Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set.8

1 - Role ..... occurs when a person is having a difficult time fulfilling the duties of two roles.


2 - Role and status are two aspects of same.


3 - Role and status are two aspects of same____________?


4 - Role ascription by merit has also restricted the social statuses to those who has.

mainly depending on (b)

5 - Role ascription by merit has also restricted the social statuses to those who has______________?

(a)mainly depending on (b)

6 - Role Conflict

when role expectations associated with two or more statuses you occupy conflict with one another

7 - Role conflicts tend to occur.

because we must fulfill several demanding roles simultaneously

8 - Role confusion in modern society is engendered by all but one of the following.

None of these

9 - Role confusion in modern society is engendered by all but one of the following____________?

None of these

10 - Role performance indicates

overt action that occurs in a situation governed by normative regulation.

11 - Role performance indicates

overt action that occurs in a situation governed by normative regulation.

12 - Role Performance is.....

How people actually behave in their role

13 - Role Strain

when a person has difficulty meeting the role expectations of a single status

14 - Role strain refers to.....

a situation that occurs when a person has difficulty meeting the expectation of a single status.

15 - Role strain.

all of the above

16 - Role taking allows people to

see themselves as other people see them.

17 - Role-learning theory suggests that.

we internalise and take on social roles from a pre-existing framework

18 - Role-learning theory suggests that______________?

we internalize and take on social roles from a pre-existing framework

19 - Roles

the behavior expected of a person who has a particular status

20 - Roles are carried out by individuals on the basis of the symbols and meanings they share

Symbolic Interactionism

21 - Role-taking is associated with


22 - Romance as a reason for marriage.

is a modern invention

23 - Ron is excited to go to his high school reunion, so his classmates can see that he was successful and became a surgeon. Ron is basically looking forward receiving what from his classmates?


24 - Routes into social mobility include:

All of the above

25 - Royal Dutch Shell Oil Co has branches in Holland Britain the United States and France This kind of corporation is called.


26 - Royalty climed to rule by

Divine right

27 - RtE - 2009 Act is based on which article of constitution of India

Article 45

28 - Rules about moral and immoral approaches to sociological research.

Ethical guidelines

29 - rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members


30 - Rules defining inappropriate and appropriate behavior


31 - Rules of conduct that tell people how to act in certain situations, as determined by society are?


32 - Rules of society that regulate the behavior of its members.


33 - Rules set for specific roles that are considered normal behavior


34 - Rumors about a bizarre event that supposedly happened to someone far removed from the individual telling the story are often called_______________?

urban legends

35 - Rumour means

statements, assertions and speculations circulate among people in response to unstructured situation.

36 - Rumour means

statements, assertions and speculations circulate among people in response to unstructured situation.

37 - Rural society means

collection of homes in village.

38 - s that are relevant to some respondents may irrelevant to others are known as______________?

contingency questions

39 - Said science cannot predict the behavior of groups. Said culture must be taken into account. Created the concept of Verstehen.

Max Weber

40 - Sal meets Sam in the street and has not seen him in five years. They greet each other with a handshake. What is this an example of?

a symbol

41 - Sally didn't break your camera .purpose. It was an accident!


42 - Sally observed a high percentage of inmates were African Americans and Hispanics. Sally the prison official a series of questions to explain this overrepresentation of minorities. For every answer they provided Sally had another question. This form of cir

sociological thinking

43 - Sam believes that evil spirits cause poverty and starvation. Which of the following is Sam most likely to be?


44 - Sam is an atheist and is engaged to Kim who is a theist.On which of the following are they most likely to have different views?

The inclusion of prayers in the wedding ceremony

45 - Sammy bought a Dodge Charger so he could become popular with all the girls. This is known as the ..... of a car.

latent function

46 - Sample

subset of the population being studied

47 - Sampling allows survey of large populations using questionnaires interviews provide in depth responses is called


48 - Sampling methods are used to select

a representative sample of your target population

49 - Samuel A stuffer was conducted a study of

Classic research

50 - Samuel Johnson published his dictionary in the hope that it would stabilise word meaning and stop language changes in


51 - Sanctions given by a formal group, such as a school are called?


52 - Sanctions given by an official organization

formal sanctions

53 - Sanctions that are given by a person in authority are called

formal sanctions

54 - sanctions that are officially recognized and enforced

formal sanctions

55 - sanctions that occur in face-to-face interactions

informal sanctions

56 - Sanctions that take the form of reward are called

positive sanctions

57 - Sanctions, such as a pat on the back, a smile, or a handshake are?


58 - Sanskritic Hinduism was termed by


59 - Sapir and Whorf believe that.

the structure of a language shapes a people's view of the world

60 - Sarah believes that since both she and Nafiz have been with their company for 10 years with a comparable history of success, they should both have an equal chance at receiving an upcoming promotion. This is an example of the most common type of feminism,

Socialist feminism

61 - Sarah has never seen germs, but she is concerned about them. She will not eat any food that has fallen on the floor, even in her mother's home, which is spotless. Which of the following best explains this situation?

the Thomas theorem

62 - Savings and investments would count as which type of wealth?

Financial wealth

63 - Saw inequality of minority groups as being linked to their position as a low status group. They are denied privileged status by being excluded and segregated.


64 - Saw society like a human body, with various parts serving different functions.

Herbert Spencer

65 - Saying that all African Americans are good at sports is an example of a.....

a stereotype

66 - says that primary groups have an important role in transmitting deviance

differential association theory

67 - Scarce resources and rewards are distributed on the basis of ascribed statuses

caste system

68 - Schizophrenia is.

applied to a number of disturbances for lack of any other label

69 - School means

formal socialisation of an individual.

70 - school run by private companies on government funds

for-profit schools

71 - School shall be treated as

dependent variable

72 - School socialization of individuals includes which of the following?

Transmitting cultural values of the society

73 - School teaches students that they are part of a bigger society and teaches them how to work well with others.

social solidarity

74 - Schools intentionally try to transmit cultural values such as

good citizenship

75 - Science aims to be both.

valid and reliable

76 - Science aims to be both______________?

valid and reliable

77 - Science focusing on society and social behavior.


78 - Science is based on.

Verifiable evidence

79 - Science is based on_______________?

Verifiable evidence

80 - Scientific conclusions are.

relative to time and place of study and subject to revision

81 - Scientific method has following steps.

Problem observation hypothesis data experiment conclusion

82 - Scientific method has following steps_______________?

Problem observation hypothesis data experiment conclusion

83 - Scientific observation in the social sciences differs from that in the natural sciences because.

the social sciences deal with the behavior of people

84 - Scientific observation in the study of social behavior is known as


85 - Scientific observations are based on.

all of the above

86 - Scientific or positive phase is the.

Last Phase

87 - Scientific or positive phase is the____________?

Last Phase

88 - Scientific research relates to.

all of the above

89 - Scientific social construction means

push-in drugs for earning booty.

90 - Scientific social construction means

push-in drugs for earning booty.

91 - Scientific study of social structure


92 - Scientific theories in the nineteenth century tried to explain race in naturalistic terms Which of the following ideas was not considered ?


93 - Scientific theories in the nineteenth century tried to explain race in naturalistic terms Which of the following ideas was not considered ?


94 - Scientific theories in the nineteenth century tried to explain race in naturalistic terms Which of the following ideas was not considered?


95 - Scientist that believed that instinctual behavior could be taught.

Ivan Pavlov

96 - Scientist who held that instinctual behavior could be taught.

Ivan Pavlov

97 - Scientists agree that homosexuality is.

none of the above

98 - Scientists agree that.

all of humankind is descended from the same common stock

99 - Scientists start an investigation with by.

selecting and defining a topic

100 - Scoity is

organized interaction of people sharing land and culture

101 - Search for ways of using scientific knowledge to solve practical problems is termed as.

Applied Science

102 - Search for ways of using scientific knowledge to solve practical problems is termed as_____________?

Applied Science

103 - Second Hand research gathered by others is known as what?

secondary data

104 - Second-and third-generation immigrants failed to melt in the melting pot because of.


105 - Secondary Analysis is what?

Data collected by other researchers that you use

106 - Secondary analysis results in what type of data?


107 - Secondary deviance does not occur unless people.

accept the deviant labels and maintain the behavior in question



109 - Secondary Groups

Only (A) & (B)

110 - Secondary groups are judged by their.


111 - Secondary groups are judged by them ?


112 - Secondary groups are.

both a & b

113 - Secondary groups are______________?

both a & b

114 - Secondary sex characteristics.

develop when specific hormones are introduced into an organism

115 - Secondary Socialization usually takes place first in:


116 - Secord and Buckman feel that norms is a

relation with neighbour.

117 - Secretions produced by ribosome are passed via endoplasmic reticulum and

Golgi complex

118 - 'Secularism curbs divisiveness that springs from religious differences and also clears way for rapid development and nation building processes'. Which one of the following is not an element of secularism as per the statement given above?

Primordial loyalties as a part of social engineering in a society.

119 - Secularization involves the two related ideas of.

disengagement and disenchantment

120 - Secularization involves the two related ideas of__________________?

disengagement and disenchantment

121 - Secularization involves the two related ideas of__________________?

disengagement and disenchantment

122 - secularization may BEST be described as

a reduction of religious influences

123 - see competition over scarce resources as the cause of social inequality. Stratification comes from class exploitation. The owners of the means of production control the working class in order to make profits and maintain their power.

Conflict Theory

124 - Seeing patterns means that a sociologist needs to be able to:

identify similarities in how social groups respond to social pressure

125 - Seeing the general in the particular is applying the

Sociological Perspective

126 - Seeing the general in the particular is part of what concept?

Sociological Perspective

127 - Seeing the strange in the familiar is a requirement of what?

The Sociological Perspective

128 - Sees competition over scarce resources as the basis of social conflict.

Conflict Theory

129 - segment of society whose members hold similar amounts of resources & shared values

social class

130 - Segment of society whose members hold similar amounts of resources and share values, norms, and an identifiable lifestyle

social class

131 - Segregation means .....


132 - seize access

take hold of permission suddenly and forcibly

133 - Sekumpulan manusia yang memiliki kesadaran bersama, adanya faktor pengikat, dan saling berhubungan timbal balik disebut dengan .

kelompok sosial

134 - select all items that are included in cultural indicators.

All of the above

135 - Select all non-economic indicators that are included in Rights, of political indicator.

Only (A) & (B)

136 - Select all of the following that are important elements in Émile Durkheim's theory?

Only (A) & (B)

137 - Select all of the following that were findings concerning the 3 girls (Anna, Isabelle, and Genie) that were "rescued" from social isolation.

All of the above

138 - Select ALL that are an example of Microsociology.

Only (A) & (B)

139 - Select all that are included in Cultural Indicators, in levels of development.

All of the above

140 - Select areas of culture which show a great deal of variation in different cultures (select all)

All of the above

141 - Select the correct alternative about Habermas' reconstruction of Marxism: i. Purposive rational action instead of superstructure ii. Symbolic interaction instead of superstructure iii. Societal modes of self-reflection instead of class consciousness iv. C

i, ii, iii

142 - Select the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution:

All of the above

143 - Select the two types of norms we discussed in class: (PICK 2)

Only (A) & (B)

144 - Selective confinement.

does keep "hard core" criminals off the street

145 - Selective confinement_______________?

does keep "hard core" criminals off the street

146 - Selective perception tends to .....

Perpetuate stereotypes

147 - Self-Concept can be described as

How you view yourself.

148 - Self-identification includes

all of the above

149 - Selves without bodies don, t make much sense in human terms (Jenkins 1996) What is Jenkins alluding to in this quotation?

the need to theorize the embodiment of the social self

150 - Selves without bodies don,t make much sense in human terms (Jenkins 1996) What is Jenkins alluding to in this quotation ?

the need to theorize the embodiment of the social self

151 - semi- is a latin root meaning

half, partial

152 - Senior staff enjoy which perks at work?

occupational pensions

153 - Sense of belongingness in rural society is


154 - Seorang remaja bergaul dengan sekelompok orang yang mempunyai kegemaran berkelahi dan menodong. Ia menyerap nilai-nilai dalam kelompok tersebut sehingga menjadi gemar berkelahi dan menodong. Gejala sosial dalam bentuk penyimpangan perilaku tersebut terjad

masalah sosial

155 - Separation of the members of society on the basis of certain characteristics

social stratification

156 - Series of steps leading to change on a societal level

social processes

157 - Serious mental disorders that often require periods of hospitalization or institutionalization are called.


158 - Set 1:The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.

W.E.B Dubois

159 - Set 1:The survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called "natural selection," or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.

Herbert Spencer

160 - Set 1:The worker of the world has nothing to lose but their chains. Workers of the world unite.

Karl Marx

161 - Set 1:There is no society known where a more or less developed criminality is not found under different forms We must therefore call crime necessary and declare that it cannot be non-existent, that the fundamental conditions of social organization, as the

Emile Durkheim

162 - set of assumptions about an area of study accepted as true

theoretical perspective

163 - Set of assumptions accepted as true

theoretical perspective

164 - Set of prayers to be said five times a day facing Kara is called


165 - set of values, norms, beliefs & attitudes stressing hard work, thrift & self-discipline

protestant ethic

166 - setting our to prove that there is a relationship between height and show size in individuals would be an example of

correlational research

167 - Settling for an undesirable solution to prevent conflict within the group.

Group Think

168 - Several members of a little league team begin wearing their baseball caps backward and soon the entire team follows this style. This is an example of

group conformity.

169 - Several of Justin's closest friends surprised him with a large birthday party. This group of friends is an example of a:

Primary Group

170 - Several students began meeting to study after school, and soon the entire class is studying together. This is.....

group conformity

171 - Sex roles are.

behavioral norms into which males and females are socialized

172 - Sex stereotypes are traditionally found in.

all of the above

173 - Shakespeare said "All the world's a state, and all the men and women are merely players." Which of the following is most closely related to this statement?


174 - Shaking hands when you meet someone is an example of a/an:

Informal Norm

175 - Shaking hands when you meet someone is an example of a/an:à¤Å“ब आà¤Âª किसी से मिलते हà¥Ë†Ã ¤‚ तो हाथ मिलाना इसका एक उदाहरण हà¥Ë†:

Informal Normअनà¥Å’à¤ÂªÃ ¤Å¡Ã ¤¾Ã ¤°Ã ¤¿Ã ¤• मानदंड

176 - shallow

lacking depth of intellect or knowledge

177 - Sharda Act

prohibited child marriage

178 - Sharda Act was passed in


179 - shared beliefs about what is good and bad or write and wrong are considered


180 - Shared beliefs about what is good or bad and right and wrong are


181 - Shared beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable.


182 - shared beliefs, values, and practices


183 - Shared experiences of a group of people by geography, language, religion (etc.) which give them a distinctive national identity is referred to as:


184 - shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation

Superordinate Goals

185 - Shared practices, values, and beliefs. Everything produced including the social rules


186 - Shared products of human groups is .....


187 - Shared products of human groups, which include both physical objects and the beliefs, values, and behaviors shared by the group.


188 - shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in a certain situation


189 - Shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations are


190 - Shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations are .....


191 - Shares an overall culture but is distinctive in norms, lifestyles, language/


192 - She advocated that sociologist try and change society not just study it.

Harriet Martineau

193 - She claims that the risks are virtually nil. Nil means


194 - She focused on the imbalance of power in social classes

Jane Addams

195 - She recieved a refferal because she is so ..... Ellen would not stop talking while the teacher spoke.


196 - She wanted to ..... herself from the group since she did not think what they were doing was right.


197 - She was named top ..... in the firm for having a successful year with her marketing campaign.


198 - She was one of the first female sociologists and focused on the inequalities between the sexes.

Harriet Martineau

199 - She was quiet and shy, but many people just thought that she was ..... and like group activities.


200 - Shifting cultivation is known as ..... among Maler of Bihar.


201 - Shifts borders of economic transactions bringing a marked change in peace of economic development in world business companies, banking and investments now cross more national borders then ever before is called as

All of the above

202 - Shopping on the Internet is convenient, and can save time. This is a ..... function of this type of shopping.


203 - Shortcomings of interest groups include.

the dissemination of biased information

204 - Should experiments be repeated over and over to see if the results are the same each time?


205 - Should I use 2nd person in the exam (you, your, they, them etc)?


206 - Should I use first person in the exam (I, my, me, we etc)?

No infinity

207 - Showing objectivity; using superior research standards; reporting findings and methods truthfully; and protecting the rights, privacy, integrity, dignity, and freedom of research subjects.

Standards for conducting ethical research

208 - significant new value that has emerged in the United States


209 - Similar practices that are found in most societies are called

cultural universals

210 - Similarities common to all cultures are called.

cultural universals

211 - Simple collection of people who happened to be together in a particular place but do not significantly interact or identify with one another.

social aggregates

212 - Simple supernaturalism.

entails the notion of mana

213 - Simple supernaturalism_______________?

entails the notion of mana

214 - Since no two individuals are exactly alike, each one is said to be:


215 - Since state and nation are not the same thing the preferred term for individual political entities is.

nation-sates or national states

216 - Since the 1980s, many manufacturing companies moved their plants from U.S. cities to sites in the developing world in Asia and elsewhere. This problem is called .....

capital flight

217 - Since the 1990s the rate of teenage pregnancy among Black women in the United States has.


218 - Since the 1990s the rate of teenage pregnancy among Black women in the United States has_________________?


219 - Singular, individual acts that violate norms.

Primary Deviance

220 - Sir Henry Main gave

Patriarchal theory

221 - Situation in which some aspects of a culture change less rapidly than others

cultural lag

222 - Situation that occurs when the norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable


223 - Situations where media provide so much information that people become numb. It's a concern because people become desensitized to the information when they see it on the media.

Narcotizing Dysfunction

224 - Skepticism refers to.


225 - Slang Words are typically specific to a culture. This is an example of:


226 - Slavery is a form of=


227 - Slums in urban areas denote

overpopulation and migration.

228 - Small group whose members share personal and lasting relationships.

Primary Group

229 - Small groups of people whose affiliations are based on shared beliefs, preferences and practices.


230 - Small often mobile society that rely on domesticated herd animals to meet their food needs.


231 - small, manageable number of subjects that represent the population


232 - Small-scale (i.e., Do doctors talk to patients of different races differently?)


233 - Smith wrote that private ownership of the means of production would.

stimulate economic growth as each individual tried to maximize profits

234 - Snowballing is an example of.

non-probability sampling

235 - Snowballing is an example of_______________?

non-probability sampling

236 - So far as society is concerned it

sometimes causes deaths

237 - social (adj)

friendly; a person who enjoys companions

238 - Social (cognitive) psychologist, performed classic study of imitation and aggressive behaviors in children.

Albert Bandura

239 - Social action

Refers to the way in which sIt is a central concept in symbolic interactionism.

240 - Social activist who was involved in the Pan-African movement

W.E.B. Du Bois

241 - social aggregations that emerge from the (Inter)Net when enough people carry on…. public discussions long enough with sufficient human feeling to form webs of personal relationships What is Rheingold (2000) describing here ?

virtual communities

242 - Social and economic change in Pakistan has been so enormous that it can be termed as Revolutionary The process of change began with.

Migration after Independence

243 - Social and economic change in Pakistan has been so enormous that it can be termed as Revolutionary The process of change began with_____________?

Migration after Independence

244 - Social Behaviour and Personality" was written by

W.I. Thomas

245 - Social benefit of population statistics is that

we come to know about child morality.

246 - Social change is


247 - Social change must be analyzed in terms of.

statics and dynamics

248 - Social class is based on .....

income, education, and occupational prestige

249 - Social Class means which of the following?

a division of a society based on social and economic status

250 - Social classes are divided on the basis of

None of these

251 - Social classes are divided on the basis of

None of these

252 - Social classes, status groups, age and gender groups, and crowds are the examples of


253 - Social cohesion based upon the dependence individuals have on each other in more advanced societies

Organic Solidarity

254 - social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting or absent


255 - Social conflict is

an understanding of why this is inequality

256 - Social Conflict Theory

Karl Marx

257 - Social construction is

The reality conveys the important ideas and build social world through our interaction

258 - Social construction of reality was introduced by

Peter Berger

259 - Social constructionism studies the processes which create and sustain ?

social reality

260 - Social constructionism studies the processes which create and sustain ?

social reality

261 - Social constructionism studies the processes which create and sustain.

social reality

262 - Social control brings ..... to society

social order

263 - Social control imposes informally through

all of these

264 - Social control involves

all of these

265 - Social control involves

all of these

266 - Social control is

How groups and individuals are brought into conformity

267 - Social control is exerted in the following important ways.

Beliefs and personal ideals.

268 - Social control makes

a citizen responsible

269 - Social control may be imposed informally through the

all of these

270 - Social control may be imposed informally through the

all of these

271 - Social control refers to.....

the methods a society uses to promote order and stability

272 - Social control studies

various modes

273 - Social Control theory attempts to explain_____________?


274 - Social control through the enforcement of norms works because.

individuals are anxious to be accepted

275 - Social control..... Multiple correct answers

All of the above

276 - Social Darwinism

perspective that holds that societies evolve towards stability and perfection

277 - Social Darwinism is

Survival of the fittest applied to people

278 - Social Darwinism is to Herbert Spencer as Ideal type is to


279 - Social Darwinism promoted survival of the fittest. How was this idea applied socially?

encouraged the inferiority of minorities

280 - Social Darwinism; only the best aspects of society survive


281 - Social Darwinists believed that.

only the strongest persons should control the resources of a society

282 - Social dependency based on widespread consensus of values & beliefs, enforced conformity & dependency on tradition & family

mechanical solidarity

283 - Social disorganisation is

one time process

284 - Social disorganisation is

one time process

285 - Social disorganisation is a problem concerned primarily with

all societies

286 - Social distance is measured either by direct observation of people interacting or by.


287 - Social distance is measured either by direct observation of people interacting or by____________?

Case studies

288 - Social dynamics are processes that.....

Change society

289 - Social esteem, respect, or approval that is awarded to people because they possess attributes that their society considers admirable.


290 - Social events are


291 - Social exclusion refers to ways in which people are cut off from full involvement in society How has Veit-Wilson (1998) distinguished the main variants of this concept ?


292 - Social exclusion refers to ways in which people are cut off from full involvement in society How has Veit-Wilson (1998) distinguished the main variants of this concept?


293 - Social facts have their independent existence and must be studied likewise Who remarked above when discussing scientific method ?

Emile Durkheim

294 - Social facts have their independent existence and must be studied likewise Who remarked above when discussing scientific method.

Emile Durkheim

295 - Social inequality is a structured aspect of contemporary life That means that.

inequalities are passed from generation to generation

296 - Social inequality is a structured aspect of contemporary life That means that___________?

inequalities are passed from generation to generation

297 - Social Institution

a set of ideas about the way a specific important social need should be addressed

298 - Social institutions are the very heart of a culture of a community undoubtedly its proud", was said by


299 - Social institutions are.

None of these

300 - Social institutions are_____________?

None of these

301 - Social institutions create privledge

Conflict Theory

302 - Social institutions have

no physical structure

303 - Social institutions regulate human behaviour in the society" is

social control

304 - Social institutions serve which of the following functions?

All of the above

305 - Social institutions.

are ingrained patterns of behavior representing solutions to universal human needs

306 - Social Integration

members of groups or a society are united by shared values and other social bonds; social cohesion

307 - Social integration is promoted by culturally defined rights and obligations honored by group members


308 - social integration of members of a society who have common values and beliefs.

mechanical solidarity

309 - Social interdependency based on a high degree of specialization in roles

organic solidarity

310 - social interdependency based on a web of highly specialized roles

organic solidarity

311 - Social is an

None of the Above

312 - Social life is organized and structured through.

all of the above

313 - Social life should be undedrstood from the viewpoint of the individuals involved.

Symbolic Interactionism

314 - Social Location

set of information that determines an individual place within their community

315 - Social Location is the group membership that people have because of their __________ ?

Location in history and society

316 - Social mobility is.

In both directions

317 - Social mobility is______________?

In both directions

318 - Social mobility may be experienced by.

By individual or by entire group

319 - Social mobility may be experienced by_____________?

By individual or by entire group

320 - Social mobility may be experienced by______________?

By individual or by entire group

321 - Social mobility means

placement of a person changes with need of time.

322 - Social mobility means

the movement of people between positions that are on different social levels.

323 - Social mobility means

the movement of people between positions that are on different social levels.

324 - Social Mobility" was written by


325 - Social movement that attempts to change the total structure of society

revolutionary movement

326 - Social movement that attempts to make limited changes in people

reformative movement

327 - Social movement that attempts to make limited changes in society

reformative movement

328 - Social movement that seeks to change people completely

redemptive movement

329 - Social movements are classified according to the ..... and .....

target; the amount of change sought

330 - Social movements are forms of collective behavior that have.

a sense of solidarity

331 - Social movements never.

none of the above

332 - Social movements tend to.

all of the above

333 - Social norms are.

rules and expectations about interaction that regulate social life

334 - Social norms are:

Rules and expectations about interaction that regulate social life

335 - Social norms are:सामाà¤Å“िक मानदंड हà¥Ë†Ã ¤‚:

rules and expectations about interaction that regulate social lifeसामाà¤Å“िक à¤Å“ीà¤ÂµÃ ¤¨ को à¤ÂµÃ ¤¿Ã ¤¨Ã ¤¿Ã ¤¯Ã ¤®Ã ¤¿Ã ¤¤ करने à¤ÂµÃ ¤¾Ã ¤²Ã ¥‡ अंतà¤Æ’क्रियाओं के बारे में नियम और अà¤ÂªÃ ¥‡

336 - Social norms are_____________?

rules and expectation about interaction that regulate social life

337 - Social norms are______________?

rules and expectations about interaction that regulate social life

338 - Social norms refer to how a society expects individuals to behave in any given social situation- which of the below is NOT a social norm choose 2

Only (A) & (B)

339 - Social occasions in which individuals act out formal roles are called.

front regions

340 - Social occasions in which individuals act out formal roles are called___________?

front regions

341 - Social occasions in which individuals act out formal roles are called_____________?

front regions

342 - Social order based on interdependence made possible by a high degree of specialization in roles

organic solidarity

343 - Social order based on widespread sharing of values & beliefs, enforced conformity, and dependence on family and tradition

mechanical solidarity

344 - Social organization in the city brought ALL BUT which one of these changes?

The class structure became more rigid

345 - Social organization.

is microsocial macrosocial and interchangeable with social structure

346 - Social position in a society is known as


347 - Social problem may be defined as

it adversely affects large number of people

348 - Social problems can be understood in the realm of


349 - Social ranking is based on.

all of the above

350 - Social Reality is constructed in the minds of social actors.


351 - social reform and co-foundered Chicago's Hull House

Jane Addams

352 - Social reformer and co-founder of Chicago's Hull House

Jane Addams

353 - Social relations are directly proportional to.

social Class

354 - Social relations are directly proportional to_____________?

social Class

355 - Social relations that link us directly and indirectly to others.

Social Networks

356 - Social research is

systematic observation

357 - Social research is

systematic observation

358 - Social research is done for the pupose of developing and testing

social theories

359 - Social research is the systematic method of discovering the new facts", is said by

P. V. Young

360 - Social research means

both of these

361 - Social research means

both of these

362 - Social researchers do pilot studies before a main study because

they want to try it out and improve it

363 - Social revolutions.

often begin with intellectuals withdrawing their support of the existing regime

364 - Social revolutions_______________?

often begin with intellectuals withdrawing their support of the existing regime

365 - Social rules that govern behaviour are known as.....


366 - Social science that examines the choice s people make to satisfy their wants and needs.


367 - Social Science that examines the principles, organization, and operation of government.

Political Science

368 - Social science that focuses on individual's behavior and personality.

Social Psychology

369 - Social science that studies human societies, their interactions, and the processes that preserve and change them


370 - Social science that studies past cultures & present simple cultures


371 - Social Science that studies people and events in the past.


372 - Social science that studies such things as government and voting patterns.

Poltical Science

373 - Social Science that studies the behavior and thinking of organisms.


374 - social science that studies the choice s people make in an effort to satisfy their wants & needs.


375 - Social Sciences are pejoratively known as.

Soft sciences

376 - Social Sciences are pejoratively known as_______________?

Soft sciences

377 - Social sciences comprise the application of scientific method to.

human aspect of the world

378 - Social sciences comprise the application of scientific method to______________?

human aspect of the world

379 - Social scientists are interested in collective behavior because it is.

often the basis of important social change

380 - Social scientists explain the incest taboo as.

way of reducing family conflict

381 - Social scientists who study criminal behavior


382 - Social scientists.

neither accept nor reject claims of divine revelation

383 - Social statics are processes that.....

Hold society together

384 - Social Statics" was published in


385 - social status is based on ability and achievement


386 - social stratification based on ascription or birth.

Caste System

387 - Social Stratification benefits society

Structural-Functional Paradigm

388 - Social Stratification benefits some, harms others

Social-Conflict Paradigm

389 - Social stratification describes

status and roles in group.

390 - Social stratification describes

status and roles in group.

391 - Social stratification indicates

process by which a person gets ranks in society.

392 - Social stratification is a characteristic of society not simply a reflection of

Individual difference

393 - Social stratification is a horizon units" is defined by

R. W. Murray

394 - Social stratification is a result of competition for scarce resources. Which theoretical perspective best explains the statement above?

Conflict Theory

395 - Social stratification is a system that:

ranks society members into categories

396 - Social stratification is based on

social inequality

397 - Social stratification is guided mainly by

economic consideration of the people.

398 - Social stratification is necessary to promote excellence

Functionalist View

399 - Social Stratification is reflected in a ..... society.


400 - Social Stratification is unstable and many oppose the inequality it creates

Social-Conflict Paradigm

401 - Social stratification is.

the ranking or grading of individuals and groups into hierarchical layers

402 - Social stratification is_______________?

the ranking or grading of individuals and groups into hierarchical layers

403 - Social stratification means breaking up of relationship between

group of individuals

404 - Social stratification occurs through social class, age, ethnicity and .....


405 - Social stratification persists over .....


406 - Social stratification provides an effective mechanism for role allocation. This viee is associated with

Davis and Moore

407 - Social Stratification refers

the ranking of people of groups according to their unequal access to scarce resources

408 - Social stratification resulting from unequal distribution of wealth, power and

All of the above

409 - Social structure

Refers to the pattern of social behavior in a group or society. It acts as a framework for society by establishing the ways that people and groups are related. These relationships are based on a person's location, or status, in the social structure.

410 - Social structure is characterized by power struggles between the bourgeoise & proletariat.

Karl Marx

411 - Social Structure is.....

a network of interrelated statuses and roles that guide human interaction

412 - Social structure refers to.

norms roles and group in a social system

413 - Social structure roles are.....

The rights and obligations expected of someone occupying a particular status

414 - Social Studies aims to do all of the following with respect to human behavior EXCEPT:


415 - Social systems are based on.

expectations as to the behavior of others

416 - Social theory is

about the knowledge of social universe.

417 - Social theory is about

how to use the knowledge.

418 - Social theory is found in

both of these

419 - Social theory is found in

both of these

420 - Social values are

positive ideals

421 - Social values indicate

group standards

422 - Social values may also be changed by new types of

all of these

423 - Socialisation in teenage years through the influence of peer groups, friends and school - is the definition of what?

Secondary Socialisation

424 - Socialisation is a

None of these

425 - Socialisation is the process by which

people learn the culutre of society.

426 - Socialisation is the process by which

people become full participants in the society.

427 - Socialisation makes social behaviour


428 - Socialisation makes social behaviour


429 - Socialisation refers to.....Could be more than one answer

All of the above

430 - Socialisation shall be considered as

dependent variable

431 - Socialism and communism both call for.

government controlling parts of the economy for the common good

432 - Socialist systems emphasize.....

freedom from want

433 - Socialist theory was defined in the writings of Karl Marx and ?

Friedrich Engels

434 - Socialist theory was defined in the writings of Karl Marx and.

Friedrich Engels

435 - Socialist theory was defined in the writings of karl Marx and______________?

Adam Smith

436 - socialite (n)

a person who is important or of high rank within a specific, usually fashionable group

437 - Socialization begins at birth and continues

throughout life.

438 - Socialization by outside influences other than those that have raised you is known as:

Secondary Socialization

439 - Socialization happens best by:

Interacting with other humans

440 - Socialization happens in.

persons of all ages

441 - socialization in children takes place.

both a and c

442 - socialization in children takes place___________?

both a and c

443 - Socialization involves the use of which process to turn a "horde of barbarians" into productive human beings?

symbolic and physical interaction

444 - Socialization is

learning attitudes, values and behaviors.

445 - Socialization is a ..... process.


446 - Socialization is a continuous lifelong process and self develops as a result of social interactions this is.

Symbolic interactionism

447 - Socialization is a continuous lifelong process and self develops as a result of social interactions this is_______________?

Symbolic interactionism

448 - Socialization is a life process generally divided into two parts primary and secondary socialization Primary refers to.

Socialization in early life, as a child

449 - Socialization is a life process generally divided into two parts primary and secondary socialization Primary refers to_____________?

Socialization in early life, as a child

450 - Socialization is a series of stages in which the individual learns to participate in various levels of organization of society and internalizes a cognitive frame of reference for interpersonal relations It is.

Internalization theory

451 - Socialization is a series of stages in which the individual learns to participate in various levels of organization of society and internalizes a cognitive frame of reference for interpersonal relations It is____________?

Internalization theory

452 - Socialization is based on


453 - Socialization is extended to every part of human life As a result every one becomes both a socialiser and a socializee in all encounters with others This concept leaves socialization without a social home.This is the approach of.

Long & Hadden

454 - Socialization is extended to every part of human life As a result every one becomes both a socializer and a socialize in all encounters with others This concept leaves socialization without a social home. This is the approach of______________?

Long & Hadden

455 - Socialization is the process through which an individual internalizes ?

Cultural norms

456 - Socialization is the process through which an individual internalizes.

Cultural norms

457 - Socialization is______________?

the process of becoming part of a society by learning its norms and values

458 - Socialization refers to

The process by which someone learns the necessary skills to participate in society

459 - Socialization takes place through a process of cultural


460 - Socialization, as a sociological term, describes:

how people learn societal norms, beliefs, and values

461 - Socially determined behaviors expected of a person performing a role.

Role Expectation

462 - Socially it may be said that procreation is

socially motivated factor.

463 - Societal Reaction theory begins with the fact that deviation is created by labelling an act as.


464 - Societal Reaction theory begins with the fact that deviation is created by labelling an act as______________?


465 - societal stratification based on personal merit.


466 - Societies are classified according to which of the following categories?

All of the above

467 - Societies are in relative balance.


468 - societies exert control over its members

social constraint

469 - societies existed roughly 2 million to 10,000 years ago

hunting and gathering

470 - Societies in which ascribed statuses have been prevalent include.

A and C only

471 - Societies persist without sharing resources equally because:

There are strong ideological beliefs that justify that stratification

472 - Societies practice social control to maintain .....

social order

473 - Societies use lots of symbols as meaningful representations of who they are collectively.

Symbolic Interactionism

474 - Societies want a sense of stability and harmony


475 - societies when people learned they could grow and harvest certain plants instead of gathering them.


476 - Societies where sons inherit property from their mothers are called

None of the above

477 - Societies with landed gentry and inherited titles resemble.

estate systems

478 - Society always refers to the

Culture of the people

479 - Society and culture is indeed connected with one another, all encompassing, meaning we visualize culture and society as a complex whole. The following descriptions below clearly explain how culture, society, and politics are interrelated with one another,

Members of the society are not active in the engagement in political activities.

480 - Society and culture.

are interrelated and interdependent

481 - Society can be properly studied if latent and manifest functions are

allowed to come closer to each other.

482 - Society cannot be studied in the same way as the natural world because.

human behaviour is meaningful and varies between individuals and cultures

483 - Society cannot be studied in the same way as the natural world because_____________?

human behavior is meaningful and varies between individuals and cultures

484 - Society cannot be studied in the same way as the natural world because_______________?

human behavior is meaningful and varies between individuals and cultures

485 - Society has become less religious and the social stigma relating to divorce has been lost. Divorce reform Act- no fault divorces. Growth in welfare state. Increased opportunities for marital stress and conflict. Increasing debt and pressure to have a high

Social Attitudes and Secularisation

486 - Society is


487 - Society is "a reality sui generis", is said by

Emile Durkheim

488 - Society is a complex organization of parts that function to fulfil the requirements and promote the needs of the whole is a concept of.

structural functionalism

489 - Society is a complex organization of parts that function to fulfil the requirements and promote the needs of the whole is a concept of________________?

structural functionalism

490 - Society is a system of interconnected parts that work together to maintain a state of balance.

Functionalist theory

491 - Society is a system of interconnected parts that work together.


492 - Society is a web of social .....


493 - Society is abstract and community is .....


494 - Society is an integrated whole; changes to one part will led to changes in other parts


495 - Society is based on a set of shared values that most people follow.


496 - Society is composed of different groups competing for resources.

Conflict Theory

497 - Society is composed of groups competing for scarce resources (Marx)

Conflict Theory

498 - Society is constantly changing in response to social inequality and conflict.

Conflict Perspective

499 - Society is defined as:

Only (A) & (B)

500 - Society is held together by


501 - Society is looked upon as

system of parts.

502 - Society is network of what?

Social relationship

503 - Society is of which type


504 - Society is portrayed as a body and each part has a role to play.

Structural functionalism

505 - Society is seen as a complex system whose parts work together to promote stability and social order, focusing on how large structures fit together.+Mostly macro-level paradigm

Structural Functionalism

506 - society is seen as a stable system in.

Functionalist Perspective

507 - society is seen as a stable system in_______________?

Functionalist Perspective

508 - Society is seen as being composed of complex groups who struggle over scare resources, taking change as fundamental to society, focusing on how society defines sources of inequality and conflict.+Mostly macro-level theory

Conflict Theory

509 - Society is seen as inherently ..... when using a functionalist perspective.


510 - Society is the network of

social relationship

511 - 'Society' is the web of social relationships - whose views are these?

Maclver & Page

512 - Society means which of the following?

Is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations

513 - Society puts pressure on individuals to achieve certain types of socially acceptable goals

Strain Theory

514 - Society refers to a group of people

a& b both

515 - Society refers to a group of people_____________?

a& b both

516 - Society refers to the

interrelationship of people

517 - Society refers to the

interrelationship of people

518 - Society seeks stability


519 - Society shaping us into who we are is an example of?


520 - Society sustains itself by various moving parts that work together for the whole. (Political systems, religion, the family, etc.) Organic solidarity

Emilie Durkheim

521 - Society symbolises the network of

Social relationships

522 - Society that survives by growing their own food


523 - Society using technology to provide for the needs of its members is a

subsistence strategy

524 - Society works as gears in an engine with each parts working together to make society run is an example of .....


525 - Society, school/work, friend group, family, media, and location are what?

Key influences on ones culture

526 - Society's different classes are seen to emerge based on the means of production.

Class Conflict

527 - Society's entire way of life can also be called?


528 - Sociobiology studies what type of reasons for human behavior?


529 - sociocultureal change means that.

social and cultural change are interrelated

530 - Socio-economic class is associated with .....


531 - Socioeconomic status is determined by

educational level and place of residence

532 - sociogram (n)

a diagram that represents each person's friends in a classroom

533 - Sociological definitions of deviance consist of behaviors, beliefs, and_______________?


534 - Sociological imagination

Wright Mills

535 - Sociological imagination enables us to

All of the above

536 - Sociological imagination is a term coined by

Wright Mills

537 - Sociological knowledge has had an impact upon ..... and there is a complex relationship between the two

social policy

538 - Sociological method that examines society on a smaller, or individual scale.


539 - Sociological method that looks at society as a whole


540 - Sociological methods" was written by

Emile Durkheim

541 - Sociological Perspective

stresses the social contexts in which people live and studies how context influence people's lives

542 - Sociological perspective is .....

A viewing of the behavior of groups in a systematic way

543 - Sociological Perspective is never about what?

The individual

544 - Sociological perspective means __________ ?

Understanding human behavior in broader context of society

545 - Sociological research frequently focuses on______________?

disadvantaged groups

546 - Sociological studies of colonialism suggest that.

colonialism is perpetuated to this day by practices known as neo-colonialism

547 - Sociological studies of colonialism suggest that____________?

colonialism is perpetuated to this day by practices known as neo-colonialism

548 - Sociological studies of feral children point to the conclusion that our personality and even our humanity comes from our

cultural environment

549 - Sociological studies test relationships in which change in one ..... causes change in another.


550 - Sociological term for the movement of individuals or groups from one level in a stratification system to another is .....

social mobility

551 - Sociological Theory focused on people's interaction based on mutually understood symbols.

Symbolic Interactionism

552 - Sociological Theory that emphasizes contributions made by each part of the society


553 - Sociological Theory that emphasizes role of conflict, competition, and constraint.

Conflict Theory

554 - Sociologically define formal control (social control agents)

Official authority figures with the power to impose sanction

555 - Sociologically speaking, what is the meaning of symbols?

They are the things to which we attach meaning, the things that make our life meaningful.

556 - Sociologically speaking, what is the resistance to power?


557 - Sociologist ..... published The Philadelphia Negro.

W.E.B. DuBois

558 - Sociologist Alvin Goldner sees Erving Goffman's work on social behavior as implicitly reaffirming the status quo especially social class inequalities Gouldner,s critique is associated with the_____________?

conflict perspective

559 - Sociologist Alvin Gouldner sees Erving Goffman's work on social behaviour as implicitly reaffirming the status quo especialy social class inequalities Gouldner's critique is associated with the.

conflict perspective

560 - Sociologist define social class by income, occupation, and education.


561 - Sociologist must base his conclusions on impartially collected, analyzed and interpreted data.

Sociology as Science

562 - sociologist that believed in order to comprehend behavior, one must learn subjective meaning people attach to actions

Max Weber

563 - sociologist that coined the term "class" in which people are organized in social ranks; key to the development of communist thought

Karl Marx

564 - Sociologist who believed humans act on the basis of their own understanding (values, beliefs, attitudes). One should study others by putting yourself in their shoes Use reason not superstition.

Max Weber

565 - sociologist who believed that there is conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat

Karl Marx

566 - Sociologist who believes that religion "opium of the masses"

Karl Marx

567 - Sociologist who coined the term sociological imagination

Wright Mills

568 - sociologist who stressed that people behave based on their own understanding of a situation

Max Weber

569 - sociologist who stressed the importance of consensus in a society

Émile Durkheim

570 - Sociologists are encouraged to practice this to understand people considering the subjects' culture's norms and values, not the sociologist's personal culture.

Cultural Relativism

571 - Sociologists argue that culture is which of the following?


572 - Sociologists argue that race is which of the following?

Socially constructed

573 - Sociologists believe that no behavior is____________?

inherently deviant

574 - Sociologists believe that.

Individual is the product of social group within which he is socialized

575 - Sociologists believe that_______________?

Individual is the product of social group within which he is socialized

576 - Sociologists believe this is the most important agent of socialization in almost every society.


577 - Sociologists call an action that rewards a certain kind of behavior a(n)

positive sanction

578 - Sociologists define ..... as the social institution that organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of a society's goods and services.


579 - Sociologists define a cult as a group (select all that apply):

All of the above

580 - Sociologists define culture as design for living values, beliefs, behaviour, practices and material objects and

Way of life

581 - Sociologists determine the level of society as Pre-Industrial, Industrial or Post-Industrial based on .....


582 - Sociologists embrace methodological pluralism in research. This is referred to as


583 - Sociologists generally work from assumption that nurture is far more important than nature in determining human behaviour a useful term to deal with all this is

Human capabilities

584 - Sociologists have concluded that gender roles

are socially constructed

585 - Sociologists have identified five basic properties - unequal treatment, physical or cultural traits, ascribed status, solidarity, and in-group marriage - to describe

minority groups

586 - Sociologists have increasingly used term globalization in


587 - Sociologists like Bordo (1993) have attributed the epidemic of anorexia in Western cultures to.

the new ideal of independent self-assured femininity combined with cultural values of achievement and control

588 - Sociologists limit their study of religion to those items that can be


589 - Sociologists look at body projects and consider ways in which a biological entity in transformed through

Social actions

590 - Sociologists look for patterns and trends in data as they reveal important

Truths about society

591 - Sociologists never focus on the .....


592 - Sociologists rarely use data collected by the United States Census because it is not representative of the population.


593 - Sociologists recognize that "personal" troubles, if occurring in patterned ways, to large numbers of individuals, reflect important ..... or consequences of social structures.

public issues

594 - Sociologists refer to a composite ranking based on various dimensions of social inequality are called

Socioeconomic status

595 - Sociologists refer to an observable fact or event that involves human society as a

Social Phenomena

596 - Sociologists refer to parents, siblings, relatives, and others who directly influence our socialization as

Significant others

597 - Sociologists said that pastoral societies domestics animals and engage in extensive trade and


598 - Sociologists systematically study social behavior in human groups and .....

look for patterns.

599 - Sociologists use ..... to analyze social interactions.


600 - Sociologists use ..... to analyze the broad features of society.


601 - Sociologists use this term to distinguish how people relate to one another and influence each other's behavior:

Social interaction

602 - Sociologists using Evolutionary Perspective look for.

Patterns of Change and development

603 - Sociologists using Evolutionary Perspective look for________________?

Patterns of Change and development

604 - Sociologists who analyze how behavior depends on the ways that people define themselves and others are most likely .....

symbolic interactionists

605 - Sociologists, said that operations of large machines, gave birth to


606 - Sociologists, who study past (working with archaeologists and anthropologists) have learned quite a bit about our

Human heritage

607 - Sociologists.

should obtain informed consent in cases where subjects may be exposed to risks of research that are greater than the risks of everyday life

608 - Sociologists________________?

should obtain informed consent in cases where subjects may be exposed to risks of research that are greater than the risks of everyday life

609 - Sociology

A Science of Society

610 - sociology (n)

the study of how people get along

611 - Sociology as a distinct branch of knowledge is said by

August Comet

612 - Sociology as a distinct branch of knowledge is said by

August Comet

613 - Sociology as a scientific discipline emerged in.....

19th century

614 - Sociology as a 'Western Discipline' emerged in .....


615 - Sociology came primarily from three countries during the 1800's which countries are they? Check all that apply

All of the above

616 - Sociology can be considered a social science because.

all of the above

617 - Sociology can be considered a social science because_______________?

all of the above

618 - Sociology can be considered a social science because________________?

sociologists collect data in a relatively objective and systematic way

619 - Sociology comes from a Latin word Socius means.


620 - Sociology comes from a Latin word Socius means______________?


621 - sociology deals with


622 - Sociology differs from common sense in that.

its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts

623 - Sociology differs from common sense in that_______________?

its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts

624 - Sociology differs from common sense in that_______________?

its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts

625 - Sociology emerged in response to major social changes caused by all of the following except

World War II and the Cold War

626 - Sociology emerged in.

In early 19th Century

627 - Sociology emerged in________________?

In early 19th Century

628 - sociology employs

scientific methods

629 - Sociology first took root as an academic discipline at ..... in 1890.

the University of Kansas

630 - Sociology focuses on

interactions between individuals.

631 - Sociology focuses on studying


632 - Sociology has been said to be the product of.

the French and Industrial Revolutions

633 - Sociology has been said to be the product of______________?

the French and Industrial Revolutions

634 - Sociology has its origins in the late ..... century.


635 - Sociology has three theoretical perspectives. EXCEPT A. Functionalism B. Rationalization C. conflict theory D. symbolic interactionism


636 - Sociology is

A Science

637 - sociology is a

social science

638 - Sociology is a science, said by

Max Weber

639 - Sociology is a study of

the ways that people are affected by and affect society.

640 - Sociology is based on the work of all of the following scholars except for

Friedrich Engels

641 - Sociology is centered around studying.....

The behavior of people in groups

642 - Sociology is characterised by a perspective that places ..... in the foreground.

Social interaction

643 - Sociology is characterised by a perspective that places..... in the foreground.

Social interaction

644 - Sociology is concerned with.

Patterns of human behaviour

645 - Sociology is concerned with_______________?

patterns of human behavior

646 - Sociology is concerned with__________________?

Patterns of human behavior

647 - Sociology is considered a science because it isI. empiricalII. objectiveIII. value free

I, II and III

648 - Sociology is defined as

the scientific study of social structures

649 - Sociology is defined as the:

Systematic study of society and social interaction.

650 - Sociology is different than other sciences in terms of how they research. Sociologist refer to the ..... as their laboratory.


651 - Sociology is introduced as an academic discipline by.

Auguste Comte

652 - Sociology is introduced as an academic discipline by______________?

Auguste Comte

653 - Sociology is more interested in .....

The sources of human behavior

654 - Sociology is most commonly similar to


655 - Sociology is related to other sciences. Check those that are related to sociology.

All of the above

656 - Sociology is science because of the following reasons, except.....

Sociology has a lack of objectivity

657 - Sociology is study of.

Human social life

658 - Sociology is study of________________?

Human social life

659 - Sociology is the

objective study of human interaction.

660 - Sociology is the

objective study of human interaction.

661 - Sociology is the science of interpretative understanding of social


662 - 'sociology' is the science of the Social Institution and their origin-who said this?


663 - Sociology is the scientific study of human society and human


664 - Sociology is the study of


665 - Sociology is the study of

study of human society, social groups, and social interactions

666 - Sociology is the study of .....


667 - Sociology is well-equipped to uncover the truth about social problems because of______________?

its emphasis on careful reliable empirical research

668 - Sociology is.....

the study of people's behavior in groups

669 - Sociology may have been born of industrial revolution but it has fast moved into

Cyber Revolution

670 - Sociology really started as a field as a result of three big changes in European society in the 18th and 19th centuries. What were these three big changes?

All of the above

671 - Sociology should be based off of what we can be "Positive" over


672 - Sociology teaches people to:

develop skills to live and work in an integrated world

673 - Sociology Theory that explains why symbols like the American Flag can cause behavior and heavy emotions

Symbolic Interaction Theory

674 - Sociology was born of modern world is called

All of the above

675 - Sociology was devoted to the analysis of what?

How society develops

676 - Sociology.

Is the scientific study of social interaction and organization

677 - Sociology________________?

Is the scientific study of social interaction and organization?

678 - Sociolology is a science because it isI. empiricalII. objective III. subjectiveIV. value free

I, II and IV only

679 - sociopath (n)

a person who suffers from an antisocial mental disorder

680 - Socorro, a research assistant at the university, uses ..... to explore background assumptions that underlie human behavior.


681 - Solidarity that is based on common beliefs, values, and customs (Merica!)

mechanical solidarity

682 - solve for subsistence problem by raising and taking care of animals.

Pastoral Societies

683 - solve the subsistence (food) problem primarily through the growing of plants.

Horticultural Societies

684 - Some American Indians cannot express the idea of time in their tribal languages This fact shows that.

time is not an important value in their culture

685 - Some Christians consider the cross to be a religious symbol. For them, the cross is


686 - Some conflict theorists argue that the state is an instrument that is manipulated by the capitalist class This manipulation is accomplished through ?

lobbying campaign financing and corruption

687 - Some conflict theorists argue that the state is an instrument that is manipulated by the capitalist class This manipulation is accomplished through.

lobbying campaign financing and corruption

688 - Some criminals are ..... and suffer from an antisocial mental disorder.


689 - Some groups are neither clearly primary nor secondary but are intermediate with some features of each usually formed for performing some task They are called.


690 - Some groups are neither clearly primary nor secondary but are intermediate with some features of each usually formed for performing some task They are called______________?


691 - Some groups in society share values, norms, and behaviors that are not shared by entire population. The unique cultural characteristics of these groups form what?


692 - Some individuals do experience of change in one's position in a social hierarachy is

Social mobility

693 - Some innovations are substitutive, not additive, and these are

less readily accepted

694 - Some innovations can be demonstrated quite easily on a

small scale

695 - Some of hallmarks of socio-economic change in Pakistan can be enlisted as such.

All of the above

696 - Some of hallmarks of socio-economic change in Pakistan can be enlisted as such_____________?

All of the above

697 - Some of the advantages of a market economy include.

all of the above

698 - Some of the institutions of a society are.

both a and b

699 - Some of the institutions of a society are______________?

both a and b

700 - Some of the most important freedoms in American society are

freedom of religion, speech, and the press

701 - Some of the restrictions as work in a market include.

income for labor

702 - Some people think that shopping over the internet can lead to social isolation because people go to stores less frequently. This is a ..... function of Internet shopping.


703 - Some people think that shopping over the internet can lead to social isolation because people go to stores less often. This is a function of Internet shopping.


704 - Some projects have fual purposes

scientific and practical

705 - Some societies abandoned barter to trade and instead use


706 - Some state powers are inferred from the power specifically delegated by the Constitution to the central government These are Called.

reserved powers

707 - Some status symbols are used to .....

communicate group memberships to others

708 - Somebody who believes people in society work together to achieve the best possible outcome is a?


709 - Someone or something that is abnormal or does not fit in


710 - Someone practicing colorblind racism.....

pretends racism does not exists

711 - Someone who believes in cultural relativism would believe that:

eating with your hands or utensils are equally acceptable

712 - someone who is raised without the influence of a cultural environment


713 - Someone who makes \$50,000-200,000, has at least 4 year college degree and whose dog is a yellow lab would likely be in which social class?

middle class

714 - Someone who takes part in a research study


715 - something chosen to represent something else


716 - Something chosen to represent something else (words, objects, gestures)


717 - something suggested as naturally to be inferred or understood


718 - Something that disrupts a situation.


719 - Something that is found in almost all cultures around the world is called what?

cultural universal

720 - Something that is not morally correct is known as.....


721 - Sometimes one status in a status set is so important to a person's social identity, it overshadows all other statuses a person occupies. That "so important" status is known as ..... status.

a master

722 - Sometimes the scientist personally participates in some experiment to observe it fully It is Known as.

Participant-observer studies

723 - Sometimes the scientist personally participates in some experiment to observe it fully It is Known as_____________?

Participant-observer studies

724 - Sometimes we feel happy to pay more for imported goods It shows our.

Xenocentric Approach

725 - Sometimes we feel happy to pay more for imported goods It shows our_____________?

Xenocentric Approach

726 - Songs languages and orchestral performances are examples of.

nonmaterial culture

727 - Songs languages and orchestral performances are examples of______________?

nonmaterial culture

728 - Sorokin emphasises that the group difference are mainly affected by differences in.

Physical environment

729 - Sorokin emphasizes that the group difference is mainly affected by differences in_______________?

Physical environment

730 - Soronkin has classified all societies as

all of these

731 - Soronkin has classified all societies as

all of these

732 - Spanish siesta mid-day breaks vs. Japanese Dawn to Dust are an example of what component of Culture?

Work Ethic

733 - Specialization by individuals or groups in the performance of specific economic activities is called .....

division of labor

734 - Specialization led to the development of groups of people with similar customs, training, and income, known as a .....

social class

735 - Specialized division of labor in industrial societies can make workers feel that they.

all of the above

736 - Specialized socialization occurs most frequently in.

occupational groups or organizations

737 - Species being means.

Self actualization

738 - Species being means_______________?


739 - specific curricular programs designed to overcome a deficiency

compensatory education

740 - specific explanations of abstract concepts that a researcher plans to study

operational definitions

741 - Specific guidelines for action that say how people should behave in particular situations


742 - Specific people, such as parents, siblings, relatives, and others, who directly influence our socialization

Significant other

743 - specific topics studied in a natural setting

field research

744 - Spencer is known as

second founding father of sociology

745 - Spencer pointed out that

three basic laws are in operation.

746 - Spencer presented the theory of.

Social Evolution

747 - Spencer presented the theory of_______________?

Social Evolution

748 - Spencer's ideas, which came to be known as social


749 - Spengler and Toynbee deny.

cultural growth from simple to complex

750 - Spengler and Toynbee deny_____________?

cultural growth from simple to complex

751 - Spontaneous behavior of a group of people responding to similar stimuli

collective behavior

752 - spontaneous expressions of approval or disapproval

informal sanction

753 - Sport

helps people identify with their society.

754 - sport affects our self-concept

symbolic interactionism

755 - sport encourages those people with power toexploit and manipulate others

conflict theory

756 - sport helps people identify with their society


757 - Sport subculture is:

a group with distinct roles, values, norms, and beliefs that is organized around a sport

758 - Sports are not just played now they have elite groups around world is called


759 - Spouses often appear more attractive to one another than they appear to other people. What is this an example of?


760 - Spread of cultural traits from group to group is called.


761 - Spreading cultural traits from one society to another.

Cultural diffusion

762 - Sreberny-Mohammadi (1996) argues that national cultures can resist American cultural domination of the media by_____________?

all of the above

763 - Stable enduring patterns of social relationships or social positions and numbers of people over which individuals have little control areसामाà¤Å“िक संबंधों या सामाà¤Å“िक à¤ÂªÃ ¤¦Ã ¥‹Ã ¤‚ के स्थिर स्थ

Social structureसामाà¤Å“िक संरà¤Å¡Ã ¤¨Ã ¤¾

764 - Stage one of the looking-glass self is what?

We imagine how we look to others

765 - Stages of cognitive-development related socialization was proposed by

J. Piaget

766 - Standard deviation in statistics is the measure that indicates in the essence of.

Central tendency

767 - Standard deviation in statistics is the measure that indicates in the essence of______________?

Central tendency

768 - Standard English and the music of music This belief is an example of.

attitudinal discrimination

769 - Standard of living below the minimum level society considers decent and reasonable


770 - Standard of living that is below the minimum level considered adequate by society


771 - Standard rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members in the society.


772 - Stanley Milgram's research, in which subjects used a "shock generator," showed .....

people are surprisingly likely to follow the orders of not only real authority figures but also groups of ordinary individuals.

773 - Starbucks, Apple, Samsung, and others that have headquarters in one country and also conduct business in other countries are known as

Multinational corporations

774 - Starting in the 17th century, humans changed how they examined the world because of the development of.....

Scientific theory and knowledge

775 - State of functioning & balance, maintained by a society's tendency to make small adjustments to change


776 - State terrorism is defined as?

Governments using violence or threats against their own people

777 - states that conformity to social norms depends on the presence of strong bonds between individuals and society

control theory

778 - states that deviance is relative

labeling theory

779 - States that society is held together by social consensus or cohesion, in which members of society agree to work for what is best for society.

functionalist perspective

780 - statistical methods such as surveys with large numbers of participants

quantitative sociology

781 - Statistics that allow researchers to generalize to a population from a sample are called.


782 - Status

a social position a person occupies in a social structure

783 - Status acquired by an individual based on skill, knowledge, and ability?


784 - Status acquired by an individual on the basis of some special skill, knowledge, or ability is called .....

achieved status

785 - Status beyond a person's control such as being a teenager, male, female, etc..... is?


786 - Status can be defined as.....

Where you fit into society/group

787 - Status differences between different generations of families.

Intergenerational Mobility

788 - Status inconsistency is defined as.

the condition of persons who are ranked higher in one variable of status than another

789 - Status is

socially defined position in a group or in a society

790 - Status means

a position, where a person stands in the group structure.

791 - Status means

a position, where a person stands in the group structure.

792 - Status that affects most aspects of our lives

master status

793 - status that plays the greatest role in shaping a person's life and determining his or her social identity


794 - Statuses are based on.

all of the above

795 - Stealing someone else's things is an example of what?


796 - Stereotyping is

Making a prejudiced generalization about a group of ppl

797 - Stigma is a theory by which sociologist?


798 - Stones research suggests that prior to industrialization the nuclear family ?

had begun to emerge through the separation of work and home life

799 - Stone's research suggests that prior to industrialization the nuclear family.

had begun to emerge through the separation of work and home life

800 - Stouffer's studies designed to show the armed services, how to get more effective fighting


801 - Stouffer's studies provided knowledge to the student of

all of these

802 - Stouffer's studies provided knowledge to the student of

all of these

803 - Stratification exists in ..... societies.


804 - Stratification is increasing .....

All of the above

805 - Stratification means which of the following?

The hierarchical or vertical division of society according to rank, caste, or class

806 - Stratification occurs societies that have a.


807 - Stratification orders of society are

All of the above

808 - Stratification perpetuates inequality

Conflict Theory

809 - Stratification systems tend to.

differentiate among people within societies

810 - Stratified sample falls under.

probability sampling design

811 - Stratified sample falls under______________?

probability sampling design

812 - Stressed that people behave based on their own understanding of a situation

Max Weber

813 - Stressed that people behave on the basis of their own understanding

Max Weber

814 - Stressing the desirability of retaining each group's cultural distinctiveness is part of the ideology of.

cultural pluralism

815 - Strict fundamentalists would most likely request public school instruction regarding

intelligent design

816 - Strong bonds that are based on similar tasks, beliefs, and experiences.

Mechanical Solidarity

817 - Structural function is

an understanding of how society works

818 - Structural Functionalism

Emile Durkheim

819 - Structural functionalism draws its inspiration primarily from the ideas of.


820 - Structural functionalism draws its inspiration primarily from the ideas of___________?


821 - Structural functionalism is the intellectual descendent of.

Classical conservatism

822 - Structural Functionalism means which of the following?

Views society as a system of interdependent parts whose functions contribute to the stability and survival of the system.

823 - Structural Functionalism sees society as:

a well oiled machine

824 - Structural mobility occurs when:

a large group moves up or down the class ladder due to societal changes

825 - Structural-Functionalists describe society as.

a normative framework of roles and institutions

826 - Structural-Functionalists describe society as_____________?

a normative framework of roles and institutions

827 - Structural-Functionalists describe society as_______________?

a normative framework of roles and institutions

828 - Structured inequality of gender roles.

has its origins in agricultural communities

829 - Structured Interviews.....

.....are based on a structured, pre-coded questionnaire

830 - Students at Bailey University staged a sit-in to protest the University's decision to cancel its longstanding policy of exempting draduating seniors from final exams Which strongest framework for analyzing this situation?

Conflict, because this is an example of a power struggle between two groups with conflicting ideas an interests

831 - Students at Bailey University staged a sit-in to protest the University's decision to cancel its longstanding policy of exempting graduating seniors from final exams Which strongest framework for analyzing this situation?

Conflict, because this is an example of a power struggle between two groups with conflicting ideas an interest

832 - Students in a clique you do not belong to are best an example of


833 - Students in George's sixth-grade class avoid him because they know his father is in prison for auto theft. This is an example of

a stigma.

834 - Students in the college town refer to the local residents as "Townies." The students feel disconnected from the Townies and often hold negative views towards them. From the students viewpoint, the Townies are a(n):




836 - Studied society by focusing on one individual and how that one individual interacts with others in society. Used the term "verstehen" (to understand) what it is like to be someone else.

Max Weber

837 - Studied Sociology through observation. He used to scientific method to study observable behaviors in society.

Emile Durkheim

838 - Studied the effects of institutionalization on infants

Rene Spitz

839 - Studied the effects of institutionalized infants.

Rene Spitz

840 - Studied the significance of race in American society.

W.E.B. DuBois

841 - Studies conducted under the rules of secrecy by military

do not count as scientific research unless their results are published.

842 - Studies group behavior


843 - Studies have found that.

all of the above

844 - Studies of delinquent gangs indicate that.

gang norms are substituted for society's norms in some cases

845 - Studies of siblings who shared parents social class and everyday experiences have shown that they.

view the same experiences differently

846 - Studies other than Mead's show that.

in most cultures males are more aggressive than females

847 - Study focusing on government and politics

Political science

848 - Study of distance individuals maintain between each other and how it is significant.


849 - Study of groups and interactions, societies and social interactions, from small and personal groups to very large groups


850 - Study of institutions marriage, family or processes such as change and social mobility


851 - Study of large scale society.


852 - Study of larger world and each society place in it instead of overwhelming dominance in sociology of western voice, we can say that

Global perspective

853 - Study of small groups of society.


854 - Study of social change

Social Dynamics

855 - Study of social stability & order

social statics

856 - Study of society and human social behavior.


857 - study of the evolution, development, and functioning of human society


858 - study of the patterns of behavior in our social structure


859 - Study of way people make sense of their everyday lives are called

Ethno methodology

860 - Studying how humans us and distribute the resources available to them would be which social science?


861 - Studying interaction within a human family would occur on a.

macrosocial level

862 - Studying social dynamics refers to

examining social change

863 - Studying sociology helps people analyze data because they learn:

all of the above

864 - Studying the interaction between government and the economy would occur on a.

microsocial level

865 - Studying the societal consequences of the development of computers would most likely be of interest to .....

functionalist sociologists

866 - Sub-cultures are


867 - Sub-cultures are clusters of patterns such as those

related to the general culture

868 - Sub-cultures give colourful variety to

None of these

869 - Subcultures which oppose the dominant culture are.


870 - Subcultures which oppose the dominant culture are_______________?


871 - Sub-culutre could be defined as

totality groups ways of thought.

872 - Subdued religious rituals which appeal to upper-middle-class Protestants are the hallmark of which of the following denominations?

all of the above

873 - Subject specific terminology - Social stratification is:

The ranking of people and the rewards they received based on objective criteria.

874 - Subjecting ever feature of human behavior to calculations - calculated decisions are made


875 - Subsistence Agriculture fulfils the needs of.

Agriculturist and his/her family

876 - Subsistence Agriculture fulfils the needs of_________________?

Agriculturist and his/her family

877 - Subsists by manual farming, with the aid of equipment or animals

horticultural society

878 - subsists primarily by growing food with the help of plows and animals

agricultural society

879 - Subsists primarily by raising animals

pastoral society

880 - Substantive definitions of religion.....

focus on the belief in God or the supernatural

881 - Suburban growth was based on.

the development of automobile travel

882 - suburbanization today is based on.

social class

883 - Successful Cambridge Sociology O'level candidates "gain lifelong skills, including:

a better understanding of how we become who we are"

884 - Successful socialization for humans requires.

contact with other humans

885 - Sucide rate was higher in Protestants because they had higher emphasis on.


886 - Sudden & complete overthrow of a social or political order


887 - Sudhir Venkatesh focused on delinquents, gangs and

Race issue

888 - Sudhir Venkatesh is called

Chicago sociology

889 - sue

to bring a civil action against another person for causing damage or injury

890 - Suggest that evidence shows a significantly higher number of cohabitations.

Allan & Crow

891 - Suggested that ethnic minorities are usually found in the working-class where they are a reserved arm of labour.


892 - Suggested that self-fulfillment could be a beneficial change because it moves away from material gain.

Daniel Yankelovich

893 - Suicide by Durkheim was published in.


894 - Suicide by Durkheim was published in____________?


895 - Suicide is the work of.

Emile Durkheim

896 - Suicide is the work of_____________?

Emile Durkheim

897 - Suicide rate was higher in Protestants because they had higher emphasis on______________?


898 - Summative assignments are worth .....% and checkpoint assignments are worth .....%

85, 15

899 - Summer months see an increase in swimsuit sales and an increase in hurricanes. What kind of relationship is this


900 - Summer takes the mores as

None of these

901 - Sumurai, is a caste system in


902 - Sumurai, warrior is a caste system which means


903 - Supervising and investigating the manner in which the legislative bureaucracy carries out and implements the laws Congress passes is a function called.


904 - Supply-side theories claim that.

a decline in aggregate supply is responsible for economic downturns

905 - support of equality for women and men


906 - Supported the emancipation of women and slaves and introduced feminism.

Harriet Martineau

907 - Supporters of sustainable development are arguing for.

growth that minimises resource depletion and pollution

908 - Supporters of sustainable development are arguing for_____________?

growth that minimizes resource depletion and pollution

909 - Supporters of sustainable development are arguing for________________?

growth that minimizes resource depletion and pollution

910 - Supporters of this theory believe that change does not revolutionize society; rather, it is absorbed.


911 - Supporters of this theory see society as an integrated whole.


912 - surpass

to exceed

913 - Surplus of products leads to the population moving away from rural farms towards large cities


914 - Surplus Value ..... (two correct)

Only (A) & (B)

915 - Survey means


916 - Survey research results in what type of data?


917 - Surveys of American voters reveal.

a general cynicism about government

918 - survive by hunting animals and gathering edible foods such as wild fruits and vegetables

Hunter Gatherer Societies

919 - survives by hunting animals and gathering naturally - growing fruits and vegetables

hunting and gathering

920 - sUSANgave birth to her son Ben, Mang NESTOR the common law husband of SUSAN subsequently get married to Mang BEN, but three years after their marriage SUSAN and Mang BEN file an annulment for their marriage. What will be the status of their conceived chil


921 - Sutherland's Differential Association theory emphasizes that crime and deviance are basically______________?


922 - Sutherland's study of the professional thief suggested that.

people are socialized into a life of crime by associating with others who define it in positive terms

923 - Sutherlands study of the professional thief suggested that_______________?

people are socialized into a life of crime by associating with others who define it in positive terms

924 - Suzie has many issues going on. The first issue is that she has practice for soccer. She has been given a huge project in Sociology that is due tomorrow and her grandmother has been in the hospital because of a fall. Suzie is experiencing .....

role conflict

925 - Switzerland is an example of nation that.

looks out for its own interests only

926 - Symbolic analysts are.

only a and b

927 - Symbolic interaction is

a microview understanding of social experience

928 - Symbolic interaction ism functionalism conflict feminism exchange are.

theoretical models used by sociologists and anthropologists

929 - Symbolic interaction.

includes gestures speech and music

930 - symbolic interactionism

Herbert Blumer

931 - Symbolic interactionism focuses on

individual interpretation of social interactions

932 - Symbolic interactionism is theory of

Herbert Blumer's

933 - Symbolic Interactionism is:

The view of society as people agreeing on the meanings of symbols and using them to function

934 - Symbolic interactionism tends to focus on

Small-scale social change

935 - Symbolic interactionists ?

view "sickness" as a condition to which we attach socially devised meanings

936 - Symbolic interactionists state that sport

affects our self-concept.

937 - Symbolic interactionists.

view "sickness" as a condition to which we attach socially devised meanings

938 - Symbolic racism.

is a reflection of whites concern that further reductions in racial inequality will result in loss of the special status that whites in the United States have enjoyed over the years

939 - Symbolic racism_____________?

is a reflection of whites concern that further reductions in racial inequality will result in loss of the special status that whites in the United States have enjoyed over the years

940 - Symbolic reconciliation is:

Offering gestures or actions which aim to achieve equality for all Australians

941 - Symbols

anything that represents something else to more than one person; has a particular meaning for people who share culture

942 - Symbols are crucial to social life.

symbolic interactionism

943 - Symbols differ from signals in that.

none of the above

944 - Symptoms of social Disorganization are

all of these

945 - Symptoms of social Disorganization are

all of these

946 - System in which political decisions are made as a result of bargaining & compromise among special interest groups


947 - system in which public school funds may be used to support public, private or religious schools

voucher system

948 - System in which rewards are based on relative performace


949 - system in which social class is based on merit & individual effort

open-class system

950 - System of beliefs or ideas that justifies some social, moral, religious, political, or economic interests held by a group of people.


951 - System of government that uses elected officials

representative democracy

952 - system of symbols that allows people to communicate with one another


953 - systematic effort to destroy an entire population


954 - Systematic means which of the following?

Having, showing, or involving an ordered method, or plan

955 - systematic study of human society


956 - Systematised effort to gain new knowledge", said by

Red Man and Morey

957 - Systems of beliefs and behavior designed to meet basic human needs are called.


958 - Tabula Rasa is associated with


959 - Tabulation is

arrangement of data

960 - take with a grain of salt

This means not to take what someone says too seriously.

961 - Taking on norms and values of the group you plan to be in is known as:

Anticipatory Socialization

962 - Taking on or pretending to take on the role of others.


963 - Taking or pretending to take on the role of others is .....


964 - Taking or pretending to take the roles of others


965 - Taking yourself out of society and looking at it from an alien's point of view is .....

Sociological Imagination

966 - Talcott Parsons died in


967 - Talcott parsons have mentioned pillars of the sick role for the patient: Find out the correct combination. i. Sick person is not personally responsible for being sick. ii. Person is responsible for his/her sickness. iii. The sick person is entitled to cer

i, iii and iv

968 - Talcott Parsons mentions the needs of a social system in a particular sequence. Which one of the following correctly mentions that sequence?

Adaptation, Goal Maintenance, Integration, Latency

969 - Talcott Parsons was born in


970 - Talcott Parsons,s structural functionalism attempted to tackle ?

the problem of social order

971 - Talcott Parsons's structural functionalism attempted to tackle.

the problem of social order

972 - 'Tarawad' is a matrilineal joint family found in the State of


973 - Taxation would be an example of which sociological perspective?


974 - Taxes may be considered.

as not affecting the economic flow

975 - Taxes, education, healthcare, and the economy involve which type of policies?

domestic policies

976 - Teaches skills to earn a living


977 - Teaching algebra is considered a part of which function of the education system?

manifest function

978 - Tearoom Trade is typical of the questions asked by sociologists because.

it investigates working of society that are different from official accounts

979 - Tearoom Trade is typical of the s asked by sociologists because______________?

it investigates working of society that are different from official accounts

980 - Tearoom Trade is typical of the s asked by sociologists because_______________?

it investigates workings of society that are different from official accounts

981 - Technique used to rank people according to social class in which the people themselves determine their own social rank

subjective method

982 - Technique used to rank people according to social class on the basis of reports by community members

reputational method

983 - Technological forms of surveillance have made it easier to.

all of the above

984 - Technological forms of surveillance have made it easier to_____________?

all of the above

985 - Technology allows societies to grow into vast empire making them more product, more specialized and more unequal

Industrial societies

986 - Technology sets the framework for a group's ..... culture.


987 - Technology that powers sophisticated machinery with advance sources of energy.


988 - Ted gave a talk to his high school class that was laced with humor and understanding and showed that he really grasped the important points in the history of the French Revolution, which was what his history class was studying. When he was finished, Ted w

positive sanction

989 - Teenagers who are sexually active are in danger of.

all of the above

990 - Teenagers who have jobs that prevent them from studying are experiencing.....

role conflict

991 - Television satellites, digital media, personal computers, mobile phones and all information technologies help to shrink world that rethinking of ideas of space and time is called as

All of the above

992 - Telling a child"You should always say thank you when someone gives you something is an example of.

conscious socialization

993 - Telling people that using a certain toothpaste will make them sexually appealing is an example of.


994 - Temporarily brings a halt to the competition or conflict until a compromise can be reached (peace treaty)


995 - Temporary collection of people who share an immediate common interest


996 - Temporary patterns of fashion or behavior


997 - Tend to be college educated, earn a comfortable income, children receive high quality education and healthcare

upper middle class

998 - tendency of group members to conform by adopting a narrow view of some issue.

Group Think

999 - Tendency to view one's own culture and group as superior?


1000 - Tendency to view one's own culture as superior.



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