Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 15

1 - Which disorder exhibits a suspicion of others and fear others will harm them?

Paranoid Personality Disorder

2 - Which disorder exhibits excessive emotions?

Histrionic Personality Disorder

3 - Which disorder exhibits excessive worry that interferes with daily activities?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

4 - Which disorder exhibits extreme shyness and feelings of inadequacy?

Avoidant Personality Disorder

5 - Which disorder is characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks, in which a sufferer may slip directly into REM sleep


6 - Which disorder would this patient be diagnosed with?

Spatial Neglect

7 - Which division of the nervous system controls all involuntary and unconscious functions?

Autonomic division

8 - Which domain is concerned with physical and motor skills?

Psychomotor domain

9 - Which early approach sought out the evolved purposes of behaviors and mental process?


10 - Which early approach trained subjects to describe their conscious experience to identify the elements of thought?


11 - Which early approach was most influenced by Darwin?


12 - Which early psychological perspective believes that the mind can be broken up into separate parts?


13 - Which ethical consideration is allowed only if there are absolutely no other alternative means of gathering quality data


14 - Which ethical guideline did Milgram not breach?


15 - Which ethical principle states participants should be free to leave the research setting whenever they wish.


16 - which evaluation point is not correct regarding Learning Styles

Evidence suggests that learning styles improve students ability to learn

17 - Which exam board do we use?


18 - Which example best describes problem focused coping?

Asking for an extension on homework

19 - Which example describes the process of trephination in ancient times?

surgically drilling a hole in the skull to release an evil spirit

20 - Which experiment was conducted by John B. Watson?

Little Albert (classical conditioning)

21 - Which experimental design could be affected by order effects, when a participants performance is affected by taking part in both conditions?

Repeat Measures

22 - Which 'experimental design' does this picture show?

Repeated measures

23 - Which experimental design has the strength of reducing participant variables, although the variables are not completely removed?

Matched Pairs

24 - Which experimental design has, arguably, the most generalisable findings?

Independent Measures

25 - Which experimental design involves the participants being in both the experimental and control group?

Repeated measures

26 - Which 'experimental design' produces the highest amount of participant variables?

Independent groups

27 - Which experimental method tends to be the least reliable?


28 - Which factor appears to be important for the development of depth perception in infancy?

crawling experience

29 - Which factor can influence children's drawings?

both a and b

30 - Which factor increased obedience in later versions of Milgram's study?

Having two confederates present who obeyed all orders

31 - Which factor most decreased obedience in later versions of Milgram's study?

The presence of a rebel, who disobeyed the authority figure's instructions

32 - Which factors influence intelligence? (select 2)

Only (A) & (B)

33 - Which facts about the Cerebral Cortex is false?

made up of white matter

34 - Which famous French psychologist developed a stage theory of cognitive development?

Jean Piaget

35 - Which famous study evaluated under what conditions will people carry out the commands of an authority figure and when will they refuse to obey?

Milgram Study

36 - Which field of psychology evaluates people with problems, then helps them to resolve those problems and change their self-defeating behavior?

Clinical psychology

37 - Which field of psychology helps people with adjustment problems, but do not have a serious psychological disorder?

Counseling psychology

38 - Which field of psychology is associated with Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers?


39 - Which field of psychology is most interested in studying the link between mental activity and brain activity.

Cognitive neuroscience

40 - Which field of research has psychologists and neuroscientists working together?


41 - Which figure is most associated with developing the theory of classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

42 - Which form of determinism is most associated with Sigmund Freud?


43 - Which form of learning would most likely be studied in a Skinner box?

operant conditioning

44 - Which form of learning would most likely be studied in an operant chamber (Skinner box)?

operant conditioning

45 - Which form of social power is Carmel using when providing her employees with company wide recognition and bonuses for their hard work?

reward power

46 - Which fraction of absences from work are caused by 'mild to moderate' mental disorders?

A third

47 - Which function involves perception beyond consciousness, according to Jung?


48 - Which function tells us the value of something, according to Jung?


49 - Which Gestalt Law represent this situation?'The most important part of a lesson should stand out from the rest"

Figure and Ground Law

50 - Which gestalt principle pertains the the following image?


51 - Which Gestalt principle states that if something is missing in an otherwise complete figure, we will tend to add to it?


52 - Which Gestalt Principle?


53 - Which graph for continuous data, where the bars touch each other?


54 - Which graph for discrete, categorical data?

Bar chart

55 - Which graph shows positive correlation?


56 - Which Greek philosopher was famous for his Allegory of the Cave?


57 - Which group in an experiment is exposed to the independent variable?

Experimental Group

58 - Which group is exposed to the independent variable?

Experimental Group

59 - Which group of components makes up the hindbrain?

the medulla, the pons, the cerebellum

60 - Which group receives the placebo?

The control group

61 - Which group test was designed during world war I for persons who could not read or who did not speak English?

Army Beta

62 - Which group test was designed during World War I for persons who could read?

Army Alpha

63 - Which guidance type involves the use of a device


64 - Which Harvard professor drafted the first textbook for teaching Psychology?

William James

65 - Which has to do with speech, taste, and thought?

parietal lobe

66 - Which hemisphere contains the language areas?

Left hemisphere

67 - Which higher cognitive process you think it is referring to how people gain knowledge?


68 - Which higher cognitive process you think it is referring to how people remember things


69 - Which historical type of psychology is MOST influenced by Darwin's Theory of Evolution?


70 - Which hormone is realeased when they Sympathetic NS is activated?


71 - Which hypothesis did Zimbardo's study support?

The situational hypothesis

72 - Which if the following is not one of the lobes of the cerebral cortex?

Cerebral Lobe

73 - Which if these Modern Judeo-Christian religious belief have its roots in ancient Greek religion?

Transmigration of the soul

74 - Which illusion is an example of perceptual fiction?

Kanizsa Triangle

75 - Which illusion is demonstrated in this picutre?

The ponzo illusion

76 - Which illusion is this?


77 - Which intelligence focuses on others above oneself?


78 - Which intelligence focuses primarily on oneself?


79 - Which intelligence is able to recall images quickly?


80 - Which is a concern with IQ tests?

They have the potential to be used to label and classify people.

81 - Which is a directional hypothesis?

Only (A) & (B)

82 - Which is a limitation of trait theories?

Does not consider the influence of the situation or culture on personality

83 - Which is a qualitative assessment?

He is strong.

84 - Which is a real finding from the Kroll and Crenshaw study?

Wrestlers and American Footballers did not differ significantly in their personality profiles

85 - Which is an acceptable definition of culture?

The shared way of life of a group of people

86 - Which is an arrangement of data that indicates how often a particular score or observation occurs?

Frequency distribution

87 - Which is an example of a negative feedback loop?

Air conditioning in a house set to 70 degrees

88 - Which is an example of a secondary reinforcement?


89 - Which is an example of a social norm?

going to school at 5/ 6 years old

90 - which is an example of a variable ratio schedule?


91 - Which is an example of a Variable-ratio schedule?

Students sometimes get a piece of candy if they are on time

92 - Which is an example of extinction?

Elijah has stopped raising his hand in class after his teacher stopped rewarding him with candy

93 - Which is an example of negative reinforcement?

Amy gets out of doing chores if she gets all As on her report card

94 - Which is an example of positive stress?

earning an "A" on a test you were worried about

95 - Which is an example of pseudopsychology?


96 - Which is an example of stimulus discrimination?

Jon is afraid only of the dog who bit him

97 - Which is an example of stimulus generalization?

Cass got food poisoning after eating fried chicken. The sight or smell of all fried foods now makes her nauseous.

98 - Which is an M.D.?


99 - Which is another way of saying publication bias in a meta-analysis?

The file drawer problem

100 - Which is best to use for Quantitative data collection

Closed questions

101 - Which is considered a calming or relaxing color?

Only (A) & (B)

102 - Which is considered a cheerful color?

Only (A) & (B)

103 - Which is considered the "chemical" sense?


104 - Which is correct?

Maslow: Humanism

105 - Which is designed to predict a person's future performance?

Aptitude test


Flexible and knowledgeable enough to meetindividual needs

107 - which is more reliable?

deductive reasoning

108 - Which is most likely to occur in a patient diagnosed with demyelinating disease in which myelin degenerates from around the bodies of axons?

slower never conduction times

109 - Which is most likely to produce qualitative data?

An interview

110 - Which is most true regarding sampling

obtaining a representative sample is quite difficult to do

111 - Which is not a characteristic of Pagtatanung-tanong?

It is a stand-alone indigenous research method that can accumulate quality data

112 - Which is NOT a concussion symptom:

Violent shaking

113 - Which is not a condition for using the sign test?


114 - Which is not a determinant of Classical conditioning

Type of Unconditioned response

115 - Which is not a difference between a correlation and an experiment?

Experiments take place in a lab, correlations do not.

116 - Which is NOT a Factors that influence "Personality"?


117 - Which is not a feature of a normal distribution

The graph demonstrates positive correlation

118 - Which is not a feature of experimental investigations?

use of pre-existing groups

119 - Which is not a feature of humanistic theory of personality

Biology is important in determining self-actualisation

120 - Which is NOT a form of FORGETTING memory.


121 - Which is not a form of recall in Memory

Total Recall

122 - Which is not a main characteristic of a group?

minimal interaction between members

123 - Which is not a measure of Central tendency


124 - Which is not a measure that represents average


125 - Which is NOT a 'mental preparation' technique.

Negative thinking

126 - which is not a mental process


127 - which is not a normal reason why we could not be able to solve a problem?

there is brain damage in that area

128 - Which is NOT a phase of the general adaptation syndrome?


129 - which is not a sports model


130 - Which is NOT a step in the scientific method?

Form a theory

131 - Which is not a strength of primary data?

It requires less time and effort than secondary data

132 - Which is not an advantage of correlational research

They can demonstrate causal relationships

133 - Which is NOT an area used in Nondeclarative memory or implicit memory?


134 - Which is not an authentic specialty of American Psychiatric Association?

astrological psychology

135 - Which is not an ethical issue in Psychology

Fit for purpose

136 - Which is not an example of research methods used in psychology

Multi-structured interviews

137 - Which is not believed to influence our perceptual set


138 - Which is not law of learning according to Thorndike?

Law of experience

139 - Which is not one of the Four Causes expounded by Aristotle?


140 - Which is NOT true of a clinical psychologists job?

Only works 9-5 hours

141 - Which is not true of the sample in Kroll and Crenshaw's study?

Male and female athletes included

142 - Which is still active as a school of psychological thought?


143 - Which is the best color for a business that has to do with the outdoors?


144 - Which is the best description of social facilitation?

the positive influence of others on performance.

145 - Which is the capital of India?

New Delhi

146 - Which is the correct definition of behaviour?

An action made by a person or animal

147 - Which is the correct plural?one country

two countries

148 - Which is the correct plural?one door

two doors

149 - Which is the correct plural?one person

two people

150 - Which is the correct plural?one photo

two photos

151 - Which is the correct plural?one watch

two watches

152 - Which is the correct sequence for Thomas Kuhn's scientific stages?I. Paradigm shift/scientific revolution: Knowledge from an earlier paradigm is no longer relevant, and a new paradigm emerges to solve problems/issues of the old one.II. Anomaly is identifi


153 - Which is the dependent variable? - Yamamoto

How many chimpanzees offered the correct tool.

154 - Which is the easiest of the three basic memory tasks?


155 - Which is the following is not a benefit of knowing your personality type?

Improve your Tik-Tok video creations.

156 - Which is the General Education Law in Colombia?

Law 115 of 1994

157 - Which is the instinctual part of the personality?


158 - Which is the last of the pre-linguistic stages in a child̢۪s development of speech?


159 - Which is the least sensitive type of recall?

Serial recall

160 - Which is the Master emotion?


161 - Which is the moral part of the personality, product of socialisation?

Super ego

162 - Which is the most appropriate statements regarding synaesthesia

synaesthetes will report that a number or letter evokes a specific colour overlay

163 - Which is the most common type of Psychologist?


164 - Which is the number?eight


165 - Which is the number?eleven


166 - Which is the number?five


167 - Which is the number?fourteen


168 - Which is the number?nine


169 - Which is the number?seventeen


170 - Which is the number?three


171 - Which is the number?twelve


172 - Which is the number?twenty


173 - Which is the number?two


174 - Which is the proper order that humans development through the developmental stages?

infancy, toddler, preschool, school-age, adolescence, adulthood

175 - Which is true about the scientific method?

It's a series of processes which allow someone to make predictions, test, and form conclusions about a problem.

176 - Which is true of a correlational study?

Does NOT show causation

177 - which is true of crystallised intelligence

it operates when we answer a vocabulary test

178 - Which is true of culture?

culture changes over time

179 - Which is true of John B. Watson's Little Albert experiment?

The child came to fear all white furry objects, not just a white rat

180 - Which is true of statistically significant findings?

the support the study's hypothesis

181 - Which is True?

There are more rods than cones and rods detect black and white

182 - Which is USED to address the question in Maguire?

to discuss overall

183 - Which is USED to address the question in McGaugh & Cahill


184 - which is USED to address the question in Newcomer

health issues

185 - Which is USED to address the question in Rogers & Kesner

the effects of neurotransmitters

186 - which is USED to address the question in the Case of Eugene Pauly

research methods used to study the brain

187 - Which is/are Oprah Winfrey's strength/s for being considered for being considered as a symbol for Humanitarians?

Only (A) & (B)

188 - Which isn't a criticism of Roger's Humanistic Theory of Personality?

Highly reliable

189 - Which job: Asks for clarification of the values, attitudes and opinions of group members, checks to make sure that different viewpoints are given?

Opinion seeker

190 - Which job: Makes sure all members have a chance to talk and share ideas, encourages shy and quiet members to contribute ideas, limits those who dominate the conversation?


191 - Which job: Offers to change position for the good of the group, willing to meet others half way?


192 - Which job: Opposes every idea or opinion and refuses to make own suggestions, puts up a lot of resistance that stalls the group?


193 - Which job: Provides factual information to the group, relates own experiences when relevant?

Information giver

194 - Which job: Seeks ways to reduce tension sometimes with humor, reconciles differences?


195 - Which job: Suggests new ideas or different ways of approaching a problem; starts discussions, contributes ideas that help the group explore new areas?


196 - Which job: Supports, praises efforts of group, demonstrates warmth, provides a positive attitude?


197 - Which job: Tries to control the conversation and tell people what they should be doing, claims to know more and have better ideas than anyone else; The Dictator?


198 - Which key researcher contributed to taste aversion through his experiments with rats?

John B Garcia

199 - Which key word means 'accept'?


200 - Which key word means 'change(s)?'


201 - Which key word means 'thing' or 'situation?'


202 - Which kind of patients would have the corpus callosum surgically cut?

Split-Brain Patients

203 - Which kind of study can establish a cause-effect relationship between variables, assuming that the research is appropriate and well conceived?


204 - Which language theorist suggested humans have an inborn propensity to learn language

Noam Chomsky

205 - Which language theorist would have been most likely to emphasize that children master the rule for forming the past tense of regular verbs like "push" before they learn common past tense constructions of irregular verbs like "go"?

Noam Chomsky

206 - Which law of perceptual organization states that gaps will be mentally filled in to create meaningful shapes?


207 - Which layout forces the customer to explore more of the shop before accessing what they really need?

Racetrack Layout

208 - Which learning platform are we using for this class?


209 - Which letter on the illustration represents the frontal lobe?


210 - Which letter on the illustration represents the occipital lobe?


211 - Which letter on the illustration represents the parietal lobe?


212 - Which letter on the illustration represents the temporal lobe?


213 - Which level does the term "daffodil" belong to?

subordinate level

214 - Which level of measurement is appropriate if the data uses the MEAN?


215 - Which level of measurement? A participant rates the attractiveness of faces on a scale of 1-10


216 - Which level of measurement? A researcher investigates whether there is a difference between the under 30s and over 30s on voting intention


217 - Which level of measurement? People place themselves into one of three categories, Very confident, neither confident or not confident and not confident.


218 - Which level of measurement? People rate themselves out of ten in terms of their overall levels of happiness


219 - Which lobe contains the Primary Auditory Cortex?


220 - Which lobe contains the Primary Somatosensory Cortex?


221 - Which lobe controls abstract thought, social skills and planning?

the frontal lobe

222 - Which lobe controls emotional regulation and higher order thinking?


223 - Which lobe does not receive sensory information from the environment?

the frontal lobe

224 - Which lobe is responsible for the integration of visual stimuli?


225 - Which lobe is this?

Temporal Lobe

226 - Which lobe of the brain is associated with the primary somatosensory cortex?


227 - Which lobe of the brain is located on the sides by your ears?


228 - Which lobe of the brain is located towards the back of the brain?

Occipital lobe

229 - Which lobe of the brain is responsible for memory?

Temporal lobe

230 - Which lobe of the brain receives visual information from the environment?

the occipital lobe

231 - Which lobe processes sensory information that has to do with taste, temperature and touch.

Parietal Lobe

232 - Which Lobe?


233 - Which major Focus on your growth in your body/ Emotions/ Cognitive Field


234 - Which major perspective of psychology believed that behaviour is motivated by inner forces and conflicts and we have little awareness or control


235 - Which major perspective of psychology believed that every behaviour can be broken down to its biological components?


236 - Which major work on the group influence


237 - Which measure of central tendency is obtained by adding all the scores and dividing that total by the number of scores?


238 - Which measure of retention involves you selecting the correct answer from a list of alternatives?


239 - Which memory holds a large amount of information for about 2 seconds?

echoic memory

240 - Which memory lasts longer?

Echoic Memory

241 - Which memory retrieval failure refers to the external environment being different at recall and coding.

Context dependent forgetting

242 - Which memory store can hold approximately 7 pieces of information?

Short term store

243 - Which memory store has unlimited capacity?

Long term store

244 - Which memory store only holds information for a hundred milliseconds?

Sensory store

245 - Which memory store processes information mainly by acoustic rehearsal?

Short-term memory

246 - Which memory task involves identifying objects encountered before?


247 - Which method has made educational psychology a science?

Experimental method

248 - Which method is commonly used by psychoanalytic psychologists?

Free association

249 - Which method is the least healthy way to deal with stress?

thinking about it constantly

250 - Which method of overcoming fear features makes use of relaxation techniques?

Systematic desensitization

251 - Which method of psychology most commonly applied in social psychology

Survey method

252 - Which method of reducing prejudice aims to change the way a person thinks about others. Eg: They have to learn to think about the stereotypes they might have any why they have them.

Cognitive interventions

253 - Which method should a psychology researcher use if she is interested in testing whether a specific reward in a classroom situation causes students to behave better?


254 - Which method would be optimal for investigating the following questions about behavioral processes. "Do people who suffer from anxiety disorders share similar early childhood experiences"?

Case Study

255 - Which model has the following STM stores?Episodic buffer, phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad.


256 - Which model of abnormality holds that physical, mental, and socio-cultural factors are intertwined and that they must all be considered when dealing with psychology disorders?

the biopsychosocial model

257 - Which model of memory proposes that the retrieval of information is dependent on the depth of the analysis we give the information?

The levels of processing model

258 - Which modern perspective of psychology would be most concerned with helping people reach their goals and their full potential?


259 - Which modern psychological perspective focuses on the impact of gender, economic status, peer pressure, and ethnicity on a person's behavior?


260 - Which nervous system is domanant when the flight or fight response happens?


261 - Which nervous system is domanant when the freeze response happens?


262 - Which neuroimaging method helps provide information about brain function by monitoring oxygen levels in the blood flow?


263 - Which neuroimaging method involves the use of a small amount of a harmless radioactive substance?


264 - Which neuroimaging method is similar to an X-ray, but provides a more sensitive picture of possible brain abnormalities?


265 - Which neuroimaging technique measures the volume and location of blood flow in the brain (the image results a green brain with red findings representing blood flow)


266 - Which numbers are correct?

1 = dendrite; 2 = soma; 3 = nucleus, 4 = axon; 5 = myelin sheath

267 - Which observation is quantitative?

It is 5 cm long

268 - Which of Gardner's 8 intelligence types demonstrates a strong understanding of the Earth, plants/animals, cooking, etc.?

Naturalistic Intelligence

269 - Which of Gardner's types of intelligence would a star athlete demonstrate?


270 - Which of Milgram's variations produced the lowest obedience?

A member of the public stands in for the experimenter

271 - Which of Sternberg's areas of intelligence focuses on everyday task success?


272 - Which of the 6 Approaches focuses on how the pressures of the group may affect our behavior?


273 - Which of the 6 Approaches puts forth the idea that most of our behavior is driven by the desire for "rewards" and to avoid "punishments"?


274 - Which of the 6 Approaches to Psychology would argue that people are like seeds which need to be nurtured in the right environment to be happy, healthy individuals?


275 - Which of the 6 major Approaches of Psychology was founded by Sigmund Freud and stresses the importance of the unconscious mind?


276 - Which of the 7 approaches would be used to look at a child's experiences and how they affected them today?


277 - Which of the below are NOT quasi-experiments:

lab experiment

278 - Which of the below fields can legally give a medically accepted diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder?


279 - Which of the below fields can prescribe medications?


280 - Which of the below fields commonly perform intelligence tests?


281 - which of the choice s represents the following: if people can understand the human mind, people can do things in life more effectively (such as control stress, manage time, and study more effectively).

the application of psychology to everyday life

282 - Which of the degrees does a Psychiatrist have?


283 - Which of the fields below is a subfield of psychology?

Behavioural Neuroscience

284 - Which of the follow are compliance strategies. Select all that apply

All of the above

285 - Which of the follow are the four identified attachment styles?

Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent, Disorganized-Disoriented

286 - Which of the following abnormalities is most likely related to the mother̢۪s condition at the time of conception?

Down̢۪s syndrome

287 - Which of the following about sensory receptors is incorrect?

Sensory receptors give meaning to sensory stimuli

288 - Which of the following accurately describes the QUALITATIVE research method?

They have low reliability and have ecological validity

289 - Which of the following actions would be not considered UNETHICAL in psychological research?

Executing research with permission for minors

290 - Which of the following activities is a newborn human least likely to do?

see objects clearly

291 - Which of the following activities requires you to use the absolute threshold for sensation?

detecting a tiny, faint light on a radar screen

292 - Which of the following activities would be LEAST likely to require thinking?

blinking at a bright light

293 - Which of the following adjectives best describes the way that cognitive psychologists view learning?


294 - Which of the following advocates a holistic view of human behaviour?

The humanistic approach

295 - Which of the following approaches is not a psychological approach to culture

Esoteric Psychologies

296 - Which of the following approaches seems to lack the most scientific support, since it seems to rely on after the fact explanations about correlations about childhood experiences and adult personality?


297 - Which of the following approaches to psychology did Edward Titchener advocate in the late 1800s?


298 - Which of the following approaches to psychology emphasises observable responses over inner experiences when accounting for behaviour?


299 - Which of the following are Big Five traits?

Neuroticism and openness to experience.

300 - Which of the following are case studies linked to memory? Select all that apply.

All of the above

301 - Which of the following are central influences on Critical Social Psychology

All of the above

302 - Which of the following are chemical senses?

Only (A) & (B)

303 - Which of the following are components of the cognitive interview?

All of the above

304 - Which of the following are components within the 1974 WMM?

All of the above

305 - Which of the following are considered the Big Five personality factors?

All of the above

306 - Which of the following are features of the sensory register?

The capacity is very large

307 - Which of the following are goals of psychology?

All of the above

308 - Which of the following are Goleman's EQ components?

Self-awareness, empathy, social skills

309 - Which of the following are levels in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs according to his Humanistic Approach? Check all that are included.

All of the above

310 - Which of the following are measures of dispersion?

Only (A) & (B)

311 - Which of the following are most likely to be stored in episodic long term memory?

Memories of events that have happened to us

312 - Which of the following are part of the four goals of psychology? (select all that apply)

All of the above

313 - Which of the following are parts of memory?

all of the above

314 - Which of the following are personality theories we discussed? Check off all that apply.

All of the above

315 - Which of the following are rules for good listening?

All of the above

316 - Which of the following are settings where I/O psychologists can work?

All of the above

317 - Which of the following are specific features of the broad ethical principle of "autonomy" in psychological research?

All of the above

318 - Which of the following are the 2 subsystems in the phonological loop?

Only (A) & (B)

319 - Which of the following are the correct order of Jean Piaget's cognitive development?

Sensorimotor Stage, Pre-operational Stage, Concrete Operations, Formal Operations

320 - Which of the following are the correct three components of the Reciprocal Determinism Model?

Personal factors, social environment, behaviour

321 - Which of the following are the TWO main types of neuron?

Only (A) & (B)

322 - Which of the following are true when considering pain? (choose multiple)

Only (A) & (B)

323 - Which of the following are types of electrical brain stimulation and measurement devices?

direct brain stimulation (DBS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TSM) and electroencephalograph (EEG)

324 - Which of the following are types of motivation described in the lessons?

Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation

325 - Which of the following are types of neuroimaging devices?

positron emission tomography (PET), computerised tomograpy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

326 - Which of the following asserts that animals learn to mimic language simply because they will be rewarded for it?

Steven Pinker

327 - Which of the following assessment tools explores individuals' personalities by asking them to examine a series of inkblots and describe what they see in the inkblot?

Rorschach Test

328 - Which of the following behaviors best describes conformity?

adjusting one's actions so that they are consistent with those of group members

329 - Which of the following behaviors is characteristic of infantile autism?

both a and c

330 - Which of the following behaviours does not appear to be innate in human infants?

Aggressive behaviour like hitting or slapping

331 - Which of the following best applies to the definition personality?

It is relatively consistent.

332 - Which of the following best describes a "stratified sample"?

A sample of people who are selected for certain characteristics and in a proportion equal to the population

333 - Which of the following best describes a crime?

an act that breaks the law

334 - Which of the following best describes a critical period?

A time during development when the individual is ready to move to the next objective

335 - Which of the following best describes a limitation of interviews and questionnaires?

Individuals give socially desirable answers.

336 - Which of the following best describes a neutral stimulus?

Does not cause a response

337 - Which of the following best describes a self-fulfilling prophecy?

researchers unwittingly bring about the situation they expected to find

338 - Which of the following best describes a Type I error?

The null is true, but we mistakenly reject it.

339 - Which of the following best describes an ethnographic study?

A study that consists of in-depth description and interpretation of behavior in an ethnic or a cultural group

340 - Which of the following best describes Chomsky's view of language development?

Humans have a biological predisposition to acquire language.

341 - Which of the following best describes identification as a feature of social learning?

wanting to be like another person

342 - Which of the following best describes research typical of Wilhelm Wundt's first psychology laboratory?

measuring the reaction time between hearing a sound and pressing a button

343 - Which of the following best describes the aim of cognitive neuroscience?

to relate mental processes to brain structures

344 - Which of the following best describes the distinction between sensation and perception?

Sensation refers to data from the environment, and perception refers to the interpretation of that data.

345 - Which of the following best describes the primacy effect?

When people have better recall of things that occur at the beginning of a sequence

346 - Which of the following best describes the study done on the island of St Helena?

A natural experiment

347 - Which of the following best describes the study of Psychology?

The study of behaviour and mental processes

348 - Which of the following best describes the view of the mind held by Plato and Socrates?

The mind is separate from the body and continues after the body dies.

349 - Which of the following best describes when a fixed-interval schedule provides reinforcement?

after a set amount of time

350 - Which of the following best describes when Gestalt principles are applied and their role?

to create meaningful wholes from separated visual information applied during perception

351 - Which of the following best describes Wilhelm Wundt's first psychology laboratory?

Measuring reaction time between hearing a sound and pressing a button

352 - Which of the following best identifies the early speech stage and age in which a child speaks using content words?

two-word (telegraphic) stage, 24 months

353 - Which of the following best illustrates Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve?

Erik studied Italian in college. After he graduated, he went backpacking in Europe, where he realized he had forgotten a lot of Italian. Years later, he went on another trip to Italy and was surprised to discover that he remembered about the same amount o

354 - Which of the following best matches the definition of psychology?

Scientific research about why we act and think how we do

355 - Which of the following best relates to ethical issues when researching with babies?

Asking for adults' permission to research because babies are incapable of showing a degree of consent

356 - Which of the following best supports to Rene Descartes' philosophy of self?

I think therefore I am

357 - Which of the following brain areas is important for speech?

Wernicke̢۪s area

358 - Which of the following brain regions is the largest and most complex?


359 - Which of the following brain structures is activated when a child freaks out when his parents put him on Santa's lap?


360 - Which of the following brain structures plays a key role in transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory?


361 - Which of the following can be a negative thing about the Humanistic approach?

It is extremely positive when regarding human behavior

362 - Which of the following can be cited as an example of cognitive domain?

Describe a specific topic

363 - which of the following can be matched with 'a considerable' to make collocations? (more than one answer)

Only (A) & (B)

364 - Which of the following can be taken as an example of psychomotor domain in the context of teaching?

performing an experiment

365 - Which of the following can influence a perceptual set?

all of the above

366 - Which of the following cannot be matched with the word 'small' to make collocations?


367 - Which of the following causes provoke inattention?

Inadequate diet

368 - Which of the following characteristics is most likely to have the greatest influence on a first impression when meeting someone?

the person's physical appearance

369 - Which of the following choice is not characteristic of infantile autism?

brain lesions

370 - Which of the following cognitive abilities is possible only at the formal operational stage?

Using hypothetical situations as the basis of moral reasoning

371 - Which of the following colors is considered the most mysterious and sophisticated?


372 - Which of the following colors which has a negative side of being overly conservative and lacking in emotion?


373 - Which of the following colors would work best for a technology store? (It's associated with intelligence!)


374 - Which of the following components are in the WMM?

All of the above

375 - Which of the following components is the odd one out?

Sensory Store

376 - Which of the following concepts applies? I have the highest grade in the class because I am the smartest and hardest working student.

Self-serving bias

377 - Which of the following concepts apply? My brother has the worst grade in the class because he's lazy and dumb.

Fundamental attribution error

378 - Which of the following concepts is associated with creativity?

Divergent thinking

379 - Which of the following condition is not associated with prolonged sensory deprivation?

Inability to concentrate

380 - Which of the following constitutes monocular depth cues?

all of the above

381 - Which of the following contemporary approaches believe that behavior is based on humans' desire for personal growth?


382 - Which of the following correctly describes how to randomly select a representative high school population?

selecting every other person from every student in multiple high schools around the country

383 - Which of the following correctly describes 'Operant Conditioning'?

Learning due to the consequences of behaviour

384 - Which of the following correctly describes sensory memory?

The physical or sensory characteristics of stimuli are briefly stored in sensory memory, which has a large capacity because it does not require attention.

385 - Which of the following correctly describes 'social loafing'?

Putting less effort in when you are doing it with others

386 - Which of the following correctly describes the 'median'?

The middle value

387 - Which of the following correctly describes transparent orthographies?

The more transparent orthographies a language contains, the fewer associations between letters and phonemes must be learned.

388 - Which of the following correctly lists the order of structures through which sound travels after entering the ear?

Auditory canal, eardrum, middle ear, cochlea

389 - Which of the following correctly lists the steps of the scientific method?

Observe, Hypothesize, Experiment, Analyze, Conclude

390 - Which of the following correctly outlines the difference between obedience and conformity

obedience involves complying with the instructions of an authority figure, while conformity involves aligning oneself to others or social expectations

391 - Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the strongest relationship between two variables?


392 - Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the strongest relationship?


393 - Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the strongest relationship between two variables?


394 - Which of the following could be attributed to Tolman̢۪s research?

Discovery of the law of effect

395 - Which of the following could be used the evaluate accuracy of EWT

All of the above

396 - Which of the following could help boost someone's self-esteem?

Getting good grades

397 - Which of the following creativity components emphasizes the role of well-developed knowledge?


398 - Which of the following critiques the idea that intelligence is the ability to think logically?

Thinking logically omits important skills such as body-kinesthetic abilities and spatial abilities

399 - Which of the following cues do artists us to convey depth on a flat canvas?


400 - Which of the following deals with childhood memories and events?


401 - Which of the following deals with the study of how a person's actions, feelings or thoughts are influenced by others?

Social psychology

402 - Which of the following degrees does a Psychologist have?


403 - Which of the following degrees would be the minimum required to teach psychology courses in high school?

bachelor's degree

404 - Which of the following demonstrates the need for psychological science?

Out intuitions about human thinking and behavior are not always accurate

405 - Which of the following depth cues creates the impression of visual cliff?

texture gradient

406 - Which of the following depth cues requires two eyes to successfully navigate one's environment?

retinal disparity

407 - Which of the following describes a double-blind study?

When neither the participants nor the experimenter knows which group of participants is the experimental one

408 - Which of the following describes a normal distribution?

The majority of score fall within 1 standard deviation from the mean

409 - Which of the following describes physiological needs?

food, water, oxygen, shelter

410 - Which of the following describes the idea that psychological disorders can be diagonsed and treated?

The medical model

411 - Which of the following describes the main difference between observational learning and operant conditioning?

Observational learning uses punishment and reinforcement of models to condition the behaviors of observers.

412 - Which of the following describes the process by which a conditioned response is extinguished?

A conditioned stimulus is no longer followed by an unconditioned stimulus

413 - Which of the following describes your ability to identify the name of your first grade teacher in a newspaper article?


414 - Which of the following did Freud believe to be part of personality?

All of the above

415 - Which of the following dimensions are correct for the Hole in the booth. - Yamamoto

12.5 x 35 cm and 1 metre above the floor

416 - Which of the following directly affects your life span?

physical activity and nutrition

417 - Which of the following disorders is NO longer an Anxiety disorder?


418 - Which of the following do not belong in the affective domain according to Bloom'staxonomy? (check all that apply)

All of the above

419 - Which of the following does not affect personal space?


420 - Which of the following does NOT characterize Type A people?

toleration for delay

421 - Which of the following DOES NOT describe Intelligence in healthcare?

Forgetting the patients history of illness

422 - Which of the following does not describe the object relations school of personality development?

People are motivated not only by past conflicts, but future goals and their desire to fulfill themselves.

423 - Which of the following does not describe the self-actualizing individual?


424 - Which of the following does not describe what a swing trader is?

Holds their trade open for a few minutes

425 - Which of the following does NOT fall within the biological domain of knowledge?

Subjective experience

426 - Which of the following does not pertain to Edward B. Titchener?

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts

427 - which of the following does not relate to a working environment?


428 - Which of the following DOES NOT represent Psychological Perspectives?

cognitive, investigative, reasoning

429 - Which of the following element is not related?


430 - Which of the following elements belongs to the basic level?


431 - Which of the following enables voluntary control of our skeletal muscles?

Somatic nervous system

432 - Which of the following enables you to feel yourself wiggling your toes even with your eyes closed?

Sense of kinesthesis

433 - Which of the following examples best illustrates episodic memory?

Remembering that a clown was at your fifth birthday party

434 - Which of the following exemplifies retroactive interference?

Elle failed a Spanish test because she studied for her Italian test after studying Spanish.

435 - Which of the following experiences so not easily reach to awareness


436 - Which of the following explains the behavior of normally law-abiding people who act destructively when they are part of a crowd?


437 - Which of the following explains why a rose appears equally red in bright and dim light?

color constancy

438 - Which of the following explains why cartoons are not perceived as a series of still frames?

the phi phenomenon

439 - Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to the learning of behaviour in Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura)?


440 - Which of the following factors has a biological influence on a person's taste perception?

number of sensory receptors on a person's tongue

441 - Which of the following factors influence the impact of interference on learning?

The type of activity that flows studying

442 - Which of the following factors influences conformity?

the size of the group

443 - Which of the following factors is the MOST powerful predictor of friendship?

Physical proximity

444 - Which of the following fairs can be easily conditioned in human being?

Fear of ghosts

445 - Which of the following fall under Descriptive Studies?A) Observational StudiesB) Case Studies C) Polls D) Surveys E) Psychological Tests

A, B, D, E

446 - Which of the following groups changed the definition of Psychology to "the scientific study of observable behavior"?


447 - Which of the following has a PhD?


448 - Which of the following has a tendency to be the hardest way to learn something?

Using shallow processing.

449 - Which of the following has limited storage capacity?

Short-term memory

450 - Which of the following has to do with your actions being because of you genetics?


451 - Which of the following has to do with your actions being because of your environment?


452 - Which of the following have been identified as areas of research that should be prioritized?

All of the above

453 - Which of the following have been shown to have a positive correlation?

Number of Holiday Cookies Consumed and Weight

454 - Which of the following hemispheric specializations is not correct?

left hemisphere- emotion recognition

455 - Which of the following identified universal symbolic images that appear in myths, art, dreams, and other expressions of the collective unconscious?


456 - Which of the following identifies children's difficulty seeing another's perspective?

Egocentric thinker

457 - Which of the following illustrates belief perseverance?

Your belief remains intact even in the face of evidence to the contrary.

458 - Which of the following illustrates the principle of visual capture?

When there is a conflict between visual information and that from another sense, vision tends to dominate

459 - Which of the following improves worker skills and reduces frustration and stress?

Access to an employee assistance program

460 - Which of the following includes the primary visual cortex?

Occipital lobe

461 - Which of the following individuals could best explain why each family member has a slightly different recollection of the Christmas when the dog ate the turkey?

Elizabeth Loftus

462 - Which of the following individuals would be classified as "gifted"?

Katie, with an IQ of 145

463 - Which of the following influence our perception of pain (choose multiple)?

All of the above

464 - Which of the following intelligence theorists and researchers identified many types of intelligences like linguistic, interpersonal, existentialist, etc.?


465 - Which of the following involves a hand gesture?

high - five

466 - Which of the following involves a specific, testable prediction?

a hypothesis

467 - Which of the following is a barrier to communication?

All of the above

468 - Which of the following is a basic assumption of trait theorists?

Every trait is universal.

469 - Which of the following is a binocular cue for the perception of distance?


470 - Which of the following is a biological factor influencing our gustatory perception?

both genetics and age

471 - Which of the following is a brain-imaging technique that produces the most detailed picture of brain structure?

magnetic resonance imaging MRI

472 - Which of the following is a branch of applied psychology

Clinical psychology

473 - Which of the following is a branch of mathematics that helps researchers organize and evaluate data?


474 - Which of the following is a central focus of Organizational Psychology?

job satisfaction

475 - Which of the following is a characteristic of people who are self-actualized?


476 - Which of the following is a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) intervention that can be applied at the precontemplation stage of the Stages of Change model?

Recognizing a problem exists

477 - Which of the following is a common ethical guideline used by psychological researchers?

Participants must be allowed to make an informed decision.

478 - Which of the following is a common result among people who have experienced stress for a long period of time?


479 - Which of the following is a contemporary model of social justice?


480 - Which of the following is a correct comparison between descriptive and inferential statistics?

Descriptive statistics allow us to summarize the overall data from the experiment, while inferential statistics allow us to determine whether our results can apply to the overall population.

481 - Which of the following is a correct statement about statistics?

Measures of variability is a group of descriptive statistics that review the spread and distribution of a data set.

482 - Which of the following is a CRITICISM of humanistic theory?

Some individuals may be unwilling to take responsible for growth,

483 - Which of the following is a current belief of researchers that differs from Piaget's original theories?

Object permanence develops earlier than Piaget believed.

484 - Which of the following is a description of affective commitment.

I love my job.

485 - Which of the following is a dimension of visual experience?


486 - Which of the following is a disadvantage of a case study?

may not be a reliable representation of everyone - only that individual

487 - Which of the following is a disadvantage of 'matched pairs'?

It is difficult to match participants exactly

488 - Which of the following is a disadvantage of Mechanical Guidance?

The equipment needed can be expensive.

489 - Which of the following is a dispositional factor in crowd and collective behaviour?


490 - Which of the following is a factor in emotional intelligence?


491 - Which of the following is a feature of the storage stage of memory?

holding information just long enough to work with it

492 - Which of the following is a form of associative learning?

all of the above

493 - Which of the following is a goal of psychological enquiry?

All of the above

494 - Which of the following is a good example of the Foot in the Door Effect?

Joe asked his parents to get him a Honda Civic. After they got the Civic, he asked for a Jeep. He gradually asked for a BMW and more luxury cars until he got the Ferrari that he wanted.

495 - Which of the following is a key to curiosity?

Ask many questions

496 - Which of the following is a limitation of the 'multi-store' memory model?

You can experience a 'mental block', even if you have thoroughly rehearsed the information

497 - Which of the following is a limitation to the MSM?

It cannot account for someone being able to do a visual and verbal task at the same time as indicated by KF

498 - Which of the following is a linguistic evidence that the "soul" for Cebuanos is thought of as a "companion"?

Referring to it in third-person

499 - Which of the following is a major concern with naturalistic observations?

Can't control the conditions

500 - Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?

All of the above

501 - Which of the following is a method often used in structuralism


502 - Which of the following is a normal consequence of growing old?

loss of speed of information processing

503 - which of the following is a normal type of forgetting?


504 - Which of the following is a perception?

recognizing an object as a car

505 - Which of the following is a physical need?


506 - Which of the following is a physiological need?


507 - Which of the following is a physiological process?


508 - Which of the following is a potential problem for a case study?

They may be misleading because they don't fairly represent other cases

509 - Which of the following is a property of a semantic memory?

Lots of other people will have those memories

510 - Which of the following is a property of episodic memory?

Only the person involved will have those memories

511 - Which of the following is a property of procedural memory?

Those memories are difficult to describe

512 - Which of the following is a psycho dynamic explanation of aggression?

We have an unconscious drive that causes aggressive behaviour

513 - Which of the following is a role of the association area in the parietal lobe?

processing sensory information

514 - Which of the following is a secondary or conditioned reinforcer?

Only (A) & (B)

515 - Which of the following is a self-actualization need?

fulfilling one's own potential

516 - Which of the following is a sign of groupthink?


517 - Which of the following is a source of power in a group?

having information members need

518 - Which of the following is a strength of the multi-store memory model?

Research shows that rehearsal helps to place information in the long term memory

519 - Which of the following is a strength of this study? - Pepperberg

strong reliability

520 - Which of the following is a technique of motivation?

all of the above

521 - Which of the following is a term for learning that remains hidden until needed?

Latent learning

522 - Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding algorithms?

They will always result in a correct solution, if there is a correct solution to be found.

523 - Which of the following is a true statement?

Automatic processes require little attention.

524 - Which of the following is a type of conformity?


525 - Which of the following is a visual, mental representation of an event or object?


526 - Which of the following is a weakness of Murdock's serial position curve study?

The experiment used a random list of words which isn't an everyday task

527 - Which of the following is allowed to prescribe medicine?

Clinical psychiatrist

528 - Which of the following is an acoustically similar word list?

Cat, cab, can

529 - Which of the following is an action?


530 - Which of the following is an affective symptom of sleep deprivation?

amplified emotional responses

531 - Which of the following is an attitude?


532 - Which of the following is an effective method for dealing with misbehaving adolescent students?


533 - Which of the following is an example a direct-experience?

Sherryl experiencing a brick being thrown through Coach Boones window, this gave Sherryl the first hand experience of being a person of colour.

534 - Which of the following is an example a stereotype?

When Petey asks 'You do have a Daddy right?' to his Black teammate.

535 - Which of the following is an example of a 2-year-old's overextension in language?

Saying "doggie" for every 4-legged animal with tail

536 - Which of the following is an example of a binocular depth cue?

retinal disparity

537 - Which of the following is an example of a closed skill on the environmental continuum?

A golf swing

538 - Which of the following is an example of a continuous variable?

The amount of time to solve a problem in statistics

539 - Which of the following is an example of a flashbulb memory?

Anne remembers when her father returned from an overseas military deployment because the day was very emotional for her.

540 - Which of the following is an example of a focus group study?

Asking a series of open-ended questions to a set of eight consumers at a research lab about the effectiveness of a new product

541 - Which of the following is an example of a negative correlation?

People who spend more time exercising tend to weigh less

542 - Which of the following is an example of a null hypothesis?

There will be no significant difference in reaction times (in seconds) after drink 30mg of caffeine compared to drinking water. Any difference will be due to chance.

543 - Which of the following is an example of a parametric test?

Unrelated t-test

544 - Which of the following is an example of a physiological process affecting a cognitive process?

lack of sleep impairing one's ability to think

545 - Which of the following is an example of a primary group?

a husband and wife and their three children

546 - Which of the following is an example of a single morpheme?

the suffix "-ly"

547 - Which of the following is an example of an availability heuristic?

People flock to buy lottery tickets the day after a winner is publicized.

548 - Which of the following is an example of an external attribution?

the weather

549 - Which of the following is an example of an unpredictable reinforcement schedule?

variable interval

550 - Which of the following is an example of anterograde amnesia?

Louis can remember his past, but has not been able to form new long-term memories since experiencing a brain infection 4 years ago.

551 - Which of the following is an example of discrimination?

Being afraid of the neighbor's dog but not your aunt's dog.

552 - Which of the following is an example of extinction in classical conditioning?

A dog stops salivating to the sound of a bell after the bell and food have not been presented together for a significant period of time

553 - Which of the following is an example of fine motor development?

the movement of fingers

554 - Which of the following is an example of fluid intelligence?

Coming up with a problem-solving strategy at work.

555 - Which of the following is an example of inter-group contact?

The black and white students sharing a room together during camp.

556 - Which of the following is an example of intrinsic motivation?

Learning a new language for the joy of it.

557 - Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

Someone who becomes too warm in the sun moves into the shade

558 - Which of the following is an example of observational learning?


559 - Which of the following is an example of one-trial learning?

Taste aversion

560 - Which of the following is an example of perception?

Understanding what to do with a chair when we see one

561 - Which of the following is an example of positive punishment?

A black eye

562 - Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

allowing students homework passes if they work hard during class

563 - Which of the following is an example of practical intelligence?

Shelly, a new-home-buyer who researched inspectors, prices, schools, etc. before buying.

564 - Which of the following is an example of reinforcement?

all of the above

565 - Which of the following is an example of sensory adaptation?

Finding the cold water of a swimming pool warmer after you've spent a few minutes in it

566 - Which of the following is an example of social facilitation?

An athlete performs better in games before a large crowd than she does in practice

567 - Which of the following is an example of the use of extinction with operant conditioning?

A mother ignores her child's temper tantrum so that the behavior ultimately goes away.

568 - Which of the following is an example of the use of heuristics?

playing chess using a defensive strategy that has often been successful for you

569 - Which of the following is an example of Thorndike's law of effect?

John, a teenager, gets compliments from Carla for wearing a nice shirt. Subsequently, John wears the shirt whenever he thinks he will be seeing Carla.

570 - Which of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?

Learning a behavior is encouraged by watching others

571 - Which of the following is an experiment in which the participants do not know whether they are receiving a treatment or not?

single-blind study

572 - Which of the following is an explanation for conformity?

Informational social influence

573 - Which of the following is an incorrect stage theory pairing?

Kohlberg – physiological

574 - Which of the following is an independent variable in teaching-learning process?


575 - Which of the following is an internal stressor?

Putting pressure on yourself

576 - Which of the following is an objective of the coaching role?

Monitoring a client's progress and offering reflective feedback

577 - Which of the following is an open ended question?

Why do you enjoy going to the gym?

578 - Which of the following is an unconditioned response?

sweating in hot weather

579 - Which of the following is an unlearned, complex behavior exhibited by all members of a species?


580 - which of the following is another name for photographic memory?

eidetic memory

581 - Which of the following is another name for visual sensory memory?

iconic memory

582 - Which of the following is another word for reliability?


583 - Which of the following is associated with Abraham Maslow and Carl Rodgers

Humanistic Psychology

584 - Which of the following is associated with B.F. Skinner?


585 - Which of the following is associated with conditioned reflexes?

Ivan Pavlov

586 - Which of the following is commonly referred to as the father of developmental psychology?

G. Stanley Hall

587 - Which of the following is considered a strength of cognitive psychology?

The research is considered to be scientific due to the experimental methods used.

588 - Which of the following is considered as a father of Psychology?


589 - Which of the following is considered the fundamental building block of the nervous system?


590 - Which of the following is considered to be a negative reinforcer?

Not having to do a homework assignment because of good behavior in the classroom.

591 - Which of the following is correct?

Taste is a sensation that we need to learn.

592 - Which of the following is expressed through encouragement, caring, empathy, and concern?

Emotional support

593 - Which of the following is false about Bahrick et al.'s study

Studied capacity of LTM

594 - Which of the following is FALSE regarding deafness and language development .....

Losing audition does not enhance vision.

595 - Which of the following is FALSE regarding decision making?

We are more confident about successful decisions than unsuccessful decisions.

596 - Which of the following is include in formal oral communication?

classroom lectures

597 - Which of the following is likely NOT an indication of intellectual disability?

An IQ score of 135

598 - Which of the following is most important when conducting survey research?

Choosing a representative sample

599 - Which of the following is most likely to be characterized the in-effective teacher?

Emphasis upon the control of the immediate situation

600 - Which of the following is most likely to have a negative correlation?

A person's ability as a driver and number of accidents

601 - Which of the following is most likely to lead to high job satisfaction?

Matching personality with occupation

602 - Which of the following is necessary to make a study ethical?


603 - Which of the following is not a behavior?


604 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of a group?

Some members have a different group goal

605 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of animal research?

Animals must be released back into natural habitat

606 - Which of the following IS NOT a characteristic of Free Description Tasks?

there is limited number of potential answers participants choose from

607 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Preoperational Stage?

Object Permanence

608 - Which of the following is NOT a classification of skilful movement?


609 - Which of the following is not a common bias in our society?

Older people are superior to younger people

610 - Which of the following is NOT a condition of confabulation that we discussed (remember the example of your wedding day)?

When it's not really important.

611 - Which of the following is not a control process involved in the MSM?


612 - Which of the following is NOT a depth cue

Figure-ground organisation

613 - Which of the following is not a factor in social cognitive learning theory?

The model must be a member of the learner's in-group.

614 - Which of the following is not a factor of Hofstede (1980) cross cultural research

Altruism and Sociability

615 - Which of the following is NOT a factor to identify the critical value?

Experimental Design

616 - Which of the following is not a feature of someone who has Antisocial Personality Disorder?


617 - which of the following is not a feature of the independent self

Permeable self concept

618 - Which of the following is NOT a form of communication?


619 - Which of the following is not a function of educational psychology?

To define the goals for which education is to strive

620 - Which of the following is not a Gestalt Law of Organization?

all of the above

621 - Which of the following is NOT a Gestalt principal?


622 - Which of the following is NOT a goal of I/O Psychology?

Helping people live healthier lives

623 - Which of the following is not a goal of PSY?


624 - Which of the following is NOT a goal of psychology?


625 - Which of the following is NOT a key component of the Social Representation Theory of representation production:


626 - Which of the following is not a limitation of Piagetian theory?

It lacks cross-cultural support.

627 - Which of the following is NOT a limitation of the Multi-Store Model of Memory?

The theory focuses on meaningful rehearsal as being the most important factor in transferring information from STM to LTM.

628 - Which of the following is not a main goal of psychology?


629 - Which of the following is not a measure of retention?


630 - Which of the following is NOT a mechanism for the creation of your social identity, according to Tajfel (1979)?

Social influence

631 - Which of the following is not a mnemonic device?

elaborative rehearsal

632 - Which of the following is not a monocular cue for depth?


633 - Which of the following is not a necessarily factor involved in creativity?

having an IQ score above 130

634 - Which of the following is not a necessary requirement of a psychological experiment

Naturalistic observation

635 - Which of the following is not a negative emotion:


636 - Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter?


637 - Which of the following is NOT a part of Sternberg's intelligence theory?


638 - Which of the following is not a personal factor in perceptual selectivity?


639 - Which of the following is not a physical change that takes place in infancy?

Fetal Development

640 - Which of the following is NOT a positive effect of mindfulness?

Increases stress

641 - Which of the following is not a positive emotion?


642 - Which of the following is not a quality of good research?


643 - Which of the following is NOT a reason why eyewitness testimony is a less reliable form of evidence for trials?

Because people are likely to deliberately change facts of their story.

644 - Which of the following is NOT a recommendation for engagement in activism as a psychologist? (Blustein et al., 2005)?

lead in all aspects of activism

645 - Which of the following is not a research method used in psychology

Questionnaires and interviews

646 - Which of the following is NOT a research method?

Sociological Methods

647 - Which of the following is not a SAQ command term?


648 - Which of the following is NOT a sensation?


649 - Which of the following is NOT a sensory receptor for gustation?


650 - Which of the following is NOT a situational variable

The amount of sleep pp's had

651 - Which of the following IS NOT a solution for response bias?

mixed experimental design

652 - Which of the following is not a sophistocated mental ability in the prefrontal cortex?

Bodily Position

653 - Which of the following is not a stage of the General Adaption Syndrome (GAS)?


654 - Which of the following is NOT a step in conducting a scientific research?

Count items

655 - Which of the following is NOT a strength of the MSM?

The model distinguishes between different types of Long-Term Memories.

656 - Which of the following is not a technique of operant conditioning?


657 - Which of the following is not a true experiment?

A natural experiment

658 - Which of the following is not a type of variable in an experiment?

External variable

659 - Which of the following IS NOT a way in reducing bias in Free Description Task?


660 - Which of the following is NOT a way to collect data

reading about the problem

661 - Which of the following is not a way to reduce prejudice?


662 - Which of the following is not a way to reduce your trading emotions?

Follow analyst recommendation

663 - Which of the following is NOT a weakness of self-report data?

Self-report data is especially difficult to collect.

664 - Which of the following is NOT an advantage of correlational research?

It can demonstrate causal relationships

665 - which of the following is not an applied research position?

social psychologist

666 - Which of the following is NOT an approach to defining normality?


667 - Which of the following is not an area of specialisation in Psychology?

Police Psychology

668 - Which of the following is not an assumption made by Piaget in his theory of cognitive development?

Language development is necessary for cognitive development.

669 - Which of the following is NOT an assumption of Critical Social Psychology

Biological nature of the mind

670 - which of the following is NOT an effective way to improve memory?

cram in the hour before a test

671 - Which of the following is NOT an environmental influence on intelligence?


672 - Which of the following is not an essay command term?


673 - Which of the following is NOT an esteem need?


674 - which of the following is not an ethical guideline created to safe guard human participants?

participants may not withdraw at any time

675 - Which of the following is NOT an ethical guideline for experimentation established by the APA?

Animals should be used instead of humans whenever possible

676 - Which of the following is not an ethical issue

The right to withdraw from a study

677 - Which of the following is NOT an ethical issue of Milgram's experiment?


678 - Which of the following is not an ethical principle?

Benefiting Society

679 - Which of the following is not an evaluation point for anxiety and EWT?

Temporal validity

680 - Which of the following is not an evaluation point for Baddeley's study of coding?

Lacks temporal validity

681 - Which of the following is not an evaluation point for interference as an explanation of forgetting?

Supportive research Baddelet & Godden scuba diving study

682 - Which of the following is not an evaluation point for Loftus & Palmer's study?

High ecological validity

683 - Which of the following is not an evaluation point for retrieval failure as an explanation of forgetting?

Supportive research McGeoch & McDonald

684 - Which of the following is not an evaluation point for the WMM?

HM case study

685 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a behaviour?


686 - Which of the following is not an example of a cognitive process?


687 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a primary reinforcer?


688 - Which of the following is not an example of a psychological construct?


689 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a theory that provides a guide for researchers in personality psychology field?

A personality psychologist analysing a large pool of responses to questionnaire items to find the underlying structure of the data.

690 - Which of the following is NOT an example of an automatic processing task for a typical adult?

Following a new cooking recipe

691 - Which of the following is NOT an example of pseudoscience?


692 - Which of the following is NOT an experimental design used in research?

Random allocation design

693 - Which of the following is NOT an intelligence defined by Sternberg's triarchic theory?


694 - Which of the following is NOT an item located in the box given to the helper chimp? - Yamamoto


695 - Which of the following is NOT and extrinsic motivator

personal satisfaction

696 - Which of the following is NOT associated with B.F. Skinner?

Free Association

697 - Which of the following is not associated with smoking during pregnancy?

visual defects

698 - Which of the following is NOT characteristic of groupthink?

gathering all the relevant information before making a decision

699 - Which of the following is not cited by Chomsky as evidence that language acquisition cannot be explained by learning alone?

Children raised in isolation from language spontaneously begin speaking words

700 - Which of the following is not connected with the concept of motivation?


701 - Which of the following is not considered an aspect of the soul by Plato?

The emotive part

702 - Which of the following is NOT considered to be an altered state of consciousness?


703 - Which of the following is NOT included as part of today's general definition of intelligence?

the ability to understand people and emotions

704 - Which of the following is not involved in producing body movement?


705 - Which of the following is NOT one of Gardner's multiple intelligences?


706 - Which of the following is not one of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences?


707 - Which of the following is not one of Mr Dixon's "3 Rules of 3" for essay writing in IB Psychology?

Three sentence paragraphs

708 - Which of the following is NOT one of Piaget's stages of development?

transformative operational

709 - Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 memory tasks?


710 - Which of the following is not one of the actions of the sympathetic nervous system

Produce saliva

711 - Which of the following is not one of the aims of peer review

To slow down the rate of progress in a scientific field.

712 - Which of the following is not one of the aspects of development studied by psychologists?

None of these

713 - Which of the following is NOT one of the basic tastes?


714 - Which of the following is NOT one of the code of ethics according to the APA?

Ensure a sizeable payment

715 - Which of the following is NOT one of the criteria for using a parametric test?

The research method is an experiment

716 - Which of the following is not one of the ethical principles we covered in class?

once a subject signs up to participate in your study they are committed to finishing it.

717 - Which of the following is not one of the factors, which tend to hinder the fairness of intelligence tests for lower class children?

Test givers bias the result

718 - Which of the following is not one of the five questions that provide a strategy for critical thinking?

What is the reputation of the researcher(s)?

719 - Which of the following is not one of the four basic components of language?


720 - Which of the following is not one of the four goals of psychology?


721 - Which of the following is NOT one of the four lobes of the brain?

Cerebral lobe

722 - Which of the following is not one of the Gestalt principles of grouping?


723 - Which of the following is NOT one of the major factors of attraction?


724 - Which of the following is not one of the options for Paper 2 in IB Psychology.

Sport Psychology

725 - Which of the following is not one of the personality traits measures in the 16PF?


726 - Which of the following is NOT one of the senses?


727 - Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in psychological research?

observe ethical procedures

728 - Which of the following is not one of the three basic temperament styles of infants?


729 - Which of the following is not one of the three IB Psychology approaches to understanding human behaviour.....

The neuroscientific approach

730 - Which of the following is NOT one of the three key questions to ask when thinking critically?

What are the social repercussions of holding this belief?

731 - Which of the following is not one of the three main forces of psychology?

evolutionary theory

732 - Which of the following is not one of the three main types of sampling

Homogenous sampling

733 - Which of the following is NOT one of the top priorities when in comes to memory?


734 - Which of the following is NOT part of the agency theory?

Autonomous state

735 - Which of the following is not part of the hierarchy of needs?


736 - Which of the following is not part of the Peripheral Nervous System


737 - Which of the following is not related to forgetting?

Long term potentiation

738 - Which of the following is NOT significant for Chi-square test:

Calculated 8.2 Critical 10.8

739 - Which of the following IS NOT technique of Free Description Tasks?

magnitude estimation

740 - Which of the following is NOT true about Bright Light Therapy?

The patient is required to stare directly into a light source for a certain amount of time each day

741 - Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Circadian Rhythm Phase Disorders?

they are characterised by inappropriate physiological and psychological behaviours that occur while sleeping

742 - Which of the following is not true about experiments?

Does not show causation

743 - Which of the following is NOT true about psychology jobs

Most psychology Ph.D.s are self employed

744 - Which of the following is not true of glial cells?

They repair dead neurons.

745 - Which of the following is NOT true regarding cultural diversity?

Culture does not have strong influence on how strictly social roles are defined.

746 - Which of the following is NOT true?

Piaget believed that stages can be missed out.

747 - Which of the following is not used in psychoanalysis?

Active Listening

748 - Which of the following is one of Gardner's types of Intelligences?


749 - Which of the following is one of the major purposes of personality theory?

to explain the differences among individuals

750 - Which of the following is Piaget's term for children's tendency to think about the world entirely from their own personal perspective?


751 - Which of the following is primarily a verbal test?


752 - Which of the following is primary concern to educational psychologist?

The discovery of teaching procedures of maximum effectiveness.

753 - Which of the following is reflective of Seligman's research on conditioned taste aversion?

Contrary to most classically conditioned reactions, only one pairing of the CS with the UCS is needed to produce a taste aversion.

754 - Which of the following is regulated by the autonomic nervous system

digesting food

755 - Which of the following is required for a psychological experiment?

Precise operational definitions

756 - Which of the following is the best definition of a hypothesis?

An educated guess

757 - Which of the following is the best definition of conformity?

A change in behaviour or belief toward a group as a result of real or imagined group pressure

758 - Which of the following is the best description of behavioral perspective?

It focuses on conditioning, rewards, and punishments to influence behavior

759 - Which of the following is the best design to test a causal relationship?


760 - Which of the following is the best example of a homeostatic process?

Cathy drinks a large amount of water to reduce her thirst after a long race.

761 - Which of the following is the best example of a leading question?

How many years have you been a zombie for?

762 - Which of the following is the best example of a process goal?

Keep a consistent pace during the Boston Marathon

763 - Which of the following is the best example of a prototype of a car?

a sedan

764 - Which of the following is the best example of framing?

A television advertisement for lotion claims that it is made of 75 percent organic materials, not that it contains 25 percent artificial ingredients.

765 - Which of the following is the best example of prejudice?

Sam dislikes cheerleaders

766 - Which of the following is the best example of the testing effect?

Repeated quizzing of information increases the chances it will be recalled.

767 - Which of the following is the best phrase for the narrowing of available problem solutions with the goal of determining the best solution?

Convergent thinking

768 - Which of the following is the best shows discrimination?

Disliking only the dog that bit you

769 - Which of the following is the best synonym for social learning?

observational learning

770 - Which of the following is the best term for mental activities associated with remembering, thinking, and knowing?


771 - Which of the following is the best way to generate a random sample of students for a research study?

use a table of random numbers to pick participants from a student listing

772 - Which of the following is the component of the limbic system that plays an essential role in the processing of new memories?


773 - Which of the following is the correct definition for 'demand characteristics'?

The participants can work out the aim of the experiment and change their behaviour

774 - Which of the following is the correct definition for 'discrimination'?

The way an individual behaves towards another person as a result of their views

775 - Which of the following is the correct definition for the term stereotype?

An oversimplified set of ideas that we have about others

776 - Which of the following is the correct definition of Feedback?

Feedback is the information a performer receives about their performance and be can be given before, during and after performance/training.

777 - Which of the following is the correct definition of the term 'illusory correlation"?

People see a relationship between two variables even when there is none.

778 - Which of the following is the correct explanation for KF's injuries?

damaged PL but intact VSS

779 - Which of the following is the correct list of the traits included in the Five-Factor Model, or the Big Five?

Openness (O), Conscientiousness (C), Extraversion (E), Agreeableness (A), Neuroticism (N)

780 - Which of the following is the correct order of the stages of language development?

Cooing -> Babbling -> One-Word Speech -> Telegraphic Speech -> Whole Sentences

781 - Which of the following is the correct order of the structures through which light passes after entering the eye?

Cornea, pupil, lens, retina

782 - Which of the following is the correct path a neural impulse will follow through the different layers of the retina?

Rods and cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve

783 - Which of the following is the correct progression of visual processing in the human eye?

rods and cones; bipolar cells; ganglion cells; optic nerve

784 - Which of the following is the correct sequence of progress in the stages of change model?

Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance

785 - Which of the following is the correct way for students to recite using the PQ4R method?

All of the above

786 - Which of the following is the example of Intrinsic Motivation?


787 - Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate match?

unconditional positive regard - empathy

788 - Which of the following is the mean for the data set: 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 15?


789 - Which of the following is the measure of central tendency that would be most affected by a few extreme scores?


790 - Which of the following is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution?


791 - Which of the following is the most important factor underlying the success of beginning teacher?

His personality and ability to relate to the class

792 - Which of the following is the primary difference between Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning?

Classical Conditioning depends on stimuli, while Operant Conditioning depends on consequences.

793 - Which of the following is the scientific method of psychology?

Experimental method

794 - Which of the following is the sequence of different levels of teaching?

Memory level-understanding level- reflective level

795 - Which of the following is the somatic nervous system responsible for?

communication between the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system

796 - Which of the following is the strongest correlation coefficient?


797 - Which of the following is the study of factors that allow humans to acquire, use, and understand language?


798 - Which of the following is the tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a situation, person, object or idea?


799 - Which of the following is the tendency to search for supportive information of preconceptions while ignoring contradictory evidence?

Confirmation Bias

800 - Which of the following is true about Learning as association (E.L Thorndike)

A series of associations between stimulus and responce

801 - Which of the following is TRUE about PHRENOLOGY?

It is the study of the lumps on someone's head and skull but is no longer accepted as accurate

802 - Which of the following is true about rods and cones?

Rods are sensitive to lower levels of light than cones.

803 - Which of the following is true for a dependent variable?

It is the variable we measure

804 - Which of the following is true of a psychiatrist?

They can prescribe medications

805 - Which of the following is true of a psychologist?

They deal with less severe issues than a psychiatrist

806 - Which of the following is true of afferent neurons?

located in the dorsal column of spinal cord

807 - Which of the following is true of boys compared with girls?

boys are more likely to have extremely low IQ scores

808 - Which of the following is true of classical conditioning?

UCS produces UCR

809 - Which of the following is true of short-delay conditioning?

when there is no interval between the presentation of the stimuli, conditioning becomes less effective

810 - Which of the following is true of short-term memory?

It is seriously affected by any interruption or interference.

811 - Which of the following is true of unconditional positive regard?

It enables a coach to maintain a positive expectation that clients have the capacity to grow and improve through self-analysis.

812 - Which of the following is true regarding encoding specificity?

All kinds of information encoded along with a memory can later be used as specific cues to trigger that memory.

813 - Which of the following is true regarding intelligence testing?

The Wechsler Scale of Intelligence standardized IQ, such that the mean is always equal to 100.

814 - Which of the following is TRUE regarding intuition?

Intuition is adaptive.

815 - Which of the following is true regarding the research on mindfulness approaches?

Both ACT and DBT have solid theoretical systems and good research support.

816 - Which of the following is TRUE?

People are overconfident about how they will perform on various tasks.

817 - Which of the following is typically controlled by the left hemisphere?

word recognition

818 - Which of the following is unique to experimental design?

Random sampling

819 - Which of the following is used only in correlation studies?


820 - Which of the following is/are graded for every unit?

All of the above

821 - Which of the following is/are the basic paradigms in classroom teaching?

Both (a) and (b)

822 - Which of the following kinds of psychologists would most likely explore how we process and remember information?


823 - Which of the following language criteria is absent in animal language?

Regular: chimp signing rarely follows complex grammar rules.

824 - which of the following lasts for a fraction of a second?

sensory memory

825 - Which of the following leads to a decrease in the likelihood of a behavior occurring in the future?

omission training

826 - Which of the following learning mechanism does B.F. Skinner see as being the major means by which behavior is learned?

operant conditioning

827 - Which of the following LEAST describes prejudice?

A physical behavior intended to hurt or destroy.

828 - Which of the following lines represents the line of best fit for the scatter plot?

There is no line of best fit for this graph because there is no trend.

829 - Which of the following measures can be precisely located on the graph of a skewed distribution without doing any calculations?


830 - Which of the following measures of consciousness is subjective?

Sleep diary

831 - Which of the following memories happen with conscious awareness?

Episodic Memories

832 - Which of the following mental health careers requires a medical doctorate (MD)?


833 - Which of the following method should be used by each teacher?


834 - Which of the following methods are typically used in case studies?

All of the above

835 - Which of the following methods best limits the influence of unknown variables in an experiment?

Random assignment

836 - Which of the following methods is NOT used by psychologists to study human behavior?

observing lunar phases

837 - Which of the following methods of observation is most commonly used when looking at childhood development?

cross-sectional method

838 - Which of the following might help Larry see the subtle difference between two colors the best?

The cones in the fovea

839 - Which of the following might result from a disruption of your vestibular sense?

dizziness and a loss of balance

840 - Which of the following modern perspective focuses on how unconscious traumas, experiences, and motives affect human behavior?


841 - Which of the following modern perspective would support the claim that pain tolerance is largely a result of the effects of endorphins and other neurochemicals?


842 - Which of the following modern perspective would support the claim that that in the study of many generations - women tend to choose older mates who will be good providers?


843 - Which of the following most relates to the nature-nurture issue?

genes and environment

844 - Which of the following neuroimaging devices is the most effective in detecting and tracking activity in the brain in action in real time?


845 - Which of the following neurotransmitters has been linked to Alzheimer's?


846 - Which of the following neurotransmitters has been linked to Schizophrenia?


847 - Which of the following occurs when you agree to the request of another person even though you don't think the request is right?


848 - Which of the following orders are the three levels of teaching? (i) Memory level of teaching(ii) Understanding level of teaching(iii) Reflective level of teaching(iv) Pedagogical level of teaching.

(i), (ii), and (iii)

849 - Which of the following orders of Maslow̢۪s hierarchy of need is correct?

Physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization

850 - Which of the following pairs best represent a positive correlation?

School and IQ

851 - Which of the following perspective is most likely to address how the encoding, storing, and retrieval of information might alter our thoughts?


852 - Which of the following perspectives argues that every person has the potential to become self-actualized?


853 - Which of the following perspectives argues that human behavior develops in certain ways because it serves a useful purpose?


854 - Which of the following perspectives is interested mainly in the study of mental processes?


855 - Which of the following phenomena was studied by parlor?


856 - Which of the following phenomenon was studied by Pavlov?

classical conditioning

857 - Which of the following pictorial cues first came to the attention of Max Wertheimer during a train ride?

motive parallax

858 - Which of the following plays an important role in the regulation of respiration?


859 - Which of the following points is correct about synaesthesia?

involves perceptual distortions

860 - Which of the following points is NOT a valid criticism of the multi-store model?

It isn't supported by any scientific evidence.

861 - Which of the following processes has begun as soon as special receptor cells for the senses are activated?


862 - Which of the following processes is best exemplified by a client choosing a gym that is in the direct route between home and work?

Stimulus control

863 - Which of the following processes is the best example of using reinforcement to help a client progress from a quarter lunge to performing a full lunge and then eventually adding resistance?


864 - Which of the following professional in psychology has the broadest areas of interest and functions


865 - Which of the following professionals is required to have a medical degree?


866 - Which of the following provides the best definition for the sensory memory store?

Sensory memory is the entry area of memory - the initial part of the memory system in which all the stimuli that bombard our senses are retained in their original sensory form (i.e....., as exact copies) for a very brief time.

867 - Which of the following provides the strongest evidence of the role of heredity in determining intelligence? Intelligence scores of .....

identical twins raised separately are more similar than fraternal twins raised together

868 - Which of the following psychological theories is known as the one that emphasises "free will"?

Humanistic psychology

869 - Which of the following psychologists added a performance scale in an attempt to measure nonverbal skills and rule out other cultural and education biases?


870 - Which of the following psychologists are most associated with dreams?


871 - Which of the following psychologists developed the Strange Situation to identify various types of attachment between infants and mothers:


872 - Which of the following psychologists did not suggest the existence of more than one kind of intelligence?


873 - Which of the following psychologists is associated with Gestalt psychology?

Max Wertheimer

874 - Which of the following Psychologists is associated with the field of Behaviorism

BF Skinner

875 - Which of the following psychologists is known for conducting classic research on conformity?

Solomon Asch

876 - Which of the following psychologists is most strongly associated with research on false memories?

Elizabeth Loftus

877 - Which of the following psychologists most strongly emphasize that human behavior is powerfully influenced by the interaction between people and their physical, social, political, and economic environments.


878 - Which of the following psychologists suggested there were 7 primary mental abilities all people should be measured by?

LL Thurston

879 - Which of the following psychologists would be most likely to investigate the biological, psychological, cognitive, and social changes over time?


880 - Which of the following psychologists would most likely conduct psychotherapy?


881 - Which of the following psychology jobs allows you to prescribe medication?


882 - Which of the following quantitative data was produced in Yamamoto?

Both answers are correct.

883 - Which of the following questions is best investigated by means of a survey?

Are students more likely to be politically liberal or conservative?

884 - Which of the following ranked as the most stressful life event on the Social ReadjustmentRating Scale?

death of spouse

885 - Which of the following refers to a classical conditioning method that exposes an individual to a harmless stimuli until fear responses to that stimulus are extinguished?


886 - Which of the following reflects the "nature" approach to human psychology?

Intelligence is determined by genetics

887 - Which of the following reflects the nature of teaching?

It is an art as well as science

888 - Which of the following reinforcement schedules in operant conditioning would be best to use if you want to produce behavior that is very resistant to extinction?

variable ratio

889 - Which of the following reinforcement schedules would be the most effective?


890 - Which of the following represent correct sequence?

Zygote, embryo, fetus, neonate, infant

891 - Which of the following represent the scientific method best?

Identify a problem, create a hypothesis, test, analyze, publish

892 - Which of the following represents the average score in a distribution?

the mean

893 - Which of the following represents the findings of David Premack?

allowing a child to have ice cream only if he/she eats his/her vegetables

894 - which of the following research is a case study you have learned?


895 - Which of the following research methods is best suited to study different age groups at the same time?

Cross-Sectional Study

896 - Which of the following researchers is not generally associated with conditioning?


897 - Which of the following researchers, during the late 1880s, argued for the importance of observing classrooms for improving education?

William James

898 - Which of the following responses is NOT produced by the sympathetic nervous system?

an increase in the production of saliva

899 - Which of the following responses was most likely acquired through classical conditioning?

A child's fear of dogs after the child has been bitten by a dog

900 - Which of the following sampling techniques would be best if you were trying to get a sample of people in Poland that are fans of a certain online computer game?

Snowball sampling

901 - Which of the following says behaviors can be learned?

Operant conditioning

902 - Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates the role of context effects in memory?

Amy studied for a vocabulary test in the same classroom and at the same time of day as the normal class, and she performed better on the test than students who studied in different classrooms under different conditions.

903 - Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies inductive reasoning?

Mike arrives at class to find the lights off and the room empty. He concludes that class must have been cancelled.

904 - Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the fundamental attribution error?

Barbara's server takes a very long time to bring over the bill, which leads to a decrease in her tip because Barbara assumes the server is bad at her job.

905 - Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the phenomenon of breakthrough?

After participating in a dichotic listening task, individuals were more likely to recall words from the unattended channel if they related to a class that they were about to have a test in.

906 - Which of the following scenarios best matches classical conditioning?

Bob ate a cheeseburger and felt sick afterwards, so every time he smells McDonalds he feels nauseous.

907 - Which of the following scenarios displays the highest level of awareness?

Cadence is about to jump out of a plane to go tandem skydiving.

908 - Which of the following scenarios does NOT demonstrate obedience?

a friend choosing to braid their hair in a similar style to that of a friend

909 - Which of the following scenarios illustrates a variable interval schedule of reinforcement?

Holding regular, but unpredictable, fire drills

910 - Which of the following scenarios involves using cued recall?

Steven studies a list of word pairs and is later given the first word of each pair and asked to recall the second word in the pair.

911 - Which of the following scenarios is an example of retroactive interference?

Carl tries to remember the name of his first boss, but he cannot because he keeps thinking of the name of his current boss.

912 - Which of the following scenarios will lead to the most effective instrumental conditioning?

A dog growls to stop her owner if he pets her while she's napping.

913 - Which of the following self-monitoring strategies is most effective for improving clients' long term program adherence?

Journaling thoughts, experiences and emotions.

914 - Which of the following sensory systems involves the ganglion cells and the ciliary muscles?


915 - Which of the following sentences best describes Wundt's method of introspection?

reporting present experience.

916 - Which of the following sequences of verbs did Loftus & Palmer use in their study?

Contacted, bumped, hit, collided, smashed

917 - Which of the following sequences of verbs did Loftus and Palmer (1974) use in their study?

Contacted, bumped, hit, collided, smashed

918 - Which of the following sequences shows the correct sequence for the stages of perception?

selection, organisation, interpretation

919 - Which of the following sets of scores would have the greatest standard deviation?

1, 10, 20, 30, 40

920 - Which of the following should be included in a consent form?

All of the above

921 - Which of the following should be included in a debrief form?

All of the above

922 - Which of the following shows a negative correlation?

The more absences Henry has, the lower his grades are

923 - Which of the following shows the largest ratio of brain size to body mass?


924 - Which of the following shows the strongest correlation?


925 - Which of the following situations makes interference less likely?

When two instances of learning are different

926 - Which of the following specialties in psychology provides diagnosis and treatment for less serious mental problems such as adjustment disorders


927 - Which of the following species has brain more anatomically complex than humans?


928 - Which of the following statement is FALSE?

We can always predict research findings by common sense

929 - Which of the following statement summarizes the scope of psychology well?

It is a scientific study of human affect, behaviour, mental processes and underlying biological processes

930 - Which of the following statement/s is/are NOT true?

All of the above

931 - Which of the following statements about basic and applied research is most accurate?

Applied research can draw upon basic research.

932 - Which of the following statements about critical thinking is false?

It is the criticism of an argument

933 - Which of the following statements about ethical research is FALSE

it is unethical to observe people in public without their knowledge

934 - Which of the following statements about hemispheric specialisation is true?

Most functions are performed by the left and right hemispheres working together: the left hemisphere dominates in logical, sequential thought and the right hemisphere dominates in intuitive and creative processing.

935 - Which of the following statements about learning is TRUE?

Habituation is a form of learning, but they aren't the same thing.

936 - which of the following statements about procedure is NOT true? - Yamamaoto

Each trial ended after the correct tool had been offered.

937 - Which of the following statements about protection harm is false?

It is acceptable to place participants under stress as long as they are fully debriefed

938 - Which of the following statements about the cognitive approach is FALSE?

Mental processes are studied directly by making inferences.

939 - which of the following statements about the foot-in-the-door phenomenon is FALSE:

People who agree to a small action are less likely to agree to a larger one later.

940 - Which of the following statements about visual receptors is incorrect?

Rods and cones both distinguish colours.

941 - Which of the following statements are true about the range

All of the above

942 - Which of the following statements best describes a superordinate goal

a goal that cannot be achieved by any one group alone and overrides other existing goals which each group may have

943 - Which of the following statements best describes Albert Bandura's concept of self-efficacy?

I can do whatever I set my mind to do

944 - Which of the following statements best describes compliance?

Publicly agreeing with majority but privately disagreeing

945 - Which of the following statements best describes discrimination?

discrimination involves either positive or negative action towards someone in a minority group

946 - Which of the following statements best describes normative social influence?

Going along with a group of people because we want to be liked by them

947 - Which of the following statements best describes Wundt's use of the term introspection?

Investigating internal events by examining conscious thoughts and feelings.

948 - Which of the following statements concerning the stimulus energy for vision is incorrect?

Electromagnetic energy of about 800 nm is not visible to humans.

949 - Which of the following statements does not belong to System 2 of the Dual Process Model of thinking and decision making?

Not logic based and prone to error

950 - Which of the following statements explains teenage risky behaviour?

The limbic system is developed but the pre-frontal cortex has not yet matured

951 - Which of the following statements is a genuine strength of the dual process model of thinking and decision making?

There is biological evidence

952 - Which of the following statements is consistent with the Gestalt theory of perception?

The mind organizes sensations into meaningful perceptions

953 - Which of the following statements is correct concerning correlation coefficients?

A correlation of +.80 and -.80 are equally strong

954 - Which of the following statements is correct?

A psychologist has no medical training.

955 - Which of the following statements is essential to classical conditioning?

The CS and UCS must come close together in time.

956 - Which of the following statements is false regarding top-down processing?

Used when we have no prior knowledge about the object or situation

957 - Which of the following statements is false?

Teaching and instruction are the same concepts

958 - Which of the following statements is most true of attitude formation?

Attitudes are developed through interaction with others and are learned through experiences.

959 - Which of the following statements is not true with regards to optical illusions?

When a person understands an illusion they no longer see the illusion.

960 - Which of the following statements is the best definition of eyewitness testimony?

How people remember the details of events they have observed themselves, such as crimes and accidents

961 - Which of the following statements is true about correlational research?

It helps in determining the strength of the relationship between two or more events.

962 - Which of the following statements is true about language processing in the brain?

Broca's area in the left frontal lobe is involved in the production of articulate speech

963 - Which of the following statements is true about qualitative research?

It involves obtaining information using descriptive measures.

964 - Which of the following statements is true about the direct instruction approach to teaching?

It is characterized by teacher direction and control.

965 - Which of the following statements is true of behaviourism?

It holds that development is largely a product of learning

966 - Which of the following strategies would be MOST likely to enhance a client's willpower?

Planning in advance for moments of weak self-control.

967 - Which of the following studies would John Watson have been likely to support?

attempting to control a child's behavior with candy and other rewards and punishments

968 - Which of the following subfields of psychology conducts applied research?


969 - Which of the following suggestions is most likely to reduce the hostility felt bw antagonistic groups?

give the groups a task that cannot be solved unless they work together.

970 - Which of the following symptoms would lead to a diagnosis of Parkinson disease?

All of the above

971 - Which of the following task requires delivery text-based answers?

qualitative tasks

972 - Which of the following taste sensations was most recently discovered?


973 - Which of the following teacher traits and procedures is most often given by children as the reasons for not liking the teacher?

Irritable and bad temperament

974 - Which of the following term is incorrectly matched to its example?

Discrimination - Believing all females are bad drivers

975 - Which of the following terms applies to both classical and operant conditioning?

Generalization and discrimination

976 - Which of the following terms is associated with Henry Murray and the Thematic Appreciation Test?

need to achieve

977 - Which of the following terms is used to describe the process by which important group decisions may be distorted because different viewpoints are not encouraged?


978 - Which of the following terms refers to a person̢۪s accumulated knowledge and verbal skills?

crystallized intelligence

979 - Which of the following terms refers to a person's "mental" state?


980 - Which of the following terms refers to a person's "physical" state?


981 - Which of the following tests is likely to have the highest reliability?


982 - Which of the following tests would be most useful and valid when diagnosing a psychological/mood disorder?

the MMPI

983 - Which of the following theorists invented the concept of the method of savings?


984 - Which of the following theorists most strongly stressed the importance of maturation in development?

Arnold Gesell

985 - Which of the following therapists make intensive use of role playing?

Client-centered therapists

986 - Which of the following treatments is most often used for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

987 - Which of the following type of long term memory is non-declarative?


988 - Which of the following type of stress would getting a parking fine be?

Daily Pressure

989 - Which of the following type of stress would getting married be?

Life events

990 - Which of the following type of stress would the Carona Virus be?

Major Stress or Carastrophe

991 - Which of the following type(s) of LTM are time stamped?


992 - Which of the following type(s) of LTM are unconscious?


993 - Which of the following types of cells are located in the brain's occipital lobe?

feature detectors

994 - Which of the following types of learning cannot be directly observed?

perceptual learning

995 - Which of the following types of memory is most resistant to destruction?

procedural memory

996 - Which of the following types of psychologists deal with the problems of everyday life?

Counseling Psychologist

997 - Which of the following types of reinforcement results in slower extinction but also slower learning?

partial reinforcement

998 - Which of the following types of tests is designed to measure an individual's knowledge of a subject?


999 - Which of the following types of tests measure the capacity of a test taker to perform some task or role in the future?


1000 - Which of the following units will we explore in DP Psychology?

All of the above


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