Reaction Kinetics MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - The addition of a catalyst to the reaction system

Increases the rate of forward as well as backward reaction equally

2 - The specific rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the


3 - On increasing the temperature the rate of reaction increases mainly because

Collision frequency increases

4 - The value of activation energy is primarily determined by

Effective collision

5 - Sum of exponents of molar concentration is called

Order of reaction

6 - Spontaneous reactions are


7 - In rate expression the concentration of reactants is negative. It shows

Concentration of reactant decreases

8 - Unit of rate of reaction is

Moles dm-3 sec-1

9 - When a graph is plotted between 1/T on X-axis and log k on y-axis a straight line is obtained with a negative slope which has two end in

II and IV quadrant

10 - Rate of disappearance of reactant is equal to

Rate of reaction

11 - Rate of reaction when concentration of reactants are taken as unity is called

Specific rate constant

12 - For 3rd order reaction the hhalf life is inversely proportional to initial concentration of reactants


13 - Which order of reaction obeys the relation t1/2 = 1/Ka

Second order

14 - Radiations are absorbed in

Spectrophotometer method

15 - Activated complex is formed due to

Effective collision

16 - Energy of reactant higher than energy of product favours


17 - Energy required to form transition state is called


18 - Which of the following will have very high rate of reaction?

all of above

19 - Greater the conc. Of reactant

Greater will be dx/dt

20 - Anything which increases rate of reaction without being involved in the reaction


21 - The substances that reduces the effectiveness of a catalyst are called

Poisoning catalysts

22 - When catalysts and reactants are in more than one phase it is

Heterogeneous catalysis

23 - Each catalyst has

all of above

24 - Biocatalytical proteins are


25 - A catalyst can not effect

both a & b

26 - An enzyme has its specificity due to


27 - Co-enzymes are

Non proteineous

28 - A substance which increases the reactivity of enzyme is called


29 - End name of enzyme is


30 - When the reaction completes in more than one steps rate of reaction will be determined by

Slowest step

31 - For determining the order of reaction we use

Half life method

32 - Energy of activation for backward reaction is less than forward reaction for ________ reaction


33 - Which statement is incorrect about catalyst

it affects specific rate constant

34 - Elements in the same vertical group of the periodic table have same

Number of valence electrons


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