Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set.7

1 - Most controversial group in India are


2 - Most cultures have been found to identify laughter as a sign of humor, joy, or pleasure. Therefore, laughter is an example of:

Cultural universal

3 - Most events that occur in our lives have multiple causes.


4 - Most housing styles in America are based off of what region in the world's designs with distinct American additions?


5 - Most ideologies consist of.

a body of doctrines beliefs and symbols

6 - Most important step in formulating a research problem is

framing of question

7 - Most innovations require some


8 - Most members of society are involved in similar occupations and have similar values .Bound together by common experience and shared beliefs .The above statements refer to

Mechanical solidarity

9 - Most of caste system exist in


10 - Most of sociologists agree that science plays a crucial role in


11 - Most of the people in the upper class fall into this category, including many famous sports stars and entertainers.

the lower-uppers

12 - Most people believe that human behaviour is product of

Biological imperative

13 - most people have service related jobs

postindustrial society

14 - Most population experts.

expect population to level off at between 8 and 15 billion people

15 - Most researchers today use only two approaches to determine social class They are the.

occupational prestige and socioeconomic status(SES)

16 - Most significant new way of classifying and understanding societies has been through development of

Human development

17 - Most social changes carry a threat to some vested interests who then oppose these changes are


18 - Most social scientists believe that the factors that have the most influence on personality are


19 - Most societies.

encourage marriage

20 - Most sociologists can have an impact on world and sociologists has to think about this moment is

Value implications

21 - Most sociologists conduct research in highly controlled laboratory settings.


22 - Most sociology can have an impact on world and sociologist has to think about this impact is called

Value implications

23 - Mostly the drugs are used for a number of causes a few.

All of the above

24 - Mostly the drugs are used for a number of causes a few_________________?

All of the above

25 - Movement between or within social classes or strata

social mobility

26 - Movement between social classes

Vertical Mobility

27 - Movement from one occupation to another within the same social class

Horizontal mobility

28 - movement of individuals or groups between social classes

social mobility

29 - Movement of people from one social class to another

social mobility

30 - Movement to an upper or lower social class due to occupation

Vertical mobility

31 - Movement to an upper or lower social class over the course of a generation

Intergenerational mobility

32 - Movement whose goal is to promote or prevent social change; the most structured & rational form of collective behavior

social movement

33 - Movement within a social class

Horizontal Mobility

34 - Movement within a social class or strata is called

horizontal mobility

35 - Moving from a job with equal social status

Horizontal Mobility

36 - Moving up from one social class to another is called

social mobility

37 - Mr. Cerovac, prior to being a teacher, was once a worker at Chick-Fil-A. Mr. Cerovac quit his job at Chick-Fil-A to accept a job at Burger King. Going from Chick-Fil-A to Burger King is an example of

Horizontal Mobility

38 - Mr. Gaynor refuses to join TikTok. This is an example of:

Culture lag

39 - Mr. S. sets up an experiment to see how the mass of a ball affects the distance it rolls off a ramp. Identify the independent variable.

mass of the ball

40 - Mrs. Buchanan is leaving..... how will you keep in touch with her now?

All of the above

41 - Mrs. Hess made a diagram connecting each student with his or her friends in the class. What type of diagram is this?


42 - Ms. S set up an experiment to see how the mass of a ball affects the distance it rolls off a ramp. What is the dependent variable?

Distance traveled by the ball

43 - Ms. Zaleski is young, fashionable, and beautiful. Normative or empirical statement?

Normative statement

44 - 'Multiculturalism' is:

All of these options

45 - Multinational Corporations" was written by

Richard Barnet

46 - Multiple causation

The belief that an event occurs as a result of several factors working in combination

47 - Multiple choice questions, like this one, are examples of what type of question?


48 - Murray though that the underclass consisted of people who.

all of the above

49 - Murray though that the underclass consisted of people who______________?

all of the above

50 - My family is part of my ....., while many of my coworkers are part of my .....

Primary Group; Secondary Group

51 - My favorite class in college was ..... because I am fascinated with how people get along.


52 - My grandfather was a very good footballer. He a professional if he had wanted to.

could have been

53 - My husband and my daughters constitute my.

family of procreation

54 - My husband and my daughters constitute my____________?

family of procreation

55 - My letter .yesterday, but it didn't.

should have arrived

56 - My teacher's name is:

Ms. Mishevich

57 - NABARD was set up in .....


58 - NAFTA binds which three countries into a single commercial entity?

United States Canada Mexico

59 - naire and interview studies are systematic ways of asking s under______________?

Scientific control

60 - naive

(adj.) innocent, unsophisticated, showing lack of worldly knowledge and experience

61 - Name a main perspective of looking at society.

All of the above

62 - Name an Example of a sociological experiment.

Stanford Prison Exercise

63 - Name an Example of a sociological survey.

Lois Benjamin's study on African American Elites and the effects of racism

64 - Name any of the causes of conflict.

Only (A) & (B)

65 - Name the leader of the Dalits and lower castes that made efforts to achieve freedom for Dalits to walk on a public road.


66 - Name the social process


67 - Name the two types of social groups

Only (A) & (B)

68 - Name this famous sociologist who had propounded the concept of middle range theory in Sociology?

Robert Merton

69 - Naomi Klein defines Culture Jamming as:

the disruption of advertising in order to subvert the cultural messaging.

70 - Nation states emerged in Europe in the historical period of.

the Renaissance

71 - National Plolicy on Education (1986) makes a recommendation that " the existing schism between the formal system of education and the country's rich and varied cultural tradition needs to be bridged". This assumes that

there is insufficient progress of education in India.

72 - National, Regional, Organizational, Team, and Individual

Levels of Culture

73 - Nationalism and population

are closely linked with each other.

74 - Natural resources are.


75 - Need and demand.

are unrelated concepts

76 - Need was patented by Thompson in


77 - Need was reinvented by Dunlop in


78 - Need" means

state of felt deprivation

79 - Needs are real if

people feel that they are real

80 - Needs have greatly effects on

social change

81 - Needs" are

both a and b

82 - negative consequence an element has for the stability of society is called .....


83 - negative consequence of a social phenomena/structure


84 - negative consequence of an aspect of society is


85 - Negative deviance = ..... behavior


86 - Negative life chances correspond to.

a low position in the stratification system

87 - Negative sanctions are

punishments or threats of punishment used to enforce conformity to norms.

88 - Nell Keddie said what that cultural deprivation is a myth and a victim blaming exercise but what is their year?


89 - Nelson Mandela used which sport to help unify the people of South Africa after he was elected President?


90 - Neocolonialism is defined as the

continuing dependence of former colonies on foreign countries

91 - Network of unrelated businesses operation under one umbrella


92 - New ..... allowed early people to hunt and build shelters more efficiently.


93 - New age movements are an example of which type of religious movement ?


94 - New age movements are an example of which type of religious movement ?


95 - New age movements are an example of which type of religious movement?


96 - New communications technologies have revolutionized social life in the last 30 years or so Which of the following is not one of the four most significant technological trends making this revolution possible ?


97 - New communities, shared network of interest and complete strangers at click of mouse are called

All of the above

98 - New modes of speaking and communicating are appearing with texting, tweeting, photography sharing and you tubes web cam presentations non of these was possible before


99 - New societal behaviors with important long-term consequences

social change

100 - New style terrorism differs from old style terrorism in three main ways Which of the following is not one of the three ?

it has a nationalist ideology

101 - New style terrorism differs from old style terrorism in three main ways Which of the following is not one of the three?

it has a nationalist ideology

102 - New urbanism was a movement started in 1980s decreasing dependency on.

Vehicular transportation

103 - New urbanism was a movement started in 1980s decreasing dependency on_____________?

Vehicular transportation

104 - newsletter

a printed report or letter containing news of interest to a particular group

105 - newsroom

office at a newspaper where news is prepared for publication

106 - New-style terrorism differs from the old-style in that.

it has ambitions that are global in scope

107 - New-style terrorism differs from the old-style in that______________?

it has ambitions that are global in scope

108 - Next society after hunter-gathers, began more permanent settlements, take care of family members in household

horticultural society

109 - Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting By In America is a book by Barbara Ehrenreich based on her research on low-wage jobs in America. Inspired in part by the conversations surrounding welfare reform at the time, she decided to immerse herself ​in the world

Participant observer

110 - Nineteenth-century theories of social change reflect the pioneering work in biological evolution done by ____________?

Charles Darwin

111 - Nineteenth-century theories of social change reflect the pioneering work in biological evolution done by.

Charles Darwin

112 - Nineteenth-century theories of social change reflect the pioneering work in biological evolution done by____________?

Charles Darwin

113 - Nmae of the Dormitory of Naga Tribes?


114 - No social classes

hunting and gathering

115 - No society is exactly succeeded in

exactly copying and transmitting the culture of its ancestors.

116 - Noam Chomsky,s work is an example of which theoretical approach to the media ?

political economy

117 - Noam Chomsky's work is an example of which theoretical approach to the media?

political economy

118 - No-fault divorce has.

all but eliminated alimony and somewhat decreased the average child support award

119 - Nomads, usually less than 50 people, most all people are related

hunting and gathering society

120 - Non material culture consists of.

Customs and beliefs ideas

121 - Non material culture is.....


122 - Non verbal communication are

All of the above

123 - nonacademic agenda that teaches discipline, conformity & cooperativeness

hidden curriculum

124 - non-bureaucratic approach to education based on democracy, flexibility & non-competiveness

open classroom

125 - Non-Institutionalized Tourist Roles

Only (A) & (B)

126 - Non-material culture

non physical creations such as symbols, language, beliefs, etc.

127 - Non-material culture consists of______________?

Customs and beliefs ideas

128 - Nonmaterial culture is defined as :

ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society

129 - Nonmaterial culture refers to a groups

Ways of think and doing

130 - Non-numeric data that expresses the quality of a relationship between two variables is called

qualitative data

131 - Non-numerical data (eg words or pictures)

Qualitative data

132 - Non-sacred


133 - Non-sacred aspects of life


134 - Norbert Elias argued that effective communication systems have an evolutionary survival value How did he illustrate this in humans ?

by studying the face

135 - Norbert Elias argued that effective communication systems have an evolutionary survival value How did he illustrate this in humans?

by studying the face

136 - Norco traffic means

pushing drugs

137 - Norco traffic means

pushing drugs

138 - Normal Curve" was discovered by


139 - Normally you feel loyalty to this kind of groups:


140 - Normative statements are:

Only (A) & (B)

141 - Norms

shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations

142 - Norms are

standards of behaviour.

143 - Norms are

Standards of behaviour

144 - Norms are essentially.

rules for behavior

145 - Norms are.

all of the above

146 - Norms are.....

something that is usual, typical, or standard that is expected of a society.

147 - Norms can be in category of


148 - Norms can be in category of


149 - Norms governing everyday behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern


150 - Norms in sociology can be defined

as high ideals of society.

151 - Norms regulate human behaviour through

well-established standards

152 - Norms that are enacted as formal rules by a political body and enforced by the power of the state.


153 - Norms that are everyday habits and conventions.


154 - Norms that describe socially acceptable behavior but do not have great moral significance attached to them.


155 - Norms that do not have great moral significance attached to them-the common customs of everyday life.


156 - norms that do not have moral significance


157 - norms that doesn't have a great moral significance attached to them


158 - Norms that have great moral significance attached to them


159 - Norms that have great moral significance attached to them are.....


160 - Norms that have great moral significance.


161 - Norms that have moral dimensions and should be done for the well being of society.


162 - norms that have moral significance


163 - Norms that have no moral significance are called


164 - Norms that have no moral significance.


165 - Norms that people consider vital to their well-being and to their most cherished values.


166 - Norms with great moral significance are called


167 - norms without any moral underpinnings.


168 - North America and Europe have less than 12% of the world's population but their share of the worlds private consumption is approximately ?


169 - North America and Europe have less than 12% of the world's population but their share of the worlds private consumption is approximately.


170 - Not all proposed innovations are accepted by


171 - Not all research raises serious ethical issues, but you should be sensitive to this matter throughout your investigation

Consider ethical issues

172 - Not budging in line is a what?


173 - Not directly connected with the problem of national integration is

lack of cultivable land

174 - not personal; having no personality; lacking human emotion


175 - not social; having or showing a dislike for others in a group


176 - Novak Djokovic is a famous player associated with the game of

Lawn Tennis

177 - Now a days more women are joining different fields and making their own status in society This provides women a mobility ladder apart form____________?


178 - Now a days more women are joining different fields and making their own status in society This provides women a mobility ladder apart from.


179 - Now a days more women are joining different fields and making their own status in society This provides women a mobility ladder apart from_____________?


180 - Nucleus contain a network of subdivisions called

chromatin network

181 - Objectivity means.

eliminating bias

182 - objects or belongings of a group of people.

Material culture

183 - Observable fact or event that involved human society

Sociological Phenomena

184 - Observable facts or events that involve human society are known as:

Social phenomena

185 - observable facts or events that involve human society that sociologists use to study human society is known as

social phenomena

186 - Observable Facts or events that involve human society.

Social Phenomena

187 - Observation can be

both of these

188 - Observation implies the use of eyes rather than of ears and of the voice", is said by

C.A. Moser

189 - Observation is a systematic and deliberate study through the eyes of spontaneous occurrences at the time they occur" is said by

P. V. Young

190 - Observation method is

study of social problems and collection of data.

191 - Observation style where participants most likely do not even know they are being observed.


192 - Observation.

may be unobtrusive or participant

193 - Observation______________?

may be unobtrusive or participant

194 - Observed a shift in society structured around Status and Traditional Domination, toward the Rationalization of society, and predominance of Class.

Max Weber

195 - observing a complete social setting and all that it entails


196 - Obstacles to National Unity ( you can select more than one option ).

All of the above

197 - Obtaining informed consent means the research must make sure to provide participants with:

General overview of the study purpose and risks

198 - Occupation is an example of this type of status.


199 - Occupation of a person means

closely linked with his social status.

200 - Occupational gender segregation is used to explain ?

the allocation of men and women to different types of job

201 - Occupational gender segregation is used to explain ?

the allocation of men and women to different types of job

202 - Occupational gender segregation is used to explain.

the allocation of men and women to different types of job

203 - Occupational prestige means that jobs are:

not equally valued

204 - Occupational structure composed of large firms donminating their industries

core tier

205 - Occupational structure composed of smaller, less profitable firms

peripheral tier

206 - Occupations such as medical techs, teachers, and nurses pertain to the ....., which make up about 30% of the U.S. Populations

middle class

207 - Occur when two or more things happen at the same time that may indicated a relationship


208 - occurs when a person has difficulty meeting the role expectations of a single status.

role strain

209 - Occurs when a person has difficulty meeting the role expectations.

Role Strain

210 - Occurs when fulfilling the expectations of one role causes difficulty in fulfilling the expectations of another role

role conflict

211 - Occurs when norms are either confusing or absent


212 - occurs when people are given rewards based on howtheir performance compares with the performance ofothers


213 - Of all of the steps in the research process the one that typically takes the most time is_____________?

formulating the problem

214 - of leadership believe that leaders are born rather than made.

Trait theory

215 - Of the 2 categories of people who work for wages, Weber called the white-collar workers, public officials, and professionals the ..... class.


216 - Of the following , which is the most important according to C W Mills

Corporate heads

217 - Of the following nations life expectancy at birth is highest in.


218 - Of the following nations life expectancy at birth is highest in____________?


219 - Of the following nations life expectancy at birth is highest in______________?


220 - Of the following, which variable do sociologists emphasize the most as being the determining motivation for our thinking and behavior?(pick2)

Only (A) & (B)

221 - Of the two types of religious organizations that have a negative relationship with society which one accepts pluralistic legitimacy ?

a cult

222 - Of the two types of religious organizations that have a negative relationship with society which one accepts pluralistic legitimacy?

a cult

223 - Of the various forms of mass media, which is currently thought to have the most influence on the socialization of children?


224 - of those in the United States who obtain a divorce about what percent later remarry ?

two-thirds of divorced women

225 - of those in the United States who obtain a divorce about what percent later remarry?

two-thirds of divorced women

226 - Of what is the failure of companies to adhere to legal regulations that apply to them an example ?

corporate crime

227 - Of what is the failure of companies to adhere to legal regulations that apply to them an example?

corporate crime

228 - Of which of the following according to Marx does religion provide an example ?


229 - Of which of the following according to Marx does religion provide an example?


230 - of, pertaining to, or characterized by sudden or rash action or emotion


231 - Official sanctions usually entail.

public recognition

232 - often a symbol, action or an actual place used to separate groups


233 - Ogburn distinguished three forms of the social effects of inventions One is Dispersion or multiple effects of a single mechanical invention for example ?

both a and b

234 - Ogburn distinguished three forms of the social effects of inventions One is Dispersion or multiple effects of a single mechanical invention for example.

both a and b

235 - Ogburn distinguishes

three forms of social effects

236 - Ogburn has compiled a list of

150 social changes

237 - Older people living in housing for the elderly workers in an offshore oil rig rodeo cowboys and circus performers-all are examples of what sociologists refer to as.


238 - Older people living in housing for the elderly workers in an offshore oil rig rodeo cowboys and circus performers-all are examples of what sociologists refer to as_______________?


239 - Older people living in housing for the elderly, workers in an offshore oil rig rodeo cowboys and circus performers-all are examples of what sociologists refer to as_____________?


240 - Oligarchy is best exemplified by.....

The President of the United States

241 - On a global scale of economic difference and stratification, the conflict view is expressed in a theory known as the .....

dependency theory

242 - On base of race, ethnicity and religion there is a tention because of


243 - On the first day of high school, Kaitlin overhears a group of girls calling her "goth" and "emo." She soon begins to don more black clothing, dark makeup, and seek out friends who dress the same. This is an example of .....

Role Performance

244 - On the semester final, Joe scored 85, Jill scored 89, and Bill scored a 99.What was the average score for these students? .....


245 - On the whole this statement of relation between individualisation and genesis seems a decided improvement over Spencer's", is said by

Lewis and Thompson

246 - On what continent would you find mostly less developed or less advanced nations?


247 - On what continent would you find your most advanced and advanced nations?


248 - On what day is Halloween celebrated?

31st October

249 - On which of the following are an animist and an atheist most likely to have similar views?

A respect for the environment

250 - Once a social scientist has formulated the hypothesis what is the next step of the scientific method?

Developing a research design

251 - Once formed the self is.


252 - Once formed the self is________________?


253 - Once people reach adulthood, personality traits

Tend to change more slowly.

254 - Once people reach adulthood, personality traits tend to do this.

change more slowly.

255 - Once surpluses of food began to be produced, people began to ..... in other types of work.


256 - Once you know how to measure your variables, what's next?

Your hypothesis

257 - One British psychologist believes that the Western family causes most of the mental illness in individuals This theory implies that.

primary group relations can be harmful to the individual

258 - One characteristic of a Pastoral Society is .....

They train (domesticate) animals for food (sheep, goats, cattle)

259 - One characteristic of secondary groups is .....

weak emotional ties between members.

260 - One conclusion that may be drawn regarding American foreign policy is that.

Americans do not always act according to their ideology

261 - One example of Structured Interview is

A job interview

262 - One example of Unstructured Interview is

A chat show

263 - One factor that can really turn the life of an individual or family around is

life chance

264 - One function of a reference group is to

form identities

265 - One look at the ..... told the teacher which students were friends so she could separate their seats.


266 - One of key challenges for social theory is to grasp changing of nature is called


267 - One of most significant events of twentieth century history was


268 - One of several religious organizations that most members of society accept as legitimate


269 - One of the advantages associated with postal and email questionnaires is detachment. What is meant by detachment?

Where the sociologist does not directly get involved with the research

270 - One of the Basic Conflicts, in conflict theory is.

Class conflict

271 - One of the Basic Conflicts, in conflict theory is_____________?

Class conflict

272 - One of the difficulties in ope rationalizing concepts like social class is that.

definitions and indicators can vary making valid comparisons problematic

273 - One of the difficulties in open rationalizing concepts like social class is that____________?

definitions and indicators can vary making valid comparisons problematic

274 - One of the disciplines in the social sciences which aims to discover the ways by which the social surrounding/environment influences people's thoughts, feelings and behavior.


275 - One of the ethical problems with covert participant observation is.

deceiving the respondents as to the reason for your presence

276 - One of the ethical problems with covert participant observation is______________?

deceiving the respondents as to the reason for your presence

277 - One of the feature of modern societies is

urbanisation and factory production

278 - One of the following is a characteristic of caste system:

socially immobile

279 - One of the following is not a baisc institution.


280 - One of the following is not a baisc institution.


281 - One of the following is not the characterietics of the culture?

It is found both in the animal and the human society.

282 - One of the following is not the characterietics of the culture?

It is found both in the animal and the human society.

283 - One of the following was an approved practice of the society for killing an individual.

Sati system.

284 - One of the functions of public policy is to.

mediate among conflicting economic goals

285 - One of the goals is to avoid conflict and promote cooperation.

Political Science

286 - One of the goals is to study the nature of humanity to further examine our roles within a society.


287 - One of the most powerful committees in the House of Representatives is the.

Rules Committee

288 - One of the perceived advantages of suburban living is.

greater safety from crime

289 - One of the root causes of suicide, according to Durkheim was.

Decrease in social solidarity

290 - One of the root causes of suicide, according to Durkheim was______________?

Decrease in social solidarity

291 - One of the several features of Indian education promoting divisive tendencies and thwarting national integration is

rivalry among teachers being encouraged by teachers' associations.

292 - One of the side effects of advertising is that it.

creates artificial demands

293 - One possible reason for the low amount of job dissatisfaction, and one that Karl Marx did not foresee, is that:

workers develop friendships in their workplace.

294 - One purpose of education is to help students acquire the skills they need to be successful in society This is an example of a(n)

manifest function

295 - One purpose of education is to help students acquire the skills they need to be successful in society This is an example of a(n) ?

manifest function

296 - One reason large corporations have a great deal of political clout is that they frequently have


297 - One research method, called a ....., is designed to gain constructive feedback on whatever your questionnaire was about. This can only be used for a class, program, or service.

Program Evaluation

298 - One shortcoming of Karl Marx's work is that he failed to anticipate the

extent to which political liberties and relative property could contribute to a false consciousness

299 - One should not curse in church is a what?


300 - One social characteristic affecting poverty is

cultural background.

301 - one source of resistance to social change

vested interests

302 - one source of social change


303 - One statement that emphasizes roles in a culture is:

Women's roles have changed from being expected to take care of the home and rear children to becoming more empowered to make their own decisions around pursuing professional careers in the United States.

304 - One strength of ethnography is tha.

it usually generates richer and more in-depth information than other methods

305 - One strength of ethnography is tha______________?

it usually generates richer and more in-depth information than other methods

306 - One strength of ethnography is that______________?

it usually generates richer and more in-depth information than other methods

307 - One strength of unstructured interviews is.....

It provided participants with the opportunity to express why they have a particular opinion. This allows the researcher to collect a high level of detail in the answers, increasing validity.

308 - One the positive side population also provides ?

Low cast labor

309 - One the positive side population also provides.

Low cast labour

310 - One way that culture is dynamic is through which statement?

Style is constantly changing in the United States, with styles coming and going, such as skinny jeans becoming popular again.

311 - one's special interest, talent


312 - One-to-one interactions and communications

Symbolic Interactionism

313 - Ongoing struggle between bourgeoisie & the proletariat

class conflict

314 - Only occasional breaking of norms

primary deviance

315 - Only way out of trap of capitalism, Marx was deliberately to refashion society and egalitarian productive system Marx called this system as a


316 - Oops! is an example of.

a response cry

317 - Oops! is an example of______________?

a response cry



319 - Open questions collect which type of data?


320 - Open stratification systems are associated with.


321 - Open the book at .....please.

page twenty-five

322 - Operation Definition

complete description of the processes that will take place whenperforming an investigation

323 - Opposed to social reforms to help the working classes b/c to do so would interfere with the natural workings of society

Herbert Spencer

324 - opposite of functionalism

conflict perspective

325 - Organelle which deals with formation of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is called


326 - Organic solidarity is based on a

Industrial society.

327 - Organisational diversity is.....

the differences in the way the family's structure is organised e.g. who does the domestic chores

328 - Organisms which lack mitosis division and use binary fission method for cell division are known as


329 - Organization differ from institutions in that.

one cannot join an institution

330 - Organization of written or spoken symbols into a standardized system that are used to express any idea


331 - Organization open to all who feel their goals are worthwhile are called.

voluntary associations

332 - Organization owned by shareholders, who have limited liability & limited control


333 - Organized, armed conflict that occurs within a society or between nations


334 - Orientalist refers who .....

advocates language and culture of Asia

335 - 'Othering' refers to:

Defining identity in opposition to groups of people who do not share a similar cultural, ethnicity and political or economic experience.

336 - Our ancestors

Perceived the world beyond their communities only dimly

337 - Our assumptions about what people are like are known as .....


338 - Our baggage; Life experiences that help influence our attitudes and behaviors.

Sociological Perspective

339 - Our biological makeup determining who we are is an example of?


340 - Our daily lives shape our view of the world, this is how we develop our values, beliefs, lifestyles, and experiences of those around us is known as .....


341 - Our demographic situation provides us with an extraordinary opportunity we can.

both a and b

342 - Our demographic situation provides us with an extraordinary opportunity we can_____________?

both a and b

343 - our genes influence how we interact with our environment


344 - Our individual attitudes, beliefs, and values make up our


345 - Our Schizoid Culture" was written by

Read Bain

346 - Our self-concept

allows us to have an image of ourselves that is separate from those around us.

347 - Our type of society fosters.


348 - Our unique experiences in our environment influence whether and how particular traits are expressed


349 - Out of Four how many people are in industrial who are urbanities.


350 - Outgrowth of the structure of a society. This results in unequal access to resources and puts minorities into less powerful positions.

Institutionalized Discrimination

351 - Over all, new management strategies over the past decade have emphasized all of the following except.

larger work groups

352 - Over all, new management strategies over the past decade have emphasized all of the following except____________?

larger work groups

353 - Over conformity to norms

Positive deviance

354 - Over population is also one of the major causes of.

All of the above

355 - Over population is also one of the major causes of_______________?

All of the above

356 - Over which years, sociologists have regularly claimed that we are moving into a new kind of society is?


357 - Over-conforming to the norms of society

positive deviance

358 - Overpopulation can result in.

environmental damage

359 - Overpopulation is a problem worldwide but only in relation to.


360 - Pakistan ranks ________ out of 173 in the UNDP, s Human Development index ?


361 - Pakistan ranks..... out of 173 in the UNDP's Human Development index.


362 - Pakistan with a population of 160 million stands as the _______ largest population country?


363 - Pakistan with a population of 160 million stands as the..... largest population country.


364 - Pakistani culture permits


365 - Pakistanis net primary enrolment is significantly below than its neighbors specially ?

None of these

366 - Pakistanis population was only_______ million at the time of Independence?


367 - Pakistanis share in the Worlds total adult illiterate is____________?


368 - Pakistanis urban and rural literacy rates are respectively ?

63% and 34%

369 - Pakistan's net primary enrolment is significantly below than its neighbours specially.

None of these

370 - Pakistan's population was only..... million at the time of Independence.


371 - Pakistan's share in the World's total adult illiterate is.


372 - Pakistan's urban and rural literacy rates are respectively.

63% and 34%

373 - Pan African movement

W. E. B. Dubois

374 - Panchamas in the caste system were considered as


375 - Panchayati Raj system is a .....tier system.


376 - Panchayats in modern India are characterized as I. Participation of people at grassroots level. II. Self-reliance. III. Empowering of women. IV. Bureaucratic control. Mark the correct answer from the codes given below: Codes:


377 - Para santri di salah satu pondok pesantren yang berasal dari daerah yang sama membentuk kelompok. Faktor pendorong terbentuknya kelompok sosial tersebut adalah

asal daerah

378 - Parallel activity

Participants are grouped according to ability-each do the same activity but at appropriate levels.

379 - Parents were very different when he was growing up, this conflict lead to a mental breakdown, expanded on term vershehen, instrumental in development of sociological theory.

Max Weber

380 - parents, siblings, relatives, and others who directly influence our socialization.

significant others

381 - Parsons' analysis of social system is based on the principle of


382 - Parsons argued that the two main functions of the modern family were ?

primary socialization and personality stabilization

383 - Parsons argued that the two main functions of the modern family were ?

primary socialization and personality stabilization

384 - Parsons argued that the two main functions of the modern family were.

primary socialization and personality stabilization

385 - Part of economy producing goods from the natural environment

primary sector

386 - Part of self that is aware of the expectations and attitudes of society.


387 - Part of the economy engaged in manufacturing

secondary sector

388 - Part of the economy providing services

tertiary sector

389 - Participant observation means

an observer seeks insight by taking part himself in whatever he is studying.

390 - Participant observation means

an observer seeks insight by taking part himself in whatever he is studying.

391 - Participant observation.

may compromise the objectivity of the researcher

392 - Participants in the market system.

are affected by prices and incomes

393 - Participants must be able to leave the research at any stage and must be informed of this right.

Right of withdrawal

394 - Particular point of view


395 - parts / elements of society that can be either manifest or latent.


396 - Passing on beliefs, language and traditions to family and others is called?

Cultural Transmission

397 - Pasteur's germ theory of disease gres out of his efforts to tell France's vintners, why their wine

turned sour

398 - Pastoral societies developed at about the same time as ..... societies 10-12,000 years ago


399 - PAT CHIA is scolded by his superior yesterday, however the following day PAT CHIA receives order from his superior but he refuses to obey. What performance PAT CHIA fails to exercise?


400 - Patriarchy is

a social, economic and cultural system that values men more than women and gives men power over women

401 - Pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society

Popular Culture

402 - pattern of social behavior - framework for society

social structure

403 - Patterned interaction of people in social relationships

social structure

404 - Patterned relationships are called

Social Structure

405 - Patterns of drug use in Britain reveal that.

it has increased and is no longer confined to a hedonistic youth subculture

406 - Patterns of drug use in Britain reveal that____________?

it has increased and is no longer confined to a hedonistic youth subculture

407 - patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies

Cultural Universals

408 - Paul believes it is wrong for children to speak at family meals. This is an example of what?


409 - Paul du Gay's (2000) In Praise of Bureaucracy makes two important points in defence of bureaucratic forms of organization Which two points are they?A bureaucratic ethos.

is compatible with private sector values ans includes impartial and equal treatment for all

410 - Paul du Gay's (2000) In Praise of Bureaucracy makes two important points in defense of bureaucratic forms of organization Which two points are they? A bureaucratic ethos ?

is compatible with private sector values and includes impartial and equal treatment for all

411 - Paul is an accountant with a 4 year college degree. He makes \$52,000 a year and loves to golf. He owns his house and his kids go to the state university. Which social class is Paul likely in?

middle class

412 - Paying a meter so you can park your car close to where you work.


413 - Peasants movements failed in India because of

Partial land reforms have been done.

414 - Pedro wonders whether people tend to obey those in positions of authority in intense, high-pressure situations. What kind of research question will he most likely formulate?

factual question

415 - Peer approval of your actions would be a good example of_____________?

informal social control

416 - Penalties and rewards for conduct relating to a social norm are known as


417 - people


418 - People all over the world, especially college students are breaking down national boundaries because of advances in communication, trade, and travel. This is referred to as.....


419 - People are born into a history that is not of their making said by


420 - people are born into their social standing and occupation and will remain in it their whole lives

caste system

421 - People are ranked in a hierarchy that differentiates them as superior or inferior is known as .....

social stratification

422 - people are rewarded based on how well they perform compared to others


423 - People at a basketball game typically act rowdier and yell louder if they are with a group of rowdy, loud friends than if they are alone. Which of the following best describes this behavior?

group conformity

424 - People at work avoid Ellie Mae because her husband is on death row for murdering three people


425 - People attach meaning to symbols, and then they act accordingly to their personal interpretation of these symbols. Is know as?

symbolic interactionist perspective

426 - People base their interactions on their ....., according to symbolic interactionism.

Interpretations of symbols

427 - People begin to marry more out of love and personal choice


428 - People changed their behavior knowing they were being studied.

Hawthorne effect

429 - People do not rely on each other because their time together is short.

Transitory Group

430 - people employed in low-skill jobs with the lowest pay who do not earn enough to rise above poverty

working poor

431 - People employed in low-skill jobs with the lowest pay who do not earn enough to rise out of poverty

working poor

432 - People go through the motions without believing in the process


433 - People have complex specialized statuses that make them interdependent

organic solidarity

434 - People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed. Two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed. The two approaches are very different from one another. The controversy is often referred to as nature and

the correct explanation of human behavior will probably take ideas from both theories

435 - People in each class transmit a distinctive habitu


436 - People know it's wrong to lie, but most people still do it from time to time. Knowing it's wrong is called ....., and the fact that people do it anyway is called .....

ideal culture; real culture

437 - People make sense of their world through an understanding of everyday rules. This view is expressed by


438 - People manipulate the social world which helps them to.

adapt to the environment

439 - People may think of themselves as an ethnic group when they have which of these things in common?


440 - People often accept social control based on.

positive sanctions

441 - people or groups that affect our self concept, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life

agents of socialization

442 - People reject the means and the goals of society


443 - people sharing certain inherited physical traits that are considered importnat within a society


444 - people that have been successful in professional jobs lawyers and business owners

upper middle class

445 - People that include parents, siblings, relatives, and others who have a direct influence on our socialization

significant others

446 - people typically unemployed who came from families that have been poor for generations


447 - People waiting for a bus are an example of a(n)


448 - People waiting for a bus are an example of a(n) ?


449 - People watching a football game on television typically act rowdy and yell louder when they are with a group of rowdy friends than if they are alone. Which best describes this behavior?

group conformity

450 - People who are emotionally close, know one another well, and seek one another's company is known as a:

primary group

451 - People who are important in shaping your self-concept and whose approval you wish to have are.

significant others

452 - People who are open to new experience and who tend to reject traditional patterns of authority are said to be experiencing ?


453 - people who are poor and unemployed


454 - people who are poor, unemployed, and frequently come from families that have a history of not working regularly


455 - People who are racist

believe their race is superior

456 - People who are suddenly thrust in a situation for which they know no precedent are vulnerable to.

collective behavior

457 - People who attract followers and legitimize power, including Hitler, Obama, Jesus, Trump, Beyonce, Angela Merkel and Mother Theresa are called?

Charismatic Leaders

458 - People who focus on the forces in society that promote competition and change employ the

Conflict Theory

459 - people who happen to be in the same place at the same time.


460 - people who have administrative control over others.


461 - people who have become very wealthy because of their own abilities

lower-upper class

462 - people who have inherited wealth for many generations


463 - People who influence the attitudes and opinions of others Setting goals, assigning tasks, and making decisions are called .....


464 - People who interact in a defined area live in?


465 - people who live in a definable community and who share a culture


466 - People who occupy the same layer of a system of social stratification are said to be in the same:

social class

467 - People who own homes pay

Property Tax

468 - People who regulate the flow of new elements of culture into society.

cultural gatekeepers

469 - People who shape themselves to fit what they think a group wants them to be show a need for

peer acceptance

470 - People who shape themselves to fit what they think a group wants them to be show a need for .....

peer acceptance

471 - people who share a social characteristic.


472 - People who share common characteristic but do not necessarily interact or identify with one another.

social categories

473 - People who share similar characteristics, who are not connected in any way are an example of a


474 - People who share similar incomes, education, wealth and occupations are grouped together in

social class

475 - People who suffer from status inconsistency.

tend to suffer more frustration and dissatisfaction than those whose status is consistent

476 - people who work at low-skill jobs and have an income below the poverty line

working poor

477 - people who work in low skill jobs and have an income below the poverty level

working poor

478 - People will eventually work in the field best suited to them is a?

Functionalist perspective

479 - People with the most power will get the most of whatever is valued in society


480 - People with the same, or similar skin color do not discriminate against each other.

We have many historical examples in which they did

481 - People's established likes and dislikes are important factors in

social change

482 - People's moral obligations to remain loyal to their rulers, to idea that society is product do individual self-interest said by

Adam smith and Hobbes

483 - Performing a test or experiment allows you to test your .....


484 - Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini!(1) Dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak(2) Dilakukan oleh dua orang atau lebih(3) Terdapat kontak sosial dan komunikasi(4) Terjadi hanya sementaraCiri-ciri interaksi sosial ditunjukkan pada nomor

(2) dan (3)

485 - Person orientated task orientated and communication oriented are called as


486 - Person who examined how societies move from primitive states to capitalist. Noted people rise to the proper level in society based on merit.

Emile Durkheim

487 - person who has violated one or more of society's most highly valued norms


488 - person who owns or controls the means for producing wealth


489 - Personal achievement would be an example of what?

Nonmaterial Culture

490 - Personal choice and individualism are examples that Americans value


491 - Personal disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life.

Culture shock

492 - Personal distance and gestures are examples of forms of_______________?

non-verbal communication

493 - Personal ideal" is taken as form of

social control

494 - Personality is formed in.

Primary group

495 - Personality is formed in_______________?

Primary group

496 - Personality may be influenced by:

both a and b

497 - Personality may be seen as a circular system in that.

personality affects roles and vice-versa

498 - Personality must be considered as.

interplay between environment and learned behavior

499 - Personality stands for

traits and characteristics

500 - Personality traits determine

both a and b

501 - Persons interested in saving the whales could be considered a (n).


502 - Persons set apart for differential treatment include.

BOTH the disabled and those with same-sex preferences

503 - perspective is

a particular point of view

504 - Perspective means

point of view

505 - perspective that emphasizes conflict, competition, change and constraint within a society


506 - perspective that emphasizes the contributions of each part of society


507 - perspective that focuses on interaction among people based on mutually understood symbols

Symbolic Interactionism

508 - Perspective that society NEEDS people at the top and at the bottom

Functionalist View

509 - Phenomenology is a radical alternative to


510 - Philosopher who believed that people are born without personalities.

John Locke

511 - Philosophers like John Locke theorize that ..... makes us who we are


512 - Phones, Clothing we wear are both examples of:

Material Culture

513 - Physical objects created by human groups are

material culture

514 - physical objects created by people are

material culture

515 - Physical objects, beliefs, values, and behaviors, which are shared products of groups would be a part of what concept?


516 - Piaget believed that children in the preoperational stage did not have this ability to see the world from the point of view of others.

theory of mind

517 - Piaget defined this as the ability to keep measures of size, liquid, and number constant


518 - Piaget defined this as the ability to know that an object that is covered, or obscured by another object is still there.

object permanence

519 - Piaget's stage where children gain the ability of object permanence.

sensorimotor stage

520 - Piaget's stage where children gain the ability think abstractly or reason about things that are not actually there.

formal operational stage

521 - Piaget's stage where children gain the ability think abstractly.

formal operational stage

522 - Piaget's stage where children gain the ability to conserve liquid.

preoperational stage

523 - Piaget's stage where children gain the ability to do reverse mathmatical operations and see the world in black and white.

concrete operational stage

524 - Pick the correct term that applies to the statement: employers and labor unions settling wage disputes through a third party


525 - Pick the correct term that applies to the statement: one business attempting to undermine a rival business


526 - Pick the correct term that applies to the statement: people coming together to build houses for the homeless


527 - Pick the correct term that applies to the statement: two basketball teams playing for the championship title


528 - Pierce calls people and asks them a specified list of questions concerning their opinions of how irritating telemarketers can be. What kind of research is Pierce conducting.


529 - Pierre Bourdieu,s theoretical perspective makes use of the concept of capital Which of the following is not part of his scheme ?


530 - Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical perspective makes use of the concept of capital Which of the following is not part of his scheme?


531 - Pitirim A. Sorokin was born in


532 - Pivotal institutions.

all of the above

533 - Place the three largest producers of films globally in order.

India Nigeria USA

534 - Place the three largest producers of films globally in order______________?

India Nigeria USA

535 - Placement of students in programs according to academic ability levels


536 - Placing European (British) ideals + values above all others.


537 - Placing workers and machines in one building is called.

factory system

538 - players are assigned to less central positions based on race or ethnicity


539 - Playing the role we think other people expect of us is known as what?

Impression Management

540 - Please define C. Wright Mill's sociological imagination.

How individuals understand their own and others' pasts in relation to history and social structure.

541 - Pleasurable mass involvements in some particular taste of lifestyle that have a line of historical continuity is called


542 - Pluralism can be represented by which of the following equations?

A+B+C = A+B+C

543 - Pluralist societies depend upon one of the following for their existence.


544 - Pluralist theories suggest that.

political parties must compete for the votes of consumers in the electorate

545 - Pluralist theories suggest that_______________?

political parties must compete for the votes of consumers in the electorate

546 - Poetry is a

collection of trails

547 - point of view


548 - Point out the factor which is not unconscious encouragement of fertility?

Marriage of couples at mature age.

549 - Point out which one of the following is not source of social problem.


550 - Political activists.

are moving outside the Democratic party to achieve some of their political goals

551 - Political control refers to.

social control exercised by the government

552 - Political control.

is social control exerted by forces outside the individual

553 - Political ideology deals with.

matters of rule selection and principles of rule

554 - Political parties ?

must appeal to a broad base of the electorate in order to win

555 - Political parties in the U.S function to.

all of the above

556 - Political parties link.

heterogeneous groups to coalitions

557 - Political parties.

must appeal to a broad base of the electorate in order to win

558 - Political power.

is power exercised by the state through its government

559 - Political science concerns the governments of various societies. It considers what kind of government a society has, how it formed, and how individuals attain positions of power within a particular government. Political science also concerns the relation


560 - Political science has taken a turn toward the social sciences in its studies of:

the social impact of government on groups and individuals

561 - Political Science is the study of-

the organization and operation of governments

562 - Political science stresses the study of.

all of the above

563 - Political science teacher Mr. Jones asks his students to study how social media can influence public opinion by "following" famous activists, academics, and politicians on Twitter. While reading and exchanging each other's Tweets, some classmates became c

manifest; latent

564 - Political Science, an area of social sciences, focuses on

Government and voting patterns

565 - Political scientist Morgenthau and the realist school believe that foreign policy is based on.

exercise of power

566 - Political scientists Dye and Zeigler maintain that.

the elite may be influenced by the masses but it is more likely that it influences the masses

567 - Political system controlled by elected or nonelected officals who usually permits some type of individual freedom


568 - Political system in which a ruler with absolute power attempts to control all aspects of a society


569 - Politicians are placed in the high strata of our society because of their .....


570 - Politicians focus on the elderly because.....

they vote in larger numbers

571 - Politics may be defined as.

the process by which individuals and groups acquire power

572 - Politics refers to the:

distribution and exercise of power within a society.

573 - Polity refers to the:

political institution through which power is distributed.

574 - Pollination and dispersal of seeds is usually done by help of


575 - Polygamy was quite common among

the elites of the society

576 - Polygyny.

tend to favoured where large families are advantageous and women make substantial contributions to subsistence

577 - Polygyny______________?

tend to be favored where large families are advantageous and women make substantial contributions to subsistence

578 - Population

total number of individuals or objects from which a sample is taken for study

579 - Population and social system" is the work of

F. S. Nitti

580 - Population began to increase steadily.

by around the middle of the 18th century

581 - Population density may be defined as.

the number of people to a land area

582 - Population density.

is high in industrial areas

583 - Population is growing at the natural rate of

3.20% per year

584 - 'Population pyramids' reveals the following information: (a) Dependency burden (b) Birth and Death rate (c) Sex ratios of different ages (d) Approximate life expectancy of birth From the above, find the combination for correct answer:

All (a), (b), (c) and (d).

585 - Population, sample or either: All of the dogs in my neighborhood


586 - Population, sample, either All of the Wal*Mart employees at the Foley Wal*Mart were interviewed anonymously about their job satisfaction and working environment because of a few complaints that went to corporate.


587 - Population, Sample, or either: 1/5 of all single parents in Fairhope were interviewed for a report on childcare and parent resources in the area.


588 - Population, Sample, or either: A survey given out at random in a mall about shopping activity in that mall.


589 - Population, Sample, or either: all robotics students in a study about how well the robotics program is doing at this school.


590 - Population, Sample, or either: All the teachers at Fairhope High School


591 - Population, Sample, or either: All the teachers at Seagoville High School


592 - Positive elements for society like family or religion.


593 - Positive Sanction

a reward or positive reaction for following norms, ranging from a smile to a material reward

594 - positivism

Auguste Comte

595 - Positivism is most accurately described as the belief that.

knowledge should be produced based on evidence from observations

596 - Positivism is most accurately described as the belief that__________________?

knowledge should be produced based on evidence from observations

597 - Positivism was first proposed by ___________ ?

Augustus Comte

598 - Positivists look for which characteristic in their data


599 - Possible relationship between elements in a system stated in a form suitable for testing by empirical research" is


600 - Postmodernism rejects which of the following metanarratives?

All metanarratives are rejected

601 - Post-modernist writers have argued that.

we live in a world of superficial fragmented images

602 - Post-modernist writers have argued that____________?

we live in a world of superficial fragmented images

603 - Post-modernist writers have argued that______________?

we live in a world of superficial fragmented images

604 - Postmodernity argues that the systems of order and disorder should be based on:

cultural contexts.

605 - Postulates means


606 - Postulates means


607 - Potters, weavers, and craftspeople are examples of .....


608 - Poverty brings crimes with it because

the family members do not get enough to eat and live.

609 - Poverty can be caused by..... (check all that apply)

All of the above

610 - Poverty is related to.

patterns of prejudice and technological change

611 - Poverty is relative. Poverty in country A may not be the same as poverty in country B

Symbolic Interaction View

612 - Poverty is.....

a standard of living that is below the minimum level considered adequate by society

613 - Power

Refers to the ability of one party to get other parties to do its will or to ensure that it will benefit from the actions of other parties. This definition mirrors Max Weber's view of power.

614 - Power accepted as legitimate by those subject to it


615 - Power and Control, men v. women, limited resources, inequality, and social change are all aspects of which theory?

Conflict Theory

616 - Power in sociology refers to.....?

the ability to influence people and achieve goals, even in the face of opposition

617 - Power is defined by Max Weber as the ability to.

carry out one's wishes in spite of resistance

618 - Power is exercised in.

all social systems

619 - power is increasingly concentrated into the hands of fewer members of an organization

iron law of oligarchy

620 - Power is legitimate if.

a majority of societal members accept its use as right and proper

621 - Power is one of the most important elements in social life according to this perspective.

Conflict Theory

622 - Power is one of the most important elements in social life.


623 - Power is the central theme of this perspective.


624 - Power is.

all of the above

625 - Power legitimated by the sanctity of age-old customs is called..... authority.


626 - Power may be asserted by.

coercion reciprocation or reward

627 - Power of early organisations was elite to preserve their

All of the above

628 - Power struggle between male and female


629 - Power whose basis is the threat or application of punishment is called.


630 - Practical reconciliation is:

Providing services or funding to address inequalities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians

631 - Practical value of most social inventions can be determined only by

accepting them

632 - Practices required or expected of members of a faith


633 - Practices required or expected of members of a faith is called

religious rituals

634 - Prayer mat is_____________?

material culture

635 - Prayermat is.

material culture

636 - precautions

planned actions taken before an event to increase the chances of a safe outcome

637 - Predicted that the proletariat would one day overthrow the bourgeoisie and control society for the benefit of all.

Karl Marx

638 - prediction that results in behavior that makes the prediction come true

self-fulfilling prophecy

639 - Predominantly rural, women have few rights, most of the population lives in poverty

Low Income Countries

640 - Preindustrial society based on kinship, tradition, and close social ties


641 - Prejudice and discrimination.

have been a part of the relationships among diverse religious groups

642 - Prejudice diminishes as.

the economic status of minorities becomes equal to that of the majority

643 - Prejudice is .....

An attitude

644 - Prejudice persists because it.

is emotionally satisfying

645 - Prejudice, conformity and intolerance are associated with the ..... personality.


646 - Prejudice.

is an attitude of aversion and hostility toward the members of a group simply because they belong it

647 - Prejudice_______________?

is an attitude of aversion and hostility toward the members of a group simply because they belong it

648 - Premeditated politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents is the definition of.


649 - Present theories of stratification.

offer two different ways of looking at inequality

650 - Presenting oneself as inept or infirm to avoid obligations and to elicit the support from others.


651 - Preservation of cultural diversity and respect for traditions in this period of globalization


652 - President Biden has introduced a bill that aims to improve infrastructure including high speed broad band internet. If successful, what could this bill contribute to?

narrowing the digital divide

653 - Prestige attaches to an occupation

varies from one society to the other

654 - Prestige is generally associated with

A & B

655 - Prestige is.....

respect, honor, recognition, or courtesy an individual receives from other members of society

656 - Pre-testing a naira is useful for_____________?

identifying any problems with the wording and routing

657 - Pre-testing a questionnaire is useful for.

identifying any problems with the question wording and routing

658 - Primary data is.....

information a person has collected themselves

659 - Primary deviance.

is deviance of which we are all guilty at one time or another



661 - Primary group are basic to the development of.


662 - Primary group composed of people of roughly equal age and social characteristics

Peer Group

663 - Primary group was introduced by

H. Coolay

664 - Primary Groups


665 - Primary groups are judged by their.

emotional Satisfaction

666 - Primary groups are judged by them______________?

emotional Satisfaction

667 - Primary relationships are characterised in one of the following ways.

Display of goals.

668 - Primary relationships are more likely to develop if the size of the group is small. What is the main reason for this fact?

It is easier to know individuals well when you are in a small group rather than a large one.

669 - Primary social groups are a small social group whose member share personal


670 - Primates that had the characteristics of human being is called


671 - primeval

extremely ancient; of earliest time

672 - Primitive communism slavery and feudalism was given by


673 - Primitive slash & burn farming using human labor


674 - Primitive society forced to move frequently relies on the daily collection of wild plants and the hunting of wild animals.


675 - Primogeniture refers to

inheritance given to a first born son

676 - Princess is an _______ status?


677 - Princess is an..... status.


678 - Principal factors that social scientist see influencing personality and behavior are:

heredity, birth order, parents, and the cultural environment

679 - Principal tools of the sociological observer is

pencil and paper

680 - Principles of Biology" was written by

Herbert Spencer

681 - Principles of Biology" was written by

Herbert Spencer

682 - Principles of Sociology" was written by

Herbert Spencer

683 - Principles or standards of behavior


684 - Principles such as efficiency calculability and predictability are all part of what Ritzer called____________?


685 - Private cars became commonplace after

Second world war

686 - Probation and Parole are which form of punishment?

Extra-mural treatment

687 - Procedure that helps to ensure that the participants in a survey are representative of a larger population

random sampling

688 - process by which a minority group is denied equal access to the benefits of a society


689 - process by which a norm becomes a part of an individual's personality


690 - Process by which a norm becomes part of a person's personality


691 - Process by which companies reduce their workforces


692 - Process by which one culture or society borrows from another culture or society


693 - Process by which something is learned or reinterpreted


694 - process by which the sacred loses influence over society


695 - Process in which a researcher finds out all he/she can about any earlier research

literature search

696 - Process of building our humanity and particular identify through social experience for society and culture is

Individual socialization

697 - Process of change that results from a society's gaining new information, particularly technology is called

Sociocultural evolution

698 - process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization


699 - Process of controlling production in many cases is

unconscious process

700 - process of giving up old values, beliefs, and behaviors


701 - process of reducing the seriousness of crimes that injure people of lower status

victim discounting

702 - Process of socialization starts .....

As a member of the family

703 - Process of spreading culture traits from one society to another


704 - Productivity increases if we link rewards to more "important" work

Structural-Functional Paradigm

705 - Products of the economy used in production as opposed to gifts of nature are:


706 - Prof. S.C. Dube's study on village compost pit and its failure is due to

Inequality of caste and gender

707 - Profane is

Not Sacred

708 - Professionalization means.

a combination of theoretical knowledge and training

709 - Progress and social change is


710 - Progress" means

change in desirable direction.

711 - Prohibiting intermarriage across ethnic groups the physical separation of groups and restrictions on contact between ethnic groups are examples of.

group closure

712 - Prohibiting intermarriage across ethnic groups the physical separation of groups and restrictions on contact between ethnic groups are examples of______________?

group closure

713 - Proletariat refers to.

the working class

714 - Proletariat refers to____________?

the working class

715 - Proletariat were the ..... class of society.

Working class, peasants, own nothing

716 - prominent

important; famous

717 - Property is defined in terms of rights of:


718 - Proponents of the family planning approach to fertility reduction argue that:

if contraceptives are made available and if information about the value and need for birth planning is disseminated people will reduce their fertility

719 - Proponents of the family planning approach to fertility reduction argue that______________?

if contraceptives are made available and if information about the value and need for birth planning is disseminated people will reduce their fertility

720 - Proposed a focus on the MATERIAL conditions of production as the base of all society.

Karl Marx

721 - Proposed class in terms of class situation: economically translatable opportunities that a groups shares in common

Max Weber

722 - Proposed further complexity in the negotiation of agency and social structure through various types of capital.

Pierre Bourdieu

723 - Proposed political party reforms in the U.S include.

greater ideological division

724 - Proses penyampaian pesan dari satu orang kepada orang lain disebut dengan


725 - Prostitution can define as

woman who exchanges sexual favours for tangible gain.

726 - Protection and segregation policies:

Placed Aboriginal people on missions and reserves in order to become 'educated' in white Australian ways

727 - Protection of Civil Rights Act was implemented in .....


728 - Protection policies aimed to:

Stop Aborignal people from 'dying out' by making them 'educated' and 'civilised' like white Australians

729 - Proteins are synthesized within mitochondria that


730 - Provides society jobs

Economic Institution

731 - Psychoanalysis was developed by .....

Sigmund Freud

732 - Psychodynamic approaches to personality are so named because.

they are based on a sophisticated definition of instinct

733 - Psychological experiments are useful by Sociologists as

Secondary data sources

734 - Psychological positivism stresses the key role that _______ plays in the development of conformist of criminal belief systems?

early childhood

735 - Psychologist John B. Watson devised a theory called


736 - Psychologists researching the causes of prejudice have found that.

all of the above

737 - Psychologists Watson insisted humans differs only in their cultural


738 - Psychology deals with.

mental states of individual humans

739 - psychology is a science of .....


740 - Psychology is a scientific study of . and .

mind, behavior

741 - Psychosomatic illness entails.

anxiety or emotional tension producing physical symptoms

742 - Public awareness refers to:

The knowledge that people have about Indigenous culture.

743 - Public government agencies are.

central authorities

744 - Public opinion is associated with.

mass society

745 - Public policy according to elitists tends to reflect.

the values of the elites

746 - Public policy is.

all of the above

747 - Public Policy. Many government lobbyists and politicians debate the role of programs.These programs are .....

Only (A) & (B)

748 - public schools that are operated like private schools by public school teachers & administrators

charter schools

749 - public schools that focus on particular disciplines or areas

magnet schools

750 - Public schools that focus on particular disciplines or areas, such as fine arts or science

magnet school

751 - Public views refers to:

Opinions or attitudes (positive or negative) that people have about Indigenous culture.

752 - Publics and public opinion.

are more characteristic of complex societies than of simple ones

753 - Published a book about the American society before the term sociology was created.

Harriet Martineau

754 - pundit

erudite person ; somewhat derisive term for print, broadcast, and radio commentators on the political news

755 - Punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts


756 - Punishment or reward used to enforce norms.


757 - punishments for violating norms

negative santions

758 - Punishments or threats of punishment used to enforce conformity to norms

negative sanctions

759 - Punishments, or negative sanctions, are especially important at the _______ level?


760 - Punjabi and Sindhi cultures are.


761 - Punjabi and Sindhi cultures are_________________?


762 - Punks, hippies, and beatniks are examples of?

Counter Culture

763 - Pure Sociology is a search for knowledge without primary concern for its.

Practical use

764 - Pure Sociology is a search for knowledge without primary concern for its______________?

Practical use

765 - Purpose of social survey is

collect information about social environment.

766 - Put the GDPs of these countries in descending order ______________?

Sweden Switzerland Norway Portugal

767 - Put the GDPs of these countries in descending order _______________?

Switzerland Sweden Norway Portugal

768 - Put the GDPs of these countries in descending order.

Sweden Switzerland Norway Portugal

769 - Put these in order to a religious hierarchy.

Branch at the top, followed by Denomination, and Sect at the bottom

770 - Put these stages in the evolution of citizenship in chronological order _____________?

civil rights political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship

771 - Put these stages in the evolution of citizenship in chronological order.

civil rights political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship

772 - Putting yourself in other peoples shoes when trying to understand social behavior is called?


773 - putting yourself in someone else's shoes

taking the role of the other

774 - Qualitative data gives researchers

insightful and in-depth info

775 - Qualitative data is which of the following

Data in the form of words

776 - Qualitative data means

expressed in words

777 - Qualitative facts are collected about the social aspects of a community composition and activities" is said by

Mark Abraham

778 - Qualitative or quantitative: How scary the movie Psycho is.


779 - Qualitative or quantitative: the average time it takes for a student to take the ACT.


780 - Qualitative or quantitative: The distance between the high school and the football stadium.


781 - Qualitative or quantitative: The texture of a new ice cream brand.


782 - Qualitative research generally provides

Richer data

783 - Quantitative data means

expressed in numbers

784 - Quantitative data refers to what?

statistics and numbers

785 - Quantitative facts are collected about the social aspects", is said by

S.M. Harrison

786 - Quasi participant observation is

mixed participant observation.

787 - Questionnaire

A written set of questions to be answered by a research participant

788 - Questionnaire and interview studies are systematic ways of asking questions under.

Scientific control

789 - questions a person is to answer in his or her own words

open-ended questions

790 - Questions a person is to answer in his/her own words

open ended questions

791 - Questions a person must answer by choosing from a limited, predetermined set of responses

closed-ended questions

792 - Questions on common sense knowledge lead to the

sociological knowledge

793 - Questions that are relevant to some respondents may irrelevant to others are known as.

contingency questions

794 - Quiz 1. Which place is famous for chickankari work.?


795 - Quran is Muslim life to


796 - Quran literally means

All of the above

797 - Quran tells life of

Hazrath Muhammad

798 - Qureshi et al. (2015) point out that.....

British Asians are often seen as committed to traditional, old fashioned family life with low rates of divorce and a low proportion of lone-parent families.

799 - R.K. Merton offered the example of the Hopi Americans engaging in ceremonial dances to encourage rain in order to illustrate

Latent function

800 - Race and colour are examples of

ascribed status

801 - Race is based on ..... characteristics and ethnicity is based on ..... characteristics (respectively).

physical; cultural

802 - Race is based on ..... characteristics, while Ethnicity is based on ..... characteristics

physical, cultural

803 - Race is sometime taken as synonymous of


804 - Rachel attends a school where she learns about a variety of social and ethnic traditions. They learn about the holidays and home lives of peoples from a variety of backgrounds. Which of the following terms describes this approach to education?


805 - Racism and competition in sports are examples of

Social Conflict Theory

806 - Racism is based on the belief (s) that.

all of the above

807 - Racism that is built into the structures of society is

institutional racism

808 - Radcliffe Brown considers sociology as a science of

human society

809 - Radical Sociology sought to support which of the following sociological thought systems?


810 - Raewyn Connell is one of

Australia sociologists

811 - Raewyn Connell was professor at university of Sydney and globally influential her earliest work was on class and


812 - Raewyn Connell was suggested importance of

Hegemonic masculinity

813 - Raised without the influence of a cultural environment


814 - 'Rajput is a brave community'. This public notion refers to.....


815 - Ralf Dahrendorf is well known for his contributions of:

Conlfict Theory

816 - Random selection means:

every subject having an equal chance at participation

817 - Randy and his wife Stephanie each work full-time in a factory assembling windows for \$13 an hour. They rent a 2 bedroom apartment and have one child. They can pay most of their bills, but occasionally run into money problems. In which social class do the

working poor

818 - Ranked authority structure that operates according to specific rules and procedures


819 - ranking of people or groups according to their unequal access to scarce resources

social stratification

820 - Rapid change on a closer look turns out to be a repeating set of activities that form a cyclical pattern like rhythms of nature, cycle of night and day. .After going through all stages it returns to original stage .....What type of change it is

Cyclic change

821 - Rapid urbanization and manufacturing of goods by machines are characteristics of which type of society?


822 - Rapoports and Rapoports came to a conclusion using existing literature. This is.....

secondary method

823 - Rate of mobility in modern societies is determined by (1) structural factor and (2) ?

Individual factors

824 - Rate of mobility in modern societies is determined by(1) structural factor and (2).

Individual factors

825 - Rates of poverty tend to be highest among.

all of the above

826 - Rather than emphasize how structure constrain like rationalist do, constructivist focused on

the constitutive role of norms and shared understanding on relationship between agency and structure

827 - Rating that combines social factors such as educational level, occupational prestige, and place of residence with the economic factor of income

Socioeconomic Status

828 - Rationalization

Max Weber

829 - Raymond Aron died in


830 - Reaction to a real threat in fearful, anxious & often self-damaging ways


831 - Read the description and say what type of group this is: a group of people that we use as a standard of comparison for ourselves regardless of whether we are part of that group.


832 - Read the following characteristics and decide what type of group this is: people care about each other, the group is an important source of influence, the group is interested in mantaining and strengthening relationships.


833 - Read the following question, what perspective or Ism would you see it associated (partnered) with? "how do individuals in the class talking to each other?"


834 - Reading a number of books and journals regarding crime in Canada is a good example of______________?

secondary research

835 - Real culture is .....

actual behavior patterns of members of a group

836 - Reasons for ethnocentrism are

all of these

837 - Reasons for ethnocentrism are

all of these

838 - Rebecca works at Wal-Mart as a cashier. When she sees a customer shoplifting, Rebecca calls for security. Rebecca does not confront the thieving customer, because that is not her job. This reflects:

The Division of Labor

839 - Rebellion

challenges cultural goals and norms and substitutes new ones

840 - Receiving a ticket for littering in the street is an example of a

negative formal sanction

841 - Receiving an award such as the Medal of Honor, or being honored with the Pulitzer Prize would be an example of which dimension of social stratification?


842 - Receiving the Employee of the Month award is an example of which type of sanction?

Positive Formal

843 - Recent events vividly demonstrate that nationalism is.

the source of wars and atrocities

844 - Recent research supports the notion that mother-infant bonding.

has a biological basis

845 - Recent studies related to daycare centers indicate that.

there is no important loss or gain in intellectual development in well managed centers

846 - recluse

(n.) a person who leads a life shut up or withdrawn from the world

847 - recognition, respect & admiration attached to social positions


848 - recognized and intended consequences of any social pattern

manifest functions

849 - Recognized as the father of sociology

Auguste Comte

850 - Recognized as the founder of Sociology

Auguste Comte

851 - Recording, Publishing, and live performance is called

Music industry

852 - Recurring patterns of behavior in social life?


853 - Redemptive movements include.

fundamentalist Christianity

854 - Redistributing money among various segments of society is known as .....

Transfer Payments

855 - Reducing the seriousness of crimes against people of lower status

victim discounting

856 - Reduction of the information gathered in the field to a standardised form is


857 - Refer the figure. Based on the figure, what is the principle of perception as stated below?

Figure ground



859 - Reference group are groups used for self-evaluation and the formation of attitudes, values, beliefs, norms and mores. What are the two types of reference groups?

in group and out groups

860 - Referendum was held in selected provinces comprising the old Bangsamoro republic for the ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Basic Law. This was done to promote development, peace, and order in their locality.

Political Science

861 - refers to accepting the goals of a society and the socially approved means for reaching them


862 - Refers to movement between social classes.

Vertical Mobility

863 - Refers to movement within a social class.

Horizontal Mobility

864 - Refers to objects and the rules for using them


865 - Refers to people sharing certain biologically inherited physical characteristic:


866 - refers to the ability to change positions within a social stratification system

social mobility

867 - refers to the ability to control the behavior of others, even against their own will.


868 - refers to the blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society


869 - refers to the process of adopting new norms, beliefs, and values that result after the desocialization process


870 - Refers to the study of living people and their cultures including variation and change

Cultural Anthropology

871 - Reform movements.

may be progressive or reactionary

872 - Refusing to rent a home to someone because they are a different color or race is an example of


873 - Regarding capitalist industrial societies Marx asserted that.

they contained the seeds of their own destruction

874 - Regina wants to study the homeless in her hometown. In order to do so, she lives at a homeless shelter for a month. During this time, she does everything that the women she is studying does and tells no one of her true identity. This method would be

participant observation

875 - Regular survey is

conducted at regular intervals.

876 - Reinforces behavior by enforcing laws


877 - Rejecting the norms of society

negative deviance

878 - Rejects some of the larger culture's norms and values


879 - Related disciplines that focus on various aspects of society.

social sciences

880 - Related disciplines that study various aspects of human behavior.

Social Sciences

881 - Related disciplines that study various aspects of human social behavior

social sciences

882 - Relating to the study of religious belief


883 - Relationship between two variables that is actually caused by a 3rd factor

spurious correlation

884 - Relative deprivation theory states that in order for a social movement to develop what must be present?


885 - Relatively stable parts of social behavior within societies.

Social Structures

886 - Relatively stable, enduring patterns of social relationships, or social positions, and of numbers of people; patterns over which individuals have little control

social structure

887 - Reliability

consistency of results over time

888 - Religion causes people to hate people of another religion


889 - Religion defines the spiritual world and gives meaning to the divine These are ___________ functions or religion?


890 - Religion defines the spiritual world and gives meaning to the divine These are..... functions or religion.


891 - Religion has the function of.

supporting societal norms

892 - Religion helps hold a society together morally.


893 - Religion keeps people happy and helps them function better

Structural Functionalism

894 - Religion performs all but one of the following functions.

provides a single set of norms that are universally accepted and agreed upon

895 - Religion.....

Only (A) & (B)

896 - Religions.

all of the above

897 - Religiosity refers to.

depth of religious feelings

898 - Religious belief can provide not only a sense of identity and community for people but also an experience of stability.Within which of the following is this view most likely to be expressed?

Social cohesion

899 - Religious beliefs are often contained in.

all of the above

900 - Religious Evolution" was written by

Robert N. Bellah

901 - Religious groups that emphasize literal interpretation of sacred texts are called


902 - Religious organization that arises out of a desire to reform an existing religious organization


903 - Religious organization whose characteristics are not drawn from existing religious traditions within a society


904 - Relying on doctors to diagnose our illnesses, attorneys for legal advice, meteorologists to predict the weather, and professors to teach subjects in their chosen fields all serve as examples of a type of knowledge called .....


905 - Removing their own bias to understand why and how a culture works

Anthropologists focus on

906 - Repeated criminal activity


907 - Repeating a research project called.


908 - Repetition of criminal behavior


909 - repitition of or return to criminal behavior


910 - Replacing human and animal labor with machines is called


911 - Represent research collected in numerical form that can be counted.

quantitative data

912 - Representative democracy is best described as system ?

where decisions are taken by people elected by the community as a whole

913 - Representative democracy is best described as system.

where decisions are taken by people elected by the community as a whole

914 - represents or stands for something else


915 - represents something else


916 - Reproduction outside the family.

has not been positively sanctioned in any society

917 - requires the development of theories that can be tested by research


918 - Research based on observation of people in any given environment (place) in known as:

Natural Observation

919 - Research by Lakoff showed that there are some distinct communication differences between men and women In general men tend to_____________?

not appreciate or encourage self-disclosure as much

920 - Research can be divided into two broad categories

quantitative and qualitative

921 - research for the purpose of making discoveries about human life

basic research

922 - Research has no control over possible bias in data may not be suitable for current research needs


923 - Research indicates that effective schools.

foster the expectation that order will prevail in the classroom

924 - Research indicates that effective schools______________?

foster the expectation that order will prevail in the classroom

925 - Research is the manipulation of things, is said by

Slesinger and Stephenson

926 - Research is the manipulation of things, is said by

Slesinger and Stephenson

927 - Research method in which people repsond to questions


928 - Research method where questions are asked to subjects who report their own answers


929 - Research method where researches try to find connections between quantitative data.

Statistical Analysis

930 - Research methods can be divided into two categories: quantitative and qualitative.


931 - Research on the family life course indicates that.

women with a first child are more likely than women without a child to report that their husbands do not pay enough attention to them

932 - Research on the family life course indicates that_____________?

women with a first child are more likely than women without a child to report that their husbands do not pay enough attention to them

933 - Research question: does the distance a person kicks a soccer ball effect how well they will do on their math test. What is the dependent variable?

how well they do on the math test

934 - Research Question: Does the type of gasoline put in a car effect how fast the car can drive. What is the independent variable?

Type of gasoline

935 - Research regarding video game violence suggests that .....

violent video games lead to an increase in aggressive thought and behavior

936 - Research shows that firstborn children are more likely to be

achievement-oriented, responsible, and conserative

937 - Research that relies on numerical data is known as:

Quantitative Research

938 - Research that takes place in a natural (non laboratory) setting

Field research

939 - Research that takes place in a natural setting

field research

940 - Research that takes place in a non-laboratory setting

Field Research

941 - Research that uses descriptive data would be called?


942 - Research that uses numerical data would be called?


943 - Research that uses observation and relies on descriptive data is known as:

Qualitative Research

944 - Research that uses observation and relies on descriptive data, more like an interview, is known as:

Qualitative Research

945 - Research whose purpose is to make discoveries about life in human groups, not to make changes in those groups

Basic Sociology

946 - Researcher who believed investigated how people develop their morals.


947 - Researcher who believed that experience was the main source of socialization


948 - Researcher who believed that humans developed in four stages of cognitive development


949 - Researcher who discussed the teenage years as being a search for identity


950 - Researchers manipulate the environment in some way and observe the results.

Breaching Experiment

951 - Researchers study people in their real world daily routines.

Participant Observation

952 - researching a cohort of people over a period of time rather than a snapshot of a particular moment in time

Longitudinal Study

953 - Researching a single case or example

Case study

954 - Resistance of secularization & the rigid adherence to traditional religious beliefs, rituals & doctrines


955 - Resistance to certain aspects of development and social change in an effort to neutralize their efforts is called________________?


956 - Resisting social change because it comes from outside of one's group is called


957 - Resocialisation is

adjusting offender to family

958 - Resocialisation is

adjusting offender to family

959 - Resocialization, or adopting new norms and patterns of behavior, happens frequently in which of these situations?

The military

960 - Resource mobilization theory states that social movements develop when a groups has access to resources like which of the following?


961 - Resources are defined as.

everything that is needed for the production of goods and services including human energy

962 - respect and honor attached to certain positions


963 - respect, honor &courtesy gives a person .....


964 - Respondent in research should know that they are involved in a research undertaking and roughly what this research is about is

Informed consent

965 - Responsible for examining and interpreting data about artifacts and fossils.


966 - Results of analysis are expressed in non-quantitative form is

qualitative analysis

967 - Retired people are an example of a

social category.

968 - Retirement's negative effects are felt most strongly by.

none of the above

969 - Retiring or divorce would be examples of

Role Exit

970 - Rewards and punishments designed to encourage desired behavior

External social control

971 - rewards are

positive sanctions

972 - rewards given for conforming to norms

positive sanctions

973 - Rewards of positive behaviour and punishments for negative behaviour are called


974 - Rewards or punishment that encourage conformity to social norms is called:

social control

975 - rewards or punishments designed to encourage desired behavior

social sanctions

976 - Rewards or punishments for conforming to a society are called


977 - Rewards or punishments that encourageconformity

social sanctions

978 - Rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms are called


979 - Ribosome are synthesized in part of cell called


980 - Ridicule is a

Social sanction

981 - Right to Education was introduced as Fundamental Rights under which of the following Article of the Indian Constitution? Codes:


982 - rituals that mark the shift from one status to another

Rites of Passage

983 - Ritzer presented a theory that the different components of social life work together to influence society and behavior This theory is called_______________?

Integration theory

984 - Ritzer presented a theory that the different components of social life work together to influence society and behaviour This theory is called.

Integration theory

985 - Rob works hard and gets a scholarship to a state university where he graduates with honors, then goes on to law school. Neither of Rob's parents went to college. His income easily exceeds theirs. Rob has experienced

intergenerational mobility

986 - Robert is a lawyer. He drives a Lexus and lives in a 5 bedroom house with his wife Susan and their only child, David. He makes \$180,000/year. His family wears North Face clothing and loves to golf and play tennis. They have traveled internationally sever

Upper middle class

987 - Robert Merton called for a style of sociology that avoids extremes: it focuses on institutions, not tiny groups and not whole societies, and it holds theory and empirical observation in balance. This type of study is called ..... theory.


988 - Robert Merton suggested two types of functions for different social structures. By keeping children busy and out of trouble for a good portion of the day, schools perform a ..... function.


989 - Robert Merton,s contributions to sociology include______________?

all of the above

990 - Robert Merton's contributions to sociology include.

all of the above

991 - Robert Merton's contributions to sociology include____________________?

all of the above

992 - Robert Merton's ideas on crime and deviance make use of the concept of anomie. What does anomie mean in Merton's work ?

social strain

993 - Robert Merton's ideas on crime and deviance make use of the concept of anomie. What does anomie mean in Merton's work?

social strain

994 - Robert Merton's theory of deviance; the idea that deviance is based upon society's value of certain goals but that not everyone has the means to achieve those goals is known as

strain theory

995 - Robert Park and Ernest Burgess are associated with.

the functionalist perspective

996 - Robert Park and Ernest Burgess are associated with________________?

the functionalist perspective

997 - Roland Barthes was born in


998 - Roland Barthes was died in


999 - Role ..... is a predicament in which contradictory expectations are associated with a single role.


1000 - Role ..... is a predicament in which expectations associated with two or more statuses a person enacts contradict one another.



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