Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set.15

1 - Who are the Bourgeoisie?

The rich/ owners

2 - Who are the proletariat?

The working class

3 - Who are those people to whom we look to establish values & attitudes & to whom we use to evaluate ourselves?

reference group

4 - Who argued 'Education as a public property'?

Dr B R Ambedkar

5 - Who argued that "believing without belonging"


6 - Who argued that certain body features could be used to identify criminals?

Cesare Lombroso

7 - Who argued that:" 2030 the Church of England will be a small voluntary organisation with lots of heritage property."


8 - Who argues that communism is the only way in which there will be equality, brought about by a revolution.

That the rules have little actual substance in reality in the society

9 - Who argues that deviant behavior is only deviant because people label it as deviant?

Howard Becker

10 - Who argues that patriarchy is the source of female oppression?

Radical feminists

11 - Who argues that there is a class struggle in society between the bourgeoisie and proletariat

Karl Marx

12 - Who became the first ever Professor of Sociology ?

Emile Durkheim

13 - Who became the first ever Professor of Sociology?

Emile Durkheim

14 - Who believed each social institution plays a role in order for society to function?

Herbert Spencer

15 - Who believed in a classless society

Karl Marx

16 - Who believed in looking at specific groups of people rather than the whole society?

Max Weber

17 - Who believed religion justifies economic & social inequalities?

Karl Marx

18 - Who believed that African Americans deserve equal rights immediately in order to have a properly functioning society?

W.E.B. Dubois

19 - Who believed that certain members of every society deserved to be discarded.

Herbert Spencer

20 - Who believed that change occurs in society, but it's temporary and necessary?

Auguste Comte



22 - Who believed that conflict and inequality in economic/social class were the determinants of social behavior?

Karl Marx

23 - Who believed that conflict was the ultimate purpose in making social change.

Karl Marx

24 - Who believed that societies could best be understood by looking only at individuals' behaviors and motivations?

Max Weber



26 - Who believes capitalism equals oppression for the majority of society?

Karl Marx

27 - Who believes that society is like a living organism. Every organ plays a role for survival. His beliefs led to the development of Functionalist perspective.

Emile Durkheim

28 - Who believes that state crimes should be replaced or include human rights crimes?

The Schwendingers

29 - Who brought settlement houses to America?

Jane Addams

30 - Who called positivism as the scientific study of social patterns?

Auguste Comte

31 - Who called the untouchables as Harijans (Children of God) and publicized that name?


32 - Who can be labelled as a 'historical sociologist'?

Max Weber

33 - Who categorised classes based on their relationship to means of production?

Karl Marx

34 - Who classified kinship terms into 'Classificatory' and 'Descriptive'?

L.H. Morgan

35 - Who co-founded the Hull House, a settlement house in Chicago?

Jane Adams

36 - Who coined the idea of Life chances

Max Weber

37 - Who coined the phrase "survival of the fittest"?

Herbert Spencer

38 - who coined the phrase of 'Collective Bargaining'?

Sydney and Beatrice Webb

39 - Who coined the phrase Verstehen? Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Ezra Parks, Julian Samora.

Max Weber

40 - Who coined the term "Social Darwinism" and the idea that the 'fittest" cultures would survive?

Herbert Spencer

41 - Who coined the term "sociological imagination"?

Wright Mills

42 - Who coined the term "sociology"?

Auguste Comte

43 - Who coined the term sociology

Auguste Comte

44 - Who coined the term sociology and is generally considered to be the founder of sociology ?

Auguste Comte

45 - Who coined the term sociology and is generally considered to be the founder of sociology?

Auguste Comte

46 - Who coined the term sociology to apply to the science of human behaviors?

Auguste Comte

47 - Who coined the term, "survival of the fittest""

Herbert Spencer

48 - Who composed the famous song sare Jahan se achcha.?

Mohammed Iqbal

49 - Who conducted a long term study of adult male development stages?

Daniel Levinson

50 - Who conducted early sociological studies in Britain and the United States?

Harriet Martineau

51 - Who connected Darwinian evolutionary theory to Sociology?


52 - Who considers modernity as 'an unfinished project'?


53 - Who controls the production of ideas in society and to what ends is known as:

Conditions of Cultural Production

54 - Who declared "Untouchability is a heinous expression of caste system & a leprosy attached to Hindu skin"?

Mahatma Gandhi

55 - Who define "Sociology may be defined as scientific knowledge about human relations"


56 - Who defined religion in terms of a distinction between the sacred and the profone?


57 - Who defined sociology as the study of people "doing things together"?

Howard Becker

58 - Who described conflict in society

Max Weber's

59 - Who described definition of culture?

B Tylor

60 - Who described the New Age Movement as an 'alternative counter-cultural movement'?

Paul Heelas

61 - Who described urbanism as a way of life ?


62 - Who described urbanism as a way of life _____________?


63 - Who described urbanism as a way of life?


64 - Who developed Conflict Theory?

Karl Marx

65 - Who developed the Conflict Theory?

Karl Marx

66 - Who developed the idea of the looking glass self

Charles Horton Cooley

67 - Who disagreed with Karl Marx, that religion, not economics, was the central force in social change?

Max Weber

68 - Who discussed and advocated the role of women and children in society?

Harriet Martineau

69 - Who elects the government?


70 - Who established Satya Shodhak Samaj?

Jyotiba Phoole

71 - Who exercised real power during Japan's feudal era?


72 - Who famously stated the medium is the message?

Marshall McLuhan

73 - Who famously stated the medium is the message_______________?

Marshall McLuhan

74 - Who first introduced the notion of anomie into sociology ?


75 - Who first introduced the notion of anomie into sociology ?


76 - Who first introduced the notion of anomie into sociology?


77 - Who first propagated the idea that societies could be analysed as systems with self-equilibrating properties?

Vilfredo Pareto

78 - Who found a clear link between age and wealth?

The Birmingham Commission

79 - Who found that 77% of workers under 20 earned below the living wage?

the Resolution Foundation

80 - Who found that a large amount of wealth is inherited?

Tony Atkinson

81 - Who founded sociology

Auguste Comte

82 - who founded the conflict theory

Karl Marx

83 - Who gave concept of social identity?

Richard Jenkins

84 - Who gave distinctions between value-free and value-relevant concept

Max Weber's

85 - Who gave the theory of "Ideal Type"

Max Weber

86 - Who gave the theory of Class Conflict

Karl Marx

87 - Who gave theory of " Class Struggle "?

Karl Marx

88 - Who had given the concept of Sanskritisation?

M. N. Srinivas

89 - Who had given the idea of class struggle?

Karl marx

90 - Who had given the idea of cultural lag?


91 - Who had given the theory of Social mobility?


92 - Who had initiated the work on the total communities of India namely "People of India Project"?

K.S. Singh

93 - Who has a similar argument to Douglas that parents own education is the most important factor affecting children's achievement?


94 - Who has allowing its free-market economy


95 - Who has argued that ethno methods are 'reflexively accountable'?


96 - Who has argued that 'even the change in Indian society has to be studied by studying its deep rooted traditions'?

P. Mukherjee

97 - Who has considered that 'most often action is routine and relatively unreflexive'?

Alfred Schultz

98 - Who has criticized the economic determinism to be implicit in parts of Marx's original work?


99 - Who has defined bureaucracy as " a system of administration characterized by expertness, impartiality and the absence of humanity"?

Max Weber

100 - Who has defined neofunctionalism as "a self-critical strand of functional theory"?

Alexander and Colomy

101 - Who has defined the family as "the biological social unit composed of husband, wife and children"?

Eliott and Merrill

102 - Who has developed the social systems approach?

Talcott Parsons

103 - Who has divided the culture into material and non material?


104 - Who has envisioned an alternative stage (an alternative society) in which "speech will cease to govern the stage"?


105 - Who has explained society has an objective existence apart from individuals?

Emile Durkheim

106 - Who has given functional theory of social stratification?

K. Davis

107 - Who has given the concept of cultural pattern?

Ruth Benedict

108 - Who has opined that caste system and not village studies are integral to Indian civilization?

Louis Dumont

109 - Who has propounded the "Theory of Differential Association"?

H. Sutherland

110 - Who has refused to pay the Living Wage to its employees in 2013?


111 - Who has stated that in India, direction of change is represented in a linear evolutionary form from 'traditionalization' towards 'modernization'?

Yogendra Singh

112 - Who has stated that neofunctionalism devotes roughly equal attention to 'action and order'?

J. Alexander

113 - Who has stated that the entire course of Indian History shows tribal elements being fused into a general society?


114 - Who has tried to divide the functions of an institution as manifest and latent?


115 - Who has turned to concept of function


116 - Who has written the book "urbanisation and family change"?

M. S. Gore

117 - Who held that Indian tribals were backward Hindus


118 - Who held the view that Indian tribals were backward Hindus?

G.S. Ghurye

119 - Who in developing the theory of deviance utilized explanatory factors that are typical of functional analysis, namely, cultural goals and institutionalized norms?


120 - Who introduced the idea of applying the scientific method to studying society?

Auguste Comte

121 - Who is a theorist?

A person who considers certain facts and comes up with possible explanations

122 - Who is an example of primary kin?


123 - Who is considered a founder of conflict theory?

Karl Marx

124 - Who is considered a founder of Structural Functionalism?

Emile Durkheim

125 - Who is considered a founder of Symbolic Interaction?

Max Weber

126 - Who is considered as the first woman sociologist?

Harriet Martineau

127 - Who is considered the "Father of Sociology"​

Auguste Comte

128 - Who is considered the Father of Sociology?

Auguste Comte

129 - Who is considered the found father of Sociology?

Auguste Compte

130 - Who is considered the founder of Conflict theory?

Karl Marx

131 - Who is considered the founder of sociology?

Auguste Comte

132 - Who is considered the founder of Symbolic Interactionism?

Max Weber

133 - Who is considered the founding father of sociology?

Auguste Comte

134 - Who is considered to be "the father of Sociology?"

August Comte

135 - Who is considered to be the father of sociology?

August Comte

136 - Who is considered to be the founder of Sociology and first applied scientific method to studying society?

Auguste Comte

137 - Who is father of sociology?

August Comte

138 - Who is known as the Father of sociology


139 - Who is known as the father of sociology for his coining of the term?

Auguste Comte

140 - Who is more likely to be a member of the working poor?

A waitress who is a single mom

141 - Who is most closely associated with the view that the equal and impartial treatment of each case is a strength of bureaucracies ?

Paul Gay

142 - Who is most closely associated with the view that the equal and impartial treatment of each case is a strength of bureaucracies?

Paul Gay

143 - Who is most likely to say that "religion is the thread that holds society together?"

Emile Durkheim

144 - Who is of the opinion that the notion of fundamental opposition between the pure and the impure is the hallmark of the caste system?

Louis Dumont

145 - Who is of the view that social unrest is rooted in the capitalist path of development?

R. Desai

146 - Who is responsible for making sure that Sociologists stick to acceptable research guidelines?




148 - Who is said to be the father of Sociology?

Auguste Comte

149 - Who is said to have deconstructed language and social institutions?


150 - Who is the American sociologist that supported immigrants and poor people by establishing settlement housing.

Jane Addams

151 - Who is the author of the book entitled "Alienation and Freedom"?

R. Blauner

152 - Who is the author of the book 'Rules of Sociological method'?

Emile Durkheim

153 - Who is the Author of the Book: "Essay on the principle of population"?

T. Malthus

154 - Who is the British Sociologist that came up with the term Social Darwinism .....

Herbert Spencer

155 - Who is the conflict theorist?

Karl Marx

156 - Who is the fastest-growing population group among American workers? (2)


157 - Who is the father of Indian sociology?

G/. S. Ghurye

158 - Who is the Father of our nation?


159 - who is the father of sociology

Auguste Comte

160 - Who is the Father of sociology?

Auguste Comte

161 - Who is the father of Symbolic Interactionism?

George Herbert Mead

162 - Who is the first among the following leading scholars who led the disability movement in Indian context?

Mrs. Anita Ghai

163 - Who is the founder of sociology

August Comte

164 - Who is the founder of Sociology, who wanted to find an order to chaos, and said Sociologists were concerned with order and change?

Auguste Comte

165 - Who is the founder of sociology? And believed that science could uncover the laws that make society operates?

Auguste Comte

166 - Who is the founder of structural functionalism?


167 - Who is the founder that developed social Darwinism?


168 - Who is the proponent of functionalism?

Emile Durkheim

169 - WHO is the proponent of sociology?

Auguste Comte

170 - Who is the theorist of the The Looking Glass Theory?

Charles Horton Cooley

171 - Who is the writer of "sociology " book?


172 - Who is the yellow one?


173 - Who is this criticism referring to? he describes himself as a cultural deprivation theorists because he recognising these students are lacking something. However unlike most cultural deprivation theorists-he recognises that working class fail not because


174 - Who is this?

Julia Gillard

175 - Who is writer of 'society'book?

Maciver and page

176 - Who laid the foundation for the theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism?

George Herbert Mead

177 - Who made the distinction of two opposing spheres of 'Female world of emotion and cooperation and male world of rationality and competition'?

Talcott Parsons

178 - Who of the following believed that increase in population in many causes helped in the progress and growth of human society and civilisation?

F. S. Nitti

179 - Who of the following believed that increase in population in many causes helped in the progress and growth of human society and civilisation?

F. S. Nitti

180 - Who of the following usually migrate in less numbers?

Young females with families.

181 - Who opened Hull House?

Jane Addams

182 - Who originally used the term cult to refer to groups with less formalised membership and less challenging teachings?

Howard Becker

183 - Who popularized the use of empirical data based evidence into Sociology


184 - Who predicted over 45 years ago that the rise of electronic media would crate a "global village," thereby reducing the barriers created by physical distance?

Marshall McLuhan

185 - Who propounded the "Theory of Circulation of Elites"?


186 - Who propounded the concept of social action?


187 - Who propounded the principle of social evolution?


188 - Who published a book each year from 1896-1914

W.E.B Du Bois

189 - Who put forward the seven 'dimensions of religion'?

Ninian Smart

190 - Who put forward the term 'Disneyization'?

Alan Bryman

191 - Who really owns the corporation? the:


192 - Who ruled Britain in the Victorian ages?

Queen Victoria

193 - Who said education encourages a sense of solidarity?


194 - Who said natural selection would ensure the survival of the fittest people in society?

Herbert Spencer

195 - Who Said Religion is the Opium of Masses


196 - Who said social behavior must be explained by social factors instead of psychological factors?

Emile Durkheim

197 - Who said that 'only one role is associated with one status'?

Ralph Linton

198 - Who said that the social stratification in India is based on 'purity and pollution'?

Louis Dumont

199 - Who said that working class parents place less value on education?


200 - Who said the, "Man is a social animal"?


201 - Who said there would be a revolution by the people that would lead to a classless society?

Karl Marx

202 - Who said this? "parents use language to evaluate their own understanding of abilities such as 'what do you think? are you ready for the next step?"'

Hubbs-Tait et al

203 - Who said this? "We use a broad definition of health that encompasses both physical and mental health, as well as well-being. This means we are not only interested in whether or not people are ill or have a health condition, but also in how healthy and wel

Department of Health

204 - Who said, " Western education leads to the modernization of perspectives in traditional, non-industrial societies"?

Michael Armer and Robert Youtz

205 - Who said."the process whereby religious thinking, practice and institutions lose social significance"


206 - Who saw a link between slavery and the oppression of women?

Harriet Martineau

207 - Who saw Modernization as a process of rationalization that affects economic life, law, administration and religion?

Max Weber

208 - Who says we live in a Patriarchal society?




210 - Who started Hull House?

Jame Addams

211 - Who started the Bengali Social Reform Movement?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

212 - Who stated that humans behave based on their understanding of the situation?

Max Weber

213 - Who stated that 'Politics is about power, politics occurs when there are differentials in power'?

R.E. Dowse and J.A. Hughes

214 - Who stated that there is a similarity between women and slaves and how they are treated?

Harriet Martineau

215 - Who stated that war is the continuation of political intercourse by other means ?

Martin Shaw

216 - Who stated that war is the continuation of political intercourse by other means?

Martin Shaw

217 - Who stated that we do not attempt to explain bronze in terms of its separate parts (lead, copper, and tin). Instead, we consider bronze a totally new metal created by the combination of several other metals. He said that groups work in the same fashion

Émile Durkheim

218 - Who strengthens the economy of country?


219 - Who studied gender conflict?

Harriett Martineau

220 - Who studied race conflict?

W.E.B. DuBois

221 - Who studied the experience of the individual?

Max Weber

222 - Who studied the structural and functional unity of joint family in 'Mahua'?

I. P. Desai

223 - Who suggested that people are drawn to religious fundamentalism due to marginalisation and feelings of relative deprivation?

Steve Bruce

224 - Who talks about 'role allocation'?

Davis & Moore

225 - Who teaches children norms and values of a culture?


226 - Who teaches this class?

Ms. Favor

227 - Who theorized that we might be witnessing the clash of civilizations ?

Samuel Huntington

228 - Who theorized that we might be witnessing the clash of civilizations?

Samuel Huntington

229 - Who thought that bureaucracy and rationalization, rather than just the economy, caused alienation?


230 - Who thought that within organizations there exists an iron law of oligarchy ?

Robert Michel's

231 - Who thought that within organizations there exists an iron law of oligarchy in sociology of science?

Robert Michaels

232 - Who thought that within organizations there exists an iron law of oligarchy?

Robert Michels

233 - Who translated Sociological writings from French into English? (Qui a traduit les ecrits sociologiques du français vers l'anglais?)


234 - Who used sociology to explain the existence of poverty, capitalism, and class struggle?

Karl Marx

235 - Who used the term "survival of the fittest" in Sociology to refer to groups who out compete others?


236 - Who used to do shifting agriculture?


237 - Who viewed the sociological imagination as more than just a concept or theory? Durkheim Americans Herbert Spencer C. Wright Mills

Wright Mills

238 - Who wanted to use the scientific method to study human behavior?

Auguste Comte

239 - Who was a student and a budding sociologists at university of Chicago

Sudhir Venkatesh

240 - Who was Auguste Comte?

All of the above



242 - Who was Comte's Mentor?

Saint Simon

243 - Who was concerned with the composition of 'self' at the 'micro' level of social action and interaction?


244 - Who was father of Sociology?

Auguste Comte

245 - Who was German sociologists?

Ferdinand Tonnies

246 - Who was Greek philospher during 427-347 BCE




248 - Who was recognized as the father of sociology?

Auguste Comte



250 - Who was the "Father of Sociology"?

Auguste Comte

251 - Who was the father of sociology?

Auguste Comte

252 - Who was the first professor of sociology subject?

Emile durkims

253 - Who was the first sociologist to examine religion in society?

Emile Durkheim

254 - Who was the founder of Conflict Theory

Karl marx

255 - Who was the founder of conflict theory?


256 - Who was the founder of Sociology?

Auguste Comte

257 - Who was the head of Formalistic School?


258 - Who was the profounder of the Patriarchal theory of the state?

Sir Henry Maine

259 - Who were some of the early leaders of sociology in the United States?

W. E. B. Dubois and Jane Addams

260 - Who were the 5 main sociologists?

All of the above

261 - Who would most likely say, "competition is at the heart of social relationships?"

Herbert Spencer

262 - Who would this quote most likely belong to? The survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called "natural selection," or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.

Herbert Spencer

263 - Who wrote "Economy and Society" in 1922?

Max Weber

264 - Who wrote Manifesto of the Communist party?

Karl Marx

265 - Who wrote the book "Social Background of Indian Nationalism"?

R. Desai

266 - Who wrote the book "Social stratification and change in India"?

Yogendra Singh

267 - Who wrote the book "The Division of Labour"

Emile Durkheim

268 - Who wrote The Division of Labor in Society?

Emile Durkheim

269 - Who wrote the first book on the methodology of social research How to Observe Manners and Morals ?

Harriet Martineau

270 - Who wrote the first book on the methodology of social research How to Observe Manners and Morals?

Harriet Martineau

271 - Who wrote The Metropolis and Mental Life (1903) ?

Georg Simmel

272 - Who wrote The Metropolis and Mental Life (1903) ?

Georg Simmel

273 - Who wrote The Metropolis and Mental Life (1903)?

Georg Simmel

274 - Who wrote The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?

Max Weber

275 - who wrote the protestant work ethic and the sprit of capitalism

Max Weber

276 - Who wrote The Souls of Black Folk?

W.E.B. Du Bois

277 - Who, among the following coined the term 'sociology'?

Auguste Comte

278 - Who, among the following is the founder of 'functionalism' in Sociology?

Emile Durkheim

279 - Who, of the following, is the author of the book "Economy and Society"?

Max Weber

280 - Whos founded structural functionalism

Emile Durkheim

281 - Whose called father's of Sociology?

August commte

282 - Whose idea of organic evolution had significant influence on early sociological thoughts.?

Charles Darwin

283 - Whose main concern for studying society was so that improvements could be made?

Auguste Comte

284 - Whose name is associated with J.L.Lubbock's in presenting the theory of primitive promicuism?


285 - Whose name is associated with the theory of voluntarism?

Frank Fetter

286 - Whose name is associated with the theory of voluntarism?

Only (A) & (B)

287 - Whose theorizing according societal change comes closer to lqbal,s verse. Tujh ko bataoon taqdeer-e-huma kia hai shamsheer o Sannan Awwal taus o rabab akhir ?

Karl Max

288 - Whose theorizing according societal change comes closer to lqbal's verse. Tujh ko bataoon taqdeer-e-huma kia hai shamsheer o Sannan Awwal taus o rabab akhir.

Karl Max

289 - Why are people living longer than ever before?

better health care

290 - Why are the early middle years often particularly stressful for women?

They often juggle the roles of parent and employee.

291 - Why are wealthy parents more likely than poor parents to socialize their children toward creativity and problem solving?

Wealthy parents are socializing their children toward the skills of white-collar employment.

292 - Why are women far more likely to be poor than men?

custody of children

293 - Why did Cooley refer to certain groups as "primary groups"?They are among the first groups we experience in life. They include more members than secondary groups. They sometimes only exist for a short period of time. Their members often consider group mem

They are among the first groups we experience in life.

294 - Why did Jane Addams establish her project where she did?

It was surrounded by the poor she wanted to help.

295 - Why did Marx believe that social change was necessary in society?

It helps correct inequality and injustice

296 - Why did people move to the cities during the Industrial revolution?

Jobs in factories

297 - Why did sociologist Pattillo spend years studying places like "Groveland" in Chicago's South Side for her book Black Picket Fences?

To shed light on the un-researched demographic of black middle class families

298 - Why do consumers not like monopolies?

it makes prices too high

299 - Why do many sociologists use scare quotes when discussing race ?

the concept has no scientific basis but is still widely used

300 - Why do many sociologists use scare quotes when discussing race?

the concept has no scientific basis but is still widely used

301 - Why do middle class children benefit from streaming?

Only (A) & (B)

302 - Why do people conform to fit in a group?

People like to be included and groups tend to favor conformity.

303 - Why do societies have rewards, sanctions, and punishments?

so that values are put into action

304 - Why do sociologists carry out research?

To find out more about an aspect of society

305 - Why do sociologists criticize the "Culture of Poverty" theory?

It blames the victim

306 - Why do sociologists need multiple theoretical paradigms?

Because different paradigms are useful in different situations and for answering different kinds of questions.

307 - Why do sociologists need theoretical paradigms?

Because the raw facts don't interpret themselves.....they need models to help evaluate them.

308 - Why do sociologists need to be careful when drawing conclusions from twin studies?

The sample sizes are often small.

309 - Why do sociologists use the category race ?

it is a social category which has real effects on people lives

310 - Why do sociologists use the category race ?

it is social category which has real effects on people's lives

311 - Why do sociologists use the category race?

it is social category which has real effects on peoples lives

312 - Why do some people get better jobs according to Davis and Moore

Only (A) & (B)

313 - Why do the rich commit crime according to Marxists?

greed (profit)

314 - Why do we use ethics in Science?

To ensure that we are always doing the right thing in our experiments

315 - Why do women have a higher chance of being poor?

they make less money than men

316 - Why does a person's category not qualify as a social group?

They could be complete strangers

317 - Why does cultural lag occur?

some aspects of society change more/less rapidly than other aspect

318 - Why does Mike Davis (1990) describe Los Angeles as a city of quartz ?

it has been hardened against the poor

319 - Why does Mike Davis (1990)describe Los Angeles as a city of quartz?

it has been hardened against the poor

320 - Why does social stratification exist?

Unequal access to rewards

321 - Why is a dyad so unstable in comparison to much larger groups?

Both members in a dyad must work to keep the group going or it collapses

322 - Why is a larger random sample more desirable in survey research?

Larger samples are more likely to be representative of the population.

323 - Why is a sociological perspective needed?

Only (A) & (B)

324 - Why is age identity such as childhood or adulthood seen to be socially constructed?

Only (A) & (B)

325 - Why is choosing a random sample an effective way to select participants?

The researcher has no control over who is in the study

326 - Why is continuous contact among its membersimportant for the formation of a primary group?

Close contact helps people in a primarygroup learn to work well together.

327 - Why is divorce more common in today's world compared to the past?

All of the above

328 - Why is family an important cultural universal?

Family have children and raise them until old enough to fend for themselves.

329 - Why is force not he most effective means for political rule ?

Honor is denied to those who rule by force alone

330 - Why is force not he most effective means for political rule?

Honor is denied to those who rule by force alone

331 - Why is it harder to do experiments in sociology?

It goes against ethics

332 - Why is social structure important to the study of sociology?

Sociologists study patterns rather than individual actions.

333 - Why is Sociology studied?

all of the above are why sociology is studied

334 - Why is symbolic interactionism criticized?It difficult to remain objective It sucks It is inaccurate It is very similar to the articulate theory

It is difficult to remain objective

335 - Why is the age 30 transition often a difficult time of life?

Divorces are common.

336 - Why is the private ownership of property deemed beneficial?

None of the above

337 - Why should scientists include a detailed description of how they conducted their research when they present their conclusions?

so that the experiment can be repeated by others

338 - Why was the Stanford Prison Experiemnt terminated early?

A third party saw how the subjects were being treated

339 - Why were people moving from farms to factory life

Only (A) & (B)

340 - Why were railroads so important during this time?

they moved goods more quickly and less expensively over greater distances

341 - Wich is in Webers typology of human motives

All of the above

342 - Widely accepted behavior patterns that changes periodically


343 - Widely circulating piece of information that is not verified as being true or false


344 - widely held negative attitudes toward a group & its individual members


345 - Widely held negative attitudes towards a group and its individual members is:


346 - Widely held preconceptions of a group (minority or majority) and its individual members


347 - Wife husband prime minister and student are all examples of..... status.


348 - Wild or untamed children; children with few human characteristics other than appearance.

feral children

349 - Will people get mad if you "break" a folkway?


350 - William F Whyte's study of a low-income Italian neighborhood in Boston was a classic example of_____________?

participant observation research

351 - William F Whyte's study of a low-income ltalian neighbourthood in Boston was a classic example of.

participant observation research

352 - William Horton Cooley believed that we gained our sense of self through contact with .....


353 - Winning acceptance is an important part of what agent of socialization?

Peer Groups

354 - Wirth (1938) said that social relationships in the urban way of life were segmental because.

people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole rounded individuals

355 - Wirth (1938) said that social relationships in the urban way of life were segmental because______________?

people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole rounded individuals

356 - Wirth (1938) said that social relationships in the urban way of life were segmental because______________?

people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole rounded individuals

357 - With over 3000 different languages spoken in the world, which of the following statements is TRUE?

All of the Above

358 - With the exit of the Hindus and Sikhs Pakistan became a.

Uni-religious state

359 - With the exit of the Hindus and Sikhs Pakistan became a_____________?

Uni-religious state

360 - With the shift from family capitalism to industrial capitalism the important unit became the.


361 - With the weird behavior, the student tends to ..... her friends and even her teachers.


362 - With this method, you are restating EXACTLY what the data says and coming to no conclusions.

Descriptive Statistics

363 - With which of government courts are related?


364 - Within Conflict Perspective the powerful military, industrial, and political leadership that shapes domestic and foreign policy are referred to as .....

The Power Elite

365 - Within how many days should the job card be issued after the registration


366 - Within Sociology which thinker has discussed industrial institutions in his work?

All of the above

367 - Without analyzing social life from a microsociological perspective, it will be difficult to do which of the following?

understand a person's everyday life

368 - Without any moral underpinnings


369 - Without stabilized prices.

all of the above

370 - Without using this, students will be unable to see the connections of their personal lives to events within society.

Sociological Imagination

371 - Woman in the household has authority


372 - Women after divorce.

experience a 45 percent drop in income

373 - Women are a minority group insofar as.

they are treated unequally and are aware of their minority status

374 - Women become more independent because they are no longer need to help as much at home and on the farm


375 - Women first assumed subordinate roles when they.

ceased to gather the majority of the food supply

376 - Women have been excluded from the public sphere because.

all of the above

377 - Women have been excluded from the public sphere because_____________?

all of the above

378 - Women of which ethnic group are least likely to have a white partner ?


379 - Women of which ethnic group are least likely to have a white partner?


380 - Women remain at home while the men take the herds to different pastures.


381 - Women were meant for the 4 C's, what are they?

Church, Cooking, Clothing, Children

382 - Women's rate of diagnosed depression is.

twice as high as men's

383 - 'Women's Rights are human rights' as an international policy for women's empowerment was accepted in an International Conference of Women held in


384 - Won the Nobel peace prize in 1931. A. Jane Addams B. Harriet Martineau C. Emile Durkheim

Jane Addams

385 - Worked for the emancipation of both women and slaves


386 - Workers at an insurance company are expected to work five hours of overtime a week without extra pay. If they do not, the boss has implied they will probably never receive a promotion. Which of the following describes this situation?


387 - Workers who sell their labor in exchange for wages.


388 - Working class; laborers for bourgeoisie


389 - Working single mothers and their children and African Americans are over-represented among the ..... class.

working poor

390 - Working-class families:

live at risk for unemployment as their firms "downsize" by laying off workers even in good times.

391 - World overpopulation could be prevented by.

zero population growth worldwide

392 - World Systems analysis is

Immanuel Wallerstein's view of the global economic system as divided between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries that are controlled and exploited

393 - World systems analysis is closely aligned with.

new urban sociology

394 - World systems analysis is closely aligned with_________________?

new urban sociology



396 - World-affirming religions.

react against the loss of any meaningful religious content in the teachings of churches

397 - World-affirming religions_______________?

react against the loss of any meaningful religious content in the teachings of churches

398 - World-systems theory distinguishes between core peripheral and semi-peripheral countries Which one of the following countries is part of the semi-periphery ?


399 - World-systems theory distinguishes between core peripheral and semi-peripheral countries Which one of the following countries is part of the semi-periphery?


400 - Would a case study be qualitative or quantitative research?


401 - Writer who believed that there is conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat

Karl Marx

402 - Written questionnaires are the most commonly used form of social survey. Tick ways in which they can be administered.

All of the above

403 - Written rules of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are considered acceptable in a particular social group or culture

Social Norms

404 - Written rules of conduct enacted and enforced by the government are called .....?


405 - Written rules of conduct enacted and enforced by the government.


406 - Written rules of conduct that are enacted and enforced by the government


407 - written set of questions that participants answer


408 - Wrote a book entitled "The Culture of Narcissism".

Christopher Lasch

409 - Wrote the book, "Positive Philosophy."

Auguste Comte

410 - Wrote the Communist Manifesto and co-wrote Das Kapital (with Friedrich Engels), how capitalism influenced society

Karl Marx

411 - Xi and his family are living in the Kalahari Desert near what country?


412 - Yields many responses, quantitative data is easy to chart, can get data from a large group


413 - you accept the goals of society and the means of reaching those goals


414 - You are a student at XYZ College and You have your sociology and history final exams on the same morning Your know that preparing for both exams at the same time is going to lead to lower grades in one or both of the exams The conflict that you are experi

role strain

415 - You are a student at XYZ College and You have your sociology and history final exams on the same morning Your know that preparing for both exams at the same time is going to lead to lower grades in one or both of the exams The conflict that you are experi

role strain

416 - You are buying a house and have several appointments with your lawyer to complete the necessary paperwork. This is an example of a

secondary relationship.

417 - You know, the guy who works in my office. Well .he's going to be promoted


418 - You must learn to organize your washing into coloureds and whites.

sort out

419 - You need to learn to relax. Why don't you start doing yoga?

take up

420 - You promised that you'd help me, and now you're won't. You've really me .

let down

421 - You want to conduct research on the importance of teenagers taking driver's education. Before you begin collecting data, you write down the following: Teenagers who have taken driver's education will have fewer accidents in their first two years of drivin

It is a hypothesis

422 - You want to do research on the effects of a weight lifting program on a group of high school students. You divide the in half; one half performs the program three times a week, the second group continues on with their normal routine. The group performing


423 - You want to do research on the effects of human interaction on a group of kittens. You divide the group in half; one half is played with for an hour, twice a day. The other group is left alone. Both groups can play among themselves as much as they wish. t


424 - You want to do research on the effects of human interaction on a group of kittens. You divide the group in half; one half is played with for an hour, twice a day. The other group is left alone. Both groups can play among themselves as much as they wish. T


425 - Young couples who have children very soon after marriage.

spend very little time together

426 - Your achieved status can include:

skills and abilites

427 - Your basketball team plays 5 games. Your team scores: 10 points in the first game, 3 points in the second game, 2 points in the third game, 5 points in the fourth game, and 0 points in the fifth game. What was the mean number of points your team scored fo

4 points

428 - Your car, your money, your house (if you own one) are all considered.....


429 - Your closest friends would best be considered your




431 - Your family would best be considered your

Primary Group

432 - Your image of yourself as a being separate from other people


433 - Your mother believes that you should cook he family dinner every Wednesday night because it is part of your family duties. You believe you shouldn't have to cook because it takes too long and cuts into after-school activities. you and your mother have dif


434 - Your mother believes that you should cook the family dinner every Wednesday night because it is part of your family duties. You believe you should not have to cook because it takes too long and cuts into after-school activities. You and your mother have d


435 - Your neighborhood


436 - Your point of view is your .....


437 - Your primary status in education is


438 - Your representative in Congress believes in net neutrality, that refers to the:

principle that all internet data should be treated equally by internet providers

439 - Your Social Location is defined by your

All of the Above

440 - your socially defined position in a group is a .....


441 - Your Status is Student, what is your role?

All of the above

442 - Zemiology is:

The study of harm

443 - Zero population growth.

is actively pursued by many of the underdeveloped nations

444 - Zip Fastener invented need in


445 - Zygmunt Bauman in his powerful sociological study modernity and holocaust was given in



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