Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 4

1 - Conducted classical conditioning experiment on Little Albert for him to fear a white rat after pairing with a loud noise.

John Watson

2 - Conducted experiment about cognitive dissonance where participants performed a boring task and were then asked to lie and tell the next subject they enjoyed the task

Festinger and Carlsmith

3 - Conducted experiments with rats and mazes to examine the role that reinforcement plays in the way that rats learn their way through complex mazes; led to idea of cognitive maps and latent learning.

Edward Tolman

4 - Conducted research on split-brain patients

Sperry and Gazzinga

5 - Conducting survey or questionnaires

Primary Research

6 - Cones and rods are to vision as ..... are to audition.

hair cells

7 - Confidentiality

Typically, participants are assigned a code or number to protect their anonymity for the duration of the study.

8 - Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following actions?

Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the Study section

9 - Confidentiality.Voluntary participation.Withdrawal rights.Informed consent procedures.Deception.DebriefingAll these are part of


10 - Confirmation bias occurs .....

when people look for data that confirms their hypothesis

11 - Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to:

Look for information that is consistent with one's beliefs

12 - Confirming the accuracy of resume information:

Reference Check

13 - Conflict theory:

focuses heavily on inequality

14 - Conformity

is the tendency to adjust one's thoughts, feelings or behaviour in ways that are in agreement with those of a particular individual or group.

15 - Conformity is best described as

adjusting our behavior or thinking toward a group standard.

16 - Conformity is defined as?

Tendency to adjust one's thoughts, feelings or behaviours in ways that are in agreement with those of a particular individual or group.

17 - Conformity to peer pressure is most likely to be motivated by ..... needs.


18 - Conformity to the majority can sometimes create social change through the operation of:

Normative social influence

19 - Confounding variables

unwanted influence outside of the study impacting both the IV and DV

20 - Connecting new material to information previously learned and creating meaning from it.

elaborative rehearsal

21 - Connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain

corpus callosum

22 - Connects the surface of the tongue to taste receptors within taste buds (via gustatory hairs)

Taste pores

23 - conscientious

diligent and careful

24 - Conscious experience is broken down into objective sensations and subjective feelings.


25 - Conscious memory of factual information is called ..... memory.


26 - consciously and intentionally; on purpose

refers to a sense of self not based in reality

27 - Consciousness can be best understood by observing it as a total experience rather than breaking it down.

Gestalt Psychology

28 - Consciousness works to help people adapt to their environments.


29 - Consent and debrief forms should be written.....

In verbatim format (as if they will be read out to participants)

30 - Consequences in which behavior is learned , maintained or changed is called .....


31 - Consider the following Statements: - black represents happiness Psychologue helps people by listening to their problems Is description, explanation, prediction, and change the four goals of psychology Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

32 - Consider the following Statements: "We are the architect of our own lives", according to Weckewicz. This emphasis on freedom and choice means people are unpredictable, and therefore uncontrollable. Behavior is one's action that can be observed, while cogn

Only 1, 2

33 - Consider the following Statements: (Class Info) a student is ONLY counted present if they attend the Zoom meeting. It's important that Psychological Kinesiologists who primarily work in the area of Practice use science and evidence and participate in rese

Only 2, 3

34 - Consider the following Statements: , identification is where someone temporarily changes their behavior to conform to the expectations of a social role. Mindfulness is important and WE ARE AWESOME. The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Si

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35 - Consider the following Statements: , only spiritual people meditate. When the mean is more than the mode this results in a positive skew short term memory has an unlimited capacity Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

36 - Consider the following Statements: , your belly should be empty while meditating. Social loafing can be explained by deindividuation. The fundamental assumptions of the biopsychosocial model is that health and illness are consequences of dynamic interplay

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37 - Consider the following Statements: ..... the meaning of envy is jealousy We perceive depth based on how the brain processes binocular cues and monocular cues. Social loafing occurs when people are more likely to exert effort on a task when working with ot

Only 1, 2

38 - Consider the following Statements: 10% of our happiness is due to genetics A large random sample is likely to be accurately stratified Researchers use psychological constructs to describe things that cannot be seen, touched, or measured directly. Which of

Only 2, 3

39 - Consider the following Statements: 10% of our happiness is due to genetics not everything is transferred from short to long-term memory Eye witness testimony can be affected by your schema Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

40 - Consider the following Statements: 80% of psychologists are research psychologists. Social loafing occurs when people are more likely to exert effort on a task when working with others. Most psychologists are interested mainly in animal behavior. Which of


41 - Consider the following Statements: A coefficient alpha or Cronbach's alpha of 1.100 is reliable. Twin studies have always supported the Nature argument Overconfidence is confidence that is not based on ability Which of the following statement(s) is/are tr

Only 3,

42 - Consider the following Statements: A combination of two or more method should be used to get the real picture . a stimulus is anything that triggers a behavior Social Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including th

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43 - Consider the following Statements: A data set can have more than one mode a stimulus is anything that triggers a behavior it is recommended that the information should be collected using multiple strategies from different sources of information by number

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44 - Consider the following Statements: A data set can have more than one mode Sport Psychology is a science. A stratified sample is considered non-representative because it places the population into small groups. Which of the following statement(s) is/are tr

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45 - Consider the following Statements: A factor that affects surveys is control over who responds. Wearing a uniform can create a state of deindividuation. The Head Start program was created to help underserved children. Which of the following statement(s) is

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46 - Consider the following Statements: A fear of large spiders is innate. Setting goals at the correct level is a skill that is innate Science is a nonscientific way of learning about the world through observations and experiments that lead to a pool of knowl


47 - Consider the following Statements: A limitation of the cognitive approach in psychology is that computer analogies simplify cognitive processing, ignoring factors like emotional states. Psychologists differ in their approaches to psychological thought. Co

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48 - Consider the following Statements: A limitation of the cognitive approach in psychology is that computer analogies simplify cognitive processing, ignoring factors like emotional states. Psychologists only study the behaviour and mental processes of humans

Only 1,

49 - Consider the following Statements: A lion teaching its cub to hunt for food is a learned behavior. PERMA stand for Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Attitude It is impossible to boost health, happiness, and strengthen social bonds

Only 1,

50 - Consider the following Statements: A little boy demanding a cookie from his Mom is an example of the id at work. Is Freud the Father of Psychology Reicher's results suggest that rioting behaviour could be controlled if only the police were tougher. Which

Only 1,

51 - Consider the following Statements: A little boy demanding a cookie from his Mom is an example of the id at work. Supermarkets use strategies to make people buy more. A standardized test often allows a student's performance to be compared with that of othe

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52 - Consider the following Statements: A message traveling through neurons begins with action potential, goes to the terminal, then the cell body, then the axon, then the dendrite, and across the synapse. Psychologists can read people's minds. The Cognitive A


53 - Consider the following Statements: A psychobiological research is type of study that identifies which parts of the brain are associated with particular cognitive tasks. Mental activities and neural activities are mutually overlapping but not identical. Br

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54 - Consider the following Statements: A psychobiological research is type of study that identifies which parts of the brain are associated with particular cognitive tasks. Social loafing occurs when people are more likely to exert effort on a task when worki

Only 1,

55 - Consider the following Statements: A social worker can perform restricted psychological assessments, including intelligence tests, achievements tests and aptitude tests The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Psychologists on


56 - Consider the following Statements: A social worker can perform restricted psychological assessments, including intelligence tests, achievements tests and aptitude tests The Sympathetic NS prepares your body for emergencies, it expends energy. Piliavin's t

Only 2, 3

57 - Consider the following Statements: A Sport Psychology Consultant is legally allowed to treat mental health issues. There are many human activities that have benefited from psychological understanding. An athlete likely only requires extrinsic motivation t

Only 2,

58 - Consider the following Statements: A survey is when people are asked to respond to a series of questions about a particular subject. Low self esteem is a major cause of psychological problems. An example of a simple skill on the difficulty continuum is a

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59 - Consider the following Statements: A synapse is the point at which two nerve cells connect. The Sympathetic NS prepares your body for emergencies, it expends energy. How visual systems aren't neutral and neither are people. Which of the following statemen

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60 - Consider the following Statements: Acclimation is the adaptation to one specific environmental stressor In the Stanford Prison Study, when given a role of "guard" or "prisoner" the volunteer were NOT enthusiastic about playing the role. Effective teachers

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61 - Consider the following Statements: According to a recent survey, the "best teachers" expect too much from students. Introspection is still used in a great deal today. Psychological tests are sometimes used in case studies. Which of the following statement

Only 3,

62 - Consider the following Statements: According to a recent survey, the "best teachers" expect too much from students. The medical record should document the target symptoms, goals of therapy and methods of monitoring outcome. There should be documentation i

Only 2, 3

63 - Consider the following Statements: According to Bowlby, the internal working model provides a template for later relationships in sensory memory, information is not forgotten for several hours, even if you don't pay attention to it In Latane et al.'s stud

Only 1,

64 - Consider the following Statements: According to determinism principle, behavior is unpredictable and uncontrollable. A psychologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment ofpsychological problems and who can prescribe medication for clients.


65 - Consider the following Statements: According to functionalism, people keep behavior that helps them adapt and survive, while dropping behaviors that do not do much with survival By age 2 to 3, children can not form sentences of several words If our self-e

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66 - Consider the following Statements: According to sigmund freud developmental in the first four years progresses through three stages (Class Info) a student is ONLY counted present if they attend the Zoom meeting. The process of categorization is NOT a comm


67 - Consider the following Statements: According to sigmund freud developmental in the first four years progresses through three stages The serial position effect would imply an advertiser should put all the important information in the middle of a radio adve

Only 3,

68 - Consider the following Statements: According to signal detection theory our judgements never affect our input detection because we process everything. Findings from patient KF cannot be explained by the working memory model Monocular depth cues are clues


69 - Consider the following Statements: According to signal detection theory our judgements never affect our input detection because we process everything. Research in sports medicine is fundamental and should be gender blind Community College students do not


70 - Consider the following Statements: According to the text, gender differences were larger in cultures that are more eastern, rural, and collectivistic. The 'victim' in Piliavin's study was always a female student. If our self-esteem is to be maintained or

Only 3,

71 - Consider the following Statements: According to the text, in the Philippine sample, women tend to average higher in neuroticism than men. Correlation always equals causation A correlational research can establish cause and effect relationships Which of th

Only 1,

72 - Consider the following Statements: According to the text, in the Philippine sample, women tend to average higher in neuroticism than men. The results of the Milgram Study showed that the majority of people are willing to deliver painful levels of electric

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73 - Consider the following Statements: According to Vygotsky, unassisted performance alone does give a true idea/picture about a child's level Memory is ways we store and recall sensory stimuli Having a lot of money will not benefit you in education. Which of

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74 - Consider the following Statements: Advertisers are able to shape our buying habits through subliminal messages. Socrates was a leading philosopher of his time. He thought the soul or mind was separable from the body and could be reunited after death. Soci

Only 2, 3

75 - Consider the following Statements: After childhood the brain does not and could not change. In classical conditioning, giving a conditioned response to the conditioned stimulus but not to stimuli similar to it = stimulus generalization The location of Mil


76 - Consider the following Statements: After Phineas Gage was injured working on the railroads his friends and family said he was completely the same after the accident. Social Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, includ

Only 2,

77 - Consider the following Statements: After studying Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory, teachers can provide opportunities for students to develop moral development. Correlation is when an event triggers a behavior. There are areas on the tongue that only

Only 1,

78 - Consider the following Statements: An angry crowd gathered outside the Black and White Cafe about five hours after the raid began. Board Licensure examination for Psychologists and Psychometricians can be classified by Certification Assessment. Psychology

Only 2, 3

79 - Consider the following Statements: An experiment is conducted in an environment under the control of the researchers. Participants are randomly allocated into either a control or experimental group. Many ethnographic studies are long-term projects. Before

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80 - Consider the following Statements: An open skill is one that is affected by the environment Critical thinking means if something in in print, it must be true everyone experiences a complete loss of explicit memories that occurred before the age of 3 Which

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81 - Consider the following Statements: An open skill is one that is affected by the environment Psychologists study the way people think The Hippocampus is located in the center of your brain. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

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82 - Consider the following Statements: An open skill is one that is affected by the environment Raven's Progressive Matrices can only be given in an individual facilitation. A social worker can perform restricted psychological assessments, including intellige

Only 1,

83 - Consider the following Statements: Another difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist is that only a psychologist can prescribe medication. Systematic desensitization is a variation counterconditioning used for treating phobias. We only use 10%

Only 2,

84 - Consider the following Statements: ANXIETY = FUTURE APPREHENSION The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Bright colors promote physical activity but make the passage of time seem slower. Which of the following statement(s) is

Only 1, 3

85 - Consider the following Statements: Aristotle believed that the body developed before the soul. An open skill is one that is affected by the environment Damage to the Myelin Sheath results in a slower and more sporadic transmission of messages and is the c

Only 2, 3

86 - Consider the following Statements: Aristotle believed that the body developed before the soul. Some distributions have two modes, and are therefore known as bimodal distributions. Social justice should occupy a more prominent role in counseling psychology

Only 2, 3

87 - Consider the following Statements: As a Psychometrician you are not allowed to facilitate Level C Type of test, but you can facilitate Level A type of psychological test. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to accurately identify, assess, and understand

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88 - Consider the following Statements: As time Passes and a person grows, his/her wisdom increases To study behavior, psychology has employed the use of the scientific method. "The more "blind" the study, the more bias is eliminated, so many researchers think

Only 2, 3

89 - Consider the following Statements: Assessment is used during and after the instruction has taken place. After you've received the results of your assessment, you can interpret the results and in case needed alter the instruction Marsh argued that hooligan

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90 - Consider the following Statements: ASSESSMENT TECHN IQUES SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON EVIDENCE An association between television violence and agression has been well established by studies over the last four decades. Psychology is not a Science Which of the fo

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91 - Consider the following Statements: ASSESSMENT TECHN IQUES SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON EVIDENCE Each learner is different from each other. Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 2, 3

92 - Consider the following Statements: Autobiographical reasoning is when one is able to substantiate conclusions based on their personal experiences. The Primary-Recency Effect states that you are more likely to remember the middle items in a long list. In m

Only 1, 3

93 - Consider the following Statements: Basic needs must be met before we can fulfill higher needs. Socialization is the process by which people learn socially desirable behaviors of their culture and adopt them to their personalities. Most learning involves c

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94 - Consider the following Statements: Behaviour is directly observable: All sensation is a result of the stimulation of sensory receptors by some sort of energy. A psychologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment ofpsychological problems and

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95 - Consider the following Statements: Behaviour is directly observable: Humanism begins in 1954 and it's led by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Is description, explanation, prediction, and change the four goals of psychology Which of the following statement(

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96 - Consider the following Statements: Behaviour is directly observable: T or F: Legitimate power often can use both coercive and reward power. Extrinsic feedback comes from within the body based on how movement feels. Which of the following statement(s) is/a

Only 1, 2

97 - Consider the following Statements: Behaviour is directly observable: The negativity bias is the phenomena by which humans give less psychological weight to bad experiences than a good ones. We perceive depth based on how the brain processes binocular cues

Only 1, 3

98 - Consider the following Statements: Behaviours ALWAYS match a person's mental processes. Mental processes are the same for everyone. If you have a Plan B, Plan A is less likely to work. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

99 - Consider the following Statements: Biological psychologists collaborate with zoologists and anthropologists researchers must understand ethics and treat subjects appropriately If a person is happy when we meet her, we will often think she is happy all the

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100 - Consider the following Statements: Biological Psychology examines the relationship between the body and its surroundings Research should be biased Piliavin et al. carried out a lab study of bystander behaviour. Which of the following statement(s) is/are t


101 - Consider the following Statements: blue is associated with sadness Psychologists investigate across levels of analysis in an interconnected way. The hippocampus is the central location of memory formation in the brain. Which of the following statement(s)

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102 - Consider the following Statements: Bowlby suggested that attachment serves to keep the infant close to the mother, thus improving the child's chances of survival. We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Cognitive Psychology is behavior viewed as a produ

Only 1, 2

103 - Consider the following Statements: Case studies are typically used when controlled research is conducted in the laboratory. Gestalt psychology has to do with groups. We only use 10% of our brain. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

104 - Consider the following Statements: Case studies have limited sources of inaccuracy Researchers have found a correlation between low level of education and having an authoritarian personality If distractors are strong, Recognition is superior to recall. Wh

Only 2,

105 - Consider the following Statements: Case Studies, Natural Observation, and Survey Method are all types of Correlational Studies. Psychosomatic theory stated that the idea that emotional factors can lead to the occurrence or worsening of illness. When raise

Only 2,

106 - Consider the following Statements: Charles Spearman created the Two Factor Theory of Intelligence. The human brain produces its own natural opiates that ease pain and elevate mood. Filbert Garrison had his frontal lobe damaged in a railway construction ac

Only 1, 2

107 - Consider the following Statements: Chemical messengers within the brain are called neurotransmitters, and carry messages quickly from cell to cell. Serial position effect means for someone going into an interview would want to start and finish with strong

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108 - Consider the following Statements: Chemical messengers within the brain are called neurotransmitters, and carry messages quickly from cell to cell. The Ego is the part of the personality that is like a strict parent. If distractors are strong, Recognition

Only 1,

109 - Consider the following Statements: childhood is a critical development period During the 1900's it was believed that showing children affection was not necessary to the development of that child and might even promote psychological problems. Certain items

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110 - Consider the following Statements: childhood is a critical development period Psychologists study patterns in human behavior to develop specific and testable hypothesis about why that behavior happens. Zimbardo's individuated participants were never refer

Only 1, 2

111 - Consider the following Statements: Children who played the aggressive game wanted to 'punish' the naughty child for longer - T/F Trigrams are three numbers together Some students find they must spend a semester or two getting ready to enter a two-year car

Only 1, 3

112 - Consider the following Statements: Children who played the violent game spent more time with the aggressive toy - T/F Operational Definition is a carefully worded statement of the exact procedures used in a research study. Working memory has a limited cap

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113 - Consider the following Statements: Cikara, Botvinickand Fiske (2011) suggested that there is a learning explanation for inter-group conflict. In Piliavin's study, a victim who appeared 'deserving' was more likely to get help. Stereotypes can be positive o

Only 2, 3

114 - Consider the following Statements: Cikara, Botvinickand Fiske (2011) suggested that there is a learning explanation for inter-group conflict. Raymond Cattell believed there were 12 basic source traits. The pupil is the transparent covering over the eye. W


115 - Consider the following Statements: Circadian rhythms are 48 hours. Johnson and Downing argued that deindividuation can lead to identification with group norms. The scientific study of psychology began in the United States. Which of the following statement

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116 - Consider the following Statements: Classical conditioning is when your brain makes associations between two stimuli. Freud (1900) considered dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious: Encoding is converting information into a form that can be retaine

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117 - Consider the following Statements: Classical conditioning is when your brain makes associations between two stimuli. Individual Tests are administered on one person at a time. There are 6 perspectives psychologists use to view behavior today. Which of the

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118 - Consider the following Statements: Cognitive Psychology is behavior viewed as a product of learned responses Ineffective teachers possess commitment and motivation. In Dualism perspective, the mental and physical are two distinct realities composed of fun

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119 - Consider the following Statements: Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes. George miller discovered information on the limitations about short term memory. Today, ethics codes exist that allow research to benefit humanity while p

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120 - Consider the following Statements: Color also means different things in different cultures. Involuntary movements are reflexes and automatic movements which the conscious mind does not control. researchers practicing naturalistic MUST disturb the particip

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121 - Consider the following Statements: Colour Psychology focuses on the emotional and behavioral effects produced by colour. Independent variables rely on dependent variables to be measured in an experiment. It's important that Psychological Kinesiologists wh

Only 1, 3

122 - Consider the following Statements: Concentration is one of the biggest psychological factors in sport. During the 'fight or flight' response, your body releases adrenaline, allowing you to escape or protect yourself from a perceived threat. The biomedical

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123 - Consider the following Statements: Consolidation, or the process of making connections in the brain, creates long-term memories and happens primarily when we sleep. Basic needs must be met before we can fulfill higher needs. Binocular disparity is the dif

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124 - Consider the following Statements: Controlled Experiment is a study that looks for a statistical relationship between two or more variables without manipulating the variables of interest. Wearing a uniform can create a state of deindividuation. Human memo

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125 - Consider the following Statements: Conventions are cultural constraints A stratified sample is considered non-representative because it places the population into small groups. Psychologists can develop theories based on case studies Which of the followin

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126 - Consider the following Statements: Convergence is a neuromuscular depth cue. Social comparison plays a vital role in terms of one's self image and well being. Skinner's box experiment involved a baby being taught to fear a little white rat. Which of the f

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127 - Consider the following Statements: Conversation analysis is the study of verbal and non verbal behaviour present within interactions which has it's roots in the sociological study of every day life. The process of transduction helps sensation information

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128 - Consider the following Statements: Cooler and softer colors are better for mental activity and make the time seem to pass more quickly. Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. One of t

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129 - Consider the following Statements: Cooler and softer colors are better for mental activity and make the time seem to pass more quickly. Psychologists have been able to breed rats to be calm or hyper, quick learners or slow learners. Reliability is the abi

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130 - Consider the following Statements: Correlation always equals causation. When you try changing values and life goals, you take aim at the self agent. Research should be biased Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

131 - Consider the following Statements: Correlations are associations or relationships among variables Nature is the environmental factors that affect an organism. A strength of case studies is that rich, detailed information can be gathered. Which of the foll

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132 - Consider the following Statements: Correlations are associations or relationships among variables Sensation and perception are the same thing. The Dependent variable is a variable whose quantitative value is expected to depend on the effects of the indepe

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133 - Consider the following Statements: Correlations are the same as causation. Social Psychology is the same thing as Sociology Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals & humans Which of the following statement(s) is/are t

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134 - Consider the following Statements: Correlations are the same as causation. The main idea of the history of psychology is sets of questions, theories, methods, and possible answers that have been passed on and changed from generation to generation. Conform

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135 - Consider the following Statements: Covert activities are mental processes, such as dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories Zimbardo was one of the first people to study crowd behaviour in the 19th century. Health psychology is a field of study devoted

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136 - Consider the following Statements: Cutaneous is also called as Gustatory Hallucination The dependent variable is so called because its value depends or may depend on the value of the independent variable. One difference between a psychiatrist and a psycho

Only 2, 3

137 - Consider the following Statements: Defense mechanisms are behaviors that an individual might use to cope with an uncomfortable situation or problem. Maslow's hierarchy has 5 steps Freud's psychoanalytic theory had two ideas; one was the Inner Conflict App

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138 - Consider the following Statements: Depth perception is achieved by combing the 2D images taken in from each eye. According to Kutlu et al (2013) a combination of lighting and a reflective colour scheme gave the store a sense of stylishness and luxury. Mas

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139 - Consider the following Statements: Development of Projective Techniques were highly influenced by Sigmund Freud. Proactive interference is when you forget a previously learnt task due to the learning of a new task. Positive Correlational Data is when two

Only 1, 3

140 - Consider the following Statements: Difference in color is what creates contrast, Emotions can affect our behavior and cognitive processes. The participants where tested 8 times in experiment 1 Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

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141 - Consider the following Statements: Difference in color is what creates contrast, The causal factors are in the mind: desires, conflicts, motives, attributes, delusions, dreams, plans, implicit theories, whether conscious or unconscious. Most theories of m

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142 - Consider the following Statements: Discourse analysis is a research method for studying written or spoken language within specific social contexts. Johnson and Downing argued that deindividuation can lead to identification with group norms. Industrial psy

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143 - Consider the following Statements: Discourse analysis is a research method for studying written or spoken language within specific social contexts. Test scores are perfect measures of a behavior or characteristic, so they do add significantly to the under

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144 - Consider the following Statements: Do teenagers need more sleep than adults The frontal cortex analyzes information from sensory organs, and decides if it is "worth remembering" (sending back to the hippocampus). Knowledge of results is information receiv

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145 - Consider the following Statements: During the 'fight or flight' response, your body releases adrenaline, allowing you to escape or protect yourself from a perceived threat. Some people dream every night; others seldom dream. An open skills can be defined

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146 - Consider the following Statements: E. L. Thorndike opposed the idea that educational psychology must have a scientific base and should focus strongly on measurement. Social and dispositional factors both play a role in bystander behaviour. The 'victim' in

Only 2,

147 - Consider the following Statements: Each option has three "topics." You must revise ALL three topics. One difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist is that a psychiatrist has a medical degree. Cognitive activities are mental processes, such as d

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148 - Consider the following Statements: Ebbinghaus forgetting curve stipulates the increase in ability of the brain to retain memories over time. Natural experiments are true experiments The more related people are to each other the more alike their IQ's will

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149 - Consider the following Statements: Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve would suggest to students to consistently revise learnt work rather than use a cramming approach for more success in tests. The findings of surveys and interviews are always accurate. Eye wit

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150 - Consider the following Statements: Edward Titchener introduced Structuralism in 1901. Your body heals itself while you sleep. Autobiographical reasoning is when one is able to substantiate conclusions based on their personal experiences. Which of the foll

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151 - Consider the following Statements: Effective teachers fail to help students become self-motivated to learn. Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study The idea of FUNCTIONALISM in the field of psychology addresses how

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152 - Consider the following Statements: Effective teachers only use assessment to document their students' performance after instruction. with inductive reasoning, the conclusion is sometimes wrong, even when the premises are correct Social loafing is lower in

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153 - Consider the following Statements: Effective teachers set high goals for their teaching and organize plans for reaching those goals. Sleeping is an altered state of consciousness. , compliance involves privately agreeing with the group beliefs. Which of t

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154 - Consider the following Statements: Effective teachers set high goals for their teaching and organize plans for reaching those goals. The location of Milgram's study made no difference to the findings. Flow refers to the experience of completely losing one

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155 - Consider the following Statements: Effective teachers tend to be critical, aggressive, and manipulative when interacting with students. The stage of sleep in which we are most likely to dream is the REM stage. Idiocentrism refers people that take pleasure

Only 2, 3

156 - Consider the following Statements: Emotional Intelligence is the ability to accurately identify, assess, and understand emotions, as well as to control one's emotions Serial position effect means for someone going into an interview would want to start and

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157 - Consider the following Statements: Empirical Evidence is gathered using observation and experiments so it is objective.Anecdotal Evidence is gathered in an informal and haphazard manner so it is subjective. while interacting with children parents adopt di

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158 - Consider the following Statements: encoding is the transformation of information for the nervous system Affective component involves our feelings or emotions about the attitude object. The behavior that results from a stimulus is called a response. Which

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159 - Consider the following Statements: Error is always associated with the sampling process. Good interviews and surveys involve concrete, specific, and unambiguous questions. Babies are effectively born blind and deaf Which of the following statement(s) is/a

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160 - Consider the following Statements: Estrogen is the hormone that makes males become more aggressive. Psychology is not a Science Psychological Assessment can be used across all fields of psychology. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

161 - Consider the following Statements: every time we "replay" a memory, we replace the original with a slightly modified version Case Studies, Natural Observation, and Survey Method are all types of Correlational Studies. Psychologists only study the behaviou

Only 1,

162 - Consider the following Statements: every time we "replay" a memory, we replace the original with a slightly modified version William james studied how people function and adapt to their environment Fight or flight is the biological response of animals to

Only 1, 2, 3

163 - Consider the following Statements: everyone experiences a complete loss of explicit memories that occurred before the age of 3 Bowlby suggested that attachment serves to keep the infant close to the mother, thus improving the child's chances of survival.

Only 1, 2

164 - Consider the following Statements: Everything that we experiences is stored in our brain as memories if we can't necessarily recall it Social loafing is lower in collectivist cultures. Achieving a meditative state is an altered state of consciousness. Whi

Only 2, 3

165 - Consider the following Statements: Everything that we experiences is stored in our brain as memories if we can't necessarily recall it To work as a social worker, additional post graduate study and practical experience in the field is required. An athlete


166 - Consider the following Statements: Evolutionary approach to psychology is important because it allows us to see what traits and behaviors are learned and which ones are evolved adaptations. Long-term and positive impacts can be achieved with a relaxed lif

Only 1,

167 - Consider the following Statements: Evolutionary Psychologist conclude that our "prime directive" is to procreate and to have healthy children. In science, theories are falsifiable and reproducible results are demanded. A correlational research can establi

Only 1, 2

168 - Consider the following Statements: Experimental psychologists often use humans or animals to study basic processes Most of our behavior is automatic In Zimbardo's experiment the participants did not know each other prior to the study Which of the followin

Only 1, 2, 3

169 - Consider the following Statements: Experimental psychologists often use humans or animals to study basic processes Researchers use psychological constructs to describe things that cannot be seen, touched, or measured directly. In the text, mean difference

Only 1, 2

170 - Consider the following Statements: Experiments tend to provide the most accurate and specific research data compared to non-experiments (surveys, observations, etc) Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the research

Only 1, 3

171 - Consider the following Statements: Extrinsic feedback comes from within the body based on how movement feels. Achieving a meditative state is an altered state of consciousness. Listening to music is a strategy for practicing mindfulness. Which of the foll

Only 2, 3

172 - Consider the following Statements: Extrinsic feedback comes from within the body based on how movement feels. I DON'T need to complete an Internal Assessment (IA) in this course Kierkegaard believed that you could think your way to a meaningful life. Whic


173 - Consider the following Statements: Extrinsic feedback comes from within the body based on how movement feels. Psychological Assessment can be used across all fields of psychology. PSYCHOLOGY IS RARELY SIMPLE Which of the following statement(s) is/are true

Only 2, 3

174 - Consider the following Statements: Faul et al. found that people do not help much even when the victim is obviously seriously ill. Being inside is the best place to practice mindfulness. Knowing how the brain functions and develops has very little to do w


175 - Consider the following Statements: FEAR AND ANXIETY ARE RATIONAL Freud (1900) considered dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious: , identification is where someone temporarily changes their behavior to conform to the expectations of a social role.

Only 2, 3

176 - Consider the following Statements: FEAR AND ANXIETY ARE RATIONAL In Psychology, a behaviour is an action while a mental process is carried out in the mind. Monocular depth cues are based on input from one eye. Which of the following statement(s) is/are tr

Only 2, 3

177 - Consider the following Statements: Fight or flight is the biological response of animals to a stressor ..... the meaning of envy is jealousy When raised with both, Harry Harlow's monkeys overwhelmingly preferred the wire mother who provided food over the

Only 1, 2

178 - Consider the following Statements: First impressions tell the whole story. Psychologists do not use a range of research methods to better understand human behavior Empirical Evidence is gathered using observation and experiments so it is objective.Anecdot

Only 3,

179 - Consider the following Statements: Flow refers to the experience of completely losing oneself in an activity. Individuals lose track of time & self. Bottom-up processing is a progression from the whole to the elements Good interviews and surveys involve c

Only 1, 3

180 - Consider the following Statements: forgetting can occur at any of the three stages of memory A social worker can find ways that a families and community group are able to improve situations. I will be required to keep careful notes this year Which of the

Only 1, 2, 3

181 - Consider the following Statements: Fraternal twins have the exact DNA The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Psychologists investigate across levels of analysis in an interconnected way. Which of the following statement(s) i

Only 3,

182 - Consider the following Statements: Freedom of choice /free will is natural and cannot be partisan by mental illness. The internal and external factors influences the experience of the experiencer. Psychology is not a Science Which of the following stateme

Only 2,

183 - Consider the following Statements: Freud (1900) considered dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious: Counseling Psychologists should maintain focus on individual factors without consideration of sociohistorical contexts. Psychology is looking to cap

Only 1,

184 - Consider the following Statements: Freud (1900) considered dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious: Psychology is looking to capture a universal human experience. A large random sample is likely to be accurately stratified Which of the following st

Only 1, 3

185 - Consider the following Statements: Freud (1900) considered dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious: The stage of sleep in which we are most likely to dream is the REM stage. The Identity Theory is similar to eliminate materialism in its emphasis on

Only 1, 2, 3

186 - Consider the following Statements: Freud's psychoanalytic theory had two ideas; one was the Inner Conflict Approach (the iceberg idea) and the Id, Ego, and Superego. the main problem of the mailed questionnaire is good response from the respondents . Psyc

Only 1, 3

187 - Consider the following Statements: Gender difference in traits in the Philippine sample had large effect sizes indicating significant difference across sexes. Case studies are typically used when controlled research is conducted in the laboratory. Sport p

Only 3,

188 - Consider the following Statements: Gender difference in traits in the Philippine sample had large effect sizes indicating significant difference across sexes. Identification with a particular group does NOT involve adopting the group's behaviors, attitude

Only 3,

189 - Consider the following Statements: George miller discovered information on the limitations about short term memory. People who are opposites tend to be romantically attracted to each other The stage of sleep in which we are most likely to dream is the REM

Only 1, 3

190 - Consider the following Statements: Gestalt psychology has to do with groups. In most cultures, are there defined gender roles for men and women Eudonia refers to how good something feels Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

191 - Consider the following Statements: Gestalt psychology has to do with groups. It is ok to expose research participants to pain, trauma, or discomfort in the pursuit of a scientific breakthrough As time Passes and a person grows, his/her wisdom increases Wh

Only 1,

192 - Consider the following Statements: Grief is sometimes one of the discussed factors in Interpersonal psychotherapy There is only one way of thinking of the motivation work. A Sport Psychology Consultant is legally allowed to treat mental health issues. Whi

Only 1,

193 - Consider the following Statements: Health is define a complete state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. There are 6 perspectives psychologists use to view behavior today. When you smell something

Only 1, 3

194 - Consider the following Statements: Hearing is also called audition. In the SIDE model, SIDE stands for 'Social Identity model of Deindividuation Effects'. Humanistic psychology focuses on the uniqueness of animals and is the product of the humanist approa

Only 1, 2

195 - Consider the following Statements: Hearing is also called audition. Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. Psychologists only study the behaviour and mental processes of humans. Which

Only 1,

196 - Consider the following Statements: Howard Gardner believe intelligence is more than the ability to think critically. Identification with a particular group does NOT involve adopting the group's behaviors, attitudes, or values. Not all change is learning.

Only 1, 3

197 - Consider the following Statements: Howard Gardner believe intelligence is more than the ability to think critically. One difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist is that a psychiatrist has a medical degree. Psychology is a science. Which of th

Only 1, 2, 3

198 - Consider the following Statements: Human behavior exists on a continuum. Obedience increases if authorities are perceived as legitimate Cognitive activities are mental processes, such as dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories Which of the following s

Only 1, 2, 3

199 - Consider the following Statements: Humanism stresses the potential for all humans to do good and states that we all have the same basic needs. Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve would suggest to students to consistently revise learnt work rather than use a cram

Only 1, 2

200 - Consider the following Statements: Humanistic psychology focuses on the uniqueness of animals and is the product of the humanist approach initiated in the mid 20th century. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially

Only 2, 3

201 - Consider the following Statements: Humanistic psychology focuses on the uniqueness of animals and is the product of the humanist approach initiated in the mid 20th century. The participants where tested 8 times in experiment 1 Psychology is a social scien

Only 2, 3

202 - Consider the following Statements: I will be required to keep careful notes this year blue is associated with sadness Raymond Cattell believed there were 12 basic source traits. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

203 - Consider the following Statements: Idiocentrism refers people that take pleasure in achievement, isolation, and value social recognition Psychology is the study of the mental processes and human behavior. encoding is the transformation of information for

Only 1, 2, 3

204 - Consider the following Statements: If distractors are strong, Recognition is superior to recall. Psychologists are empirical in their methods. Ebbinghaus forgetting curve stipulates the increase in ability of the brain to retain memories over time. Which

Only 2,

205 - Consider the following Statements: If distractors are strong, Recognition is superior to recall. The Dependent variable is a variable whose quantitative value is expected to depend on the effects of the independent variable. It's better to express anger i

Only 2,

206 - Consider the following Statements: If distractors are strong, Recognition is superior to recall. with deductive reasoning, the conclusion is always true when the premises are true Memory consists of 3 categories: Sensory memory, short-term memory and long

Only 2, 3

207 - Consider the following Statements: If one factor is responsible for change in another factor then it means there is causation. When conducting research, you should use the results that agree with your hypothesis, while discarding results that do not. The

Only 1,

208 - Consider the following Statements: If stress continues for a long time, it can damage your physical, mental/emotional, and social health. Psychodynamic psychology is the study of how the human mind and behavior are affected by unconscious drives. An assoc

Only 1, 2, 3

209 - Consider the following Statements: If you plug your nose you can't taste your food as well..... William james studied how people function and adapt to their environment Foods that attract children are usually put at their eye level. Which of the following

Only 1, 2, 3

210 - Consider the following Statements: Illusion and Hallucinations are Perceptual errors in short-term memory, information is forgotten when "crowded out" by new information researchers must understand ethics and treat subjects appropriately Which of the foll

Only 1, 2, 3

211 - Consider the following Statements: In 1954, Leta Hollingworth developed the concept of programmed learning, which involved reinforcing the student after a series of steps until the student reached a learning goal. Do teenagers need more sleep than adults

Only 2,

212 - Consider the following Statements: In 1954, Leta Hollingworth developed the concept of programmed learning, which involved reinforcing the student after a series of steps until the student reached a learning goal. Zimbardo was one of the first people to s

Only 3,

213 - Consider the following Statements: In an experiment, the extraneous variable is manipulated by the experimenter to observe its effects. Le Bon argued that anonymity in a crowd leads to impulsive and aggressive behaviour. The protection of participant's se

Only 2,

214 - Consider the following Statements: In Bandura's Bobo doll study, children exposed to aggressive models were more likely to act in aggressive ways than those who were not exposed to the aggressive models. A lion teaching its cub to hunt for food is a learn

Only 1, 2, 3

215 - Consider the following Statements: In Bandura's Bobo doll study, children exposed to aggressive models were more likely to act in aggressive ways than those who were not exposed to the aggressive models. To work as a social worker, additional post graduat

Only 1,

216 - Consider the following Statements: In improving quality of encoding, Elaboration is linking a stimulus to other info at the time of encoding Depth perception is achieved by combing the 2D images taken in from each eye. , only spiritual people meditate. Wh

Only 1, 2

217 - Consider the following Statements: In improving quality of encoding, Elaboration is linking a stimulus to other info at the time of encoding Human memory is like a recording of what happened. Materialism is contrast to Dualism, this approach states that t

Only 1, 3 Light waves are transmitted across the cornea and enter the eye through the

218 - Consider the following Statements: In Latane et al.'s study of social loafing the participants had to pull a rope. According to functionalism, people keep behavior that helps them adapt and survive, while dropping behaviors that do not do much with surviv

Only 2, 3

219 - Consider the following Statements: In most cultures, are there defined gender roles for men and women while interacting with children parents adopt different strategies which are generally known as peer groups . Language development is a critical part of

Only 1, 3

220 - Consider the following Statements: In motivated forgetting, repression is unconsciously blocking the memory of something as it is too distressing One difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist is that a psychiatrist has a medical degree. Having

Only 1, 2

221 - Consider the following Statements: In motivated forgetting, repression is unconsciously blocking the memory of something as it is too distressing To RECALL information is to reconstruct previously learned information. Positive Correlational Data is when t

Only 1, 2, 3

222 - Consider the following Statements: In motivated forgetting, suppression is consciously choosing not to think about something Behavior is one's action that can be observed, while cognition is what that one is thinking. You can jump around to different leve

Only 1, 2

223 - Consider the following Statements: In Psychology, a behaviour is an action while a mental process is carried out in the mind. T/F. The Panukat ng Pagkataong Pilipino [PPP] and Panukat ng Ugali at Pagkatao [PUP] overlap with imported Big Five Factor measur

Only 1, 2, 3

224 - Consider the following Statements: in short-term memory, information is forgotten when "crowded out" by new information Psychologists can read people's minds. DeDreuet al (2010) suggested that seratonin may lead humans to engage in acts of defensive aggre

Only 1,

225 - Consider the following Statements: In simpler terms, the Theory of Cognitive Development means "a set of ideas that are used to explain the process of improved thinking and learning". it is recommended that the information should be collected using multip

Only 1, 2, 3

226 - Consider the following Statements: In simpler terms, the Theory of Cognitive Development means "a set of ideas that are used to explain the process of improved thinking and learning". What is considered normal remains stable across time, culture and situa

Only 1, 3

227 - Consider the following Statements: In the SIDE model, SIDE stands for 'Social Identity model of Deindividuation Effects'. An example of a simple skill on the difficulty continuum is a handstand Estrogen is the hormone that makes males become more aggressi

Only 1, 2

228 - Consider the following Statements: In the Stanford Prison Study, when given a role of "guard" or "prisoner" the volunteers were NOT enthusiastic about playing the role. The protection of participant's self esteem is not a concern for researchers First imp


229 - Consider the following Statements: In the text, mean differences in trait levels of Filipinos are valid evidence to conclude that these are true cultural difference. Sport Psychology is a science. Systematic desensitization is a variation countercondition

Only 2, 3

230 - Consider the following Statements: Individual Tests are administered on one person at a time. The amount of information that can be stored in human memory is limited. There were 3 confederates in Milgram's research Which of the following statement(s) is/a


231 - Consider the following Statements: Industrial psychology is company-oriented. Most psychologists are interested mainly in animal behavior. Most theories of mental health (explicit) take the position that a combination of conformity and autonomy is not imp

Only 1,

232 - Consider the following Statements: Infant taste preferences are affected by a mother's diet. After childhood the brain does not and could not change. Short-term memory lasts only a few days, whilst Long-term memory can last weeks to years. Which of the fo

Only 1, 3

233 - Consider the following Statements: Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to understand oneself. Some forms of extrinsic motivation can be internalised while others can be externally controlled. Case studies collect information about individual and sma

Only 1, 2, 3

234 - Consider the following Statements: Introspection is still used in a great deal today. When outpatient psychiatric services are provided at a high frequency or long duration, the plan of treatment, progress notes, and condition of the patient should justif

Only 2,

235 - Consider the following Statements: Introspection is the process of objectively examining and measuring ones own conscious mental experiences. According to British psychological guidelines participants taking part in a study should leave in the same mental

Only 1, 2, 3

236 - Consider the following Statements: Is Psychology a Science With a bachelors degree you typically declare a major. Psychologists only study the behaviour and mental processes of humans. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

237 - Consider the following Statements: Is there a difference between random sampling and random assignment Names of participants cannot be published with the research results forgetting can occur at any of the three stages of memory Which of the following sta

Only 1, 2, 3

238 - Consider the following Statements: It is always unethical to perform a Psychological experiment on an animal because they cannot give consent Researchers use psychological constructs to describe things that cannot be seen, touched, or measured directly. T

Only 2, 3

239 - Consider the following Statements: It is important that externally regulated motivation is complemented by more self-determined forms of motivation. Developmental psychology examines how people learn, develop, and change throughout their lifespan. Ineffec

Only 1, 2

240 - Consider the following Statements: It is impossible to boost health, happiness, and strengthen social bonds through your attitude Social comparison plays a vital role in terms of one's self image and well being. Some of Milgram's participants refused to o

Only 2, 3

241 - Consider the following Statements: It is ok to expose research participants to pain, trauma, or discomfort in the pursuit of a scientific breakthrough Mental preparation is 'the rehearsal of a physical skill that takes place within the mind of a performer

Only 2,

242 - Consider the following Statements: It was difficult for Reicher to find people who were willing to be interviewed. Correlation is when an event triggers a behavior. Bottom-up processing is a progression from the whole to the elements Which of the followin

Only 1,

243 - Consider the following Statements: It's better to express anger in than to hold it in. Most learning involves change in neurons, astrocytes, and their interconnections Defense mechanisms are behaviors that an individual might use to cope with an uncomfort

Only 2, 3

244 - Consider the following Statements: Jenny takes the ACT three times and her scores are 18, 19, 19. Nate takes the ACT twice and his scores are 34 and 34. We can conclude that the ACT has a low validity. Positive psychology is completely one-sided, focused

Only 3,

245 - Consider the following Statements: Jenny takes the ACT three times and her scores are 18, 19, 19. Nate takes the ACT twice and his scores are 34 and 34. We can conclude that the ACT has a low validity. When the research is conducted with people, psycholog

Only 2,

246 - Consider the following Statements: john locke established the first psychology labortory The more related people are to each other the more alike their IQ's will be. Health Psychology explains how social factors does not influence our choice s about our h

Only 2,

247 - Consider the following Statements: Kierkegaard believed that you could think your way to a meaningful life. DeDreuet al (2010) suggested that seratonin may lead humans to engage in acts of defensive aggression. Each learner is different from each other. W

Only 3,

248 - Consider the following Statements: Knowledge of results is information received about the end result such as whether you hit the target or won or lost. The 5 traits known as the big 5 are (1) extraversion, (2) neuroticism, (3) agreeableness, (4) conscient

Only 1, 2, 3

249 - Consider the following Statements: Late adulthood or old age 60 to death The experimental group is not exposed to the independent variables If the results of correlational research indicate that two traits are highly correlated, then one trait most likely

Only 1,

250 - Consider the following Statements: Late adulthood or old age 60 to death The hippocampus is the central location of memory formation in the brain. Making eye contact is a form of body language. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

251 - Consider the following Statements: Le Bon argued that anonymity in a crowd leads to impulsive and aggressive behaviour. Perception is the mind's window to the outside world. Content analysis as a research technique deals with the documentary materials tha

Only 1, 3

252 - Consider the following Statements: Learning about other individuals and trying to understand their beliefs will help us better communicate with them, therefore improving overall patient outcomes. chunking is associated with short term memory Sigmund Freud

Only 1, 2, 3

253 - Consider the following Statements: Listening to music is a strategy for practicing mindfulness. Knowledge of performance can be described as 'information about how successful the execution of the skill was, not the end result. The human brain produces its

Only 1, 2, 3

254 - Consider the following Statements: Lobotomies were performed to cure mental disorders. Psychology is a science. During the 1900's it was believed that showing children affection was not necessary to the development of that child and might even promote psy

Only 1, 2, 3

255 - Consider the following Statements: Long term goals are specific tasks at hand. Ivan Pavlov was known for the Hierarchy of Needs. Counterconditioning is the application of operant-conditiong techniques in real life. Which of the following statement(s) is/a


256 - Consider the following Statements: Maintenance rehearsal involves rote learning/ repetition - black represents happiness In naturalistic observations , there is no control over extraneous variables. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

257 - Consider the following Statements: Maintenance rehearsal involves rote learning/ repetition The word GIFTED was used in psychology to describe children who scored well on intelligence tests The biological perspective argues that our biology (like our brai

Only 1, 2, 3

258 - Consider the following Statements: Marsh argued that hooligan behaviour by football supporters is chaotic and unpredictable. with deductive reasoning, the conclusion is always true when the premises are true Health is define a complete state of physical,

Only 1, 2, 3

259 - Consider the following Statements: Maslow said everyone has a need/drive to become self-actualized. Psychology is not a Science in sensory memory, information is not forgotten for several hours, even if you don't pay attention to it Which of the following

Only 1,

260 - Consider the following Statements: Maslow's hierarchy has 5 steps Charles Spearman created the Two Factor Theory of Intelligence. To say that "function is localized" means that specific parts of the brain control specific functions, such as mood, memory,

Only 1, 2, 3

261 - Consider the following Statements: Materialism is contrast to Dualism, this approach states that there is only one: the physical. Some students find they must spend a semester or two getting ready to enter a two-year career program by taking basic require

Only 1, 2, 3

262 - Consider the following Statements: Memory is distributed throughout the brain Scaffolding refers to doing the task for the child to set an example. The lobes are the divided sections that are parts of the cerebellum Which of the following statement(s) is/

Only 1,

263 - Consider the following Statements: Mental processes are things we do with our mind. Psychologists regularly develop theories based on case studies. A social worker can perform restricted psychological assessments, including intelligence tests, achievement

Only 1,

264 - Consider the following Statements: Mental processes include everything people can do with their mind. Mental activities and neural activities are mutually overlapping but not identical. Brain and mind are separate entities. Mental processes are the same f

Only 1, 2

265 - Consider the following Statements: Mental processes include everything people can do with their mind. Research shows that a motivated, engaged and responsive workforce is substantially less productive than an unmotivated, apathetic group of employees. The

Only 1,

266 - Consider the following Statements: Milgram stated that dispositional factors had the greatest effect on obedience Philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Descartes tried to understand or explain the human mind and its connection to the physical body. S

Only 2, 3

267 - Consider the following Statements: Milgram stated that dispositional factors had the greatest effect on obedience Psychology is a science. Reicher was able to pinpoint the exact event that triggered the rioting. Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 2,

268 - Consider the following Statements: Mindfulness is important and WE ARE AWESOME. KR-21 formula is used when items of a particular test assumed to have same level of difficulty. Fight or flight is the biological response of animals to a stressor Which of th

Only 1, 2, 3

269 - Consider the following Statements: Mindfulness is important and WE ARE AWESOME. Psychology is not a Science T or F: Legitimate power often can use both coercive and reward power. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

270 - Consider the following Statements: Mixing light colors is just like mixing paint. Is Psychology a Science Piliavin's theory of helping is called the cost-reward model. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

271 - Consider the following Statements: Monocular depth cues are clues about distance based on differing views of each eye. As a Psychometrician you are not allowed to facilitate Level C Type of test, but you can facilitate Level A type of psychological test.

Only 2, 3

272 - Consider the following Statements: Most of our behavior is automatic Psychological issues can now be properly programmed and record in the form of information-processing system According to Vygotsky, unassisted performance alone does give a true idea/pict

Only 1, 2

273 - Consider the following Statements: Most of our behavior is automatic Quizzes and test and worth more than classwork in this course The main idea of the history of psychology is sets of questions, theories, methods, and possible answers that have been pass

Only 1, 3

274 - Consider the following Statements: Most people use only 10% of their brain capacity Names of participants cannot be published with the research results Cognitive activities are mental processes, such as dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories Which of

Only 1, 2, 3

275 - Consider the following Statements: Most people use only 10% of their brain capacity When a patient reaches a point in his/her treatment where further improvement does not appear to be indicated and there is no reasonable expectation of improvement, the ou

Only 1, 2, 3

276 - Consider the following Statements: Most psychologists are interested mainly in animal behavior. Humanism stresses the potential for all humans to do good and states that we all have the same basic needs. Sensory Memory is the 1st Stage of Memory Which of

Only 2, 3

277 - Consider the following Statements: Most psychologists are interested mainly in animal behavior. Overconfidence is confidence that is not based on ability this principle states that the persons on whom you want to conduct the study should have the choice t

Only 2, 3

278 - Consider the following Statements: Names of participants cannot be published with the research results Operant conditioning involves learning though reinforcements and punishments. Psychosomatic theory stated that the idea that emotional factors can lead

Only 1, 2, 3

279 - Consider the following Statements: Narcolepsy only occurs when the person received inadequate sleep the night before. Cognitive psychology is the field of study focused on individuals and how they interact with their occupations, workplace, systems, and p

Only 3,

280 - Consider the following Statements: Narcolepsy only occurs when the person received inadequate sleep the night before. The findings of surveys and interviews are always accurate. Teens often feel insecure because their dopamine levels are too low. Which of


281 - Consider the following Statements: Nature is the environmental factors that affect an organism. Zimbardo's individuated participants were never referred to by name. Cognitive psychologists hold one perspective in understanding human thoughts. Which of the

Only 1,

282 - Consider the following Statements: Newborns can see only light and dark shades. Our first impressions give us an accurate picture of the whole person. Effective teachers fail to help students become self-motivated to learn. Which of the following statemen


283 - Consider the following Statements: Not all change is learning. interference is the blocking of a memory by previous or subsequent memories In classical conditioning, giving a conditioned response to the conditioned stimulus but not to stimuli similar to i

Only 1, 2

284 - Consider the following Statements: Not very many psychologist work in universities, colleges, and other post secondary schools, most tend to work in hospitals and clinics. Your body heals itself while you sleep. Convergence is a neuromuscular depth cue. W

Only 2, 3

285 - Consider the following Statements: Obedience increases if authorities are perceived as legitimate Psychology involves the belief that traits of a parent are passed to ones offspring. There are two main divisions of the peripheral nervous system. Which of

Only 1, 2, 3

286 - Consider the following Statements: Obedience went down when the teacher was closer to the learner in Milgram's study. Foods that attract children are usually put at their eye level. Learning is a product, not a process. Which of the following statement(s)

Only 1, 2

287 - Consider the following Statements: Observe behaviours in the real world setting is a type of research design called as case study. Psychologists use everyday techniques to gather and analyze information in a systematic way. Psychologists can read people's

Only 2,

288 - Consider the following Statements: Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. A coefficient alpha or Cronbach's alpha of -0.924 is reliable Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to un

Only 3,

289 - Consider the following Statements: Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. Affective component involves our feelings or emotions about the attitude object. Psychologists only study the

Only 2,

290 - Consider the following Statements: Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. Nurture is the innate factors that affect an organism. Social comparison plays a vital role in terms of one's

Only 2, 3

291 - Consider the following Statements: Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. People who are opposites tend to be romantically attracted to each other Understanding psychology provides in

Only 3,

292 - Consider the following Statements: One of the objectives of this course is to "Work in a group to design a method for a simple experimental investigation, organize the investigation and record the required data for a simple experiment." Sigmund Freud publ

Only 1,

293 - Consider the following Statements: One of the objectives of this course is to "Work in a group to design a method for a simple experimental investigation, organize the investigation and record the required data for a simple experiment." Teens can sometime

Only 1, 2

294 - Consider the following Statements: One reason that many teens engage in risky and impulsive behavior is because their prefrontal cortex is not fully developed. Names of participants cannot be published with the research results Some people are left-braine

Only 1, 2

295 - Consider the following Statements: One reason that many teens engage in risky and impulsive behavior is because their prefrontal cortex is not fully developed. Working memory has a limited capacity The Dependent variable is a variable whose quantitative v

Only 1, 2, 3

296 - Consider the following Statements: One reason we tend to categorize people is to try to understand our social world better. Psychologists can read people's minds. There are two main divisions of the peripheral nervous system. Which of the following statem

Only 1, 3

297 - Consider the following Statements: Operant conditioning is more complex than classical conditioning. Dialogical analysis is form of analysis that adopts an interpretivistic framework to study communication that Is embedded within socio-cultural setting. T

Only 1, 2, 3

298 - Consider the following Statements: Opportunities of the new normal among teachers include a new learning experience to embrace technology in teaching. According to the text, in the Philippines, men tend to average slightly higher in trust and tender-minde

Only 1, 2, 3

299 - Consider the following Statements: Organizational psychology views employees as a resource to the company. Perceived affordances may be correct or incorrect Monocular depth cues are based on input from one eye. Which of the following statement(s) is/are t

Only 2, 3

300 - Consider the following Statements: Our textbook for this course is digital Mental processes can be observed (seen). interference is the blocking of a memory by previous or subsequent memories Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

301 - Consider the following Statements: Participants in Piliavin et al.'s study were more likely to help when there were fewer people around. The teacher is the primary force and the learner is the secondary force to achieve a creative learning. Coefficient al

Only 1, 3

302 - Consider the following Statements: Participatory (action) research is an approach to research within communities that highlights the importance of participation and action with the ultimate goal of challenging and changing communities for the better Case

Only 1, 2

303 - Consider the following Statements: Participatory (action) research is an approach to research within communities that highlights the importance of participation and action with the ultimate goal of challenging and changing communities for the better If yo

Only 1, 2, 3

304 - Consider the following Statements: Perceived affordances may be correct or incorrect Affective states that operate in the background of unconsciousness and tend to last longer than most emotions. Evolutionary Psychologist conclude that our "prime directiv

Only 1, 3

305 - Consider the following Statements: PERMA stand for Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Attitude Researchers use psychological constructs to describe things that cannot be seen, touched, or measured directly. The evolutionary perspect

Only 2,

306 - Consider the following Statements: Positive Correlational Data is when two variables increase or decrease together. According to Nideffer's model of attention, an athlete can have their attention in all quadrants at the same time. According to British psy

Only 1, 3

307 - Consider the following Statements: Positive psychology is completely one-sided, focused on the good and ignoring the bad. Eudonia refers to how good something feels Observe behaviours in the real world setting is a type of research design called as case s


308 - Consider the following Statements: Prosocial helping situations in lab studies tend to be unrealistic. In science, "empirical evidence" typically refers to evidence that can be seen or observed. It can be ethical to use animals in psychological experiment

Only 1, 2, 3

309 - Consider the following Statements: Prosocial helping situations in lab studies tend to be unrealistic. There are areas on the tongue that only contain sensory receptors for specific tastes. Psychologists only study the behaviour and mental processes of hu

Only 1,

310 - Consider the following Statements: Psychodynamic psychology is the study of how the human mind and behavior are affected by unconscious drives. In the Stanford Prison Study, when given a role of "guard" or "prisoner" the volunteer were NOT enthusiastic ab

Only 1,

311 - Consider the following Statements: Psycholoanalysis is a method of analyzing psychic phenomena and treating emotional disorders that involves treatment sessions during which the patient is encouraged to talk freely about personal experiences and especiall

Only 1,

312 - Consider the following Statements: Psycholoanalysis is a method of analyzing psychic phenomena and treating emotional disorders that involves treatment sessions during which the patient is encouraged to talk freely about personal experiences and especiall

Only 1, 2

313 - Consider the following Statements: Psychological issues can now be properly programmed and record in the form of information-processing system Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. T

Only 1,

314 - Consider the following Statements: Psychological research clearly indicates that some people do have ESP. In the Stanford Prison Study, when given a role of "guard" or "prisoner" the volunteers were NOT enthusiastic about playing the role. Cognitive activ

Only 3,

315 - Consider the following Statements: Psychological tests are sometimes used in case studies. A synapse is the point at which two nerve cells connect. Health psychologists perform variety tasks, including the development of worksite interventions related to

Only 1, 2, 3

316 - Consider the following Statements: Psychological theories may include statements about behavior and ignore mental processes. Knowing how the brain functions and develops has very little to do with learning and instruction chunking is associated with short

Only 3,

317 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists can develop theories based on case studies short term memory has an unlimited capacity All occupations in the field of psychology require above a Masters degree. Which of the following statement(s) is/are t


318 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists can read people's minds. By age 2 to 3, children can not form sentences of several words The most important thing that Wilhelm Wundt did was to apply the scientific method to the study of behavior. Which of

Only 3,

319 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists can read people's minds. One reason we tend to categorize people is to try to understand our social world better. The pupil is the transparent covering over the eye. Which of the following statement(s) is/a

Only 2,

320 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists can read people's minds. Psychologists have been able to breed rats to be calm or hyper, quick learners or slow learners. Most psychologists are interested mainly in animal behavior. Which of the following

Only 2,

321 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists differ in their approaches to psychological thought. An error due to unconducive environment should be considered as Error Variance. Learning is not something done to students, but something that students t

Only 1, 2, 3

322 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists differ in their approaches to psychological thought. Maslow's hierarchy has 5 steps In the context of teacher-as-researcher, clinical interviews help teachers obtain information about a particular issue and

Only 1, 2, 3

323 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists do not use a range of research methods to better understand human behavior Social Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including their origins and their effects on the

Only 2, 3

324 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists only study the behaviour and mental processes of humans. Achieving a meditative state is an altered state of consciousness. When the mean is less than the mode this results in a negative skew Which of the f

Only 2, 3

325 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists regularly develop theories based on case studies. Psychologists study the way people think Reicher analysed reports of the riot from the police and media. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

326 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists study patterns in human behavior to develop specific and testable hypothesis about why that behavior happens. There are 6 approaches to modern day psychology Basic needs must be met before we can fulfill hi

Only 1, 2, 3

327 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists study the way people think The 5 waves of psychology represent different ways of thinking about psychology. Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study Which of the follo

Only 1, 2, 3

328 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists who come from a socio-cultural perspective are less likely to be concerned with the influence of genetics on behaviour Opposites attract We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Which of the following stat

Only 1, 3

329 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists who studies the function of consciousness became known as psychoanalysts The behavior that results from a stimulus is called a response. Conventions are cultural constraints Which of the following statement

Only 1, 2, 3

330 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologue helps people by listening to their problems Social Psychology is the same thing as Sociology Encoding is converting information into a form that can be retained in the memory Which of the following statement(

Only 1, 3

331 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is a science. A correlational research can establish cause and effect relationships Behaviours ALWAYS match a person's mental processes. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

332 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is a science. To RECALL information is to reconstruct previously learned information. A correlational research can establish cause and effect relationships Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

333 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is a young science. A major critique of an intelligence test is that they have a cultural bias. T/F. The Panukat ng Pagkataong Pilipino [PPP] and Panukat ng Ugali at Pagkatao [PUP] overlap with imported Big Fi

Only 1, 2, 3

334 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is a young science. Milgram's study has low external validity The brainstem is the outermost region of the brain that includes structures of the midbrain and hindbrain. Which of the following statement(s) is/a

Only 1, 2

335 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is not a Science In Piliavin's study, a victim who appeared 'deserving' was more likely to get help. Behavior is something a person does that can be observed by other people. Which of the following statement(s

Only 2, 3

336 - Consider the following Statements: PSYCHOLOGY IS RARELY SIMPLE The serial position effect would imply an advertiser should put all the important information in the middle of a radio advert. The brainstem is the outermost region of the brain that includes

Only 1,

337 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes with the goals of describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling behavior and mental processes Researchers have found a correlation between low lev

Only 1, 2, 3

338 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. If stress continues for a long time, it can damage your physical, mental/emotional, and social health. Random sampling involves the assignment, or plac

Only 1, 2

339 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Our first impressions give us an accurate picture of the whole person. According to the text, gender differences were larger in cultures that are more

Only 1,

340 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context It is important that externally regulated motivation is complemented by more self-determined

Only 1, 2, 3

341 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is the study of cultures and the people of the world. The idea of FUNCTIONALISM in the field of psychology addresses how the mind allows people to function and adapt in the real world. The negativity bias is t

Only 2,

342 - Consider the following Statements: Psychology is the study of the mental processes and human behavior. Mindfulness is important and WE ARE AWESOME. Humanistic psychologists like Carl Rogers describe human nature as good and self-directed Which of the foll

Only 1, 2, 3

343 - Consider the following Statements: Psychopathology is caused by physiological and biological activities of the body especially the brain. Babies are effectively born blind and deaf Clinical psychologists are permitted to prescribe medications Which of the

Only 1,

344 - Consider the following Statements: Qualitative data is numerical. Encoding is the 2nd Process of Memory Grief is sometimes one of the discussed factors in Interpersonal psychotherapy Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

345 - Consider the following Statements: Qualitative data is numerical. The field of psychoneuroimmunology concerns the study of the effects of psychological factors such as stress, emotions, thinking, learning, and behavior on the immune system. Psychologists

Only 2,

346 - Consider the following Statements: Rapid eye movement is associated with dreaming Tests are done before the instruction has taken place, it's a way to complete the instruction and get the results. The results of the tests have to be interpreted, like asse

Only 1,

347 - Consider the following Statements: Rapid eye movement is associated with dreaming The scientific study of psychology began in the United States. Science is a nonscientific way of learning about the world through observations and experiments that lead to a

Only 1,

348 - Consider the following Statements: Reicher was able to pinpoint the exact event that triggered the rioting. Children who played the violent game spent more time with the aggressive toy - T/F The 5 traits known as the big 5 are (1) extraversion, (2) neurot

Only 2, 3

349 - Consider the following Statements: Reicher's results suggest that rioting behaviour could be controlled if only the police were tougher. Is memory loss and forgetting, the same thing Illusion and Hallucinations are Perceptual errors Which of the following

Only 3,

350 - Consider the following Statements: Reliability is the ability of a test to give the same results under similar conditions Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes. The results of a program evaluation research can be generalized to

Only 1, 2

351 - Consider the following Statements: Reliability is the extent to which a procedure is consistent to produce the same results with same people on each occasion. Psychological theories may include statements about behavior and ignore mental processes. Survey

Only 1, 3

352 - Consider the following Statements: Reliability is the extent to which a procedure is consistent to produce the same results with same people on each occasion. Research shows that our dreams are symbolic representations of unconscious processes A coefficie

Only 1,

353 - Consider the following Statements: Reliability means consistent results. Howard Gardner believe intelligence is more than the ability to think critically. Operant conditioning involves learning though reinforcements and punishments. Which of the following

Only 1, 2, 3

354 - Consider the following Statements: REM sleep has 10 stages. Opposites attract According to the text, in the Philippines, men tend to average slightly higher in trust and tender-mindedness facet of Agreeableness. Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 3,

355 - Consider the following Statements: Research should be biased Allocentrism refers too: people who take pleasure in cooperating, helping others, and displaying honesty Raven's Progressive Matrices can only be given in an individual facilitation. Which of th

Only 2,

356 - Consider the following Statements: Research should be biased Social Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including their origins and their effects on the individual. Newborns can see only light and dark shades. Which

Only 2,

357 - Consider the following Statements: Research shows that a motivated, engaged and responsive workforce is substantially less productive than an unmotivated, apathetic group of employees. Psychological research attempts to use the scientific method. Random s

Only 2,

358 - Consider the following Statements: Research shows that our dreams are symbolic representations of unconscious processes Cutaneous is also called as Gustatory Hallucination Bottom-up processing is used when presented with a novel situation. Which of the fo

Only 3,

359 - Consider the following Statements: researchers practicing naturalistic MUST disturb the participants in order to complete the syudy. Any of the three types of stressful events can cause health effects. All occupations in the field of psychology require ab

Only 2,

360 - Consider the following Statements: researchers practicing naturalistic MUST disturb the participants in order to complete the syudy. You can jump around to different levels of the hierarchy without having basic needs met. If distractors are strong, Recogn


361 - Consider the following Statements: Researchers use psychological constructs to describe things that cannot be seen, touched, or measured directly. The APA published a set of ethical principles in 1992. Two-year colleges offer career-specific programs that

Only 1, 2, 3

362 - Consider the following Statements: Researchers use psychological constructs to describe things that cannot be seen, touched, or measured directly. The results of the Milgram Study showed that the majority of people are willing to deliver painful levels of

Only 1, 2

363 - Consider the following Statements: Retroactive interference occurs when old info interferes with new info Type B personalities are often relaxed In science, theories are falsifiable and reproducible results are demanded. Which of the following statement(s

Only 2, 3

364 - Consider the following Statements: Self-referent encoding is making something personally meaningful An extraneous variable is best described as an unwanted variable. Organizational psychology views employees as a resource to the company. Which of the foll

Only 1, 2

365 - Consider the following Statements: Sensory Memory is the 1st Stage of Memory Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals & humans Knowledge of results is information received about the end result such as whether you hit t

Only 1, 2, 3

366 - Consider the following Statements: Setting goals at the correct level is a skill that is acquired by practice. A major critique of an intelligence test is that they have a cultural bias. with inductive reasoning, the conclusion is sometimes wrong, even wh

Only 1, 2, 3

367 - Consider the following Statements: Setting goals at the correct level is a skill that is acquired by practice. When the median is more than the mean this results in a positive skew Color also means different things in different cultures. Which of the foll

Only 1, 3

368 - Consider the following Statements: Setting goals at the correct level is a skill that is innate One of the objectives of this course is to "Demonstrate an ability to use examples of psychological research and psychological concepts to formulate an argumen

Only 2,

369 - Consider the following Statements: short term memory has an unlimited capacity In Shotland and Straw's study, people intervened less when they thought the couple knew each other. T/F: Action potentials travel faster down myelinated neurons than unmyelinat

Only 2, 3

370 - Consider the following Statements: Short-term memory lasts only a few days, whilst Long-term memory can last weeks to years. Social Psychology is the same thing as Sociology The first IQ test got its norm with children. Which of the following statement(s)

Only 1, 3

371 - Consider the following Statements: SINCE ANCIENT GREECE, THE MIND HAS OFTEN BEEN CALLED THE SOUL OR THE PSYCHE AND CONSIDERED SEPARATE FROM THE BODY The ability of the brain to make new connections and pathways is also known as plasticity. Stanley Milgram

Only 1, 2, 3

372 - Consider the following Statements: SINCE ANCIENT GREECE, THE MIND HAS OFTEN BEEN CALLED THE SOUL OR THE PSYCHE AND CONSIDERED SEPARATE FROM THE BODY There is absolutely no evidence that animals could have consciousness. How visual systems aren't neutral a

Only 1, 3

373 - Consider the following Statements: SIT is useful for predicting and explaining stereotyping in the real-world. Quizzes and test and worth more than classwork in this course Sleeping is an altered state of consciousness. Which of the following statement(s)

Only 1, 3

374 - Consider the following Statements: Social and dispositional factors both play a role in bystander behaviour. Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study Opportunities of the new normal among teachers include a new learn

Only 1, 2, 3

375 - Consider the following Statements: Social comparison plays a vital role in terms of one's self image and well being. A standardized test often allows a student's performance to be compared with that of other students at the same age or grade level, in man

Only 1, 2, 3

376 - Consider the following Statements: Social Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including their origins and their effects on the individual. An open skills can be defined as 'a skill that is affected by the environmen

Only 1, 2

377 - Consider the following Statements: Social Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including their origins and their effects on the individual. Dopamine reward centers grow stronger as you grow into an adult. It's totall

Only 1,

378 - Consider the following Statements: Social Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including their origins and their effects on the individual. Psychological Tests can be facilitated in two ways, either individual or by

Only 1, 2

379 - Consider the following Statements: Social Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including their origins and their effects on the individual. Sleeping is an altered state of consciousness. If distractors are strong, Re

Only 1, 2

380 - Consider the following Statements: Social Psychology is the same thing as Sociology Allocentrism refers too: people who take pleasure in cooperating, helping others, and displaying honesty Ivan Pavlov was known for the Hierarchy of Needs. Which of the fol

Only 2,

381 - Consider the following Statements: Social Psychology is the same thing as Sociology Being inside is the best place to practice mindfulness. There is a correlation between family poverty and academic readiness in Pre-school children Which of the following

Only 3,

382 - Consider the following Statements: Social Psychology is the same thing as Sociology The self agent specifically targets change in roles or traits. Nurture is the innate factors that affect an organism. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

383 - Consider the following Statements: Socialization is the process by which people learn socially desirable behaviors of their culture and adopt them to their personalities. SIT is useful for predicting and explaining stereotyping in the real-world. An error

Only 1, 2, 3

384 - Consider the following Statements: Socrates was a leading philosopher of his time. He thought the soul or mind was separable from the body and could be reunited after death. Milgram's study has low external validity Making eye contact is a form of body la

Only 1, 2, 3

385 - Consider the following Statements: Some distributions have two modes, and are therefore known as bimodal distributions. In science, "empirical evidence" typically refers to evidence that can be seen or observed. The Humanistic Approach said people are not

Only 1, 2

386 - Consider the following Statements: Some forms of extrinsic motivation can be internalised while others can be externally controlled. Infant taste preferences are affected by a mother's diet. Intelligence is A set of cognitive skills that include abstract

Only 1, 2, 3

387 - Consider the following Statements: Some people dream every night; others seldom dream. Stimulation - Organization-Interpretation-Memory-Recall are the Stages of Perception According to Bowlby, the internal working model provides a template for later relat

Only 2, 3

388 - Consider the following Statements: Specialized parts of brain cells which are able to receive neurotransmitters are called dendrites. Content analysis as a research technique deals with the documentary materials that are already existing and available If

Only 1, 2, 3

389 - Consider the following Statements: Specialized parts of brain cells which are able to receive neurotransmitters are called dendrites. The more confident an individual is that they will achieve their goal, the more hopeful they will be that it is achieved

Only 1, 2, 3

390 - Consider the following Statements: Sport psychology examines how psychology can affect performance in sports A social worker can find ways that a families and community group are able to improve situations. Loftus showed that giving eyewitnesses misleadin

Only 1, 2

391 - Consider the following Statements: Sport psychology examines how psychology can affect performance in sports Acclimation is the adaptation to one specific environmental stressor Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals

Only 1, 2, 3

392 - Consider the following Statements: Sport psychology examines how psychology can affect performance in sports Colour Psychology focuses on the emotional and behavioral effects produced by colour. T/F. Filipino psychologists do not use traits in describing

Only 1, 2

393 - Consider the following Statements: Sport psychology examines how psychology can affect performance in sports Concentration is one of the biggest psychological factors in sport. In Psychology, a behaviour is an action while a mental process is carried out

Only 1, 2, 3

394 - Consider the following Statements: Sport psychology examines how psychology can affect performance in sports It's totally fine if I come late to class all the time The Peripheral NS is made up of the brain and spinal cord. Which of the following statement

Only 1,

395 - Consider the following Statements: Sport psychology examines how psychology can affect performance in sports Scaffolding refers to doing the task for the child to set an example. The stage of sleep in which we are most likely to dream is the REM stage. Wh

Only 1, 3

396 - Consider the following Statements: Stereotypes can be positive or negative Famous brands are usually put in the lower shelf. The protection of participant's self esteem is not a concern for researchers Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

397 - Consider the following Statements: Stimulation - Organization-Interpretation-Memory-Recall are the Stages of Perception When there is correlation between variables, it means that one variable CAUSES another. Experiments tend to provide the most accurate a

Only 1, 3

398 - Consider the following Statements: Supermarkets use strategies to make people buy more. a stimulus is anything that triggers a behavior Thematic Apperception Test, and Basic Personality Inventory are examples of Projective Techniques. Which of the followi

Only 1, 2

399 - Consider the following Statements: Supermarkets use strategies to make people buy more. REM sleep has 10 stages. Psychology is the study of cultures and the people of the world. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

400 - Consider the following Statements: Supermarkets use strategies to make people buy more. When the mean is more than the mode this results in a positive skew To say that "function is localized" means that specific parts of the brain control specific functio

Only 1, 2, 3

401 - Consider the following Statements: Surveys can be used to test theories. a stimulus is anything that triggers a behavior It is always unethical to perform a Psychological experiment on an animal because they cannot give consent Which of the following stat

Only 1, 2

402 - Consider the following Statements: Synapsis is the process of pass information along between the body and the brain. According to Nideffer's model of attention, an athlete can have their attention in all quadrants at the same time. Damage to the Myelin Sh

Only 1, 3

403 - Consider the following Statements: Synapsis is the process of pass information along between the body and the brain. In Psychology, a behaviour is an action while a mental process is carried out in the mind. The Cognitive Approach in psychology is known a

Only 1, 2

404 - Consider the following Statements: T/F. Filipino psychologists do not use traits in describing mental health and instead use psychoanalytic perspective only. These are the 3 major regions of the brain:1.cerebrum2.cerebellum3.brainstem Social Psychology is

Only 2, 3

405 - Consider the following Statements: T/F. Filipino traits are not comparable with traits used in other cultures. Gestalt psychology has to do with groups. An experiment is conducted in an environment under the control of the researchers. Participants are ra

Only 2, 3

406 - Consider the following Statements: T/F. Filipino traits are not comparable with traits used in other cultures. Historical research must be interpretative, that is, it describes the present situation in terms of past events In Psychology, a behaviour is an

Only 2, 3

407 - Consider the following Statements: T/F. For Tagalogs, "malay" can leave a person's body only when they die. Most psychologists are interested mainly in animal behavior. Critical thinking means if something in in print, it must be true Which of the followi

Only 3,

408 - Consider the following Statements: T/F. Imported personality traits measures do not replicate well in the Philippines. Most psychologists are interested mainly in animal behavior. One of the objectives of this course is to "Demonstrate knowledge and compr

Only 3,

409 - Consider the following Statements: T/F. Overall, indigenous personality trait measures are better in predicting behavior that imported measures. Inter - observer reliability is the consistency between two researchers watching the same event. Encoding is t

Only 2,

410 - Consider the following Statements: T/F. The Filipino thought and philosophy of "soul" is more related to western traditions than eastern. Correlation always equals causation The Cerebrum is the largest part of your brain. Which of the following statement(

Only 3,

411 - Consider the following Statements: T/F. The Filipino thought and philosophy of "soul" is more related to western traditions than eastern. The amount of information that can be stored in human memory is limited. Obedience went down when the teacher was clo

Only 3,

412 - Consider the following Statements: Tastebuds regenerate The Cerebrum is the largest part of your brain. the biological perspective considers factors such as genetics and brain chemistry as well as motivation and outside factors when explaining behavior. W

Only 1, 2

413 - Consider the following Statements: Tests are done before the instruction has taken place, it's a way to complete the instruction and get the results. The results of the tests have to be interpreted, like assessment Counseling Psychologists should maintain

Only 3,

414 - Consider the following Statements: Tests only measure a sample of behavior and error is always associated with the sampling process. Children who played the aggressive game wanted to 'punish' the naughty child for longer - T/F The greater the reward (mone

Only 1, 2

415 - Consider the following Statements: Tests only measure a sample of behavior and error is always associated with the sampling process. There are 6 approaches to modern day psychology We judge other people's behavior differently from our own. Which of the fo

Only 1, 2, 3

416 - Consider the following Statements: The 5 waves of psychology represent different ways of thinking about psychology. Most non-experimental methods such as observations, surveys, or case studies are useful for exploring a topic that is not yet understood ve

Only 1, 2, 3

417 - Consider the following Statements: The ability of the brain to make new connections and pathways is also known as plasticity. Freud (1900) considered dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious: Tastebuds regenerate Which of the following statement(s)

Only 1, 2, 3

418 - Consider the following Statements: The advantage of conducting a case study on an individual is we are able to obtain rich information about human's brain. The single core mission of positive psychology is to enhance the lives of the normal population We

Only 1,

419 - Consider the following Statements: The APA published a set of ethical principles in 1992. All sensation is a result of the stimulation of sensory receptors by some sort of energy. Sport psychology examines how psychology can affect performance in sports W

Only 1, 2, 3

420 - Consider the following Statements: The APA published a set of ethical principles in 1992. Covert activities are mental processes, such as dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories Psychological Tests can be facilitated in two ways, either individual or

Only 1, 2, 3

421 - Consider the following Statements: The APA published a set of ethical principles in 1992. When you smell something, the message from your nose to your brain travel over afferent neurons. Psychology is considered to be a science Which of the following stat

Only 1, 2, 3

422 - Consider the following Statements: The APA, American Psychological Association, oversees the psychological experiments so that people and/or animals are in no way injured (mentally or physically). A combination of two or more method should be used to get

Only 1, 2

423 - Consider the following Statements: The APA, American Psychological Association, oversees the psychological experiments so that people and/or animals are in no way injured (mentally or physically). Psychology involves the belief that traits of a parent are

Only 1, 2, 3

424 - Consider the following Statements: The bakery section is usually near the entrance because of the smell. Conformity is about social influence and pressure. Advertisers are able to shape our buying habits through subliminal messages. Which of the following

Only 1, 2

425 - Consider the following Statements: The behavior that results from a stimulus is called a response. Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unles

Only 1, 2

426 - Consider the following Statements: The biological perspective argues that our biology (like our brain) affects our behavior. Historical research must be interpretative, that is, it describes the present situation in terms of past events KR-21 formula is u

Only 1, 2, 3

427 - Consider the following Statements: the biological perspective considers factors such as genetics and brain chemistry as well as motivation and outside factors when explaining behavior. There are many human activities that have benefited from psychological

Only 2,

428 - Consider the following Statements: The causal factors are in the mind: desires, conflicts, motives, attributes, delusions, dreams, plans, implicit theories, whether conscious or unconscious. All of the earlier Psychological fields of research contained at

Only 1, 2, 3

429 - Consider the following Statements: The cerebellum assists in coordination of movement and sense of balance. The biomedical model emphasizes illness rather health than focusing on the behaviors that promotes health. Natural experiments are true experiments

Only 1, 2

430 - Consider the following Statements: The definition of cognitive includes sensation and perception, memory, intellegence, lanugage, thought, and problem-solving. Before Psychology was seen a science, Psychology was seen as Philosophy The results of a progra

Only 1, 2

431 - Consider the following Statements: The definition of cognitive includes sensation and perception, memory, intellegence, lanugage, thought, and problem-solving. Research in sports medicine is fundamental and should be gender blind When a patient reaches a

Only 1, 3

432 - Consider the following Statements: The Dependent variable is a variable whose quantitative value is expected to depend on the effects of the independent variable. This is a year long course The main idea of the history of psychology is sets of questions,

Only 1, 3

433 - Consider the following Statements: The dependent variable is so called because its value depends or may depend on the value of the independent variable. Humanistic psychologists like Carl Rogers describe human nature as good and self-directed Teens can so

Only 1, 2, 3

434 - Consider the following Statements: The DSM-V is used to diagnose both mental and physical disorders , your belly should be empty while meditating. Some of Milgram's participants refused to obey for moral reasons. Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 2, 3

435 - Consider the following Statements: The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Clinical psychologists are permitted to prescribe medications Social loafing occurs when people are more likely to exert effort on a task when working


436 - Consider the following Statements: The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Few people look for bargains or discounts, Names of participants cannot be published with the research results Which of the following statement(s) is/

Only 3,

437 - Consider the following Statements: The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Most psychologists are interested mainly in animal behavior. Operational Definition is a carefully worded statement of the exact procedures used in a

Only 3,

438 - Consider the following Statements: The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. The frontal cortex analyzes information from sensory organs, and decides if it is "worth remembering" (sending back to the hippocampus). Cognitive act

Only 2, 3

439 - Consider the following Statements: The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. You are born with all the neurons and synapses you will ever have; connections do not change over time. Few people look for bargains or discounts, Whi


440 - Consider the following Statements: The experimental group is not exposed to the independent variables The most important thing that Wilhelm Wundt did was to apply the scientific method to the study of behavior. Social Psychology is the branch of psycholog

Only 2, 3

441 - Consider the following Statements: The goals of psychology are for Scientists seek to observe, describe, explain, predict, and control the events they study. Psychologists who studies the function of consciousness became known as psychoanalysts Psychologi

Only 1, 2

442 - Consider the following Statements: The Head Start program was created to help underserved children. Memory consists of 3 categories: Sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. Operant conditioning is more complex than classical conditioning.

Only 1, 2, 3

443 - Consider the following Statements: The Hippocampus is located in the center of your brain. Test scores are perfect measures of a behavior or characteristic, so they do add significantly to the understanding and prediction process Affective states that ope

Only 1,

444 - Consider the following Statements: The Humanistic Approach said people are not free to do as they choose and are not responsible for their choice s. An angry crowd gathered outside the Black and White Cafe about five hours after the raid began. Mental pro


445 - Consider the following Statements: The Humanistic Approach said people are not free to do as they choose and are not responsible for their choice s. If distractors are strong, Recognition is superior to recall. Grade level and age tend to be good predicto


446 - Consider the following Statements: The law of continuity suggests that we are more likely to perceive continuous, smooth flowing lines rather than jagged, broken lines. If you plug your nose you can't taste your food as well..... Each option has three "to

Only 1, 2

447 - Consider the following Statements: The law of continuity suggests that we are more likely to perceive continuous, smooth flowing lines rather than jagged, broken lines. Long term goals are specific tasks at hand. T/F. Indigenous personality inventories ar

Only 1, 3

448 - Consider the following Statements: The Little Albert experiment showed that human emotional responses could be a result of nurture-the environment. Introspection is the process of objectively examining and measuring ones own conscious mental experiences.

Only 1, 2, 3

449 - Consider the following Statements: The lobes are the divided sections that are parts of the cerebellum The population refers to the people who take part in the research study. Famous brands are usually put in the lower shelf. Which of the following statem


450 - Consider the following Statements: The main idea of the history of psychology is sets of questions, theories, methods, and possible answers that have been passed on and changed from generation to generation. Is Psychology a Science The first IQ test got i

Only 1, 2, 3

451 - Consider the following Statements: The medical record should document the target symptoms, goals of therapy and methods of monitoring outcome. There should be documentation in the medical record of how the treatment is expected to improve the health statu

Only 1, 3

452 - Consider the following Statements: The more confident an individual is that they will achieve their goal, the more hopeful they will be that it is achieved Self-care activities have the potential to improve self-awareness, self-regulation, coping, and bal

Only 1, 2, 3

453 - Consider the following Statements: The most brain development occurs within a person's first three years of life. Correlational research can also prove cause and effect relationship In survey research after collecting information from the participants, we

Only 1, 2

454 - Consider the following Statements: The most brain development occurs within a person's first three years of life. school psychologists do not work with teachers- they are only trained to work with students to improve the learning environment One of the ob

Only 1, 3

455 - Consider the following Statements: The Peripheral NS is made up of the brain and spinal cord. E. L. Thorndike opposed the idea that educational psychology must have a scientific base and should focus strongly on measurement. Psychology is a social science

Only 3,

456 - Consider the following Statements: The population refers to the people who take part in the research study. Positive Correlational Data is when two variables increase or decrease together. Controlled Experiment is a study that looks for a statistical rela

Only 2,

457 - Consider the following Statements: The process of transduction helps sensation information get to the brain. researchers practicing naturalistic MUST disturb the participants in order to complete the syudy. Skinner's box experiment involved a baby being t

Only 1,

458 - Consider the following Statements: The sensory organs play a role in getting sensation information to the brain. Conversation analysis is the study of verbal and non verbal behaviour present within interactions which has it's roots in the sociological stu

Only 1, 2, 3

459 - Consider the following Statements: The sensory organs play a role in getting sensation information to the brain. Sensation and perception are the same thing. The greater the reward (money, fame, etc) promised for performing an activity, the more one will

Only 1,

460 - Consider the following Statements: The Serial Position Effect states that you are more likely to remember the middle items in a long list. Binocular disparity is the difference between the images provided by each eye. school psychologists do not work with

Only 2,

461 - Consider the following Statements: The single core mission of positive psychology is to enhance the lives of the normal population Retroactive interference occurs when old info interferes with new info Any of the three types of stressful events can cause

Only 3,

462 - Consider the following Statements: The three memory systems are Sensory memory, sensory input, and long term memory Serial position effect means for someone going into an interview would want to start and finish with strong points about why they should ge

Only 2, 3

463 - Consider the following Statements: The total intellectual, emotional, physical, social & spiritual process are wholly coordinated towards the achievement of goals Behaviour is directly observable: Humanistic psychology focuses on the uniqueness of animals

Only 1, 2

464 - Consider the following Statements: The total intellectual, emotional, physical, social & spiritual process are wholly coordinated towards the achievement of goals In naturalistic observations , there is no control over extraneous variables. Learning about

Only 1, 2, 3

465 - Consider the following Statements: The trait approach supports the idea that personality traits are fixed (meaning that they don't change) at a young age and account for consistent behavior in different situations Piliavin et al. carried out a lab study o

Only 1, 3

466 - Consider the following Statements: The UK is usually considered to be a collectivist culture. Woodworth Personal Data Sheet was developed during WWI, and used as assessment tool to screen military recruits. In classical conditioning, giving a conditioned

Only 2,

467 - Consider the following Statements: The vestibular sense is housed mainly in the circular canals of the ears. Low self esteem is a major cause of psychological problems. Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals & humans

Only 3,

468 - Consider the following Statements: The word GIFTED was used in psychology to describe children who scored well on intelligence tests T/F. For Tagalogs, "malay" can leave a person's body only when they die. Case studies have limited sources of inaccuracy W

Only 1,

469 - Consider the following Statements: Thematic Apperception Test, and Basic Personality Inventory are examples of Projective Techniques. In Shotland and Straw's study, people intervened less when they thought the couple knew each other. A coefficient alpha o

Only 2,

470 - Consider the following Statements: There are 2 parts to the nervous system Dialogical analysis is form of analysis that adopts an interpretivistic framework to study communication that Is embedded within socio-cultural setting. Voluntary movements are lea

Only 1, 2, 3

471 - Consider the following Statements: There is a correlation between family poverty and academic readiness in Pre-school children Psychological research attempts to use the scientific method. In humanistic psychology, emphasis is on self-actualization, confo

Only 1, 2, 3

472 - Consider the following Statements: There is absolutely no evidence that animals could have consciousness. Community College students do not have the option to start at this type of college and then transfer into a four-year college Psychodynamic psycholog

Only 3,

473 - Consider the following Statements: There is only one way of thinking of the motivation work. T/F. Indigenous personality inventories are not specific to the culture of the Philippines. A strength of case studies is that rich, detailed information can be g

Only 2, 3

474 - Consider the following Statements: There were 3 confederates in Milgram's research Coloring helps your mindfulness practice. Tests may measure the totality of a behavior Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

475 - Consider the following Statements: These are the 3 major regions of the brain:1.cerebrum2.cerebellum3.brainstem Ebbinghaus forgetting curve stipulates the increase in ability of the brain to retain memories over time. A survey is when people are asked to

Only 1, 3

476 - Consider the following Statements: This is a year long course Reicher analysed reports of the riot from the police and media. When feeling angry, it is better to express it in some way rather than hold it in Which of the following statement(s) is/are true

Only 2,

477 - Consider the following Statements: this principle states that the persons on whom you want to conduct the study should have the choice to decide whether to participate or not to participate in the study . Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actu

Only 1, 2, 3

478 - Consider the following Statements: Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study 80% of what we taste is determined by smell. When feeling angry, it is better to express it in some way rather than hold it in Which of the

Only 1, 2

479 - Consider the following Statements: Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study Cognitive psychologists hold one perspective in understanding human thoughts. Correlation always equals causation. Which of the following st

Only 1,

480 - Consider the following Statements: Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study In Psychology, a behaviour is an action while a mental process is carried out in the mind. Health Psychology explains how social factors doe

Only 1, 2

481 - Consider the following Statements: Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study Is Psychology a Science Psychology is not a Science Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

482 - Consider the following Statements: Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study Psychologists only study the behaviour and mental processes of humans. Ebbinghaus forgetting curve stipulates the increase in ability of the

Only 1,

483 - Consider the following Statements: Through the power of suggestion a placebo can actually impact a patient / study The evolutionary perspective is rooted in the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Gestalt psychology has to do with groups. Which of the following state

Only 1, 3

484 - Consider the following Statements: To avoid buying more than you need, always take a shopping list when you go shopping for food. Edward Titchener introduced Structuralism in 1901. Faul et al. found that people do not help much even when the victim is obv

Only 1, 2

485 - Consider the following Statements: To avoid buying more than you need, always take a shopping list when you go shopping for food. Health psychologists perform variety tasks, including the development of worksite interventions related to the improvement of

Only 1, 2

486 - Consider the following Statements: To work as a social worker, additional post graduate study and practical experience in the field is required. Foods which do not look so good have special prices. Psychological research clearly indicates that some people


487 - Consider the following Statements: To work as a social worker, additional post graduate study and practical experience in the field is required. Many ethnographic studies are long-term projects. Behavior is one's action that can be observed, while cogniti

Only 2, 3

488 - Consider the following Statements: Today, ethics codes exist that allow research to benefit humanity while protecting human and nonhuman subjects. Most of our behavior is automatic Cognitive psychology is the field of study focused on individuals and how

Only 1, 2

489 - Consider the following Statements: Today, one of every five children in the United States is from an immigrant family. William James is responsible for writing the first psychology textbook, Principles of Psychology, in 1890. Counterconditioning is the ap

Only 1, 2

490 - Consider the following Statements: Too much studying is a frequent cause of anxiety. According to Kutlu et al (2013) a combination of lighting and a reflective colour scheme gave the store a sense of stylishness and luxury. Psychology is a science. Which

Only 2, 3

491 - Consider the following Statements: Too much studying is a frequent cause of anxiety. Biological psychologists collaborate with zoologists and anthropologists A correlational research can establish cause and effect relationships Which of the following stat

Only 2,

492 - Consider the following Statements: Twin studies have always supported the Nature argument The bakery section is usually near the entrance because of the smell. Fraternal twins have the exact DNA Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

493 - Consider the following Statements: Two-year colleges offer career-specific programs that can lead directly to employment. The UK is usually considered to be a collectivist culture. You can practice mindfulness while eating. Which of the following statemen

Only 1, 3

494 - Consider the following Statements: Type A personalities are often highly competitive Knowledge of results is information received about the end result such as whether you hit the target or won or lost. If one factor is responsible for change in another fa

Only 1, 2, 3

495 - Consider the following Statements: Type B personalities are often relaxed Memory is ways we store and recall sensory stimuli Psychologists study the way people think Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

496 - Consider the following Statements: Understanding psychology can provide useful insights into behavior Consolidation, or the process of making connections in the brain, creates long-term memories and happens primarily when we sleep. The vestibular sense is

Only 1, 2

497 - Consider the following Statements: Understanding psychology can provide useful insights into behavior The fundamental assumptions of the biopsychosocial model is that health and illness are consequences of dynamic interplay of biological, psychological an

Only 1, 2

498 - Consider the following Statements: Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals & humans Humanism begins in 1954 and it's led by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. There are 2 parts to the nervous system Which of the followin

Only 1, 2, 3

499 - Consider the following Statements: Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals & humans In Zimbardo's experiment the participants did not know each other prior to the study We learn more effectively when taught via our pr

Only 1, 2

500 - Consider the following Statements: Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals & humans Mental preparation is 'the rehearsal of a physical skill that takes place within the mind of a performer without an actual physical m

Only 1, 2

501 - Consider the following Statements: Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals & humans Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. In an experiment, the extraneous variable is manipulated b

Only 1, 2

502 - Consider the following Statements: Understanding psychology provides information on the behavior or both animals & humans When the research is conducted with people, psychologists make every effort to protect the research participants. Our textbook for th

Only 1, 2

503 - Consider the following Statements: Validity and reliability are the same Learning is not something done to students, but something that students themselves do Stanley Milgram conducted experiments where "teachers" were made to shock "learners" under direc

Only 2, 3

504 - Consider the following Statements: Validity and reliability are the same Social loafing is a dispositional explanation of crowd influence. Language development is a critical part of a child's overall development. Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 3,

505 - Consider the following Statements: Voluntary movements are learned movements which the conscious mind is able to control. I DON'T need to complete an Internal Assessment (IA) in this course Some people are left-brained and others are right-brained. Which

Only 1,

506 - Consider the following Statements: We could not understand what our sensations mean without perception In humanistic psychology, emphasis is on self-actualization, conformity leads to mental illness. Inter - observer reliability is the consistency between

Only 1, 2, 3

507 - Consider the following Statements: We could not understand what our sensations mean without perception With a bachelors degree you typically declare a major. Howard Gardner believe intelligence is more than the ability to think critically. Which of the fo

Only 1, 2, 3

508 - Consider the following Statements: We judge other people's behavior differently from our own. Coefficient alpha is different from Pearson's r correlation test. After Phineas Gage was injured working on the railroads his friends and family said he was comp

Only 1, 2

509 - Consider the following Statements: We learn more effectively when taught via our preferred learning style. The process of categorization is NOT a common cognitive process in all people. T/F. Imported personality traits measures do not replicate well in th


510 - Consider the following Statements: We only use 10% of our brains. Findings from patient KF cannot be explained by the working memory model Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. Which


511 - Consider the following Statements: What is considered normal remains stable across time, culture and situations. Psychology is not a Science Basic needs must be met before we can fulfill higher needs. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

512 - Consider the following Statements: When conducting research, you should use the results that agree with your hypothesis, while discarding results that do not. According to determinism principle, behavior is unpredictable and uncontrollable. Cognitive acti

Only 3,

513 - Consider the following Statements: When outpatient psychiatric services are provided at a high frequency or long duration, the plan of treatment, progress notes, and condition of the patient should justify the intensity of the services rendered. Error is

Only 1, 2, 3

514 - Consider the following Statements: When the median is more than the mean this results in a positive skew john locke established the first psychology labortory Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes with the goals of describing

Only 3,

515 - Consider the following Statements: When you try changing values and life goals, you take aim at the self agent. Bright colors promote physical activity but make the passage of time seem slower. Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve would suggest to students to con

Only 1, 2, 3

516 - Consider the following Statements: William James is responsible for writing the first psychology textbook, Principles of Psychology, in 1890. Involuntary movements are reflexes and automatic movements which the conscious mind does not control. The goals o

Only 1, 2, 3

517 - Consider the following Statements: Woodworth Personal Data Sheet was developed during WWI, and used as assessment tool to screen military recruits. Psychologists who come from a socio-cultural perspective are less likely to be concerned with the influence

Only 1, 2

518 - Consider the following Statements: You are born with all the neurons and synapses you will ever have; connections do not change over time. , compliance involves privately agreeing with the group beliefs. Reliability means consistent results. Which of the

Only 3,

519 - Consider the following Statements: You can jump around to different levels of the hierarchy without having basic needs met. ANXIETY = FUTURE APPREHENSION Positive Correlational Data is when two variables increase or decrease together. Which of the followi

Only 2, 3

520 - Consider the following Statements: You can jump around to different levels of the hierarchy without having basic needs met. Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve would suggest to students to consistently revise learnt work rather than use a cramming approach for m

Only 2,

521 - Consider the following Statements: Your brain more effectively learns something if is taught in a way that fits your particular learning style. Names of participants cannot be published with the research results Biological Psychology examines the relation

Only 2,

522 - Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with appropriate evidence and sound argument.

to what extent

523 - Considered the "Father of Psychology"

Wilhelm Wundt

524 - Considered the founder of psychology for creating the first psychology lab at his college in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879.

Wilhelm Wundt

525 - Considered to be the 'Father of BEHAVIORAL Psychology'


526 - Considered to be the 'father of Psychology'


527 - Considering punishment as an insult, how do adolescents react to it?

Fear it very much

528 - Consistency in the minority position is effective because:

It increases the amount of interest from the majority

529 - Consistency in the minority position is found because:

It increases the amount of interest from the majority

530 - consistent pattern of thought or behavior

Personality trait

531 - Constantly wondering if you locked the door is an example of .....and checking if you have is an example of .....

obsession / compulsion

532 - Construction of a logical, but incorrect memory by combining information retrieved from one's long term memory with one's general knowledge and beliefs about the world

Reconstruction error

533 - constructivist - Enactive stageIconic StageSymbolic StageEducation not based on readiness, but providing experiences for students to construct own knowledgediscovery learning/spiraling


534 - Contact between hostile groups will reduce animosity if the groups are make to work toward a goal that benefits all and necessitates the participation of all.

superordinate goal

535 - Contact with the limbic system structures, including the hippocampus and amygdala, create the strong emotional responses and memories associated with .....


536 - contain reviews of the test, updated or independent studies of its psychometric soundness, or examples of how the instrument was used in either research or an applied context

journal articles

537 - Contain the visual cortex

Occipital lobes

538 - Contains five types of taste receptors.


539 - Contemporary (modern) psychology is best defined as the science of:

observable behavior and mental processes

540 - Contemporary (modern) psychology is best defined as the scientific study (science) of:

observable behavior and mental processes

541 - Contemporary perspective that emphasizes importance of a positive self-concept/a positive personal growth.

humanist perspective/approach

542 - Contemporary psychological approach that emphasizes study of ethnicity, gender, culture and socioeconomic status

sociocultural perspective

543 - Contemporary psychology is best defined as the science of:

behavior and mental processes

544 - Contemporary psychology is best defined as the scientific study of

behavior and mental processes.

545 - Contemporary school of psychology that emphsizes the role that thoughts play in determining behavior

cognitive perspective

546 - Context dependent memory is when?

Recall is enhanced if retrieval occurs in the same context as encoding

547 - Context dependent memory suggests that:

A cue will trigger accurate recall

548 - Context related to memory suggests that:

A cue can trigger accurate recall

549 - Contingency theory states that a style of leadership depends on .....

the individual person

550 - Continued improvement in the absence of further practice is known as _________________?


551 - Continuous reinforcement schedule is generally used

in the early stages of training

552 - Control Group

Subjects in an experiment who are not subjected to the independent variable and may receive a placebo treatment.

553 - Controlling for the researcher bias might involve:

Only (A) & (B)

554 - Controls behaviors (hunger, thirst, sleep, body temperature) through the release of hormones.


555 - Controls hearing, and language comprehension

Temporal Lobe

556 - controls the shape of the lens during accommodation

ciliary muscle

557 - Controls the voluntary actions of internal body organs, such as heartbeat and breathing?

Automatic Nervous System

558 - Convergence of the eyes is controlled primarily by ______________?

ciliary muscles of eye

559 - Convergent and divergent thinking were first defined by ___________________?

J. P. Guilford

560 - conversely

In an opposite manner; in an altogether different way

561 - Cooing and babbling occur at what stage of language acquisition


562 - Cooper & Mackie's IV

Type of game played

563 - Coping behavior is ___________?

Often unconscious

564 - Coping is alleviating stress by solving problems using

all of the above



566 - Corey sits at his kitchen table to think about what he needs to buy at the grocery store. He is using his ability to:


567 - Cornelius is interested in studying cooperation in children between the ages of two and six. He suspects that cooperation is greatest in groups of girls as opposed to groups of boys or coed groups. After carrying out his observation, he decides to examine

correlational study.

568 - Correlation

A measure of the relationship between two variables.

569 - Correlation are useful for ____________?

predicting behavior

570 - Correlation Coefficient

A number that represents the strength and direction of a relationship existing between two variables

571 - Correlation coefficients can range from:

-1 to 1

572 - Correlation is just equal with causation.


573 - CORRELATION refers to ..... in an experiment.

a relationship between variables

574 - Correlation studies _____________?

indicate some relationship between two variables

575 - Correlations : Finding Relationships Measures of two variables go into a mathematical formula and produce a correlation coefficient (r), which represents two things: Correlation does not prove .....


576 - Correlations tell us

how things are linked

577 - Cortisol is a hormone in the body most closely related with which behavior?

Stress Reactions

578 - Cory overestimates the amount of studying he does over his peers. This best illustrates:

the availability heuristic.

579 - cost effective and mostly reliable

Survey Research

580 - could have potential ethical issues


581 - Counseling psychologists encourage their clients to

all of the above

582 - counteract each other to keep things steady when the neurons are not transmitting info

Only (A) & (B)

583 - counterbalancing improves internal validity in which design .....

repeated measures

584 - Country music artists, Brooks and Dunn, made a hit song about a certain brand of boots. These became very popular. Daniel, Scott, and Matt came to class the next day wearing these boots because everyone will think they are 'cool'.This is an example of:

Social Learning

585 - Course planning and instructional methods for school districts are usually handled by

educational psychologists

586 - craft

make by hand and with much skill

587 - Craig is the captain of the football team. He wore a jacket that was way too small. It was very tight on his muscular body and all the cheerleaders groped all over him. The very next day, everyone on the football team ordered their jackets one size too sm

Social Learning

588 - Created a test to predict children's ability to succeed in school. Identified the concept MENTAL AGE.

Alfred Binet

589 - Created an experiment studying conformity


590 - Created an experiment with dogs based on classical conditioning (stimulus and response)


591 - Created experiment testing obedience


592 - Created the Gestalt approach which emphasized that psychological events cannot be broken down into smaller events


593 - Created the ORIGINAL IQ test

William Stern

594 - Created the Stanford Prison Experiment


595 - Created the Stanford-Binet Test. Used Binet's concept Mental Age. Supported Eugenics. Later admitted his test to evaluate immigrants and WW I army recruits tested factors other than intelligence.

Lewis Terman

596 - Creating a good night time routine, dimming the lights and only using the bed room for sleep is a good example of.

Sleep Hygiene

597 - Creating mental images of new vocabulary words is a memory strategy known as:


598 - creator and/or distributor of tests or other methods of assessments

Test Developer/Test Publishers

599 - Credibility within Psychology is

How much people can trust your results in reality

600 - Credited as the father of psychology because he was the first to establish psychology as an experimental science.

Wilhem Wundt

601 - criminal personality theory - nature or nurture?


602 - Criteria achieved by a test that gives consistent scores whenever a subject is retested.


603 - Criteria achieved by a test when it can be taken and evaluated without the examiner's personal feelings affecting the scores.


604 - Criteria that is achieved if a test measures what it claims to measure.


605 - critical period

time in development when certain skills or abilities are most easily learned

606 - Critical Social Psychology is a branch of

Sociological Social Psychology

607 - Critical Thinking Questions:Which of the following would be predicted by Ebbinghaus' famous forgetting curve? Several years after learning the dates of important historical events for a college class, students:

will have forgotten most of the dates, but what they do remember, they'll remember for years to come.

608 - Critical thinking requires Scientific Attitude. What are the requirements of Sceintific Attitude?

All of the above

609 - Cronbach's alpha is 0.001

Not Reliable

610 - Cronbach's alpha is 0.442

Not Reliable

611 - Cronbach's alpha is 0.723


612 - Cronbach's alpha is 0.745


613 - Cronbach's alpha is 0.843


614 - Cronbach's alpha is 0.898


615 - Cronbach's alpha is 0.924


616 - Cronbach's alpha is 1.000


617 - cross - sectional studies are when .....

psychologists divide a group of people by age and study the different subgroups at the same time

618 - Cross-sectional studies are sometimes more useful than longitudinal studies because they

take less time

619 - Crying is an example of a ..... and sadness is an example of a .....

behaviour; mental process

620 - Crying is an example of what area of development


621 - Crystallized intelligence refers most directly to a person's

accumulated knowledge and verbal skills.

622 - cue

A signal for something to happen

623 - Cues for perceiving depth based on both eyes.

binocular cues

624 - Cues for perceiving depth based on one eye only.

Monocular cues

625 - Cultivating optimism has a lot in common with cultivating gratitude; both strategies involve the habit of striving to make the positive side of your situation. Building optimism is about savoring?

All of the above

626 - Cultural differences in perception show that:

Perceptual abilities develop through experience

627 - Culture has been shown to influence our visual system in which of the following ways?

Formal education, cultural norms and expectations, and our visual systems influence depth cues.

628 - Culture's understood rules of behavior?


629 - Current Projections indicate that the population of men and women over the age of 60 will .....

Continue to grow

630 - Customers who complain want.....

To be heard and have their experience validated

631 - Cynthia convinced her friend to loan her five dollars for lunch by telling her how much she appreciated her friendship.

peripheral route of persuasion

632 - Damage in Broca̢۪s area will lead to difficulty in ______________?

speaking fluently

633 - Damage this and you won't form new memories


634 - damage this area and we would continue to eat

ventromedial hypothalamus

635 - Damage to hippocampus would result in difficulty ____________?

encoding new information into long-term memory

636 - Damage to the ..... can result in deficits in the ability to plan, problem solve, and make sound judgments.

Association area

637 - Damage to the cerebellum would most affect the career of

an athlete

638 - Damage to the left temporal lobe, the patient has a hard time understanding and using the right words. Speech is fluent, but they may say something like. It's a sunny day outside, I need my juice.

Wernicke's Aphasia

639 - Damage to the olfactory nerve might prevent a person from

smelling freshly baked bread.

640 - Damage to the prefrontal cortex would most likely result in

diminished planning abilities

641 - Damage to the ventromedial region of the hypothalamus would most likely result in ______________?


642 - Damage to this part of the brain could affect procedural memory. Doing things such as typing may become more difficult

Basal Ganglia

643 - Damage to which of the following brain structures may cause the inability to detect the emotional significance of facial expressions, especially those demonstrating fear?


644 - Damage to which of the following could interfere with the ability to plan for the future?

Frontal Lobe

645 - Damage to your occipital lobe would most likely affect a person's


646 - Dan is a person who can adapt and adjust behavior to external factors such as a new boss, a different schedule, or a new office. Dan has

high self-monitoring.

647 - Dancing salsa


648 - Daniel Goleman is best known for his writing on .....

Emotional intelligence (EQ)

649 - Daniel was asked to write down as many possible uses for a toothpick that he could think of.To complete this task Daniel would rely on

Divergent Thinking

650 - Daniel was asked to write down as many words as he could think of that contained the letter d. To complete this task Daniel would rely on

divergent thinking.

651 - Danielle likes to study how living things survive. What might she enjoy studying in college?


652 - Daria has an IQ score of 160. Based on her IQ score alone, Daria can be assumed to be .....

a genius

653 - Darley and Latane conducted the famous ..... experiment , which is an example of a .....

smoke experiment, controlled observation

654 - Darnell is reading a book in a quiet setting and taking notes on the material. This would be an example of:

Deep processing

655 - Darwin's theory of evolution influenced which school of thought?


656 - David had recently brought a new pair of sunglasses. He was looking forward to wearing the new sunglasses on an upcoming school excursion to the beach. A few days before the excursion, David went to put on his new sunglasses and could not find them. He fr

Serial recall

657 - David Sternberg says there are three types of intelligence. Creative, Practical and .....


658 - David Wechsler was responsible for?

creating a new intelligence scale that could be used for adults

659 - David Wechsler was the first to design an IQ test specifically for:


660 - David wrote a list of 10 items, but leaves it at home. The list included in order: peas, carrots, corn, tomatoes, squash, onions, apples, pears, bananas, flour, milk, and eggs. If the law of primacy holds, which of the following is David most likely to re

Peas, Carrots, and corn

661 - Debrief

Researchers must explain deception used to the participants at the end of the study.

662 - Debriefing always happens:

At the end of a study

663 - Debriefing at the end of a study involves:

giving participants full information about the purposes of the study and correcting mistaken ideas.

664 - De-briefing includes

All of the above

665 - Debriefing involves:

Explaining the nature of the experiment (including any deception that occurred) to the participant after the experiment; and offering psychological services if needed

666 - Debriefing is

Informing complete understanding of research

667 - Deception may be justified if.....

There is absolutely no other way to ensure the participants will not change their natural behavior

668 - Deciding whether to shoot for a goal or pass to a team mate is a.....

Mental Process

669 - Decrease a behavior from happening again by following it with a negative consequence


670 - Decreasing response to a stimuli with repeated exposure


671 - Deep brain stimulation is based on the principles of:

electrical stimulation of the brain

672 - Deep processing tends to lead to.....

better long term retention of information

673 - Deepak is always well dressed and outspoken. People who meet him for the first time are often impressed. This is an example of:

Impression formation

674 - Deepest stage of sleep (gets shorter with each cycle).

Stage 4

675 - Defense Mechanism

Sigmund Freud

676 - Defense mechanisms are created unconsciously


677 - Deficiency in one or more specific cognitive processes despite relatively normal cognitive functioning in other areas

Learning Disability

678 - Define "Empathy."

The ability to feel what others feel.

679 - Define "Self-Awareness."

The ability to understand who you really are.

680 - Define "Self-Control."

The ability to control your urges.

681 - Define basic research

To increase the knowledge based on a subject

682 - Define conditioned response

A response that has been learned

683 - Define Gestalt perspective

Integrate segments of information of someone into a whole to define themselves

684 - Define hypothesis.

a tentative, testable prediction of the possible relationship between two or more variables.

685 - Define Id.

The part of the unconscious personality that contains our needs, drives, instincts, and repressed material

686 - Define objectivity

when something is based on fact

687 - Define Psychology.

The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

688 - Define short-term memory

holds so many chunks of information before it has to be stored more permanently or forgotten

689 - Define the Gestalt principle of camouflage.

where the contour of the figure is broken so that it blends in with the ground, obscuring the figure

690 - Define Unconscious.

The part of the mind that contains material of which we are unaware but that strongly influences conscious processes and behaviors

691 - Define: Behaviorism

explains behavior in terms of environmental determinants

692 - Define: Classical Conditioning

Neutral stimulus + unconditioned stimulus = conditioned response.

693 - Define: Cognitive Approach

looks to our thoughts to explain behavior

694 - Define: cognitive neuroscience

how our ideas about how our mental processes work are related to our physical brain.

695 - Define: computer models

using programming language to try and get a program to behave in a similar way to human cognition.

696 - Define: concordance rates

the extent to which twins share the same characteristics

697 - Define: correlation

Method of looking at the possible relationship between sets of data.

698 - Define: Evolutionary Approach

explores how behavior have adapted for survival

699 - Define: Experimental Method

The most used research method which includes using the scientific method to form conclusions.

700 - Define: Functionalism

Based on people's attempts to fit into a changing environment

701 - Define: genotype

genetic make-up that they inherit from their family

702 - Define: Humanism

believes that people are basically healthy and happy

703 - Define: identification

associating yourself with/trying to become like other peoples characteristics or views.

704 - Define: imitation

copying the behaviour of a role model.

705 - Define: mediational processes

how well the brain responds varies in effectiveness due to attention, retainability, reproductivity and motivation.

706 - Define: monozygotic 'MZ' twins

identical twins that share 100% of all genes

707 - Define: Negative Reinforcement

avoiding something bad leading to a positive experience.

708 - Define: Neurobiological Approach

explains behavior by brain chemistry and genetics

709 - Define: Operant Conditioning

behaviour is shaped by consequence.

710 - Define: phenotype

what is been shown

711 - Define: Positive Reinforcement

a positive consequence.

712 - Define: Psychoanalytic Approach

looks for unconscious conflicts to explain behavior

713 - Define: Schema

a mental framework of beliefs and expectations developed from experience

714 - Define: Social-cultural approach

explores the emphasis of race, gender, and age on behavior

715 - Define: Statistics

Method in which you simply ask people about their behavior.

716 - Define: Structuralism

looks to break behavior into elements.

717 - Define: Survey/ Interview Method

Method in which you simply ask people about their behavior.

718 - Define: theoretical models

show how information is processed through boxes and arrows.

719 - Define: vicarious reinforcement

model is positively reinforced.

720 - Define: Wilhelm Wundt

Set up the first psychology laboratory

721 - Definition for: Behaviourist Approach

all behaviours are learnt from our environment.

722 - Definition for: Biological Approach

behaviours are a consequence of hormones and genetics.

723 - Definition for: Cognitive Approach

how we perceive the world through our senses influences how we behave.

724 - Definition for: Social Learning Theory

behaviour is influenced by the observation of social interactions.

725 - Definition Naturalistic observation

research method in which the psychologist observes the subject in a natural setting without interfering

726 - Definition of consciousness

Only (A) & (B)

727 - Definition: a belief that most abilities can be developed through hard work

growth mindset



729 - Deindividuation often occurs when group participation makes people feel

aroused and anonymous

730 - Deja Vu can be explained by.....

triggers of sensations previously experienced create the feeling of familiarity with unfamiliar situations

731 - deliberately

consciously and intentionally; on purpose

732 - Delta waves become slower and last for the entire duration

Stage 4

733 - Delta waves begin to appear

Stage 3

734 - Delusion refer to ____________?

Thoughts or beliefs that have no basis in reality

735 - Delusions of Persecutions, thinking someone is trying to hurt them or are out to get them

Paranoid Schizophrenia

736 - Demonstrated classical conditioning

Pavlov 1897/1902

737 - Dendrites, the soma and the axon are components of what structures?


738 - Dependence, passivity and greediness are regarded as traits found in the so-called __________?

Oral character

739 - Dependent Variable

Variable in an experiment that represents the measurable response or behavior of the subjects in the experiment.

740 - Dependent variables are

Expected to change as the Independent Variable changes

741 - Depending on the person, this memories capacity is 5-9 items and lasts about 5-20 seconds

Working memory

742 - Depth cues that only require one eye:

Monocular cue

743 - Depth cues that only require one require one eye are

Monocular Cue

744 - Depth cues that only require one require one eye are called

Monocular cues

745 - Depth perception is

the ability to see objects in three dimensions although the images are two dimensional

746 - Derivative subsumption

Existing knowledge + new knowledge

747 - Derrick lives in the rugged mountains, so whenever he hears the word "vehicle, " the first thing that comes to mind is a jeep. For Derrick, a jeep is a(n) ..... for vehicle.


748 - Describe how strong the level of obedience was in the Milgram (obedience) study.

Participants all varied in their obedience levels, but a great majority were hesitantly obedient.

749 - Describe the correlation in the graph shown.

No Correlation

750 - Describe the encoding specificity principle

Memory is stored with cues related to conent, the closer the cues math the content the better the memory will come in

751 - Describe the relationship between the variables.

no correlation

752 - Describe the shape of the graph.

Negatively Skewed

753 - Described as a minute-long episode of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain, choking, or other frightening sensations:

Panic Disorder

754 - Describing the TOT phenomenon

The inability to recall a word that you know is in memory

755 - Describing, explaining, predicting and influencing human behavior are the?

Goals Of Psychology

756 - Descriptive research where one person or group is studied in depth; baby albert

case study

757 - Descriptive Statistics

A way of organizing numbers and summarizing them so that they can be understood.

758 - Descriptive statistics ....., while inferential statistics .....

summarize data, determine if data can be generalized to other populations

759 - Descriptive statistics:

analyse, organise, summarise and describe the results

760 - Descriptive studies

generate considerable data.

761 - Desensitization therapy can best be defined as:

A conditioning technique designed to gradually reduce anxiety about a particular object or situation

762 - Design a room for a lady who gives the following description:"The room should be fresh and peaceful. It should be full of excitement and energetic."What will be the appropriate color scheme?

Square Color Scheme

763 - Design a room for a teenage boy who gives the following description: "The room should be soothing and clam. It should have essence of class and royalty."What will be the appropriate color scheme?

Analogous Color Scheme

764 - Designed to help people learn more about their preferences in life-style, occupations, leisure-time activities, and friends.

interest inventory

765 - Desmond believes that nature is far more important in shaping personality than nurture. Desmond probably believes in the strong influence of


766 - Despite many negative experiences John has developed a high degree of resilience and is confident that he can cope with any challenging situation that he might face. Which level of explanation does this scenario most relate to?


767 - Destiny Has noticed how some of her friends have lost the weight and gotten trim by exercising 1 to 2 hours each day. However she has a no plans to imitate their behavior. What component of Banduras model of observation learning will explain why destiny h

Destiny is not motivated, nor does she have the desire to begin the program

768 - Detects blood flow


769 - Detects electrical activity


770 - detriment

a disadvantage; harm

771 - Developed a Box as an objective way of measuring the effects of reinforcement on behaviour by it provides an easy way of recording the subjects actions


772 - Developed a four stagetheory of cognitive(intellectual)development in children.

Jean Piaget

773 - Developed one of the first comprehensive theories of personality. (subconscious mind). based his theory off of the unconscious conflicts and childhood experiences within the individual.

Sigmund Freud

774 - developed several theories of cognitive learning including the concept of latenet learning

Edward Tolaman

775 - Developed the concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes. Once was a friend of Sigmund Freud's.

Carl Jung

776 - Developed the decision-stage model of helping to show influences on bystander intervention.

Darley & Latane 1968

777 - Developed the first modern intelligence test

Alfred Binet

778 - Developed the first psychology laboratory for the experimental study of Psychology and considered the Father of Psychology.


779 - Developed the first research laboratory for systematic study of Psychology.


780 - Developed the idea of Law of Effect: When a behavior is rewarded it continues and when it is punished it discontinues.

Edward Thorndike

781 - Developed the line test to test for conformity- people conformed 37% of the time

solomon asch

782 - Developed the psycho-social development stages

Erik Erikson

783 - Developed the theory on the 'Law of Effect'


784 - Developed to assess visual perception, visual memory, and visuocontructive abilities.


785 - Development is

a lifelong process.

786 - Development is about


787 - development of a nausea or aversion response to a particular taste because that taste was followed by a nasea reaction, occuring only after one association

conditioned taste aversion

788 - development of a particular test and technical information relating to it

test manuals

789 - Development of any skill depends intimately on ____________?

Kinesthetic stimulation

790 - Developmental changes are likely to be influenced by genetic or biological factors, known as ..... and environmental conditions known as .....

nature; nurture

791 - Developmental plasticity

Is a typical feature of childhood

792 - Developmental Psychologist who was known for observation of children and the stages they develop.

Jean Piaget

793 - Developmental psychologists are especially concerned with

changes that occur throughout the life span

794 - Developmental psychologists believe that two factors that influence human development are ____________?

Genetic makes up and experience

795 - Developmental psychology is the field where professionals study a person's changes in how much time?

The whole life

796 - Developmental psychology refers to what?

The changes related to age, in a person's responses, thoughts, and behaviour due to biological and environmental influences.

797 - Developmental Psychology studies _________?

Various stages of development of man

798 - Devised the strange situation to study infant attachment styles (secure, insecure, etc.)

Mary Ainsworth

799 - Diamond went swimming with friends who did not want to get into the water because it was cold. Diamond jumped in and after a few minutes declared it was cold when she first got in but then her body got used to it.Diamond's body got accustomed to the water

sensory adaptation

800 - Diana Baumrind found that which parenting style produces the most well-adjusted children?


801 - Dichotic listening tasks are used to study _______________?

selective attention

802 - Dickerson et al (1992)

people who declare thatthey will take shorter showers do take shorter showers

803 - Did experiment on obedience. Set up lab to see how far participants would go in shocking other subjects.


804 - Didactics are a branch of Pedagogies, which focus on teaching processes


805 - Diego wants to know how drinking milk affects how tall Dora grows. Which is the independent variable?

Drinking milk.

806 - Difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution


807 - Difference thresholds increase in proportion to the size of the stimulus.

Weber's law

808 - Differences in hemispheric dominance (left brain, right brain) can help explain individual differences amongst learners.


809 - Differences in monozygotic twins' development would be due to ..... influences.


810 - Differences in perception among species depends upon _____________?

complexity of nervous system

811 - Differences in personality among people

Personality Psychology

812 - Different groups of participants is used for each level of the IV condition.

independent measures

813 - Different types of jokes are processes in different parts of the brain.


814 - Different types of rose bushes are grown in a greenhouse for two months. The number of flowers on each bush is counted at the end of the experiment.(What's the Dependent Variable?)

The number of flowers.

815 - difficult to find a population that differs by only one factor

Cross-Sectional Studies

816 - difficult to replicate

Case Studies

817 - difficult work, especially repetitive or dull labor


818 - Digestive tract hormone sends a message to the brain "Im not hungry"


819 - Digestive tract hormone; sends "I'm not hungry" signals to the brain

PYY(peptide tyrosine tyrosine)

820 - Dimished sensitivity to a stimulus

sensory adaptation

821 - Direct Joining?


822 - Direct Marketing Method?


823 - DIS- Does not permit researchers to draw conclusions regarding cause-and-effect relationships

Correlation Studies

824 - DIS- Low participation rates among research populations.


825 - DIS- Questions must be asked "just right" to get reliable answers and a considerable amount of honesty and trust is given in the answers.


826 - DIS- The behaviors could be only one-time occurrences.


827 - DIS- The data is limited to only answering the question(s) asked and these limitations lead to biases and ambiguous conclusions.


828 - DIS- This research may not be a representative sample of the general population and doesn't yield reliable conclusions about behavior.

Case Studies

829 - Disadvantages of a lab research

Only (A) & (B)

830 - Disadvantages of field research.....

All of the above

831 - Disadvantages of online research.....

Only (A) & (B)

832 - Disagreeing with Freud, Erickson emphasized more on _____________?


833 - discipline that applies Darwin's theory of natural selection to human and animal behavior

Evolutionary Psychology

834 - Discovered feature detectors (neurons in the visual cortex that identify specific lines and angles)

Hubel & Wisel

835 - discovered the law of effect and lain the groundworl for operant conditioing through his work with puzzle boxes

Edward Thorndike

836 - Discovering, analyzing, and finding a solution to overcome an obstacle is called

Problem solving

837 - Discrepancies between attitudes lead to ____________?

Cognitive dissonance

838 - Discrimination and stereotypes are, respectively

a behaviour and a belief

839 - Discrimination is a ..... while prejudice is a .....

Behavior, Cognitive Process

840 - Discrimination refers to negative .....


841 - Disney wants to increase the creativity of its staff. What type of psychologists could help rework their offices to encourage creativity?


842 - Disorder marked by inattention, inability to inhibit inappropriate thoughts, behaviors, or both. Affects executive functioning

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

843 - Disorder marked by the inability to focus attention, or overactive and impulsive behavior, or both.








847 - Disordered, distorted thinking often demonstrated through delusions and/or hallucinations.

Schizophrenic Disorders

848 - Disorders are caused by disturbing events being pushed in the unconscious.




850 - dispositional attribution is .....

when we attribute ones behavior to their personality and discount impacts of the situation

851 - Disruptive efffect of prior learning on the recall of new information (Forward Acting)

Proactive Interactive

852 - Distinguished between mental illness and mental retardation.

Jean Esquirol

853 - Distress leads to.....

Anxiety and Bad performance

854 - Distributed learning is part of which step in the PQ4R method?


855 - Division of the Autonomic Nervous System (which is a subdivision of the Peripheral Nervous System) that is FIGHT OR FLIGHT


856 - Division of the sample into groups so that every individual has an equal chance of being put in any group or condition.

random assignment

857 - Dizzy Lizzy fell off a ladder whilst trying to paint the outside of her house. Which of the following neuroimaging devices would a doctor suggest that provides the clearest images of the brain?


858 - DNA refers to the ____________________?

molecular configuration making up chromosomes

859 - Do all psychologists conduct research?


860 - Do Filipinos use traits in describing good or poor psychological health?


861 - Do neurons touch each other directly to communicate?


862 - Do psychologists believe IQ scores measure real-life achievements?


863 - Do you agree with this statement that touches of your loved ones can improve your immune system?

Yes, I agree

864 - Do you think culture impacts the way we perceive things?


865 - Doctor Kios decided to use patient's data in a research she was conducting regarding the effects of a new treatment she had prescribed to them. Which ethics did Doctor Kios break?

Informed Consent

866 - Doctors Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga (1983, 1988) studied split-brain patients-those who had surgery that separated the left and right hemispheres of the brain-and discovered that the two hemispheres had different talents, such as the left specializ


867 - Does a reason have to be given to withdraw from a study


868 - Does practicing groupthink always result in good decisions?


869 - Does the type of shoes affect the running speed. What is the IV?

Type of shoes

870 - Doing something within the rules of a game because you don't want to get in trouble is an example of;

extrinsic motivation

871 - Doing something within the rules of a game because you enjoy it is an example of;

intrinsic motivation

872 - Dolphins have smooth skin.

qualitative observation

873 - Donald Trump is loud and outgoing and can be self expressive at times. He may be described as


874 - Donating money to Cancer Council Australia would be demonstrating which component of an attitude?


875 - Don's intelligence scores were average, but he has been successful as a corporate manager. Sternberg would suggest that

his practical intelligence exceeds his academic intelligence

876 - Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that is most closely related to what behavior in the teenagers?

Reward Seeking Behavior

877 - Dorothea Dix was an advocate for this group of people in society.

the mentally ill

878 - Dorothy believes that she will be highly successful in business if she works hard and carefully manages her time. Her belief most clearly illustrates:

an internal locus of control

879 - Dory is.....


880 - Dory repeating directions while navigating the pipes is an example of


881 - Dory suffered from

Encoding failure (Short-term memory loss)

882 - Dory's emotional, sudden remembrance of the undertow from her childhood is an example of

Flashbulb memory

883 - Double-Blind Study

Study in which neither the experimenter nor the subjects know if the subjects are in the experimental or the control group.

884 - Down syndrome, a genetic defect occurs when the cells in the body have an extra copy (tri-somy) of chromosome

Number 21

885 - Down̢۪s syndrome is caused by ______________________?

an extra autosome or part of one

886 - Dr. Alix, a psychologist wants to find the cause-and-effect relationship between two psychology-related variables. He is most probably engage to

Experimental Research

887 - Dr. Anderson conducts an experiment to see whether exposure to helpful models leads to helping behavior in young children. Of the forty girls and boys in his study, half are exposed to helpful models while the other half watch the same models not engaged

helping behavior

888 - Dr. Armen gives his students a test that assesses their learning styles. Two weeks later, Dr. Armen gives the same test to the same students to see if the results remain consistent. Dr. Armen seems interested in the ..... of the test.


889 - Dr. Bender considers biological, psychological, and environmental factors when studying childhood behavioral disorders. He is using different his approach.

levels of analysis

890 - Dr. Benton examines change in children's preformance of skills with and without teacher support. He is based on.....

Behavioral learning theories.

891 - Dr. Briones believes that the way students attend to, organize, and think about the information in their textbooks will strongly influence their ability to later remember and use what they have studied. Dr. Briones' ideas most directly exemplify the .....


892 - Dr. Daugherty studies how the thickness of the beaks of one species of birds has undergone changes in response to drought and other environmental factors over a long period of time. Which psychological approach does Dr. Daugherty take?


893 - Dr. Didden was hired by the TLC Company to help it retain its employees without lowering the firm's profits. After TLC removed cubicles and permitted employees to decorate their workroomas recommended by Dr. Didden, the absentee rate declined and no emplo

industrial/organizational psychologist

894 - Dr. Doom is a cognitive psychologist. She is probably most interested in

how people process information.

895 - Dr. House is a medical doctor who specializes in psychiatry. He often treats his patients with medication to assist with their mental health. Dr. House is considered a:


896 - Dr. Jean Piaget (1952) showed 5-year-old children two identical glass beakers each containing the same amount of liquid. The children had no difficultly understanding that the amount of liquid was the same in both containers. However, when the liquid from

developmental psychologist

897 - Dr. John looks leans on the perspective that the unconscious mind influences an individuals behavior.

psychodynamic approach

898 - Dr. Jones is a psychologist who explains motivation in terms of underlying physiological states, to which theory does Dr. Jones subscribe?

drive-reduction theory

899 - Dr. Khera is given a project to study the personality and life-style differences between two ethnic cultures. Which methods will he prefer to use :

participant observation and case study

900 - Dr. Kleiman gives an exam where most of the students receive failing grades and only a few students receive high scores. When the exam scores are plotted, the distribution will be

positively skewed

901 - Dr. Lee is interested in the effect of lighting on people's ability to concentrate. Dr. Lee studies this by manipulating the amount of lighting while participants read and then measuring their scores on a reading comprehension test. Which of the following


902 - Dr. Leung encourages her students to go beyond just memorizing definitions. If they fully understand the meanings of the concepts covered in class, she says, they will remember them much longer. Which model is Dr. Leung suggesting they use?


903 - Dr. McDonald helps people who get rashes on their skin. What did he study in college?


904 - Dr. Mendoza is studying the mental strategies people use when solving problems. Dr. Mendoza is clearly a(n):

Cognitive psychologist

905 - Dr. Nagpal conducts an experiment. In one condition, participants perform a physical task in a room, alone. In a second condition, participants perform the same task, but do so in front of an audience of five people. Dr. Nagpal then measures how well each

the dependent variable

906 - Dr. Ochoa develops tests to accurately identify the most qualified job applicants in a large manufacturing firm. Which psychological specialty does Dr. Ochoa's work best represent?

industrial-organizational psychology

907 - Dr. Olsen enjoys studying ancient humans and how they have changed and adapted over the years. What was his college degree in?


908 - Dr. Peters wants to identify the characteristics of " corporate success", so he studies an extremely successful company for six months. He reads corporate documents, interviews employees, gives managers psychological tests to identify their leadership sty

a case study

909 - Dr. Philip Zimbardo (1972) found that Stanford University students who had been randomly assigned to act as either a guard or prisoner in a simulated prison, adopted these roles completely. After 6 days the study had to be stopped as the guards became cru

Social psychologist

910 - Dr. Redford has long been interested in dissociative identity disorder. For the past three years, the only participant in his research has been his client, Sybil. He has studied her case intensively. What research method is Dr. Redford using?

Case study

911 - Dr. Richards sees patients who suffer from anxiety. He offers a number of treatments to his patients, ranging from hypnosis to behavioral therapy. Dr. Richards is showing us which of the areas psychologists can work in?

Providing mental health services

912 - Dr. Santaniello conducts basic research on how children's moral thinking changes as they grow older. It is most likely that Dr. Santaniello is a(n) ..... psychologist.


913 - Dr. Schulte wants to investigate if aggressive behavior in children is increased if they view violent videos. In this instance, the dependent variable is

aggressive behavior

914 - Dr. Silvanna designs an experiment for studying lab rats' reaction to energy drinks in relation to problem solving. Dr. Silvanna is most interested in the goal of


915 - Dr. Smith has a Ph.D. in Psychology. He performs research on schizophrenia. Dr. Smith's career is a:

clinical psychologist

916 - Dr. Smith uses a diagnostic approach that is cross-cultural, searching for generalities across cultures; assumes universality in disorders. This is a ..... approach.


917 - Dr. Vazquez is examining a cell from the nervous system of an animal. He notices that at one end of the cellbody is a long, fibrous strand of tissue. He immediately recognizes this as an axon that is responsible for

carrying signals away from the cell body.

918 - Dr. Wilson attributes the delinquent behaviors of many teens to the pressures associated with being members of street gangs. Her account best illustrates a(n) ..... perspective.


919 - Dr. Winkle conducts basic research on the systematic changes in intelligence associated with aging. It is most likely that Dr. Winkle is a(n) ..... psychologist.


920 - Dr. Wong feels that Jessica's anxiety has been caused by unresolved issues in her childhood. Dr. Wong's beliefs are most closely related to ..... perspective.


921 - Draw a conclusion about the relationship between the number of cases and time.

Only (A) & (B)

922 - drawing conclusions about a person, group of people, or situation prior to evaluating the evidence


923 - Dreaming takes place in this type of sleep.


924 - Drinking energy drinks makes people more aggressive. What is the Dependent variable?

Aggressive behavior

925 - Driver attention as a function of car radio sound is a phrase in which the driver attention aspect represents the ____________?

dependent variable

926 - Drives serve to activate responses that are aimed at reducing the drive, thereby returning the body to a more normal state called


927 - driving force


928 - DSM stands for

diagnostic and statistical manual.

929 - Dualism refers to:

The mind and body being separate entities

930 - Due to dementia MN can remember very little new information but MN can still remember childhood adventures. Which level of explanation does this scenario most relate to?

Basic (brain) processes

931 - Due to seizures after a brain damage Dr. William Scoville decided to remove H.M.'s .....


932 - Duration of STM

30 seconds

933 - During a child̢۪s development, if the amount of frustration and anxiety becomes too great concerning movement to the next stage, development may come to a halt. The individual is said to become ____________?


934 - During a Primary appraisal, if a person thinks that the situation has already caused damage, it would be


935 - During a Primary appraisal, if a person thinks that the situation is not stressful at all, they would conclude that the situation is.....


936 - During a Primary appraisal, if a person thinks that the situation needs to be dealt with now to avoid future harm or loss, it would be a


937 - During a Primary appraisal, if a person thinks that the situation provides them an oppotunity for personal growth, they will assess the situation as


938 - During a primary appraisal, the person asks themselves.....

Is this situation stressful for me?

939 - During a secondary appraisal, the person asks themselves.....

What resources am I going to use to cope with the stress?

940 - During depolarization,____________ molecules rush into axon, during depolarization_____________ molecules rush out of the axon?

sodium, potassium

941 - During her evening Spanish language exam, Janica so easily remembers the French vocabulary she studied that morning that she finds it difficult to recall the Spanish vocabulary she rehearsed that afternoon. Her difficulty best illustrates:

proactive interference

942 - During her first night living in the city, Sam noticed all of the sounds around her (the police cars, the traffic on the street below, the people talking outside.) Sam has lived in the city for three months now and does not notice these same noises. This

Sensory adaptation has occurred

943 - During her first timed exam. Fouz, writing very quickly, wrote too unclearly for her teacher to read her answers, resulting in a poor grade. Since this, Fouz takes particular care to have perfect handwriting in all her exams and assignments out of a fear

A deep fear of a repeat of receiving a poor grade on future assessments.

944 - During her first timed exam. Fouz, writing very quickly, wrote too unclearly for her teacher to read her answers, resulting in a poor grade. Since this, Fouz takes particular care to have perfect handwriting in all her exams and assignments out of a fear

The first time Fouz received a poor mark due to her handwriting.

945 - During her psychology test, Kelsey could not remember the meaning of the term proactive interference. Surprisingly, however, she accurately remembered that the term appeared on the fourth line of a left-hand page in her textbook. Her memory of this incide

automatic processing.

946 - During his English class, Ben is able to recall the author of The Scarlet Letter. This type of memory is called:


947 - During his experiments with dogs, the unconditioned response in Pavlov's experiment was.....


948 - During Homecoming hundreds of students TP the houses of teachers and coaches. This is an example of?


949 - During Jesse's Arabic vocabulary quiz, he is presented with a list of choice s for each question. Aided by this list of possible retrieval cues, which type of memory retrieval method is being tested?


950 - During learning, the role of the neurotransmitters is to:

transmit chemical messages across the synaptic gap between neurons

951 - During lunch a group of high school students who were all prejudiced discussed racial issues. As the discussion progressed, they became increasingly more prejudiced. This is an example of.....

group polarization

952 - During lunch a group of students discussed their frustrations with a teacher. As the discussion progressed, they became increasingly more angry and frustrated. This is an example of.....

group polarization

953 - During NREM-1 (the first stage of sleep) a HYPNAGOGIC SENSATION is.....

A sensation of falling that often wakes you up

954 - During peer review, it is usually the case that the peer doing the reviewing remains:


955 - During REM, your brainwave patterns are similar to:

When you're awake

956 - During the "friction phase" of the Robber's Cave Experiment (days 7-10), the experimenters.....

encouraged conflict

957 - During the cold Winter you have spot it taking your dog for walks what's more your dog Has gotten used to the fact That when you accidentally rodell history at least he isn't going for a walk And subsequently he does not come running to the front door one


958 - During the familiarization phase, there were .....; 5 minute trials; ..... per day. (Yamamoto)

8 ; 1

959 - During the first day of school, Robert is surprised when his psychology teacher states, "Psychology is a science." By the end of the class period, Robert understands why. What type of information did Robert's teacher most likely provide to support her sta

Psychologists systematically collect research data.

960 - During the initial interview with a client, a trainer learns the clients desire to exercise regularly was based on the results of a recent medical exam revealing prehypertension (blood pressure= 137/88 mmHg), dyslipidemia (total serum cholesterol=227 mg/d

Perceived seriousness

961 - During the Middle Ages, most Europeans believed that psychological problems were caused by .....


962 - During the new normal, learners can utilize varied interactive platforms of learning and games such as:(Tick as many possible answers)

All of the above

963 - During the night, Alicia stops breathing and repeatedly gasps for air. Alicia is most likely suffering from

Sleep apnea

964 - During the night, Alicia stops breathing repeatedly, frequently gasps for air, and snores loudly at regular intervals. Alicia is most likely suffering from which of the following conditions?

Sleep apnea

965 - During the preoperational stage children a very .....


966 - During the preoperational stage.....

intense language learning takes place

967 - During the stage of concrete operations children ___________?

Understand the concept of reversibility

968 - During the third through the eight week of pregnancy, the developing child can be accurately referred to as the ______________?


969 - During the transaction stage of sensation:

sensory receptors change the original energy stimulus into impulses of electrochemical energy

970 - During this stage of sleep, muscle activity and eye movements completely stop, and you become difficult to awaken.

Stage 4

971 - During this stage of sleep, you drift in and out of sleep and can be easily awakened.

Stage 1

972 - During this stage there is "protective paralysis" where the body is unable to move.

REM sleep

973 - During which stage do children understand the world primarily by observing the effects of their own actions on other people, objects and events?


974 - During which stage in our sleeping cycle do we experience Active brain activity but no muscle movement?


975 - During which stage of development does the pre-frontal cortex mature?


976 - During which type of sleep do you dream?


977 - Dwayne is interested in helping people make good decisions regarding their physical well being. Dwayne should consider a career as a.....

Health Psychologist

978 - Dweck says that students should be praised for.....

their effort

979 - dyadic

communication involving only two people

980 - Dylan's mother buys him a sailor's cap before they go on a family fishing trip. On the boat, Dylan gets nauseated and vomits. The next day he gets nauseated just from looking at the sailor's cap. The sailor's cap has become:

The conditioned stimulus

981 - E.B. Titchener (1867-1927) defined ‘Psychology’ as the science of____________?

Conscious Experience

982 - E.B. Titchener (1867-1927) defined 'Psychology' as the science of .....

Conscious Experience

983 - Each A Level exam paper is for hour many hours?


984 - Each and every task has

advantages and disadvantages

985 - Each burst of synaptogenesis is followed by which of the following processes?


986 - Each of the following is a neurotransmitter except _____________?


987 - Each of the following is a valid criticism of instinct theories of motivation EXCEPT

they were the dominant explanation for human behavior early in the twentieth century

988 - Each of the three factors Bandura believes influence personality affect the other two in a give-and-take relationship. This relationship is called .....

Reciprocal Determinism

989 - Each option has three "topics." There is one question per topic. True or False?


990 - Each participant in Stanley Milgram's experiment on obedience and authority tested their willingness to:

disobey their personal conscience

991 - each time a study is repeated, the results are consistent.


992 - Each time you see your car, it projects a different image on the retina as of your eyes yet you do not perceive it as changing. This is because of ________________?

perceptual constancy

993 - Ear canal

external auditory canal

994 - Early Behaviorists were only interested in which of the following behaviors?

Observable and Measurable

995 - Early perspective in psychology focusing on perception and sensation, particularly the perception of patterns and whole figures.


996 - Early psychological perspective that emphasized units of consciousness and identification of elements of thought using introspection


997 - Early psychological perspective that utilized introspection


998 - Early psychologist studied the mind by asking people to describe what they were experiencing when exposed to various stimuli. This procedure is known as


999 - Early school of thought, looks at how the mental and behavioral processes enable the organism to adapt, survive, and flourish.


1000 - Early school of thought, used introspection to reveal the structure of the human mind.



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