Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 8

1 - nearsightedness caused by a refractive error due to an abnormally long eye in which the retinal image is blurred because the focal point of one or both eyes lies in front of, rather than on, the retina.


2 - Nearsightedness is a condition in which the:

Eyeball is longer than normal

3 - Neauropsychology deals with

Neurological changes

4 - Ned uses questionnaires to collect data. His method of data collection is :


5 - Nedra is a split-brain patient. As she fixates on a spot in the middle of her vision, a picture of a dog is flashed to her left visual field and a picture of a rabbit is flashed to her right visual field. Which of the following will she be able to do?

Verbally report that she saw a rabbit.

6 - Need, drive and incentive deleted to?


7 - Need, drive and incentive related to?


8 - Needs ..... is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care.


9 - needs having to do with an organism's thinking and understanding


10 - Needs relating to confidence and self-image. Can only be meet after physiological, safety, and love & belonging needs are met.

Esteem needs

11 - negative behavior toward members of outgroups


12 - Negative reinforcement ..... the rate of a response; punishment ..... the rate of a response.

Increases; decreases

13 - Negative reinforcement and punishment

have opposite effects on behavior.

14 - Negative reinforcement of unwanted behaviors or events


15 - Nerve cells are also called what?




17 - Nerves that form the communication network between the Central Nervous System (CNS), and other areas throughout the body:

Peripheral Nervous System

18 - Neta cuts her arms when overwhelmed by emotion, abruptly changes from laughter to anger, and needs constant reassurance from others to feel any sense of self worth. She most likely has ..... disorder.

Borderline Personality

19 - Neural process involved when memories are recalled and then stored again for retrieval


20 - Neurogenesis

is the production of new nerve cells.

21 - Neurons are:

long, thin cells of nerve tissue along which messages travel to and from the brain.

22 - Neurons communicate across the synapse by means of neurotransmitters, which bind to special proteins on the postsynaptic membrane, like a key fitting into a lock. In this analogy, the neurotransmitter is the key and the ..... is the lock.

neural receptor

23 - Neurons generally cannot fire at rates exceeding 100 impulses per second. This maximum firing rate can be largely attributed to ____________?

absolute refractory periods

24 - Neurons have some similarities with other cells in the human body. Which of the following characteristics is seen in neurons, but not in most other cells?

The ability to transmit signals to other cells

25 - Neurons that carry messages between sensory or motor neurons and the central nervous system


26 - Neurons that carry signals from Central Nervous System to muscles

Motor Neuron

27 - Neurons that fire in response to specific edges, lines, angles, and movements are called what?

feature detectors

28 - Neurons that send signals from the brain to glands and muscles


29 - Neuroscience deals with how the body and brain enable


30 - neurotransmitter that promotes (gas pedal) action potentials. Arousing or accelerating physiological


31 - Neurotransmitters are ..... that travel across the ..... to another cell.

chemicals; synapse

32 - Neutral stimulus is?

a stimulus that does not naturally cause a response in the organism

33 - Never Eat Soggy Waffles is a good technique for remembering North, South, East and West. What is this technique called?


34 - New workers at McDonald's are required to complete an employee-training program to improve the work efficiency and compete for healthy competitions. This program may have been implemented by which type of psychologist?

Industrial/Organization psychologist

35 - New workers at McDonald's are required to complete an employee-training program. This program may have been designed and implemented by which type of psychologist?

educational psychologist

36 - Nick wanted to see how high an ice cube would float in different temperatures of water. Identify the dependent variable.

height of ice cube

37 - Nick, being a gentleman, helped an old lady cross a busy street. She gave Nick \$10.00 for his helpThis is an example of:

Operant Conditioning (positive reinforcement)

38 - Night and peripheral vision depend mainly on ....., while daylight and color vision depend mainly on .....

rods, cones

39 - Nils, watching a gruesome horror film, protects himself from feeling stress by blocking out the feelings associated with the scenes. This is an example of the coping strategy called


40 - Noam Chomsky has emphasized that the acquisition of language by children is facilitated by

an inborn readiness to learn grammatical rules.

41 - Noam Chomsky posited that humans have a unique, inborn ability to understand the structure of language and to apply this to language learning. Chomsky called this the _______________?

language acquisition device

42 - Noam Chomsky's language theory included the idea that:

Children have an innate mental grammar

43 - Noam Chomsky's theory of language acquisition holds that people have an inborn universal grammar that makes learning of language easy for children. Which of the following statements is used as support for this theory?

Regardless of the language learned, children tend to make similar errors of grammar when they first begin to learn language.

44 - Norm Triplett, an early social psychologist to whom the origin of research and academics in sport and exercise psychology is traced back to, tested his hypothesis with children and what task?

reeling in a fishing line

45 - Normal development of the human brain involves the birth and death of brain cells.


46 - Normal Distribution/Curve

A special frequency polygon, shaped like a bell, in which the scores are symmetrically distributed around the mean, and the mean, median, and mode are all located on the same point on the curve with scores decreasing as the curve extends from the mean

47 - Norms are

implicit or explicit rules that apply to all members of the group that govern acceptable behavior and attitudes.

48 - Norms are influenced by __________?

All of the above

49 - Norms can best be described as _________________________?

standard and expectations shared by the members of a society

50 - Not a Goal of Psychological enquiry


51 - Not a monocular cue for depth is _________________?


52 - NOT a primary taste sensation


53 - Not actually experiencing an event but creating an idea in your mind of how it may have happened.


54 - Not among stimulus cues that can aid perception of depth is ___________________?


55 - Not among the major brain division is ____________?

reticular activating system

56 - Not being able to recall events


57 - Not being able to remember an old phone number because you can only remember the new one is an example of:

Reteroactive interference

58 - Not being able to remember new information from short-term to long-term memory is called .....


59 - Not being able to remember your new boyfriend's name and you keeping calling them by your old boyfriend's name is an example of:

Proactive interference

60 - Not being able to remember your new postcode because you always think of your last one is an example of.....?

Proactive interference

61 - Not having to do the dishes if you take out the trash is an example of what?

Negative Reinforcement

62 - Not having to worry about your health, job, or being attacked are related to this level of needs.

Safety and Security

63 - Not helping someone in a crowded area because you assume someone else is more qualified is best described as:

diffusion of responsibility

64 - Not throwing away your dog leash and dog collar after your dog died, because you are hoping he comes back is an example of which defense mechanism?


65 - Nothing about our conscious experience is influenced by our unconscious thoughts and processes.


66 - Noticing a stimulus at least 50% of the time is which of the following?

absolute threshold

67 - Noting what an individual does every 5 minutes for 30 seconds is an example of.....?

Time Sampling

68 - Nowadays, teaching is becoming more and more


69 - numerical data that allow one to generalize- to infer from sample data the probability of something being true of a population

inferential statistics

70 - Numerical data that allows one to generalize the probability of something being true of a population

inferential statistics

71 - Numerical data used to measure and describe characteristics of groups

desriptive statistics

72 - numerical data used to measure and describe characteristics of groups. Includes measures of central tendency and measures of variation.

descriptive statistics

73 - Nurture/Environments can influence IQs by as much as 25 points. This is called the

Reaction Range of Intelligence

74 - Nurture's influences on brain development include:


75 - Obedience involves

following the commands of someone in authority

76 - Obedience refers to:

a person following a direct command.

77 - Object assembly, picture arrangement, and block design are three performance subtests of the


78 - Object permanence can be defined as:

Objects continuing to exist even after they have left our perception.

79 - Object permanenceMoving objectsSenses world through images and motion


80 - Objective data is.....

Only (A) & (B)

81 - objectivity

the quality of being based on or influenced by reason and facts

82 - Objects far away appear small. You are not confused by this because your brain perceives


83 - Observable behavior is ..... .

Anything that you can see, hear, or experience with the senses

84 - Observation or perspective


85 - Observation where observer joins the group being observed.


86 - Observation where person is aware of being observed.


87 - Observation where the person is studied in a natural situation, and everything is left as it is.....


88 - Observational learning consists of

All of the Above

89 - Observational learning with the Bobo doll study

Albert Bandura

90 - Observations like one in Schachter & Singer's study may contain observer's .....


91 - Observations, like measurements, are ..... observations


92 - Observations, like the color or texture of an object, are ..... observations.


93 - Observed the behavior of individuals and began taking notes and finding patterns.


94 - Observing a small selection of an interaction (5 minutes or less) and being able to accurately determine emotions and attitudes of the people/person

thin slicing

95 - observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate and control the situation

Natural Observation

96 - Observing one person over a long period of time is called a(n) ..... This type of study is not always the best choice to draw conclusions, as it is not representative of the larger population.

case study

97 - Observing the way people eat ina restaurants is an example of

naturalistic observation

98 - Observing users interacting within the situation and making notes

Primary Research

99 - Obsessive-compulsive behavior, panic, and phobias are formally classified as ..... disorders.


100 - Occipital lobe is located in ___________?

none of these

101 - Occupies 40-60% of total sleep time; the "baseline of sleep"

Stage 2

102 - occurs when a strong stimulus is paired with a neutral stimulus, causing the neutral stimulus to become a second conditioined stimulus

higher-order conditioing

103 - Occurs when an individual's old response becomes attached to a new stimulus.

Classical Conditioning

104 - Occurs when misleading information is incorporated into one's memory after an event. For example a police officers leading question could alter your memory.

Misinformation Effect

105 - Occurs when participants show some kind of change although they have not received active treatment

Placebo Effect

106 - Occurs when people think carefully about a message & are influenced because they find the arguments compelling

central route persuasion

107 - occurs when the brain computes information step-by-step in a methodical and linear matter

serial processing

108 - Odd one out - which one of these was not one of the games played?


109 - Odd uses of language, make up own words, string together series of nonsense words that rhyme.

Disorganized Schizophrenia

110 - Odors are detected by the ..... membrane in each nostril.


111 - Of the following one is not a measure of retention ?


112 - Of the following psychologists, who described the identity crisis as a major problem faced by the adolescent?


113 - Of the following schools of thought, which emphasizes the importance of unconscious processes?


114 - Of the following tests, the most suitable for determining the IQ of most 12-year-old is the ___________________?


115 - Of the following, the correlation coefficient that indicates the strongest relationship between the two variables being measured is


116 - Of the following, which is possible cause of dementia?

all of the above

117 - Of the following, which test is the most widely used intelligence test today?

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

118 - Of the following, who is a humanistic psychologist?

Abraham Maslow

119 - Of the following, who is associated with the Behaviorist school of psychology?


120 - Of the following, who is associated with the Gestalt school of psychology?

Max Wertheimer

121 - Of the following, who was a behaviorist?

F Skinner

122 - Of the following, who was a functionalist?

William James

123 - Of the following, who was a structuralist?

Wilhelm Wundt

124 - Of the four distinct skin senses, the only one that has definable receptors is:


125 - Of the four memory codes, this method involves the use of encoding stimuli by movement.


126 - Of which school of human behavior, Abraham Maslow is a chief proponent?


127 - Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypothesis. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence


128 - Often referred to as the Father of Psychology

Wilhem Wundt

129 - Often we see studies that have sampling bias. In that case, we can say that the study has poor

Population validity

130 - Old pattern of problem solving is applied to a new problem. It predisposes how we think

mental set

131 - Old theories can be replaced by new theories without greater explanatory power.


132 - 'Older people will spend significantly more time doing sporting activities in a week than younger people.' What sort of hypothesis is this?

One-tailed alternative

133 - Olfaction refers to which sense?


134 - Olfactory nerve is a part of the

Smell sense

135 - Oliver asks his girlfriend Melody if she doesn't mind that Sarah, his ex girlfriend attends their movie date together. Melody was hoping for some "alone time" but agrees to have her along because she doesn't want to upset her boyfriend. This can be best d


136 - Omar and Patrick sell magazine subscriptions by telephone. Omar is paid \$1.00 for every 5 calls he makes, while Patrick is paid \$1.00 for every subscription he sells. Omar is paid on a ..... schedule while Patrick is paid on a ..... schedule.

fixed ratio; variable ratio

137 - On a ..... schedule , reinforcements are provided only after a certain number of correct responses have been made.

Fixed - ratio

138 - On a fishing trip, Ed realizes that he has mistakenly packed the sewing box instead of the tackle box. He wants to fish but returns home because he does not have any lines or hooks. Ed's failure to realize that sewing thread can be used as fishing line an

Functional fixedness

139 - On a hot summer day in July, Rob was fueling up his new car with gas. He reflected on the hot summer day two years ago in which he ran out of gas on the highway. What type of memory is this for Rob?

Episodic; Hippocampus; Explicit

140 - On a MRI, the area of the brain that shows activity during an insightful moment occurs in the .....

right parietal lobe

141 - On a normal distribution, if the mean is 80, and the standard deviation is 20, what is the range of scores that will fall within one standard deviation of the mean?

60 - 100

142 - On a plane, the gentleman sitting next to you asks a number of questions about exercise, nutrition, and health. He says that he does not currently exercise, but he has been thinking about joining a gym and asks you for recommendations. Basked on this info


143 - On a recent visit to the doctor, Jasmine was given a painful injection. Since then, Jasmine not only refuses to go to the same doctor, but also will not go to see any doctor or dentist. Jasmine's refusal behaviour is an example of

stimulus generalisation

144 - On a scale of 1-10, how brutal is Mr. Bell for being a monster with you at musical practice?


145 - On an IQ test, how many test takers will fall within one standard deviation of the mean?


146 - On average how many decisions a day does a person make?

35, 000

147 - On average, your short term memory can hold how many "chunks" of information?

3 to 9

148 - On Monday, Tonya asked her teacher to postpone Tuesday's test until Friday. After her teacher flatly refused Tonya asked the teacher to push the test back one day, to Wednesday. Tonya is using the compliance strategy known as

door in the face

149 - On most intelligence tests today, a score of 120 would be:

above the mean score.

150 - On one day at the mall, Dr. Miele conducted a survey that measured the eating habits of people who were 20, 30, 40 and 50, with 10 people in each group. The study was attempting to determine if a high protein diet led to increased muscle mass. Which of th

a cross-sectional study

151 - On the first day of class, Mr. Sharma divides his class into 4 competing groups. On the 5th day of school, Mohit was sent to the principal for kicking members of the other groups. Mr. Sharma can be faulted for encouraging the creation of

out group bias

152 - On the first day of class, Mr. Simpson divides his class into 4 competing groups. On the 5th day of school, Matt was sent to the principal for kicking members of the other groups. Mr. Simpson can be faulted for encouraging the creation of

out group bias

153 - On the first day of Introductory Philosophy class, Nora asks her students to provide a definition of the term critical thinking. Having aced Introductory Psychology last semester, Cassie knows that critical thinking is

the process of assessing claims and making judgments on the basis of well-supported evidence.

154 - On the first day of term, the Australian Politics teacher gave the students a test to assess their prior knowledge. Students had to circle all the previous Australian prime ministers from a group of faces provided. On the last day of term, the teacher gav

recognition and recall

155 - On the mental health continuum, mentally healthy is on the ..... and mental disorder is on the .....

left; right

156 - On their second date, Mary confides in Frank that she still loves to watch Rugrats. He in turn, tells her that he still cries when he watches Bambi. These 2 young lovers will be brought closer together through this process of

self disclosure

157 - On this kind of schedule, reinforcement is available at predetermined times.

fixed interval

158 - On this kind of schedule, reinforcement occurs after a specified quantity of responses

fixed ratio

159 - On this type of schedule, reinforcement occurs after a random number of responses.

variable ratio

160 - On what kind of a reinforcement schedule does a slot machine work?

variable-ratio schedule

161 - On which day did the Ice Cream shop sell the greatest amount of Ice Creams?


162 - On which occasion would a researcher use a more stringent level of significance?

Study cannot be repeated

163 - Once a sensory receptor detects a change in the environment, the next step in a reflex is.....

a sensory neuron transmits the nerve impulse to the CNS

164 - Once light enters the eye, the physical energy is not converted into a neural message until it reaches the sensory receptors located on the


165 - Once Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate to the sound of a bell, the bell was a(n)

conditioned stimulus

166 - Once Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate to the sound of the bell, the bell was a?

conditioned stimulus

167 - Once social change has occured its origins are forgotten by the majority in a process called:

Social cryptomnesia

168 - Once social change has occurred, its origins are forgotten by the process called:

Social cryptomnesia

169 - Once you've reached your full potential in life, Maslow believed you have accomplished the last stage in his Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid. What is the last stage/top of the pyramid called?

Self Actualization

170 - One advantage of a teacher-centred approach is

classroom management is easier

171 - One advantage of a teacher-centred approach is .....

classroom management is easier

172 - One advantage of using an MRI is:

that it produces highly detailed 3D images of the brain

173 - One analysis revealed that pitchers were more likely to hit batters when the previous batter had hit a home run. This best illustrates

the frustration-aggression principle.

174 - One attribute seems to be characteristic of outstanding teachers: intentionality. What do intentional teachers do?

Intentional teachers are those who are constantly thinking about the outcomes they want for their students and about how each decision they make moves children toward those outcomes.

175 - One boy has brown eyes. His twin brother has blue eyes. This information enables a person to conclude that the two ______________?

are fraternal twins

176 - One chicken is injected with a growth hormone while another chicken is not injected with a growth hormone. After one year, both chickens are weighed. What is the dependent variable?

The weight of the chicken

177 - One cluster of personality disorders marked by noticeably odd or eccentric behavior is exemplified by the ..... personality disorder.


178 - One function of the brain stem is:

Autonomic activities

179 - One fundamental assumption of the perception research is that the values of the errors over number of trials will be ..... distributed.


180 - One hallmark of projective tests is that they ____________?

Are multiphase

181 - One individual or group is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principles

case study

182 - One is a bun. Two is a shoe. Three is a tree. Four is a door. This is part of the _____________ method of improving memory?


183 - One major issue with the Milgram obedience study and with Watson's early conditioning experiments is that ..... would not have been required because the APA Code of Ethics did not exist.

informed consent

184 - One major objection to early Skinnerian (B.F. Skinner) approach to psychology is that it

Did not take into account internal thoughts and feelings

185 - One of Dr Baressi's patients had damage to the medial temporal lobes in both hemispheres, including both hippocampi. Despite the damage, this person should be able to continue to form new

procedural memories.

186 - One of the "Rules of Netiquette" are to.....

Only (A) & (B)

187 - One of the benefits of ethnography includes:

giving a voice to a culture to express their views, which might not otherwise be heard.

188 - One of the best ways to show you are listening is

using an appropriate amount of eye contact

189 - One of the compliance strategies used when people think they ought to do something nice for someone who had done something nice for them.

compliance strategy/norms of reciprocity

190 - One of the concequences of prejudice is that people may be denied access to resources, this is called.....


191 - One of the Darwin̢۪s key ideas is that, because of natural selection, animals have an inborn tendency to behave in ways that ____________?

help them to survive and reproduce

192 - One of the earliest and most important color vision theories was formulated by _________________?

Young and Helmholtz

193 - One of the errors of reconstructive memory is an inability to determine where a specific memory originated. This is called .....

source amnesia

194 - One of the first outstandingtheorists to recognize the importanceof the early years was


195 - One of the first ways in which infants demonstrate that they have different personalities is in their ....., the behavioral and emotional characteristics that are fairly well established at birth.


196 - One of the following is not a method of measuring retention?


197 - One of the following is not a monocular depth cue ______________?

Relative moment

198 - One of the issues of this academic year is the changing in modality of teaching. A lot of students protested that online class is an option anti-poor.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

199 - one of the main theorists involved was.....

Gordon Allport

200 - One of the major goals of humanistic therapy is to aid the individual in developing ____________?

positive self-concepts

201 - One of the most common ways to study the possible correlation of genetic inheritance and behaviour is through .....

twin research

202 - One of the most effective ways to remember information is to make personal sense of it. This process is called ________________?


203 - One of the most famous Humanistic Perspective Psychologists.

Abraham Maslow

204 - One of the most famous of the humanistic psychologists, he came up with the idea of self-actualization.

Abraham Maslow

205 - One of the most important attributes an athlete can have


206 - One of the older areas of the brain.


207 - One of the pioneers of the psychology of perception was ________________?


208 - One of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia includes .....


209 - One of the three basic memory tasks that involves identifying objects or events that have been encountered before.


210 - One of these events was the introduction of a new technology that suggested a new way of describing the operation of the mind. That new technology was the .....

DIgital Computer

211 - One of Wilhelm Wundt's great contributions to Psychology is the idea that this is a universal possession.


212 - One of your friends drinks several martinis while eating pepperoni pizza. After becoming sick, she refuses to eat pepperoni pizza. Type of learning?

Classical Conditioning

213 - One plant is given sunlight every day. Another plant of the same type is not given any sunlight. After 3 weeks, the height of each plant is measured. What is the dependent variable?

How tall the plants are

214 - One principle of research ethics is that researchers must weigh up the potential dangers of the research to participants and ensure that the best interests of participants have the highest priority. This is an explanation of.....


215 - One problem with an independent measures design is that the internal validity can be hindered by.....

participant variables

216 - One problem with the match pairs design is.....

time consuming to set up

217 - One psychological perspective in psychology assumes that perceptions and thoughts influence behavior is


218 - One strategy that you can use to determine if your test has internal reliability is the

split-halves test

219 - One study showed that students do better on tests when they study for a test in the room where the test will be given. What concepts is this an example of?

context-dependent memory

220 - One subject partially blocks your view of a second object and, therefore, the first object is seen as being closer to you than the second object. This is an example of ________________?


221 - One test to determine if you test has external reliability is the:

test-retest method

222 - One the the key assumptions of this psychological perspective is that adaptive organisms survive and transmit genes to future generations.


223 - One trial learning, Taste Aversion

John Garcia

224 - One way of encoding information to your memory is by mentally taking a picture of the information. This is called:

visual codes

225 - One way to check reliability is by testing the same group of people twice on two separate occasions. This method is called .....


226 - One way to reduce inter-group conflict is to establish

superordinate goals.

227 - One would expect an action potential to travel most quickly in _____________?

a long, thick myelinated fiber

228 - One would need at least a(n) ..... degree to serve as a school psychologist.


229 - One's experience or image of oneself, developed through interaction with others:


230 - One's heartbeat is controlled by the

autonomic nervous system

231 - One's heartbeat, breathing, and digestive system is controlled by the

Autonomic NS

232 - only part of the target population.


233 - Open ended questions are which type of data?


234 - Opened 1st Lab to study behavior in scientific way in Leipzig, Germany in 1879?

Wilhelm Wundt

235 - opening in middle of iris where light passes through


236 - Openness to accept new evidence and admit when we were wrong


237 - Openness to help others like being part of community?

Kagandahang Loob

238 - Operant Conditioning


239 - Operant conditioning and reinforcement are the more modern versions of


240 - Operant conditioning focuses on how reinforcement affects this type of behavior


241 - Operant conditioning is a learning method that has to do with

Only (A) & (B)

242 - Operant conditioning is also known as

instrumental conditioning

243 - Operant conditioning is associated with


244 - Operant Conditioning is under .....

Behavioral Learning Theory

245 - Operant conditioning was studied by

F. Skinner.

246 - Operant conditioning would suggest that a criminal commits crimes because:

they have been rewarded for criminal behaviour in the past

247 - Operational Definition

Very specific definition of a variable, and the process of measurement.

248 - Operational definitions

Clearly lay out the details of our research

249 - Operational definitions are used for which of the following reasons?

They enable researchers to replicate studies by precisely describing the variables and how they are used.

250 - Operationalization of a construct

means expressing it in terms of observable behaviour

251 - Opinions based on critical thinking are.....

Supported by evidence

252 - Opportunity sampling is.....

Finding people that are most convenient

253 - Opposites attract


254 - Optical illusions result from distortion in __________________?


255 - Orange correlates with which feeling?


256 - Order effect is one of the limitations of which of the designs:

repeated measures

257 - Order of magnitude calculations is another way of saying:

Make an estimate

258 - Organising the features of a visual scene to perceive a whole, complete form

Gestalt Principles

259 - Organization of items into familiar or manageable units


260 - Organization of people's needs based off what needs must be met first.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

261 - Organization that establishes ethical guidelines to be used in research


262 - organized presentation of information to interpret new information


263 - organizing bits of information into familiar units


264 - Organizing info into smaller units that are easy to recall


265 - Organizing information into larger units as a way of improving the efficiency of short-term memory is called


266 - Organizing information into meaningful experiences is called which of the following


267 - Organizing information into smaller units that are easy to recall


268 - Organizing items into familiar, manageable units.


269 - organizing items into familiar, manageable units; often occurs automatically.


270 - Organizing pieces of info into smaller units.


271 - Organizing pieces of information into a smaller number ofmeaningful unites.


272 - Organizing the string of letters B-B-C-T-V-C-A-B into BBC-TV-CAB to increase capacity of STM is an example of what?


273 - original theory in which Pavlov stated that classical conditioing occured because the conditioned stimulus because the similatr stimulus is never paired with the unconditioned stimulus

stimulus substitution

274 - Oscar was lying in bed when he suddenly realized he might deal with a fast approaching deadline at work when his coworker asked how he came up with his idea he said it just came to me out of nowhere psychologist would refer to this as

Insight learning

275 - Other research findings suggest that adolescent character strengths contribute to .....


276 - Other ways to help reduce stress include (choose all that apply)

All of the above

277 - Our ability to fully entrust our heart to god and within wise boundaries to others

Basic trust

278 - Our ability to perceive objects as the same size no matter how far away they are from us is:

Size Constancy

279 - Our ability to perceive spatial relationships in three-dimensional (3-D) space is known as

Depth perception

280 - Our ability to see in three dimensions is known as

depth perception

281 - Our approach to the collection and interpretation of data should be systematic, objective and rational. This is a manifestation of .....

Good thinking

282 - Our average short term memory span is ..... items, plus or minus two.


283 - Our awareness of ourselves and our environment is called


284 - Our behavior is a direct result of how we feel about ourselves.

Humanistic perspective

285 - Our behavior is a direct result of the choice s we make

Humanistic perspective

286 - Our consciousness helps us to .....

All of the above

287 - Our expectations, preconceived ideas formed through taste experience on flavour is known as what?

Perceptual set

288 - Our experience of our world is not as simple as the sum total of all of the sensory information together


289 - Our eyes ability of the lens to buldge to focus on objects close up and then flatten to focus on objects further away is known as the monocular depth cue called.....


290 - Our inability to remember information presented in the seconds just before we fell asleep is most likely due to ____________________?

encoding failure

291 - Our interpretation of an event is called .....

cognitive appraisal.

292 - Our long-term memory capacity is

Essentially limitless

293 - Our memory for facts, such as psych vocabulary.

explicit memory

294 - Our memory for skills, such as riding a bike.

procedural memory

295 - Our mental image that best represents a category is called a.....


296 - Our mouth, tongue and throat contains around 10, 000 taste buds. How many taste receptor cells are on each taste bud?

between 10 and 50

297 - our recollections about our last birthday is stored in

episodic memory

298 - Our sense of balance is primarily dependent on activity in ..... in the vestibular system.

Semicircular canals

299 - Our sense of hearing is known as


300 - Our sense of smell may be a powerful trigger for memories because:

The nerve connecting the olfactory bulb sends impulses directly to the limbic system

301 - Our sense of the position and movement of individual body parts is called


302 - Our short-term memory span is approximately ..... items.


303 - Our short-term memory span is approximately ________________ items?


304 - Our sleep hormone


305 - Our spoken, written or gestured works and combining them to communicate.


306 - Our tendency to perceive a problem by using past experiences to frame the problem in a certain way is called

Mental sets

307 - our tendency to recall best the first and last items on a list

serial-position effect

308 - Our tendency to see faces in clouds and other ambiguous stimuli is partly based on what perception principle?

Perceptual Set

309 - Out of 40 subjects, ..... obeyed the orders of the experimenter to the end, proceeding to punish the victim.


310 - Out of psychology or social work, which career requires a higher level of study to gain a deeper understanding of how the human mind works?


311 - outbreak of irrational behavior that is spread by social contagion

mass hysteria

312 - Outcome: Usually, testing yields a test score or series of test scores


313 - Outcome:It usually entails a logical problem-solving approach that is designed to answer the chief complaint/referral question


314 - Outgroup members were more likely to seen as

smart alecs and stinkers

315 - Outliers

Extreme values in a set of data that may throw off the accuracy of the data set as a whole

316 - Outlined the laws of associationism, which are still at the heart of learning theory


317 - Over the summer Mr. Fuller had to do a spinning bat challenge. After spinning around the bat 20 times he lost his balance and fell down right away because his ..... sense was not working.


318 - Overall brain size does not seem to correlate with greater intelligence, but

some brains do have more space devoted to certain regions

319 - overt behaviour means


320 - Pablo vainly searches for a screwdriver while failing to recognize that a readily available coin in his pocket would turn the screw. His oversight best illustrates:

functional fixedness.

321 - Paid participants \$1 or \$20 to lie about their experience, to show effects of cognitive dissonance

Festinger 1957

322 - Pain tolerance is largely a result of the effects of endorphins and other neurochemicals.


323 - Paloma failed her physics exam! her tells her parents that it's because her teacher does not like her. What is this an example of?

External Attribution

324 - Pam, a wellness professional, allows her client to have one scoop of ice cream for every week that the client sticks to the designed nutrition program. This is an example of:

positive reinforcement.

325 - Panic, sweating, screaming, rapid pulse are all characteristics of.....


326 - Papa Bear comes home angry from a long day at work at the Honey factory and begins to sadly eat his porridge. The porridge is too hot so he screams at Mama Bear who prepared it for him. Baby bear has a friend over, Goldilocks, who witnesses this. Goldiloc

the situation

327 - parallel streams of Psychology

natural and social science

328 - Parasympathetic nervous system symptoms include

Increase in Saliva

329 - Parenting style were the child and parents work together on setting boundaries and rules


330 - Parenting style where the child is in charge and parents set few boundaries for the child.


331 - Parenting style where the child is in control and parents have difficulty setting boundaries.


332 - Parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive)

Diana Baumrind

333 - Parent-led activities during the "new normal" shows great time for the parents to teach their children to .....

all of the choice s

334 - Parents attempt to control, shape, and evaluate the behavior and attitudes of children and adolescents in accordance with a set code of conduct


335 - parents attempting to control and evaluate the behavior and attitudes of children and adolescents in accordance with a set code of conduct is an example of which of the following parenting styles?


336 - Parents say, "I'm taking away your phone because you failed Chemistry." Parents are using

negative punishment

337 - Parents that allow children and adolescents to participate in decisions affecting their lives are practicing which parenting style?


338 - Parents who discourage their children to play sepak takraw, sungka, latsug, and patintero are at what stage of cultural domination?

Denial and withdrawal

339 - Park it is a technique we use to acknowledge a mistake, let it go and then come back to it at the right time. Why is this useful?

Mistakes could frustrate us and move us out of the present moment. As a result, we lose focus and performance goes down. Park it allows us to shift attention to what is most important right now.

340 - Parking inspecters have this type of power


341 - Parkinson's disease is characterised by

decreased dopamine production and impaired muscle movements

342 - Part of a neuron that receives information from other neurons


343 - part of a stimulus is perceived to stand out as an object, against a less prominent background

figure and ground

344 - part of autonomic nervous, calms you down


345 - part of ear that provides equilibrium

semicircular canals

346 - Part of LTM that stores memories of how things are done.

Procedural memory

347 - Part of the limbic system in each hemisphere that is responsible for fear responses and memory of fear.


348 - Part of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord

central nervous system

349 - Part of the peripheral that controls conscious activities


350 - Participant bias is otherwise called

demand characteristics

351 - Participants and the data gained from them must be kept anonymous unless they give their full consent. No names must be used in a lab report. Which ethical guideline is this?


352 - Participants are are arranged in pairs. Each pair is similar in many ways and each member of the pair perform in two different levels of IV.

matched pairs measures

353 - Participants are selected based on naturally occurring groups.

Opportunity sampling

354 - Participants counted backwards in.....

Only (A) & (B)

355 - participants from a diving club were used in one study to research if the accuracy of memories can be influenced by


356 - Participants have a complete right to ..... and ..... and no participant should be identifiable by name or any other distinguishing detail.

Only (A) & (B)

357 - Participants in a study were how many times better at completing a maze if they dreamed about the maze after attempting to complete it?


358 - Participants in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable are called the ..... group.


359 - Participants in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable make up the ..... group.


360 - Participants in Barlett's study transformed the story to make it:

More familiar

361 - Participants in Bartlett's study into Reconstructive Memory transformed the story to make it:

More familiar

362 - Participants in Milgram's (1963) experiment on obedience were told that they were taking part in a study investigating the effect of punishment on learning. The above statement ..... true; this was an example of .....

is; deception

363 - Participants' ratings and picture emotional valence will be negatively correlated. This is an example of .....

one-tailed hypothesis

364 - Participants recruit other participants for a study.

Snowball sampling

365 - Participants variables can affect the

internal validity

366 - Participants volunteer - usually in response to an advertisement in the local community or over the Internet.

Self-selected sampling

367 - Participating in a study more than once can cause changes in performance between different conditions that are not due to the IV.

order effect

368 - Particular way of mentally responding to or thinking about information or an event

Cognitive process

369 - Parts of ..... include medulla, pons, midbrain, and diencephalon (which consists of thalamus and hypothalamus).

brain stem

370 - Patient D has grandiose feelings. He thinks his ideals are superior to all others. He has started his own cult and convinced his followers he is a prophet. Patient B may be suffering from?


371 - Patients discussing their problems on the couch while a psychologist/psychiatrist pieces thoughts together is called.....


372 - Patients' negative expectations about the outcome of a surgical procedure can increase their experience of pain after the operation. Their past experiences with surgery and expectations about how painful their recovery will be affects how they interpret p

top-down processing.

373 - Patients with schizophrenia will most likely display ..... in their brains.

enlarged ventricles

374 - Paul Broca studied a case study named "Tan." Tan was interesting because

damage to his brain limited him to only say Tan

375 - Paul is late for class and cannot find his friend Magda amongst hundreds of people. Luckily somebody coughs next to Magda and Paul immediately finds her. How can this scenario best be explained?

The cough automatically attracts the spotlight to Magda's location.

376 - Paul takes a test in the army to see if he would make a good pilot. Such a test is

an aptitude test.

377 - Paulesu et al., (1993) used PET scans and found that the supramarginal gyrus was activated when what component of the WMM was used?

Phonological Store

378 - Pavlov did experiment on-


379 - Pavlov did his Experiment on which animal


380 - Pavlov found that his dogs began to salivate automatically to a bell that was presented prior to feeding. In this study, the dog's salivation to the bell is an example of a(n)

conditioned response

381 - Pavlov is famous for conducting experiments with what animal?


382 - Pavlov was most noted for his work with

Classic Conditioning

383 - Pavlov̢۪s initial discovery of what is now called classical conditioning emerged from his earlier studies of __________________?

digestive reflexes in dogs

384 - Pavlov's Dog experiment is an example of what type of learning?

Classical Conditioning



386 - Pavlov's experiment is an example of what type of conditioning?


387 - Pavlov's experiments demonstrated .....

classical conditioning

388 - Pavlov's experiments with dogs yielded information about which of the following?

classical conditioning

389 - Pavlov's initial interest in classical conditioning was stimulated when he observed his research dogs salivating at the sight of

The attendants / sound of the bell

390 - Paying a fine for speeding is an example of what type of learning?


391 - Peek-a-boo works on children in what stage?


392 - Penfield contributed significantly to our understanding of the brain. He used a probe that delivered a weak electrical charge that he applied to different locations on the surface of the brain of his patients undergoing surgery. Which of the following str

primary somatosensory and primary motor cortices

393 - People ..... what they see in a first encounter.

often make mistakes about

394 - People accept personality feedback about themselves because it is supposedly derived from personality assessment procedures refer to

The Barnum Effect

395 - People and animals learn to do certain things-and not to do others- because of the results of what they do.

operant conditioning

396 - People are concerned with punishment during this stage of moral development.


397 - People are concerned with the greater good for most people and are willing to break the law.

Post Conventional

398 - People are less likely to help if:

all of the above.

399 - People are more honest when.....

They are tired

400 - People are more inclined to fear heights and spiders compared to butterflies and flowers. This is due to.....

biological preparedness

401 - people are not simply either Fixed or Growth Mindset. instead they are on a


402 - People are they way they are based on their environment


403 - People are.....

a product of their environment and the traits they were born with

404 - People assume that their first impressions tell them about ..... person.

the whole

405 - People behave certain ways because of their ..... state.


406 - people behave differently when they know they are being watched which could impact the results (Hawthorne effect)

Naturalistic Observation

407 - People can heal from traumatic incidents because their brains produce less ..... when they dream about the incident.


408 - People evidence a bias toward thinking that bad things happen to bad people

just world bias

409 - People evolve through 8 socioemotional stages

Erik Erikson

410 - People frequently credit or blame either internal dispositions or external situations for others' behavior. This is called:


411 - People have developed a false association between mental illness and violence. This is an example of

a vivid case.

412 - People have little or no conscious impact on when or how sensory process occur. This feature is sometimes referred to as .....

cognitive impenetrability

413 - People living in different countries often have different customs. Studying these behaviors would fall under which perspective?

Social Cultural

414 - People make free and conscious choice s based on their unique experiences.


415 - People make up their minds within ..... seconds of interaction with websites or products.


416 - People may unconsciously harbor negative racial associations. This best illustrates the subtle nature of

implicit prejudice.

417 - People must not be pressured or forced to participate in a research study. This follows the ethical consideration of:

Voluntary participation

418 - People need to be informed of a study in order to agree to it

informed consent

419 - People of this intelligence can talk to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

interpersonal intelligence

420 - People overestimate the number of people who agree with their opinions

false consensus

421 - People pay attention to and seek out information that supports their beliefs and opinions and ignore (or discount) information that contradicts them.

confirmation bias

422 - People perceive their world as one image instead of two (despite having the use of 2 eyes) through the process of

Binocular Fusion

423 - People perform tasks better in front of an audience than they do when they are along.

social facilitation

424 - People taking part in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable are members of the ..... group.


425 - people that define themselves as aspects of groups, to give priority to in-group goals, to focus on context more than the content in making attributions and in communicating, to pay less attention to internal than to external processes as determinants of


426 - People that have an ability to recognize and manipulate large-scale and fine-grained spatial images, such as Frank Llyod, are people with good ..... intelligence.


427 - People viewing the Ames room tend to maintain ( ) constancy but cannot maintain ( ) constancy

Shape, Size

428 - People want to change the law to make it better for everyone, but will work within the law.

Post Conventional

429 - People wear me around his or her wrist


430 - People wear me when it is cold and they want to practise and outdoor sport.


431 - People who are color blind most likely have deficiencies in their


432 - People who assume that their own actions and decisions directly affect the consequences they experience are said to be ..... in locus of control, whereas people who assume that their lives are more controlled by powerful others, luck, or fate are ..... in

Internal; External

433 - People who believe in the ....., such as Abraham Maslow, wanted psychology to focus on the things that make people uniquely human, such as subjective emotions and the freedom to choose one's own destiny.

Humanistic Perspective

434 - People who believe that their own ethnic group is the most superior could be called .....


435 - People who cannot give their own consent to participate in an experiment

Minors and cognitively disabled

436 - People who exert less effort on a task when working in a group than they do when working individually are engaging in .....

social loafing

437 - People who have experienced severe damage to the frontal lobe of the brain seldom regain their ability to

make and carry out plans

438 - People who prefer to 'process information from graphs and diagrams' are called:


439 - People who score high in ..... are characterized as anxious, hostile, self-conscious, insecure, and vulnerable.


440 - People who score high in ..... are characterized as outgoing, sociable, upbeat, friendly, and assertive.


441 - People who score high in ..... tend to be sympathetic, trusting, cooperative, and modest.


442 - People who set goals for themselves that are often unrealistic are:


443 - people who volunteer for research may have a different outlook than people who volunteer.

volunteer bias

444 - People who volunteer to participate in a survey may skew the results of a study because of.....

volunteer bias

445 - People who volunteer to participate in studies may bring with them a different outlook than those who choose not to participate. What is this called?

volunteer bias

446 - People who watch a lot of violence on T.V. are more likely to be violent in part because of

Observational learning

447 - People who watch a lot of violence on television are more likely to be violent in part because of

observational learning.

448 - People with an authoritarian personality are very preoccupied with social status so they:

Are servile and obedient towards those of higher status

449 - People with an authoritarian personality scored highly on which scale?


450 - People with authoritarian personality are very preoccupied with social status. Therefore they:

Are servile and obedient to those of higher status

451 - People with damage to Broca's area will have difficulty in

speech production

452 - People with high EQs would be likely to

find jobs well suited to their individual strengths.

453 - People with high self-esteem

choose more unconventional jobs.

454 - People working in this field are fully qualified medical practitioners


455 - People working in this field can perform medical procedures such as an ECT or EEG.


456 - People working in this field have a university degree

All of the above

457 - People working in this field have completed a medical degree, a 2 year internship and five years of a supervised specialist program.


458 - People working in this field help individuals find solutions to their everyday problems and can only offer NON-MEDICAL approaches.


459 - People working in this field help people cope with problems related to poverty, legal issues, mental health or human rights.

Social Work

460 - People working in this field specialise in mental health disorders


461 - People working in this field study human behaviour and how the human mind works


462 - People working in this field work within the social service system

Social Work



464 - People's memories of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. are best described as:

flashbulb memories.

465 - Pepperberg: Which of the following best describes the psychology being investigated

the abstract skill of conceptual categorization

466 - perceived shape of object remains constant despite changes in the shape of the retinal image

shape constancy

467 - perceived size of object remains constant despite changes in the size of the retinal image

size constancy

468 - Perceiving a relationship where none exists, or perceiving a stronger than actual relationship

illusory correlation

469 - Perceiving an object as being whole, despite it actually being incomplete is which perception principle?


470 - perceiving an object as unchanging even when the immediate sensation of the object changes.

perceptual constancy

471 - Perceiving the whole rather than parts


472 - Perception ca be defined as-

how we interpret the information from the external world

473 - Perception is

how we comprehend objects and events in the world around us

474 - Perception is based on a complex sequence of:

receiving, converting, transmitting and interpreting stimuli

475 - Perception is impacted by learning expectations attitude memories all of the above

all of the above

476 - Perception is the focus of which psychological school?


477 - Perception is the process by which __________________?

sensory input is selected, organized and interpreted

478 - Perception is.....

Interpretation of sensory information

479 - Perception that misrepresent stimuli


480 - Perception, attention, thinking, language, memory

Cognitive perspective

481 - Perception, memory, thinking, language, and attitudes all operate on two levels

dual processing

482 - Perceptual constancies are primarily a function of _______________?


483 - Perceptual constancy is

the ability to recognize an object without being deceived by changes in its shape, brightness, size, or color

484 - Perceptual Constancy refers to

perception remaining stable despite changes in sensory info

485 - Perceptual distortions can be said to occur in the

the brain

486 - Perceptual experience in which stimulation of one sense involuntarily produces additional unusual experiences in another sense


487 - Perceptual phenomenon have been most prominently explored within ________________?


488 - Perceptual set is.....

a predisposition to perceive something in accordance with our expectations

489 - Perceptual set is:

The brain's preference for certain aspects of the sensory environment

490 - Perceptual set refers to a predisposition to interpret sensory stimuli in a certain way and

affects both visual and taste perception

491 - Perceptual sets (schema):

All of the above

492 - Perfection is a problem that is most associated with the ___________?


493 - Performance of an earlier task is interfered with by the learning of a second, more recent task in _________________?

retroactive inhibition

494 - Performing a behaviour in response to an order given by someone in a position of power or authority is a definition of.....


495 - Performing a task better in the presence of others is called:

social facilitation.

496 - Person associated with the Law of Effect

Edward Thorndike

497 - Person perception is:

the process of forming ideas about others.

498 - Personal experiences and reinforcement guide individual development.

Learning Perspective

499 - Personal experiences throughout an individual's life, including everything that is learned intentionally and unintentionally through experience

Past Experience

500 - Personality development is determined by unconscious experiences in very early childhood, so early that we often don't remember.


501 - Personality has . Dimensions?


502 - Personality inventories are ____________?

Objectively scored

503 - Personality is :

The way you think, act and feel

504 - Personality is best defined as an individual's

characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.

505 - Personality is defined as.....

a unique set of characteristics

506 - Personality is derived from a ..... word.


507 - Personality may be viewed as consisting of ..... characteristics that explain why a person behaves in a particular way.


508 - Personality primarily depends upon.....


509 - Personality psychology

focuses on how differences in people's personality may explain their behaviours and thinking

510 - Personality Psychology analyzes how many factors?


511 - personality that assesses the extent to which people's behavior reflects their true feelings and attitudes


512 - Personality traits can be categorized by an individual's

actions, habits, feelings, and thoughts

513 - Person-Centered Therapy. Unconditional Positive Regard to become a fully-functioning person

Carl Rogers

514 - Person's sense of who they are based on their group membership, proposed that the groups?

Social identity

515 - Perspective explains behavior as result of how we interpret/view our experiences.

cognitive perspective/approach

516 - Perspective focuses on how cultural factors.....ethnicity, religion, gender, socioeconomic state influence behavior

sociocultural perspective/approac

517 - Perspective that asserts biology, psychology, and social factors interact to determine an individuals health

Biopsychosocial model

518 - Perspective that emphasized human growth potential.


519 - Perspective that explains behavior as a result of unconscious desires/conflicts that are unresolved.

psychoanalytical/psychodynamic perspective/approach

520 - Perspective that focuses on possible physiological causes for behavior.

biological perspective/approach

521 - Perspective that focuses on the role society and culture play on behavior and mental processes


522 - Perspective that focuses on the role thoughts play in behavior


523 - Perspective that focuses on the role unconscious forces play on behavior


524 - Perspective which believes almost all behavior is learned through observation or consequences (rewards/punishment)

behavioral perspective/approach

525 - Perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans


526 - Persuasion depends on:

All of the above

527 - persuasive involving making a small request before making a bigger one

foot-in-the-door technique

528 - persuasive technique in which the seller of a product starts by quoting a low sales price and then mentions all of the "add-on" costs once the customer has agreed to purchase the product

low-ball technique

529 - persuasive technique involving making an unreasonably large request before making the small request we're hoping to have granted

door-in-the-face technique

530 - PET work on the basis of:

tracking radioactive glucose that is injected into the patient to show which areas of the brain are active during mental processes

531 - Peter is having difficulty producing speech which part of his body is likely to be damaged?

Broca's area

532 - Peter is teased for having a disablity. This has had an impact on how he feels about himself. This is known as

Low self-esteem

533 - Peter really enjoys checking out the new art at the local coffee shop. He is often trying out new drinks at the same shop. He is also thinking about changing up his hair style and getting his ears pierced.


534 - Peterson & Peterson studied the duration of STM using what sample?

24 university students

535 - Peterson and Peterson 1959

conducted a lab experiment to investigate the duration of short term memory

536 - Peterson and Peterson investigated what?

The duration of STM

537 - Peterson and Peterson investigated:

The duration of STM

538 - Petra has learned that if she jumps up and down in her crib, her father will come and pick her up. This is an example of

operant conditioning.

539 - Petria is recovering from brain injury caused by a stroke. She now finds it difficult to speak and, when she does talk, her speech is slow and poorly articulated. What is Petria likely to be suffering from?

Broca's Aphasia

540 - PhD is.....

A post graduate or doctoral degree

541 - phenomenon whereby individuals become less productive in groups

social loafing

542 - Phenotype refers to

That which is observable in genes

543 - Philip was watching a Michael Jordan commercial about his 'Hanes' underwear. James felt that if he wore some 'Hanes' underwear he would be able to play basketball as good as Michael.This is an example of:

Social Learning

544 - Philip Zimbardo researched

all of the above

545 - Philippe Pinel's efforts led to .....

More humane treatment of the mentally ill

546 - Phillip Zimbardo's key interest was in investigating.....

how being ascribed a particular role, whether powerful or powerless, affects people's behaviour in a prison setting.

547 - Philosopher that proposed that a link existed between mind and body and that they influence each other to create a person's experiences.

Rene Descartes

548 - Philosopher that proposed that the mind and body were separate and distinct from each other.

Rene Descartes

549 - Philosopher who stressed the importance of instrospection


550 - Philosophy translates from Greek as.....?

The Love of Wisdom

551 - Phineas Gage is an example of a ....., which is the study of one individual in great detail.

Case Study

552 - Phineas Gage the railroad worker that ended up with a rod piercing his skull an lived was and is still studied. This is an example of a?

case study

553 - Phobia is a/an .....

Anxiety Disorder

554 - Phobias are maintained through.....

Only (A) & (B)

555 - Phobias as treated through

Only (A) & (B)

556 - Phonemes

the smallest units of sound that make up language

557 - Phonemes are ___________________?

the smallest units of sound

558 - Phonemes are best defined as:

The basic sounds of consonants and vowels

559 - Phonemes are the basic units of ..... in language.


560 - Photographic memory is also called

eidetic memory

561 - Photographs of people were rated more positively if the photos immediately followed a briefly flashed image of kittens. This best illustrates the impact of


562 - photoreceptor cells that are used to detect color & finer details; used during the day


563 - Photoreceptor cells that help you in the dark and help you see black, white and grey


564 - Phrenology was originally referred to as:


565 - Physical activity is basically a .....

Biological necessity

566 - Physical effects of stress include

all of the above

567 - Physiological causes of behavior. Examine the relationship of the brain and nervous system with behavior and related areas (cognitive processes and emotions)

Biological Domain

568 - Physiological means

consistent with the normal functioning of an organism

569 - Physiological Psychology covers

All of the above

570 - Piaget believed that children form mental concepts or ..... as they experience new situations and events. For example, if Sandy points to a picture of an apple and tells her child, "that's an apple, " the child forms a ..... for "apple" that looks somethi


571 - Piaget categorised maturational changes to cognitive development into how many stages?


572 - Piaget contented that the initial forms of thought are _____________?

early action schemes

573 - Piaget developed a theory for cognitive development by observing and working primarily with:


574 - Piaget developed a theory for the role of

Cognitive development

575 - Piaget focuses on what type of development?


576 - Piaget is best known for his interest in the process of _________________ development?


577 - Piaget is to cognitive development as Kohlberg is to ______________ development?


578 - Piaget rejected the idea that intelligence was a fixed trait, and regarded cognitive development as what?

A process which occurs due to biological maturation and interaction with the environment.

579 - Piaget used the term 'assimilation to refer to how a child?

Understand new information in terms of exiting schemas

580 - Piaget viewed intellectual growth as a process of


581 - Piaget was concerned with what type of development?


582 - Piaget̢۪s concept of scheme is ___________________?

a mental blueprint for an organized pattern of action

583 - Piaget's concept of readiness is related to what?

The child's maturation

584 - Piaget's experiment involving coins demonstrated:


585 - Piaget's stage for infancy is:

Sensory motor thoughts

586 - Piaget's theory is useful in education because

all of the above

587 - Piaget's theory of development focuses on predictable ..... stages.


588 - Piaget's third stage of cognitive development is called:

Concrete operational

589 - Piaget's work relates to:

Cognitive development

590 - Picking up slang from a TV show.


591 - Picture indicates what?


592 - Picture is an example example of

A & B

593 - Pictures of people rated more positive if they immediately followed an image of kittens.


594 - Pigeons can reliably discriminate pictures of cars from pictures of chairs. This best illustrates their capacity to form


595 - Piglet runs away every time he sees a horse. Which of the following, according to behavior therapists, is likely to explain his behavior?

The running behavior is reinforced by the reduction of anxiety

596 - Pink is not which of these things?


597 - Pinna is part of the _____________?

outer ear

598 - Pioneer of Classical Conditioning was-


599 - Placebo effect

A real response, positive or negative, to an action or substance based solely on expectations, not on the actual properties of the action or substance.

600 - Placebos have such a strong effect on people because

they alter people's expectations.

601 - placing or storing information such as images, events, or sounds in memory by making mental representations so the nervous system can process


602 - Placing participants in experimental and control conditions by chance , thus minimizing preexisting differences between those assigned to the different groups

Random Assignment

603 - planning, evaluating, and monitoring mental activities - "thinking about thinking"


604 - Plants/animals incorporate natural mutations to successfully reproduce and thrive.

Natural Selection

605 - Plasticity of the brain is thought to occur:

Throughout life

606 - Plateau refered as

no further gains in skills

607 - Plato was a student to which philosopher?


608 - Playing a game for the enjoyment of it is considered which type of motivation?


609 - Plays a role in memories that are highly emotional, especially fearful memories.


610 - Pleasant memories are most likely to be evoked by exposure to

fragrant odors.

611 - Please tick ALL of the statements that are true for random sampling:

Only (A) & (B)

612 - Please tick ALL of the statements that are true for stratified sampling:

All of the above

613 - Please tick ALL of the statements that are true for systematic sampling:

Only (A) & (B)

614 - Please tick ALL the statements below that refer to 'opportunity sampling':

All of the above

615 - Please, excuse my deranged aardvark Sammy. Luke can still remember the order of operations because of this saying from his middle-school math teacher. This is an example of:

A mnemonic device

616 - Pleasure obtained from stimulation is overlooked by which theory?

drive-reduction theory

617 - PM Modi called the nation

lets play , promoting culture of sports

618 - Pointillism is an art style that uses only dots to create a picture. Which Gestalt principle allows this to work?


619 - Polyanna Principle suggests that there is a general tendency to use or accept positive words or feedback more frequently than negative words of feedback.


620 - poor group decision making that occurs as a result of a group emphasizing unity over critical thinking


621 - Pop quizzes reinforce reading and studying on a ..... schedule.

variable interval

622 - Popular topics, such as handwriting analysis and astrology, are not considered psychology since they cannot be proven or disproven. They fall into the category of:


623 - Population

The entire group of people or animals in which the researcher is interested.

624 - Population refers to the larger group from which the participants being studied are taken


625 - Positive or negative correlation?


626 - Positive or negative correlation?The longer the movie, the more popcorn people eat

positive correlation

627 - Positive or negative correlation?The more shoes a person buys, the less money they have

negative correlation

628 - Positive or negative correlation?The more tv a child watches, the fewer chores they complete

negative correlation

629 - Positive or negative correlation?The taller a person is, the more likely they are to hit their head on a door frame

positive correlation

630 - Positive psychology is a field that looks at what?

What is going right.

631 - Positive Psychology Research on Human strenghts can function as buffers against:

Mental illness

632 - Positive reinforcement result in..... in the target behavior and negative reinforcement results in..... in the target behavior

An increase ;an increase

633 - Positively Skewed

A distribution of scores in which scores are concentrated in the low end of the distribution

634 - Possesses the Motor Cortex

Frontal Lobe

635 - Possesses the Primary Motor Cortex

Frontal Lobe

636 - Possesses the Somatosensory Cortex

Parietal Lobe

637 - Possesses the somotoensory Cortex

Parietal Lobe

638 - Possible factors for relatively permanent change in behavior in learning:


639 - Post experimental explanation of a study


640 - Practical aspects of communication (Reminds me of Denotation)


641 - Practice in which holes were drilled into the skull in an attempt to release evil spirits is called .....


642 - Practice: Carla got the opportunity to meet Kanye West. She fell madly in love with him and could think of nothing else. Now, if she sees a picture of him or anyone who resembles him, her heart begins to race. WHAT IS THE CS in this scenario?

Picture of anyone resembling Kanye West

643 - Practice: When Katie saw the scary movie HALLOWEEN for the first time, the slasher scenes made her tremble with fear. Now when she hears the HALLOWEEN movie theme song, she gets the same awful, trembling feeling. WHAT ARE THE UCR & CR in this scenario?


644 - Practicing a piece of information over and over to keep it in your short term memory longer.

Maintenance Rehearsal

645 - Praising effort rather than performance is beneficial because:

We can control how much effort we make

646 - Pre Competition psychological training is responsible for

all the above

647 - Preattentive process is

automatic processing of stimuli

648 - Prediction about behavior tested through research


649 - predicts that the independent variable will have an effect on the dependent variable, but the direction of the effect is not specified

non-directional (two-tailed)

650 - Predicts the result of a theory


651 - predisposition to action (the prejudiced beliefs may influence such acts) -unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group or its members


652 - Preferential or disadvantageous behavior toward an individual or group.


653 - Prejudice is ....., while discrimination is .....

an attitude; a behaviour

654 - Prejudice is a(n) ....., whereas discrimination is a(n) .....

attitude; behavior

655 - Prejudice is a/an .....; whereas discrimination is a/an .....

attitude; behaviour

656 - Prepares athletes for unforeseen situations

goal setting

657 - Preparing the body ‘for fight or fight’ is the function of the _____________?

adrenal medulla

658 - Pre-scientific scholars believed the ..... was responsible for human behavior.


659 - Prescription medications can sometimes have unwanted effects on the functioning of the body and the brain with consequential effects on thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Which level of explanation does this scenario most relate to?


660 - Presence of others may interfere with performance due to___________?

All of these

661 - Present finding is that both ..... contribute jointly to the determination of behaviour.

Heredity and Environment

662 - Preserves brief sensory impression for only a fraction of a second.

Sensory Memory

663 - Preserves recently perceived events or experiences for less than a minute w/o rehearsal.

Working memory

664 - Primary and secondary reinforcers are important in

operant conditioning

665 - Primary and secondary reinforcers are important in which of the following?

Operant conditioning

666 - Primary auditory Cortex

temporal lobe

667 - Primary drives are

influenced by stimuli within the body.

668 - Primary emotions.....

are fairly simple to understand. They are your reactions to external events.

669 - Primary Visual Cortex:

occipital lobe

670 - primeval

extremely ancient; of earliest time

671 - Priming in memory is

an introduction of a cue that help a person to retrieve better.

672 - Priming mainly takes place at the ..... level


673 - Priming refers to:

the activation of associations in memory.

674 - principles of perception was taken from


675 - Principles of this type of conditioning are very useful in helping people overcome their fears.


676 - Prison also acts as a deterrent to potential offenders so is a form of .....; people will avoid prison by abiding by the law.

negative reinforcement

677 - Prison is based on the principles of operant conditioning. Prison is a form of ..... given to an offender that should prevent them from reoffending.

positive punishment

678 - Prisoners were referred to by

Prisoner number

679 - private, unmeasurable mental processes such as dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories

cognitive activities

680 - Proactive interference is

occurs when past memories inhibit the recall of newer memories.

681 - Proactive interference is when.....

Old information interferes with new

682 - Proactive interference occurs when.....?

Old info interferes with new info

683 - Probability (p) is measured between:

0 to 1

684 - Probably the most insidious form of defense mechanism is ___________?


685 - Problem solving and ..... are developed during the fourth stage, formal operational.


686 - Problem solving depends on the use of specific methods for approaching problems, which are called:


687 - Problem solving is one type of cognitive activity in which we all engage. Which of the following cognitive tendencies is seen to be an obstacle to problem solving?

confirmation bias

688 - Problem that have more than one correct solution require ____________________?

divergent thinking

689 - Problem-solving is the act of moving .....

from a given state to a goal state

690 - Problem-solving procedures or formulas that guarantee a correct outcome


691 - procedure - participant sample

123 American male student volunteers

692 - procedure - task

compare lines A B and C to a stimulus line, 12 out of 18 answers from each confederate was critical

693 - process by which a stimulus increases the chance that the preceding behavior will occur again.


694 - process by which someone examines their own conscious experience in an attempt to break it into its own component parts


695 - process of assigning causes to behavior




697 - Process of finding information previously stored in memory


698 - Process of influencing behavior by means of unpleasant stimuli

aversive control (punishment)

699 - process of learning the rules of behavior of a culture within which an individual is born and will live.


700 - Process of putting new information into memory


701 - Process of reminding learners of things they already know relative to a new topic

Prior Knowledge activation

702 - Process of training needs analysis that determines the organizational factors that will either facilitate or inhibit training effectiveness:

Organizational Analysis

703 - Process used by Wundt that asked patients to describe their emotional experiences/conscious experiences


704 - Process, store, and retrieve information. How information is used to reason and solve problems


705 - Process:May be individual or group in nature.


706 - Process:Typically individualized; focuses on how the individual processes rather than simply the results of that processing


707 - processes that extend outward from the soma and branch several times ; receives information


708 - Processes that organize sensory impulses into meaningful patterns Introduction to senses


709 - Processes that you have memorized and know, but the details are not highly focused on

Implicit Memory

710 - Processes within an organism which activate behaviour that is directed towards achieving a particular goal


711 - processing of releasing our Emotions


712 - Produces collective work products is characteristic for

Work Team

713 - Producing valuable and novel ideas best defines which of the following?


714 - Professional organization representing psychologists in the United States.

American Psychological Association

715 - professionals (clinicians, counsellors, experimental psychologists, HR) qualified to use the test

Test User

716 - Professor Crisman believes that most women prefer tall and physically strong partners because this preference enhanced the survival of our ancestors' genes. This viewpoint best illustrates the ..... perspective.


717 - Professor Ober carefully monitors and records the behaviors of children on school playgrounds to track the development of their physical skills. Professor Ober is engaged in:

naturalistic observation.

718 - Professor Schrute carefully monitors and records that behaviors of children on school playgrounds to track the development of their physical skills. Professor Schrute is engaged in:

naturalistic observation

719 - Professor Stewart wrote a very positive letter of recommendation for a student despite his having doubts about her competence. Which theory best explains why he subsequently began to develop more favorable attitudes about the student's abilities?

cognitive dissonance theory

720 - Professor Vanstan wishes to use deception in an experiment, where participants would believe they were taking part in research that investigated their ability to solve visual puzzles on a computer, but in reality the computer would 'crash' nest the end of

would be ethical if no psychological or physical harm was caused to the subjects in the long term and debriefing procedures were carried out

721 - Professor Wenches approaches questions about human behavior from a perspective that emphasizes unconscious processes within the individual, such as inner forces or conflicts. What psychological approach does she most likely follow?

the psychodynamic approach

722 - Professor Wu wanted to know if his test had INTERNAL VALIDITY, so he gave one class of students the odd questions, and another class the even questions. He then compared the MEAN score for each class. He used the

split-halves reliability test

723 - Projective techniques are unlike other types of test-data because

they use a standard testing situation.

724 - Projective tests, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, have been justifiably criticized as tools for assessing personality because

they have not been found to be reliable and valid.

725 - Prolonged exposure to sound over ..... decibels leads to hearing loss


726 - Prone to stress and increased risk of cardiovascular disease are characteristics of what persoanlity type?

Type A

727 - proponent of behaviorist perspective and pioneer in the field of operand conditioing

F. Skinner

728 - Proponent of Operant Conditioning


729 - Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer


730 - Propose people create knowledge from their observations and experiences. People combine what they learn into integrated bodies of knowlege and beliefs


731 - Proposed that intelligence consist of a single general factor called g.

Charles Spearman

732 - Proposed theory for color vision with cones that are differentially sensitive to different wavelengths of light.

trichromatic theory

733 - Proposed theory for color vision with opposing retinal process for red-green, yellow-blue, white-black.

opponent process theory

734 - Pro-social behaviour is:

intentional helpful, expecting not reward

735 - Protein hormone secreted by fat cells; when abundant, causes brain to increase metabolism and decrease hunger


736 - Prototypes.....

mental image or best example of a category

737 - Proudly wearing a boy scout badge fits with what stage of Maslow's hierarchy?

Love and belonging

738 - Provide an answer from a number of possibilities


739 - Provided the first comprehensive classification of mental disorders.

Emil Kraepelin

740 - provides detailed information

Case Studies

741 - provides detailed information for each test listed, including test publisher, test author, test purpose, intended test population, and test administration time

reference volumes

742 - Provides reinforcers after an unpredictable number of responses

variable ratio schedule

743 - Provision for Mid-day meals may be made in the schools are under the satisfaction of ..... needs

Physiological Needs

744 - proximal development

a range of tasks that the child cannot yet handle alone but can accomplish with the help of more skilled partners.

745 - Proximity refers to

objects near each other are seen as a unit

746 - Pseudo-science refers to beliefs or practices that.....

have no basis in scientific fact

747 - Psyche is a Greek word meaning .....


748 - Psychiatric nurse holds a master degree in _________?

M.S.N with C.S. in Psychiatric nursing

749 - Psychiatrist differ from clinical psychologists in that they

are medical doctors licensed to prescribe medication

750 - Psychiatrists are medical doctors, psychologists have a postgraduate Psychology Degree. Psychiatrists prescribe medication, psychologists can give therapy talks.


751 - Psychiatrists differ from psychologists in that psychiatrists

Are physicians with a specialisation in abnormal behaviour and psychotherapy

752 - Psychiatrists differ from psychologists in that they

are medical doctors licensed to prescribe medicine

753 - Psychiatrists differ from psychologists in that they .....

are medical doctors licensed to prescribe medicine

754 - Psychiatrists prescribe medication, psychologists can give therapy talks.


755 - Psychiatry is a psychological field that

requires a medical degree.

756 - Psychiatry is a specialty in the field of what?


757 - Psycho dynamic therapists believe that maladaptive behavior stems from ___________?

Emotional trauma experienced in childhood

758 - psychoanalysis

emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and internal conflicts

759 - Psychoanalysis is associated with .....

Sigmund Freud

760 - Psychoanalysis was founded in the 1890s by which famous psychological therorist?

Sigmund Freud

761 - Psychoanalysis, Id, Ego, Superego, Stages of Psychosexual Development. One of the most influential figures in psychology

Sigmund Freud

762 - psychoanalytic perspective

stresses the influence of unconscious forces on human behavior

763 - Psychoanalytic Theories

Emphasize the importance of early childhood experiences, repressed thoughts, and conflicts between conscious and unconscious forces.

764 - Psychoanalytic theory that focuses on the unconscious (id, ego, superego, free association, psychosexual development)

Sigmund Freud

765 - Psychoanalytic Theory was developed by.....


766 - Psychodrama is one of the psychotherapeutic techniques which basically involve situations representing ____________?

All of the above

767 - Psychodynamic and unconsciousness are terms by


768 - Psychodynamic psychologists emphasize

unconscious rather than conscious causes of behavior

769 - Psychodynamic theories

Personality theories contending that behavior results from forces that interact within the individual

770 - Psychological ..... explain and predict what governs behavior and mental processes.


771 - Psychological approach focused on how behavior helps organisms adapt to their environment


772 - Psychological approach focused on the basic elements of consciousness


773 - Psychological approach focused on unconscious motives and internal conflict. The founder of this is Freud.


774 - Psychological approach that focuses on an psychological event as a whole rather than broken down into parts


775 - Psychological approach that focuses on behavior and stimulus and response.


776 - Psychological constructs are ..... theoretical concepts used to discuss something that cannot be observed, touched, or measured .....

complex, directly

777 - Psychological disorders, Kelly said, result from:

personal constructs that are too permeable or too inflexible.



779 - Psychological perspective concerned with how cultural differences affect behavior.


780 - Psychological perspective concerned with individual potential for growth and the role of unique perceptions in growth toward one's potential.


781 - Psychological perspective concerned with physiological and biochemical factors that determine behavior and mental processes.


782 - psychological perspective that focuses on the interaction of biological processes, psychological dispositions, and social factors

biopsychosocial perspective

783 - Psychological perspective that stresses the influences of unconscious forces on human nature.


784 - Psychological perspectives are

ways to explain behavior

785 - Psychological perspectives are .....

Ways to explain human behavior

786 - Psychological processes + Physiology. Mind-Body Phenomenon. Functions of brain + nervous systems


787 - Psychological science is the study of behavior that is observable and measurable.


788 - Psychological testing in its modern form originated roughly..... years ago.


789 - Psychological testing(ADHD, SAT, ACT, etc.)

Educational / School Psychologist

790 - Psychological tests must have two characteristics and they are:

valid and reliable

791 - Psychological tests show that 18-year-old Isaiah has an intelligence score of 65. Nevertheless, Isaiah can, with a few seconds of mental calculation, accurately tell the day of the week on which Christmas falls for any year in this century. It would be fa

Isaiah is a person with savant syndrome.

792 - Psychological theories ____________?

do all the above

793 - Psychologist B.F. Skinner believed all human actions were conditioned responses to their external environment. So he believed in this school of psychology?


794 - Psychologist Charles Spearman believed that intelligence

was made up of two main factors

795 - Psychologist E.C. Tolman did experiments on rats that showed

That reinforcement is not always necessary for learning.

796 - Psychologist Elton Mayo psychological studies in human time management to help a factory become more productive. He would be classified as a ..... psychologist.


797 - Psychologist Jean Piaget believes that the way one thinks changes throughout their lifetimes. He would be classified as a ..... psychologist.


798 - Psychologist now believe that our development in most areas is influenced by

Nature and Nurture

799 - Psychologist remembered for his research on the conditioning process, as well as the Little Albert experiment, in which he demonstrated that a child could be conditioned to fear a previously neutral stimulus. His research also revealed that this fear coul

John B. Watson

800 - Psychologist that studied the behavior of dogs and effects of hearing a bell before feeding


801 - Psychologist who introduced the concept of reinforcement

F Skinner

802 - Psychologist who studied the effect of segregation on children

Kenneth B. Clark

803 - Psychologist who studies how a person grows and changes cognitively, physically, emotionally and socially over their lifetime.

Developmental psychologist

804 - psychologist who studies the emotional, cognitive, biological, personal, and social changes that occur as an individual matures

developmental psychologist

805 - Psychologists and psychiatrists use a reference manual known as the ..... (DSM) to diagnose mental and emotional disorders.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

806 - Psychologists are interested in a number of things, such as.....

Learning, memory, growth and development.

807 - Psychologists are interested in studying human and ..... behaviors.


808 - Psychologists are interested in which of the following?

all of the above

809 - Psychologists are scientists who study behavior and mental processes through observation and measurement. What is this approach to understanding psych called?


810 - Psychologists believe there may be several reasons why flashbulb memories are so vivid. What is one possible explanation?

It is attached to an emotionally significant event

811 - Psychologists believed that there are specifiable causes for the way people behave and that these causes can be discovered through research. This is an example of .....

Scientific Mentality

812 - Psychologists in the area of ..... concentrate on workplace design, man-machine interaction, and physical fatigue.

Human Factors Psychology

813 - Psychologists refer to the internally pre-programmed growth of a child.....


814 - Psychologists started to believe that some psychological traits were hereditary after this man published his theory.....

Charles Darwin

815 - Psychologists study animals because _______________?

similar processes often underline animal and human behavior

816 - Psychologists study human ..... by observing and measuring how people act.


817 - Psychologists that help people adjust to changes, not severe disorders


818 - Psychologists that help people with psychological disorders


819 - Psychologists who accept the ..... perspective tend to look at the uniqueness of each individual.


820 - Psychologists who are interested in the perception of the motion, part-whole relationships and in how people judge size were identified with what school of psychology?


821 - Psychologists who attempted to explain everything, including mental events, in physical terms are known as:


822 - Psychologists who believe that the the basis of human behavior TODAY, is a result of our adaptations and survival in the past would be classified as,

Evolutionary Psychologists

823 - Psychologists who belongs to Behaviorist School of Psychology

All of the above

824 - Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzees in the jungle are using research method known as ____________?

naturalistic observation

825 - Psychologists who specialize in the study of language are called ______________?


826 - Psychologists who study ESP are called _________________?


827 - Psychologists who teach and conduct research on the biological basis of behavior focus on this type of science.

Basic Science

828 - Psychologists who typically apply psychological principles to diagnose and treat emotional problems, including mental illness and martial and family conflict, are in the subfield called ____________?

clinical and counseling

829 - Psychologists who typically treat clients who have adjustment problems rather than serious psychological disorders

counseling psychology

830 - Psychologists who use the basic knowledge of psychology to work in helping people, organizations and communities reference this type of science.

Applied Science

831 - Psychologists with the Biological perspective try to relate behaviour to functions of _________?


832 - Psychologists with this perspective feel that conditions and physical structure within one's body (brain, neurons, hormones, etc.) has the biggest influence on human behavior:


833 - Psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers differ in Australia in that:

psychiatrists can prescribe medication, social workers and psychologists cannot.

834 - psychology

the study of mental processes and behavior

835 - Psychology arose in the nineteenth century from developmental in a number of area, primarily ____________?

science and philosophy

836 - Psychology as a ‘Science of Mind’ defined by__________ school of psychology?

Ancient Greek Philosophers

837 - Psychology as a ‘Science of Mind’, defined by____________ psychology?

Ancient Greek Philosophers

838 - Psychology as a 'Science of Mind', defined by ..... school of psychology.

Ancient Greek Philosophers

839 - Psychology as a whole does not involve:


840 - Psychology attempts to use ..... to explain our reality?

Measurable science

841 - Psychology became an official field of study in:


842 - Psychology came for a ..... word " psyche" which means human soul, mind or spirit.


843 - Psychology came from a ..... word " psyche" which means human soul or mind.


844 - Psychology can be literally defined as the .....

Science of soul

845 - Psychology can be literally defined as the_____________?

Science of soul

846 - Psychology can best be defined as

the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes


Only (A) & (B)

848 - Psychology concerned with schools, teaching psychology, educational issues and student concerns?

Educational psychology

849 - Psychology concerned with the study of animal behavior?

Comparative psychology

850 - Psychology deals with_________________?

mental states of individual humans

851 - Psychology focuses on both thought and action


852 - Psychology has 4 specific goals in understanding mental processes and human behavior. Which one does not belong?


853 - Psychology has been around since.....

Ancient Greece

854 - Psychology has been defined by psychologists as ___________?

The science that studies behavior and mental process

855 - Psychology has its roots in what two disciplines?

Only (A) & (B)

856 - Psychology has its roots in which of the following discipline?


857 - Psychology has roots in the ..... sciences, which attempt to explain the nature of the physical world through observation and experimentation


858 - Psychology in the work place is the subject matter of__________?

Industrial and organisational Psychology

859 - psychology includes.....

all of the above

860 - Psychology involves the study of behavior in

animals and humans

861 - Psychology is

The science of mind and behaviour

862 - Psychology is ..... and .....

Only (A) & (B)

863 - Psychology is a .....

A social science

864 - Psychology is a science because if follows the scientific method of study. Select all of the following that apply to the scientific method.

All of the above

865 - Psychology is a science because.....

All of the above

866 - Psychology is a science primarily because

It utilizes the scientific method to study behavioral processes

867 - Psychology is a______________?

A social science

868 - Psychology is about ..... years old.


869 - Psychology is based on the study of philosophy and what?


870 - Psychology is best defined as the study of the

mental processes and behavior.

871 - Psychology is best described as:

the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes in humans.

872 - Psychology is build upon the ancient work of philosophers. Philosophy is the study of

truth and reason

873 - Psychology is considered a ..... science.


874 - Psychology is considered a(n) ..... science because it uses observation and experimentation to support its theories.


875 - Psychology is considered a.....

Social Science

876 - Psychology is defined as the

scientific study of behavior and mental process

877 - Psychology is defined as the scientific study of

Human and animal behaviour

878 - Psychology is defined as the scientific study of.....and mental processes.


879 - Psychology is defined as:

study of behavior and mental processes

880 - Psychology is derived from a Greek work which means " mind or soul."


881 - Psychology is focused on the study of topics such as group behavior, perception, leadership, nonverbal behavior, conformity, aggression and prejudice?

Social Psychology

882 - Psychology is known as

the scientific study of mind and behavior

883 - Psychology is said to be study of

Human and animal thoughts, cognitions & behaviour



885 - Psychology is the combination of two words: CHOOSE TWO

Only (A) & (B)

886 - Psychology is the science studying the behaviour of __________?

Living Organism

887 - Psychology is the scientific study of ..... and ..... processes.

Behavior and Mental

888 - Psychology is the scientific study of which of the following?

mental processes and behavior

889 - Psychology is the scientific study of which two?

behavior & mental processes

890 - Psychology is the scientific study of?

Behavior and Mental Processes

891 - Psychology is the study of

All of the above

892 - Psychology is the study of behavior and what?

cognitive activities

893 - Psychology is the study of behavior, cognitive processes, and:


894 - Psychology is the study of what?


895 - Psychology is the study of.....

both mental activity and behavior

896 - Psychology is the.....

.....scientific study of individual human behaviour and cognition.

897 - Psychology is.....

the study of behavior and the mental processes behind it.

898 - Psychology of language


899 - Psychology refers to .....

the study of the mind and behavior

900 - Psychology researchers attempt to minimise or eliminate the impact of uncontrolled variables in experiments because the presence of these variables

make it difficult to isolate and evaluate the impact of the independant variable.

901 - Psychology Says?

Mentality, Mindset

902 - Psychology seeks to:Check all possible answers.

All of the above

903 - Psychology should be the scientific study of behavior which is observable and measurable.


904 - Psychology started as a "science of mental life" and is known today as a "....."

science of behavior and mental processes

905 - Psychology studies all except

Physical diseases

906 - Psychology that focuses on how people grow and change over the course of a lifetime?

Developmental psychology

907 - Psychology that looks at how cultural factors influence human behavior?

Cross-cultural psychology

908 - Psychology that utilizes scientific methods to research the brain and behavior?

Experimental psychology

909 - Psychology used to diagnose and treat mental illness


910 - Psychology used to investigate criminal cases


911 - Psychology uses a number of neuroimaging techniques. For example, fMRI shows:

highly detailed 3D images of the brain's structure and can track the flow of oxygen when a person is asked to perform a mental task such as recalling a song title

912 - Psychology was a branch of philosophy until .....


913 - Psychology was formally established by ....., who believed in this type of psychology.

Wundt, structuralism

914 - Psychology's "big debate" concerning why people think, act and feel the way they do is best summed up by the following debate:

Nature v. Nurture

915 - Psychoneurosis tends to be___________?

Severe than the psychoses

916 - Psychophysics is the study of

Psychological perception of physical stimulus

917 - Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between ___________?

Perception and physiological process

918 - Psychosomatic disorders are best illustrated by ___________?

Neurotic anxiety

919 - Psyschologist George Miller discovered that short-term memory is limited to about

seven items

920 - Public conformity is known as?


921 - Public Law 94-142, ensures that all children with disabilities are entitled to

a free and appropriate education (FAPE).

922 - Publication bias in peer review is similar to:

File drawer problem

923 - Published results of the Stanford Prison Experiment

Haney, Banks & Zimbardo 1973

924 - Punishment is most effective in eliminating undesired behavior when the

Punishment is delivered soon after the behavior

925 - Pure science that aims to increase the scientific knowledge base.

basic research

926 - Purple is described as -


927 - Pushing unpleasant memories or thoughtsinto the subconscious.


928 - Putting animals in puzzle boxes to study their intelligence was initially undertaken by _______________?


929 - Putting information into the long-term memory by putting it to a song and repeated singing.

elaborative rehearsal

930 - Putting smaller, easier tasks together to form a larger, more complex one.


931 - Putting someone down and making them feel awful, when you really feel bad about yourself is an example of which defense mechanism?


932 - Putting the first letter of each item into a list/word that can be remembered


933 - Putting up your middle finger as an example of a learned behavior is an example of what approach?


934 - Qualitative data and quantitative data refers to:

descriptions and numbers, respectively.

935 - Qualitative data can give

detailed and in-depth info

936 - Qualitative data is .....

Detailed and descriptive information about one individual or a small group.

937 - Qualitative data is information collected in the course of psychological research that is.....

Only (A) & (B)

938 - Qualitative research

Only (A) & (B)

939 - Quantitative data.....

Is expressed in numerical values

940 - Quantitive Research

Uses variables and gives you measurable results

941 - Quason was trying to learn the new plays his new basketball coach had devised for the team. Unfortunately, Quason found he was having trouble learning the new plays because he kept confusing them with the plays he had learned with his old coach last seaso


942 - Quentin has been monitoring what his siblings do when his parents yell at them, and how their actions change. His approach is most in line with what school of psychological thought?


943 - Questionnaires and interviews that ask people directly about their experiences, attitudes, or opinions.


944 - Questions 4-5 refer to the situation described below. In an experiment designed to determine whether scenes on television increase the frequency of aggressive behavior in children, one group of subjects saw a nonviolent cartoon and another group saw a vio

watched the nonviolent cartoon

945 - quick and easy to conduct

Cross-Sectional Studies

946 - r = 0.07 is an example of

a strong negative correlation

947 - R.B.Cattell made a personality test known as

16 PF

948 - Rachel loves rocks, minerals, and gems. What might she study in college?


949 - Racial and ethnic stereotypes can sometimes bias our perceptions of other's behavior. This best illustrates the impact of:

top-down processing

950 - Railroad accident - demonstrated frontal lobes important for personality, reasoning, etc.

Phineas Gage

951 - Ralph, a white student who grew up in Maine, is about to enter the University of Southern California on an athletic scholarship. He is aware that many of his teammates will be black and assumes that they will dislike him and ostracize him. Ralph's attitud


952 - Random allocation improves validity in a

independent measures design

953 - Random sampling is to ..... as random assignment is to .....

surveys; experiments

954 - Randomly selected sample of subjects from a larger population of subjects.

representative sample

955 - Rank these scatter plots according to the intensity of the correlation represented, from weakest to strongest.

2, 4, 3, 1

956 - Rather than saying a person is "colorblind, " it would be more accurate to say that the person:

lacks red- or green-sensitive cones

957 - Rather than STM being a single inflexible store, what did Baddeley and Hitch 1974 suggest?

STM is made up of several subsystems each having a specialised function

958 - Rational Emotive Therapy - focuses on irrational thinking

Albert Ellis

959 - Rats associate best to the sense of taste. Similarly, so do humans. This is an example of.....

Biological Predisposition

960 - Ray smelled the aroma of the dinner rolls baking in the cafeteria from his classroom. Which type of memory is at work?

Sensory memory

961 - Raymond Cattellproposes the theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence.




963 - Read the following description and select the defense mechanism it describes:When you use this defense mechanism, you might not admit to yourself that you are failing a class even though your last three tests were "F's".


964 - Real life studies of anxiety and EWT have found that:

High levels of anxiety are associated with high levels of recall

965 - Real life studies of anxiety and eyewitness testimonies have found that:

High levels of anxiety are associated with high levels of recall

966 - Real self vs. ideal self

Carl Rogers

967 - Realibility refers to


968 - Realistic Conflict theory arises due to ..... between groups.


969 - Realistic Conflict Theory is different to social identity theory because .....

It suggests we need competition for a resource e.g. land/ water/ money or status in order to show out group hostility

970 - Realistic conflict theory is similar to social identity theory because .....

Only (A) & (B)

971 - Realistic conflict theory is supported by .....

Sherif - Eagles v's Rattlers

972 - Realistic Conflict theory is supported by what research?

Robber's Cave Study

973 - Rearranging elements of a problem in order to find a new solution is called


974 - reasons why people conformed - distortion of action

avoiding ridicule

975 - reasons why people conformed - distortion of judgement

self-doubt of their own ability to judge

976 - Recall can be described as

the ability to retrieve information that is not present

977 - Recall is:

the search for info you previously stored

978 - Recall, recognition, and relearning are all ways we measure.....


979 - Recalling childhood birthdays is an example of which type of memory?


980 - recalling information from LTM back into STM can also be referred to as


981 - Recalling something that you had once merely imagined happening as something you had directly experienced best illustrates

Source amnesia.

982 - Recalling things based on how they look

Visual Coding

983 - Recalling things based on their sounds.

Acoustic Coding

984 - Recalling things using language skills.

Semantic Coding

985 - Receive and process incoming information.


986 - Receive messages from other neurons, transmit to cell body


987 - Receives information about the world around us:


988 - Receives sensory information and relays it to the proper part of brain for further processing


989 - Receiving a detention for coming to class tardy too many times is an example of.....

positive punishment

990 - receiving end of a neuron


991 - Receiving extra credit for winning a review game.

positive reinforcement

992 - Receiving messages below one's absolute threshold for conscious awareness.

subliminal stimulation

993 - Receiving praise after a musical performance

Positive Reinforcement

994 - Receiving rewards for a good grade

positive reinforcement

995 - Receiving stimuli from the environment


996 - Receptor cells in the human eye that are the most sensitive to fine detail are called


997 - Receptors are generally referred to as chemicals are ___________?

gustation and olfaction

998 - Receptors for Visual Processing, Detect Black, white and gray, important in dim light


999 - Receptors that are responsible for transferring light into neural impulses.

Rods & Cones of Retina

1000 - Reciprocal determinism theory describes the mutual influences between:

personality and environmental factors


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