Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 2

1 - a psychologist who may work in a mental health or social welfare agency

community psychologist

2 - A psychologist who observes a child for a week and writes a report that identifies and classifies the child's behavior is working toward the goal of


3 - a psychologist who studied how mental processes help people & animals adapt to their environment


4 - a psychologist who studied the actions of the conscious mind and the goals or purposes of behaviors and how people adapt to their environment


5 - A psychologist who studied the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiences


6 - A psychologist who studied the function (rather than the structure) of consciousness. They study how animals and people adapt to their environments.


7 - A psychologist who studies family dynamics and their effects on behaviour of individuals in different regions would most likely be what kind of psychologist?


8 - A psychologist who studies function of consciousness or how humans and animals adapt to their environment


9 - a psychologist who studies how physical and chemical changes in our bodies influence our behavior


10 - A psychologist who studies how unconscious motives and conflicts determine human behavior


11 - A psychologist who studies how we process, retrieve, and use information and how cognitive processes influence our behavior


12 - a psychologist who studies sensation, perception, learning, motivation, and emotion in carefully controlled laboratory conditions

experimental psychologist

13 - A psychologist who studies the basic elements of human experience


14 - a psychologist who studies the effects that physical & chemical changes have on behavior


15 - A psychologist who studies witnesses in a crime and rehabilitates prisoners.

Forensic psychologist

16 - A psychologist who tries to help factory workers who have been diagnosed with sleep disorders is practicing

Applied science.

17 - a psychologist who uses psychological concepts to make the workplace a more satisfying environment for employees and managers

industrial / organizational psychologist

18 - A psychologist who uses the following diagram in their study is more like to be studying what type of psychology?

Personality Psychology

19 - a psychologist who usually helps people deal with problems of living

counseling psychologist

20 - A psychologist who works with the FBI to help interrogate suspects would most likely be considered a.....

Forensic psychologist

21 - A psychologist works with children whose parents are divorcing. She helps them develop skills they need to cope with the situation. Of the following, what kind of psychologist is most likely helping these children?


22 - A psychologist works with children whose parents are divorcing. She helps them develop skills they need to cope with the situation. Which of the following psychologists is most likely to be helping these children?


23 - A Psychologist.....

Relies on on psychotherapy ("talking treatments") to treat their clients.



25 - A psychotherapist is most likely to use the DSM-V-TR in order to ..... various psychological disorders.


26 - A psychotherapist who believes that deviant behavior can be traced either to genetic anomalies or to problems in the physical structure of the brain most likely subscribed to which of the following views of abnormality?


27 - A puppy has begun to cry and bark in order to be let into the house. To extinguish this response, you would

ignore the crying, letting the puppy in when quiet.

28 - a quantity calculated to indicate the extent of deviation for a group

standard deviation

29 - A Quasi experiment is .....

Allocation to groups are based on pre-existing differences

30 - A questionnaire designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors that is used to assess traits is called a:

personality inventory

31 - A random sample is needed in order to:

ensure that different characteristics occurring within the population also occur within the participants in the research

32 - A randomly selected sample of subjects from a larger population of subjects but with the same general characteristics of the larger group.

Representative Sample

33 - A rat getting food for pressing a lever

Positive Reinforcement

34 - A rat presses a lever to terminate a shock or loud noise. Type of reinforcement/punishment?

negative reinforcement

35 - A rat who has been allowed to explore a maze runs it much faster the next day than a rat who has never been in the maze before. This is due to.....

latent learning

36 - A readiness to assume that enslaved people deserve the cruel treatment they receive best illustrates

the just-world phenomenon.

37 - A real estate agent showed Henry several pictures of lakeshore property while they were eating a delicious, mouth-watering meal. Later, when Henry was given a tour of the property, he drooled with delight. For Henry, the lakeshore property was a:

Conditioned stimulus

38 - A reassuring touch describes which channel of communication?


39 - A recent study reports that students who just finished playing a prosocial video game were more likely to help others than students who had play a neutral or anti-social game. For this study, what is the independent variable?

The kind of game given to the students

40 - A reinforcer that fulfills a basic need like hunger. Examples: any kind of food, liquid, or touch.

Primary Reinforcer

41 - A reinforcer that gets its reinforcing properties from being associated with primary reinforcers in the past. Example: A child given money to spend soon realizes that the ugly green paper can be traded for candy and treats, so the money becomes reinforcin

Secondary Reinforcer

42 - A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience


43 - A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience or practice


44 - A relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience.


45 - A relatively permanent change in behavior resulting from responses that change as a result of experience is:


46 - A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of an experience.


47 - A relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experience


48 - A relatively psychologically active type of sleep when most of a person's dreaming takes place; voluntary muscles are inhibited, making the person move very little.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep

49 - A relatively stable pattern of traits is the definition of:


50 - A relaxed but conscious mind is characterised by which brain waves?

Alpha (medium frequency, higher amplitude)

51 - A research design involved two randomly assigned groups of participants. One group receives a one-time treatment, and the other does not. Later, the two groups are compared to see whether the treatment had an effect. Psychologists call this kind of resear

A case study

52 - A research design where the same participants take part in both conditions is:

respeated measures

53 - A research is study the effects of a high fat diet on weight. What are in independent and dependent variables?

Only (A) & (B)

54 - A research method which obtains data by asking participants to provide information about themselves

Self reports

55 - A research project designed o discover the degree to which 2 variables are related to each other


56 - A research study that looks for a consistent relationship between two variables is called a(n).....

correlational study

57 - a researcher analyzes data collected from a population at a specific point in time


58 - A researcher conditions a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell. This is then followed by food. After some time, the sound of the bell alone (that is, without food), no longer leads to salivation.


59 - A researcher designs an experiment to test the effects of playing video games on memory. What would be the dependent variable?

scores on a memory test

60 - A researcher interested in how changes in the cells of the hippocampus (a structure in the brain related to learning and memory) are related to memory formation would be most likely to identify as a(n) ..... psychologist.


61 - A researcher interested in the effects of anxiety on exam performance asked their participants to describe how they feel during an exam which they come across a question they know they will get wrong through writing their responses down. The type of data

qualitative data

62 - A researcher interested in what factors make an employee best suited for a given job would most likely identify as a(n) ..... psychologist.


63 - A researcher is interested in the relationship between age and height in children from infancy to 18 years old. What type of correlation would you predict would be found between these variables?


64 - A researcher is measuring the amount of time needed to solve a set of anagrams for a sample of n=15 students. However, one of the participants fails to solve the problem so the researcher has an undetermined score. What is the best measure of central tend


65 - A researcher looking for gender differences in 3-year old observes a preschool class and records how many minutes children of each gender play with dolls. She then compares the two sets of numbers. What type of descriptive research is the conducting?

Naturalistic Observation

66 - A researcher observes a subject's behavior without intervention.

Naturalistic Observation

67 - A researcher presents his participant with a series of flashing lights at varying intervals. After each presentation of a light, he asks the participant to fully describe her internal experiences, a method known as


68 - A researcher presents two lights of varying brightness to a subject who is asked to respond "same" or "different" by comparing their intensities. The researcher is seeking the

just noticeable difference.

69 - A researcher records the change in weight (either gained or lost) during the first semester of college for each individual in a group of 25 freshmen, then calculates the average change in weight. The average is an example of .....


70 - A researcher sits besides a playground, carefully observing a small group of children. The method being utilized is ___________?

field study

71 - A researcher surveyed social adjustment in the same group of 20 people from early childhood through adulthood. In this example, the group of 20 people surveyed was the study's . . .


72 - A researcher want to examine the influence of family support on development in children with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (a rare brain abnormality). They obtain a national register of all children between ages 1-12 with this disorder, and randomly sel

Random sampling

73 - A researcher wanted to do an experiment testing whether listening to Christmas music makes you happy. She placed subjects in either the experimental group that listened to Christmas music for an hour or the control group that did not listen to music. Whic

Random Assignment

74 - A researcher wants to determine wheter drivers tend to slow down or speed up when the traffic light in fron of the them switches from green to yellow. Which of the following research methods would be most appropriate for this study?

Naturalisitic observation

75 - A researcher wants to study the behavior of the ethnic group in Ifugao with their normal environment. A researcher will utilize the method of

naturalistic observation

76 - A researcher who instigates the onset or occurrence of a psychological disorder over specific periods of time is studying the ..... of the disorder.


77 - A researcher who is interested in how children make friendships, watches two little girls playing together on the playground at their school. He records each activity that the two girls do together as a pair. What type of research is being conducted?

naturalistic observation

78 - A researcher wishes to un an experiment, but is concerned that variations in the subjects̢۪ intelligence quotients (Iq) might confound the results. All of the following are possible solutions to this problem except for ___________?

running a double-blind experiment

79 - A reserved, withdrawn person who is preoccupied with his or her inner thoughts and feelings:


80 - a response elicited by the conditioned stimulus

conditioned response(CR)

81 - A response that is automatic, or not learned, is called a(n)

Unconditioned response

82 - A response that leads to the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is one being _____________________?

negatively reinforced

83 - A response to the belief that the independent variable will have an effect on the subjects when they haven't been given the independent variable.

placebo effect

84 - A reversible figure, such as the vase/face figure, makes use of which principle of perception?

figure-ground relationship

85 - A rule of thumb


86 - A Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in classical conditioning.

Ivan Pavlov

87 - a Russian physiologist who first described the phenomenon now known as classical conditioing

Ivan Pavlov

88 - A sample in psychological research:

both B and C

89 - A Sample in Psychology is

The population in a study

90 - A sample in which every person, object, or event has an equal chance of being selected.

Random sample.

91 - a sample that doesn't know they're apart of the sample, these subjects are readily available

opportunity sample

92 - A sample that represents a population because each member has an equal chance of inclusion is known as

Random sample

93 - A sample that that is closely matched to the target population as a whole in terms of key variables and characteristics is

a representative sample

94 - a sample where the conductor reaches out to the participant

volunteer sample

95 - A sampling procedure in which every member of a population has an equal chance at being selected.

Random sampling

96 - A savant is best defined as:

an intellectually disabled individual with exceptional ability in mathematical calculations, memory, art, or music

97 - A schema is described as

a knowledge structure

98 - A scholarly summary of a body of research on some topic is called ____________?

literature review

99 - A school of psychology that attempts to integrate aspects of transcendental religious teachings within the framework of modern psychology.

Fourth Force Psychology

100 - A school of psychology that believes psychological research should be concerned with studying observable measures of behavior and not the unobservable events that take place in the mind.


101 - A school of psychology that emphasizes personal growth and the achievement of maximum potential by each unique individual:

Humanistic Psychology

102 - A school of psychology that focused on how our mental and behavioral processes function - how they enable us to adapt, survive, and flourish.


103 - A school of psychology that reduces all behavior to cognitive functioning and seeks to explain behavior by examining underlying cognitive causes.

Cognitive Behaviorism

104 - A school of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember and learn.

Cognitive Approach

105 - A school of thought that emphasized the needs of an individual that must be satisfied for him to achieve self - actualisation

Humanistic Approach

106 - A school of thought that focuses on the usefulness or the purpose of the consciousness and behavior.


107 - A school of thought which focused on observable behavior. It put must weight on the influenced of the environment or the significant people around you who influence your behavior.

Behaviorist Approach

108 - a scientist who studies the mind and behavior of humans and animals


109 - A scientist's willingness to admit she is wrong is an example of?


110 - A self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype is called (an) .....

stereotype threat.

111 - A semi-structured interview is .....

Certain questions must be asked but there is flexibility to ask additional follow-up questions.

112 - A sensation may be combined with other sensations and past experiences to yield a


113 - A sensory neuron carries ..... information. A motor neuron carries ..... information.

Afferent, efferent

114 - A separate group of participants is used for each experimental condition or level of the I.V. This design would be which of the following?

independent groups design

115 - A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question.

scientific method

116 - A serious disorder in which a person stops breathing during sleep


117 - a set of beliefs and feelings


118 - A set of norms that defines how people in a given social position should behave.

Role playing

119 - A shelter is an example of what type of need?


120 - a signal molecule that transmits nerve impulses across synapses


121 - A signal or messenger molecule that transmits nerve impulses across synapses


122 - A significant contribution of the __________ approach was the emphasis placed on measurable observations?


123 - A significant disadvantage of the correlational approach is that it:

does not provide evidence of cause and effect.

124 - A significant limitation of the CI is

It is time-consuming for the police to use

125 - A significant strength of Bartlett's theory is that it:

Can help us understand why some people give different accounts of the same event

126 - A simple ..... of the brain does not provide complete information about the cell structure and the various connections that exist between neuron.


127 - A simple form of learning in which one stimulus calls forth a response that is usually called forth by another stimulus.

classical conditioning

128 - A single-blind procedure means:

ensuring that participants do not know whether they are in the treatment or control group

129 - A situation in which the experimenter's expectations influence the participant's behavior.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

130 - A situation where participants' performance declines due to boredom or tiredness.

fatigue effect

131 - A situation where participants' performance improves because they experience the experimental task more than once.

Practice effect

132 - A situation where the participants' performance IMPROVES as they experience the task in the experiment more than once.

practice effect

133 - A skewed distribution is .....


134 - A slot machine provides reinforcement to players based on a

Variable - ratio schedule

135 - A slot machine rewards the player with coins after they try an unpredictable amount of times. This is an example of a.....

variable-ratio schedule

136 - A small chamber used in operant conditioning of animals that limits the available responses and, thus, increases the likelihood that the desired response will occur, is called a(n) ..... box.


137 - a small part intended to show what the whole is like


138 - A small percentage of children have a(n) , or photographic memory

eidetic memory

139 - A small space between two neurons is called

Synaptic cleft

140 - A smaller subset of the the population is known as a sample


141 - A social risk factor that may act as a barrier to treatment of a mental disorder is:

stigma associated with diagnosis

142 - A social trap is

A situation in which the conflicting parties, by each rationally pursuing their self-interest, become caught in mutually destructive behavior

143 - A social trap is a situation in which.....

the pursuit of self-interest leads to collective harm

144 - A soldier on the front line that is shoots the enemy when ordered to do so is exhibiting which kind of behavior?


145 - A sound or a group of different sounds perceived to have the same function by speakers of the language or dialect in question. For example, when Joe says the word fish, it is actually broken up into three sound parts, "f" - "i" - "sh".


146 - A source of information from the environment (external cue) that assists perception of how far away objects are and therefore to perceive depth; often classified as binocular or monocular

Depth Cues

147 - A special program was run to improve the goal-shooting accuracy of the school's basketballers. A study of the effectiveness of the program was undertaken to determine if it should be used in other schools.A trial is run before the program is implemented a

the classroom teacher versus the expertise of basketball coach.

148 - A special type of associative learning that requires an unconditioned stimulus.

Classical Conditioning

149 - A special type of business travel that is given by firms to employees as a reward for some accomplishment

Incentive Travel

150 - A specialty area that deals with issues related to psychology and the law?

Forensic psychology

151 - A specific central tendency in which you find the average of scores is known as


152 - A specific central tendency in which you find the difference between the highest and lowest score is known as


153 - A specific time in development when certain skills or abilities are most easily learned.

critical period

154 - A specific time period within which an attachment between infant and carer must form

Critical period

155 - a specific way to measure reliability of a test and it refers to the extent that a test produces similar results over time

test-retest reliability

156 - A specific, testable prediction, narrower than a theory


157 - a spiral shaped organ that comprises the inner ear and contains the vestibular apparatus and the hair cells that transduce auditory information> filled with fluid; membranes separate it into 3 chambers


158 - A split brain patient has a picture of a knife flashed to her left hemisphere and that of a fork to her right hemisphere. She will be able to

identify the fork using her left hand

159 - A stable characteristic that can be considered to be at the core of personality:

Source Trait

160 - A stable characteristic that can be observed in certain situations:

Surface Trait

161 - A standard of behavior or informal social rules in society.


162 - A state of consciousness in which a person is especially susceptible to suggestion.


163 - A statement of procedure used to define research variables is what?

Operational definition

164 - A statement of relation between concepts.


165 - a statement that attempts to explain why something is the way it is and happens the way it does


166 - A statement that attempts to explain why things are the way they are and happen the way they do is .....

A theory

167 - a statement that attempts to explain why things are the way they are and why they happen the way they do.


168 - A statement that tries to explain why things are the way they are


169 - A statement that tries to explain why things are the way they are, and happen the way they do.


170 - A stationary point of light when viewed in an otherwise totally dark room appears to move. This is an example of ________________?

the autokinetic effect

171 - A statistical index of the relationship between two things (from -1 to +1)

Correlation Coefficient

172 - A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items on a test, used to identify different dimensions of performance that underlie a person's total score.

factor analysis

173 - A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of test items that seem to tap a common ability is called

factor analysis

174 - A statistical statement of how likely it is that an obtained result occurred by chance

statistical significance

175 - A statistical technique that looks for grouping and commonalities in numerical data is called .....

Factor Analysis

176 - A statistical technique that would allow a researcher to cluster such traits as being talkative, social, and adventurous with extraversion is called.....

Factor analysis

177 - a statistical test in which the critical area of distribution is one-sided so that it is either greater than a certain value

directional (one-tailed)

178 - A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.


179 - a stimulus or event that follows a response and increases the likelihood that the response will be repeated


180 - A stimulus presented after a response that increases the probability of that response happening again

Positive Reinforcement

181 - a stimulus such as money that becomes rewarding through its link with a primary reinforcer

secondary reinforcer

182 - A stimulus that becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response is a ..... ..... .

Conditioned stimulus

183 - A stimulus that causes a response that is automatic, not learned.


184 - A stimulus that causes an automatic response

unconditioned stimulus

185 - A stimulus that does not initially elicit a response

Neutral stimulus

186 - a stimulus that does not initially elicit any part of an unconditioned response

neutral stimulus

187 - A stimulus that elicits a predictable response without training is called a(n)

unconditioned stimulus

188 - A stimulus that has no effect on the desired response prior to conditioning. In Pavlov's dogs, the food bowl before the experiment.

Neutral Stimulus

189 - a stimulus that is naturally rewarding and satisfying and requires no learning on the part of the subject to become pleasurable

primary reinforcer

190 - a stimulus that produces no specific response

Neutral Stimulus

191 - A stimulus that signals when a particular response is likely to be followed by a certain type of consequence.

Discriminative stimulus

192 - A strategy in which the likelihood of an event is estimated on the basis of how easily other instances of the event are available in memory is called the:

Availability heuristic

193 - A strength associated with the idiographic approach is it

Produces rich detailed data

194 - A strength of a case study is .....

Useful for studying a phenomenon that can not be studied otherwise (Brain damage)

195 - A strength of a Lab Experiment is .....

Establishes cause and effect relationships

196 - A strength of a Natural Experiment is .....

High ecological validity

197 - A strength of a structured interview is .....

Essential for ensuring all researchers conduct the interview in a standardized way

198 - A strength of community sentencing is offenders can be ..... for their crime by giving something back to their community.

given a second chance to make up for their crime

199 - A strength of community sentencing is they are only given in appropriate circumstances when prison might not be suitable. This may .....

reduce reoffending

200 - A strength of controlled observations is they have.....

More control over variables

201 - A strength of Dweck's mindset theory is that:

It identifies differences between people who do and do not succeed

202 - A strength of Gilchrist & Nesberg's study was:

It included a control group

203 - A strength of natural observations is.....

High level of ecological validity

204 - A strength of prison as a punishment is that it keeps the .....

public safe whilst the criminal is locked away

205 - A strength of prison is it can be said to be effective because it removes a criminal from public life meaning .....

they do not have the opportunity to commit another crime

206 - A strength of qualitative data is that.....

You can collect detailed info about personal experiences which increases the validity of the research

207 - A stressful experience is

subjective in nature

208 - A stressor is

A stress-producing event

209 - A string of lights is flashed in sequence. We perceive the situation as a light that moves along the string. This is a demonstration of _______________?

the phi phenomenon

210 - A structure in the brain stem responsible for certain automatic functions such as breathing and heart rate.


211 - A structured interview is .....

Is when a fixed list of questions are asked in a fixed order

212 - A student does a good job on math problems for homework, and the teacher awards a sticker. This demonstrates the use of


213 - A student does every homework assignment even though the teacher does not always collect the assignments. This is an example of

variable ratio

214 - A student has a dream about her dog getting hit by a car. A psychoanalyst may interpret this as underlying anxiety about an upcoming test. What is the manifest content?

The student's underlying anxiety

215 - A student has just failed a psychology exam. Which of the following explanations is LEAST likely to be evidence of the self-serving bias?

I didn't study hard enough

216 - A student in your science class fails a test and you see his score and believe he is dumb.

Fundamental Attribution Error

217 - A student makes a frequency table showing the number of students studying each A level subjectWhat level of measurement is this?


218 - A student wants to test the effects of different types of exercise on heart rate. What is the dependent variable?

heart rate

219 - A student who believes that her personality consists of her thoughts about herself, including her biases, errors, and mistakes, would mostly closely identify with the theories of .....

George Kelly.

220 - A student who can easily create a guidebook is considered what intelligence?


221 - A student who has never studied decides to try it and is delighted to receive a B on the exam rather than the usual D. The student starts studying more regularly as a result of __________________?

positive reinforcement

222 - A student who has studied German in high school, takes a course in French in college and now has trouble remembering the German. This is an example of the effects of __________________?

retroactive interference

223 - A student who has used ..... processing, might sometimes use the wrong form of there, their or they're. While a student who understands the differences between there, their and they're would never confuse the three uses because they have used ..... proces

shallow; deep

224 - A study during which neither participants nor administrators know to which group any subject belongs is known as what?

double-blind study

225 - A study finds that as the number of hours spent watching television increased, grades decreased. This is an example of:

A correlational study

226 - A study from the University of Toronto revealed most people preferred simple color combinations that relied on only ..... favorite colors.


227 - A study in which both the research participants and the researchers are unaware which is the experimental group and which is the control group is known as

Double-blind study

228 - A study in which neither the researcher nor the experimental or control group knows whom is being tested is called

double blind study

229 - A study in which the researcher does not manipulate the IV as it occurs naturally is called:

a natural experiment

230 - a study involves repeated observations of the same variables over long periods


231 - A study is said to have ..... if it yields consistent results each time it is repeated.


232 - A study method incorporating 5 steps: survey, question, read retrieve, review.


233 - A study method incorporating five steps


234 - A study of gastric ulceration in response to stress produced by shock found that the most ulceration was shown by rates who ____________?

Could predict the onset of shock

235 - A study showed that childhood temper tantrums predicted divorce. This is an example of ..... predicting .....

O-data; L-data

236 - A study that showed participants attributed a game show host's "intelligence" to dispositional factors rather than obvious situational factors (the fundamental attribution error).

Ross et al. 1977

237 - A study that takes place in the outside environment but where researcher manipulates the IV is called:

a field experiment

238 - A study was conducted to see if more minorities as opposed to whites donate to charities. The social psychologist solicited donations from minorities and whites. The independent variable is .....


239 - a study with an individual (or group) over a long period of time

case study

240 - A subject responding to a second stimulus similar to the original CS is an example of


241 - A subject selection procedure where each participant is part of the experiment and control group

Repeated measures design

242 - A sudden and often novel realization of the solution to a problem.


243 - A sudden often novel (new) realization of the solution to a problem

insight learning

244 - A sudden realization of a problems solution


245 - A supervisor who doubts the competence of a new employee unwittingly criticizes everything the new employee does. If the new employee consequently performs poorly, which of the following will most likely have occurred?

self fulfilling prophesy

246 - a survey is what type of research

research method in which information is obtained by asking many individuals a fixed set of questions

247 - A synapse is

the place where neurons communicate

248 - A synonym of energy, love and vitality


249 - a system for remembering that involves repeating information to oneself without attempting to find meaning in it

maintenance rehearsal

250 - A system in which employees are given the opportunity to perform several different job:

Job Rotation

251 - A system of signs, sounds, and symbols used to communicate is called


252 - A system that encodes, stores, and retrieves information.


253 - a systematic application of learning principles to change people's actions and feelings

behavior modification

254 - A systematic study of facts according to a reliable and correct method of study is called a __________?

Scientific Study

255 - A tabula rasa is a.....

Blank slate

256 - A teacher asks students to think of as many uses for a brick as possible. By listing 50 uses, most of which the class finds new and unusual, Susan is displaying

Divergent thinking

257 - A teacher believes that one group of children is very bright and that a second group is below average in ability. Actually, the groups are identical, but the first group progresses more rapidly than the second. This demonstrates

the self-fulfilling prophecy.

258 - A teacher collates the A level grades of all of her students.What level of measurement is involved?


259 - A teacher confronted with frequent emotional outbursts on the part of pupil should

Consider the suitability of demands made upon them.

260 - A teacher decides against assigning group projects in which all group members get the same grade. What social psychological phenomenon might the teacher be concerned about?

social loafing

261 - A teacher finds the distribution of scores on a final exam to be positively skewed with low variability. On the basis of this information, the teacher would be most justified in concluding that.....

The exam was too difficult

262 - A teacher used distortion goggles, which shifted the wearers gaze by 20 degrees. After a half hour the wearer was able to navigate obstacles smoothly due to

perceptual adaptation

263 - A teacher wants to find out the average score of their class' test. What should she use to figure it out?


264 - A technique you can use to learn to control some of your body's functions, such as your heart rate. During this, you're connected to electrical sensors that help you receive information about your body.


265 - A tendency to believe flattering descriptions of oneself is called

uncritical acceptance.

266 - a tendency to claim success is due to our efforts, while failure is due to circumstances beyond our control

self-serving bias

267 - A tendency to react to a situation in a way that remains stable over time:


268 - A tendency to search for evidence that fits one's beliefs while ignoring other evidence is called .....

confirmation bias

269 - A tentative explanation for an observation or problem which can be test via investigation is called:


270 - A term completely describing muscles and glands is ____________?


271 - A term to describe the number of brainwaves per second.


272 - A test becomes standardized when ..... are developed.


273 - A test can fail in validity and still:

be reliable.

274 - A test designed to assess what a person has learned.

Achievement Test

275 - A test designed to measure management ability is found to be a very good predictor of how well an individual will function as a manager. This test is said to be


276 - A test designed to predict a person's future performance.

aptitude test

277 - A test has 20 questions. The first 10 are scored separately from the second 10. The two scores are approximately equal. This is one indication that the test is reliable. This is called ..... reliability.


278 - A test has a high degree of validity if it

measures or predicts what it is supposed to measure or predict.

279 - A test has a mean of 80 with a standard deviation of 4. Which of the following scores is within one standard deviation of the mean?


280 - A test is a (1)....., Assessment is a (2).....

Only (A) & (B)

281 - A test is reliable when it

gives similar scores every time it is used.

282 - A test is said to be reliable if it

gives the same score to a person taking the test multiple times

283 - A test is set up to test which brand of soda creates the biggest foam explosion when adding a Mentos candy. Three different sodas were tested. They measured the height of the foam eruption. What is the dependent variable?

Height of foam eruption

284 - A test is valid when it

measures what it is supposed to measure

285 - A test of the capacity to learn a particular skill and to learn within a specific area of knowledge is called a/an ____________________?

aptitude test

286 - A test of your capacity to learn to be an accountant would be considered a(n) ..... test.


287 - A test of your capacity to learn to be an airline pilot would be considered a(n) ..... test.


288 - A test subject received a slight electric shock when they get the wrong answer

Positive Punishment

289 - A test that is administered twice to the same person with very different results can not be called


290 - A test that is designed to show what you have already learned (Like the AP Psych Test, and most of your tests) is termed a(n)

achievement test.

291 - A test that measures a person's mastery and knowledge of a subject or various subjects is a(n)

Achievement test

292 - A test that measures student performance against a specific standard is referred to as

Criterion referenced test

293 - A test that measures student performance against a specific standard is referred to as .....

Criterion referenced test

294 - A test that measures what a person has already learned in prior training is an ____________________?

achievement test

295 - A test that measures/predicts what it claims to measure/predict is said to have this quality


296 - A test which is administered to a group of people.

Group test

297 - A testable prediction is called (a/an):


298 - A testable prediction is referred to as a(n)


299 - A testable prediction that drives research is known as a(n)?


300 - A testable prediction, often implied by a theory


301 - A theorist who focuses on how the unconscious mind motivates behaviors was likely influenced by.....

Sigmund Freud

302 - A theory of consumer motivation proposed by Abraham Maslow, it identifies five levels of consumer needs.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

303 - A theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy developed by Freud is called .....

psychodynamic theory

304 - A theory that emphasizes that the whole of anything is greater than its parts

Gestalt Principles

305 - A theory that states that emotions are a join result of non-specific physiological arousal and interpretation of the arousal is called ____________?

Two-factor theory of emotion

306 - A theory that states that emotions are a join result of non-specific physiological arousal and interpretation of the arousal is called__________?

Two-factor theory of emotion

307 - A therapist who emphasizes helping clients to identify and change an irrational belief that underlies feelings of anxiety would use which technique?

Rational-emotive behavior therapy

308 - A therapist who says that she uses whatever psychological perspective "works best" for each patient might be best described as


309 - A thermometer that consistently reads 4 degrees higher than the actual temperature would be

reliable but not valid

310 - A three-year-old child who has been potty trained starts wetting the bed after the birth of a sibling. This child is using the defense mechanism of


311 - A time lag between left and right auditory stimulation is important for accurately

locating sounds.

312 - A toddler is given a cookie after saying "please"

Positive Reinforcement

313 - A tone's highness or lowness; depends on frequency of wavelength


314 - A tourist motivations that want to know how other people live and foster international understanding are some of the reasons to satisfy their curiosity about other lifestyles and places.

Cultural experience

315 - a traditional structure composed of one group of employees who achieve the goals of the organization (the line), and another group who supports the line (the staff).

Line-staff structure

316 - a traditional structure typified by a well-defined authority hierarchy and strict rules governing work behavior.


317 - A training technique developed by Ivan Pavlov that pairs a naturally occurring stimulus and response with an unrelated stimulus, so that eventually, the unrelated stimulus is able to produce the desired response in absence of the natural stimulus.

Classical Conditioning

318 - a transparent, biconvex structure in the anterior portion of the eyeball (just behind the iris) that provides the fine, adjustable focus of the optical system


319 - A travel motivation that pertain to the desire to meet other people, visit friends or relatives, escape from routine, from family and neighbors.

Interpersonal motivators

320 - A tribal group discuss their plans to shelter in the winter and decide that they wont need to collect animal skins this year because all of their sons are "thick skinned" and will last the winter without them. Sadly many of the tribes people don't last th

Group Think

321 - A true change in belief system is known as?


322 - A true experiment is otherwise called

a lab experiment

323 - A t-test is used

To determine if there is a statistically significant difference between 2 means

324 - A two-tailed hypothesis test is being used to evaluate a treatment effect with an alpha of 0.05. If the sample data produce a z-score of z=+/-1.96?

Reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the treatment has an effect.

325 - A type of behavior that a particular reaction to a particular stimulus: event of cause and effects?

Simple Behavior

326 - a type of declarative memory consisting of factual knowledge of language, including its rules, words, and meanings

semantic memory

327 - A type of declarative memory that includes, names, faces, concepts, facts, etc. not tied to a particular place and time.


328 - A type of dream in which the dream is awake and aware that they are dreaming can best be described as a ..... .....

Lucid Dream

329 - a type of external validity which describes how well the sample used can be extrapolated to a population as a whole (it evaluates whether a sample represents the population)

population validity

330 - a type of fixation that causes one to approach a problem the same way that has been successful in the past is called your

mental set

331 - A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by punishment.

operant conditioning

332 - a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events

classical conditioning

333 - a type of learning that involves stimulus-response connections.


334 - A type of learning where the individual learns by watching others

Observational learning

335 - A type of observation conducted in the participants' normal environment without interference from the researchers.

Naturalistic observation

336 - A type of observational study that analyzes data from a population at a specific point in time is known as

Cross-sectional study

337 - A type of panic attack that occur unexpectedly without warning.

Uncued Attack

338 - a type of perceptual constancy in which an object is perceived as having the same shape when viewed at different angles.

Shape Constancy

339 - A type of performance dimension that concentrates on employee attributes:

Trait-focus performance dimension

340 - a type of plot or mathematical diagram using coordinates to display values for typically two variables to display data


341 - a type of questionnaire where the answers consist of a number scale

rating scale

342 - a type of questionnaire where the answers consist of works or phrases

likert scale

343 - A type of retinal cells that accepts electric (nerve) impulses from the photoreceptors and passes them to the ganglion cells

bipolar cells

344 - A type of snoring in which the person stops breathing for 10 seconds or more.

Sleep Apnea

345 - A typical one-year-old child:

has lost the ability to discriminate phoneme sounds outside her native language.

346 - A useful way to display quantitative data would be

Bar chart

347 - A valid tests measures what?

how well you know something in a certain subject

348 - A variable in an experiment is.....

any characteristic, event or behaviour that can change in amount or kind over time.

349 - A variable is:

any factor that can change

350 - A variable ratio schedule provides reinforcement

At any time.

351 - A variable that is kept constant during a controlled experiment.

control variable

352 - A variable that is measured is.....

dependent variable

353 - A variable that might influence the results is

Only (A) & (B)

354 - A very easy test would be likely to produce a:

Negative skew

355 - A visual cliff is used to determine an infant's ability at:

depth perception.

356 - A visual illusion in which one of two lines of equal length, each of which has opposite shaped ends, is incorrectly perceived as being longer than the other

Muller-Lyer Illusion

357 - A visual illusion is best described as:

consistent misinterpretation of real sensory stimuli.

358 - A visual perception depth cue based on the apparent convergence of parallel lines as they recede into the distance

Linear Perspective

359 - A visual perception depth cue that can be represented pictorially on a two-dimensional surface

Pictorial Cues

360 - a visual receptor: a retinal rod or a retinal cone.


361 - A visual scene can be separated into two parts, the ______________ which is the object that commands our attention, and the ____________ which seems to exist continuously behind the object?

figure, ground

362 - A visual, mental representation of a specific event or object


363 - A visual, mental representation of an event or object.


364 - A way of ensuring that a sample of people is representative of a population by giving everyone in the population an equal chance of being selected for the sample

random selection

365 - a way of looking at a situation; a viewpoint


366 - A way of teaching complex behaviors in which one first reinforces small steps in the total activity


367 - A way of teaching complex behaviors in which one first reinforces small steps in the total activity is .....


368 - A way to display data from a correlational study. Each point on the graph represents the point where one participant's score on each scale for the two measured variable cross.

scatter graph

369 - A way to improve EWT is to use.....

Only (A) & (B)

370 - A way to improve your thoughts while meditating is to.....

Positive Mindset

371 - A way to increase the amount of info in memory by grouping it into larger, familiar units


372 - A way to meet an infant's safety needs is to.....

swaddle him

373 - A way to study a group of people or one person is called what?

Case study

374 - a weakness of a case study.....

it is subjective

375 - A weakness of a correlation is.....

it cannot tell us cause and effect

376 - A weakness of a focus group is .....

Dominant respondents can disrupt group dynamics

377 - A weakness of Bartlett's 'War of the Ghosts' study is that:

The story was unusual so didn't reflect everyday memory processes

378 - A weakness of Bruner & Minturn's study was that:

The task was not something that would occur in everyday life

379 - A weakness of community sentencing is some view it as a soft option, as a recidivism rate of .....

30% it is seen as an ineffective form of punishment

380 - A weakness of Godden & Baddeley's study into context is that:

It's doesn't tell us about the effects over a longer period of time

381 - A weakness of Gregory's theory is that it cannot explain:

The perceptual abilities we are born with

382 - A weakness of Murdock's serial position curve study was that:

Ecological validity was low

383 - A weakness of Naturalistic Observation is .....

Time consuming as the specific behaviors may only occur at a certain times.

384 - A weakness of Piaget's stages of development is that:

It underestimates the cognitive abilities of young children

385 - A weakness of Piaget's theory is that:

It is based on a limited sample of children

386 - A weakness of planting false memories onto someone is that:

It is not ethical to do so

387 - A weakness of prison is it is seen as ineffective because whilst in prison offenders are

exposed to criminal role models during their sentence

388 - A weakness of restorative justice is the process can cause ..... as it involves contact via a face-to-face or by letter.

distress to both the victim and offender

389 - A weakness of the concept of learning styles is that:

There is little scientific evidence to support it

390 - A weakness of the Multi store memory model is

having one STM and one LTM store is too simplistic

391 - A weakness of the multi-store memory model is that:

It doesn't explain mental blocks

392 - A weakness of the multi-store memory model is:

It is far too simplistic, and doesn't explain all of our memories

393 - A weakness of the naughty teddy study is that:

The children may have not noticed a change had taken place

394 - A weakness of the policeman doll study is that:

The children may have picked up cues from the researcher

395 - A weakness of using praise is that:

It can reduce internal motivation rather than increase it

396 - A weakness of Willingham's theory is:

We cannot diagnose learning disorders from brain differences

397 - A white shirt looks just as white when you are ironing in conditions of artificial light as it does when you hang it on the clothes line in sunlight. This is an example of the effect of

brightness constancy.

398 - A woman met a car accident and after recovering, she cannot remember events right before the crash, it is called _________________?

retrograde amnesia

399 - A woman who becomes dizzy, short of breath, and nauseated at the sight of a cockroach is likely experiencing a(n) .....


400 - A woman without sensory adaptation would

be continuously bothered by street noises outside her house

401 - A women had been pondering a problem for days and was about to give up when suddenly, the solution came to her. her experience can best be described as what?


402 - A word or part of a word that is in itself meaningful, but that cannot be broken into smaller meaningful units, is called


403 - A young child who points to the bakery shelves and says, "You give cupcake, " is exhibiting

telegraphic speech

404 - A young child who sees a cow for the first time calls it a ‘doggie’. This illustrates the process of ________________?


405 - A young child's inability to understand another person's perspective.


406 - A your high school reunion you cannot remember the last name of your class teacher. Your failure to remember is most likely the result of __________________?

retrieval failure

407 - A(n) ..... degree provides the most options from the widest array of employers


408 - A(n) ..... has a source of energy mainly in their own internal world or being alone.


409 - A(n) ..... is a list of questions developed by a researcher that can be administered in paper form.


410 - A(n) ..... psychologist studies the effects of overcrowding on humans.


411 - A(n) ..... reinforcer increases the frequency of the behavior it follows when it is removed.


412 - A(n) ..... reinforcer is learned and becomes effective by being paired with such reinforcers as food and shelter.


413 - A(n) .....research design happens when only participants don't know whether they are in experimental or control group, but the researchers do know who is assigned to which group.

single blind

414 - A(n) .....source and direction of energy expression is mainly in the external world and being around people.


415 - A(n) [blank] wants to learn how various mental processes help people adapt to their environment


416 - A(n) is a fixed set of procedures that, if followed correctly, will lead to a solution


417 - A(n) is a subjective feeling provoked by real or imagined objects or events that have high significance to the individual


418 - A(n)..... is an example of a(n)..... of an idea that has no concrete existence.

punctuation mark; symbol

419 - A, an and ill are all examples of:


420 - A..... is a research done to study the relationship between two variables.

correlational research

421 - A..... is a study conducted to establish a positive or negative relationship between two variables.

correlational study

422 - ‘Behaviour can be influenced by social and cultural factor’, the _________ perspective of psychology emphasizes it.

Socio-cultural Perspective

423 - Aarnab wanted to know about what is the response of people on watching horror movies. For this, he prepared a setup with scary surroundings and played those movies to people one at a time . He verified the situation and data collected later.Which step of

Analyzing the conclusions

424 - Aaron Beck sought to help clients turn negative thoughts into positive ones by challenging their .....

flawed thought processes

425 - ABC's Goal

All of the above

426 - Abiding by the schools dress code is an example of?


427 - Ability to comprehend shapes and images in three dimensions


428 - ability to cope with stressful situation and to make good decision is an example of which component?

Mental Fitness

429 - ability to learn word lists or other materials rapidly


430 - ability to picture something in your mind.

representational thought

431 - Ability to process and compute logical problems and equations.


432 - ability to read and understand written material

verbal relationships

433 - Ability to remember visual info over long periods of time

Eidetic Memory

434 - Ability to respond quickly and efficiently while mentally processing or physically performing a task


435 - Ability to save something mentally that has been previously learned


436 - ability to see and understand what's happening around you

perceptual ability

437 - ability to simultaneously recognize color, shape, size, and speed of automobile best illustrates

Parallel Processing

438 - ability to think in visual terms

spatial perception

439 - Ability to understand and sense oneself.


440 - Ability to use deductive or inductive reasoning.

reasoning ability

441 - ability to use simple arithmetic

numerical skills

442 - Ability to utilize language.


443 - Abnormal Psychology is concerned with _________?

Abnormal behaviour and its causes

444 - About 68% of those who take the WAIS Intelligence Test score between ..... and .....

85 and 115

445 - About age 1 to 2..... The stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly in single words

One-Word Stage-holophrases

446 - About age 2..... The stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly two-word statements

Two-Word Stage

447 - About how many male math teachers were there in 2006?


448 - About how much of Americas population experiences color deficiency? (men & women combined)

9% total

449 - About three hours after he falls asleep, Frosty the Snowman often sits up in bed screaming incoherently. The next morning when his mother asks him about it, he remembers nothing. What does Frosty likely suffer from?

Night Terrors

450 - About.....% of the population have scores that fall between 70 and 130 on the Wechsler (WAIS).


451 - Abraham Maslow

Humanistic theory

452 - Abraham Maslow and Carl Roger were the founder of ________ approach?

Humanistic approach

453 - Abraham Maslow deliberately tried to establish an alternative to psychoanalysis and behaviorism called

humanistic psychology

454 - Abraham Maslow is well known as _____________?

a forerunner of the humanistic movement in psychology

455 - Absolute Threshold

the weakest amount of a stimulus that a person can detect half the time

456 - Absolute threshold is measured by using

Signal detection method

457 - Absolute threshold means you sense something

50% of the time

458 - Absolute threshold refers to

The minimum stimulation necessary to detect a particular stimulus

459 - Academic achievement can be affected by skipping breakfast.


460 - Accommodation is the process of

creating a new schema for new types of information

461 - Accommodation refers to the

process by which the lens changes shape to focus images on the retina.

462 - According J. B Watson, ‘Psychology is a Science of________’.


463 - According the behaviourist approach, behaviour is primarily the result of learning. Learning consists of simple processes known as


464 - According to ..... theory, learning is controlled by the consequences of an organism's behavior.

operant conditioning

465 - According to ..... theory, you are likely to form memories that mirror your emotional state.

Mood congruent

466 - According to ..... theory, you not consciously aware of how external stimuli have shaped your behavioral responses.


467 - According to .....psychology, people naturally seek out patterns or "wholes" in sensory information that is presented to them.


468 - According to a phrenologist, your brain is made up of brain organs, and the size of these can influence your personality and character.


469 - According to a recent survey, which of the following traits is a characteristic of the best teachers?

Having a sense of humor

470 - According to Abraham Maslow, developing one's potential to its fullest extent results in


471 - According to Adorno, people with an authoritarian personality:

All of the above

472 - According to Ainsworth's attachment styles how would you classify the attachment a child who showed the following behaviours? The child used their mother as a safe base to explore the room and was distressed when their mother left the room.

Securely attached

473 - According to Ainsworth's attachment styles how would you classify the attachment of a child who showed the following behaviours? The child did not orient their behaviour towards their mothers, showed some distress when she left the room but did not seek c

Insecure-avoidant attachment

474 - According to Attribution Theory, which of the following is an example of the self serving bias?

A toddler builds a tall tower with blocks and says "Me good!" when she completes the tower. However, she bumps it and it falls down. She frowns and says "Bad blocks!"

475 - According to B.F. Skinner human behavior is controlled primarily by __________________?

external influences

476 - According to B.F. Skinner's Theory of Operant Conditioning, reinforcement.....

Increases a behavior

477 - According to Baddeley which of the following word lists produced the lowest recall?

Acoustically similar words - Man, Mad, Mat

478 - According to Bandura and Walters, all of the following processes are involved in observational learning except __________________?

chaining process

479 - According to Bandura, one is socialized by ___________?


480 - According to Bandura, what can expand the range and rate of learning?


481 - According to Bandura, What influences our learning and behaviour?

Environmental and Cognitive Factors.

482 - According to Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, what isn't necessary to determine human behaviour?

Defense mechanisms

483 - According to behaviourist principles getting money for working acts as a


484 - According to Berry's acculturation model, which behaviour is the result of acceptance of a new culture and the rejection of your original culture?


485 - According to Bhoomika, what is one effect of poverty


486 - According to Bowlby what is the critical period during which time the child needs to form an attachment?

Within the first 3 years of life

487 - According to Brdar, Anic and Rijavec's study of gender differences and character strengths, women scored highest in:

Honesty, Kindness, love, gratitude and justice

488 - According to Carol Dweck, most people:

Are growth minded in some situations but fixed in others

489 - According to clinical psychologists unconscious is _____________?

An observation

490 - According to cognitive behavioral therapy:

Behaviors are learned and can be changed

491 - According to Craik and Lockhart, which of the following levels of processing would result in the highest recall of information?


492 - According to Darwin, the variation in behaviour passed from one generation to next generation is due to _________?


493 - According to Dawson and Reid (1997):

Being sleep deprived for 17 hours gives a person similar performance to that of a person with a BAC of 0.05

494 - According to developmental psychology 'an enduring, two-way, emotional tie to a specific other person', is


495 - According to Dr. Toldson an example of an explicit bias statement would be

You know none of these children are reading on grade level so why do we have science at the school?

496 - According to Dr. Toldson, implicit bias refers to

biases beyond one's conscious awareness

497 - According to Ebbinghaus (1885), during which period of time do we forget the most new information after learning?

The first 20 mins

498 - According to Edward de Bono, ..... is not sufficient to solve an unusual problem; one should approach the problem using .....

Realistic thinking; creative thinking

499 - According to Enriquez, the following are considered colonial/accommodative surface values of Filipinos EXCEPT:


500 - According to Erikson, a child four to six years of age is in which stage of development?

locomotor-genital stage

501 - According to Erikson, isolation is to intimacy as role confusion is to ________________?


502 - According to Erikson, the central crisis of adolescence is _____________?

identity vs confusion

503 - According to Erikson̢۪s developmental theory, the maturity stage deals with which of the following crises?

integrity vs. despair

504 - According to Eysenck personality types results from

Differences in the Central Nervous System

505 - According to Eysenck's test Creative people score highly on


506 - According to Eysenck's theory, successful sports people are likely to be:

More extroverted and stable

507 - According to Fisher et al. police officers using the cognitive interview gain how much more information?


508 - According to frequency theory

the rate at which impulses travel up the auditory nerve matches the frequency of the tone being heard.

509 - According to Freud the ..... content is the remembered part of the dream and the ..... content is the underlying meaning of the dream.

Manifest; Latent

510 - According to Freud what are two main influences on our behavior?

Only (A) & (B)

511 - According to Freud, the "royal road" for understanding unconscious behavior was?


512 - According to Freud, the part of the personality that is unconscious, we don't often know what it wants


513 - According to Freud, the part of the personality that provides a buffer between the id and the outside world is known as the .....


514 - According to Freud, the part of the personality that represents our conscious self. The decision maker


515 - According to Freud, the part of the personality that represents our morality. (the angel)


516 - According to Freud, this part of our personality tries to meet our desires in a way that is socially acceptable in the world. It deals with reality.


517 - According to Freud, What keeps a person from stealing?


518 - According to Freud, which parts of the personality are constantly in conflict?

Id and Superego

519 - According to functionalism; ..... enabled early humans to think about the past, enabling them toremember benefits, dangers, and plan for the future


520 - According to Gardner, what is interpersonal intelligence?

The gift of working with people and understanding the complexities of human relationships.

521 - According to Gardner, what is logical/mathematical intelligence?

The gift of reasoning and thinking in symbols and abstractions, as demonstrated in calculating, computing, problem solving, and graphing

522 - According to Gardner, what is naturalist intelligence?

A gift of environmental awareness as manifested in an understanding of interrelationships of the natural world.

523 - According to Gardner, what is the musical or rhythmical intelligence?

The gift of melody, music, rhyme, rhythm, and sound, as demonstrated in playing an instrument, singing, timing, and patterns.

524 - According to Gardner, what is verbal/linguistic intelligence?

The gift of strong language and literacy skills such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

525 - According to Gardner, what is visual/spatial intelligence?

The gift of visually representing and appreciating concepts, ideas, and information, such as through drawing, building, and designing.

526 - According to Gardner, which of the following is true?

People have multiple, independent intelligences

527 - According to Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence's, skill at putting puzzles together or molding sculptures


528 - According to Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence's, skill at putting puzzles together, molding sculptures, or any other task that requires the person to understand the physical space that surrounds them.


529 - According to Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence's, the skill at learning, using, and understanding languages


530 - According to Gate-Control Theory, which fibers carry pain signals through the gate in the spinal cord?

Small Fibers

531 - According to Gestalt psychologists, much learning is accomplished by

sudden insight

532 - According to Gestalt psychologists, the way in which you quickly group the individual letters in this test item into separate words best illustrates the principle of


533 - According to Gestalt psychologists, what is true?

The whole is the sum of parts.

534 - According to Gibson, direct perception means that:

Sensation is perception

535 - According to Gregory, perception is:

A construction of the world around us

536 - According to Guilford, divergent thinking requires ___________________?

fluency of ideas

537 - According to Guilford̢۪s model of intelligence, how many dimensions of intelligence are there?

three dimensions

538 - According to Harry Harlow what made the mother so important?

the comfort she provided

539 - According to Howard Gardner, how many different intelligence's are there?


540 - According to Jung, a complex is :

an emotionally toned conglomeration of associated ideas.

541 - According to Jung, individuation, or self-realization -

involves replacing the ego with the self.

542 - According to Jung, the archetype that manifests itself as one's social role is the :


543 - According to Jung, the unconscious can be divided into :

the personal and collective

544 - According to Jung, when a personal experience corresponds to a latent primordial image -

an archetype is activated.

545 - According to Kelly, dichotomies will ..... a construct's range of convenience.


546 - According to Kelly, psychologically unhealthy people -

cling to outdated personal constructs.

547 - According to Kohlberg, an individual in a stage of conventional morality would be most concerned with _____________?

gaining approval

548 - According to lecture, what is a potential application of instrumental conditioning (IC)?

IC can be used to tune complex behaviours, such as perfecting a pitcher's fastball.

549 - According to Lewis Terman study, things that cause children to have Extremely High Intelligence is?

They had above average physical health and social relationships.

550 - According to Maslow and Rogers, an individual's self esteem cannot be met without a sense of belonging first


551 - According to Maslow, a person with no job, no friends and no house can be self actualized_________?

100 percent no

552 - According to Maslow, are the first level of needs that people have to satisfy

fundamental needs

553 - According to Maslow, needs such as the pursuit of knowledge and beauty are part of an individual's

self-actualization needs

554 - According to Maslow, the psychological need that arises after all other needs have been met is the need for

self actualization.

555 - According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the HIGHEST POTENTIAL a person can reach is called .....


556 - According to Milgram, his study on obedience produced two surprising findings. Describe what these to surprises were.

The level of obedience exhibited by the subjects throughout the experiment and their reactions to their actions (tension).

557 - According to Milgram, Obedience is a result of both nature and nurture. This is because?

We obey because we have evolved to have a hierarchical structure and then we are socialised to follow the order of a legitimate authority figure.

558 - According to Milgram's obedience study, which characteristic made it highly likely the participant would be obedient?

There was no single characteristic that made it highly likely the participant would be obedient.

559 - According to Myers-Briggs, if you test as an INTROVERT, which of the following could be TRUE?

You may need some alone time to recharge your energy.

560 - According to Noam Chomsky’s theory of transformational grammar, a ‘Kernel’ is ______________________?

the basic declarative thought of the sentence

561 - According to 'normative social influence', people conform because:

They want to be liked.

562 - According to one theory of psychology, many people have mental illnesses because their maladaptive behaviours have proven rewarding for them in the past and thus have been continued. This belief is consistent with which of the following models?


563 - According to our notes, can you "teach" intelligence?


564 - According to Pavlov̢۪s dual-code model of memory, the two types of codes used to store long-term memories are ________________?

verbal and visual

565 - According to Piaget children are born with?

A few Schemas which are mainly reflex schema

566 - According to Piaget from 2 to 7 years of age, language is developed slowly and gradually, this stage is called _______________?

preoperational stage

567 - According to Piaget the most essential component of constructivism in learning is when students?

Actively build meaningful understanding of the information through experiences and interaction

568 - According to Piaget, ..... occurs when after encountering a new object or idea the child modifies the existing mental representation.


569 - According to Piaget, .....occurs when a child reacts to a new object or idea in a way that is consistent with the child's existing mental representations.


570 - According to Piaget, a child can represent things with words and images but cannot reason with logic during the _____________ stage?


571 - According to Piaget, a child in the concrete operational stage

can conserve and shows less egocentrism

572 - According to Piaget, a child who is confident that the quantity of milk is a glass does not change when it is poured into a glass of different shape is probably _________________?

able to conserve volume

573 - According to Piaget, accommodation refers to

adjusting current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences.

574 - According to Piaget, at this sage of development children have abstract thought.

Formal operational stage

575 - According to Piaget, children who can think symbolically about absent objects and can appreciate the stable properties of those objects, but cannot think logically about actions that produce change, are at the__________ stage?


576 - According to Piaget, cognitive development occurs through a fixed sequence of stages, each distinguished from the prior stage by a ________________?

new kind of scheme

577 - According to Piaget, during ..... stage children's reasoning is subordinate to movement and sensation

sensorimotor stage

578 - According to Piaget, during the formal operational stage people begin to:

reason abstractly

579 - According to Piaget, during this stage children are no longer egocentric and they already understand conservation and reversibility.

Concrete operational stage

580 - According to Piaget, Egocentrism ends around the age of:


581 - According to Piaget, for appropriate learning to take place in education children must be at the appropriate cognitive level of


582 - According to Piaget, 'Readiness' means that:

Learning has to be matched to a child's stage of cognitive development

583 - According to Piaget, the ability to ‘think like a scientist’ is characteristic of which of the following developmental stages?

formal operational

584 - According to Piaget, the ability to understand that simply changing the appearance of an object does not change the object's nature is known as .....


585 - According to Piaget, the child̢۪s basic development process includes ______________?

all of the above

586 - According to Piaget, the major accomplishment of sensorimotor stage is ________________?

object permanence

587 - According to Piaget, the major accomplishment of the sensorimotor stage is___________?

Object permanence

588 - According to Piaget, the process through which a young child relates something he sees to something he already knows is called _____________?

formal operation

589 - According to Piaget, the sensorimotor stage is characterized by _____________?

primary and secondary circular reactions

590 - According to Piaget̢۪s theory of cognitive development, middle childhood is characterized by ______________?

concrete operations

591 - According to Piaget's theory children who have moved beyond the object permanence stage but demonstrate Egocentricity and a lack of conservation are at what stage


592 - According to Plato, what is knowledge?

A justified true belief

593 - According to Psychology, all education is

Self -education

594 - According to Raymond Cattell, what is the major difference between crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence?

Crystallized is the ability to absorb and retain information, fluid refers to problem-solving abilities

595 - according to research Interference is most likely to have a negative impact on accuracy of memory of words when

words are very similar

596 - According to research the 'serial position Curve' suggests that what items are least likely to be remembered

items in the middle

597 - According to research, racially and ethnically diverse students are more likely to be

subject to more severe disciplinary practices

598 - According to research; Motivation can influence your perception when you're hungry by making food seem


599 - According to Robert Sternberg, which type of intelligence would describe someone who excels at solving high level math problems?

Analytic Intelligence

600 - According to Roger Brown and other psycholinguistic researchers, children refine the way they apply grammatical rules through ______________?

experience and self-correction

601 - According to Seligman's model of happiness, creating social connections refers to which drive?


602 - According to Sigmund Freud, the part of psyche that stops a person from stealing is the


603 - According to Sigmund Freud, what are all the instinctive drives to seek pleasure and avoid pain that are present from birth and completely unconscious?


604 - According to Sigmund Freud, what causes repression?

disturbing memories

605 - According to Sigmund Freud, what is the "I, " or self, that tries to resolve conflicts between the id and super-ego and it is completely conscious?


606 - According to Sigmund Freud, what is the conscience, which "tells" the ego not to break moral and social rules and that is both conscious and unconscious?


607 - According to SIT, we show in-group favouritism because it improves.....


608 - According to social identity theory we go through a process of ..... ....., ..... ..... and ..... ..... in order to be prejudiced.

Social categorisation, social identification and social comparison

609 - According to social identity theory, hostility is presented during ..... ..... because .....

Social comparison because we devalue the out group in order to raise our own self esteem.

610 - According to Social Identity Theory, to maintain our self-esteem, we need to.....

Be part of a social group which compares well next to other social groups.

611 - According to Socrates, what was the goal of life?


612 - According to SPEARMAN, this one factor underlies specific mental abilities and is, therefore, measured on every task on an intelligence test.

"G" factor

613 - According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, three factors need to be considered when describing intelligence. Which of the factors below is NOT one of Sternberg's three factors?

the age of the individual

614 - According to structural family therapy, subsystems are

a and c

615 - According to the article, "TEENAGE BRAINS ARE MALLEABLE AND VULNERABLE, " a teenager's brain is wired to engage in more risky behaviors because.....

Their brain's reward center is sensitive and not fully developed

616 - According to the authors, every time Spider-man uses his powers and he puts them toward a virtuous cause, he busy himself additional happiness, and protects himself from:

Mental anguish

617 - According to the authors, humor promotes health and is a sign of.....

creativity and intelligence.

618 - According to the behaviorist perspective, psychological science should be rooted in what?


619 - According to the biopsychosocial model, an inadequate diet is:

A biological factor

620 - According to the biopsychosocial model, impaired reasoning and memory is:

A psychological factor

621 - According to the biopsychosocial model, losing a job is:

A social factor

622 - According to the biopsychosocial model, poor response to medication is:

A biological factor

623 - According to the biopsychosocial model, stigma preventing someone from accessing treatment is:

A social factor

624 - According to the ethical guidelines set by the American Psychological Association (APA), which of the following is true of psychological research in which animals are used as subjects?

It should conform to all APA ethical guidelines for animal research

625 - According to the Guilford's (1967) model of Intelligence the number of identifiable abilities are


626 - According to the humanistic approach, self-actualisation is only possible if.....

there is congruence between the way an individual sees themselves and their ideal self.

627 - According to the information-processing (The multistore model) view of memory, the first stage in memory processing involves what?


628 - According to the information-processing view of memory, short term memory can be increased by which of the following?


629 - According to the Multi-Stage Model of Memory, attention plays an important role when

Information is transferred from sensory memory to STM

630 - According to the Multi-Store Model of Memory, what are the two things that are the key to whether the information will be transferred from Short Term Memory to Long-Term Memory?

The number of repetitions and the length of time it is held in STM.

631 - According to the multi-store model, what is the capacity and duration of long-term memory?

Unlimited capacity and relatively permanent duration.

632 - According to the multi-store model, what is the duration of short term memories if they are not renewed in some way?

around 18-30 seconds

633 - According to the Nativist Theory, Why are we able to learn?

Because we have an inherent grammar when we are born.

634 - According to the principle of operant conditioning, which of the following consequences would be best for a personal trainer to use to ensure that a desired client behavior will reoccur in the future?

Positive reinforcement

635 - According to the principle of relative brightness, if one of two identical objects reflects more light to your eyes it will be perceived as _______________?


636 - According to the principles of classical conditioning, how could Watson have used an extinction phase to train Little Albert to no longer fear the white rat?

Present the conditioned stimulus alone repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus

637 - According to the 'protection from harm' ethical guideline, researchers must ensure:

All of the above

638 - According to the psychodynamic approach, which part of the personality uses defence mechanisms?


639 - According to the 'right to withdraw' ethical guideline, participants must be made aware that they can withdraw themselves and their data from the study.....

Only (A) & (B)

640 - According to the Robbers Cave experiment, an effective way to end hostilities between two groups would be to

make them cooperate with each other to complete a task.

641 - According to the rules of grouping Proximity: we group ..... figures together.


642 - According to the serial position effect, when recalling a list of words you should have the greatest difficulty with those

in the middle of the list.

643 - According to the spacing effect, which of the following study methods would work best?

studying physics everyday for 1 hour a day in the week leading to the test

644 - According to the state-dependent learning theory, where is the best location for you to study for an exam?

The classroom where you will take the exam.

645 - According to the TED Talk "Why We Get Mad- and Why it's Healthy, " ALL of the following are common provocations EXCEPT.....

All of the above

646 - According to the TED Talk "Why We Get Mad- and Why it's Healthy, " something that "makes us mad" is referred to as .....

a provocation

647 - According to the text, including REM sleep, how many stages of sleep does a person go through each night?


648 - According to the text, learning involves

a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience

649 - According to the textbook, the primary purpose of statistics is to .....

make data meaningful

650 - According to the textbook, which of the following methods is best for enhanced memory after learning?

frequent quizzing/self-testing

651 - According to the transfer-appropriate processing model of memory, the best way to study for a multiple-choice exam is to:

Take a practice quiz with multiple choice questions

652 - According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, all colors in the spectrum can be produced by combining

red, green, and blue

653 - According to the video "How the Food You Eat Affects Your Brain, " about WHAT PERCENT of your overall energy resources does your brain use?


654 - According to the video "How the Food You Eat Affects Your Brain, " which nutrients are most essential for brain health?

omega 3 & 6 fatty acids

655 - According to the Young-Helmholtz theory

the retina contains three kinds of color receptors.

656 - According to this perspective, deep unconscious conflicts have a huge impact on our behavior and thought processes.


657 - According to this perspective, feelings of self-worth and value have a huge impact on our behavior and thought processes.


658 - According to this perspective, our genetics have a huge impact on our behavior and thought processes.


659 - According to this perspective, our thinking abilities and processes drive our behavior.


660 - According to to the experiment conducted by Atkinson and Sheffrin, which among the following ways of encoding is most effective while storing information in STM?


661 - According to Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonberg's study: which country had the highest percentage of Insecure- Resistent infants?


662 - According to Vygotsky, children develop their behavior and habits.....

from their cultures and through interpersonal experiences

663 - According to Vygotsky, why is language important in development?

All of the above.

664 - According to which theory, a person't behavior is determined by their unconscious thoughts?


665 - According to Willingham, an important factor associated with increased academic achievement is:

Self regulation

666 - According to Willingham, praise is most effective when it is:


667 - According to Wolfgang Kohler, when one of his chimps fastened two sticks together to reach a bunch of bananas, it was showing an evidence of _________________?


668 - According to Wundt, our consciousness is made of which three categories (choose all three)?

All of the above

669 - Acetylcholine (ACh) is heavily involved with

muscle movements

670 - Acetylcholine and dopamine, which help control movement, are examples of


671 - Achievement motivation relates to

Need of the person

672 - acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught


673 - Act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar


674 - Act of responding in the same way to stimuli that seem similar.


675 - Acting on a prejudice.....the behavior towards a prejudice


676 - Action E in Mental Health First Aid:

Encourage appropriate professional help

677 - Action that can be observed or measured


678 - Actions , Activity or Process, it can be observed or measured?


679 - Actions that one is aware of doing the moment?


680 - Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system results in which of the following?

A decrease in heart rate

681 - Active maintenance of information in short-term storage

Working Memory

682 - activities directed toward getting a job done

task functions

683 - Acute disorders are

Only (A) & (B)

684 - Adam is interested in investigating unconscious conflict in a sample of college students. Adam will most likely use the methods and theories associated with the ..... domain of personality.


685 - Adaptive organisms survive and transmit their genes to future generations.


686 - Addictive disorders include ___________?

All the above

687 - Adding 1 as part of the calculation of the range is a:

Mathematical correction

688 - Adding weight to a heavy backpack is less noticeable than adding weight to an empty backpack. This shows.....

just noticeable difference

689 - Addresses issues of ethnicity, gender, culture, and SES. Examine gender (differences b/t men and women)

Sociocultural Perspective

690 - ADHD patients lack the ability to

focus on 1 stimuli- selective attention

691 - adherence to instructions from those of higher authority


692 - Adherence to orders from those of higher authority.


693 - adjusting behavior and thinking toward a group standard, Asch developed the line test


694 - Adjusting one's thoughts, feelings or behaviour in ways that are in agreement with those of a particular individual or group, or with accepted social norms, is a definition of.....


695 - Adjustment inventory measures these three dimensions:-

emotional, social and educational

696 - adjustment of one's schema to include newly observed events and experiences


697 - Administered the first test battery to thousand of citizens at the International Health Exhibit.

Francis Galton

698 - Administering an aversive or negative stimulus

positive punishment

699 - Adolescence begins in ..... andends in ..... .

biology, culture

700 - Adolescents are faced with conflicts as 'who they are'. The concept refers to

Identity Confusion

701 - Adolescents need about ..... hours of sleep per night.


702 - Adolescents show the following

All of the above

703 - Adult creativity can be successfully measured by


704 - Adults do not make good patients for brain surgery because

Adult brains are not able to repair themselves as quickly

705 - ADV- Enables an immense amount of data to be gathered quickly and inexpensively.


706 - ADV- Help to clarify relationships between variable that cannot be explained by other research methods, in other words- predictions.

Correlation Studies

707 - ADV- The behavior observed in the subject(s) natural environment to be more natural, spontaneous, and varied than that observed in a laboratory.


708 - ADV- They yield a great deal of detailed descriptive information. They're very useful in forming hypotheses.

Case Studies

709 - Advantages of field research.....

Only (A) & (B)

710 - Advantages of online research.....

All of the above

711 - Advertisements are made more effective when the communicators are I. attractiveII. famousIII. perceived as experts.


712 - Advertisers know that a thirty-three percent discount sounds like a better deal than a discount of one third. This best illustrates:


713 - Advertisers place beautiful people or likeable places and objects with the products they are trying to sell because these items__________?

Cause pleasant feelings to be evoked

714 - Afferent nerves are called


715 - Afferent pathways are involved in which of the following sensory systems?

all sensory systems

716 - After a 15 second interval participants recall accuracy dropped to


717 - After a freak accident involving a falling piano, Dr. Williams informs you that you have sustained damage to your limbic system. Which of the following functions will be most affected?


718 - After a response has been extinguished, it will often reappear after a short time has passed. This is called

spontaneous recovery.

719 - After a stressful or scary situation, your body starts to calm back down. What subsystem controls this shift back to regular functioning?


720 - After a week of not having bottles in her room Faith's mom decides to reward her by taking away her nightly chores of washing the dishes. This is an example of

negative reinforcement

721 - After almost giving up on fixing the loose leg on the table because he couldn't find a screwdriver, Aaron used a knife that was nearby. Aaron was able to fix the table by overcoming .....

functional fixedness

722 - After Anja's brain injury, her family and friends noticed that she was more moody and aggressive than before her accident. It was determined that damage had occurred to one of Anja's cortical lobes. It was most likely that the damage was to the

frontal lobe.

723 - After classical conditioning, the Neutral stimulus (NS) becomes the :

Conditioned stimulus

724 - After combining and recombining various elements, the solution to a problem suddenly emerges


725 - After conducting an experiment, Dr. Fitzpatrick concluded that there was a statistically significant difference between the scores of the experimental and control groups. In other words,

it is unlikely that the difference occurred by chance.

726 - After conducting experiments with rats, Karl Lashley concluding that memories

Are distributed throughout the cortex.

727 - After Evan helped Stephen move into his new dorm room, Stephen felt obligated to help Evan move into his new apartment. This illustrates.....

Reciprocity Norm

728 - After feeling the cold water against your skin when you first jump into the pool, after a few minutes, you no longer feed cold. This best illustrates:

Sensory Adaptation

729 - After finding her old combination lock, Janice can't remember its combination because she keeps confusing it with the combination of her new lock. She is experiencing

Retroactive interference

730 - After having seen many pictures of the Lincoln Monument during his lifetime, Mr. Adams mistakenly recalled that he had actually visited the site. This best illustrates

source amnesia.

731 - After hearing that Bryce had served a prison sentence, Janet began to perceive his friendly behavior as insincere and manipulative. This best illustrates the impact of:

perceptual sets.

732 - After helping clean the dinner table, a child is rewarded with ice cream. This is an example of

positive reinforcement

733 - After John fails his Psychology exam, he attributes his results to the test having 'questions that wern't relevant'. What type of attribution has John made?


734 - After Katherine opens her Christmas gift, she said she knew that was what she was going to get. (But if you asked her before she opened it she would actually have guessed something else.) What is she demonstrating?

Hindsight Bias

735 - After learning the combination for his new CNIC No. Mehboob is unable to remember the combination for his National Tax Number. Mehboob is experiencing the effects of ____________________?

retroactive interference

736 - After listening to a holiday radio station repeatedly play Lou Monte's holiday classic, "Dominick the Donkey, " you grow to like the song. This reaction can be explained by:

The Mere-Exposure Effect

737 - After looking up a phone number, Jim calls it, then forgets. The number was stored in his

Short-Term Memory

738 - After meeting a person for the first time, you try to decide whether they are a good person or a bad person based on their appearance. Which term BEST explains your evaluation?

Bottom-Up Processing

739 - After Pavlov's dogs became conditioned to salivate at the sound of the metronome, he experimented with sounding the metronome but not presenting the meat powder to the dogs. Soon they stopped salivating to the sound of the metronome. This represents the p


740 - After receiving a bad score on a test, you say that you knew you had the wrong answer on many of the questions. This is an example of .....

Hindsight Bias

741 - After reviewing a list of all the U.S. presidents, Carl is able to remember the names of the first three presidents before he begins to have difficulty. This is:

the primacy effect.

742 - After Sandra left to go to class, he continued to sit under the tree daydreaming.


743 - After several trials during which a dog is given a certain kind of food at the same time that a specific tone is sounded, there is evidence of conditioning if the dog salivates when

the tone only is presented

744 - After spending all day trying to solve a math equation, Thomas finally gave up. As she was trying to fall asleep the solution popped in her head. This bes illustrates


745 - After split brain surgery to control his epilepsy, patient X has two different images flashed to his left and right visual fields. The most likely outcome is that:

he can say the word ring, but would pick up the key with his left hand

746 - After staring at a green colored flag for about a minute, an individual will see the color red in their afterimage. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?

Opponent-process theory

747 - After struggling with a solution of how to get her keys out of her car, Kerry suddenly realizes that she should call Triple A. What type of learning does this demonstrate?

Insight Learning

748 - After studying biology all afternoon, Alonzo is having difficulty remembering details of the organic chemistry material that he memorized that morning. Alonzo's difficulty best illustrates

retroactive interference.

749 - After studying for a test, Jack realized he remembered exactly where a particular piece of information appeared on a page in his textbook even though he did not try to remember the item. This is an example of:

Implicit memory

750 - After studying the results of a number of studies, a psychologist might propose what kind of explanation for human behavior?

a theory

751 - After suffering a brain injury in a motorcycle accident, Adam cannot form new memories. He can, however, remember his life experiences before the accident. Adam's memory difficulty most clearly illustrates:

encoding failure

752 - After suffering an accident Tom has trouble walking smoothly. He probably suffered damage to his


753 - After Teddy has been conditioned to fearing people with black socks, Teddy sees a black ankle brace and responds similarly to seeing black socks. What is this an example of?


754 - After the research is over the participant should be able to discuss the procedure and the findings with the psychologist. This is called


755 - After the student council election, a friend tells you he could have guessed who would be elected president. What psychological phenomenon might this illustrate?

Hindsight bias

756 - After the student council election, a friend tells you he has known for weeks who would be elected president. What does this seem to illustrate?

Hindsight Bias

757 - After watching Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, you have trouble remembering where the McAllister's went on vacation in the first movie.

Retroactive Interference

758 - After watching their favorite team lose a game, Emma and her friends commented to each other about how they had always known the loss was inevitable. Psychologists call this:

the hindsight bias

759 - After you see lightning thunder strikes.

trace conditioning

760 - After you study, the textbook suggests you do all of the following except:


761 - After your school's football team has a big win, students in the halls can be heard saying "we are awesome." The next week, after the team loses to the last place team in the league, that same students lament that "They were terrible", The difference in t

self serving bias

762 - After Zoe participates in a study to look at how stress affects memory, the researcher explains the findings and the supports available if any short term or long term effects are experiences. This explains the process of.....

reporting and debriefing

763 - Age where babies start to gain self-awareness

6 months old

764 - aggression and violence has been associate with ..... amygdala function and ..... amygdala size

Lower, smaller

765 - Aggression may be influenced by

all of the above

766 - Aggression stemming from feelings of anger and aimed at inflicting pain

hostile aggression

767 - Aggressive behavior of a sportsperson is influenced by.....

All of the above

768 - Aha!! Insight Learning

Wolfgang Kohler

769 - Ahmad feels nervous every time he hears the clicking of high heels that Mrs Sathasivam likes to wear but does not feel nervous when he hears the clicking of high heels from other female teachers. This is known as

stimulus discrimination

770 - Aina is conducting a research to see whether a lack of sleep affects an individual's attention negatively. The research method that she needs to use is

experimental study

771 - Ainsworth placed her types of attachment into two distinct categories, what were these?

Secure and insecure

772 - Airline reservations typically decline after a highly publicized airplane crash because people overestimate the incidence of such disasters. In such instances, people's decisions are being influenced by:

The availability heuristic

773 - Alaa was tardy to class in the first grade. His teacher made him sing in front of the class, something that was embarrassing for him. As an adult, Alaa is always 30 minutes early to any event or meeting. What is the Conditioned Response in this scenario?

A deep fear of a repeat of that embarrassment for any and all meetings/events.

774 - Alaa was tardy to class in the first grade. His teacher made him sing in front of the class, something that was embarrassing for him. As an adult, Alaa is always 30 minutes early to any event or meeting. What is the Unconditioned Stimulus in this scenario

Being tardy to class in the first grade.

775 - Aladdin is a street rat that has to steal food with his monkey associate Abu to survive. He is breaking the law to meet what level of needs?


776 - Alan Baddeley is one of the leading figures in research on ________________?

working memory

777 - Alaska needs more:

Tanning Beds

778 - Albeit Henry continues to try to teach a bird to walk rather than fly. The bird continues to fly. This is an example of

Instinctive Drift

779 - Albert arrived at a party and was introduced in order to Maggie, Antonio, Heber, and Stephanie. Later in the evening he could only remember Maggie's name. This is an example of:

the primacy effect

780 - Albert Bandura

social cognitive theory

781 - Albert Bandura and his Bobo doll.


782 - Albert Bandura created this famous psychological experiment:

Bobo the Doll

783 - Albert Bandura researched this type of learning.

Observational Learning

784 - Albert Bandura, known for his social learning theory including the concepts of motivation and self-efficacy, discussed what important term.....

triachic reciprocal causality

785 - Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll experiment is an example of what type of learning?

Observational Learning

786 - Albert Bandura's famous Bobo Doll experiment shows the power of


787 - Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory recognizes the interaction called ..... that occursamong the observing individual, the behavior of that individual, and the environment in which that behavioroccurs.

reciprocal determination

788 - Albert cannot sleep because he is terribly worried about his research paper. So Albert decides to get out of bed and continue working on the paper. Although he stays up to nearly 3:00 am, he is relieved it is done and easily falls off to sleep. In the fut

negative reinforcement

789 - Alex (who is politically conservative) always watches Fox News (a conservative television station). He doesn't believe anything MSNBC (a liberal station) says!

confirmation bias

790 - Alex has a bad habit of biting his nails. Which of the following would be most helpful?

Aversion Therapy

791 - Alex is learning the steps to use his new mountain bicycle. What kind of knowledge is he using?


792 - Alex is so focused on his homework that he doesn't realize it is now dark outside. What is this an example of?

Selective Attention

793 - Alex Linley and colleagues study showed that men scored higher than females on:


794 - Alexa Is grounded for coming home after curfew. Additionally her parents have taken away her cell phone for a month. Losing herself one privileges is an example of

Punishment by removal

795 - Alexis is very organized. She rarely shows up late to meetings and is very reliable.


796 - Alex's girlfriend said a list of things she wanted from the store. Alex was only able to remember the first thing she said. This is an example of the:

Primacy effect

797 - Alferd Binet is famous for developing the first ___________________?

child intelligence test

798 - Alfred Adler

Inferiority Complex

799 - Alfred Bandura showed that we acquire knowledge by observing and imitating others. This is called:


800 - Alfred Binet designed the first ..... test


801 - Alfred Binet is known as the father of intelligence mainly because of his work in

the assessment of one's ability to learn and the creation of mental age.

802 - Algorithms

will always result in a correct solution, if there is a correct solution to be found.

803 - Algorithms involve.....?

Trying all possible answers in a step-by-step way

804 - Ali can remember well incidents that happened to him years ago because he associates those incidents with relevant information which gives detailed description of such incident. The process involved that enable Ali to remember well is due to


805 - Alice is eating a piece of fruit. After a while, she notices that the fruit tastes less sweet and tangy than it did when she first bit into it. Alice is experiencing .....

sensory adaptation

806 - Alice who shows ..... has been described by friends as being creative, imaginative, curious, artistic, and nonconforming.


807 - Alin ang HINDI halimbawa ng pagsasakatubo mula sa loob:

Pagsasalin ng isang Big 5 Factor questionnaire

808 - Alin sa mga ito ang maituturing na halimbawa ng angat-patong na praktis?

Paggamit ng isang Marxistang pagpapaliwanag sa ating politikal na desisyon at kilos

809 - Ali's social phobia has led him to lose jobs and relationships. In this case, Ali has a disorder because his behavior is:


810 - Alison opened her new jigsaw but soon realized that the puzzle pieces inside had nothing to do with the picture on the box. She completed the puzzle without knowing what the finished picture would look like. Which of the following did Allison use?

bottom-up processing

811 - All of contemporary psychology can be grouped into ..... fields

Experimental and Applied

812 - All of the following are American Psychological Association (APA) ethical guidelines for researchers EXCEPT:

Research may not involve deception

813 - All of the following are characteristics of light except _______________?


814 - All of the following are characteristics of short term memory EXCEPT:

Duration is less than 3 seconds

815 - All of the following are consider ethics violations as it relates to psychology except.

Making a Profit.

816 - All of the following are considered to be extrinsic reinforcers, except:

The enjoyment of playing your favorite Math game.

817 - All of the following are examples of a behavior EXCEPT


818 - All of the following are examples of primary reinforcers except

high score on an exam

819 - All of the following are goals of psychology EXCEPT .....


820 - All of the following are higher cognitive processes except


821 - All of the following are important things the textbook suggests to do DURING a study session EXCEPT:

highlight all important information

822 - All of the following are key strategies to use BEFORE you study EXCEPT:

alert your friends on social media

823 - All of the following are methods of psychological research EXCEPT

Latitudinal Study

824 - All of the following are objectives in this course except.

Developing way to self diagnose disorders and self treat

825 - All of the following are research methods EXCEPT:

Causal experiment

826 - All of the following are some of the major sources of work stress EXCEPT ___________?

High decision latitude

827 - All of the following are true about punishment, except:

Delayed punishment is more effective than immediate punishment.

828 - All of the following people are known for their theories of intelligence except for


829 - All of the members of the jury entered the deliberation room believing that the company was negligent and that the man who was suing deserved compensation. However, after discussing the case further, the jury members became even more convinced that the co

group polarization

830 - All of the participants got to at least ..... volts of electricity on the secretly fake shock machine.


831 - All of the pilots had to meet a ..... before deploying.....

Military Psychologist

832 - All of the theories combined basically state how.....

there are different styles of leadership

833 - All of those in a group being studied, from which samples can be obtained. This group is drawn from


834 - All personality variables are

theoretical constructs.

835 - All principles of operant learning are limited by .....

An organism's genetic dispositions and physical characteristics

836 - All sensory information goes through the thalamus except for what sensory information?


837 - All the following are behaviorist except .....

William James

838 - All the following are problems with surveys except

People may answer more than once.

839 - all the nerves that branch out from the Central Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System

840 - All those in a group being studied


841 - All those in a group being studied is referred to as the.....


842 - Allie is a ..... She thinks psychology should deal with the physiological causes of behavior.

Biological Psychologist

843 - Allocating participants to an experiment and a control group at random

Independent groups design

844 - Allows light to pass directly to photoreceptors in the retina to enhance visual acuity (details)


845 - Allows us to ask people directly about an opinion or attitude towards something.


846 - allows us to link new material to information previously learned.

elaborative rehearsal

847 - Allows us to look a t the relationships between two variables

Correlational studies

848 - Allows young scientist to further develop their research programs and broaden their research skills under supervision of other professionals in the field

postdoctoral training program

849 - Allport Gordon attempted to develop a systematic study of .....


850 - Almost half the birds in the tree outside Brian's window were brown and the rest were red, so Brian perceived them as two different groups of birds. This best illustrates.....


851 - Almost half the birds in the yard were brown cardinals and the rest were bright red cardinals, so Jimmy perceived them as two distinct groups of birds. This best illustrates the principle of:


852 - Along with history, anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology, psychology is one of the .....

social sciences

853 - Along with Robert Koelling he studied taste aversion in rats noticing rats would avoid water in radiation chambers due to it making them ill; he also helped with having wolves be fearful of sheep for ranch farmers. Timing of Conditioned Stimulus can be de

John Garcia

854 - Along with the amygdala, low functioning in which brain area has been associated with criminal offending?

anterior cingulate cortex

855 - Alpha waves are these types of brain waves.

Awake and relaxed

856 - Also known as a self-report inventory, the objective personality test requires forced-choice responses. What is the best known of this type of test?

MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)

857 - Also known as explicit memory, this type is for remembering facts, figures, dates, etc.


858 - Also known as implicit memory, this type is for remembering skills, abilities, and routines.


859 - Also known as the eardrum -vibrates from sound waves

tympanic membrane

860 - Although Bill was seated next to his friend, he was able to smell the burning popcorn a full minute earlier than his friend. Bill must have a lower ..... for smell.

absolute threshold

861 - Although both social workers and clinical psychologists want to improve the lives of others, what is a fundamental difference in their training?

Social workers do not have doctoral degrees.

862 - Although carpenter Smith perceived a briefly viewed object as a screwdriver, police officer Wesson perceived the same object as a knife. This illustrates that perception is guided by:

Perceptual sets

863 - Although cultures vary greatly, one of the things most cultures have in common is that they are .....

neither 100% collectivist or individualist

864 - Although different, Piaget and Vygotsky both developed theories about .....


865 - Although Frieda is typically very reserved, as part of a huge rock concert crowd she lost her inhibitions and behaved in a very sexually provocative way. Frieda's unusual behavior is best understood in terms of:


866 - Although Frieda is typically very reserved, when she attended a huge rock concert in the middle of an immense crowd, she lost her inhibitions and self-restraint and behaved in a very sexually provocative way. Frieda's unusual behavior is best understood i


867 - Although her score on the personality test indicated that Mary was devoid of social grace, painfully shy, and frightened of other people, she is extremely popular and outgoing. This personality test lacks


868 - Although Manuel was sitting right next to his parents, he smelled a skunk minutes before they did. Apparently, Manuel has a lower ..... for skunk odor than his parents have.

absolute threshold

869 - Although NCU mostly follows another style guideline, what source style is typically used in education & educational psychology outside of NCU?


870 - Although Nicole scored well above average on the SAT, she frequently loses her temper and needlessly antagonizes even her best friends. Her behavior best illustrates a low level of

emotional intelligence.

871 - Although Paul seems bright and capable to his parents and friends, he has been failing in school. He goes to speak with a psychologist who tells him that his problems may stem from internal processes such as unrealistic expectations and negative thinking.


872 - Although psychologists use different methods and study different behaviors, they all conduct ..... studies.


873 - Although restorative justice is not a form of punishment, government research shows there is a 14% ..... compared to not using restorative justice.

reduction in recidivism

874 - Although Robert was sitting right next to his wife, he smelled a skunk minutes before she did. Apparently, Robert has a lower ..... for skunk odor than his wife.

absolute threshold

875 - Although Samuel could not recall the exact words of a letter he had recently heard, he clearly remembered the meaning of the letter. This best illustrates the importance of

Semantic encoding

876 - Although some of Phineas Gage's frontal lobe was removed when he was injured, which behaviour demonstrates that his Broca's area was not damaged?

He could produce clear and articulate speech.

877 - Although textbooks frequently cast a trapezoidal image on the retina, students typically perceive the books as rectangular objects. This illustrates the importance of

shape constancy.

878 - Altruism is best described as

behaving unselfishly to enhance the welfare of others.

879 - Alvin has trouble with memory due to his abnormally small hippocampus.


880 - Alyssa has to write a research paper on the effects of video games on child behavior. Alyssa believes that video games lead to bad behavior in children, and only finds research that supports her views. Alyssa's actions are a demonstration of .....

confirmation bias

881 - Amabile's Theory of Creativity supports the idea that creativity can increase ..... in students.

intrinsic motivation

882 - American doctors tend to reference the ..... when diagnosing clients.


883 - American Psychiatric Association publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM -I).


884 - American Psychological Association is the largest professional and scientific organization of psychologists in the United States founded by .....

G. Stanley Hall

885 - American psychologist best known for his groundbreaking study on delayed gratification known as "the marshmallow test."

Walter Mischel

886 - American psychologist who developed a hierarchy of needs to explain human motivation

Abraham Maslow

887 - American psychologistwho studied attachmentto caregivers in infantmonkeys

Harry Harlow

888 - Among monocular cues for depth perception is ________________?


889 - Among people with severe mood disorder ___________ is most common?


890 - Among the Kankanai-speaking areas of Northern Luzon, ..... means the spiritual self and ..... means the physical self.

Ab-abiik/ awak

891 - Amotivation

is a feeling of being unable and unwilling to pursue something

892 - Amount of change needed to determine an increase or decrease of a stimulus

Difference Threshold

893 - an ability to cope with stressful situation and to make good decision is an example of which component?

Spiritual Fitness

894 - An ability to gain information by some means other than the ordinary 5 senses

Extrasensory Perception

895 - An ability to learn new information and form new long-term memories is called ________________?

implicit amnesia

896 - An abstract unit of thought that represents an object or quality; anything that stands for or represents something else.


897 - an act that purposefully avoids harm or evil.


898 - An action potential will be most likely to occur if

gates along the axon swing open.

899 - An action that can be observed or measured.


900 - An adaptive behaviour is one that:

Helps a person to function effectively in daily life

901 - An advantage of the clinical method is that it

allows investigation of rare or unusual problems or events.

902 - An advertisement for a computer company touts how much more memory their products have are using?

Central Route of Persuasion

903 - An affective disorder in which a person swings from one mood extreme to another is classified as:


904 - An afterimage describes the continuation of a visual sensation after removal of the


905 - An agreed upon set of assumptions and methods about the subject matter of a discipline


906 - An alert mind is characterised by which brain waves?

Beta (highest frequency, lowest amplitude)

907 - an ambiguous figure in which the perspective easily shifts, so that at certain times specific elements appear to make up a distinct figure while at others those same elements appear as an indistinct background

Reversible Figures

908 - an American psychologist who specializes in the involvement of COGNITIVE processes in classical conditioning focusing on animal learning and behavior.

Robert Rescorla

909 - An animal trainer is trying to teach a lion to perform tricks for a circus. First, the lion is given food if he sits quietly on a chair. Next, the lion is given food if he raises one paw. Finally, the lion is given more food if he gives the trainer a "hig


910 - An applied field focused on using psychological research and principles in the legal and criminal justice system.

foresnic psychology

911 - An approach emphasizing the scientific study of observable behavioral responses and their environmental determinants.

Behavioral perspective

912 - An approach that emphasizes The POSITIVE potential of human beings.

Humanistic Psychology

913 - An approach to psychology developed by Sigmund Freud whereby a psychologist attempts to resolve a patient's psychological problems by uncovering and discussing the patient's unconscious, unfulfilled, or repressed desires.


914 - An aptitude test attempts to measure

potential for future learning

915 - An architect would likely have good spatial intelligence, a gymnast would likely have good body-kinesthetic intelligence, and a psychologist would likely have good intrapersonal skills. Which of the following would agree with this statement?


916 - An area in which many nerve fiber systems ascend and descend to connect the higher and lower portions of the brain is called


917 - An area that looks at human growth and development over the lifespan including cognitive abilities, morality, social functioning, identity, and other life areas.ypically focusing on development in one of four different areas: physical, cognitive, social/e

Developmental psychology

918 - an arrangement of data that indicates how often a particular score or observation occurs

the listing and summarizing of data in a practical, efficient way

919 - An assumption of the concept of learning styles is that:

Teaching should match the individual's learning style

920 - An athlete knows that there will be a bonus if he/she scores more than 25 points in this last game. Which perspective is being utilized?


921 - An athlete signs a contract whereby her salary increases are renegotiated every three years. This is an example of a ..... schedule of reinforcement.

fixed interval

922 - An athlete who is trying to act or perform without having assessed the situation is likely to make a mistake due to poor

decision-making within the broad-internal attention quadrant

923 - An athlete who is walking onto the court or field at the start of a match and is thinking about how their body is feeling and whether they are relaxed or warmed up would be within the ..... intention quadrant.


924 - An attitude is more likely to predict behavior when the attitude is

strongly held

925 - An attitude may best be defined as

an evaluation of a person, group, object, event, concept or issue.

926 - An authoritarian personality develops because a child:

Experiences feelings of hostility towards his or her parents that cannot be expressed directly

927 - An Average one of these lasts 90 minutes. A person can go through 4-6 of these during the night.

Sleep Cycle

928 - An awareness of extensive cultural differences in attitudes and values is most helpful for avoiding ____________?

the false consensus effect

929 - An early approach to scientific psychology called ..... emphasized the function or purpose of behavior and consciousness.


930 - an early school of psychology that used introspection to explore the elemental structure of the human mind


931 - An early school of thought that explored how mental and behavioral processes function - how they enable the organism to adapt, survive, and flourish


932 - An early school of thought that used introspection to reveal the structure of the human mind


933 - an educated guess about the relationship between two variables


934 - an educated guess about the relationship between two variables - a prediction about what will happen.


935 - An educated guess about the relationship between variables.


936 - An educated guess as to what a researchers believes will happen during their study is called.....

A hypothesis

937 - An educated guess to be tested


938 - An educated guess, the second step in the research process


939 - An effective method for dealing with a misbehaving elementary school student is

Positive reinforcement

940 - An effective strategy to reduce the stress you feel from dealing with coworkers would be to .....

improve your interpersonal skills.

941 - An elderly person who can look back on life with satisfaction and reminisce with a sense of completion has attained Erikson̢۪s stage of ________________?


942 - An electroencephalogram allows a researcher to understand .....

different stages of sleep.

943 - An emotionally person is one who

has proper emotion at proper time and express it proper quantity in a proper way.

944 - An enduring emotional tie to a special person, characterized by a tendency to seek and maintain closeness, especially during times of stress.


945 - An Epicurean's goal in life is

individual happiness, but not pure hedonism

946 - An ethical question is one about what is.....(best answer)

wrong or right

947 - An even spread of a variable that is symmetrical about the mean median and mode.

normal distribution

948 - an event that elicits a certain predictable response without previous training

unconditioned stimulus(US)

949 - An event that leads to a predictable response.

unconditioned stimulus

950 - An exact amount of time that passes between each reinforcement is called .....

Fixed-Interval Schedule

951 - an example and an Episodic memory

Losing your teddy bear at the park

952 - an example of a concept that best exemplifies the characteristics of that concept


953 - An example of a cross-sectionalstudy is

comparing individuals of variousages at the same time.

954 - An example of a growth mindset is:

Believing you can always do a bit better

955 - an example of a procedural memory would be

doing a somersault

956 - An example of a semantic memory

the capital of Spain

957 - An example of a two tailed hypothesis is .....

There is a correlation between the number of people involved and the chance for conflict resolution.

958 - An example of a typical behaviour for a quiet, shy person would be:

Being quiet and shy in social situations

959 - An example of an autonomic response would be:

change in the diameter of pupils in response to light levels.

960 - An example of an episodic memory would be:

a special gift you received on your 13th birthday.

961 - An example of external stress is

None of these answers they are all internal

962 - An example of healthy coping is

getting a good night's sleep

963 - An example of sensory memory in action is:

Seeing your name written in the air with a sparkler

964 - An example of social loafing is:

singing more quietly in a choir

965 - An example of the costs of helping is:

It uses time when you're in a hurry.

966 - An expectation that people will help, not hurt, those who have helped them is considered a

Reciprocity Norm

967 - An experiment aims to find out if taking fish oil increases IQ scores. The IQ scores would be the:

Dependent variable

968 - An experiment allows the researcher to test ideas in accordance with the Scientific Method. Which of the following correctly list the steps in the Scientific Method?

Research question, hypothesis, determine variables, experiment, analyze data, draw conclusions

969 - An experiment devised to study the attachment between an infant and her mother

Strange Situation

970 - An experiment in which "participants" unanimously choose the wrong line. It is clear to you that they are wrong, but they have all given the same answer.

Solomon Asch Line Experiment

971 - An experiment in which neither the experimenter nor the participants know which participants received the treatment

Double-blind Experiment

972 - An experiment in which only the participants are unaware of who received the treatment

Single-blind Experiment

973 - An experiment is conducted to test how different cleats change an athletes running speed. Six different types of cleats are tested and the 100m run time is recorded. What is the independent variable?

The type of cleat

974 - An experiment is performed on plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth. Each plant in the experiment is given a different liquid; water, apple juice, or milk. In this investigation, the independent variable is .....

The type of liquid

975 - An experiment is performed to see if background music improves learning. Two groups study the same material, one while listening to music and another without music. The independent variable is

presence of music

976 - An experiment is performed to test the effects of sleep deprivation on rote memory. In this experiment, the dependent variable is the

rote memory scores.

977 - An experiment is testing if electric shocks improve memory. One group of people is shocked and then tested. The second group gets no shock. What is the independent variable?


978 - An experiment psychology lab was first established in 1879 by ____________?

None of the above

979 - An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of caffeine on heart rate. Researchers selected a sample of 10-20-year-old male university students. The students were assembled in a psychology laboratory one afternoon. The five participants in the e

Amount of coffee participants were given and when heart rate was measured

980 - An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of caffeine on heart rate. Researchers selected a sample of 10-20-year-old male university students. The students were assembled in a psychology laboratory one afternoon. The five participants in the e

taking caffeine or the placebo

981 - An experiment where neither the participants nor the experimenter know who has received the treatment, until the experiment has concluded, is known as what?

Double-blind Experiment

982 - An experiment where neither the participants nor the experimenter know who has received the treatment, until the experiment has concluded.....

double-blind experiment

983 - An experimental design in which different participants are used in each level of IV

Independent measures design

984 - An experimental group is a group in which members of the group are exposed to

Independent Variable Manipulation

985 - An experimental psychologist employed at a university is more likely to engage in

basic research

986 - An experimenter investigates test anxiety in military academy cadets by utilizing galvanic skin response measurement. The GSR represents ____________?

intervening variable and operational definition of anxiety

987 - An experimenter who has been carefully trained in the techniques of self-observation uses himself as his object. He attempts to analyze his own immediate experience into its elements. This study would most likely occur in the laboratory of ____________?

Edward Titchener

988 - An explanation a scientist makes that we can test to see if it is true or not is a .....


989 - An explanation for forgetting when material is stored in the LTM but cannot be consciously recalled as a result of a lack of retrieval cues to 'jog the memory' is known as

Retrieval failure

990 - An explanation for forgetting when one memory blocks another, causing one or both memories to be distorted or forgotten is known as.....

Interference theory

991 - An explanation using an integrated set of principles that organizes observations and predicts behaviors or events


992 - An extensive study of a single person or a few people is characteristic of.....

case studies

993 - An extra, unexpected variable that can lead to false conclusions.


994 - An Extraneous Variable (EV) is

Anything that can unexpectantly effect the results of an experiment

995 - An extraneous variable is

any unwanted variable (other than the IV) that might change the DV

996 - An extraneous variable which occurs when participants guess the aim

Demand characteristics

997 - An extraneous variable which occurs when the researcher is not objective

Investigator effects

998 - An extraneous variable:

Is an uncontrolled variable that could affect the DV

999 - An extroverted person is often thought of as.....

an outgoing, socially confident person.

1000 - An fMRI scan allows psychologists to see.....

Brain activity when performing tasks


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