Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 14

1 - What is the primary tool psychologists use to answer questions about behavior and thinking?

The scientific method

2 - What is the problem regarding the majority (65%) of managing books in the whole world?

They are published in the US, the UK and Canada, and these principles of Anglo-Saxon management are taught all over the world, as being the way to manage.

3 - What is the procedure where neither the subject or the experimenter knows which group is receiving which treatment?

double-blind procedure

4 - What is the process by which a stimulus increases the chances of a preceding behavior occurring again?


5 - What is the process of adapting to a new culture called?


6 - What is the process of making information meaningful to transfer it from short-term to long-term memory?

Elaborative Rehearsal

7 - What is the process of treating phobias where you expose someone to their 'worst fears'?


8 - What is the process that living creatures adjust to their environment through evolution of the best genes to survive?

selective adaptation

9 - What is the processing of information that is based on your knowledge, personal experiences, and expectations called?

Top- DOWN Processing

10 - What is the proper hypothesis format?

If..... then

11 - What is the protective covering over your eye?


12 - What is the Psychometric approach?

standardised tests

13 - What is the purpose of a debrief?

All of the above

14 - What is the purpose of Educational psychology?

All above

15 - What is the purpose of the corpus callosum?

Send information from one hemisphere of the brain to the other hemisphere.

16 - What is the purpose of the iris?

to allow light into the eye

17 - What is the qoute Miss. C has on the Psychology part of the back wall?

The Greatest Revolution is within

18 - What is the range of electromagnetic engery that we can see called?


19 - What is the realistic conflict theory?

A conflict between 2 groups causing more prejudice and discrimination.

20 - What is the relationship between a semantic code and a organizational system

A semantic code represents information in terms of its meaning which provides an organizational system for storage and retrieval

21 - What is the relationship between demand characteristics and independent groups design?

Since each participant only sees one condition of the I.V they are less likely to respond to clues that might tell them aims of the study

22 - What is the relationship between in negative reinforcement and punishment

Negative reinforcement strengthens a response why a punishment weakens response

23 - What is the relationship between intelligence and achievement?

Intelligence forms the basis for achievement

24 - What is the remind code for your hour?


25 - What is the research design of this study? - Yamamoto

Repeated measures

26 - What is the right side lower label?


27 - What is the right side upper label?

oval window

28 - What is the role of verbal guidance in coaching?

Provide detailed information about the skill

29 - What is the same of the mental disorder associated with with repetitive thoughts and actions?


30 - What is the sampling technique used in this study? - Yamamoto

Opportunity Sample

31 - What is the saying that can help you remember the order of the visible spectrum?


32 - What is the sceintific study that aims to solve practical problems?

Applied research

33 - What is the school of psychology that emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and conflicts as determinants of human behavior?


34 - What is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes?


35 - What is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context?


36 - What is the score in the middle of the data set called?


37 - What is the second level of the hierarchy?

safety and security

38 - What is the second step of the SQ3R Active Reading strategy?


39 - What is the sensory receptor for hearing?

organ of Corti

40 - What is the Serial Position Effect?

Forgetting the middle of a list

41 - What is the setting/era of the original Call of Duty?


42 - What is the shallow form of conformity where we follow the group to fit in.?


43 - What is the smallest form of language that can carry meaning?


44 - What is the social cognitive theory?

Views of prejudice directed through direct influence.

45 - What is the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)?

An assessment that measures the amount of stress in a person's life over a 1-year period resulting from major life events.

46 - What is the song about?


47 - What is the split half method?

A measure of consistency where a test is split in two and the scores for each half of the test is compared with one another.

48 - What is the stage of life in which a child is 1-3 years of age?


49 - What is the standard deviation for the following sample data (5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 2, and 1)?


50 - What is the standard level of significance in Psychology?


51 - What is the starting salary of a clinical psychologist?


52 - What is the statistical information about?

People's opinions of their own happiness in different parts of the world

53 - What is the stimulus energy of the auditory system?

sound waves

54 - What is the stimulus energy of the olfactory system?

chemical molecules in the air

55 - What is the stimulus of the gustatory system?

chemical molecules in the mouth and throat

56 - What is the stimulus of the vestibular system?

changes in the movement of the fluid inside the semicircular canals

57 - What is the structure in the eye which is the outer most convex shape called?


58 - What is the study of behavior and thinking using the experimental method?

experimental psychology

59 - What is the study of knowledge of or study of behavior and mental processes?


60 - What is the study of the bumps and valleys of the skull?


61 - What is the study of the soul and mind?


62 - What is the subject matter of psychology?


63 - What is the sudden realization of a problem's solution?


64 - What is the superego?

Focuses on morality

65 - What is the symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes. Most scores fall near the average, and fewer and fewer scores lie near the extremes?

Normal Curve

66 - What is the tendency to believe after the outcome that one would have foreseen it?

Hindsight bias

67 - What is the tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it; also known as the "I-knew-it-all-along" phenomenon.

Hindsight Bias

68 - What is the tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses?

Stimulus Generalization

69 - What is the term for 'a prediction or educated guess on what is going to be the outcome of the investigation'?


70 - What is the term for discovering ways to use scientific findings to accomplish practical goals

applied science

71 - What is the term for the process that helps people and animals adapt to their environment by responding differently to stimuli that are not similar to each other?


72 - What is the term for the process that helps people and animals adapt to their environment by responding similarly to different stimuli?


73 - What is the term referred to the extent to which the researcher is testing what they claim to be testing?


74 - What is the term that goes with "blank slate"?

Tabula rasa

75 - What is the term that states we remember the first (primacy) and last (recency) items on a list?

Serial Position Effect

76 - What is the term used to describe the fact that we think that people who are particularly attractive must also have nice personality traits?

The halo effect

77 - What is the thats not all technique?

When the salesman adds something extra to make the offer look better before you can say no.

78 - What is the third stage of the hierarchy?

love and belonging

79 - What is the third step of the SQ3R Active Reading strategy?


80 - What is the this type of psychology?

cognitive (thinking)

81 - What is the tiny gap between neurons called?


82 - What is the tip of the tongue phenomenon?

A combination of retrieval failure and partial recall

83 - What is the top left label?


84 - What is the top right label?


85 - What is the tri-componant model for?

It is a model that suggests that attitudes are made up of three different componants

86 - What is the true goal of Psychology?


87 - What is the type of learning in which an animal learns to associate/pair two stimuli and the response is natural/automatic and biological?

Classical conditioning

88 - What is the type of long-term memory that involves a personal experience called?

Episodic memory

89 - what is the value of process of socialization?

Perception of the situation

90 - What is the value of the standard deviation if all the test takers have the same scores?


91 - What is the whole group that you want to study and describe?


92 - What is the worst way to form long term memories?

Mass Practice

93 - What is the zone of proximal development (ZPD)?

The difference between what a child can do on their own, and what they can do with the help of a more knowledgeable other

94 - What is Theory of Mind (Yamamoto)

Understanding the goals of another person without asking

95 - What is Thinking?

the mental manipulation of representations of knowledge about the world

96 - What is this an example of: Simone scored a 31 on her ACT. She says that says her success was from tutoring and practice tests.

External Attribution

97 - What is this diagram called?

Plutchik's wheel of emotion

98 - What is this following visual illusion known as?

The Muller-Lyer illusion

99 - What is this subject's correct name?

Exercise and Sports Psychology

100 - What is this type of Psychology?


101 - What is this visual illusion know as?

Ponzo illusion

102 - What is this?


103 - What is time it takes to associate NS with UCS?


104 - what is trhe meaning beliefs in spanish


105 - What is true about an "M" in the gradebook?

All of the above

106 - What is true about operant conditioning?

Only (A) & (B)

107 - What is UCS in classical conditioning theory of learning?


108 - What is umami?

a savory, meaty taste sensation for which researchers recently discovered receptors on the tongue

109 - What is USED to address the question in Bennet & Diamond?


110 - What is validity?

Validity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure.

111 - What is verbal communication?

use of language

112 - What is verbal/linguistic?

Enjoys reading, doing crossword puzzles, and writing stories

113 - What is Vicarious learning?

Learned by observing others

114 - What is visual/spatial?

enjoys photography, drawing and painting, can read maps

115 - What is visual?

learns through seeing and reading; prefers written directions

116 - What is weight of an Eye?

07 gms

117 - What is Wernicke's area responsible for?

Comprehension of speech

118 - What is Whorf hypothesis

refers to the proposal that the language one speaks influences the way one thinks about reality.

119 - What is, the tendency to view the world for your own perspective without recognizing that others may have different viewpoints.


120 - What is:'A change in behaviour due to implicit or explicit social pressure'?


121 - What isn't a limitation of the trait theory

The theory has a genetic component

122 - What it is called, when more than one independent variable works in an experimental situation?


123 - What key term describes a our memories and past experiences that influence cognitive processing?


124 - What kind of brain research method is best to examine a person's brain once they have died?

an autopsy

125 - What kind of chemical messenger is released by glands and is transported through the bloodstream?


126 - What kind of correlation?


127 - What kind of distribution is this?


128 - What kind of effects does black clothes have on people?

Black makes people look thinner.

129 - What kind of learning uses reinforcers and punishments to change a behavior?

Operant conditioning

130 - What kind of memory is recalled when you are only able to remember bad things when in a bad mood?

mood-congruent memory

131 - What kind of professional would likely treat a patient with severe schizophrenia that is caused by genetics?


132 - What kind of reaction is the fight-or-flight response primarily?


133 - What kind of relationship?

No Relationship

134 - What learning theory is B.F. Skinner associated with?

Operant conditioning

135 - What learning theory is Pavlov associated with?

Classical conditioning

136 - What level of measurement is being used? Temperature in degrees celsius measured on a thermometer


137 - What level of measurement? A researcher takes the temperature in degrees C of participants during the course of an investigation


138 - What level of measurement? Age measured in years


139 - What level of measurement? Rating happiness on a scale of 1-10. In scale data there is no standardised value for the difference from one score to the next


140 - What level of measurement? The teacher records the letter grade that a student receives on their last psychology test


141 - What level on the hierarchy would you reach after you do everything you are capable of doing?


142 - What lobe is coloured blue?


143 - What lobe is coloured green?


144 - What lobe is coloured pink?


145 - What lobe is coloured yellow?


146 - What makes false memories possible? Select the option that is most correct.

Memory is a reconstructive process that does not reproduce memories exactly as they were encoded.

147 - What makes psychology a science?

The methods psychologists use to ask and answer questions.

148 - What makes Psychology different from Philosophy?

Scientific method

149 - What makes the danger for societies?

material possessions and work

150 - what makes us tick:

motivation to act in a specific way

151 - What measure of Central Tendency do we use when there are NO outliers?

The mean

152 - What measure of central tendency is the most stable?


153 - What measure of central tendency should only be used with categorical data?


154 - What measure of dispersal would this formula calculate?

Standard deviation

155 - What measure of dispersal would this formula calculate?Xmax - Xmin =


156 - What measure was used to test if athletes were being truthful in describing their personality traits?


157 - What measures brain activity, more specifically, emitted potentials ?


158 - What memory system is made up of chronological recollections of personal memory?


159 - What mental retardation is caused by the addition of the 21st chromosome?

Down syndrome

160 - What method of psychology did Carl Rogers create?

Client-Centered Therapy

161 - What might be elicited by stroking the bottom of a baby̢۪s foot?

Babinski reflex

162 - What most accurately defines the function of middle ear?

sound-wave amplification

163 - What name is given to the study of many individuals where an attempt is made to compare them with others?

Nomothetic approach

164 - What name is given to the variables that could affect the dependent variable other than the independent variable?


165 - What negative impact can praising effort have for students?

Makes them feel as though they aren't good at something

166 - What neurotransmitter has been linked to improved memory formation?


167 - What occurs when experiences influence our interpretation of data?

top down processing

168 - What of the following are the principles of operant conditioning?

All of the above

169 - What of the following is primary reinforcement?


170 - What of the following statements is essential to get a consistent cooperative learning procedure (CL)?

In CL, individual's learning is supported by the others.

171 - What operation did Piaget demonstrate in concrete operational stage using the task classical tasks below?


172 - What organization licenses and certifies psychologists?


173 - What organizational principle does this picture represent?


174 - What other language can Harry speak?


175 - What part of our brain is activated when we experience facial recognition?

Temporal Lobe

176 - What part of psychology looks at how mental/emotional factors influence athletic performance?

Sport and Exercise Psychology

177 - What part of the brain controls your balance?


178 - What part of the brain coordinates motor movements and balance?


179 - What part of the brain helps with speech, hearing, and learning languages?

Temporal Lobe

180 - What part of the brain is known to play an imoortant role known as

Broca's area

181 - What part of the brain is this?

Prefrontal Cortex

182 - What part of the brain plays an important role in planning and making decisions?

Frontal Lobe

183 - What part of the brain processes messages from the eyes?

Occipital Lobe

184 - What part of the brain sorts information from the senses?

Parietal Lobe

185 - What part of the eye allows us to see color?


186 - What part of the eye does transduction occur?


187 - What part of the eye enables people to perceive color?


188 - What part of the nervous system is responsible for bringing you down to homeostasis?

Parasympathetic nervous system

189 - What part of your eye sends the messages to and from your brain?

optic nerve

190 - What percent of group talk is complaining?


191 - What percent of the participants in the obedience experiment administered 450 volts, labeled "X X X"?


192 - What percentage administered 450V in the variation of Milgram's study in a run down office block?


193 - What percentage of Asch's participants NEVER conformed?


194 - What percentage of graduates progress onto clinical and counselling profession over other psychology professions?

more than both

195 - What percentage of participants administered 450V in Milgram's experiment?


196 - What percentage of participants in Milgram's obedience study were willing to administer the highest level of voltage?


197 - What percentage of participants in Stanley Milgram's study on obedience and authority continued to administer 450-volt shocks at the insistence of the authority figure?


198 - What percentage of participants regularly conformed in Asch's line experiment?


199 - What percentage of people who have been to prison suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder?


200 - What percentage of population seek mental psychological support annually?

around 28%

201 - What percentage of psychology graduates go on to work in the childcare, health and education sector?


202 - What percentage of psychology graduates go on to work in the legal, social and welfare sector?


203 - What percentage of scores fall within one standard deviation from the mean in a normal distribution?


204 - What percentage of the population fall within one standard deviation above and below the mean on a normal distribution?


205 - What percentage of their life time does a person spend asleep?


206 - What percentage of your grade comes assessments (end of unit exams?)


207 - What percentage of your grade comes from classwork, attendance/participation and notes?


208 - What percentage of your grade in the final exam?


209 - What person is associated with classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

210 - What perspective is taken by most developmental psychologists because it applies aspects of various theories?

eclectic perspective

211 - What perspective says that genetics play a large role in shaping behavior?


212 - What perspective views the brain as a biological computer?


213 - What pioneer of Psychology believed unconscious motivations & conflicts were responsible for most human behavior?

Sigmund Freud

214 - What principal states to be perceived as different two stimuli must differ by a minimum percentage rather than a constant amount?

Weber's law

215 - What problem-solving strategies don't guarantee solutions but make efficient use of time?


216 - What procedure is used by experimenters to determine whether a difference between conditions of an experiment is large enough for us to have confidence in its validity?

Correlation coefficient

217 - What process is used in learning to ride a bicycle?

Shape and chaining

218 - What process, involving multiple steps, do psychologists use to find answers to their questions?

scientific method

219 - What processes drive Accommodation of schemas providing more complex operations?

Maturation and Disequilibrium

220 - What professional is the field of psychology has a doctoral degree, but no medical training?


221 - What proportion of people reach Piaget's formal operations stage of cognitive development?


222 - What psychological perspective was pioneered or created by Sigmund Freud?


223 - What psychologist had the first lab for studying humans?

Wilhelm Wundt

224 - What psychologist is associated with classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

225 - What psychologist is known for Social Learning Theory, or the idea that most human behavior is learned through observation, imitation, and modeling?

Albert Bandera

226 - What psychologist was best known for his maternal-separation, dependency needs, and social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys, which manifested the importance of caregiving and companionship in social and cognitive development?

Harry Harlow

227 - What psychologist was one of the first to find ways to successfully work with children?

Melanie Klein

228 - What psychology works with athletes?

Sports Psychology

229 - What qualifications do you need to get onto a degree course in journalism?

Five GCSEs A-C, including maths, English and science and three A levels. There are no specific subjects required but relevant ones include: English literature, English language, media, psychology, sociology, communication studies and law

230 - What question were children asked twice in Piaget's study?

Is there the same number or a different number of counters in each line?

231 - What receives impulses & conducts them to the cell body


232 - what refers specifically to which conditions of the experiment participants are arranged into and will take part in

Experimental design

233 - What refers to biological difference between males and females present at birth?


234 - What refers to change in the focal length of the eye to bring a retinal image into focus?


235 - What region receives information from the visual and auditory senses?


236 - what reinforcement schedule results in consistantly high productivity?


237 - What represents the x axis?

Hours Worked

238 - What research method involves data collection about a group over a number of years to assess change?

Longitudinal Study

239 - What research method was used in Milgram's study?

Lab experiment

240 - What research provided evidence that STM and LTM are divided into separate storage systems?

The Serial position effect

241 - What response is elicited when a CS+ and CS- is presented?

There is an intermediate response

242 - What role did the participant play in Milgram's experiment?


243 - What route of persuasion is this advertisement using?

The peripheral route of persuasion

244 - What scale of measurement is being used when a teacher measures the number of correct answer on a quiz for each student?


245 - What scan uses a radioactive sugar/glucose to watch brain activity?

PET Scan

246 - What school of psychology did Bacon's and Locke's writings contribute to?


247 - What school of psychology focuses on how you ACT instead of how you think?


248 - What school of psychology focuses on the individual and includes Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


249 - What school paved the way for the modern study of perception?


250 - What scientist is considered one of the founders of modern science?

Francis Bacon

251 - What scientist is considered the father of human anatomy?

Andreas Vesalius

252 - What sense does NOT travel through the thalamus?


253 - What sense does the thalamus not receive information from?


254 - What sense helps maintain balance?


255 - What senses rely on waves?

Only (A) & (B)

256 - What sensory system is responsible for taste?


257 - What shall be the child's position in the society on the basis of social and economic conditions?


258 - What should the athletes do before the competition?

Imaginary of their best performance

259 - What should you wear to show your helpfulness?


260 - What side of the brain is said to be the creative part?


261 - What side of the brain is the creative side?

Right side

262 - What stage am I :infants basic needs are met, they develop

trust vs mistrust

263 - What stage am I?Kids feel good about being productive, or they feel inferior for failing to do so.

Industry vs inferiority

264 - What stage am I?Teens test different roles, or they're confused about who they are.

Identity vs role confusion

265 - What stage am I?They look back on their lives and either see a sense of worth or failure.

integrity vs despair

266 - What stage am I?Toddlers - They wish to do things on their own, or they're ashamed

Autonomy vs shame

267 - What stage does hypothetical deductive reasoning begin?

The Formal operation stage

268 - What stage of needs on the hierarchy are the most basic? Necessary for survival!


269 - What stage when someone has a paralyzed body; active mind?

REM sleep

270 - What stress comes from inside of us?

Internal stress

271 - What structure is A?

Taste Pore

272 - What structure is B?

Gustatory Nerve

273 - What structure is blue in this picture?

Brain Stem

274 - What structure is D?

Gustatory Receptor Cell

275 - What structure is E?

Glossopharyngeal nerve

276 - What sub-field of psychology would be connected with the image above


277 - What sub-field would be connected with the image above?


278 - What subject would a 'right-brain' individual be really good at?


279 - What symptom of groupthink does this quote depict? "Arthur Schlesinger, one of Kennedy's advisers, reported that he had sever doubts about the Bay of Pigs invasion but did not express these concerns . . .out of a fear that 'others would regard it as presu


280 - What symptom of groupthink does this quote depict? "Paul O'Neil, the former Treasury Secretary, observed that Vice President Cheney and others . . shielded [the president] from views that disagreed with the administration."


281 - What system do psychologists use to reduce bias and maintain objectivity in the measurement of data?

The scientific method

282 - What system in the brain plays a key role in emotions?

the Limbic system

283 - What system is responsible for engaging the fight/flight or freeze response?

Sympathetic nervous system

284 - What task did Piaget devise to show egocentrism in infants?

The Three mountains task

285 - What technique describes when a researcher and participant both do not know the aim of the study. The technique increases objectivity and control.

A double-blind technique

286 - What technique is used by experimenters to minimize differences between participants in the experimental and control groups?

random assignment

287 - What technique should a researcher use to allocate the sample of participants into each condition of an experiment. This should always be used for an independent groups and matched pairs design.

Random Allocation

288 - What technological tool would be best to measure electrical brain activity during sleep?


289 - What technology is used to study, and better understand, sleep?


290 - What term best describes an actor in an experiment who is working for the researcher?


291 - What term is described when an explanation is using an integrated set of principles that organizes observations and predicts behaviors or events?


292 - What term is used for a set of expected behavior patterns associated with a particular position in a social unit?


293 - What term is used to describe a child's inability to see the world through anyone else's eyes except his or her own?


294 - What term means a group of people are less likely to help out in an emergency than an individual is.

Bystander Effect

295 - What term means acting in ways that fit with group norms and customs?


296 - What term means an actor in an experiment who is working for the researcher?


297 - What term means an individual in an experiment who is being studied?


298 - What term means changing one's behavior in response to an authority figure's command?


299 - What term means the loss of self-awareness and restraint that can occur in group situations?


300 - What term refers to a decrease in performance in front of a crowd?

Social Inhibition

301 - What term refers to being part of a group lessens our sense of accountability to others.

Diffusion of Responsibility

302 - What term refers to contributing less effort in a group than you would if working alone?

Social Loafing

303 - What term refers to replicating the original study?


304 - What term refers to the measure of relationship between two variables?


305 - What term refers to the phenomenon in which a group of people are less likely to help out in an emergency than an individual?

Bystander Effect

306 - What term was made widely known by Erik Erikson?

identity crisis

307 - What test criteria is established on good tests to eliminate test questions that can be answered by sheer guesswork.


308 - what the IV influences is measured and is referred to as the


309 - What the type of reinforcement that is naturally reinforcing such as food (if you're hungry)?

Primary reinforcer

310 - What theory accounts for low pitches?

frequency theory

311 - What theory accounts for pitches from about 400 Hz to 4000 Hz?

volley principle

312 - What theory did the "Father of Psychology" create?


313 - What theory is associated with color afterimages?

opponent-process theory

314 - What theory led to the development of Key Stages in school?

Piaget's stages of cognitive development

315 - What theory states that all knowledge should be collected through the senses/observation/experimentation?


316 - What theory states that our thoughts shape our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors?

cognitive theory

317 - What theory works for moderate to high pitches but not low pitches?

place theory

318 - What three primary colors of light are detected by your cones?

Green, red, and blue

319 - What three systems work together to produce the perception of taste?

gustatory, olfactory, nervous

320 - What three things can you do while focusing on your breath?

All of the Above

321 - What three things should beginners focus one while meditating?

Breath, Mind, Body

322 - what treatment options were discussed today

STPP + interpersonal psychotherapy

323 - What two men asked the question "how can the environment nurture human growth"?

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

324 - What two other studies influenced the idea of psychology.

Physiology and Philosophy

325 - What two parts of the brain are most involved in explicit memory?

Frontal lobes and hippocampus

326 - What two religions use meditation?

Only (A) & (B)

327 - What two schools of thought rely on introspection, or the process of reporting one's own conscious mental experiences

psychoanalysis and structuralism

328 - What two senses make up sensory memory?

vision & hearing

329 - What type of advertising strategy (persuasion) is used in the image?

Peripheral Route Persuasion

330 - What type of advertising strategy is used in the above image?

Central Route Persuasion

331 - What type of advertising strategy is used in the image?

Peripheral Route Persuasion

332 - What type of amnesia occurs when you're unable to form new memories?

Anterograde amnesia

333 - What type of animal did Ivan Pavlov use to uncover the foundational principles of classical conditioning?


334 - What type of atmosphere do you want to create?

Warm & Welcoming

335 - What type of changes do most of us experience throughout our lives?


336 - What type of conditioning is the Skinner box experiment?


337 - What type of conditioning pairs a pleasant stimulus with a fearful one in order to counteract the fear?


338 - What type of correlation (association)?The outside temperature and the amount of layers you wear.

Negative correlation

339 - What type of correlation does this graph have?


340 - What type of correlation does this scatterplot illustrate?

A negative correlation

341 - What type of correlation has one value increasing as the other value is also increasing?


342 - What type of correlation is shown in this plot?

No Correlation

343 - What type of correlation is when one value is increasing, then the other value is decreasing?


344 - What type of data will "Do you like chocolate?" gather?


345 - What type of data will "Why do you enjoy chocolate" gather?


346 - What type of disorder affects about 25 million Americans?

Anxiety Disorders

347 - What type of distribution is this?


348 - What type of evidence is the following passage?"It went under the water and disappeared for probably 30 to 40 seconds and then came back up again, " said Mrs. Hargreaves. "It was around for a good four to five minutes. It was just so strange."

Anecdotal Evidence

349 - What type of exam is your final?


350 - What type of graph is this?

scatter graph

351 - What type of graph would you make to show how many of your classmates were born in each month of the year?


352 - What type of guidance is demonstrated in the image?


353 - What type of guidance is happening in this image?


354 - What type of memory helps us carry out tasks and solve problems?

Working Memory

355 - What type of memory helps you remember a few pieces of information at a time?

Short Term Memory

356 - What type of memory is based on events in your life?

Episodic Memory

357 - What type of memory is based on facts?

Semantic Memory

358 - What type of memory is based on quick flashes of sensory systems?

Sensory Memory

359 - What type of memory is based on rules and skills?

Procedural Memory

360 - What type of memory is controlled by a central executive?

working memory

361 - What type of memory is theoretically unlimited in capacity?

Long-Term Memory

362 - What type of memory makes it possible for you to watch a movie without noticing the gaps between frames?


363 - What type of model is the MSM?

Linear model

364 - What type of model is the WMM? Select all that apply

Only (A) & (B)

365 - What type of motivation is not applicable to young children?

none of the above.

366 - What type of neuron is represented on the image?

Sensory Neuron

367 - What type of operant conditioning is where one withdraws a rewarding stimulus?

Negative punishment

368 - What type of personalities is showed by babies?


369 - What type of personality test would be used with an image like this?

Rorschach Test

370 - What type of psychologist has an M.D.; tends to take a medical approach to problems, and can prescribe medication?


371 - What type of Psychologist helps workers be more productive in companies?


372 - What type of psychologist is most likely interested in conditions that lead to the greatest conformity?


373 - What type of psychologist is most likely to wonder how the brain scans of someone experiencing an epileptic seizure differ from the scans of someone who has not had a seizure?


374 - What type of psychologist may you see at a trial for a criminal?

A forensic psychologist

375 - What type of psychologist works with individuals and groups and treats people with specific disorders, such as ADHD?

Clinical Psychologist

376 - What type of psychologists assist police by developing profiles of criminals?


377 - What type of psychologists promote psychological health in individuals, groups, and organizations?


378 - What type of psychologists study the effects of natural disasters & pollution on people?


379 - What type of reinforcement is something you have learned to value, like money?

Secondary reinforcer

380 - What type of research design involves testing different age groups only once?


381 - What type of situation might trigger the fight-or-flight response?

a threat from a predator

382 - What type of stimulus energy is used in the visual system?

electromagnetic radiation

383 - What type of stressor is the Carona Virus?


384 - What type of Studies did Baddeley and Hitch carry out that showed working memory is made up of at least two active stores?

Dual task

385 - What type of study is where the researcher manipulates one or more aspects of the environment (variables) and then measures the effects?


386 - What type of study uses the IDIOGRAPHIC approach?

Case study

387 - What type of test asks clients to respond to test items in a free, unstructured way?

Projective Personality Test

388 - What type of test is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?

Projective test

389 - What type psychology did Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers belong to?


390 - What types of Quantitative research is there?

Experimental, Correlational, Descriptive

391 - What us the definition of evolutionary psychology?

How the natural selection of traits has promoted the survival genes

392 - What variable in an experiment is measured?For example: measuring the amount of mold on bread if you have manipulated the temperature

Dependent variable

393 - What variable in an experiment is the manipulated variable? For example: keep bread at room temp, and keep another one in the refrigerator- here you are changing the temps on purpose to see what happens.

Independent Variable

394 - What variable is manipulated by the experimenter?

Independent variable

395 - What variable is measured by the experimenter?

Dependent variable

396 - What was added to psychology in 1879 that helped psychology become recognized as a science?

The scientific method

397 - What was an experiment that used deception so the experimenters could observe a behavior?

Milligram's Obedience

398 - What was ethically wrong with the "Little Albert" study?

Little Albert himself did not give the okay to the study.

399 - What was JB Watson's field of psychology?


400 - What was not a learning method that we discussed in class?

Behaviorist Learning

401 - What was one of the alternative explanation given for the increased amount of time customers spent at the shop where music was played in the open-air market. (in the study by Gueguen et al.)

the rarity of music being played in open-plan areas

402 - What was Plutchik Theory?

A psycho-evolutionary classification approach for general emotional responses. He considered there to be eight primary emotions-anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust, and joy.

403 - What was removed from HM's brain during the surgery?

his hippocampus (in both temporal lobes)

404 - What was Sigmund Freud's theory?


405 - What was the aim of Blackwell's study?

To investigate the impact of mindset on maths achievement

406 - What was the aim to Milgram's study?

To investigate whether ordinary people would follow orders and give an innocent person a potentially harmful electric shock.

407 - What was the dependent variable for Harlow's study

The amount of time spent with each mother

408 - What was the dependent variable in this experiment?


409 - What was the dependent variable that was measured in Nichols (1996) study of cooperative learning?


410 - What was the experiment on conformity where subjects knowingly gave incorrect answers to conform to the group norm?

Asch Experiment

411 - What was the famous Classical Conditioning Experiment called?

Pavlov's Dogs

412 - What was the goal of the Milgram Studies?

To test the extent of humans' willingness to obey orders from an authority

413 - What was the goal of the Milgram study?

To test the extent of humans' willingness to obey orders from an authority

414 - What was the highest voltage on the shock box in Milgram's study?

450 volts

415 - What was the lowest voltage on the shock box in Milgram's study?

15 volts

416 - What was the main criticism of early models of social justice?

The focus was on the distribution of resources rather than systemic issues

417 - What was the method used?


418 - What was the name given to the early practice of examining bumps on a person's skull to determine that person's intellect and character traits?


419 - What was the name of the 1st psychology textbook written in 1890?

The Principles of Psychology

420 - What was the name of the pseudoscientific approach to cerebral localization of function that used measurements of bumps and indentations of the skull?


421 - What was the name of the student who received 2nd place overall in the video?

Edison Hong

422 - What was the object that Pan offered the most? - Yamamoto


423 - What was the order of the trial conditions of the independent variable? - Yamamoto

Can see/ can't see/ can see

424 - What was the pattern of delinquency by gender?

Higher reported delinquency in boys

425 - What was the procedure of Blackwell's study 1?

Correlation: students were given a questionnaire about motivation and maths tests at two time points

426 - What was the purpose of Stanley Milgram's study?

to find out how far a person would go if told to do something by an authority figure

427 - What was the sample in Piaget's study?

Children from Geneva, Switzerlanad

428 - What was the sampling method of the Pepperberg (Parrot Learning) study?


429 - What was the workshop about?

It attempted to tackle the problem of happiness

430 - What was Watson most famous for?

His experiment with Little Albert, a rat, and a loud noise

431 - What was Wihelm Wundt's contribution to psychology?

All of the above

432 - What was Zimbardo's role in the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Prison warden and senior researcher

433 - What was Zimbardo's role in the Stanford Prison study?

Both prison superintendent and lead researcher

434 - What were the group names in the Robber's Cave Experiment?

Rattlers and Eagles

435 - What were the names of the chimpanzees?

Ai, Pal, Chloe, Cleo, Pan, Ayumu.

436 - What were the two original movements in psychology?

Structuralism and Functionalism

437 - What were the weaknesses of his sample?

All of the above

438 - What will affect the attention span during a sport event?

All of the above

439 - What would 5.2945 be to three significant figures?


440 - What would be an appropriate correlation (r) relating the number of kids you have and the number of points the Vikings score in a game?

r = 0

441 - What would be classed as quantitative data?

Scores on an IQ test

442 - What would be considered a primary reinforcer?


443 - What would be the correlation between study time and test grades?


444 - What would Carl Rogers call a person who is open to all his feelings, thoughts, and experiences, as well as toother people?

fully functioning

445 - What would Gestalt psychologist say is reversing in a reversible figure, such as the vase-faces figure in your textbook?

border and texture

446 - What would the INDEPENDENT variable be in an experiment testing which paper airplane design goes furthest?

the paper airplane design

447 - What would the INDEPENDENT variable be in an experiment testing which types of paper airplane goes furthest?

the type of paper airplane

448 - What year did Wilhelm Wundt start his Laboratory of Psychology?


449 - What year was the Robber's Cave Experiment?

1954 / 1961

450 - What's ..... name? I'm Molly.


451 - What's Mr Myhre's favorite movie?

Back to the Future

452 - What's the explanation for the Muller-Lyer illusion?

Misinterpreted depth cues

453 - What's the main similarity between a Socio-cultural and Socio-Cognitive Perspective of learning?

Interactions with others as a key element of learning

454 - What's the name of the city in the picture?


455 - What's the name of the most common treatment for phobias?

Exposure Therapy

456 - What's the name of this animal?


457 - What's the name of this illusion?


458 - When a baby realizes that objects continue to exist even when out of view, they have developed this concept:

Object Permanence

459 - When a brain area assumes or 'takes over' the function of an adjacent damaged brain area, this is best described as

adaptive plasticity

460 - When a brain region is damaged, other parts of the brain can take up its function.


461 - When a child acquires the ability to represent the world internally through the use of symbols, he enters which of Piaget̢۪s stages of cognitive development?


462 - When a child begins to fear not only a white rabbit but other similar furry objects like a stuff animal or a cat, this phenomenon is known as

stimulus generalisation

463 - When a child can think abstractly and hypothetically they are in the.....

formal operations stage

464 - When a child develops the ability to see that things exist even though they cannot be seen or touched, then they have developed:

object permanence

465 - When a child displays distress at strangers.....

stranger anxiety

466 - When a child displays distress when the caregiver is not near.....

separation anxiety

467 - When a child has the ability to solve abstract problems it is in what stage of development?

formal operations

468 - When a child hears a loud noise, he cries. The family's dog often barks loudly. Each time the child sees the dog, he cries. What is the conditioned response?

The crying

469 - When a child modifies an existing cognitive schema to make it compatible with the cognitive aspects of an incoming stimulus, the process is called _____________?


470 - When a child understands that reversible changes in the appearance of an object do not change fundamental properties such as number, width and volume, the child has achieved _______________?


471 - When a child's reading increases due to external rewards they receive, this is an example of what kind of conditioning?

operant conditioning

472 - When a conditioned response stops occurring


473 - When a conditioned stimulus is no longer followed by an unconditioned stimulus and doesn't bring about a conditioned response


474 - When a cricket batter is focused on the ball as the bowler releases the ball will be utilising the ..... attention quadrant.


475 - When a culture expects differences between men and women behavior this is known as:

gender roles

476 - When a desirable event ends or when an item is taken away after a behavior

Negative Punishment

477 - When a desired response is reinforced every time it occurs we call it ..... reinforcement.


478 - When a dissenter was present in Asch's variation, what was the level of conformity?


479 - When a distribution of scores is skewed, which most represents a measure of central tendency?


480 - When a distribution of scores is skewed, which of the following is the most representative measure of central tendency?


481 - When a like-minded group discusses something, their ideas are strengthened


482 - When a list of words is learned in order, the words most likely to be forgotten are those that are

In the middle of the list

483 - When a list of words is learned in order, which words are most likely to be forgotten?

The words in the middle of the list.

484 - When a neuron depolarizes, what does it produce that travels down the length of the axon?

Action potential

485 - When a participant doesn't know the group they're in is called?

blind procedure

486 - When a person assigns the cause of a behaviour to the character of someone, it is called:

Internal Attribution

487 - When a person 'chokes' in sport it means.....

Their performance was poor because of anxiety

488 - When a person conducts research to solve a problem, it is ..... research.


489 - When a person experiences guilt or discomfort because he or she realizes that he or she is not being truthful with their friends, then this person may be experiencing:

cognitive dissonance

490 - When a person has a problem with sleep, the name of the problem is.....


491 - When a person has a strong emotional connection to a memory and is able to remember vivid details about that situation, they have just experience a ..... memory.


492 - When a person is continually tense, and apprehensive worried about various bad things might happen, and plagued by muscular tension, agitation, and sleeplessness they have:


493 - When a person rubs an elbow after smacking it into a table, that person is

creating competition between pain and nonpain impulses

494 - When a person subconsciously blocks memories of a frightening experience, this kind of forgetting is called


495 - When a person suffers damage to the cerebellum in an accident they are likely to

have problems coordinating motor movements

496 - When a person suffers damage to the hypothalamus in an accident they are likely to

develop an overeating problem

497 - When a person's performance is measured by working out the proportion of scores below that person's intelligence test score, the result is:

an IQ score.

498 - When a person's test performance can be compared with that of a representative and pretested sample of people, the test is said to be


499 - When a psychologist derives results from experimentation and observation, the results are called

empirical data

500 - When a reinforcer is receiver after a certain amount of time has passed, such as receiving a paycheck every other week.

Fixed Interval Schedule of Reinforcement

501 - When a researcher cannot manipulate or interfere with the topic in any way, which research method would be more appropriate?

Naturalistic observation

502 - When a researcher forms a hypothesis or belief and uses respondents' information to support that belief, it is

Confirmation Bias

503 - When a researcher's expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results, ..... bias has occurred.


504 - When a sound is louder what measurement gets bigger?


505 - When a special needs student is mainstreamed into a general education classroom it is a practice called:


506 - When a stimulus can be sensed 50% of the time, it has met:

Absolute threshold

507 - when a study's findings are able to be duplicated, ideally by independent investigators


508 - When a teacher or practitioner continually examines and critiques their assumptions, inferences, and instructional practices this is known as:

reflective teaching

509 - When a test measures the variable or dimension it is supposed to measure, then it has


510 - When a victim of narcolepsy suffers an attack they fall directly into:

REM sleep

511 - When a visual stimulus is constantly misinterpreted as being different from physical reality a visual .....has occurred.


512 - When adults were asked to draw a plate they tended to draw a more round shape than they could see. This is called phenomenal regression to the real object and it shows:

shape constancy

513 - When an algebra teacher gives a test to her class to measure how much algebra her students have learned, she is giving an .....

achievement test

514 - When an animal receives a punishment but learns that pressing a button will eliminate the punishment, escape learning takes place. However, if there is no response that will turn off the shock, the situation is best described as what?

learned helplessness

515 - When an athlete feels in control of their behaviour, experiences success, and feels accepted and valued by their coach and teammates, they will demonstrate a more positive mindset.In this example the three psychological needs of ....., ..... and ..... are

autonomy, competence, relatedness

516 - When an early IQ test (which was clearly biased) was given to WWI recruits that average test score was labeled


517 - When an experimenter keeps allvariables constant but one, thatone is called


518 - When an experimenter unwittingly brings about the results he/she expects to find, this is known as .....

a self-fulfilling prophecy

519 - When an extraneous variable is not controlled for what does it become?

Confounding variable

520 - When an eyewitness to an auto accident is asked to describe what happened, which test of memory is being utilized?


521 - When an infant learns to call his father "daddy" and then calls all men "daddy", this is an example of ____________________?


522 - when an information is repeated over and over again

maintenanace rehersal

523 - When an intelligence test measures what it is supposed to, the test is considered to be:


524 - when an older memory interferes with new memory , it is called

proactive interference

525 - When an operant response stops occurring because it is no longer reinforced, which of the following has taken place?


526 - When an untested variable may be causing the relationship between co-variables, this is:

The third variable problem

527 - When and how often reinforcement occurs

schedule of reinforcement

528 - when any changes in one variable brings no significant changes in other variable, it is called as ..... correlation.


529 - When asked if she was cheating during the test by her teacher, Kim looks down at the floor. What is her body language communicating?


530 - When asked to perform a number of actions in a specific order, e.g. touch your nose and then your toes, the part of the brain you are primarily activating is the .....


531 - when both variables either increase or decrease at the same time, it is called as ..... correlation.


532 - When both variables move in the same direction:

positive correlation

533 - When Brad learned that many students had received a failing grade on the midterm exam, he was no longer disappointed by his C grade. His experience best illustrates the importance of

perceptual adaptation.

534 - When Brandon was told that he correctly answered 80 percent of the items on a math achievement test, he asked how his performance compared with that of the average test-taker. Brandon's concern was directly related to the issue of


535 - When buying groceries, many shoppers prefer certain products simply because they have a familiar brand name. This preference best illustrates the importance of:

the mere exposure effect.

536 - When children imitate the behavior of their parents, they are practicing a form of learning called


537 - When choice s are given, it is much easier to identify genuine ones. A multiple choice test is a good example


538 - When comparing data, if one has a larger Standard Deviation this means

The data is more variable and less consistent

539 - When conclusions are drawn based on the information available, this is an.....


540 - When considering colour intensity of foods, more intensely coloured foods seem to have a more ..... flavour


541 - When dealing with difficult customers we should always

offer solutions

542 - When dealing with Nature V Nurture, Nature refers to what?

Biological Makeup

543 - When Devin failed to make the cast of the high school musical, he vandalized the sets of the play. His behavior is an example of.....

frustration-agression principle

544 - When do we reject our null hypothesis?

Both a and b

545 - When does an individual make serious effort to pattern his behaviour according to social acceptance?

14 to 21 years

546 - When Dr. Fauci engages in ..... of COVID-19, he is reviewing the results of many research studies at once.


547 - When each member of a population has an equal chance of being chosen for a study, the individuals selected constitute a(n) .....

random sample

548 - When Elias went for a run he was stung by a bee. Which neurons would have been activated?

sensory neurons

549 - When Elijah was a child, he spent many happy weekends with his grandmother and they had lots of fun baking scones together. Now whenever Elijah smells freshly baking scones he feels happy. The feeling of happiness when Elijah smells the scones is

A conditioned response

550 - When Elijah was a child, he spent many happy weekends with his grandmother and they had lots of fun baking scones together. Now whenever Elijah smells freshly baking scones he feels happy. The happiness he felt from spending time baking with his grandmoth

An unconditioned response

551 - When evaluating a client, Dr. Warren takes into account both biological and psychological approaches to diagnose a disorder. This is known as a(n) ..... approach.


552 - When everybody has an equal chance of being included in a study, this process is called

random sample

553 - When experimenting with the growth of a plant, a scientist uses three (of the same type of) plants, two different fertilizers, equal light, and equal water. What type of variable is the fertilizer?


554 - when exposed to misleading info, we tend to misremember

misinformation effect

555 - When external expectations cause a person's behavior to change to mimic that expectation, it is called a

Self-fulling prophecy

556 - When feeling guilty about an unacceptable feeling or urge acting the opposite of how you feel.

reaction formation.

557 - When Fido the dog sits, he gets a treat. What kind of learning probably established this behavior?

operant conditioning.

558 - When First Psychology Laboratory was established.?


559 - When forming a concept, people often develop a best example, or ....., of a category.


560 - When given 6 toothpicks with the task of forming 4 equilateral triangles, most of you were only thinking of 2D solutions instead of 3D. This obstacle is called:


561 - When given a list of grocery items to remember, Marissa can only recall the last several items on the list. Marissa's memory lapse is a good illustration of .....

the recency effect

562 - When given a list of information, it is easier to recall items at the beginning because they've been stored in long-term memory. This phenomenon is known as.....

The primacy effect

563 - When given a list of information, it is easier to recall items at the end because they're still processing in working memory. This phenomenon is known as.....

The recency effect

564 - When given a list, people are likely to remember the first items on the list. This reflects the concept of:


565 - When given the phrase "Eat so.....p" many people will say eat soup because they were ..... with the word eat


566 - When grocery shopping with his mother, 4-year-old Hakim sometimes throws temper tantrums if his mother refuses his requests for a particular snack food. Parent-training experts would suggest that his mother should

continue shopping while ignoring Hakim's tantrums.

567 - When hair cells within the cochlea no longer transduce waving movement into an electrical signal, the patient will experience ..... hearing loss.


568 - When I get angry, I shout at my younger brother and I've hurt him terribly. I decided that every time I get angry, instead of shouting I would just read the bible. What goal of psychology is best described in the statement?


569 - When I learned about Niagara Falls I was really tired. I would more likely to remember this information when I am tired again. This is an example of?

State-Dependent Learning

570 - When I think of ice cream, I think of chocolate ice cream. Chocolate ice cream is my


571 - When I was young I was good at telling little ..... They never hurt anyone. (not telling truth)

white lies

572 - When I'm in my car and I see someone who appears to be homeless, I lock my car doors. It's just safer.

explicit bias

573 - When in a group, people are less likely to give aid

Bystander effect

574 - When individuals observe another person's behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. This phenomenon is most directly relevant to which of the following?

attribution theory

575 - When information is converted to neural messages they are called:


576 - When instance come readily to mind, we often presume such events are common. Which of the following is the term for this phenomenon?

availability heuristic

577 - When intelligence scores are graphed, they should create

a normal bell curve

578 - When is a person less likely to conform?

when the group will not see how the person responds

579 - When is it best to remind participants of their "right to withdraw"?

Before, during and after the study has taken place

580 - When is the responsibility and cell phone policy contract.


581 - When is your 01.06 milestone project due?

Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25

582 - When Jane feels frightened, which nervous system is most likely to be dominant?

the sympathetic nervous system

583 - When Janice forgot to pack a pillow for her camping trip she used her down-jacket as a substitute pillow. In this situation Janice:

Was not constrained by functional fixedness

584 - When Jason briefly turned to summon the waiter, his wife quickly switched her glass of orange soda with his glass of grape soda. Jason's failure to notice that his chosen soda had been replaced best illustrates

change blindness.

585 - When John turns on the light to his aquarium the fish swim to the top even before he sprinkles the food. What is the unconditioned stimulus for the fish?

the food

586 - When John turns on the light to his aquarium the fish swim to the top even before he sprinkles the food. What used to be a neutral stimulus for the fish?

the light

587 - When John, a Texan, traveled to the west coast he was surprised that he was the only one wearing cowboy boots.

false consensus effect

588 - When learning first takes place, we would say that ..... has occurred.


589 - When learning to respond to only one stimulus and to inhibit the response all other stimuli is called?

stimulus discrimination

590 - When light changes from bright to dim the iris of the eye ________________?


591 - When light is first detected by the sense organ for vision, a process known as .....has occurred in the .....

reception; retina

592 - When light levels are low, the pupil will become


593 - When Lindsay was nine years old, the neighbor's Chihuahua bit her ankle. Today, Lindsay is still terrified of Chihuahuas, but she likes all other types of dogs. Lindsay's fear illustrates the process of:

Stimulus discrimination

594 - When Liv hears Chloe say, "I knew we'd be out of school for the rest of the year, " Liv recognizes Chloe's .....

hindsight bias

595 - When looking at an image of a person, what do people notice first?

Face and eyes

596 - When looking at development, the psychodynamic view emphasises the role of what?

Internal impulses, desires, and conflicts

597 - When looking at dual-task performance as support for the existence of the visuo-spatial sketchpad, Baddeley found participants had more difficulty when?

doing two visual tasks at the same time

598 - When looking for macaroni and cheese, if I go down EVERY SINGLE aisle to find it, I'm using which problem solving strategy?


599 - When Marcy comes to a clinic to seek assistance from Dr. Williams, he assumes that she has a problem and that he needs to find out what it is. This may lead to Dr. Williams experiencing .....

sick role bias

600 - When memories are are retrieved, you are using your ability of .....


601 - When memorizing a list, we tend to remember the first and last items best. This is called the.....

Serial position effect

602 - When Miz Johnson chooses a snack to bring in for a class party, she chooses French fries (her favorite food). She assumes that a lot of other people will also be excited by this!

false consensus

603 - When neither the participants nor the experimenter know which group people are in.

double blind study

604 - When neither the participants nor the experimenter knows which group of participants is the experimental one, the study is known as a

Double-blind study.

605 - When neither the participants or the experimenter knows which group of participants is the experimental one, the study is called .....


606 - When neural connections are repeatedly used, then it is likely that they will


607 - When Neural Networks are not used they are removed through the process of.....


608 - When neurons are not transmitting information:

resting membrane potential

609 - When new acquisition improves retention of the old, we speak of _____________?

Reproductive facilitation

610 - When new info takes the place of old info in Short Term Memory


611 - When not all components of a person's attitude align, the uneasy feeling they may experience is known as?

cognitive dissonance

612 - When obtaining "informed consent" which of the following would be least likely to be included:


613 - When old information prevents you from being able to recall new information, such as calling your new girlfriend by your old girlfriend's name, this would be an example of

Proactive interference

614 - When one side of the brain controls the other what is this called

Contralateral Organisation

615 - When one variable increases and another variable also increases, this relationship between the two variables is called .....

positive correlation

616 - When other information is integrated into other memories and can't be distinguished from the original memory.

Source amnesia

617 - When our beliefs about another person or ourselves lead us to act in a way that brings about the behaviors we expect and confirms our original impression.

Self-fullfilling prophecy

618 - When our brain and eyes work together to determine what we are seeing

visual perception

619 - When our child first says dada, dada, dada or mama, mama, mama. Rather than associating meaning with that combination of consonants and vowels, at first baby Fritz will be:


620 - When our mental activity undergoes a shift in quality or pattern, this is called a(n)

altered state of consciousness

621 - When our minds naturally connect events that occur in sequence is know as


622 - When outlining Psychological Research, we include what?

All of the above

623 - When parents allow children and adolescents to have the final say, are less controlling and have a non-punishing, accepting attitude toward children they are practicing which parenting style?


624 - When parents say "you will never be good enough to go to college" they are not helping their child achieve


625 - When participants act differently because they are being observed is called


626 - when participants are selected from different sub-groups in the target population in proportion to the sub-groups frequency in that population it is known as

Stratified sampling

627 - When participants guess the hypothesis of a study and then act accordingly.

Demand characteristics

628 - When participants' illnesses change because they believe a treatment will have an effect, they are exhibiting

The placebo effect.

629 - when participants realize the aim of the study

demand characteristics

630 - When participants want to protect their self-esteem, they may exhibit

social desirability effect

631 - When Paul asks Brian to circle all the places he has visited from a list, this is an example of a:

Recognition Memory

632 - When Paul asks Brian to list all of the vacations he has ever been on, this is an example of?

Recognition Memory

633 - When Paul had his first oboe solo in the orchestra concert, his performance was far worse than it was when he rehearsed at home. A phenomenon that helps explain Paul's poor performance is known as

social inhibition (impairment)

634 - When Pavlov conducted his experiment with his dog, what was the unconditioned stimulus (UCS)?

The food

635 - When Pavlov placed food in the mouth's of dogs, they began to salivate. The salivation was a(n) .....

unconditioned response

636 - When Pavlov repeatedly presented the conditioned stimulus without pairing it with the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned response failed to occur. This is known as __________________?


637 - When people adapt current knowledge structures in response to new experiences.


638 - When people are anxious and miss important details in a crime because they are focused on 1 thing can be called.....

the weapon focus effect

639 - When people have the tendency to think they know more than they do


640 - When people think, they often have both ..... in their minds.

images and words

641 - When people try to eliminate the source of a stress or reduce its impact through their own actions, it is called .....

Problem-Focused Coping

642 - When people's patterns, beliefs, and customs influence behavior it is considered .....


643 - When performance of one task by participants in an experiment affects their performance in a second experimental task, this confounding variable is commonly referred to as a/an

Order effect

644 - When portions of the amygdala are damaged in rats, the animals cannot be classically conditions to ..... new objects.


645 - when presenting info involving very large numbers or very small numbers it can be useful to use

Standard form

646 - When prior experiences have caused a person to view him/herself as unable to control the future

Learned Helplessness

647 - When psychological tests are used in personal selection, an important concern regarding the tests is ___________?


648 - When referring to statistics, what does the mean represent?


649 - When rehearsal of incoming information is prevented, which of the following will most likely occur?

There will be no transfer of the information to long-term memory

650 - When repeated exposure to a stimulus results in a decreased response to that stimulus.


651 - When researchers discount or ignore information that conflicts with what we already believe, that is called the:

Confirmation Bias

652 - When researchers do an in-depth analysis on one person, group or situation

case study

653 - When researchers study people over time:

longitudinal study

654 - When researchers unwittingly bring about the situation they expected to find, they have created a

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

655 - When researchers unwittingly bring about the situation they expected to find, they have created a .....

self-fulfilling prophecy

656 - When respondents know - or suspect - the sponsor or subject of the research, their feelings and opinions may bias or alter their answers. This is known as

The Hawthorne Effect

657 - When Ron goes to the grocery store, he experiences strong urges to flee and feels anxious. Beck would say that:

the threat primal mode is inappropriately activated

658 - When Sarah accidentally punctures her eardrum, she is likely to experience ..... hearing loss.


659 - When Sarah relates her own life experiences to what she is learning in her psychology class, it will be easier for her to recall the information on an exam. Sarah is engaging in

elaborative rehearsal.

660 - When scores are "bunched up"in the center of a distribution, the

standard deviation will be relatively low

661 - When seeing if a test is reliable, taking it more than once is called the


662 - When seeing if a test is reliable, taking it more than once is termed:


663 - When setting personal goals, .....

set priorities

664 - When shaping a behavior, you would couple a treat with, "good dog" to get your pet to sit. The "good dog" is considered .....

Secondary Reinforcer

665 - When she has the blues / greens, it's difficult to cheer her up.


666 - When she stands in front of her classmates, Miriam cannot recite a poem she had memorized. Miriam is

displaying social inhibition.

667 - When should the median be used instead of the mean?

when there is high variability in the data

668 - When simple things need pictures, labels, or instructions, the design has .....


669 - When social psychologists do research, they seek to answer questions with experimentation and measurement. By doing so, they are asking ..... questions.


670 - When someone chooses to act in a certain way, she is demonstrating the ..... component of her attitude.


671 - When someone claims excessive credit for the positive results (or blame) in a situation, that is called the.....

Self-serving Bias

672 - When someone is faced with a perceived threat our body will go through a response known as .....

fight or flight

673 - When someone is talking about a doctor, the first person I picture is a white man.

implicit bias

674 - When someone mentions getting ice cream, Ms. C immediately thinks of Graeter's. In this instance, Graeter's Ice Cream is a


675 - When someone mentions Ivy League colleges, Trisha immediately thinks of Harvard University. In this instance, Harvard University is a


676 - when someone wants to observe how students behave in a classroom from behind a two way mirror they are using

naturalistic observation

677 - When speaking to an academic audience, what kind of appeal would you use?

Central Appeal

678 - When students were asked before an election that a certain candidate would win, 58% of the students said that he would win; when asked later, after he won, 80% of the students said that they knew he would win. What are these students showing?

Hindsight bias

679 - When studying for a vocabulary test, Catherine read one of her vocabulary words and its definition aloud several times. About twenty seconds later, she still remembered the word's meaning, but then she moved on to the next word in the list without engagin

Long-term memory, because Catherine failed to encode the word; therefore, the word did not become a part of her long-term memory.

680 - When studying the brain, the term "contralateral" refers to:

The left and right hemispheres are each responsible for the opposite side of the body

681 - When subjects behave in ways they think the experimenter wants them to

participant demand

682 - When teachers and/or professionals come together to work collaboratively on student outcomes it is referred to as a PLC. What does PLC stand for?

professional learning community

683 - When teaching the students a difficult skill, the teacher withholds reinforcement until the students are able to understand and master the new skill in its entirety. This technique is contrary to the concept of:


684 - When the bell rang, everyone was prepared and immediately headed to the parking lot for a fire-drill, except a few new students who did not know the 'sound'.This is an example of:

Classical Conditioning (conditioned stimulus)

685 - When the brain detects that the tension in the eye muscles is changing as the eyes turn inwards


686 - When the brain fills in the gaps to create a conclusion about what is being seen it's known as

an inference

687 - When the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus, what occurs?


688 - When the development of the same subject is studied over a period of time, the study is called a _______________?

longitudinal study

689 - when the experiment is conducted in an everyday environment, but the experimenter has 0 control over the iv

natural experiment

690 - When the experimentally extinguished response reappear again after a period it is called

spontaneous recovery

691 - When the interval of time after which the individual must respond in order to receive a reinforcer changes from one time to the next, such as a pop quiz.

Variable Interval Schedule of Reinforcement

692 - When the jury deliberated, most thought that the defendant in the case was probably innocent, but some weren't certain. After discussing the case for four hours, all twelve jurors are now firmly convinced that the defendant did not commit the crime. What

group polarization

693 - When the learner is self-directed, it is termed as

Andragogical learning

694 - When the lens is automatically adjusted to look at objects far away or closer


695 - When the light turned green, Kalesha proceeded through the intersection.This is an example of:

Classical Conditioning (Conditioned Stimulus)

696 - When the mean is less than the mode this leads to a .....

negative skew

697 - When the mental health and physical health of a participant is taken into consideration

Relative risk

698 - When the mind develops a resistance towards a certain food. In simpler terms, eating certain types of food can cause a bad reaction. This is a form of classical conditioning when the body uses a natural instinct as a means of protection.

taste aversion

699 - When the number of responses changes from one trial to the next, such as slot machines. People don't know how many times they have to play before they will win - it could be two times, it could be a hundred.

Variable Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement

700 - When the number of responses required to receive each reinforcer will always be the same number, like having a punch card and being able to redeem it for a free coffee after 10 purchases.

Fixed Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement

701 - when the participants rake part in one level of the iv

independent measures

702 - When the questioning used on a test uses examples/wording that may be unfamiliar to other groups/subgroups, they may show the question

may be culturally biased

703 - When the same procedures are used in giving a test to all people, the test has been .....


704 - When the traffic light changed from red to green, the drivers on both sides of Leon's vehicle pulled quickly forward, giving Leon the disoriented feeling that his car was rolling backwards. Which principle best explains Leon's misinterpretation?

Visual capture

705 - When the variables increase together it is said to have

Positive correlation

706 - When the word "oat" is changed to the word "boat, " the number of:

Phonemes increases, but the number of morphemes stays the same

707 - When the word "walk" is changed to "walked, " the suffix "ed" at the end of the word is an example of a


708 - When there are few or no exceptions to a correlation (closer to 1):

strong correlation

709 - When there are many exceptions to a correlation (closer to 0):

weak correlation

710 - When there are urgent demands or expectations for a person's behavior coming from an outside source, that person is experiencing .....


711 - When there is a conflict between bits of information received by two or more senses, which sense tends to dominate the others?


712 - When there is no longer a pairing of the US and CS it is called.....


713 - When this area of the brain is damaged, patients loose the ability to speak fluently.

Broca's area

714 - When this part of the eye is misshapen a person has an astigmatism


715 - When Troy met his girlfriend's family for the first time, he wanted to remember their names. To do this he mentally repeated each name in his head over and over again. The process that he used is called

maintenance rehearsal

716 - When trying to remember "OTTFFSSENT" Mike tried to make sense of the words, Lisa tried to figure out what they mean. What encoding device were they using?


717 - When trying to solve a problem, Bret uses a logical, step-by-step formula called

an algorithm

718 - When twin/adoption studies are used as evidence for genes determining intelligence, what is a confounding variable?

the environment

719 - when two objects are in the same line of vision and the closer object, which is fully in view, partly conceals the farther object


720 - When two stimuli are linked together to produce a newly learned response this is called.....

Classical Conditioning

721 - When two variables move in opposite directions:

negative correlation

722 - When used in design and branding, this color creates a minimalist aesthetic.


723 - When used to reduce prejudice a cognitive intervention strategy will involve

changing the way in which prejudiced people think about others against whom they are prejudiced

724 - When Viktor knocked his left toes and felt pain, which area of his brain was activated?

his left somatosensory cortex

725 - when was social loafing and social facilitation proposed?


726 - When was the birth of psychology as we know it in a small room of Germany's University of Leipzig?

December 1879

727 - When was the first lab opened?


728 - When we add up all the numbers in a data set and divide by the amount of numbers we have, we are calculating the:


729 - When we arrange the numbers in a data set from smallest to largest, then find the middle most number we have found the:


730 - when we attribute a persons behavior to the situation

situational attribution

731 - When we believe our school is better than all the other schools in town we exhibit:

in-group bias.

732 - when we concentrate on the meaning of the material we want to rember , we are using

elaborative rehersal

733 - When we eventually lose our sensitivity to an oft-repeated stimulus. Once this occurs we will have reduced sensitivity to that stimulus, even if the stimulus changes.


734 - When we experience fight or flight stress, our blood pressure


735 - When we experience fight or flight stress, our blood sugar


736 - When we experience fight or flight stress, our digestion


737 - When we experience fight or flight stress, our heart rate


738 - When we find the most common score in a data set we have found the:


739 - When we forget information because we've pushed it deep into our unconscious it is called


740 - When we go to the movies, we see smooth continuous motion rather than a series of still images because of what process?

stroboscopic movement

741 - When we have difficulty separating a figure from the background in a picture or in an everyday setting, it is most likely due to an inability to

perceive the contour lines which belong to the figure.

742 - When we identify with a group, we tend to conform to the norms or behavior of that group ..... frequently.


743 - When we learn new information it can sometimes make it harder to remember the previously learning information. This is called?

Retroactive Interference

744 - When we look at a distant object, we usually judge its size by ___________?

A compromise between object size and perspective size

745 - When we look at a distant object, we usually judge its size by ___________________?

a compromise between object size and perspective size

746 - When we overestimate the influence of personality, and underestimate the influence of situations, we are demonstrating:

the fundamental attribution error.

747 - When we perceive more detail things are usually

closer to us

748 - When we perform well on a test, we mostly often attribute the success to?

How knowledgeable we are

749 - When we refer to the values, beliefs, and characteristics of apeople, we are referring to


750 - When we sleep, the brain shuts down.


751 - When we stare at an object, each eye receives slightly different image, providing a depth cue known as _____________?

retinal disparity

752 - When we use the word "tree" to refer to a category of plants, we are using this word as a/an __________________?


753 - When we work on ourselves what are the three psychological categories?

social actor, motivated agent, autobiographical author

754 - When will I have homework for this class? Select all that apply

Only (A) & (B)

755 - When working as a group, less effort is put into a task

Social loafing

756 - when working with other researchers to collect data to be interpreted it is necessary to establish

Inter-observer reliability

757 - When would a histogram be used to display data?

For continuous data

758 - When would the adrenal glands most likely be activated?

In times of high stress

759 - When written informed consent is obtained, participants must be told.....of the experiment

The nature and purpose

760 - When you are asked to provide directions to your home, you are most likely using:

a cognitive map

761 - When you are expecting an incoming text message, you are much more likely to notice it the second it arrives. This best illustrates

signal detection theory.

762 - When you are married you wear one of these in your fourth finger


763 - When you are running to catch a bus, the ..... nervous system is directly responsible for making the muscles in your legs move.


764 - When you are taught to behave in a certain way when given a stimulus.

Conditioned Response

765 - When you are trying out a new food and trying to determine the taste & flavor, you are using this process


766 - When you buy \$2 McDonald's ice cream after seeing \$12 marble slab, what kind of bias is influencing you?

Anchoring Bias

767 - When you can't assign people to a group, so you use groups that they are already in (for instance, married vs. single people):

quasi-experimental design

768 - When you choose not to help because the people around you do not seem concerned, it is called

Social Influence

769 - When you choose not to help because there are so many people around you, you believe someone else will deal with it.

Diffusion of responsibility

770 - When you choose not to help because you do not want to appear foolish, it is called

Audience Inhibition

771 - When you confront the stressor and deal with it directly, it is called a ..... strategy.


772 - When you develop a mental reason to dislike something you eat.

Taste Aversion

773 - When you develop an attitude through watching others, you learned the attitude through:

observational learning

774 - When you don't have to be taught to act a certain way in response to some stimulus. Innate.

Unconditioned Response

775 - When you go to reach for a pencil and you miss the mark, you may have an impaired.....


776 - When you have learned something after the fact it is called?

Latent learning

777 - When you hear familiar words in your native language, it's impossible to not process the meaning of the word. This represents:

Automatic Processing

778 - When you hold two or more conflicting ideas in your mind or act in ways that conflict with each other.

cognitive dissonance

779 - When you ignore the stressor and hope it goes away, it is called a ..... strategy.


780 - When you like something and want to have it, you are

attracted to it

781 - when you manipulate the iv to measure the dv


782 - when you manipulate the iv to measure the dv in a familiar setting

field experiment

783 - When you perform a learned skill or a habitual response, you are calling on ________________ memory?


784 - When you put on your seat belt to make the annoying sound go away. What is this an example of?

Negative Reinforcement

785 - When you really don't care about something at all, good or bad, your attitude is:


786 - When you receive a reward or punishment for having a certain attitude, you learned the attitude through:


787 - When you relate new information to what you already know you are practicing

elaborative rehearsal

788 - When you remember ideas through context of a previous memory


789 - When you remember what you did on your vacation, you are experiencing

episodic memory

790 - When you retrieve information with a retrieval cue this is called ..... and without one is called .....

recognition; recall

791 - When you see a relationship where none exists. Ex: you win the lotto on your birthday so you buy a lotto ticket each year on your birthday.

illusory correlation

792 - When you think of a car as an example of a vehicle, you are thinking of a(n)


793 - When your nervous sytem is activated by the intensely competitive Christmas gift swap, which of the following will you experience?

Slowed digestion

794 - Whenever five-year-old Claire goes to the dentist, she becomes anxious and cries. Since she was not afraid of the dentist on her first visit, her fear was a learned behavior. The UCS in this case was probably .....

the pain associated with teeth cleaning

795 - Whenever James is hungry, he says "eat" to his mom. He is most likely in what stage of language development?


796 - Whenever Marian listens to the oldies radio channel, memories of her high school dances and riding around with friends on Saturday night with the "radio blasting" come flooding back in detail. Marian is experiencing

redintegrative memories.

797 - Whenever she is feeling stressed out, Sheila calls her best friend to talk about her problems. This seems to make her feel much better. Is this

negative reinforcement

798 - Whenever you need to lift someone's spirits, increase their confidence, or provide inspiration, use .....


799 - Whenever you see a scary movie, you always eat a box of thin mints. Now you find that just seeing thin mints makes you feel scared. Type of learning?

Classical Conditioning

800 - Where are memories stored in the brain? choose 2 answers

Only (A) & (B)

801 - Where are stored memories integrated with the information that is currently being processed?

Working memory

802 - Where are taste receptors located?

in taste buds

803 - Where are the olfactory receptor cells located?

at the tops of the nasal passages

804 - Where are the three smallest bones in your body found?

middle ear

805 - Where can acquisition, extinction, stimulus discrimination, and stimulus generalization occur?

Both operant and classical conditioning

806 - Where can the fifth taste, umami, be experienced on the tongue?

all over the tongue and in the mouth and throat

807 - Where can you go find absent work?

The red bin

808 - where classical conditioning is by association, operant conditioning is by


809 - Where did Milgram's study take place?


810 - Where did Mr Myhre earn his psych degree?

University of Oregon

811 - Where did Mr Myhre live before moving to Salem in August?


812 - Where did Zimbardo's experiment take place?

Stanford university

813 - Where do clinical psychologists work?

clinical & educational institutions

814 - Where do human experience memory loss in the brain?


815 - Where do naturalistic observations take place?

In the real world

816 - Where do secondary reinforces get their power from?

Classical conditioning

817 - Where do the learning theories of learning fall on the nature vs nurture side of the debate?


818 - Where do you go to find your work if you were absent?

The red bin in the front table

819 - Where does executive functioning take place?

Frontal Lobe

820 - Where does problem solving take place in our brains?

Frontal Lobe

821 - Where does the optic nerve take the visual information?

To the Thalamus and then to the Occipital Lobe

822 - Where does the word psychology come from?


823 - Where First Psychology Lab was established?


824 - Where have critics suggested Dweck's theory places blame for failure?


825 - Where individuals do not put in as much effort when acting as part of a group as they do when acting alone.

social loafing

826 - Where is Broca's area located?

Frontal lobe

827 - Where is Nicolas Cage? (select all that apply)

All of the above

828 - Where is the autonomic division of the nervous system found?

As a part of the peripheral nervous system

829 - Where is the basilar membrane located?


830 - Where is the emotional centre of the brain?


831 - where is the first lab


832 - Where is the primary motor cortex located?

Towards the back of the frontal lobe

833 - Where is the Primary Somatosensory Cortex located?

Parietal lobe

834 - where is the Taj Mahal Located?


835 - Where is vision processed?

Occipital Lobe

836 - Where is Wernicke's area located?

Temporal lobe

837 - Where most of the distribution is towards the LEFT of the graph, resulting in a long tail on the right

Positive skew

838 - Where on the body is the cochlea?


839 - Where should you take your AP exam for the best chance of remembering the content?

in room C243

840 - where the axon of one cell is in close contact with the dendrite of another


841 - Where the first Laboratory of Psychology was started?


842 - Where the independent variable is not manipulated

control group

843 - Where the same group of participants are used in different conditions, is which experimental design

Repeated measures

844 - Where was the first laboratory of psychology established?


845 - Where was the first Psychology lab established?


846 - Where were Wundt's introspection studies carried out?

In a psychology laboratory

847 - Where would you find the terminal buttons of the presynaptic neuron?

at the end of the axon

848 - where young birds follow and form an attachment to the first large moving object that they meet, this is referred to as


849 - Whereas ..... aggression is based on emotion, ..... aggression is goal based.

hostile; instrumental

850 - Whereas heredity looks for ..... in genes, heritability looks for ..... due to genes.

Similarity; difference

851 - whether something is replicable


852 - Whether the selected test actually measures the stated variable is know as?


853 - Whether the selected test actually measures what it's meant to be measuring.


854 - Which "school" of psychology focused on components of the conscious experience?


855 - Which 2 body systems interact and initiate movement?

muscular and nervous system

856 - Which ability is a good predictor of good adjustment, better grades, and social success?


857 - Which activity would require motor neurons?

writing your name

858 - Which American psychologist conditioned Little Albert to become terrified of a white rat?

John Watson

859 - Which among the choice s is NOT an area of protest for Sikolohiyang Pilipino?

A highly scientific-based of discipline

860 - Which among the choice s is NOT given emphasis in the study of Sikolohiyang Pilipino?

Individual Experience

861 - Which among the following is the primary condition for memory?


862 - which animal is this?


863 - Which answer lists two measures of the spread of data around the mean?

standard deviation and range

864 - Which answer provides examples of participant variables?

prior experience, motivation, intelligence, educational background

865 - Which answer provides examples of situational or environmental variables?

time of day, noise level, temperature, location

866 - Which answer provides examples of situational variables?

time of day, noise level, temperature, location

867 - Which aphasia would you diagnose if a patient presented with stilted speech but he/she was able to understand you and knew he/she had a disorder?


868 - Which approach argues that our behaviour is motivated by unconscious factors


869 - Which approach believes that changes in behavior are evidence of changes in personality?


870 - Which approach believes that people are basically good and capable of helping themselves

the humanistic approach

871 - Which approach combines behavioural psychology with cognitive psychology? It was developed in the 1960's and associated with the work of Bandura.

Social Learning Theory

872 - which approach focuses on concious experiences and choosing to take control of our lives and our destiny

humanistic approach

873 - Which approach is most directly concerned with assessing the relative impact of both nature and nurture on our psychological traits?


874 - Which approach suggests that every person has their own unique way of perceiving and understanding the world and that the things they do only make sense in this light?


875 - Which approach to psychology believes that all behavior is created by nurture - rewards and punishments and the environment a person is raised in?


876 - Which approach to psychology deals with physiological functions?


877 - Which approach to psychology emphasizes how humans use mental processes to handle problems or develop certain personality characteristics?


878 - Which approach to psychology focuses on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures?


879 - Which approach to psychology focuses on how we encode, process, store, and retrieve information?


880 - Which approach to psychology focuses on the unconscious?


881 - Which approach to psychology focuses your individual potential, choice , personal growth, and free will?


882 - Which approach to psychology studied the link between biological and psychological process? For example, how do the brain's chemicals influence our thoughts?


883 - Which approach to psychology views behavior as strongly influenced by social groups or cultures?


884 - Which approach to psychology views behavior as the product of learning and associations?


885 - Which approach to psychology views people as basically good and capable of helping themselves?


886 - Which approach views the individual as a product of the unconscious mind, desires and aggressions?


887 - Which approaches use Determinism?

Only (A) & (B)

888 - Which are forms of MEMORY RETRIEVAL

All of the Above

889 - Which are Measures of Central Tendency:

All of the above

890 - which are not the type of motivation


891 - Which are two possible strategies to overcome problems?

Only (A) & (B)

892 - Which area is predominatly concerned with helping people lead healthier, happier and more contented lives?

All of the above

893 - Which area of brain are closely connected to hunger, eating and satiation?


894 - Which area of long term memory is responsible for remembering how to perform certain actions (such as riding a bike)?

Procedural memory

895 - Which area of psychology is the scientific study of behavior?


896 - Which area of Sofia's brain would be most active when she answers the question?

Broca's area

897 - Which area of the body has the greatest representation in the primary motor cortex?

the fingers

898 - Which area of the brain is associated with the joy you feel when you unwrap a Christmas present?

Limbic System

899 - Which area of your long term memory is responsible for remembering general knowledge?

Semantic memory

900 - Which area of your long term memory is responsible for remembering personal things that have happened in your past?

Episodic memory

901 - Which aspects of the cognitive interview are rooted in context-dependent forgetting theory?

Only (A) & (B)

902 - Which aspects of the cognitive interview prevent schemas from filling in the gaps in memory?

Only (A) & (B)

903 - Which basic cognitive process is the awareness of yourself and the world around you?


904 - Which behavior studies psychology as a science?

Human & Animal

905 - Which behaviorist conducted the "Bobo Doll Experiment"

Albert Bandura

906 - Which behaviorist emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others

Albert Bandura

907 - Which best describes a mode?

Most frequent occurring score

908 - Which best describes a negative correlation?

As one variable rises, the other falls

909 - Which best describes what 'correlations' are?

a method to show the relationship between co-variables

910 - Which bias leads to the above-average effect, and how does the above-average effect manifest itself?

Self-serving bias; attributing success to situations and failure to disposition.

911 - Which book title would most likely match up with the Psychodynamic perspective?

The Inner Conflicts

912 - Which brain area controls the expression of language?

Broca's area

913 - Which brain imaging technique uses harmless magnetic fields and radio waves to produce a computer-enhanced image of brain structure?


914 - Which brain imaging technique would be used to observe the electrical activity of the children when visions of sugar plums are dancing in their heads?

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

915 - Which brain part is responsible for facilitating explicit memories?


916 - Which brain part is responsible for facilitating long term memories?


917 - Which brain part is responsible for forming new long term declarative memories?


918 - Which brain procedure involves removing brain tissue and observing the impact on behaviour?

Brain Ablation

919 - Which brain structure is important in causing, awakening a person from sleep?

reticular activating system

920 - Which branch of psychology deals with the study of animal behaviour?

Comparative Psychology

921 - Which branch of Psychology does not need scientific proofs to analyze the human being, instead it requires experiences?


922 - Which branch of psychology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of persons with psychological disabilities?


923 - Which branch of psychology focuses on the mental processes of athletes?


924 - Which branch of psychology focuses on the ways in which the brain processes, encodes, and stores information?


925 - Which branch of psychology is defined as an effort to understand the specific biological mechanisms that control behavior and psychological experience?

physiological psychology

926 - Which branch of psychology is not associated with the idiographic approach?


927 - Which branch of psychology studies the link between biological and psychological processes?


928 - Which branch of psychology would argue that a child who is hungry will not be able concentrate on schoolwork or being good in class?


929 - Which branch of the Autonomic nervous system is activated during a stressful, threatening situation?

Sympathetic NS

930 - Which branch of the human nervous system has the function of initiating voluntary movement and carrying sensory information received from the external environment?

Somatic NS

931 - Which branch of the nervous system controls digestion, breathing, and heart rate?


932 - Which British mathematician is often considered inspirational in the development in the cognitive approach in the 1950s?

Alan Turing

933 - Which career in psychology develops theories for other psychologists to use?

Research psychologist

934 - Which career in Psychology focuses on systems of education and motivation for students?

educational psychologist

935 - Which career in psychology treats people with severe psychological disorders, and is most commonly found in hospitals and private practices?

clinical psychologist

936 - Which cell relays messages from one tissue to another?


937 - Which cells for visual processing are located closest to the back of the retina?

rods and cones

938 - Which characteristic of the confederates in Asch's conformity study made it highly likely the participant would conform to the group?

conformity (of no more than 4 confederates)

939 - Which children answered Piaget's questions correctly?

Children in the concrete operational stage

940 - Which color "zaps" away your energy?


941 - Which color creates a warm, welcoming feeling?


942 - Which color increases appetite?


943 - Which color increases appetite? (Think fast food!)


944 - Which color is associated with cleanliness and safety?


945 - Which color is associated with royalty because it is so rare/expensive?


946 - Which color is associated with royalty?


947 - Which color is best to wear while interviewing for a job?


948 - Which color is considered masculine?


949 - Which color is considered the most youthful?


950 - Which color is most closely associated with purity?


951 - Which color is possibly the most popular in the world?


952 - Which color makes people cool and refreshed?


953 - Which color makes people feel anxious?


954 - Which color makes people lose their tempers most easily?


955 - Which color of the following colors is most appetizing?


956 - Which color relaxes the nervous system?


957 - Which color should we use for a FUN GAME ON THE PHONE?


958 - Which Color should we use for a HEALTHY SUPERMARKET?


959 - Which color should we use for a HIGH END DESIGNER BRAND?


960 - Which color should we use for a SPA CENTER FOR RELAXATION?


961 - Which color, in certain shades, looks the most artificial?


962 - Which colour can represent danger, anger or romance?


963 - Which colour is often seen as neutral?


964 - Which colour is often used by business and banks in their logos?


965 - Which colour represents the temporal lobe?


966 - Which colour represents urgency and can be used for 'buy it now' labels?


967 - Which comes first, attraction or flirting?


968 - Which component of the Multistore model does the Working Memory model (WMM) replace?

Short-term memory (STM)

969 - Which component of the WMM links working memory with LTM?

Episodic buffer

970 - Which component retrieves information through a sequential search?


971 - Which components of the WMM have sub-sections?Select all that apply

Only (A) & (B)

972 - Which concept refers to when an individual does not take action because of the presence of others?

Bystander Effect

973 - Which concept refers to when in groups, people tend to feel less accountability and may even feel that their personal efforts have little impact on the outcome?

Diffusion of Responsibility

974 - Which conclusion from Bond and Smith (1996) meta analysis on the Asch's conformity study is correct:

The level of conformity varied widely between countries with France having particular low levels of conformity.

975 - Which conclusion is incorrect? - Yamamoto

Chimpanzees give spontaneous help to conspecifics

976 - Which coping strategy could use up excess stress hormones?


977 - Which correlation coefficient demonstrates the highest correlation?


978 - Which correlation coefficient represents the strongest relationship between variables?


979 - Which cortex is in the occipital lobe?

Primary visual cortex

980 - Which could be USED to address the question about Antonova?


981 - Which could be USED to adress the question in Draganski?

SAQ etc

982 - Which could be USED to adress the question in HM:Milner?

cognitive approach

983 - Which country uses white when attending a funeral?


984 - Which critical thinking skill involves the desire to learn new things?


985 - which criticism of Learning Styles is not correct?

Evidence suggests that learning styles improve students ability to learn

986 - Which culture has more traditional views?


987 - Which culture is considered to be highly collectivist?


988 - Which definition best describes the term 'reconstructive memory'?

Memory is an active process of recreation of past events.

989 - Which definition best describes the term 'Schema'?

A mental representation that influences our knowledge, beliefs and expectations.

990 - Which describes a complex skill?

A skill that has many decisions to be made

991 - Which descriptive statistic would a researcher use to describe how close a student's SAT score is to a school's average SAT score?

Standard deviation

992 - Which design involves the least number of people?

Repeated Measures

993 - Which design is most affected by participant variables?

Independent Measures

994 - Which design is the least susceptible to demand characteristics?

Independent Measures

995 - Which design is the least susceptible to participant variables?

Repeated Measures

996 - Which design was used by Bandura when investigating Social Learning Theory?

Matched Pairs

997 - Which direction of travel results in the worst jet lag?

Eastward (shortens day)

998 - Which disorder exhibits a detachment from social relationships?

Schizoid Personality Disorder

999 - Which disorder exhibits a need for admiration and a sense of self importance?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

1000 - Which disorder exhibits a preoccupation with excessive order and perfection?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


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