An illusory correlation is best defined as a

perceived relationship where one does not exist

4 - An image projected to the LEFT VISUAL field of a split brain person will be PROCESSED in their

RIGHT visual cortex

5 - An image that is flashed before us for only a fraction of a second is captured by our

Iconic memory

6 - An imaging technique used to study the brain to pinpoint injuries and brain deterioration

CT Scan

7 - An imbalance of hormones can contribute to aggressive behavior.

Biological perspective

8 - An important strength of Gibson's theory is that it:

Is a good account of how we perceive objects in the real world

9 - an inclination to over attribute others' behavior to internal causes (dispositional factors) and discount the situational factors contributing to their behavior

fundamental attribution error

10 - An inconsistency or mismatch between a perceptual experience and physical reality

Perceptual Distortion

11 - an increase in performance in front of a crowd

social facilitation

12 - An increased likelihood of developing a particular disease based on a person's genetic make-up is known as .....

genetically vulnerable

13 - An Independent Variable

is the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter

14 - An independent variable is _____________?

the variable that is manipulated by experimenter

15 - An independent variable.....

is the variable in an experiment which is manipulated or changed in some way in order to measure the effect(s) on the dependent variable.

16 - an in-depth study of an individual or a small group.

Case Studies

17 - an individual does not take action because of the presence of others

bystander effect

18 - An Individual looks within, observer, analyses, and reports his own feelings is called as


19 - An individual receives frequent injections of medicine, which are given in a small examination room at a clinic. The medicine itself causes increased heart rate but after several trips to the clinic, simply being in a small room causes an increased heart

Classical Conditioning

20 - An individual suffered a major traumatic brain injury after getting in a bad accident at work. If a psychologist wants to know the effects of the trauma, what method would be best?

Case study

21 - An individual whose person and self coincide:

Fully Functioning

22 - An individual will be more likely to be persuaded if the speaker is?

All answers

23 - An individual with an exceptional memory is identified.She is capable of recalling major events, the weather, and what she did on any given date. What research method is being used if a psychologist conducts an in-depth investigation of this individual in

Case Study

24 - An individual with damage to Wernicke's area is most likely to have difficulty

comprehending a spoken request for information

25 - An Individualized Education Program (IEP) involves all of the following except .....

is provided for every student with a disability.

26 - An individual's ability to control or influence someone else's behavior is best described as


27 - An individual's ability to remember the day he or she first swam the length of a swimming pool is most clearly an example of which of the following kinds of memories?


28 - An individual's consistent pattern of thought and behavior is known as a(n) .....


29 - An individual's memory for being able to swim is an example of which type of memory?


30 - An individual's or group's ability to control or influence the thoughts, feelings or behaviour of another person or group is a definition of.....


31 - An individual's readiness to deal with stimuli that appears before him refers to


32 - An industrial-organizational psychologist would study the

effectiveness of management training

33 - An infant that is calmed quickly and easily on reunion is displaying signs of which type of attachment?


34 - An infant that seems disinterested in the mother on reunion is displaying signs of which type of attachment?


35 - An infant who has developed object permanence.....

knows that an object, such as a rattle, exists even if it is not in view.

36 - An infant's brain is most likely to show:

Sprouting and pruning of synapses

37 - An information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be examined and considered and used to help with making decisions. It is called?


38 - An ingroup is best described as a group

with members who have common attitudes

39 - An inherited idea, based on the experiences of one's ancestors, which shapes one's perception of the world:


40 - An injury to the spinal cord

could result in all of the above.

41 - An innately reinforcing stimulus, such as one that satisfies a biological need.

primary reinforcer

42 - An integrated understanding of pain control in terms of mental distraction, the release of endorphins, and the presence of empathic caregivers is most clearly provided by

a biopsychosocial approach.

43 - An intelligence test is based on how your perform for your chronological age, so it has ..... validity.


44 - An intelligence test that predicts how well you will do in college is an

Aptitude test

45 - An internal condition that orients an individual toward a specific goal is a(n)


46 - An interneuron connects a motor neuron to a ..... neuron and is located in the .....

Sensory, CNS

47 - an interview that does use a script, however the interviewee is able to ask follow ups

semi-structured interview

48 - an interview that follows a specific theme, but doesn't follow a script

unstructured interview

49 - an interview that sticks to a script, and does not ask any follow up questions

structured interview

50 - An interview with a fixed list of open and closed questions

Semi-structured Interview

51 - An introverted person is often.....

thought of as a quiet, reserved, and thoughtful individual

52 - An investigation focusing on the attitudes of Australian adolescents towards climate change uses a sample of Year 12 students in Adelaide to generate data. Evaluate the sample for bias.

All of the above

53 - An investigation of students' housing preferences would probably show that single rooms are preferred by ..... whereas suites are preferred by .....

introverts; extroverts

54 - An involuntary and unlearned response to a naturally occurring or unconditioned stimulus. In Pavlov's dogs, the salivation to the food.

Unconditioned Response

55 - an involuntary response to a naturally occuring stimulus

unconditioned response

56 - An IQ below ..... is generally considered intellectually disabled


57 - An MRI allows a researcher to

Compare a healthy brain to a non-healthy brain.

58 - An observation technique in which one person (or group) is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principles

Case Study

59 - an observation where the behaviors of interest/method of observation is not specified before the observation

unstructured observation

60 - an observation where the observer is among the participants being watched

participant observation

61 - an observation where the observer is looking for specific behaviors, and checking them off using a behavioral checklist

structured observation

62 - an observation where the observer observes subjects in a controlled environment

controlled observation

63 - an observation where the participants are aware they're being observed

overt observation

64 - An observer spends three weeks on an island observing a certain bird, it is happening in the real-life setting, what observation method it this.

Naturalistic Observation

65 - An official AP Exam review book is

recommended in addition to the textbook

66 - 'An old memory blocking a new memory' is a description of:

Proactive interference

67 - An old woman carrying a number of packages has tripped and fallen on a busy urban sidewalk and is having trouble getting back up. The fact that few people are likely to stop and offer her help is referred to by social psychologists as an example of

diffusion of responsibility (by stander effect)

68 - An operant conditioning procedure in which people earn a token of some sort for exhibiting a desired behavior and can later exchange them for various privileges or treats.

token economy

69 - An operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior.


70 - An opinion or judgment about someone or something.


71 - an organism's automatic(or natural) reaction to a stimulus

unconditioned response(UR)

72 - An organism's decreasing response to a stimulus with repeated exposure

Habituation Learning

73 - An organism's decreasing response to a stimulus with repeated exposure to it is known as.....


74 - An organisms tends to repeat those behaviors that bring about satisfaction and it tends to discard those that bring about dissatisfaction. This is related to

the law of similarity of Skinner

75 - An original neutral stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response is known as a.....

conditioned stimulus

76 - An outgoing, active person who directs his or her energies and interests toward other people and things:


77 - An overwhelming desire for harmony in a decision-making group increases the probability of


78 - An testable prediction


79 - An undeserved, usually negative, attitude towards a group of people.


80 - An undesirable event that follows a behavior

Positive Punishment

81 - an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.


82 - an unjustifiable attitude toward a group


83 - An unlearned stimulus that causes you to behave in a certain way. (food=slobber)

Unconditioned Stimulus

84 - An unpleasant consequence that decreases the frequency of the response that produced it is called


85 - An unselfish concern for the welfare of others, or selflessness is considered


86 - An unstructural test in which a person is asked to respond freely, giving his or her own interpretation of various ambiguous stimuli:

Projective Test

87 - Ana wants to know the average student's opinion of the tardy policy at her school. Which group of students should she survey in order to achieve the most accurate results?

Thirty randomly selected students from her school

88 - Analysis of avoidance learning suggest that many phobias are acquired through ..... conditioning.


89 - Analysis of internal mental mechanisms taken stimulus-response as a basics to establish parameters of certain behaviors and reactions.This is an example of.....

Process Psychology

90 - Analyze mind (total experience from birth to the present) in the simplest components. Find way(s) components fit in complex forms. Wilhelm Wundt. Introspection - "Looking inward" Emotion/thought experiencing that moment


91 - Analyzed the contents of the mind to understand the relationship between physiological events and the conscious mental experiences?


92 - Analyzes the mind by breaking it down into its basic components.


93 - Analyzing, Identifying, Treating, Preventing, Mental disorders and issues

Clinical Domain

94 - Ancient Egyptian priests prepared the dead for the Afterlife through sophisticated mummification processes. Which organ was NOT placed into a jar?


95 - Ancient Greeks, like Aristotle, believed that the highest form of reasoning came from where?


96 - Andy decides to clean the communal area of the shared house after receiving a message from his lieutenant.


97 - Ang bawat teorya ng sinumang nais mag-aral tungkol sa kalikasang sikolohikal ng mga Pilipino, maging Pilipino o dayuhan ang sinasabing mag-aaral.

Sikolohiya ng mga Pilipino

98 - Animal intelligence was a major work written by __________________?


99 - Anne almost got hit by a car at a street corner because she was too busy texting on her phone. From that day on, she looks before she reaches the street corner. Her change in behavior is a result of


100 - Anne is in a classroom with a buzzing overhead light. She thinks that it will annoy her for the entire class, but ten minutes later when Chris mentions if she realizes that she had stopped noticing the buzzing. Explain how this happened.

Sensory Adaptation

101 - Another name for a bar graph is a(n) .....


102 - Another name for an educated guess?


103 - Another name for face blindness is also known as


104 - Another name for Freudian Psychology is


105 - Another name for operant conditioning is ___________________?

instrumental conditioning

106 - Another name for the Psychoanalytic Theory is.....

the "Talking Cure"

107 - Another policy in the code of ethics in psychology is that .....

no physical or psychological harm is done to the participant

108 - Another principle of research ethics is that all participants have a right to benefit from the findings of an experiment - for example, an efficacious medication or an effective learning method. This principle is called.....


109 - another term for bar graph

bar chart

110 - Another term for reinforcement is:


111 - Another term for working memory is

Short-term memory

112 - Another theorist involved was.....

Hans Eysenck

113 - Anoxia is ________________?

interruption of the oxygen supply to brain

114 - Answering a multiple choice question in an exam is an example of:


115 - Anterograde amnesia is

is the inability to store any new long term memories following a brain injury

116 - Anterograde amnesia is loss of memory ..... an event


117 - Anterograde amnesia is the loss of the ability to create ..... after the event that caused the amnesia.

new memories

118 - Anthony Stark is a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. He is an inventor and has been successful in many different endeavors in his life. What level of needs is he at?


119 - Anthony was listening to a hip-hop artist named Eminem. He loved him so much he went out and bleached his hair blonde.This is an example of:

Social Learning

120 - anticipate

to expect beforehand

121 - Anxiety in sport can be defined as.....

Feelings of nerves of worry before or during a sports performance





124 - Anxiety is the result of repressed traumatic childhood experiences.

Psychodymanic perspective

125 - Any action that people can observe or measure is .....


126 - any behavior that is voluntary


127 - Any change in the environment which causes the body to react is called a


128 - Any consequence that increases the future likelihood of a behavior is called:


129 - Any event of stimulus, that when following a response, increased the probability that the response will occur again.


130 - any event or object that when following a response increases thae likelihood of that response occuring again


131 - any event or object that, when following a response, makes that response less likely to happen again


132 - Any event or stimulus that, when following a response, causes that response to be less likely to happen again.


133 - Any factor that is capable of change


134 - Any observable action made by a living human or animal is known as.....


135 - any of various photoreceptors in the retina that respond to low light levels


136 - any of various photoreceptors in the retina that respond to moderate or high light levels


137 - Any participants to any research activity must not be forced to take part in the study.

Voluntary Participation

138 - Any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy is called:


139 - Any procedural variable which can cause a subset of the population to be non-representative of the population is a _____________?

sample bias

140 - Any process that increases the likelihood that a particular operant response will occur again is called ________________?


141 - any reinforcer that becomes reinforcing after being paired with a primary reinforcer, such as praise, tokens, or gold stars.

secondary reinforcer

142 - any reinforces that is naturally by meeting a basic biological need, such as hunger, thirst, or touch

primary reinforcers

143 - Any researcher should weigh the expected ..... for society with the potential .....

benefits, harm

144 - any stimulus such as a stop sign or door knob that provides the organism with a cue for making a certain response to obtain reinforcement

discrimintive stimulus

145 - Any stimulus that increases memory recall

retrieval cue

146 - Any system that encodes, stores and retrieves information


147 - anyone who is subject of an assessment or evaluation

Test Taker

148 - Anything dealing with the workplace, staff training, or product design is connected with the ..... sub-field


149 - Anything over which decibel will eventually causes hearing loss


150 - Anything that a human or non-human animal does is called


151 - Anything that affects a dependent variable and that may unintentionally vary between the experimental conditions of a study


152 - anything that can vary


153 - Anything that can vary and is feasible and ethical to measure


154 - anything that causes stress


155 - Anything that increases the likelihood of a behavior will continue, by adding something the subject likes.

Positive Reinforcement

156 - Anything that seeks to continue a desired behavior by the removal of something the organism doesn't like is called .....

Negative Reinforcement

157 - Anything that seeks to continue a desired behavior by the removal, escape from, or avoidance of undesired stimulus is called .....

Negative Reinforcement

158 - Anything which evokes a response in the Organism is called____________?


159 - APA stands for :

American Psychological Association

160 - Aphasia or the loss/impairment of expressing language could result from damage to the .....

Broca's area

161 - Application of psychological concepts and methods to optimizing human behavior in workplaces

Industrial-Organizational Domain

162 - Applied aspects of social psychology include the development and perfection of techniques for measuring

Both a & b

163 - Applied Research is.....

Research aimed at solving practical problems

164 - Apply psychological principles and a number of different techniques to the field of sport and exercise

sports psychologists

165 - Apply psychological principles to legal issues. Conduct research on the interface of law and psychology.

Forensic Psychologists

166 - Applying psychology to the workplace is called

industrial-organizational psychology

167 - approach in psychology in which the psychologist studies how unconscious motives & conflicts determines human behavior


168 - approach of evaluating all claims with an open mind but insisting on persuasive evidence before accepting them

Scientific Skepticism

169 - Approach that emphasizes how the environment and experience affect actions.


170 - Approach that emphasizes social and cultural influences.


171 - Approach that focuses on the effects of learning on our personality development.


172 - approach to convincing people to change their minds about something by first introducing reasons why the perspective might be correct and then debunking it

inoculation effect

173 - Approach to psychology emphasizing unconsciousness motive and conflicts.


174 - Approach to psychology that looks at three different things that may all play a role in one's behavior.


175 - Approachable:

friendly and easy to talk to

176 - Approaches that represent the "third wave" of behavioral and cognitive therapies include .....

mindfulness approaches

177 - Approximately how long is each cycle of sleep during a full night's sleep?

90 minutes

178 - Apraxia is characterized by an inability to _______________?

both a and b

179 - Aptitude tests are specifically designed to

predict ability to learn a new skill.

180 - Aptitude tests are to ..... as achievement tests are to .....

future performance; current competence

181 - Archetype is a terminology associated with _________.


182 - archetypes, psycho dynamic

Carl Jung

183 - Archival data:

use data previously collected by others

184 - Are ..... Sarah? Yes, I am.


185 - are conceptual frameworks we use to make sense of the world


186 - Are interested in our interactions with others. How our beliefs, feelings, and behaviors are affected and influenced by others.

Social Psychologists

187 - Are involved in the assessment of and intervention for children in educational settings. Diagnose and treat cognitive, social and emotional problems that impact learning.

School Psychologist

188 - Are projective tests for children, with different materials, appropriate to the age for which they are intended

Only (A) & (B)

189 - Are Schemas and Scripts adaptive?


190 - Are the Chemical that carry messages across the synapses?


191 - Are there any outliers in the data?


192 - Are there ethical issues when studying brain-damaged patients?






195 - Are used to determine if results are statistically significant and can be generalized to a larger population.

Inferential statistics

196 - Are you more likely to act differently than when you're with a group of coworkers or bosses at work?


197 - Are you Nick and Julia? Yes, ..... are.


198 - Are Yuko and Paolo in your class? No, ..... aren't.


199 - Area of psychology that applies the science and practice of psychology to issues within and related to the justice system

Forensic psychology

200 - Area of psychology that focuses on improving emotional, social, vocational, and other aspects of the lives of psychologically healthy individuals

Counseling psychology

201 - Area of psychology that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and other problematic patterns of behavior

Clinical psychology

202 - area of psychology that focuses on the interactions between mental and emotional factors and physical performance in sports, exercise, and other activities

Sport and exercise psychology

203 - area of retina that has mostly cones, greatest visual acuity


204 - Area of the brain named after him, inability to produce speech

Paul Broca

205 - Area of the brain that gives us the opportunity to learn and store complex and abstract info.

cerebral cortex

206 - Area of the frontal lobe that is responsible for speech production.

Broca's Area

207 - Area of the temporal lobe involved in language comprehension.

Wernicke's Area

208 - Areas of the brain associated with language, memory, and attention are known as:

gray matter

209 - Argued that learning involved mental processes and could occur without any outward signs of learning.

Edward Tolman

210 - Arguments as to whether psychological differences between men and women result from biological or social influences most clearly involve a debate over the issue of

nature versus nurture.

211 - Aria is taking a cooking class for the first time. She has always wanted to learn how to be a great cook.


212 - Aristotle and Rene Descartes have this in common:

They both believed that our experiences grow our knowledge

213 - Aristotle based his theories about mental processes on


214 - Arithmetic average of a distribution


215 - Armaan was born in Benares, India and is attending graduate school in the U.S. He begins experiences intense anxiety around school and goes to see a therapist. It would MOST benefit him to see a therapist who has a ..... approach


216 - Aronson and Steele 1995

stereotypes can be self-fulfilling prophecy

217 - Artifacts are

Results that are associated with the effect of unforeseen factors

218 - artificial environment creates low realism (people know they are being researched, which could impact what they say and do)


219 - As a general rule, effective teachers would least likely do which of the following actions?

Attempt to educate students without assistance from anyone else

220 - As a newborn human's brain is not fully developed, the number of ..... increases very rapidly after birth.


221 - As a person caloric intake increases, his weight gain also increases. This is an example of ____________?

positive correlation

222 - As a person views picture one way, he sees craters. When he turns it 180 degrees, the craters become bumps, the perceptual phenomena are due to _______________?

light and shadow

223 - As a professional chef, which of the following sensations would you rely on most?


224 - As a punishment for getting bad grades, Simone is grounded by her parents. What else should her parents do to help improve her grades?

reinforce good study habits

225 - As a researcher, we should avoid letting private beliefs and expectations influence observations or conclusions.


226 - As a young child, Rania got too close to a fire while she was camping in the desert and got very badly burned. She had to spent several weeks in the hospital. Since this experience, she has had a fear of fire, even small fires such as candles or matches.

The fear she now experiences even at a small amount of fire.

227 - As a young child, Rania got too close to a fire while she was camping in the desert and got very badly burned. She had to spent several weeks in the hospital. Since this experience, she has had a fear of fire, even small fires such as candles or matches.

The experience of being burned at the campfire when she was a child.

228 - As an employer, installing self locking doors and offering a retirement plan satisfies which level of Maslow's Hierarchy?


229 - As E scores of I-E scale show a general trend upward ___________?

People show more reserve suspicion and withdrawal

230 - As far as health is concerned, it is often said that ..... is better than cure.


231 - As group size increases, conformity by an individual to the group's behavior tends to

increase, but only up to a group size of four

232 - As his AP psychology teacher was lecturing, Tanner was thinking about competing in a swim meet later that afternoon. Where are Tanner's current thoughts being processed?

working memory

233 - As I was driving along the freeway, a huge truck came hurtling up behind me. It seemed to take ages for the long body to get past as it overtook me. Afterwards, it gradually disappeared up the road in front of me. Which of the following principles would I

size constancy and orientation constancy

234 - As Jimmy was studying for his math test on Friday, he used "SOHCAHTOA" to help himself remember how to compute sine, cosine, tangent; "SOHCAHTOA" represents what type of memory aid?


235 - As many as .....% of children who participate in youth sports drop out of athletics by the time they are 13.


236 - As one moves from external stimulus to moto response, which of the following constitutes an accurate sequential pattern?

afferent nerve, interneuron, efferent nerve

237 - As part of the coaching process, active listening involves .....

listening attentively and focusing attention completely on the client

238 - As part of the mandate of competence, the supervisor must determine not only if the supervisee has the knowledge and skill to be a good counselor, but if he or she is personally ready to take on clinical responsibility (Kurpius, Gibson, Lewis, & Corbet, 1

Only (A) & (B)

239 - As Quinn & McConnell found that interference in the form of a different modality did not impact learning, the study supported which memory model?


240 - As researchers, we should not accept the uncertainty of our the result and conclusion of our research.


241 - As she began to talk about her mother's death, her grief manifested itself in tears.


242 - as shown in the curve of forgetting , memory loss occurs

ver rapidly in the begining and declines slowly

243 - As sunlight decreases in the fall, the amount of serotonin released ..... and the amount of melatonin .....

decreases; increases

244 - As the airplane descended for a landing, the pilot saw several beautiful islands that appear to float in the vast expanse of blue ocean water. In this instance, the ocean is a:


245 - As the farmer looked across her field, the parallel rows of young corn plants appeared to converge in the distance. This provided her with a distance cue known as:

linear perspective.

246 - As the father of psychology and structuralism. What early technique did he pioneer in lab experiments?


247 - As the football game continued into the night, Leondre noticed that he was having difficulty distinguishing the colors of the players' uniforms. This is because the ....., which enable color vision, have a ..... absolute threshold for brightness than the

Cones; higher

248 - As the individual continues his growth after birth, the neural cells in his brain _______________?

increase in number

249 - As the infant grows his mental ability


250 - As the number of bystanders increases, the chance of an individual helping one in need .....


251 - As the owner of a company, you want to make as much profit as possible. Happy employees will be better producers, hence, more money to be made. What type of psychologist would you use to ensure your employees were happy on the job and producing to the bes


252 - As the sleep cycle evolves through the night, people tend to:

spend more time in REM sleep and less time in NREM sleep.

253 - As Toby is walking barefoot in his yard, a broken piece of glass cuts his foot. The sensation of pain from Toby's foot travels to his spinal cord through ..... neurons and the information from his spinal cord that makes him reflexively jerk his foot up is

sensory, motor

254 - As we look at a flower, the intensity of the color we see is related to the light wave's:


255 - As we look at a flower, the intensity, or brightness, of the color we see is related to the light wave's:


256 - As we move, viewed objects cast changing shapes on our retinas, although we do not perceive the objects as changing. This is part of the phenomenon of ________________?

perceptual consistency

257 - As we move, viewed objects cast changing shapes on our retinas, although we do not perceive the objects as changing. This is part of the phenomenon of _________________?

perceptual consistency

258 - As x increases, y decreases.

negative correlation

259 - As x increases, y increases

positive correlation

260 - As you are reading this question, the cells in your eyes are firing in response to the light coming from this screen. Which type of neuron is carrying this message to the brain?


261 - As you look at this question, ..... is the process of "seeing" the figures on the screen while ..... is the process of organizing and interpreting the figures into letters and words.

sensation; perception

262 - Asch did an experiment on ....., Whereas Milgram did an experiment on .....

Conformity : Obedience to authority

263 - Asch found that conformity ..... with group size, but did not change significantly once the size of the group had reached .....

increased * 4 people

264 - Asch's experiment on conformity showed that it was effected by:

group size and present of ally (person agreeing with them)

265 - Asch's experiments focused on the question of.....

conformity in a group setting.

266 - Ashley works hard in school to obtain good grades. What dimension of the Five Factor Model does she rank high in?


267 - Asking a participant if a word is written in upper or lower case would be an example of what?

Shallow processing

268 - Asking high school students if the school day should be lengthened to improve academic achievement is not a good idea because the question may be considered:


269 - Asking high school students 'Should we offer fast food during lunch to increase students eating at least 1 meal a day' is considered to be:


270 - Assesses an individual's characteristics and identifies problems:

Personality Test

271 - Assessor is the main key to the process.

Psychological Assessment

272 - Assigning causes to a behaviour seen in specific social situations:


273 - Assigning participants to experimental and control groups by chance

random assignment

274 - Assimilation is the process of

Adding new info to an existing schema

275 - Assists people with problems in living (often related to school, work, or marriage) and in achieving greater well-being

counseling psychology

276 - Associate Degree programs usually require ..... years of study. They are offered at community or junior colleges or two-year programs within a university.


277 - Associate the following with the correct perspective: brain, neurons, nervous system, how the brain communicates with the body (vice versa).

Biological Approach

278 - Associate the following with the correct perspective: Natural Selection, survival, Charles Darwin

Evolutionary Approach

279 - Associate the following with the correct perspective: Unconscious conflicts/motivations, Sigmund Freud

Psychodynamic Approach

280 - Associating a list of items you need to remember with a sequence of specific places is called __________________?

the method of Loci

281 - Associating ourselves with certain groups and contrasting ourselves with others is often referred to as establishing:

social identity.

282 - Association is made between two ideas by forming a visual image of one or more key words that sound similar or symbolically represent the same ideaEX: "Armor guards your heart; amor means love"

Keyword method

283 - associationism

experiences often remind us of similar experiences in the past

284 - Assuming that the visual systems of humans and other mammals function similarly, you would expect that the retina of a nocturnal mammal (one active only at night) would contain:

Mostly rods

285 - Assuming the analogy of doorbell, which aspect of the neuron would most closely approximate the button that a visitor would push?


286 - Assuming this says "MR. FULLER'S PSYCHOLOGY CLASS IS THE BEST!" is most likely caused by our

top-down processing

287 - assumption that behaviors among individual members of a group are due to their internal dispositions

ultimate attribution error

288 - asthenic and athletic body type classification was putforward by


289 - At 60 years old we have:

fewer taste buds than a 6 year old.

290 - At a large rock concert, Carmen lost her inhibitions and acted in a way not consistent with her personality. What best explains this?


291 - At a large rock concert, Carmen lost her inhibitions and acted more wildly than she ever has before. This is likely due to.....


292 - At a work place, the boss decides to use "sensitivity training" where coworkers are encouraged to view other coworkers as having the same needs and desires as them. This is used to help promote growth within the workplace. What idea of psychology did the

Humanistic psychology

293 - At about what age do infants reach the first stage of language development

2 months

294 - At around 12 months of age, infants begin to utter single words. What stage of language development is this


295 - At authoritarian level, teaching is


296 - At birth, an infant has fully developed all of following senses except


297 - At first Jenny has no attraction to Juan, but after working with him everyday for the last 6 months, she starts to enjoy his company and finds she is attracted to him. What social psychology principle does this behavior exhibit?

mere exposure effect

298 - At first Jimmy did not like his teacher, but after sitting in this teacher's class for a number of weeks Jimmy as started to like his teacher. this new perspective would be an example of:

Mere-exposure effect

299 - At home you rattle the chain on your dog's leash every time you prepare it to take him for a walk after several episodes like this you find that your dark comes running to the front door even when you pick up the least to put it back in the closet what is

The sound of the leash

300 - at the conclusion of the scientific method is the establishment of a .....


301 - at the end of an axon; forms synapses with spines on the dendrites of neurons: The neuron sending the signal forms a presynaptic terminal button. The neuron receiving forms a post-synaptic terminal button.

terminal button

302 - At the scene of a crime, a certain kind of psychologist is called in to interview the suspect because that suspect is taken to the police station. What kind of psychologist will be brought in?

Forensic psychologist

303 - At this Stage of sleeping you starts to dream, additionally your legs and arms are totally paralyzed:

REM Stage 4

304 - At what age is the density of synapses highest?

three years

305 - At what decibel does sound become painful? (The Threshold of Pain).


306 - At what stage do children begin to search for a missing object?

The end of the Sensory motor stage

307 - At what stage does language and make believe play begin?

Preoperational Stage

308 - At which age the association of gratitude with happiness starts?

At the age of 7

309 - At which of the following teaching levels, classroom environment is required to be sufficiently 'open and independent'?

Reflective level

310 - At your high school reunion you cannot remember the last name of your homeroom teacher. Your failure to remember is most likely the result of

Storage failure

311 - Athletes need selective attention to maintain optimal attention and levels of concentration by identifying and responding to;

relevant cues

312 - Athletes who have a strong sense of autonomy, competence and relatedness are more likely to experience

intrinsic motivation

313 - Attach meaning to info through "deep processing" to remember

Elaborative Rehearsal

314 - Attaching a negative label to a group can lead to the perception that members of the group are in some way undesirable and therefore should be avoided. This is known as:


315 - Attachment style when a child shows distress when the caregiver is gone and welcomes her back


316 - Attachment, Contact Comfort, Rhesus Monkey Experiment

Harry Harlow

317 - Attention

Developing language

318 - Attention, memory, imitation and motivation are the four elements required for the process of:

Observational (social) learning

319 - Attitude change path in which interested people focus on the arguments and respond with favorable thoughts

Central route persuasion

320 - Attitude is comprised of 3 parts: the emotional element, the ..... element, and the cognitive, or mental element.


321 - Attitude to behavior process model was proposed by


322 - Attitudes are .....


323 - Attitudes are formed through ..... and social factors.


324 - Attitudes can be

All of the above

325 - Attitudes, values, and interests are reflected by (a) (b) (c) (d)

Affective domain

326 - Attributing one's own characteristics to other people is a perceptual error of


327 - Attribution theory generally explains why people

perceive themselves and others as they do

328 - Attribution theory is based on whose work?

Fritz Heider

329 - Audiotapes of soothing ocean sounds accompanied by faint and imperceptible verbal messages designed to increase a desire to lose weight best illustrate

subliminal stimulation.

330 - Auditory processing takes place in this lobe

Temporal Lobe

331 - Auditory Sensory Memory is known as


332 - Auditory stimuli are places in ..... memory.

Procedural memory

333 - Ausubal was born in .....


334 - Author of The Principles of Psychology; early influencer of psychology.

William James

335 - Authoriarian personality is measured using the:

Potential for fascism scale

336 - Autism Spectrum Disorder

Neurodevelopmental disorder

337 - Automatic processing occurs when:

info is captured with no conscious effort

338 - Automatically cringing to a gory scene is to ..... as getting called on to answer a question when you raise your hand is to .....

Classical Conditioning; Operant Conditioning

339 - autonomic nervous system regulates the action of the

involuntary muscles and organs

340 - average


341 - Average IQ range is


342 - Average of a distribution, obtained by adding scores and dividing by number of scores is known as the


343 - Average weight of an infant

7.5 pounds

344 - Avoidance or escaping an unpleasant social encounter

Negative Reinforcement

345 - Awake & Alert Waves are, fully awake before someone falls asleep and found in REM sleep.

Beta Waves

346 - Axel is most likely to use rods when he is:

in a dimly lit room

347 - Aya is eight months old, and her mother pretends her baby food is a train in order to convince her to eat it. Aya's mother is using a rather creative form of .....

social influence

348 - B = f (P, E) B stand for?


349 - B = f(P, E) What does this formula stand for?

Behavior is the product of a person and her/ his environment

350 - B.F. Skinner

behavior theory

351 - B.F. Skinner built on behaviorism by introducing these concepts

Conditioning and reinforcement

352 - B.F. Skinner is associated with which of the following?


353 - B.F. Skinner researched this type of learning.

Operant Conditioning

354 - B.F. Skinner taught pigeons to play ping-pong, turn in their cage, use a pecking motion to drive a toy truck and peck to receive food. Which of the following best summarizes the principles developed and used by Skinner to train these pigeons?

operant conditioning

355 - B.F. Skinner's "teaching machine" was devised for what educational method?

Programmed learning

356 - B.F. Skinner's concept of ..... showed that an animal is more likely to repeat an action if rewarded for it.


357 - Babies use

Bottom up processing

358 - Baby Albert was not just afraid of white rats, but of all things white and fluffy. This is an example of.....


359 - Baddeley & Hitch's rugby union study to test interference study is really good because

it is a real life study which gives high ecological validity

360 - Baddeley and Hitch's model of Working Memory (2009) involves which four components

All of the above

361 - Baddeley asked ppts to do two tasks: track a moving light and picture a letter F. Which system do these both use?

Visuospatial sketchpad

362 - Baddeley et al., (1991) investigated the central executive, through patients suffering with what illness?

Alzheimer's disease

363 - Baddeley, Thompson and Buchannan (1975) demonstrated which effect to support the working memory model?

Word Length Effect

364 - Badly designed doors are sometimes called

Norman doors

365 - Balance and coordination are most associated with the


366 - Balanced psychological health includes.....

biological, psychological, social

367 - Bandura (1977)

Social Learning Theory

368 - Bandura 1963

children imitate violence from modeling adults

369 - Bandura believes that three factors influence one another in determining the patterns of behavior that make up personality. Which of the following is NOT a factor he identified?


370 - Bandura's studies found that learning can take place without actual performance. What is this referred to as?

learning/performance distinction

371 - Bar chart is used when data are in .....


372 - Barnie's parents are divorced and several of his friends' parents are divoced as well. In a class discussion about marriage and compatibility, Barnie shares his opinion that the divorce rate is on the rise and that most marriage will not remain intact ove

availability heuristic

373 - Barriers to effective communication include:

All of the above

374 - Bart complied with his friends' request to join them in smashing decorative pumpkins early one Halloween evening. Later that night he was surprised by his own failure to resist their pressures to throw eggs at passing police cars. Bart's experience best i

foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

375 - Bartlett believed that memory is:


376 - Bartlett called our attempt to make sense of small parts of memory:

Effort after meaning

377 - Bartlett concluded that we remember:

The overall meaning of something

378 - Bartlett studied which aspect of memory?

Reconstructive memory

379 - Based on experiments by Festinger and Carlsmith, the idea that people are motivated to have consistent attitudes and behaviors. When the do not, they experience unpleasant mental tension or dissonance

cognitive dissonance theory

380 - Based on most people's prototype for fruit, which of the following would take longer to classify?

An avocado

381 - Based on Piaget's theory, the role of the teacher in education should be to:

Help children to discover things for themselves

382 - Based on Piagets theory, the role of the teacher should be.....

help children to discover things for themselves

383 - Based on Popper's scientific theory, what should scientists aim to achieve?

To develop a scientific theory that will eventually be falsified

384 - Based on Psychological Experimental Research and Ethics, when should the experimenter inform the subject(s) of the experiment the true nature of the experiment.

As soon as is possible.

385 - Based on research by Kerckhoff and Davis what was important after the couple had been together for 18 months or more?

Complementarity of needs

386 - based on research, the capacity for items we can potentially store in our STM is between


387 - Based on the assumption that human behavior has its roots in physiological processes

biological theories

388 - Based on the assumption that our behavior is influenced by other people and the environment

sociocultural theories

389 - Based on the assumption that the way we perceive and think about the world and ourselves affects our behavior

cognitive theories

390 - Based on the experiment conducted by Herman Ebbinghaus, what is the amount of information lost after six days of encoding?


391 - Based on the idea that perceptions are more than the sums of their parts

Gestalt Psychology

392 - Based on the information processing model of memory, this theory divides memory into three major groups. These include all of the following EXCEPT:

Shallow memory

393 - Based on the internal working model, what term reflects children's attachment types being reflected in their later relationships

Continuity Hypothesis

394 - based on the Law of Pragnanz; we tend to perceive most stimuli as simple forms

Gestalt principle of pattern formation

395 - Based on this scatterplot, a student with 6 absences should get approximately what score on his exam?


396 - Based on what you've learned about human memory, which statement best describes eye witness testimony in a court case?

Eyewitness testimony is very flawed because eyewitnesses can have distorted memories

397 - Basic cognitive processes are:

Sensation, perception and consciousness

398 - Basic requirement for survival


399 - Basic Research is.....

Research aimed at helping increase knowledge

400 - Basic science is the pursuit of knowledge about natural phenomena or simply .....


401 - Basic steps in creating structured interview:

Only (A) & (B)

402 - basing decisions on info available in our immediate consciousness

availability heuristic

403 - Because he mistakenly believes that older workers are not as motivated as younger workers to work hard, a factory foreman is especially vigilant for any signs of laziness among his senior workers. His supervision strategy best illustrates

confirmation bias

404 - Because Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, and B.F. Skinner believed that psychology should be concerned with the observable facts of behavior, they came to be known as


405 - Because Justin's mother died recently, he understood the feelings his friends went through at his mom's funeral. This is an example of:

Cognitive Learning

406 - Because Lela did not want to raise her child in poverty, she put her baby up for adoption. A middle-class family, in a good home, is now raising Lela's baby. What effect could that have on the child's IQ?

It may be as much as 10 to 15 points higher than the IQs of children who stay in disadvantaged settings

407 - Because of his accumulated years of knowledge about psychology, Dr. Hernandez has decided that his fiftieth birthday would be the perfect time to begin writing an introductory psychology textbook. It would demonstrate his

crystallized intelligence

408 - Because of unethical experiments in the past, psychologists now must inform the people involved in the experiment what the experiment is about and must obtain their agreement to participate. This is most closely associated with the research principle of:

Informed Consent

409 - Because she is often rejected by her parents, Amy mistrusts other people and treats them with hostility, which leads to their rejection of her. This cycle of rejection, mistrust, hostility, and further rejection illustrates

reciprocal determinism

410 - Because she was listening to the news on the radio, Mrs. Schultz didn't perceive a word her husband was saying. Her experience best illustrates

selective attention.

411 - Because studies of learning show that events occurring close together in time are easier to associate than those occurring at widely different times, parents should probably avoid which of the following?

Delay of punishment

412 - Becoming accustomed to thinking of only a limited number of uses for something is known as.....

Functional fixedness

413 - Becoming cross-eyed as an object gets close is an example of:


414 - Becoming less self-conscious and less restrained when in a group situation is termed:


415 - Becoming sick from drinking unsafe water and poor food sanitation is an example of what need on the hierarchy?

Safety and security

416 - Before 1920s. psychology was considered to be the science of

mental life

417 - Before a nation-wide election, a polling place was trying to see who would win. Which choice best represents a sample?

A selection of voters of different ages.

418 - Before becoming attorneys, law students must pass a special licensing exam, which is an ..... test. before entering college, high school students must take the ACT, which is an .....test.

achievement; aptitude

419 - Before graduating from high school, students take the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE). There is no failing grade but the result summarizes the strength of the student and the possible career he/she may embark on.

Multiple Intelligence

420 - Before Liam embarks on a full-blown experiment, he might gather ..... research first to see if a strong enough relationship exists to do a cause-effect study.


421 - Before psychology became a recognized academic discipline, matters of the mind were undertaken by those in .....


422 - Before questionnaires are distributed, questions should be tested with a small group of respondents. This is a:

Pilot study

423 - Before REM, there are HOW MANY stages of NON-REM sleep?

3 NREM stages

424 - Before the APA Code of Ethics existed, psychology was often maligned because its results weren't always .....


425 - Before the calculus exam, Jeremy found a four leaf clover which made him feel confident. He got an A+! Now, he always thinks about the four leaf clover before a big test to make him feel ready. Which of the following was originally the neutral stimulus?

four leaf clover

426 - Before the study begins the researcher must outline to the participants what the research is about and then ask their permission to take part. Which ethical guideline is this?

informed consent

427 - Before the study, what was the parrot already able to identify which color?


428 - Beginning at 3 to 4 months..... The stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language

Babbling Stage

429 - Begins to use languageEgocentricCategorize objects by color


430 - Behavior according to operant conditioning theory is controlled by __________________?

its consequences

431 - behavior intended to harm others, either verbally or physically


432 - Behavior is a reaction to a:


433 - Behavior is a result of physiological & what processes?


434 - Behavior is an action that can be observed or:


435 - Behavior is controlled by ____________ according to the theory of dualism?

the body and the soul

436 - Behavior is driven by unconscious forces we do not understand and are not aware of.


437 - Behavior is handed from generation to generation


438 - Behavior is influenced by the effects of reinforcements and punishments.


439 - Behavior is motivated by self-actualization and the promise of human potential.


440 - Behavior is powerfully influenced by its consequences, in the form of reinforcement and punishment.


441 - Behavior is strengthened when it's followed by a reinforcer or diminished when followed by a punishment. This is known as

Operant Conditioning

442 - Behavior learned by watching others is called .....

Observational Learning

443 - Behavior may be the product of unconscious conflict and anxiety.


444 - Behavior means

Overt action and reactions

445 - behavior modification technique where subject is removed from all sources of attention. An example of negative punishment

time out

446 - Behavior of people in social situations and the influences of group on the individual.

Social Psychology

447 - Behavior reflects influence of physical and psychological traits that helped ancestors survive/reproduce


448 - Behavior that are followed by pleasurable consequences are strengthened is which perspective?


449 - Behavior that leads to successful consequences is ..... while behavior that ..... is discarded.

retained / fails

450 - behavior that matches the group's expectations


451 - Behavior therapists believe that insight is ___________?

A worthwhile goal

452 - Behavior therapists can help people to overcome such unwanted habits as smoking or overeating through _____________________?

operant conditioning

453 - Behavior therapy has been criticized for all of the following EXCEPT

it is not very operationalizable

454 - Behavior towards an individual or social group based on that group identity


455 - Behavior we can see is?


456 - Behavior: Amy ran awayConsequence: Her parents changed the locks

457 - Behavior: Molly finishes her homework Consequence: She gets to go out with friends

458 - Behavior: Sally can't give an exampleConsequence: She fails the assignement

459 - Behavior: Stanley gets straight AsConsequence: Parents release him from his grounding

..... reinforcement

460 - Behavior: Zane has his phone out in classConsequence: He gets it taken away

..... punishment

461 - Behavior̢۪ is best defined as ____________?

any action we can observe and record

462 - Behavioral psychologist who contend the term "operant conditioning".

BF Skinner

463 - Behavioral psychologists propose one' thoughts and actions are driven by their?


464 - Behavioral Psychology focuses on both thought and action


465 - Behaviorism

John Watson

466 - Behaviorism; "Little Albert Study"; aversion therapy


467 - Behaviorist that focused on consequences of Behavior.

F Skinner

468 - Behaviorist. Operant Conditioning. Behavior is determined by the consequence that follows it

BF Skinner

469 - Behaviorists suggested that our behavior is influenced by .....

learned experiences

470 - Behaviorists would define learning as

a relatively enduring change in thoughts, feelings and behaviour as a result from experience

471 - Behaviors that have pleasant or good consequences are likely to be repeated. Who came up with this idea?


472 - Behaviour includes which of the following "activities"?

All of the above

473 - Behaviour refers to something that is observable which allows researchers to make clear judgements. Another word for observable is?


474 - Behaviour Therapy by .....

F. Skinner

475 - Behaviourists believe that negative reinforcement can explain attachment through the process of

operant conditioning

476 - Being "body smart" refers to which type of intelligence, according to Gardner?


477 - Being a record of the actual behaviour of the child, it has more uses and merits of the Observations are.....

Reliable and Objective

478 - Being able to detect a single candle flame from 30 miles away on a clear dark night at least 50% of the time is known as:

Absolute Threshold

479 - Being able to feel a bees wing dropped on your cheek from 1 cm is an example of

Absolute Threshold

480 - Being able to recall he words at the start of a list refers to the:

Primacy effect

481 - Being able to recall words at the start of a list refers to:

Primacy effect

482 - Being able to see a candle flame 30 miles away on a clear night is the

absolute threshold for human vision

483 - Being accepted into the Juilliard School of Music after 10 years of intense study is an example of what level on the hierarchy?


484 - Being afraid to go to school because of bullies best fits with what level on the hierarchy?

Safety and security

485 - Being an effective teacher with regard to technological skills requires:

knowing about various assistive devices to support the learning of students with disabilities as well as having the skill to integrate computers appropriately with instruction.

486 - Being assertive shows that we

Respect ourselves and others

487 - Being confident in what you do and being respected by others are related to this level of needs.


488 - Being friendly and helpful is a description of:


489 - Being motivated because you want to avoid a consequence, e.g. being dropped from a team for not playing well. Is considered?

Negative Motivation

490 - Being motivated to do something because it gives you a good feeling at the end is considered? e.g. being praised by a coach

Positive motivation

491 - Being motivated to eat because you are hungry is an example of:

Drive Reduction theory

492 - Being nice to your little sister so your parents will buy you a present on your wish list.

Postive Reinforcement

493 - Being offered a tablet to win the paper toss game last lesson.....What kind of motivation is this?


494 - Being organized and careful is a description of:


495 - being the best version of yourself that you can be

self actualization

496 - Being unable to hold down a steady job would be considered abnormal according to which approach?


497 - Being watched by others hurts performance when the task being observed is a difficult one rather than simple. Opposite effect is social facilitation

social impairment

498 - belief about the characteristics of an out-group about the characteristics about which we are aware

explicit stereotype

499 - belief about the characteristics of an out-group about which we're unaware

implicit stereotypes

500 - Belief in the id would be the____________ view, whereas recording the frequency of acts of aggression would represent the____________ approach.

structuralist, functionalist

501 - belief that includes an emotional component


502 - Belief that knowledge comes from experience; either direct observation or experimentation.


503 - Belief that one's culture is superior to others


504 - Belief that people are out to get them

Delusion of Persecution

505 - Belief that perception is more than the sum of its parts


506 - Belief that the proper subject matter of psychology is objectively observable behavior-and nothing else:


507 - belief that we see the world precisely as it is

Naive Realism

508 - Belief that you enjoy greater power and influence than you do

Delusion of Grandeur

509 - Believed people learn the same as animals and behavior which is reinforced (rewarded) will likely be repeated.

F. Skinner

510 - Believed that a person's behavior is the result of rewards and punishments.

F. Skinner

511 - Believed that a person's thoughts and behaviors come from tension generated by unconscious motives and unresolved childhood conflict

Sigmund Freud

512 - Believed that children learn language as a result of operant conditioning.


513 - Believed that even conscious thoughts were not worth studying because they couldn't be observed and measured


514 - believed that the mind is separate from the body. This is referred to as dualism- the mind continues after the body dies.


515 - Believed that what motivates humans is not known consciously to them


516 - Believer in Introspection

Wilhelm Wundt

517 - Believing that impulses from within are coming from others. Assigning negative feelings to others.


518 - Believing that perception is more than the sum of its parts resulted in which of the following approaches to studying human behavior?

Gestalt psychology

519 - 'Believing you are carrying out the wishes of someone else, ' is a brief description of:

Agentic state

520 - Below are Ancient Greek philosophy schools of thought, except


521 - Ben gets paid every 2 weeks. In one 2-week period, he works a total of 120 hours. During another 2-week period, he worked a total of 50 hours. Regardless of the total number of hours he works each work, he is paid every 2 weeks. What schedule of reinforce

Fixed interval

522 - Ben makes five paper helicopters with different wing lengths. He drops them the same way from a height of two meters for five trials each. He records the amount of time it takes for each helicopter to fall to the ground.What is the dependent variable?

Amount of time it takes the helicopter to hit the floor

523 - beneficial

helpful or useful

524 - Benjamin Bloom developed which of the following?

A taxonomy of cognitive skills based on a hierarchy of objectives

525 - Benjamin Whorf believed

that a person's language may also shape a person's thoughts and perceptions.

526 - Bernice is usually very talkative in class. Her teacher says she is the class clown.


527 - Berry and Katz (1967) investigated the effects of individualism and collectivism on which behaviour?


528 - Best represents a slot machine

Variable Ratio

529 - Beta like waves or sawtooth waves are characteristic of a person who is:


530 - Bethany has a mental age of 5. This means that she must:

have answered test items that could be answered by an average 5-year-old

531 - Betsy was told a phone number at school, but she didn't have a pen and paper handy. She quickly began to repeat the number in her head until she was able to write it down. she remembered the number using what technique?

Maintenance rehearsal

532 - Betsy works in a human resources department. She plans training sessions, recruits people to work for the company, and implements techniques to boost morale around the office. Of the following, Betsy is most likely an.....

Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

533 - Between a population and sample: which is bigger?


534 - BF Skinner designed a device called a teaching machine for an educational method known as

Programmed learning.

535 - BF Skinner with his pigeons.


536 - Bickman's (1974) study supported Milgram because he found that:

People more often obeyed someone dressed in a security guards uniform

537 - 'Bigger stimuli require larger differences to be noticed' , is stated in

Weber's law

538 - Bill had a huge headache the first time he went to Six Flags. Now when he has a headache he remembers the time he went to Six Flags. This is an example of.....

State-dependent memory

539 - Bill trusts his friends very much. He's okay with most of their decisions.


540 - Bill was shocked when he found out the politician that he voted for had not won last night's election.....-it is SO clear to him that "his" was the most qualified candidate.....surprisingly, the rest of his state disagreed with the accuracy of Bill's beli


541 - Billy acts differently with his friends than he does with his family. In reference to his friends this is considered an act of .....


542 - Billy feels really dizzy after riding a rollercoaster at the local state fair. His dizziness is caused by his

vestibular sense

543 - Billy is always the life of the party! Everyone knows when he walks through the door because of his big personality. His football team just got beat, but he says they will get them next time.


544 - Billy is being hypnotized and basically just plays along and does what he thinks people under hypnosis do.

social influence theory

545 - Billy memorized the period table. After he memorized it he continued to practice it. Billy then went on to become President of the United States. Billy's effort to continue practicing the periodic table after he had already memorized it is called


546 - Billy slapped a cow while hypnotized and does not recall doing it after waking up from hypnosis.

posthypnotic amnesia

547 - Billy's mom took away his punishment once he proved that he learned his lesson. This is an example of?

Negative Reinforcement

548 - Billy's problems stem from his early childhood and his unsuccessful resolution of his Oedipal conflicts, this demonstrates which approach?


549 - Binet and Simon decided that a key element in testing intelligence was a child's:

mental age.

550 - Binet and Terman would have been most likely to disagree about the

extent to which intelligence is determined by heredity.

551 - Binocular depth cues

All of the above

552 - Binocular vision

overlapping fields of vision from two eyes

553 - Biological explanations for interpersonal attraction tend to focus on:

romantic attraction

554 - biological perspective

emphasizes the influence of biology in our behavior

555 - Biological psychology is the study of the ..... factors that influence or cause behavior and mental processes.

physical and chemical

556 - Biological science focuses on

All of the above

557 - Birth Order Theory was created by:

Alfred Adler

558 - Birth typically occurs after ____________?

Thirty eight weeks conception

559 - BLACK is associated with .....


560 - Black spots in your vision could be explained by .....

damage to your retina

561 - Blackfish and Supersize Me are examples of:

Social Judgement Theory

562 - Blindfolded subjects were observed to clap louder when they thought they were clapping alone than when they thought they were clapping with others. This best illustrates

social loafing.

563 - Blockage of a memory by previous or subsequent memories or loss of a retrieval cue.


564 - Blocking: Forgetting when a memory cannot be retrieved because of interference.What are the two types of blocking?

Only (A) & (B)

565 - Blood pressure, heart rate, digestion and body temperature are examples of things that are controlled by which part of the nervous system?


566 - Bloom's taxonomy is best used as.....

hierarchy for assessing student learning

567 - Blue shows feelings of .....


568 - Boasting is a form of


569 - Bob raises his hand to ask a question in class. Everyone gives him a hard time. Julie decides not to ask her question.


570 - Bobo doll experiment

Albert Bandura

571 - Bobo doll was the popular experiment conducted by ..... which demonstrated the effects of observation on aggressive behavior

Albert Bandura

572 - Bobo Doll, imitation learning

Albert Bandura

573 - Body mass index has a strong relationship to diabetes and insulin resistance. In obese individuals, the amount of nonesterified fatty acids, glycerol, hormones, cytokines, proinflammatory markers, and other substances that are involved in the development

positive correlation

574 - Body metabolism is a key function to ___________?

thyroid gland

575 - body receptors responding to physical stimulus energy and carrying that information to the Central Nervous System


576 - Bold words in a textbook is an example of __________________?

a stimulus factor in perception

577 - BONUS: What is your teacher's name?

Dr. Charlotte Cosner

578 - Both Aptitude test and Achievement test are

Ability tests

579 - Both Milgram and Asch did not give their participants an accurate representation of what the research involved. This means that each experiment involved.....

a significant degree of deception.

580 - Both the research participants and the research staff are ignorant about whether the research participants have received the treatment or a placebo

double-blind procedure

581 - Boundary extension refers to the idea that adults

remember more in a scene or a boundary than what was originally presented in that scene.

582 - Bowlby's famous study into the impact of maternal deprivation was called.....

44 Juvenile Thieves Study

583 - Boys score in intelligence tests as compared to girls


584 - Brad loves nature and the environment. What might he study in collage?


585 - Brad Pitt is curious as to what happened to the dinosaurs. He is convinced that a virus spread across the earth and killed all the dinosaurs. Brad's idea is called a .....


586 - Brain ..... refers the brain's ability to self-repair by reorganizing existing tissue.


587 - Brain area that processes taste information.


588 - Brain maturation is generally complete by the end of

early adulthood

589 - Brain neuroimaging was first invented by Angelo Mosso in the late 1800s. He recorded the pulsations of blood of the human cerebral cortex and noted that these pulsations changed during certain cognitive tasks. What did Mosso conclude from this?

Mosso concluded that blood flow increases to the brain during mental processing.

590 - Brain Plasticity refers to the process of.....

The formation of new neural networks.

591 - Brain regions associated with language, memory, and attention are called

gray matter

592 - Brain scanning evidence has shown that semantic long-term memories are found where in the brain?

Left prefrontal cortex

593 - Brain size is about 90-95% adult size by the age of

6 years

594 - Brain waves as one is driting off to skeep, awake and relaxed.

Alpha waves

595 - brains ability to recover


596 - Branch of mathematics that enables researchers to organize and evaluate the data they have collected.


597 - Branch of medicine dealing with psychological disorders, practiced by physicians who are licensed to provide medical treatment as well as psychological therapy


598 - Branch of psychology that applies the principles of psychology to the workplace:

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

599 - Branch of Psychology that assists people with problems in living and in achieving a greater well-being.

counseling psychology

600 - Branch of psychology that studies how people interact with their social environments and how social institutions affect individuals and groups.

community psychology

601 - Branch of psychology that studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior.


602 - Branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders.

clinical psychology

603 - Breaking up an activity into small separately taught steps is an examples of this.


604 - Breaks psychology from philosophy in ~1879. First "psychologist"

Wilhelm Wundt

605 - Breathing is an example of an

involuntary movement.

606 - Breathing, food, water, and sleep are all part of this level of needs.


607 - Breathing, heart rate, and brain waves increase during this state of sleep. VERY active brain.

REM sleep

608 - Brett recognizes a robin as fitting in to the category "bird" quicker than he does a penguin. This is because "robin" is a .....


609 - Brian ate a tuna salad sandwich that had become tainted from being in the sun too long. Not long after eating, Brian became extremely nauseated and felt awful. After that, even the sight of a tuna sandwich caused Brian to feel nauseated. In this scenario,


610 - brides wear white on their wedding day

yes, they wear white

611 - Bringing together organizational members from marketing, accounting, human resources, and finance to work on a task would be an example of a ..... team.


612 - 'Brings together different types of information into a single memory' is a description of which component of the working memory model.

Episodic Buffer

613 - Brittany was enrolled in a Latin class at LSU one semester. During her Latin final exam she was having trouble recalling the Latin she learned. Spanish words she learned in high school kept coming to mind. This is an example of:

Proactive interference

614 - Broad explanations and predictions concerning phenomena of interest


615 - Broad, Narrow, Internal and External are all types of what?

Focus and Concentration

616 - Broadening of an existing schema to include new information


617 - Broca̢۪s area and Wernicke̢۪s area of the brain are involved in the ____________ and _____________ of speech respectively.

production, comprehension

618 - Broca's Area is found in the .....

left frontal lobe

619 - Broca's area is located in which hemisphere/lobe?

Left frontal

620 - Brock noticed a distinct scent when he walked into his aunt's house; however, five minutes later, he realizes he doesn't smell anything anymore. What is this an example of?

Sensory adaptation

621 - Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory is important because as teachers we understand

positive relationships and a positive environment allow the child to develop and succeed to their fullest potential possible.

622 - Brown is not.....


623 - Bruce Gets paid every 2 weeks. In 12 week. He works a total of 20 hours the during another 2 week. He worked a total of 50 hours. Regardless of the total number of hours he works each week he is paid every 2 weeks what schedule of reinforcement is being u

Fixed interval

624 - Bruce Wayne lost both his parents in a shooting when he was young. He has a butler that watches over him, but he has trouble establishing meaningful relationships with others. What level of needs is he missing?

Love and Belonging

625 - Bruce would get the "Mr. Friendly" award. He loves being with people. What would he enjoy the most in college?


626 - Bruner & Minturn tested the effects of expectation using:

An ambiguous figure

627 - Bruner and Minturn investigated.....?

The effect of expectation on perception

628 - Bruno noticed that whenever he moved his dog's food dish, his dog would come into the kitchen and act hungry and excited. He reasoned that because he feeds the dog using that dish, the sound of the dish had become a(n)

conditioned stimulus

629 - Brushing your hair so you don't get stared at.

Negative Reinforcement

630 - Bryan procrastinated and spent the night cramming for his psychology exam. During the exam he couldn't remember a lot of what he studied. This is due to.....

Spacing effect

631 - bundle of nerves carrying sound from the cochlea to the brain

auditory nerve

632 - Burger and Cornelius (2003)

low-ball condition gets the most compliance

633 - But having measured happiness levels, we still need to deal with the basic problem of finding ways of making people happier.


634 - Buy 5 and get 1 free is an example of:

Fixed ratio

635 - Buying lottery ticket is reinforced on a ..... schedule.

variable ratio

636 - Buying new clothes so that your friends will stop making fun of your old clothes

Negative Reinforcement

637 - By definition, a supervisee is a person who is not yet ready to practice independently. Is this statement correct/false?


638 - By directly experiencing a thunderstorm, we learn that a flash of lightning signals an impending crash of thunder. This best illustrates:

Classical Conditioning

639 - By gathering data as numbers, we can use statistics to find out such things as whether something is happening by chance or whether two groups are really performing or behaving differently


640 - By listening to his teacher in his parenting class, Jeremy now looks forward to having his own child.This is an example of:

Cognitive Learning

641 - By seeking to measure "atom of the mind, " who established the first psychology laboratory?

Wilhelm Wundt

642 - By the end of the sensorimotor stage, infants have fully developed a sense of ....., the knowledge that an object exists even when it is not in sight.

Object Permanence

643 - By the perceptual organization of stimuli the person̢۪s span of attention is ____________?


644 - By this time, children are able to think about a number of different features of things, but are still largely restricted to doing this with physical objects.This stage belongs to.....

concrete operational stage

645 - By varying our stimuli systematically along a dimension, we can make clear, reliable claims about the ..... points and the ..... points due to generalization.

measured, intervening

646 - By which of the following properties of near and distant objects does motion parallax enable a person to judge distance?

relative movement

647 - Bystander behaviour (bystander apathy) in an emergency situation means

A victim is less likely to be helped.

648 - Caitlin, a fifth grader, is asked to remember her second-grade teacher's name. What measure of retention will Caitlin use to answer this question?


649 - Caleb is with friends and they are talking about the worst injuries they have ever gotten. Caleb remembers when he fell off of a ladder while painting his house. His recollection of this event is what type of memory?


650 - Came up with the birth order theory of personality. stated that people form personality through their seeking of superiority


651 - Came up with the Law of Effect


652 - Can a teacher use trial and error theory in this classroom


653 - Can be caused by psychological pressures, possible genetic facters and a obsession with body image and thinness

Eating disorder

654 - Can be done through questionnaires, over the phone, or in person:


655 - can be retested and proven


656 - Can be used to familiarise the athlete with a competition site, a race course, a complex play pattern or routine

Mental rehearsal

657 - Can be used to set the stage for a performance with a complete mental run through of the key elements of their performance.

Mental rehearsal

658 - can be used when an experiment is impossible/unethical.

Correlational Studies

659 - Can condition children to be afraid of things or not


660 - can determine cause and effect


661 - Can neurons change?


662 - Can Parkinson's disease be cured?

can be controlled (reduced )

663 - can show effects of changes over time

Longitudinal Studies

664 - Can we apply conditioning theory in our education system


665 - cannot generalize results to a wider population

Case Studies

666 - cannot measure changes over time

Cross-Sectional Studies

667 - can't verify the accuracy of an individual's response

Survey Research

668 - Capability of the mind NOT process of thought. Practical applications of research


669 - Capability of the mind NOT process of thought. Practical applications of research. William James


670 - Capacity is.....?

the amount of information that can be held in a memory store.

671 - Cardinal rule of naturalistic observation:

Not disturbing participants in the study

672 - Cardo grew up in a traditional Ilocano community. When his grandpa died, his parents set aside food offering at the burial site for nine days. This offering is called:


673 - Career


674 - Carefully worded statement of the exact procedures used in a research study

operational definition

675 - Carl Jung

Collective Unconscious

676 - Carl Jung's term for the part of the psyche similar to Freud's "unconscious" is

personal unconscious

677 - Carl Rogers

most famous humanist

678 - Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow are .....

Humanistic Psychologists

679 - Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow have given .....perspective.


680 - Carl Rogers and who else developed the theory of "Humanism"?

Abraham Maslow

681 - Carl Rogers emphasized the importance of ..... in regards to healthy personality development.

unconditional positive regard

682 - Carl Rogers followed which psychological approach?


683 - Carl Rogers would recommend which of the following as a cure for a person who is excessively defensive?

unconditional positive regard

684 - Carla tutors other students because she likes to be helpful, whereas Jane tutors classmates strictly for pay. Their behaviors demonstrate the difference between

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

685 - Carly used to feel nausea when going to McDonalds because she associated the food with illness. After a few good meals there, she no longer feels the nausea. Which prinicple?


686 - Carrie is struggling to balance her school, home, and social lives. What type of psychologist would she go to for help?


687 - carried out research and suggested three types of attachment: A: Insecure-avoidant, B: Securely attached, C: Insecure-resistant


688 - 'Case history' method is a part of

behavioural technique

689 - Case studies allow for an in depth study but can also be applied to prove a theory


690 - Case studies presented some benefits of .....

Only (A) & (B)

691 - Case studies usually collect qualitative data. This is.....

Data which is non-numerical

692 - Case studies, experiments, longitudinal studies, cross-sectional studies, and surveys are all examples of:

Research Strategies

693 - Case study

Study of one individual in great detail

694 - Case study is

research method that involves an intensive investigation of one or more participants

695 - Case Study Method is usually used in the case of .....

Problem Child

696 - Casey went to a counselor for her medically unexplained stomachaches. The counselor decided to perform a ritual of slapping malunggay leaves on her stomache despite not believing that this would work. Her counselor is likely demonstrating what form of cul

Transforming and utilization

697 - Cassidy is trying to remember the name of the actor in a movie she just watched. She can remember other movies he's been in, what he looks like, and even his wife's name, but she can't remember his name. This is an example of:

The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon (also called TOT experience)

698 - Catherine is testing which soil will help grass grow the tallest. The height of the grown grass is the ..... variable.

dependent (it's what you measure)

699 - Cathy said that she doesn't like Filipino films because these are "corny" and poorly acted. She is likely demonstrating a mindset that shows what form of cultural domination?

Denigration and marginalization

700 - Causes of Sporting Stress in athletes include

Importance of the event

701 - caveat

a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior

702 - Cebuano thought on duality of the soul is composed of the idea of "kalag" and .....


703 - Cell in the brain or another part of the nervous system that specializes in transmitting information to other cells


704 - Cells that communicate to, from or within the CNS


705 - cells that provide support functions for the neurons by playing an information processing role that is complementary to neurons

glial cells

706 - Cells that receive and process sensory information

Sensory Receptors

707 - Central nervous system is made up of (choose 2)

Only (A) & (B)

708 - Central tendencies are important to psychology because they help define:

what is normal

709 - Central traits _____________?

Were suggested by a behaviorist to explain behavior

710 - CEO is the leader of the firm, serves as the main link between.....

the board of directors and the firm's various parts or levels

711 - Certain behaviors are more easily learned by some species of animals than by others. This best illustrates the importance of

biological constraints.

712 - Certain political and religious leaders rely on charisma and verbal persuasions to influence multitudes of people. Jung would say that the "spell" these individuals cast over others might be due to the ..... archetype within people.

Wise Old Man

713 - Certain specific means by which the ego unconsciously protects itself against unpleasant impulses or circumstances:

Defense Mechanism

714 - Certain traumatic memories/events are pushed deep into the unconscious. These memories cannot be retrieved at will, but may influence our behavior and perceptions.


715 - Chaining is -

Teaching subjects to behave in a specific way successively multiple times

716 - Challenger Question:To make dogs drool at the sound of a bell, one would need to PRESENT/SHOW food.....

After the bell

717 - Chandigarh is capital of

Only (A) & (B)

718 - Change in behavior is or is not a disadvantage of punishment?

is not

719 - Change in body position relative to gravity causes fluid to move in the semicircular canals (stimulus), transduction occurs in the vestibular hair cells and the information is transmitted via the vestibular nerve to the brain stem (sensation). Perception

How we detect bodily orientation

720 - Change is fundamental to society - constantly driven by these conflicts

conflict theory

721 - Changes in air pressure (sound waves, the stimulus energy) vibrate the outer, middle, and inner ear components, eventually vibrating the basilar membrane. The basilar membrane vibration bends the stereocilia on the hair cells. The bending of the stereocil

How we hear

722 - Changes in behavior remit from

learning and maturation, both in important amounts

723 - changes shape to focus light rays on retina


724 - Changing an attitude by changing responses is:

Learning Theory

725 - Changing and revising existing schema in face of new experiences or new information.


726 - changing behavior in response to a demand from an authority figure


727 - Changing behaviour by making something fun is called:

Fun Theory

728 - Changing or reorganizing the information stored in memory to create new or transformed information is


729 - Changing someone's attitudes and behavior about immigration is a demonstration of


730 - Changing the format of information being stored in memory in order to remember it easily


731 - Characteristic patterns of behavior and motivation are called:


732 - Characteristics of a Leader (Click all that apply)

All of the above

733 - Characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks


734 - Charlene conducts research on the effects of early childhood education on high school graduation rates. She publishes her research and has worked on programs that use this information. Charlene's job is as a:

research psychologist

735 - Charles and his wife are at a loud baseball game, yet are able to have a conversation with each other in spite of all the noise around them. Which principle best explains this scenario?

The cocktail party effect

736 - Charles Darwin argued that people from different cultures express certain basic feelings

in same ways

737 - Charles Darwin is best known for studying animals and developing which theory?


738 - Charles Darwin is most associated with which perspective?


739 - Charles Darwin̢۪s concept of natural selection is most important for which of the following general perspectives in psychology?


740 - Charles Darwin's idea on natural selection (survival of the fittest ) is associated with which part of psychology


741 - Charles Spearman's concept of 'g' is most accurately defined as

a single, underlying intellectual capacity

742 - Charlie gets paid on the 15th of every month. He is reinforced on a ..... schedule

fixed interval

743 - Charlie HATES rap music and thinks it's a waste of time. When his friend invites him to a rap music concert, he buys a front row ticket. This is an example of:

cognitive dissonance

744 - Charting, graphing, and organizing information falls under which intelligence.


745 - Chebat and Michon (2003) found that an ambient scent is a cheap and effective way to increase store sales. But they also found that the use of a product related scent will

Be effective in increasing the sales of that specific product and result in the reduction of sales of other products.

746 - Check all that is correct regarding people who get botox?

All of the above

747 - Check all the weaknesses of the study

All of the above

748 - Check the 2 answers that match 2 methods to increase a persons self confidence.

Only (A) & (B)

749 - Check the 2 statements you think the lecturer agrees with.

Only (A) & (B)

750 - Check the boxes that are categorised as 'mental preparation' techniques.

All of the above

751 - Check the two strongest relationships between variables

Only (A) & (B)

752 - Check two advantages of a case study.

Only (A) & (B)

753 - chemical messager, released into the bloodstream, slow but long lasting




755 - Chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands are called


756 - 'Chemicals are dissolved in saliva during the process of chewing.' Which stage of sensation and perception in taste is this describing?


757 - Chemicals in the neuron that help send messages


758 - Chemicals that act as messengers between animals are referred as _____________?


759 - Chemicals that either inhibit or excite the transmission of nerve impulses.


760 - chemicals that travel across a synaptic gap


761 - Chemicals which are produced in the brain and facilitate communication between nerve cells are called ______________?


762 - Cheska regularly wears hat even in situations where it is not appropriate to do so, in order to hide unusual bald spots on their head.


763 - Childhood participation in sports, cultural groups, and youth groups appears to be related to improved self-esteem for adolescents. In a representative study, a researchers compares scores on a standardized self-esteem questionnaire for a sample of n=100

t Test for Independent Samples

764 - Children and adolescents participate in decisions affecting their lives


765 - children are able to think about things in terms of consistent physical features. Their understanding depends very much on their own perspective, however; children seem to have difficulties understanding that a change in theway that something looks does n

pre-operational stage

766 - 'Children are capable of abstract reasoning' is a description of which stage of Piaget's theory?

Formal operational

767 - Children are less attentive after consuming sugary drinks and/or snacks.


768 - Children begin to lie about wrong doing because they know what they're doing is wrong is a sign they are developing

a superego

769 - Children draw what they know rather than what they see. This is called

Intellectual realism

770 - Children experience this stage for a longer duration of time than adults.

Stage 4

771 - Children in a Romanian orphanage in the 1990's suffered intellectual delays due to:

a deprived environment

772 - Children in the pre-operational stage should be encouraged to:

Dress up to overcome egocentrism

773 - Children learning the alphabet is a common form of ___________________?

serial learning

774 - Children must acquire their native language before a second language is learned. If they do not do so neither language will be fully acquired.....


775 - Children of parents that use this style struggle with authority figures outside of the home


776 - Children of theses parents often struggle to make their own decsions when outside of the home


777 - Children participate in decisions affecting their lives in .....families.


778 - Children staring forming several words at what age

2 or 3

779 - Children were asked how long they would punish an imaginary naughty child by.....

pressing a buzzer

780 - Children who only read books to earn points or get prizes are motivated by what kind of motivation?


781 - Children who participated in an experiment on the effects of violent video games on aggression may have original level of aggression. What do you call this problem?

participant variables

782 - Children who read because they just love to read and not for points or rewards have what kind of motivation?


783 - Children with mild disabilities like lower level of ..... functioning.


784 - Children, who in infancy formed secure attachments to their parents, are more likely than other children to:

Show a high level of social competence

785 - Children's memories are remarkable reliable and stable over time.


786 - Children's play that involves assuming adult roles, thus enabling the child to experience different points of view

Role taking

787 - children's play that involves assuming adult roles, thus enabling the child to experience different points of view is called .....

Role taking

788 - Children's Stages of Development is under .....

Cognitive Learning Theory

789 - Child's socialisation is influenced by

Ethnic status

790 - Chip believes that human behavior is generated in our unconscious minds and is the result of unresolved conflicts and desires, especially rooted in childhood experience. To which psychological perspective is Chip most likely to prescribe?


791 - Chomsky suggested that as a child first begins hearing language, appropriate settings or standards regarding the rules of that language are activated in the child's

language acquisition device.

792 - Choose a population from the list below:

30 year old women from Victoria

793 - choose all examples of cognitive processes

All of the above

794 - Choose all of the descriptive research methods.

All of the above

795 - Choose all that are reasons that psychologists perform research.

All of the above

796 - Choose all the goals of psychology that are listed below.

All of the above

797 - Choose characteristics that a mentally healthy person would exhibit

All of the above

798 - Choose characteristics that a reacting person might exhibit:

Only (A) & (B)

799 - Choose FOUR (4) steps in the scientific method.

All of the above

800 - Choose one advantage and one disadvantage of conducting surveys.

Only (A) & (B)

801 - Choose one advantage and one disadvantage of naturalistic observations.

Only (A) & (B)

802 - Choose the best definition of psychology

The scientific study of thoughts, feeling and behaviours

803 - Choose the best explanation of beneficence.

The likely benefit of the research findings outweigh any potential risks or discomfort to participants

804 - Choose the best word associated with the psychology of Yellow.


805 - Choose the correct ethical principles

All of the above

806 - Choose the correct hypothesis for the given aim: 'To study the relationship between hours of sleep and performance on a maths test by Year 10 students'.

It is hypothesised that Year 10 students who get more sleep will perform better on a maths test than those who get no sleep.

807 - Choose the correct list of the working memory components.

Central Executive, Visui-spatial sketch pad, Episodic buffer, Phonological Loop

808 - Choose the correct sentence.

He's from China.

809 - Choose the intervention levels of Educational Psychology

Individual, Group, Institutional and Sociocultural

810 - Choose the options that fill in the blanks:The r value in a set of data shows a stronger when it is closest to/is ..... and weaker when it is near or is .....

-1/1 and 0

811 - Choose the overall weakness of the study. - Yamamoto

Low ecological validity

812 - Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part:


813 - Choose the words that are associated with the colour Purple.

royalty, wealth, dreams

814 - Choose the words that are associated with the colour RED.

fear, danger and blood

815 - Choose the words that are associated with the colour Yellow.

bright, sun, happy

816 - Choose two differences between psychology and pseudoscience

Only (A) & (B)

817 - Choose which type of attachment is developed when a child is emotionally and physically independent from the caregiver and they do not seek out the caregiver when distressed:


818 - Choosing a marriage partner and deciding whether or not to have children may be related to Erikson̢۪s psychosocial stage of ______________?

intimacy vs. isolation

819 - Choosing the right coping strategy for a particular situation is called

Context specific effectiveness

820 - Chris has failed English class repeatedly and has now stopped trying because he believes the situation is uncontrollable. This is an example of:

learned helplessness.

821 - Chris is very nice and gets along well with everyone. What dimension of the Five Factor Model does he rank high in?


822 - Chromosomal anomalies can be recognized by slanting eyes and flat nose ___________?

Down̢۪s syndrome

823 - Chromosomal mapping studies have found that _____________?

Schizophrenia does not appear to have genetic components

824 - Chromosomes operate in pairs?


825 - chronological retention of events in your life is known as .....

episodic memory

826 - chronological retention of the events of one's life

episodic memory

827 - Chuck is a ..... He thinks psychology should focus on how people think and solve problems.

Cognitive Psychologist

828 - Chuck is a boss whose philosophy is that if you ask employees to do small jobs, then it is easier to get them to do the large jobs no one likes. It sounds like Chuck knows about

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

829 - Chunking is associated with

short-term memory

830 - chunking is useful to improve

efficiency of short term memory

831 - Chunking works to help you to remember subject information by.....

Grouping content

832 - Chunking, mnemonics, and rehearsal are all ways of ..... information.


833 - Cialdini et al. (1976)

Basking in reflected glory

834 - Cindy had cheesy tacos at a local Mexican restaurant. Later she became terribly ill and suffered bouts of nausea and vomiting. What might we predict based on conditioned taste aversion research?

Cindy will probably get nauseated the next time she tries to eat cheesy tacos.

835 - Cindy recently moved and has a new address. For the first few weeks whenever she had to write down her address she wrote her old address instead of her new one. This is an example of.....

Proactive interference

836 - Cindy understands her world primarily by grasping and sucking easily available objects. Cindy is clearly in Piaget's ..... stage


837 - Cindy who is being described as trustworthy, altruistic and tender-minded is probably fairly high on the Big Five superfactor known as .....


838 - CJ said that jasmine rice from Thailand is way better than NFA and other rice produced locally. He is likely demonstrating what form of cultural domination?

Commercialization and commodification

839 - claim that our attributions and behaviors are shaped by a deep-seated assumption that the world is fair and all things happen for a reason

just-world hypothesis

840 - claim that prejudice arises from a need to blame other groups for our misfortunes

scapegoat hypothesis

841 - Claire and Peter have been working for the same employer for 10 years doing the same job. Claire earns \$7, 000 less than Peter. This is an example of:


842 - Claire, age 4, watches as her older brother throws the food on the floor that he does not want to eat. Later, she does the same thing when given something that she does not want to eat. The fact that she mimics behavior she has seen would be most supporte

Albert Bandura

843 - Clara was brought to the "bisaya" by her parents when she suffered from frequent fever and nauseousness. Her aunt who is a pastor called this practice as "pagan religion heresy". What form of cultural domination is demonstrated here?

Denigration and marginalization

844 - Class info: before the Zoom meeting, students should log into Google Classroom and complete the Instructional Loom and .....

complete the Daily Check-In

845 - classical conditioing of a reflex response or emotion by watching the reaction of another person

vicarious conditioing

846 - Classical conditioning can be applied to help overcome fears using the method of

all of the above

847 - Classical conditioning can be applied to help overcome fears using the methods of

all of the above

848 - Classical conditioning can be applied to help overcome fears using which of the following methods?

All of the above

849 - Classical conditioning can be described as .....

the pairing of two stimuli to create a new automatic response

850 - Classical conditioning differs from operant conditioning in that

The response in classical conditioning is reflexive

851 - Classical conditioning is

learning to link two or more stimuli

852 - Classical conditioning is also called

Learning by association

853 - Classical conditioning is based on

the principle of contiguity (whenever two or more sensations occur together often enough, they will be become associated)

854 - Classical conditioning is under .....

Behavioral Learning Theory

855 - Classical conditioning is useful to animals and people because it helps them

All of these

856 - Classical conditioning is when a person or organism links two or more stimuli and

anticipates an event

857 - classical conditioning was first investigated by

Ivan P. Pavlov

858 - Classical Conditioning was presented by?


859 - Classical conditioning, salivating dogs

Ivan Pavlov

860 - Classical conditioning, Unethical Experiment, Little Albert

John Watson

861 - Classification of skills are placed on what?


862 - classification of traits into source and surface traits was putforward by

Raymond B Cattell

863 - Classification of traveler that they do not want to experiment on the accommodation, food and entertainment.


864 - Classification of traveler that they prefer going to a safe place but still wont hesitate to experience new things.


865 - Cleaning your room so that you can use the car for the night.

Postive Reinforcement

866 - Cleaning your room to stop your mother's nagging.

Negative Reinforcement

867 - Clear memories of particularly meaningful events are called .....

Flashbulb memories

868 - Clex grew up in an Ibanag community. While walking down the road, a sudden fast, large bus swept closely almost hitting her. She was shocked and terrified. Upon arriving home, her grandma performed "mangagagakao" to:

Call back her soul to her body

869 - Click on both the experiment design and a strength of that design

Only (A) & (B)

870 - Click the three personality traits he studied

All of the above

871 - Client variables that influence treatment

All of the above

872 - Client-centered therapy is most consistent with the ___________?

Humanistic approach

873 - Clinical Psychologist is the one who.....

Specializes in behavioural issues

874 - Clinical psychologists ..... prescribe medication to a client, but psychiatrists .....


875 - Clinical psychologists are most likely to be involved in _____________?

providing therapy to troubled people

876 - Clinical psychology

deals with diagnosing and treating mental illness

877 - Clinical Psychology deals with the practical aspect of ___________?

Abnormal Psychology

878 - Clinical Psychology is used to diagnose and treat a .....

mental illness

879 - Clinical Psychology/Counseling

Diagnose and Treat Psychological Disorders.

880 - Clinical researchers are interested in gaining insight into the causes of abnormal behavior. One way that they do this is to delve deeply into the histories of patients with a common diagnosis, interviewing family, friends, teachers, therapists, physician

Case study

881 - Clinicians attempting to systematically assess the abnormal behavior of a client will frequently _____________?

Rely primarily on neuropsychological tests

882 - Clint learned the capitals of all 50 states for a test and can still name them one year later. which of the following brain structures plays an important role in this type of memory storage?


883 - Clive Wearing had dementia, forgetting his wife's name, but could still play the piano. Which aspect of his memory did he lose?

Episodic memory

884 - Cloie went shopping in SM for "t'nalak" dress. She decided to buy the imported ones because they are of better make. She is likely demonstrating what form of cultural domination?

Commercialization and commodification

885 - Close, friendly groups usually work well together, but they may face a problem involving an extreme form of conformity called .....


886 - Closure, continuity, and proximity are all examples of.....

Gestalt principles

887 - clue

a fact or object that helps to solve mysteries

888 - Clues about distance based on the image of one eye.

monocular depth cues

889 - Clues about distance requiring two eyes.

binocular depth cues

890 - CNS

Central Nervous System

891 - Coding in LTM for most items in typical cases tends to be


892 - 'Coding is acoustic, capacity is limited and duration is between 18 and 30 seconds.' Which memory store is being described?

Short-term memory

893 - 'Coding is mostly acoustic and capacity is between 5 and 9 items'. Which memory store is being described?

Short term memory

894 - Coding research found that in our STM words are coded.....?


895 - co-founder of Gestalt psychology , studied problem-solving in animals and promoted the concept of insight learning

Wolfgang Kohler

896 - Cognition includes the processes of .....

all of these options

897 - Cognition is a conscious intellectual activity involving

All the above

898 - Cognition.....

mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating information

899 - Cognitive : refers to

Thinking, conscious mental processes

900 - cognitive activities

mental processes

901 - Cognitive development, zone of proximal development

Lev Vygotsky

902 - Cognitive Dissonance

discomfort when our behavior is inconsistent w/our beliefs

903 - Cognitive dissonance can be reduced by:

All of the above

904 - Cognitive dissonance refers to the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are


905 - Cognitive interviews require extensive .....


906 - cognitive learning theorist who conducted a series of studies on learned helplessness in dogs

Martin Seligman

907 - Cognitive Neuroscience

The study that attempts to link mental processes and brain activity.

908 - cognitive perspective

emphasizes the role that thoughts play in determining behavior

909 - Cognitive process in which information is repeated over and over as a possible way of learning and remembering


910 - Cognitive process where students embellish on new information what they already know


911 - Cognitive processes are defined as private, ..... mental processes.


912 - Cognitive psychologist view learning as


913 - Cognitive psychologists often liken the short-term store of the mind to which part of a computer?

the central processing unit

914 - Cognitive Psychologists study

All of the above

915 - Cognitive psychology is characterized by all of the following except .....

It emphasizes introspection

916 - Cognitive psychology is.....

The study of our mental processes in the broadest sense.

917 - Cognitive Theories

Our analysis of our own perceptions, thoughts, and feelings shape our personalities.

918 - Cognitive theorist emphasise the

Formation and modification of schemas

919 - Cognitivism is which of the following?

scientific study of the mind as an information processor.

920 - Cognitivists, such as Jean Piaget, concern themselves with the way in which information is

processed, stored, retrieved, and used

921 - Cohen and Squire disagree with Tulving's three types of LTM. Which of the following do they suggest instead?

Declarative memory and procedural memory

922 - Cole is stuck on the side of the road and must pour gasoline fluid into his gas tank. He has no funnel, so has difficulty creating a makeshift nozzle out of the materials found in his car. This is an example of (a) .....

mental set.

923 - Collective unconscious and archetypes (neoFreudian)

Carl Jung

924 - Collectivistic cultures are more likely to attribute behavior to?

one's situation

925 - College professors are typically expected to teach courses, engage in scholarly activity, and serve on a variety of college committees. These professional duties are best described as requirements associated with a specific


926 - Color (or hue) is largely determined by the ..... of the wave.


927 - Color and brightness is determined by

Length & Amplitude

928 - Color deficient people have a malfunctioning


929 - colored sphincter muscle that controls how much light enters eye


930 - Combining bits of information into a small number of familiar or manageable groups that can be stored in long-term memory and remembered more easily.


931 - Combining individual letters into familiar words enables you to remember more of the letters in this sentence. This best illustrates the value of


932 - Combining senses; such as understanding flavor as not just taste, but also a combination of sight, smell and texture; is an example of

sensory interaction

933 - combining separate items of information into a larger unit, or chunk, and then remembering chunks of information rather than an individual item


934 - Coming up with multiple ways to use an object is an example of:

a strategy to stimulate divergent thinking.

935 - commodity

valuable product; a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.

936 - Common Ethical Guidelines , choose three.

All of the above

937 - Common issues that are treated by health psychologists are :-

both A and B

938 - Common methods of Random Sampling.....

Only (A) & (B)

939 - Commonsense belief that we collect from our experiences is always considered reliable.


940 - Communicating ideas through symbols


941 - Communication is .....% verbal and .....% non-verbal.

20% and 80%

942 - Communication is always a ..... way process.


943 - Communication of subordinates to superiors or of employees to supervisors:

Upward communication

944 - Communication uses a number of different channels including: 1. Face-to-face 2. E-mail 3. Telephone 4. Radio 5. Television

All of the above

945 - Communication without words is called

Nonverbal communication

946 - Community sentencing involves an offender doing community service instead of going to prison. This often involves .....

all other options

947 - Company Main Levels?


948 - Company Starting Time which Planning Is Taken

Ratio Planning

949 - Comparatively speaking, ___________ has the most prominent cerebral cortex?


950 - Compared to adolescents, an elderly person would be likely to have:

more night-time awakenings and less total sleep

951 - Compared to NWC, a person in an ASC would be likely to have:

fewer content limitations; less self control

952 - Comparing new information to previously stored information refers to


953 - Comparing your new measurement with a well established test that already exists

Concurrent validity

954 - comparison of test scores of a person taking the same test at different times.

test-retest reliability

955 - compatibility

harmony, ability to get along together

956 - Compensation and rationalization are examples of

defence mechanisms

957 - Competencies built from:

All of the above

958 - Complete the computer model process used by cognitive psychologists.Input - ..... - Output


959 - Complete the family word.boyfri.....nd


960 - Complete the family word.husb.....nd


961 - Complete the family word.m.....ther


962 - Complete the family word.sist.....r


963 - Complete the following analogy: rose is to flower as ..... is to .....

Prototype is to concept

964 - Complete the


965 - Complete the word.M.....nday


966 - Complete the word.Sat.....rday


967 - Complete the word.Th.....rsday


968 - Complete this analogy: Fill-in-the-blank test questions are to multiple-choice questions as

recall is to recognition.

969 - complex explanation based on findings from a large number of experimental studies


970 - Compliance strategy that suggest that suggests after people refuse a large request, they will look more favorably upon a follow up request that seem much more reasonable

door in the face strategy

971 - Component of memory that holds and actively thinks about and processes a limited amount of information for a short period of time

Working memory

972 - Component of memory that holds incoming information in an unanalyzed form for a very brief time

Sensory Registry

973 - Component of memory that holds knowledge and skills for a relatively long time

Long term memory



975 - Computer provided a new way to conceptualise mental processes and to develop detail theories which is known as _________?

Information Processing Approach

976 - Computers and people both handle information using the process of

Encoding, storage, and retrieval

977 - Computers and people both handle information using which processes?

encoding, storage, and retrieval

978 - Concepts or frameworks that organize and interpret information.


979 - Concepts.....

mental groupings of similar objects, events, ideas, and people

980 - conceptual frameworks


981 - Concerned with discovering the basic elements of consciousness.


982 - Concerned with how mental processes help organisms adapt to their environment.


983 - Concerned with human learning in which unobservable mental processes are used to learn and remember new information or acquired skill

Cognitive Learning Theory

984 - Concerned with the importance of unconscious motives and internal conflicts to determine human behavior.


985 - Concerned with the relationships between people and their work environments

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

986 - Concerned with the scientific investigation of basic psychological processes. Learning, memory, cognition in humans and animals

Experimental Domain

987 - Concerning the major psychological perspectives.....

perspectives complement each other and should be combined

988 - Concerning the treatment of phobias using classical conditioning, it is TRUE that persons fearful of flying will .....

first need to address the unresolved conflicts that are contributing to this phobia in order to eliminate the fear of flying

989 - Concerns with meeting standards of excellence and accomplishing difficult tasks refer to need for___________?


990 - conclusion regarding factual evidence


991 - Concussion may lead to what disease:


992 - Condition in which repeated attempts to control a situation fail, resulting in the belief that the situation is uncontrollable

learned helplessness

993 - Condition in which the body is unable to fall asleep or stay asleep


994 - Condition or behavior researchers manipulate

independent variable

995 - Condition that involves the inability to process certain proteins. If left untreated with proper diet, child can suffer cognitive delays/intellectual disabilties


996 - Conditioned response is

learned response to a previously neutral stimulus

997 - Conditioned stimulus is

stimulus that evokes an emotional or physiological response after conditioning

998 - Conditioning belongs to which school of psychology?


999 - Conditioning in which desirable behavior is reinforced with valueless objects, which can be accumulated and exchanged for valued rewards

token economy

1000 - conducted an experiment where participants' estimates of line length were influenced by the presence of others giving incorrect answers

Solomon Asch


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