Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 9

1 - reciprocity norm is

an expectation that people will help, not hurt, those who have helped them

2 - Recognition can be described as

the ability to identify information you previously experienced

3 - Recognition is

superior to recall when the distractors used are dissimilar to the correct item.

4 - Recognition is to recall as:

Multiple choice is to fill-in

5 - Recommends shifting the focus of psychology away from the negative to a more positive focus.....

Positive Psychology

6 - Reconstructive memory suggests that:

Memory is an active/changing process

7 - Recorded data shows that the participants responded to the stress of the experiment in many ways including

all of the above

8 - Recording behavior in natural environment

Naturalistic observation

9 - Records the waves of electrical activity (studies seizures)


10 - Recreating an answer almost entirely from memory is called.....


11 - Red is a color that represents violence.


12 - Redirecting a forbidden desire or thought into a socially acceptable one.


13 - reduction in feelings of personal responsibility in the presence of others

diffusion of responsibilty



15 - refering to the observation that lwarning can take place without actual performance of the learned behavior

performanve distinction

16 - referring to the tendency of animals to learn certain associations, such as taste and nausea, with only one or a few pairings due to the survival nature of learning

biological preparedness

17 - Refers to a progressive series of changes in an orderly and coherent type towards the goal of maturity


18 - Refers to an individual's innate qualities




20 - refers to how participants are allocated (or assigned) to experimental conditions within a study.

random assignment

21 - refers to how research participants are selected (or sampled) from a target population.

random sampling

22 - Refers to making something clear, specific, and measurable.


23 - refers to personal experiences


24 - refers to statistical measurements that determine how similar the data collected by different raters are (a rater is someone who is scoring/measuring a performance, behavior, or skill in a human or animal)

inter-rater reliability

25 - Refers to the process by which a child learns to interact with others around them.

Social Development

26 - refers to the systematic application of learning principles to change people's actions and feelings

behavioral modification

27 - Refers to the way sensory information is organized, interpreted, and given meaning.


28 - Reflection means

re-phrasing client's statements

29 - Reflexive grasp is present at

at birth

30 - Reformed understanding of mental illness. Created first mental hospitals

Dorthea Dix

31 - Refusal to accept reality is what?


32 - Refusing to believe or accept the realityof something that makes us nervous.


33 - Regan and Carter are tall; Jeff is fat. Kelly would say that these statements illustrate the incorrect use of a construct because constructs -

must occur within the same context.

34 - Regular drinking of caffeinated drinks reduces alertness.


35 - Regular, ongoing examination and critique of one's assumptions and instructional strategies, and revising them as necessary to enhance learning

Reflective teaching

36 - regulates blood sugar, secreting insulin


37 - Regulates breathing, heart rate, digestion, ect.

Automatic nervous system

38 - Regulates your hunger, thirst, body temperature


39 - regulation of hormones (endocrine system) and of the autonomic nervous system


40 - Rehearsal is.....?

The process where something is consciously done to retain information

41 - Reicher argued that the riot was rule-driven, the main rule being:

Only target the police.

42 - Reinforcement occurs after a varying number of responses.

Variable-Ratio Schedule

43 - reinforcement of a behavior each time the behavior occurs

continuous reinforcement

44 - reinforcement of a behavior is not reinforced every time it occurs.

partial reinforcement

45 - Reinforcement of behavior every time the behavior occurs.

Continuous Reinforcement

46 - Reinforcement will lead to ..... change in behavior than punishment.

a more gradual

47 - Reinforcements are applied with a set amount of time between them on a ..... schedule.


48 - Reinforcers that can be exchanged for other reinforcers, such as money, are known as:

Token (Symbolic) Reinforcers

49 - reinforcers that function after being learned

secondary reinforcers

50 - Reinforcers that function due to the biological makeup of an organism are called .....


51 - reinforcers that function due to the biological makeup of an organism.

primary reinforcers

52 - reinforcers that increase the behavior they follow when they are applied

positive reinforcers

53 - reinforcers that increase the behavior they follow when they are removed

negative reinforcers

54 - Reinforces the first response after a fixed time period.

fixed interval schedule

55 - Reinforcing a response only part of the tie, results in a slower acquisition of a response but much greater resistance to extinction than does continuous reinforcement.

partial (intermittent) reinforcement

56 - Reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs.

continuous reinforcement

57 - Rejecting the concept of "S-R" connectionism, further "S-O-R" concept was developed by___________?


58 - Relates to business and personnel matters.....

Industrial Psychology

59 - Relating information to your own life experiences is an effective memory aid because it facilitates:

semantic encoding

60 - relating the material to your own life

self-reference effect

61 - relating to a value or quantity lying at the midpoint on a frequency of numbers


62 - Relationships with family and friends fulfill this need in Maslow's Hierarchy

Love & belonging

63 - Relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience


64 - relatively permanet change in behavior due to experience or practice


65 - relatively small group out of the total population under study


66 - relay

to give information, news, etc. to someone

67 - relay area for organizing incoming signals to the cortex & outgoing signals to body


68 - releasing anger or aggression by letting out powerful negative emotions


69 - Reliability indicates ..... whereas validity indicates ..... about tests.

Consistency; measuring what it intends to measure.

70 - Reliability refers to the ability.....

of the personality test to produce the same test score for an individual at other testing.

71 - Reliability: when it is carried out, and then carried out again, in the same way with same Ps

Test-retest reliability

72 - Reliant on the participants' memories Memories can be unreliable (we will study this more in later units) Often not possible to verify the information that the participant shares


73 - rely on

depend on/ trust

74 - REM stands for

Rapid eye movement

75 - REM stands for....., a stage of sleep in which the eyes move rapidly back and forth.

rapid eye movement

76 - REM/Dream sleep has these brain waves.

Beta Waves

77 - Remember more when you are in a similar emotional state

State Dependent Memory

78 - Remember more when you are in a similar situation or environment

Context Dependent Memory

79 - Remember the BEGINNING of a list is what?

Primacy of Serial Positon Effect

80 - Remember the END of a list is what?

Recency Effect of Serial Positon Effect

81 - Remembering how to do things is called.....

Procedural memory

82 - Remembering how to perform actions is an example of:

Procedural memory

83 - Remembering how to roller skate involves which of the following kinds of memory?


84 - Remembering how to solve a jigsaw puzzle without any conscious recollection that one can do so best illustrates ________________ memory?


85 - Remembering information better when it linked more deeply with knowledge in long-term memory is explained by the .....

Levels of processing

86 - Remembering information that you never really learned;


87 - Remembering items at the beginning of a list


88 - Remembering something incorrectly


89 - Remembering something when you return to the place you first learnt it is called.....?


90 - Remembering that one time you went on vacation to Ohio to visit your cousins is an example of which type of memory


91 - Remembering that the capital of Venezuela is Caracas is an example of what type of memory?

Semantic memory

92 - Remembering the definitions of each of your SAT prep vocabulary words demonstrates

semantic memory

93 - Remembering the first and last items of a list better than items in the middle is due to

the serial position effect

94 - Remembering the first items on a list, better than than middle or last ones is due to

primacy effect

95 - Remembering the items at the end of a list


96 - Removal of the hippocampus is most likely lead to ___________?

anterograde amnesia

97 - Removing chores for a week

negative reinforcement

98 - Renaissance and Enlightenment philosophers championed the use use of experience, experimentation, and observation to explain the universe in ..... terms.


99 - Rene Descartes believed the mind and body were two distinct systems. Descartes was therefore considered a:


100 - Rene Descartes introduced the idea of .....


101 - Renee Descartes emphasized ..... as the best road to understanding.

Human reasoning

102 - Renny knew the red tulip was closer to her than the yellow tulip because the red one cast a larger retinal image than the yellow one. This illustrates the importance of the distance cue known as

relative size.

103 - Repeated measures - each participant does all the conditions. What are the disadvantages?

All of the above

104 - Repeated periods during sleep when a person stops breathing for 10 seconds or longer is known as:

Sleep apnea

105 - Repeating a person̢۪s name over and over immediately after being introduced is an example of _________________?

maintenance rehearsal

106 - Repeating a research study to confirm the results of an original study


107 - Repeating a research study, using different participants to see if findings extended to other people and situations is known as what


108 - Repeating information over and over again to remember

Maintenance Rehearsal

109 - Repeating information over and over to store it for a short-term duration is known as

Maintenance Rehearsal

110 - Repeating information to remember it temporarily is called.....

Maintenance rehearsal

111 - Repeating information verbatim


112 - repeating material to yourself to keep information in your short term memory longer is an example of .....

maintenance rehearsal

113 - Repeating someone's name several times shortly after being introduced to that person is an effective strategy for


114 - Repeating someone's name several times shortly after being introduced to that person is an example of

maintenance rehearsal

115 - Repeating the essence of a research study to see whether the basic finding can be reproduced


116 - Repeating the message defines which component of communication?


117 - Repetition looks like.....

Writing out learnt content over and over

118 - Repetition of the same arguments resulting in stronger attitudes in support of the majority view is an example of

group polarization.

119 - Rephrasing a new definition in order to remember its meaning is

Semantic Encoding

120 - Replication is when one scientist

copies another scientist's experiment.

121 - Representative Sample

A sample that has characteristics that are similar to those in the population.

122 - Represents output or effect

Dependent variable

123 - Repression is an example of __________________?

motivated forgetting

124 - Repression refers to ____________?

Primary defense mechanism

125 - Rescorla found that the CS must ..... the UCS for conditioning to take place.


126 - Research aimed at building psychology's knowledge base is

Basic Science

127 - Research design in which neither the experimenter nor the participants know who is in the experimental group and who is in control group.

double blind study

128 - Research design in which participants don't know whether they are in experimental or control group.

single blind

129 - research examining how the mind works

Basic Research

130 - research examining how we can use basic research to solve real-world problems

Applied Research

131 - Research findings in the area of interpersonal attraction indicate that individuals are most likely to be attracted to others who are

similar to themselves in many ways

132 - Research findings indicate that more intensely coloured foods or drinks are likely to be perceived as

more intensely flavoured

133 - Research finds that, in general, the higher an incoming college student scores on a given test, the higher the student's college GPA. Which of the following best describes this relationship?

A positive correlation

134 - Research has shown that

in the presence of others, we tend to do worse on complex or unfamiliar tasks.

135 - Research has shown that highly intelligent people when they die tend to have

far more synaptic connections

136 - Research has shown that people who use goal setting effectively:

show more self-confidence

137 - research has shown that witness testimonies are

often inaccurate

138 - research is used to examine one variable in different groups that are similar in all other characteristics.

cross sectional

139 - Research method in which a researcher manipulates one or more factors while controlling others.


140 - research method in which information is obtained by asking many individuals a fixed set of questions


141 - Research method in which the psychologist observes the subject in a natural setting without interfering

Naturalistic Observation

142 - Research method that involves an intensive investigation of one or more participants

Case Study

143 - Research method where questions are asked to subjects who report their own answers


144 - Research on memory construction indicates that

false memories of imagined events are often recalled as something that really happened.

145 - Research on physical attractiveness has shown that

desirable personality characteristics are typically ascribed to good-looking people.

146 - Research on the biology of aggression has clearly demonstrated that

animals can be bred for aggressiveness.

147 - Research on the impact of Day Care indicates that

Promotes the development of social skills

148 - Research on the role of reinforcement in insight therapy has found that ___________?

It does play a role

149 - Research on WW2 pilots is a strength of whose study?


150 - Research participants picked one of two photographed faces as more attractive. When researchers cleverly switched the photos, participants readily explained why they preferred the face they had actually rejected. Their behavior illustrated

choice blindness

151 - Research particpants are randomly assigned to one of three groups. One group listens to a list of words, another group reads a list of words, and the third group hears and reads the words. The researcher then tests the participants' memories to see how ma


152 - research psychologist

psychologist who study the origin, causes, or results of certain behaviors

153 - Research shows that generally, the higher an incoming college student's high school GPA, the higher the college student's college GPA. Which of the following describes this relationship?

a positive correlation

154 - Research shows that if we distribute our practice over multiple days, we will increase our retention. This is referred to as the:

spacing effect

155 - Research suggests that humans can most easily master the grammar of a second language during __________________?


156 - Research technique designed to discover attitudes or behavior through questionnaires

Survey Method

157 - Research that demonstrates information on current state of affairs, but not about correlations or cause and effact

Descriptive study

158 - Research that has no immediate application is known as .....

basic research

159 - Research that involves in-depth description/examination


160 - Research that involves manipulating one of the variables to determine the effect on slither variable

Experimental study

161 - Research that is inherently numerical in nature and can be reduced to numbers


162 - Research that uses different groups of society, can be referred to as a snapshot study


163 - Research that uses the same group of people over many years


164 - Researched the impact of False memories on eyewitness testimonies


165 - Researcher famous for work in observational or social learning including the famous Bobo doll experiment

Albert Bandura

166 - Researcher who showed children behaved aggressively towards a Bobo doll after watching adults do the same.

Bandura 1977

167 - Researcher(s) whose work helped overturn segregation in schools.

Kenneth B. Clark and Mamie Clark

168 - ResearcherMostly focuses on cognitive and behavioral ideas.

Experimental Psychologist

169 - Researchers and practitioners concerned with psychology's contribution to promoting health and preventing disease.

Health Psychologists

170 - Researchers are able to have strict control of variables in a ..... experiment.


171 - Researchers are not dependent on the participants' memories of their level of physical activity in their early teens. BUT . . . It takes a lot longer to carry out Possibility that many of the participants will drop out of the study over time


172 - Researchers assess the correlation between scores obtained on two halves of a single test in order to measure the ..... of a test.


173 - Researchers at the Big City University are studying the impact of weightlifting on the speed of student athletes on the track and field team. One group will weightlift for one hour per day and the other group will not weightlift at all during the trial pe

weightlifting; speed

174 - Researchers conduct an experiment on test anxiety with three groups. In the first group, the students studied for only 20 minutes and then took an exam. The second group studied for one hour and then took the exam. The third group spent several hours stud

the amount of time studying

175 - Researchers find that there is a significant, positive correlation between the number of hours students sleep and their grades. The researchers would be justified in concluding that.....

Students who earn good grades tend to sleep more than those who do not

176 - Researchers learn about the brain by studying

All of the above

177 - Researchers must ..... important concept in their studies so others would have a clear understanding of exactly how those concepts were defined.


178 - Researchers must ensure that those taking part in research will not be caused distress. They must be protected from ..... and ..... harm, ..... or ..... .

All of the above

179 - Researchers must ensure that those taking part in research will not be caused distress. They must be protected from ..... and ..... harm.


180 - Researchers need to carefully control conditions to avoid subjectivity


181 - Researchers often try to obtain a sample that represents a population.

Representative sample

182 - Researchers taught the chimpanzee Washoe and the gorilla Koko to communicate by using:

Sign language

183 - Researchers use ..... ..... to decide whether the results of their experiment are caused by pure chance

inferential statistics

184 - Researchers use a number of neuroimaging devices to assist in exploring the brain and nervous system with great success. Which of the following is the most portable and allows the patient/person to move their head around during the recording process?


185 - Researchers use the data collected from an experiment to draw conclusions about the relationship between the variables of interest in the population. They are doing which of the following?

Generalising the results from the sample

186 - Researchers want to test the hypothesis that music improves learning. They compared test scores of students who study to music with those who study in silence. They put out an advertisement in their local newspaper asking for teenagers to participate. Thi

Convenience sampling

187 - Researchers want to test the hypothesis that music improves learning. They compared test scores of students who study to music with those who study in silence. Which of the following might be an extraneous variable?

Amount of time allowed for the studying

188 - Researchers wanted to determine how age affects emotional intelligence. A suitable null hypothesis for this study would be:

it is expected that there will be no difference in emotional intelligence between different age groups of participants.

189 - Researchers wanted to study if exposure to violent video games makes children more aggressive. The alternative hypothesis would state that:

it is predicted that exposure to violent video games in children leads to increased aggression levels due to the graphic nature of the content.

190 - Researchers who study single individuals in depth in order to uncover general principles of thinking and behavior are using which research method?

case study

191 - Researchers who use the ..... method study different age groups at the same time to understand changes that occur over a lifespan.


192 - Researchers who use the ..... method study the same group over the course of their lifespan to understand changes.


193 - researchers who were interested in examining the idea that early attachment styles would be reflected in adult romantic relationships, carried out a

'Love quiz' in the local newspaper

194 - Respect and financial gain are two values promoted in the National Statement


195 - Respond to external stimuli is called


196 - respondents are evoked and operants are not evoked but they are

emitted spontaneously

197 - Respondents to surveys often report that they are healthier, happier, and less prejudiced than would be expected based in the results of other types of research. This finding can best be explained by which of the following?

Social desirability bias

198 - Responding similarly to a range of similar stimuli


199 - Responding to a conditioned stimulus in order to avoid electric shock is an example of ________________?

avoidance conditioning

200 - Response and reaction we make on any situation is called


201 - response to a stimulus that is not learned

Unconditioned Response

202 - responses directed toward satisfying the emotional needs of members

social functions

203 - Responsible for Changing Short term memories to Long term memories?


204 - responsible for cognitive abilities and conscious thought

cerebral hemispheres

205 - responsible for the neural functions that keep us alive: breathing, heartrate, digestion, sleep-wake cycle

brain stem

206 - responsible for vision

occipital lobe

207 - responsible for vision, auditory processing, memory, and multisensory integration

temporal lobe

208 - Restaurants who claim that adobo, menudo, and embutido are Spanish cuisine are in what phase of cultural domination?

Denial and withdrawal

209 - Restorative justice is when a victim and offender meet. It is a process used to help a .....

victim recover and make the offender undertand the impact of their crime

210 - Results of the study of Pavlov suggest that changes must occur to the behavior of the dog after the conditioning. This illustrates the goal of


211 - Retention of encoded material over time.


212 - Retinal disparity is an important cue for

perceiving distance.

213 - Retinal disparity occurs because

each retina receives a slightly different visual image due to their distance apart

214 - Retinal receptors that detect black, white and gray.


215 - Retrieval cues are:

a stimuli that help you access a certain memory

216 - Retrieval failure occurs when:

We don't have the right cues to recall a memory

217 - retrieval inhibition tells us

learn more

218 - retrieve

to get something back

219 - Retrieving previously stored information refers to


220 - Retroactive interference involves the disruption of ________________?


221 - Retroactive interference is

occurs when new memories inhibit the recall of older memories

222 - Retrograde amnesia is loss of memory ..... an event


223 - Reveal the structure of the human thinking (Periodic Table)


224 - 'Reversing the order' is a key component of:

A cognitive interview

225 - Reviewing existing records to confirm a hypothesis about the behavior of a terrorist is _____________?

archival research

226 - Revival of an extinguished response

Spontaneous recovery

227 - Rewards and punishment are closely associated with

Operant Conditioning

228 - Rewards and punishments are associated with

behavioral psychology

229 - Ricardo distributes his study time rather than cramming because he wants to retain the information for the long term. He is using the:

Spacing effect

230 - Rich people are less satisfied with marriage than the poor. Wealth and marital satisfaction are .....

negatively correlated

231 - Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin's classic three-stage model of memory includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

flashbulb memory

232 - Richard has a large list of items to remember for his upcoming camping trip. The first thing he does to get organized is separate all the items into smaller groups. This is an example of


233 - Richard, a patient with severe epilepsy, had a rare operation in which his corpus callosum was severed to divide the right and left hemispheres of his brain. What is a likely consequence of this operation?

Very little noticeable change in day-to-day activities

234 - Right after the graduation ceremony the local high school sponsors a reception for the graduates, their families, and friends. As you walk around the reception you conclude anyone wearing a cap and gown must be a member of the graduating class. The group


235 - Robert Gagne gives us 9 levels or events that are reflected in our ICAP. The value of these steps is for use in.....

lesson planning

236 - Robert Gagne has divided learning situation in .categroies.


237 - Robert Gagne's Events of Instruction is under .....

Cognitive Learning Theory

238 - Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence was divided into 3 categories. What are they?

analytical, practical, and creative

239 - Robert was in an auto accident and now has difficulty remembering anything new. He can remember everything prior to his accident, but nothing since it. His doctors suspect that his ..... has been damaged.


240 - Rogers believed that providing genuineness, empathy, and ..... in the therapeutic environment for his clients was critical to their being able to deal with their problems.

unconditional positive regard

241 - Rogers developed.....

Client-Centered Therapy

242 - Rogers said that happiness comes from congruence. What does congruence mean?

Consistent stability and harmony between your ideals and your actions (your concept of yourself and the way your life is going)

243 - Rogers used the term ..... to describe the experience of conflict between the real self and the ideal self.


244 - Role of Evaluator:The assessor is key to the process


245 - Role of Evaluator:The tester is not key to the process


246 - Rollo May was a(n) ..... psychologist.


247 - Ronnie is constantly worried and has lots of anxiety about his grades, even when they are doing well.


248 - rooting reflexinfants response in turning towards the source

rooting reflex

249 - Rorschach decided that personality could be determined by describing .....


250 - Rorschach Test was published.


251 - Rosenthal & Elem Principle showed that the expectations of the teacher can indeed impact academic performance. This is known as the:

Pygmalion Effect

252 - Rosenthal and Jacobson's "Pygmalion in the Classroom" study showed that

people's expectations of others can influence the behavior of others.

253 - Rosenzweig & Bennett used what animals in there study?


254 - Ross and Bandura demonstrated aggression and observational learning through

The Bobo Doll experiment

255 - Roy G Biv, Every Good Boy Does Fine, and My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles are all examples of

Semantic Codes

256 - ROYG BIV is a fictitious name people use to help them remember the order of colors in the color spectrum. ROY G BIV is an example of:

A mnemonic device

257 - Rubens Vase and the duck-rabbit are examples of

Ambiguous figure illusions

258 - Rudolf Goekle used the word ‘Psychology’ for the first time in the year __________?

1590 AD

259 - Rudy is 6 feet tall, weighs 210 pounds, and is very muscular. If you think that Rudy is more likely to be a basketball player than a computer programmer , you are a victim of:

The representativeness heuristic

260 - Rule applied to visual information to assist organisation and interpretation of the information in consistent and meaningful ways

Visual Perception Principles

261 - Rules about how group members should act

group norms

262 - Rules and guidelines for referencing editorial style, by American Psychological Association


263 - Rules are necessarty to get a positive classroom environment. Which of the following statements is essential for their elaboration?

Rules should be positive and observable.

264 - Rules for organizing stimuli into coherent groups were first identified by

Gestalt psychologists

265 - runs the length of the cochlea

basilar membrane

266 - Russian Cognitive Theorist that formulated the theory "Zone of Proximal Development"


267 - Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in classical conditioning with dogs and salivation.

Ivan Pavlov

268 - Ryan believes that his good grades in his business classes are the result of his strong work ethic and high intelligence. He believes that his poor grades in psychology are the result of an unskilled instructor. Ryan's thinking is an example of .....

Self-serving Bias

269 - Ryan can remember quite vividly the first time his dad took him out to learn how to ride a bike, because he didn't use training wheels and took a nasty spill, scraping his knee badly. This would best be described as a(n) ..... memory.


270 - Ryan's social phobia has led him to lose jobs and relationships. In this case, Ryan has a disorder because his behavior is:


271 - Sabrina does not remember her primary school teacher who taught her mathematics. This could be due to

information decay

272 - Sabrina's statistics instructor assigns math homework every week that requires Sabrina to solve problems using formulas. Sabrina is making use of what method of problem solving to complete her statistics homework?


273 - Sadie believes that she is the Queen of England and that the CIA is out to get her. What type of psychologist would be most likely to treat her psychological disorder?


274 - Sadly, in the past, individuals who scored as mildly intellectually disabled on IQ tests, were given this label:


275 - Salahakararu?


276 - Sally conducted a correlational research study to test if prolonged parental substance abusecan affect the overall intelligence of children in adulthood. She utilised the record fromrehabilitation facilities to compile a data set for analysis. In her find

Moderate relationship

277 - Sally has been working hard stacking shelves on night fill, after two weeks she realizes she has stacked more shelves than anyone in her team. She feels taken advantage of so decides to slow down the pace. This effect of social loafing can be described as

The sucker effect

278 - Salmon swimming upstream to spawn are an example of


279 - Sam has an early morning Introduction to Psychology class and always brings a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee. On the day of the first major test, Sam doesn't have time to stop for coffee. Due to F/State Dependent Memory..... this will affect his retrieval of

State Dependent Memory

280 - Sam has been told that he must revise over the holidays by his headteacher. He therefore devises a revision timetable and revises consistently over the two week period. He has, therefore shifted to an ..... state

Autonomous State

281 - Sam is a healthy young boy who was involved in a car accident when he was three years old. In the accident he damaged both hippocampi. Since the accident, Sam is likely to have difficulty learning

the names of people he meets

282 - Sam is in a group but he believes the group is doing okay without his input so chooses not to contribute. This example of social loafing can best be described as?

Free-rider effect

283 - Sam is on holiday. He chooses to go to the shops rather than do his Psychology revision. According to Milgram, he is in the ..... state.

Autonomous state and therefore he is acting on his own free will.

284 - Sam likes to play computer games. His favorites are complex games that require him to use logic to solve problems and work through puzzles. In classes, Sam always asks questions, and he likes to participate in group discussions. Outside of class, he alway

Logical/Mathematical and Interpersonal

285 - Sam needs to buy treats for her dog. She repeats "treats, treats, treats....." in her head all the way until she reaches the grocery store. What type of encoding is this?


286 - Samantha does really well managing her own emotions, as well as recognizing and understanding the feelings of others around her. Mayer's research would indicate that Samantha has a high level of .....

emotional intelligence

287 - Sammie always studies in her room. When she tries to complete class assignments on campus, she finds that she has a harder time concentrating and generally does a worse than average job. However, when she does them in her room, in the same spot that she s

The context effect

288 - Sample is

the small group of participants, out of the total number available, that a researcher studies

289 - Sample of Population: The entire Junior class at Spanish Fort High School


290 - Sample of Population: You want to study the eating habits of doctors. You randomly send out a survey about eating habits to doctors in Mobile and Baldwin Counties.


291 - Sample that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal chance of inclusion

random sample

292 - Sampling that's participants mimic proportions of groups in the target population

Only (A) & (B)

293 - Sam's Dad is a heart surgeon. Sam wants to be just like him. What should Sam plan to study in college?


294 - Sanguin, Phlegm, Choleric, and Melancholy are example of what?

Greek humors

295 - Santos is 8 years old and, according to the Stanford-Binet, he has a mental age of 10. What is his IQ?


296 - Sara and her co-workers are committed to their company and satisfied with their jobs. What is most likely true about Sara's company?

low rates of turnover and absenteeism

297 - Sara take away her attention to let her dog stop jumping around. This is an example of .....

Negative punishment

298 - Sarah draws 10 names out of a bowl containing the names of all the students at her school to determine which students she will interview for a study on the school's computer usage. This is an example of a

random sample

299 - Sarah is 12; her mental age is 15. What is her IQ?


300 - Sarah is always open to trying to new things and visiting new locations. What dimension of the Five Factor Model does she rank high in?


301 - Sarah is given one 100-oz bottle and one 99-oz bottle. She says that they feel the same weight. Then, she is given a 100-oz bottle and a 97-oz bottle. This time, she notices a difference. This is an example of what?

Weber's Law

302 - Sarah is going through a relationship dilemma. Who should she go to?

counselling pyshcologist

303 - Sarah is suspicious that her boyfriend is keeping a secret from her, after a conversation with him which he explains that he is not keeping a secret she becomes even more convinced that he is lying to her. The tendency to hold a more extreme view after th

Group Polarisation

304 - Sarah just goes with the flow. She rarely has much input in group decisions and is usually just happy with riding along with what everyone else is doing.


305 - Sarah knew that she could steal the supplies from work and no one would know about it. However, she knew that stealing was wrong, so she decided not to take anything even though she would probably never get caught. What is this an example of?


306 - Sasha didn't invite her uncle to her birthday because she believes he is racist. Not inviting her uncle is an example of which aspect of her attitude toward him?


307 - Scales of measurement in increasing order of precision are:

nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale and ratio scale.

308 - SCAT is used for


309 - SCAT stands for?

Sinha comprehensive anxiety test

310 - Schedule of reinforcement in which a specific amount of time must elapse before a response will elicit reinforcement

fixed-interval schedule

311 - Schedule of reinforcement in which a specific number of correct responses is required before reinforcement can be obtained

fixed-ratio schedule

312 - Schedule of reinforcement in which changing amounts of time must elapse before a response will obtain reinforcement

variable-interval schedule

313 - schedule of reinforcement in which the interval of time that must pass before reinforcement becomes possible is different for each trial or event

variable interval

314 - schedule of reinforcement in which the number of responses required for reinforcement is different for each trtial or event

variable ratio

315 - schedule of reinforcement on which the number of responses required for reinforcement is always the same

fixed ratio

316 - Schedule or reinforcement in which an unpredictable number of responses are required before reinforcement can be obtained

Variable-ratio schedule

317 - Schema that involves a predictable sequence of events related to a common activity.EX: "you can infer that I woke up, showered, etc. before coming to work)


318 - Schemas are

'packets' of knowledge that correspond to frequently encountered people, objects or situations.

319 - Schemas are primarily based on direct (sensory) experiences and early physical (motor) reactions and responses. At this stage, thinking is very much doing;This stage belongs to.....

sensori -motor stage

320 - Schizophrenia is:

A mental disorder that causes serious disruptions in thoughts and behaviour.

321 - School comes in socialisation of a child

After family

322 - School learned concepts

Artificial Concept

323 - school of psychology that aimed to identify the basic elements of psychological experiences


324 - school of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purpose of psychological characteristics


325 - School of Psychology that believes learning is achieved through insight


326 - School of psychology that describes esperience as a whole rather than broken down into parts

Gestalt Psychology

327 - School of psychology that describes experience as a whole, rather than breaking it down into parts


328 - school of psychology that focuses on uncovering the general laws of learning by looking at observable behavior


329 - School of psychology that looks at how mental process work to help individuals adapt to their environments


330 - School of psychology that looks at the basic elements of conscious experience


331 - school of psychology that proposes that thinking is central to understanding behavior

Cognitive Psychology

332 - school of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we're unaware


333 - School of thought founded by Sigmund Freud


334 - School of thought founded by Werheimer, Koffka, and Kohler.


335 - Schools spearhead a Feeding Program for students who were assessed as malnourished.

Hierarchy of Needs

336 - Schools who impose English-only policy are at what phase of cultural domination?

Denial and withdrawal

337 - Science aimed at solving problems or improvement:

Applied Science

338 - Scientific hypotheses are ..... and falsifiable.


339 - Scientific knowledge generated by psychology often runs against common sense. One such example is a study performed by .....She was concerned with children who gave up too easily when faced with a difficult problem or failure.


340 - Scientific knowledge is .....


341 - Scientific Method

A process of systematic observation, measurement, and experiment to formulate and test hypotheses.

342 - Scientific method is a systematic observation used to test hypotheses about behaviour and mental event. What are the SIX (6) elements of scientific method?

Empirical evidence, sample, operational definitions, theories, hypothesis and replication

343 - Scientific processes are said to be "standardized" around the world. What does this imply? (best answer)

The expectations or criteria for evaluation of data are the same for everyone

344 - Scientific research that aims to solve practical problems

applied research

345 - Scientific study of behavior and mental process?


346 - Scientific study of development across a lifespan

Developmental psychology

347 - Scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another

social psychology

348 - Scientific study of human functioning and flourishing

Positive Domain

349 - Scientific study of observable behavior.




351 - Scientific study of the links between genes, hormones, and neurons and psychological processes

biological psychology

352 - Scientific study of the measurement of human abilities, attitudes, and traits


353 - Scientific study of the mind and behavior


354 - Scientific study that aims to solve practical problems

applied research

355 - Scientist, natural selection and evolution

Charles Darwin

356 - Scientists are cautious about making generalizations from case studies because

case studies cannot always be replicated.

357 - Scientists are trained to carefully observe and record any research outcomes that are inconsistent with their hypotheses. This practice most directly serves to reduce

confirmation bias.

358 - Scientists are very particular that their conclusions are based on facts and not on feelings or prejudice.....THIS CHARACTERISTIC OF SCIENCE IS


359 - Scientists who are most likely to study the relationship between the stress levels and an individual's likelihood of contracting a disease are ..... psychologists.


360 - Scores in AQ and Eyes test are negatively correlated. This means .....

Only (A) & (B)

361 - Scores in rank order. Very often data from a rating scale


362 - Scores pile up at the low end of the scale in

a positively skewed distribution

363 - Scott Bolzan, a former NFL player, slipped and fell on spilled cleaning oil and landed on the back of his head. By the time paramedics got him to the emergency room, he had lost 46 years of his life. What type of amnesia does Scott have?

Retrograde Amnesia

364 - Sean is very sensitive and often worries about a lot of things. He experiences negative emotions fairly often and is easily triggered into episodes of anger and anxiety.


365 - Sean made an 'A' on his report and received a 'smiley face' on his paper.This is an example of:

Operant Conditioning(Positive Reinforcement)

366 - Secondary emotions.....

are when you feel something about the feeling itself. Example: You may feel anger about being hurt or shame about your anxiety.

367 - Secreted by fat cells, causes brain to increase metabolism and decrease hunger.


368 - secreted by pancreas, controls blood glucose


369 - Secreted by the STOMACH sends a message to the brain saying Im full.


370 - Section 504 encompasses which of the the following:

Accommodations are made to make sure individuals with disabilities are not discriminated against

371 - Seeing a candle flame 30 miles away on a clear night.

Absolute threshold

372 - Seeing a red octagon with a long, linear grey attachments at its base is a process of ....., whereas, understanding that the shape is a stop sign is a process of .....


373 - Seeing a spray bottle shortly before getting sprayed in the face is an example of what?

delayed conditioning

374 - Seeking another opinion, voting on ballets/public voting, being held for decisions are all examples of [ ].


375 - Segmenting is a mental skill to break the day down to smaller parts. Additionally, we can use this in breaking practice, games or classes down. Why is this helpful?

This helps us be present in the moment with what we are doing. Many times we get "stuck" in our head in previous moments we were just in. This helps us make good transitions: example- from class to a practice session.

376 - Select (2) the statements that are true about the AXON

Only (A) & (B)

377 - Select all of the basic tastes

All of the above

378 - Select all of the organs of the nervous system:

All of the above

379 - Select all that apply for the Kinesthetic intelligence.

All of the above

380 - Select all that occur in the Frontal Lobe.....

All of the above

381 - Select all the answers showing one or more of the 5 higher cognitive processes:

All of the above

382 - Select all the types of behvior we studied about in class?

All of the above

383 - Select each correct answer below.In Nideffer's model of attention, a person's attention can be either

Only (A) & (B)

384 - Select only the verbs that appeared in Loftus & Palmer's study.

Only (A) & (B)

385 - Select the educational psychologist from the following name list-

All of the above

386 - Select the emotional words by analysing above grid?

Only (A) & (B)

387 - Select the incorrect answer. A psychiatrist.....

is not a medical doctor.

388 - Select the key term for the definition: interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas


389 - Select the key term for the definition: when you create a new schema for the new incoming information


390 - Select the oldest method of brain study from the 3 following options.

Brain Ablation

391 - Select the TWO (2) options that correctly complete the sentence: Psychology as a formal study had its roots in ..... and .....

Only (A) & (B)

392 - Select three (3) examples of Altered states of consciousness:

All of the above

393 - Select two things involved in informational social influence

Only (A) & (B)

394 - Select two things that internalization involves

Only (A) & (B)

395 - Selective attention determines what information moves from

sensory memory to short-term memory.

396 - Selective attention is BEST illustrated by:

change blindness.

397 - Selectivity is a component of attention to


398 - Self actualisation is proposed by ____________?

Abraham Mashlow

399 - self actualization can be reach by the feeling of

passing traditions on to grandchildren

400 - Self Actualization is a concept that was developed by .....

Abraham Maslow

401 - Self efficacy refers to:

Your beliefs about your own capacities

402 - Self-actualization is part of which perspective?


403 - Self-assertive behavior is an example primarily of _____________?

A survival motive

404 - Self-care is the deliberate practice of activities that takes care of . . . (tick as many possible answers)

All of the above

405 - Self-concept is

other personal knowledge

406 - Self-deceptive techniques for reducing anxiety and guilt are called?

Defense mechanisms

407 - Self-efficacy might transfer to new situations when you believe that these same skills

will produce success

408 - Self-fulfilling expectations are most likely to be triggered by

stereotype threat

409 - self-fulfilling prophecy

a situation in which a researcher's expectations influence that person's own behavior, and thereby influence the participant's behavior

410 - Self-reflective introspection about the elements of experience best describes a technique used by which school of psychology?


411 - self-serving bias refers to a person's tendency to attribute their success to ..... and their failures to .....

internal factors; external factors

412 - self-sufficient


413 - Selyes 'GAS' model is a ..... model of stress


414 - Semantic encoding is to visual encoding as ..... is to .....

meaning; imagery

415 - Semantic memory

general knowledge that people remember, like counting by 10s

416 - Semantic memory and episodic memory are classes of _________________?

explicit memory

417 - Semantics

the system of using words to create meaning

418 - Sending a weak electric current into a brain structure to stimulate (activate) it?


419 - sending end of a neuron

axon terminals

420 - Sensation

what occurs when a stimulus activates a receptor

421 - Sensation and intuition were regarded by Jung as :

irrational functions

422 - Sensation differs from perception in that

sensation is not able to bring sensory information to conscious awareness

423 - Sensation is

the information we pick up through our senses

424 - Sensation is the ..... by which our senses, like vision, hearing and smell, receive and relay outside information.

bottom up process

425 - Sensation is the process that allows our brains to take in information through the Senses. How many senses are in the human body?


426 - Sensation is to ..... as perception is to .....

detection; interpretation

427 - Sensations have a minimum constant required to detect a change

Webers Law

428 - Sensations like sight, taste were seen as accurately representing the outside world is what type of experience.


429 - Sensing the position and movement of individual body parts is an example of which sense?


430 - sensitive to light levels (perceived as brightness)


431 - Sensory ..... is the process by which sensory receptors convert stimuli into neural impulses.


432 - Sensory adaptation is why you.....

Don't constantly feel your clothes on you

433 - Sensory adaptation refers to

diminished sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus.

434 - Sensory Memory is the.....

Shortest type of memory

435 - Sensory neurons carry nerve impulses from the sense organs and internal organs (like your stomach) to the

central nervous system (CNS)

436 - Sensory neurons in your toes are part of which nervous system?


437 - Sensory receptor that detects the chemical molecules that enable taste; sometimes called gustatory cells

Taste receptors

438 - sensory receptors sensitive to cool, warm, or hot stimuli (temperature)


439 - Sensory receptors that detect hurtful temperatures, pressure, or chemicals are called


440 - Sensory receptors transduce information about pressure and temperature. Nerves send this information to the thalamus and somatosensory cortex for perception. What sense is this?


441 - Sensory-motor responses that are rapid and autonomic are called ____________?


442 - serious; sharp


443 - Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate:

sleep, moods/emotions

444 - set of assumptions about people in a given category summarizing our experience and beliefs about groups of people


445 - Set of emotional, mental, and behavioral elements about an object, person, thing, or evident.


446 - several receptor types sensitive to limb position & movement; muscle length, stretch, & contraction; joint angle, and excess stretch or force on muscle, tendons, ligaments & membranes (kinesthesia and proprioception)How we detect bodily sensations: Transd


447 - Severe anoxia at birth will result in damage to the ______________?


448 - severe corpus callosum


449 - Severe memory loss caused by injury to the brain


450 - Shana was sitting in class when the teacher began talking about water and oceans. Erin began to feel the need to go to the bathroom suddenly.This is an example of:

Classical Conditioning (unconditioned stimulus-response)

451 - Shawna suffered an accident the left a small piece of metal in her left frontal lobe. After the accident she could not express herself at all - she could only utter one or two words. What part of her brain was most likely damaged?

Broca's area

452 - She believed Kohlberg's work on morality overlooked gender differences

Carol Gilligan

453 - She charged thatpsychoanalytic theory asdeveloped by Freud wasmale-biased and proposed amore social-culturalapproach to balance themasculine view ofpsychology of the time

Karen Horney

454 - She conducted an experiment wherein she presented participants with two auditory messages, one to the left ear and one to the right ear, and told them to focus their attention on one of the messages (the attended message) and to ignore the other one (the

Colin Cherry

455 - She has a child-like ..... which I really love.


456 - She was an American activist on behalf of the insane whocreated the first American mental generation ofasylums.

Dorthea Dix

457 - She was the first woman to form a experimental psychology lab at Wellesley College.

Mary Whiton Calkins

458 - Sheila yells at her little sister when she is actually angry with her mom. This defense mechanism is called?


459 - Sheppard et al. (2005) examined drawing accuracy in children by looking at which 2 factors?

dimensionality and meaningfulness

460 - Sherif 1954

Competitive situation create negative outgroup attribution

461 - Sherif wanted to know whether ..... would increase prejudice and discrimination


462 - Sherry easily remembers the telephone reservation number for Holiday Inns by using the mnemonic 1-800-HOLIDAY. She is using a memory aid known as


463 - She's very ..... She always has hopes that things will work out in the end.


464 - Shift work disorder is least likely to occur when:

the roster rotates slowly from one shift type to another

465 - Short - term memory last

20 to 30 seconds

466 - Short Phrases can help people to remember more complicated information, such as using DR ABC in First Aid or the DASH diet.What does DASH stand for?

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

467 - Short Term Memory

the part of the memory system where information is stored for roughly 30 seconds

468 - short term memory is limited to ..... items


469 - Short term memory is limited to about ..... items


470 - Short term memory mostly processes information using what kind of processing?


471 - Shortly after birth, Terrell could not even hold his head up, but, just a few months later, he can hold his head up and roll over from his back to his stomach. These advances in Terrell's muscles are due to

physical development.

472 - Short-term memory

has a limited capacity

473 - Short-term memory has

a smaller capacity than sensory memory and a shorter duration than long-term memory

474 - Short-term memory has the capacity of storing about ..... items for its average duration of time.


475 - Should encourage children to play multiple sports


476 - Should you undertake any research without ethical approval


477 - Should you undertake any research without informed consent


478 - Showed that in classical conditioning, pairing two stimuli doesn't always produce the same level of conditioning. Conditioning works better if the conditioned stimulus acts as a reliable signal that predicts the appearance of the unconditioned stimulus.

Robert Rescoria

479 - Showed that visual perception processes were influenced by culture

Deregowski 1972

480 - Shows brain function by using a radioactive glucose solution (active neurons love glucose)

PET Scan

481 - Shows hotspots of the brain consumption of glucose


482 - Siffre was isolated and would not have ..... for six months.


483 - Siffre's study was conducted in what kind of environment?


484 - Sigmund Freud

Defense Mechanisms

485 - Sigmund Freud believed that dream analysis was a useful device for

gaining insight into unconscious motives

486 - Sigmund Freud believed that we intentionally block past traumatic, scary or embarrassing memories known as:


487 - Sigmund Freud developed his theory of human personality by conducting in-depth interviews over an extended period of time with a few clients. This type of research approach is known as a(n): .....

case study

488 - Sigmund Freud developed this psychological perspective.


489 - Sigmund Freud emphasized the role of childhood events and the unconscious in one's life. Which of the following theoretical approaches does Freud represent?


490 - Sigmund Freud is associated with which school of thought?

Psychodynamic Approach

491 - Sigmund Freud is founder of which school of thought?


492 - Sigmund Freud is most associated with the ..... mind.


493 - Sigmund Freud is regarded as the father of __________ in psychology.

Psychoanalytic school

494 - Sigmund Freud reflected on case study notes from interviews with clients (patients) to help develop his psychoanalytic theory of personality. Which design did Freud use to collect data?


495 - Sigmund Freud tried to find the cause of his patient's emotional problems by learning more about their.....

unconscious mind

496 - Sigmund Freud was the founder of .....


497 - Sigmund Freud wrote a book called "....." in an attempt to explain Psychology to the masses.

Interpretation of Dreams

498 - Signal detection theory is most closely associated with which perception process?

Absolute thresholds

499 - similar to a survey, but instead the conductor gathers information face-to-face


500 - Similarity is to difference as generalization is to __________________?


501 - Simple or complex behavior? Falling in love


502 - Simple rules used in problem-solving that do not guarantee a solution, but offer a likely short-cut to it are called .....


503 - simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments and solve problems efficiently


504 - Simplicity is

the brain's tendency to organize elements in the simplest way possible

505 - Simultaneously recognize color, shape, size, speed of an oncoming automobile best illustrates

Parallel Processing

506 - Since Adrian dyed his hair orange last month, he knew he did not need new instructions to dye his hair red this month.This is an example of:

Cognitive Learning

507 - Since ancient times, the nature of the mind was mainly considered by?


508 - Since ancient times, the workings of the human body were mainly considered by?


509 - Since most psychological research deals with humans,

researchers must protect their subjects from harm.

510 - Since Psychology is the study of mental processes and human behavior which statement is true?

It is the study of the mind and soul.

511 - Since the image of a person approaching grows larger in our eyes, why do we not perceive that person turning into a giant?

We perceive that distance is decreasing.

512 - Since tracking data on intelligence testing, there has been a strong upward/positive trend in intelligence scores. This has been named the

Flynn Effect

513 - Singing different lyrics to the national anthem may increase the chances of someone else messing up the lyrics to the song due to ..... interference

Retroactive interference

514 - single-blind experiment is

an experiment in which the participants are unaware of which participants received the treatment

515 - Single-blind procedures control for ....., while double-blind procedures also control for .....

the placebo effect; the experimenter effect

516 - Single-Blind Study

Study in which the subject do not know if they are in the experimental or the control group.

517 - Sir Francis Galton contributed to the development of the

Personality Test

518 - Sir Francis Galton greatly contributed to the field of psychology by developing the __________________?

first sensory-motor psychological tests

519 - Sir Francis Galton was responsible for pioneering the

personality test.

520 - SIT Theory suggested that the groups that we identify with.....

provide us with a source of self-esteem

521 - Six weeks ago Jacob ate a chicken sandwich that was contaminated with bacteria. It gave him food poisoining and he was very ill for several days afterwards. The contaminated chicken sandwich that Jacob ate six weeks ago and that made him feel sick was

An unconditioned stimulus

522 - Six weeks ago Jacob ate a chicken sandwich that was contaminated with bacteria. It gave him food poisoining and he was very ill for several days afterwards. The illness that Jacob suffered six weeks ago when he ate the contaminated chicken sandwich was

An unconditioned response

523 - Six weeks ago Jacob ate a chicken sandwich that was contaminated with bacteria. It gave him food poisoining and he was very ill for several days afterwards. The thought of a chicken sandwich when someone offered Jacob one yesterday was

A conditioned stimulus

524 - Six weeks ago Jacob ate a chicken sandwich that was contaminated with bacteria. It gave him food poisoining and he was very ill for several days afterwards. Yesterday, someone offered Jacob a chicken sandwich at a party, and when he saw it he felt ill aga

A conditioned response

525 - Size constancy is

the ability to retain the size of an object regardless of where it is located

526 - Size constancy refers to our perception of an object̢۪s size as the same even though its image on the retina_____________ as the distance between us and the object _____________?

decreases, increases

527 - Skill of Evaluator:Requires an educated selection of tools of evaluation, skill in evaluation, and thoughtful organization and integration of data.


528 - Skill of Evaluator:Technician-like skills in terms of administering and scoring a test, and interpreting a test result


529 - Skinner (1948)

Operant conditioning

530 - Skinner and other behaviorists have argued that language development is the result of

all options

531 - Sleep comes with slow rolling delta waves


532 - Sleep disorders are often found in this stage of sleep?

Stage 4

533 - Sleep hallucinations (i.e. "falling") happen in this stage?

Stage 1

534 - Sleep inertia is most likely to be experienced during:


535 - Sleep Spindles happen ONLY in this stage of sleep?

Stage 2

536 - Sleeping disorder patterns - insomnia

recurring problems in falling or staying asleep

537 - Slipping off topic, gibberish, going off on tangent. answering a question in a way that doesn't make sense to the other person are examples of?

Disorganised speech

538 - Slot machines are an example of ..... schedule of reinforcement. (You don't know how many attempts it will take)

variable ratio

539 - Slot machines work on a ..... reinforcement schedule

variable ratio

540 - small bones in the ear that amplify sound wave energy

auditory ossicles

541 - Small bumps on the surface of the tongue that contain taste buds


542 - Small bumps on the tongue that hold taste buds.


543 - Small cells that engulf and destroy microbes and cellular debris in the CNS


544 - small steps in behavior one after the other, theat lead to a particular goal behavior

successive approximation

545 - Small successive step taken in which to get an organism to learn a behavior is called .....


546 - smallest possible stimulus strength that can be detected

absolute threshold

547 - SMART Goal

All of the above

548 - Smell is transmitted to the brain via the.....

Olfactory Nerve

549 - Smell receptors send messages o the brain via the ..... nerve.


550 - Smoking during pregnancy is associated with _____________?

Both B and C

551 - Social Cognitive Theory of Bandura tells us why a child became aggressive to the bobo doll after observing an adult do the same. What goal of psychology is described?


552 - Social development is shaped by .....

how babies and adults affect each other

553 - Social effects of stress include

all of the above

554 - Social Facilitation is

The tendency of an actor to increase in performance when the actor is in the presence of a co-actor or an audience

555 - Social facilitation is.....

When you perform better because other people are watching you.

556 - Social groups that are considered unworthy, different, or competitors are known as:

out groups

557 - Social groups that fit in vs. social groups that don't fit in is an example of?

In-group vs. out-group

558 - Social Identity is formed through.....

Membership of social groups

559 - Social identity theory is supported by ..... who found that .....

Jane Elliot who found that simply being placed in groups based on eye colour led to prejudice.

560 - Social identity theory suggests that prejudice is a result of .....

Simply being placed into groups.

561 - Social identity theory was created to help explain.....

All of these behaviours

562 - Social identity theory was proposed by.....

Tajfel and Turner

563 - Social impact theory differs from Milgram's agency theory because.....

Only (A) & (B)

564 - Social impact theory is similar to Milgram's Agency theory of obedience because?

Only (A) & (B)

565 - Social impact theory is supported by evidence. ..... showed that.....

Burger's model refusal condition showed that when targets dissent it leads to a reduction in obedience in the participants.

566 - Social influence is

The effects of the presence or actions of others on the way people think, feel and behave.

567 - Social inhibition is when.....

When the presence of others results in an impairment of performance.

568 - Social justice advocacy involves all of the following except.....

Taking down the establishment

569 - Social Learning Theories

Cognitive-personal factors, our behaviors, and environmental factors interact to shape our personalities.

570 - Social learning theory was first proposed by ___________________?

Miller and Dollard

571 - Social loafing is to social facilitation as

sitting quietly is to cheering.

572 - Social loafing refers to

an individual's tendency to slack off when working in a group more than when working alone.

573 - Social loafing refers to.....

an individual's tendency to slack off when working in a group rather than working alone.

574 - Social motives are called


575 - Social perception is influenced by:

all of the above

576 - Social Psychologists differ from personality psychologists in their focus on

external rather than internal influences

577 - Social psychologists study what factors increase the chance that people will like one another

attraction research

578 - Social Psychology and Cultural Psychology combine to form which perspective?

Sociocultural Perspective

579 - Social psychology deals with

Human behavior

580 - Social Psychology deals with _________?

Behaviour and experience in social situations

581 - Social Psychology includes


582 - Social psychology is the study of __________?

how the behavior of individuals is influenced by others

583 - Social Psychology is the study of how we ..... one another.

think about, relate to, and influence

584 - Social Representations are

system of values, ideas and practices

585 - Social scripts refer to

culturally modeled guides for how to act in various situations.

586 - Social support helps people to resist social influence because:

All other options

587 - Socially the young child can only attend to one dimension at a time. In cognitive terms this is called ______________?


588 - Societies are in relative balance.


589 - Sociocultural Psychology

Ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status influence our behavior.

590 - Sociology is a study of

the ways that people are affected by and affect society

591 - Sofia's teacher asks her a question in class. Which area of Sofia's brain would be activated?

Wernicke's area

592 - Solomon Asch 1951 - 55

Conformity with line length

593 - Solomon Asch tested


594 - Solomon Asch was interested in investigating..... what extent people are prepared to conform with the judgements of others in a group setting.

595 - Solomon Asch's findings on conformity might best be used to explain why

adolescents follow fads in dress and hairstyle

596 - Solve problems and arrive at a decision to answer referral problems

Psychological Assessment

597 - Soma

cell body

598 - Somanbulism is a sign of


599 - Somatic stress is.....

the physiological response to stress

600 - Somatosensory Cortex

parietal lobe

601 - Some authors classify methods of educational psychology as

A and b are true.

602 - Some employers allow their employees to create their own schedules within set parameters. This is called ___________?


603 - Some goals and structure but some autonomy and flexibility for interviewer refers to

Semi Structured Interview

604 - Some memories are stored in terms of their meaning. Which type of encoding is this?


605 - Some of our most useful knowledge of human perception borrowed from _________?


606 - Some of the fibers from each eye cross over to the opposite brain hemisphere at the ______________?

optic chiasma

607 - Some of the most useful knowledge of human perception has borrowed from _________?


608 - Some people are questioning whether the state of Tennessee violated HIPAA privacy laws by sharing who has been diagnosed with COVID-10 with emergency responders. They are concerned this violates patient .....


609 - Some responsibilities include empirical research and regular publication in journals

Academical Pyschologist

610 - Some thinkers popularized ....., the idea that the mind and body are separate and distinct.


611 - Someone asks u 2 give 5 hours of your time a week for the next year as a volunteer to a charity. After hearing this offer you think it's a huge request & instead of committing to all this volunteering time, u just donate a small amount of \$

This is door in the face

612 - Someone is classified a super taster if:

has more taste buds and gustatory receptor cells than others.

613 - Someone is playing a song on a piano that you have heard before. You are able to identify this song as one you have heard because of which process?


614 - Someone knocks on your door & asks you to sign a petition. A week later they ask if they can put a sign in your lawn. This exemplifies:

foot in the door

615 - Someone planting a memory of an event that didn't take place is an example of.....

False memory

616 - Someone tries to convince you to buy their car, they start to describe the number of kilometers it has, that it is registered and that the air-conditioning works. This is an example of which route to persuasion?

central route

617 - Someone who behaves in an angry or violent way


618 - Someone who believes that you cannot compare cultural groups as human behaviour can only be understood within a cultural context is a/an .....


619 - Someone who feels as though one must achieve satisfaction of their base needs before moving forward is using which perspective?


620 - Someone who is identified as intellectually gifted has an IQ score of

130 and above

621 - someone who prefers to deal with information by hearing it has a(n)

auditory style of learning

622 - someone who prefers to deal with information by hearing it or reading it is a


623 - Someone whose corpus callosum has been cut will experience difficulty in ___________?

Naming an object held in the right hand

624 - Someone with a fixed mindset sees failure as:

A sign they are not as clever as they thought

625 - Someone with a growth mindset

enjoys challenge and learns from failure by putting in more effort

626 - Someone with HIGH coping flexibility tends to

try a range of coping strategies depending on the situation

627 - Someone with LOW coping flexibility tends to

use the same coping straregy regardless of the stressor

628 - Someone with strong eidetic memory would have an edge to become a(n)


629 - something about the person that is used to explain behavior

individual explanation

630 - something about the situation that is used to explain a behavior

situational explanation

631 - Something seen through the RIGHT eye goes to which hemisphere of the brain?


632 - Something that can be directly seen and measured is




634 - Something that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated.


635 - something that is stronger and controlling:


636 - Something that looks different from what it actually is is a(n) .....


637 - Something that produces a response is called a


638 - Something that stimulates interest or causes a person to act in a certain way.


639 - Something which protects us from the consequence of our behaviour is known as?


640 - Sometimes, researchers will administer a(n) ..... to participants in the control group to control for the effects that participant expectation might have on the experiment.


641 - Sorrow is ..... behavior, while crying is ..... behavior.

Cover, Overt

642 - Sound "loudness" is measured in the unit of .....


643 - Sound vibrations in the ear create neural impulses received in which of the following cortex locations?

temporal lobe

644 - spatial memory; formation of new long-term memories


645 - Spatial neglect is most commonly associated with damage in the ..... lobe


646 - Speaking of Newcomer, which research design did the study use?

true experiment

647 - Spearman argued that intelligence could be boiled down to one ability known as

General Intelligence

648 - Spearman's g factor refers to

A general intelligence that underlies successful performance on a wide variety of tasks

649 - Spearman's G-Factor refers to

a general intelligence that underlies successful performance on a variety of tasks

650 - Special circumstances in ethics are involved with children and people with limited cognitive abilities because .....

the participant must be able to give informed consent

651 - Special education in the early 1900's - 1960's involved.....

excluding students with disabilities from the traditional classroom.

652 - special receptors cells for night vision is called what?


653 - Specialized cells of nervous system carry ___________?

Both (A. and (B.

654 - Specialized cells of nervous system carry ____________?


655 - specialized cells that can receive and transmit chemical or electrical signals


656 - specialized neuron that converts physical energy into a neural signal

sensory receptor

657 - Specialized receptor cells responsible for night vision are called


658 - Specialized receptor cells responsible for night vision are called .....


659 - Specialized study of how an individual's physical, social, emotional, moral, and intellectual development occur in sequential order as the individual matures

Developmental psychology

660 - Specific group of people whom they are interested in for their study

Target population



662 - Speech like but meaningless sound appear between 3 months to one year is termed as___________?


663 - Speech like but meaningless sounds appear between 3 months to one year is termed as _______________?


664 - Speech that is jumbled and not understandable is a sign of:

Wernicke's Aphasia

665 - Spending time with a family dog decreases the amount of stress someone is feeling. What is the Dependent variabe?

Spending time with a family dog

666 - Sperling (1960) tested sensory memory. He presented 12 letters for 50 milliseconds. On average how many letters did participants remember?

3 or 4 letters

667 - Spinal nerves belong to the ___________?

peripheral nervous system

668 - Spirituality is not the only strength that let us appreciate the beauty and excellence, for not losing hope on humanity.

All of them

669 - Split brain operations are done to

help stop seizures

670 - Split brain surgery involves:

Cutting the corpus callosum so that the hemispheres can't communicate

671 - Split brain surgery is a rare but effective treatment for extreme.....


672 - Spongebob is.....


673 - Spontaneous recovery can occur

When the conditioned stimulus starts again.

674 - Sport psychology is the study of.....

The mind

675 - Sports performance is the bi-product of

Total personality

676 - Sports psychology is concerned with _____________?

improving the players̢۪ performance

677 - Sportsperson need sports psychologist for

Mentail Training

678 - Spranger's typology is based on the man's


679 - S-R concept was first established by___________?

J.B Watson

680 - Stacey ran off the road and hit a mailbox. Her parents felt that she needed to learn a lesson so they took her car away, made her do dishes every night, and grounded her for two weeks.This is an example of:

Operant Conditioning (negative reinforcement)

681 - Stage 4 sleep includes which brain waves?

50% + Delta waves

682 - Stage IV sleep disorder that may cause you to wake up screaming or sweating.

Night Terrors

683 - Stage of sleeping in which your muscles and bonds recovers:


684 - Staged or developed theory of cognitive development

Jean Piaget

685 - Stages 1 & Stage 2 have these brain waves.

Theta waves

686 - Stages 3 & 4 have these brain waves.

Delta waves

687 - Stages of Cognitive Development is under .....

Cognitive Learning Theory

688 - Stages of Sleep starts it's cycle every:

90 minutes

689 - Standard Deviation

The square root of the average squared deviations from the mean of scores in a distribution; a measure of variability

690 - Standard deviation, variance, and .....tell how data are distributed.


691 - standard deviaton

a measure of variability that describes an average distance of every score from the mean

692 - Standardise, goal-driven, no autonomy for interviewer, based on strict job analysis refers to

Structured Interview

693 - Standardization also refers to the establishing of tables that specify how well average or normal people perform on a test. What is that called?


694 - Standardized tests, such as the IQ test and the SAT test, only measure

verbal and mathematical abilities

695 - Standards for proper and responsible behavior are referred to as.....


696 - Stanley Milgram focused his experiments on the theme of.....

obedience to authority

697 - Stanley Milgram tested

obedience to authority figures

698 - Stanley Milgram's key interest was in investigating.....

how people respond to the commands of a perceived authority figure.

699 - Stanley Milgram's study involving the "teacher", learner, & experimenter tested which of the following principles?


700 - Stanley was in an accident that damaged his brain. Now he has lost his memory for all eventsoccurring after his accident. Stanley accident has resulted in ..... amnesia.


701 - Star shaped brain cell hypothesized to be involved in learning and memory


702 - Star-shaped and connects neurons to blood vessels


703 - Started the first mental asylums in the U.S.

Dorothea Dix

704 - Starting-level employment, in a lower position which usually requires an ordinary level of education, training, and experience qualifications.

Entry level position

705 - Stated that dreams are just another kind of thinking that occurs when we sleep


706 - Stated that dreams stem from conflicts that are buried in the unconscious mind


707 - Stated that humans have a collective unconscious or shared species memory


708 - Stated that hypnosis only works on the conscious mind while a "hidden observer" remains aware of what's going on


709 - Stated that people have basic traits which underlie our personality


710 - States that high levels of dopamine seem to be associated with schizophrenia

Dopamine Hypothesis

711 - states that people tend to organize objects close to each other into a perceptual group and interpret them as a single entity.


712 - states that people tend to organize objects with similar qualities into a perceptual group and interpret them as a whole


713 - states that people tend to perceive incomplete forms (e.g., images, sounds) as complete, synthesizing the missing units so as to perceive the image or sound as a whole-in effect closing the gap in the incomplete forms to create complete forms.


714 - states the we are the product of learning and associations

behavioral approach

715 - Stationary lights on a neon sign blink sequentially and appear to move. This appearance is called the ________________?


716 - Statistical index of the relationship between two things

correlation coefficient

717 - Statistical Significance proves that

results are not due to chance

718 - Statistical test - Nominal data, Independent groups design, Difference

Chi-square test

719 - Statistical test - Ordinal data, Repeated measures design, Difference

Wilcoxon test

720 - Statistical test - Ordinal data, Repeated measures, Relationship


721 - Statistically Significant

Referring to differences in data sets that are larger than chance variation would predict

722 - Statistically, for every dollar a white man earns, a white woman earns \$0.79, a Black woman earns \$0.62, and a Hispanic/Latina woman earns \$0.54.


723 - Statistician Sir Francis Galton believed that talents were passed down in families. So he would believe in this school of psychology?


724 - Statistics

Branch of mathematics that is concerned with the collection and interpretation of data from samples.

725 - Status refers to:

a person's position in the hierarchy of a group

726 - Staying up all night to read all the material for a big exam in the morning is an example of:

massed practice.

727 - Staying up especially late on weekends is most likely to have an influence on:

the circadian rhythm

728 - Steele (1997)

stereotyping threat

729 - Stem cells were first discovered from embryos where?

University of Wisconsin

730 - Stems from a groups' belief that they themselves are good people

in group bias

731 - Stephanie knows that many people believe that women are not as skilled at math as men. When she takes a math test, this awareness causes her to perform below her actual abilities due to

stereotype threat

732 - Stephen phoned out of the blue / black, I haven't spoken to him in over three months! I didn't expect that.


733 - Stephen Wiltshire has a condition in which he has limited mental ability, but has one exceptional skill, such as computation or drawing. This condition is known as:

savant syndrome

734 - Stephen Wiltshire would score poorly on most all traditional intelligence tests, yet he possesses a superior memory that allows him to create amazing murals of cities. Stephen Wiltshire, most would say is an example of a(n)


735 - Steps of Scientific Research

All of the above

736 - Stereotyping is.....

the process of putting people into groups that we assume share the same characteristics.

737 - Sternberg has identified three types of intelligence: practical, analytical, and .....


738 - Sternberg identified three types of intelligences we all have to varying degrees. What are the three

practical, analytical, creative

739 - Sternberg proposed which of the following theories?

Triarchic Theory

740 - Sternberg's three part intelligence theory includes all of the following except:

Musical Thinking

741 - Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of intelligence identifies these three areas of intelligence:

practical, analytical, creativity

742 - Steve Buscemi lost his job during the recession and then lost his home. Now he has to hope that he can find a shelter to stay at each night until he gets back on his feet. What level on need is he lacking?

Safety and Security

743 - Steve shows symptoms of both ADHD and anxiety simultaneously. His conditions are.....


744 - Stimulation at a point on which of the following may cause a person to report being touched on the knee?

somatosensory cortex

745 - Stimulation of the cheek will cause a newborn to begin making sucking responses. This illustrates the __________ reflex?


746 - Stimuli for the Somesthesis system:

All of the above

747 - stimuli that are near to each other tend to be perceived as group/unit


748 - stimuli that are similar in size, shape, color, or texture tend to be perceived as a group/unit


749 - Stimuli that is gathered by the senses and stored very briefly is placed in ..... memory.

Sensory memory

750 - stimuluis that becomes able to produce a learned reflex response by being paired with the original unconditioned stimulus

conditioned stimulus

751 - Stimulus is

event that activates behaviour

752 - Stimulus or event the follows a response and increased the likelihood that the response will be repeated


753 - Stimulus such as money that becomes reinforcing through its link with a primary reinforcer

Secondary reinforcer

754 - stimulus that causes a response that is automatic, not learned.

Unconditioned Stimulus

755 - Stimulus that causes an automatic response

unconditioned stimulus

756 - Stimulus that encourages a behavior by meeting an organism's basic biological needs.

Primary reinforcer

757 - stimulus that has no effect on the desired response

neutral stimilus

758 - Stimulus that is naturally rewarding such as food or water

primary reinforcer

759 - Stimulus-response learning is a good example of.....

Environmental reductionism

760 - STM has a capacity of

5- 9 items

761 - Stockbrokers often believe that their own expertise will enable them to select stocks that will outperform the market average. This belief best illustrates:


762 - Storage capacity of .....memory is small: around 7 plus or minus 2 items. Zip codes, phone numbers, and most passwords are consistent with 7+/-2 items.(Member to feed your cat!)


763 - Storage is to encoding as ..... is to .....

retention; acquisition

764 - Storing information in a way that it can be stored in the Brain is know in Psychology as


765 - Storing memories for ..... periods of time, such as your first day of school or recalling your favorite childhood movie is what type of memory?


766 - Strategies for encoding, storing, and retaining information


767 - strategies for improving learning:

All of the above

768 - strategy for storing information in which broad concepts divided are subdivided into narrower concepts and facts


769 - strategy for storing information in which you organize items info into familiar or manageable units


770 - Stream of Conscious Thought

random thoughts as they come and go from our minds

771 - Stress at work is know as?

Occupational stress

772 - Stress can be caused by which of the following? (choose all that apply)

All of the above

773 - Stress is perceived imbalance between a persons?

physical and psychological demands

774 - Stresses human capacity for self-fulfillment, importance of consciousness, self-awareness, and capacity to make choice s.

Humanistic Perspective

775 - Stresses on the Importance of the Unconscious mind on the way persons acts or behave?


776 - Stresses the human capacity for self-fulfillment and the importance of consciousness, self-awareness, and the capacity to make choice s.

Humanistic Perspective

777 - Strokes most commonly occur in the

right parietal lobe

778 - Strong Believer in Structuralism

Edward Titchener

779 - structuralism

concerned with discovering the basic elements of consciousness

780 - Structuralists called their method of self-observation?


781 - Structure containing taste receptors

Taste buds

782 - Student of James, became the first female president of the APA. Earned a doctorate degree but Harvard refused to grant it because of her gender.

Mary Whiton Calkins

783 - Student that can be taught by encouraging them to say and see words and read books.

Verbal Linguistic

784 - student under William James who should have earned her Ph.D. from Harvard; Harvard denied her the degree she had earned, offering her a degree from Radcliffe College, which she refused the degree; she became a memory researcher and the American Psychologi

Mary Calkins

785 - Students are accustomed to a bell ringing to indicate the end of a class period. The principal decides to substitute popular music for the bell to indicate the end of each class period. Students quickly respond to the music in the same way they did to the


786 - Students are randomly designated by experimenters as likely to experience significant jumps in academic test scores in the coming semester, & this designation is communicated to their teachers. when actual test scores are examined at the end of the semest

self fulfilling prophecy

787 - Students are timed to complete 20 multiplication questions, then the teacher finds the mean time taken.What level of measurement is this?


788 - Students get extra credit for every 10th time they raise their hand. What kind of schedule of reinforcement is this?

Fixed ratio

789 - Students stand in groups waiting for someone to unlock their classroom. The people in each group are able to attend to the voices in their own conversation group and screen out the voices in others. This is an example of ______________?

selective listening

790 - Students that can be taught by observing their surroundings, using a microscope, and sorting materials


791 - Students that can be taught by turning lessons/concepts into lyrics or rhythms.


792 - Students that can be taught through group activities, dialogues/debates, and class discussions


793 - Students that can be taught through independent study and introspection.


794 - Students that can be taught through logic games, investigations, mysteries.

Logical Mathematical

795 - Students that can be taught using drawings, pictures, or other types of images

Visual Spatial

796 - Students watched a cartoon either alone or with others and then rated how funny they found the cartoon to be. What is the Dependent variables?

How funny the cartoon is

797 - Students who do better in high school tend to do better in college. This is an example of

a positive correlation

798 - Students who have high intelligence in in this way can be taught with role playing exercises, physical activity, and hands-on practice.

Bodily Kinesthetic

799 - Students who restudy course material at the end of a semester in order to pass the AP final exam are especially likely to demonstrate long-term retention of the course material. This best illustrates the value of

the spacing effect

800 - Students who review previously learned course material at various times throughout a semester to pass the AP Psychology Exam are especially likely to demonstrate long-term retention of the course material. This best illustrates the value of

The spacing effect

801 - Studied consciousness using the technique of introspection, studying your own thoughts.

Wilhelm Wundt

802 - Studied flaws in memory reconstruction process including misinformation effect

Elizabeth Loftus

803 - Studied learned helplessness with dogs and the father of Positive Psychology

Martin Seligman

804 - Studied operant conditioning techniques

F. Skinner

805 - Studied operant conditioning techniques; behavior controlled by consequences and rewards

F. Skinner

806 - Studied rats in a maze and demonstrated latent learning- rats seemed to develop a cognitive map of the maze which only became apparent when there was an incentive to demonstrate the knowledge.

Edward Tolman

807 - Studied salivation responses in dogs.

Ivan Pavlov

808 - Studied the absolute threshold which is the lowest level of stimulation that a person can consciously detect 50% of the time


809 - Studied theory of attachment in infant monkeys (contact comfort matters most!)

Harry Harlow

810 - Studies by Keller and Marian Breland found that many animals exhibit instinctive drift what does this mean

The animals studied would learn skills through reinforcement but eventually revert to their genetically controlled patterns of behavior

811 - Studies by Loftus, in which people were quizzed about a film of a car crash, indicate that

people's recall may easily be affected by misleading info

812 - Studies have shown ..... between exposure to media violence and aggression in children.

a correlation

813 - Studies have shown that high achievers prefer to be associated with

experts who help them achieve

814 - Studies have shown that musical ability may be linked to

spatial reasoning ability

815 - Studies how people interact with their social environments and how social institutions affect individuals and groups

community psychology

816 - Studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior and uses that information to treat people with psychological disorders

psychodynamic psychology

817 - Studies indicate that if a specific group of people have a negative stereotype reinforced before taking an assessment, it can have a negative impact on their performance.

Stereotype Threat

818 - Studies of crowding have found that crowding ____________?

Can intensify feelings

819 - Studies on maturation and learning have indicated ______________?

That environmental stimulation may effect growth

820 - Studies on obese individuals indicate

they respond to external cues to eat

821 - Studies show that an "authoritarian family" tends to produce an adolescent who is ___________?

Dependent and obedient

822 - Studies show that you are more likely to enhance (improve) a memory if you are retrieving it rather than simply re-reading it.

Testing Effect

823 - Studies suggest that there is a positive correlation between intelligence and the

neural processing speed in the brain.

824 - Studies that focus on participants' willingness to do what another asks them to do. Stanley Milgram's experiement is an example

obedience studies

825 - studies the behavior strongly influenced by rules and expectations of specific social groups and cultures

sociocultural approach

826 - Studies the changes that occur throughout a person's life span.

Developmental Psychologist

827 - Studies the influence of biology on behavior:

Biological Perspective

828 - Studies the influence of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status on behavior and mental processes

Sociocultural Perspective

829 - Studies the relative power and limits of genetic & environmental influences on behavior.

behavior genetics

830 - Studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders

clinical psychology

831 - Study human thinking, with a focus on such topics as perception, language, attention, problem-solving, memory, judgment and decision making, forgetting, and intelligence.


832 - Study of abnormal behavior and psychopathology. This specialty area is focused on research and treatment of a variety of mental disorders and is linked to psychotherapy and clinical psychology

Abnormal psychology

833 - Study of an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting

Personality Domain

834 - Study of change

Developmental Psychology

835 - Study of cognitions, or thoughts, and their relationship to experiences and actions

Cognitive psychology

836 - Study of gender difference is the subject matter of _________?

Developmental Psychology

837 - Study of how biology influences behavior


838 - Study of how people behave and why


839 - study of how people influence others' behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes

social psychology

840 - Study of how psychological processes affect and can enhance teaching and learning

educational psychology

841 - Study of how situations and cultures affect our behavior and thinking

social-cultural psychology

842 - Study of how the mind processes information & focuses on how people think is which perspective?


843 - study of human and animal behavior


844 - Study of human and animal behavior and mental processes.


845 - Study of one individual in great detail.

case study



847 - study of patterns of thoughts and behaviors that make each individual unique

Personality psychology

848 - Study of people's tendencies to make correct judgments in detecting the presence of a stimuli

signal detection theory



850 - Study of the biological bases of behavior

Physiological Psychology

851 - Study of the evolution of behavior and the mind

evolutionary psychology

852 - Study of the purpose that mental processes serve and how people adapt to their environment.


853 - Study on conformity (line judgment task)

Solomon Asch

854 - Study the human thought process. Examine how people process and store info. Language, decision-making, deductive reasoning, problem-solving

Cognitive Domain

855 - Study the math-related methods used to acquire psychological knowledge.

psychometric and quantitative psychologists

856 - Study the psychological factors that are influenced by, participation in sports and other physical activities.

Sports Psychologists

857 - Studying for a test in the same room in which it will be held may result in a better grade because of

context-dependent memory

858 - Studying for the psychology test to avoid getting a poor grade.

Negative Reinforcement

859 - Studying historical patient records is an example of which research method?

Archival Research

860 - Studying how people interact during a group project.

Basic Psychology

861 - Studying how people vary in levels of anxiety, self-esteem or appraisal represents a(n) ..... approach to study personality psychology.

individual differences

862 - Studying how the placement of dials and levers on a machine will best reduce worker fatigue and errors.

Applied Psychology

863 - Studying in small bursts over a period of time.

spacing effect

864 - studying salvation in dogs is .....

Classical conditioning

865 - Studying something regularly over several days

Distributed Learning

866 - Studying the road map before her trip, Colleen had no trouble following the route of the highway she planned to travel. Colleen's ability illustrates the principle of:


867 - Studying the stories or personal accounts of people:

narrative analysis

868 - Studying to avoid bad grade is an example of __________________?

negative reinforcement

869 - Studying to avoid bad grade is an example of ___________________?

negative reinforcement

870 - Studying two variables and their relationship together is an example of:

Correlational Data

871 - subgroups in the population are represented equally in the sample.

stratified sampling

872 - Subjective data is ....., whereas objective data is ..... .

opinion based ; measurable against criteria

873 - Subjective data is.....

Mainly based on personal opinion

874 - subjectivity

the quality of being based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions

875 - Subjects that require no incentive because the children are already interested in the subject

Intrinsic motivation

876 - Subliminal means

below threshold

877 - Subliminal references which of the follwoing?

information processed ata subconscious level

878 - Sudden awareness solution to a problem


879 - Sue ate her hamburger and salad rapidly, and entered the conversation at the table only once during the meal.


880 - Sue's dog smells really bad, everybody seems to notice but her. She is so used to the stench that she no longer notices it, this is called .....

Sensory adaptation

881 - Sufferers exhibit overly dramatic behavior

Histrionic Personality Disorder

882 - Sufferers feel constantly persecuted

Paranoid Personality Disorder

883 - Sufferers may be overly concerned with certain thoughts/performing certain behaviors

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

884 - Sufferers rely too much on the attention and help of others

Dependent Personality Disorder

885 - Sufferers see themselves as the center of the universe

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

886 - suffix that denotes "scientific study of"

887 - Suggested rules for acting responsible and morally when conducting research.


888 - suggestible

easily influenced; susceptible

889 - Suggests that if you can get people to agree to a small request, they will become more likely to agree to a follow up request that is larger

foot in the door strategy

890 - Superior memory for rap lyrics that include the most rhymes best illustrates the value of

acoustic encoding

891 - Supervisors should not shun opportunities to supervise because of fears of liability. Rather, the informed, conscientious supervisor is protected by knowledge of ethical standards and a process that allows standards to be met consistently. The sentence ab


892 - Suppose that psychosurgery is tried to remedy the incontrollable violent behavior of a convicted serial murderer. Which brain structure should probably be operated on?


893 - Suppose that you are viewing two objects at different distances in the same line of vision. What can you determine about these objects by moving your head back and forth?

which object is closer

894 - Suppose that your psychology class meets after your biology class. When something you learn in your biology class disrupts your memory for something you learned in your psychology class, it is an example of:

proactive interference

895 - surpass

to exceed

896 - surplus theory denotes

surplus energy

897 - Survey

An inexpensive and quick method of gaining information about people's opinions, attitudes, and perceptions.

898 - Survey results are likely to be more reliable if they are given on the condition of .....


899 - Susan and Lee were in a conflict. Susan claimed she would give up part of her interests if Lee gave up part of his. This is an example of what type of conflict management style?


900 - Susie loves the new song, What do you Mean, by Justin Bieber. So much so, that she can't remember any of his previous hit songs. This type of interference is known as

Retroactive interference

901 - Suspending a basketball player for committing a flagrant foul. Type of learning?

Operant Conditioning

902 - Suzie is classically conditioned to be afraid of violins because every time they are presented, they are followed by a loud unpleasant noise. Then, a violin is presented ten times without the noise and she stops showing a fearful response. Of what concept


903 - Sven is a native to Sweden. He is having trouble learning English due to his tendency to apply Swedish words to his English. This type of interference is known as

Proactive Interference

904 - Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami

Five basic tastes

905 - Swiss psychologist who developed the inkblot test(projective test)

David Rorschach

906 - Swiss Psychologist, ....., theorized that you can predict differences in people's behavior if you know how they prefer to use their mind.

Carl Jung

907 - switch board operator in the brain for all senses except smell


908 - Sydney sustained a head injury while playing a hockey game and had to be taken to the hospital. When questioned by the doctor, she could not remember anything about the game or the day before. This is an example of:

Retrograde amnesia

909 - Sydney's grandpa is 80. She is constantly amazed by his ability to remember past events, history facts, and his vocabulary is so vast. These things are an examples of

crystallized intelligence

910 - Symmetrical, bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many types of data

normal curve

911 - Sympathetic nervous system responses include

Increased Heart Rate

912 - Symptoms of stress are (choose all that apply)

All of the above

913 - Synaesthesia is a type of:

perceptual abnormality

914 - Synaptogenesis

starts before birth

915 - Synesthesia is a phenomenon that has been estimated to occur in only a few people in a million. Because of its rarity, which is the most likely method researchers will use to study it?

Case study

916 - Syntax

the system of rules for putting words in order

917 - Syntax is

the form in which words are combined to make grammatical sentences

918 - System composed of hormones and glands that transmit chemical messages to control most bodily functions:

Endocrine System

919 - System in which individuals are paid to act appropriately.

Token Economy

920 - System of gathering data so that bias and error in measurement are reduced.

scientific method

921 - Systematic application of learning principles to change people's actions and feelings

behavior modification

922 - Systematic desensitization is used in treatment of ___________?




924 - Tabula Rasa was given by-

John Locke

925 - Tad lives in South Korea. He says his promotion was due to the excellent team is works with. When Tad lost a client last year, he blamed his inability to move the case quickly for this professional setback. What is this an example of?

Self-Effacing Bias

926 - takes pictures of soft tissues


927 - Takes place in the environment in which the target behavior normally occurs

Naturalistic Observation

928 - Taking a nap in the afternoon makes people more focused for the rest of the day. What is the Independent variable?

Time spent napping in the afternoon.

929 - taking a tally of how many times students check their phone during class and presenting it in a table would be an example of

a Frequency table

930 - Taking away a favorite game

negative punishment

931 - Taking brief photographic images for your memory

Iconic Memory

932 - Taking in new information and fitting it into existing schemas


933 - Taking into account the meaning of the colors in movies, what can you feel when you look at this picture?


934 - Taking sensory information and turning it into meaningful patterns is referred to as.....

Information processing model

935 - Taking the first letter of each item into a list that can be remembered is a memory strategy known as:


936 - Taking this quiz right now is an example of what?

Testing effect

937 - Taking your feelings out on someone or something else when unable to express those feelings on the one who is causing them.


938 - Taking your own thoughts and putting them on other people.


939 - Tamara normally feeds her cat canned cat food. She noticed that every time she uses her electric can opener, her cat comes to the kitchen. What is the conditioned stimulus?

The sound of the electric can opener

940 - Tamika hates the bitter taste of her cough syrup. Which of the following would she find most helpful in minimizing the syrup's bad taste?

Holding her nose while taking the cough syrup

941 - Tamika learned how to ride a bike when she was 6 years old, but when asked to explain how she balances the bike she is unable to do so. All of the following explains why Tamika cannot explain this skill EXCEPT:

The skill of riding the bike is only accessed through conscious processing.

942 - Tanya is often late to work. She is not exhibiting the desired behavior; her manager will most likely use

shaping to guide the employee to learn the desired behavior.

943 - Target wants to describe the average amount spent by shoppers on holiday gifts. Which measure of central tendency are they most likely to use?


944 - Tarot card reading, palm reading, astrology, and other phony or unscientific forms of psychology, which pretend to be the real thing:


945 - Taste & smell trigger

chemical receptors

946 - Taste and smell are both what kind of senses?


947 - Taste and smell produce flavor- this is

sensory interaction

948 - Taste depends __________?

Only on one̢۪s taste buds

949 - Taste receptors renew every:

10 days.

950 - Taste, sight, hearing, touch, smell

our 5 senses and important to structuralism

951 - Taught the 1st Psychology Class in America (at Harvard)

William James

952 - Teacher can't always respond effectively to problem .....


953 - Teacher carefully monitors and records the behaviors of children on school playgrounds in order to track the developmental of their physical skills. He is most clearly engaged in ___________?

naturalistic observation

954 - Teachers must think about effective planning spaces in class. Horizontal raws are effective.....(mark the correct option).

In independent work time or in pairs

955 - Teachers will get students to study more by offering extra credit.

Behavioral perspective

956 - Teaching is based upon the mastery of

All of the above

957 - Team Cohesion is:

The degree of how much a team member wants to get involved with the team and care much about team outcomes.

958 - Technique for obtaining the self-reported attitudes or behaviors of a particular group


959 - Technique in which the desired behavior is molded by first rewarding any act similar to that behavior and then requiring closer approximations to the desired behavior before giving the reward


960 - Technique, used by STRUCTURALISTS, that attempted to look inward at elements that made up the conscious experience.


961 - techniques of memorizing information by forming vivid associations or images, which facilitate recall and decrease forgetting

mnemonic devices

962 - Techniques used to improve memory.


963 - Ted is friendly and is perceived by others as warm and considerate. He loves to tell jokes at parties. Ted probably obtains high scores on ..... and ..... of the Big Five traits?

agreeableness; extraversion

964 - Telegraphic speech is most closely associated with the __________________ stage of language development?


965 - Temporary decrease in sensitivity to a stimulus that occurs when stimulation is unchanging. (nose blindness - like when you don't notice a musty smell after a few minutes)

sensory adaptation

966 - tendency for an animal's behaviorto revert to genetically controlled patterns

instinctive drift

967 - Tendency for extreme or unusual scores or events to fall back toward the average

regression toward the mean

968 - tendency for individuals to thing that others are observing them more closely than they actually are

spotlight effect

969 - tendency for people who won't agree to a large task, but then agree when a smaller request is made

door-in-the-face phenomenon

970 - Tendency for some groups to make bad decisions. Occurs when group members suppress their reservations about the ideas supported by the group

group think

971 - tendency of people to alter their behavior as a result of group pressure


972 - tendency of people to engage uncharacteristic behavior when they are stripped of their usual identities


973 - Tendency of people to feel less responsibility for accomplishing a task when the task is shared by members of a group.

Diffusion of Responsibility

974 - tendency to attribute one's own behavior to outside causes but attribute the behavior of others to internal causes

actor-observer bias

975 - Tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it

hindsight bias

976 - Tendency to explain your behavior with external factors while explaining the behavior of others with internal factors

Actor-Observer Bias

977 - tendency to favor individuals within our group over those from outside our group

in-group bias

978 - tendency to group objects that appear to follow in the same direction as a single unit or figure


979 - tendency to overestimate the impact of dispositional influences on other people's behavior

fundamental attribution error

980 - tendency to perceive reality from a particular frame of reference

perceptual sets (schema)

981 - Tendency to second guess a decision after the event has happened.

Hindsight Bias

982 - Tendency to seek information that confirms rather than discredits one's current beliefs

Confirmation bias

983 - tendency to seek out evidence that supports our hypotheses and deny, dismiss, or distort evidence that contradicts them

Confirmation Bias

984 - tendency to stick to our initial beliefs even when evidence contradicts them

Belief Perseverance

985 - Tendency to take more credit for good outcomes than the bad ones

self serving bias

986 - tendency to view all individuals outside our group as highly similar

out-group homogeneity

987 - Tentative explanation of a phenomenon based on observations.


988 - Teresa had some pizza with friends last night. She tried the pizza with olives even though she never has had them. The next morning she was feeling a little nauseated. She will most likely blame

the olives

989 - Term for the bodies internal biological clock

Circadian Rhythm

990 - Term for the general approach to gathering information and answering questions so that errors and biases are minimized?

scientific method

991 - Term for when our eyes, ears, etc., create neural messages in the brain, and our initial experience of some stimulus (smell, taste, noise, etc.)


992 - Term n-ach was introduced by_____________?

None of these

993 - Terman of Standford University brought out a revision of Binet's test in


994 - Terman̢۪s study of gifted children would be considered __________________?


995 - Test designed to assess our potential for /ability to learn

aptitude test

996 - Test is administered be it individual or groups

Psychological Testing

997 - Test that assesses how much we know about a topic/subject area

achievement test

998 - Test that provides separate verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, working memory, and processing speed scores, as well as overall intelligence score

Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WAIS, WISC, etc)

999 - Testable prediction


1000 - testable prediction derived from a scientific theory



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