Research Methodology in Sports MCQs For Job Test Preparation: Physical Education

1 - Hypothesis cannot be stated in?

General Terms

2 - Who is regarded the father of scientific social Surveys?


3 - The most unrelible average is ?


4 - The Term which indicates Relationship between parts 0f measures is?


5 - Which of the following is the best Measure of variability?

Standard Deviation

6 - Turtle pulse ratio test used to measure?

Physical Fitness

7 - Which of the following is not an average?

Standard Deviation

8 - The Middle value of the Distribution called?


9 - Median is also called……..Average?


10 - In testing of hypothesis,Research and Null hypothesis?

One at a time

11 - The seventh step in research is?

Analyzing Data

12 - Final Step in Research is called?

Writing report

13 - Focused Group Discussion is a type of?

Qualitative Research

14 - Journal or Diary is an Example of?

Qualitative Research

15 - Hypothesis is also called?

All of these

16 - The implication of Experimental Research are?

What will be

17 - Value which can be determined Graphically?


18 - Research prposal is also called as?


19 - Value which measures central tendancy is capable of algebric manipulation?


20 - Middle value of the list order from smallest to larger?


21 - 3 minutes test is also called ?

Aerobic Fitness Test

22 - What is good vo2 for male athlete?


23 - Standing broad jump is a test for?


24 - A test that requires all test takers to answer the same question

Standardized Test

25 - The 2.4 km run test measures?

Cardio Respiratory Endurance

26 - Blood is …… the blood cells are physically seperated from the plasma?


27 - Saltwater Mixture is an Example of?


28 - An aggregates of Individuals or other elements that are similar to one another in a number of significant Respects?


29 - …is consist of Dissimiliar or diverse ingredients?


30 - Which test is used to running speed?

40 yard Test

31 - The selection of the subset of the population of Interest in Research Study?


32 - Value that divide the data into two equal parts?


33 - A research that describes the current status of Phenomena?

Descripitive Research

34 - Sampling Refers to the selection of a sample from a population?

Probablity sampling

35 - Every Member of a population has a known and Equal chance of being selected?

Probablity sampling

36 - How many types of Probablity Sampling ?


37 - Simple Random sampling is a type of?

Probablity sampling

38 - The Basic sampling Technique where we select a group of subject for study from a large group?

Simple Random Sampling

39 - ….. Ia sampling in which a random sample with a fix periodic Interval is selected from a large population?

Systematic sampling

40 - A method of sampling that involves the Division of a population into smaller subgroup known as?

Stratified sampling

41 - Structured and unstructed are types of?


42 - Who among the following devised the test for Hockey?


43 - Who among the following devised the test for Basketball?


44 - Who among the following devised the test for volleyball?

William G Morgan

45 - Who among the following devised the test for Tennis?


46 - Who among the following devised the test for volleyball?

Russel lange

47 - Static strength measure from which device?


48 - Posture measures from which device?


49 - Scolimeter used to measures?


50 - Spring scale test measures?


51 - … the product of half of the difference between the upper and low quartile?

Quartile Deviation

52 - … simply count the number of times that each variable occur is called?


53 - Research that generally applied in social sciences?

Action Research

54 - Research that collecting and analyzing numerical data is?

Quantitative Research

55 - Research that focus on obtaining data through open ended and conversational communication?

Qualitative Research

56 - … used for data collection?


57 - The founder of modern intelligent test was?

Alferd Binet

58 - How many test are taken to check fats in human body?


59 - Which line of sampling use for non-homogenous group?

Startified Sampling

60 - Instruments used to measure sample of behaviour?


61 - The word research is deriverd from the french word is called?


62 - What is the Purpose of doing Research?

To find out solution of the problem

63 - Research is related with ?

All of these

64 - Applied research is also Knpwn as?

Contractual Research

65 - Basic research is also called as?

Fundamental Research

66 - Applied research is used for which purpose?

Finding solution of an immediate problem

67 - Fundamental research is a research which helps?

Gathering knowledge skill

68 - Longitudinal research is a type of researh which?

Research carried several time periods

69 - Other name of Descripitive research is?

Statistical research

70 - Qualitative Research is a research which is based on?


71 - Gender is an Example of which measurement?


72 - ……scale is a naming scale where variable are simply named with no specific order?


73 - ………scale that includes statisticak data where variable are in order or rank?


74 - scale offers lables, orders as well as specific interval between each variable options?


75 - How do we measure balance?

Stork stand test

76 - Sit And reach test is usd for?


77 - Device is used for angle sensor?


78 - Which Test items is used to measure lower body flexibility?

Sit & Reach Test

79 - Inclinometer is a type of which device?


80 - How is joint Ability measure?

Double Armed Goniometer

81 - Which jump is used for vertical Jumping Ability?

Sergent Jump

82 - The following Procedure Check Lung capicity?


83 - Muscular strength Measures?

Kraus weber

84 - Mcdonald is Conduct for?


85 - Instrument which is used to measure fat in our body?

Skin fold caliper

86 - Postural defect flat foot is measures by which device?


87 - Cardiorespiratory Endurance Measures?

Copper 12 mints Test

88 - Wet sipro meter is measures?

Vital capcity

89 - Harward step Test is conduct for?


90 - Without ……. thesis is not be finalized?


91 - The research which is related to an abstract ideas is also called?

Conceptual Research

92 - Research that study Scietiific Plans Programmes and Policies?

Evaluation Research

93 - Study of cause and effect relationship between variable done by?

Casual Research

94 - Manipulation is a part of?

Experimental Research

95 - The first step in research is?

Identify problems

96 - Step two in research is called?

Review of Literature

97 - The Third stage Research is known as?

Setting Hypothesis

98 - Step four in Research is called ?

Design the project

99 - The Fifth stage in research is called?

Sample Design

100 - The Sixth Stage of research is called?

Colleting Data

101 - A method of sampling that used to study large population particularly those that are widely geographically dispersed known as?

Cluster sampling

102 - Technique in which the researcher selects sample based on the subjective Judgement of the researcher rather then random sampling?

Non Probablity sampling

103 - How many types of Non Probablity Sampling ?


104 - Self Selection is a type of …….Sampling?

Non Probablity

105 - The……sampling is used for pilot Testing?


106 - A sampling involves using respodents who are convenient to the researcher?

Convenience Sampling

107 - sampling where currrently enrolled research participants help recruit future subject for study?


108 - A sampling Methodology where data is collected from a homogeneous Group?

Quota Sampling

109 - Sampling when we allow units whether individuals or organizations ?

Self Selection

110 - Survey is divided into?

Both A & B

111 - A research Design cause is related to?


112 - In Research Design Effect is related to?


113 - The survey conducted more then one time is called?

Longitudual survey

114 - Research which is generally inductive ?

Qualitative Research

115 - Which servay ,research is spread over a long period of time?

Longitudual survey

116 - Which one of not the part of research ?


117 - Experimental variable is also Known?

Independent Variable

118 - The procedure of gathering and measuring information on variable of interest?


119 - a research that is focuses on answering basic question?

Pure Research

120 - The difference between the maximum and minimum value is?


121 - Which Test is Conduct to check the Agility?


122 - A way is gaining information about Health related fitness and sports related fitness?

Fitness Testing

123 - What is the test for co-ordination?

Bouncing the ball

124 - Test of hand of hand eye co-ordination is called?

Wall Toss Test

125 - … a sport of co-ordination?

Ice Hockey

126 - Toe Touch measures which type of fleibility?


127 - A piece of Equipment use for measuring Human Height?


128 - Vo2 max (Maximum oxygen uptake Measure by?

Cardio Respiratory Endurance

129 - Cardiorespiratory Endurance exercise?


130 - The step Test designed to measure?

Aerobic fitness

131 - Instruement used measured sample of Behaviour is caled?


132 - A Sum of Questions?


133 - The plan for your research project is called?


134 - Summary,Abstract,Precise,outline all are names of?


135 - A state or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved ?


136 - A list of sources including books,articles or journals the research has referred to while preparing their work?


137 - ………is an authentic solution of a problem?


138 - To Enhance society by advancing knowledge through scientifif theories, concept and ideas?

Purpose of Research

139 - Fact finding is another name of ?


140 - The process not need in experimental Research?

Referance collection

141 - Which of following Instruement Measure height?


142 - Agility Measures from which Device?

Quadrant Jump

143 - Hamstring and Back flexibility Measures from which Device?

Sit and Reach Test

144 - Which Test Design by Harverd?

Harverd step test

145 - Explosive Leg strength Measure from?

Explosive Leg Strength

146 - Flexibility Measure?


147 - Which of following Instruement Measure lean body weight?


148 - Who constructed test of Motor Ability?


149 - Dyer test is used to measures?


150 - Miller valley Test is used to Measures?



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