Rules of Volleyball Game in Sports MCQs For Job Test Preparation: Physical Education

1 - Which players serves_______

back right player

2 - Which team does the first service in the first game_________

won the toss get the service

3 - Which team, does the first service in the 5th decisive game______

won the toss get the service

4 - which team ,does the first servise in the 2n all game___

who did not serve first in first game

5 - Which team will serve again ,when the serving team win the rally?

which team had the first serve

6 - How does the next service,when the service receiving team team win the rally_____

only rotation

7 - What time does the refree allow to serve?

when both teams are ready

8 - service fouls______

all of these

9 - When does an attack hit complete?

the ball cross the net completely

10 - Which player can participate in attack hit_______

both a,b

11 - In volleyball, four hits foul is given in which case_________

when the team touches the ball more than three times.

12 - If two opposing players hit the ball at the same time,it is called____

double foul

13 - When two opposing players touch the ball on the net at the same time,and the ball stay in play,the receiving has the to_____ the ball.

three time hits

14 - Four hits is_____

three time hits

15 - Reaching the ball with the help of something is called_____

assisted hit

16 - Where the blocker can touch the ball when blocking___

on the other side of the net

17 - Any part of the body go to the other side of the net except the feet and does not touch to the opponent player then it is not considerd

no foul

18 - Which time a plyer can enter the court when the ball______

out side the court

19 - In accidentally,touch the antenna

no foul

20 - Players a fouls on the net____

all of these

21 - How many times can the team hit the volleyball when it is on their side___


22 - What are the three most common hits usde in the game off volleyball__

aii of the above

23 - What is an other name for an attack or hit used in volleyball___


24 - If you are the server, What position on the court are you in___

right back

25 - When do you rotate as a team___

when you win the serve

26 - When receiving a serve, you ideally want the first pass to be which off the following____

forearm pass

27 - In volleyball, the players situated in the back zone when the serve is made is called which of the following position___

back row

28 - In volleyball, this is the contact that sets up the spike___


29 - What is the official court size__


30 - A serve that is not returnable AND results in a point is considered___


31 - If the server receiving team wins the rally____

points also gets and service too

32 - When a team scores 25 points on a lead of at least two points over the oppositing team then a team______

the game a won

33 - Which is correct in volley ball___


34 - How many points are in a sets____


35 - How many sets,Does a valleybal game consist of____


36 - How does a volleyball game start____


37 - Second toss use in which set____

5th set

38 - First toss use in which sets_____

4th set

39 - FIVB_____

federation international volleyball

40 - Official warmup session on net______


41 - The old name of volleyball____


42 - When did start the assian federation of volleyball___


43 - where did start the assian federation of volleyball___


44 - Which assia did make the first member of international volleyball federation___-


45 - When did the first assian volleyball championship held for men____


46 - Where did the first assian volleyball championship held for men____


47 - When did include the volleyball in assian game ___


48 - When was the pakistan volleyball federation formed____


49 - When did the first time of volleyball international competition held in pakistan___


50 - Where did the first time of volleyball international competition held in pakistan___


51 - Which two countries played volleball final in 2006 of men____

brazil and poland

52 - Which two countries played volleball final in 2006 of female____

brazil and russia

53 - Which was the position of pakistan fourth assian compitition on 1989 in islamabad___

Gold medal

54 - Which was the position of pakistan fifth assian compitition on 1991 in colombo___

silver madel

55 - In six assian compitition Which country by lost,pakistan won the gold medal in dhaka 1993_____


56 - Which country pakistan with plyed held in mudaris seventh assian compitition 1995___

india and pakistan

57 - What was the position of pakistan volleyball team held in islamabad ninth south asian compitition 2004


58 - The final match of volleyball was played between which two teams held in islamabad 2006 ninth south asia game____

india and pakistan

59 - The pakistan volleyball team won which medal in colombo 2006 10th south asia game

bronze medal

60 - When did pakistan volleyball team participate in asian junior competition_____


61 - How many players are standing in the front zone?


62 - How many players are standing in the back zone?


63 - The players standing position in the front zone?


64 - The players standing position in the back zone?


65 - When does the rotation in volleyball____

If a team receive a serve after winning a rally with the other team

66 - Which is the correct position______

4,3,2 5,6,1

67 - When does it means to be a ball in play___?

when served,ball in motion

68 - Rotation position is____

clock wise

69 - When do the ball out of play______

when the ball touches the ground outside the boundry line

70 - How many touches can a team make to send the ball to the opposing court______---


71 - Technical time out duration is__________


72 - When is the technical timeout given____

8 or 16 point

73 - In which give technical time out is not given____

5th game

74 - Where do player change perform_

substitution zone

75 - Interval time in volleyball game____


76 - Change of courts_____

End of each game

77 - When does the side change in 5th game after____

8 points

78 - Where is libro position___

back zone

79 - What type of scoring is used in high school and college volleyball games

rally scoring

80 - The game of volleyball is played to what score?


81 - FVB head quarter is in________


82 - Who is President of FVB_____

Ch.M yaqoob

83 - Which uniform color can use in volleyball match_____

all of these

84 - Which is correct_____


85 - Maximum weight of ball____


86 - Volleyball ball color is_____

none of these

87 - How is the serving team chozen____

a coin toss

88 - Volleyball is game of____

both a,b

89 - Terms associated with volleyball___

blocking ,dubling,holding

90 - When did the first international championship held for men____


91 - When did the first international championship held for female____


92 - The first time of volleyball game had been included in which olympic games______


93 - Which country won the more titles of woman in international volleyball competition___


94 - Which country won the more titles of woman and men in international volleyball competition___


95 - Tell that player name who won the four time olympic meddles_____

Innav ryscal

96 - In initial years, how many were player in volleyball game___


97 - Who is start the volleyball match____


98 - Which time,Does refree play the whistle____

all of these

99 - Location of first refree is____

Free zone

100 - Who does control the match___


101 - Who is the chief of supervisor in volleyball game_____


102 - Refree responsibilties is___

all of these

103 - Refree responsibilties is in during match___

all of these

104 - Location of the seconed refree is____

stand on the opposite side of the court from the first refree

105 - Location of first refree is____

At the opposite end of the net from the scorekeepr's tbale

106 - Second refree is the assistant of____


107 - When did the pakistan won the silver medal in siaf game___


108 - Which country won the first assian junior volleyball championship 2008__


109 - Which country won the second assian junior volleyball championship 2008__


110 - Which position pakistan won in iran on 2008___


111 - Which position pakistan won in qater on 1994___


112 - How many subsitution players in volleybal game____


113 - Who were the captain of pakistan volleybal team fourth assian game in 1962___

faiz ahmad

114 - Which position pakistan won in calcutta on 1987___


115 - Who were the captain of pakistan volleybal saif game in calcutta 1987___

mazher fareed

116 - In initial years,Which had the net been use for volleyball___

tennis net

117 - How do line judges indicate foot fault___

By flag

118 - At whoes request,will the line judges repeat the signal____

first refree

119 - What its mean if the flag down____

both a,b

120 - What its mean if the flag upward___

bal out

121 - Who's responsible for service____

First refree

122 - Who is responsible of whistling____


123 - Who is responsible indicate the end of rally___

both a,b

124 - Who is responsible any team application accept or non accept____

First refree

125 - When was volleyball created___


126 - Where was volleyball created__


127 - Antenna width is_____


128 - The length of the Antenna is above the net strip___


129 - Net posts height____


130 - How the post fixed____

out the court without wire

131 - Maximum weight of ball____

Maximum 280g or minimum 260g

132 - Volleyball ball color is_____

in defrent color

133 - Maximum weight of ball____


134 - Minimum diameter of volleyball is____


135 - Maximum diameter of volleyball is____


136 - Internal air preesure in volleyball is_____


137 - Who makes of libro's control sheet___

assistant scorer

138 - Whomis sign on the control sheet__

assistant scorer

139 - How many line judges in volleyball____


140 - Location of line judges___

Stands at the intersection of end line and side line

141 - How many line judges use in FIVB_____


142 - Line judges stand away from the free zone ___

1-2 m

143 - Line judges control the line___


144 - Line judges flag measurement is____


145 - When does the line judges point out____

all of these

146 - Who is incharge of end line___

line judges

147 - How the net is tied_


148 - Net height for man is_____


149 - Net height for female is_____


150 - Minimum net length is__________


151 - Maximum net length is____


152 - Net width is_____


153 - The size of the Net boxes is______


154 - Side bends is_____

5cm width and 1cm length

155 - Antenna is___

Flexible roll

156 - Antenna length is____


157 - Which variation of volleyball was made for a president of the USA__


158 - Where was beech volleyball said have originated

oreti beech

159 - The FIVB was fouded in__


160 - When was beach volleyball added in the olympics___


161 - Misconduct is___

all of these

162 - Penalty section is____

Symbol red card

163 - Disqualification senction is____

symble red + red card

164 - How many line judges use in volleyball game___


165 - In which game ,Does use of assistant scorer____


166 - Who is allowed to play the whistle during the game__

assistant refree

167 - Shape of volleyball court is…..


168 - Length of volleyball court is……


169 - Width of volleyball court is….


170 - Width of volleyball all court lines is….


171 - Which is the colors of volleyball courts lines ..?


172 - How many teams are participate in one time?


173 - When the recieving team wins the rally,it gain_____point.


174 - How much height,there should be no obstacle at the surface of the playing area?


175 - How should be playing surface?

clean and smooth

176 - Which type of floor use in FIVB competetion?

Synthetic floor

177 - Tennis net measurement is _____


178 - When did start the three touches in volleyball___


179 - When did beach volleyball become part of the olympics______


180 - Where did the beach volleyball olympics______


181 - How many team players in beach volleyball___


182 - Beach volleyball court measurement is____


183 - Who's won the world championship volleyball in 2006 of men____


184 - Who's won the world championship volleyball in 2006 of females____


185 - When did specific ball design for volleyball_____


186 - When did start the setting and spiking in volleyball___


187 - Which is right___


188 - How many ball pickers use in Fideration International VolleyBall (FIVB)______


189 - How many players in volleyball game____


190 - Location of team bench in volleyball Game______

near scorer table

191 - How many ball use in FIVB game_____


192 - Captain responsibilties Is___

Team represent

193 - Coach responsibilties Is___

both a,b

194 - Assistant coach sit on the___

team bench

195 - When does a team get one point______

when the apposit team is a foul

196 - What benefit to win the rally______

get point

197 - Fouls off the attack hits_______

none of these

198 - which player participating in blocking__________

opponent team player

199 - With out touching the ball, blocking process is______

block attempt

200 - When two or three player are playing close to each other and one of them touches the ball,it is called____

collective block

201 - Blocking fouls__________

blocking opposing teams service

202 - Who can request for regular game interruption___


203 - How many times can a team take a time out in one game?


204 - How many player can change in one game____


205 - How to apply for a time out in volleyball___

hands gestures

206 - Time out duration is _____


207 - Second refree is responsibilties in volleyball_____

all of these

208 - Who is control the warm up area players____

second refree

209 - Who is control the scorer's work_____


210 - Health rehabilitation time is____

5 mints

211 - Who is control the penalty area players____

second refree

212 - Who is check the front zone surface___


213 - Who is keep libro player name and his number record____


214 - Who is write the final result in volleybal game_____


215 - Location of assistant scorer is_____

Seated beside the scorerate the scorer's table

216 - Who keeps of libro player changes record_____

assistant scorer

217 - Drained of water on the surface of volleybal court is___?


218 - The volleybal boundry lines consist of _____

2 side line and 2 endline

219 - Volleyball court devided into ___ part.


220 - In two halves of the court a parallel is placed at a distance of 3 meters from the center is called___?

attack line

221 - _____ consistent of on every half part of the court from the axis of center line and at the end edge of attack line

front zone

222 - service zone area is____


223 - Between attack line and scorer table area is called____

subsituion zone

224 - Libro replacement zone is the part of______

free zone

225 - Warm up area is___


226 - Penalty area is_______



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