Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set.13

1 - Which approach level does the functional perspective use?


2 - Which approach to audience studies emphasizes the ways in which different audiences use the media to meet their needs ?

gratification model

3 - Which approach to audience studies emphasizes the ways in which different audiences use the media to meet their needs?

gratification model

4 - Which approach to crime control is meant to reduce recidivism?


5 - Which approach to crime control is meant to serve as an example to prevent others from committing a crime?


6 - Which are (or were) "common sense" explanations of Society?

Only (A) & (B)

7 - Which are characteristics of a denomination NOT shared with a sect? (2)

Only (A) & (B)

8 - Which are examples of a 'church' according to Troeltsch and other sociologists? (2)

Only (A) & (B)

9 - Which are examples of Sects? (2)

Only (A) & (B)

10 - Which are examples of social interaction that take place throughout the world? Select all answers that relate.

All of the above

11 - Which are examples of social interaction that takes place throughout the world?

both a and b

12 - Which are manifest functions of schools?

All of the above

13 - Which are problems with Functional definitions of religion? (2)

Only (A) & (B)

14 - Which are the dimensions of stratification?

Class status and power

15 - Which are the words composing the term sociology

Socious and Logos

16 - Which best describes social stratification?

The different status of the members in a society.

17 - Which best describes the results of a case study?

Its results are not generally applicable

18 - Which best explains the relationship between psychology and sociology?

Sociology focuses on the group, while psychology focuses on the individual.

19 - Which birth order group tends to result in more perfectionist behavior?


20 - Which birth order group tends to result in more rebellious behavior?


21 - Which birth order group tends to result in more reliable, conscientious behavior?


22 - Which birth order group tends to result in more risk-taking, fun-loving behavior?


23 - Which Black person wrote the acclaimed novel Invisible Man ?

James Baldwin

24 - Which Black person wrote the acclaimed novel Invisible Man?

James Baldwin

25 - Which branch of feminism focuses on promoting gender equality?

liberal feminism

26 - Which branch of Judaism ordains women as rabbis?


27 - Which branch of science according to comte would ultimately include all other sciences.


28 - Which branch of science according to comte would ultimately include all other sciences_____________?


29 - Which Catholic nation displays high birthrates?


30 - Which chapter is this

Ant and the cricket

31 - Which characteristic is associated with an economy based on the principles of laissez-faire?

prices based on supply and demand

32 - Which city is forecast to become the largest megacity by 2025 ?


33 - Which city is forecast to become the largest megacity by 2025?


34 - Which class is at the peak of the pyramid for social classes according to American society

Upper Class

35 - Which class is typically the most politically active?


36 - Which class would a mechanic belong to?

working class

37 - Which classical theorist is associated with the Conflict Perspective?

Karl Marx

38 - Which Committee recommended three tier systems for Panchayati Raj?

Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

39 - Which company's share price sky rocketed due to a campaign on reddit?


40 - Which complicating fact is true concerning causation?

Most social behavior has multiple causes. It is hard to find only 1 cause of behavior.

41 - Which component of Culture involves the belief in and worship of a superhuman God or Gods with controlling power?


42 - Which component of culture is central to human life?

The normative

43 - Which concept best corresponds with the terms below?Health issues, divorce, job loss, economic changes

Downward Mobility

44 - Which concept has the work of Robert Putnam helped to popularize in the social sciences ?

social capital

45 - Which concept has the work of Robert Putnam helped to popularize in the social sciences?

social capital

46 - Which concept has work of Robert Putnam helped to popularize in sociology of social sciences?

Social capital

47 - Which concept is associated with a variety of religious belief systems in a society?


48 - Which conception of welfare refers to the provision of a "safety net " for disadvantaged populations?

residua list

49 - Which continent was "The Gods Must be Crazy" filmed on?


50 - Which countries do NOT have links between church and state? (2)

Only (A) & (B)

51 - Which country has the world,s largest concentration of Jews ?


52 - Which country has the world's largest concentration of Jews?


53 - Which country is currently experiencing a negative birthrate ?


54 - Which country is currently experiencing a negative birth-rate ?


55 - Which country is currently experiencing a negative birth-rate?


56 - Which country was Auguste Comte from?


57 - Which country was Emile Durkheim from?


58 - Which country was Harriet Martineau from?


59 - Which country was Herbert Spencer from?


60 - Which country was Karl Marx from?


61 - Which country was Max Weber from?


62 - Which country/region has NOT been the setting of an animated Disney film?


63 - Which court case set the precedent for access to education within the United States for students with disabilities?

Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

64 - Which culture makes clothing from available materials to meet environmental needs and their diet is based on available agricultural and social norms?

Folk Culture

65 - which definition best describes the process of globalization ?

individuals' groups and nations are becoming more interdependent

66 - which definition best describes the process of globalization?

individuals groups and nations are becoming more interdependent

67 - Which De-Stabilizing Integration is a deliberate attempt to control a person by force, to oppose someone, or to harm another person?


68 - Which dimension of religiosity is the most difficult to measure?


69 - Which Disney films are based on fairytales by the Brothers' Grimm? (2/5)

Only (A) & (B)

70 - Which Disney Films are based on stories from Hans Christian Anderson? (2/5)

Only (A) & (B)

71 - Which Disney films feature central female characters WITHOUT a love interest? (3/5)

All of the above

72 - Which Disney princess was a real historical figure?


73 - Which Disney princesses who marry/find their 'true love' at the end of the film are UNDER 18?

All of the above

74 - Which early sociology thinker proposed that society would eventually consist of only 2 classes; the bourgeoisie and proletariat

Karl Marx

75 - Which economic orientations govern Western industrial societies?

BOTH market and command

76 - Which elements are affected by pollution?

all of the above

77 - Which equation can be used to represent amalgamation ?


78 - Which equation can be used to represent amalgamation?


79 - Which equation can be used to represent pluralism ?


80 - Which equation can be used to represent pluralism?


81 - Which ethical principle states participants should be free to leave the research setting whenever they wish.


82 - Which example shows CAUSATION? (Which one CAUSED the other to happen.)

Car ran out of gas and being stranded on the side of the road.

83 - Which examples are 'informal sanctions' Consequences which involve the breaking of unwritten rules or social normsChoose 2

Only (A) & (B)

84 - Which examples are of formal sanctions- consequences from breaking written rules, enforced by some sort of authority or following rules (positive sanctions)Choose 2

Only (A) & (B)

85 - Which explanation for collective behavior is "hypnotic?'

Contagion Theory

86 - Which explanation holds the belief that prejudice rises out of competition for resources?


87 - Which explanation holds the belief that prejudiced people have an authoritarian personality type and prejudice may be the result of frustration and anger?


88 - Which explanation holds the belief that prejudices are embedded in social norms?


89 - Which factor would NOT cause someone to practice altruism?

if the victim is believed to belong to a different group

90 - Which family member does Truman lose at a young age?


91 - Which family type is least affected by poverty?


92 - Which feminine identity competes with men?

Autonomous Femininities

93 - Which festivals are boat races a special features.?


94 - Which field of anthropology is primarily concerned with the non-cultural aspects of humans and near-humans?

biological anthropology

95 - Which field of anthropology would most likely be interested in the marriage patterns and kinship systems of different societies around the world?

cultural anthropology

96 - Which field of study was originally developed in the 1930s as an increasing number of social scientists became aware of the plight of the elderly ?


97 - Which field of study was originally developed in the 1930s as an increasing number of social scientists became aware of the plight of the elderly?


98 - Which film studios are owned by Disney? (3/5)

All of the above

99 - Which films were released during the Second World War? (2/5)

Only (A) & (B)

100 - Which films were released in the 21st Century? (3/5)

All of the above

101 - Which form of culture includes: being a part of society, but not agreeing with everything so you become your own group.


102 - Which form of culture includes: the intent on changing or challenging society as a whole, usually a revolution or movement.

Counter Culture

103 - Which form of parenting, according to the reading by Annette Landreu, do middle school parents demonstrate?

Natural Growth

104 - Which founder of sociology believed societies changed due to class struggle?

Karl Marx

105 - Which founder of sociology is known, in part, for providing the theoretical foundation of Communism?

Karl Marx

106 - Which fruit is the most popular and most consumed in the world?


107 - Which functionalist sociologist emphasised the important role of socialisation in creating value consensus in society?

Talcott Parsons

108 - Which functionalist studied strain to anomie?


109 - Which fundamental change in the structure of society in the late 18th century and into the 19th century?

Agriculture on the decline

110 - Which gender has the highest enrollment in college?


111 - Which graphic concept best illustrates the concept of social stratification?


112 - Which group of learners does the university of the third age serve ?


113 - Which group of learners does the university of the third age serve?


114 - Which group of people were taken from their lands in the United States and placed into Boarding Schools in the late 19th century into early 20th century to be given a western education?

Native Americans

115 - Which group of sociologists argues that a person's class is determined by his or her position in the economic system?


116 - Which group of sociologists believe that social stratification and class systems exist because people from a young age are taught to accept the current system and not question its existence?


117 - Which group of sociologists believe that the scarcity of resources causes the social inequality among groups?

Conflict Theorist

118 - Which group of sociologists note that developers bankers and other powerful real estate interests view housing as an investment and are primarily concerned with maximizing profit not with solving social problems.

new urban sociologist

119 - Which group of sociologists note that developers' bankers and other powerful real estate interests view housing as an investment and are primarily concerned with maximizing profit not with solving social problems?

new urban sociologist

120 - Which groups are hardest hit by the death of a spouse?

all of the above

121 - Which happens first?

ask a question/make an observation

122 - Which happens last?

draw conclusions

123 - Which households tend to be multigenerational?

Only (A) & (B)

124 - Which includes every conceivable kind of physical object produced by humans, from spears and plows to cooking pots and compact discs.

Material Culture

125 - Which influences personality and social behavior?

all of them

126 - Which interval shows the greatest number of pets?


127 - Which is a drawback of the digital divide?

Fransisco, a hispanic man, uploads his resume on his cell phone rather than a lap top

128 - Which is a group with statuses and roles that are organized to satisfy one or more basic needs of a society?

social institution

129 - Which is a positive aspect of bureaucratic administration?

Its being objective oriented

130 - Which is a weakness of bureaucracies?


131 - Which is an agent of socialization?

All of the above

132 - Which is an ascribed status?

Black female

133 - Which is an example of a Fictitious Hero


134 - Which is an example of a manifest function of a high school?

teaching social studies skills

135 - Which is an example of a negative sanction within society?

Detention given to a student being late to school

136 - Which is an example of a pivotal social institution.

The economy

137 - Which is an example of a polytheistic religion?


138 - Which is an example of a subculture?

Kiwi culture

139 - Which is an example of an ascribed status?

being a son

140 - Which is an example of dysfunction?


141 - Which is an example of Non-probability sampling


142 - Which is an example of Probability sampling


143 - Which is characteristic of a strictly closed society?


144 - Which is ethnocentric?

The British drive on the wrong side of the road.

145 - Which is FALSE of power?

All power relationships are one sided

146 - Which is false of reference groups?They.

are groups to which we belong from birth on

147 - Which is false of the process of diffusion?

A complex culture borrows more elements from a simple culture than the other way around

148 - Which is false?

more men than women live alone

149 - Which is not a branch of Anthropology?


150 - Which is NOT a characteristic of a bureaucracy?

promotion based on personal relationships

151 - Which is NOT a characteristic of crowd behavior?

Individuals totally shed their identity

152 - Which is NOT a characteristic of the New Age Movement?

Charismatic leadership

153 - Which is NOT a common objective of states?

Cultural diversity

154 - Which is NOT a component of culture?


155 - Which is NOT a criticism or danger of sociogiology?

Could lead to a cure for cancer or Alzheimer's disease

156 - Which is NOT a form of collective behavior?

Dining out with a friend

157 - Which is NOT a function of primary groups


158 - Which is NOT a manifest function of FORMAL Education

Transmitting culture among students

159 - Which is NOT a method to rank social class?


160 - which is NOT a method used when conducting qulitative research?


161 - Which is NOT a negative consequence of being born into a caste system?


162 - Which is NOT a negative effect of deviance?

Heightens Risk of Violence

163 - Which is NOT a new alternative to the traditional family?

Extended family

164 - Which is NOT a positive effect of deviance?

Increases Tolerance

165 - Which is NOT a presidential role?

Chief Justice

166 - Which is not a primary agent of socialization

The Economy



168 - Which is NOT a real Disney park?

Disney World Chicago

169 - Which is NOT a reason why state crimes are hard to control, according to McLaughlin?

The state will accept responsibility

170 - Which is NOT a required quality of a group?

3 or more people

171 - Which is NOT a requirement for a group?

3 or more people

172 - which is not a research method used in Sociology

Multi-structured interviews

173 - Which is NOT a restraint imposed on the United States government?

Presidential supremacy

174 - Which is NOT a social science?


175 - Which is NOT a socioeconomic goal?

Low prime interest rate

176 - Which is not a stage in Mead's Stages of Self Development:


177 - Which is NOT a step in the scientific method?

Form a theory

178 - Which is NOT a strength of using structured interviews?

The interview questionnaire may impose limits on what the respondent can say.

179 - Which is NOT a theoretical perspective on international relations:

scientific democracy

180 - Which is NOT a theory of socialization into gender roles?

string theory

181 - Which is NOT a type of social differentiation?

Head shape and eye color

182 - Which is NOT a way organization can lead to oligarchy?

it's democratic in nature

183 - Which is NOT an agent of socialization?


184 - Which is NOT an aim of the process of socialization?

To teach infants to sit stand walk and run in that order

185 - Which is NOT an element of a social movement?

It involves no orientation toward action

186 - Which is NOT an element of social structure?


187 - Which is not an example of accommodation?


188 - Which is NOT an example of acommodation?


189 - Which is NOT an example of material deprivation?

Poor parental attitudes

190 - Which is not an important contributory factor in the process of integration?

Oneness of political interests.

191 - Which is not an indicator of social development?

Increase in per capita income

192 - Which is NOT form of plural marriage?


193 - Which is not good for cultural diffusion?

Cultural stoppage

194 - Which is not one of Cooley's Three Stages of Self

Talking to one's self.

195 - Which is NOT one of Smart's seven dimensions of religion?

Indoctrination dimension

196 - Which is NOT one of the features of Disneyization put forward by Bryman?

Unrealistic female body shapes

197 - Which is not the exact example for Norms


198 - Which is NOT Third World nation?


199 - Which is not true of non-fraternal polygamy?

New born baby is supposed to be the son of the eldest brother.

200 - Which is one of the three assumptions central to symbolic interactionism?

We use the meaning of symbols to imagine how others will respond to our behavior.

201 - Which is the best example of a latent function for a public school?

to teach a child how to fight back against bullies.

202 - Which is the best example of a ritual?

attending a religious ceremony weekly

203 - Which is the correct definition of the elaborated code?

Formal language used in school classrooms or writing essays

204 - Which is the correct example of nationality?


205 - Which is the false stage in the Prochaska and Diclemente


206 - Which is the first school for a child's education?


207 - Which is the following is the definition for Social Darwinism?

A theory stating that only the strongest and most adaptable survive

208 - Which is the JK,s largest university ?

The Open University

209 - Which is the JK's largest university?

The Open University

210 - Which is the largest group of immigrants to come to the United States in the 1900's?


211 - Which is the main basis for the growth of eco-feminism?

Women's lives and their relation with the nature.

212 - Which is the most essential and basic type of socialization?

Primary Socialization

213 - Which is the most extreme system of social inequality?


214 - Which is the most prestigious job?


215 - Which is the most recently established of the great world religions ?


216 - Which is the most recently established of the greatest world religions ?


217 - Which is the most recently established of the greatest world religions?


218 - Which is the oldest of the world religions being at least 6, 000 years old?


219 - Which is the oldest of the world religions being at least 6,000 years old ?


220 - Which is the unit of the rural society


221 - Which is true of an oligopoly?

there are fewer incentives to innovate, improve services and decrease prices

222 - Which is true of organic solidarity?

Most people have highly specialized roles

223 - Which is true?

All of the above are true

224 - Which is typical of the first stage of the demographic transition?

cycles of growth and decline

225 - Which is used as means of classifying people according to a shared trait or common status?

social category

226 - Which is/are the policy option(s) to counteract business cycles?

All of the above

227 - Which isn't a symbolic interactionism concept?

maintaining status quo

228 - Which key concept of sociology emphasizes language, norms, values, and beliefs?


229 - Which kind of minority is typically defined by physical characteristics.


230 - Which law allowed women to play in sports typically with only men allowed?

Title 9

231 - Which Marxist term describes ways in which material, ideological, and institutional processes are said to mislead members of the proletariat, concealing their exploitation?

false consciousness

232 - Which materials are considered secondary data?

books and articles written by other authors about their studies

233 - Which measurement of development we use if we need to see indicators like health care, income distribution, and literacy.

The hamburger standard

234 - Which method is only viable within a small community

Reputational Method

235 - Which method of child care is best for children?

We do not really know

236 - Which method of identifying social classes views social class as a statistical category formed by sociologists or statisticians or statisticians on the basis of income occupation education or some combination of these ?

the objective method

237 - Which method of identifying social classes views social class as a statistical category formed by sociologists or statisticians or statisticians on the basis of income occupation education or some combination of these?

the objective method

238 - Which method of study involves: information is gathered by means of interviews or questionnaires.


239 - Which method of study involves:A study is designed to determine the strength and direction of a relationship between two or more variables or measures of behaviour

Correlational Research

240 - Which method of study involves:monitoring the behaviour of test subjects in real life settings and recording observations

Naturalistic observation

241 - Which method of study involves:sociologists analyze data already collectedby others. This can include old recordings (such as letters, scrolls, and audio tapes) and accounts of events or information from surveys and questionnaires.

Historical Analysis

242 - Which method of study involves:type of descriptive research require an observer to keep in-depth descriptive records of an individual or group of individuals and their experiences.

Case Study

243 - Which method of study involves:When a researcher uses the scientific method to explore relationships between variables

Experimental Research

244 - Which method of study is the only one that proves the relationship between cause and effect

Experimental Research

245 - Which minority group is considered the "model minority?"

Asian Americans

246 - Which minority group is the largest in the U.S.?

Hispanic Americans

247 - Which model of city growth describes the city as a central business district surrounded by a zone in transition than a zone of workingmen's homes residential zones, and the commuters. zone ?

the concentric circle models

248 - Which model of city growth describes the city as a central business district surrounded by a zone in transition than a zone of workingmen's homes residential zones, and the commuters. zone?

the concentric circle model

249 - Which model of migration admits immigrants to a country on a temporary basis often for economic reasons without giving citizenship rights ?

guest worker

250 - Which model of migration admits immigrants to a country on a temporary basis often for economic reasons without giving citizenship rights?

guest worker

251 - Which model of workers' participation in Management is working in India?

Joint consultation

252 - Which modern sociological theory states that the best way to analyze society is to identify the purpose that different aspects or phenomena serve in society?


253 - Which nation state has reached zero population growth?

the United States

254 - Which nation(s) has(have) witnessed a significant decline in voter turnout in recent elections?

Great Britain

255 - Which nomadic group of people from Asia were reliant on large groups of animals and have to rely on the land primarily for their livelihoods?

Mongolian Herders

256 - Which occupational categories received the greatest increase in compensation in the 1990s?

Senior and chief executive

257 - Which of following best describes the results of Harry Harlow's research on rhesus monkeys?

The monkeys primarily stayed with the terry-cloth -covered mother, only going to the wire monkey for food

258 - Which of following is a characteristic of organic solidarity

People have complex specialized statuses that make them interdependent

259 - Which of following is NOT an example of a hidden curriculum at most schools

to be able to perform arithmetic

260 - Which of following is true of monogamy?

A man can have many women and have also sexual relationship with them, but only one enjoys status of wife.

261 - Which of following was earliest example of an international organization?

The Hanseatic League

262 - Which of Mead's three stages of the development of Self comes first?


263 - Which of the 4 deviant responses outlined in strain theory would describe someone who acts like they want to succeed, but doesn't actually make an effort?


264 - Which of the 4 deviant responses outlined in strain theory would describe someone who drops out of the race for success?


265 - Which of the 4 deviant responses outlined in strain theory would describe someone who finds illegal ways to achieve culturally appropriate goals?


266 - Which of the 4 deviant responses outlined in strain theory would describe someone who finds new ways to achieve new goals?


267 - Which of the answers provided was NOT one of the primary characteristics of slavery as it was practiced in the U.S.

slaves had only minimal civil right protection

268 - Which of the following "resist through ritual"?


269 - Which of the following about social order does sociology not explain?


270 - Which of the following about socialism is true?

The main goal of socialism is not the individual pursuit of profit but rather work for the collective good.

271 - Which of the following actions were Indigenous responses to assimilation?

Only (A) & (B)

272 - Which of the following actions were Indigenous responses to protection and segregation?

Only (A) & (B)

273 - Which of the following acts does NOT constitute a crime if committed by an adult?


274 - Which of the following are agents of secondary socialisation

All of the above

275 - which of the following are ategories of field research?

case study and participant observation

276 - Which of the following are benefits of viewing the world sociologically?

All of the above

277 - Which of the following are characteristics of cults?I. can be shortlivedII. appeal to lower socioeconomic groupsIII. reject all of society's normsIV. are dogmatic and fundamentalist

I and II only

278 - Which of the following are characteristics of empirical research?I. Data are interpreted and analyzedII. Data are collected in a systematic wayIII. The hypothesis is confirmed or refuted

I, II and III

279 - Which of the following are considerations before doing scientific research?

All of the above

280 - Which of the following are considered incentives for job attractiveness?

All of the above

281 - Which of the following are ethical rules (ethos) of scientific research?

All of the above

282 - Which of the following are examples of achieved status?

all of these

283 - Which of the following are examples of Cognitive aspects of culture?

Only (A) & (B)

284 - Which of the following are examples of discrimination?

All of the Above

285 - Which of the following are examples of Open Questions?

Only (A) & (B)

286 - Which of the following are examples of reliable research methods?

Only (A) & (B)

287 - Which of the following are examples of social control constraints, limiting participation for women:

All of the above

288 - Which of the following are examples of sporting success impacting upon society:

Only (A) & (B)

289 - Which of the following are fundamental features of a social group? i. Organisation ii. We-feeling iii. Self-sufficiency iv. Explicit cultural goals

i and ii

290 - Which of the following are important concepts in the writings and work of Jane Addams?

Only (A) & (B)

291 - Which of the following are included in the subject matter of industrial sociology?

All of the above

292 - Which of the following are measures of dispersion? (1) Skewness (2) Variance (3) Standard Deviation (4) Harmonic Mean Codes:

(1), (2) & (3)

293 - Which of the following are Not agents of primary socialization?I. churchII. family III. peersIV. school

I, III and IV only

294 - Which of the following are NOT agents of primary socialization?I. churchII. familyIII. friends IV. School

I, III and IV only

295 - Which of the following are NOT agents of socialization?

Protective services

296 - Which of the following are not branches of the social sciences

Mathematics and Logic

297 - Which of the following are NOT factors involved in whether or not people define a situation as crowded ?

the sex and race of individuals present

298 - Which of the following are NOT factors involved in whether or not people define a situation as crowded?

the sex and race of individuals present

299 - Which of the following are part of a person's Ethnicity? (3)

All of the above

300 - Which of the following are sampling techniques?

All of the above

301 - Which of the following are sociological characteristics of the church?I. supportive of the status quoII. Large, exclusive membershipIII. Clear established lines of authority IV. In existence for a long period of time

I, III and IV only

302 - Which of the following are the factors associated with Infant mortality? (i) Low Birth Weight (ii) Lack of Institutional Deliveries (iii) Nutritional status of Expectant Mother (iv) Use of contraceptives Codes:

(i), (ii), (iii)

303 - Which of the following are the Five Types of Group Intercation?

Cooperation, Conflict, Coercion, Social Exchange, Conformity

304 - Which of the following are the MOST appropriate examples of primary sources?I. diariesII. government reportsIII. unstructured interviews

II and III only

305 - Which of the following are the most appropriate examples secondary sources?I. QuestionnairesII. Mass mediaIII. Historical documents

II and III only

306 - Which of the following are those groups or individuals who will suffer from a particular form of social change?

Vested interests

307 - Which of the following are those people whose reactions are most important to your self-concept?

significant others

308 - Which of the following are types of power?

Only (A) & (B)

309 - Which of the following are very powerful negative labels that change a person's identity?


310 - Which of the following are viewed by sociologists as analytically distinct components of stratification ?

class status and power

311 - Which of the following are viewed by sociologists as analytically distinct components of stratification?

class status and power

312 - Which of the following argued that a capitalist society has a dominant ideology that serves the interests of the ruling class ?

Karl Marx

313 - Which of the following argued that a capitalist society has a dominant ideology that serves the interests of the ruling class ?

Karl Marx

314 - Which of the following argued that a capitalist society has a dominant ideology that serves the interests of the ruling class?

Karl Marx

315 - Which of the following as the largest scope?

Composite Bargaining

316 - Which of the following aspects can be part of survey?

All of these

317 - Which of the following aspects can be part of survey?

All of these

318 - Which of the Following belongs to the "Lower income" generating jobs?

Sales Clerk 19, 000 monthly pay

319 - Which of the following Best accounts for the 'open' system of stratification in Caribbean society?

education and employment opportunities are inequitably distributed across all classes

320 - Which of the following BEST characterizes longitudinal versus cross-sectional studies?

research over a long period of time versus research over a short period

321 - Which of the following best characterizes Samuel Stouffer's World War II soldier research?

Whatever their situation in absolute terms, people evaluate themselves and make comparisons to others in specific reference groups.

322 - Which of the following best describes a political system in which citizens govern themselves either directly or indirectly?


323 - Which of the following best describes a social network?

They are "fuzzy" groups made up of people we "know of" rather than those we know well.

324 - Which of the following best describes ethics?

being cautious when studying human beings to protect subjects from social, financial, or psychological damage.

325 - Which of the following best describes how social class is related to social stratification?

Each layer of social stratification constitutes a social class.

326 - Which of the following best describes how sociology differs from other social sciences

it focuses on patterns of groups rather than individuals

327 - Which of the following best describes Japan's social structure during their feudal era?

Shogun system

328 - Which of the following best describes political alienation?

Voter apathy prompted by a lack of faith in voting

329 - Which of the following best describes social stratification?


330 - Which of the following BEST describes sociology as a discipline?

The systematic study of human social behaviour

331 - Which of the following best describes sociology as a subject?

the study of society and social interaction

332 - Which of the following best describes the American Dream (in theory)?

We can control our destiny and social mobility is possible

333 - Which of the following BEST describes the difference between longitudinal and cross-sectional studies?

research over a long period of time versus research over a short period

334 - Which of the following best describes the functionalist theory of social stratification?

The inequality of social classes helps assure that the most qualified people fill the most important positions.

335 - Which of the following best describes the relationship between in-groups and out-groups?

You can't have one without the other

336 - Which of the following best describes the sociological perspective?

It focuses on people at a social or group level

337 - Which of the following best describes the symbolic interactionist view of prejudice?

Children are taught to be prejudiced by watching the behavior of significant others who express prejudices

338 - Which of the following best describes the voucher system?

Families are given the money the government would spend on their child's education to send them to the school of the family's choice .

339 - Which of the following best describes what is meant by the term sociological perspective?

Determining the social statistics and social dynamics within a particular group

340 - Which of the following best describes what Milgram claims to have found through his obedience experiments?

Obedience is most likely to occur when people no longer regard themselves as responsible for their actions.

341 - Which of the following best explains a deviant?

a person who violates the norms of society

342 - Which of the following best expresses conformity?

All my friends say I should.

343 - Which of the following BEST illustrates upward mobility?

After 10 years of formal education, a skilled mechanice becomes a lawyer

344 - Which of the following best represents a culturally relative research question?

What is written in the Hindu sacred scriptures that allow them to worship multiple gods?

345 - Which of the following best represents the dates of the postmodern era?


346 - Which of the following brings about cultural change.

all of the above

347 - Which of the following can be a cause of social change?

All of the above

348 - Which of the following can be a feasible suggestion for the reconstruction of a modern family?

family should be run on democratic lines.

349 - Which of the following can be classified as a charismatic leader ?

all of the above

350 - Which of the following can be classified as a charismatic leader ?

all of the above

351 - Which of the following can be classified as a charismatic leader?

all of the above

352 - Which of the following can be classified as a primary group

a class within a school, a family, a small church choir

353 - Which of the following can be classified as secondary socialization?I. internalization of norms and valuesII. accepting the values of the churchIII. Being a team member of a sports clubIV. accepting the ideology of the ruling class

I, II, III and IV

354 - Which of the following can be described as a micro perspective?I. MarxismII. FunctionalismIII. InteractionismIV. Ethnomethodology

III and IV only

355 - Which of the following can be of great help for reconstruction of family?

Hastily conducted remontic marriages should be discouraged.

356 - Which of the following Caribbean thinkers is MOSTLY associated with the plantation society model?

G. Beckford

357 - Which of the following categories can be placed in Althusser's concept of ideological state apparatus? i. Education ii. Family iii. Religion iv. State bureaucracy Select the correct answer from the codes given below: Codes:

i, ii & iii

358 - Which of the following characterizes an open class system?

Survival of the fittest

359 - Which of the following choice s provides the MOST appropriate description of feminism, in general?

It is the belief that men and women deserve equality in all opportunities, treatment, respect, and social rights

360 - Which of the following concept does not figure in Malthusian Theory of Population?

'Stable population'

361 - Which of the following concepts can be related to the statement 'subjective detachment of performer from the role being performed'?

Role distance

362 - which of the following concepts from Ziehe describes our searching for meaning in the late modern life


363 - Which of the following concepts is associated with a diversity of religious belief systems in a society


364 - Which of the following concepts is associated with functionalism?


365 - Which of the following concepts is the best the describe the decreasing importance of former norms and values?


366 - Which of the following conducted observation research on two groups of high school males-the Saints and the Roughnecks-and concluded that social class played an important role in the varying fortunes of the two groups ?

William Chambliss

367 - Which of the following conducted observation research on two groups of high school males-the Saints and the Roughnecks-and concluded that social class played an important role in the varying fortunes of the two groups?

William Chambliss

368 - Which of the following contributes to hybridization of identities? (3)

All of the above

369 - Which of the following crises are stated by J. Habermas? i. Economic crisis ii. Political crisis iii. Legitimation crisis iv. Rationality crisis

Economic crisis, legitimation crisis and rationality crisis

370 - Which of the following defines how people in a society behave in relation to other and to physical objects?


371 - Which of the following definitions of culture is used by MOST sociologists?

The way of life of a people in a society

372 - Which of the following describe the looking-glass self?

All of the above

373 - Which of the following describes a central change in contemporary life that has been identified by futurists ?

Modern societies are increasingly shifting from a national to a global economy

374 - Which of the following describes a central change in contemporary life that has been identified by futurists?

Modern societies are increasingly shifting from a national to a global economy

375 - Which of the following describes poverty rates for African Americans and Latinos?

Higher than whites

376 - Which of the following describes the conflict perspective's view of socialization?

Only (A) & (B)

377 - Which of the following describes the focus of sociological perspective?

a focus at the group level

378 - Which of the following did Durkheim identify as functions of educations?

All of the above

379 - Which of the following did Max Weber see as a potentially serious problem with the advance of modern bureaucracies ?

democracy could become a sham if bureaucrats held real power

380 - Which of the following did Max Weber see as a potentially serious problem with the advance of modern bureaucracies?

democracy could become a sham if bureaucrats held real power

381 - Which of the following did NOT restrict the size of postindustrial cities ?

the clash of values and culture of people who came together

382 - Which of the following did NOT restrict the size of postindustrial cities?

the clash of values and culture of people who came togather

383 - Which of the following did the pst-war welfare state of 1948 not aim to provide ?

a minimum wage

384 - Which of the following did the pst-war welfare state of 1948 not aim to provide.

a minimum wage

385 - Which of the following did Walt Wittam speak on as it relates to modernisation?

Traditional society

386 - Which of the following does is not one of the sacred text from different religion?


387 - Which of the following does John Scott identify as belonging to the middle class ?

senior executives

388 - Which of the following does John Scott identify as belonging to the middle class?

senior executives

389 - Which of the following does NOT account for the differences in the educational system from country to country?

Financial resources from the government and population

390 - Which of the following does NOT account for the rise in the cost of health care ?

Classical rules that govern marketplace exchanges have been applied to the health care industry for decades

391 - Which of the following does NOT account for the rise in the cost of health care?

Classical rules that govern marketplace exchanges have been applied to the health care industry for decades

392 - Which of the following does NOT appear to be a factor in divorce.

differences in occupational goals and careers

393 - Which of the following does not belong to the categorization of a Non-state institution?


394 - Which of the following does not belong to the categorization of the Monotheism?


395 - Which of the following does not belong to the concept of Cultural Healing?

General Surgeon

396 - Which of the following does not describe a primary purpose of sociology?

to compile a chronology of events for future generations

397 - Which of the following does not explain Coser's Theory of Social Conflict?

Conflict leads to destruction

398 - Which of the following does not explain why Science has a gendered subject image?

It involves reading.

399 - Which of the following does not fall under the category of community disorganisation?


400 - Which of the following does not fall within the purview of social demographer?

To collect information about source of water supply.

401 - Which of the following does not have to do with culture according to sociology?


402 - Which of the following does not provide evidence that religion as a cultural universal is diversified from culture-to-culture?

Rituals are practiced throughout the world.

403 - Which of the following does not signify the advantage of social institutions?

Role and status of individual is regulated.

404 - Which of the following does not very much influence the density of population?


405 - Which of the following does socialization include?


406 - Which of the following early Sociologists believed that the economy influences social structure?

Karl Marx

407 - Which of the following emphasizes the contributions of each part of society and how these parts work together to create a unified whole?


408 - which of the following encouraged the study of Sociology?

Industrial Revolution

409 - Which of the following factors have contributed Most to the higher female representation in Caribbean tertiary institutions?I. changing attitudes to gender roles II. availability of more school placesIII. Greater diversity of subject choice s

I, II and III only

410 - Which of the following factors is a hindrance to assimilation.

negative reciprocity with sharp cultural differences.

411 - Which of the following factors is associated with the high divorce rate in the United States ?

all of the above

412 - Which of the following factors is associated with the high divorce rate in the United States?

all of the above

413 - Which of the following factors is MOST likely to reduce the prevalence of male underachievement on the Caribbean?

Gender resocialization

414 - Which of the following features of Caribbean society are outlined in M.G. Smith's Plural Society Model?I. Society is characterized by cultural differentiationII. High Levels of social mobility by all groupsIII. Limited access to political and economic ins

I, II and III

415 - Which of the following groups determine market transactions?

Households firms and central authorities

416 - Which of the following groups has traditionally had the worst voting record in the United States?

The young and underprivileged

417 - Which of the following groups tend to influence the attitudes and opinions of others?


418 - Which of the following has not been central to feminist theorizing ?

the experience of black women

419 - Which of the following has not been central to feminist theorizing?

the experience of black women

420 - Which of the following has NOT been identified as a potential consequence of global warming ?

the use of unclear energy

421 - Which of the following has NOT been identified as a potential consequence of global warming?

the use of unclear energy

422 - Which of the following have expressed particular concern about the longevity of union leaders who are not always responsive to the needs and demands of membership ?

conflict theorists

423 - Which of the following have expressed particular concern about the longevity of union leaders who are not always responsive to the needs and demands of membership?

conflict theorists

424 - Which of the following helps explain the development of adolescence as a stage in the life cycle?

the gradual exclusion of children from the workforce

425 - Which of the following helps primary groups develop?

people who are in face-to-face contact

426 - Which of the following in NOT a criterion for groupthink to emerge ?

Members share a common socioeconomic background

427 - Which of the following in NOT a criterion for groupthink to emerge?

Members share a common socioeconomic background

428 - Which of the following in NOT associated with functionalism ?

Ralf Dahrendorf

429 - Which of the following in NOT associated with functionalism?

Ralf Dahrendorf

430 - Which of the following influenced the theoretical approach known as symbolic interactionism ?

George Herbert Mead

431 - Which of the following influenced the theoretical approach known as symbolic interactionism?

George Herbert Mead

432 - Which of the following ins NOT a key theme in Michel Foucault's writing ?

the hyperreality of media imagery

433 - Which of the following ins NOT a key theme in Michel Foucault's writing?

the hyperreality of media imagery

434 - Which of the following institutions are found in every society?

Marriage/Family, Religion, Education, Government, Economy

435 - Which of the following institutions is the most important for a hunter-gatherer society?


436 - Which of the following involves subjecting every feature of human behavior to calculation, measurement and control?


437 - Which of the following is a "magnet" factor in immigration?

all of the above

438 - Which of the following is a behavior that individuals are expected to perform towards others?


439 - Which of the following is a behavior that individuals can expect from others?


440 - Which of the following is a challenge usually associated with adolescence?

pressure from a peer group

441 - Which of the following is a characteristic for relative poverty?

Comparing poverty in the United States to poverty in another country

442 - Which of the following is a characteristic of a minority

The group must be dominated by the majority in the country

443 - Which of the following is a characteristic of a postindustrial society?

White-collar work replaces blue-collar work.

444 - Which of the following is a characteristic of a social network?

A social network can provide a sense of belonging and purpose

445 - Which of the following is a characteristic of a society ?

Members of a society comprise a more or less self-sufficient social unit

446 - Which of the following is a characteristic of a society?

Members of a society comprise a more or less self-sufficient social unit

447 - Which of the following is a characteristic of anthropology?

a and b

448 - Which of the following is a characteristic of groups?

They are separate from the individuals who form them.

449 - Which of the following is a characteristic of modernization?

An expansion of individual choice

450 - Which of the following is a characteristic of postmodernity?

An uncertainty about the future

451 - Which of the following is a characteristic ofmembers of a group?

They have at least one interest or goal incommon.

452 - Which of the following is a component of the social bond?


453 - Which of the following is a concrete suggestion for reducing instability of a modern family?

Areas of arrangement should be widened.

454 - Which of the following is a condition in which the performance of a role in one status interferes with the performance or a role in another status?

role conflict

455 - Which of the following is a condition in which the roles of a single status are inconsistent or conflicting?

role strain

456 - Which of the following is a consequence of the shift from a hunting and gathering society to a horticultural society?

the creation of more permanent settlements

457 - Which of the following is a criticism of Marxist theory?

Marxism tries to explain all social problems

458 - Which of the following is a criticism of the sick role ?

all of the above

459 - Which of the following is a criticism of the sick role ?

all of the above

460 - Which of the following is a criticism of the sick role?

all of the above

461 - Which of the following is a cultural universal?

family structure

462 - Which of the following is a deliberate attempt to control or harm someone with few or no rules of conduct?


463 - Which of the following is a dysfunction that the media may have?

Desensitizing individuals by providing too much information

464 - Which of the following is a factor that has contributed to the rise of the dual income model of the family ?

shift in the economy of the United States from manufacturing to service industries

465 - Which of the following is a good example of a positive sanction?

praising a child who did a good job

466 - Which of the following is a group whose norms and values are used to guide behavior; group with whom you identify?

reference group

467 - Which of the following is a group?

softball players performing in a playoff tournament

468 - Which of the following is a job that is created and maintained because of deviance?

security guard

469 - Which of the following is a latent function of a typical elementary school class?

to teach children to cooperate and share with others

470 - Which of the following is a leading exponent of the view that the criminal justice system serves the interests of the powerful ?

Richard Quinney

471 - Which of the following is a leading exponent of the view that the criminal justice system serves the interests of the powerful ?

Richard Quinney

472 - Which of the following is a leading exponent of the view that the criminal justice system serves the interests of the powerful?

Richard Quinney

473 - Which of the following is a limitation for "Case Studies"

Questions may be intentionally misleading, which can contribute to inaccuracies in data.

474 - Which of the following is a limitation for "Historical Analysis"

the researcher cannot be certain that the data was collected accurately or that personal biases were not included in the information.

475 - Which of the following is a limitation for "Naturalistic Observation"

Researchers cannot make cause-and-effect conclusions because the setting does not allow them to control variables.

476 - Which of the following is a limitation for "Surveys"

Questions may be intentionally misleading, which can contribute to inaccuracies in data.

477 - Which of the following is a limitation of qualitative data collection methods?

Reliability is lower because it is harder to replicate

478 - Which of the following is a limitation of using primary quantitative data for sociological research?

doesn't capture the who, what, when and where of behavior

479 - Which of the following is a Macro level question?

Is there social inequality between men and women?

480 - Which of the following is a manifest function of schools?

Learning to read and write

481 - Which of the following is a means of communication designed to reach the general population?

mass media

482 - Which of the following is a nation without a state ?


483 - Which of the following is a nation without a state ?


484 - Which of the following is a nation without a state?


485 - Which of the following is a part of primary needs?


486 - Which of the following is a part of secondary needs?


487 - Which of the following is a part of the tertiary sector of the economy?

Legal consultancy

488 - Which of the following is a part of what Habermas calls the life world?

the Family

489 - Which of the following is a pattern of conflict?

Population transfer

490 - Which of the following is a personal document with closed access ?

household account book

491 - Which of the following is a personal document with closed access?

household account book

492 - Which of the following is a polytheistic religion ?


493 - Which of the following is a polytheistic religion?


494 - Which of the following is a position that is earned or chosen?

achieved status

495 - Which of the following is a position that is neither earned nor chosen but assigned?

ascribed status

496 - Which of the following is a potential outcome for a social movement?

All of the above

497 - Which of the following is a raw fact?

Ms. Edwards is 5'2" tall

498 - Which of the following is a secondary source of Data

official statistics

499 - Which of the following is a set of individuals of roughly the same age and interests?

peer group

500 - Which of the following is a social order crime?

Public drunkenness

501 - Which of the following is a social science but is not considered a behavioral science?


502 - Which of the following is a society in which the economic emphasis is on providing services and information?


503 - Which of the following is a society that depends on science and technology to produce its basic goods and services?


504 - Which of the following is a sociological perspective views society as a complex, but interconnected system, where each part works together as a whole.


505 - Which of the following is a source of primary data in qualitative research?

participant observation

506 - Which of the following is a stage in the looking-glass self theory?

We imagine how other judge us.

507 - Which of the following is a strength of qualitative data?

All of the above

508 - Which of the following is a symbol?

All of the above!

509 - Which of the following is a threat to Folk Culture?

All of the Above

510 - Which of the following is a true statement ?

all of the above

511 - Which of the following is a true statement ?

all of the above

512 - Which of the following is a true statement about deviance?

Over-conformity to a norm can be considered deviance.

513 - Which of the following is a true statement?

all of the above

514 - Which of the following is a typical job for people in the upper-middle class?


515 - Which of the following is a unifying factor leading to greater cultural cohesion?


516 - Which of the following is a way that a total institution typically desocializes members of a group?

by requiring that they all dress alike

517 - Which of the following is a zemiperiphery nation?

South Korea

518 - Which of the following is all the statuses that a person occupies at any particular time?

status set

519 - Which of the following is an accurate statement about a population pyramid ?

A population pyramid portrays the sex and age composition of a population

520 - Which of the following is an accurate statement about a population pyramid?

A population pyramid portrays the sex and age composition of a population

521 - Which of the following is an accurate statement about global cities ?

Global cities are major urban centers of commerce on which corporations rely.

522 - Which of the following is an accurate statement about rumors ?

Rumors are transmitted from person to person in a relatively rapid fashion

523 - Which of the following is an accurate statement about rumours?

Rumors are transmitted from person to person in a relatively rapid fashion

524 - Which of the following is an accurate statement about segregation ?

Segregation is the process by which natural areas are formed by the clustering of individuals or groups on the basis of common traits or activities

525 - Which of the following is an accurate statement about segregation?

Segregation is the process by which natural areas are formed by the clustering of individuals or groups on the basis of common traits or activities

526 - Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding evolutionary perspectives on social change ?

Lenski argues that evolution depends largely on changes in a society's level of technology and made of economic production

527 - Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding evolutionary perspectives on social change?

Lenski argues that evolution depends largely on changes in a society's level of technology and made of economic production

528 - Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the state ?

The existence of the state requires that some people are able to devote time and energy to organizing power resources

529 - Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the state?

The existence of the state requires that some people are able to devote time and energy to organizing power resources

530 - Which of the following is an accurate statements about global cities?

Global cities are major urban centres of commerce on which corporations rely.

531 - Which of the following is an achieved status ?

bank robber

532 - Which of the following is an achieved status?


533 - Which of the following is an advantage of a bureaucracy?

rules promise at least a measure of equal treatment

534 - Which of the following is an advantage of a meritocracy?

People are encouraged to work hard because they believe it will lead to social and economic success.

535 - Which of the following is an African derived syncretic religion?


536 - Which of the following is an agent of socialization?

All of these

537 - Which of the following is an appropriate example of a social institution?


538 - Which of the following is an ascribed status ?


539 - Which of the following is an ascribed status?


540 - Which of the following is an aspect of culture ?

all of the above

541 - Which of the following is an aspect of culture ?

all of the above

542 - Which of the following is an aspect of culture?

all of the above

543 - Which of the following is an aspect of culture?

All of the above

544 - Which of the following is an emotional need of human infants?


545 - Which of the following is an example of "do unto others as you would want done unto you"?

social exchange

546 - Which of the following is an example of a common American personality trait?


547 - Which of the following is an example of a counterculture?

Black Lives Matters Protesters

548 - Which of the following is an example of a cultural symbol?

a national flag

549 - Which of the following is an example of a culture complex?

playing football

550 - Which of the following is an example of a culture trait?

BOTH rings and exchanging wedding vows

551 - Which of the following is an example of a denomination?

All of the above

552 - Which of the following is an example of a formal organization?

Catholic Church

553 - Which of the following is an example of a hidden curriculum at most schools?

learning to behave

554 - Which of the following is an example of a hidden curriculum?

encouraging children to be cooperative

555 - Which of the following is an example of a negative sanction?

threatening to make a student stay in for recess

556 - Which of the following is an example of a peer group?

classmates and friends

557 - Which of the following is an example of a positive social sanction?

receiving a promotion at work for completing a project ahead of schedule

558 - Which of the following is an example of a reformative social movement?

The Environmental Movement

559 - Which of the following is an example of a role conflict?

an employee must stay home to take care of their sick child

560 - Which of the following is an example of a social norm?

covering your mouth while yawning

561 - Which of the following is an example of a sociological theory of deviant behavior?

None of the above

562 - Which of the following is an example of a spurious correlation?

Since cities with larger police forces have more crime, police cause crime to occur.

563 - Which of the following is an example of a symbol?

All of the above

564 - Which of the following is an example of a total institution?

a prison

565 - Which of the Following is an example of an achieved status?

All of the above

566 - Which of the following is an example of an achieved status?


567 - Which of the following is an example of an ascribed status?

Racial or Ethnic Background

568 - Which of the following is an example of an informal group?

a circle of friends

569 - Which of the following is an example of aninformal social sanction?


570 - Which of the following is an example of culture?

All of the above

571 - Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism?

A person says the stretching of the earlobes by a Amazonian tribe is immoral.

572 - Which of the following is an example of gender inequality in politics?

underrepresentation in public office

573 - Which of the following is an example of Hegemony at work?

An Black man supports voter ID laws despite the fact that they affect Black and Poor Americans more than other groups.

574 - Which of the following is an example of how industrialization changed family functions?

Education moves from the home to schools.

575 - Which of the following is an example of material culture?

The football itself

576 - Which of the following is an example of nature?

I get my temper from my father

577 - Which of the following is an example of social class?

Upper class

578 - Which of the following is an example of the hidden curriculum in grade school?

learning to stand quietly in the lunch line

579 - Which of the following is an example of the hidden curriculum in US schools?

teaching students how to follow directions

580 - Which of the following is an example of unethical research?

Medical experiments conducted on prisoners who are not informed of potential side effects.

581 - Which of the following is an example of unintended socialization?

A parents being disrespectful to a stranger.

582 - which of the following is an example of what Bourideu calls symbolic violence?

Grades in high school

583 - Which of the following is an example ofcoercion?

Guards use force against prisoners tomake them compliant.

584 - Which of the following is an expected behavior associated with a particular status?


585 - Which of the following is an image of yourself as having an identity separate from other people?


586 - Which of the following is an image of yourself based on what you believe others think of you?

looking-glass self

587 - Which of the following is an important consequence of industrialization?

Division of labor

588 - Which of the following is an important difference between wealthy and poor people in America?

they have different life chances

589 - Which of the following is an important value of American society?

personal achievement

590 - Which of the following is an index crime?


591 - Which of the following is an individual's social equal?

Peer group

592 - Which of the following is an individual's socialized self that is aware of the expectations of society?


593 - Which of the following is an unintended function of education?

Reinforcement of society's stratification system

594 - Which of the following is argued by the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

language precedes thought

595 - Which of the following is assocaited with the labelling theory?

H. Becker

596 - Which of the following is associated with the Culture of Poverty?

Religion fatalism

597 - Which of the following is assuming that one's culture is superior to other cultures?


598 - Which of the following is characteristic of ethnocentrism?


599 - Which of the following is characteristic of ethnocentrism?


600 - Which of the following is characteristic of social problem?

It affects on a large section of a society.

601 - Which of the following is characteristic of the relationship between minority and majority groups?

Members of the majority have greater access to goods and services.

602 - Which of the following is compulsory function of family?

It gives protection to the young.

603 - Which of the following is considered a characteristic of a cult?

Members show unquestioning devotion to the group and its leader.

604 - Which of the following is considered a total institution ?

a mental hospital

605 - Which of the following is considered a total institution ?

a mental hospital

606 - Which of the following is considered a total institution?

a mental hospital

607 - Which of the following is considered a white-collar crime ?

each of the above

608 - Which of the following is considered a white-collar crime?

each of the above

609 - Which of the following is considered deviant behavior in industrial society?

refusal to work

610 - Which of the following is considered hidden curriculum in schools?

learning cooperation in groups

611 - Which of the following is considered to be the 'Tripartite Pillars of Schutz Theory of Phenomenological Sociology'?

Life-world, inter subjectivity and natural attitude

612 - Which of the following is considered your Primary group?


613 - Which of the following is correct?

Christianity is the largest religion in South Africa.

614 - Which of the following is defined as a set of questions a person must choose from predetermined answers?

Closed ended questions

615 - Which of the following is every society's most important primary group?

The family

616 - Which of the following is FALSE about the birth of Anthropology and Sociology?

Sociology as a scientific discipline emerged in the early 18th century

617 - Which of the following is FALSE? Scientific observation.

is open to anyone who wants to pursue it

618 - Which of the following is generally the first agent of socialization for most people?


619 - Which of the following is group of experiment?

both of these

620 - Which of the following is identified with the elitist view?

BOTH Mills and Marx

621 - Which of the following is important cause of increase in world's population?

Society has controlled death rate

622 - Which of the following is important cause of migration of the people from one society to other?

Better chances of employment in the country.

623 - Which of the following is included in social change?

All of aboveE.None of these

624 - Which of the following is included in social change?

Change in average educational level.

625 - Which of the following is least likely to be in poverty in the United States?

A thirty year old white male

626 - Which of the following is Least representative of 'open' stratification in the Caribbean?

A person's mobility is determined by birth

627 - Which of the following is likely to be an involuntary group?The.

the Smith family

628 - Which of the following is likely to occur as a result of the computer revolution in the United States ?

a centralized accumulation of power in the hands of those who have access to computers

629 - Which of the following is likely to occur as a result of the computer revolution in the United States?

a centralized accumulation of power in the hands of those who have access to computers

630 - Which of the following is Mead's first stage in the development of role taking where children begin to imitatebehaviors without understanding why?

imitation stage

631 - Which of the following is Mead's second stage in thedevelopment of role taking where children act in ways they imagine other people would?

play stage

632 - Which of the following is Mead's third stage in thedevelopment of role taking where children anticipate the actions of others based on social rules?

game stage

633 - Which of the following is method of teaching ethnocentrism?

informal methods

634 - Which of the following is method of teaching ethnocentrism?

informal methods

635 - which of the following is most closely associated with qualitative research?

participant observation

636 - Which of the following is most closely associated with the concept of the sociological imagination ?

Wright Mills

637 - Which of the following is most closely associated with the concept of the sociological imagination ?

C Wright Mills

638 - Which of the following is most effective in addressing social inequality caused by caste system yielding tangible results?

Positive discrimination

639 - Which of the following is not a basic value that is commonly held in the United States?

placing little importance on material possessions

640 - Which of the following is not a basis of community life?

Common thinking

641 - Which of the following is not a character of Social Group

All of these

642 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic in Glidden's account in Transformations of Intimacy of intimate relationships in post-traditional societies ?

liquid desire

643 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic in Glidden's account in Transformations of Intimacy of intimate relationships in post-traditional societies?

liquid desire

644 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a charter school?

They are extremely bureaucratic.

645 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a group?

Must have at least four people

646 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a minority group?

Minorities get suppressed by the majority because certain minority traits are believed to be superior

647 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a post-industrial society ?

Economic self-sufficiency is displaced by complex divisions of labour exchange relationships and national and international market systems

648 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a social group?

shared familial ties

649 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of an informal organization

deliberately created to achieve a goal

650 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an upwardly mobile individual?

Comes from a large family of several brothers and sisters

651 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of culture?


652 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of domination?


653 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideology according to the critical conception of ideology ?


654 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideology according to the critical conception of ideology ?


655 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideology according to the critical conception of ideology?


656 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Max Weber's model of bureaucracy?

growing conflict

657 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of totalitarian societies ?

freedom of movement for citizens

658 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of totalitarian societies?

freedom of movement for citizens

659 - Which of the following is NOT a classic sport/activity that women were allowed to play/do during the 17th-19th centuries?


660 - Which of the following is NOT a consequence of poverty?

Poor people are more likely to have health insurance.

661 - Which of the following is NOT a counterculture?

Daycare providers

662 - Which of the following is not a dimension of social stratification?


663 - Which of the following is not a factor affecting social mobility?


664 - Which of the following is NOT a factor for lowering an athlete's moral reasoning?

None of the above

665 - Which of the following is NOT a factor of a primary group:

Seldom Contact

666 - Which of the following is not a factor that affects how a person adjusts to retirement?


667 - Which of the following is not a feature of a modern family?

Its members even today look towards elders for guidance.

668 - Which of the following is NOT a feature of all socially stratified systems ?

people's life-chances and experiences depend heavily on their social ranking

669 - which of the following is NOT a feature of all socially stratified systems ?

people's life-chances and experiences depend heavily on their social ranking

670 - which of the following is NOT a feature of all socially stratified systems?

people's life-chances and experiences depend heavily on their social ranking

671 - Which of the following is not a feature of association?

Pursuing ideal norms

672 - Which of the following is NOT a feature used to define a group?


673 - Which of the following is not a form of new media?

The cable television program Dexter

674 - Which of the following is NOT a function of a primary group ?

accomplishing a specific practical purpose

675 - Which of the following is NOT a function of a primary group?

accomplishing a specific practical purpose

676 - Which of the following is NOT a function of education ?


677 - Which of the following is NOT a function of education?


678 - Which of the following is not a function the family discussed by William Ogburn ?


679 - Which of the following is not a function the family discussed by William Ogburn?


680 - Which of the following is NOT a key concept of sociology?निम्नलिखित में से कà¥Å’न समाà¤Å“शास्त्र की à¤ÂªÃ ¥Ã ¤°Ã ¤®Ã ¥Ã ¤– अà¤ÂµÃ ¤§Ã ¤¾Ã ¤°Ã ¤£Ã ¤¾ नहीं हà¥Ë†?

Social factsसामाà¤Å“िक तथ्य

681 - Which of the following is not a key ethical guideline in sociology?


682 - Which of the following is NOT a latent function of education?

Political and social integration

683 - Which of the following is not a major cause of social stratification?

absence of change in social values.

684 - Which of the following is NOT a manifest function of education?


685 - Which of the following is NOT a method of Anthropology and Sociology?

Laboratory research

686 - Which of the following is NOT a method people use to determine class in the United States?

Wealth Method

687 - Which of the following is NOT a method used when conducting qualitative research?


688 - Which of the following is not a mode of production ?


689 - Which of the following is not a mode of production?


690 - Which of the following is not a new social movement ?

labor movement

691 - Which of the following is not a new social movement?

labour movement

692 - Which of the following is not a norm of scientific behavior?


693 - Which of the following is not a part of culture?

Religious tolerance

694 - Which of the following is not a perspective of sociology we talked about


695 - Which of the following is not a Polytheistic type of religion


696 - Which of the following is not a practice for killing an individual by the society?

Leaving the orphans to destitute homes.

697 - Which of the following is NOT a predominant goal of American society?

none of the above are dominant goals

698 - Which of the following is not a primary group?


699 - Which of the following is NOT a qualitative form of data?

The number of participants who answered yes to the question "Should children be valued as part of a society?"

700 - Which of the following is NOT a rationalization for unethical behaviour?

Cheating is okay

701 - Which of the following is not a reason for the rise in single households in Europe ?

social resistance to cohabitation

702 - Which of the following is not a reason for the rise in single households in Europe?

social resistance to cohabitation

703 - Which of the following is NOT a reason for the rising divorce rate in the West ?

increased acceptance of same-sex relationships

704 - Which of the following is NOT a reason for the rising divorce rate in the West ?

increased acceptance of same-sex relationships

705 - Which of the following is NOT a reason for the rising divorce rate in the West?

increased acceptance of same-sex relationships

706 - Which of the following is not a reason why corporate crime is more difficult to prosecute compared with individual crimes ?

corporate offences cause less harm than crimes against an individual

707 - Which of the following is not a reason why corporate crime is more difficult to prosecute compared with individual crimes?

corporate offences cause less harm than crimes against an individual

708 - Which of the following is NOT a reason why cultures change?


709 - Which of the following is not a required component in order to have a culture?


710 - Which of the following is not a research purpose ?


711 - Which of the following is not a research purpose?


712 - Which of the following is not a salient feature of the family?

In it members have primary emotions only for each other.

713 - Which of the following is not a salient feature of the family?

It is an open group.

714 - Which of the following is not a sampling method that we have studied


715 - Which of the following is NOT a sampling technique?

pilot study

716 - Which of the following is not a significant advantage of social institution?

These help in removing controls.

717 - Which of the following is not a social benefit of population statistics?

We can formulate new labour laws.

718 - Which of the following is not a social institution?


719 - Which of the following is not a source of Social Problem?

Personal Development

720 - Which of the following is not a term for work that takes place outside the formal paid employment sector ?

the casual economy

721 - Which of the following is not a term for work that takes place outside the formal paid employment sector?

the casual economy

722 - Which of the following is not a things that influence your life?


723 - Which of the following is NOT a total institution

a public university

724 - Which of the following is NOT a type of Conformity?

Old Wive's Tale

725 - Which of the following is NOT a type of interview we have studied


726 - Which of the following is NOT a type of social interaction in groups?

social networking

727 - Which of the following is NOT a way of attaining power, according to a sociologist?

Religious background

728 - Which of the following is NOT a way social diversity influences inter group contact?

All of the Options are ways social diversity influences inter-group contact

729 - Which of the following is NOT a way that groups can vary?

The common interest of Group Members

730 - Which of the following is not an age-related transition point when Americans must be socialized to new roles?


731 - Which of the following is not an approach to industrial relations?

Employee's Approach

732 - Which of the following is not an aspect one which social demographer will not lay stress?

On quantity alone.

733 - Which of the following is NOT an assumption made in a representative democracy?

Not everyone has the time or ability to be deeply involved in politics.

734 - Which of the following is not an encouragement of fertility?

Approval of non-marriage

735 - Which of the following is not an encouragement of fertility?

Legal prohibition on the use of contraceptives

736 - Which of the following is not an essential condition for the formation of an association?

People may or may not be organised.

737 - Which of the following is NOT an essential element of social organization?

Financial Contribution

738 - Which of the following is not an essential element of society?


739 - Which of the following is not an essential element of symbolic interaction?


740 - Which of the following is not an ethical principle as stated by the Belmont Report?


741 - Which of the following is not an example of a formal group?

boys playing a game of marbles

742 - Which of the following is not an example of a manufactured risk ?

volcanic eruptions

743 - Which of the following is not an example of a manufactured risk?

volcanic eruptions

744 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a masculine gender role, according to most Western cultures?

Baking a cake

745 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a pre-modern social form ?

industrial society

746 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a pre-modern social form ?

Industrial society

747 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a pre-modern social form.

industrial society

748 - Which of the following is not an example of a regional dialect?


749 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a socially stratified institution?

A Commune

750 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a subject investigated by social scientists?

The interaction of various drugs in humans

751 - Which of the following is NOT an example of an American folkway ?

the habit of driving on the right-hand side of the road

752 - Which of the following is NOT an example of an American folkway?

the habit of driving on the right-hand side of the road

753 - Which of the following is not an example of an institution or organization of global governance ?

United States of America

754 - Which of the following is not an example of an institution or organization of global governance?

United States of America

755 - Which of the following is NOT an example of ascribed status?


756 - Which of the following is NOT an example of cultural universals?


757 - Which of the following is not an example of deviance?

Getting a job after high school

758 - Which of the following is NOT an example of non-material culture?

Mobile phones

759 - Which of the following is not an important advantage of a joint family system?

It encourages savings.

760 - Which of the following is not an important cause of divorce in highly urbanised country?


761 - Which of the following is not an important cause of instability of a modern family?

Arranged marriage.

762 - Which of the following is not an important cause of migration of the people from one society to other?

Form of government in the home country.

763 - Which of the following is not an important cause of weakness of a modern family?

The society has underestimated the need of regulation of marriage.

764 - Which of the following is not an important hindrance in the process of social integration?

religious disharmony

765 - Which of the following is not an important hindrance on the way of national integration?

Poor international relations

766 - Which of the following is NOT an INGO ?

international Telegraph Union

767 - Which of the following is NOT an INGO ?

International Telegraph Union

768 - Which of the following is NOT an interest group?

Lobbyists of America

769 - Which of the following is NOT and example of an achieved status?


770 - Which of the following is not apart of the "Three Worlds" model?

Post-industrial societies

771 - Which of the following is not applicable to community?

It must be self-sufficient.

772 - Which of the following is NOT associated with democratic reforms in the classroom?

the factory method of education

773 - Which of the following is NOT associated with functionalism ?

Ralf Dahrendorf

774 - Which of the following is NOT associated with mechanical solidarity?

Everyone had a highly specialized role

775 - Which of the following is not cause of the crime?

Love marriage

776 - Which of the following is not characteristic of an institution?

These have no definite objectives.

777 - Which of the following is not characteristic of ethnocentrism?


778 - Which of the following is not characteristic of family?

It is essentially based on duration of the marriage

779 - Which of the following is not characteristic of family?

In it there is no need of common habitation.

780 - Which of the following is not characteristic of joint family system?

Members may or may not relate to each other.

781 - Which of the following is not characteristic of social problem?

Develops gradually and slowly.

782 - Which of the following is not common between a demographer and social demographer?

Both lay stress on quality.

783 - Which of the following is not common between a demographer and social demographer?

Both deal with human and animal societies.

784 - Which of the following is not common both to the community and the society?


785 - Which of the following is not concern with the institution of family?

Family businees

786 - Which of the following is NOT considered a strength of positivism?


787 - Which of the following is NOT considered part of the labor force?


788 - Which of the following is not correct about institutional structure?

There are no codified rules of its working.

789 - Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious control of fertility?

Insistence on polygamy

790 - Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious control on fertility?

Encouraging widow re-marriage.

791 - Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious controls?

Taboos against fornication

792 - Which of the following is not element of culture?


793 - Which of the following is not element of culture?


794 - Which of the following is not essential element of community?

Common behaviour

795 - Which of the following is not essential function of a family?

It meets economic needs of the family.

796 - Which of the following is not function of social institution?

Imposing morality and ethics.

797 - Which of the following is not functional utility of social stratification?

It is needed for eliminating competitions.

798 - Which of the following is not general attitude towards social problems?

None of these

799 - Which of the following is not general attitude towards social problems?

None of these

800 - Which of the following is not identified as a new form of community ?

sociological communities formed by unpopular lectures

801 - Which of the following is not identified as a new form of community?

sociological communities formed by unpopular lectures

802 - Which of the following is not identified by Fulcher & Scott as a criterion of community ?

a fixed geographical location

803 - Which of the following is not identified by Fulcher & Scott as a criterion of community ?

a fixed geographical location

804 - Which of the following is not identified by Fulcher & Scott as a criterion of community?

a fixed geographical location

805 - Which of the following is not important factor for national integration?

None of above

806 - Which of the following is not important from reproduction viewpoint?

Creation of property

807 - Which of the following is not included as a part of the mass media?


808 - Which of the following is not included in social change?

Change in poliitical environment.

809 - Which of the following is not included in social change?

Change in poliitical environment.

810 - Which of the following is NOT incorporated into the basic principles of the code of ethics for sociology?

a required number of data sources

811 - Which of the following is not likely to explain differences in exclusion rates from school between pupils from different social class and ethnic backgrounds ?


812 - Which of the following is not necessary when determining a causal relationship between two variables

The research must be based on entire populations, not just representative samples

813 - Which of the following is not one of Perlmutter,s (1972) types of transnational corporations ?


814 - Which of the following is not one of Perlmutter's (1972) types of transnational corporations?


815 - Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 types of social interaction?

Social Sanctions

816 - Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of adopting a sociological perspective?

Makes you support conflict between social groups.

817 - Which of the following is NOT one of the concepts that is important in symbolic interactionism

maintaining a status quo

818 - Which of the following is NOT one of the ethical religions ?


819 - Which of the following is NOT one of the ethical religions ?


820 - Which of the following is NOT one of the ethical religions?


821 - Which of the following is not one of the four basic stages of what Mead calls "the act"

Significant symbols

822 - Which of the following is NOT one of the Hindu traditional caste categories?


823 - Which of the following is NOT one of the main 3 perspectives of sociology?


824 - Which of the following is not one of the main sociological perspectives?


825 - Which of the following is not one of the methods of study used by researchers.

Coefficient Research

826 - Which of the following is NOT one of the pillars of ethical research?

Do not study children

827 - Which of the following is NOT one of the properties of a minority group ?

a high degree of marriage outside of the group (exogamy)

828 - Which of the following is NOT one of the properties of a minority group?

a high degree of marriage outside of the group (exogamy)

829 - Which of the following is NOT one of the seven characteristics of Weber,s ideal type of bureaucracy ?

qualifications based on "whom you know"

830 - Which of the following is NOT one of the seven characteristics of Weber's ideal type of bureaucracy?

qualifications based on "whom you know"

831 - Which of the following is NOT one of the three main types of social control processes ?

conformity with norms

832 - Which of the following is NOT one of the three main types of social control processes?

conformity with norms

833 - Which of the following is NOT one of the three major theoretical perspectives?

Sociological Perspective

834 - Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that culture changes?


835 - Which of the following is NOT part of a person's wealth

paycheck that you will receive next week

836 - Which of the following is not part of a sociological definition of a minority group ?

minority groups are always non-white

837 - Which of the following is not part of a sociological definition of a minority group?

minority groups are always non-white

838 - Which of the following is NOT part of culture?

The colour of our skin

839 - Which of the following is not part of ecological modernization theory ?

environmental protection and economic growth are incompatible aims

840 - Which of the following is not part of ecological modernization theory?

environmental protection and economic growth are incompatible aims

841 - Which of the following is not part of karl Marx,s theory of capitalism ?

class struggle only occurs under capitalism

842 - Which of the following is not part of karl Marx's theory of capitalism?

class struggle only occurs under capitalism

843 - Which of the following is not part of the argument made against globalization by sceptics ?

economic globalization is occurring not political globalization

844 - Which of the following is not part of the argument made against globalization by sceptics?

economic globalization is occurring not political globalization

845 - Which of the following is not part of the category?


846 - Which of the following is NOT part of the criminal justice system ?


847 - Which of the following is NOT part of the criminal justice system?


848 - Which of the following is NOT part of the scientific method?

Ignore data that doesn't fit your desired outcome

849 - Which of the following is not process of social cultural change?

Scientific experiment

850 - Which of the following is not process of social cultural change?

Scientific experiment

851 - Which of the following is not recognised as a level of society?

the office

852 - Which of the following is not recognized as a level of society ?

the household

853 - Which of the following is not recognized as a level of society ?

the office

854 - Which of the following is NOT something you should do when evaluating an online source.

Skim it briefly to see how long it is

855 - Which of the following is not source of social problem?

Personal development

856 - Which of the following is not source of social problem?

Progress of country

857 - Which of the following is not the cause of instability of a modern family?

Keen struggle is going on to inherit parental property.

858 - Which of the following is not the characteristic of social problem?

It is related to consciousness.

859 - Which of the following is not the main factor responsible for the development of community?

Social difference

860 - Which of the following is not the major cause of social disharmony?

Break of joint family system

861 - Which of the following is not the type of norms?


862 - Which of the following is not the type of norms?


863 - Which of the following is not true about "social control"?

It is system of land reforms.

864 - Which of the following is not true about community?

It is concrete.

865 - Which of the following is not true about social problem?

It is permanent in nature and character.

866 - Which of the following is NOT true about symbols?

Meaning varies between people

867 - Which of the following is not true about term 'control'?

It stands on the way of democracy.

868 - Which of the following is not true about term 'control'?

It stands on the way of democracy.

869 - Which of the following is not true about the aim of lower hunter's economy?

Preparing sweets

870 - Which of the following is not true about the disintegration of joint family system?

It has failed to develop social virtues.

871 - Which of the following is not true for joint family system?

Ownership of sources of production but not that of consumption belongs to whole family.

872 - Which of the following is not true of an association?

It came long before the society.

873 - Which of the following is not true of an institution?

It is least concerned with customs and mores.

874 - Which of the following is not true of an institution?

It performs fundational functions.

875 - Which of the following is NOT true of minority groups?

They are not aware of their minority status

876 - Which of the following is not true of monogamy?

The number of women as compared to men is much less.

877 - Which of the following is NOT true of postindustrial societies?

More people work in blue-collar jobs than in white- collar jobs.

878 - Which of the following is NOT true of primary relations?

all of the above

879 - Which of the following is not true of social class?

Its members have no inferiority complex for other class.

880 - Which of the following is not true of social class?

They are least concerned about outside interference in their way of living and thinking.

881 - Which of the following is not true of social stratification?

It is in the form of hierarchy.

882 - Which of the following is not true of social stratification?

It is in the form of hierarchy.

883 - Which of the following is NOT true?As societies continue to change.....

Human emotions are more valued by the society

884 - Which of the following is NOT within the secondary economic sector?

Oil drilling

885 - Which of the following is NOTa cause of slavery?


886 - Which of the following is one of the key patterns revealed by studies of intergenerational in industrialized nations?

Mobility opportunities are strongly influenced by structural factors

887 - Which of the following is one way that religion serves as an agent for socialization?

It teaches children morals and beliefs.

888 - Which of the following is part of the definition of an ethnic minority?


889 - Which of the following is part of the unique perspective of sociology?

patterns of behavior in social relationships

890 - Which of the following is people living within defined territorial borders and sharing a common culture?


891 - Which of the following is places in which people are separated from the rest of society and controlled by officials in charge?

total institutions

892 - Which of the following is position that strongly affects most other aspects of a person's life?

master status

893 - Which of the following is postulate of social research?

Social events are organised.

894 - Which of the following is predicted to be a major influence on cities during the next 50 years ?

The internet

895 - Which of the following is predicted to be a major influence on cities during the next 50 years ?

the internet

896 - Which of the following is predicted to be a major influence on cities during the next 50 years?

the internet

897 - Which of the following is problem of social research?

All of these

898 - Which of the following is problem of social research?

All of these

899 - Which of the following is process of social cultural change?


900 - Which of the following is quality of a good researcher?

Research aptitude

901 - Which of the following is quality of a good researcher?

Research aptitude

902 - Which of the following is social affect of the Industrial Revolution?

the rise of the industrial middle class and industrial working class

903 - Which of the following is stage of human existence?

both of these

904 - Which of the following IS suggested when reading a table or graph?

All of the above

905 - Which of the following is the actual behavior of an individual in a role?

role performance

906 - Which of the following is the best desciption of the phenomenon called "groupthink?"

group members who seek consensus, discourage people from speaking freely, and end up making a decision based on limited information.

907 - Which of the following is the best example of an ascribed status?


908 - Which of the following is the correct definition for 'Social Change'

An alteration in the social order of society

909 - Which of the following is the definition of 'Society'

An organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or shared interest

910 - Which of the following is the fastest growing minority group in the United States?


911 - Which of the following is the integrated concept of the norms, values, and beliefs of one's community or society?

generalized self

912 - Which of the following is the LEAST likely to live in poverty in the USA

30 year old white man

913 - Which of the following is the most accurate definition of a stereotype?

Providing a characterization of an entire group of people based on the actions of some

914 - Which of the following is the most accurate statement about ethnocentric and culturally relative beliefs?

There is no such thing as pure cultural relativism.

915 - Which of the following is the most common reason that researchers usually do not conduct surveys of an entire population?

It is not realistic to survey the entire population

916 - Which of the following is the number that divides a series of values in half?


917 - Which of the following is the object of study of Sociology?

It analyzes what happens in groups, associations or institutions in a particular time and place.

918 - Which of the following is the part of the self formed through socialization?


919 - Which of the following is the part of the self that accounts for unlearned, spontaneous acts?


920 - Which of the following is the position a person occupies within a social structure?


921 - Which of the following is the primary component of the evolutionary model of technological change?

A breakthrough in one form of technology leads to a number of variations, and technological developments.

922 - Which of the following is the process of adopting new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors?


923 - Which of the following is the process of giving up old norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors?


924 - Which of the following is the process of influencing each other as people relate?

social interaction

925 - Which of the following is the process of replacing animal and human power with machine power?


926 - Which of the following is the 'research process' preferred by interpretivists

Grounded theory

927 - Which of the following is the right arrangement of the major social institutions?

Family, Economics, Religion, Education, State

928 - Which of the following is the shifting of population from farms and villages to large cities?


929 - Which of the following is the stage of research project?

All of these

930 - Which of the following is the stage of research project?

All of these

931 - Which of the following is the underlying patterns of relationships in a group?

social structure

932 - Which of the following is the voluntary process of preparing to accept new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors?

anticipatory socialization

933 - Which of the following is theory of social and culture change?

Cyclical theories of change

934 - Which of the following is true about a caste system?

A caste system is a closed-class system.

935 - Which of the following is true about anthropology?

Anthropology as an academic discipline is comparatively young. Its roots go back to the intellectual Enlightenment of the 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe and North America.

936 - Which of the following is true about class systems?

A person's own effort, knowledge, and skills or lack of them often do enable upward movement in class societies.

937 - Which of the following is true about collective behavior?

Collective behavior happens more often when the social order and norms break down.

938 - Which of the following is true about culture in the United States?

Everyone chooses from the same broad set of elements

939 - Which of the following is true about deviance?

Ideas of deviance can change from one social context to another.

940 - Which of the following is true about economic inequality in the United States?

The degree of economic inequality in the United States is higher than that for other industrialized nations.

941 - Which of the following is true about Latinos in the United States?

Latinos have overtaken African Americans as America's largest minority group.

942 - Which of the following is true about social control?

Both of these

943 - Which of the following is true about social control?

Both of these

944 - Which of the following is true about the upper class?

The upper class in the United States consists of up to five to six percent of the population.

945 - Which of the following is true concerning causation?

Most events have multiple causes.

946 - Which of the following is true concerning deviant behavior?

What is considered deviant in one society may not be considered deviant in another society.

947 - Which of the following is true concerning our society?

In recent years, we have seen an increase in social stability

948 - Which of the following is true of a community but not of an association?

It meets all demands of the people.

949 - Which of the following is true of an association?

It cannot be natural.

950 - Which of the following is true of an association?

In it there is less of rational and more of dogmatism.

951 - Which of the following is true of an association?

It represents human aspect.

952 - Which of the following is true of an institution?

It is compulsory for the members to accept its rules.

953 - Which of the following is true of institution?

It has no spontaneous origin.

954 - Which of the following is TRUE of interactionists ?

Interactionists believe the world we experience is socially constructed

955 - Which of the following is TRUE of interactionists?

Interactionists believe the world we experience is socially constructed

956 - Which of the following is true of organic solidarity?

Most people have highly specialized roles.

957 - Which of the following is true of society but not of community?

It is arealess

958 - Which of the following is TRUE of the Caribbean matrifocal family?

The female is the central figure

959 - Which of the following is true regarding culture ?

Culture is passed down generation to generation

960 - Which of the following is true regarding culture?

Culture is passed down generation to generation

961 - Which of the following is true regarding culture?

Culture is passed down from generation to generation

962 - Which of the following is true regarding discrimination ?

Discrimination is an action

963 - Which of the following is true regarding discrimination?

Discrimination is an action

964 - Which of the following is true regarding social mobility ?

Social mobility can occur when societies change altering the division of labor

965 - Which of the following is true regarding social mobility?

Social mobility can occur when societies change altering the division of labour

966 - Which of the following is true regarding the functionalist and conflict theories of social stratification ?

Some sociologists have tried to synthesize the conflict and functionalist perspectives to argue that stratification systems are institutions that have evolved in order to reduce conflict

967 - Which of the following is true regarding the functionalist and conflict theories of social stratification?

Some sociologists have tried to synthesize the conflict and functionalist perspectives to argue that stratification systems are institutions that have evolved in order to reduce conflict

968 - Which of the following is true regarding U.S. socialization of recent high school graduates?

They are expected to enter college, trade school, or the workforce shortly after graduation.

969 - Which of the following is true?

Testing consistently low does not affect a student's self-confidence

970 - Which of the following is type of integration?

Both of these

971 - Which of the following is type of integration?

Both of these

972 - Which of the following is type of observation?

None of these

973 - Which of the following is type of school?

All of these

974 - Which of the following is type of school?

All of these

975 - Which of the following is typically the earliest agent of socialization?


976 - Which of the following is typically the first agent of socialization that a person encounters?


977 - Which of the following is used to argue that sociology is a science?

It is concerned with observable and deductive methods of investigation.

978 - Which of the following is voluntary organisation?

Both of these

979 - Which of the following is with 20 million adherents the largest non-Christian faith in Europe ?


980 - Which of the following is with 20 million adherents the largest non-Christian faith in Europe?


981 - Which of the following is/are frequently used toexert external social control?

social sanctions

982 - Which of the following led to prolonged adolescence in Western Societies?

all of these

983 - Which of the following makes an atheistic belief system a non-religious belief system?

Absence of any divine revelation

984 - Which of the following may arise from a lack ofsocial norms?




986 - Which of the following may NOT be a factor in personality development?


987 - Which of the following men coined the term positivism, and is widely considered the father of sociology?

Auguste Comte

988 - which of the following methods would be useful if you wanted to find out the politial view of 1000 people


989 - Which of the following methods would most likely be used in quantitative research?

structured interview

990 - Which of the following most precisely defines the word "sociology"?

scientific study of social structure

991 - Which of the following nations can be trusted NOT to explode atomic bombs on the surface of the earth?

none of these

992 - Which of the following nations has the lowest infant mortality rate ?


993 - Which of the following nations has the lowest infant mortality rate ?


994 - Which of the following nations has the lowest infant mortality rate?


995 - Which of the following offered pioneering insights regarding professional criminals by publishing an annotated account written by a professional thief ?

Edwin Sutherland

996 - Which of the following offered pioneering insights regarding professional criminals by publishing an annotated account written by a professional thief?

Edwin Sutherland

997 - Which of the following pairs of concepts is associated with George Herbert Mead?

Symbols and meanings

998 - Which of the following people work in the primary sector?

a farmer who raises chickens

999 - Which of the following perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the critical importance of religion in human societies stressed the social impact of religion ?

Emile Durkheim

1000 - Which of the following -perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the critical importance of religion in human societies stressed the social impact of religion ?

Emile Durkheim


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