Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 1

1 - In the Binet and Simon scoring system, an 8-year-old child who performed as well as an average 10- year-old would be assigned a mental age of ____________________?


2 - " ..... is the science of mental life.


3 - " ..... is a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested.


4 - " ..... is an anxiety disorder characterized by irrational fear.


5 - " ..... is the quality of being believable or trustworthy.


6 - " A Clinical Neuropsychologist.....

Specialises in the assessment of changes in behaviour and thinking that may arise from brain damage or irregularities in brain function.

7 - " Although Sue Yen sees her chemistry teacher several times a week, she didn't recognize the teacher when she saw her in the grocery store. This best illustrates the importance of

context effects.

8 - " Children begin to demonstrate that they know how to put words in a sensible order during the ..... stage.


9 - " Consider the following Statements: Stamped signatures are acceptable. Psychologists are empirical in their methods. Long-term and positive impacts can be achieved with a relaxed life style with plenty of junk foods Which of the following statement(s) is

Only 2,

10 - " Consider the following Statements: The Little Albert experiment showed that human emotional responses could be a result of nurture-the environment. Today, one of every five children in the United States is from an immigrant family. The sensory receptors

Only 1, 2, 3

11 - " Consider the following Statements: The sensory receptors for kinesthesis are in the skin and hair. Is there a difference between random sampling and random assignment Participants in Piliavin et al.'s study were more likely to help when there were fewer

Only 1, 2, 3

12 - " Current research on pitch perception suggests that

the place and frequency theories correctly explain different aspects of how we hear pitch.

13 - " Despite overwhelming and highly publicized evidence that Senator McEwan was guilty of serious political corruption and misconduct, many who had supported her in past elections remained convinced of her political integrity. Their reaction best illustrate

belief perseverance.

14 - " Dilation and constriction of the pupil are controlled by the

iris. "

15 - " Diminished sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus is known as

sensory adaptation.

16 - " Generating multiple possible answers to a problem illustrates

divergent thinking. "

17 - " Humans experience the longest visible electromagnetic waves as

the color red and the shortest visible waves as blue-violet. "

18 - " In the early 1960s, the cognitive revolution in psychology involved a renewal of interest in the scientific study of

mental processes.

19 - " is made up from a body of such propositions and the further relationships between them, which constitute the subject matter of domains of academic study"..... this is the definition of.....


20 - " Jeremy is the eldest in the family. Whenever his parents are not in good terms, he gets to be the middleman and patches up things before it may even grow worse. What type of personality is he exhibiting?


21 - " Objects are brought into focus on the retina by changes in the curvature and thickness of the


22 - " Services must be for the purpose of diagnostic study or reasonably be expected to improve the patient's condition. The treatment must, at a minimum,

A and B

23 - " Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic perspective has been criticized because

It does not have scientific backing

24 - " Skinner is to shaping as Bandura is to

modeling. "

25 - " Tell me what type of correlation may be taking place in this example: As high school seniors make their decisions on where to go to college, senioritis also increases.a. Type of Correlation? .....


26 - " Tell me what type of correlation may be taking place in this example: As netflix/hulu/etc. use increases, cable companies notice a decrease in families who purchase tv cable.a. Type of Correlation? .....


27 - " Tell me what type of correlation may be taking place in this example: As the cost of living goes up in the downtown area of the city, fewer residents send their kids to private school.a. Type of Correlation? .....


28 - " The ability to simultaneously recognize the color, shape, size, and speed of an oncoming automobile best illustrates

parallel processing.

29 - " The coiled, fluid-filled tube in which sound waves trigger nerve impulses is called the

cochlea. "

30 - " The mechanical vibrations triggered by sound waves are transduced into neural impulses by

hair cells.

31 - " The number of pieces of See's candy eaten by each of your family members is 8, 6, 5, 10, 5, 7, 1, 5, 10 Which of the following is the median of this group?


32 - " The organization of two-dimensional retinal images into three-dimensional perceptions is called

depth perception. "

33 - " The pitch of a sound is determined by what?

the frequency of the sound wave

34 - " The retina is to the eye as the ..... is to the ear.


35 - " The rock musician was hit with a rotten egg while performing his latest hit song. The fact that you can recognize two different meanings for the word ""hit"" in the preceding sentence demonstrates the importance of


36 - " The rupture of the eardrum can lead to

conduction hearing loss. "

37 - " things do not fit together too well and there isa state of imbalance"This description defines.....


38 - " What does ""Bahala na"" mean in our context?

Strong determination to pursue "

39 - " When looking at the hands of a clock showing 8 o'clock, certain brain cells in the visual cortex are more responsive than when the hands show 10 o'clock. This is most indicative of

feature detection.

40 - " Which brain area is primarily involved with understanding and producing meaningful speech?

Wernicke's area "

41 - " Which of the following big-time, super famous psychologist rock stars are most closely associated with the Humanist Approach?

Carl Rogers

42 - " Which of the following is a binocular cue for the perception of distance?

retinal disparity

43 - " Which of the following is false?

Hypnosis is sleep "

44 - " Which region of your brainstem plays a role in arousing you to a state of alertness when someone nearby mentions your name?

reticular formation

45 - ".....involves abstract thought processes. Children no longer need to use physical objects but can use the features and properties of things as a basis on which to reason".This stage belongs to.....

formal operational stage

46 - " regarded as an initial store which has a short length of time for storage (a few seconds only) and a limited capacity, which is typically about seven 'chunks' or units ofinformation"..... the prior description would likely describe.....

Short-term memory

47 - "1" measures .....


48 - "a child may have a general conceptual schema of 'fish', based largely upon early experiences of his or her ownpet goldfish"This description defines.....


49 - "A measure of specific skills in narrow domains, " is the meaning of?

Specific Intelligence

50 - "A reinforcement is used to sculpt new responses" is an example of:


51 - "A social perception of an individual in terms of group membership or physical attributes" is a definition of which term?


52 - "A weakness of the experiment is that the high levels of control may reduce the validity of the findings. Participants may display demand characteristics or the behaviour may be too artificial."A limitation of which type of experiment?


53 - "Ability to understand and be aware of other people's intentions, motivations, thoughts, and desire; also the ability to work well with and get along with others." is the meaning of?

Interpersonal Intelligence

54 - "ambition" means:

a strong wish to achieve something

55 - "An emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure. It can be a normal response to stress" is the definition for.....


56 - "An Introduction to Social Psychology, " written in


57 - "Begin with the end in mind."

Robert Gagne

58 - "Briefing" the participants would most likely mean.....

giving participants information about the study before it begins

59 - "Change your thoughts, change your life."

Cognitive perspective

60 - "Consider the following Statements: The Identity Theory is similar to eliminate materialism in its emphasis on the physical side of things. Stamped signatures are acceptable. In the context of teacher-as-researcher, clinical interviews help teachers obtai

Only 1, 3 "

61 - "Defines normality by the social situation, behavioural setting or general circumstances in which a behaviour takes place" best describes the:

Situational Approach

62 - "Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived" (to remember the wives of King Henry VIII) is an example of:


63 - "Drawing on the notion of universal properties of cultures, which share common perceptual, cognitive, and emotional structures" is a definition of which key term?

Etic Approach

64 - "Drinking 30mg of caffeine will increase reaction times (in seconds) compared to drinking water."What is the operationalised independent variable in the hypothesis above?

Caffeine (in mg)

65 - "Emotions are the backbone of all development"


66 - "Every family has a black sheep, for example an ungrateful daughter". What does the phrase "black sheep" means?

A member of a group who behaves badly.

67 - "Gateway to memory", enables us to form new memories


68 - "Genie" is an example of what kind of research strategy?

Case Study

69 - "How can we achieve full potential?" What approach is being represented here?


70 - "I don't like atheists" is an example of which concept?


71 - "I think, therefore I am"

Rene Descartes

72 - "Intelligence is the ability to adjust oneself to a new situation." This definition was given by

William Stern

73 - "Intelligence is the aggregate or global capaci-ty of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his envi-ronment." The above definition was given by


74 - "Internal Perception" was a form of introspection, but very different from how we consider it today. This concept is from which school of Psychology?


75 - "Involve groupings of items that include the same key features or attributes"..... This is the definition of.....


76 - "Know thyself" was the Greek philosopher Socrates' phrase that eventually becomes what?


77 - "Learning is the driving force of development" the idea introduced by


78 - "Locus" of Control means

the "location" of your self-control

79 - "Mary earns high grades because she is a genius" is an example of a(n)

dispositional attribution

80 - "Mass remains constant despite changes in appearance" is an example of a


81 - "Messages" travel within neurons by means of .....?

Electrical Impluses

82 - "Methods used to avoid recognizing ideas or emotions that may cause personal anxiety" is the definition for.....

Defense mechanisms

83 - "Mindfulness" means all of the following EXCEPT:

Having a full mind

84 - "Monday Morning Quarterback" rarely act surprised about the outcome of the weekend football games. This tendency to believe they knew how the game would turn out is best explained by which psychological principle?

Hindsight Bias

85 - "New experiences of different types of fishes might fit in neatly with this, and at such times schemas and incoming information are in a state of balance"This description defines.....


86 - "Organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive outcomes". this is an example of


87 - "Participants behave differently to a natural situation because they are aware they are being studied or know the aim of the study"

Demand Characteristics

88 - "Psychology is the scientific study of .....


89 - "Psychology is the scientific study of human ..... and ..... processes" (best answers)

behavior, mental

90 - "Right brained" people tend to be

creative and artistic

91 - "stimulate" means:

to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active

92 - "The accumulated knowledge of the world we acquire through our lives, " is the meaning of?

Crystallized Intelligence

93 - "The amount of breakfast you have to eat will have no effect on your level of concentration in the morning". What type of hypothesis is this?

Null hypothesis

94 - "The amount of sleep you have will improve your level of concentration in the morning".What type of hypothesis is this?

Alternative hypothesis

95 - "The capacity to learn new ways of solving problems and performing activities, " is the meaning of?

Fluid Intelligence

96 - "the conscious part of memory that enables you to generate mental images, think about sounds and concepts and perform mental manipulations upon them."..... the prior description would likely describe.....

Working memory

97 - "The construct that the different abilities measured on an intelligence test all have in common, " is the meaning of?

General Intelligence

98 - "the main way in which we store information, and it lasts over hours, weeks and years.".....the prior description would likely describe.....

Long-term memory

99 - "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" is a statement associated with the perspective of.....

Gestalt Psychologists

100 - "The whole of the conscious experience is more meaningful than the sum of its parts" is most closely related to which historical school of thought?


101 - "To believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same" is what?


102 - "Truth is culturally determined" is a phrase that typically describes the philosophy of the .....


103 - "We can never fully learn/understand some causes of behaviour because in attempting to observe them we change them."This statement applies to which of the following options?


104 - "We do not learn; and what we call learning is only a process of recollection".Based on the quotes, what approach of psychology is this?


105 - "When a study is replicated and achieve consistent results or findings."


106 - "when you see a button, you want to push it."

Strong affordances

107 - (1561-1626) English politician, writer. Formalized the empirical method. Novum Organum. Inductive reasoning.

Francis Bacon

108 - (1596-1650) French philosopher, discovered analytical geometry. Saw Algebra and Geometry have a direct relationship. Reduced everything to spiritual or physical.


109 - (Behaviorist) Challenged traditional psychoanalytic views and rejected introspection. Argued that psychologists should focus on observable behavior.

John B. Watson

110 - (Behaviorist) Stressed that reinforcements and punishments influence behaviors. Operant Conditioning. primarily studied animals.

F. Skinner

111 - (doctor of philosophy) doctoral degree conferred in many disciplinary perspectives housed in a traditional college of liberal arts and sciences


112 - (doctor of psychology) doctoral degree that places less emphasis on research-oriented skills and focuses more on application of psychological principles in the clinical context


113 - (mid 1800's) - observations of causes & consequences of behaviors relative to adapting to environments.


114 - (objectives)Usually answers referral questions through the use of various tools


115 - (objectives)Usually uses numerical attributes


116 - (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.


117 - *According to the serial position effect, you will remember more:

items at the beginning and end of a list, than in the middle.

118 - *Memories of emotional events are especially likely to be facilitated by activation of the:


119 - *Red is a rear light, yellow a front light.What type of constraint is this?


120 - *Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin's classic three-stage model of memory includes all of the following, except:

flashbulb memory

121 - *When you hear familiar words in your native language, it is virtually impossible not to register the meanings of the words. This best illustrates the importance of:

automatic processing.

122 - *Which of the following processes is likely to result in the best memory for words?

semantic encoding

123 - . . Refers to a range of behaviour that can result in both physical psychological harm to one self, others or objects in environment?


124 - . developing false though acceptable excuses to justify irrational and/or unacceptable behavior.


125 - . A conflict means or implies

incomparability in motives and for goals

126 - . In the year ..... the Scientific Psychology was first accepted.


127 - . It is very difficult to ..... the concept of beauty.


128 - . Lashley was looking for physical representations of memories, which he called ....., but which he now concedes are not located in any one area of the brain.


129 - . Process of learning involves

All the above

130 - . sometimes called 'self-talk'Involves the participant in a physical activity or the sports performer being positive about past experiences and performances and future efforts by talking to themselves or thinking through how successful they might be.

Positive thinking

131 - . The first book of psychology was written by

William James

132 - . The term "developmental task" was published by


133 - . The term multi- dimensional is related to

personality inventory

134 - . What are the important statistical assumption that is needed to meet in using a parametric test?

all of the answers

135 - ..... - The internal, subjective experiences we infer from behavior - sensations, perception, dreams, thoughts, feelings, etc.

Mental Processes

136 - ..... "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts"


137 - ..... (400s BCE) theorized that the mind and body were separable, and that our minds were born with certain, innate knowledge that needed to be unlocked

Socrates and Plato

138 - ..... ..... ..... involves random allocation of participants into groups and a comparison b/w these groups.

Independent measures design

139 - ..... ..... ..... is used when the same group of participants is exposed to 2 or more conditions and the conditions are compared.

Repeated measures design

140 - ..... ..... are conducted in a real life setting. The researcher manipulates the IV, but the participants are in their natural setting.

Field exp.

141 - ..... ..... are conducted in the participants natural environment and the researcher has no control over the IV, the IV occurred naturally.

Natural exp.

142 - ..... ..... are variables that can potentially distort the relationship between the IV and the DV.

Confounding variables

143 - ..... ..... is high when confounding variables have been controlled and we are quite certain that it was the change in the IV that caused the change in the DV.

Internal validity

144 - ..... ..... is the group of people to which the findings of the study are expected to be generalized.

Target population

145 - ..... .....: is the science of mind and behavior that drives us to achieve goals and behave in particular ways.

Motivational Psychology

146 - ..... .is the diversion of emotions such as angers from original source to substitute target.


147 - ..... a branch of psychology that focuses on how people change and grow throughout life.

Developmental Psychology

148 - .....- a diverse group of scientists who study behavior via experimental and observation in humans and animals

Experimental Domain

149 - .....- a domain that can be applied to any domain or field as it is a form of measurement for the abilities, attitudes, and traits of human beings

Psychometric Domain

150 - ..... a rule of thumb that is often useful in solving problems.


151 - ..... allow us to see color and fine details when there is bright light.


152 - ..... allow us to see low-detail, black and white images in low light and are responsible for our peripheral vision.


153 - ..... and ..... invented the first modern intelligence test.

Theodore Simon and Alfred Binet

154 - ..... and ..... psychologists offer suggestions on how to impore working conditions


155 - ..... and a descending neural pathway appear responsible for the suspension of pain in the central nervous system.


156 - ..... aphasia is caused by damage to an area in the left frontal lobe while ..... aphasia is usually caused by damage to an area in the left temporal lobe.

Broca's; Wernicke's

157 - ..... approaches seek to understand the role of biological structures and processes in influencingthought and action. It is central to discussions of 'nature vs nurture' (e.g. with respect to intelligence), and arousaland motivation.The prior description


158 - ..... are a research method in which information is obtained by asking many individuals a fixed set of questions.


159 - ..... are defined as observable realities.


160 - ..... are goals where the end product is an improvement in performance, usually expressed in personal achievement.


161 - ..... are good because researchers can get a lot of information from a lot of people in a short amount of time.


162 - ..... are memories of one's past life.

Episodic Memories

163 - ..... are mental representations or concepts.


164 - ..... are numerical data that allow one to generalize the probablity of something being true of a population.

inferential statistics

165 - ..... are people who always tend to look for positive outcomes, and ..... expect the worst to happen.

Optimists; Pessimists

166 - ..... are retinal receptors that detect black, white, and grey.


167 - ..... are stress-causing events.


168 - ..... are studies conducted to show a relationship between two variables.


169 - ..... are the basic building units of the nervous system.


170 - ..... are used to determine whether the data support a hypothesis or the results are due to chance.

inferential statistics

171 - ..... asserted that our behaviors, thoughts, and perceptions are shaped by our past and our primitive instincts


172 - .....- assess and treat mental, emotional, and behavior disorders

Clinical Domain

173 - ..... based his theory of inheritable traits on biographies.

Sir Francis Galton

174 - ..... believed that our knowledge and mind are shaped by our environment


175 - ..... believed the learning was a collaboration between the teacher and student.


176 - ..... believed the stages of development must be met before learning can occur.


177 - ..... branch of psychology that focuses on learned behaviors in response to stimuli and situations


178 - ..... breaks down consciousness into basic thoughts, and studies how sensations are assembled into perceptual experiences.


179 - ..... can be defined as negative changes in thoughts, emotions, and behavior as a result of prolonged stress or frustration, resulting in both mental and physical exhaustion.


180 - ..... can be described as input which is biologically similar for everyone while ..... can be described as output which can be quite different between individuals

sensation / perception

181 - ..... can be described as people who are thoughtful, passive, and quiet.


182 - ..... collect neural signals from the rods and cones and transfer the messages to the ganglion cells.

Bipolar cells

183 - ..... concentrates on the meaning of information you want to remember.

Elaborative rehearsal

184 - ..... controls the size of the pupil


185 - .....- deals with investigating and logging persistent traits and consistent characteristics / behaviors of people across time

Personality Domain

186 - ..... depth cues require the use of both eyes.


187 - ..... design is where one group is research/followed and assessed at different times as the group ages.


188 - ..... design is where several different age-groups are studied at one time.


189 - ..... development includes the development of thinking, problem solving, and memory.

Cognitive Development

190 - ..... emphasises individuality and individuals' potential for self-development. Developed by Maslow to counter the mechanistic perspectives of psychodynamic and behavioural psychology, it underlies childcentred approaches in education.The prior descriptio


191 - ..... established the first psychology lab in Germany in 1879.

WIlhelm Wundt

192 - ..... Evokes a response/ used in classical conditioning ex. Bell


193 - ..... explore how humans and animals adapt to their environment


194 - ..... focus on how much our genes and environment influence our individual differences.

Behavior Genetics

195 - ..... focuses on the principles of natural selection to study the roots of behavior and mental processes.

Evolutionary Perspective

196 - ..... focuses on the study of optimal human functioning and the factors that allow individuals to thrive.

Positive Psychology

197 - ..... form as the result of people's experiences with concepts in the real world.

Natural concepts

198 - ..... founded psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud

199 - ..... goals are specific outcomes to be reached within a set period of time: a day, a week, a month, or perhaps even a few months


200 - ..... goals are the mini-goals that help accomplish larger goals-a little at a time.


201 - ..... group receives treatment in research experiment.

experiment group

202 - ..... held that we are innately born with our knowledge and/or mind


203 - .....- how brain activity and circuits affect our behaviors or causes emotion, and how these emotions & moods can affect behaviors

Biological Domain

204 - .....- how expressions of emotions vary across cultural and situational contexts

Social Domain

205 - ..... identified conditioned reflexes

Ivan Pavlov

206 - ..... includes the availability of family, friends, and coworkers with whom clients can exercise.

Companionship support

207 - ..... intellectually disabled people have IQ ranging from 25to39


208 - ..... investigates how organisms use their learning and perceptual abilities to function in their environment.


209 - ..... investigates internal mental processes, such as problem solving, memory, learning, and language

Cognitive Psychology

210 - ..... involves applying psychology to criminal investigation and the law.

forensic psychology

211 - ..... involves following a group of research participants for an extended period of time.

longitudinal research

212 - ..... involves maintaing encoded information in memory over time.


213 - ..... involves observing behavior in individuals in their natural environments.

naturalistic observation

214 - ..... involves organizing information into meaningful patterns.


215 - ..... involves the learning of past skills, such as riding a bike.

Procedural Memory

216 - ..... is a branch of psychology focusing on both individual and societal well-being with a goal on making people happier.

Positive Psychology

217 - ..... is a cognitive behavior.


218 - ..... is a medication with no effect giving to the control group in a study.


219 - ..... Is a method of teaching complexed behaviors by breaking them down into manageable parts.


220 - ..... is a misleading falsehood.


221 - ..... is a philosophic approach that emphasizes the inevitable dilemmas and challenges of human existence such as realities of life and death.


222 - ..... is a requirement that participants be assigned randomly to experimental conditions in formal experiments rather than in a systematic way.

Random assignment

223 - ..... is a sleep disorder in which people suddenly fall asleep during their daily activities.


224 - ..... is a sleep disorder that causes difficulty sleeping.


225 - ..... is a statistical method that deduces from a small but representative sample the characteristics of a bigger population.

inferential statistics

226 - ..... is a strategy that involves changing the way a person feels or emotionally reacts to a stressor.

Emotion-Focused Coping

227 - ..... is a tendency to search for information that confirms a preconception.

Confirmation Bias

228 - ..... is a term Piaget used to represent the building blocks of knowledge.


229 - ..... is a very physical color, it soothes rather than stimulates, making it a perfect color for caring, understanding, and nurturing those in need


230 - ..... is a well-liked color that can bring a sense of calmness and trust when building relationships, especially in marketing.


231 - ..... is adjusting what is already known to fit the new information.


232 - ..... is also known as working memory.

Short-term memory

233 - ..... is also referred to as 'learning theory' and characterises human behaviour as conditioned responsesto stimuli in our environment. This perspective is associated with the work of Pavlov, Watson and Skinner.Sometimes criticised for being too simplisti


234 - ..... is an ability that allows people to remember nearly every event of their life with great precision.


235 - ..... is an advantage of a repeated-measures experimental design; ..... may be a disadvantage.

Reducing the effect of situational variables

236 - ..... is an advantage of an independent-groups experimental design; ..... is a disadvantage.

Complexity of administration

237 - ..... is an example of a concept that best exemplifies the characteristics of that concept.


238 - ..... is an ingredient of balanced personality, like sports men crying after being victorious in a game.

Emotional Dimension

239 - ..... is an innocuous or inert medication.


240 - ..... is an open clash between two opposing groups


241 - ..... is another name for auditory sensory memory?

echoic memory

242 - ..... is associated with psychoanalysis.

Sigmund Freud

243 - ..... is changing approaches when an existing schema doesn't work in a particular situation.


244 - ..... is changing information to fit into the memory system


245 - ..... is dependent upon overlapping fields of vision combined into one image in the brain

depth perception

246 - ..... is generally regarded as the founder, and "father, " of modern psychology.

Wilhelm Wundt

247 - ..... is grouping items together to make them easier to remember.


248 - ..... is human behavior can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings.


249 - ..... is known for memorizing nonsense syllables and plotting a curve of forgetting


250 - ..... is love, affection, and respect with no string attached, but ..... is love, affection, respect, and warmth that depend, or seem to depend, on doing what those people want.

Unconditional Positive Regard; Conditional Positive Regard

251 - ..... Is not in its usual wakeful condition :

Altered states of consciousness

252 - ..... is one of the main reasons that clients come to personal trainers in the first place.

Informational support

253 - ..... is one of the most preferred colors with the most positive connotations.


254 - ..... is one of the relaxation techniques used in Psycotherapy


255 - ..... is our knowledge of language, including its words, rules, and meanings.

Semantic Memory

256 - ..... is retaining information over time


257 - ..... is selecting memories that match ones mood.

Mood congruent memory

258 - ..... is something that is likely to change.


259 - ..... is the ability to produce valuable outcomes in a novel way


260 - ..... is the acknowledged founder of psychology as a separate field of study

Wilhelm Wundt

261 - ..... is the act of filling in memory gaps.


262 - ..... is the act of looking into one's own thoughts and feelings


263 - ..... is the branch of psychology concerned with schools, teaching psychology, educational issues, and student concerns.

Educational Psychology

264 - ..... is the concept of right or good conduct


265 - ..... is the Ibanag word for soul.


266 - ..... is the inability to see the world through anyone else's eyes but one's own.


267 - ..... is the integration of all habits which determine the role and status of a person in a society.


268 - ..... is the mental activity involved in the processing, and communicating of information.


269 - ..... is the most important dependant variable identified in most studies reviewed by Turley and Milliman(2000)

Purchasing behaviour

270 - ..... is the part of research which involves reviewing previous research of the study.

literature review.

271 - ..... is the persistence of learning over time through the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information.


272 - ..... is the private, unmeasurable mental processes such as dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories

cognitive activities

273 - ..... is the process created to produce internalized experiences to support or enhance exercise participation.

Exercise imagery

274 - ..... is the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal oriented behavior.


275 - ..... is the quality of arousing interest.


276 - ..... is the receiving end of a neuron


277 - ..... is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.


278 - ..... is the sending end of a neuron

Axon terminals

279 - ..... is the study of behavior and mental processes; it is both a combination of the biological and mental


280 - ..... is the study of mental disorders.


281 - ..... is the study of the elements of consciousness.


282 - ..... is the tangible and practical factors necessary to help a person adhere to exercise or achieve exercise goals.

Instrumental support

283 - ..... is the term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are appraised as threatening or challenging.


284 - ..... is thinking of an object as only for what it is usually used for.

functional fixedness

285 - ..... is to animal research as ..... is to human research.


286 - ..... is to nature as ..... is to nurture.

environment, genes

287 - ..... is using an existing schema and applying it to a new situation or object.


288 - ..... is when mental states are identified by what they do rather than by what they are made of.


289 - ..... is when new memories block old ones

retroactive interference

290 - ..... is when old memories block new ones

proactive interference

291 - ..... is when one's attitudes don't match his/her actions.

Cognitive dissonance

292 - ..... is when one's attitudes don't match his/her feelings.

Cognitive Dissonance

293 - ..... looks at the structure and function of the brain in relation to behaviors and psychological processes.


294 - ..... means reproducibility of scientific knowledge under same circumstances.


295 - ..... means that everyone in the population has the same likelihood of being asked to participate in the study.

random sampling

296 - ..... memory contains the events of your life


297 - ..... memory is a combination of short & long term memory.


298 - ..... memory is like a giant filing system in which the "files" are individual bits and pieces of memories stored in a highly organized and interconnected fashion.


299 - ..... memory stores about 7 items without rehearsal.

Working memory

300 - ..... occurs when making a response removes an unpleasant event.

Negative reinforcement

301 - ..... occurs when people are blocked or prevented from achieving a desired goal or fulfilling a perceived need.


302 - ..... occurs when people experience unpleasant stressors, and ..... is the optimal amount of stress that people need to promote health and well-being.

Distress; Eustress

303 - ..... occurs when sensory information is organized, interpreted, and consciously experienced.


304 - ..... occurs when the receiver receives the message, interprets the message, and responds to the message.


305 - ..... occurs when you cannot learn a new task because of old learning - so something you have already learnt is interfering with your ability to learn something new.

Proactive interference

306 - ..... occurs when you forget something you have already learnt because you are learning something new. In other words, new learning interferes with older learning.

Retroactive interference

307 - ..... of a construct means expressing it in terms of observable behavior.


308 - ..... of sound wave energy determines perception of highness or lowness of tones: pitch


309 - ..... of sound wave energy determines perception of intensity of sound: loudness


310 - ..... perspective is in response to structuralism.

gestalt psychology

311 - ..... power is based on admiration and is frequently used in advertising.


312 - ..... power is power that relies on giving people something of value in return for cooperation.


313 - ..... primarily keeps memories active in short-term memory by simple repetition.

Maintenance rehearsal

314 - ..... primarily keeps memories active in short-term memory.

Maintenance rehearsal

315 - ..... processing refers to how the physical characteristics of stimuli influence their interpretation.


316 - ..... processing refers to how the physical characteristics of stimuli influence their interpretation. In other words, taking in a stimulus without any frame of reference


317 - .....- professionals who help people to cope with crises and/or help people adjust to life transitions or make lifestyle changes

Counseling Domain

318 - ..... provide direction and the final destination as to what a person is trying to accomplish and keeps the focus on where the person may want to end up.

Long-term goals

319 - ..... provides cues that stimulate a memory without awareness of the connection between the cues and the memory.


320 - ..... psychologists apply psychology's principles and methods in the criminal justice system.


321 - ..... psychologists deal with topics related to teaching children and young adults.


322 - ..... psychologists help prepare achievement tests, while ..... psychologists administer these tests.


323 - ..... psychologists study the effects of group influence on individual behavior


324 - ..... psychologists typically treat people with adjustment problems, rather than those with serious psychological disorders.


325 - ..... psychology is concerned with thinking, language, and problem solving.


326 - ..... psychology theorizes that behavior is influenced by our perceptions, memories, and expectations.


327 - ..... refers to biological/genetic predispositions' impact on human traits


328 - ..... refers to our ability to organize and monitor our own behavior

Personal identity

329 - ..... refers to passing messages along a neural pathway, while ..... is converting light into a form that can be processed by the nervous system.

Transmission; transduction

330 - ..... refers to perceptions about specific capabilities while ..... is one's general self perception.

self-efficacy / self-concept

331 - ..... refers to physical stimulation, while ..... refers to the interpretation of that physical stimulation.

Sensation, Perception

332 - ..... refers to the extent to which findings can be generalized from the experiment to other settings or situations.

Ecological validity

333 - ..... refers to the extent to which the results of the study can be applied beyond the sample and the settings used in the study.


334 - ..... refers to the extent to which the results of the study can be applied to another sample


335 - ..... refers to the fading of memory traces from short-term memory.


336 - ..... refers to the minimum amount of stimulus energy required to be detected 50% of the time.

Absolute threshold

337 - ..... refers to the pattern of enduring characteristics that produce consistency and individuality in a given person.


338 - ..... refers to those attributes of a person that make him/her different from others

Personal identity

339 - ..... refers to uniformity in instruction, administration and scoring of the test


340 - ..... rehearsal links new information to memories and knowledge already in LTM


341 - ..... reinforcement occurs when the behavior is reinforced every time it occurs.


342 - ..... reinforcers involve unpleasant and painful stimuli.


343 - ..... research is conducted simply to gain scientific knowledge.


344 - ..... research is where an investigator manipulates one or more factors (independent variables) to observe the effect on some behavior or mental process (the dependent variable).


345 - ..... research operates with variables that can be manipulated.


346 - ..... sample pairs of participants who are similar in a range of specific characteristics relevant to the variables under study, such as gender or age.

matched pair designs

347 - ..... saw language as the result of early socialisation, but believed that, by its use in social contexts, it is also the main vehicle for developing later knowledge and understanding.Whose theorist does this description belong to.....


348 - ..... says the test covered what it is supposed to cover; ..... says the results will be similar if given a month apart with no additional preparation.

validity; reliability

349 - .....- seeks to encourage acceptance of one's past, excitement and optimism about one's future experiences

Postive Domain

350 - ..... set up an experiment, known as the Stanford Prison experiment, where people played the role of a prison guard. The goal was to observe if this authority position would cause them to act differently.

Philip Zimbardo

351 - ..... states that the more we see or experience of something, the more we will like it.

The Mere Exposure Effect

352 - ..... studied the natural process that children go through to develop their ability to reason.


353 - ..... study behaviors of individuals in groups and how people affect one another's behavior

Social psychology

354 - .....- study of all the mental abilities associated with knowing, remembering, thinking, and communicating

Cognitive Domain

355 - .....- study of changing abilities from womb to tomb

Developmental Domain

356 - ..... tasks asks the participants to actually perform an act.

direct tasks

357 - .....- the methods and influences on teaching and learning

Educational Domain

358 - .....- the study of how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior, and use of that info to treat psychological disorders

Psychodynamic Domain

359 - .....- the use psychological concepts and methods to select employees, boost morale, design products, and better business functioning

Industrial-organizational Domain

360 - ..... theorists have determined five major characteristics of personality.


361 - ..... These are your senses-it is the process of your body receiving outside signals and stimulus from your eyes, nose, ears, tongue, etc.


362 - ..... thinking narrows a list of alternatives toward a single correct answer


363 - ..... This is how your brain interprets that information being provided. You may perceive some things as happy, or sad, or hostile, or good, or bad, etc.


364 - ..... treated psychology as a sub-branch of natural philosophy because he regarded the soul as the basic principle of life.


365 - ..... trials are not relevant to the real research question but are necessary for the cover task to be believable.


366 - ..... uses scientific methods to understand how social influences impact human behavior.

Social Psychology

367 - ..... variable represents the phenomenon the researcher desires to explain.

Dependent variable

368 - ..... was an early form of psychology that investigated the purpose of consciousness by often wondering, "Why do people do that?"


369 - ..... was an early French philosopher who promoted a belief that the mind and body are two separate entities-called interactive dualism.

Rene Descartes

370 - ..... was the behaviorist whom found most behavior is learned over instinctive in animals.


371 - ..... was/were focus of Watson's behaviorism

Observable experiences

372 - .....- What organisms do and how or why they do what they do


373 - ..... would teach rats and primates to learn behaviors based on both negative (taking away) and positive (adding) reinforcements and punishments


374 - ....., ....., and ..... are the three memory processes.

encoding, storage, retrieval

375 - ....., argued that we obtain our knowledge and habits through observation and experience


376 - ....., or actions meant to harm or destroy, is unfortunately another typical reaction to frustration.


377 - .....: finding the structural elements of the mind


378 - .....are all on the left side of the wheel, in the blues and greens. The ..... are all on the right side of the wheel, in the yellows and reds.

Cool - warm

379 - .....are concerned with helping students learn, they generally focus on course planning & instructional methods for an entire school system rather than on designing a program of study for an individual students.

Educational Psychology

380 - proposed by William JamesHarvard professor, wrote Principles of PsychologyHow the mind allows people to function in the realworld - how they work, play, and adapt to theirsurroundingsInfluenced by Darwin's ideas on natural selection: thepassing of


381 - .....-Behavior , like talking, scratching, running; can be observed, measured, recorded and analyzed.


382 - .....Focuses on the relationship between behaviour and the physical system , including the brain and the rest of the nervous system , immune system etc.

Biological psychology

383 - .....for example, hand gestures or nodding or shaking the head

Body Movements

384 - a research method that allows the researcher to manipulate the independent variable to study its effect on the dependent variable.

Formal experiment

385 - the psychological result of perception and reasoning


386 - .....means that a person believes mainly information he or she receives from the internal or imaginative world.


387 - .....means that a person mainly believes information he or she receives directly from the external world.


388 - .....means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic.


389 - .....means that a person organizes all of his life events and, as a rule, sticks to his plans.


390 - .....means that he or she is inclined to improvise and explore alternative options.


391 - .....means that observations are made and conclusions drawn only after analyzing the observations, testing a hypothesis THIS CHARACTERISTIC OF SCIENCE IS.....


392 - .....means that, as a rule, he or she makes a decision based on emotion, i.e. based on what they feel they should do.


393 - .....neurons relay messages from the sense organs to the brain


394 - .....of psychology study the process of sensing, perceiving, learning

The branches

395 - .....raises the age of application of CAT-A, substituting animals for human figures in the plates.


396 - .....rely upon our knowledge of the situation and of the world.

Semantic constraints

397 - .....research can only be measured between the values of -1 and 1, and it is graphed on a scatterplot.


398 - .....research is a measure of the extent to which two variables change together, and thus of how well either variable predicts the other.


399 - .....Studies is research gathering info from different age groups at the same time

Cross Sectional

400 - .....tells us that as the value of one variable (X) increases, the value of the other (Y) decreases.

Negative Correlation

401 - .....underlines the significance of social and educational systems in the management of human resources.

The AIX Model

402 - .The test is used to ..... a variety of diseases


403 - [Blank] is concerned with using psychological concepts to make the workplace a more satisfying environment for employees.

industrial/organizational psychologists

404 - \$\sqrt{ }\$


405 - ________ approach emphasizes the role of instinctual processes and their modification in the course of interaction with the society.

Dynamic and Psychoanalytic Approach

406 - ________ perspective focuses on changes in behaviour and cognitive processes over the life span?

Developmental Perspective

407 - ________ psychology compare human abilities with those of animals particularly non-human primates?

Evolutionary Psychology

408 - _________ approach is popularly rooted in Gestalt psychology.

Cognitive Approach

409 - _________ field of psychology focuses on the potential role of evolution in behaviour.

Evolutional Psychology

410 - _________ is the least noticeable value of stimulus ?

Stimulus Threshold

411 - ____________ is the cerebral ‘alarm clock’ which selectively filters incoming stimuli?

reticular formation

412 - ____________ psychologists work to improve the efficiency of people in business?


413 - _____________ criticized the stimulus-response mode of thought?

William McDougall

414 - _____________ is credited with first inferring the existence of synapses?

Charles Sherrington

415 - ______________ involves observing and imitating the behavior of others?


416 - _________________ involves observing and imitating the behavior of others?


417 - ______________is a physical property of sound?


418 - ____________is a neurotransmitter-related brain disorder associated with acetylcholine deficiency?


419 - ___________were major figures in behaviorism ?

John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner

420 - 10, 11, 12, 12, 14, 14, 15. Median?


421 - 1039. Myopia, or near sightedness is caused by _______________?

an elongated eyeball

422 - 11, 13, 13, 13, 16, 18, 20, 24, 156. Mode?


423 - 1902-1987; Field: humanistic; Contributions: founded person-centered therapy, theory that emphasizes the unique quality of humans especially their freedom and potential for personal growth, unconditional positive regard, fully functioning person

Carl Rogers

424 - 1938 -L.L. Thurstoneproposes that intelligence consist of seven group factors known as primary mental abilities which includes.....

word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial visualization, number facility, associative memory, reasoning and perceptual speed

425 - 19th century advocate for the mentally ill - attempted to improve conditions in asylums

Dorothea Dix

426 - 1st modern psychologist

Wilhelm Wundt

427 - 1st modern psychologist AKA the "Father of Psychology"

Wilhelm Wundt

428 - 1st Stage of Atkinson-Shiffrin Memory model.....includes iconic and echoic memories that last only few seconds unless we pay attention.

sensory memory

429 - 2 ways to criticise Bowlby's findings from the 44 juvenile thieves study

Only (A) & (B)

430 - 2+2=?


431 - 24, 22, 20, 42, 37, 44. Range?


432 - 2nd stage in the Atkinson-Shiffrin Memory Model. Information stays here 15-30 seconds unless we REHEARSE to encode it.

short-term memory

433 - 3 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 10Ten participants in a treatment group were asked to rate their feelings of self worth on a scale of one to ten, with a value of ten indicating a very positive feeling of self-worth. The data for the participants are above.


434 - 3 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 10Ten participants in a treatment group were asked to rate their feelings of self worth on a scale of one to ten, with a value of ten indicating a very positive feeling of self-worth. The data for the participants are above.What is the m



All of the above

436 - 30-year-old woman tells a friend that she doesn̢۪t want to marry because she is afraid of losing her freedom and independence. Erikson would say that she is having difficulty with the psychosocial task of ______________?

intimacy vs. isolation

437 - 3rd Stage of the Atkinson Shiffrin memory model. Information is transferred here when one REHEARSES. Info can stay here forever possibly.

long-term memory

438 - 4 main long term consequences of experiencing maternal deprivation

All of the above

439 - 55 % of all Psychologists are what type?


440 - 6% Free Royality Divided DD?


441 - 600 people were surveyed. How many people rode the stationary bikes that day?

150 people

442 - 6-1: The brain and the spinal cord comprise the

central nervous system

443 - 62%-90% of customer decisions are based on ..... alone.


444 - 65 + is which life stage

Later adulthood

445 - 95% of parents agree that speech, language, and hearing are some of the most important developmental .....


446 - 96% of people fall within 30 points of what IQ score?


447 - A "code of ethics" is most like.....

A guide for what to consider or do before, during and after research

448 - A "medicine" with no active ingredients that works by the power of suggestion is known as what?


449 - A ..... correlation means that as one variable increases, the other decreases


450 - A ..... is a consistent, enduring way of thinking, feeling, or behaving.


451 - A ..... is a descriptive technique in which one individual or group is studied in-depth in the hope of revealing universal principles.

Case Study

452 - A ..... is a method for studying body and brain tissue, magnetic fields, and special radio receivers.


453 - A ..... is a relatively stable personality tendency that guides one's thoughts and actions across various conditions.


454 - A ..... is a representation of scores that lack symmetry around their average value.

skewed distribution

455 - A ..... is a statement that attempts to explain why something is the way it is and happens the way it does


456 - A ..... is an educated guess/an assumption or prediction about behavior that is tested through scientific research.


457 - A ..... is shown when one variable increases and the other increases as well (example: as the beats per minute in a song increases, exercise exertion increases).

positive correlation

458 - A ..... is some form of medical treatment that resembles medical therapy but has no medical effects.


459 - A ..... is symmetrical and bell-shaped. It describes distribution of many types of date. Ex: IQ Scores

normal curve

460 - A ..... is the group of individuals taking part in the research study.


461 - A ..... is the network of friends, family members, neighbors, coworkers, and others who can offer help to a person in need.

Social-Support System

462 - A ..... is when two or more sets of data move opposite each other.

Negative Correlation

463 - A ..... leads to a .....

hypothesis; theory

464 - A ..... measures the frequency of occurrence of a variable.

frequency distribution

465 - A ..... reinforcer increases the frequency of the behavior it follows when it is applied.


466 - A ..... would examine how diseases like Alzheimer's could be passed on genetically.


467 - A .....indicates that as the value of one variable (X) increases, the value of the other variable (Y) will also increase

Positive Correlation

468 - A 10 year-old child that has a mental age of 10 has which IQ?


469 - A 35 year old woman is married and has three kids usually is shy and conservative. She then sees a picture of herself in a gossip magazine in the arms of another man in a very provocative pose. She does not remember the event or who the man was. This is a

Dissociative Identity Disorder

470 - A 3-D movie enhances our sense of depth perception by simulating the effects of

retinal disparity.

471 - A 6 yr old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency typical of an average 9 yr old was said to have a mental age of


472 - A 6-year-old girl is on stage at the end-of-the-year play. She's dressed like a tree. When the lights come up and the music begins, she immediately sits down and begins to cry. Which concept does this best describe?

Social Inhibition

473 - A 9 year old has the mental age of a 6 year old. What's her IQ?


474 - A baby should drink milk after every 3 hours.

Interval reinforcement

475 - A baby/infant has a natural response to turn their head toward the source touching anywhere near her mouth. What is this called?

Rooting Reflex

476 - A bank charges a \$25 fee for an overdraft on your checking account. Type of reinforcement/punishment?

positive punishment

477 - A barrier to problem-solving that involves thinkingabout objects only in terms of their typical uses is called .....

functional fixedness

478 - a basic truth or law


479 - A behavior modification system in which individuals set up their own rewards and punishments to change behavior.

self-control program

480 - A behavior that is not reinforced every time it occurs.

Partial Reinforcement

481 - A behavioral psychologist is interested in the behavior that _____________?

can be observed

482 - A Behaviorist believes a child cries when it is hungry because?

It has learnt if it cries it will get fed

483 - A behavioural symptoms of stress is.....

Talking rapidly

484 - A belief that all members of a group share a common characteristic.


485 - A belief that helplessness will be permanent.


486 - a belief, positive or negative, about the characteristics of members of a group that is applied generally to most members of the group


487 - A bell rings, then a puff of air into the eye causes a reflexive blink. After this happens on several occasion, the bell ringing alone causes a conditioned reflexive blink. The UCS is ..... and the CS is .....

Puff of air; bell

488 - A bell rings. A dog drools. What scientist experimented this kind of classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

489 - A bell shaped cure, shows .....

Normal Distribution

490 - A benzodiazepine can be used to treat a specific phobia because it

increases the efficiency of the inhibiting action of GABA

491 - A between subjects design is less efficient than a within subjects design because ____________?

it must deal with difference among subjects

492 - A beverage company wanted to see if people in the United States liked their new logo. Which choice best represents a population?

Every person in the United States.

493 - A binocular cue that allows for depth perception when images from the two eyes differ

Retinal disparity

494 - A biological psychologist would be most likely to research

the physical and chemical changes that occur when you learn.

495 - A blind person may have experienced damage to her:

visual cortex

496 - A boy and his father are in a car accident. The father is killed, and the boy is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctor says, "I can't operate on this boy. He's my son!" How is this possible? If the answer just comes to you after a period of


497 - A boy watching his older brother change a tire may pick up a new skill through.....

Observational Learning

498 - A brain injury due to neural degeneration

has gradual onset

499 - A brain structure that regulates movement and balance and that is involved in the learning of certain kinds of simple responses.


500 - A brain structure that relays sensory messages to the cerebral cortex.


501 - A brain tumor in the hippocampus of the brain would impair a person̢۪s ability to learn new things while leaving their old memories intact. This condition is known as _________________?

anterograde amnesia

502 - A brain wave not evident in the newborn is the _____________?


503 - a branch of psychology concerned with the links between biology and behavior

biological psychology

504 - a branch of psychology that assists people with problems in living (often related to school, work, or marriage) and in achieving greater well-being

counseling psychology

505 - a branch of psychology that explores how people and machines interact and how machines and physical environments can be made safe and easy to use

human factors psychology

506 - A branch of psychology that focuses on promoting mental health and happiness rather than just treating mental illness.

Positive Psychology

507 - a branch of psychology that studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior, and uses that information to treat people with psychological disorders

psychodynamic psychology

508 - a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span

developmental psychology

509 - a branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders

clinical psychology

510 - A branched, treelike structure attached to the soma of a neuron


511 - A brief message presented below the absolute threshold or perceived by someone's mind without them being aware of it is called a

Subliminal Message

512 - A bright child's MA (mental age) is above his CA (Chronological age); a dull child has a MA below his CA. This statement is


513 - A broad and comprehensive statement of what is thought to be true; it is supported by much evidence.


514 - A bug repellent was sprayed on one arm. On the other arm, the bug repellent was not sprayed. After 2 hours, the number of bug bites are recorded. What is the dependent variable?

The number of bug bites

515 - A bundle of nerve tissue that links the brain to the nerves in peripheral nerve system is called the.....

spinal cord.

516 - A business leader who welcomes a variety of opinions from her employees and invites expert critique of protocols would most limit what from developing in the company?


517 - A car sale when the salesperson quotes a low price for the basic car, but then tacks on options, extended warranties, service packages, etc. to end in a much higher price tag

low balling

518 - A car salesman touting how cool you will look in a particular vehicle is using?

Peripheral Route of Persuasion

519 - A carefully worded statement of the exact procedures used in a research experiment is known as

operational definition

520 - A case study is .....

An in detailed in-depth investigation of an individual or a group

521 - A case study is..... (multi answer)

All of the above

522 - a catalogue distributed by the publisher of the test brief description of the test and seldom contain the kind of detailed technical information

test catalogues

523 - A celebrity has ..... power.


524 - a central or typical value for a probability distribution

measures of central tendency

525 - A change in a participant's illness or behavior that results from a belief that the treatment will have an actual effect, rather than the actual treatment:

Placebo Effect

526 - a change in attitude or behavior brought about by social pressure to comply with people perceived to be authorities


527 - A change in bodily function or activity that occurs more often than 24 hourly is referred to as

ultradian rhythm

528 - A change in the structure of a gene that leads to minor of major changes in an organism̢۪s physical constitution is ____________?


529 - A characteristic of catatonic schizophrenia

Waxy flexibility

530 - A characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child focuses on one idea only, excluding all others, is known as what?


531 - A characteristic or feature that is so pervasive the person is almost identified with it:

Cardinal Trait

532 - A chemical produced by neurons that carries messages to other neurons


533 - A chess-playing computer program that routinely calculates all possible outcomes of all possible game moves best illustrates problem solving by means of

an algorithm.

534 - A child believes that all birds can fly, but learns that a penguin is a bird. Which term was used by Piaget to refer to this developmental process of changing one's ways of thinking in order to incorporate new information?


535 - A child body slams his brother like his favorite WWE fighter. Type of learning?

Observational Learning

536 - A child falls off his bike while riding trying to ride down a steep ramp and cuts his chin. Later he cautiously, but successfully rides down the ramp. Later while trying it again, he suddenly panics. His fear reaction has made which of the following?

spontaneous recovery

537 - A child has been classically condition to fear a white rat if the child does not show fear when shown a black read this is called

Stimulus discrimination

538 - A child has learned to avoid a furry, black cat. However, she still plays with her grandmother's short-haired tabby. Her response demonstrates


539 - A child imitates the adults very easily because of


540 - A child in Piaget̢۪s preoperational stage is given a toy and attempts to eat it. This child is demonstrating ____________?


541 - A child is creating new schemata to account for new information, Piaget calls this process _________________?


542 - A child is shown two identical balls of clay, sees one of them rolled into a rod shape, and is then asked which ball contains more clay. This child is being tested for an understanding of _____________?

conservation of substance

543 - A child learns to fear white rats. This would fall under which perspective?


544 - A child notices water is boiling in a kettle for the first time and automatically knows not to touch the kettle out of fear of being burned. The boiling water and kettle in this case are considered to be .....

unconditioned stimuli

545 - A child saying "Daddy" only to his father in a room of males the same age is an example of what?


546 - A child tries to get a raise on his weekly allowance. When he first approaches his parents, he asks for \$100 per wk. His parents scoff & tell him this out of the question. Then, he asks for \$50 per wk, & receives the same reply. Finally, he ask for \$10

door in the face phenomenon

547 - A child wants to go fishing so they looks under rocks for worms

Variable Ratio

548 - A child who freezes as soon as the curtains open at their dance recital because of all the people watching is an example of which concept in social psychology?

Social Inhibition

549 - A child who speaks in sentences, but does not use articles or prepositions is exhibiting

telegraphic speech

550 - A child who wins a game and gains peer approval is receiving _________________?

both b and c

551 - A child whose father has a beard and who uses the word daddy to refer to all men with beards is __________________?

overextending the word

552 - A child's brain forms many more connections between neurons than it needs. Many of these are gradually eliminated by

synaptic pruning

553 - A circadian rhythm occurs ..... every 24 hours, whereas an ultradian rhythm occurs ..... every 24 hours.

once; more than once

554 - A client whose improvement during therapy is the result of his or her expectation of improvement rather than the result of the therapy itself is showing

a placebo effect

555 - A clinical psychologist believes that Caroline's problems stem from the lack of consistency between her self-concept and reality. According to the psychologist, this discrepancy makes Caroline feel anxious and threatened. Caroline's psychology most likely


556 - A clinical psychologist studying the effects of a specific therapy on bipolar disorder is using

applied research

557 - A clinical psychologist who explains behavior in terms of unconscious drives and conflicts is employing a(n)..... perspective


558 - A club president discovers that contributions of club members drop when the total contribution of all members is published rather than the contributions of individuals. Why?

social loafing

559 - A coach of your local sports team uses demonstration to guide their players. What type of guidance is this known as?


560 - A coach provides her learners with a demonstration and three coaching points before they go to practice a new skill. What 2 types of guidance have been used?

Only (A) & (B)

561 - A cognitive psychologist would most likely argue that.....

Mental processes can be studied scientifically

562 - A cognitive theorist would define learning as

a relatively enduring change in mental structure as a result from experience

563 - A coiled, bony, fluid-filled tube int he inner ear to trigger neural impulses.


564 - a collection of people who have shared goals, a degree of interdependence and some amount of communication


565 - A college admissions test designed to find out whether an individual would make a good architecture student based on the skills that person has is an example of an

aptitude test

566 - A color which often associated with love and passion as well as anger and danger.


567 - A common problem in everyday reasoning is our tendency to:

Accept as logical those conclusions that agree with our own opinions

568 - A comparison of means in data that reveals how significantly different they are.


569 - A complex explanation based on findings from many studies is a(an)?


570 - A complex statistical technique used to identify the underlying reasons variables are correlated:

Factor Analysis

571 - A comprehension test was given to students after they had studied textbook material either in silence or with the television turned on. What is the Independent variable?

Studying with or without TV

572 - A computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score

standard deviation

573 - A conclusion of the naughty teddy study is that:

Piaget underestimated children's ability to conserve

574 - A conclusion of the policeman doll study is that:

Children are less egocentric than Piaget believed

575 - A condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill.

Savant Syndrome

576 - a condition in which repeated attempts to control or influence a situation fail, resulting in the belief that the situation is uncontrollable and that any effort to cope will fail

learned helplessness

577 - A condition where stimulation of one of the senses causes perception of another sense is called:


578 - A conditioned response may be extinguished in which of the following conditions?

The conditioned response is no longer paired with an unconditioned response.

579 - A conditioned response may be extinguished when

A conditioned stimulus is no longer followed by an unconditioned response

580 - A conditioned response occurs

As a result of pairing an unconditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus

581 - A conditioned response occurs.....

As a result of pairing an unconditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus

582 - 'A conditioned response produced when a similar stimulus is presented' is the correct definition for which term?


583 - A conflict is.....

disagreement through which parties involved perceive a threat to their needs, interests and concerns

584 - A confounding variable:

makes it impossible for the researcher to isolate the effects of the IV on the DV

585 - A 'consent' form is.....

an official permission.

586 - A consistent perceptual misinterpretation of real sensory information whenever that sensory information is viewed

Visual Illusion

587 - A conversion disorder is characterized by ______________?

Functional impairment of a limb or sensory ability with no apparent physical cause

588 - A core feature of all abnormal behavior is that it is


589 - A corelation coefficient .....

describes the strength and direction of the relationship of two variables

590 - A correlation coefficient of +0.89 indicates:

A strong positive correlation

591 - A correlation coefficient of 0 means that there is

no relationship between 2 variables

592 - A correlation coefficient of -0.2 indicates:

A weak negative correlation

593 - A correlation coefficient of 0.8 is a ..... and suggests that as one variable ....., the other variable .....


594 - A correlation coefficient of -0.9 indicates a(n)

strong negative correlation.

595 - a correlation of 0 means there us no relationship between two variables

negative correlation

596 - A correlation of -0.6 is a:

moderate negative correlation

597 - A correlation value (r) that has a strong, positive linear association would have a value close to


598 - A Correlational study

Only (A) & (B)

599 - A correlational study is

A measure of a linear relationship between two variables

600 - A cross-sectional study is not a true experiment because:

participants cannot be randomly allocated to groups

601 - A cross-sectional study is one in which ____________?

different age groups are tested at the same time

602 - A CT scan works on the basis of:

X-ray technology

603 - A daughter, mom, and grandma are all studied at the same time. This is an example of:

Cross-Sectional Study

604 - a decrease in performance in front of a crowd

social inhibition

605 - A defense attorney emphasizes to a jury that her client works full-time, supports his family, and enjoys leisure-time hobbies. Although none of this information is relevant to the trial, it is designed to make the defendant appear to be a typical member o

the representativeness heuristic.

606 - a dense bundle of white matter tracts that connects the cerebral hemispheres

Corpus callosum

607 - A dense network of neurons in the core of the brain stem that stimulate the cortex and screens incoming information.

reticular activating system

608 - A dependent variable.....

All of the above

609 - A depolarizing current that causes the membrane potential to become more positive and closer to the threshold of excitation

excitatory postsynaptic potentials

610 - A depressive disorder in which a person experiences feelings of extreme highs and lows is known as.....

bipolar disorder

611 - A depth or distacne perception cue requiring the use of both eyes

Binocular Depth Cues

612 - A description of the specific procedure used to determine the presence of a variable. Created so that the experiment can be replicated by others.

operational definition

613 - A Descriptive study

Is a survey

614 - a descriptive study that looks for a consistent relationship between two phenomena

correlation study

615 - A descriptive technique in which one individual or group is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principles.

Case Study

616 - A desire to be popular is an example of which type of motivation?

extrinsic motivation

617 - A dessert recipe that gives you the ingredients, their amounts and the steps to follow is an example of a(n):


618 - A developed way that human use to discouraging predators from preying on livestock.

Conditioned taste aversions

619 - A device that monitors the electrical activity of the brain over time by means of recording electrodes attached to the surface of the scalp.


620 - a diagram consisting of rectangles whose area is proportional to the frequency if a variable and whose width is equal to the class interval


621 - a diagram that represents relationships within a group, especially likes and dislikes of members for other members


622 - A disadvantage most associated with the ..... research method is that people who know they are being studied may alter their normal behavior.

naturalistic observation

623 - A disadvantage of ..... is that the artificiality of the lab may not lend itself to real results that are unaffected by sampling, participant, or experimenter bias.


624 - A disadvantage of ..... is that the data is limited to only answering the question(s) asked. These limitations lead to biases, ambiguous conclusions, and low participation rates among research populations.


625 - A disadvantage of ..... is the behaviors could be only one-time occurrences.


626 - A disadvantage of longitudinal studies is that

participants who drop out during the course of the study may be different in important ways from ones who do not drop out

627 - A disadvantage of this descriptive method is that only 50% of the people asked to participate, actually do.


628 - A disadvantage of using a matched - participants design is

the potential for order effects due to pre-testing

629 - A disadvantage of using Alfred Binet's concept of mental age in assessing intelligence is that

it is inappropriate for adults

630 - A disorder called ___________ results when fluid pressure builds up inside the eye and causes damage to the optic nerve?


631 - A division.....

All of the above

632 - A doctor tells you "this isn't going to hurt" but then it hurts worse than anything in your life. The next time you go back to the doctor's, you're now scared. This is an example of:

Classical conditioning

633 - A doctor that practices Freud's Psychoanalysis is called a?


634 - A dog is sent to his doghouse after soiling the living room carpet. Type of reinforcement/punishment?

positive punishment

635 - A dog is startled by a gunshot. Which of the following sympathetic effects are most likely to occur?

Dilation of the pupils, increased heart rate, and lack of urination

636 - A dog rolls over and gets a treat, so she rolls over again. This is an example of a.....

learned behavior

637 - A dog treat given to a dog serves as what kind of reinforcer?


638 - A dog who assists a hearing-impaired person is trained to react to the telephone ringing. If the dog also reacts to a tone from the person's microwave, the dog is exhibiting this


639 - A door swings back and forth. I know it stays the same even thought its shape might appear to change. This is

Perceptual constancy

640 - A double-blind study is sometimes needed because researchers

may have expectations that affect their observations.

641 - A drink's strawberry odor enhances our perception of its sweetness. This best illustrates

sensory interaction

642 - A dynamic interplay between people's interpretations of events in their lives and their reactions to those interpretations is called?


643 - A employer has ..... power.


644 - A European visitor to the United States asked a taxi driver, "Can you please a ride to the airport me give?" This visitor has apparently not yet mastered the ..... of the English language.


645 - a facial expression that shows unhappiness


646 - A factor in an experiment that stays the same.

controlled variable

647 - A factor other than the factor being studied that might influence a study's results

confounding variable

648 - a factor other than the independent variable that might produce an effect in an experiment

confounding variable

649 - A failure to assume personal responsibility for helping in an emergency situation often plays an important role in the

bystander effect.

650 - A famous person who insisted that psychology be restricted to observable behavior is _____________?

John B. Watson

651 - A father is frustrated because his 3-year-old daughter has started to spit frequently. He has decided to temporarily put one of her toys away each time she spits. He is going to continue doing this until she has stopped spitting. His plan uses

negative punishment

652 - A fault in the functioning of the ..... results in colour blindness.


653 - A fear can be ..... by something that is startling or unexpected (like a loud noise).


654 - A fear can be healthy if

it cautions a person to stay safe around something that could be dangerous.

655 - A federal government low interest loan given to student seeking an education.

Perkins Loan

656 - A feeling of apprehension or tension is ___________?


657 - A feeling or belief about something


658 - A field experiment is .....

Conducted in a real life setting, where the researcher still manipulates the IV

659 - A field experiment is an example of which term.....

Research Method

660 - A field experiment:

Takes place in a natural setting

661 - A field of psychology allied with I/O Psychology that explores how people and machines interact and physical environments can be made safe and easy to use.

Human Factors Psychology

662 - A field that uses psychological research to enhance work performance and select employees, inform leaders of organizations, help with employee motivation, employee evauluations, and workplace diversity programs

Industrial-Organizational psychology

663 - A fill-in-the-blank test is a good example of:


664 - A finding from McGarrigle and Donaldson's naughty teddy study was that:

Primary aged children performed better than nursery aged children

665 - A flashbulb memory would typically be stored in ..... memory.

long-term memory

666 - A flashing light is too weak for a person to see so the light hasn't reached the.....

absolute threshold

667 - A flawed selection process that produces an unrepresentative group.

Sampling Bias

668 - A focus group is .....

Special type of semi-structured interview that is conducted on a small group of people.

669 - A focus group is conducted to gain.....


670 - A focus group is where a researcher asks a single group member about his or her ideas, perceptions, and/or opinions in an interview situation.


671 - A focus on genetics, chemical imbalances, and brain differences between humans characterizes the

biological approach

672 - a fold in the cerebral cortex

central sulcus

673 - A force that influence your behavior is called


674 - A forensic psychologist works in the ..... system.


675 - a form of biofeedback using the brain-scanning devices to provide feedback about brain activity in an effort to modify behavior


676 - a form of learning in which a certain action is reinforced on punished, resulting in corresponding increases or decreases in the likelihood that similar actions will occur again

operant conditioning

677 - a form of learning in which one stimulus calls forth the response that is usually called forth by another stimulus.

Classical Conditioning

678 - a form of learning that involves mental processes and may result from observation or imitation

cognitive learning

679 - a form of learning that is not immediately expressed in an overt response; it occurs without any obvious reinforcement of the behavior or associations that are learned.

Latent learning

680 - A form of learning whereby a conditioned stimulus (CS) becomes associated with an unrelated unconditioned stimulus (US) in order to produce a behavioral response known as a conditioned response (CR).

Classic Conditioning

681 - A French surgeon who proposed that theproduction of speech is controlled by the leftside of the human brain in an area later named after him.

Paul Broca

682 - A frequency distribution

is a way to present data visually in a table

683 - A frequency polygon is used to show how often something occurs


684 - A frequency polygon:

all of the above

685 - A frequent flyer program in which you receive a free flight after accumulating 5, 000 flight miles is an example of a ..... reinforcement schedule.

fixed ratio

686 - a function that represents the distribution of many variables as a symmetrical bell-shaped graph

normal distribution

687 - A functional MRI (fMRI) and a PET scan both:

provide a way to measure the functioning and activity of the brain.

688 - a further weakness of a case study.....

it is difficult to generalise the findings

689 - A gaming website wanted to find out which console its visitors owned. Which choice best represents a population?

All of the website visitors.

690 - A general framework for doing more specific research is called.


691 - A Gestalt is best described as a/an ________________?

organized whole

692 - A Gestalt pattern is.....

when your brain organizes bits and pieces into a meaningful whole

693 - A Gestalt principle of perception, the tendency to perceive two things that happen close together in time as being related.


694 - A goal of psychologists is to ..... behavior using accumulated knowledge about the ways humans act in various situations.


695 - A good "rule of thumb" is "don't take candy from strangers", so little Julio turns and runs away from the old lady who offered him a piece at the grocery store. This thinking shortcut let Julio think quickly (even if he may have been slightly wrong about


696 - A good ..... is essential to a business when providing customer service

first impression

697 - A good example of an activity involving a direct instruction strategy is a Debate planned by the teacher aiming to develop higher levels of comprehension about certain topic


698 - A good example of an ambiguous illusion is:

Rubin's vase

699 - A good looking female approaches you she acts polite and tries to compliment how nice your jacket is before asking for your assistance with her luggage. Her approach is best described as the?

peripheral route to persuasion

700 - A graph of vertical bars representing the frequency distribution of a set of data.


701 - A graph used to illustrate continuous data, e.g. to show the distribution of a set of scores


702 - A graphed cluster of dots that represent the value of 2 variables is called what?

Scatter plot

703 - a graphed cluster of dots, each of which represents the values of two variables


704 - a great strength of Piaget's theory is that it

has had an enormous effect on primary school education

705 - A group of 5 students & a group of 3 students all roughly the same size & strength, engage in a game of tug of war. The game is equal for a long while, neither side immediately gaining an advantage. This is most likely an example of

social loafing

706 - a group of people who share a common religion, color, or national origin

ethnic group

707 - A group of people who share a common religion, color, or national origin is known as .....

ethnic group

708 - A group of ranchers attempts to discourage coyotes from attacking their sheep by placing a substance on the wool of the sheep that makes coyotes violently ill if they eat it. Very quickly, the coyotes avoid the sheep entirely. In this scenario, what are t

The substance, the sheep's wool, aversion to the sheep

709 - A group of researchers conducted a study on the effectiveness of classical music in the retention skill of college students. They divided the group into different conditions (no classical music, and with classical music) and measured their retention skill

The researchers' decision is "fail to reject the null hypothesis" and concluded that classical music does not significantly affects the retention skill of the college students

710 - A group that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal chance of inclusion.

Random Sample

711 - A group that interacts primarily to share information, make decisions, and help each group member perform within his or her area of responsibility.It refers to

Work group

712 - A hidden message- Disney movies or advertisements

Subliminal Messages

713 - A high positive correlation indicates that a person who scores moderately on one variable will score:

moderately on the other

714 - A high standard of deviation might indicate

A widely spread set of data

715 - A histogram is just another term for a line graph


716 - A histogram is very similar to a .....

bar graph

717 - A historically significant perspective that emphasized human growth potential

humanistic psychology

718 - A hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps reduce stress is?


719 - A hormone released by the pineal gland that increases feelings of relaxation and tiredness


720 - A hot, stuffy classroom with no air conditioning is an example of a(n) .....

environmental stressor.

721 - A humanistic psychologist working with some poets might ask which of the following questions?

How can we get them to reach their highest potential?

722 - A humanistic psychology that emerged as a reaction to the limitations of behaviorism and psychoanalysis, this theory contends that human beings are innately good physical beings with personal agency who are mentally healthy when focused upon achieving sel

Third Force Psychology

723 - A hunger-triggering hormone produced by the hypothalamus


724 - A hungry baby crying until he was fed is an example of what?


725 - A hungry person would find food to be a ___________?

Primary reinforcer

726 - A hungry person would find food to be a_____________?

Primary reinforcer

727 - A hyperpolarizing current that causes the membrane potential to become more negative and further away from the threshold of excitation

inhibitory postsynaptic potentials

728 - A hypnotherapist designs a plan of action that an athlete mentally rehearses when preparing to compete (example of.....)

neodissociation theory

729 - A hypothesis

includes all of the above

730 - A hypothesis is _____________?

a testable prediction derived from a theory

731 - A Hypothesis is a


732 - A hypothesis is:

a testable prediction about the relationship of 2 or more factors

733 - A hypothesis which has clearly defined variables


734 - A hypothesis which is written when there is no (or minimal) previous research in the area

Non directional

735 - A journalism student is writing an article about her school's new cell-phone policy, and she'd like to interview a random sample of students. Which of the following is the best example of a random sample?

The writer pulls the names of five students from a hat that contains all students' names. She interviews the five selected students.

736 - A key conclusion made by Milgram was that people

will behave differently to how they believe they will act.

737 - A key difference between Vygotsky and Piaget's theories of development is

Vygotsky argued that learning tends to precede development.

738 - A key finding of the Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment is that

role expectations can lead people to behave differently from the way in which they would normally behave

739 - A key Limitation of the Stanford Prison Experiment is:

There is a lack of research support

740 - A key strength of the behaviourist approach is that it is

Highly testable

741 - a Key weakness of the behaviourist approach is that

it ignore what goes on in between Stimulus and Behaviour

742 - A knee jerk is an example of _____________?

monosynaptic reflex

743 - A knowledge cluster


744 - A knowledge cluster about sequences of events.


745 - A lack of something desirable or useful is a(n)


746 - A large standard deviation means

More spread out data

747 - A larger group size will.....

Increase conformity, but more than 3-4 people does not increase conformity levels.

748 - A law is defined as

A body of rules of conduct prescribed by the state that has binding legal force

749 - A learned response to a conditioned stimulus. In Pavlov's dogs, when the dog salivates at the sight of the bowl, even when it's empty.

Conditioned Response

750 - A learned response to a stimulus that was previously neutral, or meaningless.

Conditioned Response

751 - A learned stimulus that elicits a response

Conditioned Stimulus

752 - a learner with a fixed mindset according to the theory would

give up much ore quickly when a task becomes difficult

753 - A learning procedure in which associations are made between a natural stimulus and a learned, neutral stimulus

Classical conditioning

754 - a learning procedure in which associations are made between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus

classical conditioning

755 - A limbic system structure involved the emotion of fear and aggression.


756 - A limitation of observations is that they may suffer from.....

Observer Bias

757 - A limitation of the cognitive approach is that it is considered reductionist. What type of reductionism specifically?

Only (A) & (B)

758 - A limitation of the evolutionary theory of sleep is:

it does not account for why we need to sleep at all

759 - A limited - or forced -choice test in which a person must select one of several answers:

Objective Test

760 - A linear interpolation between known values would produce an reliable estimate, assuming that the function is analytic and at least locally ..... to being .....

close, linear

761 - A lion in a circus learns to stand up on a chair and jump through a hoop to receive a food treat.

operant conditioning

762 - A list of the steps anyone could follow to conduct an experiment.

standardised procedure

763 - A little girl gets to eat dessert because she finished all the food on her plate. This is an example of:

Positive Reinforcement

764 - A local car insurance company advertises their products with television commercials. During those spots, there are flashy lights, attractive dancers wearing skin-tight outfits, and local celebrities talking about how they have that company's insurance. Th


765 - A longitudinal study records info

Over a long period of time

766 - A loss of memory occurring from a blow to the head resulting in brain damage is known as


767 - A low Socioeconomic Status can lead to.....

both poverty and malnourishment.

768 - A low standard deviation means that:

the scores are clustered around the mean

769 - A mail clerk has to rearrange mailboxes in a student dormitory and for a few days has difficulty sorting the mail. This illustrates

proactive interference

770 - a main criticism of Piaget's stages of development theory is that he

underestimated what younger children are capable of

771 - A major branch of psychology that relies on a study of the role of the unconscious in influencing our behavior as well as the importance of early childhood.


772 - A major criticism of Freud's early theories involves the fact that his theories .....

were not testable

773 - A major criticism of the MSM of memory is that it is

Too Simplistic

774 - A major defining characteristic of personality disorder is that they___________?

Are psychological, more from society̢۪s view than from that of the person̢۪s who have them

775 - A major ethical concern that involves confidentiality and knowledge that are being studied


776 - A major influence on our reconstructive memory is:

Our previous experiences and expectations

777 - A major issue in educational psychology and U.S. classrooms is the extent to which instruction should be tied to standards. This type of instruction is called:

standards-based instruction.

778 - A major part of developmental psychology is devoted to the understanding of behaviour of _________?


779 - A major weakness of learning styles theory is that

there is no methodologically sound evidence to support it

780 - A maladaptive behavior is one that:

is destructive to yourself or others and inhibits a person to adjust to particular situations

781 - A man can become a criminal because of

heredity and environment

782 - A man receives a paycheck bi- weekly

Fixed Interval

783 - A man who believes that "women just don't make good leaders" may dwell on his female supervisor's mistakes and quickly forget about her achievements. This scenario illustrates which of the following concepts?

illusory correlation effect

784 - A manic depressive disorder, mankind by extreme mood changes, energy levels and behavier

Bipolar Disorder

785 - A marathon runner is on his last stretch of the race. His whole body hurts and he doesn't think he can make it. But then he hears people cheering near the finish line. This encouragement was just what he needed to push himself and beat his best time! What

Social Facilitation

786 - A mathematical methods that employ probability theory for deducing (inferring) the properties of a population from the analysis of the properties of a data sample drawn from it. It is concerned also with the precision and reliability of the inferences it

Inferential statistics

787 - A mayor wanted to see if the people in his town thought he was doing a good job. Which choice best represents a sample?

242 voters.

788 - A measure of how closely grouped the data points are.


789 - A measure of how closely one thing is related to another; used for analyzing and interpreting observations.


790 - a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier, as on a fill-in-the-blank test.


791 - A measure of the relationship between two or more variables is called a(n) .....


792 - A measure of the relationship between two variables.


793 - A measure of variation that tells us the average distance scores fall from the mean is

Standard Deviation

794 - A measurement of your body fat based on your weight in relation to your height.

body mass index (BMI)

795 - A medic who was assigned in the last WWII suddenly experienced blindness after returning from the battle field. He was most likely diagnosed with what?

Functional Neurological Disorder

796 - A medical doctor (M.D.) who specializes in treating psychological problems is a(n)


797 - A medical doctor who specializes in treating psychological problems is a?


798 - A medical doctor who studies mental illness, emotional disturbance, and abnormal behavior.


799 - A memory aid


800 - 'A memory for so mething that did not happen' is a description of:

False memory

801 - A memory from our own personal life is a

Episodic Memory

802 - A memory of kindergarten that returns when you are back in your kindergarten classroom is an example of what type of memory?


803 - A memory of something that was NOT deliberately learned.

Implicit memory

804 - A memory strategy using a poem or saying to help retrieval


805 - A memory that is consciously retrieved and we are aware of having is called a(n)

Explicit memory.

806 - A mental category that represents a group of objects is called


807 - A mental disorder in which a person loses contact with reality


808 - A mental grouping of similar things, events or people is called a(n):


809 - A mental image of a spatial environment -

Cognitive Map

810 - A mental picture of spatial relationships or relationships between events

cognitive map

811 - 'A mental representation of our knowledge of the world'. This is a description of:

A schema

812 - A method of assessing an individual's mental aptitudes and comparing them with those of others using numerical scores.

intelligence tests

813 - A method of collecting data that usually involves asking questions of people in a particular group.


814 - A method of Psychology and very expensive in nature


815 - A method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data are gathered, a hypothesis isformulated from these data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested.

scientific method

816 - A method researchers use to gather information from many people about a given topic


817 - A method that could be used to teach someone how to swim.


818 - A method used to train a dog to dance on its hind end is called


819 - A methodological rule or procedure that guarantees solving a problem is called a/an .....


820 - A mistake in speech that you did not mean to say out loud, but it was in your subconscious

Freudian slip

821 - A mnemonic device is a ____________________?

memory aid

822 - A mnemonic device is a:

a jingle, word, or phrase to act as a memory aid

823 - A mnemonic that consists of associating items you want to remember with physical locations

Method of Loci (the Memory Palace)

824 - A model that uses the interactionof biological, psychological, andsocial influences to explaindevelopment is the


825 - A modern test of mental intelligence

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

826 - A momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli is called ..... memory


827 - A momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli is called _________________ memory?


828 - a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli; a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second.

iconic memory

829 - A monosynaptic reflex arc is made up of:

one sensory neuron, one synapse and one motor neuron

830 - A more effective way to encode information into long-term memory.

Elaborative rehearsal

831 - A morpheme may best be defined as _____________________?

the smallest unit of language that conveys a meaning

832 - A mother smiles when her child utters "mama". Type of reinforcement/punishment?

positive reinforcement

833 - A MRI scan allows neuroscientists to see.....

The structure of the brain.

834 - A multiple choice question (like this one) makes greatest use of which type of memory?


835 - a muscular disk that surrounds the pupil of the eye and controls the amount of light entering the eye by contraction or relaxation.


836 - a mutual relationship or connection between two, or more things


837 - A Natural experiment is .....

Conducted in a natural environment where the IV is not manipulated by the researcher

838 - A natural experiment is named so because

A change in the IV occurs naturally rather than by manipulation

839 - A naturalistic observation is .....

Is carried out in real-life settings that have not been arranged for the purpose of the study

840 - a naturally occuring stimulus tht leads to an involuntary response

unconditioned stimulus

841 - A naturally occurring stimulus that leads to an involuntary and unlearned response. In Pavlov's dogs, the food.

Unconditioned Stimulus

842 - A need to establish and maintain relationship with other people__________?

Need for affiliation

843 - A nerve cell designed to transmit information to other nerve cells, muscles or gland cells


844 - A nerve cell that is the basic working unit of the brain and nervous system which processes and transmits information


845 - A network of branches coming from individual cells. They carry information and electrical signals in the brain and nervous system


846 - a neural center that is located in the limbic system; helps process explicit memories for storage.


847 - A neuron does not contain _______________?


848 - A new client tells you that she used to participate in local 10K and half-marathon running events before having twins. Although she had wanted to continue running, she has not been active since her children were born two years ago. Now that they in daycar

Maintenance, contemplation, preparation.

849 - 'A new memory blocking an old memory' is a description of:

Retroactive interference

850 - A newborn infant has certain automatic movement patterns called


851 - a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information, and of information retrieved from long-term memory.

working memory

852 - A newspaper article describes how a "cure for cancer has been found". A critical thinker probably will

question the article, evaluate the evidence, and assess the conclusions.

853 - A Non-Participant observation is .....

The observer is not part of the group and observing from a distance

854 - A normal distribution containing A scores have a mean and standard deviation of

500 and 100

855 - A normal distribution is one in which

the majority of scores fall in the middle range.

856 - A number of behavioural and cognitive changes occur in response to a stressor including

an increase in alertness

857 - A number that reflects the relationship between a person's mental age and his or her chronological age

intelligence quotient

858 - A once-neutral event that elicits a given response after a period of training in which it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned stimulus

859 - A p value of 0.04 indicates that the difference between two group means.....

Only (A) & (B)

860 - A parapsychologist would study which of the following phenomena?

all of the above

861 - A partial reinforcement schedule that rewards a response only after some defined number of correct responses

Fixed Ratio

862 - A partial reinforcement schedule that rewards an unpredictable number of correct responses

Variable Ratio

863 - A partial reinforcement schedule that rewards only the first correct response after some defined period of time

Fixed Interval

864 - A partial reinforcement that rewards the first correct response after an unpredictable amount of time

Variable Interval

865 - A participant in a physical activity who feels anxious could go to 'another place' in their minds to try to calm down.


866 - A participant is allowed to drop out of an experiment at any time. This is called:

Withdrawal rights

867 - A particular behaviour is typically controlled by:

A network of structures

868 - A particular group of brain cells seems to provide a basis for observational learning. Researchers call these specialized cells.....

Mirror neurons

869 - A particular point of view


870 - A Passive person rarely

Says no

871 - A patient arrives at hospital having suffered a stroke. He is having issues with speech and moving his right arm, but can understand questions that his doctors are asking him. Which part of the brain is likely to have been affected?

left frontal lobe

872 - A patient walks with a jerky, uncoordinated motion. A good preliminary diagnosis would be damage to the __________?


873 - A pattern of avoiding feelings of inadequacy rather than trying to overcome their source:

Inferiority Complex

874 - a pattern of neural activation AND inhibition that corresponds to sensory and perceptual states that have been experienced in the past


875 - a pattern of reinforcement in which a specific amount of time must elapse before a response will elicit reinforcement

fixed-interval schedule

876 - a pattern of reinforcement in which a specific number of correct responses is required before reinforcement can be obtained

fixed-ratio schedule

877 - a pattern of reinforcement in which an unpredictable number of responses is required before reinforcement can be obtained each time

variable-ratio schedule

878 - a pattern of reinforcement in which changing amounts of time must elapse before a response will obtain reinforcement

variable-interval schedule

879 - A pedagogical strategy has no relation with didactic techniques


880 - a perceived change in health due solely to a patient's knowledge of a treatment

placebo effect

881 - A perceptual misinterpretation involving a trapezium-shaped room which appears rectangular when viewed through a peephole using only eye and people appear small or large depending on where they stand in the room

Ames Room

882 - A perfect negative correlation is a -1, a perfect positive is a +1, and no correlation is a 0

correlation coefficient

883 - A person behavior is usually attributed to external causes when all but one of the following conditions exist ____________?

The person acts differently in other situations

884 - A person completes a flip off of a diving board. Which nervous system was this person using to coordinate their movements?

Somatic Nervous System

885 - A person experiences when he or she comes upon a solution to a problem by creating a new mental arrangement of the elements of the problem




887 - A person has a stroke on her occipital lobe. What might happen to her?


888 - A person has attitudes towards ___________?

All objects which exist in his own life-space

889 - A person having both traits of introvert and extrovert is known as .....


890 - A person in a group has diminished recall for the words of others who spoke immediately before that person.


891 - A person in which of the following professions would be most likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder?

rescue worker

892 - A person is asked to listen to a series of tones presented in pairs, and asked to say whether the tones in each pair are the same or different in pitch. In this situation the experimenter is most likely measuring the individual's

difference threshold

893 - A person is exposed to the harmless stimulus until fear responses to that stimulus are extinguished.


894 - A person is pinned down and tickled. At first, the person fights against it. Eventually, the person (seeing that they have no control) gives up and lets it happen. What is this an example of?

Learned Helplessness

895 - A person may behave in certain ways because of his or her ....., or mental state


896 - A person not noticing the ticking of a clock in their home is an example of

Sensory Adaptation

897 - A person receives a message because the sender has idea.


898 - A person sees Object A in its entirety, but part of Object B's outline is interrupted by Object A. According to the overlapping cue, what can that person conclude about these objects?

Object A is closer than Object B.

899 - A person shifts the blame and/or responsibility for his/her actions or thoughts to another person?


900 - A person that suggests that the shape of a person̢۪s skull indicates the extent to which that individual is argumentative and aggressive would be a __________?


901 - A person thinks that he sees a snake moving stealthily through the weeds on a distant field. As he gets closer, he discovers that it was only a dark piece of rope. This perceptual phenomenon is known as ________________?


902 - A person transfers the emotions he or she feels from the original situation or object to another situation or object?


903 - a person typically fails to consciously perceive their own nose in their line of vision. This best illustrates.....

change blindness

904 - A person who gives up on trying to get into law school after receiving three rejection letters is displaying whichcoping strategy?

behavioral disengagement

905 - A person who has entered a country seeking protection but their case has not yet been determined, are most accurately known as a/an.....

asylum seeker

906 - A person who has suffered a major stroke and is now experiencing severe personality problems because of the damage would best be advised to see a.....


907 - A person who hears a recording of Japanese, Spanish and North American children babbling would:

Not be able to tell them apart

908 - A person who is nine feet tall and has very large hands and feet and a protecting jaw can attribute his physiological abnormality to an overactive ___________?

pituitary gland

909 - A person who is outgoing and thrives in social situations and talking to others would have which type of intelligence?


910 - A person who is ruminating would be most likely to repeat which of the following statements?

I feel rotten.



912 - A person who specializes in Psychoanalysis is called a?


913 - A person who tries to lessen tension between management and workers is ___________?

industrial psychologist

914 - A person with emotional instability and negative emotions is termed as.....


915 - A person with lower than average intelligence who had an amazing, unusual mental skill is known as a


916 - A person̢۪s memory of his wedding would be stored in _______________ memory?


917 - A personal selection test that requires previous knowledge and mastery of a given body of materials, in effect is __________________?

an achievement test

918 - a personality trait that means being more flexible and able to bounce back from difficult situations is.....


919 - A personnel director might be responsible for .....

All of the Above

920 - A person's ability to reason speedily and abstractly (for example, in solving novel logic problems) decreases slowly up to about age 75, then more rapidly, especially after age 85. This type of ability is also known as

fluid intelligence

921 - A person's diminished sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus is known as.....

sensory adaptation

922 - A person's existing knowledge about specific topics and the world in general

Knowledge Base

923 - A person's participation in a research project must be .....


924 - A person's performance will be at his best when

There is appropriate stress

925 - A person's subjective experience of the world and himself or herself is:


926 - A perspective that takes into account cultural and gender expectations that might influence behavior is


927 - A phenomenon that occurs when a researcher's expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results.

experimenter bias

928 - A phenomenon that occurs when performance is affected by the expectation of other people:

Pygmalion Effect

929 - A phenotype is the result of the combined effect of .

inheritance and environment.

930 - A phobia is a fear that is .....

out of proportion to the danger.

931 - A physical feeling or perception resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body.


932 - A physical stimulus is converted into a neural impulse by a process ____________?


933 - A physiological function of the right hemisphere:

Movement on the left side of the body

934 - A pie chart shows the proportion of data in different categories


935 - A pleasant stimulus is paired repeatedly with a fearful one, counteracting the fear

Counter conditioning

936 - A police officer is a tense and possibly dangerous situation may "see" a hammer in a man̢۪s hand as a gun. This mistake could be attributed to the officer̢۪s __________________?

perceptual set

937 - A police officier has ..... power.


938 - A population of a research study is:

the group of people about which we wish to draw conclusions from

939 - A positive correlation has a slope in a scatterplot closest to .....


940 - A positive correlation means that .....

Both A and B

941 - A positron emission tomography (PET scan) allows a researcher to

map out brain activity by taking pictures hot spots of cellular activity.

942 - A potential problem with a case study is

Generalizing to the public

943 - A prediction of how the independent variable affects the dependent variable is called

a hypothesis

944 - A predisposition to behave in a particular way is called a/an ____________________?


945 - A pre-existing variable such as shoe size is which type of design.....


946 - A preference that may inhibit someone being able to impartially judge is .....


947 - A previously neutral stimulus that becomes able to produce a conditioned response, after pairing with an unconditioned stimulus. In Pavlov's dogs, when the dogs linked the bowl with the food.

Conditioned Stimulus

948 - A principle that states, for any change in a stimulus to be detected, a constant proportion of that stimulus must be added or subtracted.

Weber's Law

949 - A prison works to modify inmates' behavior by giving out "chips" for good behavior. These chips can be redeemed for snacks and special privileges. What is this?

a token economy

950 - A prisoner loses TV privileges for one week for rule violation. Type of reinforcement/punishment?

negative punishment

951 - A problem solving strategy that often includes a formula and guarantees an answer to the problem is a(n)


952 - A problem with the agentic state explanation is that:

It can't explain why some people in Milgram's study did not obey the experimenter

953 - A problem with the agentic state explanation of obedience is that:

It can't explain why some people in Milgram's study did not obey the experimenter

954 - a procedure conducted at the end of an experiment to reveal the details of the study so that participants do not leave feeling confused or upset


955 - A procedure in which researchers nor participants know which group is the experimental group and which is the control group

Double blind procedure

956 - A procedure in which the conditioned stimulus in one conditioning experience is paired with a new neutral stimulus, creating a second (often weaker) conditioned stimulus.

higher order conditioning

957 - A process in which an employee files a complaint with the organization, and a person or committee makes a decision regarding the complaint:

Grievance System

958 - A process in which someone's previous jobs, personal activities, etc. are examined in order to find out if they are suitable or able to do a particular job.


959 - a process that extends far away from the soma and carries important signals called action potentials to other neurons (splits several times to communicate with many neurons)


960 - A process whereby the synaptic connections in the brain that are frequently used are preserved, and those that are not are lost.

synaptic pruning

961 - A professor has a policy of exempting students from the final exam if they maintain perfect attendance during the quarter. His students' attendance increases dramatically.

Operant Conditioning

962 - a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation


963 - A prototype is a:

Best example of a particular category

964 - A Provisional theory to explain observed facts is known as __________?


965 - A psuedo science is.....

all of the answers are correct

966 - A Psychiatrist is a

Medical Doctor

967 - A psychiatrist is different from a psychologist because a psychiatrist

has a medical degree

968 - A psychological or physical treatment given to the control group that resembles the treatment given to the experimental group, but that contains no active ingredient, is known as the .....


969 - A psychological or physical treatment given to the control group that resembles the treatment given to the experimental group, but that contains no active ingredient.


970 - A psychological test can either measure 1)..... behavior (e.g. social skills, eating habits, stage fright) or 2)..... behavior (e.g. thoughts, feelings and other mental processes)

Only (A) & (B)

971 - A psychological test is said to be valid if it .....

measures what it is designed to measure

972 - A psychological test is valid if.....

It tests what it is intended to test

973 - A psychologist analyzes observable behavior & studies conditioning & reinforcement


974 - A psychologist believes her patient's chronic pain is influenced by his obsessive thoughts and unnecessary concern that he might be injured again in the future. What school of thought is this psychologist likely from?


975 - A psychologist concerned with worker productivity with increased changing office layout is involved in ____________?

applied research

976 - A psychologist did an experiment to see if different teaching methods affected people's scores on a math test. In this example, scores would be the ..... variable.


977 - A psychologist expects that rats raised in toy-filled cages will become better learner. This expectation of him is ___________?

research hypothesis

978 - A psychologist explains you that learning can be best defined in terms of underlying thought process. What theory is being stated __________?

Cognitive learning

979 - A psychologist explains you that learning can be best defined in terms of underlying thought process. What theory is being stated ___________ ?

Cognitive learning

980 - A psychologist has chosen to conduct a study where she follows a particular group of subjects for an extended period of time in order to determine the long-term effects of a new prescription medication. What kind of study is she conducting?

Longitudinal Study

981 - A psychologist investigates the methods teachers use to enhance student learning. In which of the following subfield is the psychologist most likely working?

Educational psychology

982 - A psychologist investigates the methods teachers use to enhance student learning. With which of the following sub fields (and perspectives) is the psychologist most likely aligned?

Educational - Cognitive

983 - A psychologist is studying gender relationships in childhood and early adolescence. Fourth-grade and sixth-grade children are observed during lunchtime at school in order to assess seating preferences of boys and girls. From this information, it is eviden

conducting a cross-sectional study

984 - A psychologist is using this goal when they attempt to make lasting changes for a person


985 - A psychologist studied a gunshot wound victim and found out that brain region destroyed is most important for memory functions. The research is _____________?

case study

986 - A psychologist studying signal detection theory would be most interested in

how a radio operator distinguishes between blips on a radar screen.

987 - A psychologist systematically observes and records the behavior of children on their first trip to a dentists̢۪ office. This is ___________?

a descriptive study

988 - A psychologist that has a job to teach smoking cessation classes to employees is ___________?

educational psychologist

989 - A psychologist that studies group behavior, in other words the behavior of people when they are with other people would be studying what type of psychology?

Social Psychology

990 - A psychologist that uses ethnicity, gender, culture and socioeconomic status influence our behavior.

socio-cultural psychology

991 - A psychologist uses results of sleep research to solve a patient's sleep problem. This psychologist is using

applied science

992 - A psychologist wants to investigate the effects of "screen time" on mood. Participants are randomly assigned to groups who are exposed to varying amounts of screen time from zero to five hours after which all participants take the same mood questionnaire

Experimental design with subjective quantitative measure.

993 - A psychologist wants to see if the kids around town have been influencing Billy. Which approach should be used?


994 - A psychologist who analysis behavior & studies conditioning & reinforcement


995 - a psychologist who analyzes how organisms learn or modify their behavior based on their response to events in the environment


996 - A psychologist who believes that each person had freedom in directing his/her future and achieving personal growth


997 - A psychologist who believes that each person has freedom in directing his/her future and achieving personal growth is known as:


998 - a psychologist who diagnoses and treats people with emotional disturbances

clinical psychologist

999 - a psychologist who focuses on how we process, store, retrieve, and use information and how cognitive processes influence our behavior


1000 - a psychologist who is concerned with helping students learn

educational psychologist


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