Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set.14

1 - Which of the following perspectives focuses on elements that create competition and change?

conflict perpspective

2 - Which of the following perspectives focuses on the interaction of individuals with each other?

interactionist perspective

3 - Which of the following perspectives focuses on viewing society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system?

functionalist perspective

4 - Which of the following pieces of information would be considered quantitative data?

Your height

5 - Which of the following positions is NOT associated with the hyper globalizers ?

globalization needs to happen much more quickly

6 - Which of the following positions is NOT associated with the hyper globalizers ?

globalization needs to happen much more quickly

7 - Which of the following positions is NOT associated with the hyperglobalizers?

globalization needs to happen much more quickly

8 - Which of the following practical issues should a sociologist consider before doing research?I. cost of research II. Time required to do researchIII. Access to information

I, II and III

9 - Which of the following preindustrial societies is a society in which food is obtained primarily by raising and taking care of animals?


10 - Which of the following preindustrial societies is a society that survives by hunting animals and gathering edible plants?

hunting and gathering

11 - Which of the following preindustrial societies is a society that survives primarily through the growing of plants?


12 - Which of the following preindustrial societies is a society that uses plows and draft animals in growing food?


13 - Which of the following presents how a Structural Functionalist Perspective would view the health institution?

Health maintain individual productivity

14 - Which of the following processes includes isolation of the minority population?


15 - Which of the following processes represent Kamau Brathwaite's (1971) view of creolization?

acculturation and interculturation

16 - Which of the following programs are particularly dependent upon state resources?

Public education

17 - Which of the following questions is an open-ended question?

How does this make you feel?

18 - Which of the following questions is close-ended?

On a scale of 1-5, how much do you enjoy exercising?

19 - Which of the following refers to a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole?

relative poverty

20 - Which of the following refers to a person's disposition toward other people or things?


21 - Which of the following refers to all of a person's assets, including real estate, stocks, bonds, and other material assets?


22 - Which of the following refers to Piaget's developmental theory?

Personality development proceeds in stages related to sensorymotor maturation

23 - Which of the following refers to the different layers of people who possess varying amounts of scarce resources?

social stratification

24 - Which of the following religions can BEST be characterized as indigenous to Caribbean society?


25 - Which of the following religions is indigenous to Caribbean society?


26 - Which of the following religious groups evolved in the Caribbean?I. vodumII. MethodistIII. Shango BaptistsIV. Jehovah's witness

I and III only

27 - Which of the following religious groups has been Most instrumental in the formal education of Caribbean people in the immediate postemancipation period?


28 - Which of the following research methods are high in validity?

Only (A) & (B)

29 - Which of the following research methods uses existing records ?

survey research

30 - Which of the following research methods uses existing records?

survey research

31 - Which of the following research methods would be most useful if a sociologist wanted to find out the political views of 1,000 people?


32 - Which of the following scenarios is an example of intragenerational mobility?

A lawyer belongs to a different class than her sister.

33 - Which of the following school of thought lays stress on heredity as a cause for crime?


34 - Which of the following school of thought supports the view that teachers label students based on appearance?


35 - which of the following sections of I.P.C makes a person liable for 2 years imprisonment if he assaults or uses criminal force on a woman?

I.P.C Section 354

36 - Which of the following sections of society is given 27%reservation in government services?

Other backward classes

37 - Which of the following sets of specific concepts is used by A. Schutz?

Typification, life world, stock knowledge, recipe

38 - Which of the following shape our ideas more than the other __________ ?

Social groups interaction

39 - Which of the following should you have with you every day

Charged Chromebook

40 - Which of the following social groups do occupational class schemes not have difficulty accommodating ?

manual working class

41 - Which of the following social groups do occupational class schemes not have difficulty accommodating?

manual working class

42 - Which of the following social sciences is interested in understanding the the evolution of humanity along with their cultural manifestations.​


43 - Which of the following societies subsists by using plows to grow food and by domesticating animals?

agricultural society

44 - Which of the following societies were the first to have permanent settlements?


45 - Which of the following sociological concepts refers to all people with a common status, such as "college student"?

A category

46 - Which of the following sociological perspectives argues that the educational system reinforces and perpetuates social inequalities arising from differences in class, gender, race and ethnicity?

Symbolic interactionism

47 - Which of the following sociological perspectives view the Caribbean family as unstable and dysfunctional?

Social pathology

48 - Which of the following sociologist argued that corporate media encourages a more passive consumption of culture and standardized culture?

Theodor Adorno

49 - Which of the following sociologists don't belive that the agent has a free will but is determined by the structures?


50 - Which of the following sociologists helped to create "social Darwinism" otherwise known as "survival of the fittest?"

Herbert Spencer

51 - Which of the following sociologists is credited with its founding?

Auguste Comte

52 - Which of the following sociologists never wrote a book and about whose thoughts most of our knowledge is presented in an edited volume of his lectures published by his students after his death ?

George Herbert Mead

53 - Which of the following sociologists never wrote a book and about whose thoughts most of our knowledge is presented in an edited volume of his lectures published by his students after his death?

George Herbert Mead

54 - Which of the following sociologists proposes that religion can play a role in bringing about change in society?


55 - Which of the following Sociologists saw Fundamentalism as a reaction to modernization?

Emile Durkheim

56 - Which of the following sociologists supports the functionalist perspective?

Talcott Parsons

57 - Which of the following sociologists supports the New Right perspective?

Charles Murray

58 - Which of the following sociologists viewed segments of society by their function and systematically applied the methods of science to sociology?

Emile Durkheim

59 - Which of the following sociology never wrote a book and about whose thoughts most of our knowledge is presented in an edited volume of his lectures published by his students after his death ?

George Herbert Mead

60 - Which of the following statement is NOT a result from Hargreaves study on how teachers come to their labels

Teachers label student based on ethnicity.

61 - Which of the following statement is true about family?

Family is old institution and its origin is in obscurities.

62 - Which of the following statements about crime and deviance is false ?

deviance is normally sanctioned by law

63 - Which of the following statements about crime and deviance is false?

deviance is normally sanctioned by law

64 - Which of the following statements about culture are TRUE?I. culture is shared among members of societyII. society's culture cannot be transmittedIII. culture is learnt from previous generations IV. Culture is the belief system of the elders in the society

I and III only

65 - Which of the following statements about norms is correct ?

all of the above

66 - Which of the following statements about norms is correct ?

all of the above

67 - Which of the following statements about norms is correct?

all of the above

68 - Which of the following statements about small groups is correct ?

Many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the intimate personal relationships of primary groups

69 - Which of the following statements about small groups is correct?

Many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the intimate personal relationships of primary groups

70 - Which of the following statements about small groups is correct________________?

many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the intimate personal relationships characteristic of primary groups

71 - Which of the following statements about the status of women around the world is correct _____________?

all of the above

72 - Which of the following statements about the status of women around the world is correct?

all of the above

73 - Which of the following statements about values is correct ?

Values of a culture may change but most remain relatively stable during any one person,s lifetime

74 - Which of the following statements about values is correct ?

Values of a culture may change but most remain relatively stable during any one person's lifetime

75 - Which of the following statements about values is correct?

Values of a culture may change but most remain relatively stable during any one person's lifetime

76 - Which of the following statements accurately describes the importance of groups in social life ?

Support groups have been found to add an average of 18 months to the lives of women in advanced stages of cancer

77 - Which of the following statements accurately describes the importance of groups in social life?

Support groups have been found to add an average of 18 months to the lives of women in advanced stages of cancer

78 - Which of the following statements accurately describes the term "verstehen"?

empathetic understanding of the meanings others attach to their actions.

79 - Which of the following statements applies to the study of Sociology?

All of the above apply to Sociology

80 - Which of the following statements are TRUE of the Marxist perspective on religion?I. it is the opium of the massesII. It acts as a mechanism of social controlIII. It distorts reality and helps to produce false class consciousness

I, II and III

81 - Which of the following statements best describes a totalitarian government?

It has complete control over its citizens.

82 - Which of the following statements best describes the goals of political science?

Provide a substantial critical and scientific contribution to government and society

83 - Which of the following statements best explains the primary purpose of compensatory educational programs?

to improve the academic performance of socially disadvantaged children

84 - Which of the following statements concerning roles is FALSE ?

Roles define duties but only statuses define rights

85 - Which of the following statements concerning roles is FALSE?

Roles define duties but only statuses define rights

86 - Which of the following statements correctly defines a theory?

systematic explanation of the relationship among phenomena.

87 - Which of the following statements correctly describes the ethno methodology's view-point?

Social life appears orderly to members of society only because members actively engage in making sense of social life.

88 - Which of the following statements is describing peripheral route processing?

Attend to non-content factor.

89 - Which of the following statements is false?

Schools help maintain deviant behavior in society.

90 - Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to D.P. Mukherjee?

Modernity can be understood independent of tradition.

91 - Which of the following statements is not correct ?

Negotiation is a macro-level process that does not usually involve interactions between small groups such as families

92 - Which of the following statements is not correct?

Negotiation is a macro-level process that does not usually involve interactions between small groups such as families

93 - Which of the following statements is not true:

assimilation is a temporary form of acculturation

94 - Which of the following statements is the best definition of sociology?

This deals with the scientific study of human interactions, social groups and institutions, and the whole societies.

95 - Which of the following statements is true according to the sociological study of deviance ?

Deviance is a property conferred upon particular behaviors by social definitions

96 - Which of the following statements is true according to the sociological study of deviance?

Deviance is a property conferred upon particular behaviors by social definitions

97 - Which of the following statements is true of reference groups ?

Those which do not match membership groups may create feelings of relative deprivation

98 - Which of the following statements is true of reference groups?

Those which do not match membership groups may create feelings of relative deprivation

99 - Which of the following statements is true?

none of the above

100 - Which of the following statements on the nature of social role is not correct?

It has no association with status.

101 - Which of the following statements referring to the concept of culture? (Choose 2)

Only (A) & (B)

102 - Which of the following States and Union Territories have the lowest overall sex-ratio as per the Census Report of 2011?

Daman and Diu

103 - Which of the following strengthens the social control?


104 - Which of the following suggested that the punishments established within a culture help to define acceptable behavior and thus contribute to stability ?

Emile Durkheim

105 - Which of the following suggested that the punishments established within a culture help to define acceptable behaviour and thus contribute to stability?

Emile Durkheim

106 - Which of the following terms best matches the description: A intense study of a single group, incident, or community

Case study

107 - Which of the following terms best matches the description: A small group that represents a larger group


108 - Which of the following terms best matches the description: A testable statement that deals with the relationship between two variables


109 - Which of the following terms best matches the description: A trained individual asking a series of questions.


110 - Which of the following terms best matches the description: Events a predictable and lead to another event


111 - Which of the following terms best matches the description: multiple factors cause an event to occur

Multiple Causation

112 - Which of the following terms best matches the description: people with certain characteristics


113 - Which of the following terms describe the process where the dominant culture tends to suppress the subordinate culture?


114 - Which of the following terms describes people working together?


115 - Which of the following terms is associated with the poverty line?

absolute poverty

116 - Which of the following terms is used by contemporary social scientists to describe the process by which peripheral nations move from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristics of more developed societies?


117 - Which of the following terms is used by sociologists for a structured ranking of groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in society?


118 - Which of the following terms refers to a negative attitude toward an entire category of people?


119 - Which of the following terms refers to hereditary systems of rank that are relatively fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?


120 - Which of the following theories about the origin of the family believed that in the past offering of wife or daughter to a guest was considered as a mark of hospitality?

Sex communism

121 - Which of the following theories has a "Micro" orientation?


122 - Which of the following theorist supports the views that religion is not a barrier to social change?

Karl Marx

123 - Which of the following theorists argued that conflict is a normal and desirable aspect of social change ?

Karl Marx

124 - Which of the following theorists argued that conflict is a normal and desirable aspect of social change ?

Karl Marx

125 - Which of the following theorists argued that conflict is a normal and desirable aspect of social change?

Karl Marx

126 - Which of the following theorists described the family as the ultimate source of social inequality because of its role in the transfer of power property and privilege ?

Friedrich Engels

127 - Which of the following theorists described the family as the ultimate source of social inequality because of its role in the transfer of power property and privilege?

Friedrich Engels

128 - Which of the following theorists rejects the notion of essential categories of male and female through her discussion of the performative aspect of gender ?

Judith Butler

129 - Which of the following theorists rejects the notion of essential categories of male and female through her discussion of the performative aspect of gender?

Judith Butler

130 - Which of the following theorists subscribes to the view that a shared culture is necessary if a society is to run smoothly?


131 - Which of the following theory believed that origin of family is based on the philosophy of possession of women by men?

Polygamy theory

132 - Which of the following things is normally learned during the socialization process?

All of the above

133 - Which of the following things is NOT something a Primary Group provides for its members?

Financial support

134 - Which of the following things would a Macro-Sociologist be least interested in studying?

The personal habits of an individual.

135 - Which of the following thinkers are associated with the development of sociology in the Caribbean?I. M.G SmithII. Susan CraigIII. Anthony Giddens

I and II only

136 - Which of the following types of authority refers to power that is rooted in long-standing beliefs and practices of a society?

Traditional authority

137 - Which of the following used the phrase looking-glass self to emphasize that the self is the product of our social interactions with other people ?

Charles Horton Cooley

138 - Which of the following used the phrase looking-glass self to emphasize that the self is the product of our social interactions with other people?

Charles Horton Cooley

139 - Which of the following used the phrase looking-glass self to emphasize that the self is the product of our social interactions with other people?

Charles Horton Cooley

140 - Which of the following vehicles emits the most carbon per passenger per kilometer ?

single-occupancy light truck

141 - Which of the following vehicles emits the most carbon per passenger per kilometre?

single-occupancy light truck

142 - Which of the following was a contribution of Émile Durkheim?

noted that ideas about observable phenomena can be tested by using statistical analysis

143 - Which of the following was an early Black sociologist active in the struggle for a racially egalitarian society who was critical of theorists who seemed content with the status quo ?

W,E,B, Du Bois

144 - Which of the following was an early Black sociologist active in the struggle for a racially egalitarian society who was critical of theorists who semmed content with the status quo ?

W, E.B Du Bois

145 - Which of the following was an early Black sociologist active in the struggle for a racially egalitarian society who was critical of theorists who semmed content with the status quo?

W, E.B Du Bois

146 - Which of the following was colonial Latin America's social structure?

Peninsular System

147 - Which of the following was developed by the Sociologist C. Wright Mills?

sociological imagination

148 - Which of the following was influenced by Charles Darwin?

Herbert Spencer

149 - Which of the following was not a common feature of ancient cities ?

a strong influence over external

150 - Which of the following was not a common feature of ancient cities?

a strong influence over external

151 - Which of the following was not a key development leading to the birth of sociology ?


152 - Which of the following was not a sport that Canadian Aboriginal women were allowed to participate in before colonization?


153 - Which of the following was not identified as a defining feature of culture ?

Culture is symbolic

154 - Which of the following was not identified as a major research design ?


155 - Which of the following was not identified as a major theoretical perspective on social change ?

interactionist theory

156 - Which of the following was not identified as one of the four conditions that must be met before a researcher can say that an independent variable or variables caused the change in the dependent variable ?

internal consistency

157 - Which of the following was not identified as one of the four major social bonds in Hirschi's Social Control theory ?


158 - Which of the following was supported by Durkheim,s study of suicide ?

Individuals who were enmeshed in meaningful social bonds were less inclined to commit suicide

159 - Which of the following was supported by Durkheim's study of suicide?

Individuals who were enmeshed in meaningful social bonds were less inclined to commit suicide

160 - Which of the following was the earliest example of an international organization ?

the Hanseatic League

161 - Which of the following was the earliest example of an international organization?

the Hanseatic League

162 - Which of the following was the primary pattern used by the majority to deal with African Americans who came to the United States as enslaved persons?


163 - Which of the following were problems raised by the Stanford Prison Experiment?

All of the above

164 - Which of the following workers would be part of the tertiary sector of any economy?

a miner

165 - Which of the following would be a reason a hate crime takes place?

All of the Above

166 - Which of the following would be an accurate description of the study of Sociology?

the science that studies human society and social behavior

167 - Which of the following would be an example of a random sample? A researcher_____________?

None of the above

168 - Which of the following would be an example of a random sample? A researcher_________________?

None of the above

169 - Which of the following would be an example of a random sample?A researcher.

None of the above

170 - Which of the following would be considered a critical sociologist?

All of these answers are correct

171 - Which of the following would be considered a middle class identity (3)

All of the above

172 - Which of the following would be considered part of a person's wealth?

her clothes and other personal possessions

173 - Which of the following would be consideredsocially-acceptable in an industrial society?

competing for a higher paying job

174 - Which of the following would experience role exit ?

each of the above

175 - Which of the following would experience role exit?

each of the above

176 - Which of the following would fit Charles Horton Cooley's classification of a primary group?


177 - Which of the following would MOST likely be used in quantitative research?

structured interview

178 - Which of the following would not be a good example of a counterculture ?

Toronto Raptors fans

179 - Which of the following would not be considered an example of material culture?


180 - Which of the following would not be considered discrimination?

Sue believes poor people are criminals

181 - Which of the following-perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the critical importance of religion in human societies stressed the social impact of religion?

Emile Durkheim

182 - Which of the followings are included in primary goals of a social science _______?

All of these

183 - Which of the founding fathers used "conflict theory" to explain his beliefs on sociological issues?


184 - Which of the founding fathers used a "functionalist" perspective to explain his beliefs on sociological issues?


185 - Which of the racial/ethnic groups has the highest rate of poverty?

African American

186 - Which of the social constructs might postmodernists question?

all of them

187 - Which of the social sciences concentrates on a single social institution?


188 - Which of the three theories is the only micro theory (focuses on individual interaction)?

Symbolic Interactionism

189 - Which of there terms is the odd one out?


190 - Which of these answers describes what culture means?

The way of life of a particular society or social group

191 - Which of these answers describes what meanings mean?

They are things which give sense and significance to people's experiences.

192 - Which of these answers describes what norms mean?

Social expectations or rules about how people should behave. Guides to behaviour

193 - Which of these answers describes what social institutions are?

The various organised social arrangements which are found in all societies

194 - Which of these answers describes what socialisation means?

It is the lifelong process by which people learn the culture of the society in which they live.

195 - Which of these answers describes what the social structure is?

The social organisations and social relationships that form the 'building blocks' of society.

196 - Which of these answers describes what values mean?

Beliefs about what is important, what is worth having, what is right and wrong

197 - Which of these are examples of sanctions in modern industrial society? ( select all correct)

All of the above

198 - Which of these are examples of secondary data?

Only (A) & (B)

199 - Which of these are institutions?

Only (A) & (B)

200 - Which of these are part of the 6 main factors that contribute to social changes within society?

All of the above

201 - Which of these are the ethical advantages of questionnaires? Tick as many as are applicable.

All of the above

202 - Which of these arguments is NOT a criticism of Giddens, Bauman and Castells?

They shouldn't focus on Islamic fundamentalism as just caused by globalisation. Historical and political processes of social injustice and cultural imperialism are more the root cause in this context.

203 - Which of these aspects of organization is most associated with the work of Michel Foucault ?


204 - Which of these aspects of organization is most associated with the work of Michel Foucault?


205 - Which of these athletes refused to serve in the U.S. military after being drafted, therefore giving up his heavyweight championship title?

Muhammed Ali

206 - Which of these best describes Islamic revivalism in the contemporary world?

traditional practices and modes of life have been revived but combined with concerns that relate specifically to modern times

207 - Which of these best describes sociology as a subject?

The study of society and social interactions

208 - Which of these bests describes Islamic revivalism in the contemporary world ?

traditional practices and modes of life have been revived but combined with concerns that relate specifically to modern times

209 - Which of these can sociology not help us with ?

predicting likely weather patterns in the future

210 - Which of these can sociology not help us with?

predicting likely weather patterns in the future

211 - Which of these characteristics is most likely to affect differential association?

Age of Expose to Deviance

212 - Which of these classification terms when in use would never have been used to describe for example Ghana in Africa ?

second World

213 - Which of these classification terms when in use would never have been used to describe for example Ghana in Africa?

second World

214 - which of these concepts is addressed in Foucault's work ?

all of the these

215 - which of these concepts is addressed in Foucault's work?

all of the athese

216 - Which of these constitute the three worlds of welfare capitalism ?

social democratic corporatist liberal

217 - Which of these constitute the three worlds of welfare capitalism?

social democratic corporatist liberal

218 - Which of these constitute the three worlds of welfare-capitalism ?

social democratic corporatist liberal

219 - Which of these contains steps in the right order?

Ask a question, research, state your hypothesis, experiment, analyze, make a conclusion

220 - Which of these countries has the largest number of people living on less than $1.25 a day?


221 - Which of these countries has the smallest proportion of people living on less than $1 a day


222 - Which of these countries has the smallest proportion of people living on less than $1 a day_______________?


223 - Which of these descriptions would fit into the category "preindustrial"?

Hunting & Gathering (foraging)

224 - Which of these differentiate humans from animals?


225 - Which of these distinguishes modern nation-sates from traditional civilizations ?

all of the above

226 - Which of these distinguishes modern nation-sates from traditional civilizations?

all of the above

227 - Which of these distinguishes modern nation-states from traditional civilizations ?

all of the above

228 - Which of these does not include income earned by individuals or corporations outside a country ?

Gross Domestic Product

229 - Which of these does not include income earned by individuals or corporations outside a country ?

Gross National Product

230 - Which of these does not include income earned by individuals or corporations outside a country?

Gross Domestic Product

231 - Which of these ethnic groups has the greatest proportion of households below 60 per cent of median income ?


232 - Which of these ethnic groups has the greatest proportion of households below 60 per cent of median income?


233 - Which of these ethnic groups has the greatest proportion of its members in the bottom income quintile ?

Pakistan /Bangladeshis

234 - Which of these ethnic groups has the greatest proportion of its members in the bottom income quintile?

Pakistan /Bangladeshis

235 - Which of these focuses on community, where everyone knows everyone


236 - Which of these focuses on society, usually temporary, focuses on individual goals more than group goals.


237 - Which of these groups of countries had the least telephone mainlines per 1, 000 people in 1999?

Latin America

238 - Which of these groups of countries had the least telephone mainlines per 1,000 people in 1999 ?

Latin America

239 - Which of these ideas does NOT correspond to the Structural Functionalism paradigm?

Focuses on inequality

240 - Which of these is a "Folkway?"

Saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes

241 - Which of these is a broadly Weberian idea ?

rationalization is bound to progress further in all spheres of life

242 - Which of these is a broadly Weberian idea ?

modern societies are in transition towards a socialist model

243 - Which of these is a broadly Weberian idea?

modern societies are in transition towards a socialist model

244 - Which of these is a feature of Japanese style of management arrangements?

All of the above

245 - Which of these is a feature of the Japanese style of management arrangements ?

all of the above

246 - Which of these is a front region of social life ?

a clothing store payment counter

247 - Which of these is a front region of social life?

a clothing store payment counter

248 - Which of these is a negative aspect of questionnaires

Low response rates

249 - Which of these is a positivist research method?

Content analysis

250 - Which of these is a possible paradox of sport?

Sport provides a chance to learn sportsmanship, but there many cases of cheating and negative behavior.

251 - Which of these is a 'random' sampling method?


252 - Which of these is a reason for why interpretivists do NOT like questionnaires?

It produces quantitative data

253 - Which of these is a social category?


254 - Which of these is a social norm?

One should join the end of a queue,anyone pushing to the front is criticised.

255 - Which of these is a sociological explanation of poverty?

People are poor because of inequality in wages

256 - Which of these is a type of open-ended question?

short answer response

257 - Which of these is a type of secondary data?

Official statistics

258 - Which of these is an example of a research method that produces primary data?


259 - Which of these is an example of a total institution?


260 - Which of these is an example of Cultural Universal?


261 - Which of these is an example of how quantitative research is collected?


262 - Which of these is an example of material culture?


263 - Which of these is an example of sport contributing to social mobility?

A student athlete earns a scholarship, graduates with degree, and therefore attains a higher standard of living and long term wealth.

264 - Which of these is an interpretivist method?


265 - Which of these is most closely associated with Marx,s thinking ?


266 - Which of these is most closely associated with Marx,s thinking ?


267 - Which of these is most closely associated with Marx's thinking?


268 - Which of these is not a branch of feminism?


269 - Which of these is NOT a component of culture?


270 - Which of these is not a concept associated with Left Realist explanations of criminal subcultures ?

individual pathology

271 - Which of these is not a concept associated with Left Realist explanations of criminal subcultures?

individual pathology

272 - Which of these is not a criticism that critical realists make of social constructionist approaches to the environment ?

social constructionism reminds us that all environmental issues have an important social aspect and context

273 - Which of these is not a criticism that critical realists make of social constructionist approaches to the environment?

social constructionism reminds us that all environmental issues have an important social aspect and context

274 - Which of these is not a critique of attempts to measure relative deprivation ?

the personal experience of poverty is not the concern of sociologists

275 - Which of these is not a critique of attempts to measure relative deprivation?

the personal experience of poverty is not the concern of sociologists

276 - Which of these is not a feature of an ideal type bureaucracy according to Weber ?

co-ownership among all workers of the material resource with which they operate

277 - Which of these is not a feature of an ideal type bureaucracy according to Weber?

co-ownership among all workers of the material resource with which they operate

278 - Which of these is NOT a form of observation we have studied?


279 - Which of these is not a key factor behind the potential economic catch-up of developing nations according to Willem Buiter ?

good healthcare system

280 - Which of these is not a key factor behind the potential economic catch-up of developing nations according to Willem Buiter?

good healthcare system

281 - Which of these is NOT a main type of Status a person can have?


282 - Which of these is NOT a principle of positivism?

Science is based on common sense.

283 - Which of these is not a reason why the rate of urban growth is larger in developing countries ?

living in closely connected settlements is a social feature common in developing countries

284 - Which of these is not a reason why the rate of urban growth is larger in developing countries?

living in closely connected settlements is a social feature common in developing countries

285 - Which of these is NOT a suggested reason for capitalism leading to crime?

Crime alleviates boredom

286 - Which of these is NOT a traditional American value?


287 - Which of these is not an ethical issue for researchers ?

selecting a relevant theoretical perspective

288 - Which of these is not an ethical issue for researchers?

selecting a relevant theoretical perspective

289 - Which of these is not an example of a qualitative research method ?

survey research

290 - Which of these is not an example of a qualitative research method?

survey research

291 - Which of these is NOT an example of a state crime?

Dr Harold Shipman

292 - Which of these is not an example of social exclusion ?

none of these

293 - Which of these is not an example of social exclusion ?

none of the above

294 - Which of these is not an example of social exclusion?

none of the above

295 - Which of these is NOT an example of target hardening ?

anti-social behavior orders

296 - Which of these is NOT an example of target hardening?

anti-social behavior orders

297 - Which of these is NOT an explicit feature of Third Way politics ?

retrenchment in welfare spending

298 - Which of these is NOT an explicit feature of Third Way politics?

retrenchment in welfare spending

299 - Which of these is NOT an principle of interpretivism?

They use quantitative methods

300 - Which of these is not evidence for secularization

The rise of New Religious Movements

301 - Which of these is NOT one of the 3 Sociological Perspectives?

Sociological perspective

302 - Which of these is NOT one of the five types of Social Interaction?


303 - Which of these is NOT one of the reasons poor people commit crime according to Marxists?

poor socialisation

304 - Which of these is not part of Judith Butlers theory of gender identity ?

people, s biological sex underpins their gendered identity

305 - Which of these is not part of Judith Butler's theory of gender identity?

people 's biological sex underpins their gendered identity

306 - Which of these is NOT viewed as a strength of surveys ?

they offer an appearance of precision

307 - Which of these is NOT viewed as a strength of surveys?

they offer an appearance of precision

308 - Which of these is one of Merton's adaptations to strain and means that individuals replace the goals and means with new ones?


309 - Which of these is one reason why positivists like structured interviews?

It is easy to replicate multiple times making it a reliable method

310 - Which of these is Steven Lukes,s third dimension of power _____________?

the ability to manipulate others desires

311 - Which of these is Steven Lukes's third dimension of power?

the ability to manipulate other's desires

312 - Which of these is the major religion of Indian People


313 - Which of these is very important for research?

data collection

314 - Which of these key early figures in sociology had an interest in issues of labor and the economy ?

All three of them

315 - Which of these key early figures in sociology had an interest in issues of labour and the economy?

All three of them

316 - Which of these NOT viewed as a strength of surveys ?

they offer an appearance of precision

317 - Which of these perspectives is most concerned about the distribution of power in society?

Conflict perspective

318 - Which of these problem are faced by tribal people?

All of these

319 - Which of these research projects would count as intersectional? A comparative study of employment based on.

all of them

320 - Which of these research projects would count as intersectional? A comparative study of employment based on______________?

all of them

321 - Which of these sampling methods is when the sample is derived by ordering the population and selecting every 'nth' participant?


322 - Which of these sets can be considered achieved statuses?

volunteer, athlete, lawyer

323 - Which of these statements best represents C. Wright-Mills,s idea of the sociological imagination ?

bringing together private troubles and public issues

324 - Which of these statements best represents C. Wright-Mills's idea of the sociological imagination?

bringing together private troubles and public issues

325 - Which of these statements does not reflect the conventional position in class analysis ?

women's pay is often essential to the family's economic position

326 - Which of these statements does not reflect the conventional position in class analysis?

women's pay is often essential to the family's economic position

327 - Which of these statements is correct ?

causation cannot be inferred directly from correlation

328 - Which of these statements is correct?

causation cannot be inferred directly from correlation

329 - Which of these statements is NOT true of interpretivists?

Interpretivists use the hypothetico-deductive model for research

330 - Which of these states have highest density of population

West Bengal

331 - Which of these states have lowest density of population

Arunachal Pradesh

332 - Which of these systems allows for the most social mobility?


333 - Which of these terms is the odd one out ?


334 - Which of these terms is the odd one out ______________?


335 - Which of these trends did the New Right not suggest as evidence of declining family values ?

the tendency for cohabitation before marriage

336 - Which of these trends did the New Right not suggest as evidence of declining family values?

the tendency for cohabitation before marriage

337 - Which of these types of industrial conflict is the odd one out ?


338 - Which of these types of industrial conflict is the odd one out?


339 - Which of these would be considered a closed-ended question?

Multiple Choice

340 - Which of these would NOT be an example of a reference group?

The American flag

341 - Which on these is a Marxist?


342 - Which one is an advantage for using closed-ended questions?

large number of responses can be collected

343 - Which one is an advantage for using graphs and tables to present information

enable people to see trends and relationships quickly

344 - Which one is likely to be in poverty?

Single African American Woman



346 - Which one is not a characteristic of qualitative research?

numerical analysis

347 - Which one is not correct - Durkheim says crime is functional as it

controls the working classes

348 - Which one is the right answer for this description: "a positive sanction so thatsomeone is praised or is better off"?


349 - Which one is the right description of sanctions?

ways of rewarding or punishing acceptable or unacceptable behavior

350 - Which one of the following combinations is true regarding modernization in India?

Evaluation and diffusion

351 - Which one of the following concepts did Max Weber introduce to the field of sociology ?

ideal types

352 - Which one of the following concepts did Max Weber introduce to the field of sociology?

ideal types

353 - Which one of the following concepts did Mix weber introduce to the field of sociology ?

ideal types

354 - Which one of the following countries has maximum divorces in the world?


355 - Which one of the following crime rates was higher in the United States than in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s ?

all of the above

356 - Which one of the following crime rates was higher in the United States than in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s?

all of the above

357 - Which one of the following does Chodorow NOT argue is a consequence for boys and men of separating from their early attachment to their mother ?

feeling their self-esteem threatened by the lack a close relationship

358 - Which one of the following does Chodorow NOT argue is a consequence for boys and men of separating from their early attachment to their mother.

feeling their self-esteem threatened by the lack a close relationship

359 - Which one of the following does not apply to caste system?

Interaction between castes is unlimited.

360 - Which one of the following does not apply to social class systems ?

class position is entirely subjective

361 - Which one of the following does not apply to social class systems?

class position is entirely subjective

362 - Which one of the following does not apply to social disorganisation?

Ostentation is replaced by sincerity.

363 - Which one of the following does not fit in the characteristic of of social class?

It represents vertical division of society.

364 - Which one of the following does Wilkinson identify as the main determinant of relative health in a society ?

social integration

365 - Which one of the following does Wilkinson identify as the main determinant of relative health in a society?

social integration

366 - Which one of the following factors contributes to the development of social classes?

Population explosion

367 - Which one of the following factors does not foster social mobility?

Poor economic conditions of the people.

368 - Which one of the following factors does not hinder social mobility?

Less social rigidity

369 - Which one of the following factors is not included in social status?

Availability of natural resources of the society

370 - Which one of the following factors is not responsible for cultural lag?


371 - Which one of the following is a factor which does not hinder social mobility?


372 - Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration ?

employment opportunities

373 - Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration ?

employment opportunities

374 - Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration?

employment opportunities

375 - Which one of the following is a significant factor responsible for the development of social class?

Social stagnation

376 - Which one of the following is a significant factor responsible for the development of social class?

Lack of social inter-communication.

377 - Which one of the following is a strategy for restorative justice ?

community service

378 - Which one of the following is a strategy for restorative justice?

community service

379 - Which one of the following is an economic system that is typically found in contemporary societies ?


380 - Which one of the following is an economic system that is typically found in contemporary societies ?


381 - Which one of the following is an economic system that is typically found in contemporary societies?


382 - Which one of the following is an example for horizontal social mobility?


383 - Which one of the following is an example of a ‘third generation' or true cybercrime ?

the vandalizing of virtual environments

384 - Which one of the following is an example of a 'third generation' or true cybercrime?

the vandalizing of virtual environments

385 - Which one of the following is correct about Ethno methodology?

Certainly not Macro Sociology

386 - Which one of the following is essential factor in community life?


387 - Which one of the following is exposed to an independent variable ?

the experimental group

388 - Which one of the following is exposed to an independent variable ?

the experimental group

389 - Which one of the following is exposed to an independent variable?

the experimental group

390 - Which one of the following is important factor of social class consciousness?

Social mobility

391 - Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a primary group?

Relations are means to an end

392 - Which one of the following is not a disadvantage of joint family system?

It is economical.

393 - Which one of the following is not a disadvantage of polygynay?

The women are treated respectfully in the family.

394 - Which one of the following is not a feature of informal sector?

Absence of gender segregation

395 - Which one of the following is not a major consideration for the migration of people from one country to the other?

Extent of available labour

396 - Which one of the following is not a part of Gandhian path of development?

Cooperative conflict

397 - Which one of the following is not a push factor of rural to urban migration?

Increasing practice of dowry in rural areas

398 - Which one of the following is not a reason for declining female sex ratio in India?

Migration of female work force from rural to urban areas

399 - Which one of the following is not a salient feature of social disorganisation?

it is the outcome of a rigid political party system.

400 - Which one of the following is not a serious problem of a modern family?

There is problem of meeting economic needs of the family.

401 - Which one of the following is not a serious problem of the modern family?

There is benevolence in the family which creates problems.

402 - Which one of the following is not a type of capitalism according to Habermas?

Informational Capitalism

403 - Which one of the following is not a way people are socialized by religion?

An individual's personal internal experience of a divine being leads to their faith.

404 - Which one of the following is not an element of rural community?

Cultural diversity

405 - Which one of the following is not an example of non-verbal communication ?


406 - Which one of the following is not an example of non-verbal communication?


407 - Which one of the following is not an important cause for the weakness of a family today?

There is shortage of accommodation.

408 - Which one of the following is not an important cause of the weakness of modern family?

It is not supposed to socialise the members.

409 - Which one of the following is NOT an internet crime

Sending spam emails

410 - Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of history ?

the spirit of capitalism

411 - Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of history ?

the spirit of capitalism

412 - Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of history?

the spirit of capitalism

413 - Which one of the following is not cause of crime?


414 - Which one of the following is not cause of social disorganisation?


415 - Which one of the following is not cause of the crime?


416 - Which one of the following is not correct about P. Berger and T. Luckman understands of knowledge?

They are deeply concerned about the validity of knowledge.

417 - Which one of the following is not correct with regard to peasant?

The peasants in India are predominantly represented by the middle strata of caste hierarchy.

418 - Which one of the following is not correct with regard to the Liberal Feminists view on the State?

Men have captured the State.

419 - Which one of the following is not functional utility of social stratification?

It helps in deciding responsibility of everyone in the society.

420 - Which one of the following is not main cause of social disorganisation?

absence of social tension

421 - Which one of the following is not main factor responsible for the development of community?


422 - Which one of the following is not one of the four migration trends identified by Castles and Miller (1993) ?


423 - Which one of the following is not part of Bowles and Ginits,s (1976) Marxist thesis on schooling under capitalism ?

head teachers often encourage working class children to be ambitious

424 - Which one of the following is not part of Bowles and Ginits's (1976) Marxist thesis on schooling under capitalism?

head teachers often encourage working class children to be ambitious

425 - Which one of the following is not salient feature of modern family?

It is supposed to preserve customs.

426 - Which one of the following is not source of social problem?

None of these

427 - Which one of the following is not source of social problem?

None of these

428 - Which one of the following is not the advantage of polygamy?

In it there is harmony in the family.

429 - Which one of the following is not the characteristic of caste system?

People belonging to lower castes do not mix among themselves.

430 - Which one of the following is not the characteristic of caste system?

They are allowed to perform religious ceremonies at public places.

431 - Which one of the following is not the main cause responsible for bringing changes in the community?

Political difference

432 - Which one of the following is not the main cause responsible for the promotion of class consciousness?

Common traditionE.None of these

433 - Which one of the following is not the major cause of divorce?

Desire to have children.

434 - Which one of the following is not true about caste system?

There is class consciousness among the members of the caste.

435 - Which one of the following is not true about norms?

Group norms have relevance to purpose.

436 - Which one of the following is not true about social control?

It depends upon society.

437 - Which one of the following is not true about the cause of divorce?

Ancestral property considerations weight very much.

438 - Which one of the following is not true characteristic of caste system?

Religion has nothing to do with caste.

439 - Which one of the following is not true in case of social mobility?

It discourages all competitions in the society.

440 - Which one of the following is not true in the case of social mobility?

It avoids discontentment.

441 - Which one of the following is not true in the case of social mobility?

It brings stability in society.

442 - Which one of the following is not true in the caste system?

None of above

443 - Which one of the following is not true of an association but that of community?

It has distinctive organisational features.

444 - Which one of the following is not true of caste system?

In a caste there is wide competition.

445 - Which one of the following is not true of caste system?

It is a narrow area.

446 - Which one of the following is not true of caste system?

Caste decides code of behaviour.

447 - Which one of the following is not true of monogamy?

In it chances of conflict do not altogether exist.

448 - Which one of the following is not true of monogamy?

There are no disputes about ancestral property.

449 - Which one of the following is not true of origin of polyandry?

Men could successfully control their sexual urge.

450 - Which one of the following is not true of social class?

The members are quite ready to give up their privileges.

451 - Which one of the following is not true of social disorganisation?

It is a process.

452 - Which one of the following is the characteristic of social norms?

Their scope does not vary from group to group.

453 - Which one of the following is the most basic manifest function of education ?

transmitting knowledge

454 - Which one of the following is the most basic manifest function of education ?

transmitting knowledge

455 - Which one of the following is the most basic manifest function of education?

transmitting knowledge

456 - Which one of the following is the odd one out _______________ ?

Antonio Gramsci

457 - Which one of the following is the odd one out?

Antonio Gramsci

458 - Which one of the following is the practical solution for the reconstruction of a modern family?

Only agreeable changes should be brought in the family.

459 - Which one of the following is true about caste system?

It stands on the way of democracy.

460 - Which one of the following is true of origin of polyandry?

There was desire to have joint family system.

461 - Which one of the following Max Muller believed to be the earliest form of religion?


462 - Which one of the following religious denominations is most likely to report the experience of being "born again" ?


463 - Which one of the following religious denominations is most likely to report the experience of being"born again"?


464 - Which one of the following statements about minority status is false?

Minority status is a sociological term that applies exclusively to racial and ethnic groups.

465 - Which one of the following statements correctly identify 'subaltern perspective'?

Approach history from below, focused more on what happens among masses at the base level of society

466 - Which one of the following statements in not a key charge of postcolonial critiques against mainstream sociology ?

the sociological imagination has always encouraged and enabled the voices of people across the world to be heard in sociological theorizing

467 - Which one of the following statements in not a key charge of postcolonial critiques against mainstream sociology?

the sociological imagination imagination has always encouraged and enabled the voices of people across the world to be heard in sociological theorizing

468 - Which one of the following statements is not part of the Code of Ethics developed by the American Sociological Association? Researchers must.

make all research notes available for public scrutiny

469 - Which one of the following statements is not part of the Code of Ethics developed by the American Sociological Association? Researchers must_______________?

make all research notes available for public scrutiny

470 - Which one of the following statements is true ?

sociologists use both quantitative and qualitative methods

471 - Which one of the following was not specified as an objective of social development by the World Development Summit (1995)?

Economic protectionism

472 - Which one of the following was the first fort constructed by the British in India?

Fort St. George

473 - Which one of the social movements in rural India can be termed as an example of 'old' social movements?

Peasant movements

474 - Which one of these individuals was a sociologist?

Emile Durkheim

475 - Which one of these is a Feminist?


476 - Which one of these is a Functionalist?


477 - Which one of these is a measure of dispersion ?


478 - Which one of these is a measure of dispersion ?


479 - Which one of these is a measure of dispersion?


480 - Which one of these is a Primary Group?


481 - Which one of these is not a measure of religious practice

Church tax returns and bank balances

482 - Which one of these is NOT a version of the sick role as identified by Friedson ?

modified legitimate

483 - Which one of these is NOT a version of the sick role as identified by Friedson?

modified legitimate

484 - Which one of these is NOT one of the newly industrializing countries ?


485 - Which one of these is NOT one of the newly industrializing countries ?


486 - Which one of these is NOT one of the newly industrializing countries?


487 - Which one of these is not seen as a function of family?

Get children ready for a life of struggle

488 - Which one of these statements is correct _______________?

global warming is the rise in average temperature at Earth's surface

489 - Which one of these statements is correct?

global warming is the rise in average temperature at Earth's surface

490 - Which one of these statements is NOT a definition of the knowledge economy ?

much of the workforce in now involved in physical production of goods

491 - Which one of these statements is NOT a definition of the knowledge economy?

much of the workforce in now involved in physical production of goods

492 - Which one of these would not be regarded as a dysfunction of bureaucracy according to Merton ?

people know they should be guaranteed fair and consistent treatment

493 - Which one of these would not be regarded as a dysfunction of bureaucracy according to Merton?

people know they should be guaranteed fair and consistent treatment

494 - Which pair of variables is an example of a negative correlation

Vaccination rates and childhood deaths

495 - Which paradigm addresses the manner in which society is created and maintained through face-to-face, repeated, meaningful interactions among individuals.

symbolic interactionism

496 - Which paradigm explains why society functions the way it does by emphasizing on the relationships between the various social institutions that make up society (e.g., government,law, education, religion, etc)?

structural functionalism

497 - Which paradigm views social and economic institutions as tools of the struggle between groups or classes, used to maintain inequality and the dominance of the ruling class?

conflict theory

498 - Which part of government makes the law?


499 - Which part of the Sociological imagination considers this question: Why are things as they are?


500 - Which part of the Sociological imagination considers: attitudes and choice s of people in this society


501 - Which part of the Sociological imagination looks at this: Does everyone have the same opportunities


502 - Which part of the Sociological imagination looks at this: How have institutions such as government, the law, health and education shaped people's lives


503 - Which part of the Sociological imagination looks at this: How the past shaped the things people can do in society


504 - Which period of Indian history is known as golden period?

Vedic Age

505 - Which person analyzed the 15 different values that are central to American Culture?

Robin M. Williams

506 - Which person best illustrates opportunities for upward social mobility in the United States?

First-generation college

507 - Which person or organization defined the concept of value neutrality?

Max Weber

508 - Which perspective (paradigm) is considered a "group of competing interests"?

Conflict Theory

509 - Which perspective (paradigm) of sociology is considered the "well-oiled machine"?


510 - Which perspective assumes that actors other than states are also important and questions whether states are unitary actors?


511 - Which perspective assumes that the state speaks with one voice and has one policy?


512 - Which perspective does not come under the umbrella of interactionism ?


513 - Which perspective does not come under the umbrella of interactionism?


514 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: Change and shifts in power are the basis of society

Conflict Perspective

515 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: Emphasis on competition and constraint

Conflict Perspective

516 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: Emphasis on the contributions made by different parts of society


517 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: Emphasis on the interactions among people based on mutually understood symbols

Symbolic Interactionism

518 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: Groups compete for scare resources, and the most powerful among us have the most

Conflict Perspective

519 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: Shared knowledge of symbolic meaning keeps society together.

Symbolic Interactionism

520 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: Symbols permit people to have internal conversations that help them gear their interaction to the behavior they think others expect of them

Symbolic Interactionism

521 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: The consensus of values is the basis of society


522 - Which perspective does the following statement best align with: Uses dramaturgy, an approach that sees social interactions as theatrical performances

Symbolic Interactionism

523 - Which perspective emphasizes conflict, competition, change, and constraint?

Conflict Perspective

524 - Which perspective emphasizes the contributions of each part of society and how these parts work together to create a unified whole

functional perspective

525 - Which perspective emphasizes the interactions among people based on mutually understood symbols?


526 - Which perspective focuses heavily on inequality and differential distribution of power and wealth?

Conflict Perspective

527 - Which perspective focuses looking at symbols & details of everyday life and what they mean, and how we interact with them?

Symbolic Interationism

528 - Which perspective focuses on ethnic, racial, religious and class conflict?


529 - Which perspective focuses on interactions of individuals within a society?

Symbolic/Interactionist Perspective

530 - Which perspective focuses on people at a group level

sociological perspective

531 - Which perspective focuses on stable society and working through a system of consensus and cooperation?

Functionalist Perspective

532 - Which perspective is based on the assumption that Indian society is unique and the Indian social institutions can be better studied through the texts?


533 - Which perspective is based on the idea that distribution of power is most important

conflict perspective

534 - Which perspective is the creation of E. Durkheim?


535 - Which perspective looks at economic systems creating rich owners and poor workers?


536 - Which perspective looks at the tension between the rich and the poor?


537 - Which perspective looks at the world-wide context and emphasizes economic factors?


538 - Which perspective on environmental issues tends to adopt an agnostic stance towards the severity of the problem itself ?

social constructionism

539 - Which perspective on environmental issues tends to adopt an agnostic stance towards the severity of the problem itself?

social constructionism

540 - Which perspective sees society as an integrated whole?


541 - Which perspective stresses that deviance promotes social unity and social change?


542 - Which perspective views society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system?

functionalist perspective

543 - Which perspective would argue that gatekeepers give control and influence of media to certain groups and the rise of a surveillance society?


544 - Which perspective would argue that media allows us to form primary and reference groups in which we judge our successes and failures?

symbolic interactionism

545 - Which perspective would argue that society benefits from media by learning about goods to buy and passing on values and beliefs to new generations?


546 - Which perspective would most likely suggest that educational inequalities are purposeful and set up to reinforce the position of those in power?


547 - Which perspective would point out that in a pep rally, the band, cheerleaders, and speakers are all working together to increase school spirit?


548 - Which perspective would study how "welfare scapegoating" ignored federal handouts to individuals and families?


549 - Which perspective would study how mass media maintain the status quo by affirming and transmitting stereotypes?

Conflict Theory

550 - Which pioneer of sociology first directed researchers to significance of bureaucratic structure in society?

Max Weber

551 - Which pioneer of sociology first directed researchers to the significance of bureaucratic structure ?

Max Weber

552 - Which pioneer of sociology first directed researchers to the significance of bureaucratic structure ?

Max Weber

553 - Which pioneer of sociology first directed researchers to the significance of bureaucratic structure?

Max Weber

554 - Which policies came first?

Protection and segregation

555 - Which policy is supported by the theory of broken windows ?

zero tolerance

556 - Which policy is supported by the theory of broken windows ?

zero tolerance

557 - Which policy is supported by the theory of broken windows?

zero tolerance

558 - Which political figure first called for a Untied States of Europe ?

Winston Churchill

559 - Which political figure first called for a Untied States of Europe?

Winston Churchill

560 - Which reading discussed how a inner city people often form an oppositional culture to mainstream culture when they feel alienated from that society?

Code of the Streets

561 - Which region experienced fundamental changes in the structure of the society?


562 - Which region of states has the highest concentration of tribal population?

North Eastern

563 - Which regions of the world currently have the highest and lowest proportions respectively of population living in cities ?

Highest North America Lowest Africa

564 - Which regions of the world currently have the highest and lowest proportions respectively of population living in cities?

Highest North America Lowest Africa

565 - Which religion bases their structure in the belief of one god?


566 - Which religion bases their structure on the belief in many gods?


567 - Which religion includes a hierarchy of gods?


568 - Which religion practice's the four noble truths?


569 - Which religions are members born into it and do not actively seek converts to join their religion?

Ethnic Religions

570 - Which religious organization is described: all social classes represented, paid officials, international/national, claim a monopoly on truth.


571 - Which religious organization is described: lower social classes; a single, charismatic leader; challenge the norms and values of society; deep commitment; sometimes expected to withdraw from society; has a monopoly of truth


572 - Which religious organization is often given as an example of a sect?


573 - Which religious organization represents the best example of a sect?


574 - Which research approach is best suited to the scientific method?

secondary data analysis

575 - Which Research Method is most reliant on the sociologist forming a controlled environment to see how a participant reacts?


576 - Which research method normally results in qualitative data?

case study

577 - Which research results focus primarily on numbers and data?


578 - Which research technique would sociologists who adhere to the symbolic interactionist perspective use? most likely to employ ?


579 - Which resources are scarce in every society?

Food shelter and protective coverings

580 - Which Sect places an emphasis on social equality and was persecuted for it's belief that all can have access to the holy spirit?


581 - Which sector of India's economy contribute the most in its GDP?


582 - Which social group does the term below belongs to?bestfriend since kindergarten


583 - Which social group does the term below belongs to?classmates in Grade 11


584 - Which social group does the term below belongs to?family


585 - Which social group does the term below belongs to?grandparents


586 - Which social group does the term below belongs to?groupmates in a month activity/ project


587 - Which social group does the term below belongs to?Student council members


588 - Which social institution creates laws and policies for social order?


589 - Which social institution has anthropological, sociological, and political aspect and not only has a medical concept?


590 - Which social institution is overwhelmingly controlled by men?

All of the above

591 - Which social institution's main responsibility is to guide an individual's moral/spiritual behaviour?


592 - Which social movements are social movements that seek partial change for individual?


593 - Which social perspective can be thought of as a triangle?


594 - Which social science investigates human mental and emotional processes?


595 - Which social science investigates the culture, customary and material traits of preliterate societies.


596 - Which social science studies people and events of the past?


597 - Which Social Science studies the thinking of organisms?


598 - Which social science would study the production and distribution of goods and services


599 - Which social scientist never focuses on the individual?

a sociologist

600 - which social scientist would most likely study the differences between past and present cultures?


601 - Which social theorist coined the term "sociology"?


602 - Which social theorist introduced the idea of the sociological imagination?

Wright Mills

603 - Which social theorist sought to bring the scientific method to the discipline of sociology?


604 - Which society first domesticated plants & animals?

Agrarian & Pastoral

605 - Which society focuses on technology & services?

Post Industrial

606 - Which society lacks social classes totally?

none of the above

607 - Which society saw the movement of people from rural to urban areas?


608 - Which society was the earliest?

Hunter Gatherer

609 - Which sociological perspective acknowledges that it is not possible to change gender drastically without dramatic revisions in a cultures social structure ?

both a and b

610 - Which sociological perspective acknowledges that it is not possible to change gender drastically without dramatic revisions in a culture's social structure?

both a and b

611 - Which sociological perspective are we using as we talk about socialization and the self?

Symbolic Interactionism

612 - Which sociological perspective argues that a common culture serves to maintain the privileges of some groups while keeping others in a subservient position ?

conflict perspective

613 - Which sociological perspective argues that a common culture serves to maintain the privileges of some groups while keeping others in a subservient position ?

conflict perspective

614 - Which sociological perspective argues that a common culture serves to maintain the privileges of some groups while keeping others in a subservient position?

conflict perspective

615 - Which sociological perspective argues that stratification is universal and that social inequality is necessary so that people will be motivated to fill socially important positions?

functionalist perspective

616 - Which sociological perspective argues that stratification is universal, and that social inequality is necessary so that people will be motivated to fill socially important positions ?

functionalist perspective

617 - Which sociological perspective argues that to whatever extent religion actually does influence social behavior it reinforces existing patterns of dominance and inequality ?

conflict perspective

618 - Which sociological perspective argues that to whatever extent religion actually does influence social behavior it reinforces existing patterns of dominance and inequality ?

conflict perspective

619 - Which sociological perspective argues that to whatever extent religion actually does influence social behaviour it reinfroces existing patterns of dominance and inequality?

conflict perspective

620 - Which sociological perspective asserts that the richest, most powerful members of society decide who is and who is not considered deviant?

Conflict Theory

621 - Which sociological perspective describes socialization as a lifelong process and looks closely at processes like desocialization and resocialization?

Symbolic Interactionism

622 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that ethnocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride ?

functionalist perspective

623 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that ethnocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride?

functionalist perspective

624 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that ethnocentrism that ethnocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride ?

functionalist perspective

625 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that ethnocentrism that ethnocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride?

functionalist perspective

626 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that government has a strong interest in encouraging adoption ?

functionalist perspective

627 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that government has a strong interest in encouraging adoption?

functionalist perspective

628 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that in comparison with women men can drw on larger social networks that are useful in locating employment opportunities ?

conflict perspective

629 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that in comparison with women men can drw on larger social networks that are useful in locating employment opportunities?

conflict perspective

630 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patients should not always be viewed as passive but instead as an actor who often shows a powerful intent to see the physician ?

interactionist perspective

631 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patients should not always be viewed as passive but instead as an actor who often shows a powerful intent to see the physician ?

interactionist perspective

632 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patients should not always be viewed as passive but instead as an actor who often shows a powerful intent to see the physician?

interactionist perspective

633 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that school in the United Satates foster competition through built-in systems of reward and punishment?

conflict perspective

634 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that school in the United States foster competition through built-in systems of reward and punishment ?

conflict perspective

635 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the performance of major social institutions is generally efficient and desirable ?

functionalist perspective

636 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the performance of major social institutions is generally efficient and desirable?

functionalist perspective

637 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the relationship between females and males has been one of unequal power with men in a dominant position over women ?

functionalist perspective

638 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the relationship between females and males has been one of unequal power with men in a dominant position over women?

functionalist perspective

639 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in human society ?

functionalist perspective

640 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in human society ?

functionalist perspective

641 - Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in human society?

functionalist perspective

642 - Which sociological perspective examines human activities on the micro level by focusing on how day-to-day social behavior is shaped by the distinctive norms, values and demands of a particular society ?

interactionist perspective

643 - Which sociological perspective examines human activities on the micro level by is shaped by the distinctive norms values and demands of a particular society ?

interactionist perspective

644 - Which sociological perspective examines human activities on the micro level by is shaped by the distinctive norms values and demands of a particular society?

interactionist perspective

645 - Which sociological perspective is associated with George Herbert Mead?

symbolic interactionism

646 - Which sociological perspective is best displayed in this image?

symbolic interactionist perspective

647 - Which sociological perspective is interested in concepts like victim discounting and white-collar crime?

Conflict Theory

648 - Which sociological perspective is most likely to point out that sport helps develop character, instill values, and promote social integration?


649 - Which sociological perspective is the basis of both strain theory and control theory?


650 - Which sociological perspective looks at deviance by studying the relationships between minorities and crime?

Conflict Theory

651 - Which sociological perspective makes the distinction between instrumental and expressive roles ?

interactionist perspective

652 - Which sociological perspective makes the distinction between instrumental and expressive roles?

interactionist perspective

653 - Which sociological perspective minimizes change ?

functionalist perspective

654 - Which sociological perspective minimizes change?

functionalist perspective

655 - Which sociological perspective points out that while pure monopolies are not a basic element of the economy of the United States competition is much more restricted than one might expect in what is called a free enterprise system ?

conflict perspective

656 - Which sociological perspective points out that while pure monopolies are not a basic element of the economy of the United States competition is much more restricted than one might expect in what is called a free enterprise system?

conflict perspective

657 - Which sociological perspective studies the positive and negative effects of deviance on society?


658 - Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and sees the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups ?

conflict perspective

659 - Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and sees the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups ?

conflict perspective

660 - Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and sees the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups?

conflict perspective

661 - Which sociological perspective views society as a network of connected parts each of which contributes to the maintenance of the system as a whole ?

functionalist perspective

662 - Which sociological perspective views society as a network of connected parts each of which contributes to the maintenance of the system as a whole ?

functionalist perspective

663 - Which sociological perspective views society as a network of connected parts each of which contributes to the maintenance of the system as a whole?

functionalist perspective

664 - Which sociological perspective views the economic structure asa central factor in the exploitation of minority groups?


665 - Which sociological perspective would assert how deviance is an important part of keeping a society running smoothly?


666 - Which sociological perspective would be especially interested in studying how people communicate with each other and develop relationships through MUDS (multi -user domains) and electronic chat rooms ?

interactionist perspective

667 - Which sociological perspective would be especially interested in studying how people communicate with each other and develop relationships through MUDS (multi-user domains) and electronic chat rooms?

interactionist perspective

668 - Which sociological perspective would be especially interested in studying how people communicate with other and develop relationships through MUDS (multi-user)?

interactionist perspective

669 - Which sociological perspective would be especially interested in studying how people communicate with other and develop relationships through MUDS(multi-user.

interactionist perspective

670 - Which sociological perspective would be likely to focus on the profit-making opportunities sport provides at the expense of exploited athletes?


671 - Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that a person's health and educational opportunities are affected by his or her class position in important ways?


672 - Which sociological perspective would focus on the cultural norms of the importance of the flag to a country.

Symbolic Ineractionism

673 - Which sociological perspective would look at how mass media helps to stabilize society?


674 - Which Sociological Perspective would most agree with the statement that "Sociology should be used to improve the living conditions of individuals?"

Chicago Perspective

675 - Which sociological perspective would most likely suggest that education is necessary for people to earn more money and advance in society for the purpose of social stability

functionalist perspective

676 - Which sociological perspective would note that poor and rural sections of the United States tend to be underserved because medical service concentrate where people are numerous or wealthy ?

conflict perspective

677 - Which sociological perspective would note that poor and rural sections of the United States tend to be underserved because medical service concentrate where people are numerous or wealthy?

conflict perspective

678 - Which sociological perspective would say that deviance is relative, and that it's based on the individual, not the behavior itself?

Symbolic Interactionism

679 - Which sociological perspectives are best to use in developing an accurate understanding of society?

All of the above

680 - Which Sociological Research method is most likely to have the data skewed by having the researcher's opinions interfered with by getting to know the subjects?

Participant Observation

681 - Which sociological theory emphasizes the meanings that people attach to various aspects of reality ?

Symbolic Interactionism

682 - Which sociological theory emphasizes the role of language and literacy in fighting against cultural subordination ?


683 - Which sociological theory encompasses Goffman's dramaturgical model?


684 - Which sociologist (though he did not identify as one) supported the class-conflict theory (proletariat vs. bourgeoisie)?


685 - Which sociologist approved of bureaucracy?


686 - Which sociologist argued that capitalists unfairly dominated proletarians?


687 - Which sociologist argued that parenting and social control of females is stricter for females than for boys.

Frances Heidensohn

688 - Which sociologist argued that the media create moral panic over subcultural groups - mods and rockers in 1964?

Stanley Cohen

689 - Which sociologist believed in the concept of Social Darwinism?20 secAuguste ComteThis is a wrong answerEmile DurkheimThis is a wrong answerKarl MarxThis is a wrong answerHerbert Spencer

Herbert spencer

690 - Which sociologist believed that a society's economy determined how a society is structured?

Karl Marx

691 - Which sociologist came up with the theory of "dramaturgy"?

Erving Goffman

692 - Which sociologist co founded the famous Chicago settlement house, Hull House?

Jane Adams

693 - Which sociologist cofounded the famous Chicago settlement house Hull House ?

Jane Addams

694 - Which sociologist cofounded the famous chicago settlement house Hull House?

Jane Addams

695 - Which sociologist distinguished between significant others and generalized others ?

George Herbert Mead

696 - Which sociologist distinguished between significant others and generalized others ?

George Herbert Mead

697 - Which sociologist distinguished between significant others and generalized others?

George Herbert Mead

698 - Which sociologist emphasized the primary role that conflict plays in social change and advocated that revolution was a way to speed up this process?

Karl Marx

699 - Which sociologist encouraged scholars to examine the problems of race in the United States?

W.E.B. DuBois

700 - Which sociologist fostered the study of sociology in the United States and supported social justice for problems caused by the imbalance of power among the social classes?

Jane Addams

701 - Which sociologist gave us the Conflict Perspective?

Karl Marx

702 - Which sociologist gave us the Functionalist Perspective?

Emile Durkheim

703 - Which sociologist gave us the Symbolic/Interactionist Perspective

Max Weber

704 - Which sociologist influenced the development of the interactionist perspective in sociology?

Max Weber

705 - Which sociologist introduced the concept of culture lag ?

William F. Ogbum

706 - Which sociologist introduced the concept of culture lag ?

William F. Ogburn

707 - Which sociologist introduced the concept of culture lag?

William F. Ogburn

708 - Which sociologist is associated with the concept, "the sociological imagination?"

Wright Mills

709 - Which sociologist is best known for her view that it was the responsibility of sociologists to try to improve society, not just study it?


710 - Which sociologist is considered the "Father of Sociology"?

Auguste Comte

711 - Which sociologist is considered the "Father of the Conflict Theory"?

Karl Marx

712 - Which sociologist is considered the founder of sociology?


713 - Which sociologist is credited with the symbolic interactionist perspective for his study of social groups and meaning?


714 - Which sociologist is most known for focusing on the use of strong research methods, especially when she translated Comte's work?

Harriet Martineau

715 - Which sociologist is most known for his work in positivism?

Auguste Comte

716 - Which sociologist is most likely to say the following "Religion is the thread that holds society together".


717 - Which sociologist is most well-known for his study of the African-American community?

WEB DuBois

718 - Which sociologist is responsible for the theory of "social darwinism"?


719 - Which Sociologist is seen to be the "father" of the field of Sociology?

Auguste Comte

720 - Which sociologist opposed social reform?

Herbert Spencer

721 - Which sociologist said that human behavior must be explained by social factors rather than psychological ones?

Emile Durkheim

722 - Which sociologist said that the purpose of sociology it to reform society for the better?

Auguste Comte

723 - Which sociologist saw that the "definition of the situation "could mold the thinking and personality of the individual ?

William I. Thomas

724 - Which sociologist saw that the "definition of the situation "could mold the thinking and personality of the individual?

William I. Thomas

725 - Which sociologist stated that "sociologists should try to improve society, not just study it?"

Harriet Martineau

726 - Which Sociologist stated that religion "opium of the masses"?

Karl Marx

727 - Which sociologist studied the impacts of race in society and created race-conflict theory?


728 - Which sociologist studied the impacts of urbanization and industrialization - and was considered a progressive for starting the Hull House?


729 - Which sociologist supported the study of sociology in the United States and studied the position of African Americans in society and their social structures?

W.E.B. DuBois

730 - Which sociologist uses the concept of individualization?


731 - Which sociologist was expelled from Paris because of his ideas on class struggle and revolution? He became popular after his death and is known as a founder of communism.

Karl Marx

732 - Which Sociologist was influenced by Charles Darwin, and who believed society is interdependent parts that work together to maintain the system over time?

Herbert Spencer

733 - Which Sociologist was interested in groups within society than in the social whole?

Max Weber

734 - Which sociologist was the first to apply methods of science to the study of society and is most associated with the structural functionalism paradigm?


735 - Which Sociologist would argue that forcing students to take a test structured to find out how well they learned materials from a national standardized curriculum, is just another way of forcing the people to conform to the government's agenda and keep the

Karl Marx

736 - Which sociologist writing in 1906 noted that individuals make distinctions between members of their own group (thein-group) and everyone else (the out-group) ?

William Graham Sumner

737 - Which sociologist writing in 1906 noted that individuals make distinctions between members of their own group (thein-group)and everyone else (the out-group)?

William Graham Sumner

738 - Which Sociologist wrote from a consensus perspective that saw society as a social system that must be understood in terms of the relationship between institutions?


739 - Which sociologist/scholar linked societal problems to the economy and said that there is a relentless struggle between the rich people and the workers?

Karl Marx

740 - Which sociologists spent much of his time studying African American and was an activist for civil rights?

W.E.B. Du Bois

741 - Which sociologists wrote from a social action approach and focused upon social change in explaining the development of modern society?


742 - Which sociology perspective emphasizes that societies literally could not function if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct ?

functionalist perspective

743 - Which sociology perspective emphasizes that societies literally could not function if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct?

functionalist perspective

744 - Which sociology pioneer used "positivism" for his scientific process?


745 - Which specialization Expanded over long course of sociological evaluation, as become more pronounced then ever.

Occupational Specialization

746 - Which stabilizing integration occurs when people interact in an effort to receive a reward or a return for their actions?


747 - Which stabilizing integration occurs when two or more people or groups work together to achieve a goal that will benefit more than one person?


748 - Which stage of adult female development is characterized by committing to a career at same time that the husband is doubting his career? (3rd stage)

Re-entering the work world

749 - Which stage of male development is characterized by transitioning into the adult world by exploring opportunities and making commitments?

Early adult

750 - Which stage of Mead's role-taking, must children focus on the rules and the roles of the others players?

Game Stage

751 - Which statement about conflicting theories in sociology is true?

Conflicting theories can exist at the same time.

752 - Which statement appears to be most correct.

housekeeping and childcare are still considered women's work

753 - Which statement below correctly matches the Functionalist view of the family?

The family is an institution that provides a stable place for primary socialisation from one generation to the next

754 - Which statement below most accurately describes the global unemployment rate ?

the unemployment rate remains historically high

755 - Which statement below most accurately describes the global unemployment rate?

the unemployment rate remains historically high

756 - Which statement BEST describes conflict in the stratification system?

Management practices in an office lead to go slow action

757 - Which statement best describes cooperation?

working together to reach a goal

758 - Which statement best describes reciprocity?

the action of doing something for someone after that person has done something for you

759 - Which statement best describes the social sciences?

disciplines that study human social behavior and functions of human society in a scientific manner

760 - Which statement best explains stratification?

socially structured inequalities

761 - Which statement describes reciprocity best?

doing something for someone after that person has done something for you

762 - Which statement illustrates low status consistency?

A college dropout launches an online company that earns millions in its first year.

763 - which statement illustrates the value of neutrality

In 2003, states like Arkansas adopted laws requiring elementary schools to remove soft drink vendingmachines from schools

764 - Which statement illustrates value neutrality?

In 2003, states like Arkansas adopted laws requiring elementary schools to remove soft drink vending machines from schools

765 - Which statement is an example of stereotyping?

All blacks are good basketball players

766 - Which statement is false regarding prejudice?

it is almost never found in persons with an authoritarian personality type

767 - Which statement is FALSE?

In simple societies social differences among individuals are nonexistent

768 - Which statement is true concerning mores?

Mores have moral significance and carry strong sanctions

769 - Which statement is true?

There were no labor laws that prevented children from working

770 - Which statement is wrong regarding diplomacy?It.

is a recent addition to international relations

771 - Which statement provides the best operational definition of "childhood obesity"?

Body weight at least 20 percent higher than a healthy weight for a child of that height

772 - Which statement represents is true about children in developed countries?

children are highly valued and developed societies are child-centered

773 - Which statement represents stratification from the perspective of symbolic interactionism?

After work, Pat, a janitor, feels more comfortable eating in a truck stop than a French restaurant.

774 - Which statement(s) and example(s) best describes deviance?

Only (A) & (B)

775 - Which status is in transition and difficult to classify in corporate relationships?


776 - Which status plays the greatest role in shaping a person's life and determining his or her social identify?

Master Status

777 - Which subject is NOT studied by demography?

Rock forming land shaping soil forming

778 - Which suggests that those people who remain active and socially involved in their old age will be best adjusted?

Activity theory

779 - Which system of education is this

Gurukul .....vedic education

780 - Which Teacher has the BEST sociology students?

All of the above

781 - Which technology is based on domestication of animals?




783 - Which term best describes an oligarchy?

power in the hands of a few people

784 - Which term describes a perspective shows that people can communicate because they share words, gestures, and physical objects that have similar meanings to all of them

symbolic interactionism

785 - Which term describes a society in which women can marry more than one husband at a time but men may marry only one wife at a time ?


786 - Which term describes a society in which women can marry more than one husband at a time but men may marry only one wife at a time ?


787 - Which term describes a society in which women can marry more than one husband at a time but men may marry only one wife at a time?


788 - Which term describes families in which at least one adult has children from a previous marriage or relationship ?

reconstituted families

789 - Which term describes families in which at least one adult has children from a previous marriage or relationship ?

reconstituted families

790 - Which term describes families in which at least one adult has children from a previous marriage or relationship?

reconstituted families

791 - Which term describes marriage patterns in contemporary Britain ?

serial monogamy

792 - Which term describes marriage patterns in contemporary Britain?

serial monogamy

793 - Which term describes religious organization of a loosely knit and transient kind ?


794 - Which term describes religious organization of a loosely knit and transient kind?


795 - Which term describes societies where the family name and the inheritance of property passes down the male line ?


796 - Which term describes societies where the family name and the inheritance of property passes down the male line ?


797 - Which term describes societies where the family name and the inheritance of property passes down the male line?


798 - Which term describes the ability of one party to get other parties to do its will?


799 - Which term describes the ability to see the link between society and self?

Sociological Imagination

800 - Which term describes the guidelines put in place in society that people generally follow (including folkways and mores), but they're not necessarily written down?


801 - Which term describes the interdependence among the parts of a social system?

Functional integration

802 - Which term describes the language, norms, values, beliefs, knowledge, symbols, and physical objects shared by a group or a society?


803 - Which term describes the patterned way in which people interact in social relationships?

Social Structure

804 - Which term describes the process whereby religion looses its influence over various spheres of social life?


805 - Which term describes the process whereby religion loses its influence over various spheres of social life ?


806 - Which term describes the process whereby religion loses its influence over various spheres of social life ?


807 - Which term describes the sociological perspective that emphasizes competing interests, power, and inequality?


808 - Which term describes the sociological perspective that emphasizes how individuals respond to one another through the use of symbols?

symbolic interactionism

809 - Which term describes the sociological perspective that emphasizes stable, interrelated social structures each working together and meeting a social need?


810 - Which term describes the sociological perspective that would be interested in how people use smiles, body language, and hand gestures to communicate with one another in society?

symbolic interactionism

811 - Which term describes the sociological perspective that would be interested in the difference in wages earned between men and women?


812 - Which term describes the way individuals see how events in their own lives relate to events in society.

sociological imagination

813 - Which term describes the written rules of conduct put into place and enforced by governments?


814 - Which term did Thorstein Veblen use to refer to the behavior of those at the top of the social hierarchy when they engage in such activities as jetting off to a remote destination for dinner?

conspicuous consumption

815 - Which term do sociologists use to describe the specific individuals, groups, and institutions that enable socialization to take place?

agents of socialization

816 - Which term does John Thompson use to describe the sort of social relations created by the mass media ?

mediated quasi interaction

817 - Which term does John Thompson use to describe the sort of social relations created by the mass media?

mediated quasi interaction

818 - Which term does NOT relate?


819 - Which term is best defined as "A particular system of religious beliefs and teachings"?


820 - Which term is best defined as "An institution to express belief in a divine power"?


821 - Which term is best defined as "Practices required or expected of members of a faith"?


822 - Which term is best defined as a "Religious organization that arises out of a desire to reform an existing religious organization"


823 - Which term is not a main component of culture?


824 - Which term is now more commonly used to refer to groups which may have been considered cults according to Becker?

New Religious Movements (NRMs)

825 - Which term is used to describe a two-person group?


826 - Which term is used to refer to the reputation that a specific person has within an occupation?


827 - Which term means breaking norms and values e.g. extreme body modification?


828 - Which term means the combo of statuses, roles, activities, goals, values, beliefs and life circumstances that a person has?

Life Structure

829 - Which term refers to cultural change? The changing of a culture over time?


830 - Which term refers to cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population?

popular culture

831 - Which term refers to cultural patterns that distinguish a society's elite?

high culture

832 - Which term refers to 'ethnography'?

Researchers lives/hangs out/works with a group or community

833 - Which term refers to explicit agreement to participate.


834 - Which term refers to places like boot camps and prisons that strategically isolate people from the larger society?

Total Institutions

835 - Which term refers to the attempt to lessen responsibility?


836 - Which term refers to the belief that one must suspend judgment on the culture of other people in order to understand them in their terms?

Cultural relativism

837 - Which term refers to the cultural learning you experience as a child?

Primary Socialization

838 - Which term refers to the cultural patterns of a small segment of society?


839 - Which term refers to the ideas created by members of a society?

nonmaterial culture

840 - Which term refers to the informal and unofficial aspects of culture taught in schools?

Hidden Curriculum

841 - Which term refers to the knowledge, language, values, customs, and physical objects passed from generation to generation among members of a group?


842 - Which term refers to the physical things created by members of a society?

material culture

843 - Which term refers to the process of cultural items being spread from one culture to another? Over time, this may lead to cultural change.


844 - Which term refers to the rules that define behavior?


845 - Which term refers to the 'truthfulness' of findings


846 - Which term refers to the ways of thinking, the ways of acting, and the material objects that together form a people's way of life?


847 - Which term refers to unequal treatment of individuals or groups?


848 - Which term refers to using loopholes to avoid paying tax?

tax avoidance

849 - Which term was introduced by Charles Per row to refer to failures that are inevitable given the manner in which human and technological systems are organized ?

normal accidents

850 - Which term was introduced by Charles Per row to refer to failures that are inevitable given the manner in which human and technological systems are organized ________________?

normal accidents

851 - Which term was introduced by Charles Perrow to refer to failures that are inevitable given the manner in which human and technological systems are organized?

normal accidents

852 - Which term was used by Talcott Parsons in asserting that society tends toward a state of stability or balance ?


853 - Which term was used by Talcott Parsons in asserting that society tends toward a state of stability or balance ?


854 - Which term was used by Talcott Parsons in asserting that society tends toward a state of stability or balance?


855 - Which terms refers to large-scale farming using powerful energy sources?


856 - Which theoretical approach emphasizes racism not as a deviation from the non-racist norm but rather as the everyday normal experience for people of color ?

critical race theory

857 - Which theoretical approach emphasizes racism not as a deviation from the non-racist norm but rather as the everyday normal experience for people of colour?

critical race theory

858 - Which theoretical perspective defines the ecological environment as an ecosystem exhibiting a tendency toward equilibrium ?

the functionalist perspective

859 - Which theoretical perspective defines the ecological environment as an ecosystem exhibiting a tendency toward equilibrium?

the functionalist perspective

860 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Focuses on how individuals interact with one another in society"


861 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Follows the tradition of Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim"


862 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Follows the tradition of Karl Marx"


863 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Follows the tradition of Max Weber"


864 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Interested in the meanings that individuals attach to their actions and to the actions of others"


865 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Sees competition over scarce resources as the basis of social conflict"


866 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Sees social change as an inevitable feature of society"


867 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Sees society as a set of interrelated parts working together to produce a stable social system "


868 - Which Theoretical Perspective describes the following statement:"Sees various elements of society in terms of their functions"


869 - Which theoretical perspective focuses on power and privilege and their impacts on society?

Conflict Theory

870 - Which theoretical perspective in sociology emphasizes the inter-dependence of component parts of society ?

Structural Functionalism

871 - Which theoretical perspective is connected with Emile Durkheim?


872 - Which theoretical perspective sees the family as benefiting some people more than others?


873 - Which theoretical perspective that follows the tradition of Karl Marx?

Conflict theory

874 - Which theoretical perspective would argue that social change only occurs when there is a shift in the balance of power?

Conflict theory

875 - Which theoretical perspective would say societies are in relative balance, all parts working together for the whole.


876 - Which theorist argued that Verstehen was needed in research?

Max Weber

877 - Which theorist believed that modern society produced anomie, a confusing, rule-less state?

Emile Durkheim

878 - Which theorist believes people in high positions increase their wealth at the expense of the poor?


879 - Which theorist claimed that people rise to their proper level in society based solely on their belief in a meritocracy?

Emile Durkheim

880 - Which theorist is most associated with world-systems theory ?

Immanuel Waller-stein

881 - Which theorist is most associated with world-systems theory?

Immanuel Waller-stein

882 - Which theorist sees power as the chance that you will get your way even against opponents ?

Max Weber

883 - Which theorist sees power as the chance that you will get your way even against opponents?

Max Weber

884 - Which theorist stated that religious beliefs could influence social and economic change in a society


885 - Which theorists believe that stratification is dysfunctional and harmful in society?


886 - Which theory argues that society is based on class conflict, between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?


887 - Which theory argues that society is held together by a shared culture into which all its members are socialised?


888 - Which theory argues that society is patriarchal - that our social structures (and the men raised in it) are designed to oppress, dominate and exploit women?


889 - Which theory argues that we live in a society characterised by choice , individualism, fluidity, diversity and constant change?


890 - Which theory believes society doesn't adapt naturally to social change because certain people ensured it didn't?


891 - Which theory does not belong as a sociological perspective?

Interactionism Functional

892 - Which theory emphasizes that passing social roles on from one generation to the next ensures social stability?

disengagement theory

893 - Which theory is a great deal older than sociology?

Social Theory

894 - Which theory is a great deal older than sociology?

Social Theory

895 - Which theory of sociology says that socialization happens to perpetuate the status quo?

Conflict Perspective

896 - Which theory says that society is a system of interconnected parts that work together to maintain balance?

Functionalist Theory

897 - Which theory says that your social bonds and relationships shape your behavior?

Control Theory

898 - Which theory states that society is a group of parts that work together for the greater good?


899 - Which theory suggests that society and the aging individual mutually sever many of their relationships?

Disengagement theory

900 - Which theory views society as composed of different groups and interests competing for power and resources?

Conflict Theory

901 - Which theory would say that you learn deviant behavior from your significant others, the same way you learn other social norms.

Differential Association Theory

902 - Which thing is transmitted from one generation to another?


903 - Which three sociological perspectives can sports be seen through?

Functionalist, Conflict, Symbolic Interactionist

904 - Which tier comes as the grassroot level in the Panchayati Raj institution?

Gram Sabha

905 - Which two factors have engendered problems that threaten the environment?

overpopulation and urban life

906 - Which two of the following primary frames have been used by E. Goffman? (i) Natural frame (ii) Cultural frame (iii) Social frame (iv) Real frame Select the correct answer from the codes given below: Codes:

(i) & (iii)

907 - Which two sociologists works were ignored by their contemporaries?

Only (A) & (B)

908 - Which type of accommodation occurs when two parties are at odds and each give up something to come to a mutual agreement?


909 - Which type of culture deals with beliefs, rules, and customs?


910 - Which type of data is easier to put into charts and graphs?


911 - Which type of group do the following concepts exemplify?Job is usually to perform a certain taskHard for everyone to converse at the same timeLess solidarityNeed for formal relationships

Large Gruops

912 - Which type of intoxicant is taken by the use of Cigarette, Bidi, Tobacco, Cigar etc.?


913 - Which type of leadership downplays the leader's own power, letting group members function more or less on their own?

Laissez-faire leadership

914 - Which type of leadership encourages everyone in a group to have a voice in what happens?

Democratic leadership

915 - Which type of leadership style takes charge of making decisions and ensures people do what they are told?

Authoritarian leadership

916 - Which type of norm lacks moral significance?


917 - Which type of -oriented movements seek to make specific changes within a society?


918 - Which type of poverty refers to a lack of basic resources needed to maintain health and bodily functioning?

Absolute poverty

919 - Which type of process of acculturation?


920 - Which type of religions are open to all and will actively seek converts to join their religion?

Universalizing Religions

921 - Which type of research aims to describe a social situation, social event, social system, social structure etc.?

Descriptive research

922 - Which type of sample ensures that every member of the population has an equal chance at being included?


923 - Which type of science is sociology

General Science

924 - Which type of scientific applies the scientific method in order to come up with theories of human interaction?


925 - Which type of scientist looks for relationships and connections?


926 - Which type of social interaction deals with groups or individuals imposing their will on other individuals or groups?


927 - Which type of social interaction is the deliberate attempt to control a person by force, to oppose someone, or to harm another person?


928 - Which type of social interaction is when two or more people or groups that oppose each other to achieve a goal that only one can attain?


929 - Which type of sociology is the study of social meanings, emphasizing subjectivity in understanding human behavior?


930 - Which type of status is based on the accomplishments of a person, involves special efforts or skill


931 - Which type of stratification differs significantly from other kinds of stratification in the way it is experienced?

Stratification by age

932 - Which type of system is the United States

Class System

933 - Which type of theorists would argue that relentless class conflict between capitalists and workers boom and bust economic cycles and intercorporate conflict place limits on the ability of the capitalist class to manipulate political institutions at will?

structural conflict theorists

934 - Which type of theory is functionalism?


935 - which types of the following societies came first?

horticultural and pastoral

936 - Which variable depends on what is done at the beginning of an experiment?


937 - Which viewpoint believes that race is a myth?


938 - Which viewpoint focuses on how people react to physical characteristics and how reactions affect people in society.


939 - Which was released first?

Snow White

940 - Which was the first Backward Community Commission in India?

Kaka Kalelkar Commission

941 - Which women are most likely to report feeling unhappy after their divorce?

young mothers

942 - Which word means the ideas, beliefs and practices passed on from parents to their children?


943 - Which would a quantitative sociologists use to gather data?

A large survey

944 - Which would be examples of nonmaterial culture (choose multiple)?

All of the above

945 - Which year was the MGNREGA passed?


946 - while a person is in prison they earn a college degree


947 - While a role is the behavior expected of one in a particular status role behavior is_____________?

Actual behavior

948 - While a role is the behaviour expected of one in a particular status role behaviour is.

Actual behaviour

949 - While attending a formal dinner with the President of the United States, Kim noisily belches and picks her nose. What is Kim violating?

informal norms

950 - while competition emphasizes achieving a goal, ..... emphasizes defeating an opponent


951 - While discussing population increase Henry George believed that fecundity

will decrease with intellectual development.

952 - While Giddens and Davie see Fundamentalism as a response to modernity, Zygmund Bauman and Manuel Castells both think it's actually a response to .....


953 - While Giddens contrasts fundamentalism with cosmopolitanism, Castells (2010) distinguishes between two responses to postmodernity. Which of these two would correspond to Giddens' definition of cosmopolitanism?

Project identity

954 - While predictions are not always reliable sociologists and labor specialists foresee a workforce increasingly composed of ?

all of the above

955 - While predictions are not always reliable sociologists and labor specialists foresee a workforce increasingly composed of_____________?

all of the above

956 - While predictions are not always reliable sociologists and labour specialists foresee a workforce increasingly composed of.

all of the above

957 - While race might reflect our biological heritage, ..... reflects our cultural heritage.


958 - While saying that education contributes to national cohesion furthering the goals of socialis, secularism and democracy enshrined in our constitution, the National Policy on Education (1968) assumes that

secularism is the most cherished goal of democracy.

959 - While the working-class are divided on ethnic lines, they cannot unite to overthrow a political and economic system that oppresses them.


960 - While vacationing in Great Britain an American discover that the British drive on the "Wrong" side of the road are critical of his United States accent and will not accept dollars in stores He feel disoriented and out of place and thus are experiencing ?

culture shock

961 - While vacationing in Great Britain you discover that the British drive on the "wrong" side of the road are critical of your United States accent and will not accept dollars in stores You feel disoriented and out of place and thus are experiencing ?

culture shock

962 - While vacationing in Great Britain you discover that the British drive on the "wrong" side of the road are critical of your United States accent and will not accept dollars in stores You feel disoriented and out of place and thus are experiencing.

culture shock

963 - Whilst doing research, objectivity has to be attained being aware at same time, that sociology always deals with human life and people are

Ethical responsibility

964 - Whispering while in a library is an example of ..... influencing your behavior.

social structure

965 - White collar employment replaces much blue-collar work.


966 - White collar jobs that require less education and provide less income such as nursing, middle management, sales

Lower Middle Class

967 - White women face a different form n working-class women of colour who additionally must fight racism and oppression.


968 - White-collar and corporate crimes.

are committed by relatively affluent people often in the course of business activities

969 - White-collar and corporate crimes______________?

are committed by relatively affluent people often in the course of business activities

970 - White-collar crime is low in visibility because

it goes undected in the context of everybody buisness transactions

971 - White-collar crime is low in visibility because_____________?

it goes undected in the context of everybody business transactions

972 - White-collar crime is low in visibility because______________?

it goes undetected in the context of everyday business transactions

973 - White-collar crime.

is very costly to society

974 - Who advocated the theory of 'sick role'?

Talcott parson

975 - Who among of the following is the father of Sociology?


976 - Who among the following agencies asserted that 'If development is not engendered, it is endangered'?


977 - Who among the following analysts of social change used the term 'rentiers and speculators'?

V. Pareto

978 - Who among the following describes society as 'sui-generis'?


979 - Who among the following did not favour hierarchization of knowledge?

M. Foucault

980 - Who among the following distinguishes three components of the life world-culture, society and personality?

J. Habermas

981 - Who among the following has argued for bureaucracy contributing to nation building in India?

R. Bendix

982 - Who among the following has classified status in terms of salient status, dominant status and controlling status?

R.K. Merton

983 - Who among the following has noted that modern societies tend to be urban, literate, and industrial, with sophisticated transportation and media systems, and families in such societies are organized within the nuclear family unit rather than the extended f

Wendell Bell

984 - Who among the following has used the dialectical approach to the study of Indian Society?

P. Mukherjee

985 - Who among the following is a proponent of cyclical theory of evolution?

O. Spengler

986 - Who among the following is a proponent of dialectical approach to the study of Indian society?

P. Mukherjee

987 - Who among the following is associated with 'Human Development Index (HDI) for measuring the level of development among various countries?


988 - Who among the following is associated with the idea of 'Risk Society'?

Ulrich Beck

989 - Who among the following is considered to the founder of phenomenological sociology?


990 - Who among the following is regarded as the technological determinist of social change?

T. Veblen

991 - Who among the following sociologists analysed social classes in terms of market and property situation?

M. Weber

992 - Who among the following sociologists used dramaturgy to explain the presentation of self in everyday life?


993 - Who among the following theorists sees contemporary society as a death culture, with death being the 'paradigm of all social exclusion and discrimination"?

J. Baudrillard

994 - Who among the following writers has/have recognized that the nation is distinctly a historical phenomenon?

All of these

995 - Who among these was not a scholar of sociology?

Adam Smith

996 - Who amongst the following sociologists has not considered conflict as a vital element of society?

Talcott Parsons

997 - Who applied scientific research methods, such as statistical techniques, to the study of sociology?

Emile Durkheim

998 - Who applied sociology to refute racist policies and assumptions?

W. E. Du Bois

999 - Who applied sociology to seek social change for groups lacking in power?

Booker T Washington

1000 - Who are a small group that controls the power in society?

Power elite


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