School and Classroom Management MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - A choice made between two or more alternative is called


2 - A competent teacher must have a sound knowledge in right order

Concept, Theory, Practice and Research

3 - A formal and systematic procedure of getting information is?


4 - A new comer teacher who is maltreated in his class will deal with the students by

Improving his qualities and expressing it before them in a good way

5 - A programme of activities which is designed to attain educational ends is


6 - A successful teacher is one who is

Compassionate and disciplinarian

7 - A sum of questions is?


8 - A supervisor is one who

Provides friendly help

9 - A teacher can establish apport with his pupil by

Playing the role of a guide with desire to help them

10 - A teacher can help adolescent to overcome his special problems, and help him to adjust to the environment. Which of the following attitude, he should not made?

He should have unsympathetic attitude towards others.

11 - A teacher commands prestige,authority esteem and respect. He should make use of it through suggestion. He should not try to command respect through

Punishing and creating revolting situation

12 - A teacher generally asks questions to his pupils during the lecture, why?

To know whether the students are understanding the lecture or not.

13 - A teacher is successful only if he

Knows his subject thoroughly well

14 - A teacher learns maximum from


15 - A teacher should keep his voice in the class

Sometime low and some time high

16 - A test very popular with class room teacher is?

Multiple choices

17 - A.D.P is an abbreviation of

Annual development programme

18 - ”Table of specification” helps in?

Test development

19 - According to Dewey, education is a :

Social need

20 - According to Fayol, elements of administration are


21 - According to Gulick and Urwick, elements of administration are


22 - Acquittance roll is used for

Salary disbursement

23 - Adminstration means

To look after

24 - All are the examples of the media of two way communication except

street plays

25 - All financial transaction of the school occurring from day to day is entered in

Cash Book

26 - All Govt. grants and expenditures are maintained in

Cash Register

27 - All of the following are advantages of teaching machines except

Their universal use for different kinds of Programmes

28 - All students are not geniuses concludes that

many students are not genius

29 - All transaction should be enterd in which register


30 - As a teacher you should not demand your pupils which is beyond their stage of growth. If you do so, it only causes

Frustrations, Heighten Tension and Nervousness

31 - Assessment of how well a school is performing is


32 - Authoritarian model is more suitable for


33 - Authoritative administration is based on


34 - BM stands for

Budget Manual

35 - Boss is right is the feature of

Authoritarian administration

36 - Bright Light in classroom is a type of______________Barrier.

physical distraction

37 - Broader in meaning is?


38 - Budgeting is an estimation of

Income and expenditure

39 - Close Circuit Television (CCT )is useful

only for a restricted audience residing at a particular place

40 - Coordinating , stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of


41 - Democratic administration is based on

Mutual sharing

42 - Developing alternatives is a step of


43 - Directing must be consistent with

All of the above

44 - Discrimination power of an item is acceptable when its value ranges from?

0.30 – 1

45 - Discrimination value of more than 0.4 means

tem is acceptable

46 - Discussion Method can be used when :

The topic is very difficult

47 - Each child grows in its won unique way. The wide individual differences are caused by

All of these

48 - Evaluation that monitors learning progress is?

Formative evaluation

49 - Execution of plans and decisions is the part of


50 - Facility index of an item determines?

Ease or difficulty

51 - Facility value of less than 0.20 means?

Item is difficult

52 - Failure of students in examination, it may be the fault of

both (a) and (b)

53 - For better interaction with the students, the teachers objective should be the

All of these

54 - For formulating the curriculum, which factor is most important?

Children's capabilities and needs

55 - Frequently used tools of summative evaluation are?


56 - High and low achievers are sorted out by?

Discrimination power

57 - How a teacher should behave with the students


58 - How funds in a given period will be obtained and spent is


59 - How many columns matching items have?


60 - Hybrid computer is a combination of

Analog Computer and Digital Computer

61 - I.Q of a student having same physical and mental age will be?


62 - Identifying relationship between two things is demonstrated by?

Matching items

63 - If a girl student requests you to collect her posts at your address what would you like to do in this case?

As a teacher you will allow her

64 - If majority of students in your class are weak you should

Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright pupils.

65 - If majority of students in your class is weak you should

Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright people

66 - If the sample of the question in the test is sufficiently large enough, the quality of test is?


67 - If the scoring of the test is not effected by any factor, quality of test is called?


68 - If you are irritated and show rashness because of the inadequate behavior of another teachers , what do you think about your own behavior?

Your behavior is also a sign of maladjustment and so try to control yourself when you are maltreated.

69 - In a norm referenced test which item is best?

Item difficulty is near 50

70 - In ancient education system, teachers applied some psychological principles in education especially to young child from pre-school age to adolescence. They recognize the role of

Sense and perception in teaching and learning

71 - In case of GPF advance , the number of installments for refunding is


72 - In case of new recruitment the probation period is

3 Years

73 - In multiple choice items the stem of the items should be?


74 - In norm referenced test the comparison is between?


75 - In POSDCORB” CO stands for


76 - In POSDIR, R stands for


77 - In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out by


78 - In the final analysis, teaching must be thought of mainly as a process of

Directing the activities of Pupils

79 - In which question marking will be more reliable?

Multiple choice question

80 - Indication of democratic attitude is

All of the above

81 - Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior is?


82 - Kuder Richardson method is used to estimate?


83 - Laissez Faire administration is based on

Non interference

84 - Leadership is the ability

All of the above

85 - Limited to quantitative description of pupil's performance is?


86 - Literal meaning of supervision is

Superior knowledge and power

87 - Meaningul learning takes place when

Students are interested in topic taught.

88 - Micro planning is done in

Middle and Lower Management

89 - New Libraries laboratories etc are constructed undr

Development Budget

90 - Noise is known as

transmitting barrier

91 - Non development budget includes

All of the above

92 - Objective type question have advantage over essay type because such questions?

Are easy to mark

93 - Objectives representing the purposes of instruction of a teacher are called?


94 - One of your students wants to share his problems with you. He visits your house for the same. In such a condition ou should

Extend necessary co-operation and boost his Morale.

95 - Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in?

Diagnostic Assessment

96 - Person who possesses qualities of leadership is


97 - Personalized system of education :

All of these

98 - Procedures used to determine person abilities is?

Maximum performance test

99 - Projective techniques are used to measure?


100 - Provision of good educational environment is

Non instructional tasks

101 - Recreational Reading should be

An integral part of language art curriculum.

102 - Research is born out of

human curiosity

103 - Respect of opinion is the feature of

Democratic administration

104 - Running description of active behavior of a student as observed by the teacher is?

Anecdotal record

105 - S.N.E is an abbreviation of

Schedule of new entry

106 - School Budget includes

Both (a) and (b)

107 - Scientific management is based on the assumption that:

The scientific observation of people at work would reveal the one best way to do the task.

108 - Selecting one course of action among various alternatives is

Decision making

109 - Sense of responsibility is not cared in

Laissez Faire administration

110 - Staff development means

Training staff

111 - Student performance is compared with clearly defined learning tasks in?

Criterion reverenced test

112 - Student's performance is compared with other students in?

Norm referenced test

113 - Supervision is not to control the teacher but to work cooperatively” is the saying of

Hoy and Forsyth

114 - Supervision sould be primarily

Constructive and creative

115 - Teacher salaries and allowances collectively are written in

Cash RegisterÂ

116 - Teacher's professionalism means:

The extent to which a teacher subscribes to a professional code

117 - Teachers should study the educational philosophy because

They may improve their work by clarifying their own Philosophy

118 - Teachers use teaching aids for

Making teaching with understanding level of students.

119 - Test involving the construction of certain patterns are called?

Performance tests

120 - Test item cannot discriminate low achievers and high achievers when its value is lower than?


121 - Test item discriminates 100% when its value for discrimination is?


122 - Test item is acceptable which its faculty index /difficulty level ranges from?

30-70 %

123 - Test item is very difficult when value of facility index/ difficulty level is less than?


124 - Test item is very easy when value of faculty index/ difficulty level is higher than?


125 - Test meant for prediction on a certain criterion are called?

Aptitude test

126 - Test that measure learning outcome of students is

Achievement test

127 - The ACR cannot be initiated for the period of less than

3 months

128 - The alternative name of the table of specification” is?

Test Blue Print

129 - The Analysis of items is necessary in?

Standardized Test

130 - The appearance of normal curve resembles with?


131 - The authorized person of staff performance is

Head teacher

132 - The basic purpose of supervision is to help

Children learn more effectively

133 - The best way by a teacher to introduce a new subject by

Any of these

134 - The biochemical processes taking place in the body is known as


135 - The cash book in maintained by


136 - The characteristic of a test to discriminate between high achievers and low achievers is?


137 - The characteristics of good planner are

All of the above

138 - The chief responsibility of the principal is

Provide leadership in instructional plan

139 - The concept of inspection was first introduced in


140 - The correct option in M.C.Q is?


141 - The criticism most frequently leveled at school administration is that:

They fail to provide leadership

142 - The Dalton Scheme of Education is useful for which one of the following?

For older children

143 - The degree to which organizational resources contribute to productivity is


144 - The difference between maximum and minimum values is?


145 - The effective supervision is indicated by

Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient

146 - The elementary school teachers are directly responsible to the


147 - The father of modern theory of management is

Hery Fayol

148 - The final result of a study will be more accurate if the sample drawn is

representative to the population

149 - The first important step in teaching is

knowing the background of students

150 - The first step in measurement is?

Decision of what to measure

151 - The formula to determine I.Q was presented by?


152 - The founder of modern intelligent tests was?

Alfred Binet

153 - The function of educational administration and management is

Both (a) and (b)

154 - The history of administration goes back to

5000 BC

155 - The I.Q of a student having twelve years mental age and ten years physical age will be?


156 - The incorrect options in M.C.Q are?


157 - The individual in the group given the task of directing and coordinating is


158 - The item in the column for which a match is sought is?


159 - The least in scope is?


160 - The length of a test is an important factor in obtaining a representative?


161 - The level of school addminstration can best be judged through

Learning out comes

162 - The main schools of management thought are:

Classical, human relations, systems, contingency.

163 - The main types of adminstration are


164 - The major objective of education is:

Developing inherent abilities/powers of Students

165 - The major responsibility with which the school personnel have been entrusted is that

It harmonizes the child's need and demands of the society both

166 - The most accurate statement about teaching machines is that

B.F. Skinner began the movement for their use

167 - The most important challenge before a teacher is :

To make teaching learning process enjoyable

168 - The most important task is teaching is

Directing students in the development of experience

169 - The most widely applicable test item is?

M.C.Q items

170 - The most widely used format on standardized test in USA is?

Multiple type questions

171 - The number of score lying in a class interval is?


172 - The power delegated throughtout an organization is


173 - The power is concentrated in the hands of one or few people in


174 - The process of directing others, towards the accomplishment of some objectives is


175 - The process of learning include which of the following

All of these

176 - The process of making judgment is called


177 - The process of obtaining numerical value is?


178 - The purpose of evaluation is to make judgment about educational?


179 - The purpose of formative evaluation is?

Monitoring progress of students

180 - The purpose of the evaluation is to make?


181 - The quality of test showing ease of time, cost, administration and interpretation is called?


182 - The quality of test that measures what it claims to measure” is?


183 - The quality of test to give same scores when administered at different occasions is?


184 - The school headmaster are expected to

Put into operation the course of study

185 - The school policy should be determined by:

Citizens and educators

186 - The smallest interacting parts of a systems are


187 - The summative evaluation is used?

At the end of the program

188 - The summative evaluation is?

Cerifying judgment

189 - The supply type test item is?

Completion items

190 - The teaching is not thought as a process of

Indoctrinating adult ideas to young people

191 - The term ‘least restrictive environment' refers to the education of the


192 - The test made to compare the performance of student with the other students is called?

Norm reference

193 - The test measures what we intend to measure. This quality of the test is called?


194 - The tests designed to predict future performance is?

Aptitude test

195 - The type of essay item in which contents are limited is?

Extended Response Questions

196 - The type of the test by method is?

Objective type test

197 - There are so many definations of learning. Which of the following is most adequate?

The modification of behaviour

198 - To assess achievement at the end of instruction is?

Summative Assessment

199 - To bring harmony among all the elements of programmeis


200 - To make arrangements is the part of


201 - To motivate the other to achieve certain goals is


202 - Types of supervision encouraging variety , originality and indpendent experimentation is


203 - UGC was established in


204 - Value that divides the data into two equal parts is?


205 - Vast of all in scope?


206 - What does E and D rules mean

Efficiency and discipline rules

207 - What is central to administration

Decision making

208 - Which appropriate verb will you use to make an objective behavioral?

To construct

209 - Which characteristic from the following is least concerned with a teacher?

Respect from college management

210 - Which is not the characteristic of authoritative administration


211 - Which is not the type of adminstration

Instructional administration

212 - Which of the following is meant of information collection?


213 - Which of the following is not a part of Information?


214 - Which of the following is quality of a teacher?

All of these

215 - Which of the following is the first step of research?

Both (a) and (b)

216 - Which of the following is true about Modern Annual Examination System?

All of these

217 - Which of the following is true about teaching/teacher?

All of these

218 - Which of the following is/are true about teacher/teaching?

All of these

219 - Which of the following is/are true about teaching ?

All of these

220 - Which of the following statements doesn't suit a teacher? The teacher is

Reluctant to adapt himself to new situation.

221 - Which one is not the type of test of test by purpose?

Essay Type Test

222 - Which one of the most fundamental of the guidance activities should be executed first?

Selection of curriculum

223 - Which pension is granted to civil servant who retires in the age of sixty


224 - Which question has increasing objectivity of marking?

Multiple type questions

225 - Which questions are difficult to mark with reliability?

Unstructured essay

226 - Who advocated bureaucratic theory

Max Weber

227 - Who can be a good teacher ? One

Who answers all the questions asked by students

228 - Who is called father of scientific management theory

Fredrick Tylor

229 - Who is the father of operational management theory

Henry Fayol

230 - Why should a student not be punished severly?

The student may develop a negative attitude towards his studies, teacher and school.

231 - Why should you prefer teaching to other profession?

For the service of humanity


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