Psychology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 11

1 - The mathematical average, or ....., is found by dividing the sum of the scores by the number of scores.


2 - the maximum duration of our sensory memory is thought to be

2 seconds

3 - The MCAT is a test created to predict the likelihood of a person to be successful in medical school? It is an example of a(n)

aptitude test

4 - The measure of a relationship between two sets of variables or data:


5 - The measure of how much scores vary around the mean is known as the

Standard deviation

6 - The Measurement of Adult Intelligence" was written by _________________?


7 - The measurement without instruments is called a/an


8 - The medulla is to the control of ..... as the cerebellum is to the control of .....

breathing; walking

9 - The Medulla Oblongata

maintains involuntary body functions

10 - The medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain and diencephalon are all parts of the ____________?


11 - The Medulla Obolongata controls our .....

Blood Pressure

12 - The meeting time for this course is.....


13 - The members of the population who have been chosen to take part in the research


14 - The memory of learning how to do a skill like riding a bike, and how it is hard to explain but easy to remember and do

Implicit Memory

15 - The memory store that has a decay time of about 250 milliseconds is __________________?

iconic memory

16 - The memory that holds information for the shortest period of time is known as __________________?

sensory memory

17 - The memory that last between 30 seconds and a few days

Short-term memory

18 - The memory that last for many years

Long-term memory

19 - The mental activity associating with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating.


20 - the mental activity that is involved in the understanding, processing, and communicating of info


21 - The mental manifestations of anxiety, or the specific thought processes that occur during anxiety, such as concern or worry.

Cognitive Anxiety

22 - The mental predisposition to perceive one image but not the other is

Perceptual set

23 - The mental processes involved in learning

cognitive learning

24 - The mental processing of retrieval of information from memory. A fill in the blank test is a good example.



All of the above

26 - The mental stress or discomfort caused ban individual experiencing inconsistency between thoughts and actions.

Cognitive Dissonance

27 - The method by which the sensations experienced at any given moment are interpreted and organized in some meaningful fashion.


28 - The method of ..... involves exposing a person to a harmless stimulus until he or she is no longer afraid of it.


29 - The method of ...../..... approach involved 2 people acting the way they wanted the parrot to act


30 - The method of ‘Field Observation’ is always considered as_____________?


31 - The method of assessment for assessment 1 is.....


32 - The method of learning that stresses examining one's own thoughts and feelings is


33 - The method of Loci is an example of _________________?

a mnemonic

34 - The method of self-observation to report thoughts and feelings


35 - The method of study compares children at various ages simultaneously. It is the ____________ method?


36 - The method used was:

lab experiment

37 - The middle ear (between the tympanic membrane and the cochlea) contains the ossicles. What are ossicles?

Three smallest bones in the body

38 - The middle point when the data is arranged in ascending order is.....


39 - The middle score in a distribution, half scores are above it and half are below it, is known as what?


40 - the middle score in a distribution; half the scores are above it and half are below it


41 - The Milgram Experiment was a ..... blind experiment


42 - The Milgram experiment was carried out.....

after WW II

43 - The Mills v. District of Columbia Board of Education (1972) court case was important in the history of special education law because it

maintained the schools must pay for an appropriate education for individuals with disabilities if the school cannot provide one

44 - The mind and body are completely separate and do not impact each other


45 - The mind can be viewed as an information processing system.




47 - the mind is separable from the body and continues after the body dies. Knowledge is innate.

Socrates and Plato

48 - The mind-body problem is best represented by what question?

Is the mind a separate entity from the brain and body?

49 - The minimum amount of chemical stimulation that an individual's taste buds can detect is known as their:

absolute threshold for taste.

50 - The minimum amount of stimulation a person needs to detect a stimulus 50 percent of the time is called the

absolute threshold.

51 - The minimum amount of stimulus energy needed for an observer to detect a stimulus

absolute threshold

52 - The Minnesota MultiphasicPersonality Inventory is published.


53 - The misinformation effect provides evidence that memory

may be reconstructed during recall according to how questions are framed.

54 - The MMPI has over 550 statements to mark as true, false, or cannot say. How do psychologists ensure the client is not lying?

Too many true answers to key statements will mark the test as invalid.

55 - The mobilization for "fight or flight" occurs during the ..... stage.


56 - The mode is:

The most frequently occurring number

57 - The modern biological perspective of psychology studies

the effects of of biological factors on our behavior

58 - The modern psychodynamic perspective is based on the work of whom?


59 - The modern psycholinguistic theory was developed by __________?


60 - The module defines groupthink as.....

Only B and C

61 - The more modern form of psychoanalysis is called the .....perspective.


62 - The more time people spend using social media, the less they read books. What is the Independent variable?

Time on Social Media

63 - The more track athletes practice, the less time it takes them to finish the race.

Negative correlation

64 - The more we are exposed to something, the more we tend to like it

mere exposure effect

65 - The more years of schooling you have a higher income.

Positive Correlation

66 - The most adaptive behaviors are the ones most likely to grow stronger and become habitual.

William James

67 - The most basic components of Maslows theory is


68 - The most common effortful processing technique where information is repeated.


69 - The most common engaging processing technique where information is repeated.


70 - The most common type of psychologist is:


71 - The most common way of studying human cognitive processing is to evaluate ____________________?

reaction time

72 - The most commonly used individual intelligence test is

Wechsler Intelligence Scales

73 - The most commonly used measure of a central tendency is the .....


74 - The most commonly used measure of central tendency is the


75 - The most complex part of the human brain is the:


76 - The most complex unit of thought


77 - The most complex, best developed and most important sense for humans and other highly mobile creatures.


78 - The most desirable skill of teacher is to

Make the students understand what the teacher says

79 - The most distinctive aspect of Freud̢۪s theory of psychoanalysis is the belief that the conscious mind is influenced by ___________?

unconscious thought processes

80 - The most effective Time relations in classical conditioning

Delayed conditioning

81 - The most foolproof way of testing the true effectiveness of a newly introduced method of psychological therapy is by means of ___________?

experimental research

82 - The most frequently occurring major psychological disorder is ___________?

Bipolar disorder

83 - The most frequently occurring number in a distribution.


84 - The most frequently occurring score in a distribution is known as the


85 - The most frequently occurring score(s) in a distriution is the .....


86 - The most fundamental principle of perceptual organization is called ________________?

law of closure

87 - The most fundamental principle of perceptual organization is called the___________?

Figure-ground relationship

88 - The most helpful for revealing cause-and-effect relationship is __________?

the experiment

89 - The most important criterion for generating a testable theory is

its precision of prediction.

90 - The most important developmental task of adolescence is building a(n)


91 - The most pioneered contributor to Behavioural school of psychology is _________.


92 - The most primitive unit of thought is:


93 - The most reliable measure of sleep would be a combination of

physiological measures recorded in a sleep laboratory and video monitoring on the same night

94 - The most used method in the psychoanalytic approach to understand behavior is:

free association

95 - The most valid and reliable intelligent tests are administered by trained examiners on a .....

one-on-one basis

96 - The most widely used test for adults was de-veloped by


97 - The motto "use it or lose it" is a good strategy to avoid which of the following?

retrieval failure in long-term memory

98 - The multiple choice question is an example of what kind of retrieval process?


99 - The multi-store model describes which of following memory stores?

Sensory register, long-term memory and short-term memory

100 - The Multi-store Model of memory involves

sensory, short-term and Long-term memory processes

101 - The Multi-store Model of memory is made up of which processes

sensory, short-term and Long-term memory processes

102 - The multi-store model of memory.....

describes a flow of information through three separate memory stores in a fixed order.

103 - The Multi-Store Model outlines

the storage capacity and duration for each memory different memory store.

104 - The muscle fibers of the iris can increase or decrease the amount of light entering the eye by expanding or contracting the ______________?


105 - The myelin sheath serves to ____________?

increase the speed of natural transmission

106 - The name of the action movie about the Thunder God who is banished by his father, Odin, to earth to live among humans.


107 - The name of the information that you get from your experiment (you organize it into charts and graphs).


108 - The names of the participants in a research experiment must be kept secret is an ethical guideline known as


109 - The national collection of researchers and professionals who educate others about psychology and review research is known as the .....

American Psychological Association

110 - The Naturalistic-Observation Method takes place.....

in the field

111 - The nature vs nurture debate examines:

how much heredity and how much environment contribute to our thoughts feelings and behaviour.

112 - The nature vs nurture debate is about:

Whether or not characteristics people have are more controlled by their genes or the environment they grew up in

113 - The nature/nurture controversy considers the degree to which traits and behaviors are determined by _______________?

genes or experience

114 - The Near Miss Effect shows how ....., thus encouraging them to continue playing the game.

people become just as confident and motivated from a near-win as they do from actually winning

115 - The need to belong and to give and receive love are part of an individual's

psychological needs

116 - The neocortex makes up what percent of the cortex?


117 - the nerve connection from eye to brain is called

the optic nerve

118 - The nerves that branch out from the side of the spinal cord are the

Peripheral NS

119 - The nerves that branch out from the spinal cord are the

peripheral nervous system.

120 - The nervous and endocrine system .....

Send information to and from the brain

121 - The nervous system has many divisions, that have different roles/functions. The first/main division contains the;

central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

122 - The nervous system is composed of the ....., ....., and .....

brain, spinal cord, nerves

123 - The nervous system is directly responsible for all of the following activities except

secreting hormones into the bloodstream.

124 - The nervous system is divided into two main parts:

the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

125 - The nervous system sends electrical messages. What type of message does the endocrine system send?


126 - The nervous system.....

all of the above.

127 - The network was broadcasting four games ..... across the country.


128 - The neural development of newborn babies typically involves

creation of neural pathways

129 - The neuron is a ..... cell.


130 - The neuron that can initiate movement and behavior:


131 - The neurotransmitter most associated with rewards and motivation is:


132 - The neurotransmitter norepinephrine stimulates fight or flight reactions in what system?

Sympathetic system

133 - The neurotransmitters basic to synaptic transmission are stored in ___________?


134 - The nociception sense refers to our ability to sense


135 - The non-directive approach characterizes ____________?

Behavior modification

136 - The notion of ..... is based on Bandura's social learning theory

Self efficacy

137 - The notion that aggression can be reduced by allowing angry individuals to engage harmless activities that allow them to "blow off self esteem" is __________?

Displacement hypothesis

138 - The notion that aggression can be reduced by allowing angry individuals to engage harmless activities that allow them to "blow off self esteem" is ___________?

Displacement hypothesis

139 - The notion that the mind and body are separate and distinct is called .....


140 - The notion that the mind and body are separate and distinct.


141 - The number of hours a person has driven and the number of miles driven.

Positively correlated

142 - The number of smartphones sold and the number of food poisoning cases.

No correlation

143 - The number of wavelengths that pass a point each second


144 - The number that appears the most in a data set is the


145 - The number that occurs the most is.....


146 - The objective/s of performance management can be broadly said to be:


147 - The observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life refers to which psychological phenomenon?

All of the above

148 - The occipital lobes allow what?

The processing of information about such aspects of visual stimuli as their color, shape, and motion.

149 - The occurrence of ‘O’ in ‘S-O-R’ concept is responsible in regulating the behavior of the organism and making psychological activity_____________?


150 - The occurrence of rewards or punishments following particular behaviors:

Contingencies of Reinforcement

151 - The oldest method in psychology is


152 - The oldest method of the study of behavior is


153 - The one factor that a scientist changes and controls during an experiment.

Independent Variable

154 - the one who work on adjustment problems


155 - The only proven clinical use for hypnotism is

pain relief

156 - the only type of neuron in the retina that sends signals to the brain resulting from visual stimulation

Ganglion cells

157 - The opponent processing theory allows you to see an

after image

158 - The opponent-process theory is to our sense of color as the gate-control theory is to our sense of ____________?


159 - The opposite of acquisition is


160 - The optic nerve

transfers optic information from the retina to the brain

161 - The optic nerve from each eye merges just below the brain at a point called the

Optic chiasm

162 - The order of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, from bottom to top, is.....

Physiological, Safety, Belonging-Love, Self-Esteem, and Self-Actualization

163 - The organ system responsible for taking in information and directing the actions of the other parts of the body is the

Nervous system

164 - the organisation and interpretation of sensory information is called


165 - The organisation of sensory information into meaningful experiences is known as.....


166 - the organisation responsible for monitoring the behaviour of psychologists in the UK is called the


167 - The organization of sensory information into meaningful experiences.


168 - The ORIGINAL IQ test formula for scoring was

mental age divided by chronological age time 100

169 - The ORIGINAL IQ TEST formula worked okay for ..... but not for ..... It was clearly flawed.

children/ adults

170 - The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable.

dependent variable

171 - The outcome that is measured

dependent variable

172 - the outer covering of the brain which continues to develop is called the


173 - The outer layer of the brain - responsible for higher mental processes and complex behaviour - is called:

cerebral cortex

174 - The outer layer of the forebrain that gives the ability to learn and store information.

cerebral cortex

175 - the overall structure of the brain is similiar to a .....

both a and b

176 - The palmar reflex, present in neonates, refers to which behavior?

hand grasping

177 - The part of Baddeley & Hitch's Working Memory Model that processes auditory stimuli is called

The phonological loop

178 - The part of personality that provides a buffer between the id and the out side world is __________?


179 - The part of Sternberg' theory that relates to problem solving.


180 - The part of the autonomic nervous system that triggers physiological arousal is _____________?

parasympathetic nervous system

181 - The part of the brain associated with Decision Making and Social Judgments

Frontal Lobe

182 - The part of the brain associated with Rewards and Motivation


183 - The part of the brain associated with STRESS


184 - The part of the brain associated with the formation of Memories.


185 - the part of the brain that connects to the Spinal cord is the

Brain Stem

186 - The part of the brain that controls life-sustaining functions, such as heartbeat, breathing, and swallowing, is the:


187 - The part of the experiment that contains the independent variable is administered to is called the .....

experimental group

188 - The part of the experiment that does not contain the independent variable. Used for comparison.

Control Group

189 - The part of the eye that gets infected when you have pink eye is the


190 - The part of the eye where vision is more acute is the ________________?


191 - The part of the human brain that is most like that of a fish

brain stem

192 - The part of the mind that contains inherited instincts, urges, and memories common to all people:

Collective Unconscious

193 - The part of the nervous system that consists of nerves that branch out from the CNS (central nervous system) and connect to other body parts


194 - The part of the nervous system that deals with emotional memory.


195 - The part of the nervous system that helps process motor memory.

Basal Ganglia

196 - The part of the nervous system that's the "loading dock" for memories (meaning new ones can't be made without it).


197 - The part of the neuron that decided if the message will travel to the next neuron or not is the.....

cell body

198 - The part of the neuron that insulates the axon and increases the speed of the neural message within the neuron.

Myelin Sheath

199 - The part of the neuron that is made up of short fibers that stick out from the cell body.


200 - The part of the neuron that produces the myelin sheath is the:

Schwann cell

201 - The part of the neuron that receives messages from other neurons


202 - The part of the neuron that sends messages to other neurons


203 - The part of the personality that is in touch with reality and strives to meet the demands of the id and the superego in socially acceptable ways:


204 - The part of the personality that is the source of conscience and counteracts the socially undesirable impulses of the id:

Super Ego

205 - The part of the report that answers the initial question and states that it supports or refutes the hypothesis is called the what?


206 - The part of the subconscious that tempts you to take all the food instead of just your share is

the id

207 - The part of the subconscious which operates on the pleasure principle.


208 - The part of your brain that deals with hunger and your ability to feel hungry.

lateral hypothalamus

209 - The part of your eye that gives it its color. It is a muscle that controls the size of your pupil.


210 - The part of your mind that contains innate or instinctual unconscious thought.


211 - The part of your mind that contains the moral compass.


212 - The part of your mind that makes you aware of your innate needs.


213 - The part of your motivation that might cause you to go get some food when hungry


214 - The part of your subconscious that operates on the morality principle is

The superego

215 - The partial or complete inability to articulate ideas or understand spoken or written language because of brain injury or damage is known as:


216 - The participants in a research study are classified as high, moderate, or low in self-esteem. What measurement scale is being used to classify self-esteem?


217 - The participants in Bartlett's study transformed the story to make it more:


218 - The participants in Gilchrist Nesberg's study had to:

Adjust the brightness of a light

219 - The participants were all .....

University students

220 - The participants who are treated in the same way as the experimental group, except that the experimental treatment is not applied, make up the .....

control croup

221 - The parts of a neuron are:

dendrites, axon, soma, nucleus

222 - The parts of the experiment that must be kept the same.


223 - The pattern of physical and behavioral changes that follows a 24 hour cycle, in accordance with the hours of light and darkness.

circadian rhythm

224 - The patterns of feelings, motives, and behavior that set people apart from one another.


225 - The patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that make a person unique?

Personality Psychology

226 - The perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment receives from the organization:

Interactional Justice

227 - The percentage of the differences between individual people with regard to personality traits, as well as intelligence is known as the:


228 - The perception of a relationship between two variables that does not actually exist is called ___________?

illusory correlation

229 - The perception of a relationship where none exists

Illusory Correlation

230 - The perception of an object as distinct from its surroundings is called ________________?

figure-ground perception

231 - The perception of depth and distance in a 3-dimensional space depends mostly on ________________?

binocular vision

232 - The perception principle that the closer something is, the more detail we will be able to perceive is called

texture gradient

233 - The perception that Bugs Bunny is hopping across a movie screen best illustrates:

stroboscopic movement

234 - The perception that chance or forces beyond our control are the primary influence on our success is called:

external locus of control

235 - The perception that individuals' significant others value them for what they are, which leads the individuals to grant themselves the same regard:

Unconditional Positive Regard

236 - The perception that one's fate is determined by one's own talents and effort reflects:

an internal locus of control

237 - the perception, storage and retrieval of information about social interactions

social cognition

238 - The perceptual processes that make use of preexisting knowledge to interpret new information are called _______________?

top-down processes

239 - The perceptual tendency to group together stimuli that are near each other is called


240 - The perceptual tendency to visually perceive objects located closer to the horizon as being more distant than objects located further from the horizon

Height in the Visual Field

241 - The perceptual tendency to visually perceive the object that produces the largest image on the retina as being closer and the object that produces the smallest image as being further away (when objects are expected to be the same size)

Relative Size

242 - The performance of which of the following activities is least likely to be facilitated by the presence of an audience?

memorizing a script

243 - The period of the sleep cycle when most dreaming occurs is


244 - The Peripheral Nervous System consists of which two parts?

Somatic Nervous System

245 - The peripheral nervous system is made up of extensions from the central nervous system known as _____________?


246 - The persistence of learning over time through the encoding, storage and retrieval of information.


247 - the persistence of learning over timethrough the storage and retrieval of information


248 - The person given the title of teacher is the ..... in then the obedience experiment.


249 - The person in a school with the most status and social power is generally:

the principal

250 - The person in the group that is most likely to become the scapegoat is:

person with the least power

251 - the person mostly responsible for psychology as a scientific discipline in it's own right

Wilhelm Wundt

252 - The person responsible for the first useful Intelligence test


253 - The Personality inventory to measure mental disorder was developed by


254 - The perspective followed by a researcher who attributes an abnormal behavior to a neurotransmitter or its receptor is.....


255 - The perspective in psychology that focuses on how behavior and thought differ from situation to situation and culture to culture is the

Socio-Cultural perspective

256 - The perspective in psychology thst emphasizes how we learn observable responses is the

Behavioral perspective

257 - The perspective of Psychology that focuses on the link between the body and the mind is known as ..... This perspective often uses medication for treatments.


258 - The perspective of psychology which emphasis the influence of our body on behavior is

biological perspective

259 - The perspective that emphasizes observable responses is ____________?


260 - The perspective which is concerned with characteristic changes that occur in people as they mature is known as _________?

Developmental Perspective

261 - The phase of consciousness where our brains interpret that something stinks after our noses have sensed a specific smell:


262 - the phenomenon in which an object or its properties (e.g., size, shape, color) appear unchanged despite variations in the stimulus itself or in the external conditions of observation, such as object orientation or level of illumination.

Perceptual Constancy

263 - The phenomenon in which information learned after a memory becomes part of the memory is called


264 - The phenomenon in which the expectations of the participants in a study can influence their behavior

Placebo Effect

265 - The phenomenon of color constancy best demonstrates that.....

an object's perceived color is influenced by its surrounding objects

266 - The phenomenon that refers to the ways in which an individual̢۪s expectations influence perception is called _______________?

perceptual set

267 - The philosopher who believed that some ideas are innate ____________?


268 - The phi-phenomenon __________________________?

occurs in response to sequentially flashing light

269 - The phonological loop area of the working memory model is made up of.....? (tick all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

270 - The phonological loop deals with which type of information?


271 - The phonological loop is made up of.....?

Only (A) & (B)

272 - The phonological loop of working memory is divided into two elements. These are:

Phonological store and articulatory process

273 - The phrase ‘me milk’ and ‘give ball’ are examples of __________ speech?


274 - The physical changes that take place in the brain when a memory forms is called the .....


275 - The physical stimulus for texture perception is


276 - The physical stimulus for vision to occur is

electromagnetic energy.

277 - The physical symptoms of anxiety, such as butterflies in the stomach

Somatic Anxiety

278 - The physician's care plan must be a comprehensive plan for services based on the patient's individual needs and updated on a regular basis. The care plan must be dated and signed by the physician.

When initiated and at each review and/or modification

279 - The physiological theory of motivation has been advanced by


280 - The picture refers to

zoological physiognomy

281 - The pituitary gland secretes ______________?

all of the above

282 - The Place Theory of pitch perception cannot account for how we hear:

Low-pitched sounds

283 - The placebo effect is best defined by which of these:

When a person reacts to a treatment as if the treatment was working, even though there was no real effect

284 - The point (weight) at which your "weight thermostat" may be set (fixed)

set point

285 - The point at which a change in sensory stimulation is detected is called the

absolute threshold

286 - The pons connects the brainstem to the:


287 - The Ponzo illusion illustrates that people judge the size of an object in terms of its perceived _______________?


288 - The popular integrative therapy that combines cognitive therapy (changing self-defeating thinking) with behavior therapy (changing behavior) is known as ..... .

cognitive-behavioral therapy

289 - The population in a research study is.....

the whole group of research interest.

290 - The population in a research study is:

The whole group of research interest

291 - The portion of the sample to which an independent variable is applied.

Experimental Group

292 - The portion of your nervous system which controls breathing and digestion is ___________?


293 - The portion of your nervous system which controls breathing and digestion is____________?


294 - The portions of your nervous system which control breathing and digestion is ______________?


295 - The position on the basilar membrane at which waves reach their peak depends on the frequency of a tone. Accounts for high pitched sounds.

place theory

296 - The postexperimental explanation of a study.


297 - The powerful survival impulse that leads human infants to seek closeness to their parents is called ___________________?


298 - The pq4r method is an effective study method because it

Is based on active learning.

299 - The practice of drilling holes in a person's skull to release "evil spirits."


300 - The practice of examining bumps on a person's skull to determine that person's intellect ad character traits used in the mid-1800s.


301 - The practice of psychology is closely related to the natural sciences by

all of the above

302 - The prediction that "bright colors will make people happier" is called a(n)


303 - The predisposition to perceive something in accordance with expectations of what it is.

Perceptual Set

304 - The prefix "pre" in "preview" or the suffix "ed" in "adapted" are examples of


305 - The pre-frontal cortex is in charge of

Goal setting, paying attention, motivation, planning, understanding consequences, and having self-control.

306 - The Premack Principle states that

Of two activities, whichever is preferred the most can be used to reinforce the other activity

307 - The premise of - the more times two things are paired together, the greater chance that learning will occur - is best exemplified by -

The Contingency Model

308 - The presence of an authority figure is key to which of these concepts?


309 - The presence of just one confederate that goes against the majority can reduce conformity levels by as much as.....


310 - the presence of others lessens an individual's feelings of responsibility for his or her actions or failure to act

diffusion of responsibility

311 - The presentation of an disliked (adverse) stimulus or the removal of a liked stimulus are both examples of


312 - the Primacy and recency effect was researched by


313 - The primaries in subtractive color mixing are _________________?

blue, yellow, red

314 - The primary advantage of ..... is that it allows for more control than naturalistic observation.

Laboratory Observation

315 - The primary advantage of this method of research is that it allows for more control than naturalistic observation

Laboratory Observations

316 - The primary aim of educational psychology is

To contribute to an understanding of sound educational practices.

317 - The primary difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is .....

the ability to prescribe medication

318 - The primary disadvantage of ..... research is that it does not permit researchers to establish cause-and-effect results instead only showing a relationship exists between the two variables being studied.


319 - The primary goal of psychology is to learn about:

human behavior

320 - The primary gustatory cortex is located:

in the parietal lobe

321 - The primary motor cortex is located in:

the frontal lobes.

322 - The primary task of the teacher is

To stimulate and guide student learning.

323 - The prime requirement to become a good teacher is to have

Subject knowledge

324 - The principal function of parietal lobe is ___________?

spatial processing

325 - The principle in correlational studies is that some variables .....


326 - The principle of proximity is the tendency to perceive parts of a visual image which are

similar in feature - size, shape, texture or colour - as belonging together

327 - The principle that a given quantity does not change when its appearance is changed


328 - The principle that inherited traits that better enable an organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations

natural selection

329 - The principle that one sense may influence another is:

Sensory interaction

330 - The principle that two stimuli must differ by a constant proportion for their difference to be perceived is known as _________________?

Weber̢۪s law

331 - The principle that two stimuli must differ by a constant proportion for their difference to be perceived is known as.....

Weber's law

332 - The principle that, to be perceived as different, two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage.

Weber's Law

333 - The principles of continuity and closure best illustrate that

sensations are organized into meaningful patterns.

334 - The principles of operant conditioning are best illustrated by

reinforcing a behavior through rewards or token economy

335 - The principles of psychology book is written by

William James

336 - the principles of right and wrong that guide an individual in making decisions


337 - The probability of obtaining your results by chance is less than 5 times out of a hundred


338 - The procedure in which only a portion of correct responses are reinforced is called ________________?

partial reinforcement

339 - The procedure was created to study child-caregiver attachment by placing a child in an unfamiliar environment while their caregiver leaves and returns. Then the child's reactions are observed.

The Strange Situation

340 - The process by which a single neuro relays messages to other neurons is known as _____________?

synaptic transmission

341 - The process by which a stimulus increases the chances of a preceding behavior occurring again is called:


342 - The process by which a stimulus increases the chances that the preceding behavior will occur again.


343 - The process by which a stimulus is attended to, identified, studied and incorporated into memory is called ________________?


344 - The process by which activities are started, directed, and continued so that physical or psychological needs or wants are met is called


345 - The process by which an organism becomes more sensitive to stimuli that are low in magnitude and less sensitive to stimuli that are constant

sensory adaptation

346 - The process by which children balance assimilation and accommodation to create a stable understanding of their world is referred to as:


347 - The process by which information is acquired, encoded, stored, retrieved, and sometimes forgotten


348 - 'The process by which information is held in STM by repeating over and over again.' What is being described here?

Maintenance rehearsal

349 - 'The process by which information is held in the STM be repeating it over and over again'. What does this describe?

Maintenance rehearsal

350 - The process by which information is maintained over a period of time.


351 - The process by which meaning is given to incoming sensory information


352 - the process by which one form of energy is converted into another.


353 - The process by which our sense organs and receptors detect and respond to sensory information is called


354 - the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment


355 - The process by which people translate incoming info into a form they can understand.


356 - The process by which rods and cones change electromagnetic energy into neural messages is called what?


357 - The process by which sensory information is converted into neural energy is ______________?


358 - The process by which sensory information is converted into neural energy is:


359 - The process by which we give meaning to sensory information, resulting in our personal interpretation is called


360 - the process by which we interpret and explain others' behaviors

attribution theory

361 - the process by which we recollect prior experiences and information and skills learned in the past


362 - The process by which we select, organize, and interpret sensory information in order to recognize meaningful objects and events is called


363 - The process in which your eyes adjust from darkness to bright light is called _______________?

light adaptation

364 - The process is normally individualized.

Psychological Assessment

365 - The process of bringing together the results of two or more learning experiences to arrive at a desired goal is called


366 - The process of categorizing people into in-groups and out-groups is called.....

Social categorization

367 - The process of changing patterns of human behavior over the long term using various motivational techniques, mainly consequences (negative reinforcement) and rewards (positive reinforcement). The ultimate goal is to swap objectionable, problematic, or dis

behavior modification

368 - The process of comparing currently experienced visual input with past visual memories takes place with ___________?

association areas

369 - The process of comparing our in-group with out-groups is called.....

Social comparison

370 - the process of converting physical energy into a neural signal


371 - The process of detecting and responding to incoming sensory information


372 - The process of detecting, translating and transmitting messages from the external environment to the brain is called _____________?


373 - The process of determining the job duties and requirements:

Job Analysis

374 - The process of developmental plasticity is thought to involve:

proliferation, migration, pruning and myelination

375 - The process of eliminating synaptic connections is called

synaptic pruning

376 - The process of encoding information from short-term memory to long-term memory is most efficient when it:

Involves some kind of association

377 - The process of encoding refers to _____________________?

getting information into memory

378 - The process of encoding refers to:

getting info into memory

379 - The process of filing information into your memory is.....


380 - the process of FINDING people to work for a company or become a new member of an organization


381 - The process of fitting objects and experiences into one's schemas


382 - The process of generating a description of what a job involves part of the

job analysis

383 - The process of getting information from the long-term memory to the short-term memory is


384 - The process of getting information from the Short-term memory to the Long term memory is


385 - The process of getting information into memory is called.....


386 - The process of getting information out of memory storage is called __________________?


387 - The process of getting information out of memory storage is known as __________________?


388 - the process of getting information out of memory storage.


389 - The process of getting the information back out of memory storage.


390 - The process of group items to make them easier to remember.


391 - The process of holding information in memory is referred to as


392 - The process of incorporating new information into existing knowledge is known as what?


393 - the process of influencing behavior by means of unpleasant stimuli

aversive control

394 - the process of integrating, organizing and interpreting sensory signals, occurs in the brain


395 - The process of interference can lead to a failure in __________________?

any of the above

396 - The process of interpreting new information in terms of existing schema is termed _______________?


397 - the process of learning behavior through observation and imitation of others


398 - The process of learning the rules of behavior of the culture within which an individual is born and will live


399 - the process of learning the rules of behavior of the culture within which an individual is born and will live is called .....


400 - The process of learning to control bodily states with the help of specialized machines


401 - The process of learning to ride a bicycle is an example of


402 - The process of looking into yourself and describing what is there (activity we did on the board)


403 - The process of looking inward in an attempt to directly observe one's own psychological processes.


404 - The process of observing and imiating a specific behavior is know as


405 - The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior.


406 - the process of obtaining information that has been stored in memory


407 - the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events


408 - the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events. Is this a candlestick or two people's faces depends on our


409 - the PROCESS of placing encoded information into long term memory is called


410 - the process of placing encoded information into permanent mental state is called


411 - The process of placing encoded information into permanent metnal state is called.....


412 - the process of placing encoded information into relatively permanent mental storage for later recall


413 - The process of receiving and representing stimulus energies by the nervous system is called


414 - The process of receiving stimuli from the environment is called:


415 - The process of receiving stimuli from the environment.


416 - The process of recognizing and interpreting sensory stimuli?


417 - The process of recruiting, testing, and interviewing applicants falls under which main focus of Industrial Psychology?


418 - The process of reinforcing successively closer approximations to a desired behavior is called ___________________?


419 - The process of retaining and reproducing what has been learnt is known as .....


420 - The process of retrieval refers to

getting information out of memory storage.

421 - The process of social comparison increases the chances for negative biases related to perceived


422 - The process of taking in new information and adding it to what the child already knows is called .....


423 - The process of thinking and analysing your feelings is called:


424 - The process of using a reunforcement to alter the probability that a given behaviour will be repeated is known as

Operant conditioning

425 - The process of when information is converted to neural messages is called.....


426 - The process that controls the flow of information from the sensory store into the short-term store is ________________?


427 - The process that controls the movement of information from the short-term store into the long-term store is __________________?


428 - the process that occurs when new information appears in short-term memory and replaces what was already there


429 - The process that researchers must partake in while conducting a psychological research study is called.....

The Scientific Method

430 - the process through which messages are conveyed using space, body language, and facial expression

nonverbal communication

431 - The process where stimuli is converted into a neural signal, then send to the brain:


432 - The process whereby the visual stimulus is given meaning is called


433 - The processes of growth and development are ______________?


434 - The processes of sensation in their correct order are

reception, transduction, transmission

435 - The processing of information into the memory system.


436 - the progressive decline in the resolution of textures as the viewer moves away from them.

Texture Gradient

437 - The proponent of an experiment called Strange Situation

Mary Ainsworth

438 - The psychiatric/psychotherapy treatment plan must state the

All of these

439 - The psychoanalytic perspective is distinctive because it emphasizes that behavior is influenced by ___________?

unconscious desires and unresolved conflicts

440 - The PSYCHODYNAMIC approach deals with:

unconscious thoughts and feelings that affect human behavior

441 - The psychodynamic perspective was based on the work of .....


442 - The psychological damage done by which war cause the US government to invest more in training psychologists?

World War II

443 - The psychological perspective concerned with how unconscious instincts, conflicts, motives, and defenses influence behavior.


444 - The psychological perspective that emphasizes on how observable responses are learned is the_____________ perspective?


445 - The psychological process through which we interpret sensory stimulation


446 - The psychological term for an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting is


447 - The psychological term for photographic memory is.....

Eidetic imagery

448 - The psychological test of human emotions and personality, using inkblots, is formally known as what?


449 - The psychological theory that the brain is made up of various structures.


450 - The psychologist most closely associated with the study of operant conditioning was:


451 - The psychologist who created the shock experiment was:

Stanley Milgram

452 - The psychologist who disagreed with Spearman about the nature of intelligence, identifying seven clusters of primary mental abilities rather than one general intelligence factor, was


453 - The psychologist who wrote the first modern book of psychology, The Principles of Psychology in 1890 is

William James

454 - The psychology field that focuses on our family and friends influencing our behavior is

social psychology

455 - the punishment of a response by the addition or experience of an unpleasent stimulus

positive punishment

456 - the punishment of a response by the removal of a pleasurable stimulus

negative punishment

457 - The pupil is the

adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters.

458 - The pupil's size is controlled by the

Ciliary muscles

459 - The Purple Arrow represents?

Motor Output

460 - The purpose of "Q-technique" is ___________?

to measure a person̢۪s opinion of himself

461 - The purpose of an experimental group in research is to:

ascertain the effects of the independent variable

462 - The purpose of ethical guidelines are

To ensure participants are safe

463 - The purpose of ethical guidelines in research is to

Ensure that the participants are safe

464 - The purpose of random assignment in an experiment is to

to control extraneous variables

465 - The purpose of the control group is:

Used for comparisons

466 - The purpose of the control in an experiment is to:

Give a comparison that allows the variable to be judged

467 - The purpose of the myelin sheath is to:

wrap around and insulate an axon

468 - The pygmalion effect study by Rosenthal showed that teachers who have high expectations for students ended up with students who:

had improved academic performance

469 - The quality of which researchers actually measure what they intend to measure is called .....


470 - The question "Why is something happening?" refers to which one of the goals of psychology?


471 - The question psychologists want to answer.


472 - The questions in a Structured Interview are.....

Decided in advance

473 - The range of average IQ is:


474 - The rank system in the armed forces is a rigid hierarchy that allows for obedience to orders. Which source of power does this system most closely reflect?

Legitimate power

475 - The rapid increase in the number of neural connections in the brains of newborns and infants is the result of


476 - The rate of operant learning become fast.

In Partial Reinforcement

477 - The rate of progress in learning slows down and reaches a limit beyond which further improvement seems impossible. It is known as


478 - The rate of the neural impulses traveling up the auditory nerve matches the frequency of a tone.

frequency theory

479 - The ratio which states the relationship between mental age and chronological age is called the:

Intelligence Quotient IQ

480 - The rationalist approach of Chomsky in explaining language development is also referred to as _______________?


481 - The Raven Progressive Matrices consists of

Sixty matrices

482 - The really wealthy people in society are not necessarily the happiest.


483 - The reappearance after a pause of an extinguished conditioned response.

spontaneous recovery

484 - The reappearance after a period of time of a conditioned response that has been subjected to extinction

spontaneous recovery

485 - The reappearance of a classically conditioned response after extinction has occurred.

Spontaneous Recovery

486 - The reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred.

Spontaneous Recovery

487 - The reappearance of a learned response after its apparent extinction.

Spontaneous recovery

488 - The reappearance of a weakened conditioned stimulus.

spontaneous recovery

489 - The reappearance of an extinguished response

Spontaneous recovery

490 - The reason experimental designs are counterbalanced is to control

order effects.

491 - The reason most North Americans cannot accurately describe the head of a penny is due to:

encoding failure.

492 - The reason students will act inappropriately in school is because of how they were raised in their home environment-they never learned how to behave properly but were reinforced to act without manners.


493 - The reasoning behind debriefing is so participants do not leave with a ..... about being lied to.

Negative effect

494 - The receptor of the eye that functions best in dim light is the ______________?


495 - The reciprocity norm refers to the expectation that people should

help those who have helped them.

496 - The recognition of a visual stimulus is the final phase in visual .....and occurs in the .....

perception; brain

497 - The rectangular table appears rectangular regardless of the distance or angle at which it is viewed. This is an example of _______________?

shape constancy

498 - The red light meant to stop counting and recall the trigram (three-letter consonant).

The red light meant to stop counting and recall the trigram

499 - The red portion is the .....


500 - The regulatory purpose of ethical codes are to.....

All of the above

501 - the reinforcement of a response by the addition or experiencing of a pleasure stimulus

positive reinforcement

502 - the reinforcement of a response by the removal, escape from, or avoidence of an unpleasent stimulus

negative reinforcement

503 - the reinforcement of each and every correct response

continuous reinforcement

504 - the reinforcement of simple shapers in behavior that lead to a desired , more complex behavior


505 - the reinforcement of some, but not all of the correct responses

partial reinforcement

506 - The reinforcement process used to train an animal to do something it has never done before and would never do on its own is known as this.


507 - The reinforcement schedule that generally provides the most resistance to response extinction is:


508 - The reinforcement schedule that yields the lowest performance is the __________________?

fixed-interval schedule

509 - The reinforcement that might drive you to try and accomplish things.


510 - The reinforcer, such as food, that gets the organism to continue a behavior is called .....

Primary Reinforcer

511 - The relationship between a child̢۪s intellectual development and the age at which the child first walks is _____________?


512 - The relationship between a high grade and time spent studying is an example of:

positive correlation

513 - The relationship between attitudes and behaviour is.....


514 - The relationship between behavior and attitudes tends to be


515 - The relationship between temperature decreasing and more people buying coats is an example of:

negative correlation

516 - The relationship between the amount of weird Nicolas Cage pictures you look at and the amount of hair on your back is an example of:

no correlation

517 - The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system is called ..... memory.

Long term

518 - the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system. Includes knowledge, skills, and experiences.

long-term memory

519 - The removal of an unpleasant stimulus that increases the probability of that response happening again

Negative Reinforcement

520 - The repeated presentation of the CS without the UCS results in __________________?


521 - The repeated presentation of the CS without the UCS results in _________________?


522 - The representativeness heuristic can be used to create and sustain:


523 - The representativeness heuristic can produce faulty estimates if:

We fail to consider the approximate number of prototypes that actually exist

524 - The research method of the Pepperberg study can best be described as:

An animal case study carried out in a laboratory

525 - The research method that uses a thorough investigation of one or more participants.

Case Study

526 - The research methodology Wilhelm Wundt used is called


527 - The researcher and patient both do not know if the substance is a placebo or the real substance.

double blind study

528 - The researcher measures a variable at the beginning of a study and then watches the effect of this variable over time.


529 - The researcher must also ensure that if vulnerable groups are to be used (elderly, disabled, children, etc.), they must receive special care. Which ethical guideline is this?

protection of participants

530 - The responses or reactions wemake or activities we engage in are called as .....


531 - The resting rate of energy expenditure for maintaining basic body functions.

basal metabolic rate

532 - The result an individual is trying to achieve through his or her motivated behavior is a(n)


533 - The result of reinforcement is to

cause a behavior to continue.

534 - The result or consequence of an action, situation, or event.


535 - The results indicated that participants took an average of .....

2.83 seconds to begin their recall of the trigram once their counting had stopped.

536 - The retention (saving) of encoded material over time.


537 - the retention of encoded information over time.


538 - The retention of facts is referred to as.....

Semantic memory

539 - The retina is

the light sensitive inner surface of the eye containing the receptor rods and cones plus layers of neurons that begin the processing of visual information

540 - the revival of a response after a period of extinction

Spontaneous Recovery

541 - The right side of my body is control by .....

The left Cerebral Hemisphere

542 - The Right to Withdraw includes withdrawing.....

Only (A) & (B)

543 - The role of a control condition of the I.V in an experiment is to.....

compare to one or more of the experimental condition

544 - The role of a psychologist involves:

All of the above

545 - The role of brain, body chemical, central nervous system, neural mechanism, etc., are considered the _________ branch of psychology.

Neuro psychology

546 - The role of person centered therapy is.....

to help clients find their true selves and realize their unique potential

547 - The role of the parasympathetic nervous system is to return the body to:


548 - The roles of guard and prisoner were decided:


549 - The roots of cognitive therapy appear to be a combination of which of the following two theories:

Behaviorism and psychoanalysis

550 - The Rorshach Test and Cloud Formation Tests are examples of what type of psychology?


551 - the rotation of the two eyes inward toward a light source so that the image falls on corresponding points on the foveas


552 - The rules for combining words into grammatically sensible sentences in a given language.


553 - The rules most directly involved in permitting a person to derive meaning from words and sentences are rules of


554 - The rules of grammar are rules of


555 - The rules of language


556 - The Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov discovered that .....

dogs would salivate to the sound of a ticking metronome due to a learned reflexive response called conditioning

557 - The same group of people participate in every level of the IV.

repeated measures

558 - The same individuals are studied over a long period of time can be years up to decades

Longitudinal Studies

559 - The same people studied and retested over a long period in a ..... study.


560 - The sample in the Stanford Prison Experiment was made up of:

21 American university students

561 - The sample matches the make-up of the population. Participants from within various subgroups of the population are randomly selected.

Stratified sampling

562 - The sample of a research study is:

The group of participants who are used in the research

563 - The sampling method which can be generalized to the widest, most general population is

Random sample

564 - The sampling procedure where everybody has an equal chance of being included in a study:

Random sampling

565 - The sampling procedure where the researcher divides the population into sub-groups, then selects people randomly from each sub-group, is:

Stratified sampling

566 - The sampling procedure which involves taking whichever people are available to participate is a:

Convenience sample

567 - The SAT is an example of a(n)

aptitude test

568 - The saying 'think with your head not your heart' implies that the heart is capable of thought. This notion would fall under what conflict of ideas?

brain versus heart debate

569 - The scapegoat theory is

The theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame

570 - The scatter graph shows the relationship between the age of a car and its value.Describe the correlation shown on the diagram.


571 - The scatter graph shows the relationship between the height and arm span of some students.Describe the correlation shown on the diagram.


572 - The scatter graph shows the relationship between the test score and the time spent revising for a group of students.Describe the correlation shown on the diagram.


573 - The scatter graph shows the relationship between two test scores of some students.Describe the correlation shown on the diagram.


574 - The scatter plot below shows the number of books read by students in Mrs. Hall's English class and their final grades. Which statement represents the best description about the line of best fit?

The more books students read, the higher their English grade.

575 - The scatter plot shows the relationship between the number of chapters and the total number of pages for several books. Use the trend line to predict how many pages would be in a book with 6 chapters.

60 pages

576 - The scatterplot shows the amount of rainfall during six thunderstorms and the length of time that each storm lasted. Based on the scatterplot, which statement is true?

During each storm that lasted longer than 1 hour, there was more than 1 inch of rain.

577 - The school headteacher has been able to resolve conflicts among teachers, the action that has made the school have a maximum learning environment. Which one of the following branches of psychology has been applied?

industrial/organizational psychology

578 - The school is closed on Holidays, Christmas is a Holiday, so the school is closed. This is which type of reasoning?


579 - The school of ..... was concerned with studying how mental processess help organisms adapt to their environement.


580 - The school of behaviorism defined psychology as

the scientific study of observable behavior

581 - The school of psychology that argue that nearly all behavior is a result of conditioning and the environment shapes behaviors is labeled __________?

behaviorism, Watson

582 - The school of psychology whose goal was to identify the basic elements of experience was called


583 - The school of thought that considered psychology as a research for the mind̢۪s elementary parts and the laws by which they are combined is ___________?


584 - The school of thought which restricted psychology̢۪s subject matter to the observable actions of people and other animals is ___________?


585 - The science of actions and mental processes of people and animal is called what?


586 - The science of behavior and mental processes is .....


587 - The science of behavior and mental processes is the definition of which field of study?


588 - The science of behavior and mental processes.


589 - The science of the mind and the reasons people act the way they do is:


590 - The scientific approach is more useful at answeringquestions about ..... than questions about .....

facts, values

591 - The scientific method .....

is the application of critical thinking, observation, and statistics

592 - The scientific method is best summarised as:

a logical process of problem-solving that is applied in all sciences.

593 - The scientific method of researching means that.....

all of the above are correct

594 - the scientific study of all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

Cognitive Psychology

595 - The scientific study of behavior and mental processes is known as .....


596 - The scientific study of behavior and mental processes is known as:


597 - The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.


598 - The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Mental processes are covert, meaning internal.


599 - the scientific study of how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, and implied presence of others

social psychology

600 - The scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another.

social psychology

601 - The scientific study of human behavior and mental processes.


602 - The scientific study of human flourishing with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive.

positive psychology

603 - The scientific study of human social behavior


604 - The scientific study of language.


605 - The scientific study of observable behavior, and its explanation by principles of learning

behavioral psychology

606 - The scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of individuals, and how it is affected by an organism's physical state, mental state, and external environment.


607 - The scientific study of the effects of other people on the thoughts and behaviors of an individual

Social Psychology

608 - The scientific study of the links between biological and psychological processes.


609 - The scientific study of the measurement of human abilities, attitudes and traits.


610 - the scientific study of the mind, brain and behavior


611 - The scientific study of the nervous system:


612 - The scientific study of the way in which people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people is the definition of .....

social psychology

613 - The scientific study that aims to solve practical problems.

applied research

614 - The scientist most responsible for classical conditioning using dogs and meat powder.

Ivan Pavlov

615 - The scientist most responsible for operant conditioning using rats and mazes.

BF Skinner

616 - The scientist most responsible for social learning and the Bobo Doll experiment.

Albert Bandura

617 - The SCN is:

Part of the hypothalamus

618 - the second cranial nerve, which carries the axons of retinal ganglion cells and extends from the retina to the optic chiasm.

Optic nerve

619 - the second process in memory - the maintenance of encoded information over a period of time


620 - The second short-term memory, where information is rehearsed so it can be stored in long-term

working memory

621 - the second stage of memory storage, info is transferred from sensory memory by paying attention to it

short-term memory

622 - The second step of the scientific method is to .....

ask a question or identify a problem

623 - The second step of the scientific method; the researcher makes a prediction as to why a phenomenon occurs

form a hypothesis

624 - The segment of the brain stem that lies between the Cerebellum and the fore brain?

Hind brain

625 - The self-defense explanation of a crime essentially involves convincing the jury to make what sort of attribution about the defendant's actions?


626 - The self-determination theory makes the distinction between the following two factors of motivation

quality and quantity

627 - The self-reflective observation of one's own sensations and feelings is called


628 - The semantic differential scale is used mainly to measure ____________?


629 - The semicircular canals are most directly relevant to

the vestibular sense.

630 - The sense of movement and body position


631 - the sense of taste can be disrupted by what?

loss of sense of smell

632 - The sense of touch includes the four basic sensations of

pressure, pain, warmth, and cold.

633 - The sense receptors involved in gustatory sensation are

taste buds

634 - The sense that humans depend on more than the other four combined is ________________?


635 - The Senses are .

Sight, Smell, Touch, Hear , Taste

636 - The sensorimotor stage focuses primarily on.....

motor skills

637 - The sensory function of the somatic nervous system can be demonstrated by

experiencing the sensation of heat when holding a hot cup of coffee

638 - The sensory process that converts sound waves into neural messages which can relate how loud an occurrence is:


639 - The sensory receptors in the eye send the coded neural message first to the thalamus and then to which area of the brain for further processing?

visual cortex

640 - The sensory receptors in the eye, known as photoreceptors, are responsible for

the transduction of light energy into electrochemical energy

641 - The sensory receptors in your eyes that are capable of seeing color


642 - The sequentially flashing Christmas tree lights appeared to generate pulsating waves of motion. This best illustrates:

the phi phenomenon

643 - The serial position effect refers to which of the following? Select both that apply.

Only (A) & (B)

644 - The set of prescribed behaviors associated with a particular social position is best described as a(n)


645 - the set of principles, attitudes, and defined objectives for which a group stands


646 - The setting, situation or environment in which an event occurs; in visual perception, the setting in which a perception is made


647 - The similarity between intelligence scores of fraternal twins reared together is

less than that between identical twins reared apart.

648 - the simple mathematical average of a set of given numbers


649 - The sin of memory that involves the natural decreased accessibility of memory over time.


650 - The sin of memory that occurs when people fail to pay sufficient attention.


651 - The sin of memory that occurs when the brain tries to retrieve or encode information but another memory interferes with it.


652 - The sin of memory that occurs when there is unwanted recall of information is disturbing.


653 - The situation of a student's final grade improving one letter grade for every three books read represents which schedule of reinforcement?

fixed ratio

654 - The situation that triggers a response describes which part of the ABC model?


655 - The size of the crowd at the start of the riot was said to be:

Anywhere between 300 and 3000

656 - The size of the pupil is controlled by the _______________?


657 - The size of the pupil is controlled by the:


658 - The skeletal nervous system is a component of the _____________ nervous system?


659 - The skeleton is wearing a hat.

Qualitative Observation

660 - The skills needed to ride a bicycle are stored as

procedural memory

661 - The skills needed to ride a bicycle are stored as what type of memory?


662 - The skills you develop when you learn how to swim become a part of your

procedural memory



664 - The sleep wake cycle is an example of?

Circadian Rhythm

665 - the slight difference between the right and left retinal images

Retinal Disparity

666 - The slow process of gradual exposure to a phobic stimulus/situation refers to.....

Systematic Desensitisation

667 - The small bumps on our tongue are called.....


668 - the small space between the terminal buttons

synaptic gap

669 - the smallest amount of a particular stimulus that can be sensed

absolute threshold

670 - The smallest amount of change in a sensation that you can detect is known as

Difference Threshold

671 - The smallest amount of stimuli needed to notice a difference

Difference threshold

672 - The smallest amount of stimuli needed to notice it

Absolute threshold

673 - The smallest difference between two stimuli that can be detected 50% of the time is called

difference threshold

674 - The smallest difference between two stimuli that is detectable 50% of the time

Difference threshold

675 - The smallest unit of meaningful sound in a word that possesses meaning on it's own is called a


676 - The smallest units of sound in the human language are called:


677 - The smell of rotting flesh is particularly bad for humans because.....

it would be deadly for us to consume.

678 - The so-called "master gland" which helps control the activities of various ductless glands is the ___________?

Anterior pituitary

679 - The Social and Cultural influence on behavior.

Social / Cross-Cultural Psychology

680 - The social distance scale is mainly a measure of ___________?

Social class differences

681 - The social learning theory proposes that we learn by .....

Observation and imitation

682 - The Sociometric technique was developed by

Dr. J.L. Moreno

683 - The Solomon Asch experiment used


684 - The song that begins "Doe, a deer, a female deer . . . fah, a long long way to run" helps people remember the order of notes on a musical scale. This song is a type of:

mnemonic device.

685 - The space between neurons is known as the


686 - The space between neurons is the


687 - The space between two neurons is called the .....


688 - The spacing effect means that

Distributed study yields better retention than cramming.

689 - The specialist most likely to have a medical degree is a


690 - The specialist most likely to prescribe a drug for the treatment of psychological disorder is ___________?


691 - The specialty of industrial-organizational psychology also called .....

I/O psychology

692 - The specialty of industrial-organizational psychology is characterized by the scientific study of human behavior in

Only (A) & (B)

693 - The speed of neural conduction between neurons will result in difficulties in speaking, vision, and balance if the ..... insulating the axons is damaged or removed.

myelin sheath

694 - The speed that neural impulses travel is _____________?

3 to 200 miles an hour

695 - The spinal cord does not ____________?

control primitive impulses

696 - The spiral curriculum, which is being practiced in Junior High School, is a course of study in which students will see the same topics throughout their school career, with each encounter increasing in complexity and reinforcing previous learning


697 - THe spot on your eye where there are no rods or cones

Blind Spot

698 - The SQ3R reading system is a method used that helps many students improve their.....

reading comprehension

699 - The stage at which a person purportedly meets his or her full psychological potential (some characteristics include: self-acceptance, genuineness, independence, gratitude, social interest, tolerance, creativity, and self-sufficiency.)


700 - The stage of mind that is reality oriented


701 - The stage of Piaget̢۪s theory of cognitive development occurs during adolescence and refers to the ability to reason about abstract concepts and principles and evaluate issues in the broader social environment?


702 - The stages of cognitive development associated with Piaget are ____________ in number?


703 - The stages of sleep are classified into two distinct basic types characterized by

rapid eye movement vs non-rapid eye movement

704 - The stages of sleep are differentiated from each other by

varying patterns of brain activity

705 - The standard deviation

indicates the average difference between each score in a group and the mean for that group of scores

706 - The standard deviation of the scores on a test was 0. This means .....

the mean, median, and mode for the test were all the same

707 - The standard of morals and procedures that must be followed by researchers to ensure the safety of participants is known as.....


708 - The standardization sample is

the people used to represent the population for whom the test was intended.

709 - The Stanford Prison experiment demonstrated

the power that situations can have in changing how people feel, think, and behave.

710 - The Stanford Prison Experiment intended to last 14 day, how may days did it last?

6 days

711 - The Stanford Prison Experiment investigated:

Conformity to social roles

712 - The Stanford Prison Experiment showed the world that people will

readily conform to social roles.

713 - The Stanford Prison Experiment used the following sampling technique:


714 - The Stanford prison experiment was conducted by


715 - The Stanford Prison Experiment was conducted by which famous psychologist?

Philip Zimbardo

716 - The Stanford Prison Experiment was created by:

Phillip Zimbardo

717 - The Stanford Prison Experiment, Asch's conformity studies and Milgrams obedience study all had ethical issues and would not be approved to be conducted today.


718 - The Stanford prison study investigated:

Conformity to social roles

719 - The Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler scales are

Both individual tests

720 - The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test was originally created for?

children in France

721 - The Stanford-Binet test a revision of Binet's original test was made by

Lewis Terman

722 - The state of awareness that includes a person's feelings, sensations, ideas, and perceptions


723 - The state of the individual can be so altered as to increase his ..... to disease agents.


724 - The Statement "Psychology is the study of human behaviour and human relationships" belongs to

Crow and Crow

725 - The statement 'All obese people eat too much' is an example of


726 - The statement, "People are nothing more than robots. We are driven by our biological reactions to stimuli, " would best be supported by .....

F. Skinner

727 - The statistical method used to elicit information concerning the component parts of intelligence is known as __________________?

factor analysis

728 - The steps in the three-phase process of operant conditioning, in order, are

discriminative stimulus, response to stimulus, consequence of response to stimulus

729 - The stimulation of sensory receptors and the transmission of sensory information to the central nervous system


730 - The stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning is the

neutral stimulus

731 - The strategy of problem solving that you use over and over again is your

mental set

732 - The strength and direction of the relationship between the two variables is represented by a number, known as

Correlation Coefficient

733 - the strengthening of a reaponse that occurs when the response is followed by a pleasureable consequence


734 - The Stroop interference task (naming colors printed in different color ink) and the task in which the names of European American and African American celebrities are printed in black or white lettering illustrate the effects of


735 - The structuralist intended to identify the buildings blocks of _________?


736 - The structuralist school of psychology viewed consciousness as _____________?

a set of discrete sensations

737 - The structure inside our eye which is actually a HOLE and NOT a physical structure, which is an opening in the iris that helps control amount of light entering the eye is called.....


738 - The student is really good with deep thinking questions. Which multiple intelligence do they fit into?


739 - The student is very confident in her work and thinks she got a good grade on her presentation. Her perception is of

internal locus of control

740 - The study and analysis of handwriting refers to


741 - The study by Vrechopolous et al. demonstrated that a ..... layout was most useful in terms of finding items on a shopping list when using an online store.

Free-form Layout

742 - The study had low validity of which kinds?

Only (A) & (B)

743 - The study in which a participant and two confederates sit in a room that slowly starts to fill with smoke is trying to study which social psychology topic?

Bystander Effect

744 - The study of ..... is the primary focus of psychology.

behavior & mental processes

745 - the study of an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting

personality psychology

746 - The study of behavior and mental processes.


747 - The study of behavioral and mental processes in the context of the world in which we exist, with special interest in the relationships with those around us.

Social Psychology

748 - The study of how human physical life supports the mental processes and behaviors of the psyche is called.....

biological psychology

749 - the study of how our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and behaviors are influenced by interactions with others

social psychology

750 - The study of how people form impressions of and make inferences about other people?

Social perception

751 - The study of how people influence others' behavior, beliefs, and attitudes.

Social Psychology

752 - the study of how psychological processes affect and can enhance teaching and learning

educational psychology

753 - The study of how psychology influences sports, athletic performance, exercise and physical activity?

Sports psychology

754 - The study of how situations and cultures affect our behavior and thinking.


755 - The study of human thought processes including attention, memory, perception, decision-making, problem-solving, and language acquisition.

Cognitive psychology

756 - The study of individual characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting.

personality psychology

757 - The study of inferring personal attributes, such as personality traits, through physical traits refers to


758 - The study of knowledge is called


759 - The study of meaning in language.


760 - The study of mental distress is known as


761 - The study of mental illness, emotional disturbance, and abnormal behavior.


762 - The study of mental processes such as thinking, perception, information processing, etc. is a key element in what kind of psychology?


763 - The study of mental processes, such as occur when we perceive, learn, remember, think, communicate, and solve problems

cognitive psychology

764 - The study of paranormal events that investigates claims of ESP.


765 - The study of perception is primarily concerned with how we:

Interpret sensory stimuli

766 - The study of psychology began in.....


767 - The Study of Psychology can be traced back.....

to the Ancient Greeks.

768 - The study of the characteristics of one person has been called the

idiographic approach

769 - The study of the evolution of behavior and the mind, using principles of natural selection.

evolutionary psychology

770 - The study of the human mind (or soul)


771 - The study of the human mind and its functions; especially those functions that impact human and animal behavior:


772 - The study of the importance of satisfying love and acceptance needs best describes which school of psychology is called .....


773 - The study of the importance of satisfying love and acceptance needs best describes which school of psychology.


774 - The study of the inheritance of physical and psychological characteristics from ancestors is referred to as


775 - The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior

behavior genetics

776 - The study of the role of the specific areas of the nervous system in organizing and controlling behavior that is specifically human is called ___________?


777 - The study over a long period of time using the same group of people is called what?

Longitudinal study

778 - The subgroup of the population that participates in the study


779 - The subgroup of the population that participates in the study is referred to as the .....


780 - The subgroup of the sample that receives the independent variable.

experimental group

781 - The subject concerned with studying human behavior in workplace is _____________?

industrial/organizational psychology

782 - The subject mater of psychology is best described as ____________?

effect, behavior, cognition

783 - The subject matter associated with this perspective includes the nervous system, glands, and hormones, and genetic factors.


784 - The subject matter for this perspective includes interpretation of mental images, thinking, and language.


785 - The subject matter for this psychological perspective includes environmental influences, learning, and observational learning.


786 - The subject matter for this psychological perspective is self-concept.


787 - The subject matter for this psychological perspective is unconscious processes and early childhood experiences.


788 - The subject matter of studying Psychology is/are:

All of the above

789 - The successive blinking on and off of the lights on a neon sign gives the impression that a drink is filling a glass. This illusion of motion is the

phi phenomenon

790 - the sudden perception of relationships among the carious parts of a problem such as an "aha!" experience, allowing the solution to the problem to come quickly

insight learning

791 - The sudden realization of a problem's solution is know as


792 - The sudden, apparent realization of a solution.


793 - The summary at the end of an experiment that explains the results.


794 - The supervisor's tightrope: providing experiences that will stretch the counselor's ability without putting the client in danger or offering substandard care. Therefore, the supervisor continually decides if the supervisee is good enough on a consistent b

Only (A) & (B)

795 - The supposed state of awareness wherein individuals realize their divinity and the divine interconnectedness of all things.

Higher Consciousness

796 - The surprising ease with which people form false memories best illustrates that the processes of encoding and retrieval involve:

memory construction

797 - The Swiss psychologist who is known for working in the area of cognitive growth in children.


798 - The syllogism is a form appropriate to ______________________?

deductive thinking

799 - The symmetric, bell shaped curve that represents the pattern in which many human characteristics are dispersed in the population is known as

normal distribution

800 - The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems differ in that:

the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the flight or fight response whereas the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the freeze response.

801 - The sympathetic nervous system ____________?

is a subdivision of autonomic nervous system

802 - The sympathetic system

energizes the body for activity

803 - The system for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts is?


804 - The system which still survives very nearly in its rigid forms is __________.

Dynamic and Psychoanalytic Approach

805 - The systematic application of learning principles to change people's actions and feelings.

behavior modification

806 - The tasks in Piaget's study did not reflect real life. This means the study lacked .....

Ecological validity

807 - The taste buds on the tip of the tongue are most sensitive to ________________?

sweet tastes

808 - The taste of umami is a ..... taste.


809 - The teacher's major contribution towards the maximum self realization of the child is best effected through

Sensitivity to pupil needs, goals and purposes.

810 - The technique of strengthening behavior by reinforcing successive approximations is called


811 - The techniques used in behavior modification ____________?

Employ the principal of learning

812 - The technology of biofeedback is based on the principle of _________________?

positive reinforcement

813 - The teenage brain feels invincible(unable to be hurt) because

Teenage brains are craving more dopamine rushes.

814 - The teenage brain is known to have a structure that includes.....

An Underdeveloped Frontal Lobe and Highly Developed Striatum

815 - The temperature of the room is decreasing by 4 degrees Celsius.


816 - The temperatures in cities throughout the country that are listed in most newspapers.


817 - The tendencies of humans to group stimuli by similarity and by physical proximity to each other are illustrative of

Gestalt principles

818 - The tendency for a person's expectations of an individual to affect how they behave.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

819 - the tendency for a response that is reinforced after some , but not all, correct responses to be very resistent to extinction

partial reinforcement effect

820 - the tendency for a sensory neuron's firing rate to decrease when exposed to a constant stimulus


821 - The tendency for a stimulus similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response similar to the conditioned response is called


822 - The tendency for animals to return to innate behaviors following repeated reinforcement is called .....

instinctive drift

823 - the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present

bystander effect

824 - The tendency for members of a group to think alike and suppress dissent.

Group Think

825 - The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal dispositions on another's behavior is called

the fundamental attribution error

826 - The tendency for observers to underestimate the influence of the situation and to overestimate the influence of personal traits on a person's behavior is called

the fundamental attribution error.

827 - The tendency for one's preexisting beliefs to distort logical reasoning.

belief bias

828 - The tendency for people remember best words from the first part of a list and the last part of a list, while most likely forgetting words in the middle.

serial position effect

829 - The tendency for people to do better on a task when in the presence of other people.

Social facilitation

830 - The tendency for people to do worse on a task when in the presence of other people.

Social inhibition

831 - The tendency for people to preform differently when in the presence of others, compared to when alone, is known as .....

social facilitation

832 - The tendency for people who agree to a small task to comply later to a larger request.

Foot-in-the-door Phenomenom

833 - the tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request

foot-in-the-door phenomenon

834 - The tendency for prior learning to inhibit recall of later learning is called

proactive interference.

835 - The tendency for similar stimuli to elicit the sameresponse.


836 - The tendency for the presence of others to enhance performance on simple tasks or inhibit performance on complex task

Social Facilitation

837 - The tendency of a group's views to get stronger during group discussions, which may lead to more extreme decisions

group polarization

838 - The tendency of facial expressions to trigger corresponding feelings such as fear, anger, or happiness.

Facial Feedback effect

839 - The tendency of infants to bring all novel objects to their mouths is an example of which of the following Piagetian processes?


840 - The tendency of people to alter their behavior as a result of group pressure.


841 - The tendency of people to comply with a second, lesser request after refusing a larger one is called the ..... technique.


842 - The tendency of people to engage in atypical behavior when stripped of their usual identity.


843 - The tendency of people to exert less effort when they are pooling their efforts towards a common goal.

social loafing

844 - The tendency of people to feel less responsibility for accomplishing a task when the task is shared by members of a group is called

diffusion of responsibility.

845 - The tendency of people to go along with the views or actions of others. Solomon Asch's study would be an example


846 - The tendency of people to look toward others for cues about the appropriate way to behave when confronted by an emergency is know as

pluralistic ignorance

847 - The tendency to attribute the actions of others to dispositional factors is called what?

Fundamental Attribution Error

848 - The tendency to attribute the actions of others to internal factors is called:

Fundamental Attribution Error

849 - The tendency to be helpful when in a good mood

Feel Good do good phenomenon

850 - The tendency to believe that people get what they deserve (like New Orleans was hit by Katrina because it is an evil city).

Just World Thinking

851 - The tendency to believe that people get what they deserve.

Belief in a Just World

852 - the tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it

hindsight bias

853 - The tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it. This is also. known as "I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon.)

Hindsight Bias

854 - The tendency to blame others' behavior on internal factors and underestimating external factors

Fundamental Attribution Bias

855 - The tendency to comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request is known as.....

Foot-in-the-Door Phenonomon

856 - the tendency to fail to act to escape from a situation because of a history of repeated failures in the past

learned helplessness

857 - the tendency to form opinions about others based on first impressions

primacy effect

858 - The tendency to immediately recall the first and last items in a list better than the middle items is known as the ___________________ effect?

serial position

859 - The tendency to interpret an object as being constant.


860 - The tendency to organize stimuli into smooth, uninterrupted patterns is called


861 - The tendency to organize stimuli into smooth, uninterrupted patterns is called _________________?


862 - The tendency to overestimate disposition & underestimate the situation when analyzing the behavior of others is known as .....

Fundamental Attribution Error

863 - the tendency to overestimate the extent to which others share our beliefs and behaviors

false consensus bias

864 - The tendency to overestimate the impact of dispositional influences on other people's behavior rather than external ones.

Fundamental Attribution Error

865 - the tendency to perceive a familiar object as having the same brightness under different conditions of illumination.

Brightness Constancy

866 - The tendency to perceive a moving light in the night sky as belonging to an airplane rather than a weather balloon best illustrates the impact of

perceptual set.

867 - The tendency to perceive continuous patterns in stimuli is known as _________________?

good continuation

868 - The tendency to perceive things a certain way because previous experiences or expectations influence those perceptions.

perceptual set/perceptual expectancy

869 - The tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one's current good or bad mood.

mood-congruent memory

870 - The tendency to recall the initial items in a series is called this.....

Primacy Effect

871 - The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is only similar to the original conditioned stimulus with the conditioned response. In Pavlov's dogs, the sight of a bowl that is not the same bowl used in the experiment.

Stimulus Generalization

872 - The tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the CS.


873 - The tendency to seek out and pay attention only to information that confirms preexisting beliefs, while ignoring contradictory evidence is called .....

the confirmation bias

874 - the tendency to stop making a generalized response to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus because the similar stimulus is never paired with the unconditioned stimulus

stimulus discrimination

875 - The tendency to think of an object functioning only in its usual or customary way is called .....

functional fixedness

876 - The tendency to think of objects only in terms of their normal uses is called

functional fixedness.

877 - The tendency to withhold assistance when other people are present.

Bystander effect

878 - the tendency to work less hard when sharing the workload with others

social loafing

879 - The tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium as maintained by the peripheral nervous system is known as:


880 - The tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to elicit similar responses is called


881 - The term "germ cell" when used in genetics refers to ___________?

Ova and sperm cells

882 - The term "g-factor" refers to

General Intelligence

883 - The term "Psychology" was first used by

Rudolf geokle

884 - The term "reinforcement" refers to the pairing of ___________?

CS and CR

885 - The term ‘cognition’ means ___________?


886 - The term ‘general to specific’ in child development refers to ______________?

motor movements

887 - The term ‘germ cell’ when used in genetics refers to _________________?

ova and sperm cells

888 - The term 'abnormal psychology' refers to which of the following?

psychology relating to atypical patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours

889 - The term 'adaptive plasticity' refers to changes in the brain:

In response to learning and experience

890 - The term coding refers to what?

The format in which information is stored in memory

891 - The term congenital means ______________?

present at birth

892 - the term 'Effort after meaning' is associated with whom

Frederic Bartlett

893 - The term for a predisposition to a certain point of view, despite what facts suggest


894 - The term 'OK Boomer' has been used to 'shut down' older generations, when they say something that may seem ignorent. Some people believe this term is.....


895 - The term propinquity explains ___________?

Both (A. and (B.

896 - The term Psychology comes from two Greek root words meaning?

Soul Science

897 - The term Psychology is made up of two words

Psycho+ Logos

898 - The term schema refers to _____________________?

the mental representation of a concept

899 - The term social influence describes

how the presence or actions of others can affect someone's behaviour

900 - The term that means of or pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning,


901 - The term that refers to the measure of relationship between two variables or sets of data is


902 - the term used in attachment theory for Children who have never formed an attachment bond


903 - The term used to describe the mental activities involved in acquiring, retaining, and using knowledge is:


904 - The term used to describe the tendency to recall items at the beginning of a list better than those that occur later in the list is

the primacy effect

905 - The term 'visual perception' refers to

making sense of visual sensory information.

906 - The terms "growth mindset" and "fixed mindset" were coined by which psychologist.


907 - The terms "modeling" and "imitation" are most closely associated with which of the following?

Social learning theory

908 - The test facilitates the understanding of the tendencies of the child in his relationships with the most important figures around him


909 - the test has uniformity of procedure in administration and scoring


910 - The test is useful as part of a comprehensive study of personality and in the interpretation of behavior disorders, psychosomatic illnesses, neuroses, and psychoses.


911 - The text defines social psychology as the scientific study of how people ..... one another.

think about, influence, and relate to

912 - The Thalamus is involved in

sensory perception and sleep

913 - The thalamus serves which of the following functions?

all of the above

914 - The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is released Morgan and Murray at Harvard University.


915 - the theorist who believes that children have one prime attachment - usually the mother


916 - The theorist who is credited as the "Father of Psychology?"

Wilhelm Wundt

917 - The theorist who proposed the Social Identity Theory was named:


918 - The theory based on Freud's ideas was.....


919 - The theory of color vision based on the idea that we possess three distinct receptor areas for the three primary colors of light is the ________________?

trichromatic theory

920 - The theory of forgetting that stresses the similarity of items in memory is _________________?


921 - The theory of personality in which "basic anxiety" is the primary concept was associated with the name ____________?

None of these

922 - The theory of reconstructive memory suggests that

memory is not an exact copy of an experience

923 - The theory of Selective Attention was proposed by ______________?


924 - The theory that challenged Helmholtz̢۪s theory of color vision is _______________?

opponent-process theory

925 - The theory that memory retrieval fails due to normal metabolic processes over time that occur in the brain is.....

Decay Theory

926 - the theory that people of different ages tend to think differently about certain issues because of different formative experiences

generational identity

927 - The theory that we can explain someone's behavior based off their situation or disposition.

Attribution theory

928 - The theory that we explain someone's behavior by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition is

Attribution Theory

929 - The theory which suggests that people learn attitude by observing their own behavior is __________?


930 - The therapy of psychoanalysis was developed by

Sigmund Freud

931 - The thing that the researcher deliberately changes in an experiment is called the

Independent Variable

932 - The thing that the researcher deliberately changes or manipulates in an experiment is called the

Independent Variable

933 - The things you have in your conscious mind at any one moment are held in your

working memory

934 - The third step of the scientific method; the researcher tries to find out why a phenomenon occurs by completing an experiment

test hypothesis

935 - The thoughts, feelings, and motives that each of us experiences privately but that cannot be observed directly

mental processes

936 - The three basic interrelated conditions of the characteristics of experiments are

Control, Randomization, Replication

937 - The three experimental designs are:

Repeated Measures, Matched Participants & Independent Groups

938 - The three fundamental processes of memory are

encoding, storage and retrieval

939 - The three main part of the brain are the:

hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain

940 - The three processes involved in social identity theory involve all of the following except:


941 - The three processes of memory is similar to a computer. In order, list the three processes of memory.

encoding, storage, retrieval

942 - The three small bones in the ear. Also known as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup

All of the above

943 - The three stages of memory (in the correct order) are:

Encoding, storage, retrieval

944 - The three stages of the memory process (in the correct order) are:

Encoding, storage, retrieval

945 - The three steps in memory information processing are

encoding, storage, retrieval.

946 - The three steps in memory information processing are ____________________?

encoding, storage, retrieval

947 - The three steps of the information processing model of memory are

encoding, storage and retrieval

948 - The three types of long term memory are:

Episodic, semantic, procedural

949 - The three types of research designs used in Psychology are:

experiment, quantitative, qualitative

950 - The threshold for vision is

the flame of a candle 50km away on a clear, dark night.

951 - The thyroid gland control ______________?


952 - The time after Aristotle, and the development of Christianity, and then Islam, saw the period of called the Dark Ages until the Renaissance Period. Why was this so?

There was little advancement in philosophy, science and theology but there was widespread practice of magic, astrology and forced religious conversion.

953 - The tiny gap between neurons where nerve impulses are sent from one neuron to another. It is where communication occurs between an axon and dendrite


954 - The tip-of-tongue phenomenon is due to a difficulty in ________________?


955 - The tip-of-tongue phenomenon is due to a difficulty in __________________?


956 - The title of a song is on the tip of Gerard's tongue, but he cannot recall it until someone mentions the songwriter's name. Gerard's initial inability to recall the title was most likely caused by

retrieval failure.

957 - The total number of times that Mr. Z's dog, Chance, wants to go outside each day is an example of which schedule of reinforcement

variable ratio

958 - The totality of all the mental abilities that give people the ability to solve whatever problems they think are worth working on.


959 - the totality of the stimuli that impinge on a receptor or an individual at a given time.

Sensory System

960 - the training of an organism to remove or terminate an unpleasant stimulus

escape conditioning

961 - the training of an organism to respond so as to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant stimulus

avoidance conditioning

962 - The training or ability necessary to satisfactorily perform a job.

Hard Skills

963 - The training procedure used in the Pepperberg was based on the concept of ..... by .....

modeling; Bandura

964 - The Trait theory attempts to:

describe and classify people in terms of their predispositions to behave in certain ways

965 - The transactional model of stress and coping holds that an event is assessed as stressful, beneficial or irrelevant at the ..... stage.

primary appraisal

966 - The transduction of light energy into nerve impulses takes place in the _____________?


967 - The transformation of energy from environmental stimuli by specialized receptor cells in sensory organs into neural messages.

Sensory transduction

968 - The transforming of information so the nervous system can process it.


969 - The translation of Russian word ouslovny means


970 - the transparent part of the outer covering of the eye, through which light first passes.


971 - The 'trial and error' theory of learning was propounded by


972 - The Two Factory Theory of Intelligence states intelligence is measured by which two factors.....

General intelligence (problem solving) and specific abilities (verbal and math skills)

973 - The two genes in a specific pair are the same?


974 - The two key characteristics of the concrete operational stage (7 - 11 years) are:

Conservation and classifying

975 - The two main divisions of the central nervous system are the

brain and the spinal cord.

976 - The two main Key Cognitive Accomplishments of the formal operational stage are:

Idealistic thinking and abstract thinking

977 - The two main types of psychology include basic research and ..... psychology.


978 - The two major divisions of the nervous system are the

peripheral and central nervous systems

979 - The two members of a gene pair are called _________________?


980 - The two theories on how hypnotism works are

Divided consciousness and social influence

981 - The two types of Inferential Statistics is

T- test and analysis of variance

982 - The two ways to describe a data are

measures of central tendency and measures of variability, or dispersion.

983 - The two-word stage of language development is also known as

telegraphic speech

984 - The type of development that developmental psychologists focus on is

all of the above

985 - The type of learning that is unique for human is _________________?

verbal learning

986 - the type of memory retrieval in which a person is required to identify an object, idea, or situation as one he or she or has not experienced before


987 - the type of memory retrieval in which a person reconstructs previously learned material without the aid of or with very few external cues


988 - The type of memory with large capacity and brief duration is __________________?

sensory memory

989 - The type of observation done without knowledge of the participants is called.....(researchers remain hidden)

Covert observation

990 - The type of observation where some variables are regulated by the researcher.


991 - the type of perception in which used in judging the distance is

motion paraalax

992 - The type of psychology which study how people interact with others and how this affects them

Social psychology

993 - The type of psychology which study the criminal cases


994 - The type of sample where subgroups in the target population are represented proportionally

stratified sample

995 - The type of study construction in which different subjects at different developmental levels are compared is a _____________?

cross-sectional study

996 - The type of variable that responds to the experiment and is what you measure to determine if your hypothesis is true.


997 - The type of variable that you change or manipulate in an experiment. It is what you are testing.


998 - The typical research articlecontains four sections. Whichitem is not included in aresearch article?

author biography

999 - The unconscious mind influences everything we do.

Psychodynamic perspective

1000 - The underlying assumption of perception-action loop being constant, requires the all trials of an experiment usually be conducted within about ..... hours.



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