Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 7

1 - Ingroup bias can cause

all of the above

2 - Ingroup members were more likely to be seen as

brave, tough and friendly

3 - Inherited genetic characteristics versus environment and social learning is also called

nature versus nurture.

4 - Inherited tendency of some newborn animals to follow the first moving object they see


5 - inherited tendency of some newborns to follow the first moving object they see is called .....


6 - Initiation rites are intended to increase

loyalty to a group.

7 - In-Ivan Pavlov's experiments in classical conditioning, the dog's salivation was

Both an unconditioned and conditioned response

8 - Innate behavior patterns develop primarily as a function of _______________?

instrumental conditioning

9 - inner ear associated with maintaining equilibrium

semicircular canal

10 - inoperant conditioning the disappearence or weakening of a learned response following the removal of a reinforcer


11 - inside of the neuron is negatively charged relative to the outside of membrane


12 - Insight Learning was best demonstrated via -

Wolfgang Kohler's Experiment

13 - Inspired by Darwin, he supported selected breeding for people (eugenics). Tested intelligence based on reaction time, sensory acuity, body proportion. NO CORRELATION EVER FOUND.

Francis Galton

14 - Inspired by his study of "savants", he created a theory of Multiple Intelligence that originally included 7 categories of intelligence.

Howard Gardner

15 - Instead of breaking down thoughts and behaviors in small elements you must look at the whole experiences.

Gestalt Psychology

16 - Instead of conducting experiments, he reported observations of his own experience. He also published the first psychology textbook.

William James

17 - Instead of studying the mind, this approach studies the Brain and science of pscyh.?


18 - Instead of understanding behavior, B.F. Skinner was more concerned with

how she behaves

19 - Instituted the first examination for the individual to measure if they are fitted for the government status.

Chinese Empire

20 - Instructional method that research consistently shows and out brings about gains to student retention

Evidence based practice

21 - Instructional objectives are written for the student and they state what the student is expected to do. These objectives should be

All of the above

22 - Instrumental Aggression is related to .....

Achieving goal

23 - insulates the axon allowing the signal to travel rapidly to another

myelin sheeth

24 - Integrated approach that incorporates biological, psychological, and social-cultural viewpoints.


25 - Integrated at of concepts and principles developed to explain a particular phenomenon


26 - Intellectual disability associated with an extra 21st chromosome

Downs Syndrome

27 - Intellectual realism is more prominent in

children below the age of 7

28 - Intelligence involves the ability to

do all of the above.

29 - Intelligence is a composite of seven distinct primary mental abilities was suggested by


30 - Intelligence is the ability of

all of these

31 - Intelligence is the property of recombining our behaviour pattern so as to act better in a novel situation. This definition is given by

William Stern

32 - Intelligence quotient (IQ) can be obtained by _________ equation?


33 - Intelligence tests are considered reliable __________________?

before 7 years of age

34 - Intelligence that involves introspective and self-reflective capacities

Intrapersonal Intelligence

35 - Intelligence, Practical, Analytical, Creative, Triarchic Theory

Robert Sternberg

36 - Intelligence, Theory of Multiple Intelligence (8 or 9 different intelligences)

Howard Gardner

37 - Intentional use of one or more cognitive processes for a particular learning task

Learning Strategy

38 - Interaction between a father and his son is different from that with his teacher.

Social role

39 - Interaction between genes and the environment

Epigenetic theory

40 - Interactive dualism was founded by ___________?


41 - Interference can be overcome it:

Cues are used to trigger recall

42 - interference can best be described as 2 memories that

that compete with each other

43 - Interference causes:


44 - Interference is an explanation for forgetting from which memory store?

Long term memory

45 - Interference refers to

blocking of a memory by previous or subsequent memories

46 - Interpreting your current situation within the framework of a past memory illustrates

top-down processing

47 - Interviewers gave more positive ratings to applicants perceived to be the same to themselves refers to

Similarity Effect

48 - into what age range do toddlers and preschoolers fit?

1 to 6 years

49 - Intrapsychic environment is

not as objectively verifiable as the physical or social environment

50 - Intrinsic motivation causes you to engage in behaviour because

it is personally rewarding

51 - Intrinsic motivation is

Being motivated by source from within you e.g. feeling good

52 - Introduces coefficient Alpha as an index of reliability (internal consistency) of tests and scales.

Lee Cronbach

53 - introspection

the process of looking into your self and describing what is there

54 - Introspection as a method stands rejected by


55 - Introspection is to structuralism as to behaviorism.


56 - Introspection means

To look within

57 - Introspection was Wilhelm Wundt's process of:

reflecting on one's own sensations and feelings

58 - Introverts gain energy and destress by:

Sitting alone listening to music

59 - Investigate the relationship between neurological processes and behavior.


60 - Investigated the phenomenon of Latent Learning - or learning without reinforcement


61 - Investigated the phenomenon of Learned Helplessness, current president of the APA


62 - Investigators detected a tendency for those who excelled in one of Thurstone's seven primary mental abilities to also demonstrate high levels of competence in other abilities. This provided some evidence of

general intelligence.

63 - Involuntary movements are controlled by the

Autonomic NS

64 - Involved in regulation of emotion, including fear, anger, & rage.


65 - involved in strong emotion/memory


66 - Involves a researcher imbedding themselves in a group they are studying

participant observation

67 - Involves destroying a piece of the brain?


68 - involves identifying information that has been encountered before


69 - Involves looking at the relationships between two or more variables, is used when performing an experiment is not possible.

Correlational Studies

70 - Involves movement and posture, also language, possibly


71 - involves reconstructing learned information, like on a short answer question


72 - Involves studying different age groups at the same time to see changes that occur over the lifespan.

Cross-sectional method



74 - Invulnerability, in which members of a group feel they can do no wrong, is a characteristic of:


75 - IQ = .....age/chronological age X 100


76 - IQ may be defined as?

Mental Age / Chronological Age x 100

77 - IQ means

Intelligent quotient

78 - is a mistake in memory during which a person recalls information that was never stored in memory


79 - is a set of rules for combining words, phrases, and sentences to express thoughts that can be understood by others


80 - Is a statement that attempts to explain things are the way they are and why they happen the way they do.


81 - is a testable prediction




83 - is a type of learning based on the consequences of actions

operant conditioning

84 - Is activated when the threshold of excitation is reached

action potential

85 - is also known as working memory

short-term memory

86 - is an explanation that integrates principles, organizes and predicts behaviors or events


87 - is an influential social cognitive psychologist who is perhaps best known for his social learning theory, the concept of self-efficacy, and his famous Bobo doll experiments.

Albert Bandura

88 - Is any action that people can observe or measure.


89 - Is any stimulus or event which varies or can take on different values and can be measured.


90 - is based on the concept that the whole of perception is greater than the sum of the sensory bits of information in a stimulus

Gestalt psychology

91 - Is complex and is influenced by where we focus ourattention, our previous experiences, and even our cultural backgrounds.


92 - Is comprised of the skills we use to recognize and manage our own emotions and being able to recognize emotions in others.

emotional learning

93 - is concerned primarily with the relationship between psychological processes and the underlying physiological events-or, in other words, the mind-body phenomenon.

biological psychology

94 - is detachment from reality and from oneself and the finding of another representation of self.


95 - Is Emotional Intelligence a form of social intelligence?


96 - Is finding happiness by cheap holidays permanent solution?

No, it is only temporary

97 - Is generally responsible for more creative and spontaneous thinking.

right hemisphere

98 - Is getting a promotion an intrinsic or extrinsic motivation?

extrinsic motivation

99 - Is hypnosis valid?

a genuine psychological phenomenon that has valid uses in clinical practice

100 - is involved in the expressive aspects of spoken and written language (production of sentences constrained by the rules of grammar and syntax)

Broca's area

101 - Is it ok to talk about your findings with people that are interested in the results


102 - Is it ok to tell people 'who' is taking part in your study


103 - Is money the only deciding factor to make us happy?


104 - Is Olaf happy?


105 - Is personality genetic or learned?

50% of both

106 - Is psychology a science?


107 - Is responsible for orchestrating "Maintenance" behaviors like temperature, sleep cycles, and apetite


108 - Is that car German? Yes,


109 - is the ability to retain information over time


110 - Is the cost of group testing an advantage or a disadvantage?


111 - Is the fact that group testing relies on reading well, reading quickly, and following directions exactly an advantage or disadvantage?


112 - Is the following statement determinism or free will?Jenna has returned to the bank only to find out that a robbery was in progress. She acts like she has control over her actions to protect others from further harm.

free will

113 - Is the following statement determinism or free will?Natalie's parents are both sarcastic and dark-humored people. As an adult, Natalie is also seen by others to have a very dark humor, and to be very sarcastic.


114 - Is the following statement determinism or free-will?Jackie knows that her parents want her to become a doctor, but she decides to go into engineering instead.


115 - Is the following statement determinism or free-will?Jake's serotonin levels have been a bit low lately. At the same time, his sister notices that he is much more stressed than usual.


116 - Is the information in the World Database of Happiness useful?

No, it isn't

117 - is the input, storage, and retrieval of what has been learned or experienced


118 - is the process of removing an aversive stimulus after it has started.

escape conditioning

119 - Is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes.


120 - is the second memory process during which information is maintained passively over a sometimes extended period of time


121 - Is the study of the human mind and how it interacts with the world around it


122 - is the study of the meaning of words of phrases when they appear in sentences or contexts




124 - Is your brother tall? No, ..... isn't.


125 - Isaac has an intense fear of injections. Although he realizes that this fear is irrational, he becomes fearful just going into a doctor's office for a check-up. Which disorder do these symptoms describe?

Specific Phobia

126 - it answers questions such as "How long is the test?", "Does it require additional instructions from the examiner?", "Can it be group administered?", "Are there separate time limits for each subtest? "

Ease of Administration

127 - It feels smooth.


128 - It gives a measure of how the data distributes itself about the mean or expected value. It is called?


129 - It has been scientifically proven that fatty acid supplements (omega-3 and omega-6) have a positive effect on academic achievement.


130 - It imost commonly known for its imagination and spirituality and this is why creativity is most often associated with the color .....


131 - It implies that the administration, scoring, & interpretation are objective insofar that they are independent of the subjective judgement of the individual examiner


132 - it implies that there is a consistency of scores obtained by the same person/s when retested with an identical test or equivalent form


133 - It is a bell-shaped curve which shows the probability distribution of a continuous random variable.

Normal curve

134 - It is a brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set, which can be either a representation of the entire or a sample of a population. It is called?

Descriptive statistics

135 - It is a color frequently used inside hospitals and prisons because it is perceived as tranquil.


136 - It is a condition where our predictions, or guesses tend to feel much more correct than they actually are because we have data that supports our belief.

Overconfidence bias

137 - It is a highly activated and pleasurable emotional, behavioral, and cognitive involvement in the work role.

Work Engagement

138 - It is a measure which tells you how much your data is spread out (dispersement) in statistics.

Standard deviation

139 - It is a method of organizing raw data in a compact form by displaying a series of scores in ascending or descending order, together with their frequencies-the number of times each score occurs in the respective data set. It is called?

Frequency Table

140 - It is a method of studying psychological phenomena and processes.

Experimental Psychology

141 - It is a process of testing a hypothesis in which a particular behavior will occur in certain situations.


142 - It is a set of general principles that attempts to explain and predict behavior or phenomena.


143 - It is a system of ideas that dominate science at a particular time.


144 - It is a system that creates representations of the world so that we can act within it to achieve our goals.


145 - It is also important to remember that we are lookingat overall happiness and not single extremely happy moments.


146 - It is also often seen as a fourth color on top of the primary red, yellow and blue bringing a sense of visual balance and, as a result, a soothing and relaxing influence.


147 - It is better to gain \$5 than to lose \$5 refers to what psychological phenomenon?

Loss aversion

148 - It is centered on treating clients experiencing mental distress and a wide variety of psychological symptoms?

Counseling psychology

149 - It is commonly believed that going outside when the weather is cold and rainy, you will get a cold. This is not true. This is an example of a(n) .....

Illusory correlation

150 - It is critically important for any new treatment for COVID-19 to be done in a ..... study if at all possible.

all of the above

151 - It is defined as a change in an individual's behavior caused by experiences or self activity


152 - It is designed to reveal an individual's perception of interpersonal relationships.


153 - It is easier to see a camouflaged animal when it moves than when it stays still. This illustrates the Gestalt principle of ______________?

common movement

154 - It is important for researchers to use precise operational definitions when . . .

They want to be able to replicate the experiment

155 - It is important for researchers to use precise operational definitions when.....

They want to be able to replicate the experiment

156 - It is important for school psychologists to have a understanding in the foundations of child development because

it provides them with a normative group to compare and identify areas of concern when evaluating a student experiencing challenges

157 - It is important to know the difference between correlation and causation. Which statement below best describes correlation?

The extent to which two characteristics or phenomena tend to found together or change together.

158 - It is important to publicize the results of our research to avoid duplication of researches and to exchange of information with fellow researchers.


159 - It is made up of 10 pictures that represent everyday scenes interpreted by animals and that try to provoke responses related to the child's problems


160 - It is made up of many small groups of neurons that help to relay and integrate signals between the spinal cord and cortex.


161 - It is not what happens around us that make us experienced; it is successive construing and reconstruing that enriches our lives. This statement reflects Kelly's ..... corollary.


162 - It is principle that have the generality to apply all situations.


163 - It is probably the most used color in graphic design and is generally associated with exclusivity, power and elegance.


164 - It is sometimes called "central location" or just "center". It is a way to describe what's typical for a set of data. It is called

Central Tendency

165 - It is springtime and the pollen from the flowers causes you to sneeze. Soon you are sneezing every time you see a flower. CR?


166 - It is the level wherein a person access their memories and stored knowledge?


167 - It is the parents who actually ..... these behavioral problems in their children.


168 - It is the part wherein thoughts and perceptions are located?


169 - It is the response to perceive threat.


170 - It is the study of mental processes, which includes determiningthe characteristics and properties of the mind and how it operates.

Cognitive Psychology

171 - It is the study of psychopathology and abnormal behavior?

Abnormal Psychology

172 - It is the study of the strength and virtue. It also means nurturing what is best within ourselves.

Positive Psychology

173 - It is used to overcome order effects.


174 - It is very important to take a number of different factors into account.


175 - It is worked out by subtracting the lowest score from the highest score


176 - it refers to an attitude, which people do not wish to maintain their cultural identity and they move to become an integral part of the Other culture .


177 - It refers to our everyday non-scientific collection of psychological data used to understand the social world and guide our behavior.

Commonsense Psychology

178 - it refers to the degree which the test actually measures what it purports to measure


179 - It refers to the information we received from our senses through experiences.

Empirical Data

180 - it refers to the level of difficulty of each item of the test as a whole and the appropriateness to the population for whom it is designed

Appropriateness of Difficulty Level

181 - It refers to the process of systematic noting and recording of events.


182 - It refers to the repeat procedures and obtain the same results of the research.


183 - It refers to the simplicity and clarity of our thoughts as researchers.


184 - It refers to the steps that scientists take to gather and verify information, and answer questions, explain relationships, and communicate findings.

Scientific Method

185 - It refers to the the mental processes, such as perception, attention, and memory, which is what the mind creates.


186 - It tastes sweet.


187 - It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of ..... within the party.


188 - It would be the most damaging to humans if the was impacted by a brain injury.


189 - item that are similar tend to be grouped together

low of similarity

190 - items in your mind at any given moment are in your ..... memory

short term

191 - Items or events that when following a response will strengthen it.


192 - It's a problematic situation in an experiment where the real aim of the experiment is unintentionally revealed to the participant causing the participant to conform his behaviour to an expected result.

demand characteristics

193 - It's a two-piece garment worn by girls and women for swimming or sun-bathing.


194 - It's a very hot summer day and Viva is sweating in her apartment. She turns on the air conditioning and right away her apartment gets cooler. Because Viva is now more likely to turn on the AC when she is hot to reduce her discomfort, this is an example of

negative reinforcement

195 - It's from Brazil. It's .....


196 - It's Oliver's first day of school and he is keen to make a good impression. He pretends to be interested in the other students' conversation even though he really finds them boring. Why is he doing this?

Normative social influence

197 - It's pretty common knowledge that the more you study the higher your greed will be. What kind of correlation is this relationship?


198 - Ivan is conducting a research that will determine the effectiveness of therapy in treating anxiety disorders. He randomly selected 35 individuals who are diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Before the therapy he gave the Beck Anxiety Inventory to assess the

Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

199 - Ivan Pavlov fits best into what school of psychology?


200 - Ivan Pavlov has been credited with the initial discovery of

classical conditioning.

201 - Ivan Pavlov researched this type of learning.

Classical Conditioning

202 - Ivan pavlov was a


203 - Ivan Pavlov with his dogs.


204 - Ivan Pavlov's discovery led to a theory of learning called ..... conditioning.


205 - Ivan Pavlov's experiments with dogs yielded information about

classical conditioning

206 - Ivan Pavlov's experiments with dogs yielded information about which of the following?

classical conditioning

207 - I've had trouble sleeping lately, I must be suffering from .....


208 - J.B. Watson, the founder and father of behaviouristic school of psychology, defined ‘Psychology’ as the science of_____________?


209 - J.B. Watson, the founder and father of behaviouristic school of psychology defined 'Psychology' as the science of .....


210 - Jack runs a race on his own and gets a time of 9.9 seconds. He then runs the race with an audience and get a time of 9 seconds flat. This improvement in performance can be explained by?

social facilitation

211 - Jack takes the same test of mechanical reasoning on several different days and gets virtually identical scores. This suggests that the test has

high reliability

212 - Jackson is finally enjoying his new environment studying in Hong Kong after struggling for a while. This is the ..... period.


213 - Jacob is 8 years old and academically performs at a 12 year-old level. What's his average IQ?


214 - Jacobs (1887) researched which aspect of memory?


215 - Jacob's father thinks he was born to be a skilled ice skater just like his mother and older sister, but Jacob's mother thinks that his skills and interests come from growing up in a household full of skaters. What long-standing debate is at the heart of t

Nature/Nurture debate

216 - Jada gives William her dessert at lunch in the hope that he will like her. Jada's behavior is an example of .....

a direct social influence attempt

217 - Jake closes his eyes and tries a bite of food. His friend asks him what it tastes like. What is this an example of?

Bottom-Up Processing

218 - Jake jumps out at Caitlyn to scare her. She is frightened but does not scream or run away. Which segment of the peripheral nervous system has been activated in Caitlyn?

the sympathetic nervous system

219 - James decided to test whether or not drinking coffee can increase the intelligence of Year11 students. He decided to use a repeated measures design and sampled the students inhis own English class. He conducted the intelligence test without coffee first a

convenience sampling

220 - James has been a manager for many years. He has several employees who work directly for him. James tries to get to know his employees so that he can help them do a better job, motivate them, and understand their needs better. One employee has a bad habit

shaping behavior

221 - James has difficulty understanding and producing meaningful speech. Which part of his brain might be damage?

Wernicke's Area

222 - James hears an advertisement on the radio while driving in his car. He likes the sound of the offer, but is only able to catch the phone number for the company. He repeats the phone number in his head until he is able to stop and right it down. James has

Maintenance rehearsal

223 - James is known for.....


224 - James Lange theory is related to


225 - Jamie has always hated the color orange. However, once she became a student at Princeton, she began to wear a lot of orange Princeton Tiger clothing. The discomfort caused by her long standing dislike of the color orange & her current ownership of so much

cognitive dissonance

226 - Jamie has always hated the color red. However, once she became a student at Indiana University, she began to wear a lot of red Indiana Hoosier clothing. The discomfort caused by her long standing dislike of the color orange & her current ownership of so m

cognitive dissonance

227 - Jamie is reading a book, thinking about plans for the night, and listening to music. Jamie reads 20 pages and then thinks "what did I just read?" This is an example of:

Shallow Processing

228 - Jamie practiced for her piano recital for 5 days in a row.She found the sum of hours she practiced on day 1 and day 3. What is the difference of that sum and the number of hours she practiced on day 4?


229 - Jamie's parents are so wrapped up in their own problems that they do not have time for her.


230 - Jane Elliot (1969)

brown eyes good, brown eyes bad, blues eyes good, blues eyes bad

231 - Jane Goodall observing apes in their natural habitat is an example of conducting a .....

naturalistic observation

232 - Jasmine failed repeatedly in College Algebra. Finally she gave up and was seriously considering dropping out of college one day her best friend offered her to personally help her if she signed up for College Algebra again but she refused what a concept mi

Learned helplessness

233 - Jasmine is having trouble being able to say the words that she wants. She knows what she is trying to say but the muscles in her mouth will not form the words. She has experienced some form of injury to:

Broca's area

234 - Jason answered a series of vocabulary and reading comprehension questions on a web site. When he finished, the site gave him a rating of intelligence. "I don't think that test really measured intelligence, " thought Jason. Jason is questioning the test's


235 - Jason is attending a parade that features the local high school band. Jason's friend Brent plays the trombone in the band. It is difficult for Jason to hear Brent at the parade. Which of the following would best allow Jason to hear the trombone?

Selective attention

236 - Jason went to Disneyworld to see Mickey Mouse. He had a wonderful time on all of the rides except for Space Mountain. After he got off the ride , he felt so ill that he got sick, now just looking at a roller coaster makes his stomach queasy. CS?

sight of a roller coaster

237 - Javier and his twin sister both have the same science exam. Javier sleeps for 9 hours the night before the exam and his sister sleeps for 6 hours. After they take the test, they both compare their test grades. What is the dependent variable?

The test grades

238 - Jayden consciously pushes the due date for his term project out of his mind, so much so that on the day it is due, Jayden must take an incomplete from his teacher. This is an example of:


239 - JD is hypnotized and is in a special state of divided consciousness. Where our mind and body are sperated and our mind is a sort of "hidden observer"

divided conciousness theory

240 - Jean Piaget, contributed generally to cognitive psychology through his accounts of ___________?

intellectual development in children

241 - Jeff is 6 feet 2 inches is a ..... assesment


242 - Jenny and her parents moved to Australia from Vietnam when Jenny was an infant. Now that she is an adult, Jenny speaks English fluently whereas her parents still struggle to speak English. This is because:

Adult brains display less plasticity for language acquisition than a young child's brain.

243 - Jenny thinks that getting a good job depends mainly on being in the right place at the right time.

External Locus of Control

244 - Jeremy was talking to his friends again while Mr. Davis was trying to explain a math equation. Mr. Davis decided he had to move Jeremy to another seat, away from his friends.This is an example of:

Operant Conditioning (negative reinforcement)

245 - Jerome believes that his 4-year-old grandson is a hyperactive child because the boy's constant movement resembles Jerome's prototype of hyperactivity. Jerome's thinking best illustrates

the representativeness heuristic.

246 - Jessica had tartar sauce with her fish one night the next morning she was nauseated and sick for so much of the date the next time she was offered the chance to go out for fish she felt queasy and declined her queasiness and the thought of fish with a tar

A conditioned taste aversion

247 - Jessica is a serious runner bought shoes b/c the commercial she saw uses laboratory findings from three independent studies that support the commercial's claims about the shoes.

This is central route persuasion

248 - Jesus injured his hippocampus in a horrible jump rope accident. He remembers everything that happened before the accident, but now he cannot remember any new people, new places, or any new information longer than a few minutes. What is Jesus suffering fro

anterograde amnesia

249 - Jill wants to study the process of thinking. Which field of psychology should she choose?


250 - Jillian takes a career assessment and learns she would work well as an engineer, an architect, or a pilot. Jillian may be high in ..... intelligence.


251 - Jimmy believes that his life is controlled by bad luck and fate. Jimmy has an ..... locus of control.


252 - Jimmy continues to go and play the slot machine at the casino, even though he never knows how many times he has to play to win. This is an example of a(n) ..... schedule.


253 - Jimmy has constantly heard that he is not a good student, after a while starts to act how people percieve him. This recent behavioral change supports the

Self-fufilling prophecy

254 - Jin is playing soccor. Which of the following is an example of a perception he may have while playing?

He notices the black and white pattern of the ball

255 - JJ took an intelligence test which noted he had a mental age of 12. JJ is only 10. What is JJ's IQ?


256 - Jo is taking a test in her sociology class and nothing on the test exemplifies the topics that were studied in the course. This test lacks

content validity

257 - Job loss, marriage, or going to college are all examples of what kind of stressor?

Major Life Change

258 - Job satisfaction consists of 2 overarching facets. What are they?

global and specific

259 - Joe finds that if he washes his car prior to going out on the town more of his friends of one to right along with him what theory would best explain his willingness to always wash and clean his car before going out

Skinner's theory of operant conditioning

260 - Joe owned a small repair shop. Each day, he would check the mail to see if any of his customers mailed in a payment for the work he had done for them. Some days, he would receive a check or two. At other times, he would have to wait days before getting an

variable interval

261 - Joe starts playing video games every day and notices over a few weeks that he can now react faster to the game as it happens. What factor might have influenced this improvement in reaction time?


262 - Joe, the family dog, runs to the front door if the front doorbell rings and to the back door if the back doorbell makes its buzzing sound, Joe has learned


263 - Joey is watching a horse race. He knows that his dog at home has four legs, a tail, and fur. When he sees the horses, he shouts out "Doggies." Joey is demonstrating


264 - Johann is 83 years old and has recently experienced a stroke, which left the right side of his body paralyzed. In addition, he is having trouble understanding direct questions or requests. Johann has no trouble speaking. Which of the following brain areas

Wernicke's area

265 - John attributes his success as an Australian animal expert on his own courage and skill. He is quick to blame the bright Outback sun for his inability to catch the koala in his own backyard. What is this an example of?

Self-Serving Bias

266 - John B Watson

one of the first American psychologists to study the impact of learning on human emotion. he is associated with behaviorism and wrote a book on child rearing.

267 - John B Watson considered himself to be a(n)


268 - John B. Watson believed that psychology should involve the study of .....


269 - John B. Watson claimed that all behavior is the result of


270 - John B. Watson is the founder of what?


271 - John B. Watson researched this type of learning.

Classical Conditioning

272 - John believes Curious George has always had a tale this might be an example of.....

A false memory

273 - John bites his fingernails but only in the presence of his coach. What is his body language communicating?


274 - John Bowlby (1956) stated that infants are driven to form an attachment to onespecial caregiver who is sensitive to the infant's emotional needs. This relationship forms the template for all other later relationships. He called this what?


275 - John is given an essay-based midterm in his ethics class. He will have to rely on which retrieval method in order to answer the questions?


276 - John lock theorized the mind is like a blank slate he called this

Tabula Rasa

277 - John Locke came up with "Tabula Rasa" that helped form empiricism, what does "Tabula Rasa" mean?

Blank slate

278 - John McCarthy describes this approach as "making a machine behavein ways that would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving".

Artificial Intelligence Approach

279 - John scored 6 out of 25 in a test. What percentage is this?


280 - John walks past a hot dog stand and hears the vendor yelling out "only 3 left until we sell out, hurry and get one now" John isn't actually too hungry, but he goes to get one anyway. What type of negativity bias is this referring to?

Act of scarcity

281 - John was in a car accident and can no longer make new memories. He suffers from

anterograde amnesia

282 - John Watson and his colleague, Rosalie Rayner, offered a live white rat to Little Albert and then made a loud noise behind his head by striking a steel bar with a hammer. The white rat served as the ..... in their study.

conditioned stimulus

283 - John Wesley would most agree with which of the following statements?

Humans have a drive to love God.

284 - John. B Watson pioneered which of the following?


285 - Johnny is told to quack like a duck when he hears a bell after he awakens from hypnosis.

Posthypnotic suggestion

286 - Johnny wants to know how different types of colored light affect plant growth? What is the DV?

plant growth

287 - Johnny wears his hat backwards to be cool like his brother, this is an example of


288 - John's mother decides that she will try to change John's bad behaviour. Each time she catches John trying to frighten his sister she takes one dollar from his pocket money. John then stops frightening his sister. Which one of the following best describes

response cost

289 - Johnson et al. (1964)

We attribute a student's good performance to their teaching

290 - Joining a fraternity or sorority in college is an example of what level on the hierarchy?

Love and belonging

291 - Jones..... during the quiz show we see that the moderators has the answers in front on him

yet we still rate him as more intelligent

292 - Jonny has a ton of work to do. As soon as he gets off the bus, he goes inside and gets straight to work.


293 - Jordan is doing a science project on the effects of music on the growth of tomatoes. He has 2 plants, 1 will be exposed to classical music, the 2nd won't be around music. Jordan counts the number of tomatoes produced by each plant. What is the dependent v

number of tomatoes

294 - Jordan is doing a science project on the effects of music on the growth of tomatoes. He has 2 plants, 1 will be exposed to classical music, the 2nd won't be around music. What is the independent variable?


295 - Jordan just moved from Texas to Washington D.C. In Texas she couldn't find any work, which she blames on the current Texas economy. Now, Jordan credits her own hard work and natural talent for landing her a great job with the house appropriations committe

Self-Serving Bias

296 - Jose is very pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means in the work environment. Jose can be described as


297 - Josiah has formed a theory that consumption of sugar makes it difficult for people to fall asleep within one hour. He has designed a study where his hypothesis is that the more sugar people eat, the longer it will take before they can go to sleep. What sh

test his hypothesis

298 - Juan returns to his grandparents house after a 10 year absence. The flood of memories about his childhood visits is best explained by which of the following?


299 - Juan's bag of marbles is twice as heavy as Beth's. If it takes 5 extra marbles to make Beth's bag feel heavier, it will take 10 extra marbles to make Juan's bag feel heavier. This best illustrates

difference threshold

300 - Judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they match our prototype.

representative heuristics

301 - judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they seem to match or represent prototypes

representativeness heuristic

302 - Judging the likelihood or probability of events based on how easily other such events can be recalled is known as the ..... heuristic.


303 - Judith is conducting an experiment on mood and problem solving. She plans to have study participants read either a funny story or a sad story before taking a math test. WHat is the dependent variable in Judith's study?

the number of math problems participants correctly solve

304 - Julia has an IQ of 130. If the mean for IQ is 100 with a standard deviation of 15, what percentage of the population has an IQ greater that Julia's (assume a normal distribution)?

2.5 percent

305 - Julia has an IQ of 130. If the mean for IQ is 100 with a standard deviation of 15, what would be her z-score?


306 - Julian believes that everything we do was determined with our personality that we were born with. Thanos believes that we are the sum product of our life experiences. The basic conflict that sums the difference between these two perspectives is:

nature vs. nurture

307 - Julian is extremely dependable and productive, and his friends think he is great at organising events. Based on the five-factor model of personality, Julian would probably score .....

high in conscientiousness

308 - Julian Rotter

Social Cognitive theory

309 - Julie is trying to explain to her parents why they should allow her to attend art school in NY. She presents them with information on tuition, graduation and retention rates, financial aid, and enrollment. Julie is using

central route to persuasion

310 - Julio is extremely dependable and productive, and his friends think he is great at organizing events. Based on the five-factor model of personality, Julio would probably score

high in conscientiousness

311 - Jung believed that psychologically healthy people would :

recognize their persona but not confuse it with the self.

312 - Jung believed that the crucial time in life when one should move from an extraverted attitude toward an introverted one is :

Middle Life

313 - Jung came up with a term for the universal images and ways that people behave and interpret experiences. This term is:


314 - Jung defined this as an inclination to act or react in a characteristic direction


315 - Jung, like Freud, assumed that the mind, or psyche -

has conscious and unconscious aspects.

316 - Jungian Types of Personality included:

Introvert and Extrovert

317 - Jung's anarchic phase of childhood is -

characterized by a chaotic and sporadic consciousness.

318 - Jung's theory sees humans as :

combinations of a number of opposing forces.



320 - Justice can be defined as the principle of:

balance and fairness brought to bear in the process of evaluating human behaviour and interaction

321 - Justin Beiber would have this type of power


322 - Justine is at a lego factory watching the plastic being poured into the molds, and the pieces being stamped out for each character. This however is not as interesting as when she remembers playing with her completed legos. This experience most likely alig


323 - KAMAKA Example?

Ram, Bam, Sham

324 - KAMAKA?


325 - Kanizsa's triangle is an example of:


326 - Kara is excited and in a good mood while she is learning information. A few days later she receives bad news and is sad while taking a test. She did not do as well as she thought she would. This could be a result of ..... memory

State-dependent memory

327 - Karen discriminates people of color in her workplace. According to Helm's white racial identity development, Karen is in the ..... stage


328 - Karen has been diagnosed as schizophrenic, but she will not tell her co-workers because she does not want them to label her as abnormal, different, undesirable or affected, due to her mental disorder. She is worried about .....


329 - Karen has learned a lot from her Psychology class about how to improve her memory. As she heads off to college, she wants to utilize this knowledge. Karen knows that she has a major test in her History class in two weeks, therefore, she starts to study fo

Spacing Effect

330 - Karen Horney

Basic Anxiety

331 - Kari had to go to the bathroom, but the only public restroom was in McDonald's; therefore, she felt obligated to purchase a Coke after using the McDonald's bathrooms. This is an example of.....

reciprocity norm

332 - Karl Marx was considered the founder of:

Social Conflict Theory

333 - Kasey is having trouble learning French because she finds that having learned Spanish earlier makes it more difficult for her to now learn French. This is known as

proactive interference.

334 - Kashima and Triandis (1986)

Japanese students use a modesty bias

335 - Kate, a seventh grader, is asked to remember her second-grade teacher's name. What measure of retention will Kate use to answer this question?


336 - Katherine is a gifted psychotherapist who connects well with her patients. Which type of intelligence would she likely use most in her work?


337 - Kathy performs better on foreign language vocab tests if she studies the material 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. This illustrates:

the spacing effect

338 - Katie was able to remember the number 111 by associating it with Admiral Nelson, who happened to have one eye, one arm, and one leg. This is an example of:


339 - Kayla and Amy recieve their marks back for a difficult exam. They both get 50%. Kayla thinks to herself "oh wow, that was definitely a one off but it's no big deal I'll just try harder next time" Amy thinks "why can't I do anything right, I'm going to fai

Pessimistic, pervasive

340 - Kayle asks Hanna for a dollar to buy a water, then asks for three to also buy a snack


341 - Keeps one's honor?


342 - Keeps the neuron alive, determines whether to fire

Cell Body

343 - Keith took the ACT and SAT. He wants to compare his scores. He should use ..... to compare them.

percentile ranks

344 - Kelley's attribution theory says that people use which of the following kinds of information in explaining events?

consensus, consistence, distinctiveness,

345 - Kelly believed that people's attempts to interpret and explain events is similar to that of -


346 - Kelly called the interpretations people place on events as -


347 - Kelly called the transparent templates or patterns that help us make sense out of the world as -

personal constructs

348 - Kelly would agree with Adler on what aspect of the human personality?

Our interpretation of events is more important than the events per se.

349 - Kelly's basic postulate assumes that behavior is guided by :

present perceptions of future events.

350 - Kelly's choice corollary allows people to extend and define -

future constructs.

351 - Kelly's constructive alternativism assumes that -

people's conclusions are subject to revision and change.

352 - Kelly's notion that a person construes similar events as if those events were identical is what Kelly called the ..... corollary.


353 - Kelly's personal construct theory emphasizes the notion that -

people are constantly changing the way they view events.

354 - Kelly's theory of personal constructs can MOST accurately be called:

a metatheory

355 - Kelvin witnesses a bad car accident on his way to school. He doesn't stop and help because there are more people in the area who can help. This is an example of.....

bystander effect

356 - Keneisha is only 11 years old, but she can answer questions that most 15-year-olds can answer. Therefore, 15 is Keneisha's .....

mental age

357 - Kenny was too shy to join the other children in the sand pile, but I could tell that just watching them was a pleasant experience for him.


358 - Kerri was doing yoga while talking to Andrew. Despite standing on her head, she still perceived Andrew as standing upright. This is an example of?

orientation constancy

359 - Key elements of gestalt psychology are

all of the above

360 - Key Study: Tajfel (1970) -

The minimal group paradigm

361 - Kim found out that SPM results had a positive correlation with the person's CGPA three years later. Can Kim conclude that SPM results cause/affect a person's CGPA?

No, because correlation does not imply causation

362 - Kim is having trouble remembering her old phone number even though she had that number for ten years. It seems that her current phone number that she has had for two years is keeping her from remembering her old phone number. This is called

retroactive interference.

363 - Kim is studying how SPM results predict an undergraduate's CGPA three years later. The research method that Kim needs to use is:

Correlational study

364 - Kim is trying to thread a needle, but the light is fairly dim. Due to the lack of light, the part of her eye that will help most in threading the needle is ________________?


365 - Kim tells her brother to put on a suit on a hot summer day. Her brother knows to put on a bathing suit instead of a business suit because of .....


366 - Kim's psychologist tells her she has complete control of her behavior. Her psychologist follows

humanistic psychology.

367 - Kinaesthetic learners enjoy:


368 - Kinesthesis involves _________________?

information from the muscles, tendons and joints

369 - Kinesthesis involves:

Information from muscles, tendons and joints

370 - Kinship studies have shown that the groups with the most similar IQ scores were

identical twins

371 - Kinship studies have shown which of the following groups to have the most similar IQ scores?

identical twins

372 - Kira is listening to music when her brain recognizes the song playing as her favorite song. What is this an example of?


373 - Know what the scientific methods definition is

Got it

374 - Knowing a distant object is not really tiny is an example of:

Size constancy

375 - knowing an object exists even when you can not see it.

object permanence

376 - Knowing enough about a study to decide whether you want to agree to participate

Informed Consent

377 - Knowing how many continents there are is an example of:

Semantic memory

378 - Knowing that George Washington is the first president of the United States of America is known as:

Semantic memory

379 - Knowing the ..... conditions can help therapists determine how best to help people change, according to the spirit of and principles most specific to behavior therapy.

antecedent, organismic, and consequent

380 - Knowing the formula for water and table salt is an example of:.....memory.


381 - Knowledge & skills gained from experience


382 - Knowledge about a topic acquired in an integrated and meaningful fashion

Conceptual understanding

383 - Knowledge about the effective methods of teaching a particular topic of content area

Pedagogical knowledge

384 - Knowledge acquired through observation is known as


385 - Knowledge of how to drive a car is an example of:

Procedural memory

386 - Knowledge of language, including its rules, words, and meanings, is called

semantic memory.

387 - knowledge of skills, can't be stated clearly.

implicit memory

388 - Known as the "Little Brain" and is in charge of balance and coordinating movements


389 - Known for his research on taste aversions

John Garcia

390 - Known for his work on observational learning and for the Bobo doll experiment.

Albert Bandura

391 - Known for Humanism; created the Hierarchy of need (also called self-actualizations).

Abraham Maslow

392 - Kobler wanted to prove that learning is

the perception of the whole situation

393 - Kohlberg indicates that at the most primitive level of moral development, morality is decided by ____________?

reward and punishment

394 - Kohlberg was concerned with what type of development?


395 - Kohlberg̢۪s moral developmental stages are closely related to __________________?

Piaget̢۪s cognitive developmental stages

396 - Kristen is 15 and often becomes very emotional and cries in response to stress. Amanda is 25 and can deal with stress calmly and rationally. Which structure of the brain has not yet developed in Kristen's brain, but has in Amanda's?

Frontal lobe

397 - Kristi gets paid every two weeks for her work as a nurse. What kind of reinforcement schedule is this?

Fixed interval

398 - Kung tatakbo ba kong president boboto mo b ko


399 - Kyle has been in an abusive relationship for 5 years. He no longer fights back or tries to leave. This best illustrates:

learned helplessness.

400 - L. L. Thurstone said intelligence is built from 7 basic mental abilities. Which of the following is NOT one of the 7?

regressive attitude

401 - Lab Device for testing depth perception in infants and young animals

Visual Cliff

402 - Label B on the image


403 - Label C on the image


404 - Label the diagram in order

Gyrus , 2. Sulcus & 3. Lateral Fissure

405 - Label the Neuron-What does the letter "A" represent?


406 - Lacy is convinced that the system is biased against women and she can't do anything about it. Her thinking demonstrates:

an external locus of control.

407 - Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not only going to reduce this by 10%, the price is reduced for you by a whopping 50%!

that's not all technique

408 - Lance is a cross country runner. He tends to run faster when he is running with someone than when he is running alone. This is an example of.....

social facilitation

409 - language area in the prefrontal cortex that helps to control speech production

Broca's area

410 - Language can be both verbal and non-verbal communication and it is an important skill for healthcare professionals. Which of these is NOT a good example of using language skills?

They must be able to remember what time they are meeting with the patient.

411 - Language comprehension is associated with _______________ area of the brain?


412 - Language development supports your child's ability to:


413 - Language is most associated with the

left hemisphere

414 - Language rules that govern how words can be combined to form meaningful phrases and sentences.


415 - Large groups sometimes lead to .....


416 - Largest area of brain that controls everything conscious


417 - Larry wants to test different types of fertilizer on tomato plants. He wants to see if one works better than the rest. He has 4 plants. The first one gets no fertilizer, the second one gets fertilizer A, the third Fertilizer B, and the fourth Fertilizer C

All of the above

418 - Lashaun is looking to buy a new car. Because he read about a Ford car explosion in the news last week, he is hesitant to look at Ford models. This is an example of (the) .....

availability heuristic.

419 - Last night, Paul woke up from sleep gasping for air. This has been an ongoing problem for him as he has been experiencing breathing interruptions for about three months. Paul is most likely suffering from

sleep apnea

420 - Last year, Zoe was taught by Mrs Hopper. This year, Mrs Hopper teaches Zoe's sister, Pia, but she often calls Pia by Zoe's name. This is known as

proactive interference.

421 - Latane & Darley conducted a study into bystander intervention where what came through the door into the room where the participants were?


422 - Latent Learning

Edward Tolman

423 - Later childhood from the age 6 or 7 years has been called the stage by Piaget.

Concrete Operational

424 - Lau and Russell (1980)

Football coach attribute defeat externally and victories in a self serving manner

425 - Laura arrives at a park that is located very close to a factory that produces cookies. She immediately notices the strong odor of chocolate chip cookies, but after a while she no longer detects the smell of the cookies. This can best be explained by which

Sensory adaptation

426 - Lauren attributes her brothers behaviour to him being 'a rude, immature person'. What type of attribution has she made?


427 - Lauren had no problem in determining the sound of a microwave oven, so when she heard the 'bell' on the microwave, she immediately opened it up and there was her pizza; ready to eat.This is an example of:

Classical Conditioning (conditioned stimulus)

428 - Law of effect

Edward Thorndike

429 - Law of similarity state that

Elements that share similar characteristics are perceived as more related than elements that don't share those characteristics.

430 - law stgating that if a response is followed by a pleasureable consequence it will tend to be repeated, and if followed by an unpleasent consequence, it will tend to not be repeated

Law of Effect

431 - layman

a person who does not have expert knowledge of a particular subject

432 - Leader makes decisions independently with little or no input from others.


433 - Leaders who do not listen to others and make all the decisions themselves.


434 - leads from retina to the LGN of the thalamus

optic nerve

435 - Leah asks her teacher to delay the test a day; when the teacher refuses she asks for 10 minutes to study prior.


436 - Leah is interested in helping her daughter learn manners. Each time her daughter says something that is close to appropriate, she rewards her. Eventually, her daughter should learn good manners. What term is explained by this process?


437 - Learned reactions that follow one another in sequence, each reaction producing the signal for the next

response chain

438 - learned reflex response to a conditioined stimulus

conditioned response

439 - Learners form mental pictures of objects or ideas

Visual imagry

440 - Learners make connections among various pieces of information they need to learn


441 - Learning by imitating others; copying behavior


442 - Learning by imitating others; copying behavior. This is an example of:


443 - Learning can best be described as

a relatively permanent change in behavior.

444 - Learning from the consequence of behavior is called

operant conditioning

445 - Learning in which a certain action is reinforced or punished, resulting in corresponding increases or decreases in occurrence

Operant Conditioning

446 - Learning is

All the above

447 - learning is a ..... change in behavior


448 - Learning is an inferred process and is different from .....


449 - Learning is continuous process


450 - Learning is defined as

A relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience

451 - Learning is essential factor in observing, describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling behavior.

Learning Perspective

452 - Learning is made easier when you have goals in mind. To do this a person would phrase this about the subject matter in each chapter.


453 - Learning is the acquisition of habits knowledge and attitudes. Who gave this definition?

Crow and crow

454 - Learning is..... (Choose the most complete answer)

Process of developing new skills and knowledge through experience, study and/or and expert instruction

455 - learning model that focuses on the mental processes required for the acquisition of new behaviors

cognitive learning

456 - learning new behavior by watching a model perform that behavior

observational learning

457 - Learning occurs through modification of the brains' neural connections.


458 - learning perspective

emphasizes the effects of experience on behavior

459 - Learning problems associated with developmental differences in brain function cannot be remediated by education.


460 - Learning self-defense is an example of what level on the hierarchy of needs?

Safety and security

461 - Learning something by putting it to music is an example of:

Acoustic encoding

462 - Learning tasks that encourage divergent thinking are part of a teacher's effort to encourage ..... in their students.

Creative thinking

463 - Learning tasks that encourage divergent thinking are part of a teacher's effort to encouragein their students.

Creative thinking

464 - Learning that 'Branflakes' and are another type of cereal similar to 'Cornflakes' is an example of:


465 - Learning that certain events occur together. The events may be two stimuli (as in classical conditioning) or a response and its consequences (as in operant conditioning).

associative learning

466 - learning that is not demonstrated by an immediate, observable change in behavior

latent learning

467 - Learning that occurs as a result of the consequences of behavior.

Operant Conditioning

468 - learning that occurs because of the results of that they do

operant conditioning

469 - Learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it (ex. cognitive map).

latent learning

470 - Learning that occurs by watching others. Also called social learning.

observational learning

471 - Learning that occurs due to reward and punishment

Operant Conditioning

472 - learning that occurs from watching and imitating others

observational learning

473 - Learning that remains hidden until it is needed.

latent learning

474 - learning that remains hidden until its application becomes useful

latent learning

475 - Learning theories explain attachment of infants to their parents in items of__________?


476 - learning theory would suggest that feelings of guilt that stop a law abiding person from committing a crime has been learned through:

Classical conditioning

477 - Learning through observation, imitation, and modeling of others.

social learning

478 - learning to make a reflex response to a stimulus other than the original, natural stimulus that normally produces the reflex

classical conditioining

479 - learning to make an involuntary (reflex) response to as stimulus other than the original, natural stimulus that normally reduces the reflex.

classical conditioning

480 - Learning to make an involuntary response to a stimulus other than the original, natural stimulus that normally produces the response.

Classical Conditioning

481 - Learning to respond to only one stimulus and to inhibit the response to all other stimuli

Stimulus Discrimination

482 - Learning to respond to only one stimulus and to not responsed at all to other stimuli is.....


483 - Learning, memory, thinking, perception, motivation and language

Experimental Psychology

484 - Leaving early for work to avoid traffic is an example of what type of learning?

Negative Reinforcement

485 - left side of the human brain controls speech

Paul Broca

486 - Legitimacy of authority is a good explanation of cultural differences in obedience because:

All of the above

487 - Length of time a teacher pauses, after either asking a question, or hearing a comment, before saying something

Wait time

488 - Leo wants to go out on a date with his new girlfriend, however he had made plans with his best mate for his birthday but knows the girlfriend will get mad at not speak to him if he doesn't take her out. Leo is experiencing what psychological concept?

Cognitive dissonance

489 - Letting people choose their own group members and keeping groups small help to prevent .....

Social Loafing

490 - Lev Vygotsky believed that parents, culture and peers were .....

responsible for developing the child's higher-order functions.

491 - Level of measurement: Data that is in categories and frequencies


492 - Level of measurement: Time, weight, temperature etc.


493 - Levels of Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.


494 - Leverage income?

Time Freedom, Money Freedom

495 - Lewis Hamilton is listening to music before the race, what is this an example of?

Psychological warm up

496 - Lewis Terman's widely used American revision of Binet's original intelligence test was the


497 - Life is better with pets! It is a good idea for most people to have pets.

naive realism

498 - Life Skills is

an ability

499 - Lifespan psychologists cannot focussolely on ..... for explanation.


500 - Lifespan psychology assumes thatdevelopment is


501 - Light energy is the visible part of the

electromagnetic spectrum

502 - Light entering the eye passes through a series of structures in the following order:

pupil, lens, retina

503 - light enters the eye through the


504 - Light enters the eye through which of the following?


505 - Light stimulus energy is focused by the cornea and lens to project an image on the retina. Transduction occurs in the photoreceptors and neural signals are transmitted (sensation) to the thalamus, then to the visual cortex where perception is processed an

How we see

506 - Lights..... is the distance from one wave peak to the next. This dimension determines the ..... we experience.

wavelength, hue

507 - light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the rods and cones, is the


508 - Like clinical psychology, this branch is devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health issues. What branch of of psychology is it?

Counseling Psychology

509 - Like the mean, this can be distorted by a single extreme value

Standard deviation

510 - Likert scale in Schachter and Singer's study is an example of .....

closed question

511 - Lil looks up in class to see her teacher standing behind her desk. Lil knows the teacher is in back of the desk because the desk is blocking her vision of the teacher's legs. This is an example of what type of depth perception?


512 - Lily Collins is struggling to balance her school, home, and social lives. What type of psychologist would she go to for help?


513 - Lim is taking up surfing. She buys a surfboard with two fins rather than one fin on the advice of a surfer friend

informational influence

514 - Lina get attractive to a product after she saw her favourite band advertise this product. In this situation, the product was the .....

Condition stimulus

515 - Lina is learning to become self-sufficient as she learns to walk and talk. She enjoys trying to dress herself in the morning and trying to wear her own shoes without help from her parents. Based on these behaviours, Lina would MOST likely to be in Erikson

autonomy VS shame

516 - Lina's parasympathetic nervous system is the most active when she:

is watching television

517 - Line graphs show us the relationship between two variables


518 - Linear Income?

Fixed Time, Fixed Salary

519 - Linking information with pre-existing knowledge is called.....

Elaborate rehearsal

520 - Links between human behavior and Darwin's Theory of Evolution are part of what?

Evolutionary Psychology

521 - Lisa draws 10 names out of a bowl containing the names of all the students at her school to determine which students she will interview for a study on the school's computer usage. This is an example of a

random sample

522 - Lisa, a Thai-Korean having committed to and resolved their ethnic identity is an example of the ..... stage in Phinney's ethnic identity development model.


523 - Listening to music at this decibel level consistently (slightly louder than busy street corner) will lead to hearing loss

85 decibels

524 - Listening to your high-volume stereo for 15 minutes, its not as loud anymore, this demonstrates

Sensory Adaptation

525 - Little Albert began to associate any small, fluffy object with the loud sound. What is this describing?


526 - Little Albert Experiment: After learning to associate the white rat and the loud noise, Watson repeatedly presented Little Albert with just the white rat (not the sound) in order to cause this phenomenon.


527 - Little Albert Experiment: Hypothetically speaking, if Little Albert was only afraid of white rats, but no other kind of rodent, he would be experiencing this phenomenon.


528 - Little Albert Experiment: Little Albert is afraid of all furry objects/animals.


529 - Little Albert Experiment: Little Albert learns that the white rat means a loud noise is coming.


530 - Little Albert learned to fear white mice, but he became fearful of anything white and/or fuzzy/furry. What is this an example of?


531 - Little Albert: A month after the initial experiment, Little Albert returned for further research and began to cry upon seeing the white rat.

Spontaneous Recovery

532 - Little Baby Albert

J.B. Watson

533 - Little frustrations, delays, irritations, and minor disagreements are all examples of what kind of stressor?


534 - Little Jimmie's mother was upset to find that Jimmie had not picked up his building blocks after repeated requests to do so. The next morning, Jimmie found all his blocks had been picked up and put into a bag on the top of the refrigerator. Jimmie's mothe

punishment by removal

535 - Little Margot just learned to tie her show. For as long as she lives, she will never forget how to tie her show because it's stored in her ..... memory.


536 - Little regard for feelings of others. View the world as hostile, must look out for themselves

Antisocial Personality Disorder

537 - Lizzie loves animals. What might she study in college?


538 - Localization of Function refers to the idea that.....

Different parts of the brain are responsible for different behaviors.

539 - Located in center of the retina (fovea), low sensitivity in in dim light, color sensitivity


540 - Located in periphery of retina, high sensitivity in dim light, no color sensitivity


541 - Located in the hindbrain, this structure is responsible for coordinated movement and balance


542 - Location and recovery of info from memory


543 - Location at which a neuron can transfer an impulse to another cell with the use of neurotransmitters is called .....


544 - location on retina where optic nerve exits for brain, Responsible for the blind spot

optic disc

545 - Locus of control

Julian Rotter

546 - Loftus & Palmer's study asked how fast the cars were travelling when they .....? What does this support?

Leading questions affect EWT

547 - Loftus' research showed that the most problematic source of inaccurate eyewitness testimony was from

leading questions by police and lawyers

548 - Logan has frequently been rebellious, inconsiderate, and self-centered, yet the pastor of his local church has always accepted and respected him. The pastor's attitude toward Johann is most explicitly recommended by which of the following theorists?


549 - Logan is interested in developing scales to measure entrepreneurial personality types. As an initial step in this research program, what should he do?

Conduct a case study of famous entrepreneurs such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, Syed Mukhtar Al-Bukhary and Mydin Muhamed Ghulam Husein.

550 - Logical decision making is processed here.

frontal lobe

551 - logos means

study of

552 - Lola's dog, Marco, loves toys but hates his leash, and has been difficult to train. She wants to use a VI-6 omission schedule to train him. Which option should she choose?

Approximately every 6 minutes that Marco barks, take away his toy.

553 - Long research paper about research that was conducted as part of the candidates doctoral training


554 - Long term memory is defined as

the unlimited capacity memory store that can hold information over lengthy periods of time.

555 - Long wavelength (low frequency) appears to be .....


556 - Longitudinal research is complicated by high rates of .....


557 - Longitudinal researches investigate ____________?

Behavior of different ages are compared

558 - Longitudinal studies .....

study the same group of people over a long time period

559 - longitudinal studies are when .....

psychologists study the same group of participants over a period of years.

560 - longitudinal study

research method in which data are collected about a group of participants over a number of years to assess how certain characteristics change or remain the same during development

561 - Long-term memory

has a bigger capacity than sensory memory and a longer duration than short-term memory

562 - Long-term potentiation of our memory is mostly a product of which neurotransmitter?


563 - Long-term potentiation refers to

an increase in a neuron's firing potential

564 - Looked at the ID, EGO, And Superego of personality

Sigmund Freud

565 - Looking at a sign, some of the bulbs are burnt out but you are still able to read the whole word 'Closed' even though you can see all the letters. Which Gestalt law does this show?


566 - Looking at how the unconscious Influences our personality, behaviors, childhood experiences, and psychological disorders.


567 - Looking for cross-cultural verification of a behavior is ..... .

Space triangulation

568 - Looks at behavior over time. They can also be clinical psychologist.


569 - Looks at groups and their influence on behavior.

Social Psychologist

570 - Looks at the measurement of behavior through the development of psychological tests; assesses issues of validity and reliability as well as statistical modeling

Psychometric Psychology

571 - Looks at the relationship between mental processes and health.

Health Psychologist

572 - Looks at the statistical side of psychology.


573 - Lorenz's animal research provided supporting evidence for what theory of attachment?

Bowlby's monotropic theory of attachment

574 - Losing one's home in a tornado is an example of a stressor called a .....


575 - Losing your car due to bad grades.

negative punishment

576 - 'Loss of personal identity' is a description of:


577 - Loss of self restraint that occurs when group members feel anonymous and aroused, doing things they were never do.


578 - Loss of sleep.

Sleep Deprivation

579 - Louisa has been helping clients all day in the facility that she works at. Many clients stay there for months, and sometimes years before they are well enough to leave. She is most likely a:

clinical psychologist.

580 - Low Consensus, Low Distinctiveness and High Consistency leads people to make an external attribution of the actor


581 - Low heart rate has been associated with:

stimulus seeking and lowered fear response

582 - Low heart rate is not yet able to be called a definitive biomarker for antisocial behaviour because:

we don't know definitively how it can be used to predict antisocial behaviour

583 - Low incidence of alcoholism could be attributed to strong religious influences. Perspective?


584 - Low levels of anxiety are most characteristic of:

antisocial personality disorder.

585 - low response rates

Survey Research

586 - Lucie waves to Tori and Anna with her left hand. This movement would have been initiated by her:

right parietal lobe

587 - Lucy is bored, she thinks Consumer Decision Making is too easy. Which level of needs (Maslow) is not being satisfied?


588 - Lynn & Mynier conducted a study to look at the use of gestures. Which environment did they use?

A restauraunt

589 - Lynn is teaching learning. Every time she claps her hands, Charlie turns off the light. When Randy claps in approval of Lynn's presentation, Charlie does not turn the light off. What concept has Charlie demonstrated?


590 - MA represents a.....

Specialist license

591 - Mabel conforms to her company's rules because she wants to be liked and accepted by her colleagues. This is an example of conforming due to.....

normative influence.

592 - Macky is anxious on going to crowded places, he prefers staying at home instead of going to parties for it worries him that people might not like what he will wear. Macky's possible diagnosis is

Social Phobia

593 - Madeleine found it much easier to recall her opening address in court when she rehearsed it first in the empty courtroom. This is most likely due to

context-dependent cues

594 - Madeleine was a lawyer who had a very big court case to prepare. Madeleine found it much easier to recall her opening address in court when she rehearsed it first in the empty courtroom. This is most likely due to

context-dependent cues.

595 - Madonna looks at a list of 44 Presidents for 1 minute. When she is done she is supposed to recite all 44 Presidents. When she tries to she remembers: Washington, Adams, .misses a bunch and finishes with Bush and Obama. Well done Madonna. Which of the foll

serial position effect

596 - Maggie cries and throws a temper tantrum at the store and her mother buys her a candy bar. Maggie is more likely to have a tantrum the next time she is at the store because that behavior was:


597 - magnitude

Greatness of size, strength, or importance

598 - Main categories in which total life skills fall.....


599 - Maintaining one's conceptions even after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited is known as:

belief perseverance.

600 - Maintains information in STM but does not lead to LTM retention

Maintenance rehearsal (rote repetition)

601 - Maintains the sounds that we heard for about 3-4 seconds

auditory memory

602 - Maintenance of an internal biological balance is called __________?


603 - Maintenance of encoded info over time


604 - Maintenance rehearsal involves:

Intentionally repeating information

605 - Maintenance rehearsal is to elaborate rehearsal as:

Short-term memory is to long-term memory

606 - Maj has damaged his frontal lobe. As a consequence he can no longer move his left knee, ankle, or toes. Which part of the primary motor cortex has Maj damaged?

halfway down his primary motor cortex in his right hemisphere

607 - Majesta notes that the time spent with her new kitty cat makes her feel happy and content. If someone did a case study on Majesta and her feelings about her cat, what would be the independent variable (s) in the study?

amount of time spent with her cat

608 - Major fields in Psychology

Only (A) & (B)

609 - Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.


610 - Makers of 3-D movies rely most heavily on:

retinal disparity.

611 - Makes decisions, plans, reasons, and carries out behaviors

Frontal Lobe

612 - Making an assumption that everyone in a certain group is basically the same is known as


613 - Making an effort to rehearse information bits by bits over and over again to remember it is

Maintenance Rehearsal

614 - Making an effort to rehearse information over and over again to remember

Maintenance Rehearsal

615 - Making up acceptable excuses for behaviors that make us feel anxious.


616 - Malfunctioning of a scuba diving oxygen tank is an example of what level?


617 - Manipulates one or more independent variables to determine the effects of certain behavior.


618 - Many early school of Psychology focused on looking at.....

why people had issues.

619 - Many of Ms. Buck's Psych students did poorly on the last test. Due to fundamental attribution error, Ms. Buck might conclude that the class did poorly because.....

this year's students are lazier than last year's students

620 - Many of our behaviors have developed as a result of our species' adaptation to the challenges of surviving across millennia.


621 - Many of the neo Freudians have modified Freud̢۪s original theory of personality to give more emphasis to ______________?

Social and cultural factors

622 - Many people are able to describe where they were and what they were doing when they heard about the 9/11 attacks. This is an example of:

A flashbulb memory

623 - Many people prefer meat that is 80% lean instead of 20% fat, even though they are the SAME thing. Which concept is being used when the same information is presented in a more desirable way?


624 - Many people try to capture an emotional feeling, for example pleasure or happiness. This can also help with relaxation.


625 - Many psychology majors practice clininal psychology


626 - Many scientists do not believe in astrology because

experiments in astrology often do not yield the same results twice

627 - Many thousands of neurons may communicate at a


628 - Margaret Mead, a well-known sociologist, used a form of study where she observed the participants in their natural environment without interfering. What do psychologists call this type of study?

Naturalistic Observation

629 - Margo insists that her dreams frequently enable her to perceive and predict future events. Margo is claiming to possess the power of


630 - Maria conducted a survey regarding the amount of sleep individuals in her study had each night for one month. She then tested them in a virtual driving machine to see how many errors they made while driving. She wanted to determine if sleep deprivation im

correlational study; negative

631 - Maria is American. ..... surname's Kelly.


632 - Maria is looking for stationary to use for thank-you notes. She looks at the designs, prices, and sheet counts in the table. Are the Hearts or the Horses a better deal?


633 - Maria lives in Brazil. She credits her success in school to her family's support and the skills of her teachers. But, when she doesn't get into the college she wanted, she blames her own low test scores. What is this an example of?

Self-Effacing Bias

634 - Maria should recover quickly with no intervention necessary. Without treatment, John will deteriorate rapidly. These statements capture the definition of .....


635 - Mariah developed a fear of the water when she fell off a river raft last summer. This year she took swimming lessons and thought she had finally overcome her fear of water. She was eagerly looking forward to an upcoming rafting trip, however, as soon as s

spontaneous recovery

636 - Marie works in a dress factory where she earns \$10 for each three dresses she hems. Marie is paid on a

fixed ratio

637 - Marilyn was asked to solve a series of five math problems. The first four problems could only be solved by a particular sequence of operations. The fifth problem could also be solved following this sequence; however, a much simpler solution was possible.

A mental set

638 - Marissa is in her fourth year of psychology and wants to better understand the effect that sleep has on a person's mood throughout the day. She gets 100 willing participants to take three similar tests, one in January, one in May and one in September. The

Reliable but not valid

639 - Marjorie took a personality test in April. She took the same test in June and December, receiving a very similar score. This test can be considered:


640 - Mark is afraid of flying in airplanes. Which type of psychologist would best be able to help him overcome his fears?


641 - Mark the trajector and landmark in this picture.

1 - landmark; 2 - trajector

642 - Mark was told to remember a list of names read out loud and then write them down. He was only able to write down the last three names he heard. This is an example of the:

Recency effect

643 - Markus and Kitayama (1991)

essential internal attribution traits, abilities, motives, and values

644 - Marriage

Red, pink, white

645 - Martin fell off his skateboard and badly bruised his elbow. He immediately began rubbing the area around the bruise until the pain subsided. This method of reducing pain can be explained by which of the following?

Gate-control theory

646 - Marty frequently becomes angry at his wife. The real object of his anger is his mother. This defense mechanism is called


647 - Marvin coughed three times before resuming his monologue on the feats he performed on the football team when he was in high school.


648 - Mary Ainsworth in the Strange Situation found different attachment types, what were these?

Secure, Insecure Avoidant, Secure Resistant

649 - Mary has become unable to attend high school classes due to an intense, irrational fear of tests. This is known as.....


650 - Mary is texting while driving. She fails to notice the car in front of her has stopped for a red light. She subsequently crashes into the car. The reason for the crash is due to

Selective Attention

651 - Mary really wanted to borrow her mom's necklace, but knew her mom would be angry if she took it without asking, so she asked her mom if she could wear it.What is this an example of?


652 - Mary understands her world primarily b grasping and sucking easily available object. Mary is in which stage?


653 - Mary watches several different species of birds to discover how they feed their young in their habitat, without being intrusive. This would be an example of what type of study?

Naturalistic observation

654 - Mary's bathroom scale always overstates people's actual weight by exactly 6 pounds. The scale has ..... reliability and ..... validity.

high; low

655 - Mary's cat runs to the back door when the microwave bell sounds as this usually signals that her dinner is about to be served. The cat also runs to the back door when Mary's doorbell rings. Mary's cat is demonstrating an example of

stimulus generalisation

656 - Masked characters are most often connected with which color?


657 - Maslow and Rogers believed that human beings are always striving to fulfill their innate capacities and capabilities and to become everything that their genetic potential will allow them to become. This striving for fulfillment is called the .....

Self-Actualizing Tendency

658 - Maslow believed all individuals are motivated by what?


659 - Maslow believed that personal needs motivated.....


660 - Maslow is a humanistic Psychologist


661 - Maslow proposed a need to develop one's potential and be the best one can be, which he called


662 - Maslow's pyramid states we must feel safe before we can feel love.


663 - match the phrase to the following: they assist in the better understanding of human psychological characteristics which include remembering things and the changes seen in period of strain

the use of animals in psychological research

664 - Matched pairs - like independent groups, expect each participant has someone that matches them for a key characteristic in the other groups. What are its disadvantages?

Only (A) & (B)

665 - Matching your attitudes and behaviors to a group standard.


666 - Materials and information are classified and arranged into meaningful, ordered relationships so that the data makes sense. THIS CHARACTERISTIC of SCIENCE IS.....


667 - Mathematical/Statistical process that allows researchers to identify CLUSTERS of traits that seem to go together:

Factor Analysis

668 - Matina Horner found that fear of success was greatest in

women of above average intelligence

669 - Maturation refers to development that occurs as a result of ___________?

An interaction between biology and environment

670 - Max Wertheimer and other German scientists believed that sensory experience can be broken down into individual parts, how those parts relate to each other as a whole is often what the individual responds to in perception. They were known as what?

Gestalt Psychologist

671 - Maximus quits a relatively new job that she had been previously excited to begin. While talking to her friend, she tells him, "I knew I was going to hate that place!" This example illustrates

Hindsight bias

672 - May be pursued in educational, clinical, or research settings

Sports psychology careers

673 - MBTI stands for what?

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

674 - McClelland̢۪s method of measuring the achievement motive made use of ____________?

Person̢۪s estimates of level of aspiration

675 - McGarrigle and Donaldson's study on conservation involved

a Naughty Teddy bear

676 - Meade (1985) found boys in Hong Kong prefered which leadership style:


677 - Mean, median and mode are defined as:

the average, the middle and the most commonly occurring value of a data set.

678 - Mean, median and mode refer to which TWO?

Only (A) & (B)

679 - Mean, Median, and Mode are three measures of

Central Tendency

680 - Meaning of 'CT' from CT Scan

Computed Tomography

681 - Meaning of fun

a very enthusiastic sports person or admirer.

682 - Meaning of 'MRI'

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

683 - Meaning of 'PET'

Positron Emission Tomography

684 - Meaning of the word psyche


685 - Meaning spectator

someone who watches something

686 - Measurable and observable data. NOT ideas, emotions, inner mental experiences


687 - Measure of central tendency calculated by adding up all scores and dividing by the number of scores in the data set.


688 - Measure of how high or low a sound is


689 - Measure of the extent to which two factors vary together


690 - measures an individual's likes and dislikes along occupational preferences usually

interest test

691 - measures general potential to solve problems, adapt to changing circumstances, think abstractly and profit from experience

intelligence tests

692 - measures previous learning

achievement tests

693 - Measures the average difference between each score and the mean of the data set.

standard deviation

694 - Measures the electrical activity in the form of brain waves.


695 - Measures the electrical activity of muscles.


696 - measures the potential for learning or acquiring a specific skill

aptitude test

697 - measuring by quality


698 - measuring by quantity


699 - Measuring the number of times a person breathes after exercise involves ..... data.


700 - mechanical or rote repetition of info in order to keep from forgetting it (EX: actors rehearsing lines)

maintenance rehearsal

701 - Medical professionals who treat people with disturbed behaviors are


702 - Melany met Merri at the McCain Mall to go shopping. After shopping for five hours, they walked out to the parking lot to get in Merri's car(because her car is so cool and they can pick up boys in it). Merri could not remember exactly where she parked so s

Cognitive Learning

703 - Melissa conducts a study of environmental awareness at a university and collects data from a sample of 1000 students and 500 academic staff over a two-month period. Samples are given a set of questionnaire. This study is using

self-report data.

704 - membrane on the cochlea connected to the stapes; converts vibrations of the ossicles into vibration of fluid inside cochlea

oval window

705 - Memories associated with the auditory system


706 - Memories associated with the sense of touch


707 - Memories associated with the visual system


708 - Memories easier to recollect in a particular setting/experience

Context-dependent memories

709 - Memories of emotional events that seem photographic - are not always complete or accurate, especially over time

Flashbulb memories

710 - Memories of historical facts are to ..... memory, as memories of your breakfast this morning are to ..... memory.

semantic; episodic

711 - Memories of single events


712 - Memories of traumatic physical abuse are most unlikely to be __________________?


713 - Memories outside of our conscious awareness are called

implicit memories.

714 - memories that can be retrieved more readily when the person is in a similar situation or environment as when the info was learned

context-dependent memory

715 - Memories that we believe actually happened even though they did not, are called

False memories

716 - Memorizing by rote (i.e., repeating something over and over until it is learned) is also called _________________?

maintenance rehearsal

717 - Memory

the nervous systems capacity to retain and retrieve skills and knowledge

718 - Memory aid or trick designed to help students learn and remember one or more specific pieces of information


719 - Memory decay is fastest for which type of memory?

Sensory Memory

720 - Memory for automatic activities, such as bike riding and handwriting, is known as why type of memory?


721 - Memory for facts and meanings about the world is known as what type of memory?


722 - memory for ones personal past experiences

episodic memory

723 - Memory for skills is called ___________________?

implicit memory

724 - Memory for skills is called:

implicit memory.

725 - Memory in which people recall events in great detail is called

Flashbulb Memory

726 - Memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier, as on a fill-in-the-blank test, without any cues (clues).


727 - Memory inputs may fade away, or ..... over time.


728 - Memory is a

reconstructive process

729 - Memory is.....

The ability to remember information

730 - Memory loss in Alzheimer's disease is best explained by

the decay theory

731 - Memory of a habit or practiced skill

Implicit Memory

732 - memory of a specific event

episodic memory

733 - Memory of a specific piece of information.

Explicit Memory

734 - Memory of facts and concepts

Semantic Memory

735 - Memory of facts and concepts is

semantic memory.

736 - Memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare" is known as

explicit memory

737 - memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare." (Also called declarative memory.)

explicit memory

738 - Memory of facts is to ..... as memory of skills is to .....

Explicit memory; implicit memory

739 - memory of facts, words, and concepts

semantic memory

740 - Memory of something that WAS deliberately learned.

Explicit memory

741 - Memory retrieval in which a person identifies an object, idea, or situation as one he or she has or has not experienced before.


742 - Memory system that lasts for as long as we are thinking about something or rehearsing it.

short-term memory

743 - Memory techniques such as method of loci, acronyms and the peg-word system are called __________________?

mnemonic devices

744 - Memory techniques such as the method of loci, acronyms, and the peg-word system are called

mnemonic devices.

745 - memory that holds an image of what we have seen is:

visual memory

746 - memory that is limited in capacity to about seven items for a short period of time

short-term memory

747 - memory tricks

mnemonic device

748 - Memory we have of a specific event is known as

episodic memory.

749 - Memory, Learning, and the Forgetting Curve

Hermann Ebbinghaus

750 - Memory, misinformation effect, eye witness testimony not accurate

Elizabeth Loftus

751 - Memory, perception, learning, intelligence, language, and problem solving are all areas that are of particular interest to a ..... psychologist.


752 - Men are strong, like sport, don't cry and are good at math are an example of;


753 - Mental Activity and behavior are produced by what?

The Brain

754 - Mental age is best defined as

a method of estimating a child's intellectual ability by comparing the child's score on intelligence tests and his/her age.

755 - Mental development includes

emotional maturity

756 - mental disorders resulted from conflicts of the unconscious mind. This describes


757 - Mental experiences operate on different levels of awareness. The level that best portrays one's attitude, feelings and desires is the


758 - Mental grouping of objects or events that have something in common


759 - Mental groupings of information based on similarities are referred to as


760 - Mental health can be shown on a .....


761 - Mental health professionals agree that all of the following are criteria for abnormal behavior EXCEPT .....


762 - Mental illness can be ..... by talking with patients.


763 - Mental models of different aspects of the world.

cognitive schema

764 - Mental picture is another term for which of the following?

Cognitive map

765 - mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another

perceptual set

766 - mental process of integrating & organizing sensory information into meaningful patterns


767 - mental process related to

thinking process

768 - Mental process, such as a dream or memory

cognitive activity

769 - Mental processes (dreams, perceptions, thoughts, memories)

Cognitive Activities

770 - Mental processes ..... while behaviours .....

Cannot be observed; can be observed

771 - Mental processes are influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological and social factors

Biopsychosocial Perspective

772 - Mental processes are internal which means they are?


773 - mental processes like dreams, attitudes, and perceptions

cognitive activity

774 - mental processes like thinking, dreaming, etc.are


775 - Mental processes such as sensation and perception are thought to be functioning simultaneously. Which is faster?


776 - Mental processes: what the brain does when we think, remember & feel?


777 - Mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.


778 - Mental representations of the world; conceptual framework a person uses to make sense of the world


779 - mental representations we form of the world by organizing bits of information into knowledge


780 - Mental Retardation is a developmental disorder


781 - Mental sets and functional fixedness are types of:


782 - Mental traces of sounds that last a couple seconds

Echoic Memory

783 - Meritocracy is the understanding that

Education shouldn't be just for the privileged.

784 - Messages are sent throughout the nervous system by specialized cells called


785 - Messages are transmitted from your spinal cord to your heart muscles by the ____________?

autonomic nervous system

786 - Messages in the nervous system are sent electrically, as an impulse within the nerve and ....., as a message between the nerves.


787 - Messages move to and from the brain along thin cells called


788 - Metacognition occurs when you think about


789 - method by which trained observers carefully reflect and report on their mental experiences


790 - method for acquiring knowledge based on observation, including experimentation, rather than a method based only on forms of logical argument or previous authorities

Empirical method

791 - Method for assessing aspects of character and personality from the physical appearances of certain areas of the cranium.


792 - method for indirectly studying unconscious feelings in which the patient said everything that comes to mind without attempting to produce logical meaning

free association

793 - Method in which an investigator manipulates one or more factors to observe the effect on some behavior or mental process


794 - Method of intense study of just one individual:

Case Study

795 - Method of overcoming fears by pairing a pleasing stimulus with a feared one


796 - method of self-observation in which participants report their thoughts and feelings


797 - Method that involves relaxation and gradual exposure to a feared stimulus

Systematic desensitization

798 - method where a person is exposed to the harmless stimulus until fear responses to that stimulus are extinguished


799 - Method where information is taken sitting face to face

Personal Interview

800 - method where people are taught relaxation techniques and then, while they are relaxed, they are exposed gradually to the stimulus they fear.

systematic desensitization

801 - methodical, logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem


802 - Methods and findings should be able to be repeated with the same/different participants and on different occasion


803 - Methods of observation

Only (A) & (B)

804 - Methods of selecting participants for a study where each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. This can be done with a random number generator or by pulling names out of a hat.

Random sampling

805 - Mia is a 9 years old girl. she is active learner. she explores the physical and social world both to expand her learning. this view is called .....


806 - Michael is grounded until his nine weeks grade in math improves by a letter grade. This is an example of:

Negative reinforcement

807 - Michael knows most of the names of his classmates in math class. The seating is assigned, and he has learned to associate their names based on their location. This type of mnemonic is known as:

The Method of Loci

808 - Middle score in a distribution


809 - Mikaela, a healthy adult female, is learning Italian for the first time. As she forms new memories of the Italian language, Mikaela is most likely to experience an increase in

the number of neural connections in her temporal lobe

810 - Mikayla wants to break up with her boyfriend. She seems to only notice instances of her relationship not working out, and forgets the good times. This would be an example of a/an .....

confirmation bias.

811 - Mike says he cannot find a good part-time job because he is unlucky. What is he exhibiting?

learned helplessness

812 - Mike's sales team works hard to be a high-performance team. One way they achieve this is by having ..... goals.


813 - Milgram found that certain factors influenced the extent of obedience demonstrated by the participants to inflict apparent electric shocks on another person. The key factors were

social proximity, group pressure and legitimacy of authority figure.

814 - Milgram found that nearly..... of his participants were willing to deliver what they believed to be lethal shocks to another person, simply because they were instructed to do so by an authority figure


815 - Milgram recruited his participants by:

Placing adverts in local papers and sending out flyers

816 - Milgram recruited participants by:

Placing adverts in local papers and sending out flyers

817 - Milgram's Agency theory can be counter argued using ..... theory.

Social Impact Theory

818 - Milgram's agency theory can be criticised using the issues and debates. Tick the correct criticisms of Milgram's agency theory.

Only (A) & (B)

819 - Milgram's real participants were

seated in front of a realistic looking electric shock machine.

820 - Milgram's studies on obedience to authority the procedures showed that

most 'teachers' delivered the maximum amount of shock to the 'learner.'

821 - Milgram's study discovered that.....

People will obey authority even in extreme situations, even when this means harming others.

822 - mimic molecule that binds to receptors, gains the benefit of that molecule


823 - Mina is having 2 conditions, control vs treatment, each with 5 participants. She let the participants choose which group to join: the treatment group will attend a training while the control group wonder around. Then she measured the happiness level of bo

All of the above

824 - Mindfulness can be an effective tool for reducing:

wandering thoughts

825 - Mindfulness is being present and aware in a non-judgmental way. Why should we work hard to be non-judgmental in sport performance?

As athletes, the judgment of good or bad creates performance issues. Such as, right after a mistake: when we judge, we tend to overgeneralize: "I am horrible", I am no good". Being non-judgmental allows us to make the necessary adjustments and keep playin

826 - Mindfulness is.....

Focusing on your current emotions and how they might affect your behavior

827 - Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist ..... ..... in decades of research on achievement and success.

Carol Dweck

828 - Minimum amount of stimulus needed to produce a sensation

Absolute Threshold

829 - Minimum difference between any two stimuli that a person can detect 50% of the time.

Difference threshold

830 - Minority influence can lead to which kind of conformity?


831 - Minority influence is especially effective because:

People are forced to think more deeply about the issues

832 - Miranda doesn't think Elza is hilarious, but she giggles at his jokes because everyone else finds him funny and she doesn't want to be the odd woman out, and she wants to maintain harmony in the group.


833 - Miranda doesn't think Elza is hilarious, but she giggles at his jokes because everyone else finds him funny and she doesn't want to be the odd woman out.


834 - Mirror Drawing Apparatus is related to

trail and error

835 - Mirror neurons are believed by some scientists to provide a biological basis for

observational learning.

836 - 'Mirroring another person's position' is a definition of:

Postural echo

837 - misinterpretation of sensory stimulus is called


838 - Miss Aalia gives her students free time on the computer for every two online assignments they complete. In this example, Miss Aalia is using

fixed ratio reinforcement

839 - Miss Bayly is conducting an experiment on her Psychology class. To ensure she has conducted it ethically and obtained true informed consent, she must:

inform the participants of the nature of the research, any risks of participating, and their rights in the research

840 - Miss Bayly is researching whether caffeine affects how well her students can concentrate in class. She is particularly concerned about controlling individual participant differences. To eliminate the effects of this CV, Miss Bayley should:

Use a repeated measures design

841 - Miss Burns is conducting research on her dog, Bella, and wants to ensure that her research is reliable. She should:

replicate her research using other dogs

842 - Miss Burns is researching whether gender affects memory recall. A possible operationalised IV for this study is:

gender (male or female)

843 - Miss Jessulat is researching whether doing practice questions improves her students' Psychology understanding. An operationalised DV for this study could be:

mean score on a psychology exam

844 - Miss Jessulat wants to improve the external validity of her study. She should:

do all of the above

845 - Mitzi and her husband went out for a nice dinner, where Mitzi ordered a Diet Coke with her meal. When her drink was served, she took one sip and made a disgusted face. "That's not Diet Coke, " Mitzi said with an irritated look. "That's DIet Pepsi." Mitzi'

stimulus discrimination

846 - Mitzi's elderly neighbor, who does not drive, asks Mitzi if she would drive her to the grocery store to pick up a few items. Mitzi complies. A few days later, Mitzi's neighbor asks her if she would be willing to take her to the grocery store each week to

foot in the door

847 - Mnemonic Devices

improve memory

848 - Mnemonic devices ..... memory.


849 - Mnemonic devices such as the "peg-word" system make effective use of:

Visual Imagery

850 - Mnemonics are _________________________?

techniques used to improve memory

851 - Modeling behavior so other can mimic what you are doing is called .....

Observational Learning

852 - Modern definition of Psychology includes

Study of behavior and cognitive processes

853 - Modern psychology has developed because of application of the scientific method to study psychological phenomena. This will come under

Psychology as a natural science

854 - Modern psychology has roots in which of the following field(s) of study?

Only (A) & (B)

855 - Modern psychology is often maligned because its results aren't always .....


856 - Modern psychology was born in the

1800's, after the birth of modern science

857 - modern term for a form of behavior modification that uses shaping techniques to mold a desire behavior or response

applied behavior analysis

858 - modern theory in psychology that fociuses on mental processes and the study of new behaviors

cognitive perspective

859 - Money is an example of a(n) reinforcer


860 - Money, admiration and recognition are

Extrinsic rewards

861 - Money, social approval, and attention are examples of this.

secondary reinforcement

862 - Monica put all her time and energy into getting into the acting club because her main goal in life "was to be a famous star!" Monica's drive to be famous was a ..... drive.


863 - Monocular cues include: relative size and height, linear perspective, texture gradient, and .....


864 - Monocular depth cues:

All of the above

865 - Monocular depth perception cue, the tendency for parallel lines to appear to converge on each other.

linear perspective

866 - Monty suffers from Wernicke's aphasia. As a result, it is likely that:

He is able to speak fluently.

867 - Moods are forming during


868 - Moral and religions development appears in


869 - more powerful than cross-sectional studies

Longitudinal Studies

870 - morose

gloomy; sullen

871 - Morphemes

the smallest units of sound that carry meaning

872 - Morphology refers to the ____________________?

relationship between sounds and their meanings

873 - Most associated with sleep.


874 - most associated with the psychodynamic approach in psychology


875 - Most basic needs-food, water, shelter, sleep, air

Physiological needs

876 - Most children believe their school classmates are better than the children in other schools. This best illustrates

ingroup bias.

877 - Most color-deficient people will probably:

Lack functioning red-or-green-sensitive cones

878 - Most frequently occurring score(s) in a distribution


879 - Most IQ tests assess ___________?


880 - Most notable examples of this method of descriptive research are cross-sectional studies and longitudinal studies.

Case Study

881 - Most of his research was gathered studying salivating dogs


882 - Most of our communication is:


883 - Most of the social psychological research on attitude change has been generated by theories concerning ___________?

Consistency in attitudes and behavior

884 - Most often in today's practice of psychology, which of the following approach is used with patients?


885 - Most people tend to:

Overestimate the accuracy of their knowledge and judgments

886 - Most Psychologists (55%) are with type?


887 - Most psychologists are

clinical psychologists

888 - Most psychologists suggest that physical punishment is not the best way to deal with a problem because it:

Does all of the above

889 - Most researchers agree that biology does play a role in gender identity.


890 - Most sensory information is relayed to the cerebral cortex by the ____________?


891 - Most would agree that people are.....

a product of their environment and the traits they were born with

892 - Motion parallax is:

When closer objects move faster than distant ones

893 - Motion pictures are based on _______________?

stroboscopic motion

894 - Motivated forgetting that occurs consciously, a deliberate attempt to not think about and remember specific information is.....


895 - Motivated forgetting that occurs unconsciously, a memory that is blocked and unavailable to the consciousness


896 - Motivation

all of the above

897 - Motivation can be defined as

The desire and determination to improve your sports performances

898 - Motivation is defined as inferred process within a person that causes organism to move toward _____________?

A goal

899 - Motivation is intrinsic when:

You have a desire to do something because you love it

900 - Motivation that comes from external factors which give reasons to take part in activity is.....

Extrinsic motivation

901 - Motivation that comes from inside the learner.

Intrinsic motivation

902 - Motivation that comes from outside influence or circumstance.

Extrinsic motivation

903 - Motivation that people think of vacation as means of regaining one's energy, interestand enthusiasm for the job.

Travel for health

904 - motivation through some type of external reward, such as money or praise


905 - Motor Cortex:

frontal lobe

906 - Motor nerves are called


907 - Motor neurons enable us to:

play the piano

908 - Move a control up to move an object up.

Only (A) & (B)

909 - Movement can be:

voluntary OR involuntary

910 - Movement illusions such as the moon-cloud illusion, in which the moon appears to race from cloud to cloud, illustrate the role in visual perception played by ______________?

a frame of reference

911 - Movement on which side of the body is controlled by the right primary motor cortex control?


912 - Moving your leg is an action that is made bywhich system?

somatic nervous system

913 - Mr Coumbe is a happy and confident person. This is a .....

Central Trait

914 - Mr Coumbe is really into punk rock. This is a .....

Secondary Trait

915 - Mr Coumbe would drop everything at the drop of a hat for his family. This is a .....

Cardinal Trait

916 - Mr. Alexander believes that students who study in rooms with dim lighting will score better on his exams. His third period class studies in a dimly lit room and his fourth period class studies in their normally lit classroom. The next day, each class take

the level of lighting in the room

917 - Mr. Almeida refuses to allow his hopes to be raised too high and now after a New England Patriot's loss Mr. Almeida responds by saying, "I knew they were going to lose". Mr. Almeida is experiencing

Hindsight bias

918 - Mr. Bartolone gave a quiz to his Social Problems class. The scores were 2, 3, 5, 10, 15. What is the mean?


919 - Mr. Crider outside of class is pretty laid back and enjoys time by himself in quiet. He may be described as?


920 - Mr. Dion gave a visually detailed story about being in the Civil War and everyone in the class felt scared and lonely; as if they were preparing to march into war the very next day.This is an example of:

Cognitive Learning

921 - Mr. Dion learned that the moisture in a crock-pot keeps meat tender while it is being cooked. He decided to apply this to his Thanksgiving turkey. In order to cook his turkey he turned it into a giant "crock-pot". This is an example of learning something

Latent Learning

922 - Mr. Farid has no meaningful conceptual goals and has changed his college several times. Erikson would have suggested that he lacks _______________?


923 - Mr. James believes that people are constantly laughing at him and that FBI agents are trying to steal his life savings. Mr. James is most clearly suffering from:


924 - Mr. Jones is stroking his chin while talking to his Science class. What is he communicating?

Trying to make a decision

925 - Mr. Moor's friend who works next to Oblong Books, Tate Rubinstein, is an


926 - Mr. S. sets up an experiment to see how the mass of a ball affects the distance it rolls off a ramp. Identify the dependent variable.

distance traveled by the ball

927 - Mr. Smith graduated from college with a degree that states he is an expert at analyzing a person's writing. He now works for the FBI. What does he specialize in?


928 - Mr. Timothy's class complained that their test was not representative of what they new about the CH 5 material because he had not asked any questions about the material they had covered or that was in their reading. They were saying his test lacked

content validity

929 - Mr. Valsi encourages his students to have positive personal contact with diverse students and he often has ways of creating settings in which this is possible. He conducts activities in the class that give students the opportunity to think critically abou

Working effectively with students from culturally diverse backgrounds

930 - Mrs. Ahlers set up an experiment to see how the mass of a ball affects the distance it rolls off a ramp. What is the dependent variable?

Distance traveled by the ball

931 - Mrs. Baumann gives an exam where most of the students receive failing grades and only a few students receive high scores. When the exam scores are plotted, the distribution will be

positively skewed

932 - Mrs. Blais is Wamsutta's.....

school psychologist

933 - Mrs. Brown often accuses other women of talking too much and spreading rumors. It is rather obvious to those who know her that she is revealing her own inclinations in that area.


934 - Mrs. Cho is careful to make sure that she fairly represents the whole year's work on the final exam for her American literature class. If Mrs. Cho achieves this goal, her test will have

content validity.

935 - Mrs. Croix is conducting a survey to find out the favorite snack of fifth and sixth graders. She will ask a sample of 100 students. Which of the groups below should be surveyed to get the BEST representative sample?

20 students from each of the 5 local fifth- and sixth-grade schools.

936 - Mrs. Scott can't understand why her husband has been so grumpy and irritable for the past week. It certainly isn't her fault that he didn't get to play in last weeks basketball game.


937 - Mrs. Smith gives a psychology test and finds that the scores form a normal distribution where the mean is 80 and the standard deviation is 12. About what percentage of Mrs. Smith's students scored at or above a 92%?


938 - Mrs. Tell, a third-grade teacher, is using a taxonomy that is comprised of cognitive skills which include remembering, comprehending, synthesizing, and evaluating. Who created the taxonomy that Mrs. Tell is using?

Benjamin Bloom

939 - Ms Dawson decided to use the students in her year 11 Psychology class to research the effects of the amount of sleep and concentration levels had throughout an entire week. What should she do to ensure that she adheres the ethical guidelines

All of the above

940 - Ms. Bown uses her knowledge of a person's cognitive processes to design computer programs that are easier to use. Ms. Bown is most likely a(n) ..... psychologist.

human factors

941 - Ms. Smith exhibits strong feelings of love toward her child, although unconsciously she is very angry at the child. She is displaying the defense mechanism of

reaction formation

942 - Ms. Snelling seems cranky- she must not have had her coffee today. This is a form of

Inductive Reasoning

943 - Ms. Walker wants to describe the average score on your first psychology test. Which measure of central tendency is she most likely to use?


944 - Ms. Yates provides her students with choice s that are in line with their personal interests. She gives them an opportunity to think creatively and in depth about their projects. Which identified area of effective teaching is Ms. Yates demonstrating?

Motivational skills

945 - Multiple answers: Culture cannot be viewed as.....

All of the above

946 - Multiple choice questions are what type of retrieval?


947 - Multiple Intelligence

refers to a theory describing the different ways students learn and acquire information

948 - multiple intelligence theory was putforward by

Howard Gardner

949 - Murdock used lists of words, which means that his study:

Only tells us about some of the ways that memory is used in everyday life

950 - Musa is attractive and assertive. He arrives at work on time each day, and never complains. When his coworkers are asked to assess Musa̢۪s intelligence, they consistently rate him much higher than his scores on intelligence test. This is an example of __

the halo effect

951 - Muscle strength and coordination is best:


952 - Muscles and glands are called


953 - My birthday falls under the sign Scorpio, therefore that means that I am loyal and strategic. Is this an example of science or pseudoscience?


954 - My dog, Rosie, is afraid of my keys because they fell on her head and made a loud noise that scared her when I dropped them. My keys shouldn't make her afraid but now she cowers in fear when she sees them. My keys are the

conditioned stimulus

955 - My friend really didn't like dogs when she was a kid. She has spent a lot of time with her friend's dog, and now she is planning on getting a puppy of her own.

mere exposure effect

956 - My hypothesis which stated , " Number of classes missed by a child does not have an impact on the marks scored in exams" ; was proven wrong at the end of my research. To which step of enquiry should I approach to next?

Revisiting the research conclusions

957 - My score in AbPsych and TOP in the board exam are 84 (M= 65, SD= 16) and 89 (M=74, SD=15) respectively. With this, we can say that:

There's a small difference, but I performed better in AbPsych than in TOP

958 - Myelin appears in segments along the axon of the neuron with small gaps between the segments. What are these small gaps known as?

nodes of Ranvier

959 - Myelination is the process where.....

Fat builds around neural pathways to speed them up when they are used repeatedly.

960 - Nadine believes that girls can't run as fast as boys. This seems to slow her down during her co-ed race. What might she be influenced by?

Stereotype threat

961 - Name 3 Fields of Psychology

All of the above

962 - name for a controversy in which it is debated whether genetics or environment is responsible for driving behavior

Nature vs. Nurture

963 - Name Gardner's eight intelligences.

Bodily/Kinesthetic, Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical, Verbal/Linguistic, Naturalist, Musical/Rhythmical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal

964 - Name Gardner's nine intelligences.

Bodily/Kinesthetic, Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical, Verbal/Linguistic, Naturalist, Musical/Rhythmical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and existential

965 - Name of capital of india?


966 - Name of the brain cells responsible of transmiting information to your body.


967 - Name of the process our brain cells use to exchange information from one neuron to another


968 - Name one factor, according to Milgram increases obedience.

Status of the location

969 - Name the characteristics of theories.

All of the above

970 - Name the five steps of the Scientific Method.

Formulating a question, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, drawing conclusions, reporting results.

971 - Name the lobe that appears pink in this image.


972 - Name the lobe that appears yellow in this image.


973 - Name the method which deals with only one person at a time and promotes his adjustment

Clinical method.

974 - Name the outer part of the Ear.


975 - Name the process in which a conditioned stimulus gradually ceases to elicit a conditioned stimulus?


976 - Name the psychologist present in the image


977 - Name the scientific study of human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context


978 - Name the two major parts of the central nervous system.

The spinal cord and the brain.

979 - Name the two parts of The Nervous System

Only (A) & (B)

980 - Name this key study

Abrams et al ( 1990)

981 - Name this landmark

Melbourne Cricket Ground

982 - Name three healty food?


983 - Nana was given a chocolate after she get an (A) in her exam.The chocolate is ..... reinforcement.


984 - Naomi, an educational researcher, wants to know about the effects of social media, peer groups, and parenting styles on the performance level of students. She analyzes the time spent by students on social media, the cultural background of people in their

the performance level of students.

985 - Narrative perspectives are associated with which of Bruner's two modes of thought:

Narrative thought

986 - Narrow Band theory proposes personality can be split into 2 catagories:

Type A & Type B

987 - Natalie can get up from the dinner table after she eats two bites of her broccoli. This is an example of.....

Negative reinforcement

988 - Nate is trying to remember his locker combination. The combination is 12, 20, 9. To remember the combination, he thinks of the year 1929. His method to remember this is an example of:


989 - Nate uses a roster to help him in remembering all 25 hockey players' names and jersey numbers for keeping statistics for the team. At one game, Nate forgets the roster. The only names he remembers are the first 5 and the last 3, this is an example of:

Serial Position Effect

990 - Nathan believes that humans are not programmed robots and believes that humans have free will and that personality is about motive. What field of psychology would he agree with?


991 - National integration promotion is

sports man spirit

992 - Nationality of the participants:


993 - Natural selection, adaptation, and the evolution of behavior patterns are major emphases of ..... psychology.


994 - Naturalistic Observation

The observation of human or animal behavior in its natural setting.

995 - Naturalistic observations are conducted in order to:

describe behavior

996 - Naturalistic or Laboratory .No changing the variables .

Observational Study

997 - Naturally occurring cycle the body follows in the 24 hour cycle of the sun

Circadian rhythm

998 - Nature and Nurture refer to the influence on our development from Biology and


999 - Nature vs. Nurture refers to the question/debate over

which is more important: the environment one grows up in, or the genetic makeup of an individual.

1000 - Nature Vs. Nurture: Senstive caregiving can alter the mood of the child. Do you think an angry child is angry, because .....

All of the above


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