Research Methodology MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Male and female students perform equally well in a numerical aptitude test." This statement indicates a

null hypothesis

2 - _______ refers to inferring about the whole population based on the observations made on a small part.

Inductive inference

3 - _________ is a preferred sampling method for the population with finite size.

Systematic sampling

4 - A Cluster of propositions with a structure that exhibits some inference is called

An argument

5 - A college wants to give training in use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to researchers. For this the college should organize:


6 - A common test in research demands much priority on

All of the above

7 - A definition that has a meaning that is deliberately assigned to some symbol is called:


8 - A detailed description of methodology of research is required in


9 - A doctor studies the relative effectiveness of two drugs of dengue fever. His research would be classified as

Experimental Research

10 - A good thesis writing should involve

all of the above

11 - A group of experts in a specific area of knowledge assembled at a place and prepared a syllabus for a new course. The process may be termed as


12 - A hypothesis is a


13 - A null hypothesis is

when there is no difference between the variables

14 - A ratio represents the relation between:

All of the above

15 - A research paper

contains peer-reviewed original research or evaluation of research conducted by others

16 - A research paper is a brief report of research work based on

Both Primary and Secondary Data

17 - A research problem is feasible only when:

all the above

18 - A research problem is not feasible if __________________

It consists of independent and dependent variables

19 - A research problem is not feasible only when:

it consists of independent and dependent variables

20 - A researcher is interested in studying the prospects of a particular political party in an urban area. What tool should he prefer for the study?


21 - A satisfactory statistical quantitative method should not possess one of the following qualities


22 - A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as:


23 - A thesis statement is

An assertion

24 - A working hypothesis is

a provisionally accepted hypothesis for further research

25 - A workshop is

a brief intensive course for a small group emphasizing the development of a skill or technique for solving a specific problem

26 - Action research is

A research carried out to solve immediate problems

27 - Action research is a type of _______

Applied research

28 - Action research means

A research initiated to solve an immediate problem

29 - Action-research is:

A research carried out to solve immediate problems

30 - Authenticity of a research finding is its:


31 - Bibliography given in a research report:

helps those interested in further research

32 - Books and records are the primary sources of data in:

historical research

33 - Circle graphs are used to show:

How various parts are related to the whole?

34 - Conferences are meant for

All the above

35 - Controlled group condition is applied in

Experimental Research

36 - Deconstruction is a popular method of research in


37 - Determining the relationship between two or more variables occurs in _____________.

Correlational research

38 - Dramaturgical interviewing is carried out through ________

Role playing

39 - Ethical norms in research do not involve guidelines for:

Thesis format

40 - 'Ethnography' describes _______

Both (a) and (b)

41 - Evaluation research is concerned with ___________

How well are we doing?

42 - Ex Post Facto research means

The research is carried out after the incident

43 - Field-work based research is classified as:


44 - For advancing knowledge, the latest strategy used by mankind is

scientific thinking

45 - Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in:

Historical studies

46 - From the following list of statements identify the set which has negative implications for ‘research ethics' :

All of the above

47 - Fundamental research reflects the ability to:

Expound new principles

48 - Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as:

Data analysis and interpretation

49 - Good ‘research ethics' means

Assigning a particular research problem to one Ph.D./research student only

50 - Hypothesis relates ________

Variables to variables

51 - Identify the category of evaluation that assesses the learning progress to provide continuous feedback to the students during instruction.


52 - Identify the correct sequence of research steps :

Selection of topic, review of literature, data collection, interpretation of findings

53 - Identify the incorrect statement:

Scientific hypothesis is a scientific theory

54 - If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness ? This will be an example of

Applied Research

55 - In a large random data set following normal distribution, the ratio (%) of number of data points which are in the range of (mean ± standard deviation) to the total number of data points, is

~ 67%

56 - In a Ph.D. thesis which one is the correct sequence for showing scheme of Chapterisation?

Introduction, Survey of related studies, Design of study, Data-presentation; analysis & Interpretation, Formulation of generalization & Conclusions, Suggestions for further research, References & Appendix

57 - In a thesis, figures and tables are included in

The text itself

58 - In qualitative research paradigm, which of the following features may be considered critical?

Data collection with bottom-up empirical evidences.

59 - In sampling, the lottery method is used for


60 - In the process of conducting research â€Å“Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by

Collection of Data

61 - In the purposive method of sampling design, items are selected according to ___________

Personal judgement

62 - Jean Piaget gave a theory of cognitive development of humans on the basis of his

Fundamental research

63 - Manipulation is always a part of

Descriptive research

64 - Media is known as

Fourth Estate

65 - Newton gave three basic laws of motion. This research is categorized as

Fundamental Research

66 - Nine year olds are taller than seven year olds. This is an example of a reference drawn from

Cross-sectional study

67 - Normal Probability Curve should be

Zero skewed

68 - One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to:

eliminate spurious relations

69 - One of the following is not a quality of researcher:

His assertion to outstrip the evidence

70 - Participant observation is the process of immersing yourself in the study of ______


71 - Primary data for the research process be collected through _______.

Both (a) and (b)

72 - Random sampling is helpful as it is __________.

All the above

73 - Research and Development become the index of development of country. Which of the following reasons are true with regards to this statement?

All the above

74 - Research can be classified as:

All the above

75 - Research can be conducted by a person who:

has studied research methodology

76 - Research ethics do not include


77 - Research ethics has a direct connection more often with which stages of research ?

Problem formulation and reporting of research findings.

78 - Research is

Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem

79 - Research is conducted to

All of the above

80 - Research is not considered ethical if it

does not ensure privacy and anonymity of the respondent

81 - Research problem is selected from the stand point of:

Social relevance

82 - Sampling error decreases with the

Increase in sample size

83 - Sampling is advantageous as it ________

Both (a) and (b)

84 - Suppose you want to investigate the working efficiency of nationalized bank in India, which one of the following would you follow?

Multi-stage Sampling

85 - Survey research studies _________


86 - The ‘Sociogram' technique is used to study

Human Relations

87 - The basis on which assumptions are formulated:

Cultural background of the country

88 - The conclusions/findings of which type of research cannot be generalized to other situations

Experimental Research

89 - The core elements of dissertation are

Introduction; Literature Review; Research Methodology; Results; Discussion and Conclusion

90 - The data of research is ______

Both (a) and (b)

91 - The depth of any research can be judged by:

objectives of the research

92 - The essential qualities of a researcher are

all the aboveÂ

93 - The experimental study is based on:

The manipulation of variables

94 - The first step of research is:

Identifying a problem

95 - The format of thesis writing is the same as in

a research dissertation

96 - The frequency distribution of a research data which is symmetrical in shape similar to a normal distribution but center peak is much higher, is


97 - The F-test:

can be one tailed as well as two tailed depending on the hypothesis.

98 - The importance of the correlation co-efficient lies in the fact that:

It allows one to determine the degree or strength of the association between two variables.

99 - The important pre-requisites of a researcher in sciences, social sciences and humanities are

supervisor, topic, critical analysis, patience

100 - The least important thing to do in teaching is _______

Punishing the students

101 - The longitudinal approach of research deals with _________.

Long-term researches

102 - The main characteristic of scientific research is:

all of the above

103 - The main purpose of research in education is to _________

Help the candidate become an eminent educationist

104 - The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be the

Advacement of pupil welfare

105 - The population information is called parameter while the corresponding sample information is known as


106 - The Principles of fundamental research are used in

Applied research

107 - The process not needed in experimental research is:


108 - The process not needed in Experimental Researches is


109 - The research approach of Max Weber to understand how people create meanings in natural settings is identified as

Interpretative paradigm

110 - The research is always -

all of these

111 - The research stream of immediate application is

Action research

112 - The research that aims at immediate application is

Action Research

113 - The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is:

Experimental research

114 - The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called

Historical research

115 - The sequential operations in scientific research are

Co-vaiation, Elimination of Spurious Relations, Generalisation, Theorisation

116 - The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as:

'Ex-post Facto' Research

117 - The term ‘phenomenology' is associated with the process of

Qualitative Research

118 - The variable which impacts the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable is known as

control variable

119 - The word 'Anusandhan' implies _________

Following an aim

120 - Tippit table refers to ____________

All the above

121 - To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses:


122 - Type-I Error occurs if ___________________

the null hypothesis is rejected even though it is true

123 - We use Factorial Analysis:

To know the difference between two variables

124 - What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research?

To bring out holistic approach to research

125 - What is a Research Design?

Sampling of people, newspapers, television programmes etc.

126 - When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is

Stratified Sampling

127 - When academicians are called to deliver lecture or presentations to an audience on certain topics or a set of topics of educational nature, it is called


128 - When planning to do a social research, it is better to

Approach the topic with an open mind

129 - When the purpose of a definition is to explain the use or to eliminate ambiguity the definition is called


130 - When two or more successive footnotes refer to the same work which one of the following expressions is used ?


131 - Which correlation co-efficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence?


132 - Which is the main objective of research?

To discover new facts or to make fresh interpretation of known facts

133 - Which of the following are the basic rules of APA style of referencing format?

All of the above

134 - Which of the following are the characteristics of a seminar?

All of the above

135 - Which of the following is an initial mandatory requirement for pursuing research?

Formulating a research question

136 - Which of the following is classified in the category of the developmental research?

All the above

137 - Which of the following is not an example of a continuous variable?


138 - Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research?

Research is not a process

139 - Which of the following is not the critical feature of qualitative research?

Seeking to establish relationships among measured social facts.

140 - Which of the following is not the Method of Research?


141 - Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?

Searching sources of information to locate problem

142 - Which of the following methods is best suited to show on a map the types of crops being grown in a region?


143 - Which of the following methods will you choose to prepare choropleth map of India showing urban density of population:


144 - Which of the following options are the main tasks of research in modern society?

all of the above

145 - Which of the following phrases is not relevant to describe the meaning of research as a process?

Objective Observation

146 - Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006?

Systematic sampling

147 - Which of the following sampling methods is based on probability?

Stratified sampling

148 - Which of the following sampling methods is not based on probability?

Quota Sampling

149 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Researches lead to discovery

150 - Which of the following statement is correct?

objectives should be pin-pointed

151 - Which of the following statements is correct?

All the above

152 - Which of the following statements is not true in the context of participatory research?

Its sole purpose is production of knowledge.

153 - Which of the following statements is true in the context of the testing of a hypothesis?

It is only the null hypothesis, that can be tested.

154 - Which of the following statements regarding the meaning of research are correct

All of the above

155 - Which of the following steps are required to design a questionnaire

All of the above

156 - Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?

Professional Attitude

157 - Which one is called non-probability sampling?

Quota sampling

158 - Which one of the following belongs to the category of good ‘research ethics'?

Conducting a review of the literature that acknowledges the contributions of other people in the relevant field or relevant prior work

159 - Which one of the following does not come under the methods of data classification ?


160 - Which one of the following is a non probability sampling?


161 - Which one of the following is a non-probability sampling method?

Quota Sampling

162 - Which one of the following is a research tool?


163 - Which one of the following is an indication of the quality of a research journal?

Impact factor

164 - Which one of the following is not a non-parametric test ?


165 - Which one of the following is not a source of data ?

Administrative records

166 - Which one of the following is not a type of experimental method?

Residual group experiment

167 - Which one of the following is the most comprehensive source of population data?


168 - Which one of the following is the oldest Archival source of data in India ?

National Sample Surveys

169 - Which one of the following methods is best suited for mapping the distribution of different crops as provided in the standard classification of crops in India ?

Chorochromatic technique

170 - Which one of the following methods serve to measure correlation between two variables?

Coefficient of Rank Correlation

171 - Which one of the following principles is not applicable to sampling?

Sample units must be dependent on each other

172 - Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?

Systematic Sampling Technique

173 - With which one of the following techniques communality is associated?

Factor analysis

174 - Workshops are meant for

hands on training/experience


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